- A - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.GrayModel
- A - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.Homography33b
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
The A matrix in the state-space representation.
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.AddSubtract
Input for tokens to be added.
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixComparator
Input for tokens to be added.
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.LogicalNot
Input for tokens to be inverted.
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.LogicFunction
Input for tokens to be added.
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplexor
Input for the first data token stream.
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplier
Input for tokens to be added.
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
The A matrix in the state-space representation.
- A - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
The A matrix in the state-space representation.
- A0 - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The user-provided initial guess of the transition probability matrix.
- A0 - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The user-provided initial guess of the transition probability matrix.
- abbreviate(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Abbreviate a string.
- abbreviation() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints.Alignment
Returns the first character of this Alignment's name.
- abbreviation() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize.Unit
Returns the first character of this Unit's name.
- abbreviation() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec.DefaultAlignment
Returns the first character of this Alignment's name.
- ABF - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI
ABF class.
- ABF() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- ABFConstants - Interface in ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI
ABFConstants class.
- ABFJNI - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI
- ABFJNI() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- abortConnection() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Abort the execution by setting the execution flag as false.
- abortConnection() - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Abort the connection to the database and roll back the transaction.
- abortConnection() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Abort the connection and roll back the transaction Invoke in case of
- about(Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLAbout
Return a string containing HTML that describes the about:
- about() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Open a dialog with basic information about this window.
- AboutAction - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions
Action to trigger the About dialog of the Eclipse backtracking plugin.
- AboutAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.AboutAction
- aboutAllCopyrights() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit.HTMLAboutJUnitTest
Invoke about:allcopyrights, which pops up a window that lists
the copyrights.
- aboutConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit.HTMLAboutJUnitTest
Invoke about:configuration, which expands the actor tree on
the left.
- aboutCopyrights() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit.HTMLAboutJUnitTest
Invoke about:copyrights, which pops up a window that lists
the copyrights.
- aboutFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
The name of the default file to open when About is invoked.
- aboutToBeReconciled() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.PtolemyEditor
Notify all the reconciling listeners before reconciliation is performed.
- aboutToBeReconciled() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler
Prepare to reconcile the document.
- above - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLevelCrossing
An indicator of whether to look for values above or below the
specified threshold.
- abovePort - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FiniteConcept
The port linked to concepts above this one in the lattice.
- abs() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- abs(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Return absolute value of each element.
- abs(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Return absolute value of each element.
- abs(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Return absolute value of each element.
- abs(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the magnitude or absolute value of the specified complex number.
- abs() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint with a value equal to the absolute
value of this FixPoint.
- ABSENT - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.AbsentToken
An instance of an absent token.
- Absent - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.lib
An actor that makes its output value absent.
- Absent(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Absent
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- AbsentToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A placeholder token that represents the absence of a token.
- AbsentToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.AbsentToken
Construct a token with value false.
- absolute() - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- absolute(Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- absolute() - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- absolute(Tuple4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- absoluteDeadline() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Return the absolute deadline of this event if the event is a
pure event.
- absoluteQuantum - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
The minimum quantum for QSS integrations under the control
of this director.
- absoluteQuantum - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
If specified, the minimum quantum for this integrator.
- AbsoluteValue - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the absolute value of the input.
- AbsoluteValue(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AbsoluteValue - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue.
- AbsoluteValue(AbsoluteValue) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue
Construct a AbsoluteValue adapter.
- AbsoluteValue - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue.
- AbsoluteValue(AbsoluteValue) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue
Construct a AbsoluteValue adapter.
- AbsoluteValue - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue.
- AbsoluteValue(AbsoluteValue) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue
Construct a AbsoluteValue adapter.
- AbstractActionsAttribute - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A base class for actions with semicolon delimited lists of commands.
- AbstractActionsAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Construct an action with the given name contained
by the specified container (which should be a Transition when used in
the FSM domain, and an Event in the Ptera domain).
- AbstractActionsAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Construct an action in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- AbstractApplication - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
An abstract implementation of the Application interface.
- AbstractApplication(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Create an abstract application that resides
in the given context (e.g. a frame or an applet).
- AbstractATCDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel
An air traffic control (ATC) Director.
- AbstractATCDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.AbstractATCDirector
Create a new director in the specified container with the specified
- AbstractBasicGraphModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This base class provides some common services for visual notations for
Ptolemy II models.
- AbstractBasicGraphModel(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Create a graph model for the specified Ptolemy II model.
- AbstractBranchController - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
This is a base class containing the common code for controllers
that manage branches for performing conditional or
multiway rendezvous within the CSP (Communication Sequential Processes)
- AbstractBranchController(Actor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Construct a controller in the specified container, which should
be an actor that implements BranchActor.
- AbstractBufferedImageOp - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A convenience class which implements those methods of BufferedImageOp which are rarely changed.
- AbstractBufferedImageOp() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
- AbstractCalInterpreter - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.actors
This class is the base class for actors that interpret CAL source
inside the Ptolemy II framework.
- AbstractCalInterpreter(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Construct an actor in the given workspace.
- AbstractCalInterpreter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AbstractConnector - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An abstract implementation of Connector.
- AbstractConnector(Site, Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Create a new connector between the given sites.
- AbstractConnectorTarget - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An abstract implementation of the ConnectorTarget interface.
- AbstractConnectorTarget() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
- AbstractConvertibleToken - Class in ptolemy.data
The Token base class provides a very general interface for building
new data types.
- AbstractConvertibleToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
- AbstractDBSearcher - Interface in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
Indicate whether a searcher is performing the searching through the XML DB
XQuery, or through Ptolemy existing functionality.
- AbstractDDI - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- AbstractDDI() - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
- AbstractDocument - Class in diva.gui
An abstract implementation of the Document interface.
- AbstractDocument(Application) - Constructor for class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Construct a document that is owned by the given application
- AbstractFigure - Class in diva.canvas
AbstractFigure is an abstract superclass implementing
the Figure interface.
- AbstractFigure() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
- AbstractFigureContainer - Class in diva.canvas
AbstractFigureContainer is an abstract class that roots the tree
of figure-containing classes.
- AbstractFigureContainer() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
- AbstractFormBuilder - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.builder
An abstract class that minimizes the effort required to implement
non-visual builders that use the
- AbstractFormBuilder(FormLayout, Container) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Constructs an instance of AbstractFormBuilder
for the given FormLayout and layout container.
- AbstractFormBuilder(Container, FormLayout) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
- AbstractGlobalLayout - Class in diva.graph.layout
An abstract implementation of the GlobalLayout interface.
- AbstractGlobalLayout(LayoutTarget) - Constructor for class diva.graph.layout.AbstractGlobalLayout
Create a new global layout that uses the given layout target.
- AbstractGraphController - Class in diva.graph
An abstract implementation of the GraphController interface.
- AbstractGraphController() - Constructor for class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Construct a graph controller without a parent
- AbstractGraphModel - Class in diva.graph
An abstract implementation of the GraphModel interface that provides
the basic event notification system
- AbstractGraphModel() - Constructor for class diva.graph.AbstractGraphModel
- AbstractInitializableAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor
An abstract base class for attributes that are preinitialized,
initialized, and wrapped up during execution of a model.
- AbstractInitializableAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.AbstractInitializableAttribute
Construct an instance of the attribute.
- AbstractInitializableParameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
An abstract base class for parameters that are preinitialized,
initialized, and wrapped up during execution of a model.
- AbstractInitializableParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractInitializableParameter
Construct an instance of the attribute.
- AbstractInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
An abstract class that implements Interactor.
- AbstractInteractor() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
- AbstractLayoutConfiguration - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout
An attribute for parameters of automatic layout.
- AbstractLayoutConfiguration(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
Create and initialize a layout configuration.
- AbstractLayoutConfiguration.InteractionMode - Enum in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout
Available modes of user interaction.
- AbstractNotConvertibleToken - Class in ptolemy.data
The Token base class provides a very general interface for building
new data types.
- AbstractNotConvertibleToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
- AbstractPaintedGraphic - Class in diva.util.java2d
An abstract implementation of the PaintedGraphic interface.
- AbstractPaintedGraphic() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
- AbstractParseTreeVisitor - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class implements a base class visitor for parse trees in the
expression language.
- AbstractParseTreeVisitor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractParseTreeVisitor
- AbstractParticleFilter - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
Abstract Particle Filter Base Class.
- AbstractParticleFilter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- AbstractParticleFilter(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Construct a PF in the specified
workspace with no container and an empty string as a name.
- AbstractParticleFilter.InputType - Enum in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
Type of user-added input
- AbstractPlaceableActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Base class for actors that implement the Placeable interface.
- AbstractPlaceableActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- AbstractPlaceableActor.WindowClosingAdapter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Listener for windowClosing action.
- AbstractPlaceableJavaSE - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Base class for AWT and Swing implementation of actors the implement
- AbstractPlaceableJavaSE() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
- AbstractPlaceableJavaSE.WindowClosingAdapter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Listener for windowClosing action.
- AbstractPredictor - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
Abstract Predictor Base Class.
- AbstractPredictor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- AbstractPredictor(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Construct a PF in the specified
workspace with no container and an empty string as a name.
- AbstractPtalonEvaluator - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
A helper class to store information, like variable scope info, for
the Ptalon compiler.
- AbstractPtalonEvaluator(PtalonActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Create a new AbstractPtalonEvaluator in the specified
- AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
This is a representation of an if/else construct in Ptalon.
- AbstractPtalonEvaluator.PtalonExpressionScope - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
FIXME comment
- AbstractReceiver - Class in ptolemy.actor
An abstract implementation of the Receiver interface.
- AbstractReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container.
- AbstractReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container.
- AbstractSearcher - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
The abstract parent class for all the concrete searcher classes.
- AbstractSearcher() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
- AbstractSettableAttribute - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
This is an abstract base class for attributes that implement the
Settable interface.
- AbstractSettableAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.AbstractSettableAttribute
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- AbstractSettableAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.AbstractSettableAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- AbstractSettableAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.AbstractSettableAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- AbstractSettableAttribute(NamedObj, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.AbstractSettableAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- AbstractSite - Class in diva.canvas
An abstract implementation of Site.
- AbstractSite() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
- AbstractSourceStation - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
This abstract actor models a source staton which receives a record
- AbstractSourceStation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractSourceStation
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- AbstractStateSpaceSimulator - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
Abstract simulator base class.
- AbstractStateSpaceSimulator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- AbstractStateSpaceSimulator(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Construct an actor in the specified
workspace with no container and an empty string as a name.
- AbstractStation - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
This abstract actor models a Station.
- AbstractStation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- AbstractStoragePolicy - Class in diva.gui
It is nice if storage policies suggest good pathnames.
- AbstractStoragePolicy() - Constructor for class diva.gui.AbstractStoragePolicy
- AbstractTextAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
An abstract base class for text annotations.
- AbstractTextAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- AbstractTrack - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
A model of a track in Train control systems.
- AbstractTrack(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- AbstractTransformer - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
The abstract superclass of Java source code transformers.
- AbstractTransformer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
- AbstractUnitConverter - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.util
An abstract implementation of the
interface that
minimizes the effort required to convert font-dependent sizes to pixels.
- AbstractUnitConverter() - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
- AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
Abstract Unscented Kalman Filter Base Class.
- AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Construct a UKF in the specified
workspace with no container and an empty string as a name.
- AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter.InputType - Enum in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
- AbstractView - Class in diva.gui
An abstract implementation of the View interface that consists of
mostly empty methods to be filled in by concrete subclasses.
- AbstractView(Document) - Constructor for class diva.gui.AbstractView
Construct a view of the given document.
- AbstractXmlBuilder - Class in diva.util.xml
An abstract implementation of the XmlBuilder interface that gets
and sets a delegate, leaves the build method abstract, and doesn't
support the generate method.
- AbstractXmlBuilder() - Constructor for class diva.util.xml.AbstractXmlBuilder
- ACCELERATOR_KEY - Static variable in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
JDK1.2 doesn't have this string defined in javax.swing.Action.
- Accelerometer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
This actor uses three output ports to output
the x, y, and z measurements from an accelerometer.
- Accelerometer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.Accelerometer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Accelerometer - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.Accelerometer.
- Accelerometer(Accelerometer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.Accelerometer
Construct the Accelerometer adapter.
- accelerometerX - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Persistent accelerometer (x-axis) input data.
- accelerometerY - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Persistent accelerometer (y-axis) input data.
- accept(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
Test whether the given MouseEvent passes the filter.
- accept(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
Test whether the given MouseEvent passes the filter.
- accept(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Test if the interactor accepts the given event.
- accept(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Accept an event if any attached interactor will accept it.
- accept(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor
Test is the interactor is prepared to accept this event.
- accept(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Accept an event if it will be accepted by the selection
- accept(Object) - Method in interface diva.util.Filter
Test if an object passes the filter, returning true
if it does and false if it does not.
- accept(Object) - Method in class diva.util.FilteredArrayIterator
Test if the object is acceptable for return by the iterator.
- accept(File, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication.ConfigurationFilenameFilter
Return true if the specified file names a directory
that contains a file named configuration.xml
and a file named intro.htm
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame.EPSFileFilter
Accept only .eps files.
- accept(File, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
Return true if the specified name matches the specified pattern,
or if no pattern has been specified.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder.DirectoryFilter
Accept only directories.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder.PostfixFilter
Accept only files with names ending with the given postfix.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Return true if the given file has one of the registered
extensions, or is a directory.
- accept(File, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Return true if the given file name has one of the registered
extensions, or is a directory.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFilenameFilter
Return true if the file is acceptable.
- accept(File, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFilenameFilter
Return true if the file is acceptable.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter
Accept only .eps files.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FilterForGIF
Accept only .gif files.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FolderForLatex
Accept only folders.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter
Accept only .plt or .xml files.
- accept(File, String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.RecursiveFileFilter
Return whether the file or directory name in the given directory is
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.FolderFileFilter
Accept only folders.
- accept(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerLayoutAction
Check whether the given model is supported by this layout action.
- accept(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.PopupMouseFilter
Test whether the given MouseEvent passes the filter.
- accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.SMVFileFilter
Return true if the file name ends with ".smv".
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.CheckBoxStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given parameter.
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ChoiceStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given attribute.
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.FileChooserStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given parameter.
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.HiddenStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given parameter.
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.LineStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given parameter.
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.NotEditableLineStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given parameter.
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.NoteStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given parameter.
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ParameterEditorStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given parameter.
- acceptable(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.TextStyle
Return true if this style is acceptable for the given parameter.
- acceptableComponentType - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
The name of the class of the component that can accept user input, such
as "java.awt.Button", or empty.
- acceptableKeyPattern - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
A string pattern in the Java regular expression used to match acceptable
key input.
- acceptConnection(SelectableChannel) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Accept a connection on a
- acceptedTuples - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
The accepted duration value to be applied at the next tick.
- acceptHead(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return true if the given connector can be connected to the given
- acceptHead(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial.SelfPTarget
Return true.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Node) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
head of this edge.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.MutableEdgeModel
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
head of this edge.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Connector, Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController.LinkTarget
Accept the head of the connector.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Connector, Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController.LinkTarget
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptPtolemyExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StringCriterionElement
Return whether Ptolemy expression is accepted.
- acceptPtolemyExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.StringOperationElement
Return whether Ptolemy expression is accepted.
- acceptRegularExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StringCriterionElement
Return whether regular expression is accepted.
- acceptTail(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return true if the given connector can be connected to the given
- acceptTail(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial.SelfPTarget
Return true.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Node) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
tail of this edge.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.MutableEdgeModel
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
tail of this edge.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Connector, Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController.LinkTarget
Accept the tail of the connector.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Connector, Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController.LinkTarget
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- Access() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController.Access
- accessFrame(Buffer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Callback to access individual video frames.
- AccessorCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor
Generate a JavaScript Accessor for a model.
- AccessorCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the AccessorCodeGenerator.
- AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor
Base class for an Accessor code generator adapter.
- AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given component.
- AccessorIconLoader - Class in org.terraswarm.accessor
An icon loader for accessors.
- AccessorIconLoader() - Constructor for class org.terraswarm.accessor.AccessorIconLoader
- AccessorLibrary - Class in org.terraswarm.accessor
A library of accessors.
- AccessorLibrary(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.terraswarm.accessor.AccessorLibrary
Construct a library with the given container and name.
- AccessorOrchestrator - Interface in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
Interface for classes that can orchestrate the execution of
- AccessorOrchestrator - Interface in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
Interface for classes that can orchestrate the execution of
- accessorSource - Variable in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
The source of the accessor (a URL).
- AccessorSSHCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor
Generate a JavaScript composite accessor for a model and deploy
it to a remote host.
- AccessorSSHCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorSSHCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the AccessorSSHCodeGenerator.
- accessorToMoML(String) - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Generate MoML for an Accessor.
- accessorToMoML(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Generate MoML for an Accessor.
- AccessorVerticle() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase.AccessorVerticle
- AccessorVerticle() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase.AccessorVerticle
- AccumLUB - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
AccumLUB class.
- AccumLUB() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AccumLUB
- AccumLUB(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AccumLUB
- AccumLUB(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AccumLUB
- accumulate(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Accumulate values under a key.
- accumulate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform
Boolean value determining whether transformations are
accumulated or reset for each firing.
- accumulate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
Boolean value determining whether transformations are
accumulated or reset for each firing.
- Accumulator - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the initial value plus the sum of all the inputs since
the last time a true token was received at the reset port.
- Accumulator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Accumulator - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the initial value plus the sum of all the inputs since
the last time a true token was received at the reset port.
- Accumulator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Accumulator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator.
- Accumulator(Accumulator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Construct an Accumulator adapter.
- Accumulator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator.
- Accumulator(Accumulator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Construct a Accumulator adapter.
- Accumulator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator.
- Accumulator(Accumulator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Construct a Accumulator adapter.
- ACOS - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- acos() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal arc cosine of this complex number.
- acos(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal arc cosine of the specified complex number.
- acosh() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal hyperbolic arc cosine of this
complex number.
- acosh(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal hyperbolic arc cosine of the given
complex number.
- acosh(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the argument.
- Action - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An Action is contained by a Transition in an FSMActor or an Event in an
- Action(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Action
Construct an action in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- Action(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Action
Construct an action with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- Actionable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.attributes
Interface for objects that have named actions.
- ActionableAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor.ActionableAttribute
Create a new actionable attribute.
- ActionableEntry(Query, String, String, Actionable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery.ActionableEntry
Create a panel containing an entry box and a color chooser.
- ActionGUIProperty - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
A GUI property that is associated with an action.
- ActionGUIProperty(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ActionGUIProperty
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
- ActionInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
An interactor that fires an Action when a mouse pressed event occurs.
- ActionInteractor() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor
Create a new interactor that will throw a NullPointerException
when a mouse button is pressed.
- ActionInteractor(Action) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor
Create a new interactor that will activate the given action.
- actionMenu - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- actionName() - Method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor.ActionableAttribute
Return "Reload".
- actionName() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.attributes.Actionable
Return the name of the action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.DeletionListener
Delete any nodes or edges from the graph that are currently
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial.LayoutActionListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame.ExportImageAction
Export an image.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame.SpecialMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
If the action event is a JButton, process the button press.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery.ActionableEntry
Perform the specified action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery.HierarchicalConfigurer
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunFrame.CustomizeMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.RunFrame.DebugMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame.MenuItemListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame.ViewMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor.ExportImageAction
Export an image.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton.ButtonListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.SequentialScheduleEditorPane.UpDownListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime.ButtonListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryActionListener
Call all registered QueryListeners.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
Create a file browser dialog and get the user input.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.FileMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.HelpMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.HistoryMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.RedoAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.UndoAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.OpenLayoutDialog
Process action event on choose model and layout buttons.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.RemoteObjectList
Handle the action that was performed.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabbedLayoutScene
Process action performed event.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ButtonListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FileMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FormatListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.SpecialMenuListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive.StartButtonListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive.StopButtonListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication.SelectListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController.ListenToActorAction
Perform the action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController.NewRelationAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener
React to a menu command.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame.InstantiateAttributeAction
Instantiate a class by first opening a dialog to get a class name and
then issuing a change request.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame.InstantiateEntityAction
Instantiate a class by first opening a dialog to get a class name and
then issuing a change request.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController.OpenBaseClassAction
Open the base class of a subclass or the class of an instance.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController.UnitSolverDialogAction
Construct a UnitSolverDialog.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.CopyAction
Copy the current selection.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.CutAction
Copy and delete the current selection.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.EditPreferencesAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.ExportImageAction
Export an image.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.FindAction
Open a dialog to find the specified text.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.MoveToBackAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.MoveToFrontAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.PasteAction
Paste the current contents of the clipboard into
the current model.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.CustomizeDocumentationAction
Perform the action by first ensuring that the target has an
instance of DocAttribute, and then opening an edit parameters
dialog on that attribute.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Export a web page.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.itextpdf.ExportPDFAction
Export PDF.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame.FullScreenAction
If we are in full-screen mode, then revert; otherwise, go
to full-screen mode.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction
Perform the action by opening documentation for the target.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor.ImportAccessorAction
Import an accessor.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUAction
Import a FMU.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUForQSSAction
Import a FMU.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUHybridAction
Import a FMU.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl.ImportG4LTLAction
Import a library by first opening a file chooser dialog and then
importing the specified library.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LookInsideAction
Execute the look inside action command received from the event sent from
the user interface.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RemoveCustomDocumentationAction
Perform the action by issuing a change request to remove the
the first (and only?)
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController.NewPortAction
Create a new port.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame.ConfigureIngredientsAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ListenToAction
Open a TextEffigy that displays debug messages.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.PortDialogAction
Open a dialog to rename the target.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RenameDialogAction
Open a dialog to rename the target.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame.AddCaseAction
Perform the action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame.RemoveCaseAction
Perform the action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphController.NewFmvStateAction
Execute the action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.InvokeNuSMVAction
Choose the specified .smv file and later invoke NuSMV to perform
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.TranslateSmvAction
Compose with another Fmv automaton by first opening a file chooser
dialog and then composing with the specified model.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphController.NewStateAction
Execute the action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
React to the actions specific to this FSM graph frame.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener
React to a menu command.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphController.ComposeWithAction
Compose with another interface automaton by first opening a file
chooser dialog and then composing with the specified model.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateController.AddRefinementAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateController.RemoveRefinementAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.StateController.LookInsideAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame
React to the actions specific to this ontology graph frame.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener
React to a menu command in the debug menu.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
React to the actions specific to this ontology solver graph frame.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener
React to a menu command.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphController.NewEventAction
Execute the action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.ConfigureAction
Open a dialog to edit the target.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.EditIconAction
Process the edit icon command.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Determine the target Ptolemy II object, the originating frame,
and the X, Y position of the action, if possible.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MoveAction
Perform the move action and register the undo action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RemoveIconAction
Process the remove icon command.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RotateOrFlipPorts
Process the rotate command.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.ConfigureUnitsAction
Open a dialog to rename the target.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigableActorGraphFrame.UpAction
- ActionRateSignature() - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates.ActionRateSignature
- actions() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get an iterator over the names of the actions that are
contained by this application.
- actions() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get an iterator over the names of the actions that are
contained by this application.
- actions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
The actions for this event.
- ActionsAttribute - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
An attribute associated with Ptera events containing executable actions.
- ActionsAttribute(Event, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ActionsAttribute
Construct an ActionsAttribute for a Ptera event.
- ActionsAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ActionsAttribute
Construct an ActionsAttribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- actionType - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
Type of TDL action.
- activateBranches() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Activate the branches that are managed by this branch
- active - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
A Boolean parameter that determines whether this debugger is active.
- ActiveActorManager - Class in ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel
An active actor manager iterates an active actor until its postfire()
returns false, or the director is requested to stop.
- ActiveActorManager(Actor, CIDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.ActiveActorManager
Construct an actor manager to iterate the actor.
- activeObjects - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
If true, then every actor executes in its own thread.
- Actor - Interface in ptolemy.actor
An Actor is an executable entity.
- actor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteActor
Input port on which to receive an actor.
- ACTOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ACTOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ACTOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- actor - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing
- actor - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationFiringFunction
The actor that fires.
- ACTOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The actor data type.
- actor() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Return the destination actor for this event.
- actor() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.FireMachine
Returns the wrapped actor.
- actor() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Return the destination actor for this event.
- actor_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
This is for a top level actor declaration, which
requires separate treatment from a nested actor
- ACTOR_DECLARATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- actor_declaration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
Parse statements of one of form:
ID(assignment, assignment, ...)
- actor_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- ACTOR_DECLARATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ACTOR_DECLARATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- actor_definition(AST, PtalonEvaluator) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- ACTOR_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- actor_definition() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- actor_definition(AST, PtalonEvaluator) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- ACTOR_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ACTOR_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- ACTOR_EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ACTOR_EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ACTOR_EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- ACTOR_ID - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- actor_id() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- ACTOR_ID - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ACTOR_ID - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- ACTOR_LABEL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ACTOR_LABEL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ACTOR_LABEL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- actorBufferLength - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Length (in bytes) of each of the actor's two packet buffers for
receiving a datagram.
- ActorCellRenderer - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui
A renderer that displays getDisplayName() instead of the standard
name in a JList.
- ActorCellRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.ActorCellRenderer
- actorClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- actorClassName - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
The string that represents the class name of the actor for which
this attribute defines lattice ontology solver constraints.
- ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A class that creates a lattice-based ontology adapter from
a model-based actor constraints definition attribute.
- ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter(LatticeOntologySolver, ComponentEntity, List<StringParameter>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Construct the lattice ontology adapter for the given component
and property lattice.
- ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
Attribute that defines the lattice ontology solver constraints for an actor.
- ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Construct the ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute attribute
with the given container and name.
- actorContent - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
Array to store all actor content, remaining number of firings.
- ActorController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
- ActorController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
Create an entity controller associated with the specified graph
controller with full access.
- ActorController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
Create an entity controller associated with the specified graph
- ActorController.ListenToActorAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An action to listen to debug messages in the actor.
- ActorDependencies - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
Utilities for data dependencies between actors.
- ActorEditorGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A Graph Controller for the Ptolemy II schematic editor.
- ActorEditorGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController
Create a new basic controller with default
terminal and edge interactors.
- ActorEditorGraphController.LinkCreator - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This class is an interactor that interactively drags edges from
one terminal to another, creating a link to connect them.
- ActorEditorGraphController.NewRelationAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An action to create a new relation.
- ActorEditorGraphController.RelationCreator - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An interactor for creating relations upon control clicking.
- ActorEnablingStatus - Class in ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel
A type-safe enumeration of actor enabling status.
- ActorExecutionAspect - Interface in ptolemy.actor
An interface for objects that can intervene in the execution of actors.
- ActorFiringListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
A FiringEventListener listens for events that are issued during
AtomicActor's iterations.
- actorFirings - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.FiringCluster
- ActorGraphDBFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended graph editor frame containing the ability to interface with a
model database via the Database menu.
- ActorGraphDBFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ActorGraphDBFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ActorGraphDBTableau - Class in ptdb.gui
This is a graph editor for ptolemy models.
- ActorGraphDBTableau(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBTableau
Create a tableau in the specified workspace.
- ActorGraphDBTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBTableau
Create a tableau with the specified container and name, with
no specified default library.
- ActorGraphDBTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBTableau
Create a tableau with the specified container, name, and
default library.
- ActorGraphDBTableau.Factory - Class in ptdb.gui
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- ActorGraphFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy models.
- ActorGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ActorGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ActorGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
Listener for debug menu commands.
- ActorGraphFrame.InstantiateAttributeAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An action to instantiate an attribute given a class name.
- ActorGraphFrame.InstantiateEntityAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An action to instantiate an entity given a class name.
- ActorGraphicalMessageHandler - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A message handler that optionally includes a button that opens the model
that contains the actor that caused the exception.
- ActorGraphicalMessageHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ActorGraphicalMessageHandler
- ActorGraphModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This class represents one level of hierarchy of a Ptolemy II model.
- ActorGraphModel(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Construct a new graph model whose root is the given composite entity.
- ActorGraphModel.ExternalPortModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
The model for ports that make external connections to this graph.
- ActorGraphModel.IconModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
The model for an icon that contains ports.
- ActorGraphModel.LinkModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
The model for links that connect two ports, or a port and a vertex.
- ActorGraphModel.LinkModel.LinkChangeListener - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This change listener is responsible for dispatching graph events
when an edge is moved.
- ActorGraphModel.PortModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
The model for ports that are contained in icons in this graph.
- ActorGraphModel.VertexModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
The model for vertexes that are contained within the relations of the
ptolemy model.
- ActorGraphTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This is a graph editor for ptolemy models.
- ActorGraphTableau(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphTableau
Create a tableau in the specified workspace.
- ActorGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphTableau
Create a tableau with the specified container and name, with
no specified default library.
- ActorGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphTableau
Create a tableau with the specified container, name, and
default library.
- ActorGraphTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- ActorIndex - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
Generate actor/demo index files.
- ActorIndex() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.ActorIndex
- actorInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelExecutor
The actorInput port.
- ActorInstanceController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
actor instances (i.e., not classes).
- ActorInstanceController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorInstanceController
Create an actor instance controller associated with the specified graph
controller with full access.
- ActorInstanceController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorInstanceController
Create an entity controller associated with the specified graph
controller with the specified access.
- ActorInteractionAddon - Interface in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An interface for defining additional gui interaction for specific actor types.
- actorIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Firing
Return the actor invocation sequence of the schedule in the
form of a sequence of actors.
- actorIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Return the actor sequence in the schedule.
- actorIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the actor invocation sequence of the schedule in the
form of a sequence of actors.
- ActorLayoutConfiguration - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout
- ActorLayoutConfiguration(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.ActorLayoutConfiguration
Creates an initializes a layout configuration specifically tailored
- ActorModelScope - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A Ptolemy expression language parser scope that refers to a specific actor
and its contained elements.
- ActorModelScope(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ActorModelScope
Create a new ActorModelScope for the given Ptolemy NamedObj element.
- ActorModuleInitializer - Class in ptolemy.actor.injection
Initializer of the PtolemyInjector with Java SE specific actor interface to
implementation mappings.
- ActorModuleInitializer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.injection.ActorModuleInitializer
Create instance that initializes the PtolemyInjector.
- ActorModuleInitializer.Initializer - Interface in ptolemy.actor.injection
Initializer is responsible for initializing the PtolemyInjector with
modules specific to the platform it was developed for.
- actorName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GetCausalityInterface
Name of the actor to get the causality interface of.
- actorName - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Connection
The name of the actor to be connected.
- ActorNameIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon that displays the parameter _displayedName.
- ActorNameIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ActorNameIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- actorNames() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingEditor
Returns actors names on all hierarchies.
- ActorOrientedClassProvider - Interface in org.ptolemy.classloading
A contract for dynamic providers of actor-oriented classes, i.e. reusable assemblies of model elements.
- ACTORPARAM - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ACTORPARAM - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ACTORPARAM - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- ActorProductLatticeConstraintsDefinitionAdapter - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A class that creates a product lattice-based ontology adapter from
a model-based actor constraints definition attribute.
- ActorProductLatticeConstraintsDefinitionAdapter(ProductLatticeOntologySolver, ComponentEntity, List<StringParameter>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorProductLatticeConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Construct the lattice ontology adapter for the given component
and property lattice.
- ActorRecursion - Class in ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib
This actor performs actor recursion dynamically during execution.
- ActorRecursion(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.ActorRecursion
Create an ActorRecursion with a name and a container.
- ActorServlet() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.ActorServlet
- ActorServlet() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.ActorServlet
- ActorSubstitute(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Construct an actor substitute instance.
- ActorSubstitute(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Construct an actor substitute instance.
- ActorToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains an actor.
- ActorToken(Entity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Construct an ActorToken.
- actorType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ActorType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
The base type of matrix token classes.
- ActorType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
- ActorTypeUtil - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class includes a number of utility methods and classes that
simplify the generation of type constraints.
- ActorTypeUtil() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ActorTypeUtil
- ActorViewerGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A graph controller for the Ptolemy II schematic viewer.
- ActorViewerGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
Create a new basic controller with default
terminal and edge interactors and default context menus.
- ActorViewerGraphController.EntityLayout - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This layout algorithm is responsible for laying out the ports within an
- actuateAtEventTimestamp - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Actuate at event timestamp parameter that defaults to the boolean value
- actuateAtEventTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Return true if actuation should happen at event timestamp and false if
actuation can happen sooner.
- actuateAtEventTimestamp - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Actuate at event timestamp parameter that defaults to the boolean value TRUE.
- actuateAtEventTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Return true if actuation should happen at event timestamp and false if
actuation can happen sooner.
- ActuationDevice - Interface in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
- actuators - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Map of Actors to actuator number.
- ActuatorSetup - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup.
- ActuatorSetup(ActuatorSetup) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
Construct a ActuatorSetup adapter.
- ActuatorSetup - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.targets.luminary.GPOutputDevice.
- ActuatorSetup(ActuatorSetup) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.GPOutputDevice actor.
- ActuatorSetup - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.targets.luminary.GPOutputDevice.
- ActuatorSetup(ActuatorSetup) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.GPOutputDevice actor.
- ActuatorSetup - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
- ActuatorSetup(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- adam7Interlacing - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPNGWriter
If the Adam7 Interlacing option is false, pixels are stored
left to right and from top to bottom.
- adapt(Collector<T>) - Method in class net.jimblackler.Utils.ReferenceYieldAdapter
Convert a method that implements the Collector<> class with a standard Iterable<>, by
collecting the results in a list, and returning an iterator to that list.
- adapt(Collector<T>) - Method in class net.jimblackler.Utils.ThreadedYieldAdapter
Convert a method that implements the Collector<> class with a standard Iterable<>.
- adapt(Collector<T>) - Method in interface net.jimblackler.Utils.YieldAdapter
- adaptedReflectionCoefficients - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
The output port that produces the current reflection
- adaptedReflectionCoefficients - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
The output port that produces the current reflection
- adapter() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.GetFirable
Return the iterator for the caller function of getfire().
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIICompositeActor
Returns the iterator for the caller function of getfire().
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Since the MetroIIDEDirector is always used inside a
MetroIICompositeActor, the adapter() in MetroIICompositeActor
is responsible for creating the iterator of getfire(), this
adapter() should never be called.
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Since the MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides is always used inside a
MetroIICompositeActor, the adapter() in MetroIICompositeActor is
responsible for creating the iterator of getfire(), this adapter() should
never be called.
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIFSMDirector
Returns the iterator for the caller function of getfire().
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIModalModel
Returns the iterator for the caller function of getfire().
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
Returns the iterator for the caller function of getfire().
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISequentialSDFDirector
Returns the iterator for the caller function of getfire().
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISRDirector
Returns the iterator for the caller function of getfire().
- adapter() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Returns the iterator for the caller function of getfire().
- AdaptiveMedian - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jai
This actor performs adaptive median filtering on an image.
- AdaptiveMedian(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.AdaptiveMedian
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- add(Component, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Adds a component to the panel using the given cell constraints.
- add(Component, String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Adds a component to the panel using the given encoded cell constraints.
- add(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Adds a component to the container using the default cell constraints.
- add(JLabel, CellConstraints, Component, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a label and component to the panel using the given cell constraints.
- ADD - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- ADD - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- add(Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- add(Tuple3f, Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- add(Tuple4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- add(Tuple4f, Tuple4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Add a figure to the container.
- add(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Insert a figure at the given position.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Add a child figure to this composite.
- add(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Insert a figure at the given position.
- add(LayerListener, LayerListener) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Adds layer-listener-a with layer-listener-b and
returns the resulting multicast listener.
- add(LayerMotionListener, LayerMotionListener) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Adds layer-motion-listener-a with layer-motion-listener-b and
returns the resulting multicast listener.
- add(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureContainer
Add a figure to this container.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Add a figure.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Add a figure to the layer.
- add(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Insert a figure into the layer at the given position.
- add(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Add a new shape to the list of shapes in this layer.
- add(PaintedObject) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Add a new painted object to the objects displayed
by this figure.
- add(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new painted shape to the list of drawn objects.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new figure to the list of drawn objects
- add(Composite) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new compositioning operator to the list of drawn objects.
- add(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new paint to the list of drawn objects.
- add(Stroke) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new stroke to the list of drawn objects.
- add(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Add a figure to the list.
- add(int, Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Insert a figure at the given position.
- add(GraphListener) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphEventMulticaster
Add the given listener to the list of listeners.
- add(Action, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JContextMenu
Add an action to this menu and return the menu item created.
- add(Action, String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JContextMenu
Add an action to the given menu and return the menu item created.
- add(PaintedObject) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedList
Add a new element to the list.
- add(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.util.PropertyChangeMulticaster
Add the given listener to the list of listeners.
- add(CSRVec, double, CSRVec, int, int, CSRVec) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- add(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- add(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- add(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- add(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- add(double, double, T) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder
- add(double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Normalize2D
- add(ArrayList<double[]>) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Normalize2D
- add - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- add(E) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Add an element to the end of this collection.
- add(E) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Add an element to the end of this linked list.
- add(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AWTContainer
Add the component to the container.
- add(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.injection.PortableContainer
Add the specified component into the container.
- add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- add(E) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Adds the given element to this queue.
- add(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(ScheduleElement) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Append the specified schedule element to the end of the schedule
- add(int, ScheduleElement) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Insert the specified schedule element at the specified position in
the schedule list.
- add(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return a new time object whose time value is increased by the
given double value.
- add(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return a new time object whose time value is the sum of that of
this time object and of the specified time object.
- add(Checkpoint, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.CheckpointRecord
Add a checkpoint object to the top of this record, associating with it
a timestamp.
- add(Object, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(boolean, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(byte, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(char, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(double, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(float, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(int, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(int[], Object, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(int[], boolean, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(int[], byte, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(int[], char, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(int[], double, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(int[], float, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(int[], int, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(int[], long, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(int[], short, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the specified indices of the records, and
associate it with a timestamp.
- add(long, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(short, long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add an old value to the records, associated with a timestamp.
- add(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(SyntacticRank, SyntacticRank) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Add the two ranks if possible, else return null.
- add(SyntacticTerm, SyntacticTerm) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Add the ranks of two terms.
- add(SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticSeries
Add a term to the end of the series.
- add(int, SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticSeries
Adds a term to an arbitrary position of the series.
- add(SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Add a Syntactic Term to the column.
- add(int, SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Insert a Syntactic Term in the column.
- add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Addition can occur between arrays, or between an array and a token
of some base type (i.e., anything less than or equal to String).
- add(String, Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Constants
Add a constant with the given name and value to the table.
- add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- add(Concept, Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
Add a pair of concepts as a counterexample to this set.
- add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- add(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
adding a token of this type and a token of the given argument
- add(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.EventDictionary
Add a new event name into the dictionary.
- add(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Graph
Adds a mapping constraint (A, B).
- add(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._SortedSetOfStates
Adds a state to the sorted list.
- add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- add(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Add an element to the list.
- add(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Unsupported optional method of the List interface.
- add(ScheduleElement) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Append the specified schedule element to the end of the schedule
- add(int, ScheduleElement) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Insert the specified schedule element at the specified position in
the schedule list.
- add(PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Add an element's representation to the scene.
- add(PositionableElement) - Method in interface ptolemy.homer.kernel.ContentPrototype
Add an element to the content area.
- add(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Add a NamedObj element and notify all listeners.
- add(UndoAction) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoActionsList
Append a new entry to the list.
- add(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Add an item to the directory.
- add(Complex) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the sum of this complex number and the argument z.
- add(Complex[], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from array by
adding the complex number z to every element of array.
- add(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element sum of the two
input arrays.
- add(Complex[][], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second argument to every element.
- add(Complex[][], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second matrix to the first one.
- add(double[], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by adding z to each element
of the input array.
- add(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element sum of the two
input arrays.
- add(double[][], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second argument to every element.
- add(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second matrix to the first one.
- add(FixPoint) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint with a value equal to the sum of this
FixPoint and the argument.
- add(FixPoint, Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint with a value equal to the sum of this
FixPoint and the argument.
- add(float[], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by adding z to each element
of the input array.
- add(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element sum of the two
input arrays.
- add(float[][], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second argument to every element.
- add(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second matrix to the first one.
- add(Fraction) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Add this fraction to the given fraction.
- add(Fraction[], Fraction) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by adding z to each element
of the input array.
- add(Fraction[], Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element sum of the two
input arrays.
- add(Fraction[][], Fraction) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second argument to every element.
- add(Fraction[][], Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second matrix to the first one.
- add(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by adding z to each element
of the input array.
- add(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element sum of the two
input arrays.
- add(int[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second argument to every element.
- add(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second matrix to the first one.
- add(long[], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by adding z to each element
of the input array.
- add(long[], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element sum of the two
input arrays.
- add(long[][], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second argument to every element.
- add(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
adding the second matrix to the first one.
- add(RTMTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMList
- add15dTitle(String, String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Adds a title to the form using the specified constraints.
- add_escapes(String) - Static method in exception ptolemy.data.expr.ParseException
Used to convert raw characters to their escaped version
when these raw version cannot be used as part of an ASCII
string literal.
- add_escapes(String) - Static method in exception ptolemy.moml.unit.ParseException
Used to convert raw characters to their escaped version
when these raw version cannot be used as part of an ASCII
string literal.
- ADD_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The string name of the attribute that defines the arithmetic add
concept function for this ontology solver.
- addAction(Action) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add an action to the table of actions.
- addAction(Action) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Add an action to the table of actions.
- addAction(Action) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Add an action to the pre-existing group of actions.
- addAction(Action, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Add an action to the pre-existing group of actions.
- addActionable(String, String, String, Actionable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Create an entry box with a button for the specified action.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Add an action listener
- addActions(Action[], String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Add a set of action to the pre-existing group of actions.
- addActor(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Add an actor to the PtalonActor.
- addActorFiringListener(ActorFiringListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Append a listener to the current set of actor firing listeners.
- addActorFiringListener(ActorFiringListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Append a listener to the current set of actor firing listeners.
- addActorFiringListener(ActorFiringListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.FiringsRecordable
Append a listener to the current set of firing event listeners.
- addActorOrientedClassProvider(ActorOrientedClassProvider) - Method in class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.OSGiClassLoadingStrategy
Adds the given provider to the set of registered ActorOrientedClassProviders.
- addActorParameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add a PtalonParameter to the PtalonActor with the specified
- addActorParameter(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add an invisible PtalonParameter to the PtalonActor with the
specified name.
- addAliasHandler(AliasHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Add an alias handler to the list.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Add all elements of the provided collection to this collection.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Add all the elements of the given collection to the end of this linked
- addAll(Collection<? extends SyntacticTerm>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Add collection of SyntacticTerms to the list by calling
the add function.
- addAll(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Unsupported optional method of the List interface.
- addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Unsupported optional method of the List interface.
- addAllEvent(Iterable<? extends metroIIcomm.Event>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- addAllPositions(List<SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition>) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Adds all current positions to the given list.
- addAnalysis(String, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Add a static analysis to this manager.
- addAnalysis(Analysis) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add an analysis to the list of analyses that this graph is associated
- addAssignmentHandler(AssignmentHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Add an assignment handler to the list.
- addAttr(String, RTMTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMObject
- addAttribute(PTDBGenericAttribute) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.AttributeSearchTask
Add the given attribute to the search attribute list.
- addAttribute(StringParameter) - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Add a database attribute to the panel for display.
- addAttributes(List) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.LibraryBuilder
Add a list of Attributes.
- addBranches(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Add branches corresponding to the channels of the port
- addBuilderDecls(Reader) - Method in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Add all of the builder declarations in the given
XML document to the builder map.
- addButtons(JButton[]) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonStackBuilder
Adds a sequence of related buttons separated by a default gap.
- addCaptionLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Add a line to the caption (displayed at below graph) .
- addCaptionLine(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Add a line to the caption (displayed at below graph) .
- AddCaseAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame.AddCaseAction
Create a case action with label "Add Case".
- addCellConstraints(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Override the base class to delegate to the container AND
also record the listener locally.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Changeable
Add a change listener.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Add a new change listener to this request.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Add a change listener.
- addChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Add a channel listener to listen for transmissions on this channel.
- addChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessChannel
Add a channel listener to listen for transmissions on this channel.
- addCheckBox(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create an on-off check box.
- addChild(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Create a new child tree to this tree with the specified
name and return it.
- addChild(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
Create a new child tree to this tree with the specified
name and return it.
- addChild(ConfigXmlTree) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Add a child to this node.
- addChild(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Add the node argument as a child to the encapsulated Java3D node
in this actor.
- addChoice(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.ChoiceCriterionElement
Add a choice to the end of choices.
- addChoice(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Add a choice.
- addChoice(String, String, Object[], Object) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create an uneditable choice menu.
- addChoice(String, String, Object[], Object, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a choice menu.
- addChoice(String, String, Object[], Object, boolean, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a choice menu.
- addChoices(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.ChoiceCriterionElement
Add choices to the end of choices.
- addChoosableFileFilter(PtFilenameFilter) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser
Set the file name filter for the dialog.
- addChosenTransition(State, Transition) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Add a chosen transition to the set of chosen transitions.
- addClassHandler(ClassHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Add a class declaration handler to the list.
- addClassPath(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Add a class path to the list of class paths to be searched
- addCol(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpGrid
Add a new column to the grid.
- addColorChooser(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a ColorChooser.
- addColumn() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
Add a column.
- addColumn() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Add a column.
- addColumnSpec(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- addColumnSpec(int, String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- addComponent(String, ComponentDef, CellConstraints) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- AddComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- AddComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.AddComposite
- AddComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- addConcept(FiniteConcept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.DAGConceptGraph
Add a concept to this concept graph.
- AddConceptFunctionDefinition - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
Concept function definition attribute specifically for arithmetic addition.
- AddConceptFunctionDefinition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.AddConceptFunctionDefinition
Construct the AddConceptFunctionDefinition attribute
with the given container and name.
- addConnection(Relation, NamedObj, NamedObj, double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest
Add a new connection routing change to the request.
- addConnection(Relation, NamedObj, NamedObj, double[], Point2D.Double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest
Add a new connection routing change to the request.
- addConnection(NamedObj, LayoutHint) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.UndoLayoutAction
Add a connection.
- addConnectorListener(ConnectorListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Add a connector listener.
- addConnectorListener(ConnectorListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Add a connector listener to the interactor that
is attached to grab-handles.
- addConstraint(UnitConstraint) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraints
Add a UnitConstraint to the collection.
- addConstraintsFromTupleOntologyAdapter(List<Inequality>, Ontology, LatticeOntologyAdapter) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
Create constraints for the ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter that are
derived from the given component LatticeOntologyAdapter.
- addConstructorHandler(ConstructorHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Add a constructor handler to the list.
- addContainedFrame(PTDBBasicFrame) - Method in class ptdb.gui.PTDBContainedFramesManager
Add a new frame to the contained frame list in this manager.
- addContainer(String, Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
This is for adding containers on the fly.
- addContainer(String, Container) - Method in interface org.mlc.swing.layout.MultiContainerFrame
Add a container with the specified name.
- addContainer(String, Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.RunLayoutFrame
Add a container with the specified name.
- addContent(PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Add an element to the contents of this tab.
- addContentPane(String, JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Add a content pane to this frame.
- addContentPane(String, JComponent) - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Add a new content pane to this frame.
- addCorrespondence(double, double, double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.Homography33b
- addCorrespondences(double[][], double[][]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.Homography33b
- addCrossAnalysisHandler(CrossAnalysisHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Add a cross-analysis handler to the list.
- addCrossAnalyzedType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Add a name of a type to the set of types to be cross-analyzed.
- addCrossAnalyzedTypes(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Add an array of names of types to the set of types to be
- addCurve(Transition, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest
Add a new transition curve change to the request.
- addCurve(ApplyLayoutRequest.CurveEntry) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.UndoLayoutAction
Add a curve to the undo action.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Override the base class to also listen to the scheduler, if there
is one.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Append a listener to the current set of debug listeners.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Add a debug listener.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Add a debug listener.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Append a listener to the current set of debug listeners.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Append the specified listener to the current set of debug listeners.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Adds a debugger listen for this event queue.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Add a debugger listen for this event queue.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Debuggable
Add a debug listener.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Append a listener to the current set of debug listeners.
- addDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Append a listener to the current set of debug listeners.
- addDecorator(Class, FigureDecorator) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.TypedDecorator
Add a decorator which is duplicated when an object of the given
class is passed to the newInstance() method.
- addDefaultInputDependencies() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Add direct dependency to each output variables from all input variables.
- addDependencyDeclaration(DependencyDeclaration) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Add the information in the given dependency declaration to the
dependence graph of this analysis.
- addDirectoryToJavaLibraryPath(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Add a directory to the java.library.path directory..
- addDisplay(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a simple one-line text display, a non-editable value that
is set externally using the setDisplay() method.
- addDisplay(String, String, String, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a simple one-line text display, a non-editable value that
is set externally using the setDisplay() method.
- addDocument(Document) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a document to the application and notify document
- addDocument(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Add a document to the list of documents currently known by
this application.
- addDocumentListener(ListDataListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a document listener to this application.
- addDocumentListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Add a document listener to this application.
- addEdge(Object, Object, int, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add an edge to this graph editor and render it
from the given tail node to an autonomous site at the
given location.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add an edge to this graph between the given tail and head
- addEdge(Object, Object, int, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Add an edge to this graph editor and render it
from the given tail node to an autonomous site at the
given location.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Add an edge to this graph between the given tail and head
- addEdge(Object, Object, int, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Add an edge to this graph editor and render it from the given
tail node to an autonomous site at the given location.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Add an edge to this graph between the given tail and head
- addEdge(Object, Object, int, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add an edge to this graph editor and render it
from the given tail node to an autonomous site at the
given location.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add an edge to this graph between the given tail and head
- addEdge(Node, Node, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add a weighted edge between two nodes.
- addEdge(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add an unweighted edge between two nodes.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Given two node weights w1 and w2, add weighted
edges of the form (x1, x2), where
(x1.getWeight() == w1) && (x2.getWeight() == w2)
- addEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Given two node weights w1 and w2, add all unweighted
edges of the form (x1, x2), where
(x1.getWeight() == w1) && (x2.getWeight() == w2)
- addEdge(Edge) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add a pre-constructed edge (unweighted or weighted).
- addEdges(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add a collection of edges to the graph.
- addEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Add a listener to be informed when the user modifies a data set.
- AddEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
- AddEditorFactory() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddEditorFactory
- addElement(XmlElement) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Add a child element to this element.
- addElement(String, PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Add a positionable element to the selected tab.
- addElement(String, PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Add an element to a specific content area.
- addEnabledOutport(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Add a port to the list of enabled output ports.
- addEntityWithoutProxy(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Add entity without proxy.
- addEntry(String, String, JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Adds a component represented by a title button with no icon.
- addEntry(String, String, Icon, JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Adds a component represented by a title and/or icon, either
of which can be null.
- addEntry(String, String, Icon, JComponent, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Adds a component and tooltip represented by a title and/or icon,
either of which can be null.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.CheckBoxStyle
Create a new check box entry in the given query associated with the
parameter containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ChoiceStyle
Create a new uneditable
combo box entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.EditableChoiceStyle
Create a new editable
combo box entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.FileChooserStyle
Create a new entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.HiddenStyle
Create no entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.LineStyle
Create a new type-in line
entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.NotEditableLineStyle
Create a new type-in line
entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.NoteStyle
Create a new type-in line
entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ParameterEditorStyle
Create a new entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntry(PtolemyQuery) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.TextStyle
Create a new type-in line
entry in the given query associated with the
attribute containing this style.
- addEntryAfter(FastLinkedList<E>.Entry, FastLinkedList<E>.Entry) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Add an entry after previousEntry, or add the entry to the head if
previousEntry is null.
- addEntryBefore(FastLinkedList<E>.Entry, FastLinkedList<E>.Entry) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Add an entry before nextEntry, or add the entry to the tail if nextEntry
is null.
- addEntryLocation(ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- addEntryToHead(FastLinkedList<E>.Entry) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Add an entry to the head of this linked list.
- addEntryToTail(FastLinkedList<E>.Entry) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Add an entry to the tail of this linked list.
- addErrors(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverUtilities
Record the given error message.
- addEscapes(String) - Static method in error ptolemy.data.expr.TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their escaped (or unicode escaped)
equivalents in the given string
- addEscapes(String) - Static method in error ptolemy.moml.unit.TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their escaped (or unicode escaped)
equivalents in the given string
- addEvent(metroIIcomm.Event) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- addEvent(int, metroIIcomm.Event) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- addEvent(metroIIcomm.Event.Builder) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- addEvent(int, metroIIcomm.Event.Builder) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- addEventBuilder() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- addEventBuilder(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- addException(Exception) - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Add exception.
- addExcludedFile(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
Add an excluded file to the XML handler.
- addExcludedFile(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlHandler
Exclude the specified XML document from the scan.
- addExcludedFiles(Collection<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
Add a collection of excluded files to the XML handler.
- addExcludedFiles(Collection<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlHandler
Exclude the specified XML documents from the scan.
- addExecutingListener(ExecutionAspectListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ActorExecutionAspect
Add schedule listener.
- addExecutingListener(ExecutionAspectListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Add schedule listener.
- addExecutingListener(ExecutionAspectListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Add schedule listener.
- addExecutionListener(ExecutionListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Add an execution listener to the list of execution listeners, which are
invoked at specific points when the transformation is executed.
- addExecutionListener(ExecutionListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Add a listener to be notified when the model execution changes state.
- addExitLocation(ControlExitToken.ExitLocation) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- addExp(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMList
- addExpAttr(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMObject
- addFieldDeclarationHandler(FieldDeclarationHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Add a field declaration handler to the list.
- addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser that selects files only, not directories, and
has the default colors (white in the background, black in the
- addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser that selects files only, not directories, and
has the default colors (white in the background, black in the
- addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser with default colors (white in the foreground,
black in the background).
- addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser that selects files only, not directories.
- addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser.
- addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean, boolean, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser.
- addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean, boolean, Color, Color, FilenameFilter) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser.
- addFilter(MoMLFilter) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.BackwardCompatibility
Add a MoMLFilter to the list of filters.
- addFixed(JComponent) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds a fixed size component.
- addFixed(JComponent) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonStackBuilder
Adds a fixed size component.
- addFixedNarrow(JComponent) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds a fixed size component with narrow margins.
- addFunctionUsed(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Add a function to the Set of function used thus far.
- addGenericAttribute() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesSearchListPanel
Add a GenericAttributePanel to the list of attributes to be searched.
- addGlue() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds a glue that will be given the extra space,
if this box is larger than its preferred size.
- addGlue() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonStackBuilder
Adds a glue that will be given the extra space,
if this box is larger than its preferred size.
- addGrabHandle(GrabHandle) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Add a grab-handle to this manipulator's collection of grab-handles.
- addGraph(Graph) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add a given graph to this graph.
- addGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphModel
Add a graph listener to the model.
- addGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Add a graph listener to the model.
- addGraphViewListener(GraphViewListener) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
- addGraphViewListener(GraphViewListener) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
- addGridded(JComponent) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds a gridded component, i.e. a component that will get
the same dimension as all other gridded components.
- addGridded(JComponent) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonStackBuilder
Adds a gridded component.
- addGriddedButtons(JButton[]) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds a sequence of related gridded buttons each separated by
a default gap.
- addGriddedGrowing(JComponent) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds a gridded component that grows.
- addGriddedGrowingButtons(JButton[]) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds a sequence of gridded buttons that grow
where each is separated by a default gap.
- addGroupedColumn(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Adds the specified column index to the last column group.
- addGroupedRow(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Adds the specified row index to the last row group.
- addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Add a hierarchy listener.
- addHotKey(JComponent, Action) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add a quick keystroke on the given pane for the given action.
- addHotKey(JComponent, Action, KeyStroke) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add a quick keystroke on the given pane for the given action.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptdb.gui.DBActorController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ClassDefinitionController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.MoMLModelAttributeController
Add hot keys to the look inside action in the given JGraph.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.NamedObjController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptRelationController
Do not add hot keys for the ontology relation.
- addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyEntityController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- addI15dLabel(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) textual label to the form using the
specified constraints.
- addI15dLabel(String, String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) textual label to the form using the
specified constraints.
- addI15dLabel(String, CellConstraints, Component, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) label and component to the panel using
the given cell constraints.
- addI15dSeparator(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) titled separator to the form using the
specified constraints.
- addI15dSeparator(String, String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) titled separator to the form using
the specified constraints.
- addI15dTitle(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Adds a title to the form using the specified constraints.
- addIcon(Icon, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPalette
Add an icon to the palette, that is associated with the
- AddIcon - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
Certain actors have specialized icons that display the value of
one of the parameters.
- AddIcon() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddIcon
- addIcons(Action, String[][]) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add icons to an action.
- addInclude(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Add an include command line argument the compile command.
- addInequalities(Iterator) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.InequalitySolver
Add a group of inequalities to the set of constraints.
- addInequality(Inequality) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.InequalitySolver
Add an Inequality
to the set of constraints.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractInitializableAttribute
Add the specified object to the set of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Add the specified object to the set of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Add the specified object to the set of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Add the specified object to the set of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Add the specified object to the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing because a state matcher is not supposed to contain any
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Initializable
Add the specified object to the set of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Add the specified object to the set of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Add the specified object to the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Add the specified object to the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
Throw an exception.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Throw an exception.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
Do nothing.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractInitializableParameter
Add the specified object to the set of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Add the specified object to the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Add the specified object to the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Do nothing.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Not implemented.
- addInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Do nothing.
- addInPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add a TypedIOPort to the PtalonActor with the specified name,
and input flow type.
- addInputEvent(MetroIIPtidesPort, PtidesEvent, double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Add a new event to the input queue.
- addInputEvent(PtidesPort, PtidesEvent, double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Add a new event to the input queue.
- addInputRate(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates.ActionRateSignature
- addInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Add an interactor to this interactor.
- addInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Add an interactor to this interactor.
- addInternal(EventListener, EventListener) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Returns the resulting multicast listener from adding listener-a
and listener-b together.
- addIOPortEventListener(IOPortEventListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Append a listener to the current set of port event listeners.
- addItem(String) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ArrayModelList
Add a new item to this list.
- AddJam(int, int, int, float[], int, int, int, float[], float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- AddJam(int, int, int, float[], int, int, int, float[], float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- addJavaReconcileListener(IJavaReconcilingListener) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.PtolemyEditor
Add a reconciling listener to the list of reconciling listeners to be
- addKnot(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Curve
- addKnot(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Add a new knot.
- addKnot(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SplineColormap
Add a new knot.
- addLabel(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a textual label to the form using the default constraints.
- addLabel(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a textual label to the form using the specified constraints.
- addLabel(String, String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a textual label to the form using the specified constraints.
- addLabel(String, CellConstraints, Component, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a label and component to the panel using the given cell constraints.
- addLabel(TabScenePanel, String, Dimension, Point) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Add a label to the scene.
- addLabelFromNode(SyntacticNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Add a unique label to given node or return its current label.
- addLayer(CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Add the given layer to the list of layers.
- addLayer(int, CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Insert the given layer into the list of layers at the
given index.
- addLayerListener(LayerListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Add the given layer listener to this dispatcher.
- addLayerListener(LayerListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Add the given layer listener to this interactor.
- addLayerMotionListener(LayerMotionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Add the given layer motion listener to this interactor.
- addLayerMotionListener(LayerMotionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Add the given layer motion listener to this dispatcher.
- addLayout(String, GlobalLayout, JPanel) - Method in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial.LayoutWidget
Add a layout to the widget, with the given name, layout
engine and widget for configuration of the layout.
- addLayout(ContainerLayout) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Adds the specified component to the layout, using the specified
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- addLegend(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified
data set with the specified string.
- addLegend(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified
data set with the specified string.
- addLegend(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified
data set with the specified string.
- addLegend(int, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified
data set with the specified string.
- addLegend(int, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
- addLibrary(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Add a library command line argument the compile command.
- addLibraryIfNecessary(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
If the compile command does not yet containe a library,
add a library command line argument the compile command.
- addLight(LightFilter.Light) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- addLine(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a single-line entry box with the specified name, label, and
default value.
- addLine(String, String, String, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a single-line entry box with the specified name, label,
default value, and background color.
- addLinkedPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Vertex
Add the specified port to the list of ports linked to this vertex.
- addListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.AttributeElement
Attach a value listener to the underlying attribute.
- addListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Add an action listener.
- addLiveSoundListener(LiveSoundListener) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Add a live sound listener.
- addLiveSoundListener(LiveSoundListener) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Add a live sound listener.
- addLiveSoundListener(LiveSoundListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Add a live sound listener.
- addLocation(Locatable, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest
Add a new location change to the request.
- addLocation(ApplyLayoutRequest.LocationEntry) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.UndoLayoutAction
Add a location to the undo action.
- addMakefileSubstitution(String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.MakefileWriter
Add a makefile substitution from the given name to the given value.
- addMany(double[][], double[][]...) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- addMapping(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Adds a mapping constraint.
- addMenuItem(JMenu, Action) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to a menu and return the menu item created.
- addMenuItem(JMenu, Action, int, String) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to a menu and return the menu item created.
- addMenuItem(JMenu, String, Action, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to a menu and return the menu item created.
- addMenuItem(JMenu, Action, int, String) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
- addMenuItem(JMenu, String, Action, int, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
- addMenuItemFactory(MenuItemFactory) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
If access is FULL, then add the jni.ArgumentDailogFactory() to
- addMenuItemFactory(MenuItemFactory) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyMenuFactory
Add a menu item factory to this creator.
- addMenuItemFactory(MenuItemFactory) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTreeMenuCreator
Add a menu item factory to this creator.
- addMenuItemListener(MenuItemListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Add a menu item listener to the list of menu item listeners.
- addMethodDeclarationHandler(MethodDeclarationHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Add a method declaration handler to the list.
- addMicroseconds(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Add microseconds to time.
- AddMissingParameter - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
Add a missing parameter.
- AddMissingParameter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddMissingParameter
- addModelElementClassProvider(ModelElementClassProvider) - Method in class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.OSGiClassLoadingStrategy
Add the given provider to the set of registered
- addModifiedVariables(Parameter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Add a modified variable.
- addMoMLFilter(MoMLFilter) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Add a MoMLFilter to the end of the list of MoMLFilters used
to translate names.
- addMoMLFilter(MoMLFilter, Workspace) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Add a MoMLFilter to the end of the list of MoMLFilters used
to translate names.
- addMoMLFilters(List) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Add a List of MoMLFilters to the end of the list of MoMLFilters used
to translate names.
- addMoMLFilters(List, Workspace) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Add a List of MoMLFilters to the end of the list of MoMLFilters used
to translate names.
- addNanoseconds(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Add nanoseconds to time.
- addNewConstraint() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- addNewPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Add a port The new port gets added with a name of "".
- addNewRow() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- addNewTypesUsed(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Add a type to the set of codegen types.
- addNewVertexToLink(StringBuffer, StringBuffer, CompositeEntity, Link, String, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Generate the moml to add a vertex to an exist link.
- addNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and place it wherever convenient.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
at whatever position is convenient
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Given a node, add it to this graph editor and perform a layout
on the new node.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and place it where convenient
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and place it wherever convenient.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
at whatever position is convenient
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Add a node to the given graph and notify listeners with a
- addNode(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Add a node to the given graph and notify listeners with a
NODE_ADDED event whose source is the given source object.
- addNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Given a node, add it to this graph editor and perform a layout
on the new node.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and place it where convenient
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Add entity to the syntactic graph wrapping with syntactic node.
- addNode(SyntacticNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Add a SyntacticNode to the Graph.
- addNode() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add an unweighted node to this graph.
- addNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add a pre-constructed node (unweighted or weighted).
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Add a node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode2(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Add entity to the syntactic graph wrapping with syntactic node.
- addNodes(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add a collection of nodes to the graph.
- addNodeWeight(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add a new weighted node to this graph given the node weight.
- addNodeWeights(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Add a collection of nodes to the graph.
- addNoise(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- AddNoise(int, int, float[], float, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- AddNoise(int, int, float[], float, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- addNonVisualNamedObject(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Add a non-visual NamedObj item to the panel.
- addNote(Note) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Add a note to this chord.
- addNotify() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Override the base class to output the first prompt.
- addNotify() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UserDialog
Override the base class to output the first prompt.
- addObject(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Invoked when the specified object is added to a container.
- addObject(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationListener
Invoked when the specified object is added to a container.
- addObject(Rollbackable) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Add an object to the monitored object list.
- addObject(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyTransferable
Add the given named object to the objects contained in this
- addObjectMissingFromModel(NamedObj) - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Add an object that's missing from the model.
- addObservation(double, double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.GrayModel
- addOneDimension() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Add one dimension to this type object, and return the new type object.
- addOutPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add a TypedIOPort to the PtalonActor with the specified name,
and output flow type.
- addOutputRate(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates.ActionRateSignature
- addPackagePrefix(String, Set) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
Add a package prefix to the classes in the XML tree.
- addPage(Page) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Add a page to the document and notify page listeners.
- addPageListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Add a page listener to this document.
- addParameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add a Parameter to the PtalonActor with the specified name.
- addParameter(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add an invisible Parameter to the PtalonActor with the
specified name and the given expression as its value.
- addParameterAssign(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Add an assignment of the specified parameter of this actor
declaration to the specified actor declaration.
- addParentList(List<XMLDBModel>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Add the given parent list to the model's
parent list.
- addPassword(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a single-line password box with the specified name, label, and
default value.
- addPassword(String, String, String, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a single-line password box with the specified name,
label, and default value.
- addPiggyback(Executable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Add the specified object to the set of objects whose action
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
actions methods of this object.
- addPixels(int[], int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer
Add pixels to the quantizer.
- addPixels(int[], int, int) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.image.Quantizer
Add pixels to the quantizer.
- addPoint(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- addPoint(double[], double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- addPoint(int, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
In the specified data set, add the specified value to the
- addPoint(int, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
In the specified data set, add the specified y value to the
- addPoint(int, double, double, double[], boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the
- addPoint(int, double, double, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the
- addPoint(int, double, double, double[], boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the
plot, with derivatives optionally provided for polynomial
- addPoints() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
Redefine in derived classes to add points to the plot.
- addPointWithErrorBars(int, double, double, double[], double, double, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the
plot with error bars.
- addPointWithErrorBars(int, double, double, double[], double, double, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the
plot with error bars.
- addPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add a TypedIOPort to the PtalonActor with the specified name.
- addPort(OptimalScheduleFinder._Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Add a port to the actor.
- addPort(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Add port to the port hashtable.
- addPort(String, int) - Method in class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Add the port with the specified number of channels.
- addPortAssign(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Add an assignment of the specified port of this actor
declaration to the containing Ptalon actor connection point,
which is either a port or a relation.
- addPortAssign(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Add an assignment of the specified port of this actor
declaration to the containing Ptalon actor connection point,
which is either a port or a relation.
- addPorts(CompositeFigure) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.CompositeFigureTutorial
Utility function to add the "ports" to the composite figure.
- addPorts(Port, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Add a port node with a directionality.
- addPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Add instances of TypedIOPort that correspond to input and output
transitions, if these port do not exist.
- addPortWithNoOrInvalidTarget(Port) - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Add a port without or invalid target.
- addPositionableWithInvalidLocation(NamedObj) - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Add positionable with invalid location.
- addPositionableWithInvalidTab(NamedObj) - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Add positionable with invalid tab.
- addPrecision(Precision, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Determines the Precision of an add operation between two
FixPoint values.
- addProcessListener(PNProcessListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Add a process state change listener to this director.
- addProperty(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Add a property to the property hashtable.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
- addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list for a specific
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Add a property change listener to this document.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a property change listener to this application.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Add a property change listener to this document.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Add a property change listener to this application.
- addProposedMetroIIEvent(metroIIcomm.Event.Builder) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
Adds a proposed MetroII event into the director's event list.
- addProxyModelListener(ProxyModelInfrastructure.ProxyModelListener) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Add ProxyModelListener in order to listen for the model events such as
model expiration or exception events.
- addProxyWithInvalidTarget(ProxyActor) - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Add a proxy with invalid target.
- addPtolemyLibraryDirectoryToJavaLibraryPath() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Add the $PTII/lib directory to the java.library.path directory.
- addQueryListener(QueryListener) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Add a listener.
- addRadioButtons(String, String, String[], String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a bank of radio buttons.
- addReferencedChild(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Add the given child entity to the model's
referenced children list.
- addRefinement(State, String, Entity, String, InstanceOpener) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RefinementActor
Create a refinement for the given state.
- addRefinement(State, String, Entity, String, InstanceOpener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Create a refinement for the given state.
- addRefinement(State, String, Entity, String, InstanceOpener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
Create a refinement for the given state.
- addRefinement(State, String, Entity, String, InstanceOpener, CompositeEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
Create a refinement for the given state.
- addRefinement(State, String, Entity, String, InstanceOpener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Refinement
Perform no action but throw an IllegalActionException because a
refinement cannot be created in an arbitrary actor-oriented refinement.
- AddRefinementAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateController.AddRefinementAction
- addRelatedGap() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds the standard gap for related components.
- addRelatedGap() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonStackBuilder
Adds the standard gap for related components.
- addRelation(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add a TypedIORelation to the PtalonActor with the specified name.
- addRelation(FiniteConcept, FiniteConcept, ConceptRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.DAGConceptGraph
Add a relation between two Concepts as an edge to the graph.
- addRelation(int, double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Construct a relation node with the given type and difference
information of a relation, and add it to the end of the relation
- addResource(String, Object, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.userInterface.VertxBrowserHelper.Server
Add a resource to be served by the server.
- addResource(String, Object, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketServerHelper
Add a resource to be served by the server.
- addResourceInfo(URI, Set<Resource>) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Add a new resource path and location set for this web application.
- addResourceInfo(URI, Set<Resource>) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Add a new resource path and location set for this web application.
- address - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
The address port, which is a multiport.
- address - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Memory
The address port for fetching data.
- address - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.ROM
The address port for fetching data.
- addressOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.ChangePtr
The offset that is added to the current address of the incoming token.
- addReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token
and the argument.
- addReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- addReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
If the left-hand argument is a base type token, then convert it
to an array of size one.
- addReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token
and the argument.
- addReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- addReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token
and the argument.
- addReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- addRow(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpGrid
Add a new row to the grid.
- addRow() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- addRow() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Add a row.
- addRowSpec(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- addRowSpec(int, String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- addScheduleListener(ScheduleListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Append a listener to the current set of schedule listeners.
- addSearchResult(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.gui.SearchResultsFrame
Add new search result in the scroll pane.
- addSelectButtons(String, String, String[], Set) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a bank of buttons that provides a list of
choices, any subset of which may be chosen at a time.
- addSelection(Object) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Add an object to the selection.
- addSelection(Object) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Add an object to the selection.
- addSelectionInteractor(SelectionInteractor) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Add the selection model of the given selection interactor to the
set of selection models selected by this dragger.
- addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Add a selection listener to this model.
- addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Add a selection listener to this model.
- addSelectionModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Add the given selection model to the set of selection models
selected by this dragger.
- addSelections(Object[]) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Add an array of objects to the selection and
highlight the selected objects.
- addSelections(Object[]) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Add an array of objects to the selection. the model should
highlight the selected objects.
- addSeparator(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a titled separator to the form that spans all columns.
- addSeparator(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a titled separator to the form using the specified constraints.
- addSeparator(String, String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a titled separator to the form using the specified constraints.
- addSeparator(String, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a titled separator to the form that spans the specified columns.
- addSeparator() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a horizontal separator between components.
- addServletInfo(URI, Servlet) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Add a new servlet path to the set of paths of this web application.
- addServletInfo(URI, Servlet) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Add a new servlet path to the set of paths of this web application.
- addShade(String, Component) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Adds a component represented by a title button with no icon.
- addShade(String, Icon, Component) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Adds a component represented by a title and/or icon, either
of which can be null.
- addShade(String, Icon, Component, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Adds a component and tooltip represented by a title and/or icon,
either of which can be null.
- addSlider(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a slider with the specified name, label, default
value, maximum, and minimum.
- addSlider(String, String, int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a slider with the specified name, label, default value,
maximum, minimum, and label texts for the maximum and minimum
slider positions.
- addSocketInfo(URI, Entity) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Add a new socket path to the set of paths of this web application.
- addStandardOptimizations(Pack, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Add transforms corresponding to the standard soot optimizations
to the given pack.
- addStateSpaceVariablesToContainer() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModelAttributes
Add the state space variables defined in the scope of this decorator to the
container Actor.
- addStr(String) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMList
- addStrAttr(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMObject
- addStrut(ConstantSize) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds a strut of a specified size.
- addStrut(ConstantSize) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonStackBuilder
Adds a strut of a specified size.
- addStyledEntry(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Add a new entry to this query that represents the given attribute.
- addSubscriber(WebSocketService) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpoint
Add a subscriber to this endpoint.
- AddSubtract - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic adder/subtractor.
- AddSubtract(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- AddSubtract - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the sum of all the inputs at the plus port minus the inputs at the
minus port.
- AddSubtract(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.AddSubtract
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AddSubtract - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract.
- AddSubtract(AddSubtract) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Construct an AddSubtract adapter.
- AddSubtract - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract.
- AddSubtract(AddSubtract) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Construct a AddSubtract adapter.
- AddSubtract - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract.
- AddSubtract(AddSubtract) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Construct a AddSubtract adapter.
- AddSubtract - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib
The default adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract.
- AddSubtract(LatticeOntologySolver, AddSubtract) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Construct a default lattice ontology adapter for the AddSubtract actor.
- AddSubtractAll - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib
Add/subtract the values of all tokens present on the input channels
(in contrast to one token per channel in the AddSubtract class).
- AddSubtractAll(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.AddSubtractAll
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- addSymbol(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add a symbol with the given name and type to the symbol table
at the current level of the if-tree hierarchy.
- addSymbol(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Add a symbol to the scope of this if statement.
- addSymbol(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Add a symbol to the scope of this if statement.
- addSymbol(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Add a symbol with the given name and type to the symbol table at the
current level of the if-tree hierarchy.
- addTab(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Add a tab to the screen with the given name.
- addTab(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Add a tab to the screen with the given name and tag.
- addTab(ComponentEntity, String, String, ContentPrototype) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Add a tab with the provided parameters.
- addTab(ComponentEntity, String, String, ContentPrototype) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Add a new content area to the MultiContent with a specific content.
- addTab(ComponentEntity, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Add a new content area to the MultiContent.
- addTab(ComponentEntity, String, ContentPrototype) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Add a new content area to the MultiContent.
- addTab(ComponentEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Add a new content area to the MultiContent.
- addTerminal(Terminal, int, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Add the given terminal, on the given side and with the given
offset, to the icon.
- addText(String, Color, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Add text to the query.
- addTextArea(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a text area.
- addTextArea(String, String, String, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a text area.
- addTextArea(String, String, String, Color, Color, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a text area with the specified height and width (in
- addThread(Thread) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Notify this director that the specified thread is part of
the execution of this model.
- addTitle(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a title label to the form using the default constraints.
- addTitle(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a title label to the form using the specified constraints.
- addTitle(String, String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Adds a title label to the form using the specified constraints.
- addTo(Vec, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- addTo(Vec, double, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- addTo(Vec, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- addTo(Vec, double, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- addTo(Vec, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Add this vector (scaled) to another vector.
- addTo(Vec, double, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
- addToContainer(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.AttributeElement
Add the visual representation of the element to the provided
- addToContainer(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.EntityElement
Create a representation and add it to the passed container.
- addToContainer(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerWidgetElement
It's normally used to add the visual representation of the element to the
provided container.
- addToContainer(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.PositionableElement
Add the visual representation of the element to the provided
- addToContainerComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- addToContainerLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- addTokenLocal(Body, String, SootClass, SootMethod, Value) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- addTokenLocalBefore(Body, Unit, String, SootClass, SootMethod, Value) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- addTokenLocalBefore(Body, Unit, String, SootClass, SootMethod, List) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- addTokens(OptimalScheduleFinder._State, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Add new tokens into the channel.
- addToLibrary(Unit) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Add a unit to the Library.
- addToLists(Hashtable<K, List<V>>, K, V) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Given a table of lists, add a value to the list associated with a key.
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController
Add commands to the specified menu and toolbar, as appropriate
for this controller.
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Add commands to the specified menu and toolbar, as appropriate
for this controller.
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
Add execution commands to the toolbar.
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconGraphController
Add hot key for look inside.
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphController
Add commands to the specified menu and toolbar, as appropriate for this
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphController
Add commands to the specified menu and toolbar, as appropriate
for this controller.
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphController
Add commands to the specified menu and toolbar, as appropriate
for this controller.
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
Add commands to the specified menu and toolbar, as appropriate
for this controller.
- addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu, JToolBar) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphController
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add the action to the given toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon, boolean) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, String) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon, String) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon, String, boolean) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
- addTransform(Pack, String, Transformer, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Add a new transform to the given pack, dealing properly with
options specified in the transformer.
- addTransform(Pack, String, Transformer) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Add a new transform to the given pack, dealing properly with
options specified in the transformer.
- addTransformationListener(TransformationListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Add a TransformationListener to listen to the transformation.
- addTransforms() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.Main
Add transforms to the Scene.
- addTransforms() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Add transforms to the Scene.
- addTransforms() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.Main
Add transforms to the Scene.
- addTransparentRelation(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Add a transparent relation to the PtalonActor with the
specified name.
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Add a listener to this model.
- addType(Type, String, Class) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Specify that the given type, with the given name, is implemented
by the specified token class.
- addTypedRenderer(Class, NodeRenderer) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.TypedNodeRenderer
Add a renderer which is invoked when the rendered node's
semantic object is an instance of the given class.
- addTypeListener(TypeListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Add a type listener to this port.
- addUnchecked(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Add the specified double to this time without checking whether the
specified double is too large to ensure the time resolution of the
- addUnitsArray(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Add the given unit arrays, and return the result in a new
- addUnitTerm(UnitTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
Add a UnitTerm to the expression.
- addUnknownLeftSide(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Add the unknown left side to this actor declaration.
- addUnrelatedGap() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Adds the standard gap for unrelated components.
- addUnrelatedGap() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonStackBuilder
Adds the standard gap for unrelated components.
- addValue(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Add more value for OR relationship to this attribute.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
This method has to be implemented for the AbstractSettableAttribute
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this variable changes.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Add the specified ValueListener.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Add value listener.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this attribute changes.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this attribute changes.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this settable
object changes.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this attribute changes.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this attribute changes.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this attribute changes.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this settable
object changes.
- addValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Add a listener to be notified when the value of this settable
object changes.
- addVariable(String, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.PtalonExpressionScope
Add the specified variable with the given value.
- addVariable(String, Type) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Add a variable to the current scope.
- addView(View) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a view to the application and notify view
- addView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Add a view to the list of views currently known by
this application.
- addView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplication
- addViewListener(ListDataListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a view listener to this application.
- addViewListener(ViewListener) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Add a view listener to this frame.
- addViewListener(ViewListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Add a view listener to this frame.
- addViewListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Add a view listener to this application.
- addVisualNamedObject(String, HomerWidgetElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Add a visual NamedObj item to the panel.
- addVisualNamedObject(TabScenePanel, NamedObj, Dimension, Point) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Add a visual NamedObj item to the panel.
- addXTick(String, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify a tick mark for the X axis.
- addXTick(String, double) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Specify a tick mark for the X axis.
- addYTick(String, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify a tick mark for the Y axis.
- addYTick(String, double) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Specify a tick mark for the Y axis.
- adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
- adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
- adjustEditable(Settable, Component) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Adjust the editability of the component depending on
whether the attribute has Settable.NOT_EDITABLE
visibility and if the _exportMode attribute is set
in the container.
- adjustFileMenu() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Allow subclasses to adjust the file menu after packing.
- adjustFileMenu() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorForStringAttributes
Adjust the file menu so that only relevant items appear.
- adjustWeight(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Particle
Adjust the weight.
- advance() - Method in class diva.util.FilteredArrayIterator
Advance the next index to the next non-null element.
- advance() - Method in class diva.util.NullArrayIterator
Advance the next index to the next non-null element.
- advance(Time, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.continuous.Advanceable
Advance to the specified time.
- advance(Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Advance to the specified time.
- Advanceable - Interface in ptolemy.actor.continuous
Interface for actors and directors that, unlike native Ptolemy II actors, do not
proactively notify their director (using fireAt()) of events in the
future that they might produce, but which may, nevertheless, require
execution at some future time.
- AdvancedSimpleSearchFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
The simple search frame to be opened in the advanced DB search window.
- AdvancedSimpleSearchFrame(JFrame) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.AdvancedSimpleSearchFrame
Construct the AdvancedSimpleSearchFrame.
- advanceToTime(Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Advance simulation time to the specified time.
- AFDXESs - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect
- AFDXESs(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Construct a AFDXESs with a name and a container.
- AFDXESs.AFDXESsAttributes - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect
The attributes configured per port which is mediated by a
- AFDXESsAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs.AFDXESsAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- AFDXESsAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs.AFDXESsAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- AFDXSwitch - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect
- AFDXSwitch(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Construct a Bus with a name and a container.
- AFDXSwitch.AfdxSwitchAttributes - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect
The attributes configured per port which is mediated by a
- AfdxSwitchAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch.AfdxSwitchAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- AfdxSwitchAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch.AfdxSwitchAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- AFDXVlink - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect
This java object implements a virtual-link which belongs to the end-system
of an AFDX Network.
- AFDXVlink(Receiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Create a new virtual link object and initialize parameters.
- AFDXVlink(String, Double, int, String, Actor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
- affectsEnablement(IPreferenceStore, PropertyChangeEvent) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings
Test whether the event in store affects the enablement of semantic
- affineMatrix - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIAffineTransform
The affine transformation matrix.
- AFTEDiscriminant - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib
This actor calculates the Auditory Filterbank Temporal Envelope (AFTE)
features of a given audio signal.
- AFTEDiscriminant(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEDiscriminant
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AFTEFast - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib
This actor calculates the Auditory Filterbank Temporal Envelope (AFTE)
features of a given audio signal.
- AFTEFast(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AFTER_FIRE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
This type of event is published after a fire method is called.
- AFTER_ITERATE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
This type of event is published after an iterate method is called.
- AFTER_POSTFIRE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
This type of event is published after a postfire method is called.
- AFTER_PREFIRE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
This type of event is published after a prefire method is called.
- AFTER_RW_FIRE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
The type of event published as part of the Kepler sql actor.
- afterClass() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoTests
If the VertxHelperBase class is present, then invoke the
closeVertx() method so that this process does not wait around
for the Vert.x threads.
- AFTERMODESWITCH - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
If a mode switch is not taken, this is the next action.
- AFTERTASKOUTPUTS - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
The action after a task is output.
- afterTraverse(TypeAnalyzer, CompilationUnit) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentRule
Execute actions after the AST is traversed.
- afterTraverse(TypeAnalyzer, CompilationUnit) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.PackageRule
Rename the occurance of package names after the AST is traversed.
- afterTraverse(TypeAnalyzer, CompilationUnit) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.TransformRule
- Airport - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.lib
This actor receives a record token which shows an airplane decides to fly.
- Airport(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Airport
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- airportId - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Airport
The airport Id.
- airportId - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.DestinationAirport
The id of the airport, which defaults to -1.
- alarmExit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- alarmP - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- AlgebraicLoopDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel
A director for solving algebraic loops.
- AlgebraicLoopDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver - Class in ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel
A class for solving algebraic loops.
- AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy - Class in ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel
Class for solving algebraic loops using a homotopy method.
- AlgebraicLoopDirector.NewtonRaphson - Class in ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel
Class for solving algebraic loops using the Newton-Raphson method.
- AlgebraicLoopDirector.SuccessiveSubstitution - Class in ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel
Class for solving algebraic loops using the su method.
- AlgebraicLoopReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel
The receiver for use with AlgebraicLoopDirector or any of its subclasses.
- AlgebraicLoopReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopReceiver
Construct an AlgebraicLoopReceiver with unknown status.
- AlgebraicLoopReceiver(AlgebraicLoopDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopReceiver
Construct an AlgebraicLoopReceiver with unknown status.
- AlgebraicLoopScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel
A scheduler for the AlgebraicLoopDirector.
- AlgebraicLoopScheduler(StaticSchedulingDirector, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- AlgebraicLoopSolver(String[], double[], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Construct an algebraic loop solver.
- algorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
Specify the algorithm to be used to process data.
- algorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
Specify the algorithm to be used to process data.
- algorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
The cryptography algorithm to be used for this actor.
- Algorithms - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning
Algorithms class.
- Algorithms() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.Algorithms
- alias - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The value of the alias xml attribute.
- alias - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The alias of the certificate that we are looking for.
- AliasAnalysis - Interface in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
An analysis that maps each local and field to the set of locals and
fields that alias that value.
- AliasHandler - Interface in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
- align(Token[], Time) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Given an array of Tokens and a time, align them by
extrapolating all tokens that are instances of
SmoothToken to that time, and returning
an array of tokens with the extrapolated values and derivatives.
- align(Token[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Given an array of Tokens, align them by finding the maximum time
of all the tokens, extrapolating all tokens that are instances of
SmoothToken to that time, and returning
an array of tokens with the extrapolated values and derivatives.
- align(SmoothToken, SmoothToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Given two SmoothTokens, align them by finding the maximum time
of the tokens, extrapolating the other token to that time, and returning
an array of tokens with the extrapolated values and derivatives.
- Align - Class in ptolemy.domains.qss.lib
- Align(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.Align
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- alignment - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
The alignment of the text.
- All - Class in diva.canvas.test
All the tests in this directory.
- All(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.All
- All - Class in diva.graph.test
All the tests in this directory.
- All(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.graph.test.All
- All - Class in diva.util.test
All the tests in this directory.
- All(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.util.test.All
- allAtomicEntityList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return a list that consists of all the atomic entities in a model.
- allAttributeNamesSet() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get an indication if all attributes in the panel have names.
- allAttributeNamesSet() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesSearchListPanel
Get an indication if all attributes in the panel have names.
- allAttributeValuesSet() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get an indication if all attributes in the panel have values.
- ALLCHANNELS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
The token was broadcast on all channels.
- AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
An analyzer used to find the longest path from a single source.
- AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy(Graph, Node, ToDoubleMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy
Construct an instance of this analyzer.
- allFilters() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.BackwardCompatibility
Return a shallow copy of the list where each element of the
list is a MoMLFilter to be applied to handle backward
- Alloc - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib
An actor that allocates room for Tokens in a (shared) memory.
- Alloc(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Alloc
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- allocate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Memory
Allocate a slot in the memory (currently at the end).
- allocateMemory - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CallbackFunctions
C type : fmiCallbackAllocateMemory.
- allocateMemory - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICallbackFunctions
C type : fmiCallbackAllocateMemory.
- allocCopy(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a copy of the matrix argument.
- allocCopy(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is a copy of the array argument.
- allocCopy(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a copy of the matrix argument.
- allocCopy(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a copy of the matrix argument.
- allocCopy(Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is a copy of the array argument.
- allocCopy(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a copy of the matrix argument.
- allocCopy(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is a copy of the array argument.
- allocCopy(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a copy of the matrix argument.
- allocCopy(long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is a copy of the array argument.
- allocCopy(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a copy of the matrix argument.
- allowDisconnectedGraphs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
A parameter representing whether disconnected graphs are
- allowDuplicates - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArraySort
Tells the actor whether or not to remove duplicate elements.
- allowDynamicMultiportReference() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Return whether the channels in multiports can be dynamically
referenced using the $ref macro.
- allowDynamicMultiportReference() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Return whether the channels in multiports can be dynamically
referenced using the $ref macro.
- allowDynamicMultiportReference - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirectorAttributes
Indicator of whether to allow dynamic multiport references.
- allowDynamicMultiportReference() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return whether the channels in multiports can be dynamically
referenced using the $ref macro.
- allowEmptyDirectory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
If true, and directoryOrURL refers to a local directory
(not a URL), that is empty, then the output will be empty
string array and no exception is reported.
- allowLevelCrossingConnect(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Allow or disallow connections that are created using the connect()
method to cross levels of the hierarchy.
- allowPDV - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
A Boolean to enable/disable packet-length dependent input delay.
- allowPriority - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
A Boolean to enable/disable priority dependent input delay.
- allowRateChanges - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
A parameter representing whether dynamic rate changes are
- allowRuntimeChanges - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
If true, then changes to parameter values can be made during
execution of the model.
- AllPairShortestPathAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
An analysis to compute of the all pair shortest path of a directed graph.
- AllPairShortestPathAnalysis(Graph, ToDoubleMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.AllPairShortestPathAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with a default analyzer.
- AllPairShortestPathAnalysis(AllPairShortestPathAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.AllPairShortestPathAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with a given analyzer.
- AllPairShortestPathAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
An interface for all the analyzers that compute the all pair shortest path of
a directed graph.
- allThreadGroups() - Static method in class util.testsuite.PrintThreads
Return a String containing all the ThreadGroups in the JVM
that are descendents of the root ThreadGroup.
- allThreads(boolean) - Static method in class util.testsuite.PrintThreads
Return a string containing all the threads in the JVM
who are members of ThreadGroups which are descendants of the
root ThreadGroup.
- alpha - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Whether to convolve alpha.
- ALPHA - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- alpha - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- alpha - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBeta
- alpha - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtGamma
The mean, or alpha.
- ALPHA_TO_GRAY - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- alphabet - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
The alphabet of the input.
- AlphabetizeOperation - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.type
A utility class for alphabetizing code blocks in a code template file.
- AlphabetizeOperation() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.type.AlphabetizeOperation
- alternate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Default
The alternate input port.
- alternateDelete(Object[], AbstractBasicGraphModel, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrameExtension
Delete the Ptolemy objects represented by the selection.
- alternatePaste(NamedObj, StringBuffer) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrameExtension
Paste the Ptolemy objects represented by the value of the
moml argument into the container.
- alternatePasteMomlModification(NamedObj, StringBuffer) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrameExtension
Paste the Ptolemy objects represented by the value of the
moml argument into the container.
- alternateSelectionFilter - Static variable in class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
The alternate selection filter -- accepts button 1 with shift.
- alternateSelectionFilter - Static variable in class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
The alternate selection filter -- accepts button 1 with shift.
- alwaysFlush - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
If true, flush output after each line is written.
- alwaysOnTop - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
Whether the tableau should be always on top.
- AMBIENT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- ambientIntensity - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- AmbientLight() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.AmbientLight
- amount - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- amount - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.SaturationFilter
- amount - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- AMP - Static variable in class org.json.XML
The Character '&'.
- Analysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
A base class for analyses on graphs.
- Analysis(GraphAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.Analysis
Construct an analysis using a given analyzer.
- AnalysisException - Exception in ptolemy.graph.analysis
Base exception for non-checked exceptions in the analyses package.
- AnalysisException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.analysis.AnalysisException
The default constructor without arguments.
- AnalysisException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.analysis.AnalysisException
Constructor with a text description as argument.
- AnalysisException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.analysis.AnalysisException
Constructor with a text description and cause as argument.
- AnalyzeExceptionAttribute - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
An extension of CatchExceptionAttribute, this attribute catches exceptions and
offers ontology analysis.
- AnalyzeExceptionAttribute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.AnalyzeExceptionAttribute
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- analyzer() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.Analysis
Return the analyzer associated with this analysis class.
- Analyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
A base interface for all the analyzers.
- analyzeTypeConvert() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
For each actor in this typed composite actor, determine which ports
need type conversion.
- analyzeTypeConvert() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Find out each output port that needs to be converted for the
actor associated with this adapter.
- anchor - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
Indication of which point of the text should be aligned to the
- anchorX - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
The X coordinate of the point the figure is to be rotated about.
- anchorY - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
The Y coordinate of the point the figure is to be rotated about.
- and(BooleanToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return a new token whose value is the logical AND of the value
of this token and the the value of the argument token.
- AND - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- AND_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The string name of the attribute that defines the logical and
concept function for this ontology solver.
- angle - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- angle - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- angle(Vector3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Vector3f
- angle - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.CartesianToPolar
The angle component of the output pair, which has type DoubleToken.
- angle - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToPolar
The output port for the angle component, which has type DoubleToken.
- angle - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToCartesian
The input port for the angle component (in radians), which has type
- angle - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToComplex
The input port for the angle component (in radians), which has
type DoubleToken.
- angle - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
The amount of rotation during firing.
- angle() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the angle or argument of this complex number.
- angle(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the angle or argument of this complex number.
- angleAxisToQuat(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- angleAxisToQuat(double, double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- angleCoefficient - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- angleSpan - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.CircularSweep3D
The span of sweep angle.
- angleSpan - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Torus3D
The span of torus sweep angle
This parameter should contain a DoubleToken.
- angleType - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
How the angle is specified.
- angular - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D
- AnimationRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
An implementation of a selection renderer that is used for animation.
- AnimationRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Create a new selection renderer with the default prototype
- AnimationRenderer(Color) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Create a new selection renderer with the default prototype
decorator using the specified color.
- AnimationRenderer(Color, float) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Create a new selection renderer with the default prototype
decorator using the specified color and halo size.
- AnimationRenderer(Color, Stroke) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Create a new selection renderer with the default prototype
decorator using the specified color and stroke.
- AnimationRenderer(FigureDecorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Create a new renderer with the given prototype decorator.
- AnnotateFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image.svg
An image filter that overlays SVG graphics.
- AnnotateFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
- annotateGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
Annotates the model so that when it is displayed it will be color coded
and have tooltips that will convey various aspects of the solution.
- annotation - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
An annotation that describes the transition.
- annotation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
An annotation that describes the transition.
- AnnotationEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
- AnnotationEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AnnotationEditorFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- AnnotationEditorFactory.AnnotationTextEditor - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A text widget for editing textual annotations (which are
visible attributes).
- AnnotationTextEditor(JTextArea) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AnnotationEditorFactory.AnnotationTextEditor
Create an annotation text editor.
- AnythingToDouble - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
- AnythingToDouble(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.AnythingToDouble
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- APOS - Static variable in class org.json.XML
The Character '''.
- AppContext - Interface in diva.gui
A context for either an application or an applet
that wants to use the diva.gui infrastructure.
- AppContextDelegate - Class in diva.gui
This class provides basic support for an instance of AppContext which
delegates its operation to one of the basic AppContexts (usually an
AppContext or an ApplicationContext.)
- AppContextDelegate(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Create a new app context that delegates to the given context.
- appearanceCount(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
The number of times the given firing element appears in the
- append(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a component to the panel using the default constraints
with a column span of 1.
- append(Component, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a component to the panel using the default constraints with
the given columnSpan.
- append(Component, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds two components to the panel; each component will span a single
data column.
- append(Component, Component, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds three components to the panel; each component will span a single
data column.
- append(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a text label to the panel and proceeds to the next column.
- append(String, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a text label and component to the panel.
- append(String, Component, boolean) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a text label and component to the panel; the component will span
the specified number columns.
- append(String, Component, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a text label and component to the panel; the component will span
the specified number columns.
- append(String, Component, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a text label and two components to the panel; each component
will span a single column.
- append(String, Component, Component, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a text label and two components to the panel; each component
will span a single column.
- append(String, Component, Component, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a text label and three components to the panel; each component
will span a single column.
- append(String, Component, Component, Component, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a text label and four components to the panel; each component
will span a single column.
- append(String, String) - Method in class doc.doclets.PtIndexer
Append all the words to the dictionary.
- append(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Append values to the array under a key.
- append(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau
Display the specified token.
- append(List) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau
Display the specified tokens.
- append(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy
Append the specified token to the token array associated with this
- append(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau
Append the specified token to the display.
- append(List) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau
Append the specified tokens to the display.
- append(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Display the specified token.
- append(List) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Display the specified tokens.
- append - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
If true, then append to the specified file.
- append(byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper.ByteArrayBackedInputStream
Append to the input stream.
- append(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append the contents of the given String to this code stream.
- append(ArrayToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Append the given array to the end of this array, and return the
resulting array.
- append(ArrayToken[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Append the given arrays.
- append(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CATableau
In this class, do nothing because the CADirector communicates
with the CAViewer directly.
- append(List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CATableau
In this class, do nothing because the CADirector communicates
with the CAViewer directly.
- append(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Add an element to the end of the list.
- append(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending array2
to the end of array1.
- append(Complex[], int, int, Complex[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending
length2 elements of array2, starting from the
idx2th element, to length1 elements of
array1, starting from the idx1th element.
- append(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending array2 to the end
of array1.
- append(double[], int, int, double[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending length2
elements of array2, starting from the array2[idx2] to length1
elements of array1, starting from array1[idx1].
- append(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending array2 to the end
of array1.
- append(float[], int, int, float[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending length2
elements of array2, starting from the array1[idx2] to length1
elements of array1, starting from array1[idx1].
- append(Fraction[], Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending array2 to the end
of array1.
- append(Fraction[], int, int, Fraction[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending length2
elements of array2, starting from the array2[idx2] to length1
elements of array1, starting from array1[idx1].
- append(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending array2 to the end
of array1.
- append(int[], int, int, int[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending length2
elements of array2, starting from the array1[idx2] to length1
elements of array1, starting from array1[idx1].
- append(long[], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending array2 to the end
of array1.
- append(long[], int, int, long[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of appending length2
elements of array2, starting from the array1[idx2] to length1
elements of array1, starting from array1[idx1].
- appendClosingUndoMoML(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Append some MoML to be appended after the undo MoML for child nodes.
- appendCodeBlock(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append the code block specified the given block name.
- appendCodeBlock(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append the code block specified the given block name.
- appendCodeBlock(String, boolean, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append the code block specified the given block name.
- appendCodeBlock(String, List<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append the specific code block with an array of arguments and
substitute each argument with the parameters of the code block in
the order listed in the given arguments array list.
- appendCodeBlock(String, List<String>, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append the specific code block with an array of arguments and
substitute each argument with the parameters of the code block in
the order listed in the given arguments array list.
- appendCodeBlock(String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append the specific code block with an array of arguments and
substitute each argument with the parameters of the code block in
the order listed in the given arguments array list.
