Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Secure Detection Using Binary Sensors
Rohan Chabukswar

Rohan Chabukswar. "Secure Detection Using Binary Sensors". Talk or presentation, 9, October, 2013.

Cyber-physical systems employing remote sensors and actuators and sparse communication networks are pervading the infrastructure. In this paper we consider a prototypical problem of estimating a binary state using measurements provided by binary sensors. We propose a new approach to estimate the states based on sensor measurements that may have been corrupted by an attacker. The problem is formulated as a minimax problem in which a detector attempts to maximize the probability of detection n case of the worst case attempt by the attacker to minimize this probability. A fixed form of the detector is proposed in the case where the sensors are of equivalent specifications, along with a method to find the optimal detector parameters.

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  • HTML
    Rohan Chabukswar. <a
    ><i>Secure Detection Using Binary
    Sensors</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  9,
    October, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Rohan Chabukswar. "Secure Detection Using Binary
    Sensors". Talk or presentation,  9, October, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Rohan Chabukswar},
        title = {Secure Detection Using Binary Sensors},
        day = {9},
        month = {October},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Cyber-physical systems employing remote sensors
                  and actuators and sparse communication networks
                  are pervading the infrastructure. In this paper we
                  consider a prototypical problem of estimating a
                  binary state using measurements provided by binary
                  sensors. We propose a new approach to estimate the
                  states based on sensor measurements that may have
                  been corrupted by an attacker. The problem is
                  formulated as a minimax problem in which a
                  detector attempts to maximize the probability of
                  detection n case of the worst case attempt by the
                  attacker to minimize this probability. A fixed
                  form of the detector is proposed in the case where
                  the sensors are of equivalent specifications,
                  along with a method to find the optimal detector
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 13 Nov 2013.
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