Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Design of Policy Engine to Prevent Malware Propagation in AMI
Younghee Park

Younghee Park. "Design of Policy Engine to Prevent Malware Propagation in AMI". Talk or presentation, 9, October, 2013.

Malware can disrupt the efficient operation of valuable services in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) through ever present threats on the Internet. To prevent such malevolent attacks, we must choke out malware propagation in AMI. In this paper, we propose a policy engine to block unwanted incoming or outgoing traffic through AMI systems. The policy engine is designed to use the standard AMI application layer protocol as well as the statistical characteristics of metering data. The experimental results demonstrate that the policy engine does identify metering data carrying malware according to the defined policy rules.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Younghee Park. <a
    ><i>Design of Policy Engine to Prevent Malware
    Propagation in AMI</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  9, October, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Younghee Park. "Design of Policy Engine to Prevent
    Malware Propagation in AMI". Talk or presentation,  9,
    October, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Younghee Park},
        title = {Design of Policy Engine to Prevent Malware
                  Propagation in AMI},
        day = {9},
        month = {October},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Malware can disrupt the efficient operation of
                  valuable services in advanced metering
                  infrastructure (AMI) through ever present threats
                  on the Internet. To prevent such malevolent
                  attacks, we must choke out malware propagation in
                  AMI. In this paper, we propose a policy engine to
                  block unwanted incoming or outgoing traffic
                  through AMI systems. The policy engine is designed
                  to use the standard AMI application layer protocol
                  as well as the statistical characteristics of
                  metering data. The experimental results
                  demonstrate that the policy engine does identify
                  metering data carrying malware according to the
                  defined policy rules.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 18 Nov 2013.
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