- appendCodeBlock(String, List<String>, boolean, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append the specific code block with an array of arguments and
substitute each argument with the parameters of the code block in
the order listed in the given arguments array list.
- appendCodeBlocks(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Append multiple code blocks whose names match the given regular
- appendColumn(ColumnSpec) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends the given column specification to the builder's layout.
- appendColumn(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a column specification to the builder's layout
that represents the given string encoding.
- appendColumn(ColumnSpec) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Appends the given column specification to the right hand side of all
- appendConstraint(PointConstraint) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Append a constraint to the list of constraints on
this interactor.
- appendGlueColumn() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a glue column.
- appendGlueRow() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a glue row.
- appendI15d(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) text label to the panel using
the given resource key and proceeds to the next column.
- appendI15d(String, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) text label and component
to the panel.
- appendI15d(String, Component, boolean) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) text label and component
to the panel.
- appendI15d(String, Component, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) text label to the panel using
the given resource key; then proceeds to the next data column
and adds a component with the given column span.
- appendI15d(String, Component, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) text label and two components
to the panel; each component will span a single column.
- appendI15d(String, Component, Component, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) text label and two components
to the panel; each component will span a single column.
- appendI15d(String, Component, Component, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) text label and three components
to the panel; each component will span a single column.
- appendI15d(String, Component, Component, Component, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized (i15d) text label and four components
to the panel; each component will span a single column.
- appendI15dSeparator(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Appends an internationalized titled separator for
the given resource key that spans all columns.
- appendI15dTitle(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds an internationalized title label to the panel and
proceeds to the next column.
- appendJTextArea(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Append the text message to the JTextArea and include a trailing
- appendJTextArea(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Append the specified text to the JTextArea and
update the prompt cursor.
- appendLabelComponentsGapColumn() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a column that is the default gap between a label and
its associated component.
- appendMoMLDescription(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLAttribute
Append to the MoML description of this object.
- appendParagraphGapRow() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a row that is the default gap for paragraphs.
- appendPCData(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Add the String to the end of the current PCDATA for this element.
- appendRelatedComponentsGapColumn() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a column that is the default gap for related components.
- appendRelatedComponentsGapRow() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a row that is the default gap for related components.
- appendRow(RowSpec) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends the given row specification to the builder's layout.
- appendRow(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a row specification to the builder's layout that represents
the given string encoding.
- appendRow(RowSpec) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Appends the given row specification to the bottom of all rows.
- appendSeparator() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a separator without text that spans all columns.
- appendSeparator(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a separator with the given text that spans all columns.
- appendText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.textDisplay.TextDisplayHelper
Append to any text already displayed starting on a new line.
- appendText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UserDialog
Append the specified text to the response text area with a newline at the end.
- appendTitle(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Adds a title label to the panel and proceeds to the next column.
- appendToPath(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Append to the path of the subprocess.
- appendToPath(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Append to the path of the subprocess.
- appendToPath(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Append to the path of the subprocess.
- appendToWebAttribute(NamedObj, String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebAttribute
Factory method for creating WebAttributes that appends to the
attribute if it already exists and does not have the specified
- appendUndoMoML(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Append some MoML to the current buffer.
- appendUnrelatedComponentsGapColumn() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a column that is the default gap for unrelated components.
- appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Appends a row that is the default gap for unrelated components.
- AppletContext - Class in diva.gui
A context for an applet in the diva.gui infrastructure.
- AppletContext() - Constructor for class diva.gui.AppletContext
Create a new context and set the exit action to do nothing.
- AppletTutorial - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
A graph editor that runs as an applet.
- AppletTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.AppletTutorial
- AppletWriter - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.applet
A transformer that writes an applet version of a model.
- Application - Interface in diva.gui
Application is an interface that captures the notion of a graphical
- ApplicationConfigurer - Interface in ptolemy.actor
A marker interface indicating that a class is used to configure
a Ptolemy IIapplication.
- ApplicationContext - Class in diva.gui
A context for an application in the diva.gui infrastructure.
- ApplicationContext() - Constructor for class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Create a new ApplicationContext.
- ApplicationExceptionHandler - Class in diva.gui
This class makes it easy for an application to trap exceptions in AWT
event handlers.
- ApplicationExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class diva.gui.ApplicationExceptionHandler
- applicationPath - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
The URL prefix to map this model to.
- applicationPath - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
The URL prefix to map this model to.
- ApplicationResources - Class in diva.gui
- ApplicationResources() - Constructor for class diva.gui.ApplicationResources
Create a new ApplicationResources object containing
the default Diva GUI resources.
- ApplicationResources(String, Class, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class diva.gui.ApplicationResources
Create a new ApplicationResources object using the given basename,
with the given class as the loader for URL-based resources, and with the
given ResourceBundle as the one that gets overridden.
- ApplicationTutorial - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
A simple text editor.
- ApplicationTutorial(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.ApplicationTutorial
- apply(JCanvas) - Method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Tell the damage region to inflict itself on the given
- apply(NativeSizeT, NativeSizeT) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMICallbackAllocateMemory
Invoke the fmiCallbackAllocateMemory() function.
- apply(Pointer) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMICallbackFreeMemory
Free the object.
- apply(Pointer, String, int, String, String) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMICallbackLogger
Invoke the fmiCallbackLogger() function.
- apply(Pointer, int) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStepFinished
The step has finished.
- apply(NativeSizeT, NativeSizeT) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMUAllocateMemory
Allocate memory.
- apply(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMUFreeMemory
Free memory.
- apply(Pointer, String, int, String, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMULogger
Log a message.
- apply(Pointer, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMUStepFinished
The step is finished.
- apply(Token[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle.ChordFunction
- apply() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurer
Apply the changes by configuring the ports that have changed.
- apply() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RenameConfigurer
Apply the changes by renaming the object.
- apply(Token[]) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtCalFunction
Apply tokens arguments to the function.
- apply(Token[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ExpressionFunction
Apply the function to the list of arguments, which are tokens.
- apply(Token[]) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.Function
Apply the function to the list of arguments, which are tokens.
- apply(Token[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Apply this function to the given list of arguments.
- apply() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
Apply currently specified values to the associated plot.
- apply() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.BreakpointConfigurer
Set up and save the new breakpoint configuration for this actor.
- apply() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- Apply_Filter(int, int, float[], int, float[], int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- Apply_Filter(int, int, float[], int, float[], int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ApplyBinaryFunctionToMultipleArguments - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A concept function that applies a binary concept function to multiple
arguments in sequence.
- ApplyBinaryFunctionToMultipleArguments(String, Ontology, ConceptFunction) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ApplyBinaryFunctionToMultipleArguments
Create a new ApplyBinaryFunctionToMultipleArguments concept function
for the specified binary concept function and ontology.
- applyBinaryOperation(ComplexBinaryOperation, Complex, Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
ComplexBinaryOperation to each element in the input array,
using z as the left argument to op in all cases and
the array elements as the right arguments (op.operate(z, array[i])).
- applyBinaryOperation(ComplexBinaryOperation, Complex[], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
ComplexBinaryOperation to each element in the input array,
using z as the right operand in all cases and the array elements
as the left operands (op.operate(array[i], z)).
- applyBinaryOperation(ComplexBinaryOperation, Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
ComplexBinaryOperation to the two arrays, element by element,
using the elements of the first array as the left operands and the
elements of the second array as the right operands.
- applyBinaryOperation(ComplexBinaryOperation, Complex, Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by applying an instance of
a ComplexBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using z as the left argument in all cases and the
matrix elements as the right arguments (z,
- applyBinaryOperation(ComplexBinaryOperation, Complex[][], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by applying an instance of
a ComplexBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using z as the right argument in all cases and the
matrix elements as the left arguments
(op.operate(matrix[i][j], z)).
- applyBinaryOperation(ComplexBinaryOperation, Complex[][], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by applying an instance of a
ComplexBinaryOperation to the two matrices, element by element,
using the elements of the first matrix as the left operands and the
elements of the second matrix as the right operands.
- applyBinaryOperation(DoubleBinaryOperation, double[], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
DoubleBinaryOperation to each element in the input array
and z, using the array elements as the left operands and z
as the right operand in all cases.
- applyBinaryOperation(DoubleBinaryOperation, double, double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
DoubleBinaryOperation to each element in the input array,
using z as the left operand in all cases and the array elements
as the right operands (op.operate(z, array[i])).
- applyBinaryOperation(DoubleBinaryOperation, double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
DoubleBinaryOperation to the two arrays, element by element,
using the elements of the first array as the left operands and the
elements of the second array as the right operands.
- applyBinaryOperation(DoubleBinaryOperation, double, double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
DoubleBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using z as the left operand in all cases and the matrix elements
as the right operands (op.operate(z, matrix[i][j])).
- applyBinaryOperation(DoubleBinaryOperation, double[][], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
DoubleBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using the matrix elements as the left operands and z as the right
operand in all cases (op.operate(matrix[i][j], z)).
- applyBinaryOperation(DoubleBinaryOperation, double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
DoubleBinaryOperation to the two matrices, element by element,
using the elements of the first matrix as the left operands
and the elements of the second matrix as the right operands.
- applyBinaryOperation(FloatBinaryOperation, float[], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
FloatBinaryOperation to each element in the input array
and z, using the array elements as the left operands and z
as the right operand in all cases.
- applyBinaryOperation(FloatBinaryOperation, float, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
FloatBinaryOperation to each element in the input array,
using z as the left operand in all cases and the array elements
as the right operands (op.operate(z, array[i])).
- applyBinaryOperation(FloatBinaryOperation, float[], float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
FloatBinaryOperation to the two arrays, element by element,
using the elements of the first array as the left operands and the
elements of the second array as the right operands.
- applyBinaryOperation(FloatBinaryOperation, float, float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
FloatBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using z as the left operand in all cases and the matrix elements
as the right operands (op.operate(z, matrix[i][j])).
- applyBinaryOperation(FloatBinaryOperation, float[][], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
FloatBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using the matrix elements as the left operands and z as the right
operand in all cases (op.operate(matrix[i][j], z)).
- applyBinaryOperation(FloatBinaryOperation, float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
FloatBinaryOperation to the two matrices, element by element,
using the elements of the first matrix as the left operands
and the elements of the second matrix as the right operands.
- applyBinaryOperation(IntegerBinaryOperation, int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
IntegerBinaryOperation to each element in the input array
and z, using the array elements as the left operands and z
as the right operand in all cases.
- applyBinaryOperation(IntegerBinaryOperation, int, int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
IntegerBinaryOperation to each element in the input array,
using z as the left operand in all cases and the array elements
as the right operands (op.operate(z, array[i])).
- applyBinaryOperation(IntegerBinaryOperation, int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
IntegerBinaryOperation to the two arrays, element by element,
using the elements of the first array as the left operands and the
elements of the second array as the right operands.
- applyBinaryOperation(IntegerBinaryOperation, int, int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
IntegerBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using z as the left operand in all cases and the matrix elements
as the right operands (op.operate(z, matrix[i][j])).
- applyBinaryOperation(IntegerBinaryOperation, int[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
IntegerBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using the matrix elements as the left operands and z as the right
operand in all cases (op.operate(matrix[i][j], z)).
- applyBinaryOperation(IntegerBinaryOperation, int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
IntegerBinaryOperation to the two matrices, element by
element, using the elements of the first matrix as the left
operands and the elements of the second matrix as the right
- applyBinaryOperation(LongBinaryOperation, long[], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
LongBinaryOperation to each element in the input array
and z, using the array elements as the left operands and z
as the right operand in all cases.
- applyBinaryOperation(LongBinaryOperation, long, long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
LongBinaryOperation to each element in the input array,
using z as the left operand in all cases and the array elements
as the right operands (op.operate(z, array[i])).
- applyBinaryOperation(LongBinaryOperation, long[], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
LongBinaryOperation to the two arrays, element by element,
using the elements of the first array as the left operands and the
elements of the second array as the right operands.
- applyBinaryOperation(LongBinaryOperation, long, long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
LongBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using z as the left operand in all cases and the matrix elements
as the right operands (op.operate(z, matrix[i][j])).
- applyBinaryOperation(LongBinaryOperation, long[][], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
LongBinaryOperation to each element in the input matrix,
using the matrix elements as the left operands and z as the right
operand in all cases (op.operate(matrix[i][j], z)).
- applyBinaryOperation(LongBinaryOperation, long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
LongBinaryOperation to the two matrices, element by element,
using the elements of the first matrix as the left operands
and the elements of the second matrix as the right operands.
- applyFilter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.AttributeTreeModel
Set the filter applied to the underlying model.
- ApplyFilterOverArray - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is an atomic actor that filters an array received at its
inputArray input port via applying a model specified by a
file or URL.
- ApplyFilterOverArray(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Construct a ApplyFilterOverArray with a name and a container.
- ApplyFunction - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This actor applies a function to its inputs and outputs the
- ApplyFunction(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunction
Construct a ApplyFunction in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- ApplyFunction(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunction
Construct a ApplyFunction with a name and a container.
- ApplyFunctionOverSequence - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
- ApplyFunctionOverSequence(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunctionOverSequence
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- applyLayout(LevelLayout.LevelData, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Place the nodes in the target environment according to their
levels and sorting order which are specified in levelData.
- applyLayout(LevelLayout.LevelData, Object, boolean) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Place the nodes in the target environment according to their
levels and sorting order which are specified in levelData.
- ApplyLayoutRequest - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler
A change request specialized for application of automatically computed layout.
- ApplyLayoutRequest(Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest
Create a request for applying layout.
- ApplyLayoutRequest.ConnectionEntry - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler
An entry that contains data for changing a connection using bend points.
- ApplyLayoutRequest.CurveEntry - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler
An entry that contains data for changing a curve using angular values.
- ApplyLayoutRequest.LocationEntry - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler
An entry that contains data for changing a location.
- ApplyMaskFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which uses the alpha channel of a "mask" image to interpolate between a source and destination image.
- ApplyMaskFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
Construct an ApplyMaskFIlter.
- ApplyMaskFilter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
Construct an ApplyMaskFIlter.
- applyRename(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Used to handle the "rename" element.
- applyTextPresentation(TextPresentation) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
This method is called when a text presentation is about to be applied to
the text viewer.
- applyUnaryOperation(ComplexUnaryOperation, Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
ComplexUnaryOperation to each element in the input array
- applyUnaryOperation(ComplexUnaryOperation, Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by applying an instance of a
ComplexUnaryOperation to each element in the input matrix
- applyUnaryOperation(DoubleUnaryOperation, double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
DoubleUnaryOperation to each element in the input array
- applyUnaryOperation(DoubleUnaryOperation, double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
DoubleUnaryOperation to each element in the input matrix
- applyUnaryOperation(FloatUnaryOperation, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
FloatUnaryOperation to each element in the input array
- applyUnaryOperation(FloatUnaryOperation, float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
FloatUnaryOperation to each element in the input matrix
- applyUnaryOperation(IntegerUnaryOperation, int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
IntegerUnaryOperation to each element in the input array
- applyUnaryOperation(IntegerUnaryOperation, int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
IntegerUnaryOperation to each element in the input matrix
- applyUnaryOperation(LongUnaryOperation, long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
LongUnaryOperation to each element in the input array
- applyUnaryOperation(LongUnaryOperation, long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new array that is formed by applying an instance of a
LongUnaryOperation to each element in the input matrix
- ApproximatedObjectiveFunction - Class in org.ptolemy.optimization
The class of approximated objective function.
- ApproximatedObjectiveFunction(ObjectiveFunction) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.optimization.ApproximatedObjectiveFunction
- AprilTagFilter - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.image
An AprilTag detector image filter.
- AprilTagFilter() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
- AprilTagFilter.GrayModel - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.image
Fits a grayscale model over an area of the form:
Ax + By + Cxy + D = value
We use this model to compute spatially-varying thresholds for
reading bits.
- AprilTagFilter.Quad - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.image
Represents four segments that form a loop, and might be a tag.
- AprilTagFilter.Segment - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.image
Represents a line fit to a set of pixels whose gradients are
- Arc - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
- Arc() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.Arc
- ArcAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is an attribute that is rendered as an ellipse.
- ArcAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArcAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- ArcConnector - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A Connector that draws itself in an arc.
- ArcConnector(Site, Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Create a new arc connector between the given
- arcHeight - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rectangle2D
The height of the arc rounding the rectangle if applicable.
- ArcInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An interactor for dragging either end of an arc connector and for
for altering the shape of the arc by dragging a midpoint grab handle.
- ArcInteractor(ArcManipulator) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcInteractor
Create a new interactor to be used with the given manipulator.
- ArcManipulator - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A manipulator for arc connectors.
- ArcManipulator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcManipulator
Construct a new manipulator that uses rectangular grab-handles.
- ArcManipulator(GrabHandleFactory) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcManipulator
Construct a new manipulator using the given grab-handle factory.
- ArcMidpointSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A concrete implementation of Site that is located in the
center of the bounding box of a figure.
- ArcMidpointSite(ArcConnector, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcMidpointSite
Create a new site on the given arc connector with the given ID.
- ArcModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
- ArcRenderer - Class in diva.graph.basic
An EdgeRenderer that draws arcs.
- ArcRenderer() - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.ArcRenderer
- ArcTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial shows how to use "arc" connectors.
- ArcTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window.
- ArcTutorial.SelfPTarget - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
SelfPTarget is used to find target sites.
- arcWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rectangle2D
The width of the arc rounding the rectangle if applicable.
- areActorElementConstraintsInherited(StringParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorProductLatticeConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Return true if the actor element is set to inherit its constraints from
the tuple ontologies that comprise the product lattice ontology,
false otherwise.
- AreaEventType - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
A parameter used to specify the event type actions associated
with an area in an HTML image map.
- AreaEventType(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.AreaEventType
Create an instance of this parameter.
- areAllTasksAdded() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.TaskQueue
Return true if the task queue has all the required tasks,
else return false.
- areSatisfied(Vector) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitEquation
Return true if the equations are all satisfied.
- areUnitArraysEqual(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Return true if the units of this token are the same as that of the
argument token.
- arg - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser.JJCalls
- arg - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser.JJCalls
- argumentDomainOntologies - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
The parameter that holds the array of strings that name
the domain ontologies for the arguments for the concept function.
- argumentNames - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
The parameter that holds the array of strings that name
the arguments for the concept function.
- arguments - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector.TimedEvent
Arguments to the event.
- arguments - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
The attribute for arguments.
- ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- ARITHMETIC_FACTOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ARITHMETIC_FACTOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ARITHMETIC_FACTOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- array() - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Begin appending a new array.
- array - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayContains
Input array.
- array - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLevelCrossing
The array to search for a threshold crossing.
- array - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayRemoveElement
Input array.
- ARRAY_BOTTOM - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
A term to use when declaring the type of some parameter or port
to be an array.
- ARRAY_BOTTOM - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The bottom element of the array type lattice.
- ARRAY_UNSIZED_BOTTOM - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
A term to use when declaring the type of some parameter or port
to be an array, with unknown length.
- ArrayAccumulate - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that accumulates input arrays into a growing array that
includes the contents of all input arrays.
- ArrayAccumulate(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAccumulate
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayAppend - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that appends ArrayTokens together.
- ArrayAppend(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAppend
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayAsTable(ArrayToken) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable
Construct a table for the specified array to display
all fields in the records contained by the array.
- ArrayAsTable(ArrayToken, ArrayToken) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable
Construct a table for the specified array to display
the fields given by columns of records in the specified
- ArrayAverage - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Compute the average of the elements in an array.
- ArrayAverage(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAverage
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayColormap - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A colormap implemented with an array of colors.
- ArrayColormap() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Construct an all-black colormap.
- ArrayColormap(int[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Construct a colormap with the given map.
- arrayConstruct() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- ArrayContains - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Determine whether an element is contained in an array.
- ArrayContains(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayContains
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- arraycopyMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ArrayElement - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Extract an element from an array.
- ArrayElement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayElement
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayElementAsMatrix - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Extract an element from an array by accessing the array as a matrix.
- ArrayElementAsMatrix(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayElementAsMatrix
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayElementTypeFunction - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class implements a monotonic function that returns the element
type of its argument, if the argument is an array type.
- ArrayElementTypeFunction(Typeable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ArrayElementTypeFunction
Construct a ArrayElementTypeFunction whose argument is the
type of the specified object.
- ArrayExtract - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Extract a subarray from an array.
- ArrayExtract(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayExtract
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayFIFOQueue - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue with variable capacity and optional
- ArrayFIFOQueue() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Construct an empty queue with no container, and an infinite capacity.
- ArrayFIFOQueue(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Construct an empty queue with no container and the given capacity.
- ArrayFIFOQueue(Nameable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Construct an empty queue with the specified container.
- ArrayFIFOQueue(Nameable, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Construct an empty queue with the specified container and the
given size.
- ArrayFIFOQueue(ArrayFIFOQueue) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Copy constructor.
- arrayGetElementMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ArrayIterator - Class in diva.util
An iterator over a given array.
- ArrayIterator(Object[]) - Constructor for class diva.util.ArrayIterator
Construct an array iterator.
- ArrayLength - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the length of an array.
- ArrayLength(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLength
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- arrayLength - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CPort
The length of the array if the type is an array.
- arrayLength - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.ArrayToSequence
The size of the input array.
- arrayLength - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToArray
The size of the output array.
- ArrayLevelCrossing - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Search an array from the specified starting index and report the
index of the first item in the array that is below or above the
specified threshold.
- ArrayLevelCrossing(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLevelCrossing
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayMapCachedMethod(String, Type[], int, CachedMethod, boolean[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArrayMapCachedMethod
Constructs a CachedMethod$ArrayMapCachedMethod object.
- ArrayMaximum - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Extract the maximum element from an array.
- ArrayMaximum(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayMaximum
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayMinimum - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Extract the minimum element from an array.
- ArrayMinimum(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayMinimum
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayModelList - Class in ptdb.gui
Extends AbstractListModel and implements the function through ArrayList.
- ArrayModelList(List<String>) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ArrayModelList
Construct the ArrayModelList through the passed ArrayList object.
- arrayOf(Typeable, Variable) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ActorTypeUtil
Return a type constraint that can be used to constrain
another typeable object to have a type related to an
array whose element type is the type of the specified
- arrayOf(Typeable) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return a type constraint that can be used to constrain
another typeable object to have a type related to an
array whose element type is the type of the specified
- arrayOf(Typeable, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return a type constraint that can be used to constrain
another typeable object to have a type related to an
array whose element type is the type of the specified
- ArrayOfRecordsConfigureFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
If this class is contained by an actor, then double clicking on that
actor will display a table that shows the value of an
array of tokens contained by a parameter contained by the
same container as this factory.
- ArrayOfRecordsConfigureFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.ArrayOfRecordsConfigureFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- ArrayOfRecordsExporter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.database
Export an array of tokens to a file.
- ArrayOfRecordsExporter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsExporter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayOfRecordsPane - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A graphical component that displays the values in an array of records.
- ArrayOfRecordsPane() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane
Construct an empty table pane.
- ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class provides an implementation of the
TableModel interface for viewing an array of records.
- ArrayOfRecordsRecorder - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.database
An actor that displays an array of records that arrives on its input port.
- ArrayOfRecordsRecorder(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsRecorder
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayOfTypesFunction - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class implements a monotonic function that returns an array type
with the element type equal to its argument.
- ArrayOfTypesFunction(Typeable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ArrayOfTypesFunction
Construct a ArrayElementTypeFunction whose argument is the
type of the specified object.
- ArrayOfTypesFunction(Typeable, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ArrayOfTypesFunction
Construct a ArrayElementTypeFunction whose argument is the
type of the specified object.
- ArrayPeakSearch - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor outputs the indices and values of peaks in an input array.
- ArrayPeakSearch(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayPeakSearch - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor outputs the indices and values of peaks in an input array.
- ArrayPeakSearch(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayPlotter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
A plotter that plots a sequence of arrays of doubles.
- ArrayPlotter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayPlotterXY - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
A plotter that plots a sequence of pairs of arrays of doubles
as an XY plot.
- ArrayPlotterXY(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotterXY
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayRemoveElement - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Remove occurrences of a specified element from an array.
- ArrayRemoveElement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayRemoveElement
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArraySort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Sort the elements of an input array.
- ArraySort(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArraySort
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArraySum - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Compute the sum of the elements in an array.
- ArraySum(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArraySum
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayToElements - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that disassembles an ArrayToken to a multiport output.
- ArrayToElements(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToElements
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ArrayToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains an array of tokens.
- ArrayToken(Token[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Construct an ArrayToken with the specified token array.
- ArrayToken(Token[], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Construct an ArrayToken with the first length
elements of the specified token array.
- ArrayToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Construct an ArrayToken from the specified string.
- ArrayToken(Type) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Construct an empty ArrayToken with the given element type.
- ArrayToken(Type, Token[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Construct an ArrayToken with the specified element type and
token array.
- ARRAYTOKEN_CONVERSION - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Conversion from an ArrayToken to a Token array (Token[]).
- arrayTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- arrayTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ArrayTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
ArrayTokenHandler converts ArrayToken to/from byte stream.
- ArrayTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.ArrayTokenHandler
- arrayTokenToUnsignedByteArray(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Convert an ArrayToken to an array of unsigned bytes.
- arrayTokenWithTypeConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ArrayToMatrix - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Convert an array to a row or column vector encoded as a matrix token.
- ArrayToMatrix(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToMatrix
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- arrayToMatrix(Token[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Create a new instance of a MatrixToken subclass with the
given number of rows and columns.
- arrayToMatrix(Type, Token[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Create a new instance of a MatrixToken subclass with the given
element type and number of rows and columns.
- arrayToMatrixReturnType(Type, Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the (exact) return type of the arrayToMatrix function
- ArrayToSequence - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor reads an array at the input and writes the array elements
as a sequence to the output.
- ArrayToSequence(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.ArrayToSequence
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- arrayType(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a new UnsizedArrayToken whose element type is the same
as the given type.
- arrayType(Token, IntToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a new UnsizedArrayToken whose element type is the same
as the given type, and whose length is the given length.
- ArrayType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
A class representing the type of an ArrayToken.
- ArrayType(Type) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Construct a new ArrayType with the specified type for the array
- ArrayType(Type, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Construct a new ArrayType with the specified type for the array
- arrayTypeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- arrayTypeReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a new ArrayType whose element type is the same as the given
- arrayTypeReturnType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (not quite exact) return type of the arrayType
function above.
- ArrayUpdate - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Replace an element in an array with a new value.
- ArrayUpdate(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayUpdate
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- arrayValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return an array of tokens populated with the contents of this
array token.
- arrayValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ARROW_CIRCLE_H - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Arrow, circle, H style.
- ArrowAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
An attribute shown as an arrow.
- ArrowAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArrowAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- Arrowhead - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An arrowhead that is drawn on the end of a connector.
- Arrowhead() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Create a new arrowhead at (0,0).
- Arrowhead(double, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Create a new arrowhead at the given point and
with the given normal.
- ArrowKeyProbe - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Detect when the user presses or releases an arrow key and produce an
integer on the corresponding output.
- ArrowKeyProbe(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeyProbe
Create an actor that detects user presses on the arrow key.
- ArrowKeySensor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Detect when the user presses or releases an arrow key and produce an
integer on the corresponding output.
- ArrowKeySensor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- arrowLength - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArrowAttribute
Length of the arrow head.
- arrowWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArrowAttribute
Width of the arrow head.
- asAWTImage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageToken
Convert a javax.media.jai.RenderedOp to a BufferedImage, a
subclass of awt.Image, and return it.
- asAWTImage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.JMFImageToken
Convert a javax.media.Buffer to a java.awt.Image and return it.
- asAWTImage() - Method in class ptolemy.data.AWTImageToken
Because all tokens that contain images must extend ImageToken,
we must include the following method.
- asAWTImage() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ImageToken
Return the value of this token as a java.awt.Image.
- asBooleanMatrix(REXP) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
Return as a matrix of booleans.
- ascending - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArraySort
The sort order attribute.
- asColor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ColorAttribute
Return the color as a Color object.
- asFile() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Return the file as a File object.
- asFile() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Return the file as a File object.
- asFile() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileAttribute
Return the file as a File object.
- asFile() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileOrURLAccessor
Return the file as a File object.
- ASIN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- asin() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal arc sine of this complex number.
- asin(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal arc sine of the given complex number.
- asinh() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal hyperbolic arc sine of this
complex number.
- asinh(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal hyperbolic arc sine of the given
complex number.
- asinh(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of the argument.
- asIntMatrix(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
Return the array as an int matrix.
- ASPECT_RATIO - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.Parameters
Layout option for the aspect ratio of connected components.
- Assert - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Check that an assertion predicate is satisfied, and throw an exception if not.
- Assert(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Assert
Construct an instance of Assert.
- Assert.AssertPort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Class for ports created by the user for this actor.
- assertEquals(Object, Object, String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Assert the equality of two objects.
- assertExpr(boolean, String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Make an assertion, and fail the test if it isn't satisfied.
- assertFinalField(SootClass, SootField, Value) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Make the given field final.
- AssertPort(Assert, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Assert.AssertPort
Construct a port for this actor.
- ASSIGN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ASSIGN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ASSIGN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- ASSIGN_PREFIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
The prefix of assignment methods.
- assigned_parameter_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- assigned_parameter_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- assignIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Port
Assign index to the port into the channel state vector
only if it is an input port.
- assignInternalParameters() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Assign any internal parameters in the order they were set.
- assignment(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- assignment() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
Parse statements of one of form:
ID := ID
ID := actor_declaration
ID := arithmetic_expression
ID := boolean_expression
with preference given in that order.
- assignment(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- assignment() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- AssignmentHandler - Interface in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Interface of the assignment handlers called by
- assignmentIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- AssignmentRule - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Assignment transformation rule.
- AssignmentRule() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentRule
- AssignmentTransformer - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
The assignment transformer to transform Java source programs into new
programs that support backtracking.
- AssignmentTransformer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
- assignPortIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Called for any input port to be connected to the channel.
- assignStateIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Assign stateIndex to actor and its ports and returns the index for
the next component.
- assignStateIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Assign stateIndex and returns the next available index to be assigned
to the next channel, depending on the number of consumers of this channel.
- AssociativeType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
This class represents structures that store (key, value) pairs.
- AssociativeType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.AssociativeType
- ASTBuilder - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
Static methods that build Eclipse Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs)
from Java source files.
- ASTBuilder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTBuilder
- ASTClassNotFoundException - Exception in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
Thrown on an attempt to load a class that cannot be found in the class
path, or a class that is not properly imported.
- ASTClassNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTClassNotFoundException
Construct an exception representing a failure occurred when
trying to load a class during AST building or transformation.
- ASTClassNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTClassNotFoundException
Construct an exception representing a failure occurred when
trying to load a class during AST building or transformation.
- ASTClassNotFoundException(Type) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTClassNotFoundException
Construct an exception representing a failure occurred when
trying to load a class during AST building or transformation.
- ASTClassNotFoundException(Type, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTClassNotFoundException
Construct an exception representing a failure occurred when
trying to load a class during AST building or transformation.
- ASTDump - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
An Eclipse AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) visitor that traverses an AST and
outputs its structure.
- ASTDump(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTDump
Construct an AST dump with a StringBuffer
where the
output will be added.
- ASTDump(Writer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTDump
Construct an AST dump with a writer to which the
output will be written.
- ASTDuplicatedFieldException - Exception in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Thrown on an attempt to create a field in a class declaration, which
already contains a field with the same name.
- ASTDuplicatedFieldException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ASTDuplicatedFieldException
Construct an exception about creating a duplicated field in a class.
- ASTDuplicatedMethodException - Exception in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Thrown on an attempt to create a method in a class declaration, which
already contains a method with the same name and an argument of the
same type.
- ASTDuplicatedMethodException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ASTDuplicatedMethodException
Construct an exception about creating a duplicated method in a class.
- ASTException - Exception in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
Superclass of all the non-runtime exceptions to be raised in AST
analysis and manipulation.
- ASTException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTException
Construct an AST exception with a message.
- ASTFormatter - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
An AST visitor that traverses an eclipse AST from a root node
(usually a CompilationUnit
object), and outputs the formatted
Java source code.
- ASTFormatter(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Construct an AST formatter with a StringBuffer
where the
formatter output will be added.
- ASTFormatter(StringBuffer, InputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Construct an AST formatter with a StringBuffer
where the
formatter output will be added.
- ASTFormatter(StringBuffer, char[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Construct an AST formatter with a StringBuffer
where the
formatter output will be added.
- ASTFormatter(Writer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Construct an AST formatter with a writer to which the formatted
output will be written.
- ASTFormatter(Writer, InputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Construct an AST formatter with a writer to which the formatted
output will be written.
- ASTFormatter(Writer, char[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Construct an AST formatter with a writer to which the formatted
output will be written.
- ASTIORuntimeException - Exception in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
Thrown if IOException
occurs in AST analysis or manipulation.
- ASTIORuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTIORuntimeException
Create an exception with an other exception that causes this
exception to be raised.
- ASTMalformedException - Exception in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
Thrown by the
when the AST created from a Java
source file is malformed, either because the source file do not conform
to the Java grammar, or because some unknown error occurs in the
Eclipse parser.
- ASTMalformedException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTMalformedException
Create an exception without identifying the name of the source file
that causes it.
- ASTMalformedException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTMalformedException
Create an exception with the name of the source file that causes it.
- ASTPtArrayConstructNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtArrayConstructNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtArrayConstructNode
- ASTPtArrayConstructNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtArrayConstructNode
- ASTPtAssignmentNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
- ASTPtAssignmentNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtAssignmentNode
- ASTPtAssignmentNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtAssignmentNode
- ASTPtBitwiseNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtBitwiseNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtBitwiseNode
- ASTPtBitwiseNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtBitwiseNode
- ASTPtFunctionalIfNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtFunctionalIfNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionalIfNode
- ASTPtFunctionalIfNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionalIfNode
- ASTPtFunctionalIfNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr
Adapter for FunctionalIfNodes in the monotonicity analysis.
- ASTPtFunctionalIfNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtFunctionalIfNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionalIfNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtArrayConstructNode.
- ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class represents an expression that is the application of a
function in the parse tree.
- ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode
- ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode
- ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from function definitions of the form:
function (x) x + 5
which defines a function of one argument.
- ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
Create a function definition node with an id.
- ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
Create a function definition node with a parser and an id.
- ASTPtLeafNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtLeafNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
- ASTPtLeafNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
- ASTPtLeafNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.abstractInterpretation.data.expr
The adapter class for ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode for the
abstractInterpretation ontology.
- ASTPtLeafNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtLeafNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.abstractInterpretation.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtLeafNode.
- ASTPtLeafNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbsIntObservable.data.expr
The adapter class for ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode for constAbsIntObservable ontology.
- ASTPtLeafNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtLeafNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbsIntObservable.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtLeafNode.
- ASTPtLeafNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbstractInterpretation.data.expr
The adapter class for ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode for constAbstractInterpretation ontology.
- ASTPtLeafNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtLeafNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbstractInterpretation.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtLeafNode.
- ASTPtLeafNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation.data.expr
The adapter class for ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode for the constPropagation ontology.
- ASTPtLeafNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtLeafNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtLeafNode.
- ASTPtLeafNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.data.expr
The adapter class for ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode for constPropagationAbsInt ontology.
- ASTPtLeafNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtLeafNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtLeafNode.
- ASTPtLeafNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr
Adapter for RelationalNodes in the monotonicity analysis.
- ASTPtLeafNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtLeafNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtRelationalNode.
- ASTPtLogicalNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtLogicalNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLogicalNode
- ASTPtLogicalNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLogicalNode
- ASTPtMatrixConstructNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtMatrixConstructNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMatrixConstructNode
- ASTPtMatrixConstructNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMatrixConstructNode
- ASTPtMethodCallNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtMethodCallNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMethodCallNode
- ASTPtMethodCallNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMethodCallNode
- ASTPtOrderedRecordConstructNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtOrderedRecordConstructNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtOrderedRecordConstructNode
- ASTPtOrderedRecordConstructNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtOrderedRecordConstructNode
- ASTPtPowerNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtPowerNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtPowerNode
- ASTPtPowerNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtPowerNode
- ASTPtProductNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtProductNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode
- ASTPtProductNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode
- ASTPtProductNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr
The default adapter class for ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode.
- ASTPtProductNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtProductNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtProductNode.
- ASTPtRecordConstructNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtRecordConstructNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRecordConstructNode
- ASTPtRecordConstructNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRecordConstructNode
- ASTPtRelationalNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtRelationalNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRelationalNode
- ASTPtRelationalNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRelationalNode
- ASTPtRelationalNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr
Adapter for RelationalNodes in the monotonicity analysis.
- ASTPtRelationalNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtRelationalNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.ASTPtRelationalNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtRelationalNode.
- ASTPtRootNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects, each of which is an instance of a class
derived from this class.
- ASTPtRootNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
- ASTPtRootNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
- ASTPtShiftNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtShiftNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtShiftNode
- ASTPtShiftNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtShiftNode
- ASTPtSumNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtSumNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode
- ASTPtSumNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode
- ASTPtSumNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr
The default adapter class for ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode.
- ASTPtSumNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtSumNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtSumNode.
- ASTPtUnaryNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtUnaryNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
- ASTPtUnaryNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
- ASTPtUnaryNode - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr
The default adapter class for ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode.
- ASTPtUnaryNode(LatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtUnaryNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
Construct an property constraint adapter for the given ASTPtUnaryNode.
- ASTPtUnionConstructNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
- ASTPtUnionConstructNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnionConstructNode
- ASTPtUnionConstructNode(PtParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnionConstructNode
- ASTResolutionException - Exception in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
Thrown when a name in a source program cannot be resolved.
- ASTResolutionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTResolutionException
Construct an exception representing a name resolution failure.
- ASTRuntimeException - Exception in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
Superclass of all the exceptions to be thrown in AST analysis and
- ASTRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTRuntimeException
Create an exception with no message or cause.
- ASTRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTRuntimeException
Create an exception with a message.
- ASTRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTRuntimeException
Create an exception with a message and a cause.
- ASTRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTRuntimeException
Create an exception with a cause.
- asURL() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Return the file as a URL.
- asURL() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Return the file as a URL.
- asURL(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Convert the argument from a fileName to a URL that begins with
- asURL() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileAttribute
Return the file as a URL.
- asURL() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileOrURLAccessor
Return the file as a URL.
- AsynchronousDBConnection - Class in ptdb.kernel.database
Provide an asynchronous mechanism of executing tasks over the database.
- AsynchronousDBConnection() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Construct an instance that creates the taskQueue to enqueue tasks
and the executor thread that enables task execution in parallel.
- At - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareGenerator
An array of transition matrices.
- At - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Time-dependent transition probability matrix.
- at(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return the element with the given index.
- ATAN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- atan(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
returns [-PI/2, PI/2]
accurate within 0.014 degrees
- atan() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal arc tangent of this complex
- atan(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal arc tangent of the given complex
- atan2(double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- atan_mag1(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- atanh() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal hyperbolic arc tangent of
this complex number.
- atanh(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the principal hyperbolic arc tangent of
the given complex number.
- ATCDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1
A director for modeling air traffic control systems.
- ATCDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1.ATCDirector
Create a new director in the specified container with the specified
- ATCDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2
A director for modeling air traffic control systems.
- ATCDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.ATCDirector
Create a new director in the specified container with the specified
- ATCReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel
A receiver for modeling air traffic control systems.
- ATCReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.ATCReceiver
Create a new receiver.
- ATCReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.ATCReceiver
Create a new receiver in the specified container with the specified
- ATL_Beamwidth - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_Beamwidth_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_jam_CIR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_jam_CIR_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_jam_freq_MHz - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_jam_freq_MHz_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_jam_power - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_jam_power_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_K_chirp - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_K_chirp_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_lambda - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_lambda_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_lgth_chirp - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_lgth_chirp_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_nb_ant - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_nb_ant_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_nb_beams - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_nb_beams_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_nb_pls - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_nb_pls_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_nb_rg_cov - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_nb_rg_cov_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_noise_power - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_noise_power_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_org_rg_cov - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_org_rg_cov_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_rg_min - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_rg_min_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_rg_size - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_rg_size_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_SubarraySpacing - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_SubarraySpacing_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_Targ1_CIR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_Targ1_CIR_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_Targ1_Dist - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_Targ1_Dist_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_Targ1_RCS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_Targ1_RCS_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_Targ1_V - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_Targ1_V_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- ATL_Tpulse - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- ATL_Tpulse_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- Atlearned - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
The learned transition probability matrix: before completion strategy is applied.
- atLeastOneNotified(Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIEventBuilder
Checks if at least one event is notified in the event vector.
- atomic_statement(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- atomic_statement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- atomic_statement(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- AtomicActor<T extends IOPort> - Class in ptolemy.actor
An AtomicActor is an executable entity that cannot itself contain
other actors.
- AtomicActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- AtomicActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- AtomicActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- atomicActorClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- AtomicActorMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A matcher to match any AtomicActor or CompositeActor that is considered as a
- AtomicActorMatcher(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
Construct an atomic actor matcher to be either contained in the pattern
of a
or in the replacement.
- AtomicCommunicationAspect - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This abstract class implements functionality of an atomic
communication aspect.
- AtomicCommunicationAspect(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Construct an AtomicQuantityManager in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- AtomicCommunicationAspect(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Construct an AtomicQuantityManager with a name and a container.
- AtomicContinuationActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- AtomicContinuationActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- AtomicContinuationActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- AtomicContinuationActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- AtomicExecutionAspect - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This is a base class for resource schedulers.
- AtomicExecutionAspect(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Create a new resource schedule in the specified container with the specified
- AtomicWirelessChannel - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel
The base class for communication channels in the wireless domain.
- AtomicWirelessChannel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Construct a relation with the given name contained by the specified
- attach - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
File to attach, if any.
- ATTACH_DANGLING_PORTS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ATTACH_DANGLING_PORTS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ATTACH_DANGLING_PORTS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- attachDanglingPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- attachParameter(Settable, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Attach an attribute to an entry with name entryName,
of a Query.
- attachTextMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- attenuationDepth - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TerrainProperty
The width of material that will attenuate a signal power by
50% (3dB).
- ATTR_SUFFIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
The string suffix for attribute names that represent constraint definitions
for actor attributes.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle an attribute assignment.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Handle an attribute value assignment.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Handle an attribute assignment that is part of an XML element.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonMLHandler
Process a PtalonML attribute.
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle an attribute.
- Attribute - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
Attribute is a base class for attributes to be attached to instances
of NamedObj.
- Attribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- Attribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- Attribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- Attribute(NamedObj, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Handle an attribute assignment that is part of an XML element.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Handle an attribute assignment that is part of an XML element.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Handle an attribute assignment that is part of an XML element.
- ATTRIBUTE_CDATA - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a string value.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_FIXED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #FIXED.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_IMPLIED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #IMPLIED.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #REQUIRED.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute has a literal default value specified.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute is not declared.
- ATTRIBUTE_ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of entity names.
- ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is the name of an entity.
- ATTRIBUTE_ENUMERATED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a token from an enumeration.
- ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a unique identifier.
- ATTRIBUTE_IDREF - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a reference to a unique identifier.
- ATTRIBUTE_IDREFS - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of ID references.
- ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKEN - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a name token.
- ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKENS - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of name tokens.
- ATTRIBUTE_NOTATION - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute is the name of a notation.
- ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Boolean Type.
- ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_LIST - Static variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
List Type.
- ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
String Type.
- ATTRIBUTE_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute has not been declared for this element type.
- AttributeBoundsManipulator - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
This is a bounds manipulator supporting resizable icons.
- AttributeBoundsManipulator(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AttributeBoundsManipulator
Construct a new bounds manipulator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Checks constraints on the changed attribute (when it is required) and
associates his value to its corresponding local variables.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
Call the attributeChanged method of the parent.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Call the attributeChanged method of the parent.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
If the attribute is serviceTime, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
If the attribute is serviceTime, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleGenerator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.clustering.KMeans
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
If the attribute is serviceTime, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareGenerator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEDiscriminant
Ensure that the order parameter is positive and recompute the
size of internal buffers.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Ensure that the order parameter is positive and recompute the
size of internal buffers.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
If the argument is any parameter other than stateVariableNames
t, or any parameter matching an input port,
then request reinitialization.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
If the argument is any parameter other than stateVariableNames
t, or any parameter matching an input port,
then request reinitialization.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
If the argument is any parameter other than stateVariableNames
t, or any parameter matching an input port,
then request reinitialization.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
If the argument is any parameter other than stateVariableNames
t, or any parameter matching an input port,
then request reinitialization.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.MutualInformationCalculator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Optimizer
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
If the argument is any parameter other than stateVariableNames
t, or any parameter matching an input port,
then request reinitialization.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleMutualInformation
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscReceiver
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscSender
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HTMLModelExporter
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Update the local variable associated with the changed attribute
and disconnect from the server.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSink
Update the node id if its corresponding parameter has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSource
If the argument is the nodeId parameter, then reset the
state to the specified value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.CovarianceStatePredictor
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Update the state accordingly.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MapAttributes
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithAccControl
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithControl
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceModel
If the argument is the stateVariableNames parameter,
then create hidden parameters that correspond to the parameter.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
React to a change in an attribute, and if the attribute is the
script parameter, FIXME.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspectAttributes
If attribute is messageLength report the new value
to the communication aspect.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullConsumer
If the attribute is blocking update the local
cache of the parameter value, otherwise pass the call to
the super class.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushConsumer
If the attribute is blocking update the local
cache of the parameter value, otherwise pass the call to
the super class.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReceiver
If the attribute is blocking update the local
cache of the parameter value, else if the attribute is
defaultToken update the type of the output token to
the be the same type of defaultToken, otherwise pass the
call to the super class.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Override the base class to update local variables.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAttributes
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Settable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.DesignPatternImporter
Update the design pattern.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InitModel
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
React to a change in the mode parameter or the repeatUntilFixpoint
parameter, and update the appearance of this actor.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
If the argument is the identifier parameter, then set
the title of all contained Tableaux to the value of the parameter;
if the argument is the uri parameter, then check to see
whether it is writable, and call setModifiable() appropriately.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExternalTextEffigy
If the argument is the identifier parameter, then tell
the external editor to finally open the file specified by the
identifier (as opposed to at newTextEffigy(container, text) time
at which the document file is not yet specified.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewerTableau
If the argument is the url parameter, then open the
specified URL and display its contents.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy
If the argument is the uri parameter, then read the
specified URL and parse the data contained in it.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableau
If the argument is the uri parameter, then open the
specified URI and display its contents.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Button
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Separator
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
If the argument is the size parameter, and a
frame has been specified with setFrame(), then set the size
of the frame.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy
If the argument is the uri parameter, then read the
specified URL and parse the data contained in it.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WelcomeWindowTableau
Handle cases where the url attribute is changed,
yet there is no frame.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If a communication aspect is added, removed or modified,
invalidate the list of communication aspects which is read again
in the preinitialize phase.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
If the attribute is bitRate, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus.CanBusAttributes
If attribute is portIn or portOut,
report the new values to the communication aspect.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBusPriority
If the parameter changed is CanId, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationRequestPort
Do not set a value before initialization.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
React to the change of the justMonitor attribute by
updating internal variables.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect.CompositeCommunicationAspectAttributes
React to a change in the input port attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
React to the change of the justMonitor attribute by
updating internal variables.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect.CompositeExecutionAspectAttributes
If attribute requestPort report the new value
to the ExecutionAspect.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.ExecutionTimeAttributes
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
If the attribute is preemptive then change the
scheduling algorithm to be preemptive or non-preemptive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
If the argument is the offsets parameter, check that the
array is nondecreasing and has the right dimension; if the
argument is period, check that it is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
If the attribute is generatorClass
then create the base random number generator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ConvolutionalCoder
If the attribute being changed is uncodedRate,
then verify that it is a positive integer; if it is
polynomialArray, then verify that each of its elements is
a positive integer and find the maximum value among them, which
is used to compute the highest order among all polynomials.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.DeScrambler
If the attribute being changed is polynomial, then
verify that is a positive integer and the lower-order bit is 1.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HadamardCode
If the attribute being changed is log2Length, then
calculate the new Hadamard sequence; if it is index,
then verify that is non-negative and check if it is different
from the previous value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HammingCoder
If the attribute being changed is uncodedRate or
uncodedRate, then verify that it is a positive integer.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HammingDecoder
If the attribute being changed is uncodedRate or
uncodedRate, then verify that it is a positive integer.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
If the attribute being changed is pmf, then verify
all the elements are positive and their sum is 1.0.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Scrambler
If the attribute being changed is polynomial, then
verify that is a positive integer and the lower-order bit is 1.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
If the attribute being changed is softDecoding or
trellisDecoding, set input port and constellation
type to be complex if trellisDecoding is true; else
if softDecoding is true, set them to double type;
otherwise set the input port to type boolean.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
If the parameter is binWidth or binOffset, then
configure the histogram with the specified bin width or offset.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DoubleToFix
Override the base class to set locally cached variables.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToFix
Override the base class to set locally cached variables.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
If the argument is the offsets parameter, check that the
array is nondecreasing and has the right dimension; if the
argument is period, check that it is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteRandomSource
If the specified attribute is pmf, then check that its
entries are all between zero and one, and that they add to one,
and that its dimension is correct.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
React to a change in the value of an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
If the specified attribute is fmuFile, then unzip the file and
load in the .xml file, creating and deleting parameters as necessary.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
If the argument is the init parameter, then reset the
state to the specified value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Handle parameter change events on the
order and timeConstant parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotter
Notification that an attribute has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
If the specified attribute is rowsDisplayed, then set
the desired number of rows of the textArea, if there is one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.HistogramPlotter
If the parameter is binWidth or binOffset, then
configure the histogram with the specified bin width or offset.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Notification that an attribute has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Plotter
If the attribute is startingDataset, then check its validity.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
If the attribute is legend, then parse the string
and set the legend.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Notification that an attribute has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequenceScope
Notify this that an attribute has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
If the specified attribute is length,
then set the trace to its initial value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
If the specified attribute is minimum or maximum,
then set the range of the slider.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedScope
Notify this that an attribute has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.XYScope
Notify this that an attribute has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Override the base class to open the model specified if the
attribute is modelFileOrURL, or for other parameters, to cache
their values.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Override the base class to open the model specified if the
attribute is modelFileOrURL, or for other parameters, to cache
their values.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RealTimeComposite
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Handle parameter change events on the
numerator and denominator parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageReader
If the specified attribute is URL, then close
the current file (if there is one) and open the new one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.PGMReader
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Check the validity of the parameter.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
If the parameter changed is serialPortName, then hope
the model is not running and do nothing.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVReader
If the specified attribute is separator then set a local
variable with the value of the separator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVWriter
If the specified attribute is separator then set a local
variable with the value of the separator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
Override the base class to locally cache parameter values.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
If the specified attribute is fileOrURL and there is an
open file being read, then close that file and open the new one;
if the attribute is numberOfLinesToSkip and its value is
negative, then throw an exception.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
If the specified attribute is fileName and there is an
open file being written, then close that file.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.AdaptiveMedian
Override the base class and set the largest window size.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.DoubleMatrixToJAI
Override the base class and determine the data type to format
the data to, as well as whether to scale the data.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIAffineTransform
Override the base class and set the factors.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBandCombine
Override the base class and set the matrix values.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBandSelect
Override the base class and set the array of indices.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBorder
Override the base class and set the border type and size.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBoxFilter
Override the base class and set the width, and the height of
the box filter.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIConstant
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIConvolve
Override the base class and set the filter up to be used.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAICrop
Override the base class and set the origin, the width, and the
height of the cropped image.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIDataConvert
Override the base class to determine which data type is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIDFT
Override the base class and set the parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIEdgeDetection
Override the base class and set change private variables if the
attribute corresponding to it has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIIDFT
Override the base class and set the parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageReader
An attempt is made to acquire the file name.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIMedianFilter
Override the base class and set the shape type and size.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPeriodicShift
Override the base class and set the amount to shift vertically
and horizontally.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPNGWriter
Override the base class and attempt set either the fileName,
whether to overwrite an existing file or not, or how the data
will be written.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIRotate
Override the base class and set the origin, the rotating angle
and the type of interpolation to use.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIScale
Override the base class and set the scaling factors.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIToDoubleMatrix
Override the base class and determine whether the user wants to
normalize the data.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITranslate
Override the base class and set the translation values and the
interpolation type to use.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITranspose
Override the base class and determine which operation to perform.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.SaltAndPepper
React to a change in the value of an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReadBuffer
Handle change requests for all parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReader
If the specified attribute is fileOrURL and there is an
open file being read, then close that file and open the new one;
do nothing if the file name is the same as the previous value of
this attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
Handle change requests for all parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
Handle change requests for all parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
Handle change requests for all parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
Handle change requests for all parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
React to a change in an attribute, and if the attribute is the
script parameter, and the script parameter possibly contains a
'setup' function, then evaluate that function.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
React to a change in an attribute, and if the attribute is the
script parameter, and the script parameter possibly contains a
'setup' function, then evaluate that function.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ImageToJMF
Override the base class and determine the data type to format
the data to, as well as whether to scale the data.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
An attempt is made to acquire the file name.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
An attempt is made to acquire the file name.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.PlaySound
If the attribute is fileNameOrURL, then create a new
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopReadPort
The portAddress has to be in a valid range.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWritePort
The portAddress has to be in a valid range.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.joystick.Joystick
If the attribute is deadZone and the joystick has already been
initialized by calling initialize() then update the
appropriate value in the joystick interface.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
If the argument is the reflectionCoefficients parameter,
then reallocate the arrays to use.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LimitedFiringSource
Override the base class to determine which attribute is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
If the argument is A, B, C, D or initialStates
parameters, check that they are indeed matrices and vectors,
and request initialization from the director if there is one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
Override the base class to determine which comparison is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicGate
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MathFunction
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Set a flag that causes recalculation of various local variables
that are used in execution on the next invocation of fire().
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
React to a change of the given attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
Override the base class to reinitialize the state if the
localSocketNumber, defaultRemoteAddress or
defaultRemoteSocketNumber parameter has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
If the attribute being changed is tolerance, then check
that it is increasing and nonnegative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
If the argument is the meanTime parameter, check that it is
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
If the attribute is the channel, increment the workspace version
to force cached receiver lists to be updated, and invalidate
the schedule and resolved types of the director, if there is one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
If the attribute being changed is indexes, then check
that it is increasing and nonnegative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
If script is changed, invoke the python interpreter to
evaluate the script.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Quantizer
If the argument is the levels parameter, check that the array
is increasing and has the right dimension.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
If the argument is the init parameter, then reset the
state to the specified value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
If the attribute is seed or useThisSeed
then create the base random number generator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Reader
If the specified attribute is URL, then close
the current file (if there is one) and open the new one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
If the argument is the reflectionCoefficients parameter,
then reallocate the arrays to use.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
Override the base class to reinitialize the state if the
the mode, or paddingparameter is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
Override the base class to reinitialize the state if
the algorithm, keySize, or provider
parameter is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyReader
Override the base class to reinitialize the state if
the alias, fileOrURL, or getPublicKey
parameter is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
If the specified attribute is URL, then close
the current file (if there is one) and open the new one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
Override the base class to reinitialize the state if
the algorithm, provider, or keysize
parameter is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
Override the base class to reinitialize the state if
the the signatureAlgorithm, or provider
parameter is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
Override the base class to reinitialize the state if
the operationMode, algorithm, cipherMode, or padding
parameter is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
If the argument is the offsets parameter, check that the
array is nondecreasing and has the right dimension; if the
argument is period, check that it is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringFunction
Determine the string function to be performed on the input, and
set up the necessary fields for the function to be performed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringMatches
Override the base class to compile the regular expression if
it has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
Override the base class to compile a regular expression when
it is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSimpleReplace
Override the base class to compile a regular expression when
it is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
If the attribute is delay, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
If the stopTime parameter is changed and the model is
executing, then if the new value is greater
than zero and greater than the current time, then ask the director
to fire this actor at that time.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnaryMathFunction
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLDirectoryReader
If the specified attribute is URL, then close
the current file (if there is one) and open the new one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
If the specified attribute is URL, then close
the current file (if there is one) and open the new one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.IntegerCounter
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Memory
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.ROM
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.SynchronousFixTransformer
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Delegate the call to the director, which handles changes
to the parameters of the clock.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.DoubleRangeParameter
React to a change in an attribute by ensuring that the current
value remains within the range given by min and max.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
React to a change in an attribute by ensuring that the current
value remains within the range given by min and max.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
If the parameter is fileOrURL, and the specified file
name is not null, then open and read the file.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher
Setup parameters for this actor.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher.NestedPtalonActor
If we are not initializing or fixed, then call attributeChanged()
in the super class.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
If the specified attribute is fileOrURLPrefix and there is an
open file being read, then close that file and open the new one;
if the attribute is numberOfLinesToSkip and its value is
negative, then throw an exception.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapWorker
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
If the specified attribute is fileOrURL and there is an
open file being read, then close that file and open the new one;
if the attribute is numberOfLinesToSkip and its value is
negative, then throw an exception.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
If a publish and subscribe channel is set, then set up the connections.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriberPort
If a publish and subscribe channel is set, then set up the connections.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriptionAggregatorPort
If a publish and subscribe channel is set, then set up the connections.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
If the parameter is binWidth or binOffset, then
configure the histogram with the specified bin width or offset.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Handle parameter change events on the
order and timeConstant parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Handle parameter change events on the
numerator and denominator parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Check the validity of the parameter.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
If the argument is A, B, C, D or initialStates
parameters, check that they are indeed matrices and vectors,
and request initialization from the director if there is one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
If the argument is the meanTime parameter, check that it is
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
If the attribute being changed is indexes, then check
that it is increasing and nonnegative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
If the argument is the init parameter, then reset the
state to the specified value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
If the attribute is seed or useThisSeed
then create the base random number generator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
If the argument is the reflectionCoefficients parameter,
then reallocate the arrays to use.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
If the argument is the offsets parameter, check that the
array is nondecreasing and has the right dimension; if the
argument is period, check that it is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
Check to see that the numberOfInputs parameter is positive,
and that the numberOfLags parameter is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Chop
Check the validity of parameter values and using the new
values, recompute the size of the internal buffers.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Ensure that the order parameter is positive and recompute the
size of internal buffers.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Ensure that the order parameter is positive and recompute the
size of internal buffers.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.CalInterpreter
The only attribute whose modifications are handled is the
calCode attribute, which contains the source code of
the CAL actor.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
If the attribute is the codeDirectory parameter, then set the
base directory of the codeDirectory parameter.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
If the attribute is the verbosity attribute, then if
its value is 1, set a debug listener on the code generator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ChoiceStringParameter
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Override the base class to invalidate if parameters have changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor.ConstraintMonitorAttributes
Override the base class so that if the decorator already exists in
scope, the decorator becomes a value listener to the value attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Override the attributeChanged method so that if the actor
class name changes, the attribute interface adds and removes
fields for constraints for the actor's ports and attributes.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.BinaryOperationMonotonicFunctionDefinition
Override the attributeChanged method so that the output range and all
argument domain ontology names are set to the functionOntologyName.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntology
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.UnaryOperationMonotonicFunctionDefinition
Override the attributeChanged method so that the output range and all
argument domain ontology names are set to the functionOntologyName.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DimensionRepresentativeConcept
React to a change in the unitInfoRecords parameter.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.SIBaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept
React to a change in the unit name and abbreviation parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.SIDerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
React to a change in the unit name and abbreviation parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
If the specified attribute is stormy and there is an
open file being written, then close that file.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
If the specified attribute is fileName and there is an
open file being written, then close that file.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
If the specified attribute is initialState, then reset
the state of the integrator to its value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
If the attribute is delay, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTransferFunction
If the argument is the numerator or the denominator
parameters, request for initialization from the director if
there is one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DifferentialSystem
If the argument is any parameter other than stateVariableNames
t, or any parameter matching an input port,
then request reinitialization.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.EventSource
If the argument is the offsets parameter, check that the
array is nondecreasing and has the right dimension; if the
argument is period, check that it is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Update the attribute if it has been changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
If the argument is A, B, C, D or initialState
parameters, check that they are indeed matrices and vectors,
and request for initialization from the director if there is one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
If the attribute is microstep, adjust the causality interface.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Waveform
Check the validity of the parameter.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.ResourcePool
Override the base class to reset the resource pool to
match the specified initialPool value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
If the attribute being changed is runUntilDeadlockInOneIteration
and it is set to be true, then verify this director is not at the
top level.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Update the director parameters when attributes are changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs.AFDXESsAttributes
If attribute is portIn or portOut,
report the new values to the communication aspect.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
If the attribute is bitRate, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch.AfdxSwitchAttributes
If attribute is portIn or portOut,
report the new values to the communication aspect.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
If the attribute for the input, output, technological delay or bit rate is
changed, then ensure that the value is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
If the attribute for the input, switch fabric or output delay is
changed, then ensure that the value is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch.BasicSwitchAttributes
If attribute is portIn or portOut,
report the new values to the communication aspect.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
If the attribute is serviceTime, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus.BusAttributes
If attribute is messageLength report the new value
to the communication aspect.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
If the attribute is serviceTime, then ensure that the value
is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
If the initialValue parameter is the argument, then
reset the current output to match the new value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
If the attribute is Kp, Ki, or Kd then ensure
that the value is numeric.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.QuantizedSampler
If the argument is the quantum parameter, then cache
the value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
If the attribute is serviceTime, then ensure that the value
is non-negative, and if the attribute is
capacity, then change the capacity of the queue.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
If the attribute is delay, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
If the attribute is delay, then ensure that the value
is non-negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
If the specified attribute is filename, then close
the current file (if there is one) and open the new one.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
If the attribute is seed
then create the base random number generator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Box3D
If the dimensions change, then update the box.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cone3D
If the dimensions change, then update the cone.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cylinder3D
If the dimensions change, then update the box.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Adjust the appearance when an attribute changes if such
an update is supported by the allowRuntimeChanges parameter.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
Update the position and location of the figure on the screen when
the user changes the parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Line2D
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.PolyCylinder3D
If the specified attribute is polygon or thickness
and runtime changes are allowed, then update the geometry.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.RectangularFigure2D
Update the position and location of the figure on the screen when
the user changes the parameters.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Sphere3D
If the specified attribute is the radius, then modify the
sphere to the new radius.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
If the attribute is text, then update the displayed
text string.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFDirector
If the attribute changed is the scheduleCacheSize parameter,
construct the cache in the associated CachedSDFScheduler with the
given cache size.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Reacts to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Update the director parameters when attributes are changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
If the attribute is seed
then create the base random number generator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
React to a change of the director or other property.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
React to attribute changes.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
React to attribute changes.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
Update the conversionLabel attribute value when either the inputUnitConcept
or the outputUnitConcept attributes change.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
If the attribute is seed
then create the base random number generator.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Attribute update.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Update the director parameters when attributes are changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesPlatformContents
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
If the argument is the defaultFrameSize or
priority, then set the specified values.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
Process the attributes.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Notify this actor that the specified attribute has changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
Update the attribute if it has been changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
Override the base class to reset the resource pool to
match the specified initialPool value.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.ArrayToSequence
If the argument is the arrayLength parameter, then
check to make sure its value is not negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
Check to see that the numberOfInputs parameter is positive,
and that the numberOfLags parameter is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.BitsToInt
If the argument is the numberOfBits parameter, then
set the production rate of the output port.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Chop
Check the validity of parameter values and using the new
values, recompute the size of the internal buffers.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DoubleToMatrix
Ensure that the rows and columns parameters are both positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample
Ensure that the factor and phase parameters are both positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Ensure that the order parameter is positive and recompute the
size of internal buffers.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Set a flag that causes recalculation of various local variables
that are used in execution on the next invocation of fire().
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Ensure that the order parameter is positive and recompute the
size of internal buffers.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IntToBits
If the argument is the numberOfBits parameter, then
set the production rate of the output port.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
Override the base class to set the taps parameter if the
initialTaps parameter is changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixJoin
Ensure that the rows and columns parameters are both positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToDouble
Ensure that the rows and columns parameters are both positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToSequence
Ensure that the rows and columns parameters are both positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.RaisedCosine
Reevaluate the filter taps if the attribute is any of the ones
defined locally, and otherwise call the superclass.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Repeat
Ensure that the numberOfTimes parameter and the blockSize
parameter are both positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToArray
Ensure that the arrayLength parameter is not negative.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToMatrix
Ensure that the rows and columns parameters are both positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.UpSample
Ensure that the factor and phase parameters are both positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableFIR
Set a flag that causes recalculation of various local variables
that are used in execution on the next invocation of fire().
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableLattice
Ensure that the blockSize parameter is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableRecursiveLattice
Ensure that the blockSize parameter is positive.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimizingSDFDirector
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
Override the base class to determine which function is being
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Undefined
Override the base class to change the type of the output port.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractSourceStation
This method handles changing in the symbol parameter of the
source station.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
This method handles changing in the broken and symbol parameter of the station.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
This method handles changing in the broken and symbol parameter of the track.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
If the specified attribute is fileName and there is an
open file being written, then close that file.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModule
React to a change of the director or other property.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTransition
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Update the director parameters when the attributes are changed.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
update local cache of executionTime.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
If the attribute is one of the properties attributes, make sure
its value is a record token.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
If the specified attribute is SNRThresholdInDB,
or powerThreshold then
check that a non-negative number is given.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.DelayChannel
If the specified attribute is propagationSpeed, then
check that a positive number is given.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
Override the base class to react to changes in maxPrecision.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TerrainProperty
Override the base class to parse the model specified if the
attribute is modelFileOrURL.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.DecoratorAttributes
Override the base class to establish a link to the decorator
if the argument is decoratorName.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.VisualModelReference
Override the base class to open the model specified if the
attribute is modelFileOrURL, or for other parameters, to cache
their values.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
React to a changes in the attributes by changing the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebContent
Override the base class to update the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportParameters
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
React to a changes in the attributes by changing
the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.UpdatedValueIcon
Override the base class to identify the named attribute in the
container and to attach a listener to it.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArcAttribute
React to changes in attribute values.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArrowAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing
the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.IDAttribute
React to a change in an attribute.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ImageAttribute
React to a change in the source or scale attributes by changing
the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.LineAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing
the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.RectangleAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing
the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ResizablePolygonAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing
the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ShapeAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing
the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.TextAttribute
React to a changes in the attributes by changing the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFAttribute
React to a change in the source or scale attributes by changing
the icon.
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.lib.BoundedBufferTimedDelay
- attributeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau
If the argument is the url parameter, then open the
specified URL and display its contents.
- attributeChangedMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- AttributeChangeToken - Class in ptserver.data
Encapsulate changes made to a settable object.
- AttributeChangeToken() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.AttributeChangeToken
Create a new instance with targetSettable set to null.
- AttributeChangeToken(String) - Constructor for class ptserver.data.AttributeChangeToken
Create a new instance and set the name of the targetActor.
- AttributeChangeTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
Serialize an AttributeChangeToken to and from binary format.
- AttributeChangeTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.AttributeChangeTokenHandler
- attributeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- AttributeController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
- AttributeController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Create an attribute controller associated with the specified graph
- AttributeController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Create an attribute controller associated with the specified graph
- AttributeController.Access - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
A static enumerator for constructor arguments.
- AttributeCriterion - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A criterion to constrain an attribute of an object in the host model.
- AttributeCriterion(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner.
- AttributeCriterion(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- AttributeCriterion(GTIngredientList, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and with the
given value to each of its elements..
- attributeDeleted(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
React to the deletion of an attribute.
- AttributeElement - Class in ptolemy.homer.kernel
The definition of attributes.
- AttributeElement(Attribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.kernel.AttributeElement
Parse the Ptolemy attribute element.
- AttributeExpressionAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is a text attribute whose text string is derived from the
expression of a parameter.
- AttributeExpressionAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeExpressionAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- AttributeInOntologyController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ontologies
The node controller for icons of attributes in ontology models and
ontology solver models.
- AttributeInOntologyController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.AttributeInOntologyController
Create an attribute controller associated with the specified graph
- AttributeInOntologyController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.AttributeInOntologyController
Create an attribute controller associated with the specified graph
- attributeList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a list of the attributes contained by this object.
- attributeList(Class<T>) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a list of the attributes contained by this object that
are instances of the specified class.
- attributeList() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.ScopeExtender
Return a list of the attributes contained by this object.
- attributeList() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Return a list of the attributes contained by this object.
- attributeList(Class) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Return a list of the attributes contained by this object that
are instances of the specified class.
- AttributeListEditFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
The frame for attribute list items editor window.
- AttributeListEditFrame(ConfigureAttributesFrame, List<String>, String) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.AttributeListEditFrame
Creates new form AttributeListEditFrame.
- AttributeMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A matcher to match any attribute.
- AttributeMatcher(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
Construct an attribute matcher to be either contained in the pattern
of a
or in the replacement.
- attributeName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
The HLA attribute name the HLASubscriber is mapped to.
- attributeName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
The HLA attribute name the HLASubscriber is mapped to.
- attributeName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor.Factory
- attributeName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
The name of the attribute of the container whose value to display.
- attributeName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
The name of the attribute of the container whose value to display.
- attributeName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FileEditorTableauFactory
The name of the file attribute giving the file name or URL.
- attributeName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorConfigureFactory
The name of the string attribute that is to be edited.
- attributeName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
The name of the string attribute that is to be edited.
- attributeNames() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return an enumeration over the names of the attributes
in this schematic.
- attributeNameSet() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Return a set of all the attribute names, where each element of
the set is a String.
- AttributeNodeModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
A model for an attribute as a diva graph node.
- AttributeNodeModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeNodeModel
- AttributeOperation - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations
An operation to add or change an attribute.
- AttributeOperation(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner.
- AttributeOperation(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- AttributeOperation(GTIngredientList, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner and with the
given value to each of its elements..
- AttributeRepresentation - Interface in ptolemy.homer.kernel
Specify an interface to access an attribute's visual representation
based on its style.
- ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Indicate that the description(int) method should include attributes
(if any).
- AttributeSearcher - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
The concrete searcher to handle the search by attributes criteria.
- AttributeSearcher(SearchCriteria) - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AttributeSearcher
Construct the AttributeSearcher according to the input search criteria.
- AttributeSearchTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Contain the attribute search criteria to
execute attribute search task.
- AttributeSearchTask() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.AttributeSearchTask
Construct an instance of AttributeSearchTask
and set it as a select task.
- AttributesListPanel - Class in ptdb.gui
A reusable panel that accepts the model name and allows adding, removing,
and changing of database attributes.
- AttributesListPanel(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Construct a AttributesListPanel.
- AttributesManager - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.save
Manage the attributes and work as a link between the GUI and the database
- AttributesManager() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.AttributesManager
- AttributesSearchListPanel - Class in ptdb.gui
An extension of the AttributesListPanel to include a button for
adding a GenericAttributePanel.
- AttributesSearchListPanel(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.AttributesSearchListPanel
Construct a AttributesSearchListPanel.
- AttributeStyleWidget - Class in ptolemy.homer.widgets
This widget visualizes attributes based on their style definition.
- AttributeStyleWidget(Scene, PositionableElement) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.widgets.AttributeStyleWidget
Create a new instance visualizing the positionable element based on its style definitions.
- AttributeTreeModel - Class in ptolemy.homer.gui
A tree model for Ptolemy II models.
- AttributeTreeModel(CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.gui.AttributeTreeModel
Create a new tree model with the specified root.
- attributeType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- attributeTypeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
Override the base class to allow arbitrary type changes
for the variables and parameters.
- attributeTypeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
React to a change in the type of an attribute.
- attributeTypeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
React to a change in the type of an attribute.
- attributeTypeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Override the base class to allow type changes on
- attributeTypeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Override the base class to allow type changes on
- attributeTypeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Override the base class to allow type changes on
- attributeTypeChanged(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
React to a change in the type of an attribute.
- AttributeValueAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is a text attribute whose text string shows the
value of a parameter.
- AttributeValueAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- AttributeValueIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon that displays the value of an attribute of the container
or of some other entity contained by the container.
- AttributeValueIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- AttributeWithIconController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent that can have
custom icons.
- AttributeWithIconController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeWithIconController
Create a controller associated with the specified graph
- AttributeWithIconController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeWithIconController
Create a controller associated with the specified graph
- Audio - Class in ptolemy.media
Instances of this class represent audio data equivalent to that
contained by a Sun/NeXT audio file (.au file).
- Audio(byte[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.Audio
Construct an instance initialized with the audio
signal given by the argument.
- Audio(double[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.Audio
Construct an instance initialized with the audio
signal given by the argument.
- Audio(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.Audio
Construct an instance and initialize it by reading
the specified stream.
- audio - Variable in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Audio data, by channel.
- AudioCapture - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
This actor sequentially outputs audio samples that are captured
from the audio input port of the computer.
- AudioCapture(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioCapture
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AudioHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio
Helper for the audio.js JavaScript module.
- AudioHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Create an audio helper.
- AudioPlayer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
This actor reads audio samples and plays them.
- AudioPlayer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioPlayer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AudioPlayer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf
This actor accepts an ObjectToken that contains a DataSource.
- AudioPlayer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.AudioPlayer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AudioReadBuffer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
This actor reads a sound file into a buffer and outputs the the
sample value at the specified buffer element.
- AudioReadBuffer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReadBuffer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AudioReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
This actor outputs samples from a sound file as doubles in
the range [-1.0, 1.0].
- AudioReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AudioViewer - Class in ptolemy.media.viewer
Display sound files.
- AudioViewer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Construct an audio plot with no command-line arguments.
- AudioViewer(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Construct an audio plot with no command-line arguments.
- AudioWriteBuffer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
This actor writes audio samples to a buffer and saves the buffer
to a sound file on wrapup.
- AudioWriteBuffer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AudioWriter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
This actor reads audio samples from the input port and writes
the samples to the specified sound file.
- AudioWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AuthManager - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth
Download, build, start and stop the local authorization entity, Auth.
- AuthManager(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth.AuthManager
Construct a AuthManager with a name and a container.
- author(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Specify author information to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- author(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Specify author information to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- author(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Specify author information to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- author(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Specify author information to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- author - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
The author field.
- author - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.IDAttribute
The author of the model.
- authSourceDirectory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth.AuthManager
The path to the Auth sources.
- Auto32Tests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using JUnit.
- Auto32Tests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.Auto32Tests
- AUTO_INTTOKEN - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
The value used to signify special behavior for the
iterations parameter.
- AUTO_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
The name of the AUTO iterations parameter choice: "AUTO".
- AutoAdapter - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java
A code generator adapter that is auto generated and calls actor code.
- AutoAdapter(ProgramCodeGenerator, TypedAtomicActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- autoAnchor(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Choose an anchor point so as not to intersect a given
- AutoCGCInlineTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit with inlining.
- AutoCGCInlineTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCInlineTests
- AutoCGCKnownFailedTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTests directory
using cg C language code generation under JUnit.
- AutoCGCKnownFailedTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCKnownFailedTests
- AutoCGCNoInlineArduinoTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit without inlining for the Arduino target
The DE codegen facility does not work with inlining.
- AutoCGCNoInlineArduinoTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineArduinoTests
- AutoCGCNoInlineDuktapeTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit without inlining for the Duktape target.
- AutoCGCNoInlineDuktapeTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineDuktapeTests
- AutoCGCNoInlineTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit without inlining.
- AutoCGCNoInlineTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineTests
- AutoCGCTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit.
- AutoCGCTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCTests
- AutoCGFMIMAKnownFailedTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTests/ directory
using Functional Mock-up Interface Master Algorithm (FMIMA) code
generation under JUnit.
- AutoCGFMIMAKnownFailedTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGFMIMAKnownFailedTests
- AutoCGFMIMANoInlineTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using Functional
Mock-up Interface Master Algorithm (FMIMA) code generation under
- AutoCGFMIMANoInlineTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGFMIMANoInlineTests
- AutoCGJavaKnownFailedTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTests directory
using cg Java language code generation under JUnit.
- AutoCGJavaKnownFailedTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaKnownFailedTests
- AutoCGJavaTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit.
- AutoCGJavaTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaTests
- AutoCGKnownFailedTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTests/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit.
- AutoCGKnownFailedTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGKnownFailedTests
- AutoCGNoInlineAccessorTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit without inlining for the Accessor target.
- AutoCGNoInlineAccessorTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGNoInlineAccessorTests
- AutoCGTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit.
- AutoCGTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGTests
- autocorrelation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LevinsonDurbin
The autocorrelation input, which is an array.
- Autocorrelation - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor calculates the autocorrelation of a sequence of input tokens.
- Autocorrelation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Autocorrelation - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor calculates the autocorrelation of a sequence of input tokens.
- Autocorrelation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- autoCorrelation(double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return a new array that is the auto-correlation of the
argument array, starting and ending at user-specified lag values.
- autoCorrelationAt(double[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the auto-correlation of an array at a certain lag value,
summing over a certain number of samples
defined by :
Rxx[d] = sum of i = 0 to N - 1 of x[i] * x[i + d]
N must be non-negative, but large numbers are ok because this
routine will not overrun reading of the arrays.
- AutoKnownFailedTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTest/ directory using
- AutoKnownFailedTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoKnownFailedTests
- automaticRescale - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
If true, the plot will automatically rescale if necessary.
- AutomaticSimulation - Class in org.hlacerti.lib
Implement an automatic simulation of any model chosen by the user.
- AutomaticSimulation(String[]) - Constructor for class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
Parse the specified command-line arguments, creating models
and frames to interact with them.
- autoNameArch() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoNameArchTests
Return the auto directory for the current architecture, for example
- AutoNameArchTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/os.name-os.arch directory
using JUnit.
- AutoNameArchTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoNameArchTests
- AutonomousSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A site that is not attached to a figure.
- AutonomousSite(TransformContext, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Create a new autonomous site in the given transform
context and at the given location within that context.
- AutonomousSite(CanvasPane, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Create a new autonomous site in the transform
context of the given pane and at the given location within that pane.
- AutonomousSite(CanvasLayer, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Create a new autonomous site in the transform
context of the given pane and at the given location within that layer.
- AutonomousSite(Figure, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Create a new autonomous site in the transform context of
the given figure and at the given location within that figure.
- autoResize - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying if the figure should be auto-resized based on the
window size.
- autoscroll(Point) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
Implements autoscrolling.
- autoscroll(Point) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
Implements autoscrolling.
- AUTOSCROLL_INSET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- AUTOSCROLL_INSET_SIZE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- AutoTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using JUnit.
- AutoTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoTests
- autoThrottling - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Auto throttling of local sources.
- available - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- available - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- availableServices() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Return the list of services.
- availableServices() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Return an array of iot REST service names that are available
to the user.
- AVERAGE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- AVERAGE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DeinterlaceFilter
- AVERAGE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- average(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
average of elements in a vector
- average(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
average of elements in a vector
- Average - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the average of the inputs after the last time a true token is
received at the reset port.
- Average(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Average - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the average of the inputs after the last time a true token is
received at the reset port.
- Average(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AverageComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- AverageComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.AverageComposite
- AverageComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- AverageFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which averages the 3x3 neighbourhood of each pixel, providing a simple blur.
- AverageFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.AverageFilter
- AverageOverTime - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
An actor to compute the average of the input values received so far over model
- AverageOverTime(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.AverageOverTime
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- AWTContainer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
The portable container that wraps java.awt.Container.
- AWTContainer(Container) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.AWTContainer
Create a new instance of the object by wrapping the provided container.
- AWTImageToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a java.awt.Image.
- AWTImageToken(Image) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.AWTImageToken
Construct a token with a specified java.awt.Image.
- AxisAngle4f - Class in com.jhlabs.vecmath
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
- AxisAngle4f() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- AxisAngle4f(float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- AxisAngle4f(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- AxisAngle4f(AxisAngle4f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- AxisAngle4f(Vector3f, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- axisDirection - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
The direction of the axis of rotation.
- azimuth - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- c - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- C - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
The C matrix in the state-space representation.
- C - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
The C matrix in the state-space representation.
- C - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
The C matrix in the state-space representation.
- C - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- C_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- C_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- CA2DConvolution - Class in ptolemy.domains.ca.lib
Cellular Automata 2D Convolution Actor.
- CA2DConvolution(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.CA2DConvolution
Construct a new CA2DConvolution.
- CachedMethod - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
An instance of this class represents a method or function that is
invoked by the Ptolemy II expression evaluator.
- CachedMethod(String, Type[], Method, CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion[], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Construct a new CachedMethod.
- CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
Class representing an argument conversion.
- CachedMethod.ArrayMapCachedMethod - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
A class representing the invocation of a scalar method on
an array of elements.
- CachedMethod.BaseConvertCachedMethod - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
A cached method that converts the object on which the method
is invoked as well as the arguments.
- CachedMethod.MatrixMapCachedMethod - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
A class representing the invocation of a scalar method on
a matrix of elements.
- CachedMethod.TypeArgumentConversion - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
A class representing an argument conversion to another ptolemy type,
followed by the given conversion.
- CachedSDFScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The CachedSDFScheduler extends the SDFScheduler by caching schedules.
- CachedSDFScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.CachedSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler with no container(director)
in the default workspace, the name of the scheduler is
- CachedSDFScheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.CachedSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given workspace with the name
- CachedSDFScheduler(Director, String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.CachedSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name
and given cache size.
- CachedStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
A base class for cached analyzers on graphs.
- CachedStrategy(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
No instance of this object can be created as it is abstract.
- CacheManager - Class in ptdb.kernel.database
The class that interfaces with the model cache.
- CacheManager() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.database.CacheManager
- cachingStatus() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
Return the caching status of the strategy.
- CActorBase - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc
This is a base class for actors that are intended to be used with an
instance of GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator, an attribute that is
placed in the model and that generates code when the user double clicks on
its icon.
- CActorBase(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CActorBase
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- CActorBase(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CActorBase
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CADirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel
A Cellular Automata director.
- CADirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
Construct a new CADirector.
- Calc_Chirp(int, float[], int, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- Calc_Chirp(int, float[], int, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- Calc_Echo(int, float[], int, int, int, float[], int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- Calc_Echo(int, float[], int, int, int, float[], int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- Calc_SteerVect(int, int, float[], float, float, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- Calc_SteerVect(int, int, float[], float, float, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- Calcfc - Interface in com.cureos.numerics
Interface for calculation of objective function and constraints in COBYLA2 optimization.
- calcFuncInternal(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ApproximatedObjectiveFunction
Objective function called in QPSolver.
- calcFuncInternal(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
Objective function called by a solver.
- calcFuncInternal(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunctionForPhaseI
Objective function called in Phase I.
- calcFuncInternal(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunctionWithSoftConstraints
Objective function called in optimization class.
- calcFunction(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ApproximatedObjectiveFunction
- calcFunction(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
Objective function and constraint functions.
- calcFunction(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunctionForPhaseI
- calcFunction(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunctionWithSoftConstraints
- calCode - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.CalInterpreter
The CAL source to be interpreted.
- calculateClientArea() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
Calculates a client area of the image.
- calculateDeltaTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Calculate the constant time increment for this receiver.
- calculateLayout(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
This method performs levelizing layout on the given composite.
- calculateRuntime() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Calculate the duration of the execution of the federation.
- calculateTabWidth(int, int, FontMetrics) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.ShortTitleTabbedPaneUI
- CalcWeights(int, int, float[], int, int, float[], int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- CalcWeights(int, int, float[], int, int, float[], int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- CalendarQueue - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class implements a fast priority queue.
- CalendarQueue(CQComparator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Construct an empty queue with a given comparator, which
is used to sort the entries.
- CalendarQueue(CQComparator, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Construct an empty queue with the specified comparator,
which is used to sort the entries, the specified
minimum number of buckets, and the specified bin count factor.
- CalInterpreter - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.actors
This actor interprets CAL source as an actor inside the Ptolemy II
- CalInterpreter(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.CalInterpreter
Construct an actor in the given workspace.
- CalInterpreter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.CalInterpreter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CalIOException - Exception in ptolemy.caltrop
An exception used to indicate an IO error during interpretation of a
CAL actor in Ptolemy.
- CalIOException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.CalIOException
Create a CalIOException().
- CalIOException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.CalIOException
Create a CalIOException with a message.
- CalIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.CalIOException
Create a CalIOException with a message and a cause.
- CalIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.CalIOException
Create a CalIOException with a cause.
- callAttributeChanged(Local, Local, SootClass, SootMethod, JimpleBody, Stmt) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Insert code into the given body before the
given insertion point to call the
attribute changed method on the object stored in the given local.
- callDijkstra(Map<Integer, ArrayToken>, ArrayList<Integer>, int, int, Map<Integer, Token>, Map<Integer, Boolean>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.DijkstraAlgorithm
Call the Dijkstra algorithm.
- callSetStateMethod - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
The trigger port for the setState() method.
- CAMatrixViewer - Class in ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui
The CAMatrixViewer is a type of Java Component that renders a grid of
cells within a matrix (a two-dimensional array of doubles).
- CAMatrixViewer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAMatrixViewer
Construct a new CAMatrixViewer and initialize the matrix to
size [1][1] and set the only value to 1.0;
- CameraHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras
Helper for the cameras JavaScript module.
- CameraHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras.CameraHelper
Create the system default camera.
- CameraHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras.CameraHelper
Create a camera with the specified name.
- cameras() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras.CameraHelper
Return an array of camera names that are available on this host.
- canBeConvertedTo(UnitConcept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConcept
Return true if this unit can be converted to the specified unit.
- canBeInstantiatedOnlyOncePerProcess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
True if only one FMU can be instantiated per process.
- canBeInstantiatedOnlyOncePerProcess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
True if only one FMU can be instantiated per process.
- canBeInstantiatedOnlyOncePerProcess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
True if only one FMU can be instantiated per process.
- CanBus - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
- CanBus(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Construct a CanBus with a name and a container.
- CanBus.CanBusAttributes - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
The attributes configured per port which is mediated by a
- CanBusAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus.CanBusAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- CanBusAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus.CanBusAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- CanBusPriority - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
- CanBusPriority(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBusPriority
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- cancel(boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
- cancel() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.WatchDogTimer
- cancel(Event) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Cancel an event that was previously scheduled in the event queue.
- cancel() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Cancel any running commands.
- CANCEL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.ErrorHandler
Indicator to cancel parsing XML.
- cancel() - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Cancel any running commands.
- cancel() - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Cancel any running commands.
- cancel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- cancel() - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenPublisher
Cancel the publisher's timer used for sending batch of tokens.
- cancel() - Method in class util.testsuite.WatchDog
- cancelButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- cancelButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- canceled - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector.TimedEvent
Whether this event has been canceled.
- CancelException - Exception in ptolemy.gui
- CancelException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.gui.CancelException
Construct an exception with a default message.
- CancelException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.gui.CancelException
Construct an exception with the specified message.
- CancelException - Exception in ptolemy.util
An exception that is not reported to the user.
- CancelException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.util.CancelException
Construct an exception with a default message.
- CancelException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.util.CancelException
Construct an exception with the specified message.
- cancelFireAt(Actor, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Cancel a requested firing of the given actor at the given model
time microstep 1.
- cancelFireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Cancel a requested firing of the given actor at the given model
time with the given microstep.
- cancelFullScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame
Cancel full screen mode.
- cancelFullScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- cancelFullScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- canceling - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
A Boolean-valued parameter that defines whether this scheduling relation
is cancelling.
- CancelObservable - Class in ptdb.gui
An extension of Observable to be used for canceling of model searches.
- CancelObservable() - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.CancelObservable
- cancelWeight(Element) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Disassociate the given element from its weight information.
- canCheck(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.Criterion
Return whether this criterion can check the given object.
- canCheck(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Return whether this criterion can check the given object.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserEffigy.Factory
Return true, indicating that this effigy factory is
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EffigyFactory
Return true if this effigy factory is capable of creating
an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellEffigy.ShellFactory
Return true, indicating that this effigy factory is
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellEffigy.ShellFactory
Return true, indicating that this effigy factory is
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLEffigyFactory
Return false, indicating that this effigy factory is not
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy.Factory
Return false, indicating that this effigy factory is not
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotEffigy.Factory
Return false, indicating that this effigy factory is not
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellEffigy.ShellFactory
Return true, indicating that this effigy factory is
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy.Factory
Return true, indicating that this effigy factory is
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew
Return false, indicating that this effigy factory is not
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellEffigy.ShellFactory
Return true, indicating that this effigy factory is
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy.Factory
Return true, indicating that this effigy factory is
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy.Factory
Return false, indicating that this effigy factory is not
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilderEffigy.Factory
Return false, indicating that this effigy factory is not
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocEffigy.Factory
Return false, indicating that this effigy factory is not
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy.Factory
Return true, indicating that this effigy factory is
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canCreateBlankEffigy() - Method in class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew
Return false, indicating that this effigy factory is not
capable of creating an effigy without a URL being specified.
- canDisable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientElement
Return whether this element can be disabled.
- canDisplay(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau
Return true if this tableau can display the specified token.
- canDisplay(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau
Return true if this tableau can display the specified token.
- canDisplay(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Return true if this tableau can display the specified token.
- canFilterIndexColorModel - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PointFilter
- canFormatOfFrame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
The format of frame.
- canFramePolicy - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
The selected policy for the frame queue behavior.
- canGetAndSetFMUstate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
If true, then the FMU can get and set state.
- canGetAndSetFMUstate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
For FMI 2.0 and greater, the XML file may specify that the FMU supports
getting and setting its state.
- canGrow() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Checks and answers whether this spec can grow or not.
- canHandleEvents - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
True if the step size can be zero.
- canHandleEvents - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
True if the step size can be zero.
- canHandleVariableCommunicationStepSize - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave ignores the allocateMemory()
/** True if the slave can handle a variable step size.
- canHandleVariableCommunicationStepSize - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave ignores the allocateMemory()
/** True if the slave can handle a variable step size.
- canInterpolateInputs - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
True if slave can interpolate inputs.
- canInterpolateInputs - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
True if slave can interpolate inputs.
- canNotUseMemoryManagementFunctions - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave ignores the allocateMemory()
and freeMemory() callback functions and the
slave uses its own memory management.
- canNotUseMemoryManagementFunctions - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
True if the slave ignores the allocateMemory()
and freeMemory() callback functions and the
slave uses its own memory management.
- canNotUseMemoryManagementFunctions - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave ignores the allocateMemory()
and freeMemory() callback functions and the
slave uses its own memory management.
- canonicalize() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitEquation
Transform to the canonical form of the equation.
- canonicalizeJarURL(URL) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.JNLPUtilities
Canonicalize a jar URL.
- canPriority - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus.CanBusAttributes
Value of the CAN priority parameter.
- canProvideMaxStepSize - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
For the IBM/UCB proposed extension to FMI 2.0, there is a capability flag
canProvideMaxStepSize that indicates that the FMU implements the
procedure fmiGetMaxStepSize().
- canRejectSteps - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave can discard and repeat a step.
- canRejectSteps - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave can discard and repeat a step.
- canRunAsynchronuously - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave can run the fmiDoStep() call
- canRunAsynchronuously - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave can run the fmiDoStep() call
- canSerializeFMUstate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
True if the environment can serialize the internal FMU state,
meaning that the following functions are supported:
fmiDeSerializeFMUstate(), fmiSerialFMUState() and
fmiSerializeFMUstateSize() are supported.
- canSignalEvents - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave can signal events during a communication
- canSignalEvents - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
True if the slave can signal events during a communication
- canSimulateExecutionFor(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.ExecutionTimeAttributes
Return whether the target can have an execution time that can be
- CANVAS_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
When the action was fired from a canvas interactor.
- CanvasComponent - Interface in diva.canvas
A CanvasComponent is an object that can be inserted into the
display tree of a JCanvas.
- CanvasDebugUtilities - Class in diva.canvas
A collection of canvas utilities.
- CanvasDebugUtilities() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CanvasDebugUtilities
- CanvasFactory() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest.CanvasFactory
- CanvasLayer - Class in diva.canvas
A canvas layer is a single layer that lives within a CanvasPane.
- CanvasLayer() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Create a new layer that is not in a pane.
- CanvasLayer(CanvasPane) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Create a new layer within the given pane.
- CanvasPane - Class in diva.canvas
A canvas pane groups canvas layers.
- CanvasPane() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
- CanvasUtilities - Class in diva.canvas
A collection of canvas utilities.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
The capacity of the record for each channel.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Memory
The range of address from 0 to capacity.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
The capacity of the record for each channel.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BackDropQueue
The capacity of the queue.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.FrontDropQueue
The capacity of the queue.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Buffer
The capacity of the buffer.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
The capacity of the queue.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
The capacity of the queue.
- capacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Buffer
The capacity of the buffer.
- CapeCodeApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
Wrapper class to start up CapeCode, the subset that has the
convenient feature that it automatically imports all the accessors
at https://accessors.org and makes them available in an
actor library to drag and drop into models.
- CapeCodeApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.CapeCodeApplication
- CartesianToComplex - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a Cartesian pair (represented as two double tokens) to a single
complex token.
- CartesianToComplex(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.CartesianToComplex
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CartesianToPolar - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a Cartesian pair, which is represented by two double tokens (x and y),
to a polar form, which is also represented by two double tokens (magnitude
and angle).
- CartesianToPolar(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.CartesianToPolar
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Case - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
An actor that executes one of several refinements depending on the
value provided by the control port-parameter.
- Case(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
a modal model with a name and a container.
- Case(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
Construct a Case in the specified workspace with no container and
an empty string as a name.
- Case - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Code generator adapter for Case actor.
- Case(Case) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given Case actor.
- Case - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
- Case(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Case
a modal model with a name and a container.
- CaseDirector - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
An CaseDirector governs the execution of a Case actor.
- CaseDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- CaseDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Code generator adapter class associated with the CaseDirector class.
- CaseDirector(CaseDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Construct the code generator adapterassociated with the given
- CaseGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame.CaseGraphController
- CaseGraphFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy case models.
- CaseGraphFrame(Case, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified case actor.
- CaseGraphFrame(Case, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified case actor.
- CaseGraphFrame.AddCaseAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
Class implementing the Add Case menu command.
- CaseGraphFrame.CaseGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
Specialized graph controller that handles multiple graph models.
- CaseGraphFrame.RemoveCaseAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
Class implementing the Remove Case menu command.
- CaseGraphTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
An editor tableau for case constructs in Ptolemy II.
- CaseGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphTableau
Create a new case editor tableau with the specified container
and name.
- CaseGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphTableau
Create a new case editor tableau with the specified container,
name, and default library.
- CaseGraphTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- cast(Token, Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Convert the second token to the type of the first.
- CastAndInstanceofEliminator - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
A transformer that remove unnecessary casts and instanceof checks.
- castReturnType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the type of the first argument.
- castSafely(Object, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JSUtils
Attempt to safely cast the given object into a given class.
- castSafely(Object, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JSUtils
Attempt to safely cast the given object into a given class.
- CATableau - Class in ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui
This class is used by the CAViewer to render a
two-dimensional grid of cells that are either on or off.
- CATableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CATableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- CatchExceptionAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This attribute catches exceptions and attempts to handle them with the
specified policy.
- CatchExceptionAttribute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- CatchUpComposite - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This composite allows events to occur in the inside model
between the times when the outside model invokes this composite.
- CatchUpComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CatchUpComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- CatchUpComposite(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CatchUpComposite
Construct a CatchUpComposite in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- CatchUpComposite.Contents - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Contents composite that overrides the base class to have a parameter
indicating whether to fire only when triggered.
- categoryList() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Return a copy of the category list.
- catrom2(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.SCNoise
- causality - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The value of the causality xml attribute.
- CausalityInterface - Interface in ptolemy.actor.util
This interface defines a causality interfaces for actor networks as
described in the paper "Causality Interfaces for Actor Networks" by
Ye Zhou and Edward A.
- CausalityInterfaceForComposites - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class elaborates its base class by providing an algorithm for inferring
the causality interface of a composite actor from the causality interfaces
of its component actors and their interconnection topology.
- CausalityInterfaceForComposites(Actor, Dependency) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Construct a causality interface for the specified actor.
- causallyAffect(PtidesEvent, PtidesEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Calculate whether Ptides event e1 could possibly affect Ptides
event e2.
- CausticsFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which simulates underwater caustics.
- CausticsFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
- CAViewer - Class in ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui
Cellular Automata Viewer.
- CAViewer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAViewer
Construct a new CAViewer.
- cc - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Email address to copy on the message.
- cc - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Email address to copy on the message.
- CC3000Control - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
This actor outputs tokens with information to control the CC3000
WiFi Module.
- CC3000Control(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Control
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CC3000Control - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Control.
- CC3000Control(CC3000Control) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Control
Construct the CC3000Control adapter.
- CC3000Module - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
This actor represents the CC3000 Wi-Fi module and receives values to
control its operation and send packets.
- CC3000Module(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Module
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CC3000Module - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Module.
- CC3000Module(CC3000Module) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Module
Construct the CC3000Module adapter.
- CCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c
Base class for C code generator.
- CCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the C code generator.
- CCodegenUtilities - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c
A utility class used to simplify creating c templates in EmbeddedCActors.
- CCodegenUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodegenUtilities
- CDL - Class in org.json
This provides static methods to convert comma delimited text into a
JSONArray, and to covert a JSONArray into comma delimited text.
- CDL() - Constructor for class org.json.CDL
- CEILING - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Singleton implementing ceiling rounding strategy.
- Cell() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.Cell
- cellConstraints() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the CellConstraints object that is used as a cursor and
holds the current column span and row span.
- CellConstraints - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
Defines constraints for components that are layed out with the FormLayout.
- CellConstraints() - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Constructs a default instance of CellConstraints
- CellConstraints(int, int) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Constructs an instance of CellConstraints
for the given
cell position.
- CellConstraints(int, int, CellConstraints.Alignment, CellConstraints.Alignment) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Constructs an instance of CellConstraints
for the given
cell position, anchor, and fill.
- CellConstraints(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Constructs an instance of CellConstraints
for the given
cell position and size.
