How do I update the authors?
The publications facility now associates authors
with publications. Below are instructions about how
to update each document and add the authors by hand.
- Go to
- Click on the year.
- Click on the first pub
- Verify that the authors have links
- Verify that the abstract "looks ok"
that it does not have strange characters in it
- Verify that there is a local copy of the publication,
or at least that the publication does not point to a student web
page that will go away when the student leaves.
In general, any URL that leads to a user page that has a
in it
should be copied and uploaded. URLS that lead to acm or ieee
sites need not be copied.
This step is optional.
- Click on "Edit publication" and
- update the authors if necessary
- update the abstract if necessary
- upload the publication if necessary
For the first one, I added the authors and uploaded a local copy of the pub
- Rinse and repeat