Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

A Symbolic Logic with Exact Bounds for Cryptographic Protocols
John C. Mitchell

John C. Mitchell. "A Symbolic Logic with Exact Bounds for Cryptographic Protocols". 6642, SpringerLink, 2011.

This invited talk will describe a formal logic for reasoning about security properties of network protocols with proof rules indicating exact security bounds that could be used to choose key lengths or other concrete security parameters. The soundness proof for this logic, a variant of previous versions of Protocol Composition Logic (PCL), shows that derivable properties are guaranteed in a standard cryptographic model of protocol execution and resource-bounded attack.We will discuss the general system and present example axioms for digital signatures and random nonces, with concrete security properties based on concrete security of signature schemes and pseudorandom number generators (PRG). The quantitative formal logic supports first-order reasoning and reasoning about protocol invariants, taking exact security bounds into account. Proofs constructed in this logic also provide conventional asymptotic security guarantees because of the way that exact bounds accumulate in proofs. As an illustrative example producing exact bounds, we use the formal logic to prove an authentication property with exact bounds of a signature-based challenge-response protocol.

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  • HTML
    John C. Mitchell. <a
    ><i>A Symbolic Logic with Exact Bounds for
    Cryptographic Protocols</i></a>, 6642,
    SpringerLink, 2011.
  • Plain text
    John C. Mitchell. "A Symbolic Logic with Exact Bounds
    for Cryptographic Protocols". 6642, SpringerLink, 2011.
  • BibTeX
        author = {John C. Mitchell},
        title = {A Symbolic Logic with Exact Bounds for
                  Cryptographic Protocols},
        volume = {6642},
        publisher = {SpringerLink},
        year = {2011},
        abstract = {This invited talk will describe a formal logic for
                  reasoning about security properties of network
                  protocols with proof rules indicating exact
                  security bounds that could be used to choose key
                  lengths or other concrete security parameters. The
                  soundness proof for this logic, a variant of
                  previous versions of Protocol Composition Logic
                  (PCL), shows that derivable properties are
                  guaranteed in a standard cryptographic model of
                  protocol execution and resource-bounded attack.We
                  will discuss the general system and present
                  example axioms for digital signatures and random
                  nonces, with concrete security properties based on
                  concrete security of signature schemes and
                  pseudorandom number generators (PRG). The
                  quantitative formal logic supports first-order
                  reasoning and reasoning about protocol invariants,
                  taking exact security bounds into account. Proofs
                  constructed in this logic also provide
                  conventional asymptotic security guarantees
                  because of the way that exact bounds accumulate in
                  proofs. As an illustrative example producing exact
                  bounds, we use the formal logic to prove an
                  authentication property with exact bounds of a
                  signature-based challenge-response protocol. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 4 Apr 2012.
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