- CellConstraints(int, int, int, int, CellConstraints.Alignment, CellConstraints.Alignment) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Constructs an instance of CellConstraints
for the given
cell position and size, anchor, and fill.
- CellConstraints(int, int, int, int, CellConstraints.Alignment, CellConstraints.Alignment, Insets) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Constructs an instance of CellConstraints
the complete set of available properties.
- CellConstraints(String) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Constructs an instance of CellConstraints
the given encoded string properties.
- CellConstraints.Alignment - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
An ordinal-based serializable typesafe enumeration for component
alignment types as used by the
- CellPanelEditor - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- CellPanelEditor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.CellPanelEditor
- cells - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D
- cells - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder
- CELLULAR - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- CellularFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which produces an image with a cellular texture.
- CellularFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- CellularFilter.Point - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- CellularFunction2D - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- CellularFunction2D() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D
- CellularFunction2D.Point - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- CellValidator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.CellValidator
- CEmachineFrameworkEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator.CEmachineFrameworkEditorFactory
Construct an editor for CE machines with the specified container and name.
- CENTER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Put the component in the center.
- CENTER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
By default put the components in the center.
- CENTER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
By default put the components in the center.
- CENTER - Static variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- center - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
A boolean parameter that controls whether the origin of the text is
center (if true) or north-west.
- CENTER_ALIGN - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
By default put the components in the center.
- centered - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
Indicator of whether the shape should be centered on the location.
- centerFrequencies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEDiscriminant
The array of filterbank center frequencies.
- centerFrequencies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Maximum center frequency in the filterbank.
- centerOnScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Center the window on the screen.
- centerOnScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- CenterOnScreenRunnable() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.CenterOnScreenRunnable
- CenterSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A concrete implementation of Site that is located in the
center of the bounding box of a figure.
- CenterSite(Figure) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.CenterSite
Create a new site on the given figure.
- CenterSite(Figure, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.CenterSite
Create a new site on the given figure and with the given ID
- CenterTarget - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An implementation of connector targets that finds center sites.
- CenterTarget() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.CenterTarget
- CENTIMETER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- centimeterAsPixel(double, Component) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Converts Centimeters and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- centimeterAsPixel(double, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts Centimeters and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- centimeterAsPixel(double, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts Centimeters and returns pixels using the specified resolution.
- centimeterAsPixel(double, Component) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.util.UnitConverter
Converts Centimeters and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- centreX - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- centreY - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- centroid(List<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- CertiRtig - Class in org.hlacerti.lib
Execute the HLA/CERTI RTIG in a subprocess.
- CertiRtig(HlaManager, Boolean) - Constructor for class org.hlacerti.lib.CertiRtig
Construct an actor with the given
reference and
debug mode status.
- CGException - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
Create exceptions in code generation.
- CGException() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CGException
- Changeable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
This is an interface for objects that support change requests that can
be deferred.
- changeAnalyzer(GraphAnalyzer) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.Analysis
Change the analyzer associated with this analysis class to the given
- changeCount() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the present value of a counter that keeps track
of changes to the graph.
- changed(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurer
Called to notify that one of the entries has changed.
- changed(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Queue a change request to alter the value of the attribute
attached to the specified entry, if there is one.
- changed(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RenameConfigurer
Called to notify that one of the entries has changed.
- changed(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.StyleConfigurer
Generate a change request to apply the changes.
- changed(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
React to a change in the find-and-replace query.
- changed(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.QueryListener
Called to notify that one of the entries has changed.
- changed(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Execute the search.
- changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
React to notification that an attribute or set of attributes
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
React to the fact that a change has been successfully executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.OpenInstanceDialog
Update the table.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
Notify the listener that a change has been successfully executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
React to the fact that a change has been successfully executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Notify this class that a change has been successfully executed
by the change handler.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RenameConfigurer
React to the fact that the change has been successfully executed
by doing nothing.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Do nothing.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
React to a change request has been successfully executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeListener
React to a change request has been successfully executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamChangeListener
Print the description of the change to the stream output.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ConvertToLazy
React to a change request has been successfully executed by
doing nothing.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
React to a change request has been successfully executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
React to a change request has been successfully executed by
doing nothing.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLUndoEntry
Do nothing.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
This implementation will delegate to the implementation in the parent
class and will additionally update the model in case it is necessary.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel.LinkChangeListener
Called after the change has been executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
Do nothing.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Notify the listener that a change has been successfully executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
React to the fact that a change has been successfully executed
by marking the data associated with this window modified.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.BreakpointConfigurer
React to a change request has been successfully executed.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel.TreeUpdateListener
Trigger an update of the tree.
- changeExecuted(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog
- ChangeExecutedRunnable() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog.ChangeExecutedRunnable
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
Notify the listener that a change has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.OpenInstanceDialog
Do nothing.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
Notify the listener that a change has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
React to the fact that a change has triggered an error by
reporting the error in a top-level dialog.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Notify the listener that a change attempted by the change handler
has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RenameConfigurer
React to the fact that the change has failed by reporting it.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
React to the fact that a change failed by setting a flag
that causes an exception to be thrown in next call to prefire()
or wrapup().
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
React to a change request has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeListener
React to a change request has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamChangeListener
Print the description of the failure to the stream output.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ConvertToLazy
React to a change request that has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
React to a change request has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
React to a change request that has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLUndoEntry
Record the exception so that execute() can throw it.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel.LinkChangeListener
Handled a failed change request.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
Stop executing the model.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Notify the listener that the change has failed with the
specified exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
React to the fact that a change has triggered an error by
doing nothing (the effigy is also listening and will report
the error).
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.BreakpointConfigurer
React to a change request has resulted in an exception.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel.TreeUpdateListener
Trigger an update of the tree.
- changeFailed(ChangeRequest, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog
- ChangeFailedRunnable(Exception) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog.ChangeFailedRunnable
- ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
- ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto
- ChangeListener - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
A ChangeListener is an interface implemented by objects that are
interested in being kept informed about changes in a model as they
are executed.
- changeModel(BasicGraphFrame, CompositeEntity, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools
- changeModel(BasicGraphFrame, CompositeEntity, boolean, boolean, UndoAction) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools
- changeParameter(int, AutomaticSimulation, String[], String, double[], int) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
Change a parameter in the .xml, making it assume previously
chosen values.
- changeParameter(int, AutomaticSimulation, String[], String, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
Change a parameter in the .xml, making it vary within an interval defined by the
parameters start and end.
- changeParameters(int, AutomaticSimulation, String[], String[], double[][], int) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
Change a parameter in the .xml, making it vary within an interval defined by the
parameters start and end.
- ChangePtr - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib
An actor that changes address and size of a PtrToken.
- ChangePtr(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.ChangePtr
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ChangeRequest - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
Abstract base class for change requests.
- ChangeRequest(Object, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Construct a request with the specified source and description.
- ChangeRequest(Object, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Construct a request with the specified source and description.
- changeSelection(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
Drag and drop is kind of weird in that when you drag something, you often
start in a cell that has a component in it but by the time the drag
handling code get's the event the selection has moved into a cell that
does have a component in it and the drag fails.
- changeSelection(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
Drag and drop is kind of weird in that when you drag something, you often
start in a cell that has a component in it but by the time the drag
handling code gets the event the selection has moved into a cell that
does have a component in it and the drag fails.
- changeStyle(ParameterEditorStyle) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.AttributeElement
Change the style of the parameter to a new style.
- changeTypesInMethods(SootClass, SootClass, SootClass) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Search through all the methods in the given class and change
all references to the old class to references to the new class.
- changeTypesOfFields(SootClass, SootClass, SootClass) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Search through all the fields in the given class and if the
field is of class oldClass, then change it to newClass.
- changeWeight(Element) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Given an element in this list, check if the weight has
changed (since the element was added to the graph or was
last validated, whichever is more recent), and if so,
change the current mapping of a weight to the element or
remove the element from the set of unweighted elements.
- channel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
The name of the channel.
- channel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
The name of the channel.
- channel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
If set, then this port is used to communicate over a named
publish and subscribe channel, rather than over manually
established connections.
- Channel(IOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel
Construct the channel with the given port and channel number.
- channel - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.NondeterministicMerge
Output port used to indicate which input channel the current
output came from.
- channel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Return the destination channel for this event.
- channelBandwidth - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
The channel bandwidth in bits/second.
- channelContent - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
Array to store all channel content.
- ChannelListener - Interface in ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel
Interface for channel listeners.
- ChannelMixFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which allows the red, green and blue channels of an image to be mixed into each other.
- ChannelMixFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- channelName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer
The name of the channel.
- channelName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TerrainProperty
The name of the channel.
- channelNotify(RecordToken, Token, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.SurgeVisualizer
Parse the token, and visualize a line between the sender and destination
container only if the type field in the packet stored in
token corresponds to a Surge packet AND
the nodeID of the destination node
(i.e., the node that contains the destination WirelessIOPort)
is the same as the address field in the Surge packet.
- channelNotify(RecordToken, Token, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Notify any channel listeners that have been added.
- channelNotify(RecordToken, Token, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.ChannelListener
React to a transmission on the channel on which this is listening.
- channelNotify(RecordToken, Token, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer
Visualize a line between the sender and destination containers
by starting a thread that will create and remove the line after some
amount of time.
- channelNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum
The output port for the channel number.
- channelNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
The output port for the channel number.
- channelNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel
The channel number of this channel.
- ChannelPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel
This port is used in a channel to mediate type constraints between
senders and receivers on a wireless channel.
- ChannelPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.ChannelPort
Construct a port with the specified container and name
that is both an input and an output.
- channels - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
The number of audio channels to use.
- channels - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
The number of audio channels to use.
- channels - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
The number of audio channels.
- channels - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
The number of audio channels.
- CHANNELS - Static variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundEvent
The value indicates a channel number change event.
- channelSize(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
return the amount of memory taken by the channel content.
- channelSize(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._ListOfChannels
Count the overall memory taken by channels in the list in state 'state'.
- CHAR_NUM - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The integer identifier of char type.
- CHAR_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The type object of char type.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle character data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Character data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Handle character data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Append the given character bytes to the character data of
the current XML element.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle a chunk of char data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Handle character data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Handle character data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Handle character data.
- check() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest.RegionTestCase
- check() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Report on the results of running the test.
- check(Pattern, MatchResult) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.Constraint
Check whether this constraint is satisfied with the given match in
matchResult to the given pattern.
- check() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Check the configuration for common style problems.
- Checkable - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gt
Interface of NamedObjs that correspond to criteria.
- checkArray(LinkedHashMap<String, Integer[]>, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer[]>, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer[]>, List<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Check whether the array is correct or not.
- checkAttributeName(String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Check if the given name meet the attribute name convention.
- checkAttributeType(Actor, List, List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Check for SequenceAttribute or ProcessAttribute for multiple
or wrong occurrence in the model.
- CheckBoxStyle - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.style
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
a checkbox style for configuring the containing attribute.
- CheckBoxStyle() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.CheckBoxStyle
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- CheckBoxStyle(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.CheckBoxStyle
Construct an attribute in the given workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- CheckBoxStyle(Parameter, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.CheckBoxStyle
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- checkCacheValid(TransformContext) - Method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Check transform cache validity.
- checkCacheValid(TransformContext) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Check transform cache validity.
- checkCloneFields(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Check that clone(Workspace) method properly sets the fields.
- checkCompleteDemos(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLAbout
Check that all the demos in otherDemos are in completeDemos.
- checkConsistency(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Check to make sure that all nodes and edges
are self-consistent within a graph.
- checkConsistency(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.layout.LayoutUtilities
Check consistency of the graph in terms of topology and
- checkContainerClass(Attribute, NamedObj, Class<? extends CompositeEntity>, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Check the class of the container in which the attribute is to be placed.
- checkContainment(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Check to make sure that all nodes and edges
are contained with in a graph and are consistent.
- checkContainment(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.layout.LayoutUtilities
Check consistency and containment in terms of topology and
- checkCopy(String, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLVariableChecker
Check for problems in the moml to be copied.
- checkCopy(String, NamedObj, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLVariableChecker
Check for problems in the moml to be copied.
- checkDisjointness() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
Check that all modes are unique. -- by definition
Check that all values are unique.
- checkDisjointness() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Check that all modes are unique. -- by definition
Check that all values are unique.
- checkDisjointness(List<String>, int, int, FSMActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableHelper
Check that all modes are unique. -- by definition
Check that all values are unique.
- checkEdge(Edge, Graph) - Static method in exception ptolemy.graph.GraphElementException
Verify that an edge is in the container graph.
- checkEncoding(String, boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Check that the encoding specified makes sense.
- checkErrors() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Check whether there are any regression testing errors after resolving
- checkFeasibility() - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
check feasibility of current point
- checkFileExists(String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Check whether the given file exists.
- CheckFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A Filter to draw grids and check patterns.
- CheckFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
- checkForAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Check to see if the parameters exist in the workspace.
- checkForAttributes(Token, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Check to see if both the variable and initial value variable exist.
- checkForCycles() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Check the associated composite actor for causality cycles.
- checkForDTD(URL, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EffigyFactory
Check the URL input for a DTD.
- checkForFileUpdates - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
If this parameter is set to true, then the specified file or
URL will be checked for updates on every prefiring of the
enclosing opaque composite actor.
- checkGiottoID(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Throw an exception if the given string is a valid giotto
reserved word, which prevents it from being used as an identifier.
- checkModelName(String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Check if the given name meet the model name convention.
- CheckModelSize - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Class that checks the size, zoom, and location of a model.
- CheckModelSize() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.CheckModelSize
- checkModelSize(Configuration, String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CheckModelSize
Check the size, zoom and location of the models named
by the args.
- checkNode(Node, Graph) - Static method in exception ptolemy.graph.GraphElementException
Verify that a node is in the container graph.
- checkoutOrUpdateAccessorsRepository - Variable in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
If true, then check out the accessors git
repository when the accessor is reloaded and run ant to build
the PtDoc files.
- checkPhaseICriteria() - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunctionForPhaseI
Check the termination criteria in phase I.
- Checkpoint - Class in ptolemy.backtrack
The class of checkpoint objects.
- Checkpoint(Rollbackable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Construct a checkpoint object with an initial object in its monitored
object list.
- CHECKPOINT_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
The name of the checkpoint object.
- CHECKPOINT_RECORD_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
The name of the checkpoint record.
- CheckpointRecord - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Record for checkpoint objects.
- CheckpointRecord() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.CheckpointRecord
- CheckpointState - Class in ptolemy.backtrack
The current state of a checkpoint object.
- CheckpointState() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.CheckpointState
- checkResolutionErrors() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Check whether there are any OntologySolver resolution errors after resolving
- checkSafety(Object, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JSUtils
Test whether a given object can be safely cast into a given class.
- checkSafety(Object, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JSUtils
Test whether a given object can be safely cast into a given class.
- checkTDLID(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Throw an exception if the given string is a valid TDL reserved word,
which prevents it from being used as an identifier.
- checkUnacceptableConcepts() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.DAGConceptGraph
Return a list of the concepts which are not acceptable, but are also
not at the top of the lattice, as required for non-acceptable concepts.
- checkUniqueness(Attribute, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Check whether the attribute is unique in the given container.
- checkWidthConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Check whether the widths constraints are met.
- children - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer.OctTreeNode
- children - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.Segment
- children - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- ChoiceAction - Interface in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An action implementing this interface is a choice action.
- choiceActionList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return the list of choice actions contained by this transition.
- ChoiceCriterionElement - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A choice element for a criterion.
- ChoiceCriterionElement(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.ChoiceCriterionElement
Construct a choice element for a criterion.
- ChoiceCriterionElement(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.ChoiceCriterionElement
Construct a choice element for a criterion.
- ChoiceParameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This parameter contains a string value and has a list of acceptable choices.
- ChoiceParameter(NamedObj, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ChoiceParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- choices - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ChoiceStringParameter
A comma-separated list of choices.
- ChoiceStringParameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This parameter contains a string value and has a list of acceptable choices.
- ChoiceStringParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ChoiceStringParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- ChoiceStyle - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.style
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
an uneditable combobox style for configuring the containing attribute.
- ChoiceStyle() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ChoiceStyle
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ChoiceStyle(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ChoiceStyle
Construct an attribute in the given workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ChoiceStyle(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ChoiceStyle
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- cholesky22(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- choleskyDecomposition(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Returns the lower triangular matrix L that satisfies LL*=A
- chooseBranch(ConditionalBranch[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranchController
Determine which branch succeeds with a rendezvous.
- chooseBranch(ConditionalBranch[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Determine which branch succeeds with a rendezvous.
- chooseSensor(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Dialog Box to select a service the accessor mimics.
- Chop - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor reads a sequence of input tokens of any type, and writes a
sequence of tokens constructed from the input sequence (possibly
supplemented with zeros).
- Chop(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Chop
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Chop - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor reads a sequence of input tokens of any type, and writes a
sequence of tokens constructed from the input sequence (possibly
supplemented with zeros).
- Chop(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Chop
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Chord - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
A class that defines a Chord object.
- Chord(String, double) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Construct a chord with a name and a duration.
- Chord(Set<Note>) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Construct a chord by a set of note objects.
- Chord() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Construct an empty Chord with no chord tones.
- chordDuration - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordParser
Duration of chord.
- ChordFollower - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
An actor that follows where the melody is within the measure.
- ChordFollower(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- ChordFunction() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle.ChordFunction
- ChordFunctionToken() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle.ChordFunction.ChordFunctionToken
- ChordFunctionToken() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle.ChordFunctionToken
- chordIndex - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordParser
Index of chord in the global chord sequence.
- chordName - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordParser
Name of chord.
- ChordParser - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
The Chord parser receives OSC information regarding the Chords and
builds a sequence of chord objects.
- ChordParser(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordParser
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- chords - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordParser
An array of ordered chord objects.
- chordSequence - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
The chord sequence to which the melody should adhere to.
- ChromaKeyFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which can be used to produce wipes by transferring the luma of a Destination image into the alpha channel of the source.
- ChromaKeyFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- ChromeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which simulates chrome.
- ChromeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ChromeFilter
- CIActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel
A base class for actors specific to the CI domain.
- CIActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIActor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CIDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel
Director of the component interaction (CI) domain.
- CIDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- CIDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- CIDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- CipherActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
A base class for actors that encrypt and decrypt data.
- CipherActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- cipherMode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
The cipher mode to be used for the cipher.
- CIRCLE_DOWN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Interpolate with a falling circle shape curve.
- CIRCLE_DOWN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- CIRCLE_UP - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Interpolate with a rising circle shape curve.
- CIRCLE_UP - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- circleDivisions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cone3D
The number of divisions in the circle forming the base of the
- circleDivisions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cylinder3D
The number of divisions in the circles forming the ends of the
- circleDown(float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
A "circle down" function.
- CircleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which wraps an image around a circular arc.
- CircleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Construct a CircleFilter.
- CircleGeometry - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A class that provides support for manipulating
the bounds of a figure.
- CircleGeometry(Figure, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Create a new geometry object on the given figure and with the
given initial bounds.
- CircleGeometry.CircleSite - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
CircleSite is the local class that implements
an editable site of Rectangle objects.
- CircleManipulator - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A manipulator which attaches a grab handles to one of the bounds
of the child figure.
- CircleManipulator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleManipulator
Construct a new manipulator that uses rectangular grab-handles.
- CircleManipulator(GrabHandleFactory) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleManipulator
Construct a new manipulator using the given grab-handle factory.
- CIRCLES - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- CircleSite(int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Create a new site with the given ID
- circleUp(float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
A "circle up" function.
- CircularDependencyError(Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.data.expr.Variable.CircularDependencyError
- CircularDependencyException - Exception in ptdb.common.exception
Exception thrown when an attempt to save a model with references or import a
model by reference would result in a circular dependency.
- CircularDependencyException(String) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.CircularDependencyException
Create a new CircularDependencyException with the given message.
- CircularDependencyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.CircularDependencyException
Create an instance to wrap other exceptions.
- CircularFifoQueue<E> - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor
CircularFifoQueue is a first-in first-out queue with a fixed size that
replaces its oldest element if full.
- CircularFifoQueue() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Constructor that creates a queue with the default size of 32.
- CircularFifoQueue(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Constructor that creates a queue with the specified size.
- CircularFifoQueue(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Constructor that creates a queue from the specified collection.
- CircularSweep3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a
circularly swept object.
- CircularSweep3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.CircularSweep3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CIReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel
An implementation of the ptolemy.actor.Receiver interface for the CI
- CIReceiver(CIDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIReceiver
Construct an empty receiver.
- claimWriteAccess() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Claim write access.
- clamp(int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscCompositeContext
- clamp(int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite.RGBCompositeContext
- clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Clamp a value to an interval.
- clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Clamp a value to an interval.
- clamp(int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
Clamp a value to the range 0..255.
- CLAMP - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
Clamp pixels to the image edges.
- CLAMP - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- clamp(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- clamp(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- clamp(float, float) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
Perform 2D convolution using 2D filter.
- clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- CLAMP_EDGES - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Clamp pixels off the edge to the nearest edge.
- clampByte(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- CLASS_ELEMENT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
A fourth argument would this highlight translucent, which would enable
combination with other highlights.
- CLASS_TAG - Static variable in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Indicates a recognizer class
- ClassAndEntityTreeModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A tree model for Ptolemy II models that includes class definitions and
- ClassAndEntityTreeModel(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.ClassAndEntityTreeModel
Create a new tree model with the specified root.
- ClassChanges - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
- ClassChanges() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.ClassChanges
- classClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ClassComparator - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
A comparator to compare classes, which is used to sort the map returned by
the _getRefinementClasses() method in ModalRefinement and ModalController.
- ClassComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ClassComparator
- ClassConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
Attribute that defines a concept function by instantiating a ConceptFunction
Java class.
- ClassConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ClassConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
Construct the ClassConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute attribute
with the given container and name.
- ClassDefinitionController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
- ClassDefinitionController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ClassDefinitionController
Create an actor instance controller associated with the
specified graph controller with full access.
- ClassDefinitionController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ClassDefinitionController
Create a controller associated with the specified graph
controller with the specified access.
- classDefinitionList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
List the contained class definitions in the order they were added
(using their setContainer() method).
- classDefinitionList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
List the contained class definitions
in the order they were added
(using their setContainer() method).
- classDefinitionList() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
List the contained class definitions in the order they were added
(using their setContainer() method).
- classesToRemove - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
A Parameter that is an array of Strings where each element
names a class to be removed.
- ClassFileLoader - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Class loader that tries to load a class from the given file.
- ClassFileLoader() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.ClassFileLoader
Construct a class loader with no special class path.
- ClassFileLoader(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.ClassFileLoader
Construct a class loader with a set of class paths specified
as a string array.
- ClassHandler - Interface in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Interface of the class declaration handlers called by
- classifyHMM(double[][], double[], double[][]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
Alpha-beta recursion.
- ClassImport(String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader.ClassImport
Construct a class importation.
- classInstanceName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
The name of the HLA class instance for this HlaSubscriber.
- classInstanceName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
The name of the HLA class instance for this HlaSubscriber.
- ClassLoadingStrategy - Interface in org.ptolemy.classloading
Strategy to be able to switch class loading mechanisms, depending
on the needs for a runtime environment (especially for actors and
other model entities),
In a "plain" Java SE runtime, a default implementation would use
simple Class.forName()
(for Java classes) or local
file-lookup (for actor-oriented classes) or similar.
- className - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ClassWrapper
The name of the Java class.
- className - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementExtender
The full name of the refinement class.
- CLASSNAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Indicate that the description(int) method should include the class name.
- classNameForMap - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapWorker
The qualified class name for a Java class containing a method
with signature:
public static List<String[]> map(String key, String value)
Each element of each returned list should be a length two array of
- classNameForReduce - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
The qualified class name for a Java class containing a method
with signature:
public static List<String[]> map(String key, String value)
Each element of each returned list should be a length two array of
- classObjectName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
The object class of the HLA attribute to publish.
- classObjectName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
The object class of the HLA attribute to subscribe to.
- classToActorName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Generate actor name from its class name.
- ClassUtilities - Class in ptolemy.util
A collection of utilities for manipulating classes.
- ClassWrapper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor wraps (an instance of) a Java class specified by the
className parameter.
- ClassWrapper(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ClassWrapper
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ClassWriter - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
Write all of the application classes out to class files.
- clazz - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- cleanAuth - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth.AuthManager
If true then remove the contents of the authSourceDirectory
at the start of initialization.
- cleanConstants() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Traverse the list of constants and remove any ConceptTokens
that may have been added by MonotonicyConceptFunction.
- cleanFirst - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilder
If true, then clean before building documentation.
- cleanUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Free up memory when closing.
- cleanup() - Method in class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Release an resources.
- cleanup() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Clean up by freeing memory.
- cleanupModel(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Create a copy of the given model in a new workspace that is cleaned up
with no execution state left in it.
- cleanupModel(NamedObj, MoMLParser) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Create a copy of the given model with the given parser that is cleaned
up with no execution state left in it.
- cleanupModel(NamedObj, Workspace) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Create a copy of the given model in the given workspace that is cleaned
up with no execution state left in it.
- cleanupString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- cleanupVariables() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Clean up after the parse to allow some garbage collection.
- CLEAR - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- clear() - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Removes all of the figures from this list.
- clear() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Removes all of the figures from this layer.
- clear() - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Clear the layer.
- clear() - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Removes all of the figures from this list.
- clear() - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Remove all figures from the display
- clear() - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Remove all figures from the display
- clear() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- clear() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- clear(int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- clear(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- clear(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- clear() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- clear() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Set all elements to zero.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Throw an exception.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Clear this collection by removing all its components.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Clear this linked list.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.SequentialTwoWayHashMap
Clear this two-way hash map.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Clear this two-way hash map.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane
Clear the display.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy
Clear the token array associated with this effigy.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixPane
Clear the display.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau
Clear the display.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy
Clear the token array associated with this effigy.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau
Clear the display.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Reset the communication aspect and the receiver that we delegate to.
- clear - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseInsert
If true, clear the table at initialization of the model.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Clear the display.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Clears this queue.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.localStorage.LocalStorageHelper
Remove all keys in the local storage.
- clear - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.NeoPixelLEDStrip
The clear input port.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Clear the console.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.QueuedTypedIOPort
Clear the queue.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Mailbox
Clear this receiver of any contained token.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Clear this receiver of any contained tokens.
- clear() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Clear this receiver of any contained tokens.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
Set the status of this receiver to be known and absent.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Empty the queue, discarding all current information.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Remove all items currently stored in the queue and
clear the history queue.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Clear the set by removing all elements.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Clear the contents of this code stream.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Clear list along with port lists.
- clear() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Clear the cache.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopReceiver
Set the status of this receiver to be absent.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIReceiver
Clear this receiver.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Reset local flags.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Clear this receiver of any contained tokens.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Empty the event queue.
- clear() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEventQueue
Empty this event queue.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Clear this receiver of any contained tokens.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Clear this receiver of any contained tokens.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.EventDictionary
Clears all the event ID mapping.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Graph
Clears the linked list to the initial state.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Clears all the mapping constraints.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Clears the event queue.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Clear this receiver of any contained token and set the known
status to true.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Do nothing.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Clear the event queue.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Reset local flags.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Clear this queue of any contained objects.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Clear this receiver of any contained tokens.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Memory
Remove all entries from the memory.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Clear this receiver of any contained tokens.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMReceiver
Clear this receiver of any contained tokens.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Clear all of the elements in this list.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Clear all of the elements in this list.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Clear the text area, status bar and progress bar.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Clear the contents, but keep all the listeners attached.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Clear all data.
- clear() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.BackwardCompatibility
Clear the list of filters.
- clear() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ClassChanges
Clear the map of class renames and the set of class removals.
- clear() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortNameChanges
Clear the map of actors with port name changes.
- clear() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PropertyClassChanges
Clear the map of actors with property class changes.
- clear() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveClasses
Clear the map of graphical classes to be removed.
- clear() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
Clear the map of graphical classes to be removed.
- clear() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveNonPtinyClasses
Clear the map of graphical classes to be removed.
- clear(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Clear the plot of all data points.
- clear(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Clear the plot of all data points.
- clear(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Clear the plot of data points in the specified dataset.
- clear(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If the argument is true, clear the axes.
- clear(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
If the argument is true, clear the axes.
- clear(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Clear the plot of all data points.
- clear(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Clear the plot of data points in the specified dataset.
- clear() - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Clear the text area, status bar and progress bar.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Clear the text area, status bar and progress bar.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
Clear the set of actors that are being debugged.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorConfigureFactory
Remove any editor that may have been associated with this object
by a previous call to createEditor().
- clear() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorFactory
Clear the object.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
Remove any editor that may have been associated with this object
by a previous call to createEditor().
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTreeMenuCreator
Remove all MenuItemFactories from the factory list.
- clear() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog.SolutionListModel
Clear the current set of solutions.
- clearActorOrientedClassProviders() - Method in class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.OSGiClassLoadingStrategy
Clear the set of registered ActorOrientedClassProviders.
- clearActors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher
Clear the list of actors.
- clearAllErrorHighlights() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Request a change that clears all the error highlights.
- clearAnimation() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Clear any animation highlight that might currently be active.
- clearCaches() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.CachedSDFScheduler
Clear the schedule cache, cache keys and cache for external rates
of this scheduler.
- clearCaptions() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Clear all the captions.
- clearCaptions() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Clear all the captions.
- clearDisplay(boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyMoMLHandler
Remove the highlighting and visible annotations
for all property-able objects.
- clearEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Remove the figure for the given edge.
- clearEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Remove the figure for the given edge, but do not remove the
edge from the graph model.
- clearEdge(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Remove the figure for the given edge, but do not remove the
edge from the graph model.
- clearEdge(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Remove the figure for the given edge.
- clearEnabledOutports() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Clear the list of enabled output ports.
- clearEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- clearFileSelectionStatus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- clearGrabHandles() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Clear all grab-handles.
- clearInterval(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Clear the interval with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearInterval(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Clear the interval with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearInterval(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Clear the interval with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearInterval(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Clear the interval with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearInterval(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Clear the interval with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearInterval(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Clear the interval with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearInterval(Integer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Clear the interval with the specified handle, if it has not already executed.
- clearInterval(Integer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Clear the interval with the specified handle, if it has not already executed.
- clearJTextArea() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Clear the JTextArea and reset the prompt cursor.
- clearLegends() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Clear all legends.
- clearLegends() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Clear all legends.
- clearMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
Clear Matrix
- clearModelElementClassProviders() - Method in class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.OSGiClassLoadingStrategy
Clears the set of registered ModelElementClassProviders.
- clearName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- clearNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Remove the figure for the given node.
- clearNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Remove the figure for the given node.
- clearNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Remove the figure for the given node.
- clearNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Remove the figure for the given node.
- clearNodeScope(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTMatrixParserState
- clearNodeScope(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTPtParserState
- clearProcessExecutionArray() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Clear the process execution array so that the default process
execution will run.
- clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- clearResolution() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- clearResolvedConcept(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Clear the resolved property for the specified object.
- clearSelection() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Clear the selection.
- clearSelection() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Clear the selection in all the relevant selection interactors.
- clearSelection() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Clear the selection.
- clearSelection() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Clear the selected objects in this frame.
- clearStatus() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- clearTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- clearTimeout(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Clear the timeout with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearTimeout(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Clear the timeout with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearTimeout(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Clear the timeout with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearTimeout(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Clear the timeout with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearTimeout(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Clear the timeout with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearTimeout(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Clear the timeout with the specified handle, if it
has not already executed.
- clearTimeout(Integer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Clear the timeout with the specified handle, if it has not already executed.
- clearTimeout(Integer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Clear the timeout with the specified handle, if it has not already executed.
- clearTopObjectsList() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Clear or create the top objects list.
- clearType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- clearValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonParameter
- clearValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- clickSearchButton(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Perform the action of clicking the search button on this frame.
- client - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
A flag indicating if the reader acts as a client or as part of
the server.
- client - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
A flag indicating if the reader acts as a client or as part of
the server.
- ClientProcess - Class in lbnl.util
Communicate with a client process.
- ClientProcess(String) - Constructor for class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Create a ClientProcess.
- ClientServerInteractionManager - Class in ptolemy.distributed.client
Manager that handles and eases the discovery of services using JINI.
- ClientServerInteractionManager(boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Construct a ClientServerInteractionManager initializing it with a given
VERBOSE option.
- clientTerminated - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Flag, set to true when the clients terminates the communication.
- ClientThread - Class in ptolemy.distributed.client
Thread that manages the interaction with the remote service.
- ClientThread(ThreadSynchronizer, ServiceItem) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientThread
Construct a ClientThread with a given ThreadSynchronizer and a given
- CLIP - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing Saturate overflow strategy.
- ClipPlayer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
An actor that plays an audio clip given in a file.
- ClipPlayer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ClipPlayerHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio
Helper for the ClipPlayer in the audio.js module.
- ClipPlayerHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.ClipPlayerHelper
Construct a new ClipPlayerHelper.
- clipRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- cliPro - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Thread that runs the simulation.
- cliPro - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Thread that runs the simulation.
- cliSoc - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
The client socket.
- Clock - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- Clock(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- clockDrift - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
The drift of the local clock with respect to the environment
- clockSynchronizationErrorBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Bounds on clock synchronization error across all platforms.
- clockSynchronizationErrorBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Bound on clock synchronization error across all platforms.
- CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RotateOrFlipPorts
Indicator to rotate clockwise.
- clone() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Creates a copy of this cell constraints object.
- clone() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
- clone() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
- clone() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- clone() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
- clone() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- clone(Shape) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
When dragging from the palette we need a clone rather than modify
the original.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleTop
Override the base class to ensure that the _controller private
variable is reset to the controller of the cloned object.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.clustering.KMeans
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialClassifier
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianClassifier
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialClassifier
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareGenerator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscReceiver
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscSender
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HTMLModelExporter
Clone the attribute.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Clone the actor.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
Clone the attribute.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
Clone the actor.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPost
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPut
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.RecordToQueryString
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
Clone the attribute.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
Clone the actor.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
Clone the actor.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSource
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModelAttributes
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceModel
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceSimulator
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractInitializableAttribute
Clone the attribute.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- Clone - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to clone the model in the model parameter and store the clone back
into it.
- Clone(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Clone
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.DesignPatternImporter
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Execute
Clone the event into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Clone the parameter.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.PersistenceAttribute
Clone the parameter into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ReadModel
Clone the event into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
Clone the event into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Clone the event into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
Clone the event into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.MatchResult
Clone this match result and return the clone.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.SequentialTwoWayHashMap
Clone this two-way hash map and return the clone.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Clone this two-way hash map and return the clone.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.Path
Clone this path and return a new path containing the same entries
between the same pair of ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientsAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
Clone the variable.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelGenerator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationMode
Clone the variable.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Clone the object into the current workspace by calling the clone()
method that takes a Workspace argument.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
Clone the actor.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellEffigy
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellEffigy
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelRepaintController
Clone the controller into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
Clone the property into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellEffigy
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellEffigy
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Clone this port into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Clone the library into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAccumulate
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAppend
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAverage
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayContains
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayElement
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayElementAsMatrix
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayExtract
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLength
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayMaximum
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayMinimum
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayRemoveElement
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArraySort
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArraySum
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToElements
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToMatrix
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayUpdate
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBusPriority
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationResponsePort
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Assert
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ConvolutionalCoder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HammingCoder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HammingDecoder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanCoder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanDecoder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Slicer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Const
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.BooleanToAnything
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DoubleToFix
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToFix
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsRecorder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseSelect
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteRandomSource
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ElementsToArray
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.FileWriter
Clone the actor.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.EventButton
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedPlotter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunction
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
Override the base class to ensure that the _default member
points to the default refinement.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CatchUpComposite
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiInstanceComposite
Clone a "master copy" of this actor into the specified workspace
- note that this is not used for creating the additional
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RealTimeComposite
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVWriter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.ExpressionReader
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIAffineTransform
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBandCombine
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBandSelect
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBorder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIConstant
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIConvolve
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIEdgeDetection
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageReader
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIMedianFilter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPNGWriter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITranspose
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioCapture
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ColorFinder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopReadPort
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopSerialRead
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopSerialWrite
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWatchDog
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWritePort
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Limiter
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LookupTable
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MathFunction
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MatrixToArray
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GPIOWriter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MicrostepDelay
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingMaximum
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Quantizer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordUpdater
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ResettableTimer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMaximum
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMinimum
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sampler
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sleep
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringMatches
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionDisassembler
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionMerge
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixConst
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT2x2dc
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT4x4dc
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT8x8
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT4x4dc
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT8x8
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.SumofAbsoluteDifferences
Override the base class to set type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.WallClockTime
Override the base class to set the type constraints on the ports.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt.XSLTransformer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterMirrorPort
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
Clone the port.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Clone the parameter.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Override the base class to register the object, since setName()
will not be called.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.StringToKeyValue
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Clone the scheduler into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
clone() is not supported, call clone(Workspace workspace)
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Clone this port into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Clone this queue.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
Override the base class to set type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.manual.ptolemy.actor.lib.Backtrack
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Clone the sub-tree starting from this node, and return the clone result.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractInitializableParameter
Clone the attribute.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
Clone the parse tree node by invoking the clone() method of
the base class.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode
Clone the parse tree node by invoking the clone() method of
the base class.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Clone the parse tree node by invoking the clone() method of
the base class (java.lang.Object).
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode
Clone the parse tree node by invoking the clone() method of
the base class.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Clone the variable.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.AnalyzeExceptionAttribute
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Do nothing, since this is a singleton type.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExceptionAnalyzer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConceptRepresentative
Clone the InfiniteConceptRepresentative into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return a deep copy of this ArrayType if it is a variable, or
itself if it is a constant.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return a deep copy of this FunctionType if it is a variable, or
itself if it is a constant.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return a deep clone of this type.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return a deep copy of this RecordType if it is a variable, or
itself if it is a constant.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return a deep copy of this StructuredType.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return a deep copy of this TupleType if it is a variable, or
itself if it is a constant.
- clone() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return a deep clone of this type.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return a deep copy of this UnionType if it is a variable, or
itself if it is a constant.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.EventSource
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.ResourcePool
Override the base class to set the type constraints.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.CrossbarSwitch
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.AverageOverTime
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Derivative
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Inhibit
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Integrator
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.SuppressSimultaneousEvents
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.WaitingTime
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Override the base class to null out private variables.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MovableViewScreen3D
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.EventDictionary
Clone an EventDictionary.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Graph
Clones the linked list.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Clones MappingConstraintSolver.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Clones a MetroDebugger.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Clones the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Clones the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIFSMDirector
Clones the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
Clones the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform
Clones the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISequentialSDFDirector
Clones the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISRDirector
Clones the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Clones the object into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.TimeScheduler
Clone a time scheduler.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Configurer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Clone the transition into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Clone the state into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Clone the transition into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Case
Override the base class to ensure that the _default member
points to the default refinement.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Override the base class to ensure that the _controller private
variable is reset to the controller of the cloned object.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetActor
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.NondeterministicMerge
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Clone the event into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ParametersAttribute
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Clone the controller into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
Clone the scheduling relation into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Configure
Clone the state into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Plot
Clone the state into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
Clone the state into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Clone the variable.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaLeds
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
Clone the actor into the specified workspace and set the type
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Buffer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
Override the base class to set the type constraints.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Clone this queue.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Clone the port into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Clone the scheduler into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.ArrayToSequence
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.CountTrues
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DotProduct
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LineCoder
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToSequence
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToArray
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToMatrix
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableFIR
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableLattice
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableRecursiveLattice
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.HTVQEncode
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageContrast
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.VQDecode
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyFrame
Clone the DummyFrame.
- clone(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
Create new state by cloning state 'state' and marking
s as its predecessor state.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Code copied from StaticSchedulingDirector
FIXME: Do we just want a SequencedModelDirector to be a subclass of
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Clone the scheduler into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.When
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Clone the director into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModule
Override the base class to ensure that the _controller private variable
is reset to the controller of the cloned object.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.ChannelPort
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.DelayChannel
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.ErasureChannel
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GraphicalLocator
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.SetProperties
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TerrainProperty
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Triangulator
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WiredToWireless
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WirelessToWired
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return a clone of this graph.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileAttribute
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.URIAttribute
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Clone the attribute.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.DecoratorAttributes
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Clone the location into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Build an independent copy of the list.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Clone the object into the current workspace by calling the clone()
method that takes a Workspace argument.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Return this, that is, return the reference to this object.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Clone the library into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
Return a clone of this model attribute.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ParserAttribute
Clone the attribute into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorImage
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.VisualModelReference
Clone this actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.jsoup.HTMLPageAssembler
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebContent
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.CopyCatIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DynamicEditorIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ImageIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.SVGIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.UpdatedValueIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArcAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArrowAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.EllipseAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ImageAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.LineAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.RectangleAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ResizablePolygonAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ShapeAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFAttribute
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFIcon
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- clone(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
Clone the object into the specified workspace.
- cloneAs(Graph) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return a clone of this graph in the form of the argument graph type
(i.e., the run-time type of the returned graph is that of the
argument graph).
- cloneImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
Clones a BufferedImage.
- cloneShape(Shape) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Clone a shape.
- cloneWeight(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.MirrorTransformer
- cloneWeight(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MirrorTransformation
- cloneWeight(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.MirrorTransformerStrategy
- close() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Close the document.
- close() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractView
Close the view.
- close(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.BasicStoragePolicy
Close the document.
- CLOSE - Static variable in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- close(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.DefaultStoragePolicy
Close the document.
- close() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Close the document.
- close() - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
Close the document.
- close(Document) - Method in interface diva.gui.StoragePolicy
Close the document.
- close() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument
Close the document.
- close() - Method in interface diva.gui.View
Close the view.
- close() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Close the socket.
- close() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpoint
Close the connection.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorApplication
Close any ModeFrames opened in processArgs().
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
Close this dialog.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Close this tableau by calling dispose() on the associated
frame, or if the associated frame is an instance of TableauFrame,
by calling _close() on it.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras.CameraHelper
Close the camera.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper
Close the serial port.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper.SocketWrapper
Close the socket and remove all event listeners on the associated
event emitter.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper.UDPSocket
Close the UDP socket.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketHelper
Close the web socket.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.xbee.XBeeHelper
Close the port, if it is open.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
In this class, do nothing.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Close the file.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Close the file.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Close the window, prompting the user to save changes if there
have been any.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileAttribute
Close the file.
- close() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileOrURLAccessor
Close the file.
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.LoggerListener
Close the file handler.
- close(double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return true if the first argument is close to the second (within
EPSILON, where EPSILON is a static public variable of this class).
- close() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphTableau
Invoke the close() method of the superclass and optionally
print a debugging message.
- close() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Close the model along with all its connection.
- close(Ticket) - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Shut down the thread associated with the user's ticket.
- close(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Shut down the simulation thread by calling the finish() method
on its Manager and removing the task from the server.
- close(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Shut down the thread associated with the user's ticket.
- close() - Method in class ptserver.control.SimulationTask
Close the remote model.
- closeAction(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
Create an action named "Close" that closes the current
- closeAllTableaux() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Close all the tableaux.
- CLOSEBRACE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- CLOSEBRACKET - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- closeColor - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ConstraintMonitorIcon
Color of the box to use when the constraint is close
to the threshold.
- closeConnection() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Close the connection if all tasks in the queue
are executed successfully.
- closeConnection() - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Close the connection to the database and commit the transaction.
- closeConnection() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Commit the transaction and close the connection to the database.
- closeConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
Close the connection to the database, if one is open.
- closeContainedFrames() - Method in class ptdb.gui.PTDBContainedFramesManager
Close all the contained frames in this manager.
- closeDocument(Document) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Try to close the given document, respecting the
storage policy.
- closeDocument(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Try to close the given document using the
storage policy.
- closeFile() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundReader
Close the file at the specified URL.
- closeFile() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundWriter
Open a the file specified in the constructor for writing,
write the accumulated audio samples (obtained via
putSamples()) to the file specified in the constructor,
and close the file.
- closeFraction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ConstraintMonitorIcon
Fraction of the threshold that is to be considered close
to the threshold.
- closeFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributeListEditFrame
Close the window.
- closeFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ConfigureAttributesFrame
Close this frame.
- closeFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.DatabaseSetupFrame
- closeFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GraphPatternSearchEditor
Close this window.
- closeFrame() - Method in interface ptdb.gui.PTDBBasicFrame
Perform the close action of that window.
- closeFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.RenameModelFrame
Close this window.
- closeFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SaveModelToDBFrame
Close this window.
- closeFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SearchResultsFrame
Close this frame.
- closeFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Close this frame.
- CloseListener - Interface in ptolemy.gui
This is an interface for listeners that need to be informed when a
window closes.
- closeModelWithoutSavingOrExiting(CompositeEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Close the model without saving or exiting.
- closeNodeScope(Node, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTMatrixParserState
- closeNodeScope(Node, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTMatrixParserState
- closeNodeScope(Node, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTPtParserState
- closeNodeScope(Node, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTPtParserState
- closeOnPostfire - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.VisualModelReference
The value of this string parameter determines what close action
happens in the postfire() method.
- CLOSEPAREN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- closePath() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Close the polygon.
- closePort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortReader
Closes the serial port connection.
- CloseSegment(int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.CloseSegment
Create a new close segment with the given ID
- closeSentinelModel() - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTest
Reset the ptolemy.ptII.doNotExit property to the previous value.
- closeServer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpServer.HttpServerHelper
Close the web socket server.
- closeServer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketServerHelper
Close the web socket server.
- closeServlets() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpointManager
Close all servlet websocket endpoints.
- closestPoint(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- closeTabbedPane(Component) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
Closes the corresponding Tableau and Frame when close event handled.
- closeTableau(Tableau) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventUtils
Close the given tableau when the Java GUI thread is not busy.
- closeTableaux() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Close all tableaux contained by this effigy, and by any effigies
it contains.
- CLOSEUNION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- closeVertx() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Stop the global (unclustered instance of Vert.x.
- closeVertx() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Stop the global (unclustered instance of Vert.x.
- closeVertx() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
If the VertxHelperBase class is present, then invoke the
closeVertx() method so that this process does not wait around
for the Vert.x threads.
- closeView(View) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Try to close the given view, respecting the
storage policy.
- closeView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Try to close the given view using the storage policy.
- CloseWindowAdapter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.CloseWindowAdapter
- CloseWindowRunnable() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.CloseWindowRunnable
- CloudFigure(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial.CloudFigure
Create a new instance of this figure.
- cluster - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing
- clusterAssignments - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
Hidden-State Assignments.
- clusterCenters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.clustering.KMeans
Cluster centers.
- clusterNodes() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.ClusterNodesTransformer
Return the clustered Graph.
- clusterNodes() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.ClusterNodesAnalysis
Return the clustered Graph.
- clusterNodes() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ClusterNodesTransformerStrategy
Return the clustered Graph.
- ClusterNodesAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
Given a collection of nodes in a graph, replace the subgraph induced by
the nodes with a single node N.
- ClusterNodesAnalysis(Graph, Collection, Node) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.ClusterNodesAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class for a given graph.
- ClusterNodesAnalysis(ClusterNodesTransformer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.ClusterNodesAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with a given analyzer.
- ClusterNodesTransformer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
Base interface for cluster transformers for graphs.
- ClusterNodesTransformerStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Strategy for cluster transformers for graphs.
- ClusterNodesTransformerStrategy(Graph, Collection, Node) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ClusterNodesTransformerStrategy
Construct a clusterer for a given graph.
- clusters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.clustering.KMeans
Cluster indices for each element of the input.
- clusters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
Inferred cluster assignments.
- CM - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- cmdArr - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Array containing the command to call and its arguments.
- CmdLineArgException - Exception in ptolemy.plot
Exception thrown by plot classes if there are format
problems with the data to be plotted.
- CmdLineArgException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.plot.CmdLineArgException
Construct a command line argument exception.
- CmdLineArgException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.plot.CmdLineArgException
Construct a command line argument exception.
- Cobyla - Class in com.cureos.numerics
Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximation in Java.
- Cobyla() - Constructor for class com.cureos.numerics.Cobyla
- CobylaExitStatus - Enum in com.cureos.numerics
Enumeration of exit statuses associated with COBYLA2 optimization.
- code - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
Matched code.
- codeBase(String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.MakefileWriter
Convert targetPackage "foo/bar" to codeBase
- codeBook - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.HTVQEncode
A Parameter of type String, giving the location of the codebook data
file relative to the root classpath.
- codeBook - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.VQDecode
A Parameter of type String, giving the location of the codebook data
file relative to the root classpath.
- codeDirectory - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
The directory in which to put the generated code.
- codeDirectory - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
The directory in which to put the generated code.
- codedRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HammingCoder
Integer defining the Hamming code block size.
- codedRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HammingDecoder
Integer defining the Hamming code block size.
- CodeGeneratorAdapter - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
Base class for code generator adapter.
- CodeGeneratorAdapter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorAdapter
- CodeGeneratorGUI - Class in ptolemy.cg.gui
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring and
running a code generator.
- CodeGeneratorGUI(GenericCodeGenerator, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.gui.CodeGeneratorGUI
Construct a frame to control code generation for the specified
Ptolemy II model.
- CodeGeneratorGUIFactory - Class in ptolemy.cg.gui
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring and
running a code generator.
- CodeGeneratorGUIFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.gui.CodeGeneratorGUIFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- CodeGeneratorUtilities - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
Utilities that are useful for code generators.
- CodeGeneratorUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorUtilities
- codeGenType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Get the corresponding type in code generation from the given Ptolemy
- codeGenType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Get the corresponding type in code generation from the given Ptolemy
- codeGenType2(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Get the corresponding type in code generation from the given Ptolemy
- codeGenTypeToPtType(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the type that corresponds with an index in the typesArray in
in the generated type.
- codeGenTypeValue(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the index of the type in the typesArray in the generated code.
- codes - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
The array of the codes.
- CodeStream - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program
FIXME: Get rid of C-specific comments, and put C-specific code in
a subclass.
- CodeStream(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Construct a new code stream associated with the given java actor
- CodeStream(List<String>, ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Construct a new code stream associated with the given java actor
- CodeStream(String, ProgramCodeGenerator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Construct a new code stream, given a specified file path of the
adapter .
- CodeStream.Signature - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program
Inner class for representing a code block signature.
- coefficients - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- coeffs - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Polynomial coefficients, in order: [c0, c1, c2, ...].
- coerceOption(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- collect(ResultHandler<T>) - Method in interface net.jimblackler.Utils.Collector
Perform the collection operation.
- collectAdapters(ASTPtRootNode, OntologySolver) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector
Infer the property of the parse tree with the specified root node using
the specified scope to resolve the values of variables.
- collectFreeVariables(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector
Return the set of names of free variables in the given parse
- collectFreeVariables(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector
- CollectionAbortedException - Exception in net.jimblackler.Utils
An exception class that can be thrown by collectors or results handlers in order to abort or
signal abortion of the collecting process, for any reason.
- CollectionAbortedException() - Constructor for exception net.jimblackler.Utils.CollectionAbortedException
- CollectionAbortedException(String) - Constructor for exception net.jimblackler.Utils.CollectionAbortedException
- CollectionAbortedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.jimblackler.Utils.CollectionAbortedException
- CollectionAbortedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.jimblackler.Utils.CollectionAbortedException
- CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
Model attribute that collects the details of the lattice ontology solver resolution
on the constraints collected and produces string outputs.
- CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails
Construct the CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails attribute
with the given container and name.
- Collector<T> - Interface in net.jimblackler.Utils
Defines a class that collects values of type T and submits each value to a ResultHandler<>
object immediately on collection.
- collided - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
The output port that produces messages that cannot be
received because of a collision.
- CollisionDetector - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
This actor models a typical physical layer front end of a wireless
- CollisionDetector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
Construct an actor with the specified name and container.
- COLON - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- COLON - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- COLON - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- COLON - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- COLOR - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- color - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- COLOR - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- color - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.NeoPixelLEDStrip
The color input port.
- color - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
Color in which to render this transition.
- color - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
The background color to use in the box.
- Color4f - Class in com.jhlabs.vecmath
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
- Color4f() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Color4f
- Color4f(float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Color4f
- Color4f(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Color4f
- Color4f(Color4f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Color4f
- Color4f(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Color4f
- Color4f(Color) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Color4f
- COLOR_BURN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- COLOR_DODGE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- ColorAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is an attribute that specifies a color.
- ColorAttribute(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ColorAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name.
- ColorAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ColorAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- ColorBurnComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ColorBurnComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorBurnComposite
- ColorBurnComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ColorComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ColorComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorComposite
- ColorComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ColorDodgeComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ColorDodgeComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorDodgeComposite
- ColorDodgeComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ColorFinder - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf
An actor that searches for a color in a Buffer.
- ColorFinder(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ColorFinder
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColorHalftoneFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A Filter to pixellate images.
- ColorHalftoneFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
- colorKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsRecorder
A column name to use as a color key.
- colorKey - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TableIcon
A column name to use as a color key.
- colormap - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
- colormap - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- Colormap - Interface in com.jhlabs.image
An interface for color maps.
- colormap - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- colorNames() - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGParser
Return a list of basic color names that are understood.
- colorNames() - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGUtilities
Get an iterator over the known color names
- colors - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CommunicationAspectMonitor
- colors - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
The colors output port.
- COLORS_CONSTANT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
Use constant material color.
- COLORS_CONSTANT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- COLORS_FROM_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
Take the output colors from the input image.
- COLORS_FROM_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- colorSpline(float, int, int[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values.
- colorSpline(int, int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values, but with variable knot spacing.
- cols - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpGrid
- colSpecField - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- colSpinnerModel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ColtBeta - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a Beta distribution.
- ColtBeta(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBeta
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtBinomial - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a Binomial distribution.
- ColtBinomial(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtBinomial - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial.
- ColtBinomial(ColtBinomial) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
Constructor method for the ColtBinomial helper.
- ColtBinomialSelector - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Assign trials from several populations using a conditional Binomial
selection process.
- ColtBinomialSelector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtBinomialSelector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector.
- ColtBinomialSelector(ColtBinomialSelector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
Constructor method for the ColtBinomialSelector helper.
- ColtBreitWigner - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a BreitWigner distribution.
- ColtBreitWigner(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBreitWigner
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtChiSquare - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a ChiSquare distribution.
- ColtChiSquare(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtChiSquare
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtExponential - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a Exponential distribution.
- ColtExponential(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponential
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtExponentialPower - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a ExponentialPower distribution.
- ColtExponentialPower(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponentialPower
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtGamma - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a Gamma distribution.
- ColtGamma(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtGamma
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtHyperGeometric - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a HyperGeometric distribution.
- ColtHyperGeometric(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtHyperGeometric
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtLogarithmic - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a Logarithmic distribution.
- ColtLogarithmic(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtLogarithmic
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtNegativeBinomial - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a NegativeBinomial distribution.
- ColtNegativeBinomial(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNegativeBinomial
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtNormal - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a Normal distribution.
- ColtNormal(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNormal
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtPoisson - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a Poisson distribution.
- ColtPoisson(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtPoisson - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson.
- ColtPoisson(ColtPoisson) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
Constructor method for the ColtPoisson helper.
- ColtPoissonSlow - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a PoissonSlow distribution.
- ColtPoissonSlow(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoissonSlow
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtRandomSource - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Base class for Colt random sources.
- ColtRandomSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtRandomSource - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
A helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource.
- ColtRandomSource(ColtRandomSource) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
Construct the ColtRandomSource adapter.
- ColtStudentT - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a StudentT distribution.
- ColtStudentT(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtStudentT
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtVonMises - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a VonMises distribution.
- ColtVonMises(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtVonMises
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ColtZeta - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Produce a random sequence with a Zeta distribution.
- ColtZeta(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtZeta
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- column - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubMatrix
The starting column number.
- column - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- column - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- column - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
The column of the LED to be illuminated.
- columnDeleteButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- columnInsertAfterButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- columnInsertBeforeButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- columnMajor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MatrixToArray
If true, then insert the first column into the array first,
followed by the second column, etc.
- columnMatrix(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- columnOrigins - Variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout.LayoutInfo
Holds the origins of the columns.
- columnPackedMatrix(double[], int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
Create a matrix from the column-packed vector.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsExporter
The columns to write.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsRecorder
The columns to display when double clicking on the icon.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseSelect
A record indicating what to query for.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DoubleToMatrix
The number of columns.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixJoin
The number of matrices to arrange left to right on the output.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToDouble
The number of columns.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToSequence
The number of columns in the input.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToMatrix
The number of columns in the output.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
The number of columns.
- columns - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.ArrayOfRecordsConfigureFactory
The names of the fields to be displayed from the records, in
the order in which they should be displayed.
- columnsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
The horizontal size of the display, in columns.
- columnsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.DebuggerParameter
The horizontal size of the display, in columns.
- columnsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
The horizontal size of the display, in columns.
- columnsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorConfigureFactory
The horizontal size of the display, in columns.
- columnsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
The horizontal size of the display, in columns.
- columnSpan - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubMatrix
The span of columns.
- columnSpanLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- columnSpanSpinner - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ColumnSpec - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
Specifies columns in FormLayout by their default orientation,
start size and resizing behavior.
- ColumnSpec(FormSpec.DefaultAlignment, Size, double) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
Constructs a ColumnSpec for the given default alignment,
size and resize weight.
- ColumnSpec(Size) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
Constructs a ColumnSpec for the given size using the
default alignment, and no resizing.
- ColumnSpec(String) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
Constructs a ColumnSpec from the specified encoded description.
- columnSpecs - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- columnSplit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixSplit
An array specifying the number of columns in the output matrices.
- com - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
The communication port number.
- com.cureos.numerics - package com.cureos.numerics
The com/cureos/numerics package.
- com.jgoodies.forms.builder - package com.jgoodies.forms.builder
Contains optional builder classes of the Forms framework.
- com.jgoodies.forms.debug - package com.jgoodies.forms.debug
Consists of optional classes that help you find,
understand and fix layout problems
- com.jgoodies.forms.factories - package com.jgoodies.forms.factories
Consists of optional Forms framework factory classes that assist you
in building consistent forms quickly
- com.jgoodies.forms.layout - package com.jgoodies.forms.layout
Contains the core classes of the JGoodies Forms framework:
layout manager, column and row specifications, sizes and cell constraints
- com.jgoodies.forms.util - package com.jgoodies.forms.util
Consists of Forms framework helper classes for unit conversion and layout styles
- com.jhlabs.composite - package com.jhlabs.composite
The com/jhlabs/composite package.
- com.jhlabs.image - package com.jhlabs.image
The com/jhlabs/image package.
- com.jhlabs.image.svg - package com.jhlabs.image.svg
The com.jhlabs.image.svg package.
- com.jhlabs.math - package com.jhlabs.math
The com/jhlabs/math package.
- com.jhlabs.vecmath - package com.jhlabs.vecmath
The com/jhlabs/vecmath/ package.
- com.microstar.xml - package com.microstar.xml
The com.microstar.xml package.
- Combine - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.lib
Combine actor for combining synchronous signals (ports with a token
or no token) using a combine function.
- Combine(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- combineArrays(String[], String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.Strings
Combine two arrays and return the result of their combination.
- CombinedCollection<E> - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.data
A collection that is the combination of one or more collections.
- CombinedCollection() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Construct a combined collection with no collection as its component.
- CombinedCollection(Collection<? extends E>...) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Construct a combined collection with one or more collections as its
- CombinedIterator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.CombinedIterator
Construct an iterator.
- combineInternalTransitions() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Combine each chain of internal transitions into one transition.
- combinePixels(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
Return rgb1 painted onto rgb2.
- combinePixels(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
Return rgb1 painted onto rgb2.
- combinePixels(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
Return rgb1 painted onto rgb2.
- ComboBox - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
A GUI property that encloses a JComboBox component.
- ComboBox(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
- ComboBox(NamedObj, String, JComponent) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component.
- ComboBox(NamedObj, String, JComponent, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component and the given layout
- ComboBox(NamedObj, String, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given layout
- ComboBox.Item - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
The base class for an item that can be added to the combo box as a choice.
- ComboItem - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.gui
- ComboItem(ComboBox, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.gui.ComboItem
Construct an item with the given name contained by the specified
- COMMA - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- COMMA - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- COMMA - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- COMMA - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- COMMA_OR_FORWARDSLASH - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision.PrecisionFormat
Regular expression definition for a comma "," or a
forward slash "/".
- command - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
The command to be executed.
- commandList - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
List with the command and the arguments.
- CommandListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.CommandListener
- commandPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Port number for the TOSSIM command server socket.
- CommandSearcher - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
The concrete searcher class which handles the search according to the
XQuery command input by the user.
- CommandSearcher(SearchCriteria) - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.CommandSearcher
Construct the command searcher.
- commandsMap - Variable in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
Map of commands to be executed.
- commandsProcessed() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ThreadSynchronizer
Waits until readyMap is empty.
- commandToRun(GeneratorAttribute) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Return the command to run the generated code.
- COMMENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- COMMENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- COMMENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- comment(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGenerator
Return a formatted comment containing the specified string.
- comment(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return a formatted comment containing the
specified string.
- comment(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGenerator
Return a formatted comment containing the specified string.
- comment(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGenerator
Return a formatted comment containing the specified string.
- comment(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return a formatted comment containing the
specified string with a specified indent level.
- comment(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return a formatted comment containing the
specified string.
- comment(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGenerator
Format a string as a code comment.
- COMMENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- commit(long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Commit the changes on all the monitored objects up to the given
- commit(long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.ui.BacktrackController
Commit a checkpoint handle.
- commit() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.ui.BacktrackControllerFrame
Commit the selected checkpoint handle.
- commit(long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.CheckpointRecord
Commit the changes of checkpoint objects up to (but not including) the
time given by the timestamp.
- commit(FieldRecord[], long, long) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Commit the changes in all the FieldRecord objects up to the
time represented by the timestamp.
- commit(long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Commit the changes up to the time represented by the timestamp.
- commit() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DFInputChannel
Commit reads of this channel.
- commit() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationNode
Update the previous type and difference information of this relation
node with the current evaluation result.
- commit() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- COMMIT_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
The name of commit methods.
- CommitAction - Interface in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An action implementing this interface is a commit action.
- commitActionList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return the list of commit actions contained by this transition.
- CommitActionsAttribute - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An action that changes the state of the system.
- CommitActionsAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.CommitActionsAttribute
Construct an action in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- CommitActionsAttribute(Transition, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.CommitActionsAttribute
Construct an action with the given name contained
by the specified transition.
- commitConnection() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Commit the transaction running over the connection.
- commitConnection() - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Commit the transaction running over the connection.
- commitConnection() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Commit the transaction running over the connection.
- commitRelationValues() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Record the current relation values so that when getPreviousMaximumDistance()
is called, these recorded values are used.
- commitState() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Commit the state of this field record, and delete older states in its
- CommunicationAspect - Interface in ptolemy.actor
An interface for objects that can intervene in communication between actors.
- communicationAspect - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
communication aspect that receives tokens from this receiver.
- CommunicationAspectAttributes - Class in ptolemy.actor
Attributes for ports decorated by a communication aspect.
- CommunicationAspectAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspectAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- CommunicationAspectAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspectAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- CommunicationAspectListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
This interface defines a listener for communication aspects.
- CommunicationAspectListener.EventType - Enum in ptolemy.actor
Type of the event.
- CommunicationAspectMonitor - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This actor implements a Communication aspect Monitor.
- CommunicationAspectMonitor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.CommunicationAspectMonitor
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- CommunicationAspectMonitor.CommunicationAspectMonitorEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Factory that creates the schedule plotter.
- CommunicationAspectMonitorEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.CommunicationAspectMonitor.CommunicationAspectMonitorEditorFactory
Constructs a SchedulePlotter$SchedulePlotterEditorFactory object.
- CommunicationRequestPort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This actor implements an input port in a composite communication aspect
(@link CompositeCommunicationAspect).
- CommunicationRequestPort(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationRequestPort
Construct a constant source with the default type set to the RecordToken
used in the CompositeQM.
- CommunicationResponsePort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This actor implements an output port in a composite communication aspect
(@link CompositeCommunicationAspect).
- CommunicationResponsePort(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationResponsePort
Construct a ResourceMappingOutputPort.
- CommunicationToken - Class in ptserver.data
Encapsulate tokens that were received within one iteration.
- CommunicationToken() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Create a new instance with targetActor set to null.
- CommunicationToken(String) - Constructor for class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Create a new instance and set the name of the targetActor.
- CommunicationTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
Serialize a CommunicationToken to and from binary format.
- CommunicationTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.CommunicationTokenHandler
- Commutator - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic commutator, which merges a set of input sequences into a
single output sequence.
- Commutator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Commutator - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic commutator, which merges a set of input sequences into a
single output sequence.
- Commutator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Commutator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A code generation helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator.
- Commutator(Commutator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Constructor a Commutator adapter.
- Commutator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator.
- Commutator(Commutator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Construct a Commutator adapter.
- Comparator - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
Compare two double-valued inputs, and output the boolean result
of the comparison.
- Comparator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Comparator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator.
- Comparator(Comparator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
Construct the Comparator adapter.
- Comparator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator.
- Comparator(Comparator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
Construct the Comparator adapter.
- Comparator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator.
- Comparator(Comparator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
Construct a Comparator adapter.
- compare(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.GenerateCopyrights.FileNameComparator
Compare to Strings that should represent files by the
lower case name of the file.
- compare(RecordToken, RecordToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper.SortByCommandTime
Return the difference between time 1 and time2.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities.NamedObjComparator
Compare two objects.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FuzzyDoubleComparator
Compare two objects according to a threshold.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.GeneralComparator
Return -1, 0, or 1 if the first object is less than, equal to, or
bigger than the second object.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent.TimeComparator
Compare the two arguments.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptGraph
Compare two concepts in the ontology.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.DAGConceptGraph
Compare two concepts in the ontology.
- compare(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Compare this concept with the given concept.
- compare(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConcept
Compare this concept with the given concept.
- compare(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConcept
Compare this concept with the given concept.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeCPO
Compare two concepts in the product lattice ontology.
- compare(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.RecordConcept
Compare this concept with the given concept.
- compare(Token, Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeLattice
Compare the types of the two specified tokens in the type lattice.
- compare(Token, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeLattice
Compare the types of the two specified tokens in the type lattice.
- compare(Type, Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeLattice
Compare the types of the two specified tokens in the type lattice.
- compare(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeLattice
Compare two types in the type lattice.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.ReceiverComparator
Compare two receivers according to ReceiverTime and priority.
- compare(metroIIcomm.Event.Time, metroIIcomm.Event.Time) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.EventTimeComparator
Compare two timetags.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver.TagComparator
Compare two events according to time stamps and values.
- compare(Class<? extends Entity>, Class<? extends Entity>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ClassComparator
Compare class1 and class2, and return -1 if class1 is a subclass of
class2, 1 if class2 is a subclass of class1, and otherwise, the
result of comparing the names of class1 and class2.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
The method compares two objects that should be Places.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver.TagComparator
Compare two events according to time stamps and values.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparatorLowestValue
compare two states on their value.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparatorMaximumProgress
Compare the states based on smallest number of remaining firings.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction.TDLActionComparator
Compare two TDLEvents.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEventComparator
Compare the two argument for order.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
Compare two elements in this CPO.
- compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Compare two elements in this CPO.
- compare(NamedObj, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.NamedObjComparator
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
Make it sortable on name so the palette is ordered.
- compareTo(VersionSpecification) - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Compare this specification to the argument.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Compare this model with another given model, and the model is compared
according to their name.
- compareTo(Dependency) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.BooleanDependency
Return Dependency.LESS_THAN, EQUALS, or GREATER_THAN depending
on whether the argument is less than, equal to, or greater than
this dependency.
- compareTo(Dependency) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.RealDependency
Return Dependency.LESS_THAN, EQUALS, or GREATER_THAN depending
on whether the argument is less than, equal to, or greater than
this dependency.
- compareTo(Dependency) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseDependency
Return Dependency.LESS_THAN, EQUALS, or GREATER_THAN depending
on whether the argument is less than, equal to, or greater than
this dependency.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseTime
Compare this superdense time object with the argument superdense
time object for an order.
- compareTo(SuperdenseTime) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseTime
Compare this superdense time object with the argument superdense
time object for an order.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return -1, 0, or 1 if this time object is less than, equal to, or
greater than the given argument.
- compareTo(TimedEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent
Compare two TimedEvents by comparing their timestamps.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream.Signature
Compare this signature to the given object by comparing
their string representation lexicographically.
- compareTo(DEEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Compare the tag and depth of this event with those of the argument
event for the order.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Compare this event with the argument event for an order.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.Tag
Compare a tag with another.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessAttribute
Implement compareTo method to compare sequence numbers
Updated: This method now compares both the process name and the
sequence number
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceAttribute
Implement compareTo method to compare sequence numbers
Only the sequence numbers are compared (independent of any process name).
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Compare the order of this event with the specified event
for order.
- compareTo(TMEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Compare the tag of this event with the specified event for order.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute
Compare the value of this VersionAttribute against the argument
according to the VersionAttribute syntax and padding rules.
- comparison - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
The comparison operator.
- compatibility(Type, ClassLoader) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Compute the compatibility rating between this type and another formal
- compile - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
If true, then compile the generated code.
- compile(String, CompositeEntity, GeneratorAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Compile the given model with the given name.
- compileAndRun(CompositeEntity, GeneratorAttribute) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Possibly create the generated code and run it.
- compileCommand - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
The command to use to compile the generated code if the
useMake parameter is false.
- CompiledCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
Code generator adapter for a composite actor that contains an actor
with a body written in C.
- CompiledCompositeActor(CompiledCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- CompiledCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
Code generator for a composite actor that contains an actor
with a body written in Java.
- CompiledCompositeActor(CompiledCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Construct the code generator associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- CompiledCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
A composite actor that can be optionally code generated and then
invoked via reflection.
- CompiledCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Construct a CodeGenerationCompositeActor in the default workspace
with no container and an empty string as its name.
- CompiledCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- CompiledCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Construct a CodeGenerationCompositeActor in the specified workspace
with no container and an empty string as a name.
- COMPLETE - Static variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Indicate that the description(int) method should include everything.
- COMPLETED - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
An indicator that the iterate() method completed successfully.
- completedIntegratorStepNotNeeded - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
True if fmiCompletedIntegratorStep() does not need to be
- completeSolution() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
Search for a complete solution.
- completeSolution() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraints
Generate a complete solution.
- COMPLEX - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- COMPLEX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The complex data type.
- Complex - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a complex data type and a library of functions that
operate on and return complex numbers.
- Complex() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Complex
- Complex(double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Complex
Construct a Complex with a zero imaginary part.
- Complex(double, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Complex
Construct a Complex with the specified real and imaginary parts.
- COMPLEX_MATRIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The complex matrix data type.
- ComplexAddSubtract - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
A complex number adder/subtractor.
- ComplexAddSubtract(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ComplexAddSubtract
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- ComplexArrayMath - Class in ptolemy.math
This class a provides a library for mathematical operations on arrays of
complex numbers, in particular arrays of instances of class
- ComplexArrayMath() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
- ComplexBinaryOperation - Interface in ptolemy.math
A operation taking two operands of type Complex, and producing a value of
type Complex.
- complexMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return the content of this token as a new 2-D Complex matrix.
- complexMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return the content of this token as a 2-D Complex matrix.
- complexMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the content of this token as a 2-D Complex matrix.
- complexMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a copy of the content of this token as a 2-D Complex matrix.
- ComplexMatrixMath - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of complex numbers.
- complexMatrixMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ComplexMatrixToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a 2-D Complex matrix.
- ComplexMatrixToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Construct an ComplexMatrixToken with a one by one matrix.
- ComplexMatrixToken(Complex[][]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Construct a ComplexMatrixToken with the specified 2-D matrix.
- ComplexMatrixToken(Complex[][], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Construct a ComplexMatrixToken with the specified 2-D matrix.
- ComplexMatrixToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Construct an ComplexMatrixToken from the specified string.
- ComplexMatrixToken(Token[], int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Construct an ComplexMatrixToken from the specified array of
- complexMatrixTokenArrayConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- complexMatrixTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- complexMatrixTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ComplexMatrixTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
ComplexMatrixTokenHandler converts ComplexMatrixToken to/from byte stream.
- ComplexMatrixTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.ComplexMatrixTokenHandler
- ComplexMatrixType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.ComplexMatrixType
- complexMatrixTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ComplexToCartesian - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Read a complex token and output double tokens that represent the real and
imaginary parts to two different output ports.
- ComplexToCartesian(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ComplexToCartesian - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian.
- ComplexToCartesian(ComplexToCartesian) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian
Construct the ComplexToCartesian adapter.
- ComplexToCartesian - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian.
- ComplexToCartesian(ComplexToCartesian) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian
Construct a ComplexToCartesian adapter.
- ComplexToCartesian - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian.
- ComplexToCartesian(ComplexToCartesian) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian
Construct a ComplexToCartesian adapter.
- ComplexToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a Complex number represented by a 64-bit
double-precision floating point real and imaginary parts.
- ComplexToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Construct a ComplexToken with Complex 0.0+0.0i.
- ComplexToken(Complex) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Construct a ComplexToken with the specified value.
- ComplexToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Construct a ComplexToken from the specified string.
- complexTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- complexTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ComplexTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
ComplexTokenHandler converts DoubleToken to/from byte stream.
- ComplexTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.ComplexTokenHandler
- ComplexToPolar - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a complex token to polar coordinates, which are represented by two
double tokens (magnitude and angle).
- ComplexToPolar(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToPolar
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- complexTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ComplexUnaryOperation - Interface in ptolemy.math
A operation taking one argument of type Complex, and producing a value of
type Complex.
- complexValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return the value of this token as a Complex.
- complexValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return the value of this token as a Complex.
- complexValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return the value of this token as a Complex.
- complexValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return the value of this token as a Complex.
- complexValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return the value of this token as a Complex.
- complexValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return the value of this token as a Complex.
- complexValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- component - Variable in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.ImageFigureFactory
- ComponentBuilder - Interface in org.mlc.swing.layout
All components that want to be included in the list of components that want
to be part of the builder must implement this interface
- componentConstraints - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- ComponentDef - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
A container class for all the definition data about a Component.
- ComponentDef() - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- ComponentDef(Node) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- ComponentDef(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- componentDef - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- componentDefs - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor.ComponentPaletteListModel
- ComponentDialog - Class in ptolemy.gui
This class is a modal dialog box that contains an arbitrary component.
- ComponentDialog(Frame, String, Component) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner, title, and component.
- ComponentDialog(Frame, String, Component, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner, title, component,
and buttons.
- ComponentDialog(Frame, String, Component, String[], String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner, title, component,
buttons, and message.
- ComponentDialog(Frame, String, Component, String[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner, title, component,
buttons, and message.
- ComponentDialog.PropChangeListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listen for property changes.
- ComponentDialog.WindowClosingAdapter - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for windowClosing action.
- ComponentEntity<T extends ComponentPort> - Class in ptolemy.kernel
A ComponentEntity is a component in a CompositeEntity.
- ComponentEntity() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Construct an entity in the default workspace with an empty string
The object is added to the workspace directory.
- ComponentEntity(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Construct an entity in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- ComponentEntity(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Construct an entity with the given name contained by the specified
- componentEntityClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- componentEntityType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- componentEnvironment - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CallbackFunctions
C type: fmiComponentEnvironment, which is a void *.
- componentEnvironment - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : fmi2ComponentEnvironment.
- ComponentFactory - Interface in com.jgoodies.forms.factories
An interface that defines the factory methods as used by the
and its subclasses.
- componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute
Do nothing.
- componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute
Do nothing.
- componentList - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- componentListCellRenderer - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ComponentListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor.ComponentListCellRenderer
- componentListScrollPane - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute
Do nothing.
- componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute
Record the new position.
- componentNameLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- componentNameTextField - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- componentNameToComponentDef - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- componentNameToCustomProps - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- componentPalette - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- componentPaletteLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- componentPaletteListModel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ComponentPaletteListModel() - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor.ComponentPaletteListModel
- ComponentPaletteListRenderer() - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor.ComponentPaletteListRenderer
- componentPaletteScrollPane - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ComponentPort - Class in ptolemy.kernel
A port supporting hierarchy.
- ComponentPort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Construct a port in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ComponentPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- ComponentPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Construct a port with the given name contained by the specified
- componentPortClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- componentPortType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ComponentRelation - Class in ptolemy.kernel
This class defines a relation supporting hierarchy (clustered graphs).
- ComponentRelation() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Construct a relation in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ComponentRelation(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Construct a relation in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- ComponentRelation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Construct a relation with the given name contained by the specified
- componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute
Record the new size.
- componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute
Record the new size.
- componentSelectionListModel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute
Do nothing.
- componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute
Do nothing.
- componentsLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- componentsPanel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- componentsSplitPane - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- componentsToNames - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- componentType - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
Class name of the component that actually receives the user input, which
is automatically updated after the input is received.
- compose(Raster, Raster, WritableRaster) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ContourCompositeContext
- compose(Raster, Raster, WritableRaster) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscCompositeContext
- compose(Raster, Raster, WritableRaster) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite.RGBCompositeContext
- compose(SyntacticRank, SyntacticRank) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Compose two ranks if possible, else return null.
- compose(SyntacticTerm, SyntacticTerm) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Compose the ranks of two terms.
- compose(InterfaceAutomaton) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return a new InterfaceAutomaton that is the composition of the
specified InterfaceAutomaton and this one.
- compose(InterfaceAutomaton, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return a new InterfaceAutomaton that is the composition of the
specified InterfaceAutomaton and this one.
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.AddComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.AverageComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.BurnComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorBurnComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorDodgeComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.DarkenComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.DifferenceComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.DodgeComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ExclusionComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.HardLightComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.HueComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.LightenComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MultiplyComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.NegationComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.OverlayComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.PinLightComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite.RGBCompositeContext
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.SaturationComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ScreenComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.SoftLightComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.SubtractComposite.Context
- composeRGB(int[], int[], float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ValueComposite.Context
- composeThroughMask(Raster, WritableRaster, Raster) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
Interpolates between two rasters according to the alpha level of a mask raster.
- composeThroughMask(Raster, WritableRaster, Raster) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
Compose src onto dst using the alpha of sel to interpolate between the two.
- composeWith(CausalityInterface) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.MirrorCausalityInterface
Add the specified causality interface for the specified actor.
- ComposeWithAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphController.ComposeWithAction
Create a new action to perform composition.
- CompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.actor
A CompositeActor is an aggregation of actors.
- CompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Construct a CompositeActor in the default workspace with no container
and an empty string as its name.
- CompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Construct a CompositeActor in the specified workspace with no container
and an empty string as a name.
- CompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- CompositeActorApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This application creates one or more Ptolemy II models given a
classname on the command line, and then executes those models, each in
its own thread.
- CompositeActorApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorApplication
- compositeActorClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- CompositeActorMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A matcher to match a level of hierarchy in a hierarchical model.
- CompositeActorMatcher(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
Construct an atomic actor matcher to be either contained in the pattern
of a
or in the replacement.
- CompositeActorSimpleApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This application creates one or more Ptolemy II models given a
classname on the command line, and then executes those models, each in
its own thread.
- CompositeActorSimpleApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
- CompositeBuilder - Class in diva.util.xml
CompositeBuilder is a non-validating parser that uses other
builders to parse and generate XML files from arbitrary collections
of objects.
- CompositeBuilder() - Constructor for class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
- CompositeCommunicationAspect - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This class implements functionality of a composite communication aspect.
- CompositeCommunicationAspect(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Construct a CompositeCommunicationAspect in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- CompositeCommunicationAspect(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Construct a CompositeCommunicationAspect with a name and a container.
- CompositeCommunicationAspect.CompositeCommunicationAspectAttributes - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
Attributes for ports decorated by this composite communication aspect.
- CompositeCommunicationAspectAttributes(NamedObj, CompositeCommunicationAspect) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect.CompositeCommunicationAspectAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- CompositeCommunicationAspectAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect.CompositeCommunicationAspectAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- CompositeEntity - Class in ptolemy.kernel
A CompositeEntity is a cluster in a clustered graph.
- CompositeEntity() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Construct an entity in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- CompositeEntity(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Construct an entity in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- CompositeEntity(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Create an object with a name and a container.
- CompositeEntity.ContainedObjectsIterator - Class in ptolemy.kernel
This class is an iterator over all the contained objects
(all instances of NamedObj).
- compositeEntityClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- CompositeExecutionAspect - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This is a composite execution aspect.
- CompositeExecutionAspect(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- CompositeExecutionAspect.CompositeExecutionAspectAttributes - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
Attributes for actors decorated by this CompositeExecutionAspects.
- CompositeExecutionAspectAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect.CompositeExecutionAspectAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- CompositeExecutionAspectAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect.CompositeExecutionAspectAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- CompositeFigure - Class in diva.canvas
A CompositeFigure is a figure that contains a set of child
- CompositeFigure() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Create a new composite figure containing no figures.
- CompositeFigure(ZList) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Create a new composite figure containing no figures,
that uses the given z-list for its storage.
- CompositeFigure(Figure) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Construct a composite figure with the given figure as its
- CompositeFigureFactory1() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.CompositeFigureFactory1
- CompositeFigureTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates how to use composite figures.
- CompositeFigureTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.CompositeFigureTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window.
- CompositeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which composites two images together with an optional transform.
- CompositeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
Construct a CompositeFilter.
- CompositeFilter(Composite) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
Construct a CompositeFilter.
- CompositeFilter(Composite, AffineTransform) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
Construct a CompositeFilter.
- CompositeFunction1D - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- CompositeFunction1D(Function1D, Function1D) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.CompositeFunction1D
- CompositeInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
An interactor that forwards events to other interactors.
- CompositeInteractor() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Create a new composite interactor.
- CompositeModel - Interface in diva.graph.modular
Models of composite object.
- CompositeNode - Interface in diva.graph.modular
A node that is also a graph, i.e. it can contain other nodes.
- CompositeNodeModel - Interface in diva.graph.modular
A graph is an object that contains nodes and
- CompositeOptimizer - Class in org.ptolemy.optimization
This actor implements a composite optimizer that optimizes a function
provided as an SDF model in the inner composite.
- CompositeOptimizer(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
Constructs a CompositeOptimizer object.
- CompositeOptimizer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
Constructs a CompositeOptimizer object.
- CompositeOptimizer.OptimizerComposite - Class in org.ptolemy.optimization
This is a specialized composite actor for use in CompositeOptimizer.
- CompositeOptimizer.OptimizerDirector - Class in org.ptolemy.optimization
This is a specialized director that fires the input SDF model
repeatedly for different values of the optimization variable.
- CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient - Class in org.ptolemy.optimization
This actor implements a composite optimizer that optimizes a function
provided as an SDF model in the inner composite.
- CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
Constructs a CompositeOptimizer object.
- CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
Constructs a CompositeOptimizer object.
- CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient.OptimizerComposite - Class in org.ptolemy.optimization
This is a specialized composite actor for use in CompositeOptimizer.
- CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient.OptimizerDirector - Class in org.ptolemy.optimization
This is a specialized director that fires the input SDF model
repeatedly for different values of the optimization variable.
- CompositeProcessDirector - Class in ptolemy.actor.process
A baseclass for directors in process oriented domains that incorporate
hierarchical heterogeneity.
- CompositeProcessDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty
string as its name.
- CompositeProcessDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- CompositeProcessDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- CompositePtolemyModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
A diva node model for a Ptolemy II composite entity.
- CompositePtolemyModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.CompositePtolemyModel
- CompositeTreeModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A tree model for Ptolemy II models.
- CompositeTreeModel(CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.CompositeTreeModel
Create a new tree model with the specified root.
- CompoundFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A BufferedImageOp which combines two other BufferedImageOps, one after the other.
- CompoundFilter(BufferedImageOp, BufferedImageOp) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CompoundFilter
Construct a CompoundFilter.
- CompoundFunction2D - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- CompoundFunction2D(Function2D) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.CompoundFunction2D
- CompoundIterator - Class in diva.util
An iterator over two iterators.
- CompoundIterator(Iterator, Iterator) - Constructor for class diva.util.CompoundIterator
Create a new iterator
- compression - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ImageToString
Parameter that determines the encoding of the image ('gif',
'png', 'jpg').
- Compute(int, int, double[], double[], boolean[]) - Method in interface com.cureos.numerics.Calcfc
The objective and constraints function evaluation method used
in COBYLA2 minimization.
- compute() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.GrayModel
- compute() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.Homography33b
- computeAlternatingSimulation(InterfaceAutomaton) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the unique maximal alternating simulation from the specified
automaton to this automaton.
- computeAverageCharWidth(FontMetrics, String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Computes and returns the average character width
of the specified test string using the given FontMetrics.
- computeCompositeBounds(Iterator<Figure>) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Compute a composite bounding box.
- computeCompositeShape(Iterator<Figure>) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Compute a composite shape.
- computeFitTransform(RectangularShape, RectangularShape) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Get the transform that will make the first
rectangle change fit within the second, while preserving the shape.
- ComputeHistogram - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Compute a histogram.
- ComputeHistogram(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ComputeHistogram - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Compute a histogram.
- ComputeHistogram(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- computeIterations(IOPort, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
Compute iteration number of the actor,
which is the number of times internal entities are called.
- computeIterations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesDynamicCompositeActor
Compute the number of iterations of the actor
based on multiple input ports.
- ComputerVision - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A set of OpenCV image filters.
- ComputerVision() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision
Construct an instance of ComputerVision and load OpenCV.
- ComputerVision.Blur - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that blurs the image.
- ComputerVision.Dilate - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that dilates the image.
- ComputerVision.Erode - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that erodes the image.
- ComputerVision.FindContours - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that finds contours in the image.
- ComputerVision.FindEdges - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that finds edges in an image.
- ComputerVision.GaussianBlur - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that applies a gaussian blur to an image.
- ComputerVision.Histogram - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A class for creating a histogram from the image.
- ComputerVision.MakeBGRA - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that converts the image to BGRA format (Blue Green Red Alpha).
- ComputerVision.MakeGray - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that converts the image to grayscale.
- ComputerVision.MakeHSV - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that converts the image to HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value).
- ComputerVision.MakeYUV - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that converts the image to YUV.
- ComputerVision.MedianBlur - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that blurs the image.
- computeSetIterations(IOPort, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
Compute iteration number of the actor,
which is the number of times internal entities are called.
- computeSiteBounds(Iterator<Site>) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Compute the bounding box of a set of connectors.
- computeStrokedBounds(Shape, Stroke) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Compute the bounds of a shape when stroked with the given stroke.
- computeTransform(RectangularShape, RectangularShape) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Get the transform that will make the first rectangle change
into the second.
- Concat - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the concatenation of the input bits from each input channel.
- Concat(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Concat
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- concatenate(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Concatenate this transform context with the given transform.
- concatenate(ArrayToken, ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Concatenate two arrays.
- concatenate(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Concatenate an array of arrays into a single array.
- concatenateReturnType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the return type of the two argument concatenate method,
given the types of the arguments.
- concatenateReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the return type of the one argument concatenate method, given the type
of the argument.
- Concept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept represents a single piece of information in an ontology.
- Concept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Create a new concept with the specified name and the specified
- CONCEPT - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
The representative type for all ConceptTokens.
- ConceptAttribute - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
The base class of a concept attribute.
- ConceptAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Construct a ConceptAttribute with the specified name and container.
- ConceptController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ontologies
The node controller for ontology concept model elements.
- ConceptController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptController
Create a concept controller associated with the specified graph
- ConceptController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptController
Create a concept controller associated with the specified graph
- ConceptFromRecordField - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept function that returns the concept value from the specified field
from an input RecordConcept.
- ConceptFromRecordField(String, String, Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFromRecordField
Create a new ConceptFromRecordField concept function with
the specified field label.
- ConceptFunction - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
The base class for concept functions that are used
for ontology constraints.
- ConceptFunction(String, boolean, List<Ontology>, Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Create the concept function with the number of arguments it takes
and the ontologies from which input and output concepts can be taken.
- ConceptFunction(String, int, Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Create the concept function where all arguments and
output values are drawn from the same ontology.
- conceptFunctionClassName - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ClassConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
The name of the ConceptFunction class to be instantiated when a
createConceptFunction() is called.
- ConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
Abstract base class for an Attribute that defines a concept function.
- ConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
Construct the ConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute attribute
with the given container and name.
- conceptFunctionExpression - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
The string that represents the boolean expression of the concept function.
- ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
An inequality term wrapper for concept functions that are used for
ontology constraints.
- ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm(ConceptFunction, InequalityTerm[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Initialize the inequality term with the ConceptFunction it
refers to and the array of inequality terms that are inputs to
the function.
- ConceptGraph - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
An abstract class that defines the ordering relationships in an ontology.
- ConceptGraph() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptGraph
- ConceptIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ontologies
An icon that displays the name of the container in an appropriately sized
rounded box.
- ConceptIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- ConceptModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.ConceptModel
- ConceptPair(Concept, Concept) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples.ConceptPair
Create a counterexample pair given both of the concepts that make
up the counterexample.
- ConceptRelation - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A relation between concepts in an ontology.
- ConceptRelation(Ontology, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
Construct a ConceptRelation with the given name contained by the specified
- ConceptRelation(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
Construct a ConceptRelation in the given workspace with an empty string
as a name.
- ConceptRelationController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ontologies
This class provides interaction techniques for relations in an ontology.
- ConceptRelationController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptRelationController
Create a transition controller associated with the specified graph
- ConceptTermFactory - Interface in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
Interface for a concept term factory.
- ConceptTermManager - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A class representing a property term manager.
- ConceptTermManager(LatticeOntologySolver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager
Construct a new ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm factory.
- ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
An InequalityTerm class that is used for ontology analysis and contains
a reference to the associated object for the InequalityTerm.
- ConceptToken - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A token that contains an ontology concept.
- ConceptToken(Concept) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptToken
Create a ConceptToken from a given Concept.
- ConceptType - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A simple singleton type for all ConceptTokens.
- ConceptType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
- conceptValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptToken
Return the concept encapsulated by this token.
- ConcreteFigures - Class in diva.canvas.test
A test suite for testing concrete figures.
- ConcreteFigures(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures
- ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory1 - Class in diva.canvas.test
Create a BasicRectangle with stroked outline
- ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory2 - Class in diva.canvas.test
Create a filled BasicRectangle
- ConcreteFigures.CompositeFigureFactory1 - Class in diva.canvas.test
Create a CompositeFigure with a filled rectangle background
- ConcreteFigures.IconFigureFactory - Class in diva.canvas.test
Create an icon figure
- ConcreteFigures.ImageFigureFactory - Class in diva.canvas.test
Create an image figure
- ConcreteFigures.LabelFigureFactory - Class in diva.canvas.test
Create an image figure
- ConcreteFigures.PaneWrapperFactory - Class in diva.canvas.test
Create a PaneWrapper with a filled rectangle background
- ConcreteMatrixToken - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
A token that represents an empty matrix, with no element type.
- ConcreteMatrixToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteMatrixToken
- ConcreteScalarToken - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
A token that represents a scalar of any type.
- ConcreteScalarToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
- cond() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition
Two norm condition number
- COND_AND - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- COND_OR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- condition - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
The condition under which this attribute is applicable.
- Conditional - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib
Conditional class.
- Conditional() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Conditional
- Conditional(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Conditional
- Conditional(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Conditional
- conditional_statement(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- conditional_statement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- conditional_statement(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- ConditionalBranch - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
Base class for classes representing guarded communication that occurs
either conditionally (one statement from a group is executed) or as a multiway
rendezvous (all statements from a group are executed).
- ConditionalBranch(boolean, IOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Create a guarded communication statement.
- ConditionalBranch(boolean, IOPort, int, ConditionalBranchController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Create a guarded communication statement.
- ConditionalBranchController - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
A controller that manages the conditional branches for performing
conditional communication within CSP (Communication Sequential Processes)
- ConditionalBranchController(Actor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranchController
Construct a controller in the specified container, which should
be an actor.
- ConditionalReceive - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
Represents a guarded communication statement in which the
communication is a get().
- ConditionalReceive(IOPort, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalReceive
Create a conditional receive.
- ConditionalReceive(boolean, IOPort, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalReceive
Create a guarded communication with a get() communication.
- ConditionalReceive(boolean, IOPort, int, int, ConditionalBranchController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalReceive
Create a guarded communication with a get() communication.
- ConditionalSend - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
Represents a guarded communication statement in which the
communication is a send().
- ConditionalSend(IOPort, int, int, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalSend
Create a conditional send.
- ConditionalSend(boolean, IOPort, int, int, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalSend
Create a guarded communication with a send communication.
- ConditionalSend(boolean, IOPort, int, int, Token, ConditionalBranchController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalSend
Create a guarded communication with a send communication.
- ConditionsTableModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.scr
The conditions table for configuring an SCR Model.
- ConditionsTableModel(IOPort, FSMActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
Construct a new conditions table model for a given output port and
the FSMActor.
- Cone3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a
- Cone3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cone3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- coneAngle - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- CONFIG - Static variable in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
The ResourceBundle containing configuration parameters.
- configFileName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
The configuration file name of the MetroII SystemC model.
- ConfigParser - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser
Ptolemy XML configuration parser.
- ConfigParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
Construct a configuration parser with no parent node.
- ConfigParser(ConfigXmlTree) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
Construct a configuration parser with a parent node.
- Configurable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
Objects that can be configured by reading a file or configuration information
given as text, typically in XML format, should implement this interface.
- ConfigurableAttribute - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
This class provides a simple way to get a long string into an attribute.
- ConfigurableAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Construct a new attribute with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- ConfigurableAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Construct a new attribute with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- ConfigurableAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Construct a new attribute with the given container and name.
- ConfigurableEntity - Interface in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An interface for entities that can be configured.
- Configuration - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
The configuration of an application that uses Ptolemy II classes.
- Configuration(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Construct an instance in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Indicate that the description(int) method should include information
about whether the port is an input, output, or multiport, whether it
is opaque, and what is its width.
- CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Indicate that the description(int) method should describe the width
of the relation, and whether it has been fixed.
- configuration() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
A GPInputHandler's configuration is its pad name.
- configuration() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.LuminarySensorHandler
A sensor device could have multiple access pin and pads
(configurations), This method returns the current configuration.
- ConfigurationApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An application that reads one or more
files specified on the command line, or instantiates one or
more Java classes specified by the -class option.
- ConfigurationApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Instantiate a ConfigurationApplication.
- ConfigurationApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, instantiating classes
and reading files that are specified.
- ConfigurationApplication(String, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, instantiating classes
and reading files that are specified.
- ConfigurationApplication(String, String[], MessageHandler, ErrorHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, instantiating classes
and reading files that are specified.
- ConfigurationApplication.ConfigurationFilenameFilter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Look for directories that contain files named configuration.xml
and intro.htm.
- ConfigurationApplication.IgnoreErrorHandler - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Error Handler that ignore errors.
- configurationDirectories(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Return the array of possible configuration directories.
- configurationDirectoryFullOrFirst() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Return the full configuration directory or, if the full configuration
directory is not found, then the first configuration directory.
- ConfigurationEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An effigy for a Ptolemy II model.
- ConfigurationEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- ConfigurationEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given directory with the given name.
- ConfigurationFilenameFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication.ConfigurationFilenameFilter
- configurations() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Return a list of all the configurations that have been created.
- ConfigurationSelect - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Conditionally merge the streams at two input ports
depending on the value of the boolean parameter.
- ConfigurationSelect(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- ConfigurationSwitch - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Split an input stream onto two output ports depending on a
boolean selector parameter.
- ConfigurationSwitch(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- configure - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Configure this event with a transformation rule (an instance of
) stored in the moml.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Configure the object with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ActionGUIProperty
Configure the object with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
Configure the object with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFactory
Configure the tableau factory with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Specify the library contents by giving either a URL (the
source argument), or by directly giving the MoML text
(the text argument), or both.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Do nothing, as this actor is not actually configurable.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.HistogramPlotter
Configure the plot with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data, assumed to be in PlotML format.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Configure the object with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data, assumed to be in PlotML format.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Read the saved XML for this PtalonActor.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Construct and configure the contained model with the specified source and
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Configure the object with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data.
- Configure - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An event to display a dialog for the user to input parameter values.
- Configure(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Configure
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Plot
Configure the object with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Configurable
Configure the object with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Configure the object with data from the specified input source
(a URL) and/or textual data.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Specify the library contents by giving either a URL (the
source argument), or by directly giving the MoML text
(the text argument), or both.
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
Construct and configure the contained model with the specified source and
- configure(URL, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Configure this documentation attribute.
- ConfigureAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
An action that will configure parameters on the current object.
- ConfigureAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.ConfigureAction
Construct a new configure action.
- ConfigureAttributesFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
The window for the user to configure the user defined attributes for
Ptolemy models.
- ConfigureAttributesFrame() - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ConfigureAttributesFrame
Creates new form ConfigureAttributesFrame.
- configureComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- ConfigureCriteriaAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame.ConfigureCriteriaAction
- ConfigureIngredientsAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame.ConfigureIngredientsAction
- configureLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- configureLayout(KShapeLayout, GraphModel) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.Parameters
Configure the KIELER layout using a property holder.
- ConfigureOperationsAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame.ConfigureOperationsAction
- Configurer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class is an editor for the user settable attributes of an object.
- Configurer(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configurer
Construct a configurer for the specified object.
- Configurer - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A composite actor that serves as container of the contents of a configurable
- Configurer(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Configurer
Construct a configurer in the given workspace.
- Configurer.ContainmentExtender - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
The containment extender that returns the configured object as the
container of this configurer.
- configureSolverParameter(StringParameter, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
Set the default solver method and list solver alternatives for the specified solver.
- ConfigureUnitsAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.unit
An action that creates a dialog to configure units.
- ConfigureUnitsAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.unit.ConfigureUnitsAction
Construct a rename dialog action with the specified name,
which will appear in the menu that uses this action.
