Class | Description |
AttributeSearchTask |
Contain the attribute search criteria to
execute attribute search task.
CreateAttributeTask |
A task request to create an attribute in the database.
CreateModelTask |
A task request to create a new model in the database.
DBConnectionParameters |
Encapsulate the parameters required for creating an XML DB connection.
DBGraphSearchCriteria |
The DTO (data transfer object) that all the search criteria input by the
user, for the graph searching through the XML database.
DeleteAttributeTask |
A task request to delete an attribute from the database.
FetchHierarchyTask |
Contain the list of models to fetch the parent hierarchy for them.
GetAttributesTask |
Task to fetch the attributes from database.
GetFirstLevelParentsTask |
Task to fetch the first level parents for the given model.
GetModelsTask |
A task request to fetch a model from the database.
GetModelTask |
A task request to fetch a model from the database.
GetReferenceStringTask |
A task request to fetch the reference string the database.
GraphSearchTask |
Task to search graphical patterns on database.
ModelNameSearchTask |
Task to search for models based on model name.
PTDBGenericAttribute |
The DTO for transferring the generic attribute information.
PTDBSearchAttribute |
The attribute to wrap the attributes information to be searched in the
PTDBSearchComponentEntity |
The component entity to wrap the component information to be searched in the
RemoveModelsTask |
A task request to remove a list of models from the database.
RenameModelTask |
A data transfer object that holds the information of the model that its name
is required to be changed along with the new name.
SaveModelTask |
A task request to save/update the model in the database.
SearchCriteria |
DTO (Data Transfer Object) which contains all the search criteria input by
the user.
SetupParameters |
Encapsulate the parameters required for creating an XML DB connection.
Task |
Abstract class that defines a task that can be executed over the database.
TaskQueue |
Enqueue tasks before executing them.
UpdateAttributeTask |
A task request to update an attribute in the database.
UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask |
Task to update the selected parents to the new version of the model.
XMLDBAttribute |
The attribute that need to be stored or retrieved from the database.
XMLDBModel |
The Model that need to be stored or retrieved from the database.
XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges |
Encapsulate the information needed by the business layer to perform a save
operation with parent references being affected by the change done on the
model to be saved.