Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Group-based Peer Authentication for Wireless Sensor Networks
Taojun Wu, Nathan Skirvin, Jan Werner, Brano Kusy

Taojun Wu, Nathan Skirvin, Jan Werner, Brano Kusy. "Group-based Peer Authentication for Wireless Sensor Networks". Talk or presentation, 27, April, 2006; Poster given at Trust NSF Site Visit.

In real-time mission critical sensor applications, authentication of peer motes becomes consequential. What makes it more interesting is, compared with data integrity and source authenticity, information confidentiality can be less important in many situations. The Dirty Bomb Detection and Localization scenario is one such application. The authenticity and integrity of messages received by base station greatly influence final tracking results. We hence propose the group-based peer authentication for sensor nodes. The security component (MultiMAC) we provided uses the SkipJack implementation in TinySec as symmetric cipher. Each sensor stores a different set of keys in its ROM which is pre-defined by a key mapping scheme. Multiple message authentication code (MAC)s of every message are calculated in SkipJack, using the key set assigned to the sensor node. The receiver authenticates the message by recomputing MACs using its common keys with the sender. Our scheme fits contingent real-time constraints of the application and can be adapted for other occasions as well.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Taojun Wu, Nathan Skirvin, Jan Werner, Brano Kusy. <a
    ><i>Group-based Peer Authentication for Wireless
    Sensor Networks</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 
    27, April, 2006; Poster given at Trust NSF Site Visit.
  • Plain text
    Taojun Wu, Nathan Skirvin, Jan Werner, Brano Kusy.
    "Group-based Peer Authentication for Wireless Sensor
    Networks". Talk or presentation,  27, April, 2006;
    Poster given at Trust NSF Site Visit.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Taojun Wu, Nathan Skirvin, Jan Werner, Brano Kusy},
        title = {Group-based Peer Authentication for Wireless
                  Sensor Networks},
        day = {27},
        month = {April},
        year = {2006},
        note = {Poster given at Trust NSF Site Visit.},
        abstract = {In real-time mission critical sensor applications,
                  authentication of peer motes becomes
                  consequential. What makes it more interesting is,
                  compared with data integrity and source
                  authenticity, information confidentiality can be
                  less important in many situations. The Dirty Bomb
                  Detection and Localization scenario is one such
                  application. The authenticity and integrity of
                  messages received by base station greatly
                  influence final tracking results. We hence propose
                  the group-based peer authentication for sensor
                  nodes. The security component (MultiMAC) we
                  provided uses the SkipJack implementation in
                  TinySec as symmetric cipher. Each sensor stores a
                  different set of keys in its ROM which is
                  pre-defined by a key mapping scheme. Multiple
                  message authentication code (MAC)s of every
                  message are calculated in SkipJack, using the key
                  set assigned to the sensor node. The receiver
                  authenticates the message by recomputing MACs
                  using its common keys with the sender. Our scheme
                  fits contingent real-time constraints of the
                  application and can be adapted for other occasions
                  as well.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 May 2006.
Groups: trust
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