- ConfigXmlHandler - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser
XML handler that generates the library description for backtracking actors.
- ConfigXmlHandler(ConfigXmlTree, String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlHandler
Construct an XML handler.
- ConfigXmlTree - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser
Tree representation of XML starting from an element.
- ConfigXmlTree(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Construct a node in the tree with no child.
- confirmOverwrite - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
If false, then overwrite the specified file if it exists
without asking.
- confirmOverwrite - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIWriter
If false, then overwrite the specified file if it exists
without asking.
- confirmOverwrite - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
If false, then overwrite the specified file if it exists
without asking.
- confirmOverwrite - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Flag to ask for confirmation before overwriting.
- CONICAL - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- conjugate() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the complex conjugate of this complex number.
- conjugate(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the complex conjugate of the specified complex number.
- conjugate(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the complex conjugate of the specified real number, which is
just the real number itself.
- conjugate(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of complex numbers that is formed by taking the
complex-conjugate of each element in the argument array.
- conjugate(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by conjugating the elements
of the input matrix.
- conjugateTranspose(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by transposing the input
matrix and conjugating the elements.
- connect(ComponentPort, ComponentPort) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Create a new relation and use it to connect two ports.
- connect(ComponentPort, ComponentPort, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Create a new relation with the specified name and use it to
connect two ports.
- connected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
True if this point is connected to the previous point by a line.
- connectedComponents() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the connected components of the graph.
- connectEdge(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Connect the given edge to the given tail and head nodes,
then dispatch events to the listeners.
- connectEdge(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Connect the given edge to the given tail and head nodes,
and notify listeners with events whose source is the given
eventSource object
- connectedPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Return a list of the ports that are connected to contained ports.
- connectedPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
List the connected ports.
- connectedPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
- connectedPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
- connectedTracks - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Airport
An array indicating the connected tracks.
- Connection() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Connection
- ConnectionEntry(Relation, NamedObj, NamedObj, double[], Point2D.Double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.ConnectionEntry
- ConnectionEntry(Relation, NamedObj, NamedObj, double[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.ConnectionEntry
- connectionLost() - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenListener
Callback method when the connection with the broker is lost.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Create new receivers if the port is
an input port and there is a director.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Invalidate the schedule and type resolution and create
new receivers if the specified port is an opaque
output port.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BusAssembler
React to a change in an input port width.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Notify this entity that the links to the specified port have
been altered.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Notify this entity that the links to the specified port have
been altered.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
Pre-calculate the rates to be set in the rate parameter of the
input port.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSingleTokenCommutator
Pre-calculate the rates to be set in the rate parameter of the
input port.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.NondeterministicMerge
Override the base class to adjust the number of contained
actors, if the number is no longer correct.
- connectionsChanged(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Notify this entity that the links to the specified port have
been altered.
- connectionsChangedMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- connectNodes(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.UnionFindSimple
returns the id of the merged node.
- Connector - Interface in diva.canvas.connector
A Connector is a figure that draws itself between two
sites on other figures.
- CONNECTOR_DRAGGED - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Signifies that a connector is dragged some distance
- CONNECTOR_DROPPED - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Signifies that a connector end is dropped.
- CONNECTOR_SNAPPED - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Signifies that a connector end is snapped to
a possible target.
- CONNECTOR_UNSNAPPED - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Signifies that a connector end is unsnapped from
the original site that it was attached to, or
from a possible target.
- ConnectorAdapter - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An adapter for connector listeners.
- ConnectorAdapter() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorAdapter
- connectorDragged(ConnectorEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorAdapter
Do nothing when a connector end is dragged.
- connectorDragged(ConnectorEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorListener
Called when a connector end is dragged.
- connectorDropped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorAdapter
Do nothing when a connector end is dropped.
- connectorDropped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorListener
Called when a connector end is dropped.
- connectorDropped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController.EdgeDropper
Called when a connector end is dropped--attach or
detach the edge as appropriate.
- connectorDropped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController.LinkDropper
Called when a connector end is dropped--attach or
detach the edge as appropriate.
- connectorDropped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController.LinkDropper
Called when a connector end is dropped.
- ConnectorEnd - Interface in diva.canvas.connector
An interface for objects that can be attached to the end
of a connector.
- ConnectorEvent - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A graph event that is emitted when anything
interesting happens inside a graph by way of a GraphModel.
- ConnectorEvent(int, Object, Figure, Connector, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Construct a ConnectorEvent with the given source, target,
connector, and "end" flag.
- ConnectorInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An interactor for dragging one end of a connector.
- ConnectorInteractor(ConnectorManipulator) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Create a new interactor to be used with the given
- ConnectorListener - Interface in diva.canvas.connector
A listener for changes in a connector's connectivity.
- ConnectorManipulator - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A manipulator which attaches grab handles to the ends of
a connector.
- ConnectorManipulator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Construct a new manipulator that uses rectangular grab-handles.
- ConnectorManipulator(GrabHandleFactory) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Construct a new manipulator using the given grab-handle factory.
- ConnectorManipulator.TargetHighlighter - Class in diva.canvas.connector
- connectorSnapped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorAdapter
Do nothing when a connector end is snapped to
a possible target.
- connectorSnapped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorListener
Called when a connector end is snapped to
a possible target.
- ConnectorTarget - Interface in diva.canvas.connector
An object that is used to get suitable "target" sites
for connectors.
- ConnectorTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial shows how to use Connectors.
- ConnectorTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window.
- ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
SitedRectangle is a class that provides four sites that
we use in the examples to attach connectors to.
- ConnectorTutorial.SRTarget - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
SRTarget is used to find a useful site on a SitedRectangle.
- connectorUnsnapped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorAdapter
Do nothing when a connector end is unsnapped from
the site that it was originally attached to,
or a possible target.
- connectorUnsnapped(ConnectorEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorListener
Called when a connector end is unsnapped from
the site that it was originally attached to,
or a possible target.
- connectPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
the Parameter specifies whether to connect the input and output
to the inside model.
- Console - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau that displays Console messages.
- Console(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Console
Create a new control panel displaying Console
The tableau is itself an entity contained by the effigy
and having the specified name.
- Console.ConsoleFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
The frame that is created by an instance of Console.
- Console.ConsoleFrame.MyByteArrayOutputStream - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Customized ByteArrayOutputStream.
- Console.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory that creates a control panel to display Console.
- ConsoleFrame(Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Console.ConsoleFrame
Construct a frame to display Console.
- consolidate(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.Documentation
Return as a single string all the documentation associated with
the specified object.
- Const - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a constant output.
- Const(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Const
Construct a constant source with the given container and name.
- Const - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Const.
- Const(Const) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Const
Constructor method for the Const adapter.
- Const - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for Const.
- Const(Const) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Const
Construct a Const adapter.
- Const - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for Const.
- Const(Const) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Const
Construct a Const adapter.
- Const - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib
The default adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Const.
- Const(LatticeOntologySolver, Const) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Const
Construct a default lattice ontology adapter for the Const actor.
- constant(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Creates and returns an instance of ConstantSize
from the
given encoded size and unit description.
- CONSTANT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Don't tnterpolate - just use the starting value.
- CONSTANT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- ConstantPublisherPort - Class in ptolemy.actor
This is a specialized output port that publishes constant data sent on
the specified named channel.
- ConstantPublisherPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ConstantPublisherPort
Construct a constant publisher port with the specified name and container.
- constants - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBorder
The constants to use if the Constant border type is chosen.
- Constants - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
A table of named constants that are recognized by the expression parser.
- constants() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Constants
Return a record representation of the constants.
- constants() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a record token that contains the names of all the
constants and their values.
- ConstantSize - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
An implementation of the
interface that represents constant
sizes described by a value and unit, for example:
10 pixel, 15 point or 4 dialog units.
- ConstantSize(int, ConstantSize.Unit) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Constructs an instance of ConstantSize
from the given
encoded size and unit description.
- ConstantSize(double, ConstantSize.Unit) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Constructs an instance of ConstantSize
from the given
encoded size and unit description.
- ConstantSize.Unit - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
An ordinal-based serializable typesafe enumeration for units
as used in instances of
- constantValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ConstantPublisherPort
The constant value to publish.
- constellation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
The constellation for soft decoding.
- ConstPlaceable - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Produce a constant output from an actor that is placeable in a GUI.
- ConstPlaceable(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ConstPlaceable
Construct a constant source with the given container and name.
- ConstPropagationAbsIntLessThan - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt
A concept function that returns the BooleanTrue or BooleanFalse Concept
result of a less than comparison between two FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcepts
in the constPropagationAbsInt ontology.
- ConstPropagationAbsIntLessThan(Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.ConstPropagationAbsIntLessThan
Create a new ConstPropagationAbsIntLessThan concept function.
- ConstPropagationAbsIntMathFunctions - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt
A concept function that returns the Concept result of a math operation
between two FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcepts in the constPropagationAbsInt
- ConstPropagationAbsIntMathFunctions(Ontology, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.ConstPropagationAbsIntMathFunctions
Create a new ConstPropagationAbsIntMathFunctions concept function.
- ConstPropagationMathFunctions - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation
A concept function that returns the Concept result of a math operation
between two FlatTokenInfiniteConcepts in the constPropagation ontology.
- ConstPropagationMathFunctions(Ontology, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation.ConstPropagationMathFunctions
Create a new ConstPropagationMathFunctions concept function.
- constrain(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsConstraint
Ask the bounds constraint to constrain this point.
- constrain(Point2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.PointConstraint
Ask the point constraint to constrain this point.
- constrain(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.QuadrantConstraint
Ask the bounds constraint to constrain this point.
- constrain(Point2D) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Modify the specified point to snap to grid using the local
- constrain(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Modify the specified point to snap to grid using the local
- constrain(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Modify the specified point to snap to grid using the local
- constrainBufferSizes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
If true, then buffer sizes are fixed according to the schedule,
and attempts to write to the buffer that cause the buffer to
exceed the schedule size result in an exception.
- constrainBufferSizes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
If true, then buffer sizes are fixed according to the schedule,
and attempts to write to the buffer that cause the buffer to
exceed the schedule size result in an exception.
- constrainFunctionToBeMonotonic - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
Parameter to select whether the concept function defined by this
attribute must be monotonic.
- constrainPoint(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Constrain a point using the current constraints.
- constrainPoint(Point2D) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Modify the specified point to snap to grid using the global
default resolution.
- constrainPoint(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Modify the specified point to snap to grid using the global
default resolution.
- constrainPoint(double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Modify the specified point to snap to grid using the global
default resolution.
- Constraint - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
Constraint used to restrict pattern matching in model transformations.
- Constraint(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.Constraint
Constraint a constraint.
- constraint - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
The constraint that all values must satisfy.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Return the constraints of this component.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorProductLatticeConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Return the constraints of this component.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.abstractInterpretation.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbsIntObservable.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbstractInterpretation.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Return the list of constraints for the AddSubtract actor.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Const
Return the list of constraints for the Const actor.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Expression
Return the list of constraints for the Expression actor.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Return the list of constraints for the MultiplyDivide actor.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Return the list of constraints for the RecordAssembler actor.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler
Return the list of constraints for the RecordDisassembler actor.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Scale
Return the list of constraints for the Scale actor.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
Return the list of constraints for the UnitsConverter actor.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.actor.lib.Expression
Return the list of constraints for this actor, including the
constraint between the expression actor's output port and the
evaluated expression.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionalIfNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.ASTPtRelationalNode
Return the constraint list for the adapter.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the constraints of this component.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Return the constraints of this component.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter
Return all constraints of this component.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyModalFSMAdapter
Return the list of constraints for this FSM.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the constraints of this component.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Return the constraints of this component.
- constraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter
Return the constraints of this component.
- ConstraintManager - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A class that collects and manages all the inequality constraints for
an OntologySolver.
- ConstraintManager(LatticeOntologySolver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConstraintManager
Constructs a ConstraintManager object.
- ConstraintMonitor - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
A contract monitor that decorates each entity in a model with a
value parameter and monitors the sum of all such values.
- ConstraintMonitor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Construct an instance in the given container with the given name.
- ConstraintMonitor.ConstraintMonitorAttributes - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
Class containing the decorator attributes that decorate objects.
- ConstraintMonitorAttributes(NamedObj, ConstraintMonitor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor.ConstraintMonitorAttributes
- ConstraintMonitorAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor.ConstraintMonitorAttributes
- ConstraintMonitorIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon providing visual indication when constraints are violated.
- ConstraintMonitorIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ConstraintMonitorIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- ConstraintsCalculator - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
The class for calculation of constraints of Swarm-Robots.
- ConstraintsCalculator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- constraintsChanged(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- constraintsManager - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- ConstraintSolver - Interface in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
ConstraintSolver is an interface used to let the subclass schedule MetroII
- constraintsSeparator - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- constraintsSplitPane - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ConstraintViolationException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter.ConstraintViolationException
Construct an exception.
- ConstructAssociativeType - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
A function that, given a list of ports, returns a StructuredType
of which the fields names and field types correspond with the given ports.
- ConstructAssociativeType(Collection<TypedIOPort>, Class<? extends AssociativeType>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstructAssociativeType
Construct a new monotonic function.
- constructCaches(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.CachedSDFScheduler
Construct the caches of this scheduler with the given cache size.
- constructJSON(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.TokenToJSON
Construct a string that represents the argument in JSON format.
- constructorArguments - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ClassConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
The array of arguments to be passed to the constructor when
instantiating the ConceptFunction.
- ConstructorHandler - Interface in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Interface of the constructor handlers called by
- ConstructorTransformer - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
The constructor transformer to transform Java source programs into new
programs that support backtracking.
- ConstructorTransformer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
- ConstVariableModelAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
An analysis that traverses a model to determine all the constant
variables in a hierarchical model.
- ConstVariableModelAnalysis() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Create a dummy analysis for actors that are not contained
in a model.
- ConstVariableModelAnalysis(Entity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Analyze the given model to determine which variables must be
constants and which variables may change dynamically during
- ConstVariableModelAnalysis(Entity, Set) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Analyze the given model to determine which variables must be
constants and which variables may change dynamically during
execution, given that all variables in the given set may
change dynamically.
- consume() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Consume this event.
- consumerName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushConsumer
The name of the consumer.
- consumes(SemanticToken) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlighting
Test whether a semantic token can be consumed.
- consumes(SemanticToken) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting
Test whether a semantic token can be consumed.
- consumes(SemanticToken) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.StateVariableHighlighting
Test whether a semantic token can be consumed.
- contactSeparator - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- ContainedObjectsIterator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor.ContainedObjectsIterator
Create an iterator over all the contained objects, which
for CompositeEntities are attributes, ports, classes
entities, and relations.
- containedObjectsIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return an iterator over contained objects.
- ContainedObjectsIterator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity.ContainedObjectsIterator
Create an iterator over all the contained objects, which
for CompositeEntities are attributes, ports, classes
entities, and relations.
- containedObjectsIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Return an iterator over contained objects.
- ContainedObjectsIterator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Entity.ContainedObjectsIterator
Create an iterator over all the contained objects, which
for Entities are attributes and then ports.
- containedObjectsIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return an iterator over contained objects.
- ContainedObjectsIterator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj.ContainedObjectsIterator
Create an iterator over all the contained objects.
- container - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ContainerIgnoringAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to specify that all composite actors within its container should
be considered as transparent, except the ones with directors.
- ContainerIgnoringAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ContainerIgnoringAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- ContainerLayout - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
This class acts as a surrogate layout manager for the JGoodies
(www.jgoodies.com) FormLayout manager.
- ContainerLayout(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- containerLayout - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- containers - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- ContainmentExtender - Interface in ptolemy.data.expr
An interface to specify the containment relationship as seen by the model
- ContainmentExtender(Configurer, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Configurer.ContainmentExtender
Construct a containment extender.
- ContainmentExtender - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An implementation of containment extender for modal models as an attribute.
- ContainmentExtender(RefinementActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ContainmentExtender
Construct a ContainmentExtender attribute with the given name contained
by the specified Refinement.
- ContainmentExtender(State, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ContainmentExtender
Construct a ContainmentExtender attribute with the given name contained
by the specified State.
- contains(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Test whether this figure contains the point given.
- contains(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Test if the given figure is a child of this composite.
- contains(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Test if the z-list contains the given figure.
- contains(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Test if the given figure is a child of this composite.
- contains(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Test whether this figure contains the point given.
- contains(Point2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Test whether this figure contains the point given.
- contains(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureContainer
Test if this container contains the given figure.
- contains(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Test if the given figure is the one contained by this decorator.
- contains(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Test if the layer contains the given figure.
- contains(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureSet
Test if this set contains the given figure.
- contains(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Test if this list contains the given figure.
- contains(Object) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.ListDataModel
Return whether or not the given item is contained
by the model
- contains(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Return true if the given point is inside the polygon.
- contains(Point2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Return true if the given point is inside the polygon.
- contains(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Return true if the given rectangle is entirely inside
the polygon.
- contains(double, double, double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Return true if the given rectangle is entirely inside
the polygon.
- contains(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Return false.
- contains(Point2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Return false.
- contains(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Return false.
- contains(double, double, double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Return false.
- contains(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Test whether this collection contains the given element.
- contains(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Test whether this linked list has the given element in an entry.
- contains(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return true if the given element is contained in this set.
- contains(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a Boolean token that identifies whether the given token is an
element of this array.
- contains(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Graph
Checks if there is a mapping constraint constraining event id1 and event
- contains(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Return true if the specified object is an element of this list.
- contains(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
See if the multi-content already has the NamedObj.
- contains(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Determine if the NamedObj already exists.
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Test whether this collection contains all the elements of the given
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Test whether this linked list has all the elements of the given
- containsAll(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Returns true if this list contains all of the elements of the
specified collection.
- containsAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Test if this element has an attribute with the given name.
- containsCode(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return true if the input contains code.
- containsCounterexamples() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
Determine if this set contains any counterexamples.
- containsDuplicates() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get an indication if the panel contains duplicate attributes.
- containsEdge(Edge) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return true if the specified edge exists in the graph, and the
edge is not hidden in the graph.
- containsEdgeWeight(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Test if the specified object is an edge weight in this
- containsElement(XmlElement) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Test if this element contains the given element.
- containsNode(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return true if this graph or composite
node contains the given node.
- containsNode(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return true if this composite node contains the given node.
- containsNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return True if the specified node exists in the
- containsNodeWeight(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Test if the specified object is a node weight in this
- containsSelection(Object) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Test if the selection contains the given object
- containsSelection(Object) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Test if the selection contains the given object
- containsThisInfiniteConceptString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept
Return true if the string can represent a FlatTokenInfiniteConcept for
this representative, false otherwise.
- containsThisInfiniteConceptString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConceptRepresentative
Return true if the string can represent an infinite concept for this
representative, false otherwise.
- containsValue(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Test whether this two-way hash map contains the given value.
- containsWeight(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Test if the specified object is an element weight in this
- CONTENT_ANY - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the element has a content model of ANY.
- CONTENT_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the element has element content.
- CONTENT_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the element has declared content of EMPTY.
- CONTENT_MIXED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the element has mixed content.
- CONTENT_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: an element has not been declared.
- contentPanel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ContentPrototype - Interface in ptolemy.homer.kernel
Define a content area using Prototype pattern.
- Contents(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CatchUpComposite.Contents
- contents - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent
The event object.
- contents - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
The component contained by this dialog.
- CONTENTS - Static variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Indicate that the description(int) method should include the contained
objects (if any) that the object has.
- contentType - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpResponseItems
The content type of the response.
- contentType - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
The content-type to go along with the request.
- contentType - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPut
The content-type to go along with the request.
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.AddComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.AverageComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.BurnComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorBurnComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorDodgeComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.DarkenComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.DifferenceComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.DodgeComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ExclusionComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.HardLightComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.HueComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.LightenComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.MultiplyComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.NegationComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.OverlayComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.PinLightComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.SaturationComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ScreenComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.SoftLightComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.SubtractComposite.Context
- Context(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ValueComposite.Context
- context() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.PtolemyPlatform
- ContextAwareGUI - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware
A GUI for the Context Aware accessor.
- ContextAwareGUI(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareGUI
Construct the gui for a context-aware accessor.
- ContextAwareHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware
Helper for the contextAware.js.
- ContextAwareHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Create an instance of a GUI object to collect details about a service.
- ContextAwareHelperTest - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest
Set up the parameters with the details of the specific REST service.
- ContextAwareHelperTest() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
- CONTEXTMENU_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
When the action was fired from a context menu.
- ContextMenuFactoryCreator - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An object that can create a tableau for a model.
- ContextMenuFactoryCreator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ContextMenuFactoryCreator
Create a context menu factory with the given name and container.
- ContextView - Interface in diva.gui
A Context view is a view that knows about an app context that it exists.
- Continuation - Interface in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
Continuation class.
- continuation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalEntryLocation
- continuation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalExitLocation
- CONTINUE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
String value for the "continue" policy.
- CONTINUE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.ErrorHandler
Indicator to skip this element and continue parsing XML.
- ContinuousDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel
The continuous time domain is a timed domain that supports
continuous-time signals, discrete-event signals, and mixtures of the
- ContinuousDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- ContinuousIntegrator - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel
The integrator in the continuous domain.
- ContinuousIntegrator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Construct an integrator with the specified name and a container.
- ContinuousMerge - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
A merge actor for the Continuous domain.
- ContinuousMerge(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousMerge
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- ContinuousODESolver - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel
Abstract base class for ODE solvers.
- ContinuousODESolver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
- ContinuousScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel
The Static scheduler for the Continuous domain.
- ContinuousScheduler(ContinuousDirector, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- ContinuousState() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription.ContinuousState
- continuousStateDerivatives - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The list of state derivatives.
- ContinuousStatefulComponent - Interface in ptolemy.actor.continuous
Interface for actors and directors
that have tentative state that can be rolled back.
- ContinuousStatefulDirector - Interface in ptolemy.actor.continuous
Interface for directors
that have a getCurrentStepSize() method and have state that can be
rolled back.
- continuousStateNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The list of continuous states names.
- continuousStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The list of continuous states.
- ContinuousStepSizeController - Interface in ptolemy.actor.continuous
Interface for actors and directors that control integration step sizes.
- ContinuousTimeDelay - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
Delay the input by a specified amount of time.
- ContinuousTimeDelay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- ContinuousTransferFunction - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
A transfer function in the continuous time domain.
- ContinuousTransferFunction(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTransferFunction
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- ContinuousTransferFunction(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTransferFunction
Construct a ContinuousTransferFunction in the specified
workspace with no container and an empty string as a name.
- ContourComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
A special Composite used for drawing "marching ants".
- ContourComposite(int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ContourComposite
- ContourCompositeContext - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ContourCompositeContext(int, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ContourCompositeContext
- ContourFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which draws contours on an image at given brightness levels.
- ContourFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- contPrompt - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Prompt to use on continuation lines.
- contract(SyntacticRank, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Contract rank about a given number of input/output pairs.
- contractSelection(SelectionInteractor, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Contract the selection by removing an item from it and
removing highlight rendering.
- ContrastFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter to change the brightness and contrast of an image.
- ContrastFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ContrastFilter
- contributors - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.IDAttribute
The contributors of the model.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Input that selects one of the other input ports.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Input that selects one of the other input ports.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
The input port-parameter on which the control token is provided.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Input port for control tokens, which specify the output channel
to produce data on.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Switch
Input port for control tokens, which specify the output channel
to produce data on.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Input that selects one of the other input ports.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Input that selects one of the other input ports.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Input port for control tokens, which specify the output channel
to produce data on.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Switch
Input port for control tokens, which specify the output channel
to produce data on.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Input that selects one of the other input ports.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
The input port for control tokens, which specifies the input
channels to read the tokens from.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Case
The input port-parameter on which the control token is provided.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.When
The control input port.
- control - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
True if the LED is to be illuminated.
- control_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for control.
- control_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for control.
- control_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for control.
- control_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for control.
- ControlActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
An AtomicActor that handles some sort of control flow.
- ControlActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ControlActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- ControlActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- controlEnter(ControlEntryToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- controlEnter(ControlEntryToken) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.Continuation
- controlEnter(ControlEntryToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- controlEnter(ControlEntryToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Conditional
- controlEnter(ControlEntryToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- controlEnter(ControlEntryToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Emit
- controlEnter(ControlEntryToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Pause
- controlEnterAt(ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- controlEnterAt(ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.Continuation
- controlEnterAt(ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- ControlEntryToken - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- ControlEntryToken.ControlType - Enum in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- ControlExitToken - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- ControlExitToken.ControlType - Enum in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- ControlExitToken.ExitLocation - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- controlInit() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- controlInit() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.Continuation
- controlInit() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- controlInput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.CovarianceStatePredictor
control input for robots.
- controlInput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithAccControl
control input for robots.
- controlInput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithControl
control input for a robot.
- controller - Variable in class diva.canvas.demo.SimplePane
The controller
- controller - Variable in class diva.canvas.tutorial.CompositeFigureTutorial
- controller - Variable in class diva.canvas.tutorial.IconTutorial
- controller - Variable in class diva.canvas.tutorial.LabelTutorial
- controllerFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
The controller factory for this event to specialize the popup menu.
- controllerName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Attribute specifying the name of the mode controller in the
container of this director.
- controllerName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Attribute specifying the name of the Ptera controller in the
container of this director.
- controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.AudioPlayer
React to notification of a change in controller status.
- controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
The controller listener.
- controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
The controller listener.
- controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.PlaySound
React to notification of a change in controller status.
- controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera
Controller Listener.
- controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoPlayer
React to notification of a change in controller status.
- controlResume() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- controlResume() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.Continuation
- controlResume() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- CONTROLS_ONLY - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Indicator to create only buttons.
- ControlToken - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- ControlToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlToken
- ControlToken.ControlType - Enum in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- ControlToken.Location - Interface in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- CONVERGED - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
- converged() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Return true if the solver converged, false otherwise.
- CONVERGENT - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Singleton implementing convergent rounding strategy.
- conversionLabel - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
The conversion label string that will be displayed on the actor icon.
- ConversionUtilities - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class contains a series of static methods that facilitate the
runtime conversion of tokens to and from Java representations that are
not tokens.
- ConversionUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ConversionUtilities
- convert(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.GraphReader
Convert the model represented by a CompositeActor into a directed,
weighted graph.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Convert the specified token into a token acceptable to
this port.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray.IteratePort
Override the base class to convert the token to the element
type rather than to the type of the port, unless the port
is of type GENERAL, in which case, no conversion is necessary.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Convert the specified token to a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Convert the specified token into a token with type equal
to the type returned by getType().
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Convert the specified token to a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of BooleanMatrixToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of BooleanToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of ComplexMatrixToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of ComplexToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of DateToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of DoubleMatrixToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of DoubleToken.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion
Convert the given token into an object that can be used to
invoke a method through the reflection mechanism.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.TypeArgumentConversion
Convert the given token into an object that can be used to
invoke a method through the reflection mechanism.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of FixMatrixToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of FixToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of FloatToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of IntMatrixToken.
- convert(ScalarToken, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Convert the specified scalar token into an instance of
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of IntToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of LongMatrixToken.
- convert(ScalarToken, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Convert the specified scalar token into an instance of
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of LongToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of ObjectToken.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Convert the specified token into a ConceptToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of PetiteToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of ShortToken.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of StringToken.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Convert the specified token to a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Convert the argument token into an ArrayToken having this
type, if lossless conversion can be done.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.ArrayBottomType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.BooleanType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.ComplexType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Convert the specified token to a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.DateType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.DoubleType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.EventType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.FloatType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.GeneralType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.IntType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.LongType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.NilType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.PetiteType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.ScalarType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.ShortType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.StringType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.UnknownType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.UnsignedByteType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.UnsizedFixType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.XmlTokenType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Convert the specified token to a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Convert the argument token into a FunctionToken having this type,
if lossless conversion can be done.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.BooleanMatrixType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.ComplexMatrixType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
If the argument is an instance of this class or a subclass,
then return the token.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.DoubleMatrixType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.FixMatrixType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.IntMatrixType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.LongMatrixType
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Convert the specified token into a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Convert the argument token into a RecordToken having this
type, if compatible.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Convert the argument token into an ArrayToken having this
type, if losslessly conversion can be done.
- convert(Token) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Convert the specified token into a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Convert the argument token into a UnionToken having this
type, if lossless conversion can be done.
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of
- convert(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.XMLToken
Convert the specified token into an instance of XMLToken.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Convert the specified token to a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Convert the specified token to a token having the type
represented by this object.
- convert(long, double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.EventTimeComparator
Convert a time value from one resolution to another resolution.
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort
Overrides the base class to not convert the token if it is a
- convert(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort
Override the base class to not convert the token if it is a PtidesPlatform.
- convert(TypedCompositeActor, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ConvertToLazy
Convert the model.
- convertArgumentToConstantValue(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Return a constant value that represents the same numeric value
as the given object.
- convertConstantValueToArgument(Value) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Return an object that represents the same numeric value as the
given value.
- Converter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
This actor is a base class for converters.
- Converter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Converter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- convertFileToString(File) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
Read a file and return the contents as ano ArrayList of Strings.
- convertImageBody(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpServer.HttpServerHelper
Convert a string to an image token.
- convertImageToARGB(Image) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
Convert an Image into a TYPE_INT_ARGB BufferedImage.
- convertIntegersToList(Integer[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.distributed.util.DistributedUtilities
Converts a bidimensional array of Integer into a linked list of
- convertJavaTypeToToken(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConversionUtilities
Convert a java object to a corresponding Token.
- convertJavaTypeToTokenType(Class) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConversionUtilities
Convert a java class, representing a Java type, to a
corresponding instance of a ptolemy type object, as consistent
with the convertJavaTypeToToken method.
- ConvertParticlesToCovarianceMatrix - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
The class which convert input particles to covariance matrix.
- ConvertParticlesToCovarianceMatrix(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConvertParticlesToCovarianceMatrix
Construct the actor with a name and a container.
- convertProfilePort(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Convert this Ptolemy port to a port that will be saved in the profile.
- convertReal(float[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Convert from an array used in a JNI function to Tokens.
- convertReceiversToIntegers(Receiver[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.distributed.util.DistributedUtilities
Converts a bidimensional array of receivers into a bidimensional array
containing only the integer IDs of the receivers.
- convertToBytes(ArrayToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ArrayTokenHandler
Write the ArrayToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(AttributeChangeToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.AttributeChangeTokenHandler
Write the AttributeChangeToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(BooleanToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.BooleanTokenHandler
Write the BooleanToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(ByteArrayToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ByteArrayTokenHandler
Write the ByteArrayToken to the output array.
- convertToBytes(CommunicationToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.CommunicationTokenHandler
- convertToBytes(ComplexMatrixToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ComplexMatrixTokenHandler
Write the ComplexMatrixToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(ComplexToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ComplexTokenHandler
Write the ComplexToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(DoubleMatrixToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.DoubleMatrixTokenHandler
Write the DoubleMatrixToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(DoubleToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.DoubleTokenHandler
Write the DoubleToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(FloatToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.FloatTokenHandler
Write the FloatToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(IntMatrixToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.IntMatrixTokenHandler
Write the IntMatrixToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(IntToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.IntTokenHandler
Write the IntToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(LongMatrixToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.LongMatrixTokenHandler
Write the LongMatrixToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(LongToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.LongTokenHandler
Write the LongToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(Token, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.PingPongTokenHandler
Convert the Ping or Pong token to the by stream.
- convertToBytes(RecordToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.RecordTokenHandler
Write the RecordToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(RemoteEventToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.RemoteEventTokenHandler
Write the ServerEventToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(ShortToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ShortTokenHandler
Convert ShortToken to a byte stream using an algorithm defined in the DataOutputStream.
- convertToBytes(StringToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.StringTokenHandler
Convert StringToken to a byte stream using an algorithm defined in the DataOutputStream.
- convertToBytes(T, DataOutputStream) - Method in interface ptserver.data.handler.TokenHandler
Convert the token to a byte stream according to the handler's parsing algorithm
and output it to the outputStream.
- convertToBytes(UnionToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.UnionTokenHandler
Write the UnionToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(UnsignedByteToken, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.UnsignedByteTokenHandler
Write the UnsignedByteToken to a byte array.
- convertToBytes(T, DataOutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser
Convert the token to a byte stream by first finding its TokenHandler and
writing its position to the stream (first 2 bytes) followed by the conversion
produced TokenHandler.
- convertToBytes(T, OutputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser
Convert the token to a byte stream by first finding its TokenHandler and
writing its position to the stream (first 2 bytes) followed by the conversion
produced TokenHandler.
- convertToDouble() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return the fixed point value of this token as a double.
- convertToken(Token[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Convert from Tokens to array to be used in a JNI function.
- convertTokenToJavaType(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConversionUtilities
Convert a Token to a corresponding Java object.
- convertTokenTypeToJavaType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConversionUtilities
Convert the given ptolemy type object to a java class
representing a java type.
- ConvertToLazy - Class in ptolemy.moml
Read a specified MoML file and convert all instances of
TypedCompositeActor that contain more than a specified
number of entities to LazyTypedCompositeActor.
- ConvertToLazy(String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.ConvertToLazy
Parse the xml file and convert it.
- convertToSMVFormat(String, MathematicalModelConverter.FormulaType, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv.FmvAutomaton
Return an StringBuffer that contains the .smv format of the
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends ArrayToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ArrayTokenHandler
Read an ArrayToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends AttributeChangeToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.AttributeChangeTokenHandler
Read an AttributeChangeToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends BooleanToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.BooleanTokenHandler
Read a BooleanToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends ByteArrayToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ByteArrayTokenHandler
Read a ByteArrayToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends CommunicationToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.CommunicationTokenHandler
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends ComplexMatrixToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ComplexMatrixTokenHandler
Read a ComplexMatrixToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends ComplexToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ComplexTokenHandler
Read an ComplexToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends DoubleMatrixToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.DoubleMatrixTokenHandler
Read a DoubleMatrixToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends DoubleToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.DoubleTokenHandler
Read a DoubleToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends FloatToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.FloatTokenHandler
Read an FloatToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends IntMatrixToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.IntMatrixTokenHandler
Read an IntMatrixToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends IntToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.IntTokenHandler
Read an IntToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends LongMatrixToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.LongMatrixTokenHandler
Read a LongMatrixToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends LongToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.LongTokenHandler
Read an LongToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends Token>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.PingPongTokenHandler
Return a Ping or Pong token depending on the tokenType by deserializing the inputStream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends RecordToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.RecordTokenHandler
Read an RecordToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends RemoteEventToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.RemoteEventTokenHandler
Read an ServerEventToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends ShortToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.ShortTokenHandler
Reads a short from the inputStream and converts it to the ShortToken.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends StringToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.StringTokenHandler
Reads from the inputStream and converts it to the StringToken.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface ptserver.data.handler.TokenHandler
Return a token of the specified type by reading from the inputStream
and converting to the token according to the parsing algorithm
defined in the handler.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends UnionToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.UnionTokenHandler
Read a UnionToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream, Class<? extends UnsignedByteToken>) - Method in class ptserver.data.handler.UnsignedByteTokenHandler
Read a UnsignedByteToken from the input stream.
- convertToToken(DataInputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser
Read and parse the inputStream in order to recreate the Token.
- convertToToken(InputStream) - Method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser
Read and parse the inputStream in order to recreate the Token.
- convertValueToText(Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTree
Give a string representation of the node value.
- convertXMLtoJSON(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Convert an XML data format to JSON data format using the XML
class from org.json.xml.
- convertXMLtoJSON(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Convert an XML data format to JSON data format using the XML
class from org.json.xml.
- ConvolutionalCoder - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.comm
Encode an input sequence with a convolutional code.
- ConvolutionalCoder(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ConvolutionalCoder
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- convolve(Kernel, int[], int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Convolve a block of pixels.
- convolve(Kernel, int[], int[], int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Convolve a block of pixels.
- convolve(float[], float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- convolve(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is the convolution of the two argument arrays.
- convolve(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is the convolution of two complex arrays.
- convolveAndTranspose(Kernel, int[], int[], int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
Blur and transpose a block of ARGB pixels.
- convolveCenteredDisc2DMax(int[], int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- convolveCenteredDisc2DMax(float[], int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- convolveCenteredDisc2DMaxCont(int[], int, int, double, double, int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- ConvolveFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which applies a convolution kernel to an image.
- ConvolveFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Construct a filter with a null kernel.
- ConvolveFilter(float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Construct a filter with the given 3x3 kernel.
- ConvolveFilter(int, int, float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Construct a filter with the given kernel.
- ConvolveFilter(Kernel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Construct a filter with the given 3x3 kernel.
- convolveH(Kernel, int[], int[], int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Convolve with a kernel consisting of one row.
- convolveHV(Kernel, int[], int[], int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Convolve with a 2D kernel.
- convolveSymmetricCentered(float[], int, int, float[], float[], int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
Convolve the input 'a' (which begins at offset aoff and is
alen elements in length) with the filter 'f', depositing the
result in 'r' at the offset 'roff'. f.length should be odd.
- convolveSymmetricCenteredMax(float[], int, int, float[], float[], int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- convolveSymmetricCenteredMax(byte[], int, int, float[], byte[], int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- convolveV(Kernel, int[], int[], int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Convolve with a kernel consisting of one column.
- Cookie - Class in org.json
Convert a web browser cookie specification to a JSONObject and back.
- Cookie() - Constructor for class org.json.Cookie
- CookieList - Class in org.json
Convert a web browser cookie list string to a JSONObject and back.
- CookieList() - Constructor for class org.json.CookieList
- cookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
- cookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpRequestItems
Cookies associated with the request.
- cookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpResponseItems
All cookies from the setCookies port plus the Cookies from the
- cookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.HttpRequestItems
Cookies associated with the request.
- cookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.HttpResponseItems
All cookies from the setCookies port plus the Cookies from the
- coordinatorName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskCoordinator
The name of the coordinator to register with the naming service.
- coordinatorName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReceiver
The name of the coordinator.
- coordinatorName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReporter
The name of the remote coordinator that this actor wants
to connect to.
- Copernicus - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
A Standalone application that generates code using the Ptolemy II code
generation system.
- Copernicus(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Parse the specified command-line arguments and then execute
any specified commands.
- copy - Variable in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest.RegionTestCase
- copy(Clipboard) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractView
Get the currently selected objects from this view, if any,
and place them on the given clipboard.
- COPY - Static variable in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- copy(Clipboard) - Method in interface diva.gui.View
Get the currently selected objects from this view, if any,
and place them on the given clipboard.
- copy() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- copy() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- copy(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- copy() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- copy(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- copy() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- copy(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copy(int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copy(double[], int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copy(double[], int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copy(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copy(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copy(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copy(double[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Copy the submatrix beginning at (i0,j0) with 'nrows' rows and 'ncols' columns
- copy() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- copy(int, int, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- copy() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Make a copy of the vector
- copy(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
create a new, smaller vector beginning at element i0, going
through i1 (inclusive).
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Copy a rank.
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
Make a copy of this solution.
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Make a copy of this Unit.
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitEquation
Make a copy where the left and right sides are alos copied.
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
Create a copy of this UnitExpr.
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Make a shallow copy of this UnitTerm.
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Get the currently selected objects from this document, if any,
and place them on the clipboard in MoML format.
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- copy() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Get the currently selected objects from this document, if any,
and place them on the clipboard in MoML format.
- copyAction(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
Create an action named "Copy" that copies the current selection from
the current document and places it into the application's clipboard.
- CopyAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.CopyAction
Create a new action to copy the current selection.
- copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- copyArray() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- copyArray() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- copyArray() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- copyArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
Copy the submatrix beginning at (i0,j0) with m rows and n columns
- copyArray(int, int, int, int, double[][]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
Copy the submatrix beginning at (i0,j0) with m rows and n columns
- copyArray() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
- copyAsVector() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- CopyCatIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
This is an icon that copies the icon of the last entity contained by
the same container, if there is one, and behaves like the base class
if not.
- CopyCatIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.CopyCatIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- copyClass(SootClass, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Copy a class
- copyComposite(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Copy the given graph and make the nodes/edges in the copied
graph point to the nodes/edges in the original.
- copyDoubles(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copyDoubles(int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copyFilesToCodeDirectory(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
If necessary, copy files from the fileDependencies code block.
- copyFilesToCodeDirectory(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
If necessary, copy files from the fileDependencies code block.
- copyFilesToCodeDirectory(NamedObj, ProgramCodeGenerator) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Copy files to the code directory.
- copyFloats(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- copyIso8859_1ReadBuffer(int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert a buffer of ISO-8859-1-encoded bytes into UTF-16 characters.
- copyJavaScriptFiles - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HTMLModelExporter
If true, then make an exported web page stand alone.
- copyJavaScriptFiles - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportParameters
If true, then make an exported web page stand alone.
- copyJavaScriptFiles - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
If true, then make an exported web page stand alone.
- copyJavaScriptFilesIfNeeded(BasicGraphFrame, ExportParameters) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
If parameters.copyJavaScriptFiles is true and the Java
property ptolemy.ptII.exportHTML.usePtWebsite is false,
then copy the required JavaScript files into the target directory
given in the parameters argument.
- copyLayout(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Take the layout generated by the core layout algorithm and copy
it back into the view of the original composite passed in by the
- copyPart(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- copyPart(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- copyPart(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
create a same-sized vector containing only the spec'd elements.
- copyPermuteColumns(Permutation) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- copyPermuteColumns(Permutation) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- copyPermuteColumns(int[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- copyPermuteColumns(Permutation) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
reorder the columns of this matrix so that they are:
X' = [ X(perm[0]) X(perm[1]) X(perm[2])... ]
- copyPermuteRowsAndColumns(int[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- copyrightString - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
The text to be used for the copyright in the generated code.
- copyTo(Gradient) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Copy one Gradient into another.
- copyToArray(double[][]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- copyTokensTo(TDLReceiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Copy tokens to another receiver.
- copyUcs2ReadBuffer(int, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert a buffer of UCS-2-encoded bytes into UTF-16 characters.
- copyUcs4ReadBuffer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert a buffer of UCS-4-encoded bytes into UTF-16 characters.
- copyUnitsArray(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Return a copy of the given units array.
- copyUtf8ReadBuffer(int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert a buffer of UTF-8-encoded bytes into UTF-16 characters.
- copyVariableName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedVariable
Delete this later when icon is figured out!!
- CorbaActor - Interface in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:59 PM PST
- CorbaActorClient - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba
This actor delegate all its executions to a remote actor via
- CorbaActorClient(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CorbaActorHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaActorHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHelper
- CorbaActorHolder - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaActorHolder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHolder
- CorbaActorHolder(CorbaActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHolder
- CorbaActorOperations - Interface in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:59 PM PST
- CorbaIllegalActionException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIllegalActionException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionException
- CorbaIllegalActionException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionException
- CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper
- CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder
- CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder(CorbaIllegalActionException) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder
- CorbaIllegalValueException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIllegalValueException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueException
- CorbaIllegalValueException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueException
- CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHelper
- CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHolder - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHolder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHolder
- CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHolder(CorbaIllegalValueException) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHolder
- CorbaIndexOutofBoundException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIndexOutofBoundException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundException
- CorbaIndexOutofBoundException(short) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundException
- CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHelper
- CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHolder - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHolder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHolder
- CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHolder(CorbaIndexOutofBoundException) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHolder
- CorbaUnknownParamException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaUnknownParamException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamException
- CorbaUnknownParamException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamException
- CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHelper
- CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHolder - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHolder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHolder
- CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHolder(CorbaUnknownParamException) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHolder
- CorbaUnknownPortException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaUnknownPortException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortException
- CorbaUnknownPortException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortException
- CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHelper
- CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHolder - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHolder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHolder
- CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHolder(CorbaUnknownPortException) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHolder
- CoroutineDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- CoroutineDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- CoroutineDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- CoroutineDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- CoroutineDirector.InternalEntryLocation - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- CoroutineDirector.InternalExitLocation - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
- correctExceptionMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionAttribute
The correct exception message to be compared against.
- correctExceptionMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionHandler
The correct exception message to be compared against.
- correctValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
A matrix specifying what the input should be.
- correctValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
A matrix specifying what the input should be.
- correctValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
A matrix specifying what the input should be.
- correspondences - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.Homography33b
- CORRUPTED - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that the model may be corrupted.
- COS - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- cos() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the cosine of this complex number.
- cos(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the cosine of the given complex number.
- cosConeAngle - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- cosh() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the hyperbolic cosine of this complex
- cosh(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the hyperbolic cosine of the given complex
- cosh(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
Return the hyperbolic cosine of the argument.
- cosimulationCapabilities - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The capabilities for co-simulation.
- cot() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the cotangent of this complex number.
- cot(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the cotangent of the given complex number.
- count - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer.OctTreeNode
- count(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ConvertToLazy
Count the number of contained entities that have not already been made
- Counter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor implements an up-down counter of received tokens.
- Counter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Counter - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor implements an up-down counter of received tokens.
- Counter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- counter - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction
The current number of tokens in a junction.
- Counter - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib
- Counter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- Counter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- Counter(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RotateOrFlipPorts
Indicator to rotate counterclockwise.
- CountTrues - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
Read the given number of input booleans and output the number that are true.
- CountTrues(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.CountTrues
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Course - Class in ptolemy.domains.curriculum
A course in a curriculum.
- Course(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.curriculum.Course
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- covariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianClassifier
Standard deviation parameter array for the Gaussian distribution.
- covariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
Standard deviation estimate array.
- covariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
Variance array.
- covariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.MutualInformationCalculator
Measurement noise covariance.
- covariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Optimizer
The coveariance.
- covarianceOfStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConvertParticlesToCovarianceMatrix
Output port for covariance matrix.
- CovarianceStatePredictor - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
Implementation of StatePredictor witch uses acceleration control input.
- CovarianceStatePredictor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.CovarianceStatePredictor
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- CovAvCov(int, int, int, float[], int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- CovAvCov(int, int, int, float[], int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- CParseTreeCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c
This class evaluates a parse tree given a reference to its root node.
- CParseTreeCodeGenerator(ProgramCodeGenerator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Create a CParseTreeCodeGenerator that is used by
the given code generator to generate code for expressions.
- CParseTreeCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class visits parse trees and generates soot instructions that evaluate the parse tree.
- CParseTreeCodeGenerator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
- CPO<T> - Interface in ptolemy.graph
An interface defining the operations on complete partial order (CPO).
- CPO.BoundType - Enum in ptolemy.graph
An enumeration type to represent the two different types of bounds
that can be calculated on a set of nodes in a CPO; either
a greatest lower bound or least upper bound.
- CPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc
This port class is used with actors that are instances of CActor.
- CPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CPort
Construct a CPort with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- CPort(ComponentEntity, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CPort
Construct a CPort with a container and a name that is
either an input, an output, or both, depending on the third
and fourth arguments.
- CQComparator - Interface in ptolemy.actor.util
This interface extends the java.util.Comparator interface, which
defines the compare() method.
- create(Figure) - Method in interface diva.gui.toolbox.MenuFactory
Create an instance of the menu associated with this factory.
- create(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPFactory
- create(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDFFactory
Create an DDF
- create(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Method in interface ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDIFactory
Create a domain dependent plugin.
- create(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.SDFFactory
Create an SDF
- create(Token[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui.DeltaConstraintSolverDisplayActions
Return a new node controller which supports additional menu options.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui.OntologyDisplayActions
Return a new node controller.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui.ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions
Return a new node controller.
- create() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DependencyHighlighter
Return a new node controller.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.NodeControllerFactory
Return a new node controller.
- create(JContextMenu, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.BreakpointDialogFactory
Add an item to the given context menu that will open a dialog
to configure breakpoints for an object.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherController.Factory
Return a new node controller.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeController.Factory
- create(JContextMenu, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.MatchingAttributeActionsFactory
Add an item to the given context menu that will configure the
parameters on the given target.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformEventController.Factory
Return a new node controller.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ResizableAttributeControllerFactory
Return a new node controller.
- create(JContextMenu, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.PortDialogFactory
Add an item to the given context menu that will open a dialog to add or
remove ports from an object.
- create(JContextMenu, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RenameDialogFactory
Add an item to the given context menu that will open a dialog
to add or remove ports from an object.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateControllerFactory
Return a new node controller.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tdl.HierarchicalModeControllerFactory
Return a new node controller.
- create(JContextMenu, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Add an item to the given context menu that will configure the
parameters on the given target.
- create(JContextMenu, NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuItemFactory
Add an item to the given context menu that will operate on
specified target, and return the menu item.
- create(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MoMLModelAttributeControllerFactory
Create a new ModelAttributeController with the specified graph
- create(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyMenuFactory
Create an instance of the menu associated with this factory.
- create(JContextMenu, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RadioMenuActionFactory
Add an item to the given context menu that will configure the
parameters on the given target.
- createActorGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularCodeGenerator
Return the firings() method.
- createAdapter(ComponentEntity, LatticeOntologySolver) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Get the adapter defined by this attribute.
- createAllSIPrefixConversionParameters(DimensionRepresentativeConcept, String, boolean, double, RecordToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.SIPrefixUnitConversionInfo
Create all the different unit info parameters that represent SI
prefix-based units for the given dimension.
- createAndSetFieldFromLocal(JimpleBody, Local, SootClass, Type, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Create a new instance field with the given name
and type and add it to the
given class.
- createAndSetFieldFromLocal(JimpleBody, Local, SootClass, Type, String, Unit) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Create a new instance field with the given name and type and
add it to the given class.
- createAttribute(XMLDBAttribute) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.AttributesManager
Save a new user defined attribute into the database.
- CreateAttributeTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A task request to create an attribute in the database.
- CreateAttributeTask(XMLDBAttribute) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.CreateAttributeTask
Construct an instance of the object and set the attribute to be created
in the database.
- createBackgroundedCompositeFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.CompositeFigureTutorial
Create a composite figure that uses the background facility.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.IterativeParameterIcon
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherIcon
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeIcon
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ActorNameIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValueIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValuesIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ConstraintMonitorIcon
Override the base class to modify the background color, if appropriate.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.CopyCatIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ImageIcon
Create a new default background figure, which is scaled image,
if it has been set, or a default image if not.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Create a new default background figure, which is the shape set
by setShape, if it has been called, or a small box if not.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TableIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Create a new default background figure, which is the text set
by setText, if it has been called, or default text if not.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.UpdatedValueIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ValueIcon
Create a background figure based on this icon, which is a text
element with the name of the container, a colon, and its value.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Create a background figure based on this icon.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.MultipleConceptIcon
Create a new background figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFIcon
Create a new default background figure, which is an instance
of PDFFigure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.OctagonEventIcon
Create a background Figure.
- createBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.TestIcon
Create a background Figure.
- createBaseUnitConcept(Ontology, BaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept, RecordToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.BaseUnitConcept
Create a new base unit concept, belonging to the given
ontology, with an automatically generated name.
- createBasicFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.SimpleTutorial
Create an odd-shaped figure.
- createBasicRectangle() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.SimpleTutorial
Create a rectangle figure.
- createBoundedDraggableFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.DragTutorial
Create another simple figures and make it draggable within
a region of the canvas.
- createBranchController(Iterator) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Create a input and/or output branch controllers according to
whether the ports passed in as arguments are input or output
- createCheckpoint() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Create a new checkpoint and return its handle.
- createCheckpoint() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.CheckpointState
Create a new checkpoint, and return the new timestamp.
- createCheckpoint(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.ui.BacktrackController
Create a checkpoint for the given composite actor, and return the
checkpoint handle.
- createCheckpoint() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.ui.BacktrackControllerFrame
Create a checkpoint, and add its handle to the list of checkpoint
- createClientSocket(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, String, boolean, int, String, String, int, int, int, boolean, String, boolean, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketHelper
Create a WebSocketHelper instance for the specified JavaScript
Socket instance for the client side of the socket.
- createCloudShape() - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Create the "cloud" shape.
- createColumnLayout(int, int, ColumnSpec) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
Creates and returns an instance of FormLayout
to build forms with the specified number of major and minor columns.
- createColumnLayout(int, int, ColumnSpec, ConstantSize, ConstantSize) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
Creates and returns an instance of FormLayout
to build forms with the given number of major columns.
- createColumnLayout(int, int, ColumnSpec, ColumnSpec, ConstantSize, ConstantSize, ConstantSize) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
Creates and returns an instance of FormLayout
to build forms with the given number of major columns.
- createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage, ColorModel) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
- createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage, ColorModel) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
- createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage, ColorModel) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
- createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage, ColorModel) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
- createComponentDefs() - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
Creates a new instance of Component Palette.
- createComposite(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphModel
Make a new composite node object.
- createCompositeFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.CompositeFigureTutorial
Create a composite figure that does not have a background
- createConceptFunction() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ClassConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
Return the concept function defined by this attribute by instantiating
an object of the class specified in the conceptFunctionClassName
StringAttribute with the constructor arguments given in the
constructorArguments parameter.
- createConceptFunction() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
Return the concept function defined by this attribute.
- createConceptFunction() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
Return the concept function defined by this attribute's expression.
- createConnection(Xinterface, Xinterface) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml.NCApp2MoML
Create all the relations and links needed to form the
connection between interfaceFrom and interfaceTo.
- createConnectors() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial
Create the connectors between the two figures.
- createConnectors() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial
Create the connectors between the two figures.
- createConstraintParameterName(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Return a constraint parameter name based on the name
of the specified actor element.
- createContents(Composite) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.BacktrackingPreferencePage
Create the contents of the preference page with the parent as its
- createContents(Composite) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.EditorPreferencePage
Create the contents of the preference page with the parent as its
- createContents(Composite) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Create the contents of the preference page with the parent as its
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.AddComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.AverageComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.BurnComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorBurnComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ColorDodgeComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ContourComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.DarkenComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.DifferenceComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.DodgeComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ExclusionComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.HardLightComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.HueComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.LightenComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MultiplyComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.NegationComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.OverlayComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.PinLightComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.SaturationComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ScreenComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.SoftLightComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.SubtractComposite
- createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ValueComposite
- createContextMenuFactory(GraphController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ContextMenuFactoryCreator
Create the KeplerContextMenuFactory class and return it.
- created - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.IDAttribute
The date that this model was created.
- createDamageRegion(TransformContext, Rectangle2D) - Static method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Create a damage region in this context over the given rectangle.
- createDamageRegion(TransformContext, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Create a damage region in this context over the given rectangle.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModel
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.EDFScheduler
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FCFSScheduler
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj, GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Create and return the decorated attributes for the
corresponding Ptolemy component.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj, GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorAdapter
Create and return the decorated attributes for the corresponding Ptolemy Component.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj, or null
if the target is not decorated by this decorator.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Create and return the decorated attributes for the PtidesDirector.
- createDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Decorator
Create and return the decorated attributes for the target NamedObj.
- createDerivedUnitConcept(Ontology, DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept, RecordToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedUnitConcept
Create a new derived unit concept, belonging to the given
ontology, with an automatically generated name.
- createDialog(Frame, Configuration, Effigy, Class, Entity) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.DialogTableau
Create a tableau for the specified dialog.
- createDocument(Application) - Method in interface diva.gui.DocumentFactory
Create a new empty document.
- createDocument(Application, URL) - Method in interface diva.gui.DocumentFactory
Create a new document based on the given URL.
- createDocument(Application, File) - Method in interface diva.gui.DocumentFactory
Create a new document based on the given file path.
- createDocument(Application) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument.Factory
Create an empty document.
- createDocument(Application, URL) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument.Factory
Create a new document that contains data from the given URL.
- createDocument(Application, File) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument.Factory
Create a new document that contains data from the given file.
- createDraggableFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.DragTutorial
Create a couple of simple figures and make them draggable.
- createEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphModel
Make a new edge object.
- createEdge() - Method in class diva.graph.EdgeCreator
Create a new Edge.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CommunicationAspectMonitor.CommunicationAspectMonitorEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gui.Editable
Create an editor.
- createEditor(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gui.Editable
Create an editor for configuring the specified object.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gui.Editable
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the container.
- createEditor(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.FileOrURLEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object.
- createEditor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.LiveLink
Create an editor.
- createEditor(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.LiveLink
Create an editor for configuring the specified object.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.LiveLink
Create a doc viewer for the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.EventButton.DoubleClickHandler
Respond to double click.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ExceptionManagerGUIFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.gui.CodeGeneratorGUIFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui.OntologySolverGUIFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.curriculum.HighlightEntities.HighlightIcons
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator.CEmachineFrameworkEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGenerator.GiottoEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui.MappingEditorGUIFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.VisualSequenceDirector.SequenceConfigureFactory
Create a top-level viewer for the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.space.Occupants.OccupantsConfigureFactory
Create a top-level viewer for the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGenerator.TDLEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.SchedulePlotter.SchedulePlotterEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocViewerFactory
Create a doc viewer for the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor.Factory
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AnnotationEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.ArrayOfRecordsConfigureFactory
Create a top-level viewer for the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorConfigureFactory
Create an editor for editing the string attribute specified
by the attributeName parameter.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.VisibleParameterEditorFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object.
- createEditor(NamedObj, Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.gui.MathematicalModelConverterGUIFactory
Create an editor for configuring the specified object with the
specified parent window.
- createEditorPane() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorPaneFactory
Return a new widget for configuring the container.
- createEditorPane(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorPaneFactory
Return a new default widget for configuring the specified object.
- createEditorPane(NamedObj, PtolemyQuery) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorPaneFactory
Return a new default widget for configuring the specified object.
- createEditorPane() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.FileOrURLEditorFactory
Return a new widget for configuring the container.
- createEditorPane() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.InsideEntityEditorPaneFactory
Override the base class to look for an entity contained by
the container and return a configurer for that.
- createEditorPane() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TransitionEditorPaneFactory
Override the base class to look for an entity contained by
the container and return a configurer for that.
- createEditorPane() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AnnotationEditorFactory
Return a new widget for configuring the container.
- createEditorPane() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.VisibleParameterEditorFactory
Return a new widget for configuring the container.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the specified
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EffigyFactory
Create a new blank effigy in the given container.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EffigyFactory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the specified
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellEffigy.ShellFactory
If the input URL is null, then
create a blank effigy; otherwise, return null.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellEffigy.ShellFactory
If the input URL is null, then
create a blank effigy; otherwise, return null.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLEffigyFactory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the specified
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the
specified URL.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the
specified URL.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellEffigy.ShellFactory
If the input URL is null, then
create a blank effigy; otherwise, return null.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the
input URL.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellEffigy.ShellFactory
If the input URL is null, then
create a blank effigy; otherwise, return null.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the specified
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the
specified URL.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilderEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the
specified URL.
- createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL, URL) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy in the given container by reading the
input URL.
- createEffigy(PtolemyEffigy) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowConfiguration
- createEmptyBorder(ConstantSize, ConstantSize, ConstantSize, ConstantSize) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
Creates and returns an EmptyBorder
with the specified
- createEmptyBorder(String) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
Creates and returns a Border
using sizes as specified by
the given string.
- createEmptyFields(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Create empty fields for the main attribute as well as any
params or ports that exist in the target.
- createEngine(JavaScript, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a script engine and initialize it.
- createEngine(JavaScript, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a script engine and initialize it.
- createFieldEditors() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PtolemyPreferencePage
Create the contents in the Ptolemy preference.
- createFieldEditors() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Create field editors.
- createFieldsForAttributes(JimpleBody, NamedObj, Local, NamedObj, Local, SootClass, HashSet) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Create and set attributes.
- createFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory1
- createFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory2
- createFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.CompositeFigureFactory1
- createFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.IconFigureFactory
- createFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.ImageFigureFactory
- createFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.LabelFigureFactory
- createFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.PaneWrapperFactory
- createFigure() - Method in interface diva.canvas.test.FigureTest.FigureFactory
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherIcon
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeIcon
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
Create a new Diva figure that visually represents this icon.
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValuesIcon
Create a new Diva figure that visually represents this icon.
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Create a new Diva figure that visually represents this icon.
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Create a new Diva figure that visually represents this icon.
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ValueIcon
Create a new Diva figure that visually represents this icon.
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.EventIcon
Create a Figure.
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.OctagonEventIcon
Create a Figure.
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.TestIcon
Create a Figure.
- createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.TimeAdvanceEventIcon
Create a Figure.
- createFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial
Create the figures that we will draw connectors between.
- createFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial
Create the figures that we will draw connectors between.
- createFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial
Create instances of the class defined
in this file.
- createFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ManipulatorTutorial
Create the figures.
- createFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial
Create instances of the class defined
in this file.
- createFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.VectorFigureTutorial
Create instances of Vector Figures and make them
draggable and resizeable.
- createFileOrURLIfNecessary - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
If true, then create the keystore named by fileOrURL
if the fileOrURL does not exist.
- createFlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept(Ontology, FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept, ScalarToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept
Create a new flat token infinite concept, belonging to the given
ontology, with an automatically generated name.
- createFlatTokenInfiniteConcept(Ontology, FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept, Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Create a new flat token infinite concept, belonging to the given
ontology, with an automatically generated name.
- createFolders(IContainer) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Create the folder represented by the container object, and all its
parent folders if necessary.
- createForLoopBefore(Body, Unit, List, List, Expr) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Create statements that correspond to a for loop and return
- createFrame(TableauFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau
Create a matrix frame to view the data.
- createFrame(TableauFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau
Create a text editor frame to view the data.
- createFrame(TableauFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Create an image display to view the picture.
- createFrame(TableauFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CATableau
Create a frame to hold the CAMatrixViewer.
- createFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau together with the specified library.
- createGapColumnSpec(ConstantSize) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
- createGapRowSpec(ConstantSize) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
- createGlobalEnvironment() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.PtolemyPlatform
- createGlobalEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.PtolemyPlatform
- createGrabHandle(Site) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandleFactory
Create a new basic grab-handle.
- createGrabHandle(Site) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.GrabHandleFactory
Create a grab-handle that is attached to the given
- createGraph() - Method in class diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest.BasicGraphModelFactory
Create a BasicGraphModel.
- createGraph() - Method in interface diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest.GraphFactory
Create a BasicGraphModel.
- createGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator
Create the deterministic SDF with sharing buffers graph for a composite actor.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau together with the specified library.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau together with the specified library.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphTableau
Override the super class to create an instance of
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau together with the specified library.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau
Override the super class to create an instance of
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau together with the specified library.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau together with the specified library.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau together with the specified library.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau.
- createGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRGraphTableau
Create the graph frame that displays the model associated with
this tableau together with the specified library.
- createHierarchy() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create a typed composite actor that contains the selected actors
and connections.
- createHighlightedPosition(int, int, SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightingStyle) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Creates and returns a new highlighted position with the given offset, length and highlighting.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherIcon
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DesignPatternIcon
Create an icon.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Create a new Swing icon.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ImageIcon
Create a new Swing icon.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Create an icon.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Create a new Swing icon.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Create a new Swing icon.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.MultipleConceptIcon
Create an icon.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.EventIcon
Create an icon.
- createIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.OctagonEventIcon
Create an icon.
- createIcon1() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.IconTutorial
Create an icon.
- createIcon2() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.IconTutorial
Create an icon.
- createImage(ImageProducer) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
Cretae a BufferedImage from an ImageProducer.
- createImageIcon(String, String) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ParentPanel
Return an ImageIcon, or null if the path was invalid.
- createInjector(PtolemyModule...) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.PtolemyInjector
Create an injector for the given set of modules.
- createInjector(Iterable<? extends PtolemyModule>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.PtolemyInjector
Create an injector for the given set of modules.
- createInstance(int, String, String, int, String) - Static method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Create the singleton with non-default configuration values.
- createInstanceFromExisting(KeplerDocumentationAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Populate the members of KeplerDocumentationAttribute from
another given KeplerDocumentationAttribute.
- createInteraction() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ManipulatorTutorial
Create the interaction on the figures.
- createInterfaceIOPort(Xinterface) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml.NCApp2MoML
Create an IOPort that represents this interface.
- createIntermediateReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- createIntermediateReceiver(Receiver) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspect
Create a receiver to mediate a communication via the specified receiver.
- createIntermediateReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- createIntermediateReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- createIntermediateReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- createIntermediateReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- createIntermediateReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- createIntermediateReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
Create an intermediate receiver and determine type of tokens received on the
port associated with this receiver.
- createIsomorphicType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Create a type with the same shape as the given shape type,
containing elements of the type given by the given element
- createJCanvas() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest.CanvasFactory
Create a canvas with the default pane
- createJCanvas(CanvasPane) - Method in class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest.CanvasFactory
Create a canvas with the given pane.
- createKeystore(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
Create the keystore file.
- createLabel(String) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.factories.ComponentFactory
Creates and returns a label with an optional mnemonic.
- createLabel(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.DefaultComponentFactory
Creates and returns a label with an optional mnemonic.
- createLabeledWrappers() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.LabelTutorial
Create a couple of figures with labels attached to them.
- createLabels() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.LabelTutorial
Create a collection of labels.
- createLayout(String, Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
This method creates a layout by first trying to look in memory to see if a
layout has been defined with the given name.
- createLeftAdjustedConstraints(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Creates and returns a CellConstraints
object at
the current cursor position that uses the given column span
and is adjusted to the left.
- createLeftToRightBuilder() - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Creates and returns a ButtonBarBuilder
initialized with a left to right button order.
- createLink(Path, Path, Path) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Create a link.
- CreateModelTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A task request to create a new model in the database.
- CreateModelTask() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.CreateModelTask
Default nullary constructor.
- CreateModelTask(XMLDBModel) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.CreateModelTask
Construct an instance of the class and set the model to be created.
- createMoMLParser() - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Create and initialize a new MoMLParser.
- createMonotonicityConcept(Ontology) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConcept
Create a new monotonicity concept, belonging to the given
ontology, with an automatically generated name.
- createName(AST, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Create an AST name node with a name string (possibly partitioned with
- createNamedObjAndLocal(Body, String, Local, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
In the given body, create a new local with the given name.
- createNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphModel
Make a new node object.
- createObject(String) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.ReflectUtil
- createObject(String, Object...) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.ReflectUtil
- createOrchestrator(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication
Create an orchestrator for a top-level accessor.
- createOrchestrator(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication
Create an orchestrator for a top-level accessor.
- createPaintedList(XmlElement) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGParser
Given an XmlElement, create a PaintedList.
- createPaintedObject(String, String, String) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GraphicsParser
Create a new painted object.
- createPaintedObject(String, Map, String) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GraphicsParser
Create a new painted object.
- createPaintedObject(String, Map) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GraphicsParser
Create a new painted object.
- createPaintedObject(String, String, String) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGParser
Create a new painted object.
- createPaintedObject(String, Map, String) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGParser
Create a new painted object.
- createPaintedObject(String, Map) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGParser
Create a new painted object.
- createPartControl(Composite) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor
Create the controls for this editor.
- createPartControl(Composite) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.PtolemyEditor
Create the controls for this editor, and install the semantic
highlighting handler.
- createPolyline() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.SimpleTutorial
Create a polyline.
- createPresentation(List<?>, List<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Create a text presentation in the background.
- createPrimaryTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Create the first tableau for the given effigy, using the
tableau factory.
- createPrimaryTableau(Effigy) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowConfiguration
Create the first tableau for the given effigy, using the
tableau factory.
- createProfile() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularCodeGenerator
Create the profile for the model (at this level).
- createProfile() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator
Create the profile for the model (at this level).
- createQueryBox(PtolemyQuery, Settable) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gui.CustomQueryBoxParameter
Create a customized query box for the given query.
- createReceivers() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Actor
Create receivers for all necessary ports.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Create receivers for each input port.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Create receivers for each port.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Create receivers for all necessary ports.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Create new receivers for this port, replacing any that may
previously exist, and validate any instances of Settable that
this port may contain.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Create receivers for each port.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Create receivers for each input port.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesDynamicCompositeActor
Create receivers for each port.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesRemoveHeaderActor
Create receivers for each input port.
- createReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Override the base class to create receivers for WirelessIOPort.
- createRecordConcept(Ontology) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.RecordConcept
Create a new record concept, belonging to the given
ontology, with an automatically generated name.
- createRuntimeException(Body, Unit, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Create a new local variable in the given body, initialized
before the given unit that refers to a Runtime exception with
the given string message.
- createSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Create the schedule for this model, if necessary.
- createSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Create the schedule for this director, if necessary.
- createSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Create the SDF schedule for this director.
- createSeparator(String, int) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.factories.ComponentFactory
Creates and returns a labeled separator.
- createSeparator(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.DefaultComponentFactory
Creates and returns a labeled separator with the label in the left-hand
- createSeparator(String, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.DefaultComponentFactory
Creates and returns a labeled separator.
- createSeparator(JLabel) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.DefaultComponentFactory
Creates and returns a labeled separator.
- createSequence(Token, Token, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Create an array of tokens of the given length.
- createSequenceReturnType(Type, Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the (exact) return type of the createSequence function
- createServer(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.userInterface.VertxBrowserHelper
Create a web server that serves the specified string.
- createServer(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, String, boolean, String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketServerHelper
Create a WebSocketServerHelper instance to help a JavaScript Server instance.
- createServerSocket(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, WebSocketBase, WebSocketServerHelper, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketHelper
Create a WebSocketHelper instance for the specified JavaScript
Socket instance for the server side of the socket.
- createShell(ScriptObjectMirror, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.shell.ShellHelper
Factory method to create a new shell.
- createSliderPanel(int, int, int, int, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource.SliderFrame
Create a slider panel.
- createSocket(ScriptObjectMirror, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper
Create the UDP socket.
- createStateVector() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Create the state vector.
- createStaticClassForInstance(SootClass, Body, DefinitionStmt, InvokeStmt, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Create a new static class that will behave identically to the
given instance.
- createStyleRange() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition
Return a corresponding style range.
- createSuperConstructor(SootClass, SootMethod) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Create a constructor in theClass that has the same signature
as the given method.
- createSwatchShape() - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Create the "swatch" shape.
- createSymbolicLinks() - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Create symbolic links for the modules.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBTableau.Factory
Create a tableau in the default workspace with no name for the
given Effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy is a BrowserEffigy and it
already contains a tableau named
"browserTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of BrowserTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "browserTableau" and return that tableau.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Console.Factory
Create a new instance of Console in the specified
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau.Factory
Create a new instance of ExecShellTableau in the specified
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellTableau.Factory
Create a new instance of ExpressionShellTableau in the specified
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewerTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"htmlTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of HTMLViewerTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "htmlTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.JVMTableau.Factory
Create a new instance of JVMTableau in the specified
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.LevelSkippingTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy by identifying an
object contained by the specified effigy as given by entityName,
or the first entity contained by that object if no entityName
is given.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"tokenTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of MatrixTokenTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "tokenTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"plotTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of PlotTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "plotTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellTableau.Factory
Create a new instance of TclShellTableau in the specified
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellTableau.Factory
Create a new instance of PythonShellTableau in the specified
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.InterfaceTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"runTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of RunTableau for the effigy, and
name it "runTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"runTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of RunTableau for the effigy, and
name it "runTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.TopFactory
Create a tableau to run the model associated with the specified
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditorTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy is a TextEffigy and it
already contains a tableau named
"textTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of TextEditorTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "textTableau" and return that tableau.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"tokenTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of TokenTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "tokenTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"imageTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of ImageTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "imageTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.gui.GeneratorTableau.Factory
Create a new instance of GeneratorTableau in the specified
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.gui.NCCompositeActorTableauFactory
Create a tableau in the default workspace with no name for the
given Effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphTableau.Factory
Create a tableau in the default workspace with no name for the
given Effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilderTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"DocBuilderTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of DocBuilderTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "DocBuilderTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"DocTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of DocTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "DocTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.VisualModelReference.LookInside
Open an instance of the model.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.TypeOpaqueCompositeActorTableauFactory
Create a tableau in the default workspace with no name for the
given Effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTTableau.Factory
Create an instance of GRRuleGraphTableau for the specified effigy,
if it is an effigy for an instance of FSMActor.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTTableau.ModalTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy, which is assumed to
be an effigy for an instance of ModalModel.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultTableau.Factory
Create an instance of GRRuleGraphTableau for the specified effigy,
if it is an effigy for an instance of FSMActor.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconTableau.Factory
Create a tableau in the default workspace with no name for the
given Effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphTableau.Factory
Create an instance of CaseGraphTableau for the specified effigy,
if it is an effigy for an instance of FSMActor.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphTableau.Factory
Create a tableau in the default workspace with no name for the
given Effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphTableau.Factory
Create an instance of FSMGraphTableau for the specified effigy,
if it is an effigy for an instance of FSMActor.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau.Factory
Create a tableau in the default workspace with no name for the
given Effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.ModalTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy, which is assumed to
be an effigy for an instance of ModalModel.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphTableau.Factory
Create an instance of OntologyGraphTableau for the specified effigy,
if it is an effigy for an instance of Ontology.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverTableau.Factory
Create an instance of OntologyGraphTableau for the specified effigy,
if it is an effigy for an instance of OntologySolverModel.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphTableau.Factory
Create an instance of FSMGraphTableau for the specified effigy,
if it is an effigy for an instance of FSMActor.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRGraphTableau.Factory
Create an instance of SCRGraphTableau for the specified effigy,
if it is an effigy has a parameter openAsSCRActor set to true.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy, which is assumed to
be an effigy for an instance of ModalModel.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tdl.TdlTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tdl.TdlTaskTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FileEditorTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
Create a tableau for the specified effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeTableau.Factory
If the effigy is an instance of PtolemyEffigy referencing
an instance of CompositeEntity, then create a TreeTableau
contained by the effigy.
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau.Factory
If the specified effigy already contains a tableau named
"htmlTableau", then return that tableau; otherwise, create
a new instance of HTMLViewerTableau in the specified
effigy, and name it "htmlTableau".
- createTableau(Effigy) - Method in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigableActorGraphTableau.Factory
Create a tableau in the default workspace with no name for the
given Effigy.
- createTerminals(IconFigure) - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.IconFigureFactory
Create a collection of terminals an an icon
- createTerminals(IconFigure) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.IconTutorial
Create a collection of terminals an an icon
- createTerminals() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TerminalTutorial
Create a collection of terminals.
- createTitle(String) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.factories.ComponentFactory
Creates and returns a title label that uses the foreground color
and font of a TitledBorder
- createTitle(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.DefaultComponentFactory
Creates and returns a title label that uses the foreground color
and font of a TitledBorder
- createTokenSequence(Token, Token, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
- createType(AST, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Create an AST type node with a type string (possibly partitioned with
"." and "[]").
- createType(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Create a type with a full name of a primitive type or a class.
- createUpdateRunnable(TextPresentation, List<SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition>, List<SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition>) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Create a runnable for updating the presentation.
- createView(Document) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Create a view to display the given document.
- createView(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Create a view to display the given document.
- createView(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.ApplicationTutorial
Return a view of this document.
- createView(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplication
Given a document, create a new view which displays that
- createView(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplicationTutorial
Create a view on the given document.
- createWebAttribute(NamedObj, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebAttribute
Factory method for creating WebAttributes.
- createWebElement(NamedObj, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebElement
Factory method for creating WebElements.
- CreationAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to identify an object in the pattern to be created.
- CreationAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.CreationAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- CreationAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.CreationAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- criteria - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
- criteria - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
- criteria - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
- criteria - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
- criteria - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
- criteria - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
- Criterion - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A criterion to constrain an object in the host model.
- Criterion(GTIngredientList, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.Criterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner containing a
given number of elements.
- CriterionElement - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
An element for a criterion.
- CriterionElement(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.CriterionElement
Construct an element for a criterion.
- CRLF - Static variable in class org.json.HTTP
Carriage return/line feed.
- crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of this matrix.
- crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of this matrix.
- crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of this matrix.
- crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of this matrix.
- crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of this matrix.
- crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of this matrix.
- crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of this matrix.
- crop(Complex[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of the input
matrix argument.
- crop(double[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of the input
matrix argument.
- crop(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of the input
matrix argument.
- crop(Fraction[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of the input
matrix argument.
- crop(int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of the input
matrix argument.
- crop(long[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is a sub-matrix of the input
matrix argument.
- CropFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which crops an image to a given rectangle.
- CropFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Construct a CropFilter.
- CropFilter(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Construct a CropFilter.
- cross(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Vector3f
- CrossAnalysisHandler - Interface in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Interface of the cross-analysis handlers called by
- CrossbarSwitch - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect
- CrossbarSwitch(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.CrossbarSwitch
Construct a CrossbarSwitch with a name and a container.
- crossCorrelation(double[], double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return a new array that is the cross-correlation of the two
argument arrays, starting and ending at user-specified lag values.
- crossCorrelationAt(double[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the cross-correlation of two arrays at a certain lag value.
- crossDissolve(int[], int[], int, int, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- CROSSES - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- crossProduct(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- crossProduct(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- crossProduct(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- crossProduct(float[], float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- CrossRefList - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
CrossRefList is a list that maintains pointers to other CrossRefLists.
- CrossRefList(Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList
Construct a list with the specified container.
- CrossRefList(Object, CrossRefList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList
Create a new CrossRefList that is linked to the same
CrossRefLists as the original CrossRefList except that this
new one has a new container.
- CrossRefList.CrossRef - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
Objects of this type form the elements of the list.
- crossSectionRadius - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Torus3D
The radius of the torus cross-section
This parameter should contain a DoubleToken.
- CryptographyActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
A base class for cryptographic actors.
- CryptographyActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CryptoHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto
Helper for the crypto JavaScript module.
- CryptoHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Constructor for CryptoHelper.
- CrystallizeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which applies a crystallizing effect to an image, by producing Voronoi cells filled with colours from the image.
- CrystallizeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- csc() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the cosecant of this complex number.
- csc(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the cosecant of the given complex number.
- CSP - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- CSP(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- CSPActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
This class is the base class of all atomic actors using the
non-deterministic communication and timed features of the communicating
sequential processes(CSP) domain.
- CSPActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Construct a CSPActor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- CSPActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Construct a CSPActor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- CSPActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Construct a CSPActor in the specified container with the specified
- CSPBuffer - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.lib
A single channel buffer.
- CSPBuffer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPBuffer
- CSPBuffer(TypedCompositeActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPBuffer
Construct a CSPBuffer in the specified container with the
specified name.
- CSPBuffer(TypedCompositeActor, String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPBuffer
Construct a CSPBuffer in the specified container with the
specified name.
- CSPDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
CSPDirector governs the execution of a composite actor with the semantics
of the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) domain.
- CSPDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- CSPDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- CSPDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- CSPFactory - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- CSPFactory() - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPFactory
- CSPMultiSink - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.lib
A CSPMultiSink actor accepts a token from any channel connected to
its input.
- CSPMultiSink() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSink
Construct a CSPMultiSink in the default workspace with an
empty string as its name.
- CSPMultiSink(TypedCompositeActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSink
Construct a CSPMultiSink with the specified container and
- CSPMultiSource - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.lib
A CSPMultiSource actor produces tokens through an output channel
via a continuous do (CDO) construct.
- CSPMultiSource() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSource
Construct a CSPMultiSource in the default workspace with an
empty string as its name.
- CSPMultiSource(TypedCompositeActor, String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSource
Construct a CSPMultiSource with the specified container and
- CSPReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
Receiver for CSP style communication.
- CSPReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Construct a CSPReceiver with no container.
- CSPReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Construct a CSPReceiver with the specified container.
- CSPSieve - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.lib
Used in the Sieve of Eratosthenes demo.
- CSPSieve(TypedCompositeActor, String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSieve
Construct a DDESink with the specified container and name.
- CSPSink - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.lib
A CSPSink actor accepts tokens from a single input channel.
- CSPSink(CompositeActor, String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSink
Construct a CSPSink with the specified container and the
specified name.
- CSPSource - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.lib
A CSPSource actor produces tokens through an output channel.
- CSPSource(CompositeActor, String, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSource
Construct a CSPSource with the specified container and the
specified name.
- CSPTokenReader - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- CSPTokenReader(Map, Map, ConditionalBranchController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenReader
- CSPTokenReader.DataChannelID - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- CSPTokenWriter - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- CSPTokenWriter(Map, ConditionalBranchController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenWriter
- CSRVec - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat
Sparse vector implementation using a column-sorted row.
- CSRVec(int) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- CSRVec(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- CSVReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.io
This actor reads a file or URL, one line at a time, and outputs each line
except the first as a record.
- CSVReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CSVWriter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.io
This actor reads record-valued input tokens and writes them,
one line at a time, to a specified file, as comma-separated list
(or separated by some other delimiter given by the separator
- CSVWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CTemplateParser - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c
A class that allows to parse macros of templates in a code generator
- CTemplateParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CTemplateParser
Construct the CTemplateParser associated
with the given component and the given adapter.
- cubeX - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter.Point
- cubeY - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter.Point
- curChar - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
- curChar - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
- curChar - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
- curLexState - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
- curLexState - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
- curLexState - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
- CurlFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A page curl effect.
- CurlFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
Construct a CurlFilter with no distortion.
- CurlFilter.Sampler - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- Current - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.lib
Output the most recent input received.
- Current(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Current
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- CURRENT_VERSION - Static variable in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute
The VersionAttribute that contains the version of the Ptolemy II
release that is currently running.
- currentBeat - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
Current beat count of the improvised melody.
- currentChord - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle
Current chord in improvisation.
- CurrentClassElement(Class) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState.CurrentClassElement
Construct a table with a single element (the current class object)
in it.
- CurrentDate - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
the current date.
- CurrentDate(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentDate
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- currentImageBlock - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.SumofAbsoluteDifferences
Input for tokens to be a part of current frame.
- CurrentMicrostep - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
the current microstep, also called the current index,
of superdense time.
- CurrentMicrostep(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentMicrostep
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CurrentMicrostep - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for CurrentMicrostep.
- CurrentMicrostep(CurrentMicrostep) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentMicrostep
Construct a CurrentMicrostep adapter.
- currentSegment(double[]) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PolygonIterator
Get the current segment
- currentSegment(float[]) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PolygonIterator
Get the current segment
- currentSegment(double[]) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PolylineIterator
Get the current segment
- currentSegment(float[]) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PolylineIterator
Get the current segment
- currentState - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.CovarianceStatePredictor
current state of robots.
- currentState - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithAccControl
current state of robots.
- currentState - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithControl
current state of a robot.
- currentState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the current state of this actor.
- currentState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
The current state of the integrator output port.
- CurrentTime - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
the current time.
- CurrentTime(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentTime
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- currentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return the current time as a number (in seconds).
- currentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return the current time as a number (in seconds).
- currentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Return the current time.
- currentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Return the current time.
- CurrentTime - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate Java code for an actor that produces an output token on
on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of
the input.
- CurrentTime(CurrentTime) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentTime
Constructor method for the CurrentTime helper.
- CurrentTime - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for CurrentTime.
- CurrentTime(CurrentTime) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentTime
Construct a CurrentTime adapter.
- CurrentTime - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentTime.
- CurrentTime(CurrentTime) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentTime
Construct a CurrentTime adapter.
- CURRENTTIME_DECLARATION - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
The declaration for the _currentTime variable.
- currentToken - Variable in exception ptolemy.data.expr.ParseException
This is the last token that has been consumed successfully.
- currentToken - Variable in exception ptolemy.moml.unit.ParseException
This is the last token that has been consumed successfully.
- currentX - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- Curve - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- Curve() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.Curve
- Curve(Curve) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.Curve
- CurveEntry(Transition, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.CurveEntry
- CurvesFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- CurvesFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CurvesFilter
- customContent - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying text to be inserted into dygraph constructor call.
- CustomerPanel - Class in org.mlc.swing.example
A customer panel example.
- CustomerPanel() - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
Instantiate the CustomerPanel.
- CustomizableRunFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.run
A top-level frame for a customizable run control panel.
- CustomizableRunFrame(CompositeActor, InterfaceTableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunFrame
Construct a frame to control the specified Ptolemy II model.
- CustomizableRunFrame.CustomizeMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.run
Listener for customize menu commands.
- CustomizableRunPane - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.run
A panel for interacting with an executing Ptolemy II model.
- CustomizableRunPane(CompositeActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunPane
Construct a panel for interacting with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- CustomizeDocumentationAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An action for editing instance-specific documentation.
- CustomizeDocumentationAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.CustomizeDocumentationAction
Construct an instance of this action.
- CustomizeMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunFrame.CustomizeMenuListener
- CustomQueryBoxParameter - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gui
An interface for Parameter classes that supply their own
customized GUI element for modifying the query content.
- CustomRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial.CustomRectangle
Create a new instance of this figure.
- cut(Clipboard) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractView
Remove the currently selected objects from this view, if any,
and place them on the given clipboard.
- CUT - Static variable in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- cut(Clipboard) - Method in interface diva.gui.View
Remove the currently selected objects from this view, if any,
and place them on the given clipboard.
- cut - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBreitWigner
- cut() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Remove the currently selected objects from this document, if any,
and place them on the clipboard.
- cutAction(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
Create an action named "Cut" that cuts the current selection from
the current document and places it into the application's clipboard.
- CutAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.CutAction
Create a new action to copy and delete the current selection.
- cutQuotationMarks(String) - Static method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Cut the leading and terminating quotation marks if present.
- cutQuotationMarks(String) - Static method in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Cut the leading and terminating quotation marks if present.
- cxy - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
Center of tag in pixel coordinates.
- cycle() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.CycleMeanAnalyzer
Return the nodes on the cycle that corresponds to the maximum/minimum
cycle mean as an ordered list.
- cycle() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer
Return the nodes on the cycle that corresponds to the maximum profit
to cost ratio as an ordered list.
- cycle() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleMeanAnalysis
Return the nodes on the cycle that corresponds to the maximum/minimum
cycle mean as an ordered list.
- cycle() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis
Return the nodes on the cycle that corresponds to the maximum profit to
cost ratio.
- cycle() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.KarpCycleMeanStrategy
Return the nodes on the cycle that corresponds to the maximum/minimum
cycle mean as an ordered list.
- cycle() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy
Return the nodes on the cycle that corresponds to the maximum profit to
cost ratio.
- CycleExistenceAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
Analyzes a directed graph and detects the existence of cycles.
- CycleExistenceAnalysis(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleExistenceAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class for a given graph, using a
default analyzer that runs in O(N^3) in which N is the number of nodes.
- CycleExistenceAnalysis(CycleExistenceAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleExistenceAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with a given analyzer.
- CycleExistenceAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
A common interface for all the cycle existence analyzers.
- cycleMean(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.KarpCycleMeanStrategy
Finds the cycle mean for a given directed graph.
- CycleMeanAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
An analysis to calculate the maximum/minimum cycle mean of a directed
cyclic graph.
- CycleMeanAnalysis(Graph, ToDoubleMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleMeanAnalysis
Construct a maximum cycle mean analysis associated with a graph with a
default analyzer.
- CycleMeanAnalysis(CycleMeanAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleMeanAnalysis
Construct a maximum cycle mean analysis associated with a graph with a
given analyzer.
- CycleMeanAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
A common interface for all the cycle mean analyzers.
- cycleNodeCollection() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the nodes that are in cycles.
- cycleNodes() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the nodes that are in cycles (weights version).
- Cylinder3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a GR
- Cylinder3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cylinder3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- CyPhySimApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
Wrapper class to start up CyPhySim, the Cyber-Physical Simulator.
- CyPhySimApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.CyPhySimApplication
- d - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- d - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
dimension of tag. e.g. for 16 bits, d=4.
- D - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
The D matrix in the state-space representation.
- D - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
The D matrix in the state-space representation.
- D - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
The D matrix in the state-space representation.
- D_new - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
new duration distribution.
- D_new - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
new duration distribution.
- DAGConceptGraph - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A data structure representing relationships of ontologies whose structure
can be represented as a directed acyclic graph of concepts.
- DAGConceptGraph() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.DAGConceptGraph
Create an empty concept graph with no concepts in it.
- DamageRegion - Class in diva.canvas
A damage region represents a region of the canvas that has
been "damaged" and hence needs to be repainted.
- DamageRegion() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
FIXME: Visual Cafe barfs on this
- DANGLING_PORTS_OKAY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- DANGLING_PORTS_OKAY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- DANGLING_PORTS_OKAY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- danglingPortsOkay() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- DARKEN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- DarkenComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- DarkenComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.DarkenComposite
- DarkenComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- dashArray - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ShapeAttribute
Specification of the dash pattern for dashed or dotted lines.
- dashed - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
Indicator that this transition should be rendered as a dashed line.
- data - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.UnionFindSimple
- data - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
The data port, which is a multiport.
- data - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
Data to be sent.
- data - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector.TimedEvent
The refiring data returned from the previous fire() or refire(), or
null if the scheduled firing is the first one.
- data - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.LoadStore
The Tokens to be read/written from/to the memory.
- database - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
JDBC connection string to access the database.
- DatabaseInsert - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.database
Insert the input arrays of records into the specified table.
- DatabaseInsert(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseInsert
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- databaseManager - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseInsert
Name of the DatabaseManager to use.
- DatabaseManager - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.database
A DatabaseManager.
- DatabaseManager(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- databaseManager - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseQuery
Name of the DatabaseManager to use.
- databaseManager - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseSelect
Name of the DatabaseManager to use.
- databaseManager - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.SQLStatement
Name of the DatabaseManager to use.
- databaseManager - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.space.Occupants
Name of the DatabaseManager to use.
- DatabaseQuery - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.database
Issue a database query via the specified
database manager.
- DatabaseQuery(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseQuery
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DatabaseSelect - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.database
Select the columns from rows that match the specified pattern via the specified
database manager.
- DatabaseSelect(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseSelect
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DatabaseSetupFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
Database setup frame to modify and test the database connection.
- DatabaseSetupFrame() - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.DatabaseSetupFrame
Create a new Database setup frame with values
from the properties file.
- dataBufferAppend(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Add a character to the data buffer.
- dataBufferAppend(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Add a string to the data buffer.
- dataBufferAppend(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Append (part of) a character array to the data buffer.
- dataBufferFlush() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Flush the contents of the data buffer to the handler, if
appropriate, and reset the buffer for new input.
- dataBufferNormalize() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Normalise whitespace in the data buffer.
- dataBufferToString() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert the data buffer to a string.
- DataChannelID(Object, ChannelID) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenReader.DataChannelID
- dataConnectWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying the width of the stroke connecting data points
This is an int that defaults to 2.
- DataConverterHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.dataConverter
Helper for the dataConverter JavaScript module.
- DataConverterHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.dataConverter.DataConverterHelper
Constructor for DataConverterHelper.
- dataCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
The current count of data bytes that have been read in from a packet.
- Dataflow - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- Dataflow(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- DataflowWithRates - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
A base class that provides support for dataflow models that publish
external rate information.
- DataflowWithRates(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates
Create an new DataflowWithRates DDI.
- DataflowWithRates.ActionRateSignature - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- dataFormat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.DoubleMatrixToJAI
The type to cast the data to.
- dataFormat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIConstant
The type to cast the data to.
- dataFormat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIDataConvert
The type to cast the data to.
- DatagramReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.net
This actor reads datagram packets via a separate thread.
- DatagramReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DatagramWriter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.net
This actor sends its input as a Datagram over the network using the
UDP protocol.
- DatagramWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
Construct a DatagramWriter actor with given name in the given
- dataIn - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Memory
The input port for writing data .
- dataInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Input port for data from a server.
- dataJSON - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter giving the data traces in JSON format to be plot.
- dataMarkerRadius - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying the radius of markers for data points.
- dataNature - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIDFT
A parameter that describes the nature of the input and output
- dataNature - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIIDFT
A parameter that describes the nature of the input and output
- dataOut - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Module
The dataOut output port.
- dataOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Output port for data.
- dataPacket - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
The dataPacket input port.
- dataReceived - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
The output port for data that has been received by the serial port.
- dataReceived(XBeeMessage) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.xbee.XBeeHelper
- dataSinkUpdate(DataSinkEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
The data sink listener.
- dataToSend - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
The input port for data to be sent to the serial port.
- dataTypes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
The set of all unique types used.
- date(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Create a DateToken with a value.
- DATE - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The DateToken data type.
- DateConstructor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Construct date token by parsing all date elements (year, day, month, ...).
- DateConstructor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DateElements - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Output elements of date (year, month, day, hour, etc.) from date.
- DateElements(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DateToEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A timed actor that accepts DateTokens on the input.
- DateToEvent(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.DateToEvent
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- DateToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a date.
- DateToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Construct a date token.
- DateToken(long) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Construct a DateToken that represents the time since January 1, 1970.
- DateToken(long, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Construct a DateToken that represents the time since January 1, 1970.
- DateToken(long, int, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Construct a DateToken that represents the time since January 1, 1970.
- DateToken(long, int, TimeZone) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Construct a DateToken that represents the time since January 1, 1970.
- DateToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Construct a DateToken that represents the time specified as a
- DateToModelTime - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A timed actor that outputs the local clock value that corresponds to the date.
- DateToModelTime(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.DateToModelTime
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- DateToString - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a date to a string.
- DateToString(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DateToString
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- day - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The day of the month.
- day - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Day of the month of date received on input.
- DB - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a token that is the value of the input in decibels.
- DB(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DB - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a token that is the value of the input in decibels.
- DB(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DB - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.DB.
- DB(DB) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Construct a DB adapter.
- DB - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.DB.
- DB(DB) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Construct a DB adapter.
- DB - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.DB.
- DB(DB) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Construct a DB adapter.
- DB_MODEL_ID_ATTR - Static variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
String for DBModelId.
- DB_MODEL_NAME - Static variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
String for model name.
- DB_NO_EDIT_ATTR - Static variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
Name of the parameter that prevents changes to database.
- DB_REFERENCE_ATTR - Static variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
String for DBReference.
- DBActorController - Class in ptdb.gui
A controller for database reference actors.
- DBActorController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.DBActorController
Create a controller for database reference actors.
- DBActorController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.DBActorController
Create a controller for database reference actors.
- DBConnection - Interface in ptdb.kernel.database
Interface for XML Database connections.
- DBConnectionException - Exception in ptdb.common.exception
Exception for all the exceptions raised during XML database connection
related operations.
- DBConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.DBConnectionException
Create a new DBConnectionException with the given message.
- DBConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.DBConnectionException
Create an instance to wrap other exceptions.
- DBConnectionParameters - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Encapsulate the parameters required for creating an XML DB connection.
- DBConnectionParameters(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.DBConnectionParameters
Construct an instance with the given parameters.
- DBConnectorFactory - Class in ptdb.common.util
A factory class that creates different types of XML database connections.
- DBConnectorFactory() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
- DBExecutionException - Exception in ptdb.common.exception
Exception class for all the exceptions raised during XML
database connection related operations.
- DBExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.DBExecutionException
Construct an instance of DBConnectionException
with the given message.
- DBExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.DBExecutionException
Construct an instance to wrap other exceptions.
- DBGraphSearchCriteria - Class in ptdb.common.dto
The DTO (data transfer object) that all the search criteria input by the
user, for the graph searching through the XML database.
- DBGraphSearchCriteria() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
- dblVal - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
The array that contains the last double values read from the socket .
- dblWri - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Double values that were written to the socket.
- DBModelFetcher - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.load
This is the business layer that interfaces with the database for retrieving
- DBModelFetcher() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.load.DBModelFetcher
- DBModelNotFoundException - Exception in ptdb.common.exception
Exception class that is thrown if the model is not found in the database.
- DBModelNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.DBModelNotFoundException
Construct an instance of DBModelNotFoundException
with the given message.
- DBModelNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.DBModelNotFoundException
Construct an instance to wrap other exceptions.
- DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon - Class in ptdb.gui
Implementation of interface for interaction with actors.
- DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon() - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon
- DCT(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the forward, normalized
DCT of the input array of doubles.
- DCT(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the forward, normalized
DCT of the input array of doubles.
- DCT(double[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the forward DCT of the
input array of doubles.
- DCT2x2dc - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.video
Calculate the discrete cosine transform(DCT) of dc coefficients of U and V components.
- DCT2x2dc(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT2x2dc
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DCT4x4dc - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.video
Calculate the discrete cosine transform(DCT) of dc coefficients of Y components.
- DCT4x4dc(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT4x4dc
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DCT8x8 - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.video
Calculate the DCT of a 8x8 block which can be one of Y, U or V pixel data.
- DCT8x8(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT8x8
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DCT_TYPE_NORMALIZED - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
To select the forward transform :
N - 1
X[k] = e[k] sum x[n] * cos ((2n + 1)k * PI / 2N)
n = 0
and the inverse transform :
N - 1
x(n) = (2/N) sum e(k) X[k] * cos ((2n + 1)k * PI / 2N)
k = 0
use this DCT type.
- DCT_TYPE_ORTHONORMAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
To select the forward transform :
N - 1
X[k] = sqrt(2/N) e[k] sum x[n] * cos ((2n + 1)k * PI / 2N)
n = 0
and the inverse transform :
N - 1
x[n] = sqrt(2/N) sum e[k] X[k] * cos ((2n + 1)k * PI / 2N)
k = 0
use this DCT type.
- DCT_TYPE_UNNORMALIZED - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
To select the forward transform :
N - 1
X[k] = sum x[n] * cos ((2n + 1)k * PI / 2N)
n = 0
and the inverse transform :
N - 1
x[n] = sum X[k] * cos ((2n + 1)k * PI / 2N)
k = 0
use this DCT type.
- DCT_TYPES - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
The number of DCT types supported.
- DDEActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
An optional base class for DDE actors.
- DDEActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEActor
Construct a DDEActor with no container and a name that
is an empty string.
- DDEActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEActor
Construct a DDEActor with the specified workspace and a
name that is an empty string.
- DDEActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEActor
Construct a DDEActor with the specified container and name.
- DDEDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
A DDEDirector governs the execution of actors operating according to the DDE
model of computation (MoC).
- DDEDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Construct a DDEDirector in the default workspace with an empty string as
its name.
- DDEDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty string as a
- DDEDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- DDEIOPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
A DDEIOPort is a timed input/output port used in the DDE domain.
- DDEIOPort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEIOPort
Construct a DDEIOPort with no container and an empty
string as a name.
- DDEIOPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEIOPort
Construct a DDEIOPort with a containing actor and the
specified name that is neither an input nor an output.
- DDEIOPort(ComponentEntity, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEIOPort
Construct a DDEIOPort with a container and the specified
name that is either an input, an output, or both, depending
on the third and fourth arguments.
- DDEReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
A DDEReceiver stores time stamped tokens according to distributed
discrete event semantics.
- DDEReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container.
- DDEReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container.
- DDEReceiver(IOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified IOPort
container and priority.
- DDESink - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.lib
DDESink is simple DDE actor that consumes real tokens.
- DDESink(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.DDESink
Construct a DDESink with the specified container and name.
- DDEThread - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
A DDEThread controls an actor according to DDE semantics.
- DDEThread(Actor, ProcessDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEThread
Construct a thread to be used to execute the iteration
methods of a DDEActor.
- DDF - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
A plugin for the DDF domain.
- DDF(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDF
Create an new DDF DDI.
- DDFBooleanSelect - Class in ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib
A type polymorphic select with boolean valued control for use in
the DDF domain.
- DDFBooleanSelect(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel
The dynamic dataflow (DDF) domain is a superset of the synchronous
dataflow(SDF) and Boolean dataflow(BDF) domains.
- DDFDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- DDFDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- DDFDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- DDFFactory - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
A factory that creates
- DDFFactory() - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDFFactory
Create an DDFFactory.
- DDFOrderedMerge - Class in ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib
- DDFOrderedMerge(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFOrderedMerge
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DDFSelect - Class in ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib
A type polymorphic select, which routes specified input channels to
the output, used in the DDF domain.
- DDFSelect(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DDFSingleTokenCommutator - Class in ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib
The DDFSingleTokenCommutator has a multiport input port and an output
- DDFSingleTokenCommutator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSingleTokenCommutator
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified name.
- DDI - Interface in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
An interface for domain dependent interpretation.
- DDIException - Exception in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
A general-purpose exception used in the ddi package, used to
indicate an error during domain dependent interpretation.
- DDIException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDIException
Create a DDIException.
- DDIException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDIException
Create a DDIException with an error message.
- DDIException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDIException
Create a DDIException with an error message and a cause.
- DDIException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDIException
Create a DDIException with a cause.
- DDIFactory - Interface in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
The DDIFactory is used to create domain dependent plugins.
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
- deactivateBranches() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Deactivate the branches assigned to this branch controller.
- DEActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
The base class for actors specific to the DE domain.
- DEActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEActor
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- deadlockStates() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the deadlock states in a Set.
- deadZone - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.joystick.Joystick
The deadzone of the Joystick: Under this absolute value, the
joystick coordinate is 0.0.
- deAnnotateGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
Remove all the annotations from the graph.
- debug - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Produce debugging output.
- debug(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Send the message to all registered debug listeners.
- debug - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- debug - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
- DebugController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.debugger
An execution listener that suspends execution based on breakpoints.
- DebugController(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
Construct a debug listener with the given container and name.
- debugEnable - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
The flag indicates whether or not to enable the smack library debug
If this is true, the raw XML stream will be shown for debug use.
- DebugEvent - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
An interface for events that can be used for debugging.
- Debuggable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
This is an interface for objects that debug listeners can be attached to.
- DebuggerParameter - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
A parameter that represents a debugger for event debugging.
- DebuggerParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.DebuggerParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- DebuggerParameter.Mode - Enum in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
The modes.
- debugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Checks if the debugging option is checked.
- debugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Returns whether debugging info is being printed.
- debuggingField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- debugInput - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
- DebugListener - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
Interface for listeners that receive debug messages.
- DebugListenerFrame() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.DebugListenerTableau.DebugListenerFrame
Create a debug listener that displays messages in a top-level
- DebugListenerTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau representing a debug listener window.
- DebugListenerTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.DebugListenerTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- DebugListenerTableau.DebugListenerFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class is a top-level window for displaying textual debug
output from an instance of Debuggable.
- debugMag - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
- DebugMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.RunFrame.DebugMenuListener
- DebugMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener
- DebugMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener
- DebugMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener
- DebugMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener
- DebugProfile - Class in ptolemy.vergil.debugger
Profile for an actor being debugged.
- DebugProfile(BasicGraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugProfile
Construct a debug profile for an actor with the associated
- DebugRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
Highlight objects in magenta, rather than red or yellow.
- DebugRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.DebugRenderer
Create a new selection renderer with the default prototype
- DebugRenderer(FigureDecorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.DebugRenderer
Create a new renderer with the given prototype decorator.
- debugSegInput - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
- debugSegmentation - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
- debugShowMap() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- debugStream - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
Debug output.
- debugStream - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
Debug output.
- debugStream - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
Debug output.
- debugTheta - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
- decibel(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
- decibel(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
- DECIMAL_LITERAL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- decimate() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- decimateAvg() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- decimateMax() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- decimation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
The decimation ratio of the filter.
- decimationPhase - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
The decimation phase of the filter.
- DecimBy4(int, float[], int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- DecimBy4(int, float[], int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- declarations - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- declarationsComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- declarationsLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- declaredAttributes(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get the declared attributes for an element type.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
Declare that the output does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Set the dependency between all output ports and all input
ports of this actor.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Set the dependency between all output ports and all input ports of this
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Declare that any output that is marked as spontanous does does
not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Declare that any output that is marked as spontanous does does
not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MicrostepDelay
Declare that the output does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ResettableTimer
Declare that the output does not immediately depend on the input.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Declare that the output does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency(IOPort, IOPort, double, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterface
Set the dependency that the specified output port has
on the specified input port to represent a time
delay with the specified value and superdense time index.
- declareDelayDependency(IOPort, IOPort, double, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Set the dependency that the specified output port has
on the specified input port to represent a time
delay with the specified value and superdense time index.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Declare that the output does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
Declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
Declare that the output does not depend on
the input, serviceTime, and priority, in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
Declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
Declare that the output
does not depend on the input and delay in a firing.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictDelay
Declare that the output does not depend on the input in a firing but
has a delay of one period of the SRDirector.
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
- declareDelayDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Override the base class to declare that the dummy port
returned by getChannelPort() does not depend on itself
in a firing.
- declaredElements() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get the declared elements for an XML document.
- declaredEntities() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get declared entities.
- declaredNotations() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get declared notations.
- declareRateDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFScheduler
Declare the rate dependency on any external ports of the model.
- declareRateDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesScheduler
Declare the rate dependency on any external ports of the model.
- declareRateDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.BaseSDFScheduler
Declare the rate dependency on any external ports of the model.
- declareRateDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Declare the rate dependency on any external ports of the model.
- decode(TagDetection, long) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
Given an observed tag with code 'rcode', try to recover the
- decodeFileNames(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.Strings
Decode a string encoded with file names (or directory names) in it.
- decodeHlaValue(HlaSubscriber, Type, byte[]) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.MessageProcessing
This generic method calls the EncodingHelpers
API provided
by CERTI to handle type decoding operations for HLA value attribute
that has been reflected (RAV).
- decodeSpecs(String) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
Parses and splits encoded column specifications and returns
an array of ColumnSpec objects.
- decodeSpecs(String) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
Parses and splits encoded row specifications and returns
an array of RowSpec objects.
- decorate(Figure, FigureDecorator) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Decorate a child figure, replacing the reference to the
child figure with the decorator.
- decorate(Figure, FigureDecorator) - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureContainer
Decorate a child figure, replacing the child figure with the
- decorate(Figure, FigureDecorator) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Decorate a child figure, replacing the child figure with the
- decorateContainer() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModelAttributes
- decorateContainer() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Add all decorated ports and necessary parameters to the container.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Return the decorated objects.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModel
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Return the decorated objects.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Return a list of the entities deeply contained by the container
of this resource scheduler.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Return a list of the entities deeply contained by the container
of this resource scheduler.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Return a list of the entities deeply contained by the container
of this resource scheduler.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Return a list of the entities deeply contained by the container
of this ExecutionAspect.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return a list of the entities deeply contained by the container
of this resource scheduler.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Return a list of the entities deeply contained by the container
of this resource scheduler.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Return a list of the entities deeply contained by the container
of this resource scheduler.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Return a list of the entities deeply contained by the container
of this resource scheduler.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return local sources contained by the composite of this director.
- decoratedObjects() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Decorator
Return a list of the objects that this decorator decorates.
- DECORATIONS - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.Parameters
Layout option that determines whether decoration nodes are included in layout.
- Decorator - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
A decorator is a class that decorates other instances of NamedObj
with extra attributes that are specific to both the decorator
and the NamedObj.
- DecoratorAttributes - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
A container for attributes created by a decorator.
- DecoratorAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.DecoratorAttributes
Construct a DecoratorAttributes instance to contain the
decorator parameter for the specified container provided
by the specified decorator.
- DecoratorAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.DecoratorAttributes
Construct a DecoratorAttributes instance with the given name
and container.
- decoratorHighlightColorName - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspect
The parameter name of the decorator highlight color.
- decoratorName - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.DecoratorAttributes
The name of the decorator relative to the top-level of
the model, to be stored in a MoML file
to re-establish the connection with a decorator after saving
and re-parsing the file.
- decorators() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return the set of decorators that decorate this object.
- DECQEventQueue - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
A calendar queue implementation of the DE event queue.
- DECQEventQueue() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Construct an empty event queue.
- DECQEventQueue(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Construct an empty event queue with the specified parameters.
- decreaseMarking(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
Decrease the _currentMarking.
- decreaseTemporaryMarking(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
Decrease the _temporaryMarking by i.
- decrement - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
The decrement port.
- decrement - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixCounter
The decrement port.
- decrement - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
The decrement port.
- DEDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the DEDirector class.
- DEDirector(DEDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- DEDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
This director implements the discrete-event (DE) model of computation (MoC).
- DEDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- DEDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- DEDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- DEEP - Static variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Indicate that the description(int) method should include the contained
objects (if any) that the contained objects have.
- deepAddAttributes(NamedObj, Class<? extends Attribute>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Add an attribute to the given container and each of its children
including ports, entities and relations, but not including attributes.
- deepAttributeList(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Return the deep attribute list of the container in a depth first order.
- deepCompositeEntityList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return a list that consists of all the transparent and opaque
composite entities in a model.
- deepConnectedInPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return a list of input ports connected to this port on the
- deepConnectedInPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
- deepConnectedOutPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return a list of output ports connected to this port on the
- deepConnectedOutPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
- deepConnectedPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Deeply list the ports connected to this port on the outside.
- deepConnectedPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
- deepContains(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Return true if this object contains the specified object,
directly or indirectly.
- deepContains(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return true if this object contains the specified object,
directly or indirectly.
- deepContains(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Return true if this object contains the specified object,
directly or indirectly.
- deepEntityList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
List the opaque entities that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- deepEntityList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
List the opaque entities that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- deepEntityList() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
List the opaque entities that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- deepGetEntities() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
- deepGetReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the port is an input, return the receivers deeply linked on
the inside.
- deepInsidePortList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Deeply list the ports connected on the inside.
- deepInsidePorts() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
- deepLinkedPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Deeply list the ports linked to this relation.
- deepLinkedPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
- deepNamedObjList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
List the NamedObjs that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- deepOpaqueEntityList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
List the opaque entities that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- deepOpaqueEntityList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
List the opaque entities that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- deepReceivers(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Return the receivers of all input ports linked to this
relation, directly or indirectly through a relation group,
except those in the port
given as an argument.
- deepReceivers(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedTypedIORelation
Return the receivers of all input ports linked to this
- deepRelationSet() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Return a set with the relations that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- deepRelationSet() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return a set with the relations that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- deepRemoveAttributes(NamedObj, Class<? extends Attribute>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Remove all the attributes in the given class from the given container
and all of its children including ports, entities and relations, but not
including attributes.
- DEEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
This class defines the structure of events in the DE domain.
- DEEvent(Actor, Time, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Construct a pure event with the specified destination actor,
timestamp, microstep, and depth.
- DEEvent(IOPort, Time, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Construct a trigger event with the specified destination IO port,
timestamp, microstep, and depth.
- DEEventQueue - Interface in ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
This interface defines an event queue used by DE directors to sort and
manage DE events.
- DEF_ASPECT_RATIO - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
Default value for aspectRatio (non-logarithmic).
- DEF_DECORATIONS - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
Default value for includeDecorations.
- DEF_DIRECTION - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.ModalLayoutConfiguration
Default direction.
- DEF_INTERACTION_MODE - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
Default value for interaction mode.
- DEF_MINIMIZE_BENDS - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.ActorLayoutConfiguration
Default value for minimizeBends.
- DEF_OLD_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
Default value for useOldAlgorithm.
- DEF_SPACING - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
Default value for spacing.
- DEF_USE_SPLINES - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.ModalLayoutConfiguration
Default value for useSplines.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Use the column's or row's default alignment.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
Unless overridden the default alignment for a column is FILL.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
Unless overridden the default alignment for a row is CENTER.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Use the maximum of all component sizes as column or row size;
measures preferred sizes when asked for the preferred size
and minimum sizes when asked for the minimum size.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ContainerIgnoringAttribute
The default value of this attribute.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.HierarchyFlatteningAttribute
The default value of this attribute.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.RelationCollapsingAttribute
The default value of this attribute.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.RelationHidingAttribute
The default value of this attribute.
- Default - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A Synchronous default operator.
- Default(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Default
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT_CALLBACK - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
The default callback that always returns true.
- DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
The default capacity of the queue.
- DEFAULT_COLSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
An unmodifyable ColumnSpec
that determines its preferred
width by computing the maximum of all column component preferred widths
and its minimum width by computing all column component minimum widths.
- DEFAULT_ENTRY_HEIGHT - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
The default height of entries created with addText().
- DEFAULT_ENTRY_WIDTH - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
The default width of entries created with addLine().
- DEFAULT_GROW - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
The default resize weight.
- DEFAULT_HISTORY_CAPACITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
The default capacity of the history queue.
- DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_SPECIFICATION - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTBuilder
The ID of the Java language specification being used by the parser.
- DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_TIME - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Use 30 seconds (30000 milliseconds) as the default time the server
will wait before returning a timeout response page.
- DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_TIME - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Use 30 seconds (30000 milliseconds) as the default time the server
will wait before returning a timeout response page.
- DEFAULT_NOTIFIED_VALUE - Static variable in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Type
- DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Use 8078 as the default port number that the server listens to for
incoming requests.
- DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Use 8078 as the default port number that the server listens to for
incoming requests.
- DEFAULT_QUERY_WIDTH - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorPaneFactory
Default width for a query.
- DEFAULT_ROWSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
An unmodifyable RowSpec
that determines its preferred
height by computing the maximum of all column component preferred heights
and its minimum height by computing all column component minimum heights.
- DEFAULT_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
The default path of the default Ptolemy configuration file.
- DEFAULT_WAITING_VALUE - Static variable in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Type
- DefaultActions - Class in diva.gui
A collection of static methods that
create useful default actions.
- DefaultActions() - Constructor for class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- defaultActorText - Static variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.CalInterpreter
Default CAL code.
- DefaultBundle - Class in diva.resource
A class that bundles the default Diva resources contained
in the diva.resource package.
- DefaultBundle() - Constructor for class diva.resource.DefaultBundle
Create a new Bundle of default resources.
- defaultCamera() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras.CameraHelper
Return the system default camera name.
- DefaultCausalityInterface - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class provides causality interfaces for actor networks as described
in the paper "Causality Interfaces for Actor Networks" by Ye Zhou and
Edward A.
- DefaultCausalityInterface(Actor, Dependency) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Construct a causality interface for the specified actor.
- defaultColumnSpecs - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- DefaultComponentBuilder - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
This is meant to be subclassed when you want to create a ComponentBuilder
that has simplistic behavior.
- DefaultComponentBuilder(Class) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
Creates a new instance of DefaultComponentFactory
- DefaultComponentBuilder(Class, String[]) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
Creates a new instance of DefaultComponentFactory
- DefaultComponentFactory - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.factories
- defaultDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return a default dependency to use between input
ports and output ports.
- defaultDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return the default dependency between input and output ports,
which for the Ptides domain is a
- defaultDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return a default dependency to use between input input ports
and output ports.
- defaultDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return the default dependency between input and output ports,
which for the Ptides domain is a
- DefaultDirectoryAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to locate the default directory containing models to be
- DefaultDirectoryAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.DefaultDirectoryAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- defaultFilter - Static variable in class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
The default mouse filter -- accepts button 1 with no
- defaultFilter - Static variable in class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
The default mouse filter -- accepts button 1 with no
- DefaultFormBuilder - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.builder
Provides a means to build form-oriented panels quickly and consistently
using the
- DefaultFormBuilder(FormLayout) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Constructs an instance of DefaultFormBuilder
for the given
- DefaultFormBuilder(FormLayout, JPanel) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Constructs an instance of DefaultFormBuilder
for the given
panel and layout.
- DefaultFormBuilder(FormLayout, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Constructs an instance of DefaultFormBuilder
for the given
layout and resource bundle.
- DefaultFormBuilder(FormLayout, ResourceBundle, JPanel) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Constructs an instance of DefaultFormBuilder
for the given
panel, layout and resource bundle.
- DefaultFormBuilder(JPanel, FormLayout) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
- DefaultFormBuilder(JPanel, FormLayout, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
- defaultFrameSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
The default TCP Packet size parameter.
- DefaultIconLink - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
A parameter specifying default hyperlink to associate
with icons in model.
- DefaultIconLink(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconLink
Create an instance of this parameter.
- DefaultIconScript - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
A parameter specifying default JavaScript actions to associate
with icons in model.
- DefaultIconScript(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconScript
Create an instance of this parameter.
- defaultInteractor - Variable in class diva.canvas.tutorial.CompositeFigureTutorial
- defaultInteractor - Variable in class diva.canvas.tutorial.IconTutorial
- defaultInteractor - Variable in class diva.canvas.tutorial.LabelTutorial
- defaultLexState - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
- defaultLexState - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
- defaultLexState - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
- DefaultModelAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to locate the default model to be transformed.
- DefaultModelAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.DefaultModelAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- DefaultModelElementClassProvider - Class in org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi
A simple provider that gets a list of classes to be provided in its constructor.
- DefaultModelElementClassProvider(Class<? extends NamedObj>...) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.DefaultModelElementClassProvider
Create a provider that does not care about class versions,
i.e. it will only check on class names to check if it can provide
a requested class.
- DefaultModelElementClassProvider(VersionSpecification, Class<? extends NamedObj>...) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.DefaultModelElementClassProvider
Create a provider that cares about class versions, i.e. it will
check on class names and on the requested version to check if it
can provide a requested class.
- defaultOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
The default for the output output.
- defaultOutputInitialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
If true, enable default output initial values.
- defaultParamList - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The default parameters.
- defaultProcessExecutionArray - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Parameter that contains the default list of processes to run.
- defaultProperties - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
The default properties for transmission.
- defaultRemoteAddress - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
The default remote address to which to send datagrams.
- defaultRemoteSocketNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
The default remote UDP socket to which to launch the packet.
- defaultReturnAddress - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
The default for the returnAddress output.
- defaultReturnSocketNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
The default the returnSocketNumber output.
- defaultRowSpecs - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- defaultSleepTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VariableSleep
The sleepTime amount, in milliseconds
This parameter must contain a LongToken.
- DefaultStoragePolicy - Class in diva.gui
A Default storage policy that is useful for most applications.
- DefaultStoragePolicy() - Constructor for class diva.gui.DefaultStoragePolicy
- defaultTaskExecutionTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
The default execution time of a task (i.e. actor).
- DefaultTitle - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
A parameter specifying default title to associate
with a model and with components in the model.
- DefaultTitle(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultTitle
Create an instance of this parameter.
- defaultToken - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullConsumer
The default token.
- defaultToken - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushConsumer
The default token.
- defaultToken - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReceiver
The default token.
- defaultTransition - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Indicator that this transition is a default transition.
- DefaultUnitConverter - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.util
This is the default implementation of the
- defaultValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
The default value of the port.
- defaultValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
The default output token when there is no inside model
- defaultValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ZeroOrderHold
Default output before any input has received.
- defer - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Whether the transformation should be deferred with a change request.
- deferIfNecessary(Runnable) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
If this method is called in the AWT event dispatch thread,
then simply execute the specified action.
- deferIfNecessary(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If this method is called in the event thread, then simply
execute the specified action.
- deferIfNecessary(Runnable) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
If this method is called in the event thread, then simply
execute the specified action.
- DeferredActionsRunnable() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.DeferredActionsRunnable
- DeferredSend(JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy, int, Token, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.DeferredSend
Construct an object that defers a send operation.
- DeferredSend(JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy, int, Token, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.DeferredSend
Construct an object that defers a send operation.
- defineAttribute(WebAttribute, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Define an attribute to be included in the HTML area element
corresponding to the region of the image map covered by
the specified object.
- defineAttribute(WebAttribute, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExporter
Add the given web content as a new attribute.
- defineElement(WebElement, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Define an element.
- defineElement(WebElement, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExporter
Add the given web content as a new element to the specified position.
- degree() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Get the degree of the term.
- degrees - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIRotate
The number of degrees to rotate.
- dehexchar(char) - Static method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the hex value of a character (base16).
- DeinterlaceFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter for de-interlacing video frames.
- DeinterlaceFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DeinterlaceFilter
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
Integer defining the trace back depth of the viterbi decoder.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RealTimeComposite
The maximum model-time delay between the input events and the
output events.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite
The model-time delay between the input events and the
output events.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
The amount of delay.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Airport
The delay.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.DestinationAirport
The delay.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
The delay time between iterations in seconds.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
The amount of delay.
- delay(double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Delay this actor.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
The delay for this actor.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
The amount of delay.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
The amount specifying delay.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
The attribute for the model-time delay.
- delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractSourceStation
The delay.
- DelayChannel - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
Model of a wireless channel with a specified propagation speed and
loss probability.
- DelayChannel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.DelayChannel
Construct a channel with the given name contained by the specified
- delayDependency(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return a boolean dependency representing a model-time delay
of the specified amount.
- delayed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Parameter that determines when reconfiguration occurs.
- delayExit - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserLauncher
Set to true if we copied a file out of a jar file so that the
browser could display it.
- delayIfNecessary(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoTests
If the fullPath is a hlacerti or accessor demo, then
delay so that the system can stabilize.
- DelayLine - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor reads tokens from its input port, and for each token read
outputs an array that contains the current token as the first token,
followed by some number of previously read tokens.
- DelayLine(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DelayLine - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor reads tokens from its input port, and for each token read
outputs an array that contains the current token as the first token,
followed by some number of previously read tokens.
- DelayLine(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DelayStart - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor, which has no ports, delays the execution of the model
until a specified time by sleeping the thread that calls the
initialize() method until the specified time.
- DelayStart(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.DelayStart
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DelegatedUndoStackAttribute(NamedObj, String, UndoStackAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools.DelegatedUndoStackAttribute
- delete() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition
Mark this position as deleted.
- delete() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Delete the currently selected objects from this document.
- delete() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- deleteAttribute(XMLDBAttribute) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.AttributesManager
Delete an existing attribute from the database.
- DeleteAttributeTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A task request to delete an attribute from the database.
- DeleteAttributeTask(XMLDBAttribute) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.DeleteAttributeTask
Construct an instance of the object and set the attribute to be deleted
from the database.
- deleteColumn(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
Delete a column.
- deleteColumn(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Delete a column.
- deleteColumnAction - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- deleteDirectory(File) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Delete a directory.
- deleteDirectory(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Delete a directory and all of its content.
- deleteFilesOnExit - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HTMLModelExporter
If true, deleted generated files when the JVM exits.
- deleteFilesOnExit - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
If true, files generated will be deleted when the JVM terminates.
- deleteRow(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Delete a row.
- deleteRowAction - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- DeletionListener - Class in diva.graph.toolbox
This class provides deletion support for most simple JGraph
- DeletionListener() - Constructor for class diva.graph.toolbox.DeletionListener
- delta - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Quantizer
The spacing between quantization levels to use if the levels
parameter is not given.
- DeltaConstraintSolver - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
An implementation of PropertyConstraintSolver that tries to minimize
error cases.
- DeltaConstraintSolver(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.DeltaConstraintSolver
Constructs a DeltaConstraintSolver with the given name
contained by the specified entity.
- DeltaConstraintSolverDisplayActions - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui
This is an attribute that creates options to configure and run actions of
the DeltaConstraintSolver.
- DeltaConstraintSolverDisplayActions(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui.DeltaConstraintSolverDisplayActions
Construct a DeltaConstraintSolverDisplayActions controller with the
specified container and name.
- deltaSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The deltaSize output port.
- deltaSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
The deltaSize input port.
- deltaX - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The deltaX output port.
- deltaX - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
The deltaX input port.
- deltaY - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The deltaY output port.
- deltaY - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
The deltaY input port.
- deltaZ - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The deltaZ output port.
- deltaZ - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
The deltaZ input port.
- denominator - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
This parameter represents the denominator coefficients as an
array of a tokens.
- denominator - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
This parameter represents the denominator coefficients as an
array of a tokens.
- denominator - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTransferFunction
The coefficients of the denominator, containing an array
of DoubleTokens.
- DENSE - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- DenseVec - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat
Default "dense" vector implementation backed by a simple array.
- DenseVec(int) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- DenseVec(double[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- DependedClasses - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
Collect all the classes that a set of classes depends on.
- DependedClasses(Collection) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.DependedClasses
Create a new set of classes that contains all of the classes that are
required to load the given set of initial classes.
- dependencies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative
The input ports on which an output has a direct dependency.
- dependencies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription.ContinuousState
The set of input ports on which the state depends.
- dependencies - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.Output
The set of input ports on which the output declares it depends.
- Dependency - Interface in ptolemy.actor.util
This interface provides a dependency for causality interfaces as described
in the paper "Causality Interfaces for Actor Networks" by Ye Zhou and
Edward A.
- DependencyController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DependencyHighlighter.DependencyController
Create a DependencyController that is associated with a controller.
- DependencyDeclaration - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
An instance of DependencyDeclaration is an attribute that declares
variable dependence information of a parameter.
- DependencyDeclaration(Variable, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.DependencyDeclaration
Construct an DependencyDeclaration attribute in the given
container with the given name.
- DependencyHighlighter - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This is an attribute that produces a custom node controller that adds
context menu commands to highlight dependents and prerequisites.
- DependencyHighlighter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DependencyHighlighter
Construct a new attribute with the given container and name.
- DependencyHighlighter.DependencyController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
The controller that adds commands to the context menu.
- DependencyResultsDialog - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
A non-modal dialog that displays the actor dependency analysis results as a
- DependencyResultsDialog(DialogTableau, Frame, Entity, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DependencyResultsDialog
Construct a dialog for search results.
- dependentInputIndexes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative
The list of indexes of dependent input elements.
- dependentPorts(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.BreakCausalityInterface
Return a collection of the ports in this actor that depend on
or are depended on by the specified port.
- dependentPorts(IOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterface
Return a collection of the ports in this actor that depend on
or are depended on by the specified port.
- dependentPorts(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Return a collection of the ports in the associated actor that depend on
or are depended on by the specified port.
- dependentPorts(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Return a collection of the ports in this actor that depend on
or are depended on by the specified port.
- dependents - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GetCausalityInterface
Output port on which to put the description of the dependent ports.
- dependents(Actor) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ActorDependencies
Return a Set of dependent (downstream) atomic actors that are connected to the
- dependents(Actor, Class) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ActorDependencies
Return a Set of dependent (downstream) actors of a particular
class that are connected to the target.
- dependents(IOPort, Class) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ActorDependencies
Return a Set of dependent (downstream) actors of a particular
class that are connected to a port.
- dependentScalarVariables - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative
The list of dependent ScalarVariable elements.
- dependentScalarVariables - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20Output
The list of dependent ScalarVariable elements.
- dependentScalarVariables - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription.ContinuousState
The list of dependent ScalarVariable elements.
- dependentStateIndexes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative
The list of indexes of dependent continuous elements.
- deployedPort - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
The port number the server is listening to.
- deployedPort - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
The port number the server is listening to.
- depth() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return the depth of an array type.
- depth() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return the depth of a record type.
- depth() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return the depth of a structured type.
- depth() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return the depth of a union type.
- depth - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPBuffer
The Parameter storing the depth of the buffer.
- depth() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Return the depth of this event.
- depthInHierarchy() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return the depth in the hierarchy of this object.
- DEReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
The adapter for DE receiver.
- DEReceiver(DEReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Construct an adapter for an DE receiver.
- DEReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
An implementation of the ptolemy.actor.Receiver interface for the
DE domain.
- DEReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Construct an empty DEReceiver with no container.
- DEReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Construct an empty DEReceiver with the specified container.
- deRegisterAdditionalListener(DropTargetListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget
Remove an additional listener.
- Derivable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
This interface is for objects that can be derived.
- derivative - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
The derivative port.
- Derivative - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
A crude approximation to a derivative in the continuous domain.
- Derivative(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Derivative
Construct a derivative actor.
- derivative - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Derivative
The derivative output port.
- Derivative - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
Output the discrete derivative of the input, y[n] = (x[n] - x[n-1])/dt,
where dt is the time gap between input events.
- Derivative(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Derivative
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DerivativeFunction - Interface in org.ptolemy.qss.util
Provide an interface for representing derivative functions.
- derivatives - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
d^n y/dx^n for n > 0.
- derivativeValue(DoubleToken, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return the n-th derivative of the specified token.
- derivativeValues() - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return the derivatives of the token as a double[], or null if there are
no derivatives.
- deriveComponentBaseDimensionsMap(Map<DimensionRepresentativeConcept, Integer>) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Derive a map of base dimensions to exponents that represents the given
dimension map.
- DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension that is derived from other dimensions.
- DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Create a new DerivedUnitRepresentativeConcept with the specified name and
- DerivedUnitConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
A concept in the unitSystem ontology for a specific unit for
a specific physical dimension.
- DerivedUnitConcept(Ontology, DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept, RecordToken) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedUnitConcept
Create a new BaseUnitConcept, belonging to the given
- derivesFrom(SootClass, SootClass) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Return true if the given class derives from the given base class.
- DeScrambler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.comm
Descramble the input bit sequence using a feedback shift register.
- DeScrambler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.DeScrambler
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- describeDepths() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Return a string that describes the depths of actors and their ports.
- describePriorities() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return a string that describes the depths of actors and their ports.
- description - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The value of the description xml attribute.
- description - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIType
A description of the type.
- description() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
- description(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Specify a description to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- description(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Specify a description to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- description(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Specify a description to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- description(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Specify a description to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- description() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return a description.
- description() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return a description.
- description(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Specify a description to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- description(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Specify a description to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- description(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Specify a description to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- description(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Specify a description to appear in the documentation for this actor.
- description() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Return a String that contains all the code block names and
bodies from the associated adapter .
- description(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Print description of Syntactic Graph.
- description(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Print description of Node.
- description - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementExtender
A string description of the refinement class, which is shown in the
dialog for the user to choose a refinement to add.
- description() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.InequalitySolver
Return a description of this solver as a String.
- description() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
Return a description of the object.
- description() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a full description of the object.
- description(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a description of the object.
- description() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Return a full description of the workspace and everything in its
- description(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Return a description of the workspace.
- description - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
The description.
- descriptiveForm() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
The expression of the Unit that is commonly used by humans.
- descriptiveForm() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- descriptiveForm() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraints
- descriptiveForm() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
The expression of the UnitExpr that is commonly used by humans.
- descriptiveForm() - Method in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitPresentation
This method generates the descriptive form.
- descriptiveForm() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Create a String that is understandable by a human.
- descriptor() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Edge
A one-word description of the type of this graph element.
- descriptor() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Element
A one-word description of the type of this graph element.
- descriptor() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Node
A one-word description of the type of this graph element.
- designPatternFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.DesignPatternImporter
The design pattern file.
- DesignPatternGetMoMLAction - Class in ptolemy.actor
An action that generates the Moml for a group of states to be used as a
design pattern.
- DesignPatternGetMoMLAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.DesignPatternGetMoMLAction
- DesignPatternIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
The icon for groups representing design patterns.
- DesignPatternIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DesignPatternIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- DesignPatternImporter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An attribute that specifies the location of a design pattern and
populates the container with that design pattern automatically.
- DesignPatternImporter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.DesignPatternImporter
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified entity.
- DesktopContext - Class in diva.gui
DesktopContext is an application context that displays multiple
content panes in an instance of a JDesktopPane.
- DesktopContext(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Create an instance of this Frame with the application.
- DesktopContext(AppContext, JComponent) - Constructor for class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Create an instance of this Frame with the application.
- DespeckleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which removes noise from an image using a "pepper and salt" algorithm.
- DespeckleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DespeckleFilter
- DestinationAirport - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.lib
This actor models a destination airport.
- DestinationAirport(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.DestinationAirport
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- destinationDirectory - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Output directory for generated code.
- destinationFileName - Variable in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
The file name to write to.
- destinationPosition - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayExtract
The index into the output array at which to start copying.
- destinationState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return the destination state of this transition.
- destroy() - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Override the superclass's destroy method
to call the user-specified exit action.
- destroy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Cleanup after execution of the model.
- destroy() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Destroy the relation list by deleting all the contained elements.
- destroy() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Cleanup after execution of the model.
- destroy() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Destroy the plotter.
- destroy() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Destroy the plotter.
- destroy() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplet
Cleanup after execution of the model.
- det(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- det() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- det() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- det22(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- det33(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- detectEncoding() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Attempt to detect the encoding of an entity.
- detectFaces(Mat) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Detect faces.
- determinant(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return the determinant of a square matrix.
- determinant(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return the determinant of a square matrix.
- determinant(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return the determinant of a square matrix.
- determineEnds() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Determine the source and destination ports that use this
receiver in their communications.
- determineSequenceLength(ScalarToken, ScalarToken, ScalarToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Count the number of tokens differing by the given increment
that fit in a range between the given start token and the
given end token.
- DEThreadActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
A base class for threaded DE domain actors.
- DEThreadActor(TypedCompositeActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEThreadActor
- DETransformer - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
This is an abstract base class for DE actors that transform
an input stream into an output stream.
- DETransformer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.DETransformer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- deviceDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Device delay parameter that defaults to the double value 0.0.
- deviceDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Device delay parameter that defaults to the double value 0.0.
- deviceDelayBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Device delay bound parameter that defaults to the double value 0.0.
- deviceDelayBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Device delay bound parameter that defaults to the double value 0.0.
- deviceNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera
This parameter lets the user select the device to use.
- DFInputChannel - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- DFInputChannel(TypedIOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DFInputChannel
- DFOutputChannel - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
- DFOutputChannel(TypedIOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DFOutputChannel
- dframe - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- DFUtilities - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class factors code out of the SDF domain, for use in different
schedulers, so that they can be implemented in a consistent fashion.
- DFUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
- DFUtilities.NamedObjComparator - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
A comparator for named objects.
- diag(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- diag(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- diag(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by placing the
elements of the input array on the diagonal of the square
matrix, starting from the top left corner down to the bottom
right corner.
- diag(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by placing the
elements of the input array on the diagonal of the square
matrix, starting from the top left corner down to the bottom
right corner.
- diag(float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by placing the
elements of the input array on the diagonal of the square
matrix, starting from the top left corner down to the bottom
right corner.
- diag(Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by placing the
elements of the input array on the diagonal of the square
matrix, starting from the top left corner down to the bottom
right corner.
- diag(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by placing the
elements of the input array on the diagonal of the square
matrix, starting from the top left corner down to the bottom
right corner.
- diag(long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by placing the
elements of the input array on the diagonal of the square
matrix, starting from the top left corner down to the bottom
right corner.
- dialog - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog.DialogTableau
The UserDialog.
- DIALOG_BORDER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
A standardized Border that describes the border around
a dialog content that has no tabs.
- DIALOG_UNITS_X - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- DIALOG_UNITS_Y - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- DialogFrame(InteractiveDialog.DialogTableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog.DialogFrame
Construct a frame to display the ExpressionShell window.
- DialogTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau representing a Dialog in a toplevel window.
- DialogTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.DialogTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- DialogTableau(ExpressionShellEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog.DialogTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the
given effigy.
- dialogUnitXAsPixel(int, Component) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Converts horizontal dialog units and returns pixels.
- dialogUnitXAsPixel(int, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts horizontal dialog units and returns pixels.
- dialogUnitXAsPixel(int, double) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts horizontal dialog units and returns pixels.
- dialogUnitXAsPixel(int, Component) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.util.UnitConverter
Converts horizontal dialog units and returns pixels.
- dialogUnitYAsPixel(int, Component) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Converts vertical dialog units and returns pixels.
- dialogUnitYAsPixel(int, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts vertical dialog units and returns pixels.
- dialogUnitYAsPixel(int, double) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts vertical dialog units and returns pixels.
- dialogUnitYAsPixel(int, Component) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.util.UnitConverter
Converts vertical dialog units and returns pixels.
- Dictionary - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A store for key-value pairs.
- Dictionary(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Diff - Class in ptolemy.util
Read two files and compute the diff.
- Diff() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.Diff
- diff(String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.Diff
Return the difference between two strings.
- DIFFERENCE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- DIFFERENCE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- DifferenceComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- DifferenceComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.DifferenceComposite
- DifferenceComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- Differential - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the current input minus the previous input, or if there
has been no previous input, the current input itself.
- Differential(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Differential - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the current input minus the previous input, or if there
has been no previous input, the current input itself.
- Differential(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Differential - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential.
- Differential(Differential) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Construct a Differential adapter.
- Differential - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential.
- Differential(Differential) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Construct a Differential adapter.
- DifferentialSystem - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
A differential system in the Continuous domain.
- DifferentialSystem(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DifferentialSystem
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- DifferentialSystem(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DifferentialSystem
Construct a DifferentialSystem in the specified
workspace with no container and an empty string as a name.
- diffuseColor - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- diffuseColor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The diffuse color, which is the color of the object reflecting
- DiffuseFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
This filter diffuses an image by moving its pixels in random directions.
- DiffuseFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DiffuseFilter
- diffuseReflectivity - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- DiffusionFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which uses Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion dithering to halftone an image.
- DiffusionFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Construct a DiffusionFilter.
- DIGIT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- DijkstraAlgorithm - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2
Find the shortest path from a source to a destination.
- DijkstraAlgorithm() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.DijkstraAlgorithm
- DijkstraSequenceEstimator - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
A class that estimates a sequential schedule based on a modified version
of Dijkstra's algorithm to compute longest paths.
- DijkstraSequenceEstimator(Director) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.DijkstraSequenceEstimator
Construct an estimator for the given director.
- Dilate() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.Dilate
- DilateFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
Given a binary image, this filter performs binary dilation, setting all added pixels to the given 'new' color.
- DilateFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DilateFilter
- dimensionArray - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
An array of records that specifies the dimensions and exponents that
comprise this dimension.
- dimensionConcept - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
The name of the dimension from which both units are derived.
- DimensionlessConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
A concept in a dimension system ontology that represents the dimensionless
- DimensionlessConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DimensionlessConcept
Create a new DimensionlessConcept with the specified name and the
specified ontology.
- dimensionOfOptimizationSpace - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
The dimension of optimization space.
- dimensionOfOptimizationSpace - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
The dimension of optimization space.
- DimensionRepresentativeConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension.
- DimensionRepresentativeConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DimensionRepresentativeConcept
Create a new DimensionRepresentativeConcept with the specified name and
- dimensions() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Count the number of dimensions of an array type.
- dimensions(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Count the number of dimensions of an array type.
- dip - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The amount that the signal must drop below a local maximum before a
peak is detected.
- dip - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The amount that the signal must drop below a local maximum before a
peak is detected.
- directDependency - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The input ports on which an output has a direct dependence.
- DirectedAcyclicGraph - Class in ptolemy.graph
A directed acyclic graph (DAG).
- DirectedAcyclicGraph() - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Construct an empty DAG.
- DirectedAcyclicGraph(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Construct an empty DAG with enough storage allocated
for the specified number of elements.
- DirectedGraph - Class in ptolemy.graph
A directed graph.
- DirectedGraph() - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Construct an empty directed graph.
- DirectedGraph(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Construct an empty directed graph with enough storage allocated
for the specified number of nodes.
- DirectedGraph(int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Construct an empty directed graph with enough storage allocated for the
specified number of edges, and number of nodes.
- direction - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- direction - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
A parameter that can be used to limit the detected level crossings
to rising or falling.
- direction - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
A parameter that can be used to limit the detected level crossings
to rising or falling.
- direction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.ModalLayoutConfiguration
Specifies the direction into which the "flow" of the layout points.
- Director - Class in ptolemy.actor
A Director governs the execution within a CompositeActor.
- Director() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.Director
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- Director(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.Director
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- Director(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.Director
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- director - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
The inside Director for executing the inside model.
- Director - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter associated with the ptolemy.actor.Director class.
- Director(Director) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given director.
- Director - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for generating HTML code for Director.
- Director(Director) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given director.
- Director - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for generating FMIMA code for Director.
- Director(Director) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given director.
- Director - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for generating FMIMA code for Director.
- Director(Director) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given director.
- director - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
The Ptera director contained by this controller.
- DIRECTOR_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Indicator to include director parameters in the controls.
- directorClass - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
A director class name.
- directory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.DefaultDirectoryAttribute
The default directory where model files are searched.
- directory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
The directory in which to execute the command.
- directory - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ListDirectory
The director in which files are to be listed.
- directory() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
- DirectoryFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder.DirectoryFilter
- directoryList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Return an unmodifiable list of the items in the directory,
in the order in which they were added.
- DirectoryListing - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.io
Given a URL or directory name, produce an array of file names in that
directory that match an (optional) pattern.
- DirectoryListing(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- directoryOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
The directory name or URL from which to read.
- directoryToExportTo - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HTMLModelExporter
The directory to export files that the output HTML
references, such as image files.
- directoryToExportTo - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportParameters
The directory to export to.
- directoryToExportTo - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
The directory to export to.
- dirty - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- disable_tracing() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Disable tracing.
- disable_tracing() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Disable tracing.
- disable_tracing() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Disable tracing.
- disableAll() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Disable all elements.
- disableCaching() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
Disable caching.
- DISABLED_VALUE - Static variable in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Status
- disableTypeResolution(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Set the flag indicating whether type resolution is disabled or not.
- Discard - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards input tokens.
- Discard(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Construct an actor with an input multiport.
- Discard - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard.
- Discard(Discard) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Construct a BooleanSwitch adapter.
- Discard - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard.
- Discard(Discard) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Construct a Discard adapter.
- Discard - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard.
- Discard(Discard) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Construct a Discard adapter.
- discard - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousMerge
Indicator of whether to discard present inputs on channel numbers
higher than the first one.
- DiscardDoubles - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards double input tokens.
- DiscardDoubles(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.DiscardDoubles
Construct an actor with an input multiport with type double.
- DiscardDoublesArray - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards arrays of double input
- DiscardDoublesArray(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.DiscardDoublesArray
Construct an actor with an input multiport with type double.
- discarded(DiscoveryEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Required by DiscoveryListener interface.
- discarded(DiscoveryEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedServerRMIGeneric
Called when one or more lookup service registrars has been discarded.
- discardEvents - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
A flag to indicate whether the input events can be discarded.
- DiscardGenerals - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards input tokens of type General.
- DiscardGenerals(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.DiscardGenerals
Construct an actor with an input multiport with type general.
- discardOldData - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
Indicator of whether to discard old data.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Disconnect the current HttpURLConnection.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Disconnect the current HttpURLConnection.
- disconnectEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Disconnect an edge from its two endpoints and notify graph
listeners with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED and an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED
- disconnectEdge(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Disconnect an edge from its two endpoints and notify graph
listeners with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED and an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED
event whose source is the given source.
- disconnectEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Disconnect an edge from its two endpoints and notify graph
listeners with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED and an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED
event whose source is the given source.
- disconnectEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Disconnect an edge from its two endpoints and notify graph
listeners with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED and an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED
event whose source is the given source.
- disconnectEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Disconnect an edge from its two endpoints and notify graph
listeners with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED and an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED
event whose source is the given source.
- disconnectEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Disconnect an edge (a
object which contains a
in the ontology model) from its two endpoints and
notify graph listeners with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED and an
EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED event whose source is the given source.
- disconnectEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel
Disconnect an edge object.
- disconnectGraphOnAbsentValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedPlotter
When disconnectGraphOnAbsentValue is True there will be a gap
in the graph each time a the actor is fired, but the value
is absent for a certain channel.
- discoverDevices(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.discovery.DiscoveryHelper
Discover all devices that reply to a ping on the class-C local
area network connected to the given IP address
A class-C network has a netmask of /24, or
- discovered(DiscoveryEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Required by DiscoveryListener interface.
- discovered(DiscoveryEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedServerRMIGeneric
Called when one or more lookup service registrars has been discovered.
- discoverServices() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Return the discovered services.
- discoverServices() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Return the selected service.
- DiscoveryHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.discovery
A helper class for the device discovery Javascript host code.
- DiscoveryHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.discovery.DiscoveryHelper
Construct a new DiscoveryHelper.
- DiscreteClock - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor produces a periodic signal, a sequence of events at
regularly spaced intervals.
- DiscreteClock(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DiscreteClock - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock.
- DiscreteClock(DiscreteClock) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Constructor method for the DiscreteClock adapter.
- DiscreteClock - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
- DiscreteClock(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DiscreteClock
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- DiscreteRandomSource - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that produces tokens with a given probability mass function.
- DiscreteRandomSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteRandomSource
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- dispatch(GraphViewEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Dispatch the given graph view event to all registered graph view
- dispatch(GraphViewEvent) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Dispatch the given graph view event to all registered graph view
- dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Dispatch an AWT event on this pane.
- dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.EventAcceptor
Dispatch an AWT event within this component.
- dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Dispatch an AWT event on this layer.
- dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Dispatch an AWT event on this layer.
- dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Dispatch an AWT event on this pane figure.
- dispatchEvent(GraphEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphEventMulticaster
Dispatch an event to the list of listeners, calling
the appropriate method based on the event's ID.
- dispatchEvent(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class diva.util.PropertyChangeMulticaster
Dispatch the given event to all of the listeners.
- dispatchGraphEvent(GraphEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphModel
Send an graph event to all of the graph listeners.
- dispatchGraphEvent(GraphEvent) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Send an graph event to all of the graph listeners.
- dispatchSelectionEvent(SelectionEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Dispatch a selection event to all registered listeners
- DisplaceFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which simulates the appearance of looking through glass.
- DisplaceFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DisplaceFilter
- display(List<XMLDBModel>) - Method in class ptdb.gui.SearchResultsFrame
Display new search results in the scroll pane.
- display(ArrayToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane
Set the array to display in the table.
- display(ArrayToken, ArrayToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane
Set the array to display in the table.
- display(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixPane
Set the matrix to display in the table.
- Display - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Display the values of the tokens arriving on the input channels in a
text area on the screen.
- Display(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Construct an actor with an input multiport of type GENERAL.
- display(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Append the string value of the token to the text area
on the screen.
- display(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Append the string value of the token to the text area
on the screen.
- display(Token) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Display the specified token.
- display(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Display the specified token.
- display(ImageToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Display the specified token.
- Display - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Display.
- Display(Display) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Construct a Display adapter.
- Display - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display.
- Display(Display) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Construct the Display adapter.
- Display - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.arduino.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display.
- Display(Display) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.arduino.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Construct the Display adapter.
- Display - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display.
- Display(Display) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Construct the Display adapter.
- Display - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display.
- Display(Display) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Construct the Display adapter.
- Display - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display.
- Display(Display) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Construct a Display adapter.
- Display - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.gui
The default adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display.
- Display(LatticeOntologySolver, Display) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.gui.Display
Construct a default lattice ontology adapter for the Display actor.
- display(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Display the specified token.
- DisplayAll - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.gui
An actor that displays the values of all tokens present on the input channels on screen
(in contrast to one token per channel in the base class).
- DisplayAll(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.gui.DisplayAll
Construct an actor with an input multiport of type GENERAL.
- displayAnalysisValues() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Display some analysis results as string.
- displayBufferSizes() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFScheduler
Return a string representation of the buffer sizes of the relations
in the model.
- displayConcepts() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
If the value of the highlight parameter is set to true, highlight the
given property-able object with the specified color associated with the
given property, if there exists any.
- displayedName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.NCComponentBase
Displayed name on icon.
- displayGraphicsOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
If true, then display plot.
- displayGraphicsOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
If true, then display plot.
- displayHeight - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
The maximum number of lines to display.
- displayImage(AWTImageToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.imageDisplay.ImageDisplayHelper
Display an image.
- displayImage() - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Notify this picture that its image has been changed and that it is
now OK to display the new image.
- DisplayInterface - Interface in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Interface for implementing platform dependent parts of the display actor.
- DisplayJavaSE - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
DisplayJavaSE is the implementation of the DisplayInterface that uses AWT and Swing
- DisplayJavaSE() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
- displayParseTree(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Override this method if you want to customize how the node dumps
out its children.
- displayParseTree(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeDumper
Print the contents of a parse tree.
- displayParseTree(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeWriter
- displayText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.textDisplay.TextDisplayHelper
Display text.
- displayText - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebContent
Parameter giving the text to display in the Ptolemy model.
- displayWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
The number of characters to display.
- displayWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValuesIcon
The number of characters to display.
- displayWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ValueIcon
The number of characters to display.
- displayWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
The number of characters to display.
- dispose() - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ContourCompositeContext
- dispose() - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscCompositeContext
- dispose() - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite.RGBCompositeContext
- dispose() - Method in class net.jimblackler.Utils.YieldAdapterIterator
Because the Yield Adapter starts a separate thread for duration of the collection, this can
be left open if the calling code only reads part of the collection.
- dispose() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Unload the native library and free up any Java references to memory
allocated by the allocate memory callback.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Dispose of this frame.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Dispose of this frame.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Dispose of this frame.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Dispose of this frame.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.AboutAction
Dispose of system resources allocated for this actions.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.HelpAction
Dispose of system resources allocated for this actions.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.OptionsAction
Dispose of system resources allocated for this actions.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.RefactorAction
Dispose of system resources allocated for this actions.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor
Dispose the two views in this editor.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Dispose of this frame.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Dispose of this frame.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Dispose of this frame.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame
Dispose of this frame.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Override to clear highlights.
- dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
Dispose of this frame.
- disposeSuper() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Invoke the dispose() method of the superclass,
- disposeWindow() - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Disposes the window that displays the console output.
- DISSOLVE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- DissolveFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which "dissolves" an image by thresholding the alpha channel with random numbers.
- DissolveFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DissolveFilter
- distance - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter.Point
- distance - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- distance - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D.Point
- distance(Point3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point3f
- distance(Point4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point4f
- distance(int[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- distance(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Euclidean distance
- distance(double[], double[], int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Euclidean distance using first 'len' elements
- distance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.ErasureChannel
A variable that is set to the distance between the transmitter
and the receiver before the
powerLossFactor expression is evaluated.
- distance() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer
Return the distance from the start node to all the other nodes in the
- distance() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis
Return the distance from the node "startNode" to all the other nodes in
the graph.
- distance() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy
Return the distance from the start node to all the other nodes in the
- distanceL1(Point3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point3f
- distanceL1(Point4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point4f
- DistanceLimit - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- distanceMap(int[], int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- distanceMeasure - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.clustering.KMeans
Distance measure to be used in computation.
- distancePower - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- distancePower - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D
- distanceSquared(Point3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point3f
- distanceSquared(Point4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point4f
- distanceTo(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
- distanceTo(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- DISTANT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- DistantLight() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.DistantLight
- distinct - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseSelect
Indicator of whether to return only distinct records.
- distortedSignal - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.PSNR
A distorted version of the input signal.
- DistributedActor - Interface in ptolemy.distributed.common
An DistributedActor is a distributed executable entity.
- DistributedActorWrapper - Class in ptolemy.distributed.rmi
The DistributedActorWrapper implements the RemoteDistributedActor interface.
- DistributedActorWrapper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Construct an DistributedActorWrapper.
- DistributedDirector - Class in ptolemy.distributed.actor
The DistributedDirector extends Director to function on a distributed
- DistributedDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- DistributedDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- DistributedDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- DistributedLineWriter - Class in ptolemy.distributed.actor.lib
An actor that writes the value of string tokens to the standard output,
one per line.
- DistributedLineWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.lib.DistributedLineWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DistributedReceiver - Class in ptolemy.distributed.actor
An implementation of the Receiver interface for distributed environments.
- DistributedReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedReceiver
- DistributedSDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel
Director for the distributed version of the synchronous dataflow (SDF)
model of computation.
- DistributedSDFDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- DistributedSDFDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- DistributedSDFDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- DistributedSDFReceiver - Class in ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel
The DistributedSDFReceiver class extends SDFReceiver with an unique ID.
- DistributedSDFReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container and unique ID.
- DistributedSDFReceiver(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container, given size and
unique ID.
- DistributedSDFReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container and
unique ID.
- DistributedSDFReceiver(IOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container, size and
unique ID.
- DistributedSDFReceiver(Integer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container and a given ID.
- DistributedSDFScheduler - Class in ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel
A scheduler that extends the SDFScheduler.
- DistributedSDFScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler with no container(director)
in the default workspace.
- DistributedSDFScheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given workspace.
- DistributedSDFScheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- DistributedServerRMIGeneric - Class in ptolemy.distributed.rmi
A distributed server to execute ptolemy actors in a distributed manner.
- DistributedServerRMIGeneric(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedServerRMIGeneric
Construct a DistributedServerRMIGeneric with a configuration file.
- DistributedTypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.distributed.actor
An extension of TypedCompositeActor for distributed environments.
- DistributedTypedCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedTypedCompositeActor
Construct a Distributed TypedCompositeActor in the default workspace
with no container and an empty string as its name.
- DistributedTypedCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedTypedCompositeActor
Construct a DistributedTypedCompositeActor in the specified workspace
with no container and an empty string as a name.
- DistributedTypedCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedTypedCompositeActor
Construct a DistributedTypedCompositeActor with a name and a container.
- DistributedTypedIORelation - Class in ptolemy.distributed.actor
Extension of TypedIORelation for distributed environments.
- DistributedTypedIORelation() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedTypedIORelation
Construct a relation in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- DistributedTypedIORelation(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedTypedIORelation
Construct a relation in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- DistributedTypedIORelation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedTypedIORelation
Construct a relation with the given name contained by the specified
- DistributedUtilities - Class in ptolemy.distributed.util
Utilities for the distributed package.
- DistributedUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.util.DistributedUtilities
- Distributor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic distributor, which splits an input stream into a set of
output streams.
- Distributor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Distributor - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic distributor, which splits an input stream into a set of
output streams.
- Distributor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Distributor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A code generation helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor.
- Distributor(Distributor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Construct the Distributor helper.
- Distributor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor.
- Distributor(Distributor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Construct a Distributor adapter.
- Distributor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor.
- Distributor(Distributor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Construct a Distributor adapter.
- distToTarget - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
The distance to the target.
- dither90Halftone6x6Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
6x6 90 degree halftone.
- ditherCluster3Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Order-3 clustered dither.
- ditherCluster4Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Order-4 clustered dither.
- ditherCluster8Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Order-8 clustered dither.
- DitherFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs ordered dithering on an image.
- DitherFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Constuct a DitherFilter.
- ditherLines4x4Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
4x4 lines.
- ditherMagic2x2Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
2x2 magic square.
- ditherMagic4x4Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
4x4 magic square.
- ditherOrdered4x4Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
4x4 ordered dither.
- ditherOrdered6x6Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Order-6 ordered dither.
- ditherOrdered8x8Matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Order-8 ordered dither.
- diva.canvas - package diva.canvas
A Java2D structured graphics package.
- diva.canvas.connector - package diva.canvas.connector
Support for "connectors," which are figures that draw themselves
between sites on other figures.
- diva.canvas.demo - package diva.canvas.demo
The diva.canvas.demo package.
- diva.canvas.event - package diva.canvas.event
Event-handling support for the Diva canvas.
- diva.canvas.interactor - package diva.canvas.interactor
The library of interactors and other interaction support.
- diva.canvas.test - package diva.canvas.test
The diva.canvas.test package.
- diva.canvas.toolbox - package diva.canvas.toolbox
The Diva "toolbox" package.
- diva.canvas.tutorial - package diva.canvas.tutorial
A set of tutorials for the Diva canvas.
- diva.graph - package diva.graph
A generic and highly-extensible graph visualization library whose basic interface is a widget analogous to java.swing.JTree.
- diva.graph.basic - package diva.graph.basic
The diva.graph.basic package.
- diva.graph.layout - package diva.graph.layout
A graph layout package which provides static and incremental node
layout and edge routing facilities.
- diva.graph.modular - package diva.graph.modular
The diva.graph.modular package.
- diva.graph.test - package diva.graph.test
The diva.graph.test package.
- diva.graph.toolbox - package diva.graph.toolbox
The diva.graph.toolbox package.
- diva.graph.tutorial - package diva.graph.tutorial
A package full of tutorial code which demonstrates various aspects of the Diva graph package.
- diva.gui - package diva.gui
The Diva GUI framework.
- diva.gui.toolbox - package diva.gui.toolbox
A collection of useful GUI-related classes and widgets.
- diva.gui.tutorial - package diva.gui.tutorial
The diva.gui.tutorial package.
- diva.resource - package diva.resource
This package contains resources for Diva.
- diva.util - package diva.util
The diva.util package.
- diva.util.java2d - package diva.util.java2d
Java2D support classes and methods.
- diva.util.jester - package diva.util.jester
A small package for writing test suites for Java classes.
- diva.util.test - package diva.util.test
The diva.util.test package.
- diva.util.xml - package diva.util.xml
A package of utilities for the XML parsing and printing.
- divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageToken
Return a new token whose value is the division of this
token and the argument.
- divide - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Input for tokens to be divided.
- divide(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Divide this array token by the specified argument.
- DIVIDE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- divide(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
dividing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- divide(Complex) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Divide this complex number by the argument, and return the result
in a new Complex object.
- divide(Complex[], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is the result of dividing each element of
the given array by the given value.
- divide(Complex[][], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
dividing the second argument to every element.
- divide(double[], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element division of
the first array by the given value.
- divide(double[][], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
dividing the second argument to every element.
- divide(FixPoint) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint with a value equal to the division of
this FixPoint by the argument.
- divide(FixPoint, Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint equal to the division of this FixPoint by the
argument, after application of a quantization specification to
the result.
- divide(float[], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element division of
the first array by the given value.
- divide(float[][], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
dividing the second argument to every element.
- divide(Fraction) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Divide this fraction by the given fraction.
- divide(Fraction[], Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element division of
the first array by the second array.
- divide(Fraction[][], Fraction) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
dividing the second argument to every element.
- divide(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by dividing each element
of the input array by z (array[i] / z).
- divide(int[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
dividing the second argument to every element.
- divide(long[], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by dividing each element
of the input array by z (array[i] / z).
- divide(long[][], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
dividing the second argument to every element.
- DIVIDE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- DIVIDE_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The string name of the attribute that defines the arithmetic divide
concept function for this ontology solver.
- divideBy(Unit) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Divide this Unit by another Unit.
- DivideConceptFunctionDefinition - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
Concept function definition attribute specifically for arithmetic division.
- DivideConceptFunctionDefinition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.DivideConceptFunctionDefinition
Construct the DivideConceptFunctionDefinition attribute
with the given container and name.
- divideElements(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element division of
the first array by the second array.
- divideElements(Complex[][], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element-by-element
division of the two matrix arguments.
- divideElements(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element division of
the first array by the second array (array1[i] / array2[i]).
- divideElements(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
division of the two matrix arguments.
- divideElements(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element division of
the first array by the second array (array1[i] / array2[i]).
- divideElements(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
division of the two matrix arguments.
- divideElements(Fraction[][], Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
division of the two matrix arguments.
- divideElements(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element division of
the first array by the second array (array1[i] / array2[i]).
- divideElements(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
division of the two matrix arguments.
- divideElements(long[], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element division of
the first array by the second array (array1[i] / array2[i]).
- divideElements(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
division of the two matrix arguments.
- dividePrecision(Precision, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Determines the Precision of a divide operation between
two FixPoint values.
- divideReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
divided by the value of this token.
- divideReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token divided by the value of this token.
- divideReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Divide this array token into the specified argument.
- divideReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token divided by the value of this token.
- divideReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided into the value of the argument token.
- divideReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token divided by the value of this token.
- divideReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- divisions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Sphere3D
The number of divisions in the sphere.
- divisor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Remainder
The divisor for calculating the remainder.
- DLE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
"Data Link Escape" character, signals that next value is a control value.
- DLU14_BORDER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
A prepared Border with 14dlu on all sides.
- DLU2_BORDER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
A prepared and reusable Border with 2dlu on all sides.
- DLU4_BORDER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
A prepared and reusable Border with 4dlu on all sides.
- DLU7_BORDER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
A prepared and reusable Border with 7dlu on all sides.
- DLUX - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- dluX(int) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Returns an instance of Size
for the specified value
in horizontal dialog units.
- dluX(int) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Creates and returns a ConstantSize for the specified value
in horizontal dialog units.
- DLUX1 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX11 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX14 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX2 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX3 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX4 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX5 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX6 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX7 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX8 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUX9 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- dluY(int) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Returns an instance of Size
for the specified value
in vertical dialog units.
- dluY(int) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Creates and returns a ConstantSize for the specified value
in vertical dialog units.
- DLUY1 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY11 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY14 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY2 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY3 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY4 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY5 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY6 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY7 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY8 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DLUY9 - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- DndList - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
DndList class.
- DndList(FormEditor, ListModel) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- DnDTable - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
I'm creating a table subclass to make it easier to handle dragging and
- DnDTable(MultiContainerFrame, FormEditor) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- DO_COPY - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
A constant indicating to constructors that contents of an argument 2-D
matrix should be copied.
- DO_NOT_COPY - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
A constant indicating to constructors not to copy the contents
of an argument 2-D matrix, but instead to just copy the
pointer to the matrix.
- doAction(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.IGuiAction
Perform the action/modification on the current model triggered
by a Vergil GUI action.
- doAction(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerLayoutAction
Layout the graph if the model is a CompositeActor.
- doAction(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.PtolemyLayoutAction
Layout the graph if the model is a CompositeActor.
- doAnalysis() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.FastForwardFlowAnalysis
- doc.doclets - package doc.doclets
Ptolemy II Doclets.
- DocApplicationSpecializer - Interface in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An interface that specializes the documentation system to the application.
- DocAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An attribute containing documentation for a Ptolemy II object.
- DocAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
Construct a documentation attribute with the given name contained
by the specified entity.
- DocAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
Construct an empty DocAttribute.
- DocAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
Construct a DocAttribute in a given workspace.
- DocAttributeChanges - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
A MoML filter to convert StringParameters contained by DocAttribute to
- DocAttributeChanges() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.DocAttributeChanges
- DocBuilder - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
Build Documentation for Java and Actors.
- DocBuilder(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilder
Create a new instance of the DocBuilder.
- DocBuilderEffigy - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An effigy for a DocBuilder.
- DocBuilderEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilderEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given directory with the given name.
- DocBuilderEffigy.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A factory for creating new effigies.
- DocBuilderGUI - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A PtolemyFrame that builds the Java and Actor documentation.
- DocBuilderGUI(DocBuilder, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilderGUI
Construct a frame to build the Java and Actor documentation.
- DocBuilderTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A tableau representing a documentation builder.
- DocBuilderTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilderTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- DocBuilderTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A factory that creates DocBuilderGUI tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- docClassNameToURL(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocApplicationSpecializer
Given a dot separated class name, return the URL of the
- docClassNameToURL(Configuration, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Given a dot separated class name, return the URL of the
- DocEffigy - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
An effigy for a doc file.
- DocEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given directory with the given name.
- DocEffigy.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A factory for creating new effigies.
- DocManager - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A manager for documentation for an associated Ptolemy II object.
- DocManager(Configuration, NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Construct a manager to handle documentation for the specified target.
- DocManager(Configuration, Class) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Construct a manager to handle documentation for the specified target
- DocManager(Configuration, URL) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Construct a manager for documentation at the specified URL.
- DocML_DTD_1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
The standard DocML DTD, represented as a string.
- DocTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A tableau representing a documentation view in a toplevel window.
- DocTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- DocTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A factory that creates Doc viewer tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- doctypeDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle a document type declaration.
- doctypeDecl(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Document type declaration.
- doctypeDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Handle a document type declaration.
- doctypeDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle a document type declaration.
- doctypeDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
If a public ID is given, and is not that of MoML,
then throw a CancelException, which causes the parse to abort
and return null.
- Document - Interface in diva.gui
Document is an interface that captures the notion of a document in
a graphical application.
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
The manipulation described by the document event will be performed.
- Documentation - Class in ptolemy.moml
An attribute that contains documentation for the container.
- Documentation(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.Documentation
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- DocumentationAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
- DocumentationAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.DocumentationAttribute
Construct an icon with the attached this attached.
- documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
The manipulation described by the document event has been performed.
- DocumentFactory - Interface in diva.gui
DocumentFactory is an factory interface that creates Document
- documentList() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get an iterator over all documents
- documentList() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get list of all document objects known by this
- DocViewer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This class defines a specialized window for displaying Ptolemy II actor
- DocViewer(NamedObj, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocViewer
Construct a documentation viewer for the specified target.
- DocViewer(String, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocViewer
Construct a documentation viewer for the specified class name.
- DocViewer(URL, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocViewer
Construct a documentation viewer for the specified documentation file.
- DocViewerFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An attribute that creates an editor to open a doc viewer for
its container's container.
- DocViewerFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocViewerFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- DODGE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- DodgeComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- DodgeComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.DodgeComposite
- DodgeComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- doDialog(JFrame, ComponentDef) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
Creates and displays a dialog for defining a new component's settings.
- doesFollow(SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticColumn
Decide if given node follows completely from this column.
- doesModelExist(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Check if the given model already exists in the database.
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.ActorServlet
Handle an HTTP get request by creating a web page as the HTTP
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.ActorServlet
Handle an HTTP get request by creating a web page as the HTTP
- DoGFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
Edge detection by difference of Gaussians.
- DoGFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
- doLayoutAndPack() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
Do the layout and then pack.
- doLayoutAndPack() - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.EditableParametersDialog
Do the layout and then pack.
- DOLLAR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- Done() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Reset buffer when finished.
- Done() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Reset buffer when finished.
- doneEmitting - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
The inputTrigger port.
- doneReading - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
A boolean input.
- doneReading() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Indicate that the calling thread is finished reading.
- doneReceiving - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
The inputTrigger port.
- doneTemporaryWriting() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Indicate that the calling thread is finished writing.
- doneTests() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.TclTests
Call the Tcl doneTests command to print out the number of errors.
- doneTestSuite() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestHarness
Clean up after running a test suite.
- doneWriting() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Indicate that the calling thread is finished writing.
- DoNothingDirector - Class in ptolemy.actor
A director that does nothing, for use in models that have no useful
- DoNothingDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
Construct a director with the given container and name.
- DoPackRunnable() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.DoPackRunnable
- doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.ActorServlet
Handle an HTTP post request by creating a web page as the HTTP
- doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.ActorServlet
Handle an HTTP post request by creating a web page as the HTTP
- doPut(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.ActorServlet
Handle an HTTP put request by creating a web page as the HTTP
- dot(Vector3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Vector3f
- dot(Vector4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Vector4f
- DOT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- DOT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- DOT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- dotProduct(Vec) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- dotProduct(Vec, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- dotProduct(Vec) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- dotProduct(Vec, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- dotProduct(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- dotProduct(Vec) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Compute the dot product with vector r
- dotProduct(Vec, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
- DotProduct - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
Compute the dot product of two arrays or matrices.
- DotProduct(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DotProduct
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- dotProduct(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a complex number that is the dot product of the two argument
- dotProduct(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return the dot product of the two arrays.
- dotProduct(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return the dot product of the two arrays.
- dotProduct(Fraction[], Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return the dot product of the two arrays.
- dotProduct(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return the dot product of the two arrays.
- dotProduct(long[], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return the dot product of the two arrays.
- Double(int) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Create a new polygon with space for the
given number of vertices.
- Double(double[]) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Create a new polygon with the
given vertices, in the format
[x0, y0, x1, y1, ... ].
- Double() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Create a new polygon with no coordinates
- Double(double, double) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Create a new polygon with a single start point
- Double() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Create a new polyline with no coordinates
- Double(int) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Create a new polyline with "initSize" number of vertices.
- Double(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Create a new polyline with two vertices.
- Double(Polyline2D) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Copy constructor for efficient copying of Polyline2D.
- DOUBLE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- DOUBLE - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The double data type.
- DOUBLE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- DOUBLE_MATRIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The double matrix data type.
- DOUBLE_NUM - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The integer identifier of double type.
- DOUBLE_PRECISION_SIGNIFICAND_ONLY - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
The constant value of a double representation that has all bits as
1 except the sign bit, where only the significand contributes to the
- DOUBLE_PRECISION_SMALLEST_NORMALIZED_POSITIVE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
The smallest, normalized, positive double value with a double precision.
- DOUBLE_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The type object of double type.
- DoubleArrayMath - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on double arrays.
- DoubleArrayMath() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
- DoubleArrayStat - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a library for statistical operations on arrays of
- DoubleArrayStat() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
- DoubleBinaryOperation - Interface in ptolemy.math
A operation taking two operands of type double, and producing a value of
type double.
- DoubleClickHandler(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.EventButton.DoubleClickHandler
- doubleEquals(double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
Returns true if the two doubles are within a small epsilon of
each other.
- DoubleFork - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.lib
DoubleFork is a simple DDE actor with one input and two outputs.
- DoubleFork(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.DoubleFork
Construct a DoubleFork actor with the specified container
and name.
- doubleMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return the content in the token as a 2-D double matrix.
- doubleMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the content of this token as a 2-D double matrix.
- doubleMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the content of this token as a 2-D double matrix.
- DoubleMatrixMath - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of doubles.
- doubleMatrixMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- DoubleMatrixToJAI - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jai
Converts a DoubleMatrix to a JAIImageToken.
- DoubleMatrixToJAI(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.DoubleMatrixToJAI
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DoubleMatrixToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a 2-D double matrix.
- DoubleMatrixToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Construct an DoubleMatrixToken with a one by one matrix.
- DoubleMatrixToken(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Construct a DoubleMatrixToken with the specified 1-D matrix.
- DoubleMatrixToken(double[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Construct a DoubleMatrixToken with the specified 1-D matrix.
- DoubleMatrixToken(double[][]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Construct a DoubleMatrixToken with the specified 2-D matrix.
- DoubleMatrixToken(double[][], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Construct a DoubleMatrixToken with the specified 2-D matrix.
- DoubleMatrixToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Construct a DoubleMatrixToken from the specified string.
- DoubleMatrixToken(Token[], int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Construct an DoubleMatrixToken from the specified array of
- doubleMatrixTokenArrayConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- doubleMatrixTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- doubleMatrixTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- DoubleMatrixTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
DoubleMatrixTokenHandler converts DoubleMatrixToken to/from byte stream.
- DoubleMatrixTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.DoubleMatrixTokenHandler
- DoubleMatrixType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.DoubleMatrixType
- doubleMatrixTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- DoubleRangeParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
This is a parameter with type double with a limited range and
limited precision.
- DoubleRangeParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.DoubleRangeParameter
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- DoubleReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- DoubleReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.DoubleReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DoubleReader - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
- DoubleReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DoubleReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DoubleToFix - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
This actor converts a DoubleToken to a FixToken with a specified
- DoubleToFix(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DoubleToFix
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DoubleToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a 64-bit signed mantissa, signed exponent double
precision floating-point number (IEEE 754).
- DoubleToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Construct a DoubleToken with value 0.0.
- DoubleToken(double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Construct a DoubleToken with the specified value.
- DoubleToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Construct a DoubleToken from the specified string.
- doubleTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- doubleTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- DoubleTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
Convert a DoubleToken to/from byte stream format for communication
over MQTT protocol with a remote model.
- DoubleTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.DoubleTokenHandler
- DoubleToMatrix - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
- DoubleToMatrix(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DoubleToMatrix
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- doubleToString(double) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a string from a double.
- doubleTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- DoubleUnaryOperation - Interface in ptolemy.math
A operation taking one argument of type double, and producing a value of
type double.
- DoubleUtilities - Class in ptolemy.util
Utilities for double primitives.
- doubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return the value in the token as a double.
- doubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return the value in the token as a double.
- doubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return the value in the token as a double.
- doubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return the value in the token as a double.
- doubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return the value of this token as a double.
- doubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return the value in the token as a double.
- doubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return the value in the token as a double.
- doubleValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
- doubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return the value of this FixPoint as a double.
- doubleValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- doWebSocketConnect(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.PtolemyWebSocketServlet
Upon receiving a connect request, create a new websocket endpoint to
manage communication.
- DOWN - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Singleton implementing down rounding strategy.
- DOWN - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MoveAction
Indicator for move down.
- downArrow - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
Output port, which has type IntToken.
- downloadAndBuild(FileParameter, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth.AuthManager
Download and build Auth.
- downloadModel(String) - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Download the selected model to the client.
- downloadModel(String) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Download the selected model to the client.
- downloadModel(String) - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Download the selected model to the client.
- DownSample - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample.
- DownSample(DownSample) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample
Construct a DownSample adapter.
- DownSample - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample.
- DownSample(DownSample) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample
Construct a DownSample adapter.
- DownSample - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor downsamples an input stream by an integer factor by
removing tokens.
- DownSample(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- downsample(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is formed by taking every nth sample
starting with the 0th sample, and discarding the rest.
- downsample(double[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is formed by taking every nth sample
starting at startIndex, and discarding the samples in between.
- downSet(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptGraph
Compute the down-set of an element in this concept graph.
- downSet(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.DAGConceptGraph
Compute the down-set of an element in this concept graph.
- downSet(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeCPO
Compute the down-set of an element in this concept graph.
- downSet(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
Compute the down-set of an element in this CPO.
- downSet(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Compute the down-set of an element in this CPO.
- dragComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragComponent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
In this derived class, do nothing.
- dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
In this derived class, do nothing.
- dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
Accept the event if the data is a known key.
- dragExit(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- dragExit(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragExit(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragExit(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
In this derived class, do nothing.
- dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
Remove any highlighting that might be active.
- dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
Start the drag.
- DragInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
An interactor that responds to mouse drag events.
- DragInteractor() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
- DragListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.DragListener
- dragObject - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.TransferableWrapper
- dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
In this derived class, do nothing.
- dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
If the location of the event is over an icon for
an instance of NamedObj, then highlight that icon.
- DragTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
An example showing how to make figures draggable with interactors.
- DragTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.DragTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window.
- drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Draw the given edge: create a figure, place it in the canvas,
and associate the figure with the edge.
- drawEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Draw the edge and add it to the layer, establishing
a two-way correspondence between the model and the
- drawEdge(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Draw the edge and add it to the layer, establishing
a two-way correspondence between the model and the
- drawEdge(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Draw the given edge: create a figure, place it in the canvas,
and associate the figure with the edge.
- drawFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.demo.SimplePane
Draw some figures
- drawHorizontalGridLine - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying if the horizontal grid line should be drawn.
- drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw a line, using the current color, between the points (x1, y1)
and (x2, y2) in this graphics context's coordinate system.
- drawNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Draw the given node: create a figure, place it in the canvas,
and associate the figure with the node.
- drawNode(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Draw the given node: create a figure, place it in the figure of the
given parent node,
and associate the figure with the node.
- drawNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Render the given node and add the resulting figure to the foreground
layer of the graph pane.
- drawNode(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Render the given node and add the resulting figure to the given
node's figure, which is assumed to be a CompositeFigure
in the controller's graph pane.
- drawNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Draw the given node: create a figure, place it in the canvas,
and associate the figure with the node.
- drawNode(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Draw the given node: create a figure, place it in the figure of the
given parent node,
and associate the figure with the node.
- drawNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Render the given node and add the resulting figure to the foreground
layer of the graph pane.
- drawNode(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Render the given node and add the resulting figure to the given
node's figure, which is assumed to be a CompositeFigure
in the controller's graph pane.
- drawNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Draw the node at its location.
- drawNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultFSMGraphController
- drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw an oval bounded by the specified rectangle with the current color.
- drawPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
- drawPolyline(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawSplines - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.ModalLayoutConfiguration
Whether the edges of FSMs should be routed and drawn as splines.
- drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- drawString(String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw a string. "(" is converted to "\(" and
")" is converted to "\) so as to avoid EPS Syntax errors.
- drawVerticalGridLine - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying if the vertical grid line should be drawn.
- drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
In this derived class, do nothing.
- drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
If the transferable object is recognized as a Ptolemy II object,
then use the MoML description of the object to create a new
instance of the object at the drop location.
- dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
In this derived class, do nothing.
- dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
Accept the event if the data is a known key.
- dropObject(NamedObj, List, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
React to a list of objects being dropped onto a target.
- dropObject(NamedObj, List, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
React to a list of objects being dropped onto a target.
- dropObject(NamedObj, List, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
React to a list of objects being dropped onto a target.
- dropObject(NamedObj, List, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.DropTargetHandler
React to a list of objects being dropped onto a target.
- dropped - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BackDropQueue
The output port on which dropped tokens are broadcast.
- dropped - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.FrontDropQueue
An output port that sends dropped packets.
- DropSensorHandler - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A code generation adapter class for
- DropSensorHandler(DropSensorHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.DropSensorHandler
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.DropSensorHandler actor.
- DropSensorHandler - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A class for GPIO pins on the Luminary board.
- DropSensorHandler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.DropSensorHandler
Construct a DropSensorHandler object.
- DropTargetHandler - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
An interface to be implemented by the entities that specifically handle
drag-and-drop events.
- DSPApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start.
- DSPApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.DSPApplication
- DST_IN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- DTD_1 - Static variable in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
The DTD for multipage models.
- DTD_1 - Static variable in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
The DTD for builder declarations.
- DTD_HEAD1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlOutput
DTD header before the root element name.
- DTD_HEAD2 - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlOutput
DTD header after the root element name.
- DTD_URL - Static variable in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
The URL where the DTD is stored.
- DTD_URL - Static variable in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
The URL where the DTD is stored.
- DTDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel
The Discrete Time (DT) domain director.
- DTDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- DTDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- DTDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- DTDValidator - Class in lbnl.lib.xml.src
Class to validate xml files.
- DTDValidator() - Constructor for class lbnl.lib.xml.src.DTDValidator
- DTReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue receiver with variable
- DTReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container.
- DTReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container.
- DTReceiver(IOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container and size.
- DummyDisplay - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib
Class comments
A DummyDisplay is a simple sink implementing the BufferingProfile interface.
- DummyDisplay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyDisplay
Create an instance of a testing actor to mimic a display sink actor.
- DummyFrame - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib
Class comments
A DummyFrame mimics a shared data object.
- DummyFrame() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyFrame
- DummyReferenceToken - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib
Class comments
DummyReferenceToken is a token encapsulating a reference to a shared
data object.
- DummyReferenceToken(Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyReferenceToken
Create an instance of a reference token.
- DummySource - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib
Class comments
A simple actor acting as a dummy source used for testing the OptimizingSDFDirector.
- DummySource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- DummyTransformer - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib
Class comments
A DummyTransformer is a simple actor with one input port and one output port
imitation a filter type of actor
It is used for testing the OptimizingSDFDirector.
- DummyTransformer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyTransformer
Constructs an instance of a dummy transformer actor for testing purposes.
- dump(PrintStream) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Print the content of the sub-tree starting from this node to the given
output stream in a text format.
- dump(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- dumpAll(Container) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Dumps all layout state to the console: column and row specifications,
column and row groups, grid bounds and cell constraints.
- dumpColumnGroups(FormLayout) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Dumps the layout's column groups to the console.
- dumpColumnSpecs(FormLayout) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Dumps the layout's column specifications to the console.
- dumpConstraints(Container) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Dumps the component constraints to the console.
- dumpGridBounds(Container) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Dumps the container's grid info to the console if and only
if the container's layout is a FormLayout
- dumpGridBounds(FormLayout.LayoutInfo) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Dumps the grid layout info to the console.
- dumpRowGroups(FormLayout) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Dumps the layout's row groups to the console.
- dumpRowSpecs(FormLayout) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Dumps the layout's row specifications to the console.
- dur - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteParser
Note durations.
- duration - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
The input port for the time that a message transmission takes.
- durationEstimates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- durationMoML - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleGenerator
The duration oracle in MoML format.
- durationPriorEstimates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
Duration Prior estimates.
- durationPriors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
The user-provided initial guess on the prior probability distribution.
- durationProbabilities - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
The user-provided initial guess on the prior probability distribution.
- durationProbabilities - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
The user-provided initial guess on the prior probability distribution.
- durationProbability(int, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- durationProbability(int, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- durationProbability(int, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
Return the duration probability of duration y at hidden state.
- dx - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter.Point
- dx - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter.Line
- dx - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
A vector representing the slope of the line
- dy - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter.Point
- dy - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter.Line
- dy - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
A vector representing the slope of the line
- dY - Static variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Default height of window.
- DygraphsJSPlotterAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
Attribute for generating the HTML file with JavaScript to plot simulation
results using the Dygraphs library.
- DygraphsJSPlotterAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DygraphsJSPlotterAttribute
Construct an attribute that will generate HTML to plot using the Dygraphs
- DYNAMIC_NAME - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- DYNAMIC_NAME - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- DYNAMIC_NAME - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- DynamicAttributeOperation - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations
An operation to add or change an attribute.
- DynamicAttributeOperation(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner.
- DynamicAttributeOperation(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- DynamicAttributeOperation(GTIngredientList, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner and with the
given value to each of its elements..
- DynamicCoreAssignmentScheduler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This resource scheduler dynamically assigns actors to other
resource schedulers.
- DynamicCoreAssignmentScheduler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.DynamicCoreAssignmentScheduler
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- DynamicEditorIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon that provides for the possibility that figures may be
dynamically updated.
- DynamicEditorIcon(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DynamicEditorIcon
Construct an icon in the specified workspace and name.
- DynamicEditorIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DynamicEditorIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- DynamicNameCriterion - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A criterion to constrain the name of an object in the host model.
- DynamicNameCriterion(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.DynamicNameCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner.
- DynamicNameCriterion(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.DynamicNameCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- EAST - Static variable in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
double representation of EAST: 0 degrees.
- eastOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
The east output.
- echoBoxColor - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.CopyCatIcon
Color of the echo boxes.
- echos - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.CopyCatIcon
The number of echos of the bounding box to draw.
- EclipsePlugin - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin
Main class for the Eclipse plugin.
- EclipsePlugin() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Construct a plugin object.
- EDFScheduler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This is an earliest deadline first scheduler.
- EDFScheduler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.EDFScheduler
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- Edge - Interface in diva.graph.modular
An edge is an object that is contained by a graph and connects
- Edge - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2
Edges of a graph in DijkstraAlgorithm.
- Edge(int, Vertex, Vertex, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.Edge
Create an edge.
- Edge - Class in ptolemy.graph
A weighted or unweighted edge for a directed or undirected graph.
- Edge(Node, Node) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.Edge
Construct an unweighted edge with a specified source node and sink node.
- Edge(Node, Node, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.Edge
Construct a weighted edge with a specified source node, sink node, and
edge weight.
- edge(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return an edge in this graph that has a specified weight.
- edge(int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return an edge in this graph given the edge label;
the returned edge may be hidden see
- EDGE_DRAWN - Static variable in class diva.graph.GraphViewEvent
The given edge was just drawn.
- EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED - Static variable in class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Edge head is changed; target is the edge, old value is the
previous value of the edge head.
- EDGE_ROUTED - Static variable in class diva.graph.GraphViewEvent
The connector representing an edge was just routed.
- EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED - Static variable in class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Edge tail is changed; target is the edge, old value is the
previous value of the edge tail.
- edgeAction - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
The action to take for pixels off the image edge.
- edgeAction - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- EdgeController - Interface in diva.graph
Specifies the interface for objects that manage creation
of and interaction with graph edges.
- edgeCost(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Return the absolute cost of an individual edge.
- edgeCount() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the total number of edges in this graph.
- EdgeCreator - Class in diva.graph
An interactor that interactively drags edges from one node
to another.
- EdgeCreator(GraphController) - Constructor for class diva.graph.EdgeCreator
- edgeDrawn(GraphViewEvent) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphViewListener
A connector representing an edge was just drawn.
- edgeDrawn(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.IncrementalLayout
Called in response to the given edge being given a figure.
- edgeDrawn(GraphViewEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.IncrementalLayoutListener
- edgeDrawn(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.IncrLayoutAdapter
Called in response to the edge head being changed.
- edgeDrawn(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.ProxyIncrLayout
Called in response to the given edge being given a figure.
- edgeDrawn(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.RandomIncrLayout
Called in response to the given edge being drawn.
- EdgeDropper() - Constructor for class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController.EdgeDropper
- edgeExists(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Test if an edge exists from one node to another.
- edgeExists(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Test whether an edge exists from one node weight to another.
- EdgeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
An edge-detection filter.
- EdgeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- edgeHeadChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphListener
An edge's head has been changed in a registered
graph or one of its subgraphs.
- edgeHeadChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphEventMulticaster
Dispatch the edgeHeadChanged() event to the
- edgeHeadChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphLogger
Add this event to the log.
- EdgeInteractor - Class in diva.graph
An interactor for edges.
- EdgeInteractor() - Constructor for class diva.graph.EdgeInteractor
Create a new edge interactor.
- EdgeInteractor(SelectionModel) - Constructor for class diva.graph.EdgeInteractor
Create a new edge interactor that belongs to the given
controller and that uses the given selection model
- edgeLabel(Edge) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the edge label of the specified edge.
- edgeLabel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the edge label of the specified edge given the edge weight.
- EdgeModel - Interface in diva.graph.modular
An edge is an object that is contained by a graph and connects
- EdgeRenderer - Interface in diva.graph
A factory which creates a visual representation (EdgeFigure)
given an edge input.
- edgeRouted(GraphViewEvent) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphViewListener
The connector representing an edge was just routed.
- edgeRouted(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.IncrementalLayout
Called in response to the connector representing the given edge being
- edgeRouted(GraphViewEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.IncrementalLayoutListener
- edgeRouted(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.IncrLayoutAdapter
Called in response to the edge tail being changed.
- edgeRouted(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.ProxyIncrLayout
Called in response to the connector representing the given edge being
- edgeRouted(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.RandomIncrLayout
Called in response to the connector representing the given edge being
- edges() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.SelfLoopAnalyzer
Return the self-loop edges in the graph under analysis.
- edges() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SelfLoopAnalysis
Return the self-loop edges in the graph under analysis.
- edges() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SelfLoopStrategy
Compute the self-loop edges in the graph in the form of
a collection.
- edges() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return all the edges in this graph in the form of a collection.
- edges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return all the edges in this graph that have a specified weight.
- edges(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return all the edges in this graph whose weights are contained
in a specified collection.
- edgeSet(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Return a new set that contains any edges that are connected
to any nodes in the given composite.
- edgeSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Graph
Returns the size of edges.
- edgeTailChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphListener
An edge's tail has been changed in a registered
graph or one of its subgraphs.
- edgeTailChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphEventMulticaster
Dispatch the edgeTailChanged() event to the
- edgeTailChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphLogger
Add this event to the log.
- edgeWeight(int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the weight of a given edge in the graph given the edge label.
- Editable - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is an interface for objects that can create an editor for interactively
configuring something.
- EditableChoiceStyle - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.style
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
an editable combobox style for configuring the containing attribute.
- EditableChoiceStyle() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.EditableChoiceStyle
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- EditableChoiceStyle(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.EditableChoiceStyle
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- EditableParametersDialog - Interface in ptolemy.gui
A marker interface for the ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog.
- EditablePlot - Class in ptolemy.plot
This extension of Plot permits interactive modification of plotted
data, one dataset at a time.
- EditablePlot() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
- EditablePlot.EditMouseListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
Listen for mouse button events.
- EditablePlot.ModifyListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
Listen for mouse motion events.
- EditablePlot.UndoListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
Control-Z is undo and Control-Y is redo.
- EditablePlotMLApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
This applet reads a URL giving a PlotML file for a plot and places
the data into an editable plot.
- EditablePlotMLApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
- EditablePlotMLApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
An application that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL or
from files specified on the command line, and can then permit the
user to edit the plot.
- EditablePlotMLApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
- EditablePlotMLApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
- EditablePlotMLApplication(EditablePlot, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments
and instance of plot.
- EditablePlotMLApplication.SelectListener - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
- editableProperties - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- editComponent(ComponentDef, Component, CellConstraints) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- editComponent(Component) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PtolemyFormEditor
Edit the component by presenting a dialog that infers the
settable properties of the components.
- editComponentDef(ComponentDef) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- editDataModified(EditablePlot, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
React to the fact that data in the specified plot has been modified
by a user edit action by recording the data.
- editDataModified(EditablePlot, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.EditListener
Notify that data in the specified plot has been modified
by a user edit action.
- editDialog(JFrame, ComponentDef) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
Creates and displays a dialog for editing a component's settings.
- editDocumentation(Frame, Attribute, NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocApplicationSpecializer
Create a gui to edit the documentation in the attribute.
- EditIconAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
Action to edit a custom icon.
- EditIconAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.EditIconAction
Create an action to edit an icon.
- EditIconFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
This is an icon editor frame for Ptolemy II models.
- EditIconFrame(EditorIcon, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconFrame
Construct a frame to edit the specified icon.
- EditIconFrame(EditorIcon, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconFrame
Construct a frame to edit the specified icon.
- EditIconGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
A graph controller for the Ptolemy II icon editor.
- EditIconGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconGraphController
Create a new basic controller with default
terminal and edge interactors and default context menus.
- EditIconTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
This is an icon editor for ptolemy models.
- EditIconTableau(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconTableau
Create a tableau in the specified workspace.
- EditIconTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconTableau
Create a tableau with the specified container and name, with
no specified default library.
- EditIconTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconTableau
Create a tableau with the specified container, name, and
default library.
- EditIconTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
A factory that creates icon editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- EditListener - Interface in ptolemy.plot
Interface for listeners that are informed of plot edit events.
- EditMouseListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
- EDITOR_ACTOR_METHOD_BOLD - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
Whether special methods should have bold face.
- EDITOR_ACTOR_METHOD_COLOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
Color for special methods.
- EDITOR_ACTOR_METHOD_ITALIC - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
Whether special methods should be italic.
- EDITOR_HIGHLIGHTING_ENABLED - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
Whether semantic highlighting is enabled.
- EDITOR_STATE_BOLD - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
Whether state variables should have bold face.
- EDITOR_STATE_COLOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
Color for state variables.
- EDITOR_STATE_ITALIC - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
Whether state variables should be italic.
- EditorDropTarget - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This class provides drag-and-drop support.
- EditorDropTarget() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget
Construct a new graph target to operate on the given JGraph.
- EditorDropTarget(JGraph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget
Construct a new graph target to operate on the given JGraph.
- EditorDropTargetListener - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
A drop target listener that provides drag and drop for the Ptolemy editor.
- EditorDropTargetListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
The editor factory for ingredients in this matcher.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
The editor factory for ingredients in this matcher.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
The editor factory for ingredients in this matcher.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.Constraint
The editor factory.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ContainerIgnoringAttribute
The editor factory.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
The editor factory for the contents in this attribute (the model
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.DefaultModelAttribute
The editor factory.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
The editor factory for ingredients in this matcher.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.HierarchyFlatteningAttribute
The editor factory.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.RelationCollapsingAttribute
The editor factory.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
The editor factory for ingredients in this matcher.
- editorFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
The editor factory for ingredients in this matcher.
- EditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is an attribute that can create an editor for interactively
configuring its container.
- EditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- EditorIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon is the visual representation of an entity or attribute.
- EditorIcon(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Construct an icon in the specified workspace and name.
- EditorIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- EditorPaneFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is an attribute that can create a pane (called a "configuration
widget") for interactively configuring its container.
- EditorPaneFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditorPaneFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- EditorPreferencePage - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences
The class to create the editor preference page.
- EditorPreferencePage() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.EditorPreferencePage
Construct an editor preference page.
- editors - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- EditorTutorial - Class in diva.graph.tutorial
This tutorial expands on the simple tutorial and turns it into
a more complete graph editor.
- EditorTutorial(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial
- EditorTutorial.LayoutActionListener - Class in diva.graph.tutorial
An inner class for layout.
- EditorTutorial.LayoutWidget - Class in diva.graph.tutorial
A widget for configuring layouts.
- EditParametersDialog - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class is a modal dialog box for editing the parameters of a
target object, which is an instance of NamedObj.
- EditParametersDialog(Frame, NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner and target.
- EditParametersDialog(Frame, NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner and target.
- EditParametersDialog.ChangeExecutedRunnable - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A runnable for the change executed event.
- EditParametersDialog.ChangeFailedRunnable - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A runnable for the change failed event.
- EditPreferencesAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.EditPreferencesAction
- edu.umich.eecs.april.image - package edu.umich.eecs.april.image
The edu/umich/eecs/april/image package.
- edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat - package edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat
The edu/umich/eecs/april/jmat package.
- edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom - package edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom
The edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom package.
- edu.umich.eecs.april.tag - package edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
The edu/umich/eecs/april/tag package.
- edu.umich.eecs.april.util - package edu.umich.eecs.april.util
The edu/umich/eecs/april/util package.
- Effigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An effigy represents model metadata, and is contained by the
model directory or by another effigy.
- Effigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- Effigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Construct an effigy with the given name and container.
- EffigyFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A configuration contains an instance of this class, and uses it to create
effigies from a URL, or to create blank effigies of a particular kind.
- EffigyFactory(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.EffigyFactory
Create a factory in the specified workspace.
- EffigyFactory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.EffigyFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- elapsedTimeSinceStart() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the elapsed time (in milliseconds) since the start of execution
of the model.
- elapsedTimeSinceStart() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return the elapsed time (in milliseconds) since the start of execution
of the model.
- element - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayContains
The element to test for presence in the array.
- element - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayRemoveElement
The element to be removed.
- element() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
- element() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
- element() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- Element - Class in ptolemy.graph
A base class for graph elements (nodes and edges).
- Element() - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.Element
Construct an unweighted element.
- Element(Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.Element
Construct an element with a given weight.
- element(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Return an element in this list that has a specified weight.
- elementAdd(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Add the given token to each element of this array.
- elementCount() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the number of child elements.
- elementDivide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Divide each element of this array by the given token.
- elementDump(Element, Graph) - Static method in exception ptolemy.graph.GraphException
Return a dump of a graph element and the container graph suitable to
be appended to an error message.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Return a list with tokens that are currently in the receiver
available for get() or getArray().
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Delegate to the internal receiver and return whatever it returns.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Mailbox
Return a list with the token currently in the receiver, or
an empty list if there is no such token.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
List the tokens in the receiver, beginning with the oldest.
- elementList() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Return a list with tokens that are currently in the receiver
available for get() or getArray().
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
Return a list with the token currently in the receiver, or
an empty list if there is no such token.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
List the objects in the queue, beginning with the oldest.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return a list of all the elements.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Return a list with the tokens currently in the receiver, or
an empty list if there is no such token.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Return a list with tokens that are currently in the receiver
available for get() or getArray(), beginning with the oldest one.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Return a list with the token currently in the receiver, or
an empty list if there is no such token.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Return a list with the token currently in the receiver, or
an empty list if there is no such token.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Return a list with tokens that are currently in the receiver
available for get() or getArray().
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Return a list containing all the elements in the queue, beginning
with the oldest.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Return a list with the tokens currently in the receiver, or
an empty list if there are no such tokens.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Return a list with the token currently in the receiver, or
an empty list if there is no such token.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMReceiver
Return a list with the tokens currently in the receiver, or
an empty list if there are no such tokens.
- ElementList - Class in ptolemy.graph
A list of graph elements.
- ElementList(String, Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Construct an empty element list.
- ElementList(String, Graph, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Construct an empty element list with enough storage allocated for the
specified number of elements.
- elementList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Return an unmodifiable list with the contents of this named list.
- elementModulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Modulo each element of this array by the given token.
- elementMultiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Multiply each element of this array by the given token.
- elementMultiplyReturnType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return the (exact) return type of the elementMultiply function
- elements() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return an Iterator of all the child elements of this element.
- elements(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return an Iterator of all the child elements of this element that
have the given element type.
- elements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
- elements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
- elements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
- elements() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Enumerate the objects in the queue, beginning with the oldest.
- elements() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Return all the elements in this list in the form of an unmodifiable
- elements(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Return all the elements in this graph that have a specified weight.
- elements() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
- ElementsToArray - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
On each firing, this actor reads exactly one token from each channel
of the input port and assembles the tokens into an ArrayToken.
- ElementsToArray(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ElementsToArray
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ElementsToArray - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.ElementsToArray.
- ElementsToArray(ElementsToArray) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.ElementsToArray
Constructor the ElementsToArray adapter.
- elementSubtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Subtract the given token from each element of this array.
- elementType(Typeable) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return a type constraint that can be used to constrain
another typeable object to have a type related to the
element type of the specified typeable.
- elevation - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- eliminateCastsAndInstanceOf(Body, String, Set, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.CastAndInstanceofEliminator
- eliminateDuplicates - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
If true, eliminate duplicate tokens in the output stream.
- eliminateDuplicates - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
If true, eliminate duplicate tokens in the output stream.
- Ellipse2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
An actor that creates an ellipse.
- Ellipse2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Ellipse2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- EllipseAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is an attribute that is rendered as an ellipse.
- EllipseAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.EllipseAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- ellipsis(String, int) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Return a string that contains the original string, limited to the
given number of characters.
- ellipsis(String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a string with a maximum line length of length
characters, limited to the given number of characters.
