Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

A Model-Integrated Authoring Environment for Privacy Policies
Tihamer Levendovszky

Tihamer Levendovszky. "A Model-Integrated Authoring Environment for Privacy Policies". Talk or presentation, 10, October, 2013.

Privacy policies are rules designed to ensure that individuals’ health data are properly protected. Health Information Systems (HIS) are legally required to adhere to these policies. Since privacy policies are imposed on complex software systems, it is extremely hard to reason about their conformance and consistency. In order to address this problem, we have created a model-driven authoring environment to formally specify privacy policies originally defined in legal terms. In our observation, appropriate formalization of our policy language enabled formal analysis of its policies; these features were key to a successful model-driven engineering process. In this paper we present our modeling language and show its semantic anchoring to analyzable logic programs. We report on several projects where our approach is being applied and validated.

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  • HTML
    Tihamer Levendovszky. <a
    ><i>A Model-Integrated Authoring Environment for
    Privacy Policies</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 
    10, October, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Tihamer Levendovszky. "A Model-Integrated Authoring
    Environment for Privacy Policies". Talk or
    presentation,  10, October, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Tihamer Levendovszky},
        title = {A Model-Integrated Authoring Environment for
                  Privacy Policies},
        day = {10},
        month = {October},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Privacy policies are rules designed to ensure that
                  individuals’ health data are properly protected.
                  Health Information Systems (HIS) are legally
                  required to adhere to these policies. Since
                  privacy policies are imposed on complex software
                  systems, it is extremely hard to reason about
                  their conformance and consistency. In order to
                  address this problem, we have created a
                  model-driven authoring environment to formally
                  specify privacy policies originally defined in
                  legal terms. In our observation, appropriate
                  formalization of our policy language enabled
                  formal analysis of its policies; these features
                  were key to a successful model-driven engineering
                  process. In this paper we present our modeling
                  language and show its semantic anchoring to
                  analyzable logic programs. We report on several
                  projects where our approach is being applied and
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 18 Nov 2013.
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