- ELLIPSIS_LENGTH_LONG - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
- ELLIPSIS_LENGTH_SHORT - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
- ELSE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ELSE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ELSE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- elseOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThenElse
Not Input.
- emailLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- emailText - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- EmbeddedActor(EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor
Create a EmbeddedActor.
- EmbeddedActor(EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor
Create a EmbeddedActor.
- EmbeddedActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor
Create a new instance of EmbeddedActor.
- embeddedCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
The Java code that specifies the function of this actor.
- EmbeddedCodeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
Code generator adapter for EmbeddedCodeActor.
- EmbeddedCodeActor(EmbeddedCodeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- EmbeddedCodeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
FIXME: docs
Code generator adapter for EmbeddedJavaActor.
- EmbeddedCodeActor(EmbeddedCodeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- EmbeddedCodeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
An actor of this class executes compiled embedded code.
- EmbeddedCodeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
A placeholder or dummy actor used in Embedded C code generation.
- EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
A placeholder or dummy actor used in Embedded Java code generation.
- EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
An actor inside the embeddedJavaActor that is used as a dummy
- EmbeddedConfigurer(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform.EmbeddedConfigurer
Construct a configurer in the given workspace.
- embeddedSMVCode - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.lib.SMVLegacyCodeActor
The SMV code that specifies the function of this actor.
- EmbossFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A class to emboss an image.
- EmbossFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- emissionEstimates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
An output that defines a probability mass estimate of the multinomial
observation probabilities.
- emissionEstimates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
An output that defines a probability mass estimate of the multinomial
observation probabilities.
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialClassifier
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialEstimator
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianClassifier
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialClassifier
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
Abstract class defining the emission probability computation of the
latent variable.
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Computes the emission probability.
- emissionProbability(double, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
- emissionProbability(double, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- emissionProbability(double[], int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- emissiveColor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The emissive color, which is a color that does not depend on
ambient illumination.
- Emit - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib
Emit class.
- Emit() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Emit
- Emit(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Emit
- Emit(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Emit
- empiricalStartTimes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Array of estimated probability transition matrices for each hour.
- EMPTY - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Empty Entity instance of this token.
- EMPTY_BORDER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
A prepared and reusable EmptyBorder without gaps.
- EMPTY_RECORD - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Empty Record.
- EMPTY_RECORD - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
An empty record.
- emptyArray(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return an empty array with its element type matching
the specified token.
- emptyArrayReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the type of an empty array of unspecified length.
- emptyRecord() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return an empty record.
- enable - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MapAttributes
The enable parameter specifies whether the decorated actor uses
the resource scheduler decorator.
- enable - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
The enable parameter specifies whether the decorated actor uses
the resource scheduler decorator.
- enable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAttributes
The enable parameter specifies whether the decorated actor uses
the resource scheduler decorator.
- enable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
The enable input port.
- enable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
The enable input port.
- enable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.IntegerCounter
The enable port.
- enable - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
The enable input port.
- enable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.EnabledComposite
The control port for enabling the composite.
- enable_tracing() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Enable tracing.
- enable_tracing() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Enable tracing.
- enable_tracing() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Enable tracing.
- enableActor() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIActor
Ask the director to schedule this actor to fire.
- enableAll() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Enable all elements.
- enableCaching() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
Enable caching.
- enabled() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MapAttributes
Return whether the decorator associated with this attribute is
- enabled() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Return whether the decorator associated with this attribute is
- enabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAttributes
Return whether the decorator associated with this attribute is
- enabled - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
Whether controls in the tableau is enabled.
- ENABLED_DEFERRABLE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.ActorEnablingStatus
This final static member indicates an actor is enabled but
- ENABLED_NODE - Static variable in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerConstants
The name of the attribute that indicates if a widget is enabled.
- ENABLED_NOT_DEFERRABLE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.ActorEnablingStatus
This final static member indicates an actor is enabled and
not deferrable.
- enableDataMarker - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying if markers should be drawn for data points.
- EnabledComposite - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.lib
A composite actor whose clock ticks only when enabled.
- EnabledComposite(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.EnabledComposite
Construct an actor in the specified workspace.
- EnabledComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.EnabledComposite
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- enableDebugPreview(boolean) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
Activate "debug" version of preview frame.
- enabledTransitions(List, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return a list of enabled transitions among the given list of
- enableErrorSkipping(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication.IgnoreErrorHandler
Enable or disable skipping of errors.
- enableErrorSkipping(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.moml.ErrorHandler
Enable or disable skipping of errors.
- enableErrorSkipping(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.SimpleErrorHandler
Enable or disable skipping of errors.
- enableErrorSkipping(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.StreamErrorHandler
Enable or disable skipping of errors.
- enableErrorSkipping(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilErrorHandler
Enable or disable skipping of errors.
- enableEventsMarker - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying if markers should be drawn for event points.
- enableGTExtension(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- enableHlaReporter - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Boolean value, 'true' if the generation of HLA reports is enabled
'false' if not.
- enableLegend - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying if the legend should be shown on the figure.
- enablePrintTimeAndMemory(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Enable or disable printing time and memory usage at the end of model
- enableSSL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Enable the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
- enableSSL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Enable the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
- encodeFileNames(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.Strings
Encode file names (or directory names) in to a string.
- encodeHlaValue(HlaPublisher, Token) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.MessageProcessing
This generic method calls the EncodingHelpers
API or the
API provided by CERTI to handle data encoding
operation for updated value of HLA attribute that will be published
to the federation.
- EncoderHandler - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A code generation adapter class for
- EncoderHandler(EncoderHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.EncoderHandler
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.EncoderInputDevice actor.
- EncoderHandler - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A class for EncoderInputDevice that uses GPIO pins on the Luminary board.
- EncoderHandler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.EncoderHandler
Construct a EncoderInputDevice object.
- encodingError(String, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Report a character encoding error.
- end() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
- end() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper.MQTTClientWrapper
Disconnect from the broker server and close (i.e. return all allocated resources) the client.
- end - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Slice
The end index for the portion of the bits to be sliced.
- END - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebElement
Special constant indicating to put content in a div with the name
"end" which occurs at the end of the HTML body.
- endArray() - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
End an array.
- endChord - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordParser
Termination input to end chord sequence.
- endColumn - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
The column number of the last character of this Token.
- endColumn - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
The column number of the last character of this Token.
- endCompoundEdit() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
End a compound edit.
- endDocument() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the end of the document.
- endDocument() - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
End the document.
- endDocument() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
End the document.
- endDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle the end of the XML document.
- endDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
End the document.
- endDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
End the document.
- endDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
End the document.
- endElement(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the end of an element.
- endElement(String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
End an element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Handle the end of an element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Move up one level in the parse tree.
- endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonMLHandler
Process the end of a PtalonML element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlHandler
Handle the end tag of an XML element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle the end of an XML element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
End an element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLParser
End an element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
End an element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
End an element.
- endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
End an element.
- endExternalEntity(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the end of an external entity.
- endExternalEntity(String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
End an external entity.
- endExternalEntity(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Move up one level in the external entity tree.
- endExternalEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle the end of an external entity.
- endExternalEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Handle the end of an external entity.
- endFrame - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageSequence
The ending frame number.
- endIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The end point of the search.
- endIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The end point of the search.
- endLine - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
The line number of the last character of this Token.
- endLine - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
The line number of the last character of this Token.
- endObject() - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
End an object.
- endOfFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
An output port that produces false until the end of file
is reached, at which point it produces true.
- endOfFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
An output port that produces false until the end of file
is reached, at which point it produces true.
- endOfLineCharacter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
End of line character to use.
- endsWith - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLDirectoryReader
If non-null and non-empty, then only output file names and sub
directories that end with this String value.
- endText - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconScript
Text to insert in the end section of the
web page.
- endTraining - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteParser
Indicator that the note sequence has terminated.
- endVisit(AnonymousClassDeclaration) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
End the visit of an anonymous class declaration and close its
- endVisit(ArrayAccess) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit an array access node and set its type to be the type with one
less dimension.
- endVisit(ArrayCreation) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Propagate the type of the array to this node.
- endVisit(ArrayType) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit an array type node and set its type to be the type with one
more dimension than its component type.
- endVisit(Assignment) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Propagate the type of the left-hand side of the assignment
to this node.
- endVisit(Block) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
End the visit of a block node and close the scope opened by the
previous visit function.
- endVisit(BooleanLiteral) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a literal node and set its type to be the same type as the
- endVisit(CastExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Propagate the type of the cast class to this node.
- endVisit(CharacterLiteral) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a literal node and set its type to be the same type as the
- endVisit(ClassInstanceCreation) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Propagate the type of the instantiated class to this node.
- endVisit(ConditionalExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a conditional expression node and set its type to be
the type that is compatible with both the then expression and
the else expression.
- endVisit(EnhancedForStatement) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
End the visit of an enhanced for statement and close the scope
opened by the previous visit function.
- endVisit(FieldAccess) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a field access node, resolve it in the current scope, and set
its type to be the type of field referred to.
- endVisit(FieldDeclaration) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a field declaration and set its type to be the same as the
declared type.
- endVisit(ForStatement) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
End the visit of a for statement and close the scope opened by
the previous visit function.
- endVisit(ImportDeclaration) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
End the visit of an importation declaration and record the
imported class or package in the class loader.
- endVisit(InfixExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit an infix expression and compute the type for it.
- endVisit(InstanceofExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit an instanceof expression and set its type to
be boolean.
- endVisit(MethodDeclaration) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
End the visit of a method declaration and close the scope
opened by the previous visit function.
- endVisit(MethodInvocation) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a method invocation node and resolve the invoked method.
- endVisit(NullLiteral) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a literal node and set its type to be the same type as the
- endVisit(NumberLiteral) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a literal node and set its type to be the same type as the
- endVisit(PackageDeclaration) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
End the visit of a package declaration and set the current package
to be the full name of that declared package.
- endVisit(ParameterizedType) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a parameterized type and set its type to be the base type.
- endVisit(ParenthesizedExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Propagate the type of the expression between the parentheses
to this node.
- endVisit(PostfixExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Propagate the type of the its sub-expression to this node.
- endVisit(PrefixExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Propagate the type of the its sub-expression to this node.
- endVisit(PrimitiveType) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a primitive type node and set its type to be the corresponding
primitive type.
- endVisit(QualifiedName) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a qualified name, resolve it in the current scope, and set
its type to be the type of object referred to by that name.
- endVisit(ReturnStatement) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a return statement.
- endVisit(SimpleName) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a simple name, and resolve it if possible.
- endVisit(SimpleType) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a simple type node, and propergate the type of its name to it if
it is in a ClassInstanceCreation
- endVisit(SingleVariableDeclaration) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a single variable declaration and set its type to be the
declared type.
- endVisit(StringLiteral) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a literal node and set its type to be the same type as the
- endVisit(SuperConstructorInvocation) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a super constructor invocation node and calls the constructor
handlers associated with this type analyzer (if any).
- endVisit(SuperFieldAccess) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a super field access node (super.FieldName), and
resolve the field from the superclass of the given class name
(if any, like ClassName.super.FieldName) or from the
superclass of the class being inspected.
- endVisit(SuperMethodInvocation) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a super method invocation node (super.method(...)
- endVisit(ThisExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a this expression, and set its type to be
the class preceding it (if any) or the class currently being
- endVisit(TypeDeclaration) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
End the visit of a type declaration and close its scope.
- endVisit(TypeLiteral) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a literal node and set its type to be the same type as the
- endVisit(VariableDeclarationExpression) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a variable declaration expression and set its type to be
the declared type.
- endVisit(VariableDeclarationFragment) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Visit a variable declaration fragment and set its type to be the
declared type of the node's parent (a variable declaration or field
- enforceArrayLength - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.ArrayToSequence
If true, then enforce the arrayLength parameter by
throwing an exception if it is violated.
- enforceMatrixSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToSequence
If true, then enforce the rows and columns parameters by
throwing an exception if it is violated.
- enforceMicrostepSemantics - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
A flag indicating whether this director should enforce
microstep semantics, throwing an exception when actors
deliver events at microstep 0.
- enqueueEvent(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Enqueue the next TOSSIM event into ptII at the specified time
by calling fireAt().
- enqueueEvent(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSLoader
Enqueue the next TOSSIM event into ptII at the specified time.
- ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- ensureNonNegative(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
Returns its argument if it is non-negative, zero if it is negative.
- ensureValidGridBounds(int, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Checks and verifies that this constraints object has valid grid
index values, i. e. the display area cells are inside the form's grid.
- enter(AnonymousClassDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
Enter an anonymous class declaration.
- enter(FieldDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
Enter a field declaration.
- enter(MethodDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
Enter a method declaration.
- enter(TypeDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
Enter an class declaration.
- enter(AnonymousClassDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ClassHandler
Enter an anonymous class declaration.
- enter(TypeDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ClassHandler
Enter a class declaration.
- enter(FieldDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorHandler
Enter a field declaration.
- enter(AnonymousClassDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Enter an anonymous class declaration.
- enter(FieldDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Enter a field declaration.
- enter(MethodDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Enter a method declaration.
- enter(TypeDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Enter a type declaration.
- enter(FieldDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.FieldDeclarationHandler
Enter a field declaration.
- enter(MethodDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.MethodDeclarationHandler
Enter a method declaration.
- Enter(ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- enterActorDeclaration(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Enter the named actor declaration.
- enterBlock() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Enter the scope of a block.
- enterClass(Class) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Enter the scope of a class.
- entered - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
The number of times the if/for tree has been entered.
- enterForScope(String, PtalonAST, PtalonPopulator) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Enter the named for-block subscope.
- enterIfScope(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Enter the named subscope.
- enterTransformation(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
- enterTransformation(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.TransformationEvaluator
Enter the transformation.
- entity - Static variable in class org.json.XMLTokener
The table of entity values.
- Entity<T extends Port> - Class in ptolemy.kernel
An Entity is a vertex in a generalized graph.
- Entity() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Construct an entity in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- Entity(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Construct an entity in the default workspace with the given name.
- Entity(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Construct an entity in the given workspace with an empty string
as a name.
- Entity(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Construct an entity in the given workspace with the given name.
- Entity.ContainedObjectsIterator - Class in ptolemy.kernel
This class is an iterator over all the contained objects
(all instances of NamedObj).
- ENTITY_INTERNAL - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the entity is internal.
- ENTITY_NDATA - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the entity is external, non-XML data.
- ENTITY_TEXT - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the entity is external XML data.
- ENTITY_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the entity has not been declared.
- entityClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- EntityElement - Class in ptolemy.homer.kernel
The definition of entities.
- EntityElement(ComponentEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.kernel.EntityElement
Parse the Ptolemy attribute element.
- EntityLayout() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController.EntityLayout
Create a new layout manager.
- EntityLibrary - Class in ptolemy.moml
This class provides a hierarchical library of components specified
in MoML.
- EntityLibrary() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Construct a library in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- EntityLibrary(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Construct a library in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- EntityLibrary(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Construct a library with the given container and name.
- entityList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
List the contained entities in the order they were added
(using their setContainer() method).
- entityList(Class) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Return a list of the component entities contained by this object that
are instances of the specified Java class.
- entityList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
List the contained entities in the order they were added
(using their setContainer() method).
- entityList(Class<T>) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return a list of the component entities contained by this object that
are instances of the specified Java class.
- entityList() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
List the contained entities in the order they were added
(using their setContainer() method).
- entityName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.LevelSkippingTableauFactory
The name of the contained entity to open, or an empty string
to just open the first one found.
- entityName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
Name of the entity contained by the container whose attribute
this icon will display.
- entityNames - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.curriculum.HighlightEntities
List of names of the entities to highlight.
- EntityPortRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController.EntityPortRenderer
- EntityResolver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.XMLParser.EntityResolver
- EntitySootClass - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
An Soot representation of an Entity.
- EntitySootClass(SootClass, String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.EntitySootClass
Construct a EntitySootClass.
- EntityTreeModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A tree model for Ptolemy II objects.
- EntityTreeModel(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Create a new tree model with the specified root.
- EntityTreeModel.TreeUpdateListener - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A ChangeListener that updates the Tree.
- entityType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- entropy(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Given an array of probabilities, treated as a probability mass
function (pmf), calculate the entropy (in bits).
- entry() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalEntryLocation
- entryArraySorted() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
Return the sorted entry array.
- EntryLocation(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation
- entryLocations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- entryLocations() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.Continuation
Returns the set of exposed Entry Locations.
- entryLocations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- entryMapping - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- entrySet() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
Return a set of all the counterexamples.
- EntryToken(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- environment - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
The environment in which to execute the command.
- Environment - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util
The class containing a set of static methods for the transformation
- Environment() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
- EOF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- EOF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- EOF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- EOF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
End of File.
- EOF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
End of File.
- EOF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
End of File.
- eol - Variable in exception ptolemy.data.expr.ParseException
The end of line string for this machine.
- eol - Variable in exception ptolemy.moml.unit.ParseException
The end of line string for this machine.
- EOT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
"End of Transmission" character, signals end of a single packet.
- EPSFileFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame.EPSFileFilter
- EPSFileFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter
- EPSGraphics - Class in ptolemy.plot
Graphics class supporting EPS export from plots.
- EPSGraphics(OutputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Constructor for a graphics object that writes encapsulated
PostScript to the specified output stream.
- epsilon - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- EPSILON - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Complex
A small number ( = 1.0e-9).
- EPSILON - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
A small number ( = 1.0e-9).
- epsilonClosure(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the epsilon-closure of the specified state.
- EQ - Static variable in class org.json.XML
The Character '='.
- EQ - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
String representing an equal to constraint choice.
- EQUAL_INEQUAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationType
Relation type a relation node that is evaluated to be true while the
relation operation is not equal or inequal.
- EqualizeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter to perform auto-equalization on an image.
- EqualizeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.EqualizeFilter
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.BoundedSize
Indicates whether some other BoundedSize is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Indicates whether some other ConstantSize is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.ContourComposite
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite
- equals(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- equals(double[][], double[][], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- equals(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- equals(Matrix, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaTimedEvent
Check if two HlaTimedEvent objects are equals.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Return true of the argument is equal to this object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Check whether the given attribute equals to this attribute.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Return true if this XMLDBModel has the same
name as the argument.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.IndexedList
Test the equivalence between two IndexedLists.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.Path
Test the equivalence between two paths.
- Equals - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
A logical equals operator.
- Equals(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Equals
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.BooleanDependency
Return true if the value of this dependency equals that
of the specified one, and the specified one is an instance
of RealDependency.
- EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.util.Dependency
Return value of compareTo() if this is equal to the argument.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.RealDependency
Return true if the value of this dependency equals that
of the specified one, and the specified one is an instance
of RealDependency.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseDependency
Return true if the value of this dependency equals that
of the specified one, and the specified one is an instance
of RealDependency.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseTime
Return true if this SuperdenseTime object has the same
timestamp and index as that of the given SuperdenseTime
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return true if this time object has the same time value as
that of the given time object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent
Return true if this TimedEvent object has the same
timeStamp and eventObject as the given TimedEvent object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Test if this type is semantically equal to the given type.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates.ActionRateSignature
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream.Signature
Return true if the given object is equal to this signature.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel
Whether this channel is the same as the given object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return true if the class of the argument is ArrayToken and of
the same length and the elements are equal to that of this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of BooleanMatrixToken
of the same dimensions and the corresponding elements of the matrices
are equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return true if the argument's class is BooleanToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of ComplexMatrixToken
of the same dimensions and the corresponding elements of the matrices
are equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return true if the argument's class is IntToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of DoubleMatrixToken
of the same dimensions and the corresponding elements of the matrices
are equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return true if the argument's class is DoubleToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.EventToken
Override the base class method to check whether the value of this
token is equal to that of the argument.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return true if the argument is an instance of CachedMethod
that represents the same method or function as this instance.
- EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of FixMatrixToken
of the same dimensions and the corresponding elements of the matrices
are equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return true if the argument's class is IntToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return true if the argument's class is FloatToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of IntMatrixToken
of the same dimensions and the corresponding elements of the matrices
are equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return true if the argument's class is IntToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of LongMatrixToken
of the same dimensions and the corresponding elements of the matrices
are equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return true if the argument's class is LongToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of ObjectToken and its
contained object is equal to the object contained in this token,
as tested by the equals() method of the contained object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Return true if the class of the argument is RecordToken, and
the argument has the same set of labels as this token and the
corresponding fields are equal, as determined by the equals
method of the contained tokens.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConcept
Return if this concept is equal to the given object,
which is only the case if compare returns CPO.SAME.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Return true if the class of the argument is RecordToken, and
the argument has the same set of labels as this token and the
corresponding fields are equal, as determined by the equals
method of the contained tokens.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.OrderedRecordToken
Return true if the class of the argument is RecordToken, and
the argument has the same set of labels as this token and the
corresponding fields are equal, as determined by the equals
method of the contained tokens.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return true if the argument's class is PetiteToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return true if the class of the argument is RecordToken, and
the argument has the same set of labels as this token and the
corresponding fields are equal, as determined by the equals
method of the contained tokens.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return true if the argument's class is ShortToken and it has the
same values as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return true if the argument's class is SmoothToken and it has the
same value and derivatives as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of StringToken with the
same value.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Return true if the class of the argument is TupleToken and it
has the same length and the elements are equal to that of this
- equals(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Determine if the argument represents the same BaseType as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Determine if the argument represents the same ArrayType as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Determine if the argument represents the same BaseType as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Determine if the argument represents the same FixType as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Determine if the argument represents the same FunctionType as
this object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Determine if the argument represents the same MatrixType as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Determine if the argument represents the same type as this object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Determine if the argument represents the same RecordType as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Determine if the argument represents the same TupleType as
this object.
- equals(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Determine if the argument represents the same type as this object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Override to return true if the type is the same in this object
as the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Determine if the argument represents the same UnionType as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return true if the argument is an UnionToken with the same
label and value.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return true if the class of the argument is UnsignedByteToken,
and it has the same value as this token.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.XMLToken
Return true if the argument is an instance of XMLToken with the
same value.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.Vertex
Return true if this object is equal to the argument of
of this method.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken.ExitLocation
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalEntryLocation
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalExitLocation
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Indicate whether some other object is equal to this DE Event.
- equals(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Determine if the argument represents the same BaseType as this
- equals(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Determine if the argument represents the same BaseType as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.StatePair
Override the base class method to return true if the specified
object is an instance of StatePair and it contains the same
states as this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Indicate whether some other object is equal to this PtidesEvent.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.Tag
Checks if this tag is the same as another.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessAttribute
Return true if this ProcessAttribute has the same sequence
number as the given ProcessAttribute.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceAttribute
Return true if this SequenceAttribute has the same sequence
number as the given SequenceAttribute.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Return true if this TMEvent has the same sequence
number as the given TMEvent.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Test if a graph is equal to this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Inequality
Return true if object named by the argument is equal to
this Inequality object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Compares the specified object with this list for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.MapMapping
Return true if the given object is of the same Class and based
on the same Map as this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.RequireVersion
Return true if the hash code of this object is equal (==) to
the hash code of the argument.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute
Return true if the specified object is an instance of
VersionAttribute and represents the same version as this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return true if the real and imaginary parts of this complex number
are equal to those of the argument.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return true if this FixPoint is equal to the argument.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Return true if the given object describes the same
mapping to quantized values as this object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Compare this fraction with the given object.
- equals(Fraction[], Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Returns true if the two input arrays have all elements
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Determine if the argument represents the same Overflow as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return true if the indicated object is an instance of Precision
and the precision format matches exactly.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return true if the indicated object describes the same
mapping to quantized values.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Determine if the argument represents the same Rounding as this
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Return True if this Unit equals another object
- EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptserver.control.Ticket
Compare tickets by the ticketID property.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptserver.data.AttributeChangeToken
Return true if the object is equal to the instance, false otherwise.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Return true if the object is equal to the instance, false otherwise.
- Equation() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
- Equations() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
- EquationVisitor - Class in ptolemy.moml.unit
An Abstract class that specifies all the necessary aspects of visitors to a
- EquationVisitor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.EquationVisitor
- equivalences - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GetCausalityInterface
Output port on which to put the description of the equivalence classes.
- equivalentPorts(IOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterface
Return a collection of input ports in the associated actor that are
in the same equivalence class as the specified input port.
- equivalentPorts(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Return a set of the input ports in this actor that are
in an equivalence class with the specified input.
- equivalentPorts(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Return a collection of the input ports in this actor that are
in the same equivalence class with the specified input
- erasePoint(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Erase the point at the given index in the given dataset.
- erasePoint(int, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Erase the point at the given index in the given dataset.
- ErasureChannel - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
Model of a wireless channel with a specified loss probability.
- ErasureChannel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.ErasureChannel
Construct a channel with the given name and container.
- Erode() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.Erode
- ErodeAlphaFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ErodeAlphaFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- ErodeAlphaFilter(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- ErodeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
Given a binary image, this filter performs binary erosion, setting all removed pixels to the given 'new' color.
- ErodeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeFilter
- errMes - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Error message if proSta=true
or null pointer otherwise.
- error(String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Throw an exception for a fatal error.
- error(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Fatal XML parsing error.
- error(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Report an error.
- error(String, char, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Report a serious error.
- ERROR - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Error style.
- error(String, String, int, int) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Print an error message to the error stream.
- error - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
The port that outputs the standard error stream of the program.
- error - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
Data that is generated by the subprocess on its standard
- error(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Report an error.
- error(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Report an error.
- error - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Output port on which to produce a message when an error occurs
when executing this actor.
- error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
If the model is executing and the error port is connected, then send the
message to the error port; otherwise, use the MessageHandler to display the
- error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
If the model is executing and the error port is connected, then send the
message to the error port; otherwise, use the MessageHandler to display the
- error - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Output port on which to produce a message when an error occurs
when executing this actor.
- error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
If the model is executing and the error port is connected, then send the
message to the error port; otherwise, use the MessageHandler to display the
- error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
If the model is executing and the error port is connected, then send the
message to the error port; otherwise, use the MessageHandler to display the
- error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Report an error.
- error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Report an error.
- error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Delegate to the associated JavaScript actor to report an error.
- error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Delegate to the associated JavaScript actor to report an error.
- error - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
The error (e.g. integrity check error for MAC)
- error(String, String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Signal an error message.
- ERROR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- error - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Parameter specifying whether this transition should be treated
as an error transition.
- error - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
The error input port.
- error(String, String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Indicate a fatal XML parsing error.
- error(String, String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Indicate a fatal XML parsing error.
- error(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Defer to the set message handler to show the specified
error message.
- error(String, Throwable) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Defer to the set message handler to
show the specified message and throwable information.
- error(String, String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Indicate a fatal XML parsing error.
- errorAndExit(String, String[], Throwable) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication
Print out an error message and stack trace on stderr and then
display a dialog box.
- errorBar - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
True if the yLowEB and yHighEB fields are valid.
- errorCause - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Parameter containing the cause of an exception thrown
while executing a refinement if the exception is a
KernelException that specified a Nameable.
- errorClass - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Parameter containing the name of the class of exception thrown
while executing a refinement.
- errorCode - Variable in error ptolemy.data.expr.TokenMgrError
Indicates the reason why the exception is thrown.
- errorCode - Variable in error ptolemy.moml.unit.TokenMgrError
Indicates the reason why the exception is thrown.
- errorDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
The number of samples of delay in the feedback loop that
brings the error back.
- ErrorHandler - Interface in ptolemy.moml
Interface for error handlers for the MoMLParser class.
- errorHandlingStrategy - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.TokenReader
The error handled strategy.
- errorMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Parameter containing the message of exception thrown
while executing a refinement.
- errorPower - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LevinsonDurbin
The output for the error power, as a function of the predictor
- errorRecoveryBits - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
The error recovery value determines our position on the ROC
- errorTolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
The default tolerance for determining when convergence has occurred.
- errorTolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Error tolerance for data values, used with variable step
size solvers to determine whether the current step size is accurate.
- errorTolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
The error tolerance specifying how close the value of a continuous
input needs to be to the specified level to produce the output event.
- errorTolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
The error tolerance specifying how close the time needs to be to
the zero crossing to produce the output event.
- errorTransitionList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Return the list of outgoing error transitions from
this state.
- ESC - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ESC - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ESC - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- escape(String) - Static method in class org.json.Cookie
Produce a copy of a string in which the characters '+', '%', '=', ';'
and control characters are replaced with "%hh".
- escape(String) - Static method in class org.json.XML
Replace special characters with XML escapes:
& (ampersand) is replaced by &
< (less than) is replaced by <
> (greater than) is replaced by >
" (double quote) is replaced by "
- escapeForJavaScript(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Escape a string for use within JavaScript.
- escapeForJavaScript(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Escape a string for use within JavaScript.
- escapeForTargetLanguage(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.ParseTreeCodeGenerator
Given a string, escape special characters as necessary for the
target language.
- escapeForTargetLanguage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Given a string, escape special characters as necessary.
- escapeForXML(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Given a string, replace all the instances of XML special characters
with their corresponding XML entities.
- escapeForXML(String, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Given a string, replace all the instances of XML special characters
with their corresponding XML entities.
- escapeName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Escape a port or actor name for use in the macro language.
- escapePortName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Escape a port name for use in the macro language.
- escapeString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Given a string, return a string that when fed to the
Ptolemy expression parser, will turn into the argument
- estimateSequencedSchedule(List<SequenceAttribute>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.DijkstraSequenceEstimator
Estimate a sequenced schedule.
- estimateSequencedSchedule(List<SequenceAttribute>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ListSchedulingSequenceEstimator
Estimate a sequenced schedule.
- estimateSequencedSchedule(List<SequenceAttribute>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.PartialSequenceScheduler
Estimate a sequenced schedule.
- estimateSequencedSchedule(List<SequenceAttribute>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceEstimator
Estimate a sequenced schedule.
- ETERNITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D
- evaluate(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.CompositeFunction1D
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.FBM
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.FractalSumFunction
- evaluate(float) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.math.Function1D
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.math.Function2D
- evaluate(float, float, float) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.math.Function3D
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
Evaluate the pixel and the x and y values according to the edge action.
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.MarbleFunction
- evaluate(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- evaluate(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
Compute 1-dimensional Perlin noise.
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
Compute 2-dimensional Perlin noise.
- evaluate(float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
Compute 3-dimensional Perlin noise.
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.RidgedFBM
- evaluate(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.SCNoise
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.SCNoise
- evaluate(float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.SCNoise
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.TurbulenceFunction
- evaluate(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.VLNoise
- evaluate(Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Evaluate the model at a simulation time.
- evaluate(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Evaluate the model at a delta-time.
- evaluate(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication
Evaluate the files named by the arguments.
- evaluate(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication
Evaluate the files named by the arguments.
- evaluate(String, Set, ParserScope) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatlabUtilities
Evaluate a Matlab expression within a scope.
- evaluate(ASTPtRootNode, OntologyAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator
Infer the property of the parse tree with the specified root node using
the specified scope to resolve the values of variables.
- evaluateBoolean(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Evaluate the given expression and return its boolean
- evaluateCommand(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau
Evaluate the specified command.
- evaluateCommand(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellTableau
Evaluate the specified command.
- evaluateCommand(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellTableau
Evaluate the specified command.
- evaluateCommand(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellTableau
Evaluate the specified command.
- evaluateCommand(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Record the specified command and request a firing to send it to the
- evaluateCommand(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Evaluate the specified command.
- evaluateCommand(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.ShellInterpreter
Evaluate the specified command.
- evaluateDerivative(Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Evaluate d{model}/d{t} at a simulation time.
- evaluateDerivative(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Evaluate d{model}/d{t} at a delta-time.
- evaluateDerivative2(Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Evaluate d^2{model}/d{t}^2 at a simulation time.
- evaluateDerivative2(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Evaluate d^2{model}/d{t}^2 at a delta-time.
- evaluateDerivatives(Time, double[], double[], double[], double[], int) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.qss.util.DerivativeFunction
Evaluate the derivative function for event indicator.
- evaluateDerivatives(Time, double[], double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.qss.util.DerivativeFunction
Evaluate the derivative function.
- evaluateDerivatives(Time, double[], double[], double[], double[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Evaluate the derivative function for state event detection.
- evaluateDerivatives(Time, double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Evaluate the derivative function.
- evaluateDerivatives(Time, double[], double[], double[], double[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Evaluate the derivative function for event detection.
- evaluateDerivatives(Time, double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Set the derivative equal to the input.
- evaluateDirectionalDerivatives(int, double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.qss.util.DerivativeFunction
Evaluate directional derivative function.
- evaluateDirectionalDerivatives(int, double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Evaluate directional derivative and compute second derivative.
- evaluateDirectionalDerivatives(int, double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Return 0.
- evaluateExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Evaluate the given expression and return the corresponding token.
- evaluateForScope() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Evaluate the current for block, assuming there is one.
- evaluateForScope() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Evaluate this for block, assuming this is a for block.
- evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Return the output of the concept function based on the concept inputs.
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Evaluator
Evaluate the parse tree with a scope that can resolve more names
than the given scope.
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.ParseTreeCodeGenerator
Evaluate the parse tree with the specified root node using
the specified scope to resolve the values of variables.
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Evaluate the parse tree with the specified root node.
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Evaluate the parse tree with the specified root node using
the specified scope to resolve the values of variables.
- evaluateParseTree() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the parse tree with the specified root node.
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the parse tree with the specified root node using
the specified scope to resolve the values of variables.
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the parse tree for the expression concept function with the
specified root node.
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the parse tree for the expression concept function with the
specified root node using the specified scope to resolve the values of
- evaluateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression
Evaluate the parse tree with the specified root node using
the specified scope to resolve the values of variables.
- evaluateScript - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Script
Parameter indicating whether the script text's expression should be
evaluated or not.
- evaluateStateModel(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the value of a state variable.
- evaluateStateModelContinuous(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the internal value of a state variable.
- evaluateString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Evaluate the given input expression and return a string
representation of it, or null, if there is some reason it
cannot be evaluated.
- Evaluator(Pattern, MatchResult) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Evaluator
Construct an evaluator.
- EVEN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.DeinterlaceFilter
- event(MirrorDecorator, MirrorDecoratorListener.DecoratorEvent, Parameter) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
- event(MirrorDecorator, MirrorDecoratorListener.DecoratorEvent, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Send out an event.
- event(MirrorDecorator, MirrorDecoratorListener.DecoratorEvent, Parameter) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorListener
The event that is sent by the mirror decorator and processed
by the listener.
- event(MirrorDecorator, MirrorDecoratorListener.DecoratorEvent, String) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorListener
The event that is sent by the mirror decorator and processed
by the listener.
- event(CommunicationAspect, Actor, int, int, double, CommunicationAspectListener.EventType) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspectListener
The event that is sent by the communication aspect and processed
by the listener.
- event(NamedObj, double, ExecutionAspectListener.ExecutionEventType) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAspectListener
Plot a new execution event for an actor (i.e. an actor
started/finished execution, was preempted or resumed).
- event(CommunicationAspect, Actor, int, int, double, CommunicationAspectListener.EventType) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CommunicationAspectMonitor
The event is displayed.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.DebugListenerTableau.DebugListenerFrame
Display a string representation of the specified event.
- event(NamedObj, double, ExecutionAspectListener.ExecutionEventType) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory
Plot a new execution event for an actor (i.e. an actor
started/finished execution, was preempted or resumed).
- EVENT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame
A (possibly empty) bundle of data and a time
stamp that is either provided to the inside thread from
the inputs of a ThreadedComposite or provided by the
inside thread to form the outputs of a ThreadedComposite.
- EVENT - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The event data type.
- Event(Token, Tag) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver.Event
Construct an Event with a token and time stamp.
- Event - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
A Ptera event is contained by a Ptera controller in a Ptera modal model.
- Event(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.DebuggerParameter
React to the given event.
- Event(Token, Tag) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver.Event
Construct an Event with a token and time stamp.
- event(String, double, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.ScheduleListener
React to the given scheduling event.
- event(String, double, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.SchedulePlotter
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.DebugListener
React to the given event.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.LoggerListener
Send a string representation of the event to the log.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
React to the given debug event by relaying to any registered
debug listeners.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.RecorderListener
Append a string representation of the event to the current
set of messages.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamListener
Print a string representation of the event to the stream
associated with this listener.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
React to an event by highlighting the actor being iterated.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
React to an event.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
Respond to all FiringEvents.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
React to an event by highlighting the new state.
- event(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphController
React to an event by highlighting the new state.
- Event.EventParameter - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
The parameter to store an argument passed on a scheduling relation to this
- Event.RefiringData - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
A data structure to store the model time advance for the refire() method to
be called.
- EVENT_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- EventAcceptor - Interface in diva.canvas.event
An event acceptor is a canvas component object that is prepared to accept
an AWT event, and then possibly process and consume it.
- EventBusHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus
A helper class for the Vert.x event bus API.
- EventBusHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, int, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus.EventBusHelper
Create an EventBusHelper for the specified actor and
VertxBus JavaScript object for the event bus at the
specified network interface (port and hostname).
- EventButton - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Output a token when the actor is fired.
- EventButton(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.EventButton
Construct an actor.
- EventButton - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
- EventButton(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
Construct an actor with an input multiport of type GENERAL.
- EventButton.ButtonListener - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
- EventButton.DoubleClickHandler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Class to respond to double click.
- EventDebugEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
An event indicating the beginning and end of processing an event.
- EventDebugEvent(PteraController, Event, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.EventDebugEvent
Construct an event with the specified source and destination Ptera
- eventDetection - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
If true, indicate the FMU can do state/time/step event detection.
- EventDictionary - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
EventDictionary is a dictionary that associates the MetroII event name and
the event ID.
- EventDictionary() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.EventDictionary
Construct an EventDictionary.
- EventFilter - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
An actor that filters a stream of Boolean Tokens.
- EventFilter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventFilter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- EventIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
An icon for a Ptera event.
- EventIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.EventIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- eventIndicatorDerivativeInputs(Time, double[], double[], Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, int) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.qss.util.DerivativeFunction
Provide inputs to evaluate the derivative
function using finite difference methods.
- eventIndicatorDerivativeInputs(Time, double[], double[], Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Provide inputs to evaluate the derivative
function for event indicators using finite difference methods.
- eventIndicatorDerivativeInputs(Time, double[], double[], Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, Time, double[], double[], double, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Evaluate input for event indicators derivative.
- eventInfo - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : fmi2EventInfo.
- EventLayer - Class in diva.canvas.event
An event layer is a canvas layer that accepts mouse events.
- EventLayer() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
- eventLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
- eventLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
- EventParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event.EventParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- EventPlayer - Class in diva.util.jester
EventPlayer uses the java.awt.robot API to inject streams of events
into a component.
- EventPlayer(Component) - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.EventPlayer
Play events into the given component.
- eventPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Port number for the TOSSIM event server socket.
- EventQueueDebugger - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An attribute to debug the event queue of a Ptera model.
- EventQueueDebugger(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Construct an attribute with the given container and name.
- EventQueueDebugListener - Interface in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
Interface for the debug listeners that receives event insertion and removal
- EventRecorder - Class in diva.util.jester
EventRecorder listens to all of the mouse and keyboard events
on a given component and records these into a sequence which
can then be played back using an EventPlayer object.
- EventRecorder(Component) - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.EventRecorder
Record events from the given component.
- eventsConnectWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying the width of the stroke connecting event points
This is an int that defaults to 0.
- eventsJSON - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter giving the event traces in JSON format to be plot.
- eventsMarkerRadius - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying the radius of markers for event points.
- EventSource - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
- EventSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.EventSource
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- EventTableModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.scr
The event table for configuring an SCR Model.
- EventTableModel(Parameter, FSMActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Construct a new event table model for a given parameter and
the FSMActor.
- EventTimeComparator - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
EventTimeComparator compares time tags of MetroII events.
- EventTimeComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.EventTimeComparator
EventTimeComparator is a singleton.
- EventToDate - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A timed actor that outputs a date token that corresponds to the current
model time (maintained by the local clock in the director).
- EventToDate(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventToDate
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- EventToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token representing a pure event.
- EventToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.EventToken
- eventType - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Script
Event type to respond to by executing the command given by
the value of this Script parameter.
- EventUtils - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
A set of static functions to be used by Ptera events.
- EventUtils() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventUtils
- exactInputs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Indicator of whether the inputs are exact.
- ExamplePanel - Class in org.mlc.swing.example
An example.
- ExamplePanel() - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.example.ExamplePanel
Create the ExamplePanel.
- Excel - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.excel
Read Excel files.
- Excel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.excel.Excel
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- Excel(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.excel.Excel
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- Excel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.excel.Excel
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- ExceptionAnalyzer - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
An attribute that analyzes a model in the event of an exception.
- ExceptionAnalyzer(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExceptionAnalyzer
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- exceptionClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ExceptionEmailer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mail
An ExceptionEmailer sends an email to the specified party upon occurrence of
an exception.
- ExceptionEmailer(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Invoked by an exception handler (e.g.
- exceptionHandled(boolean, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Not used here.
- exceptionHandled(boolean, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
Not used here.
- exceptionHandled(boolean, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionSubscriber
Invoked by an exception handler (e.g.
- exceptionHandled(boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
- exceptionHandled(boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExceptionAnalyzer
Nothing to do after exception is handled.
- ExceptionHandler - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
Interface for exception handlers.
- ExceptionManager - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
The ExceptionManager catches exceptions and attempts to handle them with the
specified policy.
- ExceptionManager(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Create a model attribute with the specified container and name.
- ExceptionManagerGUIFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring and
running the exception manager.
- ExceptionManagerGUIFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ExceptionManagerGUIFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- ExceptionManagerModel - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A composite entity that is the model contained by an ExceptionManager.
- ExceptionManagerModel(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManagerModel
Construct an ExceptionManager in the specified workspace.
- ExceptionManagerModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManagerModel
Create a new ExceptionManagerModel with the specified name and container.
- ExceptionManagerModel(ExceptionManager, Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManagerModel
Create a new ExceptionManagerModel with the specified workspace and the
specified ExceptionManager.
- exceptionMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
The exception message from the caught exception.
- exceptionMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
The exception message from the caught exception.
- exceptionOccurred(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Generate an HTTP response for the client if an exception occurs in
the model and there is a
in the model.
- exceptionOccurred(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
Generate an HTTP response for the client if an exception occurs.
- exceptionOccurred(String, Throwable) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionSubscriber
Action to execute upon the occurrence of an exception.
- exceptionOccurred(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Send a mail upon occurrence of an exception.
- exceptionOccurred(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExceptionAnalyzer
Handle an exception according to the specified policy:
analyze: Determine the source actor(s) and annotate output ports
with error constraints.
- ExceptionSubscriber - Interface in ptolemy.actor.lib
An ExceptionSubscriber is an entity that is informed of exceptions and the
handling policy for exceptions caught by
- excessBW - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.RaisedCosine
The excess bandwidth.
- EXCHANGE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- EXCLUSION - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- ExclusionComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ExclusionComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ExclusionComposite
- ExclusionComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- exclusiveBuffers() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.BufferingProfile
returns the number of buffers required upon calling exclusive fire in excess of
the input and output buffer.
- exclusiveBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyDisplay
Provides the buffering profile, number of buffers required for an exclusive firing.
- exclusiveBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Provides the buffering profile, number of buffers required for an exclusive firing.
- exclusiveBuffers - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
The number of frame buffers the actor requires in an exclusive firing.
- exclusiveBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Default value for number of frame buffers required for exclusive firing.
- exclusiveExecutionTime() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.BufferingProfile
returns (an estimate of) the execution time of an exclusive buffer firing of the actor.
- exclusiveExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyDisplay
Provides the buffering profile, execution time estimate required for an exclusive
- exclusiveExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Provides the buffering profile, execution time estimate required for an exclusive
- exclusiveExecutionTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Execution time (estimate) for the actor for an exclusive firing.
- exclusiveExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Default value for execution time for exclusive firing.
- exclusiveTokens(int, OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Get the number of exclusively available tokens to the consuming port with
index 'portIndex' in state 'state'.
- exec() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.CertiRtig
Execute a command, set _process to point to the subprocess
and set up _errorGobbler and _outputGobbler to read data.
- Exec - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Execute a command as a separately running subprocess.
- Exec(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ExecShellEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.exec
A representative of an Exec expression shell.
- ExecShellEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- ExecShellEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given container with the given name.
- ExecShellEffigy.ShellFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.exec
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
- ExecShellFrame(ExecShellTableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau.ExecShellFrame
Construct a frame to display the ExecShell window.
- ExecShellTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.exec
A tableau that provides a Exec Shell for interacting with the Bash shell.
- ExecShellTableau(ExecShellEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau
Create a new tableau.
- ExecShellTableau.ExecShellFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.exec
The frame that is created by an instance of ExecShellTableau.
- ExecShellTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.exec
A factory that creates a control panel to display a Exec Shell.
- Executable - Interface in ptolemy.actor
This interface defines the action methods, which determine
how an object can be invoked.
- executableFireMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- executableInterface - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- executablePostfireMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- executablePrefireMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- execute() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Issue a HTTP request using the specified URL.
- execute() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Issue a HTTP request using the specified URL.
- Execute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to execute the model in the model parameter.
- Execute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Execute
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- execute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
Execute the specified SQL statement and return the result as
a string.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Execute the model.
- execute(Vertex) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.DijkstraAlgorithm
Execute the Dijkstra algorithm.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Execute this action.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Action
Execute the action.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.CommitActionsAttribute
Send tokens to the designated outputs.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.OutputActionsAttribute
Send tokens to the designated outputs.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ActionsAttribute
Execute this action.
- execute() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoAction
Execute the undo or redo action.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoActionsList
Execute the action.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Execute the change.
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLUndoEntry
Parse the MoML specified in the constructor call in the context
specified in the constructor call using the parser associated
with the context (as determined by ParserAttribute.getParser()).
- execute() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.UndoLayoutAction
Execute the undo or redo action.
- ExecuteActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
- ExecuteActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteActor
Construct a RunCompositeActor with a name and a container.
- executeAttributeSearchTask(AttributeSearchTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Search models that contain the given attributes in the database.
- executeAttributeSearchTask(AttributeSearchTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Search models that contain the given attributes in the database.
- executeAttributeSearchTask(AttributeSearchTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Search models that contain the given attributes in the database.
- executeBranches(ConditionalBranch[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.MultiwayBranchController
Execute a multiway rendezvous using the specified branches.
- executeChangeRequests() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Override the base class to not delegate up the hierarchy
but rather to handle the request locally.
- executeChangeRequests() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Changeable
Execute requested changes.
- executeChangeRequests() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Execute previously requested changes.
- executeCommand(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Execute a command in a subshell, and print out the results
in standard error and standard out.
- ExecuteCommands - Interface in ptolemy.util
Interface for classes execute commands in a subprocess.
- ExecuteCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
- ExecuteCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- ExecuteCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteCompositeActor
Construct a ExecuteCompositeActor in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- ExecuteCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteCompositeActor
Construct a ExecuteCompositeActor with a name and a container.
- executeCreateAttributeTask(CreateAttributeTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to create a new attribute in the database
according to the attribute specification given in the task parameter.
- executeCreateAttributeTask(CreateAttributeTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to create a new attribute in the database
according to the attribute specification given in the task parameter.
- executeCreateAttributeTask(CreateAttributeTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute a create attribute task which adds a new attribute to the database.
- executeCreateModelTask(CreateModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to create a new model in the database according
to the model specification given in the task parameter.
- executeCreateModelTask(CreateModelTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to create a new model in the database according
to the model specification given in the task parameter.
- executeCreateModelTask(CreateModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to create a new model in the database
according to the model specification given in the task parameter.
- executeDeleteAttributeTask(DeleteAttributeTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to delete an attribute from the database
according to the attribute specification given in the task parameter.
- executeDeleteAttributeTask(DeleteAttributeTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to delete an attribute from the database
according to the attribute specification given in the task parameter.
- executeDeleteAttributeTask(DeleteAttributeTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute delete attribute task which deletes a given attribute from the database.
- executeEmbeddedCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
If true, then invoke the generated code in the action methods
(fire(), etc.).
- executeFetchHierarchyTask(FetchHierarchyTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute Fetch Hierarchy task.
- executeFetchHierarchyTask(FetchHierarchyTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Fetch the parent model hierarchies for the given models.
- executeFetchHierarchyTask(FetchHierarchyTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Fetch the parent model hierarchies for the given models.
- executeGetAttributesTask(GetAttributesTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Get Attributes Task is not supported by the asynchronous connection.
- executeGetAttributesTask(GetAttributesTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Get the attributes defined from the database.
- executeGetAttributesTask(GetAttributesTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Get the attributes defined from the database.
- executeGetCompleteModelTask(GetModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to retrieve a model from the database
and resolve all the references in it if any.
- executeGetCompleteModelTask(GetModelTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to retrieve a model from the database
and resolve all the references in it if any.
- executeGetCompleteModelTask(GetModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute the get model task and return the model requested as XMLDBModel
object and resolve any references in it.
- executeGetFirstLevelParents(GetFirstLevelParentsTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Fetch the first level parents for the given model is not supported by
this connection.
- executeGetFirstLevelParents(GetFirstLevelParentsTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the given task to fetch the first level parents for the given model.
- executeGetFirstLevelParents(GetFirstLevelParentsTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute the given task to fetch the first level parents for the given
- executeGetListOfAllModels() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Retrieve and return the list of all models in the database.
- executeGetListOfAllModels() - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Retrieve and return the list of all models in the database.
- executeGetListOfAllModels() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Retrieve and return the list of all models in the database.
- executeGetModelTask(GetModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to retrieve a model from the database.
- executeGetModelTask(GetModelTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to retrieve a model from the database.
- executeGetModelTask(GetModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute the get model task and return the model requested as XMLDBModel
object as it is represented in the database.
- executeGetReferenceStringTask(GetReferenceStringTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Get the model reference string is not supported by the asynchronous
- executeGetReferenceStringTask(GetReferenceStringTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Get the model reference string for the given model name.
- executeGetReferenceStringTask(GetReferenceStringTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Get the model reference string for the given model name.
- executeGraphSearchTask(GraphSearchTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Search for graph is not supported by the asynchronous connection.
- executeGraphSearchTask(GraphSearchTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Search models that contain given graphical pattern in the database.
- executeGraphSearchTask(GraphSearchTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Search models that contain given graphical pattern in the database.
- executeModel(URL, RecordToken, String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelUtilities
This method takes a url specifying the model to be execute.
- executeModel(CompositeActor, RecordToken, String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelUtilities
This method takes model argument which is type of CompositeActor.
- executeModelChange(BasicGraphFrame, CompositeEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools
- executeModelNameSearchTask(ModelNameSearchTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the model name search task is not supported by the asynchronous
- executeModelNameSearchTask(ModelNameSearchTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the model name search task.
- executeModelNameSearchTask(ModelNameSearchTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute the model name search task.
- executeQuery(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
Execute the SQL query given in the specified string
and return an array of record tokens containing the results.
- executeRemoveModelsTask(RemoveModelsTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute remove models task to delete a list of models from the database.
- executeRemoveModelsTask(RemoveModelsTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute remove models task to delete a list of models from the database.
- executeRemoveModelsTask(RemoveModelsTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute remove models task to delete a list of models from the database.
- executeRenameModelTask(RenameModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute rename model task which will change the name of the model in
the database and reflect the change in the reference file.
- executeRenameModelTask(RenameModelTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute rename model task which will change the name of the model in
the database and reflect the change in the reference file.
- executeRenameModelTask(RenameModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute rename model task which will change the name of the model in
the database and reflect the change in the reference file.
- executeSaveModelTask(SaveModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to save/update a model in the
database according
to the model specification given in the task parameter.
- executeSaveModelTask(SaveModelTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to save/update a model in the database
according to the model specification given in the task parameter.
- executeSaveModelTask(SaveModelTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to save/update a model in the database
according to the model specification given in the task parameter.
- EXECUTETASK - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
Execute a task.
- executeTransformation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Execute the transformation with the container of this attribute as the
model to be transformed.
- executeTransformation(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Execute the transformation with the given model as the model to be
- executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
Execute the SQL update given in the specified string
and return the number of affected rows or zero if the update
does not return anything.
- executeUpdateAttributeTask(UpdateAttributeTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to update an attribute in the database
according to the attribute specification given in the task parameter.
- executeUpdateAttributeTask(UpdateAttributeTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to update an attribute in the database
according to the attribute specification given in the task parameter.
- executeUpdateAttributeTask(UpdateAttributeTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute update attribute task to update a given attribute in the database.
- executeUpdateModelInCache(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to update the cache with the given model.
- executeUpdateModelInCache(XMLDBModel) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to update the cache with the given model.
- executeUpdateModelInCache(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute the necessary commands to update the cache with the given model.
- executeUpdateParentsToNewVersion(UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Execute the given task to update the referenced version for the given
parents from the old model to the new model.
- executeUpdateParentsToNewVersion(UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.database.DBConnection
Execute the given task to update the referenced version for the given
parents from the old model to the new model.
- executeUpdateParentsToNewVersion(UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Execute the given task to update the referenced version for the given
parents from the old model to the new model.
- ExecutionAspectHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor
This is a helper class for execution aspects used in AtomicExecutionAspect and
- ExecutionAspectHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAspectHelper
- ExecutionAspectListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
This is an interface for an execution aspect.
- ExecutionAspectListener.ExecutionEventType - Enum in ptolemy.actor
Execution time event types.
- ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Factory that creates the plotter for the schedule of actors on a
resource scheduler.
- ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory
Constructs a SchedulePlotter$SchedulePlotterEditorFactory object.
- ExecutionAttributes - Class in ptolemy.actor
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors by
a ExecutionAspect.
- ExecutionAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- ExecutionAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ExecutionListener
Report an execution failure.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Reduce the count of executing models by one.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Report that an execution error has occurred.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
Display a stack trace because one of the models has an error.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Report that an execute error occurred.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
Do nothing upon execution error.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Do nothing upon execution error.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
React to the fact that execution has failed by unregistering
as an execution listener and by allowing subsequent executions.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
React to the fact that execution has failed by unregistering
as an execution listener and by allowing subsequent executions.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.StreamExecutionListener
Report an execution failure by printing a message to output
stream specified to the constructor.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Report an execution failure.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ShowTypes
Update displayed types.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
Report that an execution error has occurred.
- executionError(Manager, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ExecutionListener
Report that the current execution has finished and
the wrapup sequence has completed normally.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Reduce the count of executing models by one.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Report that execution of the model has finished.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Report that execution of the model has finished.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
Restart here if restart is desired.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Restart here if restart is desired.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
React to the fact that execution is finished by unregistering
as an execution listener and by allowing subsequent executions.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
React to the fact that execution is finished by unregistering
as an execution listener and by allowing subsequent executions.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.StreamExecutionListener
Report that the current execution finished by printing a
message to output stream specified to the constructor.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Report that the current execution has finished and
the wrapup sequence has completed normally.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ShowTypes
Do nothing.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
Report that execution of the model has finished.
- executionFinished(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener
- ExecutionListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
An ExecutionListener listens for events that are issued
during the execution of a model by a Manager.
- executionOnFiring - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
The value of this string parameter determines what execution
happens when the fire() method is invoked.
- ExecutionRequestPort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This actor implements an input port in a composite communication aspect
(@link CompositeQM).
- ExecutionRequestPort(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.ExecutionRequestPort
Construct a constant source with the default type set to the RecordToken
used in the CompositeQM.
- ExecutionResponsePort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This actor implements an output port in a CompositeExecutionAspect
(@link CompositeExecutionAspect).
- ExecutionResponsePort(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.ExecutionResponsePort
Construct a ResourceMappingOutputPort.
- ExecutionThread(TransformationAttribute, CompositeEntity, BasicGraphFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.ExecutionThread
- executionTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.ExecutionTimeAttributes
The executionTime parameter specifies the execution time of the
decorated object.
- ExecutionTime - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Read the input token, if there is one, execute an (uninteresting)
computation to consume a specified amount of real time or to execute
it a fixed number of times, and produce
on the output the actual execution time (in milliseconds).
- ExecutionTime(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExecutionTime
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- executionTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExecutionTime
The amount of time to consume.
- executionTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
The default execution time.
- ExecutionTimeAttributes - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors by
a ExecutionAspect that schedules execution times.
- ExecutionTimeAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.ExecutionTimeAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- ExecutionTimeAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.ExecutionTimeAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- ExecutorThread - Class in ptdb.kernel.database
Execute the queries asynchronously.
- ExecutorThread(TaskQueue) - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.database.ExecutorThread
Construct an instance of the executor thread that
performs tasks one by one from the taskQueue.
- exit(int) - Static method in class diva.gui.BasicFrame
Wrapper to call exit so as to avoid
FindBugs warnings.
- EXIT - Static variable in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- exit - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- Exit - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards input tokens and
then calls System.exit() in wrapup.
- Exit(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exit
Construct an actor with an input multiport.
- exit(AnonymousClassDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
Exit an anonymous class declaration, and add extra methods and fields
to it.
- exit(FieldDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
Exit a field declaration.
- exit(MethodDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
Exit a method declaration.
- exit(TypeDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
Exit a class declaration, and add extra methods and fields to it.
- exit(AnonymousClassDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ClassHandler
Exit an anonymous class declaration.
- exit(TypeDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ClassHandler
Exit a class declaration.
- exit(FieldDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorHandler
Exit a field declaration.
- exit(AnonymousClassDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Exit an anonymous class declaration.
- exit(FieldDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Exit a field declaration.
- exit(MethodDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Exit a method declaration.
- exit(TypeDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Exit a type declaration.
- exit(FieldDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.FieldDeclarationHandler
Exit a field declaration.
- exit(MethodDeclaration, TypeAnalyzerState) - Method in interface ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.MethodDeclarationHandler
Exit a method declaration.
- EXIT - Static variable in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientThread
Exit command.
- Exit(ControlExitToken.ExitLocation) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- exit() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Exit the application after querying the user to save data.
- exit(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
If the ptolemy.ptII.exitAfterWrapup or the
ptolemy.ptII.doNotExit properties are not set, then call
- exitAction(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
Create an action named "Exit" that tries to close all the
open documents, and if all of them are closed successfully,
then exits Java.
- exitActorDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Exit the current actor declaration.
- exitAfterWrapup() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Cause the system to exit after wrapup().
- exitAngle - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
Attribute the exit angle of a visual rendition.
- exitAngle - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Attribute the exit angle of a visual rendition.
- exitApplication() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- exitCode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
The exit code of the subprocess.
- exitForScope() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Exit the current for scope.
- exitIfScope() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Exit the current if scope.
- EXITING - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that the execution is in the wrapup phase and about
to exit.
- ExitLocation(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken.ExitLocation
- exitLocations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- exitLocations() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.Continuation
Returns the set of exposed Exit Locations.
- exitLocations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- exitMapping - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- ExitToken(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- exitTransformation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
- exitTransformation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.TransformationEvaluator
Exit the transformation.
- exitValue - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
The port that outputs the exit value of the program.
- exitValue() - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Get the exit value of the process.
- exp(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
Quickly compute e^x for all x.
- exp() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the exponential of this complex number,
or ez,
where z
is this complex number.
- exp(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the exponential of the specified complex number,
or ez,
where z
is the argument.
- exp_pos(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
Quickly compute e^x for positive x.
- expand() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Expand the scope of the container by creating any required attributes.
- expand() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ScopeExtendingAttribute
Expand the scope of the container by creating any required attributes.
- expand() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.ScopeExtender
Expand the scope of the container by creating any required parameters.
- expand(UnitEquation, ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.ExpandPortNames
The method is the entry point to the class.
- expandAllLibraryRows() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Expand all the rows of the library.
- expandAllLibraryRows() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Expand all the rows of the library.
- ExpandBuff(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ExpandBuff(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- expandPath(TreePath, boolean) - Method in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigationTreeModel
expand/collapse all the NavigationTree
- ExpandPortNames - Class in ptolemy.moml.unit
Visit a UnitEquation and for each contained variable that represents a port
substitute it with a variable that represents the port from
the perspective of the model that contains the actor that contains the port.
- ExpandPortNames() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.ExpandPortNames
- expandSelection(SelectionInteractor, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Expand the selection by adding an item to it and adding
highlight rendering to it.
- expectedTokenSequences - Variable in exception ptolemy.data.expr.ParseException
Each entry in this array is an array of integers.
- expectedTokenSequences - Variable in exception ptolemy.moml.unit.ParseException
Each entry in this array is an array of integers.
- EXPERT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Indicator that a user interface should make an instance visible
only to experts.
- ExpertParameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class is identical to Parameter except that its visibility
is set to "expert" by default.
- ExpertParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ExpertParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- ExplicitChangeContext - Interface in ptolemy.actor.util
An entity that implements an explicit change context declares a
change context, in which parameters are modified.
- explicitChangeContextClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ExplicitRK23Solver - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver
This class implements the Explicit Runge-Kutta 2(3) ODE solving method.
- ExplicitRK23Solver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
- ExplicitRK45Solver - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver
This class implements a fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE solving method.
- ExplicitRK45Solver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
- ExplicitScope - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
An implementation of ParserScope that includes an explicit list of
Variables in the scope.
- ExplicitScope(NamedList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ExplicitScope
Construct a new scope that includes the objects in the given
list, which must contain only variables.
- EXPONENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- exponent() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
- EXPONENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- EXPONENT_BIAS - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- EXPONENT_MASK - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- exponentialFormat - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.TokenUtilities
The format that is used to print floating point numbers that
are very large, or very small.
- exponents - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.FBM
- export(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Export a EPS description of the plot.
- exportDesignPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Export the current submodel as a design pattern using a method similar to
Save As.
- ExportHTMLAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html
An Action that works with BasicGraphFrame to export HTML.
- ExportHTMLAction(BasicGraphFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Create a new action to export HTML.
- exportImage(OutputStream, String) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Export an image of the contents of this canvas
to the specified stream.
- exportImage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Create a BufferedImage and draw this plot to it.
- exportImage(BufferedImage, Rectangle, RenderingHints, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Draw this plot onto the specified image at the position of the
specified rectangle with the size of the specified rectangle.
- exportImage(OutputStream, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Export an image of the plot in the specified format.
- exportImage() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Create a BufferedImage and draw this plot to it.
- exportImage(Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Create a BufferedImage the size of the given rectangle and draw
this plot to it at the position specified by the rectangle.
- exportImage(BufferedImage, Rectangle, RenderingHints, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Draw this plot onto the specified image at the position of the
specified rectangle with the size of the specified rectangle.
- exportImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Draw this plot onto the provided image.
- exportImage(OutputStream, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Export an image of the plot in the specified format.
- ExportImageAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame.ExportImageAction
Create a new action to export an image.
- ExportImageAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor.ExportImageAction
Create a new action to export an image.
- ExportImageAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.ExportImageAction
Create a new action to export an image.
- ExportImageJUnitTest - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.test.junit
Test out the Export Image facility, which saves as gif, png, pdf etc.
- ExportImageJUnitTest() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.test.junit.ExportImageJUnitTest
- exportLatex(File) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Export a Latex description of the plot.
- exportLinks(int, Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return a sequence of MoML link attributes that describe
any link between objects (ports, entities, and relations) that are
present in the filter argument.
- ExportModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export
Export a model as an image or set of html files.
- ExportModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.ExportModel
- exportModel(boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.ExportModel
Export an image of a model to a file or directory.
- exportModel(boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.ExportModel
Export an image of a model to a file or directory.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Write a MoML description of this parameter, unless this parameter is
not persistent.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Write a MoML description of this object with the specified
indentation depth and with the specified name substituting
for the name of this object.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Write a MoML description of this object, unless this object is
not persistent.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Write a MoML description of the ConceptAttribute.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Override the base class to remove any unused refinements
before exporting.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Override the base class to initialize a data structure that can
capture and then export level-crossing links deeply contained
structure within.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Write a MoML description of this object with the specified
indentation depth and with the specified name substituting
for the name of this object.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.DecoratorAttributes
Override the base class to first set the decoratorName attribute
to the current name of the associated decorator, and then export
using the superclass.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Write a MoML description of this object.
- exportMoML() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Return a MoML description of this object.
- exportMoML(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Return a MoML description of this object with its name replaced by
the specified name.
- exportMoML(Writer) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Write a MoML description of this object using the specified
- exportMoML(Writer, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Write a MoML description of this entity with the specified
depth in a hierarchy.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Write a MoML description of this entity with the specified
depth in a hierarchy and with the specified name substituting
for the name of this object.
- exportMoML() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get a MoML description of this object.
- exportMoML(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get a MoML description of this object with its name replaced by
the specified name.
- exportMoML(Writer) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Write a MoML description of this object using the specified
- exportMoML(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Write a MoML description of this entity with the specified
indentation depth.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Write a MoML description of this object with the specified
indentation depth and with the specified name substituting
for the name of this object.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Write a MoML description of this object, unless it is non-persistent.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Documentation
Write a MoML description of this object with the specified
indentation depth.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ImportAttribute
Write a MoML description of this object, which in this case is
an "import" element.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLAttribute
Write a MoML description of this object, which in this case is
whatever has been specified by the setMoMLDescription() method.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Write a MoML description of the UnitsAttribute.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Vertex
Write a MoML description of this object.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Write a MoML description of this object.
- exportMoML(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Write a MoML description of this object with the specified
indentation depth and with the specified name substituting
for the name of this object.
- exportMoML(Writer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Write the GraphicElement in XML format to the given writer.
- exportMoMLPlain() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get a MoML description of this object without any XML headers.
- exportMoMLToTemporaryFile(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Export the MoML of the namedObj argument to a temporary file.
- ExportParameters - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
A data structure containing parameters for exporting a
Ptolemy model to a web page.
- ExportParameters() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
Construct an instance of this data structure with
default values, which are
null for backgroundColor,
false for copyJavaScriptFiles,
null for directoryToExportTo,
false for openCompositesBeforeExport,
false for runBeforeExport,
and true for showInBrowser.
- ExportParameters(File) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
Construct an instance of this data structure with
default values, which are
null for backgroundColor,
false for copyJavaScriptFiles,
false for deleteFilesOnExit,
false for openCompositesBeforeExport,
false for runBeforeExport,
true for showInBrowser,
and empty String for HTMLPathForFiles.
- ExportParameters(File, ExportParameters) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
Construct an instance of this data structure that is
identical to the one given except for directoryToExportTo,
which is as specified.
- ExportPDFAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.itextpdf
An Action to Export PDF using iText PDF.
- ExportPDFAction(Top) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.itextpdf.ExportPDFAction
Create a new action to export PDF.
- exportPortProperties(GTEntity, Writer, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTEntityUtils
For each port of the given entity, if the port's derived level is
greater than 0 (i.e., it is created automatically by the entity), store
the persistent attributes of the port in a "port" XML element.
- exportSubmodel(Writer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Write this FSMActor into the output writer as a submodel.
- exportToPlot(PrintWriter, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML,
but in such a way that the Plot class can read it and reproduce the
- exportToWeb(BasicGraphFrame, ExportParameters) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Export an HTML page and associated subpages for the specified
graph frame as given by the parameters.
- ExposureFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which changes the exposure of an image.
- ExposureFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ExposureFilter
- Expression - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
On each firing, evaluate an expression that may include references
to the inputs, current time, and a count of the firing.
- Expression(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- expression - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
The expression that is evaluated to produce the output.
- expression - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
The expression that is evaluated to produce the output.
- expression - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
The expression that is evaluated to produce the output.
- EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- expression() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
Parse anything inside XML-like block
< />
Generate the tree
where the text of the token EXPRESSION is the expression
inside the XML-like block.
- EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- Expression - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.
- Expression(Expression) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Constructor method for the Expression adapter.
- Expression - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.
- Expression(Expression) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Constructor method for the Expression adapter.
- expression() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- Expression - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib
The default adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.
- Expression(LatticeOntologySolver, Expression) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Expression
Construct a default lattice ontology adapter for the Expression actor.
- Expression - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.actor.lib
A simple adapter for expressions that just connects the output port to the
overall expression result.
- Expression(LatticeOntologySolver, Expression) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.actor.lib.Expression
Construct a Expression adapter for the monotonicityAnalysis lattice.
- Expression.VariableScope - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Variable scope class customized for the CParseTreeCodeGenerator.
- Expression.VariableScope - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Variable scope class customized for the JavaParseTreeCodeGenerator.
- EXPRESSION_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision
static ExpressionLanguagePrecisionFormat object.
- ExpressionConceptFunction - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
This is a class for concept functions that are used
specified using an expression from a ConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute.
- ExpressionConceptFunction(String, boolean, List<Ontology>, Ontology, List<String>, String, OntologySolverModel, NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunction
Initialize the expression concept function with the number of
arguments it takes, the ontologies from which input and output
concepts can be taken, the name of the function, and the
string boolean expression that defines the function.
- ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
Attribute that defines a concept function with a boolean expression.
- ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute
Construct the ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute attribute
with the given container and name.
- ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
Visit a parse tree for a string expression that defines a concept
function and evaluate to the string name of the concept that should
be the output.
- ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator(List<String>, List<Concept>, OntologySolverModel, List<Ontology>, Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator
Construct an ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator for
evaluating expressions that represent concept functions.
- ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator(Map<String, Concept>, OntologySolverModel, List<Ontology>, Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator
Construct an ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator for
evaluating expressions that represent concept functions.
- ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeTypeInference - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A type inference subclass for the parser for expression concept functions.
- ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeTypeInference() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeTypeInference
- ExpressionFunction - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
An implementation of a function closure that encapsulates an
expression tree.
- ExpressionFunction(List, Type[], ASTPtRootNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ExpressionFunction
Construct a function closure that encapsulates an expression tree.
- ExpressionLanguagePrecisionFormat() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Precision.ExpressionLanguagePrecisionFormat
- ExpressionReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.io
- ExpressionReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.ExpressionReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ExpressionShellEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A representative of an expression shell.
- ExpressionShellEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- ExpressionShellEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given container with the given name.
- ExpressionShellEffigy.ShellFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
- ExpressionShellFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A frame that provides an interactive shell for evaluating expressions.
- ExpressionShellFrame(ExpressionShellTableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellFrame
Construct a frame to display the ExpressionShell window.
- ExpressionShellTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau that provides an interactive shell for evaluating expressions.
- ExpressionShellTableau(ExpressionShellEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellTableau
Create a new tableau.
- ExpressionShellTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory that creates a control panel to display an Expression Shell.
- ExpressionToToken - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
This actor reads a string expression from the input port and outputs
the token resulting from the evaluation.
- ExpressionToToken(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ExpressionToToken
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ExpressionWriter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.io
- ExpressionWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.ExpressionWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- extend(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Extend the damage region with the given rectangle.
- extendArray(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Ensure the capacity of an array, allocating a new one if
- ExtendedGraphFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An graph view for ptolemy models extended with the capability
to display the model in full-screen mode.
- ExtendedGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ExtendedGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ExtendedGraphFrame.FullScreenAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An action to display in full-screen mode.
- ExtendedMath - Class in ptolemy.math
ExtendedMath is a library of additional mathematical operations
beyond those provided by the Java Math class.
- ExtendedMath() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
- ExtendedMouseFilter - Class in diva.canvas.event
A class that accepts mouse events.
- ExtendedMouseFilter(int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
Construct a mouse filter that responds to the given mouse buttons
and modifier keys.
- ExtendedMouseFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
Construct a mouse filter that responds to the given mouse
buttons and modifier keys.
- ExtendedMouseFilter(int, int, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
Construct a mouse filter that responds to the given mouse buttons
and modifier keys.
- ExtendedMouseFilter(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
Construct a mouse filter that responds to the given mouse buttons
and modifier keys.
- ExtensionFilenameFilter - Class in ptolemy.gui
An implementation of both javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter and
java.io.FilenameFilter that only accepts files that have one of the
registered extensions.
- ExtensionFilenameFilter(List<String>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Construct a file filter that filters out all files that do not
have one of the extensions in the given list.
- ExtensionFilenameFilter(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Construct a file filter that filters out all files that do not
have one of the extensions in the given list.
- ExtensionFilenameFilter(String, String...) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Creates a filter that accepts the given file type, specified by
a number of extensions and a meaningful description of the file
types involved.
- ExtensionFilenameFilter(String[], String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Creates a filter that accepts the given file type, specified by
a number of extensions and a meaningful description of the file
types involved.
- extensionToSyntaxStyle(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
Return the syntax style to use for files with the given extension.
- extent - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArcAttribute
The angular extent of the angle of the arc in degrees.
- ExternalIOPortController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
ports inside a composite.
- ExternalIOPortController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Create a port controller associated with the specified graph
- ExternalIOPortController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Create a port controller associated with the specified graph
- ExternalIOPortController.PortRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
Render the external ports of a graph as a 5-sided tab thingy.
- externallyEnabledDestinations(State, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the set of externally enabled destination states.
- externallyEnabledInputTransitionLabels(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the labels for the set of externally enabled input transitions
for the specified state.
- externallyEnabledOutputTransitionLabels(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the labels for the set of externally enabled output transitions
for the specified state.
- ExternalPortModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.ExternalPortModel
- externalPortName - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunctionPort
The name of the external port?
- ExternalTextEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
- ExternalTextEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExternalTextEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- ExternalTextEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExternalTextEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given directory with the given name.
- ExternalTextTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau representing an external text editor (for now emacs only, with
the gnuserv package installed).
- ExternalTextTableau(TextEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExternalTextTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- extraAlpha - Variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- extraAlpha - Variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite
- extract(Any) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHelper
- extract(Any) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper
- extract(Any) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHelper
- extract(Any) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHelper
- extract(Any) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHelper
- extract(Any) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHelper
- extract(ArrayToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Extract a non-contiguous subarray either by giving a boolean array
of the same length of this array describing which elements to
include and which to include, or by giving an an array of an
arbitrary length giving the indices of elements from this array
to include in the subarray.
- ExtractFieldType - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
A partial monotonic function of the given port that returns a type
associated with the given field name, to be found in the type definition
of the port.
- ExtractFieldType(TypedIOPort, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.ExtractFieldType
Construct a new monotonic function.
- extractJarFile(String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Extract a jar file into a directory.
- extractJarFileIfNecessary(String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
If necessary, unjar the entire jar file that contains a target
- extractLength - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayExtract
The length of the segment of the input array that is copied
to the output.
- extrapolate(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return a SmoothToken at the specified time whose value and derivatives
are the result of extrapolating this token to the specified time.
- extrusionDepth - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
The depth of the extrusion of the text.
- Eyes() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer.Eyes
- f0Gradient - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- f0Hessian - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- f0Result - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- FaceRecognizer - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A face recognition image filter.
- FaceRecognizer() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Construct an instance of FaceRecognizer and load the face
recognition classifier.
- FaceRecognizer.Eyes - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that detects eyes and faces.
- FaceRecognizer.Faces - Class in org.ptolemy.opencv
A filter that detects faces.
- Faces() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer.Faces
- factor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
The factor.
- factor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample
The number of input tokens to read per output token produced.
- factor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.UpSample
The number of output tokens to produced per input token read.
- factor() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Factor a Unit into a UnitExpr that has UnitTerms that are in the
- FactorOracle - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
Build a factor oracle (FO) data structure that represents a finite acyclic
automaton that contains at least all the suffixes of a given input
- FactorOracle(CompositeEntity, String, Object[], double) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FactorOracle(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle
Constructs a FactorOracle object.
- FactorOracle(CompositeEntity, String, Object[], double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle
Constructs a FactorOracle object.
- FactorOracle.ChordFunction - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
A function that evaluates to true if the "pitch" that would be produced
as a result of taking this transition satisfies chord specifications.
- FactorOracle.ChordFunction.ChordFunctionToken - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
A chord function token.
- FactorOracle.ChordFunctionToken - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
An inner class that defines a Chord Function Token, which is used in
pitch validation.
- FactorOracleGenerator - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
A Factor Oracle (FO) builder from an input sequence.
- FactorOracleGenerator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleGenerator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FactorOracleTop - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
This modal model actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a refinement of a state in a ModalModel).
- FactorOracleTop(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleTop
Constructs a FactorOracleTop object.
- FactorOracleTop(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleTop
Construct a modal controller with a name and a container.
- FactorOracleTop(CompositeEntity, String, Object[], double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleTop
Constructs a FactorOracleTop object.
- FactorOracleTop(Workspace, Object[], double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleTop
Constructs a FactorOracleTop object.
- Factory() - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument.Factory
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Console.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewerTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.JVMTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.InterfaceTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditorTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditorTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container and syntax style.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.gui.GeneratorTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilderEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilderTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor.Factory
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherController.Factory
Construct a new attribute with the given container and name.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeController.Factory
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformEventController.Factory
Construct a new attribute with the given container and name.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau.Factory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- Factory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigableActorGraphTableau.Factory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- FactoryWithoutNew(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- FactoryWithoutNew(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- FadeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- FadeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- fail(String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Fail a test.
- FAILED_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_REMAIN_WITHIN_FEASIBLE - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
- FAILED_MAX_ITERATION_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
- FALSE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- FALSE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- FALSE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- FALSE - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
False-valued token.
- FALSE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationType
Relation type a relation node that is evaluated to be fale while the
relation operation is not equal or inequal.
- FALSEBRANCH - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- FALSEBRANCH - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- FALSEBRANCH - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- falseExit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Conditional
- falseInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanMultiplexor
Input for tokens on the false path.
- falseInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Input for tokens on the false path.
- falseInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
Input for tokens on the false path.
- falseInput - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Input for tokens on the false path.
- falseInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Input for tokens on the false path.
- falseInput_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for falseInput.
- falseInput_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for falseInput.
- falseInput_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for falseInput.
- falseInput_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for falseInput.
- falseOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Output for tokens on the false path.
- falseOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
Output for tokens on the false path.
- falseOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Output for tokens on the false path.
- falseOutput_tokenProductionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
This parameter provides token consumption rate for falseOutput.
- falseValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.BooleanToAnything
The value produced at the output when a false input is read.
- fast - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinementPort
Describes a fast actuator.
- fast - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTask
Describes if task is a fast task.
- FastForwardFlowAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
Abstract class that provides the fixed point iteration functionality
required by all ForwardFlowAnalyses.
- FastForwardFlowAnalysis(DirectedGraph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.FastForwardFlowAnalysis
Construct the analysis from a DirectedGraph representation of a Body.
- FastLinkedList<E> - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.data
A linked list that provides efficient add and removal functions.
- FastLinkedList() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
- FastLinkedList.Entry - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.data
An entry in this linked list that contains an element.
- faxLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- faxText - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- FBM - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- FBM(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.FBM
- FBM(float, float, float, Function2D) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.FBM
- FBMFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which produces textures from fractal Brownian motion.
- FBMFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- FCFSScheduler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This is a first come first serve scheduler.
- FCFSScheduler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FCFSScheduler
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- FCinDriversImplString - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
The functions to implement the input drivers.
- FCoutDriversImplString - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
The code for the initialization of output drivers.
- FCVarInitString - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
The code for the initialization of the array variables.
- fDragSource - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- fDragSource - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- fDragSource - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- fDragSource - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
The source of the drag.
- fDropTarget - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- fDropTarget - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- federateName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Name of the Ptolemy Federate.
- federationName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Name of the federation.
- fedFile - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Path and name of the Federate Object Model (FOM) file.
- FeedBackDelay - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
FeedBackDelay actors are used to add delay to feedback topologies.
- FeedBackDelay() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
Construct a FeedBackDelay with no container and a name that
is an empty string.
- FeedBackDelay(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
Construct a FeedBackDelay with the specified workspace and
a name that is an empty string.
- FeedBackDelay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
Construct a FeedBackDelay with the specified container and
- FeedbackFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which priduces a video feedback effect by repeated transformations.
- FeedbackFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Construct a FeedbackFilter.
- FeedbackFilter(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Construct a FeedbackFilter.
- FetchHierarchyTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Contain the list of models to fetch the parent hierarchy for them.
- FetchHierarchyTask() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.FetchHierarchyTask
Construct an instance of FetchHierarchyTask
and set it as a select task.
- fetchSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria) - Method in class ptdb.gui.GraphPatternSearchEditor
Fetch the search criteria of the graph pattern specified in this frame.
- FFT - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- FFT(int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.FFT
- FFT - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor calculates the Fast Fourier Transform of a sequence of
complex inputs.
- FFT(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FFT - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A adapter class for FFT.
- FFT(FFT) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Construct a FFT adapter.
- FFT - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT.
- FFT(FFT) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Construct a FFT adapter.
- FFT - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor calculates the Fast Fourier Transform of a sequence of
complex inputs.
- FFT(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FFT(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of complex numbers which is the FFT
of an input array of complex numbers.
- FFT(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of complex numbers which is the FFT
of an input array of complex numbers.
- fftCoefficientsToOutput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Indices of FFTCoefficients to output, normalized by dc.
- FFTComplexOut(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of Complex's which is the forward FFT
of an input array of Complex's.
- FFTComplexOut(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of Complex's which is the forward FFT
of an input array of Complex's.
- FFTComplexOut(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of Complex's which is the forward FFT
of a real input array of doubles.
- FFTComplexOut(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of Complex's which is the forward FFT
of a real input array of doubles.
- FFTImagOut(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles which is the imaginary part of the
FFT of an input array of Complex's.
- FFTImagOut(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles which is the imaginary part of the
FFT of an input array of Complex's.
- FFTImagOut(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the imaginary part of the FFT
of the real input array of doubles.
- FFTImagOut(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the imaginary part of the FFT
of the real input array of doubles.
- fftLength - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
The length of the fft.
- FFTRealOut(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles which is the real part of the
forward FFT of an input array of Complex's.
- FFTRealOut(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles which is the real part of the
forward FFT of an input array of Complex's.
- FFTRealOut(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the real part of the FFT of
the real input array of doubles.
- FFTRealOut(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the real part of the FFT of
the real input array of doubles.
- FHfuncVarDeclString - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
The declaration of the driver functions and array variables.
- FIELD_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
The string to separate elements in a string that describes their values.
- FieldDeclarationHandler - Interface in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
- FieldIterator(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient.FieldIterator
Construct a field iterator.
- FieldRecord - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
The records (or change history) of a field in a class.
- FieldRecord() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Construct a zero-dimensional (scalar) field record.
- FieldRecord(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Construct a multi-dimensional field record.
- FieldRecord.CombinedIterator - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Combined iterator of all the dimensions.
- FieldRecord.IndividualIterator - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Iterator of the records for the given dimension.
- FieldRecord.Record - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Record of an old value.
- FieldRecord.RecordList - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Double linked list of records.
- FieldRecordState - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
The state of a field record.
- FieldRecordState(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecordState
Construct a field record.
- fields - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TableIcon
The fields to display in the table.
- FieldWarpFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A class which warps an image using a field Warp algorithm.
- FieldWarpFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- FieldWarpFilter.Line - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- FIFOQueue - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue with variable capacity and optional
- FIFOQueue() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Construct an empty queue with no container.
- FIFOQueue(Nameable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Construct an empty queue with the specified container.
- FIFOQueue(FIFOQueue) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Copy constructor.
- fiGradients - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- Figure - Interface in diva.canvas
A Figure is a persistent object drawn on the screen.
- figure - Variable in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest.RegionTestCase
- FigureAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
An action that is attached to a figure on a named object.
- FigureAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Construct an action that is attached to a figure on a named object.
- FigureAction.SourceType - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
The source of the action.
- FigureContainer - Interface in diva.canvas
The FigureContainer interface is implemented by any
visible component that can contain figures.
- FigureDecorator - Class in diva.canvas
A FigureDecorator is a figure container that contains a single
child figure.
- FigureDecorator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
- FigureIcon - Class in diva.gui.toolbox
An icon that looks like a diva figure.
- FigureIcon(Figure) - Constructor for class diva.gui.toolbox.FigureIcon
Create a new icon that looks like the given figure.
- FigureIcon(Figure, boolean) - Constructor for class diva.gui.toolbox.FigureIcon
Create a new icon that looks like the given figure.
- FigureIcon(Figure, int, int) - Constructor for class diva.gui.toolbox.FigureIcon
Create a new icon that looks like the given figure.
- FigureIcon(Figure, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class diva.gui.toolbox.FigureIcon
Create a new icon that looks like the given figure.
- FigureInteractor - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
Listen for and handle events on a Diva figure.
- FigureInteractor(AbstractFigure) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Construct a FigureInteractor for the given figure.
- figureLayer - Variable in class diva.canvas.demo.SimplePane
The layer to draw all figure in
- FigureLayer - Class in diva.canvas
A figure layer is a layer on which Figures can be drawn.
- FigureLayer() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Create a new figure layer that is not in a pane.
- FigureLayer(CanvasPane) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Create a new figure layer within the given pane.
- FigureLayer(CanvasPane, ZList) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Create a new figure layer within the given pane and with
the given ZList to hold the figures it contains.
- FigureLayer(ZList) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Create a new figure layer with
the given ZList to hold its figures.
- figures() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Return an iteration of the children, in an undefined order.
- figures() - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Return an iteration of the figures in this container.
- figures() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return an iteration of the children, in an undefined order.
- figures() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Return an iteration containing the one child.
- figures() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Return an iteration of the figures in this container.
- figures() - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureSet
Return an iteration of the figures in this set, in an
undefined order.
- FigureSet - Interface in diva.canvas
The FigureSet interface is the interface implemented by any
class that contain references to a set of figures.
- figuresFromBack() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Return an iteration of the children, from
back to front.
- figuresFromBack() - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Return an iteration of the figures in this container, from
highest index to lowest index.
- figuresFromBack() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return an iteration of the children, from back to front.
- figuresFromBack() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Return an iteration containing the one child.
- figuresFromBack() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Return an iteration of the figures in this container, from
back to front.
- figuresFromBack() - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureSet
Return an iteration of the figures in this set, from
back to front.
- figuresFromFront() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Return an iteration of the children, from
front to back.
- figuresFromFront() - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Return an iteration of the figures in this container, from
lowest index to highest index.
- figuresFromFront() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return an iteration of the children, from front to back.
- figuresFromFront() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Return an iteration containing the one child.
- figuresFromFront() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Return an iteration of the figures in this container, from
front to back.
- figuresFromFront() - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureSet
Return an iteration of the figures in this set, from back to
- FigureTest - Class in diva.canvas.test
A test suite for Figure.
- FigureTest(TestHarness, FigureTest.FigureFactory) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest
- FigureTest.FigureFactory - Interface in diva.canvas.test
The figure factory interface
- FigureTest.RegionTestCase - Class in diva.canvas.test
Region testing test case.
- FigureTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
An example showing how to make custom figures.
- FigureTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window.
- FigureTutorial.CustomRectangle - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
CustomRectangle is a class that paints itself as a
rectangle and draw a red plus sign over the top of itself.
- FigureWrapper - Class in diva.canvas
A FigureWrapper is a figure container that contains
a single child figure.
- FigureWrapper(Figure) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.FigureWrapper
Construct a new figure with the given child figure.
- fiHessians - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- fil - Static variable in class lbnl.lib.xml.src.DTDValidator
The xml file name
- filDir - Variable in class lbnl.util.XMLWriter
System-dependent directory name of the xml file.
- file - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
If a file is given here, it will be read upon initialization
(if it exists and can be parsed as an array of arrays of tokens)
to initialize the dictionary.
- FileAttribute - Class in ptolemy.kernel.attributes
- FileAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- fileChooser - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- FileChooserStyle - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.style
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
that the value of the parameter can be optionally given using a
- FileChooserStyle() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.FileChooserStyle
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- FileChooserStyle(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.FileChooserStyle
Construct an attribute in the given workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- FileChooserStyle(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.FileChooserStyle
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- FileEditorTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
This class is an attribute that creates an editor to edit a specified
file or URL given by an attribute in the container of this attribute.
- FileEditorTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FileEditorTableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- fileExtension - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos.PtidyOSCodeGenerator
The index of the list of code files to generate code for. 0 refers
to the c file, and 1 refers to the startup .S code file.
- fileFilter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.DefaultDirectoryAttribute
The filter used to search the files, such as "*.xml".
- FileMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.FileMenuListener
- FileMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FileMenuListener
- filename - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
The name of the file to write to.
- filename - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.FileWriter
The name of the file to write to.
- fileName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
The file name to which to write.
- fileName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIWriter
The file name to which to write.
- fileName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
The file name to which to write.
- filename - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Loader3D
The name of the file to be opened.
- fileName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
The file name to which to write.
- FileNameComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.GenerateCopyrights.FileNameComparator
- fileNameOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.PlaySound
The file name or URL to read.
- FILENAMES - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
List of filenames needed by jquery and fancybox.
- fileNameToURL(String, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Given a file name or URL description, find a URL on which
openStream() will work.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageReader
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.PGMReader
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.FileReader
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageReader
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReader
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
The file or URL giving the audio clip.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.StreamLoader
The file or URL that it to be read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
A parameter naming the file or URL to be read that contains
attribute names and values.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
The file name or URL from which to read.
- fileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Image2D
The location of the image file upon which to base the figure.
- FileOrURLAccessor - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.attributes
An interface for Attributes and Parameters that access files or URLs.
- fileOrURLDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
Return descriptive information about fileOrURL.
- FileOrURLEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An editor factory for an attribute that has a fileOrURL parameter.
- FileOrURLEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.FileOrURLEditorFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- fileOrURLPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.FileReader
An input port for optionally providing a file name.
- FileParameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This is an attribute that specifies a file or URL.
- FileParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- FileParameter(NamedObj, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- FilePortParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
This file parameter creates an associated port that can be used to update
the current value of the parameter.
- FilePortParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- FilePortParameter(NamedObj, String, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Construct a Parameter with the given container, name, and Token.
- FileReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.io
This actor reads a file or URL and outputs the entire file
as a single string.
- FileReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.FileReader
Construct an actor with a name and a container.
- files - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The list of files that were extracted from the .fmu file.
- files - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ListDirectory
A parameter with an ArrayToken containing strings that are names of the
files matching the given filter in the specified directory.
- fileType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
The type of file to write.
- FileUtilities - Class in ptolemy.util
A collection of utilities for manipulating files
These utilities do not depend on any other ptolemy.* packages.
- FileUtilities.StreamAndURL - Class in ptolemy.util
A class that contains an InputStream and a URL
so that we don't have to follow redirects twice.
- FileWriter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor reads tokens from any number of input channels and writes
their string values to the specified output file.
- FileWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.FileWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FILL - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Fill the cell either horizontally or vertically.
- FILL - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
By default fill the component into the column.
- FILL - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
By default fill the component into the row.
- FILL - Static variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- FILL_ALIGN - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
By default fill the column or row.
- fillArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- FillBuff() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- FillBuff() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- fillColor - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
The line color.
- FilledShapeAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is an abstract attribute that is rendered as a filled shape.
- FilledShapeAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- FillFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which fills an image with a given color.
- FillFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FillFilter
Construct a FillFilter.
- FillFilter(int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FillFilter
Construct a FillFilter.
- fillMainFrame(JMenuBar) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
Replaces corresponding Menu and Toolbar from the frame.
- FILLMODE - Static variable in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
- fillMode() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add an object to the list that puts drawing into fill mode
- fillOnWrapup - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
If true, fill the plot when wrapup is called.
- fillOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Fill an oval bounded by the specified rectangle with the current color.
- fillPaint - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
The paint for the fill.
- fillParameters(Actor, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Update parameters of this receiver according to the actor and port.
- fillPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits.
- fillPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits.
- fillPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits.
- fillPlot() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits.
- fillPlot() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits.
- fillPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw a filled polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
- fillRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Fill the specified rectangle and draw a thin outline around it.
- fillRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- filNam - Variable in class lbnl.util.XMLWriter
Name of the xml file.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BicubicScaleFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BlockFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromeFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CompoundFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DeinterlaceFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffuseFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DisplaceFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DissolveFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlowFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HighPassFilter
- filter(Image, Image, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageCombiningFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InterpolateFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.IteratedFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LaplaceFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Filter the source image, and if motion is detected, place a red circle at
the center of gravity of the motion.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScaleFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Filter the source image, overlaying graphics that has been specified
by setGraphicURI.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TileImageFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
- filter - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
The filter used for the transition.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.UnsharpFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WholeImageFilter
- Filter - Interface in diva.util
An interface for objects that filter other objects.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Filter the source image, and if motion is detected, place a red circle at
the center of gravity of the motion.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.Blur
Blur the source image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.Dilate
Dilate the source image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.Erode
Erode the source image.
- filter(BufferedImage, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision
Apply the specified filter to the source image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.FindContours
Find contours in the source image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.FindEdges
Find edges in an image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.GaussianBlur
Apply a gaussian blur to an image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.Histogram
Create a histogram from an image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MakeBGRA
Convert the source image to BGRA format.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MakeGray
Convert the source image to grayscale.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MakeHSV
Convert the source image to HSV.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MakeYUV
Convert the source image to HSV.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MedianBlur
Blur the source image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer.Eyes
Detect eyes and faces in the source image.
- filter(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer.Faces
Detect eyes and faces in the source image.
- filter(BufferedImage, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Apply the specified filter to the source image.
- filter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIConvolve
The filter to convolve the image width.
- filter(FunctionToken, ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Extract a sub-array consisting of all of the elements of an
array for which the given predicate function returns true.
- filter(FunctionToken, ArrayToken, IntToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Extract a sub-array consisting of all of the elements of an
array for which the given predicate function returns true.
- filter - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ListDirectory
The filter that all the included file names must match.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddEditorFactory
Identify Parameters that need a VisibleParameterEditorFactory
named _editorFactory added.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddIcon
If the attributeName is "class" and attributeValue names a
class that has had its port names changed between releases,
then substitute in the new port names.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddMissingParameter
Identify classes that need to have parameter added.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto
This method doesn't do anything.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ClassChanges
If the attributeName is "class" and attributeValue names a
class that needs to be renamed, then substitute in the new class
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.DocAttributeChanges
Change StringParameter attributes insinde DocAttribute to
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.GRColorChanges
Handle parameter name changes.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.HideAnnotationNames
Hide annotation names.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.JavaScriptThisUpdate
Handle parameter name changes.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.LazyTypedCompositeActorChanges
Possibly replaced TypedCompositeActors with LazyTypedCompositeActors.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String, MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.MoMLFilterSimple
Return the old attribute value for properties that are not registered
to be removed.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.MultiportToSinglePort
If the attributeName is "class" and attributeValue names a
class that has had its port names changed between releases,
then substitute in the new port names.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.NamedObjClassesSeen
If the attributeName is "class" and the attributeValue extends
NamedObj, then add the attributeValue to the set of classes
we are interested in.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ParameterNameChanges
If the attributeName is "class" and attributeValue names a
class that has had a Parameter names changed between releases,
then substitute in the new Parameter names.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortClassChanges
If the attributeName is "class" and attributeValue names a
class that has had its port classes changed between releases,
then substitute in the new port classes.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortNameChanges
If the attributeName is "class" and attributeValue names a
class that has had its port names changed between releases,
then substitute in the new port names.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PropertyClassChanges
Return new class names for properties that have been
registered as having changed classes.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RelationWidthChanges
Filter relations widths and change 0 to -1.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveClasses
Filter for graphical classes and return new values if
a graphical class is found.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
Filter for graphical classes and return new values if
a graphical class is found.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveNonPtinyClasses
Filter for graphical classes and return new values if
a graphical class is found.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveProperties
Return the old attribute value for properties that are not registered
to be removed.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.moml.MoMLFilter
Given a container, attribute name and attribute value,
return a new attribute value.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String, MoMLParser) - Method in interface ptolemy.moml.MoMLFilter
Given a container, attribute name and attribute value,
return a new attribute value.
- filterAttributeValue(NamedObj, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.UpdateAnnotations
Update annotations by removing old annotations and replacing
them with new annotation.
- filterCR() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Filter carriage returns in the read buffer.
- filterDeletedObjects(AbstractBasicGraphModel, Object[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrameExtension
Filter the array of objects selected for deletion.
- filterDeleteMoml(AbstractBasicGraphModel, Object[], StringBuffer) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrameExtension
Filter the moml to be deleted.
- FilteredArrayIterator - Class in diva.util
An iterator over an array, in which elements are filtered
by some function.
- FilteredArrayIterator(Object[]) - Constructor for class diva.util.FilteredArrayIterator
Construct a filtered array iterator.
- FilteredArrayIterator(Object[], int) - Constructor for class diva.util.FilteredArrayIterator
Construct a filtered array iterator.
- FilteredIterator - Class in diva.util
An iterator that takes another iterator, and applies a filter
to each element that it gets.
- FilteredIterator(Iterator, Filter) - Constructor for class diva.util.FilteredIterator
Construct a filtered iterator.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddEditorFactory
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String, MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddEditorFactory
Make modifications to the specified container, which is
defined in a MoML element with the specified name.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddIcon
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String, MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddIcon
Make modifications to the specified container, which is
defined in a MoML element with the specified name.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddMissingParameter
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String, MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddMissingParameter
Make modifications to the specified container, which is
defined in a MoML element with the specified name.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto
Filter relations widths and change 1 to "Auto" and make sure still value
is not not stored (if not changed).
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ClassChanges
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.DocAttributeChanges
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.GRColorChanges
If the container is a property named "diffuseColor" contained
by one of the GR actors, then check the format of its parameter
to change it, if necessary, from matrix format to array format.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.HideAnnotationNames
Make modifications to the specified container, which is
defined in a MoML element with the specified name.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.JavaScriptThisUpdate
If the container is a property named "script" contained
by the JavaScript actor, then add "this." to certain
function calls.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.LazyTypedCompositeActorChanges
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String, MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.MoMLFilterSimple
Reset private variables.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.MultiportToSinglePort
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.NamedObjClassesSeen
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ParameterNameChanges
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortClassChanges
Reset private variables.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortNameChanges
Clear recorded state for this element so that it does not
interfere with the next element.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PropertyClassChanges
Reset private variables.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RelationWidthChanges
Make modifications to the specified container, which is
defined in a MoML element with the specified name.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveClasses
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveNonPtinyClasses
In this class, do nothing.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveProperties
Reset private variables.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.moml.MoMLFilter
Make modifications to the specified container, which is
defined in a MoML element with the specified name.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String, MoMLParser) - Method in interface ptolemy.moml.MoMLFilter
Make modifications to the specified container, which is
defined in a MoML element with the specified name.
- filterEndElement(NamedObj, String, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.UpdateAnnotations
Make modifications to the specified container, which is
defined in a MoML element with the specified name.
- filterFactoredCentered(float[], float[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
Perform 2D convolution using f as the factor of a separable
filter, shifting the output by -f.length/2 so there is no net
- filterFactoredCentered(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
Perform 2D convolution using f as the factor of a separable
filter, shifting the output by -f.length/2 so there is no net
- filterFactoredCenteredMax(float[], float[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
Perform 2D convolution using f as the factor of a separable
filter, shifting the output by -f.length/2 so there is no net
- FilterForGIF() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FilterForGIF
- filterHorizontalCentered(float[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- filterOrder - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Order of the gammatone filters.
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DespeckleFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DilateFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EqualizeFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Flush3DFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LifeFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MaximumFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MedianFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MinimumFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OilFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OutlineFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ReduceNoiseFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkeletonFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- filterPixels(int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WholeImageFilter
Actually filter the pixels.
- filterPixelsNN(BufferedImage, int, int, int[], Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
- filterReturnType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the return type of the filter method, given the types
of the argument.
- filterReturnType(Type, Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the return type of the filter method, given the types
of the argument.
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DissolveFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FillFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GrayFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GrayscaleFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageCombiningFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InvertAlphaFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InvertFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.JavaLnFFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LookupFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MapColorsFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MaskFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OpacityFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PosterizeFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PremultiplyFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SaturationFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwizzleFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.UnpremultiplyFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
- filterVerticalCentered(float[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- filterZeros() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
Remove any zeros that have snuck in.
- filterZeros(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
Remove any values < eps that have snuck in.
- FINAL_STATE - Static variable in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
The style of a finalstate
- finalize() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Close the model before finalizing.
- finalStateNames - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Attribute specifying the names of the final states of this
- find(double, double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder
- find(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Find all true-valued elements in an array of boolean values,
returning an array containing the indices (in ascending order)
of all occurrences of the value 'true'.
- find(ArrayToken, Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Find all elements in an array that match the specified token
and return an array containing their indices (in ascending order).
- FindAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.FindAction
Create a new action to search for text.
- findAllMatches(TransformationRule, CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationMode
Find all the matches to the pattern in the workingCopy and return those
matches in a list.
- findComponentIndex(String) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
- findComponentTableau(String) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
Finds the corresponding Tableau according to the
Component contained by a Tab.
- FindContours() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.FindContours
- findDatabaseManager(String, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
Find a database manager with the specified name for the specified
- FindEdges() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.FindEdges
- findEffigy(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Find an effigy for the specified model by searching all the
configurations that have been created.
- findEffigyMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- findEntry(E) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Find an entry with the given element and return it.
- findFile(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Find a file or directory.
- findFirst(Event, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Find the first occurrence of the given event in the event queue.
- findFirstChild(CompositeEntity, GraphAnalyzer.IndexedLists, Collection<Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer
Find the first child within the top composite entity.
- findFirstPath(Port, GraphAnalyzer.Path, Set<? super Relation>, Set<? super Port>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer
Find the first path starting from the startPort, and store it
in the path parameter if found.
- findMatchingAttribute(Object, Class<? extends Attribute>, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Find an attribute in the object or its container (if searchContainers is
true) in the given class.
- findMaximum() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the maximum obtainable value in this precision.
- findMethod(String, Type[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Find a method or function with the specified name and argument types.
- FindMinimum(Calcfc, int, int, double[], double, double, int, int, boolean[]) - Static method in class com.cureos.numerics.Cobyla
Minimizes the objective function F with respect to a set of inequality constraints CON,
and returns the optimal variable array.
- findMinimum() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the minimum obtainable value for this precision.
- findMinimumPositiveRoot2(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.PolynomialRoot
Find the smallest positive real root of a second-order (quadratic) equation.
- findMinimumPositiveRoot3(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.PolynomialRoot
Find the smallest positive real root of a third-order (cubic) equation.
- findNext() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- findNextChild(CompositeEntity, GraphAnalyzer.IndexedLists, Collection<Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer
Find the next child within the top composite entity.
- findNextPath(GraphAnalyzer.Path, Set<Relation>, Set<Port>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer
Find the next path, and store it in the path parameter if
- FindPackages - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
Look for class files under a directory and return package names.
- FindPackages() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.FindPackages
- findPackages(File, ExecuteCommands) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.FindPackages
Look for class files under a directory and return package names.
- findParameterValue(File, String) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
Find a parameter value from a file.
- findQuantum(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Find the quantum for a state.
- findRange(Function1D, float[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
Returns the minimum and maximum of a number of random values
of the given function.
- findRange(Function2D, float[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
Returns the minimum and maximum of a number of random values
of the given function.
- findRemoteAttributes(List<Attribute>, HashMap<String, Settable>) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Find all remote attributes of the model and add them to the
- findResources() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
Find and return all named objects referenced by the resource parameter.
- findToplevelEffigy(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Find the effigy associated with the top level of the object, and if not
found but the top level has a ContainmentExtender attribute, use that
attribute to find the containment extender of the top level and continue
the search.
- findToplevelEffigy(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventUtils
- findTransitions(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
Find all Transitions of the given container, i.e., the
Transition set of the container, which is supposed to be a
- findUnitByComponentMapsAndUnitFactor(Map<DimensionRepresentativeConcept, Integer>, Map<DimensionRepresentativeConcept, List<UnitConcept>>, ScalarToken, Ontology) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedUnitConcept
Find the DerivedUnitConcept that contains the given dimension and
component unit maps and the given unit conversion factor, or null if the
unit doesn't exist in the ontology.
- finger1 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The finger1 input port.
- finger1 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
The finger1 output port.
- finger1Input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger1Input input port.
- finger1Output - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger1Output output port.
- finger2 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The finger2 input port.
- finger2 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
The finger2 output port.
- finger2Input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger2Input input port.
- finger2Output - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger2Input output port.
- finger3 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The finger3 input port.
- finger3 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
The finger3 output port.
- finger3Input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger3Input input port.
- finger3Output - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger3Output output port.
- finger4 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The finger4 input port.
- finger4 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
The finger4 output port.
- finger4Input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger4Input input port.
- finger4Output - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger4Output output port.
- finger5 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The finger5 input port.
- finger5 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
The finger5 output port.
- finger5Input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger5Input input port.
- finger5Output - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The finger5Outpu output port.
- finish() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Request that after the current iteration finishes postfire() returns
false, indicating to the environment that no more iterations should
be invoked.
- finish() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
If the state is not IDLE, set a flag to request that execution
stop and exit in a completely deterministic fashion at the end
of the next toplevel iteration.
- finish() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Request that the current iteration finishes and postfire() returns
false, indicating to the environment that no more iterations should
be invoked.
- FINISHED_ABRUPTLY - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
A process finished abruptly.
- FINISHED_PROPERLY - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
A process finished properly.
- FINISHED_WITH_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
A process finished with an exception.
- FiniteConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept in a finite ontology.
- FiniteConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FiniteConcept
Create a new concept with the specified name and the specified
- FIR - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor implements a type polymorphic finite-impulse response
filter with multirate capability.
- FIR(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- fire() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Send the input token to the client program and send the
output from the client program to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Read the input token, update the program name and program arguments,
start the program and wait unit it terminates.
- fire() - Method in class lbnl.lib.labview.LabVIEWSimulator
Send the input token to the client program and send the
output from the client program to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
Each tokens, received in the input port, are transmitted to the
for a publication to the HLA/CERTI Federation.
- fire() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Send each update value of the HLA attribute (mapped to this actor) as
token when its time.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Send first token in the queue to the target receiver.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Send first token in the queue to the target receiver.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordParser
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleGenerator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MidiKeyToNote
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteParser
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteToMidiKey
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.clustering.KMeans
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialClassifier
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianClassifier
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialClassifier
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Send first token in the queue to the target receiver.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareGenerator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEDiscriminant
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Override the base class to first set the value of the
parameter t to match current time, then to set
the local parameters that mirror input values,
and then to fire the contained actors.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Override the base class to first set the value of the
parameter t to match current time, then to set
the local parameters that mirror input values,
and then to fire the contained actors.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Override the base class to first set the value of the
parameter t to match current time, then to set
the local parameters that mirror input values,
and then to fire the contained actors.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Override the base class to first set the value of the
parameter t to match current time, then to set
the local parameters that mirror input values,
and then to fire the contained actors.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConvertParticlesToCovarianceMatrix
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.MutualInformationCalculator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Optimizer
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleMutualInformation
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer.OptimizerDirector
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient.OptimizerDirector
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscReceiver
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscSender
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HTMLModelExporter
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
If there is an input, then issue a request.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpGet
If there is an input, then post to the specified URL the
data on the input record, wait for a response, and output
the response on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPost
If there is an input, then post to the specified URL the
data on the input record, wait for a response, and output
the response on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPut
If there is an input, then post to the specified URL the
data on the input record, wait for a response, and output
the response on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.RecordToQueryString
If there is an input, then post to the specified URL the
data on the input record, wait for a response, and output
the response on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
Send the message from the websocket to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
Write a message to the websocket.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Return immediately.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSink
Publish the tokens on the input ports.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSource
Send the current value of the state of this actor to the output.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
If it is time to produce a quantized output, produce it.
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.CovarianceStatePredictor
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithAccControl
- fire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithControl
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Do nothing.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
If this actor is opaque, transfer any data from the input ports
of this composite to the ports connected on the inside, and then
invoke the fire() method of its local director.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
Transfer the input tokens to the remote actor, fire the remote
actor, transfer the output tokens, and broadcast them.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullConsumer
Set the request data flag to be true at each firing.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullSupplier
Read one input token, if there is one, from the input
and notify the thread that is pulling for data.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushConsumer
Read the received data if there is any and send to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushSupplier
Read one input token, if there is one, from the input
and send it to the remote consumer by call the stub method.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskCoordinator
Read one input token, if there is one, from the input
and send it to the remote TaskReceiver by call the stub method.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReceiver
Read the received data if there is any and send to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReporter
send data to the remote coordinator.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- fire() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Iterate all the deeply contained actors of the
container of this director exactly once.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
- fire() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
Fire the actor.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Clone
Process this event and clone the model in the model parameter.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Execute
Process this event and execute the model in the model parameter to
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InitModel
Process this event and set the model parameter to contain an empty
model, if it has not been set yet.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InputModel
Process this event and read the model from the modelInput port, if any.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.OutputModel
Process this event and output the model in the model parameter to the
modelOutput port.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ReadModel
Process this event and read the model in file into the model parameter.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
Process this event and show the model in the model parameter in the
designated tableau.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Process this event and transform (or pattern-match) the model in the
model parameter depending on the transformation model
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
Process this event and show the model in the model parameter in the
designated tableau.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.WriteModel
Process this event and stores the model in the model parameter into the
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelCombine
Read all available input tokens as models, and combine those models into
a larger model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelExecutor
Read the input token as a model, and execute it to completion.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelGenerator
Read the input at the input ports.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
Read the input, if there is any, and issue a change
request to apply the MoML in the input to the displayed model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.MoMLGenerator
Read the model presented at the input port, and output its moml to the
output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue
Compute the absolute value of the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Consume at most one token from each channel of the input
port, add it to the running sum, and produce the result at the
output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
If there is at least one token on the input ports, add
tokens from the plus port, subtract tokens from the
minus port, and send the result to the
output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAccumulate
Consume at most one ArrayToken from the input, append it
to the accumulating token, and produce the accumulated result
on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAppend
Consume at most one ArrayToken from each channel of the input port
and produce a single ArrayToken on the output
port that contains all of the tokens contained in all of the
arrays read from the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAverage
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
the average of its elements on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayContains
If there is an array input, then check to see whether it
contains the element given by the element port-parameter,
and output true or false accordingly.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayElement
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
one of its elements on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayElementAsMatrix
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
one of its elements on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayExtract
Consume one array from the input port and send a subarray to
the output port, padding the subarray with zeros if necessary.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLength
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
its length on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLevelCrossing
Consume at most one array from the input ports and produce
the index of the first bin that breaks the threshold.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayMaximum
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
the maximum of its elements on the output port and the index
of that element on the index port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayMinimum
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
the minimum of its elements on the output port and the index
of that element on the index port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
two arrays containing the indices and values of the identified
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayRemoveElement
If there is an array input, consume it and create a new
array that contains all elements of the input that are not equal
to the value given by the element port-parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArraySort
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
a sorted array on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArraySum
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
the average of its elements on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToElements
If there is a token at the input, read the ArrayToken
from the input port, and for each channel i of
the output port, send the i-th element of this
array to this channel.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToMatrix
If there is a token at the input, read the array
from the input port, and construct and send to the
output a matrix containing the values from the array.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayUpdate
Consume one array from the input port and send a subarray to
the output port, padding the subarray with zeros if necessary.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Perform rescheduling if necessary.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBusPriority
Take the input (if there is such one) and put it in the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationResponsePort
Store all available input tokens.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Override the fire and change the transferring tokens
from and to input/output placeholders.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Assert
Override the base class to check the result of the evaluation
of the expression.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
Consume at most one token from the input
and compute the average of the input tokens so far.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Bernoulli
Send a random boolean to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanMultiplexor
Read all inputs that are known, and if the select input
is true, then output the token consumed from the
trueInput port, otherwise output the token from the
falseInput port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Read a token from the control port or from the input designated
by the previously read input from the control port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Read a token from each input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BusAssembler
Iterate through input ports and transfer data sequentially from
input channels to output channels, maintaining input to output
channel mapping.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BusDisassembler
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ClassWrapper
Read at most one token from each input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Output the current value of the clock if the time is right
and, if connected, a trigger has been received.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBeta
Send a random number with a Beta distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
Send a random number with a Binomial distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
Send the trial distributions to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBreitWigner
Send a random number with a BreitWigner distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtChiSquare
Send a random number with a ChiSquare distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponential
Send a random number with a Exponential distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponentialPower
Send a random number with a ExponentialPower distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtGamma
Send a random number with a Gamma distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtHyperGeometric
Send a random number with a HyperGeometric distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtLogarithmic
Send a random number with a Logarithmic distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNegativeBinomial
Send a random number with a NegativeBinomial distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNormal
Send a random number with a Normal distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
Send a random number with a Poisson distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoissonSlow
Send a random number with a PoissonSlow distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtStudentT
Send a random number with a StudentT distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtVonMises
Send a random number with a VonMises distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtZeta
Send a random number with a Zeta distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ConvolutionalCoder
Read uncodedRate bits from the input port and shift
them into the shift register.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.DeScrambler
Read bit from the input port and fill it into the shift register
to descramble.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HadamardCode
Read from the associated index port if there is any input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HammingCoder
If the attributes has changed, check the validity of
uncodedRate and codedRate.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HammingDecoder
If the attributes has changed, check the validity of
uncodedRate and codedRate.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
Generate the Huffman codebook for the given pmf, and
encode the input into booleans and send them to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanCoder
Generate the Huffman codebook for the given pmf, and
encode the input into booleans and send them to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanDecoder
Generate the Huffman codebook for the given pmf, and
encode the input into booleans and send them to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.LempelZivCoder
Encode the input into Lempel-Ziv code while generating the
code book.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.LempelZivDecoder
Decode the Lempel-Ziv code while generating the decode book.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Scrambler
Read a bit from the input port and shift it into the shift register
to scramble.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Slicer
Consume the inputs and produce the corresponding symbol.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
Read n inputs and produce k outputs, where n
is the number of integers in polynomialArray and k
is the value of the uncodedRate parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Read blockSize tokens from each input channel and send them
to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
Read at most one input token from each input channel
and update the histogram.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
Read a token from each input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
Read a token from each input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Const
Send the token in the value parameter to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.AnythingToDouble
Read exactly one token from the input and output the token
if it is double or a NaN token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.BooleanToAnything
Read exactly one token from the input and output the token
given by either the falseValue or trueValue
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.CartesianToComplex
Consume exactly one token from each input port and output the
converted complex token on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.CartesianToPolar
Consume one double token from each of the two input ports (x and y),
and output one new double token on each of the two output ports
(magnitude and angle).
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian
Consume a complex token from the input port and output a new double
token on each of the two output ports (the real and imaginary parts
of the input complex token).
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToPolar
Consume one complex token on the input port and output a new double
token on each of the two output ports (magnitude and angle).
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DateToString
Consume one StringToken on the input port and output a new
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DoubleToFix
Read at most one token from the input and output the converted
fixed-point value with the precision given by the
precision parameter, overflow strategy given by the
overflow parameter, and rounding strategy given by the
rounding parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ExpressionToToken
Output a token that results from evaluating the expression given
by the input string token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToDouble
Read one FixToken from the input and output the converted
DoubleToken to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToFix
Read at most one token from the input and convert it to a fixed-point
value with the precision given by the precision parameter,
overflow strategy given by the overflow parameter,
and rounding strategy given by the rounding parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ImageToString
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.IntArrayToString
Consume one array token of integer tokens on the input port
and output a new string token on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.InUnitsOf
Convert the input to the units specified by the units
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.JSONToToken
Read a JSON-formatted String of name/value pairs from the input
and produce a corresponding array or record on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.TokenToJSON
Read a Token from the input and produce a corresponding JSON-formatted
string on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.LongToDate
Consume one StringToken on the input port and output a new
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.LongToDouble
Read exactly one token from the input and output the converted
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToCartesian
Consume a double token from each of the two input ports (magnitude
and angle) and output a double token on each of the two output ports
(x and y).
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToComplex
Consume a double token from each input port (magnitude and angle)
and output a new complex token on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
This computes the specified rounded value of the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.SmoothToDouble
Read exactly one token from the input and output the token
the double value of the token if the token is a SmoothToken.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToBoolean
Consume one token, get the string value and convert it to a
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToDate
Consume one StringToken on the input port and output a new
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToDouble
Consume one StringToken on the input port and output a new
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToInt
Consume one StringToken and generate an IntToken.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToIntArray
Consume one string token on the input port and output a new array
token of integer tokens on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToUnsignedByteArray
Consume one string token on the input port and output a new array
token of integer tokens on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToXML
Output the XMLToken constructed from the input string.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression
Output a string token whose value is an expression representing
the value of the input token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.UnsignedByteArrayToString
Consume one array token of integer tokens on the input port
and output a new string token on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
Consume at most one token from each input and update the
counter appropriately.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentDate
Send the current time to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentMicrostep
Send the simulated physical time to the output, which is the
currentTime of the enclosing DE director.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentTime
Send the current time to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsRecorder
Read the input and update the display.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseInsert
Update the table to contain all the rows in input array of records.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseQuery
Perform the query on the database and produce the result
on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseSelect
Perform the query on the database and produce the result
on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.SQLStatement
Perform the query on the database and produce the result
on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
Construct a date token with all tokens present.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Output all elements of a date if input has a date token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Read a token from the input and convert its value into a
decibel representation.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Default
If the preferred input is known and present, then its token is
sent to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
If there is a writeKey input, then update the dictionary;
specifically, if there is also a value input, then insert into
the dictionary the key-value pair given by these two inputs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Consume at most one token from the input port and output
its value minus the value of the input read in the previous
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Read one token from each input channel and discard it.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Output the current value of the clock if the clock is currently
enabled and, if the trigger input is connected, a trigger has been
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteRandomSource
Output the token selected in the prefire() method.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Read at most N tokens from the input port, where N
is the width of the output port times the blockSize parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DoubleReader
Output the data read in the prefire.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ElementsToArray
Consume one token from each channel of the input port,
assemble those tokens into an ArrayToken, and send the
result to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.excel.Excel
Read the contents of the array and then call JNI function.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
Invoke a subprocess, read the input data (if any) and
wait for the subprocess to terminate before sending any output
or error data to the appropriate ports.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExecutionTime
Read the input token, consume time, the produce on the
output the actual execution time used.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exit
Consume and discard at most one token from each input channel.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Evaluate the expression and send its result to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Invoke fmiDoStep() of the slave FMU, if necessary to catch up to current
time, and then set the (known) inputs of the FMU and retrieve and send
out any outputs for which all inputs on which the output depends are
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Invoke set() and get() on the FMU for the currently known inputs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Override the FMUImport base class to produce outputs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Send a random number with a Gaussian distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
Send the current value of the state of this actor to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GetCausalityInterface
Read the causality interface from the container and produce a
description of it as an output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeyProbe
Broadcast the integer value 1 for each key pressed and 0 for
each released.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
Broadcast the integer value 1 for each key pressed and 0 for
each released.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ConstPlaceable
Send the token in the value parameter to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.EventButton
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Read and display any input, then if a new command is available,
display it and produce it on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Read and display the input, then
wait for user input and produce the user data on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
Produce one data sample from the sketched signal on the output
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Output the value of the slider recorded when prefire() is last called.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Execute the filter model on each input array element until it gets
as many elements as specified by the maxOutputLength parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunction
If the function is not specified, then perform identity function;
otherwise, apply the specified function to its input and output
the result.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunctionOverSequence
Consume the inputs, apply the function, and produce the result.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
Override the base class to not read inputs, since this has been
done in prefire().
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Fire the current refinement.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CatchUpComposite
Fire any piggybacked actors and then delegate the firing to the director.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteCompositeActor
Run a complete execution of the contained model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileFunction
If the function is not specified, then perform identity function;
otherwise, apply the specified function to its input and output
the result.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
Save the model here if there is a new model to apply. and then call
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Run a complete execution of the referenced model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Run a complete execution of the contained model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
If at least one input token is available, consume a single
input token, apply the filter to that input token, and
compute a single output token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageReader
Output the data read in the prefire.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageRotate
Read one java.awt.Image from each channel and rotate each Image
the number of degrees indicated by the rotationInDegrees parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageToString
Read one java.awt.Image from each channel and write
information about each image to the output port as a
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.PGMReader
Output the data read in the prefire.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.URLToImage
Read on StringToken from the input, and output an ObjectToken
that contains a java.awt.Image object to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Output the value at the current iteration count.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
If input data is available at the serial port, read it and
produce it as a byte array at the output port of this actor;
if a token is available at the input port of this actor,
consume it and send the bytes contained by this token to the
serial port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVReader
Output the data read in the preinitialize() or in the previous
invocation of postfire(), if there is any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
Output an array containing file and/or directory names.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.ExpressionReader
Output the data read in the preinitialize() or postfire() if
there is any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.FileReader
Output the data read from the file or URL as a string.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
Output the data read in the preinitialize() or in the previous
invocation of postfire(), if there is any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.TokenReader
Not implemented entirely yet.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.AdaptiveMedian
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.DoubleMatrixToJAI
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.ImageToJAI
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIAffineTransform
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBandCombine
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBandSelect
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBorder
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBoxFilter
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIConstant
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIConvolve
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAICrop
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIDataConvert
Output the JAIImageToken containing the new converted data.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIDCT
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIDFT
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIEdgeDetection
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIIDCT
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIIDFT
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageReader
Output a JAIImageToken containing the image.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIInvert
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAILog
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIMagnitude
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIMedianFilter
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPeriodicShift
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPhase
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPolarToComplex
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIRotate
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIScale
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIToDoubleMatrix
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITranslate
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITranspose
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.SaltAndPepper
Read in a matrix of doubles, randomly change some matrix
elements to either 0.0 or 255.0 and send the results to the
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReadBuffer
Read the buffer address from the input port and output
the corresponding audio sample, if there is a token
available on the input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
If there is a token available on the data and
address ports, then the data DoubleToken is written
to the buffer location specified by the address IntToken.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
Produce any pending outputs indicating that the clip has started or stopped,
then if the stop input has a token, stop all clips that may be playing,
then if the trigger input has a token, start a new instance of the clip
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Produce any pending outputs specified by send() since the last firing,
invoke any timer tasks that match the current time, and invoke the
fire function.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Produce any pending outputs specified by send() since the last firing,
invoke any timer tasks that match the current time, and invoke the
fire function.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ColorFinder
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ImageToJMF
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
Send a JMFImageToken out through the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.PlaySound
Play the audio file.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera
Capture a frame and send a java.awt.Image object
to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopReadPort
Read the input port on the first invocation of fire() in the
current iteration and send the value on each fire().
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopSerialRead
Read the input port on the first invocation of fire() in the
current iteration and send the value on each fire().
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopSerialWrite
If there is at least one token on the input ports, toggle
or set the watch dog LED.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWatchDog
If there is at least one token on the input ports, toggle
or set the watch dog LED.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWritePort
If there is at least one token on the input ports save it for
output in postfire().
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.joystick.Joystick
Get the current location values from the joystick
and generate a DoubleMatrixToken on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Consume one input token, if there is one, and produce one output
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LevinsonDurbin
Consume the autocorrelation input, and calculate the predictor
coefficients, reflection coefficients, and prediction error power.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Limiter
Compute the output and send it to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
Consume the input token, compute the system response, and
produce outputs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
Consume exactly one input token from each input port,
and compute the specified comparison.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Equals
Consume at most one token from each input channel, and output
the result of comparing these tokens using the isEqualTo() method
of the Token class.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.IsPresent
Consume at most one token from each input channel, and output
a boolean on the corresponding output channel (if there is one).
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicalNot
Consume exactly one token from the input, negate it, and send
it to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
Consume at most one input token from each input channel,
and produce a token on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicGate
Consume at most one input token from each input channel,
and produce a token on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.TrueGate
Consume at most one token from each input channel, and output
a boolean on the corresponding output channel (if there is one).
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LookupTable
Consume at most one token from the input port and produce
the element at the index specified by this token from the
table array on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MathFunction
Consume at most one input token from each input channel, and
compute the specified math function of the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MatrixToArray
If there is a token at the input, read the array
from the input port, and construct and send to the
output a matrix containing the values from the array.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum
Read at most one token from each input channel and broadcast the one
with the largest value to the maximumValueoutput.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MaxIndex
Read at most one token from each channel of the input port
and produce the channel number of the largest one.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MicrostepDelay
Read one token from the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
Read at most one token from each input channel and send the one
with the least value to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ModifyDate
Compute the absolute value of the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Consume the inputs and produce the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingMaximum
Consume a token at the input port, and produce the greater of that value
and the maintained maximum value to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Read a token from the select port and from each channel
of the input port, and output a token on the selected
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
If there is at least one token on the input ports, multiply
tokens from the multiply port, divide by tokens from
the divide port, and send the result to the output
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Broadcast a received datagram, or block awaiting one, or
broadcast default values.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
Does up to three things, in this order: Set new remote address value,
Set new remote socket number, transmit data as a UDP packet over the
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Call super.fire() and set _firedOnce to true.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Read one token from the port that did not provide the recorded
token (or inputA, on the first firing), and output the
smaller of the recorded token or the newly read token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedRecordAssembler
Read one token from each input port, assemble them into a RecordToken,
and send the RecordToken to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PhaseUnwrap
Consume at most one input token and output a value that
represents the same angle, but differs from the previous output
(or from 0.0, if this is the first output), by less than 2*PI.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Output the current value.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Read at most one input token from each
input channel and send it to the subscribers,
if any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Read at most one input token from each
input channel and send it to the subscribers,
if any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherTest
Read at most one input token from each
input channel and send it to the subscribers,
if any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Output a value if the count of iterations matches one of the entries
in the indexes array.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Invoke the fire() method if defined in the script.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Quantizer
Output the quantization of the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Send the current value of the state of this actor to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomInteger
Send a random integer to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Generate a new random number if this is the first firing
of the iteration.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Reader
Output the data read in the prefire.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Read one token from each input port, assemble them into a RecordToken,
and send the RecordToken to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler
Read one RecordToken from the input port and send its fields
to the output ports.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordUpdater
Read one token from each input port, assemble them into a
RecordToken that contains the union of the original input record
and each of the update ports.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Consume one input token, if there is one, and produce one output
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Remainder
Consume at most one input token and output the remainder after
dividing the input by the divisor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RemoveNilTokens
Read tokens from the input and output all non-nil (non-missing)
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ResettableTimer
If an output is scheduled to be produced, then produce it.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Rician
Send a random number with a Rician distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMaximum
Consume a token at the input port, and produce the greater of that value
and the maintained maximum value to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMinimum
Consume a token at the input port, and produce the greater of that value
and the maintained minimum value to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sampler
Generate an output if the current time is one of the sampling
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Compute the product of the input and the factor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
Update _cipher if an attribute has changed and then invoke
super.fire() to transform the input data.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyReader
Output the java.security.Key that was read in.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
Load the keystore for use by derived classes.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
Send the key that was generated in initialize() on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
Update _signature if an attribute has changed and then invoke
super.fire() to transform the input data.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureSigner
Create a signature for the input data and send the signature
to the signature port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureVerifier
Read in the publicKey, input and signature tokens, verify
the signature and write the input data on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
If there is a token on the input port, this method takes the
data from the input and encrypts the data based on the
algorithm, provider, mode and padding
using the key read in from the key port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricDecryption
Read the input and key, and send the decrypted data
to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricEncryption
If there is a token on the input port, this method takes the
data from the input and encrypts the data based on the
algorithm, provider, mode and padding
using the key read in from the key port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Read an input token from the specified input channel and produce
it on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
If the enable input is connected, then if it has a true
token, produce the next output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Read a token from the sequenceNumber port and from
the input port, and output the next token(s) in the
sequence, or none if the next token in the sequence has not
yet been seen.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Output the current value of the clock.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Read at most one token from the input port and issue a change
request to update variables as indicated by the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent
If the current time matches the value of the time parameter,
then produce an output token with value given by the value
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleTokenCommutator
Read at most one token from the current input channel and write that
token to the output channel.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sleep
Read input tokens, call Thread.sleep(), and then
transfer tokens from inputs to outputs, at most one token from each
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Source
Read at most one input token from each channel of the trigger
input and discard it.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
Consume exactly one input token from each input port, and compute the
specified string function of the input taking into account the
ignoreCase parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringFunction
Perform the desired function on the input string, and send the
the resulting string to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringIndexOf
Perform the specified search and output either -1 (the string is not
found) or the index of the string that is found.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringLength
If there is an input string, find its length and produce the
length at the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringMatches
Pattern match a regular expression against a supplied
matchString and output a true if they match and a false
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
Perform pattern matching and substring replacement, and output
the modified string.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSimpleReplace
Perform pattern matching and substring replacement, and output
the modified string.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSplit
Split the input string and send to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSubstring
If there is an input string, find a substring according to the indices
given by the port parameters start and stop
and produce the substring at the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubMatrix
Consume the input matrix and produce the output matrix.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Read at most one input token from each input
channel and send it to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubscriptionAggregator
Read at most one input token from each input
channel, aggregate them, and send the result to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Switch
Read a control token, if there is one, and transfer an input
token, if there is one, to the output channel specified by
the most recent control token, if it is in range.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Synchronizer
Consume exactly one token from each input channel and output
the tokens on the corresponding output channels.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Read one token from each input channel and compare against
the value specified in correctValues.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowException
Read one token from each input channel that has a token,
and if any token is true, invoke the model error handler.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowModelError
Read one token from each input channel that has a token,
and if any token is true, invoke the model error handler.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Send out a token that is scheduled
to be produced at the current time, if any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TopLevelCurrentTime
Send the model time of the top level to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Triangular
Send a random number with a triangular distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Compute the specified trigonometric function of the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnaryMathFunction
Consume at most one input token from each input channel, and
compute the specified math function of the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Uniform
Send a random number with a uniform distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionDisassembler
Read one UnionToken from the input port and send its fields
to the output ports.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionMerge
Read all available tokens from each input port, wrap each of them into
a UnionToken of which the label matches the name of the originating
input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLDirectoryReader
Output the data read in the prefire.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VariableClock
If there is an input on the periodControl port, read it
and set the value of the period parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VariableSleep
Call Thread.sleep() the first time fire is called and then
transfer tokens from inputs to outputs, one token from each
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VectorAssembler
Read one token from each channel of the input port,
assemble those tokens into a DoubleMatrixToken, and send the
result to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VectorDisassembler
If there is a token at the input, read one column or row vector
(i.e. a DoubleMatrixToken with one column or row) from the
input port, and for each channel i of the output port,
send send the ith element of this column or row vector to this
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.AddSubtract
Output the fixpoint value of the sum of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Concat
Output the fixpoint value of the concatenation of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixComparator
Output the fixpoint value of the sum of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixConst
Send the token in the value parameter to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixCounter
Consume at most one token from each input and update the
counter appropriately.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
If the enable input is connected, then if it has a true
token, produce the next output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixToString
output a consecutive subset of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.IntegerCounter
Consume at most one token from each input and update the
counter appropriately.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.LogicalNot
Output the fixpoint value of the sum of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.LogicFunction
Output the fixpoint value of the sum of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Memory
Output the fixpoint value of the concatenation of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplexor
output a consecutive subset of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplier
Output the fixpoint value of the sum of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Register
If there is a token in the trigger port, emit the previously
seen inputs from the input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.RegisterSR
If the input known and there is a token on the input port,
consume the token from the input port, and store it for output
on the next iteration.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.ROM
Output the fixpoint value of the concatenation of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Slice
Output a consecutive subset of the input bits.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT2x2dc
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT4x4dc
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT8x8
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT4x4dc
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT8x8
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.SumofAbsoluteDifferences
If there is at least one token on the input ports, add
tokens from the plus port, subtract tokens from the
minus port, and send the result to the
output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.WallClockTime
Output the elapsed time in seconds since the invocation
of the initialize() method.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt.XMLInclusion
Read multiple arrays of XMLTokens from the input and combine
them according to the specified template.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt.XSLTransformer
Consume an XMLToken from the input and apply the XSL transform
specified by the styleSheetFile parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Do nothing.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Wait until a deadlock is detected.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
Output the data read in the preinitialize() or in the previous
invocation of postfire(), if there is any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapWorker
Read in a token on the inputKey and inputValue
ports and output pairs of tokens on the outputKey, outputValue
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
Read in a token on the inputKey and inputValue
ports and output pairs of tokens on the outputKey, outputValue
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
Output the data read in the preinitialize() or in the previous
invocation of postfire(), if there is any.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.StringToKeyValue
Read exactly one token from the input and output an array
version of the token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Prefire and fire actors in the order given by the scheduler
until the iteration converges.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Calculate the current schedule, if necessary, and iterate the
contained actors in the order given by the schedule.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Consume at most one token from each channel of the input
port, add it to the running sum, and produce the result at the
output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
Consume at most one array from the input port and produce
two arrays containing the indices and values of the identified
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
Consume at most one token from the input
and compute the average of the input tokens so far.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Read a token from the control port or from the input designated
by the previously read input from the control port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Read a token from each input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Read blockSize tokens from each input channel and send them
to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
Read at most one input token from each input channel
and update the histogram.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
Consume at most one token from each input and update the
counter appropriately.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Read a token from the input and convert its value into a
decibel representation.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Consume at most one token from the input port and output
its value minus the value of the input read in the previous
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Read at most N tokens from the input port, where N
is the width of the output port times the blockSize parameter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DoubleReader
Output the data read in the prefire.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Send a random number with a Gaussian distribution to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
If at least one input token is available, consume a single
input token, apply the filter to that input token, and
compute a single output token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Output the value at the current iteration count.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
Consume the input token, compute the system response, and
produce outputs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Read a token from the select port and from each channel
of the input port, and output a token on the selected
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Read one token from the port that did not provide the recorded
token (or inputA, on the first firing), and output the
smaller of the recorded token or the newly read token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PhaseUnwrap
Consume at most one input token and output a value that
represents the same angle, but differs from the previous output
(or from 0.0, if this is the first output), by less than 2*PI.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Output the current value.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Output a value if the count of iterations matches one of the entries
in the indexes array.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Send the current value of the state of this actor to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Generate a new random number if this is the first firing
of the iteration.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Consume one input token, if there is one, and produce one output
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Read an input token from the specified input channel and produce
it on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
If the enable input is connected, then if it has a true
token, produce the next output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Read a token from the sequenceNumber port and from
the input port, and output the next token(s) in the
sequence, or none if the next token in the sequence has not
yet been seen.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Output the current value of the clock.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Switch
Read a control token, if there is one, and transfer an input
token, if there is one, to the output channel specified by
the most recent control token, if it is in range.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
Consume tokens from the input and produce a token on the output
that contains an array token that represents an autocorrelation
estimate of the consumed tokens.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Chop
Consume the specified number of input tokens, and produce
the specified number of output tokens.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Consume a token from the input, push it onto the delay line
and produce the output ArrayToken containing the current state of
the delay line.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the IFFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.manual.ptolemy.actor.lib.Backtrack
Create checkpoint and record the given checkpoint handle if required.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
Executes the selected action on the first
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
If executeEmbeddedCode is true, then execute the fire() method
of the generated code.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
If this actor is opaque, transfer any data from the input ports
of this composite to the ports connected on the inside, and then
invoke the fire() method of its local director.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
If this actor is opaque, transfer any data from the input ports
of this composite to the ports connected on the inside, and then
invoke the fire() method of its local director.
- FIRE - Static variable in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientThread
Fire command.
- fire() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Fire the distributed actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
Calculate the current schedule, if necessary, and iterate the
contained actors in the order given by the schedule.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Fire the wrapped actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Prefire and fire actors in the order given by the scheduler
until the iteration converges.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Airport
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.DestinationAirport
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.StormHandling
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
Iterate the relevant actors on the canvas for a single grid location.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Check whether there is an actor pushed or pulled by an active
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BackDropQueue
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BinarySwitch
Call Thread.sleep() the first time fire is called and then
transfer tokens from inputs to outputs, one token from each
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.FrontDropQueue
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.Queue
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Perform an integration step.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
If the value at the derivative port is known, and the
current step size is bigger than 0, perform an integration.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Fire the model model for one iteration.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.Noise
Produce a number that is linearly interpolated within the
current integration step, if linearlyInterpolate is true, or
the random number for the beginning of the integration
step otherwise.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.BandlimitedNoise
Produce a number that is linearly interpolated within the
current integration step, if linearlyInterpolate is true, or
the random number for the beginning of the integration
step otherwise.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousMerge
Read the input channels in order until either a present input
is found or we run out of channels.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Derivative
Produce outputs as specified in the class comment.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DifferentialSystem
Override the base class to first set the value of the
parameter t to match current time, then to set
the local parameters that mirror input values,
and then to fire the contained actors.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.EventSource
Emit the discrete event that happens at the current time.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Detect whether the current input compared to the input
on the last iteration indicates that a level crossing in the
appropriate direction has occurred, if the time is within
errorTolerance of the time at which the crossing occurs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
Generate an output if the current time is one of the sampling
times and the microstep matches.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ZeroOrderHold
Output the latest token consumed from the consumeCurrentEvents()
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AccumLUB
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Barrier
Perform a multiway rendezvous with all input channels, collect
one input token from each channel, and then perform a multiway
rendezvous with the output channels, providing that data.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Buffer
If the buffer is not full, then accept any input rendezvous;
if the buffer has tokens, then accept any output rendezvous.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPBuffer
Executes the code in this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSink
Execute this actor by consuming tokens through the input
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSource
Execute this actor by producing IntTokens on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSieve
Reads one Token from it's input port and writes this token to
it's output ports.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSink
Execute this actor by consuming ten tokens through the
input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSource
Execute this actor by producing IntTokens on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.ResourcePool
If there are available resources, then perform a conditional
branch on any release input or grant output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
Consume a single input token and produce an identical output
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.DDESink
Execute this actor by consuming a real token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.DoubleFork
Execute this actor by consuming a real input token and producing
an equivalent real token on output1.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.Wire
Execute this actor by consuming a token on the input and producing
an equivalent token the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Execute the model for one iteration.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.ActorRecursion
Clone the composite actor referred to by the StringParameter
recursionActor into itself.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Fire the actor once.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
Fire the actor once.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Fire actors according to events in the event queue.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEThreadActor
Awake the thread running this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Move tokens from the input queue to the switch fabric, move tokens
from the switch fabric queue to the output queues and send tokens from the
output queues to the target receivers.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Move tokens from the input queue to the switch fabric, move tokens
from the switch fabric queue to the output queues and send tokens from the
output queues to the target receivers.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Send first token in the queue to the target receiver.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.CrossbarSwitch
Move tokens from the input queue to the switch fabric, move tokens
from the switch fabric to the output queues and send tokens from the
output queues to the target receivers.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
If there is a time-triggered token scheduled to be sent then deliver this
token, otherwise send first token in the queue of event-triggered tokens.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.AverageOverTime
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.DateToEvent
Read date tokens from the input and store them until the real
time equals the date in the token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.DateToModelTime
Read DateToken on input and output corresponding model time value.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Derivative
Consume at most one token from the input port and output
its value minus the value of the input read in the previous
iteration, divided by the time gap between the two events.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventFilter
Consume at most one token from each channel of the
input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventToDate
Output a DateToken with a date that corresponds to the current model
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.GetCurrentMicrostep
Send the simulated physical time to the output, which is the
currentTime of the enclosing DE director.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Inhibit
Consume at most one token from each channel of the
input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Integrator
Consume at most one token from the input port and output
the average of it and the previous input (linear interpolation),
multiplied by the time gap between the two events.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
Read the first available tokens from an input channel and
send them to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Consume all the tokens in the input ports and record them.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.NonInterruptibleTimer
Read one token from the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Consume at most one token from the input port and output
the PID control.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
If there is a previous token, then produce it on the output,
and then read the input and record it for the next firing.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.QuantizedSampler
Produce an output equal to the input if the input has crossed
the quantum; otherwise, produce no output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
Put a new input token on the queue and/or produce output
data from the queue.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
If there is a token in the trigger port, emit the previously
seen inputs from the input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
If there is input, read it and put it in the queue.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.SharedQueue
If there is an input at the input port, consume it.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.SuppressSimultaneousEvents
Consume one token from the input port, and output if it is the first
token seen at this point in physical time.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TestActorPortDepth
Query the director for a description of the depths of its
actors and their ports, and produce that description on the
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare
Fire this actor once.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Read one token from the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
Beginning with the second input, produce an output that is
the elapsed time since the previous input is received.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
Read one token from the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
Update the delay parameter from the delay port and ensure the delay
is not negative.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.WaitingTime
If this firing is triggered by an event at waitee, then output
the waiting time for each prior event arrival at waiter
since the last arrival of waitee.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Wire
If there is a token in on any channel of the input port,
output the most recent value on all the output port
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Go through the schedule and iterate every actor with calls to
prefire() , fire() , and postfire().
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
Fire FMUs according to a given scheduler until the iteration
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Fire a complete iteration and advance time to the current time plus
the period value.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor
Initialize the scene graph if it is not yet initialized.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Override the super class method.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
Consume inputs from any input ports and apply transformation
according to the state of this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.KeyInput3D
If a key has been pressed, send the keycode to the keycode
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.KeyInput3DProbe
If a key has been pressed, send the keycode to the keycode
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MouseInput3D
If the mouse has moved, send the coordinates to the x
and y ports.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MovableViewScreen3D
Call the ViewScreen fire() method, and translate and rotate the
image if needed.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
Change the rotation angle depending on the value given in the
input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale3D
Check the input port for scaling input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
Check the input ports for translation inputs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Repaint the canvas.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Each iteration has two phases.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Before super.fire() is called, transfer all input events that
are ready are transferred.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Set the values of input variables.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Fire the modal model for one iteration.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Choose the enabled transition among the outgoing transitions of
the current state.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Fire the modal model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Fire the modal model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
Transform the input value from its original units measurement to the output
units measurement.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
Fire enabled components of the PetriNetActor by calling the
method _fireHierarchicalPetriNetOnce(), one at a time until
there is no more enabled components to fire.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.lib.Starver
Read at most one input token, and if the number of outputs
has not yet exceeded the value given by limit, then
produce that token on the output.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Process this event with the given arguments.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Fire the director and process the imminent events or the events that
react to inputs if inputs are available.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Configure
Process this event with the given arguments.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ListDirectory
Process this event with the given arguments.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Plot
Process this event with the given arguments.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
Process this event with the given arguments.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
Process this event.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
Process this event and set the state of the referred tableau.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Sleep
Process this event and delay the execution.
- fire(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Stop
Process this event and stop the execution.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Calculate the current schedule, if necessary, and iterate the
contained actors in the order given by the schedule.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAddHeaderActor
Read the contents of the array, add a header containing the
number of dimensions and the size of each dimension at the
beginning of the array.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesGenericActor
Read the contents of the array and then call JNI function.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesRemoveHeaderActor
Read the contents of the array, and extract the header containing
the number of dimensions and the size of each dimension
at the beginning of the array then send only the useful information.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Before super.fire() is called, transfer all input events that are ready are
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
Read one token from the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketReceiver
Decompose RecordToken into its components.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
Create a RecordToken with two labels: TCPlabel and tokens
tokens is a token array that contains the input tokens consumed
TCPlabel is the TCP Header structure containing the fields defined
in getTCPHeader()
Once the number of received tokens equals specified frame size,
an output packet is sent to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
Read one token from the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSCompositeActor
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
If the
parameter is true, process one event in
the TOSSIM event queue and run tasks in task queue.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaLeds
For each LED port, if it is connected and has a token, read
the token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
If it is time to produce a quantized output (there is a quantization event), produce it.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.Align
Consume and record all available inputs and produce the current
value on all output channels.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothSignal
Consume and record all available inputs and produce the current
value on all output channels.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
If an input is available and either it equals zero or it has crossed
zero from the most recently seen input, then output 0.0; otherwise, if
an input available and that input is a
with non-zero
derivatives, then predict the time at which a zero crossing will occur
and request a refiring at that time; Otherwise, if no input is available
and current time matches the time of a previous refiring request, then
produce the output 0.0.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Barrier
Perform a multiway rendezvous with all input channels, collect
one input token from each channel, and then perform a multiway
rendezvous with the output channels, providing that data.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Buffer
If it has not already been done, start a thread to read tokens from the
input port and store them in the buffer.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Merge
Perform a conditional rendezvous on any input channel,
and then take the resulting token and send it via rendezvous
on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
If the input width is greater than zero and it has not already
been done, start a thread to read a token from the
release input port and store it in the pool.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Call super.fire() and reset the _prefire flag.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.ArrayToSequence
Consume the input ArrayToken and produce the outputs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
Consume tokens from the input and produce a token on the output
that contains an array token that represents an autocorrelation
estimate of the consumed tokens.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.BitsToInt
Consume numberOfBits BooleanTokens on the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.BootstrapSampleDelay
During the first iteration, read exactly one input token, update
the initialOutputs for a future run and send the token to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Chop
Consume the specified number of input tokens, and produce
the specified number of output tokens.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.CountTrues
Read at most one token from each input channel and broadcast the one
with the largest value to the maximumValueoutput.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Consume a token from the input, push it onto the delay line
and produce the output ArrayToken containing the current state of
the delay line.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DotProduct
Read a Token from each of the input ports, and output the
dot product.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DoubleToMatrix
Consume consecutive input tokens and produce the output matrix.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample
Consume factor tokens from the input, and select one of
them to send to the output based on the phase.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FIR filter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the IFFT filter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IntToBits
Consume a single IntToken on the input.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LineCoder
Consume the inputs and produce the corresponding symbol.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
Consume the inputs, update the taps, and produce the outputs.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixJoin
Consume the inputs and produce the output matrix.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixSplit
Consume the input matrix and produce the output matrices.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToDouble
Consume a matrix input and produce consecutive output tokens.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToSequence
Consume the input and produce the output sequence.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Repeat
Consume blockSize input tokens from the input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Read exactly one input token and send it to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToArray
Consume the inputs and produce the output ArrayToken.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToMatrix
Consume the inputs and produce the output matrix.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.UpSample
Consume the input Token and produce the same token on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableFIR
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the FIR filter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableLattice
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the filter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableRecursiveLattice
Consume the inputs and produce the outputs of the filter.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.HTVQEncode
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageContrast
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImagePartition
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageSequence
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageUnpartition
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.PSNR
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.VQDecode
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Fire the source actor and output a frame.
- fire(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
adapt state 'state' according to a shared firing.
- fire(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Port
Fire the port by accounting the numbers of tokens.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimizingSDFDirector
Calculate the current schedule, if necessary, and iterate the
contained actors in the order given by the schedule.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Fire according to the value _nextIterationExclusive in shared or exclusive
firing mode.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Get a firingIterator for each process and execute the model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceDirector
Iterating an actor involves calling the actor's iterate() method,
which is equivalent to calling the actor's prefire(), fire() and
postfire() methods in succession.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThen
Read a token from the input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThenElse
Read a token from the input port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
Execute the SequencedIntegrator actor. call either the setState method,
the integrate method, or the currentState method depending on which
current fire method is set.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Fire the SequencedSharedMemoryActor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedVariable
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.space.Room
Read the occupants from the database and produce them on the output
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Absent
Output an absent value by calling the send(0, null) method of the
output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
Collect the integer tokens of all available inputs and combine them
using the combine function.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Current
If there is a token on the input port, consume exactly one token
from the input port, and output this token.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Output incrementing integers on the inputOutput.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictDelay
Send to the output the previous token received.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictLogicFunction
Consume at most one input token from each input channel,
and produce a token on the output port if it can be determined.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictLogicGate
Consume at most one input token from each input channel,
and produce a token on the output port if it can be determined.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictThreeBitAdder
Add the bits from the input port and output the high bit and low
bit if they can be determined.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Pre
If there is an input token, the produce the previously read
input token on the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.SingleTokenDistributor
Read at most one token from the input port, and write that token
to the current output channel.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Undefined
Do nothing.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.When
If the control input is present and true, then copy
the input to the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Start a new iteration (at a new time, presumably) and either
run the actors to completion in order of creation or
wait until a deadlock is detected, depending on activeObjects.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Start a new iteration (at a new time, presumably) and
wait until a deadlock is detected.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Start a new iteration (at a new time, presumably) and either
run the actors to completion in order of creation or
wait until a deadlock is detected, depending on activeObjects.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.ThreadDirector
Fire the actors in sequence.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.AddSubtractAll
If there is at least one token on the input ports, add
tokens from the plus port, subtract tokens from the
minus port, and send the result to the
output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Alloc
Allocate room for Tokens in a (shared) memory.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.ChangePtr
Read the PtrToken present on input and produce a new PtrToken
on output with address = address of the token present input
plus addressOffset and size = size of the token present at input
plus sizeOffset.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Load
Load tokens from a (shared) memory.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Store
Store tokens present in data to memory.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractSourceStation
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Select all actions that can be fired at the current model time.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Do nothing.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Execute the model for one iteration.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
If a new message is available at the inputs, record it in the
list indexed with the time that the message shall be completed,
and loop through the list to check whether there is collision.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.DelayChannel
If the current time matches one of the times that we have previously
recorded as the reception time for a transmission, then deliver
the token to the receiver.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GetProperties
Read the properties from the port connected to the trigger
port and produce them at the output.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GraphicalLocator
Generate an event on the output port that indicates the
current position and time of the last input on the input
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Locator
Generate an event on the output port that indicates the
current position and time of the last input on the input
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
Issue a change request to randomize the locations of the nodes.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.SetProperties
reads one token from the payload input port, and simply output
the token on the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Read at most one token from the input
port and simply transmit the data to the output port.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Triangulator
Read all available input tokens and attempt to use them to triangulate
the signal source.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WiredToWireless
Read at most one token from the payload and properties
ports and transmit the payload on the output port with the
specified properties.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WirelessToWired
Read at most one token from the input port and output the payload
on the payload port and the properties on the properties
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
Read a token from the row and column ports and illuminate that
led until the next fire.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
Read the input, if there is any, and issue a change
request to apply the MoML in the input to the displayed model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.VisualModelReference
Run a complete execution of the referenced model.
- fire() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.jsoup.HTMLPageAssembler
- fire() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
Fire this actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.BoundingBox
Read matrix token from the port containing four coordinates
and pass them to the video actor.
- fire() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.Video
Fire the actor.
- fire() - Method in interface ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoInterface
Callback for video.fire().
- fire() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoJavaSE
Callback for video.fire() - empty implementation.
- fire() - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySink
Read tokens from all ports, package them as one CommunicationToken and send
it via tokenPublisher.
- fire() - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySource
Unpackage the last CommunicationToken on the queue
and send tokens from it to the ports specified in the CommunicationToken.
- fireAndSanityCheck() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
The legacy firing behavior.
- fireAndSynchronize() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
The new firing behavior.
- fireAt(Actor, double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
- fireAt(Actor, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Request a firing of the given actor at the given model
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Request a firing of the given actor at the given model
time with the given microstep.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Schedule a firing of the given actor at the given time.
- fireAt(Actor, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.PeriodicDirectorHelper
Request a firing of the given actor at the given absolute
time, and return the time at which the specified will be
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Handle firing requests from the contained actors by registering
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Schedule an actor to be fired at the specified time.
- fireAt(Actor, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Schedule an actor to be fired at the specified time by posting
a pure event to the director, and return the time at which
the specified actor will be fired.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Request a firing of the given actor at the given model
time with the given microstep.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
Request a firing of the given actor at the given absolute
time, and return the time at which the specified will be
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Request a firing of the given actor at the given absolute
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Schedule a firing of the given actor at the given time.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Add a pure event to the queue of pure events.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Schedule a firing of the given actor at the given time
and microstep.
- fireAt(Actor, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Override the base class to ignore the fireAt() call if the specified
actor is the controller and the time is the current time.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Suspend the calling process until the time has advanced to at least the
time specified by the method argument.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Request a firing of the given actor at the given model
- fireAt(Event, Time, Token, List<NamedObj>, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Request to process an event at the given model time.
- fireAt(PteraDirector.TimedEvent, List<NamedObj>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Request to process an event at the given model time.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Add a pure event to the queue of pure events.
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Request a firing of the given actor at the given absolute
time, and return the time at which the specified will be
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Request a firing of the given actor at the given absolute
time, and return the time at which the specified will be
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Override the base class to make a local record of the requested
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Override the base class to make a local record of the requested
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Override the base class to make a local record of the requested
- fireAt(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Request an interrupt at the specified time.
- fireAtCurrentTime(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Request a firing of the given actor at the current model time or later.
- fireAtCurrentTime(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Fire the actor actor at the current model time or, if synchronizeToRealTime
is enabled and we are past the initialization phase of execution,
then fire the actor at the model time that corresponds to the current
real time.
- fireAtCurrentTime(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Override the base class to ignore the fireAt() call if the specified
actor is the controller.
- fireAtRelativeTime(Actor, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Schedule an actor to be fired in the specified time relative to
the current model time.
- fireAtStart - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
If true, then this actor will request a firing at the start time.
- fireAtStart - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
If true, then this actor will request a firing at the start time.
- firebaseOutputPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The output choices of the FireBase service.
- fireConnectorEvent(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcInteractor
Fire a connector event to all connector listeners.
- fireConnectorEvent(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Fire a connector event to all connector listeners.
- fireContainedActors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RealTimeComposite
Invoke iterations on the contained actor of the
container of this director repeatedly until either it runs out
of input data or prefire() returns false.
- fireContainerAt(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Request a firing of the container of this director at the specified time
and throw an exception if the executive director does not agree to
do it at the requested time.
- fireContainerAt(Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Request a firing of the container of this director at the specified time,
adjusted by the current offset and drift of the local clock,
and the specified microstep.
- fireExclusive - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.BufferingProfileFiring
Indicates whether this firing is to be performed exclusively (true)
or shared (false).
- fireExclusive(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
adapt state 'state' according to an exclusive firing.
- fireInternalAction(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Fire an action event
- fireLayerEvent(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Fire a layer event.
- FireMachine - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
FireMachine is an abstract wrapper for Ptolemy actors to adapt to MetroII
- FireMachine(Actor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.FireMachine
Constructs an FireMachine wrapper and initialize the MetroII events.
- FireMachine.State - Enum in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
Predefined states for the wrapped actor.
- fireModelConnectionExpired() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Notify the model listeners about the model connection expiration.
- fireModelException(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Notify all model listeners that the simulation has experienced an exception.
- fireOnlyWhenTriggered - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CatchUpComposite.Contents
If false (the default), then whenever any contained actor
makes a fireAt() request, that request is passed up to the container,
and hence this composite will be fired at the requested time.
- fireSchedule(SequenceSchedule) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Fire the given SequenceSchedule.
- fireServerEvent(RemoteEventToken) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Notify all model listeners that a server event has occurred.
- fiResults - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- fireTransition(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
Fire an enabled Transition.
- fireUnexecutedActors - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
If true, fire any unexecuted actors that were not fired during
the sequence schedule.
- Firing - Class in ptolemy.actor.sched
This class is a schedule element that contains a reference to an
actor and an iteration count.
- Firing() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.Firing
Construct a firing with a default iteration count equal to one
and with no parent schedule.
- Firing(Actor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.Firing
Construct a firing with a actor, an iteration count equal to one
and no parent schedule.
- Firing(Actor, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing
- Firing - Class in ptolemy.graph.sched
This class is a ScheduleElement that contains a reference to a
firing element.
- Firing() - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Construct a firing with a default iteration count equal to one
and with no parent schedule.
- Firing(Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Construct a firing with a firingElement, an iteration count equal to one
and no parent schedule.
- Firing(Class) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Construct a firing with a given firing element type, an iteration
count equal to one and no parent schedule.
- firingActor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
The actor that was fired to reach this state.
- FiringCluster() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.FiringCluster
- firingCountLimit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteCompositeActor
Indicator to run the contained model a limited number of times.
- firingCountLimit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Indicator to run the contained model a limited number of times.
- firingCountLimit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LimitedFiringSource
If a positive integer, then the number of iterations before the
actor indicates to the scheduler that it is finished by returning
false in its postfire() method.
- firingElementClass() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the class type of the firing element in this class.
- firingElementIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Return the firing element invocation sequence of the schedule in the
form of a sequence of firing elements.
- firingElementIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Return the firing element invocation sequence of the schedule in the
form of a sequence of firing elements.
- firingElementIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the firing element invocation sequence of the schedule in the
form of a sequence of firing elements.
- firingEvent(FiringEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ActorFiringListener
Report an actor firing state.
- FiringEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor
An event that is published by directors whenever an actor is activated.
- FiringEvent(Director, Actor, FiringEvent.FiringEventType) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
Create a new firing event with the given source, actor, and type.
- FiringEvent(Director, Actor, FiringEvent.FiringEventType, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
Create a new firing event with the given source, actor, type,
and multiplicity.
- FiringEvent.FiringEventType - Class in ptolemy.actor
A type of firing event that can be published.
- firingExclusive - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
true if the firing to reach the state was exclusive.
- firingFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing
- FiringFunction(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunction
Create a firing function.
- FiringFunctionPort(String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunctionPort
Create a firing function port.
- firingIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing
- firingIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunction
The firing index.
- firingIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Firing
Return the actor invocation sequence in the form
of a sequence of firings.
- firingIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Return the actor invocation sequence of this schedule in the form
of a sequence of firings.
- firingIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the actor invocation sequence in the form
of a sequence of firings.
- firingIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceSchedule
Return the actor invocation sequence of this schedule in the form
of a sequence of firings.
- firingIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Return the firing element invocation sequence in the form
of a sequence of firings.
- firingIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Return the Firing invocation sequence of this schedule in the form
of a sequence of firings.
- firingIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the firing invocation sequence in the form
of a sequence of firings.
- firings() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile
Return the list of firings in the graph.
- firings(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Get firings for the firing element.
- FiringsRecordable - Interface in ptolemy.actor
Interface for entities that can report FiringEvents.
- first - Variable in exception diva.util.jester.TestFailedException
One of the objects involved in the failed test.
- first() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return the first element, ie. the smallest element.
- first - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser.JJCalls
- first() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.StatePair
Return the first state in this pair.
- first() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList
Return the first container linked to this list, or
null if the list is empty.
- first() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Get the first element.
- first - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser.JJCalls
- firstFire - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Flag that is true during the first firing of this actor/.
- firstMask - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIEdgeDetection
The following two parameters are used to specify the masks used
for edge detection.
- firstMatch(Iterator, Filter) - Static method in class diva.util.IteratorUtilities
Return the first element in an iterator that
matches the given filter, or null if there isn't one.
- firstNameLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- firstNameText - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- firstNotMatch(Iterator, Filter) - Static method in class diva.util.IteratorUtilities
Return the first element in an iterator that
doesn't match the given filter, or null if there isn't one.
- firstOperand - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MathFunction
The port for the first operand.
- firstString - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
The input PortParameter for the first string of type string.
- firstTab - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.ExamplePanel
- fitLine(ArrayList<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Fit y = Mx + b using weighted least-squares regression.
- fitPlaneNormal(ArrayList<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Find the best plane fit to a set of points using SVD.
- Fitter() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- fix(int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FixPointFunctions
Create a FixPoint representing the specified integer.
- fix(double, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FixPointFunctions
Create a FixPoint representing the specified double.
- FIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
An alias for the unsized fix data type, provided for backward
compatibility with the previous versions of Ptolemy.
- FIX_MATRIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The fix matrix data type.
- FixComparator - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the sum of all the inputs at the plus port minus the inputs at the
minus port.
- FixComparator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixComparator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FixConst - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce a fix point constant output.
- FixConst(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixConst
Construct a constant source with the given container and name.
- FixCounter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
A class for a fixpoint value counter.
- FixCounter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixCounter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- fixed - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIType
True if the value is fixed.
- FixedNormalSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A site decorator that disallows changing the normal.
- FixedNormalSite(Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.FixedNormalSite
- FixedPointDirector - Class in ptolemy.actor.sched
A base class for directors that have fixed point semantics at each
- FixedPointDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- FixedPointDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Construct a director in the given workspace with an empty name.
- FixedPointDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- FixedPointReceiver - Class in ptolemy.actor.sched
The receiver for use with FixedPointDirector or any of its subclasses.
- FixedPointReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
Construct an FixedPointReceiver with unknown status.
- FixedPointReceiver(FixedPointDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
Construct an FixedPointReceiver with unknown status.
- FixedPointScheduler - Class in ptolemy.actor.sched
A scheduler for the FixedPointDirector.
- FixedPointScheduler(StaticSchedulingDirector, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- FixedPriorityScheduler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
This is a fixed priority scheduler resource manager on a single processor or core.
- FixedPriorityScheduler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- fixMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return the content of this token as a new 2-D FixPoint matrix.
- fixMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the content of this token as a 2-D fixed point matrix.
- fixMatrixMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- FixMatrixToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a 2-D FixToken matrix.
- FixMatrixToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Construct a FixMatrixToken with a one by one matrix.
- FixMatrixToken(FixPoint[][]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Construct a FixMatrixToken with the specified 2-D matrix.
- FixMatrixToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Construct a FixMatrixToken from the specified string.
- FixMatrixToken(FixPoint[][], Precision) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Construct a FixMatrixToken with the specified 2-D matrix.
- FixMatrixToken(Token[], int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Construct an FixMatrixToken from the specified array of
- fixMatrixTokenArrayConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- fixMatrixTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- fixMatrixTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- FixMatrixType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.FixMatrixType
- fixMatrixTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- FixPoint - Class in ptolemy.math
The FixPoint class provides a fixed point data type and a set of functions
that operate on and return fixed point data.
- FixPoint(BigDecimal, Quantization) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Construct a FixPoint by converting a bigDecimal to comply
with a quantization specification.
- FixPoint(FixPoint, Quantization) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Construct a new FixPoint object by requantizing the
given FixPoint object with a new quantization specification.
- FixPoint(double, Quantization) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Construct a FixPoint from a double.
- FixPoint(int, Quantization) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Construct a FixPoint from an integer.
- FixPoint(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Construct a FixPoint from an integer.
- FixPoint(int, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Construct a FixPoint from an integer.
- FixPoint(String, Quantization) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Construct a FixPoint by converting the BigDecimal interpretation of
a string to comply with a quantization specification.
- FixPoint(BigInteger, Precision) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Construct a FixPoint from an unscaled integerValue that
with a given Precision constraint.
- FixPoint.Error - Class in ptolemy.math
An instance of this class is used preserve backwards interface
- FixPointFunctions - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class provides static functions for operating on Fixpoint numbers
in the Ptolemy II expression language.
- FixPointQuantization - Class in ptolemy.math
The FixPointQuantization class defines the mapping of numeric values
with unlimited precision to the finite precision supported by arithmetic
using the FixPoint class.
- FixPointQuantization(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Construct a FixPointQuantization object based on the provided
- FixPointQuantization(Precision, Overflow, Rounding) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Construct a FixPointQuantization with specified precision, overflow
and rounding.
- FixSequence - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
This actor produces a sequence of values, optionally periodically repeating
- FixSequence(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- FixToDouble - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
This actor converts a FixToken into a DoubleToken.
- FixToDouble(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToDouble
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FixToFix - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
This actor converts a FixToken into another FixToken with a specified
- FixToFix(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToFix
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FixToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains an instance of FixPoint.
- FixToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Construct a token with integer 0.
- FixToken(FixPoint) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Construct a FixToken with the supplied FixPoint value.
- FixToken(double, Precision) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Construct a FixToken representing the specified value with the
specified precision.
- FixToken(double, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Construct a FixToken representing the specified value with the
specified precision.
- FixToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Construct a FixToken from the specified string.
- fixTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- fixTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- fixTokenThreeArgConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- FixToString - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the slicing of the bits of the input token value.
- FixToString(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixToString
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FixTransformer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
This is an abstract base class for actors that transform an input
stream into output stream.
- FixTransformer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixTransformer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FixType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
This class represents the type of fix point token objects.
- FixType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Construct a new fix type, with no integer bits and no
fractional bits.
- FixType(Precision) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Construct a new fix type.
- fixTypeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- fixTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- fixValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return the value of this token as a FixPoint.
- fixValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return the value in the token as a fixpoint.
- fixValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return the value of this token as a FixPoint.
- fixValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return the value in the token as a fixpoint.
- fixValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- flaFroCli - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
The communication flag read during the socket read command.
- FlareFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
An experimental filter for rendering lens flares.
- FlareFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- flat - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
If true, render the facets flat rather than rounded.
- FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept that represents the concept values of entries in a record token.
- FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept(Ontology, FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept, ScalarToken) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept
Create a new Record concept, belonging to the given
- FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A finite concept in an ontology that represents a flat set of infinite
concepts that map to an interval of scalar numbers.
- FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept
Create a new FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept with the specified
name and ontology.
- FlatTokenInfiniteConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept that represents the concept values of entries in a record token.
- FlatTokenInfiniteConcept(Ontology, FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Create a new FlatTokenInfiniteConcept, belonging to the given
- FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A finite concept in an ontology that represents a flat set of infinite
concepts that map to a set of arbitrary Ptolemy tokens.
- FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept
Create a new FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept with the specified name and
- FLIP_180 - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Rotate the image 180 degrees.
- FLIP_90CCW - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Rotate the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
- FLIP_90CW - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.
- FLIP_H - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Flip the image horizontally.
- FLIP_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RotateOrFlipPorts
Indicator to flip ports horizontally.
- FLIP_HV - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Flip the image horizontally and vertically.
- FLIP_V - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Flip the image vertically.
- FLIP_VERTICAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RotateOrFlipPorts
Indicator to flip ports vertically.
- FlipFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which flips images or rotates by multiples of 90 degrees.
- FlipFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Construct a FlipFilter which flips horizontally and vertically.
- FlipFilter(int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Construct a FlipFilter.
- Float(int) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Create a new polygon with space for the
given number of vertices.
- Float(float[]) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Create a new polygon with space for the
given number of vertices.
- Float() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Create a new polygon with no vertices.
- Float(float, float) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Create a new polygon with a single start point
- Float() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Create a new polyline with no vertices.
- Float(int) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Create a new polyline with "initSize" number of vertices.
- Float(Polyline2D) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Copy constructor for efficient copying of Polyline2D.
- Float(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Create a new polyline with two vertices.
- FLOAT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- FLOAT - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The float data type.
- FLOAT_NUM - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The integer identifier of float type.
- FLOAT_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The type object of float type.
- FloatArrayMath - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on float arrays.
- FloatArrayMath() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
- FloatBinaryOperation - Interface in ptolemy.math
A operation taking two operands of type float, and producing a value of
type float.
- FloatImage - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.image
An image backed by a floating point data.
- FloatImage(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- FloatImage(int, int, float[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- FloatImage(int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- FloatImage(int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
Make FloatImage from byte array, scaling inputs to
range (0,1)
- FloatImage(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- FloatImage(BufferedImage, int) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- FloatMatrixMath - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of floats.
- FloatToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a 32-bit signed mantissa, signed exponent single
precision floating-point number (IEEE 754).
- FloatToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Construct a FloatToken with value 0.0.
- FloatToken(float) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Construct a FloatToken with the specified value.
- FloatToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Construct a FloatToken from the specified string.
- floatTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- floatTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- FloatTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
FloatTokenHandler converts FloatToken to/from byte stream.
- FloatTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.FloatTokenHandler
- floatTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- FloatUnaryOperation - Interface in ptolemy.math
A operation taking one argument of type float, and producing a value of
type float.
- floatValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return the value in the token as a float.
- floatValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return the value of this token as a float
In this base class, we just throw an exception.
- floatValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return the value in the token as a float.
- floatValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- floor(float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.math.SCNoise
- FLOOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Singleton implementing floor rounding strategy.
- Flowable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
An interface for objects that have one port that serves as an input
and one that serves as an output.
- FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Computation of the all pair shortest path of a directed graph using the
Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy(Graph, ToDoubleMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy
Construct an AllPairShortestPathAnalyzer which works using the
Floyd-Warshall strategy.
- FloydWarshallCycleExistenceStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Computation of cycle existence in directed graphs using an all pair shortest
path algorithm based on the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- FloydWarshallCycleExistenceStrategy(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallCycleExistenceStrategy
Construct an instance of this analyzer for a given graph.
- FloydWarshallNegativeLengthCycleStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Analyzer to check if a given directed graph has a negative cycle using the
Floyd-Warshall all pair shortest path algorithm.
- FloydWarshallNegativeLengthCycleStrategy(Graph, ToDoubleMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallNegativeLengthCycleStrategy
Constructs negative cycle detection analyzer for a given graph and
given edge values.
- FloydWarshallStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Base class for all the analysis based on a floyd-warshall like computation.
- FloydWarshallStrategy(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallStrategy
Construct an FloydWarshallStrategy.
- FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Computation of transitive closure of a directed graph using the
Floyd-Warshall algorithm described in:
Thomas H.
- FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy
Construct a transitive closure analysis for a given directed graph.
- FloydWarshallZeroLengthCycleStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Analyzer to check if a given directed graph has a zero cycle using the
Floyd-Warshall all pair shortest path algorithm.
- FloydWarshallZeroLengthCycleStrategy(Graph, ToDoubleMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallZeroLengthCycleStrategy
Constructs negative cycle detection analyzer for a given graph and
given edge values.
- Flush3DFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
This filter tries to apply the Swing "flush 3D" effect to the black lines in an image.
- Flush3DFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.Flush3DFilter
- flushCaptureBuffer(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Flush queued data from the capture buffer.
- flushCaptureBuffer(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Flush queued data from the capture buffer.
- flushCaptureBuffer(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Flush queued data from the capture buffer.
- flushPlaybackBuffer(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Flush queued data from the playback buffer.
- flushPlaybackBuffer(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Flush queued data from the playback buffer.
- flushPlaybackBuffer(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Flush queued data from the playback buffer.
- FMI20CallbackFunctions - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) 2.0 callback functions needed by
Java Native Access (JNA) so that a FMU * can perform functions like
allocating and freeing memory, printing log messages and handle the
end of a step.
- FMI20CallbackFunctions() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CallbackFunctions
Instantiate a Java representation of the C structure that
contains the FMI call backs.
- FMI20CallbackFunctions(FMILibrary.FMICallbackLogger, FMILibrary.FMICallbackAllocateMemory, FMILibrary.FMICallbackFreeMemory, FMILibrary.FMIStepFinished, Pointer) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CallbackFunctions
Instantiate a Java representation of the C structure that
contains the FMI call backs.
- FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
An object that represents the Derivatives of a
continuous state variable of an FMU for FMI-2.0.
- FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative
Create an empty Derivative.
- FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative(FMIModelDescription, Node) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative
Create a Derivative element from an XML Element.
- FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
An object that represents the the capabilities of a FMI co-simulation
slave for FMI-2.0.
- FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
Create an empty Capability.
- FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities(Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
Create a FMICoSimulationCapability from an XML Element.
- FMI20EventInfo - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) 2.0 event information.
- FMI20EventInfo() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20EventInfo
Instantiate a Java structure that that represents the C
structure that contains information about events.
- FMI20EventInfo(Pointer, int) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20EventInfo
Construct a FMI20EventInfo from data.
- FMI20EventInfo(int, int, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20EventInfo
Instantiate a Java structure that that represents the C
structure that contains information about events.
- FMI20EventInfo.ByReference - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Access the structure by reference.
- FMI20EventInfo.ByValue - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Access the structure by value.
- FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
An object that represents the the capabilities of a FMI Model
Exchange FMU.
- FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
Create an empty Capability.
- FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities(Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
Create a FMIModelExchangeCapability from an XML Element.
- FMI20ModelInstance - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
A Java Native Access (JNA) interface to the Functional Mock-up Interface 2.0 ModelInstance struct.
- FMI20ModelInstance() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
Instantiate a Java structure that that represents the C
structure that contains information about events.
- FMI20ModelInstance(Pointer) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
Instantiate a Java structure that that represents the C
structure that contains information about events.
- FMI20ModelInstance.ByReference - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Access the structure by reference.
- FMI20ModelInstance.ByValue - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Access the structure by value.
- FMI20Output - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
An object that represents the Output of an FMU
A Functional Mock-up Unit file is a .fmu file in zip format that
contains a .xml file named "modelDescription.xml".
- FMI20Output() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20Output
Create an empty Output.
- FMI20Output(FMIModelDescription, Node) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20Output
Create an Output variable element from an XML Element.
- FMI_BOOLEAN_TYPE_CLASS - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULogUtilities
The FMIBooleanType class.
- FMI_INTEGER_TYPE_CLASS - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULogUtilities
The FMIIntegerType class.
- FMI_REAL_TYPE_CLASS - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULogUtilities
The FMIRealType class.
- FMI_STRING_TYPE_CLASS - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULogUtilities
The FMIStringType class.
- FMIBooleanType - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi.type
An Functional Mock-up Interface type that represents a Boolean.
- FMIBooleanType(String, String, Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIBooleanType
Construct a Boolean FMU variable.
- FMICallbackFunctions - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) callback functions needed by
Java Native Access (JNA) so that a FMU * can perform functions like
allocating and freeing memory, printing log messages and handle the
end of a step.
- FMICallbackFunctions() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICallbackFunctions
Instantiate a Java representation of the C structure that
contains the FMI call backs.
- FMICallbackFunctions(FMILibrary.FMICallbackLogger, FMILibrary.FMICallbackAllocateMemory, FMILibrary.FMICallbackFreeMemory, FMILibrary.FMIStepFinished) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICallbackFunctions
Instantiate a Java representation of the C structure that
contains the FMI call backs.
- FMICallbackFunctions.ByValue - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
A class that contains references to the callback functions.
- FMICapabilities - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
An object that represents the the capabilities of a FMI co-simulation
- FMICapabilities() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICapabilities
Create an empty Capability.
- FMICapabilities(Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICapabilities
Create a FMICoSimulationCapability from an XML Element.
- FMICoSimulationCapabilities - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
An object that represents the the capabilities of a FMI co-simulation
slave for FMI-1.0;
A Functional Mock-up Unit file is a .fmu file in zip format that
contains a .xml file named "modelDescription.xml".
- FMICoSimulationCapabilities() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
Create an empty Capability.
- FMICoSimulationCapabilities(Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
Create a FMICoSimulationCapability from an XML Element.
- fmiDiscard - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatus
Discard the current data and try again with a smaller
step size.
- fmiDoStepStatus - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatusKind
If fmiDoStep() returns fmiPending, then the master must
call fmiGetStatus(..., fmiDoStepStatus) to determine if the
slave has finished.
- fmiError - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatus
The operation had a problem and fmiFreeModelInstance()
must be called.
- FMIEventInfo - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) event information for FMI-1.0.
- FMIEventInfo() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIEventInfo
Instantiate a Java structure that that represents the C
structure that contains information about events.
- FMIEventInfo(byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, double) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIEventInfo
Instantiate a Java structure that that represents the C
structure that contains information about events.
- FMIEventInfo.ByReference - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Access the structure by reference.
- FMIEventInfo.ByValue - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Access the structure by value.
- fmiFatal - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatus
All model instances are corrupted.
- FMIIntegerType - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi.type
An Functional Mock-up Interface type that represents an Integer.
- FMIIntegerType(String, String, Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIIntegerType
Construct an Integer FMU variable.
- fmiLastSuccessfulTime - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatusKind
If fmiDoStep() returns fmiDiscard, then calling
fmiGetRealStatus(..., fmiLastSuccessfulTime,...)
- FMILibrary - Interface in org.ptolemy.fmi
A Java Native Access (JNA) Wrapper for a Functional Mock-up Unit
shared library.
- FMILibrary.FMICallbackAllocateMemory - Interface in org.ptolemy.fmi
A callback for the fmiCallbackAllocateMemory() function.
- FMILibrary.FMICallbackFreeMemory - Interface in org.ptolemy.fmi
A callback for the fmiCallbackFreeMemory() function.
- FMILibrary.FMICallbackLogger - Interface in org.ptolemy.fmi
A interface for the fmiCallbackLogger() function.
- FMILibrary.FMIStatus - Interface in org.ptolemy.fmi
An enumeration of status values returned by fmi*() methods.
- FMILibrary.FMIStatusKind - Interface in org.ptolemy.fmi
An enumeration of status information returned by a slave.
- FMILibrary.FMIStepFinished - Interface in org.ptolemy.fmi
A callback for the fmiStepFinished() method.
- FMIMACodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima
Generate a Functional Mockup Interface Master Algorithm (FMIMA) description of a model.
- FMIMACodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the FMIMACodeGenerator.
- FMIMACodeGeneratorAdapter - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima
Base class for a Functional Mockup Interface Master Algorithm code
generator adapter.
- FMIMACodeGeneratorAdapter(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGeneratorAdapter
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given component.
- FMIMADirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel
This is an experimental director.
- FMIMADirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- FMIMADirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
Construct a director in the given workspace with an empty name.
- FMIMADirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- FMIMAHybridCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima
Generate a Functional Mockup Interface Master Algorithm (FMIMA) description of a model.
- FMIMAHybridCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMAHybridCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the FMIMACodeGenerator.
- FMIModelDescription - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
An object that represents the fmiModelDescription element of a
modelDescription.xml file contained within a Functional Mock-up Interface
(.fmu) file.
- FMIModelDescription() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
- fmiModelDescription - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The Model Description for this variable.
- FMIModelDescription.ContinuousState - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
A data structure representing a continuous state of the FMU.
- fmiOK - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatus
The operation completed successfully.
- fmiPending - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatus
The slave is still executing, but has returned.
- fmiPendingStatus - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatusKind
If fmiDoStep() returns fmiPending, then
fmiGetStringStatus(..., fmiPendingStatus,...) can be called
to get the status of the asynchronously executing
- FMIRealType - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi.type
An Functional Mock-up Interface type that represents a Real.
- FMIRealType(String, String, Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIRealType
Construct a Real FMU variable.
- FMIScalarVariable - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
An object that represents the ScalarVariable element of a
modelDescription.xml file contained within a
Functional Mock-up Interface .fmu XML file.
- FMIScalarVariable() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Create an empty ScalarVariable.
- FMIScalarVariable(FMIModelDescription, Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Create a ScalarVariable from an XML Element.
- FMIScalarVariable.Alias - Enum in org.ptolemy.fmi
Acceptable values for the alias xml attribute.
- FMIScalarVariable.Causality - Enum in org.ptolemy.fmi
Acceptable values for the causality xml attribute.
- FMIScalarVariable.Initial - Enum in org.ptolemy.fmi
Acceptable values for the initial xml attribute.
- FMIScalarVariable.Variability - Enum in org.ptolemy.fmi
Acceptable values for the variability xml attribute.
- fmiStatusDescription(int) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Return a string describing the specified fmiStatus.
- fmiStatusToString(int) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULogUtilities
Given a fmiStatus value, return a string description.
- FMIStringType - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi.type
An Functional Mock-up Interface type that represents a String.
- FMIStringType(String, String, Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIStringType
Construct a String FMU variable.
- FMIType - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi.type
An base class for Functional Mock-up Interface types like Real.
- FMIType(String, String, Element) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIType
Construct a variable.
- fmiVersion - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The fmiVersion, typically the value of the fmiVersion attribute from a
.fmu file.
- fmiVersion - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The FMI version of the FMU.
- fmiWarning - Static variable in interface org.ptolemy.fmi.FMILibrary.FMIStatus
The operation had a problem, but the computation may
- fmodspec - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEDiscriminant
Mod spec sampling frequency.
- fmodspec - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Mod spec sampling frequency.
- FMUAllocateMemory() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMUAllocateMemory
- FMUBuilder - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Build a FMU shared object.
- FMUBuilder() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMUBuilder
Create a FMUBuilder.
- FMUBuilder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMUBuilder
Create a FMUBuilder and optionally append to stderr
and stdout as the commands are executed.
- FMUCoSimulation - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi.driver
Read a Functional Mock-up Unit .fmu file and invoke it as a co-simulation.
- FMUCoSimulation() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUCoSimulation
- FMUDriver - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi.driver
Base class to invoke a Functional Mock-up Unit (.fmu) file as
either co-simulation or model exchange.
- FMUDriver() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
- FMUFile - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Parse a Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) 1.0 Functional Mock-up
Unit (FMU) file and create a FMIModelDescription for later use.
- FMUFile() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMUFile
- fmuFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) file.
- FMUFreeMemory() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMUFreeMemory
- FMUImport - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
Invoke a Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU).
- FMUImport(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FMUImport - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.
- FMUImport(FMUImport) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Construct a FMUImport adapter.
- FMUImport - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.
- FMUImport(FMUImport) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Construct the FMUImport adapter.
- FMUImport - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.
- FMUImport(FMUImport) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Construct the FMUImport adapter.
- FMUImport.Input - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
A data structure representing an input to the FMU.
- FMUImport.Output - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
A data structure representing an output from the FMU.
- FMUImportHybrid - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
Import a Hybrid Co-Simulation FMU.
- FMUImportHybrid(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- FMULibrary - Interface in org.ptolemy.fmi
An interface that is used by Java Native Access (JNA) to handle callbacks.
- FMULibrary.FMUAllocateMemory - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Class for the allocate memory callback function.
- FMULibrary.FMUFreeMemory - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
A class providing a callback method that frees memory.
- FMULibrary.FMULogger - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
The logging callback function.
- FMULibrary.FMUStepFinished - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
A callback for when the step is finished.
- FMULog - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
A Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) log method implementation.
- FMULog() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULog
- FMULogger(FMIModelDescription) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMULogger
Instantiate a FMULogger.
- FMULogUtilities - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi
Utilities for the FMU Logger.
- FMULogUtilities() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULogUtilities
- FMUModelExchange - Class in org.ptolemy.fmi.driver
Read a Functional Mock-up Unit .fmu file and invoke it as a model exchange.
- FMUModelExchange() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUModelExchange
- FMUQSS - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
Invoke a Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) 2.0 Model Exchange Functional
Mock-up Unit (FMU) which will be integrated using QSS.
- FMUQSS(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- fmuResourceLocation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The absolute path to the resources directory.
- fmuSharedLibrary(FMIModelDescription) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMUFile
Return the name of the shared library from a .fmu file.
- FMUStepFinished() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMUStepFinished
- FmvAutomaton - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv
- FmvAutomaton() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv.FmvAutomaton
Construct an FmvAutomaton in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- FmvAutomaton(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv.FmvAutomaton
Construct an FmvAutomaton in the specified workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- FmvAutomaton(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv.FmvAutomaton
Create an FmvAutomaton in the specified container with the specified
- FmvAutomatonGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
A Graph Controller for Fmv automata models.
- FmvAutomatonGraphController(File) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphController
Create a new controller with the specified directory of the current
- FmvAutomatonGraphController.NewFmvStateAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
An action to create a new state.
- FmvAutomatonGraphFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
- FmvAutomatonGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified model.
- FmvAutomatonGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified model.
- FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.InvokeNuSMVAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
An action to perform format translation to .smv file.
- FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.SMVFileFilter - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
A file filter that accepts files that end with ".smv".
- FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.TranslateSmvAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
An action to perform format translation to .smv file.
- FmvAutomatonGraphTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
- FmvAutomatonGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphTableau
Create a new editor tableau with the specified container
and name, with no default library.
- FmvAutomatonGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphTableau
Create a new editor tableau with the specified container,
name, and default library.
- FmvAutomatonGraphTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- FmvState - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv
A Formal Method Verification (FMV) State.
- FmvState(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv.FmvState
Create an FmvState in the specified container with the specified
- FmvStateIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
An icon specialized for states of a state machine with reachability and risk analysis.
- FmvStateIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvStateIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- focus - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- focused - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
Whether the tableau has the input focus.
- focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFocusListener
- focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFocusListener
- FocusMouseListener - Class in diva.gui.toolbox
A mouse listener that requests focus for the source of any
mouse event it receives.
- FocusMouseListener() - Constructor for class diva.gui.toolbox.FocusMouseListener
- foldClass(SootClass) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Merge the given class with its super class.
- FolderFileFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.FolderFileFilter
- FolderForLatex() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FolderForLatex
- followRedirects(URL) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Given a URL, if it starts with http, the follow up to 10 redirects.
- fontFamily - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
The font family.
- fontFamily - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
The font family.
- fontFamily - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
The font family.
- fontSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
The font size.
- FOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- FOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- FOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- forBlock - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
This is the AST for this for block, if this is a for
- FORCE_SELF - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Completion strategy for A set to forcing a self-transition.
- FORCE_ZERO - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Completion strategy for A set to forcing a transition to state 0.
- forClassName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return an instance of Type of that corresponds to tokens
of a class with the given name, or null if none exists.
- format - Variable in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Format code; 1 for 8-bit mu-law.
- FormatListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FormatListener
- formatName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera
The type of video format to use.
- formComplexArray(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of Complex numbers using two arrays for the
real and imaginary parts.
- formComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- FormDebugPanel - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.debug
A panel that paints grid bounds if and only if the panel's layout manager
is a
- FormDebugPanel() - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Constructs a FormDebugPanel with all options turned off.
- FormDebugPanel(FormLayout) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Constructs a FormDebugPanel on the given FormLayout instance
that paints the grid in the foreground and paints no diagonals.
- FormDebugPanel(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Constructs a FormDebugPanel on the given FormLayout
using the specified settings that are otherwise turned off.
- FormDebugPanel(FormLayout, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Constructs a FormDebugPanel on the given FormLayout using
the specified settings that are otherwise turned off.
- FormDebugPanel - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
[Taken from the FormLayout codebase.
- FormDebugPanel() - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Constructs a FormDebugPanel with all options turned off.
- FormDebugPanel(FormLayout) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Constructs a FormDebugPanel on the given FormLayout instance
that paints the grid in the foreground and paints no diagonals.
- FormDebugPanel(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Constructs a FormDebugPanel on the given FormLayout
using the specified settings that are otherwise turned off.
- FormDebugPanel(FormLayout, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Constructs a FormDebugPanel on the given FormLayout using
the specified settings that are otherwise turned off.
- FormDebugUtils - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.debug
Provides static methods that help you understand and fix layout problems
when using the
- FormEditor - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
This is the main panel that is used in LayoutFrame serving as the user
interface for the builder.
- FormEditor(MultiContainerFrame, ContainerLayout, Container) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- FormEditor.ComponentListCellRenderer - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
- FormEditor.ComponentPaletteListModel - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
- FormEditor.ComponentPaletteListRenderer - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
- FormFactory - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.factories
A factory that creates instances of FormLayout for frequently used
form layouts.
- FormLayout - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
FormLayout is a powerful, flexible and precise general purpose
layout manager.
- FormLayout() - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Constructs an empty FormLayout.
- FormLayout(String) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Constructs a FormLayout using the given encoded column specifications.
- FormLayout(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Constructs a FormLayout using the given
encoded column and row specifications.
- FormLayout(ColumnSpec[], RowSpec[]) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Constructs a FormLayout using the given column and row specifications.
- formLayout - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- FormLayout.LayoutInfo - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
Stores column and row origins.
- FormLayout.Measure - Interface in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
An interface that describes how to measure a Component
- FormSpec - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
An abstract class that specifies columns and rows in FormLayout
by their default alignment, start size and resizing behavior.
- FormSpec(FormSpec.DefaultAlignment, Size, double) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Constructs a FormSpec
for the given default alignment,
size, and resize weight.
- FormSpec(FormSpec.DefaultAlignment, String) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Constructs a FormSpec
from the specified encoded
- FormSpec.DefaultAlignment - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
An ordinal-based serializable typesafe enumeration for the
column and row default alignment types.
- formula - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- formulaType - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- forName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return an instance of this class with the specified name,
or null if none exists.
- forName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Return an instance of this class with the specified name.
- forName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Return an instance of this class with the specified name.
- forwardIn() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Get the forward input rank.
- forwardOut() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Get the forward output rank.
- forwards - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLevelCrossing
The direction to search from the start.
- foundActorClassName - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
The parameter that contains the last valid actor class name found.
- foundMatch(GraphMatcher) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
A routine to be called when a match is found in the graph matching.
- foundMatch(GraphMatcher) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.MatchCallback
A routine to be called when a match is found in the graph matching.
- foundMatch(GraphMatcher) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationMode
A routine to be called when a match is found in the graph matching.
- foundMatch(GraphMatcher) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultRecorder
- foundUnknown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return true if the most recent call to enabledTransition()
or chooseTransition() found guard expressions or output value
expressions that could not be evaluated due to unknown inputs.
- FourColorFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which draws a gradient interpolated between four colors defined at the corners of the image.
- FourColorFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- FractalSumFunction - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- FractalSumFunction(Function2D) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.FractalSumFunction
- Fraction - Class in ptolemy.math
A class for representing fractions.
- Fraction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Create a new fraction with the value zero (0/1).
- Fraction(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Create a new fraction with the value i/1.
- Fraction(int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Create a new fraction in lowest terms
with the value Numerator/Denominator.
- Fraction(Fraction) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Create a new fraction with the same value as the given fraction.
- FractionArrayMath - Class in ptolemy.math
A library for mathematical operations on Fraction arrays.
- FractionArrayMath() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
- FractionMatrixMath - Class in ptolemy.math
A library for mathematical operations on matrices of Fractions.
- frag - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMFragment
- frame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau
The frame in which text is written.
- frame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellTableau
The associated frame.
- frame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog.DialogTableau
The frame.
- frame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE.PlotWindowTableau
The frame.
- FramedCanvas(JCanvas) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest.FramedCanvas
- frameRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ImageToJMF
The frame rate in frames per second at which the images are
being generated.
- frameSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs.AFDXESsAttributes
The frame size.
- frameSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
User-Defined frame size port parameter.
- freedom - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtChiSquare
- freedom - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtStudentT
- freedom - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtVonMises
- freeMemory - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CallbackFunctions
C type: fmiCallbackFreeMemory.
- freeMemory - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICallbackFunctions
C type: fmiCallbackFreeMemory.
- freeMemory() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the approximate number of bytes available for future
object allocation.
- FreeVariableModelAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
An analysis that traverses a model to determine all the free variables
in a hierarchical model.
- FreeVariableModelAnalysis(Entity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.FreeVariableModelAnalysis
Analyze the given model to return a set of names which must
be defined externally for the model to be completely specified.
- FREI_CHEN_H - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- FREI_CHEN_V - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- freq - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteParser
Note frequency.
- frequency - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CActorBase
The number of times this actor gets executed in one super-period
time frame specified by the Giotto director.
- frequency - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoAttributes
The frequency parameter specifies the frequency of an actor.
- frequency - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinementPort
frequency for the port update.
- frequency - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTask
Frequency of the task invocation in the mode period.
- frequency - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTransition
The frequency of the transition.
- from - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Email address from which this is sent.
- from - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Email address from which this is sent.
- fromArrayType(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Convert the name of the Java run-time representation back to
an array type.
- fromMatrixToArray(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(Complex[][], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(Fraction[][], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromMatrixToArray(long[][], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new array that is filled with the contents of the matrix.
- fromRmatrix(Matrix) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Create a line from the vector from the origin to the line that
is perpendicular to the line.
- fromRTheta(double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Create a new line given a distance and angle from the origin
that is perpendicular to the line.
- fromThetaPoint(double, double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Create a line that is at angle theta from the x axis and passes
through point p
- fromToken(Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
Create a counterexample set from a specific representation as a
Ptolemy Token.
- front(int) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMTerm
- FrontDropQueue - Class in ptolemy.domains.ci.lib
an push-pull FIFO queue.
- FrontDropQueue(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.FrontDropQueue
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- fs - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEDiscriminant
Input sampling frequency.
- fs - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Input sampling frequency.
- FSMActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
Code generator helper for FSMActor.
- FSMActor(FSMActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Construct the code generator helper associated with the given FSMActor.
- FSMActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
Code generator adapter for FSMActor.
- FSMActor(FSMActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given FSMActor.
- FSMActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An FSMActor contains a set of states and transitions.
- FSMActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Construct an FSMActor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- FSMActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Create an FSMActor in the specified container with the specified
- FSMActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Construct an FSMActor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as its name.
- FSMActor.OutgoingRelations - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
The outgoing releations.
- FSMActor.PortScope - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
This class implements a scope, which is used to generate the
parsed expressions in target language.
- FSMActor.PortScope - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
This class implements a scope, which is used to evaluate the
parsed expressions.
- FSMActor.TransitionRetriever - Interface in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A class implementing this interface implements a method to
retrieve transitions of a given state.
- FSMCausalityInterface - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
This class infers the causality interface of an FSMActor by checking
the guards and actions of the transitions.
- FSMCausalityInterface(Actor, Dependency) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMCausalityInterface
Construct a causality interface for the specified actor.
- FSMDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the FSMDirector class.
- FSMDirector(FSMDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Construct the code generator helper associated
with the given modal controller.
- FSMDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.kernel
Code generator helper for FSMDirector.
- FSMDirector(FSMDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- FSMDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the FSMDirector class.
- FSMDirector(FSMDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Construct the code generator helper associated
with the given modal controller.
- FSMDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the FSMDirector class.
- FSMDirector(FSMDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Construct the code generator helper associated
with the given modal controller.
- FSMDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An FSMDirector governs the execution of a modal model.
- FSMDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty
string as its name.
- FSMDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- FSMDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given
- FSMGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
A Graph Controller for FSM models.
- FSMGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphController
Create a new basic controller with default
terminal and edge interactors.
- FSMGraphController.LinkCreator - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
An interactor that interactively drags edges from one terminal
to another.
- FSMGraphController.NewStateAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
An action to create a new state.
- FSMGraphFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy FSM models.
- FSMGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified FSM model.
- FSMGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified FSM model.
- FSMGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
Listener for debug menu commands.
- FSMGraphModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
A graph model for graphically manipulating ptolemy FSM models.
- FSMGraphModel(CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Construct a new graph model whose root is the given composite entity.
- FSMGraphModel.ArcModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
The model for arcs between states.
- FSMGraphModel.PortModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
The model for external ports.
- FSMGraphModel.StateModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
The model for an icon that represent states.
- FSMGraphTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
An editor tableau for finite state machines.
- FSMGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphTableau
Create a new FSM editor tableau with the specified container
and name, with no default library.
- FSMGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphTableau
Create a new FSM editor tableau with the specified container,
name, and default library.
- FSMGraphTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- FSMMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A matcher to match any FSM actor.
- FSMMatcher(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
Create an FSMMatcher in the specified container with the specified
- FSMReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
Code generator helper for FSMReceiver.
- FSMReceiver(FSMReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Construct an adapter for an SDF receiver.
- FSMReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
Code generator helper for FSMReceiver.
- FSMReceiver(FSMReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Construct the code generator helper associated
with the given FSMReceiver.
- FSMReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A receiver with capacity one for which one can explicitly set the status.
- FSMReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container.
- FSMReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container.
- FSMTransitionParameter - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A parameter that contains FSM transition attributes.
- FSMTransitionParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- fsmTransitionParameterName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
The name of the transition, which defaults to the name of
the transition followed by the string "Parameter".
- FSMViewerGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
A graph controller for the Ptolemy II finite-state machine viewer.
- FSMViewerGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
Create a new controller with default port, state, and transition
- FULL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Indicator that a user interface should make an instance visible.
- FULL - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Indicator to give full access to the attribute.
- FullApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start.
- FullApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.FullApplication
- FULLNAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Indicate that the description(int) method should include the full name.
- fullScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame
Go to full screen.
- fullScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- fullScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- FullScreenAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame.FullScreenAction
Construct a full screen action.
- FullTreeModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A tree model for Ptolemy II models.
- FullTreeModel(CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.FullTreeModel
Create a new tree model with the specified root.
- funcIf() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
The rounding strategy to use.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunction
The input port for function definition.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunctionOverSequence
The input port for function definition.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileFunction
The input port for function definition.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
The function to compute.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MathFunction
The function to compute.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
The comparison function to be performed.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringFunction
Parameter that stores the string function to be performed
on the input string.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
The function to compute.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnaryMathFunction
The function to compute.
- FUNCTION - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Indicator of a function (vs. method).
- function() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- FUNCTION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- Function - Interface in ptolemy.data
The interface for functions contained by function tokens.
- function - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
The function to compute a combine operation on signals.
- Function1D - Interface in com.jhlabs.math
- Function2D - Interface in com.jhlabs.math
- Function3D - Interface in com.jhlabs.math
- FunctionCallException - Exception in ptolemy.caltrop
A convenience exception used to indicate an error in a built-in function.
- FunctionCallException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.FunctionCallException
Create a FunctionCallException for an exception
in a function with the given cause.
- FunctionCallException(String, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.FunctionCallException
Create a FunctionCallException for an exception
in a function with the given cause.
- FunctionCallException(String, Object, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.caltrop.FunctionCallException
Create a FunctionCallException for an exception
in a function with the given cause.
- functionDefinition() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- functionIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationFiringFunction
The index of the firing function of the actor.
- functionInterface - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- functionName - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream.Signature
The code block name.
- functionOntologyName - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.BinaryOperationMonotonicFunctionDefinition
The name of the ontology that specifies the domain and range of concepts
for the defined binary operation concept function.
- functionOntologyName - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.UnaryOperationMonotonicFunctionDefinition
The name of the ontology that specifies the domain and range of concepts
for the defined binary operation concept function.
- functions - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : const fmi2CallbackFunctions*.
- FunctionToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a function.
- FunctionToken(Function, FunctionType) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Create a new FunctionToken that applies the given function.
- FunctionToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Create a new FunctionToken from the given string.
- functionTokenApplyMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- functionTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- functionTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- FunctionType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
A class representing the type of a FunctionToken.
- FunctionType(Type[], Type) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Construct a new FunctionType with the specified argument types
and the given return type.
- functionTypeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- FutureValue<V> - Class in org.ptolemy.commons
A Future implementation that just waits until its result value/exception is available.
- FutureValue() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
Creates a future that will be waiting for its result.
- FutureValue(V) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
Creates a future that is immediately set with its result value.
- FuzzyDoubleComparator - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
- FuzzyDoubleComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.FuzzyDoubleComparator
Construct a FuzzyDoubleComparator.
- FuzzyDoubleComparator(double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.FuzzyDoubleComparator
Construct a FuzzyDoubleComparator with the given threshold.
- g - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.HSBtoRGB
The green output port.
- g - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
The g input port.
- g1 - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
- g2 - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
- g3 - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
- G4LTL - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl
Run the LTL synthesis (G4LTL) tool on a model.
- G4LTL() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl.G4LTL
- gain - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- gain(float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
A variant of the gamma function.
- gain - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- GainFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which changes the gain and bias of an image - similar to ContrastFilter.
- GainFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GainFilter
- gamma - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBreitWigner
- gamma - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPNGWriter
The gamma.
- gamma - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
Attribute giving the orientation of a self-loop.
- gamma - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Attribute giving the orientation of a self-loop.
- GammaFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter for changing the gamma of an image.
- GammaFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter
Construct a GammaFilter.
- GammaFilter(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter
Construct a GammaFilter.
- GammaFilter(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter
Construct a GammaFilter.
- GAUSSIAN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Gaussian distribution for the noise.
- Gaussian - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a random sequence with a Gaussian distribution.
- Gaussian(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Gaussian - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a random sequence with a Gaussian distribution.
- Gaussian(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Gaussian - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian.
- Gaussian(Gaussian) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Construct a Gaussian helper.
- Gaussian - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian.
- Gaussian(Gaussian) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Construct a Gaussian helper.
- Gaussian - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian.
- Gaussian(Gaussian) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Construct a Gaussian helper.
- gaussian(double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a Gaussian random number.
- gaussian(double, double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return an array of Gaussian random numbers.
- gaussian(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a matrix of Gaussian random numbers.
- GaussianBlur() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.GaussianBlur
- gaussianClassifyMM(double[], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
Classify the incoming symbols into hidden states.
- GaussianFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which applies Gaussian blur to an image.
- GaussianFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
Construct a Gaussian filter.
- GaussianFilter(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
Construct a Gaussian filter.
- GaussianMeasurementModel - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
A special decorator that defines a Gaussian measurement model.
- GaussianMeasurementModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.GaussianMeasurementModel
Construct a GaussianMeasurementModel.
- GaussianModel - Interface in org.ptolemy.ssm
An interface to define a Gaussian model.
- GaussianSampleGenerator(double, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing.GaussianSampleGenerator
Construct a GaussianSampleGenerator.
- gcd(int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
Implement Euclid's method for finding the Greatest Common Divisor
(GCD) of
two numbers.
- Gem5Wrapper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5
An actor that interacts with gem5 architectural simulator.
- Gem5Wrapper(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Gem5Wrapper.SortByCommandTime - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5
Sort by the difference between the command times.
- gen - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser.JJCalls
- gen - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser.JJCalls
- GENERAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The general data type: The top of the lattice.
- GENERAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing Grow overflow strategy.
- GENERAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Singleton implementing general rounding strategy.
- GeneralComparator - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class compares two comparable objects, object_1 and object_2,
by calling compare(object_1, object_2).
- GeneralComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.GeneralComparator
- GeneralToken - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This is a token that reports its type as "general."
- GeneralToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.GeneralToken
- generalTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- generate(Object) - Method in class diva.util.xml.AbstractXmlBuilder
Unable to generate XML by default.
- generate(Object) - Method in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Build an XML element based on given object by looking up
the appropriate builder based on the object's class name
and calling that builder's generate method on the object.
- generate(Object) - Method in interface diva.util.xml.XmlBuilder
Given an object, produce an XML representation of it.
- generateAccessor() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Generate Accessor code.
- generateAccessor() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Generate Accessor code.
- generateAccessor() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate Accessor code.
- generateAccessor() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate Accessor code.
- generateActorIndex(String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ActorIndex
Generate the index files.
- generateActuatorActuationFuncCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
- generateActuatorActuationFuncCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.OutputDevice
Return the code for the actuator actuation function.
- generateActuatorActuationFuncCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPOutputSetup
Return the code for the actuator actuation function.
- generateActuatorActuationFuncCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.SpeakerOutputDevice
- generateAdditionalCodeFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the assembly file associated for this PtidyOS program.
- generateAdditionalCodeFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the assembly file associated for this PtidyOS program.
- generateAdditionalCodeFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the assembly file associated for this PtidyOS program.
- generateAdditionalCodeFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the assembly file associated for this PtidyOS program.
- generateAssignmentMap(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Generates a parse tree from the given String.
- generateBartlettWindow(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is filled with samples of a Bartlett
window of a specified length.
- generateBlackmanHarrisWindow(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is filled with samples of a Blackman Harris
window of a specified length.
- generateBlackmanWindow(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is filled with samples of a Blackman
window of a specified length.
- generateBlockCode(String, List<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Given a block name, generate code for that block.
- generateClosingEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Return the closing entry code, if any.
- generateClosingEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the closing entry code, if any.
- generateClosingEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the closing entry code, if any.
- generateClosingExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Return the closing exit code, if any.
- generateClosingExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the closing exit code, if any.
- generateClosingExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the closing exit code, if any.
- generateCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Generate code for a given actor.
- generateCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Generate code for a given actor.
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Generate code and write it to the file specified by the
codeDirectory parameter.
- generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Generate code.
- generateCode(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Generate code for a model.
- generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos.PtidyOSCodeGenerator
Generate code.
- generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularCodeGenerator
Generate code.
- generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator
Generate code.
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticColumn
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Generate the lexical representation of the contraction.
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Generate code for model represented by graph.
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Generate the lexical representation of the term.
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Generate code for node.
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Generate code representation of rank.
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticSeries
Generate code for the series.
- generateCode() - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm
Generate code for given term.
- generateCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Generate code for the term.
- generateCode(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Call soot.Main.main(), which does command line argument
processing and then starts the transformation.
- generateCode(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Generate code for a node.
- generateCode(MathematicalModelConverter.ModelType, String, MathematicalModelConverter.FormulaType, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- generateCodeBook(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
Generate the Huffman code book given the probability
mass function.
- generateCodeForGet(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the get code for Port port.
- generateCodeForSend(IOPort, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the send code for Port port.
- generateComment - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
If true, generate comments in the output code; otherwise,
no comments is generated.
- generateComponent(String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml.NC2MoML
Generate the .moml file for this nesC component.
- generateConstantDefinition(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate code that defines a constant.
- generateConstantDefinition(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate code that defines a constant.
- generateConstantDefinition(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate code that defines a constant.
- generateConstructorCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the constructor code for the specified director.
- generateConstructorCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate the constructor code for the specified director.
- generateConstructorCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the constructor code for the specified director.
- generateConstructorCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Generate the constructor code for the specified director
In this class we initialize the director with its internal
parameters and fields.
- generateConstructorCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the constructor code for the specified director.
- generateCopyright() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return the copyright for this code.
- GenerateCopyrights - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Generate an HTML file that contains links to the appropriate
copyrights for entities in the configuration.
- GenerateCopyrights() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.GenerateCopyrights
- GenerateCopyrights.FileNameComparator - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Compare two filenames.
- generateCpp - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
If true, the generated code will be C++ instead of C.
- generateDefinitionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Generate definition code for name in terms of the expression
it is bound to.
- generateEmbeddedCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
If true, then generate code for that uses the reflection for Java
and JNI for C and is embedded within the model
The default value is false and this parameter is not usually
editable by the user.
- generateEquivalentSystemWithoutHierarchy(CompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.REDUtility
This function generates an equivalent system which is flattened.
- generateFile(File, MathematicalModelConverter.ModelType, String, MathematicalModelConverter.FormulaType, int, MathematicalModelConverter.OutputType, int) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
Generate the model description for the system.
- generateFireAtFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate The _fireAt function code.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the code for the firing of actors.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Generate the code for the firing of actors controlled by this
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Generate the code for the firing of actors according to the SDF
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the code for the firing of actors.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate the fire code of the associated controller.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
Generate the fire code.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the director fire code.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.SpeakerOutputDevice
Generate the fire code.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the director fire code.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the director fire code.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the code for the firing of actors according to the SDF
- generateFireCode() - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.ParseTreeCodeGenerator
Generate code that corresponds with the fire() method.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the fire code.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Generate code that corresponds with the fire() method.
- generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralTemplateParser
Generate code that corresponds with the fire() method.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate The fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate The fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate The fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate The fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate The fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate The fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the code for the firing of this director.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesTopLevelDirector
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate The fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate The fire function code.
- generateFireFunctionCompositeEnd() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the closing code for a group of fire functions common
to a Composite Actor.
- generateFireFunctionCompositeEnd() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the closing code for a group of fire functions common
to a Composite Actor.
- generateFireFunctionCompositeStart(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the initial code for a group of fire functions common
to a Composite Actor.
- generateFireFunctionCompositeStart(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the initial code for a group of fire functions common
to a Composite Actor.
- generateFireFunctionMethodInvocation(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function method invocation.
- generateFireFunctionMethodInvocation(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function method invocation.
- generateFireFunctionMethodName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function method name.
- generateFireFunctionMethodName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function method name.
- generateFireFunctionMethodName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function method name.
- generateFireFunctionVariableAndMethodName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function variable name and method
- generateFireFunctionVariableAndMethodName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function variable name and method
- generateFireFunctionVariableDeclaration(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function variable declaration.
- generateFireFunctionVariableDeclaration(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the fire function variable declaration.
- generateFirePrivateFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate The _fire function code.
- generateFMIMA() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the code for the firing of actors.
- generateFMIMA() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Generate FMIMA code.
- generateFMIMA() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate FMIMA code.
- generateFMIMA() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the code for the firing of actors.
- generateFMIMA() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Generate FMIMA code.
- generateFMIMA() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate FMIMA code.
- generateFMIMA() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate FMIMA code.
- generateFunctionsDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate The functions' declaration code for this director.
- generateFunctionsDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate The functions' declaration code for this director.
- generateFunctionsDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate The functions' declaration code for this director.
- generateFunctionTable(String[], String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the function table.
- generateFunctionTable(String[], String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the function table.
- generateGaussianCurve(double, double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return an array with samples the Gaussian curve (the "bell curve").
- generateGetAndFree(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code for replacing the getAndFree() macro.
- generateGetAndFree(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate the code to get a token from a port and then free it.
- generateGetAndFree(String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.PortCodeGenerator
Generate the code to get a token from a port and then free it.
- generateGetCode(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code for replacing the get() macro.
- generateGetCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Generate code for getting tokens from the receiver.
- generateGetCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Generates code for getting tokens from the receiver.
- generateGetCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Generates code for getting tokens from the receiver.
- generateGetCode(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code for replacing the get() macro.
- generateGetCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Generates code for getting tokens from the receiver.
- generateGetCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesBasicReceiver
Generate code for getting tokens from the receiver.
- generateGetCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Generates code for getting tokens from the receiver.
- generateGetCode(String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.PortCodeGenerator
Generate the code to get a token from a port.
- generateGetCodeWithoutType(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate the code to get a token from a port, but don't
include the type, for example payload.Int.
- generateGetCodeWithoutType(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate the code to get a token from a port, but don't
include the type, for example payload.Int.
- generateGetCodeWithoutType(String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.PortCodeGenerator
Generate the code to get a token from a port, but don't
include the type, for example payload.Int.
- generateGiottoCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGenerator
Generate Giotto code for the given Giotto model.
- generateGiottoCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate Giotto code for the given Giotto model.
- generateGraphicalSpec(MathematicalModelConverter.FormulaType) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
This is the main entry point to generate the graphical specification of the system.
- generateGraphicalSpecification(CompositeActor, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.SMVUtility
This function generates the reachability/risk specification of a
system by scanning through the subsystem, and extract states which have
special risk or reachability labels.
- generateHammingWindow(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is filled with samples of a Hamming
window of a specified length.
- generateHanningWindow(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is filled with samples of a Hanning
window of a specified length.
- generateHardwareInitializationCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
- generateHardwareInitializationCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.InputDevice
Return the code for the hardware initialization function.
- generateHardwareInitializationCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.OutputDevice
Return the hardware initialization code.
- generateHardwareInitializationCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
Return the code for the hardware initialization function.
- generateHardwareInitializationCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPOutputSetup
Return the hardware initialization code.
- generateHardwareInitializationCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.SpeakerOutputDevice
- generateHasTokenCode(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code to check if the receiver has a token.
- generateHasTokenCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Generate code to check if the receiver has a token.
- generateHasTokenCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Generates code to check the receiver has a token.
- generateHasTokenCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Generates code to check the receiver has a token.
- generateHasTokenCode(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code to check if the receiver has a token.
- generateHasTokenCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Generates code to check the receiver has a token.
- generateHasTokenCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesBasicReceiver
Generate code to check if the receiver has a token.
- generateHasTokenCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Generates code to check the receiver has a token.
- generateHasTokenCode(String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.PortCodeGenerator
Generates code to check the receiver has a token.
- generateHTML(Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.GenerateCopyrights
Generate HTML about the copyrights for classes that might
be present in the configuration.
- generateHTML() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the code for the firing of actors.
- generateHTML() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate HTML code.
- generateHTML() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate HTML code.
- generateId(String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Create new Id by appending a timestamp to the given name.
- generateIndex(String[], String[], String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml.MoMLLib
Generate the .moml index file for the given arguments.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the initialize code for this director.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the initialize code for this director.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate the initialize code for this IOPort.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Generate initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Generate the code for initializing the random number generator
with the seed, if it has been given.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.StringConst
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Generate the initialize code for this director.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the initialize code of the associated composite actor.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate the initialize code of the associated FSMActor.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the initialize code for the associated SDF director.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.BootstrapSampleDelay
Generate the initialize code for the BootstrapSampleDelay actor by
declaring the initial values of the sink channels of the
output port of the BootstrapSampleDelay actor.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Generate the initialize code for the SampleDelay actor by
declaring the initial values of the sink channels of the
output port of the SampleDelay actor.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Generate initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the initialize code for this composite actor.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
initialization method.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
initialization method.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
initialization method.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
initialization method.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate the initialize code of the associated FSMActor.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the initialize code for the associated PtidesBasic director.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
Generate the code for initializing the random number generator
with the seed, if it has been given.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
Generate the code for initializing the random number generator
with the seed, if it has been given.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
Generate the code for initializing the random number generator
with the seed, if it has been given.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Generate initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherTest
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the initialize code for this director.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate the initialize code.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Generate code that corresponds with the initialize() method.
- generateInitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the code associated with initialization of the containing
composite actor.
- generateInitializeEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure entry point.
- generateInitializeEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure entry point.
- generateInitializeEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure entry point.
- generateInitializeExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure exit point.
- generateInitializeExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure exit point.
- generateInitializeExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure exit point.
- generateInitializeFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate the initialize code for the associated DE director.
- generateInitializeFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the initialize function code for the associated FSM director.
- generateInitializeFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the initialize function code for the associated SDF director.
- generateInitializeProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure name.
- generateInitializeProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure name.
- generateInitializeProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the initialization procedure name.
- generateInSubdirectory - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
If true, then generate code in a subdirectory of codeDirectory.
- generateInterruptCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the interrupt code.
- generateInterruptVectorTableCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the interrupt vector table.
- generateLineInfo(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate line number information.
- generateLineInfo(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate line number information.
- generateLineInfo(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate line number and file name information.
- generateLinks(String, String, Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLAbout
Call Configuration.openModel() on relative URLs that match a regexp.
- generateMainEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the main entry point.
- generateMainEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGenerator
Generate the main entry point.
- generateMainEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the main entry point.
- generateMainEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularCodeGenerator
Generate the main entry point.
- generateMainEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator
Generate the main entry point.
- generateMainEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the main entry point.
- generateMainExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the main exit point.
- generateMainExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the main exit point.
- generateMainExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularCodeGenerator
Generate the main exit point.
- generateMainExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator
Generate the main exit point.
- generateMainExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the main exit point.
- generateMainLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Generate a main loop for an execution under the control of
this director.
- generateMainLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate a main loop for an execution under the control of
this DE director.
- generateMainLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate a main loop for an execution under the control of
this FSM director.
- generateMainLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate a main loop for an execution under the control of
this director.
- generateMainLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesTopLevelDirector
Generate a main loop for an execution under the control of
this director.
- generateMainLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate a main loop for an execution under the control of
this director.
- generateMainLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate a main loop for an execution under the control of
a director.
- generateMessage(Nameable, Nameable, Throwable, String) - Static method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Generate a properly formatted exception message.
- generateMessage(Collection, Throwable, String) - Static method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Generate a properly formatted exception message where the
origin of the error is a collection.
- generateMessage(String, Throwable, String) - Static method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Generate a properly formatted detail message.
- generateModeTransitionCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate mode transition code.
- generateModeTransitionCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate mode transition code.
- generateModeTransitionCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate mode transition code.
- generateMoML(File, int, int, boolean, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl.G4LTL
Given a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) file, generate the
corresponding MoML and update the MoML.
- generateName(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate sanitized name for the given named object.
- generateNextActorToFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate The _NextActorToFire function code.
- generateOffset(String, int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Generate the expression that represents the offset in the generated
- generateOffset(IOPort, String, int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Generate the expression that represents the offset in the generated
- generatePackageStatement() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the package statement, if any.
- generatePackageStatement() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the package statement, if any.
- generateParameterCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate code for the Parameters of the actor.
- generateParseException() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Generate ParseException.
- generateParseException() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Generate ParseException.
- generateParseException() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Generate ParseException.
- generateParseTree(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Generates a parse tree from the given String.
- generatePolynomialCurve(double[], double, double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return an array with samples a polynomial curve.
- generatePortDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate the code of the declaration of an IOPort (or a subclass)
Initialize all its dependencies (container, widths ...)
- generatePortName(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Generate sanitized name for the given named object.
- generatePortName(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositeActor
Generate sanitized name for the given named object.
- generatePortName(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Generate sanitized name for the given named object.
- generatePortName(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate sanitized name for the given named object.
- generatePortName(TypedIOPort, String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate sanitized name for the given port.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the postfire code of the associated composite actor.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.LimitedFiringSource
Generate postfire code if the firingCountLimit parameter is non-zero.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the postfire code of the associated composite
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Generate the postfire code.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Generate the postfire code.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the postfire code for this composite actor.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
postFire method.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
postFire method.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the postfire code of the associated composite actor.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate the postfire code of the associated controller.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the postfire code.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate the postfire code.
- generatePostfireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate into the specified code stream the code associated with
postfiring up the container composite actor.
- generatePostfireEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure entry point.
- generatePostfireEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure entry point.
- generatePostfireEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure entry point.
- generatePostfireExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure exit point.
- generatePostfireExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure exit point.
- generatePostfireExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure exit point.
- generatePostFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate The postfire function code.
- generatePostFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate The postfire function code for a SDF director.
- generatePostfireProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure name.
- generatePostfireProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure name.
- generatePostfireProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the postfire procedure name.
- generatePrefireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the prefire code for this composite actor.
- generatePrefireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
preFire method.
- generatePrefireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
preFire method.
- generatePrefireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the prefire code of the associated composite actor.
- generatePrefireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the prefire code of the associated composite actor.
- generatePrefireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate the prefire code.
- generatePreFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate The prefire function code.
- generatePreFireFunctionCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate The prefire function code for a SDF director
Usually we have to check if all the input ports have enough
tokens to fire.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the preinitialize code of the associated composite actor.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.LimitedFiringSource
Generate preinitialize code if the firingCountLimit parameter is non-zero.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.SubscriptionAggregator
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.VectorDisassembler
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate the preinitialize code of the associated FSMActor.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate the preinitialization code for the director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.UpSample
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate the preinitialize code of the associated FSMActor.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for the associated Ptides director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for the associated Ptides director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for the associated Ptides director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Generate preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherTest
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate the preinitialize code that declares the ports.
- generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Generate code that corresponds with the preinitialize() method.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the preinitialization method body.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the preinitialize code of the associated composite actor.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the preinitialize code.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the preinitialize code for this director.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the preinitialization method body.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate the preinitialization method body.
- generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate the preinitialization method body.
- generatePrimaryCopyrightHTML(Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.GenerateCopyrights
Generate the primary copyright.
- generatePtinyOSModel(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml.NCApp2MoML
Generate the .moml file for this nesC application.
- generatePtIOPortName(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate sanitized name for the given Ptolemy IOPort.
- generatePtIOPortSize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the size of the ioPortMap.
- generatePtTypedCompositeActorName(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
- generatePtTypedCompositeActorSize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the size of the TypedCompositeActor Map.
- generatePutCode(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code for replacing the send() macro.
- generatePutCode(IOPort, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Generate code for putting tokens to the receiver.
- generatePutCode(IOPort, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Generate code for putting tokens from the receiver.
- generatePutCode(IOPort, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Generate code for putting tokens from the receiver.
- generatePutCode(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code for replacing the send() macro.
- generatePutCode(IOPort, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Generate code for putting tokens from the receiver.
- generatePutCode(IOPort, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesBasicReceiver
Generate code for putting tokens into the receiver.
- generatePutCode(IOPort, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Generate code for putting tokens from the receiver.
- generatePutCode(IOPort, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesBasicReceiver
- generatePutCode(String, String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.PortCodeGenerator
Generate the code to put a token to a port.
- generatePutLocalInsideCode(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code for replacing the sendLocalInside() macro.
- generatePutLocalInsideCode(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Generate code for replacing the sendLocalInside() macro.
- generatePutLocalInsideCode(String, String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.PortCodeGenerator
Generate the code to put a token to a port's local inside receivers.
- generateRaisedCosinePulse(double, double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return an array containing a symmetric raised-cosine pulse.
- generateRectangularWindow(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is filled with samples of a rectangular
window of a specified length.
- generateREDDescription(CompositeActor, String, MathematicalModelConverter.FormulaType, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.REDUtility
This is the main function which generates the system description
which is acceptable by the tool RED (Regional Encoding Diagram).
- generateRTMDescription(CompositeActor, String, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMaudeUtility
Return a StringBuffer that contains the converted .maude format of the
- generateRTMDescription(BufferedReader, CompositeActor, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMaudeUtility
Return a StringBuffer that contains the converted .maude format of the
- generateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the code representing the schedule statically inferred from the
Ptolemy model.
- generateSensorSensingFuncCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.InputDevice
Return the code for the sensing function.
- generateSensorSensingFuncCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
Return the code for the sensing function.
- generateSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Generate shared code.
- generateSimpleAssignmentParseTree(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Generates a parse tree from the given String, which may optionally
contain an assignment.
- generateSimpleName(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate sanitized name for the given named object.
- generateSMVDescription(CompositeActor, String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.SMVUtility
Return a StringBuffer that contains the converted .smv format of the
- generateSqrtRaisedCosinePulse(double, double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return an array containing a symmetric raised-cosine pulse.
- generateStringParseTree(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Generates a parse tree from the given String, which is interpreted
in "String Mode" instead of as an operator expression.
- generateSyntax() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate syntactic representation code.
- generateTDLCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGenerator
Generate TDL code for the given TDL model.
- generateTDLCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate TDL code for the given TDL model.
- generateTicket(String, String) - Static method in class ptserver.control.Ticket
Generate a new ticket for the provided model and layout URL.
- generateTransferInputCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the code for the transfer of input values inside the modal model.
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferInputsCode(TypedIOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate code for transferring all input tokens to the inside.
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferInputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to complete an internal
- generateTransferOutputCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate the code for the transfer of output values inside the modal model.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(TypedIOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.State
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate code for transferring all output tokens to the outside.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort, StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output
production rate.
- generateTransitionCode(StringBuffer, FSMActor.TransitionRetriever) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate code for making transition.
- generateTypeConvertCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos.PtidyOSCodeGenerator
- generateTypeConvertCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate type conversion code.
- generateTypeConvertCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate type conversion code.
- generateTypeConvertCodeCandH() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate type conversion code.
- generateTypeConvertFireCode(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Generate the type conversion fire code.
- generateTypeConvertFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the type conversion fire code.
- generateTypeConvertFireCode(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Generate the type conversion fire code.
- generateTypeConvertFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Generate the type conversion fire code.
- generateTypeConvertFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the type conversion fire code.
- generateTypeConvertFireCode(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the type conversion fire code.
- generateTypeConvertMethod(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Generate expression that evaluates to a result of equivalent
value with the cast type.
- generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel, ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CTemplateParser
Generate the type conversion statement for the particular offset of
the two given channels.
- generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel, ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Generate the type conversion statement for the particular offset of
the two given channels.
- generateUndoEntry() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Generate the undo entry by processing children entries and the
closing undo MoML.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositeActor
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Generate a variable declaration for the period parameter,
if there is one.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate variable declarations for input ports, output ports and
parameters if necessary, as well as for the director and the
contained actors.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate the variable declaration.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
We override the super method, because the declaration
of the variables are in the actor's files.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate constant for the period parameter,
if there is one.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
We override the super method, because the declaration
of the variables are in the actor's files.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate the variable declaration for the transition flag.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate constant for the period parameter,
if there is one.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- generateVariableName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate variable name for the given attribute.
- generateVariableName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate variable name for the given attribute.
- generateWindow(int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is filled with samples of a window of a
specified length and type.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate the wrapup code of the director associated with this adapter
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the wrapup code of the associated composite actor.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Generate wrap up code.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate The wrapup function code.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
A function which returns the generated code from the C template
wrapup method.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate The wrapup function code.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Generate wrap up code.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the wrapup code.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate the wrapup code.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Generate code that corresponds with the wrapup() method.
- generateWrapupCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate into the specified code stream the code associated with
wrapping up the container composite actor.
- generateWrapupEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure entry point.
- generateWrapupEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure entry point.
- generateWrapupEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure entry point.
- generateWrapupExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure exit point.
- generateWrapupExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure exit point.
- generateWrapupExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure exit point.
- generateWrapupProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure name.
- generateWrapupProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure name.
- generateWrapupProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the wrapup procedure name.
- GENERATOR_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
The name of the GeneratorAttribute
- GeneratorAttribute - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
This is an attribute that stores the configuration of a code generator.
- GeneratorAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- generatorClass - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
The low-level random number generator (RNG) class name.
- GeneratorFrame(CompositeActor, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.gui.GeneratorTableau.GeneratorFrame
Construct a frame to control code generation for
the specified Ptolemy II model.
- generatorPackage - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
The name of the package in which to look for adapter class
code generators.
- generatorPackage - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
The name of the package in which to look for adapter class
code generators.
- generatorPackageList - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
The name of the package(s) in which to look for adapter
- GeneratorPackageListParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator.GeneratorPackageListParser
Create a package list parser.
- generatorPackages() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator.GeneratorPackageListParser
Return the list of generator packages.
- GeneratorTableau - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.gui
A tableau that creates a new control panel for code generation.
- GeneratorTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.gui.GeneratorTableau
Create a new control panel for code generation.
- GeneratorTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.gui
A factory that creates a control panel for code generation.
- GeneratorTableau.GeneratorFrame - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.gui
The frame that is created by an instance of GeneratorTableau.
- GeneratorTableauAttribute - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.gui
This is an attribute that stores the configuration of a generator tableau.
- GeneratorTableauAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.gui.GeneratorTableauAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- GenericAttributePanel - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JPanel displaying a generic attribute for searching.
- GenericAttributePanel() - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.GenericAttributePanel
Construct a GenericAttributePanel.
- GenericCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
Base class for code generator.
- GenericCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the code generator.
- GenericCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the code generator.
- GenericCodeGenerator.GeneratorPackageListParser - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
Parse the generatorPackageList parameter.
- geometricMean(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the geometric mean of the elements in the array.
- GeometricSet - Interface in diva.canvas
An interface for figure sets with that have their contents defined
- Geometry - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
Geometry is an interface that captures the concept of an
abstract figure geometry.
- GestureRecognition - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
This actor uses eight input ports that receives values from the five finger
bend sensors and quaternion data of a dataglove and outputs information to
update the color, size and position of LEDs in the mbed LED Cube Demo.
- GestureRecognition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- GestureRecognition - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition.
- GestureRecognition(GestureRecognition) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
Construct the GestureRecognition adapter.
- get(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- get(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- get() - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Color4f
- get(Matrix4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- get(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- get(Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- get(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- get(Tuple4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- get(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- get(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Get the figure at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return the figure at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Get the figure at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Return the figure at the given index.
- get(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- get(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- get(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- get(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- get(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- get(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Get the element at index idx
- get(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the object value associated with an index.
- get(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the value object associated with a key.
- get() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
- get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Get a token from this receiver.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Scope
Look up and return the value with the specified name in the
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.PtolemyExpressionString
Get the current value.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.RegularExpressionString
Get the current value.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Delegate to the internal receiver and return whatever it returns.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Get a token from the specified channel.
- get(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Get an array of tokens from the specified channel.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Get the current value of the input port or a parameter.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Get the current value of the input port or a parameter.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Returns the element at the specified position in this queue.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Mailbox
Get the contained Token.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Get a token from this receiver.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.PtalonExpressionScope
Look up and return the value of the variable or parameter
with the specified name in the scope.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Remove the first token (the oldest one) from the receiver and
return it.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Return a token in the receiver or its history.
- get() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Get a token from this receiver.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
Return the contained token.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Return the element at the specified position in the list.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriptionAggregatorPort
Get a token from the specified channel.
- get(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriptionAggregatorPort
Get an array of tokens from the specified channel.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Return entry that is at the head of the
queue (i.e. the one that will be obtained by the next take()).
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Return an object in the queue or history.
- get(ChannelID, int) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenReader
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DFInputChannel
Get the given token from this input channel.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.util.IntegerList
Return an integer from the Caltrop interpreter context.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtArrayList
Get the token at the given index.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Look up and return the macro or expression in the target language
corresponding to the specified name in the scope.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.VariableScope
Look up and return the attribute with the specified name.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.VariableScope
Look up and return the attribute with the specified name.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.VariableScope
Look up and return the macro or expression in the target language
corresponding to the specified name in the scope.
- get(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Constants
Look up the value of the constant with the given name.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ExplicitScope
Look up and return the value with the specified name in the
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.NamedConstantsScope
Look up and return the value with the specified name in the
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.NestedScope
Look up and return the value with the specified name in the
- get(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.expr.ParserScope
Look up and return the value with the specified name in the
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable.VariableScope
Look up and return the attribute with the specified name in the
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ActorModelScope
Look up and return the value with the specified name in the
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return the token with the specified label.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.AssociativeType
Return the type of the specified label.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return the type of the specified label.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return the type of the specified label.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedReceiver
Empty implementation of the inherited abstract method.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopReceiver
Return the contained Token.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIReceiver
Get a token from this receiver.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Get a token from this receiver.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Get a token from the mailbox receiver.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Take the the oldest token off of the queue and return it.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Return the earliest DE event in the queue without removing it
from the queue.
- get() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEventQueue
Return the earliest DE event in this event queue.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Get the first token from the receiver.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Remove the first token (the oldest one) from the receiver and
return it.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Get the contained and available token, i.e., get the last
token that has been put into the receiver before the last
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNQueueReceiver
Gets a token from this receiver.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Gets the smallest event from the event queue.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Gets the event from the event queue that is pointed by the index.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Look up and return the attribute with the specified name in the
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Get the contained Token.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Get a token from this receiver.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.VariableScope
Look up and return the value with the specified name in the
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Get a token from this receiver.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Get the smallest event from the event queue.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Get the event from the event queue that is pointed by the index.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Get a token from this receiver.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Return an object in the queue or history.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Remove the first token (the oldest one) from the receiver and
return it.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Return a token in the receiver or its history.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.RegisterReceiver
Get the contained Token.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector.SysMLAReceiver
Get the contained Token.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector.SysMLAReceiver
Get the contained Token.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector.SysMLSequentialReceiver
Get the contained Token.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Get the contained and available token, i.e., get the last token that has
been put into the receiver before the last update.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMReceiver
Get a token from the receiver.
- get() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessReceiver
Override the base class to unbundle the token and its properties.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Return the element that has a specified label.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Return the element at the specified position in the list.
- get(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList
Get the container at the specified index.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Get an element by name.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Bindings
Get the value for a variable.
- get(K) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MultiHashMap
Get the collection of values mapped to by a given key.
- get(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.VariableScope
Look up and return the attribute with the specified name in the
- get(RTMTerm...) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMOpTermGenerator
- GET_BEGIN - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
An event corresponding with the beginning of a token being received.
- GET_CHECKPOINT_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
The name of the method to get the checkpoint.
- GET_END - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
An event corresponding with the ending of a token being received.
- getA() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- getAbsoluteQuantum() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
Return the value of the absoluteQuantum parameter.
- getAcceptedRating() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the Pt.AcceptedRating field, or null
if none has been given.
- getAccessorNetworkAccessAllowed() - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Return true if the PT_NO_NET environment variable is set.
- getAccessorsRepository() - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Check out or update the accessor repository, unless
the checkoutOrUpdateAccessorsRepository parameter is
false, in which case, do nothing.
- getAction() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor
Return the action associated with this interactor.
- getAction(String) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get an action by name.
- getAction(String) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get an action by name.
- getActiveBranch() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return the active branch, which may be null if it has not
yet been set.
- getActiveCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Get the number of models that are active.
- getActiveModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- getActiveTabIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- getActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
Return the actor that is being activated.
- getActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessThread
Return the actor being executed by this thread.
- getActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Firing
Get the actor associated with this Firing.
- getActor() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterface
Return the associated actor.
- getActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Return the actor for which this is a dependency.
- getActor() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Return the actor corresponding to the process that generated
the event.
- getActor() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.LetTask
Return the actor representing the task.
- getActorElementName(StringParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Get the name of the element contained by the actor (either a
port or an attribute) for which the specified parameter
defines a constraint.
- getActorFrequency(NamedObj, GiottoDirector) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Return the frequency of the specified actor by accessing a
parameter named "frequency".
- getActorOrientedClass(String, VersionSpecification) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.classloading.ActorOrientedClassProvider
Returns the CompositeEntity
providing the requested actor-oriented class definition, if this provider has it.
- getAdapter(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Get the code generator adapter associated with the given component.
- getAdapter(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the code generator adapter associated with the given component.
- getAdapter(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Returns the adapter that contains concept information for the given AST
- getAdapter(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Returns the adapter that contains concept information for the given
- getAdapter(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return the concept constraint adapter associated with the given object.
- getAdapter(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the property adapter for the specified component.
- getAdd(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- getAdd() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- getAddedParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Return the added paramters.
- getAddedPortNames() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Return the added port names.
- getAddedPortParameterNames() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Return the added port parameter names.
- getAdditionalListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget
Return the Vector of listeners that have been registered.
- getAddMargins() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Get whether to increase the size of the output image to accomodate the shadow.
- getAddress() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Return the Internet Address where the distributed actor is executing.
- getAddress() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Return the Internet Address where the wrapper is executing.
- getAddress() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.PtrToken
Get the address in memory this token is pointing to.
- getAddTimeString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Return the value of the delay parameter.
- getAddTimeString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return a string that represents the additional time.
- getAffectedFolder() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Get the folder where all the transformed classes are placed.
- getAffectedTerms(InequalityTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager
Get the list of affected InequalityTerms from the PropertyTermManager.
- getAffectedTerms(InequalityTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Get the list of affected InequalityTerms from the OntologySolver's
- getAliasesOfAfter(SootField, Unit) - Method in interface ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.AliasAnalysis
Return the set of other fields and locals that reference
the same object as the given field, at a point after
the given unit.
- getAliasesOfAfter(Local, Unit) - Method in interface ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.AliasAnalysis
Return the set of other fields and locals that maybe reference
the same object as the given field, at a point after
the given unit.
- getAliasesOfBefore(SootField, Unit) - Method in interface ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.AliasAnalysis
Return the set of other fields and locals that reference
the same object as the given field, at a point before
the given unit.
- getAliasesOfBefore(Local, Unit) - Method in interface ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.AliasAnalysis
Return the set of other fields and locals that reference
the same object as the given local, at a point before
the given unit.
- getAliasHandlers() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Get the list of alias handlers.
- getAlignment(CellConstraints.Alignment) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
Translates an alignment value to a string.
- getAlignment(String) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
Translates a string to an alignment value.
- getAll() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenReader
- getAllAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the list of all PropertyAdapters associated with this
ontology solver.
- getAllCodeBlockNames() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Return a list of code block names contained by this CodeStream.
- getAllCodeBlockSignatures() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Return a set of code block signatures contained by this CodeStream.
- getAllConceptableNamedObjs() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the subset of all concept-able objects that are NamedObjs.
- getAllContainedOntologies() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return a list of all the ontologies contained in this solver.
- getAllContainedOntologySolvers() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologySolver
Return all the LatticeOntologySolvers contained in the ProductLatticeOntologySolver's
- getAllImagesMosaic() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
- getAllModelsFromDatabase(int) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.load.LoadManager
Get the list of models for the given page number.
- getAllModelsFromDatabase() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.load.LoadManager
Fetch and store locally the list of all models in the database.
- getAllPropertyables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the set of all property-able objects obtained from
all PropertyAdapter.
- getAllScopedObjectNames(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ModelScope
Return a list of object names in scope for variables in the
given container.
- getAllScopedVariableNames(Variable, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ModelScope
Return a list of variable names in scope for variables in the
given container.
- getAllSolvers(SharedParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the list of all solvers that are in the same model.
- getAllTabs() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get all tab definitions.
- getAllTabs() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Get all content areas as a list.
- getAllUnits() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.BaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return a list of all the possible units contained in this base
- getAllUnits() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return a list of all the possible units contained in this derived
- getAllUnits() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return a list of all the possible units contained in this
dimension representative concept.
- getAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- getAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite
- getAlternateTopPack() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Get the alternative pack() interface for the ptolemy.gui.Top JFrame.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Get the amount of noise to add.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Get the amount of effect.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Get the amount of texture.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromeFilter
Get the amount of chrome.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DisplaceFilter
Get the amount of distortion.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Get the amount of texture.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
Get the amount of warp.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Get the amount of glint.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlowFilter
Get the amount of glow.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
Get the amount of effect.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Get the amount of noise.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Get the amount of pinch.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SaturationFilter
Set the amount of saturation change.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
Get the amount of sparkle.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Get the amount of swim.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Get the amount of texture.
- getAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.UnsharpFilter
Get the amount of sharpening.
- getAmplitude() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Get the amplitude of the ripples.
- getAnalysis(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Get the analysis with the given name, or return null if no such
analysis exists.
- getAnalysis(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return the analysis that is active for the given object.
- getAnalyzer() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the type analyzer that owns this state.
- getAncestors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return the ancestors of this tree, including this tree.
- getAnchor() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Get the point at which this figure is "anchored."
- getAnchorPoint() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Get the location at which the anchor is currently located.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Returns the angle of the texture.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Get the angle of the texture.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Returns the angle of the arc.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
Returns the angle of the texture.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Returns the angle of the texture.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Returns the angle of each iteration.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
Returns the angle of the texture.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Get the angle of the kaleidoscope.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
Returns the angle of the mirror.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Returns the angle of blur.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Returns the angle of blur.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Get the angle of twist.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter
Returns the angle of rotation.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Returns the angle of the shadow.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
Returns the angle of the texture.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Returns the angle of the effect.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Returns the angle of the texture.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Get the angle of twist.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Returns the angle of the texture.
- getAngle() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Get the angle at which the arc leaves the tail figure.
- getAngle2() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Get the secondary angle of the kaleidoscope.
- getAngleCoefficient() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getAngleVariation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- getAnimationDelay() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Get the time delay for animation.
- getAnimationMenuText() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphFrame
Return the text to be used in the animation menu item.
- getAppContext() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get the context that this application draws itself in.
- getAppContext() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get the frame that this application draws itself in.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplet
Return applet information.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
Return generic applet information.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.HistogramApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
- getApplication() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Get the application that this document belongs to.
- getApplication() - Static method in class diva.gui.ApplicationExceptionHandler
- getApplication() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Get the application that this document belongs to.
- getApplicationPath() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Get the base path of this web application.
- getApplicationPath() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Get the base path of this web application.
- getArcMidpoint() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Return the midpoint of the arc.
- getArcModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Get the arc model.
- getAreaThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Get the percentage fraction of detected motion area threshold above which it is classified as
- getArgCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return the number of arguments in this type.
- getArgType(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return the type of the given argument.
- getArgTypeTerm(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return the InequalityTerm representing the type of the given
- getArgTypeTerm(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return the InequalityTerm representing the type of the given
- getArgumentDomainOntologies() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Return the array of ontologies that represent the domains for
the input arguments to the concept function.
- getArgumentNameList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
Return the list of argument names.
- getArguments(ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
Evaluate the parse tree of the arguments and return an ArrayToken or
RecordToken that contains the values of those arguments in the given
parser scope.
- getArgumentTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
Return the type of the arguments, or null if type inference
has not occurred yet.
- getArray(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Get an array of tokens from this receiver.
- getArray(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Get an array of tokens from this receiver.
- getArray(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
If the argument is 1, there is a token, and the status is known,
then return an array containing the one token.
- getArray(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Get an array of tokens from this receiver.
- getArray(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Get an array of tokens from this receiver.
- getArray() - Method in class ptserver.data.ByteArrayToken
Returns the byte array that this token wraps.
- getArraySize(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Compute total array size.
- getArraySizes(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Compute array sizes (for each dimension).
- getArraySizes(IOPort, Integer[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Compute array sizes (for each dimension).
- getAssignment() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtAssignmentNode
- getAssignmentHandlers() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Get the list of assignment handlers.
- getAssociatedObject() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return the associated object of this InequalityTerm, which is always
null for concepts.
- getAssociatedObject() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Return the concept function associated with this concept
function inequality term.
- getAssociatedObject() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Return the model object associated with the InequalityTerm.
- getAssociatedObject() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Return null.
- getAssociatedObject() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Return null.
- getAssociatedObject() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm
Return the Object associated with this term.
- getAssociatedPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Return the associated port, or null if there is none.
- getAssociatedPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterMirrorPort
Return the associated port, or null if there is none.
- getAsyncConnection() - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Get an asynchronous connection to the database.
- getAttachSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Get the site to which the terminal is attached
- getAttachSite() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Terminal
Get the site that the terminal is attached to.
- getAttachSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Get the site that the terminal is attached to.
- getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the three-member array representing an
attribute declaration.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the value of the attribute with the given name,
or null if there isn't one.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Get the value of the attribute with the given name.
- getAttribute(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Get the attribute that corresponds to the specified
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Get the attribute with the given name.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Get the attribute with the given name.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Get the attribute with the given name.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the attribute with the given name.
- getAttribute(String, Class) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the attribute with the given name and class.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.ScopeExtender
Get the attribute with the given name.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Get the attribute with the given name.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Return the value of the attribute with the given name.
- getAttributeClass() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GenericAttributePanel
Get the selected attribute's class.
- getAttributeCount() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get the number of attributes displayed in the panel.
- getAttributeDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the default value of a declared attribute.
- getAttributeDefaultValueType(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the default value type of a declared attribute.
- getAttributeEnumeration(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the allowed values for an enumerated attribute type.
- getAttributeExpandedValue(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the expanded value of a declared attribute.
- getAttributeHandle() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Return the HLA attribute handle.
- getAttributeId() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Return the attribute id.
- getAttributeMap() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the map from attribute names to value.
- getAttributeMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getAttributeName() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
Return the HLA attribute name handled by the HlaPublisher.
- getAttributeName() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Return the HLA attribute name mapped to this HlaSubscriber.
- getAttributeName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Get the name of this attribute.
- getAttributeName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Return the attribute name.
- getAttributeName() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GenericAttributePanel
Get the selected attribute's name.
- getAttributeName() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ModelAttributePanel
Get the selected attribute's name.
- getAttributeNames() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Get the names of all the attributes of this XML element.
- getAttributes() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Get the attributes criteria from the search criteria.
- getAttributes() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AdvancedSimpleSearchFrame
Get the attributes search criteria that the user specified in this
- getAttributes() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get an ArrayList of all displayed attributes as Attribute objects.
- getAttributes() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesSearchListPanel
- getAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverUtilities
Return the map that maps root ast node (keys) to the corresponding
attribute (values).
- getAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
- getAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.LibraryBuilder
Get the list of Attributes associated with this LibraryBuilder.
- getAttributesList() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.AttributeSearchTask
Return the search attribute list.
- GetAttributesTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Task to fetch the attributes from database.
- GetAttributesTask() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.GetAttributesTask
- getAttributeType(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the declared type of an attribute.
- getAttributeType() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Return the attribute type.
- getAttributeValues() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Return the attribute value.
- getAttributeValuesPlain() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Get the attribute list values without checking the attribute's type.
- getAttributeXMLStringFormat() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Create an XML string representation of XMLDBAttribute object.
- getAuthor() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the author field, or the string "No author given"
if none has been given.
- getAuthor() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the author.
- getAutoAdapter(GenericCodeGenerator, Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Create a new adapter to a preexisting actor that presumably does
not have a code generation template.
- getAutomaticTypeConversion() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Indicates whether conversion of received tokens is enabled or not.
- getAutoscrollInsets() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
Implements autoscrolling.
- getAutoscrollInsets() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
Implements autoscrolling.
- getAuxVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Return the auxiliary variables in a double array.
- getAverageCharacterWidthTestString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Returns the string used to compute the average character width.
- getAzimuth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- getAzimuth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- getB() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- getB() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Get the y intercept of the line
- getBackground() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Get the background color.
- getBackground() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- getBackground() - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Get the background figure.
- getBackground() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Get the background figure of the icon.
- getBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Get the background color.
- getBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Return the background.
- getBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Get the background.
- getBackground() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Get the background.
- getBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Get the background.
- getBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
Get the background color.
- getBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime
Get the background.
- getBackgroundAt(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Returns the tab background color at the given index.
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Returns the color for the background.
- getBackgroundEventLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Get the background event layer.
- getBackgroundFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Get the background figure.
- getBackgroundLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Get the background layer.
- getBag() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Get the value of the bag.
- getBase(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Return the base of this port.
- getBase() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Return the base specified in the most recent call to the
configure() method, or null if none.
- getBaseAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- getBaseConversion() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.BaseConvertCachedMethod
Return the conversion that is applied to the object
upon which the method is invoked.
- getBaseDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Return the directory to use as the base for relative file or URL names.
- getBaseDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Return the directory to use as the base for relative file or URL names.
- getBaseDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileAttribute
Return the directory to use as the base for relative file or URL names.
- getBaseDirectory() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileOrURLAccessor
Return the directory to use as the base for relative file or URL names.
- getBaseTokenType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
If the given type is a reference type to a class that
derives from ptolemy.data.Token, or array whose element type
derives from ptolemy.data.Token, then return that
token type.
- getBaseTokenTypeType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
If the given type is a reference type to a class that
derives from ptolemy.data.Type, or array whose element type
derives from ptolemy.data.Type, then return that
token type.
- getBaseUnit() - Method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitCategory
Return the base unit.
- getBaseUnit(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Find the Unit in the library that is basic (scale equal to 1),
singular (all but one dimensions equal to 0).
- getBaseUnitName(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Return the name of the base unit of the specified category.
- getBasicConfig() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Get the parameter values from the GUI input.
- getBasicGraphFrame(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Given a NamedObj, return the corresponding BasicGraphFrame.
- getBasicGraphFrame(Effigy) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Given an Effigy, return the corresponding BasicGraphFrame, if any.
- getBasis() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- getBasis() - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.CompoundFunction2D
- getBasisType() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- getBasisType() - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.FBM
- getBeginColumn() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Get token beginning column number.
- getBeginColumn() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Get token beginning column number.
- getBeginLine() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Get token beginning line number.
- getBeginLine() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Get token beginning line number.
- getBendPointList() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Get a list of Point2D
corresponding to the bend points stored
in this item.
- getBendPoints() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Get the bend points stored in this hint as an array of doubles, where
each two entries correspond to x and y of one bend point.
- getBendRadius() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Return the maximum bend radius of the manhattan-routed
- getBevel() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- getBFactor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- getBFactor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- getBgColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Get the background color.
- getBias() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- getBias() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GainFilter
Get the bias.
- getBias() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getBinding() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticToken
Return the binding, or null if undefined.
- getBindings() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.PtolemyModule
Return the bindings from interfaces to their implementations.
- getBitsPerSample() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return the number of bits per audio sample, which is
set by the setBitsPerSample() method.
- getBitsPerSample() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Return the number of bits per sample.
- getBitsPerSample() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return the number of bits per audio sample, which is
set by the setBitsPerSample() method.
- getBitsPerSample() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundReader
Return the number of bits per audio sample.
- getBlack() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Set the color to be used for pixels below the lower threshold.
- getBlack() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Set the color to be used for pixels below the lower threshold.
- getBlackFunction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
- getBlockingCause() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Return the cause of the blocking state.
- getBlockSize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BlockFilter
Get the pixel block size.
- getBloom() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
Get the bloom factor.
- getBloomThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
Get the bloom threshold.
- getBlueGreen() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- getBlur() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Set the blur that is applied before thresholding.
- getBlurMask() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Get the mask used to give the amount of blur at each point.
- getBody() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Get the body of the message.
- getBody() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return the response body.
- getBody() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Get the body of the message.
- getBody() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return the response body.
- getBodyContent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Get the body content.
- getBoldPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlighting
Get the key of the bold face preference.
- getBoldPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting
Get the key of the bold face preference.
- getBoldPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.StateVariableHighlighting
Get the key of the bold face preference.
- getBoolean(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the boolean value associated with an index.
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the boolean value associated with a key.
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICapabilities
Get the value of a boolean field.
- getBoolean(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Return the value of this variable as a boolean.
- getBooleanHybrid(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Return the value of this variable as a boolean.
- getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name
and return as a boolean.
- getBorderColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
- getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders.EmptyBorder
Returns the insets of the border.
- getBorderPaint() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Get the border paint.
- getBottomBorder() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Returns the border border value.
- getBound() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get the term bound to this name.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Get the bounding box of all the figures in this list.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the bounding box of this connector.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Get the bounding box of the shape used to draw
this connector end.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Get the bounding box of the shape used to draw
this connector end.
- getBounds() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEnd
Get the bounding box of the shape used to draw
this connector end.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Get the bounding box of this terminal.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Get the bounds of this damage region.
- getBounds() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Get the bounds of this figure, which is by default the
same as the child figure, if there is one, or a very small
rectangle if there isn't.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureWrapper
Get the bounds of the child figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsConstraint
Get the bounds
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the current rectangle that defines this geometry.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Get the current rectangle that defines this geometry.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Get the bounds.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Get the bounds.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Get the bounding box of this icon, including the terminals.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Get the bounds of this string
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelWrapper
Get the bounds of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial.CustomRectangle
Get the bounds of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial.CloudFigure
Get the bounds of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Get the bounding box of all the figures in this list.
- getBounds(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return the bounds of the figure associated with the given node
in the target's view.
- getBounds(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Return the bounds of the figure associated with the given node
in the target's view.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Get the bounding box of this figure.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
Get the bounding box of the shape when stroked.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedImage
Get the bounding box of the object when painted.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedList
Get the bounding box of the list of painted objects.
- getBounds() - Method in interface diva.util.java2d.PaintedObject
Get the bounding box of the object when painted.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Get the bounds of this string
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Get the integer bounds of the polygon.
- getBounds() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Get the integer bounds of the polyline.
- getBounds() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowHighlighter
Get the bounds.
- getBounds2D(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
- getBounds2D(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
- getBounds2D(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
- getBounds2D(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
- getBounds2D(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
- getBounds2D(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
- getBounds2D() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Get the floating-point bounds of the polygon.
- getBounds2D() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Get the floating-point bounds of the polygon.
- getBounds2D() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Get the floating-point bounds of the polygon.
- getBounds2D() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Get the floating-point bounds of the polyline.
- getBounds2D() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Get the floating-point bounds of the polyline.
- getBounds2D() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Get the floating-point bounds of the polyline.
- getBranchController() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.BranchActor
Return the the conditional branch controller of this actor.
- getBranchController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Return the conditional branch control of this actor.
- getBranchController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Barrier
Return the conditional branch control of this actor.
- getBranchGroup() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Return the root Java 3D rendering group used by this view screen.
- getBranchList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Return the list of branches controlled by this controller.
- getBrightness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Get the brightness.
- getBrightness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContrastFilter
Get the filter brightness.
- getBrightness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- getBrokerUrl() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Get the URL of the message broker.
- getBrokerUrl() - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Get the full URL to the message broker.
- getBTolerance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- getBTolerance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Get the brightness tolerance.
- getBuffer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
Return the sample buffer.
- getBufferFieldName(TypedIORelation, int, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Return the name of the field that is created to
represent the given channel of the given type of the
given relation.
- getBufferSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Get the buffer size of channel of the port.
- getBufferSize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Return the buffer size of the port, which is the maximum of
the bufferSizes of all channels the port.
- getBufferSize(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Get the buffer size of channel of the port.
- getBufferSize(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Return the buffer size of a given port, which is the maximum of
the bufferSizes of all channels of the given port.
- getBufferSize(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return the buffer size of a given channel (i.e, a given port
and a given channel number).
- getBufferSize(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return the buffer size of a given port, which is the maximum of the
bufferSizes of all channels of the given port.
- getBufferSize(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the buffer size of the given port of this actor.
- getBufferSize() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return the suggested size of the internal capture and playback audio
buffers, in samples per channel.
- getBufferSize() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Return the suggested size of the internal capture and playback audio
buffers, in samples per channel.
- getBufferSize() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return the suggested size of the internal capture and playback audio
buffers, in samples per channel.
- getBufferSizeCapture() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return the size of the internal capture audio buffer, in samples per
- getBufferSizeCapture() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return the size of the internal capture audio buffer, in samples per
- getBufferSizeCapture() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Return the size of the internal capture audio buffer, in samples per
- getBufferSizePlayback() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return the size of the internal playback audio buffer, in samples per
- getBufferSizePlayback() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return the size of the internal playback audio buffer, in samples per
- getBufferSizePlayback() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Return the size of the internal playback audio buffer, in samples per
- getBufIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
Return the current index in the circular buffer.
- getBumpFunction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getBumpFunction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- getBumpHeight() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- getBumpHeight() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getBumpHeight() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- getBumpShape() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getBumpSoftness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getBumpSoftness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- getBumpSource() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getBumpSource() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- getBundle(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.OrderedResourceBundle
Get a resource bundle using the specified base name and the default
- getButtonBarPad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a pad used to separate a button bar from a component.
- getButtonBarPad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a pad used to separate a button bar from a component.
- getButtonBarPad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a pad used to separate a button bar from a component.
- getBW(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._TwoWayHashMap
Backward lookup.
- getByteData() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
Get byte data from FloatImage scaled from 0 to 255
- getC() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- getCacheConnection(boolean) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Get a synchronous connection to the cache database.
- getCacheContainerName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SetupParameters
Return the cache container name.
- getCachedMethodType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return the type of this class, which is one of METHOD or FUNCTION.
- getCachedResult() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
- getCalendarInstance() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the calendar instance representing this date.
- getCameraAzimuth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getCameraElevation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getCanvas() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Get the containing canvas, or null if there isn't one.
- getCanvas() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JCanvasPanner
Return the target component that is being wrapped.
- getCanvas() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the Diva canvas used by this view screen.
- getCanvas() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Return the Java 3D canvas used by this view screen.
- getCanvasPane() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Get the pane containing this layer.
- getCanvasPane() - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Get the canvas pane contained by this component.
- getCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Return the capacity, or INFINITE_CAPACITY if it is unbounded.
- getCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Return the queue capacity, or INFINITE_CAPACITY if it is unbounded.
- getCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Get the queue capacity of this receiver.
- getCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Return the queue capacity.
- getCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Return the capacity, or INFINITE_CAPACITY if it is unbounded.
- getCaptions() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the captions.
- getCaptions() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the captions.
- getCardinality(Port) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
Return one of {-270, -180, -90, 0, 90, 180, 270} specifying
the orientation of a port.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Actor
Return a causality interface for this actor.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Return a causality interface for this actor.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Return a causality interface for this actor.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return a causality interface for the composite actor that
contains this director.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return a causality interface for this actor.
- GetCausalityInterface - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Actor that reads the causality interface of its container or an
actor inside the container and produces a
string describing it.
- GetCausalityInterface(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.GetCausalityInterface
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite
Override the base class to return a causality interface that
indicates that the output does not depend (immediately) on
the input.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Return a causality interface for this actor.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return a causality interface for the composite actor that
contains this director.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return a causality interface for this actor.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Get representation of dependencies between input ports and
output ports.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return a causality interface for this actor.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraModalModel
Return a causality interface for this actor.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Override the base class to return a causality interface that breaks causality.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.EnabledComposite
Return a causality interface for this actor, which overrides the
default behavior of composite actors to ensure that all outputs
depend on the enable input port.
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModule
- getCausalityInterface() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Return a causality interface for the composite actor that
contains this director.
- getCause() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the cause of this exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception org.json.JSONException
- getCause() - Method in exception ptdb.common.exception.CircularDependencyException
Return the underlying cause for the exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptdb.common.exception.DBConnectionException
Return the underlying cause for the exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptdb.common.exception.DBExecutionException
Return the underlying cause for the exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptdb.common.exception.DBModelNotFoundException
Return the underlying cause for the exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptdb.common.exception.IllegalNameException
Return the underlying cause for the exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptdb.common.exception.ModelAlreadyExistException
Return the underlying cause for the exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptdb.common.exception.SearchCriteriaParseException
Return the underlying cause for the exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptdb.common.exception.XMLDBModelParsingException
Return the underlying cause for the exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Get the cause of this exception.
- getCause() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelRuntimeException
Get the cause of this exception.
- getCellConstraints() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getCellConstraints(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getCellEditorValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingComboBoxCellEditor
Get the cell editor value.
- getCellEditorValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingJTextFieldCellEditor
Get the cell editor value.
- getCellEditorValue() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.CellPanelEditor
- getCenter() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the center location of the visible part of the pane.
- getCentering() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Return true if the window is set to be centered when pack() is called.
- getCenterPoint(Rectangle2D) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return the point at the center of a Rectangle.
- getCenterPoint(Figure) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return the point at the center of a figure.
- getCenterPoint(Figure, TransformContext) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return the point at the center of a figure, in the
given transform context.
- getCenterPoint(Site) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.KielerLayoutUtil
Get the center point of a Perimeter Site.
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Get the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Get the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Get the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Get the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Get the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Get the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Get the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentre() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Get the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
Get the centre of the light in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Get the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
Get the centre of the light in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getCentreY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- getChangeContext(Variable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return the change context of the given variable.
- getChangeListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a list of weak references to change listeners,
or null if there is none.
- getChangeRequest(Pattern, Replacement, MatchResult, NamedObj, NamedObj, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Get the change request to update the object in the host model.
- getChangeRequest(Pattern, Replacement, MatchResult, NamedObj, NamedObj, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Get the change request to update the object in the host model.
- getChangeRequest(Pattern, Replacement, MatchResult, NamedObj, NamedObj, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.Operation
Get the change request to update the object in the host model.
- getChangeRequest(Pattern, Replacement, MatchResult, NamedObj, NamedObj, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Get the change request to update the object in the host model.
- getChangeRequest(Pattern, Replacement, MatchResult, NamedObj, NamedObj, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Get the change request to update the object in the host model.
- getChangeRequest(Pattern, Replacement, MatchResult, NamedObj, NamedObj, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Get the change request to update the object in the host model.
- getChannel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the channel on which the token was sent or received.
- getChannel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Return the channel the token was received on.
- getChannel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Return the channel the token was sent on.
- getChannel() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Get the channel of the represented port.
- getChannelForReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return the corresponding channel in this port for the given receiver.
- getChannelID() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenReader.DataChannelID
- getChannelNumberList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return the list of channel numbers given in expression set
for this attribute.
- getChannelPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Return a channel port that can be used to set type constraints
between senders and receivers.
- getChannelPort() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessChannel
Return a channel port that can be used to set type constraints
between senders and receivers.
- getChannels() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return the number of audio channels, which is set by
the setChannels() method.
- getChannels() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Return the number of audio channels, which is set by
the setChannels() method.
- getChannels() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return the number of audio channels, which is set by
the setChannels() method.
- getChannels() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Return the number of audio channels.
- getChannels() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundReader
Return the number of audio channels.
- getCharArrayValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name
and return as an array of characters.
- getCharParameterValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Get a DoubleToken from the named parameter and convert it
to a char.
- getCharParameterValue(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSLoader
Get a char value from PortParameter named parameter.
- getChild() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Get the child figure, or null if there isn't one.
- getChild() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureWrapper
Get the child figure, or null if there isn't one.
- getChild() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelWrapper
Get the child figure
- getChild(NamedObj, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Get the child of the given object with the given name.
- getChild(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
Returns the child with the specified name.
- getChild(Object, int) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.AttributeTreeModel
Get the child of the given parent at the given index.
- getChild(Object, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.ClassAndEntityTreeModel
Get the child of the given parent at the given index.
- getChild(Object, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.CompositeTreeModel
Get the child of the given parent at the given index.
- getChild(Object, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Get the child of the given parent at the given index.
- getChild(Object, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.FullTreeModel
Get the child of the given parent at the given index.
- getChildCount(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.AttributeTreeModel
Return the number of children of the given parent.
- getChildCount(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.ClassAndEntityTreeModel
Return the number of children of the given parent.
- getChildCount(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.CompositeTreeModel
Return the number of children of the given parent, which in
this base class is the number of contained entities.
- getChildCount(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Return the number of children of the given parent, which in
this base class is the number of contained entities.
- getChildCount(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.FullTreeModel
Return the number of children of the given parent.
- getChildList() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the list of child elements.
- getChildren() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Get the internal z-list.
- getChildren(NamedObj, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Get the children of the given object.
- getChildren() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
Returns the children of this tree.
- getChildren() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Get a list of weak references to instances of Instantiable
that are children of this object.
- getChildren() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Instantiable
Return a list of weak references to instances of Instantiable
that are children of this object.
- getChoices() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.ChoiceCriterionElement
Get an unmodifiable list of all the choices.
- getChoices() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Get choices.
- getChordPitches(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
Get a list of notes contained by the chord.
- getChordTones(List<String>) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
Get the chord tones contained by the given chords.
- getChosenValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ChoiceParameter
Get the choice as a member of the enum class.
- getClass(String, VersionSpecification) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.classloading.ModelElementClassProvider
Return the requested class for the requested version (if specified).
- getClass(String, VersionSpecification) - Method in class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.DefaultModelElementClassProvider
Get a class by name and version.
- getClass(String, VersionSpecification) - Method in class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.PackageBasedModelElementClassProvider
Return the requested class for the requested version (if specified).
- getClassForType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Given a Type object, return the java.lang.Class object that the
type represents.
- getClassHandle() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Return the HLA class handle.
- getClassHandlers() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Get the list of class declaration handlers.
- getClassInstanceName() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
Return the name of the HLA class instance this HlaPublisher belongs to.
- getClassInstanceName() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Return HLA class instance name this HlaSubscriber belongs to.
- getClassLoader() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.PtolemyModule
Return the (optional) specific class loader for the
implementation classes.
- getClassLoader() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the class loader.
- getClassMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getClassName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Get the class name of this attribute.
- getClassName() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader.ClassImport
Get the simple class name.
- getClassName(Class, TypeAnalyzerState, CompilationUnit) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Get the shortest possible name of the a class.
- getClassName(String, TypeAnalyzerState, CompilationUnit) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Get the shortest possible name of the a class.
- getClassName() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Return the class name.
- getClassName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return the MoML class name.
- getClassName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the class name, or null if none has been given.
- getClassObjectName() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
Return the HLA class object name (in FOM) of the HLA attribute handled
by the HlaPublisher.
- getClassObjectName() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Return the HLA class object name (in FOM) of the HLA attribute handled
by the HlaSubscriber.
- getClassPaths(Shell) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Get the default class paths.
- getCleanImage() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Get the clean image.
- getClientFlag() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Returns the last communication flag read from the socket.
- getClip() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
- getClip() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- getClipboard() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Return the clipboard used by this application.
- getClipboard() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get the clipboard object for this application.
- getClipBounds() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- getClockDrift() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Get clock drift.
- getClosestUnit(Unit) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Search Library to find Unit that has the same type and is the
closest to a unit in terms of the scalars.
- getCloudCover() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getCloudSharpness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getCodeBlock(String, List<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Return a codeBlock with a given name and substitute in the
given arguments.
- getCodeBlock(String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Return a codeBlock with a given name and substitute in the
given arguments.
- getCodeBlock(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Given a code block name, return the corresponding code block.
- getCodeBlockTemplate(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Given a code block signature, return the corresponding code block
- getCodeFile() - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- getCodeFileName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return the name of the code file that was written, if any.
- getCodeFromObject(NamedObj, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Get the unique string description containing the type and name of the\
object within the given container.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Return the code generator of the director.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Return the code generator associated with the director.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.test.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- getCodeManager() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- getCodeManager() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- getCodeStream() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the code stream.
- getCoefficient(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getCoefficient(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D
- getCOG() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Return center of gravity of motion detected by the most recent invocation
of filter(), or null if no motion was detected.
- getColor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Convert a value in the range 0..1 to an RGB color.
- getColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Get the color of the metal.
- getColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- getColor(float) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.image.Colormap
Convert a value in the range 0..1 to an RGB color.
- getColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- getColor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GrayscaleColormap
Convert a value in the range 0..1 to an RGB color.
- getColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- getColor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LinearColormap
Convert a value in the range 0..1 to an RGB color.
- getColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- getColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- getColor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SpectrumColormap
Convert a value in the range 0..1 to an RGB color.
- getColor(String) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGUtilities
Given a string representing a color, return a color that
represents it.
- getColor() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return the color attribute associated with this Concept, if it exists.
- getColor() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Return the color attribute associated with this FlatTokenInfiniteConcept.
- getColor() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConcept
Return the correct color for this monotonicity concept by looking
at the color of the finite monotonicity representative.
- getColor() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeConcept
Return the color attribute associated with this ProductLatticeConcept.
- getColor(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.TCSDirector
Return the color of the line.
- getColor() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Get the current color.
- getColor() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether the plot uses color.
- getColor() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Return whether the plot uses color.
- getColor1() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LinearColormap
Get the first color.
- getColor2() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LinearColormap
Get the second color.
- getColorByName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Convert a color name into a Color.
- getColorDither() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Get whether to use a color dither.
- getColorDither() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Get whether to use a color dither.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LookupFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Get the colormap to be used for the filter.
- getColorNE() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- getColorNW() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- getColorOntology() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntology
Return the current ontology from which concepts derive their highlight
color definitions.
- getColorPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlighting
Get the key of the color preference.
- getColorPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting
Get the key of the color preference.
- getColorPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.StateVariableHighlighting
Get the key of the color preference.
- getColors() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the point colors.
- getColors() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the point colors.
- getColorSE() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- getColorSource() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getColorSW() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- getColumn() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the cursor's column.
- getColumn() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the column number containing the error.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
Create a new Vec containing a copy of the column.
- getColumn() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- getColumn() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- getColumnClass(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Get the Java Class associated with a column param column.
- getColumnClass(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel
Return NameObj.class.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the number of columns in the form.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns the number of columns in this layout.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable
Get the column count of the Matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Get the number of columns.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return the number of columns in the matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return the number of columns in the matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return the number of columns in the matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMatrixConstructNode
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteMatrixToken
Return the number of columns of the contained matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return the number of columns in the matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the number of columns in the matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return the number of columns in the matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the number of columns of the matrix.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel
Return the number of columns, which is one.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Get the column count.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Get the column count.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- getColumnDimension() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- getColumnGroups() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns a deep copy of the column groups.
- getColumnIncrementSign() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the sign (-1 or 1) used to increment the cursor's column
when moving to the next column.
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable
Get the name of the specified column, which is the column
index as a string.
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Get the column header name.
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel
Get the column header name.
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Get the column name.
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- getColumnNumber() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the current column number.
- getColumnPackedCopy() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- getColumnSpec(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns the ColumnSpec
at the specified column index.
- getColumnSpec(int) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getColumnSpecs() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getColumnSpecsString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getCommand(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ThreadSynchronizer
Synchronizes access to the commands by the ClientThreads.
- getCommonType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Get the common type of two types when they appear in an
- getCommunicationAspects() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return the list of communication aspects in this port.
- getComparator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return the comparator.
- getCompleteIndex() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Note
Return the absolute MIDI key index of the note.
- getComponent() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Return the component that this is
- getComponent() - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Get the component that this context is associated with.
- getComponent() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractView
Return the component that implements the display of this view.
- getComponent() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextView
- getComponent() - Method in interface diva.gui.View
Return the component that implements the display of this view.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
Return the Swing component.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the director associated with this class.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Return the component associated with the ports.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Get the corresponding component.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the component associated with this adapter.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return the associated component, which is always the container.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the component associated with this adapter.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the component associated with this adapter.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the component associated with this adapter.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the component associated with this adapter.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.test.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Get the component associated with this adapter.
- getComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the associated component object.
- getComponentAt(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Returns the component at the given index.
- getComponentAt(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Returns the component at the given index.
- getComponentBaseDimensions() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return the component base dimensions map for this derived unit dimension.
- getComponentBaseUnits() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedUnitConcept
Get the base component units map for this DerivedUnitConcept.
- getComponentByName(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
Returns the component with the given name or null if not found
- getComponentConceptFromProductLatticeConcept(Concept, Ontology) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the component concept value for the specified ontology from the
given product lattice concept.
- getComponentConceptValue(Ontology) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeConcept
Return the first concept that is a component of this product lattice
ontology concept tuple and belongs to the given ontology.
- getComponentConstraints(Component) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getComponentConstraints(Component) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- getComponentDef(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ButtonBarComponentBuilder
- getComponentDef(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentBuilder
- getComponentDef(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getComponentDef(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- getComponentDef(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JListComponentBuilder
- getComponentDef(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTableComponentBuilder
- getComponentDef(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JToolBarComponentBuilder
- getComponentDef(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTreeComponentBuilder
- getComponentDef(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.SeparatorComponentBuilder
- getComponentDimensions() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return the component dimensions map for this derived unit dimension.
- getComponentEntitiesList() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Get the component entities from the Graph search pattern.
- getComponentFactory() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Returns the builder's component factory.
- getComponentName(Component) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getComponentName(Component) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- getComponentName() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
Get the component's name
- getComponentsToNames() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getComponentUnits() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedUnitConcept
Get the component units map for this DerivedUnitConcept.
- getComposite() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
Get the composite.
- getComposite() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Get the composite with which to paint the text.
- getComposite() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Get the compositing operator
- getComposite() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Get the composite.
- getComposite() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Get the composite of this icon, or null if it doesn't
have one.
- getComposite() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Get the color composition operator of this figure.
- getCompositeEntities() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Get the composite entities form the graph search pattern.
- getCompositeFill() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Return the fill that composites are painted with.
- getCompositeModel(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel
Return the model for the given composite object.
- getCompositeModel(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the model for the given composite object.
- getCompositeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Return the model for the given composite object.
- getCompositeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return the model for the given composite object.
- getCompositeScale() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Return the scaling factor for the composite nodes
- getCompositeShape() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Return the shape that composites are rendered in.
- getConcept() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Returns the Concept value.
- getConcept(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Get the concept contained by at the given key in this map concept,
or the default value if the key is not contained in this map concept.
- getConcept(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the concept value associated with the specified object.
- getConceptByString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Ontology
Return the concept in the ontology represented by the given string, or
null if no such concept exists.
- getConceptGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Ontology
Return the graph represented by this ontology.
- getConceptModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Get the concept model which maps all nodes in the graph to the
elements in the
ontology model.
- getConceptTerm(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermFactory
Return the property term for the given object.
- getConceptTerm(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager
Return the property term for the given object.
- getConceptTerm(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return the concept term from the given object.
- getConceptTermManager() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return the concept term manager that collects and maintains a hash map
that maps all model objects to their the inequality terms for the OntologySolver.
- getConceptTuple() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeConcept
Return the list of concepts that compose this product lattice concept.
- getConeAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
Get the component's <configuration> section.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Get the configuration at the top level of the hierarchy.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.HomerApplication
Get the local configuration of the application.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocViewer
Get the configuration specified in the constructor.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Return the configuration that has been specified by setConfiguration(),
or null if none.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- getConfiguration() - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
- getConfigure(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- getConfiguredObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Configurer
Get the object that this configurer configures.
- getConfigureMenuFactory() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Return the configuration menu factory.
- getConfigureMenuFactory() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ParameterizedNodeController
Return the configuration menu factory.
- getConfigurer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
- getConfigurer() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ConfigurableEntity
- getConfigurer() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
- getConfigurer() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Plot
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ActionGUIProperty
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFactory
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Return null because this actor is not actually configurable.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Return the input source that was specified the last time the
configure() method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Plot
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Configurable
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Return the source specified in the most recent call to the
configure() method, or null if none.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getConfigureSource() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Get the configuration source.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ActionGUIProperty
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFactory
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Return null because this actor is not actually configurable.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Override the default behavior to always return null.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Plot
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Configurable
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Return the text specified in the most recent call to the
configure() method, or null if none.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Return the text string that represents the current configuration of
this object.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
Return the MoML description of the model, if there is one, and
null otherwise.
- getConfigureText() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Get the configuration text.
- getConnected() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return whether the default is to connect
subsequent points with a line.
- getConnected() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Return whether the default is to connect
subsequent points with a line.
- getConnectedNode(SyntacticPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the connected node from a given port.
- getConnectedNode(List<SyntacticPort>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get a unique list of connected nodes from a given list of ports.
- getConnectedPort() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Get the connected port from a given port.
- getConnection(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Get the connection point into the given point
- getConnection(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Get the connection point into the given point
- getConnection(Point2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEnd
Get the connection point of the end.
- getConnection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Get the current connection.
- getConnection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Get the current connection.
- getConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
Get a connection to the database.
- getConnector() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Return the connector that this event concerns.
- getConnector() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Get the current connector.
- getConnectorTarget() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Get the connector target
- getConnectorTarget() - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Get the target used to find sites on nodes to connect to.
- getConnectorTarget() - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Get the target used to find sites on nodes to connect to.
- getConnectSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Get the site to which a connector can attach
- getConnectSite() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Terminal
Get the site that a connector can connect to.
- getConnectSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Get the site that a connector can connect to.
- getConsole() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Return the console for this plugin.
- getConsoleOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
After an R session has ended, get a String representation of the output
of the R session.
- getConstants() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
Return the type constants for this function, which are
the type constant types for all the destination ports.
- getConstants() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Return an array of constants contained in this term.
- getConstants() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Return an array of one element with this InequalityTerm if it is
a constant InequalityTerm that cannot be changed.
- getConstantValue(Variable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return the constant value of the given parameter, if the
parameter is actually constant.
- getConstrainingTerms(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConstraintManager
Return the list of constraining terms for the given object.
- getConstraintDirAndRHSStrings(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Return the string constraint direction for the given constraint expression specified
as a string.
- getConstraintManager() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Get the ConstraintManager that collects and maintains all the inequality
constraints for the OntologySolver.
- getConstraints(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Looks up and returns the constraints for the specified component.
- getConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraints
Get the constraints in the collection.
- getConstructorHandlers() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Get the list of constructor handlers.
- getConstVariables(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return the computed constant variables for the given container.
- getConsumerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.Branch
Return the consumer receiver that this branch puts data into.
- getContainedEntities(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
The SequencedModelDirector adds all actors with sequence numbers to the
_sequencedList, regardless of whether or not the actors have a
process attribute.
- getContainedFigures(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Get the figures that are entirely contained by the given
- getContainedFigures(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Get the figures that are entirely contained by the given
- getContainedFrames() - Method in class ptdb.gui.PTDBContainedFramesManager
Get the list of frames contained in this frame.
- getContainedModel() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
Return the contained model.
- getContainedObject(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.expr.ContainmentExtender
Get an object with the given name within the container.
- getContainedObject(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Configurer.ContainmentExtender
Get an object with the given name within the container.
- getContainedObject(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ContainmentExtender
Get an object with the given name within the container.
- getContainer() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the container used to build the form.
- getContainer() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Get the container, which is defined as the lowest
ancestor that is not a FigureDecorator.
- getContainer(ContainerLayout) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Return the container of this receiver, or null if there is none.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform.EmbeddedConfigurer
Get the container entity.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Delegate to the internal receiver and return whatever it returns.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return null.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return null.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return the top-level composite actor for which this manager
controls execution.
- getContainer() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Return the container of this receiver, or null if there is none.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Return the container of the queue, or null if there is none.
- getContainer(IPath) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Given a path, return its container representation in Eclipse.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Return the container of the queue, or null if there is none.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Get the container entity.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Get the container entity.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Get the container entity.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Get the NamedObj that this Attribute is attached to.
- getContainer() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
Return the container.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the container.
- getContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Get the container.
- getContainerEntity(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the container entity for the specified ASTPtRootNode.
- getContainerLayout(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- getContainerMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getContainerName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBConnectionParameters
Return the container name
for the given XML database.
- getContainerName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SetupParameters
Return the container name.
- getContainerOrContainerToBe() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Return the container of this object, if there is one, or
if not, the container specified by setContainerToBe(), if
there is one, or if not, null.
- getContainers() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList
Enumerate the containers linked to this list.
- getContainerSolver() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverModel
Return the OntologySolver that contains the model.
- getContainingPatternOrReplacement(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Get the pattern or replacement of a transformation rule that contains
the given object.
- getContent() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.events.TabEvent
Return the content of the tab.
- getContent() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Get a reference to the current scene.
- getContent() - Method in interface ptolemy.homer.kernel.ContentPrototype
Get the content area.
- getContent(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Get a content area based on a unique tag value.
- getContent() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Remove an element to the contents of this tab.
/** Return the content area of the tab.
- getContentIndex(int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableHelper
Return the content index.
- getContentLength() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return the length of the response body, in bytes, or -1 if length is
- getContentLength() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return the length of the response body, in bytes, or -1 if length is
- getContentPane() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Returns the contentPane of the delegate.
- getContentSize() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Return the size of the contents of this window.
- getContentSize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the size of the contents of this window.
- getContentType() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return the Internet media (MIME) type of the response.
- getContentType() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return the Internet media (MIME) type of the response.
- getContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Get the transform context in which this damage region was created.
- getContext() - Method in interface diva.gui.ContextView
Return the component that implements the display of this view.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Return the change context being made explicit.
- getContext() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.ExplicitChangeContext
Return the change context being made explicit.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFFSMDirector
Return the change context being made explicit.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the change context being made explicit.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return the explicit change context.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableLattice
Return the change context being made explicit.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableRecursiveLattice
Return the change context being made explicit.
- getContext() - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Get the component set by a call to setContext(), or null if none.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.RedoChangeRequest
Return the context specified in the constructor, or null if none
was specified.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoChangeRequest
Return the context specified in the constructor, or null if none
was specified.
- getContext() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Return the context specified in the constructor, or null if none
was specified.
- getContourColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- getContrast() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContrastFilter
Get the filter contrast.
- getControl(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Get the control for a type.
- getControlAt(int, int) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- getControlAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- getController() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return the graph controller.
- getController() - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Get the graph controller that this controller is contained in.
- getController() - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Return the graph controller containing this controller.
- getController() - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Get the graph controller that this controller is contained in.
- getController() - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Return the graph controller containing this controller.
- getController() - Method in class diva.graph.NodeDragInteractor
Return the controller set in the constructor.
- getController() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModalModelMatcher
Get the FSM controller within this modal model matcher.
- getController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Return the controller that manges conditional rendezvous for this
branch when performing a CIF or CDO.
- getController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return the mode controller of this director.
- getController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Get the FSM controller.
- getController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Return the Ptera controller that contains this event.
- getController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Return the Ptera controller has the same container as this director.
- getController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyMenuFactory
Return the graph controller that created this menu factory.
- getControllerInstance(GraphController, boolean) - Method in class ptdb.gui.DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon
Get an instance of a DBActorController to be used for control of
database reference actors.
- getControllerInstance(GraphController) - Method in class ptdb.gui.DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon
Get an instance of a DBActorController to be used for control of
database reference actors.
- getControllerInstance(GraphController) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorInteractionAddon
- getControllerInstance(GraphController, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorInteractionAddon
- getControlPoint() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.Vertex
Get the control point of this site.
- getControls() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Return the controls, in this case, an empty array
of size 0.
- getConversions() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return the conversions the are applied to the arguments of
this function or method.
- getCookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
- getCoolingFactor() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
- getCorrespondingPatternObject(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Given an object in the replacement, return the corresponding object in
the pattern if any, or null otherwise.
- getCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Get the total number of events seen so far.
- getCount() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Get the total number of events seen so far.
- getCovariance() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.GaussianMeasurementModel
Get the coveriance.
- getCovariance() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ssm.GaussianModel
Get model covariance.
- getCoverSetAbove() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FiniteConcept
Return the finite concepts that cover this one.
- getCoverSetBelow() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FiniteConcept
Return the finite concepts that are covered by this one.
- getCriteriaAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the criteria for this matcher.
- getCriteriaAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the criteria for this matcher.
- getCriteriaAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the criteria for this matcher.
- getCriteriaAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the criteria for this matcher.
- getCriteriaAttribute() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.GTEntity
Return the attribute that stores all the criteria for this matcher.
- getCriteriaAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the criteria for this matcher.
- getCriteriaAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the criteria for this matcher.
- getCriterion() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.Checkable
Return the criterion that this checkable object corresponds to.
- getCriterion() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.PortMatcher
Return the criterion.
- getCrossAnalysisHandlers() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Get the list of cross-analysis handlers.
- getCrossAnalyzedTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the set of cross-analyzed types.
- getCrosshairX() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the horizontal component of the crosshair which marks
the origin.
- getCrosshairY() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the vertical component of the crosshair which marks the
- getCrossings() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- getCurrent() - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns the current LayoutStyle
- getCurrentBranch() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return true if we are in the main scope or the true part
of a true branch.
- getCurrentClass() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the current class (the class currently being inspected).
- getCurrentClassElement() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState.CurrentClassElement
Get the current class element recorded in this table.
- getCurrentContentPane() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Get the content pane that is displayed as the current content
- getCurrentContentPane() - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Get the content pane that is displayed as the current content
- getCurrentDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser
Return the current directory.
- getCurrentElement() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the current element.
- getCurrentFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Return the figure that the mouse pointer is currently over,
or null if none.
- GetCurrentMicrostep - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
- GetCurrentMicrostep(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.GetCurrentMicrostep
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- getCurrentPage() - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Get the current page.
- getCurrentPoint() - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
get current point
- getCurrentRefinement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
Return the current refinement, or null if prefire() has not
yet been invoked.
- getCurrentSimulationTime() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the current simulation time for the QSS integrator.
- getCurrentSourceTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return the source timestamp of the event that is currently
being processed.
- getCurrentSourceTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return the source timestamp of the event that is currently
being processed.
- getCurrentState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Return the current state.
- getCurrentStepSize() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.continuous.ContinuousStatefulDirector
Return the current integration step size.
- getCurrentStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return the current integration step size.
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
- getCurrentTime(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
- getCurrentTree() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Return the current XML tree.
- getCurrentValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
Return the current value of this parameter as an integer.
- getCurrentView() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get the current view.
- getCurrentView() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get the current view.
- getCurves() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurvesFilter
- getCustomProperties(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
Returns custom properties for the component.
- getCyanScreenAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
Get the cyan screen angle.
- getD() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- getDashArray() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the dash array.
- getDashArray() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Get the dash array.
- getDashArray() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Get the dash array.
- getData() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenReader.DataChannelID
- getData() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothResponseToken
Get the data stored within this token.
- getData() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothStatusToken
Returns the data held by this status token.
- getData(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Get the data in the specified dataset.
- getDataProducedSize(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Computes data size produced for each iteration .
- getDataProducedSizes(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Computes data sizes (for each dimension) produced for each iteration.
- getDataurl() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- getDataurl() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
- getDateRequested() - Method in class ptserver.control.Ticket
Get the date and time of the original request.
- getDay() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the date of the month part of this date.
- getDayOfWeek() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the day of week.
- getDBAttributes() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.AttributesManager
Call to the database and retrieve the list attributes stored there.
- getDBConnectionParameters() - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Return the database connection parameters.
- getDBGraphSearchCriteria() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Get the graph search criteria from the search criteria.
- getDeadline(NamedObj, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Compute the deadline for an actor firing.
- getDeadline(NamedObj, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Compute the deadline for an actor that requests a firing at time
- getDebuggable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.DebugListenerTableau
Return the object that this tableau is listening to, or null
if none has been set.
- getDebugProfile(Executable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
Get the profile for an actor that is being debugged.
- getDeclaration(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ButtonBarComponentBuilder
- getDeclaration(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentBuilder
Returns the appropriate declaration suitable for this component
- getDeclaration(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- getDeclaration(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JListComponentBuilder
- getDeclaration(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTableComponentBuilder
- getDeclaration(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JToolBarComponentBuilder
- getDeclaration(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTreeComponentBuilder
- getDeclaration(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.SeparatorComponentBuilder
- getDeclarations(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- getDeclarations() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
Get the component's <declarations> section.
- getDeclaredElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return the declared type of the array elements.
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.AppletWriter
Return the declared options.
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.CastAndInstanceofEliminator
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.ClassWriter
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.InvocationBinder
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.JimpleWriter
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.LibraryUsageReporter
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.MakefileWriter
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SideEffectFreeInvocationRemover
Return the declared options.
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.WatchDogTimer
- getDeclaredOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Return the declared options.
- getDeclaredType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
If setTypeEquals() has been called, then return the type specified
- getDeclareSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate a set of declaration shared code fragments of the associated
composite actor.
- getDeclareSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Generate the declaration of the shared code.
- getDeclareSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the declaration of the shared code (only for C code)
At run time of the generated code,
the code generated by this method is run first, so any
initialization of variables of this adapter should be done in
this method.
- getDecoratedFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Get the decorated figure, which is defined as the highest
descendent that is not a decorator.
- getDecorator() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionRenderer
Get the prototype decorator.
- getDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.DecoratorAttributes
Return the decorator that is responsible for this DecoratorAttributes instance.
- getDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Get the prototype decorator.
- getDecoratorAttribute(Decorator, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return the decorator attribute with the specified name for the
specified decorator, or null the specified decorator provides
no attribute with the specified name or the decorator does not
decorate this object.
- getDecoratorAttributes(Decorator) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return the decorated attributes of this NamedObj, as decorated by the
specified decorator.
- getDeepMappedName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Get the unique name for the symbol in the PtalonActor,
looking deep into for loops for potential matches.
- getDeepType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return the type associated with the given symbol, looking
deep into for loops that might add symbols to this scope.
- getDefault() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Return the only instance of this plugin.
- getDefaultAlignment() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Returns the default alignment.
- getDefaultBlocks() - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return an array of strings that are regular expressions of all the
code blocks that are appended automatically by default.
- getDefaultButtonHeight() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns this style's default button height.
- getDefaultButtonHeight() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns this style's default button height.
- getDefaultButtonHeight() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns this style's default button height.
- getDefaultButtonWidth() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns this style's default button width.
- getDefaultButtonWidth() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns this style's default button width.
- getDefaultButtonWidth() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns this style's default button width.
- getDefaultClassLoadingStrategy() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Get the the current static _defaultClassLoadingStrategy instance.
- getDefaultDependency() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterface
Return the default dependency.
- getDefaultDependency() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Return the default dependency specified in the constructor.
- getDefaultDialogFont() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Lazily creates and returns the dialog font used to compute
the dialog base units.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.AbstractSettableAttribute
Return the default value of this Settable, or null if no default
has been set.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Return the default value of this Settable,
if there is one.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Return the default value of this Settable,
if there is one.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Return the default value of this attribute, if there is
one, or null if there is none.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
A LayoutHint has no default expression.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Return the default value of this attribute, if there is
one, or null if there is none.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Return the default value of this attribute, if there is
one, or null if there is none.
- getDefaultFireMethodName() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.MultipleFireMethodsInterface
Return the name of the default fire method for this actor.
- getDefaultFireMethodName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
Return the name of the default fire method for this actor.
- getDefaultIconDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
Return a string that contains the SVG icon description
- getDefaultIconDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
Return a string that contains the SVG icon description
- getDefaultIconDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
Return a string that contains the SVG icon description
- getDefaultIconDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
Return a string that contains the SVG icon description
- getDefaultIconDescription() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.GTEntity
Return a string that contains the SVG icon description
- getDefaultIconDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return null.
- getDefaultIconDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
Return null.
- getDefaultId() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper
Generate a default client ID randomly.
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getDefaultInstanceForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getDefaultInstanceForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getDefaultInstanceForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- getDefaultInstanceForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- getDefaultInstanceForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getDefaultInstanceForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.AppletWriter
Return the default options.
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.ClassWriter
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.InvocationBinder
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.JimpleWriter
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.LibraryUsageReporter
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.MakefileWriter
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SideEffectFreeInvocationRemover
Return the default options.
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.WatchDogTimer
- getDefaultOptions() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Return the default options.
- getDefaultResolution() - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Return the default resolution.
- getDefaultScreenResolution() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Computes and returns the default resolution.
- getDefaultWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Get the default width.
- getDeferredToParent(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
- getDelay() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
Return the delay value of this actor.
- getDelay(ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
Evaluate the delay parameter in the given parse scope and return its
- getDelegate() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Return the context delegate.
- getDelegate() - Method in class diva.util.xml.AbstractXmlBuilder
Return the delegate set by getDelegate().
- getDeleteEdgeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteEdgeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteEdgeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteEdgeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteEdgeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteEdgeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteEdgeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteEdgeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.ExternalPortModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.IconModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.PortModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.VertexModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.NamedObjNodeModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeNodeModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.PortModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.StateModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.ConceptModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ontology model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
Ptolemy model.
- getDeleteNodeMoML(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel.OntologyModel
Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the
ontology solver model.
- getDeletionChangeRequest(Object, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Return the change request to delete the given object.
- getDeltaTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Return the time interval between tokens for this receiver.
- getDenominator() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Return the denominator of this fraction.
- getDensity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DissolveFilter
Get the density of the image.
- getDensity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
Get the density.
- getDensity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Get the density of the noise.
- getDensity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- getDensity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- getDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.BreakCausalityInterface
Return the dependency between the specified input port
and the specified output port.
- getDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterface
Return the dependency between the specified input port
and the specified output port.
- getDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Return the dependency between the specified input port
and the specified output port.
- getDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Return the dependency between the specified input port
and the specified output port.
- getDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMCausalityInterface
Return the dependency between the specified input port
and the specified output port.
- getDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.MirrorCausalityInterface
Return the dependency between the specified input port
and the specified output port.
- getDependencyGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return the parameter dependency graph constructed through this
- getDependents() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DependencyDeclaration
Return the list of dependents of the parameter that contains
this attribute.
- getDependentTerms() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Return the array of dependent terms contained by this term.
- getDepthOfActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Return the depth of an actor contained (deeply) by the
associated composite actor.
- getDepthOfPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Return the depth of a port of the associated actor
or an actor contained by it.
- getDerivative() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Get the current value of the derivative input port.
- getDerivedConceptForProductLattice(Concept, ProductLatticeOntology) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
Get the derived concept for a product lattice ontology from the given
concept that is an element in one of the ontologies that comprises
the product ontology.
- getDerivedLevel() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
Get the minimum level above this object in the hierarchy where a
parent-child relationship implies the existence of this object.
- getDerivedLevel() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the minimum level above this object in the hierarchy where a
parent-child relationship implies the existence of this object.
- getDerivedList() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
Return a list of objects derived from this one.
- getDerivedList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a list of objects derived from this one.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame.EPSFileFilter
The description of this filter
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager.State
Get a description of the state.
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFilenameFilter
A description of this FilenameFilter.
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Get the description that was specified in the constructor.
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint.Error
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter
The description of this filter
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FilterForGIF
The description of this filter
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FolderForLatex
The description of this filter
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter
The description of this filter
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the description, or null if none has been given.
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.FolderFileFilter
The description of this filter.
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.SMVFileFilter
Return the description of this file filter.
- getDescriptor() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getDescriptor() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getDescriptor() - Static method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Status
- getDescriptor() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- getDescriptor() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- getDescriptor() - Static method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Type
- getDescriptor() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getDescriptor() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getDescriptor() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm
- getDescriptorForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getDescriptorForType() - Method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Status
- getDescriptorForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- getDescriptorForType() - Method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Type
- getDescriptorForType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getDestGrid() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
Get the destination warp grid.
- getDestination() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
Get the destination image.
- getDestination() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InterpolateFilter
Get the destination image.
- getDestination() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Get the destination image.
- getDestination() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
Get the destination image.
- getDestination() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.Edge
Get the destination.
- getDestination(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return the destination object referred to by the given name.
- getDestinationNameList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return the list of destination names given in expression set
for this attribute.
- getDestinations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return the list of destinations of assignments in this action.
- getDestinations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Action
Return the list of destinations of assignments in this action.
- getDeviceIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothResponseToken
Get the name of the target device associated with this token.
- getDialogBaseUnitsX(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Gets and returns the horizontal dialog base units.
- getDialogBaseUnitsX(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Returns the cached or computed horizontal dialog base units.
- getDialogBaseUnitsY(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Gets and returns the vertical dialog base units.
- getDialogBaseUnitsY(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Returns the cached or computed vertical dialog base units
for the given component.
- getDialogMarginX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns this style's horizontal margin for general dialogs.
- getDialogMarginX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns this style's horizontal margin for general dialogs.
- getDialogMarginX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns this style's horizontal margin for general dialogs.
- getDialogMarginY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns this style's vertical margin for general dialogs.
- getDialogMarginY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns this style's vertical margin for general dialogs.
- getDialogMarginY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns this style's vertical margin for general dialogs.
- getDifference() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationNode
Return the difference information from the current evaluation of the
relation node.
- getDiffuseColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getDiffuseColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- getDimension() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConcept
Return the the dimension concept for this unit concept.
- getDimensions(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Return dimension names, in order of production.
- getDimensions() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.SizeDialog
Get the dimensions from the spinners for use in resizing the scene.
- getDirection(double) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return the closest direction from SwingConstants, based on the
given angle.
- getDirection(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
Return the direction associated with the specified angle,
which is assumed to be one of {-270, -180, -90, 0, 90, 180, 270}.
- getDirector() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Actor
Return the local director, if there is one, otherwise the executive
director, if there is one, otherwise null.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Return the director responsible for the execution of this actor.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Return the director responsible for execution of the contained
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
Return the director that activated the actor.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return null.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return the director in charge of this receiver, or null
if there is none.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTransferFunction
Return the executive director, regardless what isOpaque returns.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
Return the executive director, regardless what isOpaque() returns.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return the director in charge of this receiver, or null
if there is none.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNQueueReceiver
Returns the director in charge.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the director responsible for the execution of this actor.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return the director in charge of this receiver, or null
if there is none.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return the director responsible for the execution of this actor.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver
Return the director that created this receiver.
- getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMReceiver
Return the director that created this receiver.
- getDirectorMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getDirectory() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractStoragePolicy
Return a reasonable directory for file choosers to use.
- getDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Get the model directory.
- getDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Get the model directory in the top level configuration.
- getDisabledIconAt(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Returns the tab disabled icon at the given index.
- getDisabledIconAt(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Returns the tab disabled icon at the given index.
- getDisabledOutports() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Return the (possibly empty) list of disabled output ports.
- getDispersion() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Get the dispersion.
- getDisplacementMap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DisplaceFilter
Get the displacement map.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return the name specified in the constructor.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return the name specified in the constructor.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.LocationParameter
Return a name to present to the user, which
is the same as the name returned by getName().
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Return a name to present to the user, which
is the same as the name returned by getName().
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
Return a name to present to the user.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a name to present to the user.
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Return a name to present to the user.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Return a name to present to the user, which is the
same as what is returned by getName().
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Return a name to present to the user.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Return a name to present to the user, which
is the same as the name returned by getName().
- getDisplayPane() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Return the container for model displays.
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Get the distance to move on each iteration.
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Get the distance of blur.
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Get the distance of blur.
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Get the distance of the shadow.
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- getDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- getDistancePower() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getDistortion() - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.VLNoise
- getDistribution() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Get the distribution of the noise.
- getDistX(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Is point p to the left of the line?
- getDistY(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
What is the vertical distance between p and the line?
- getDither() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
Return the dithering setting
- getDocAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocEffigy
Get the DocAttribute represented by this effigy, if any.
- getDocAttribute(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return a docAttribute with the available kepler documentation.
- getDocClass() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the document class.
- getDocName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the document name.
- getDocument() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractView
Get the document that this view is viewing.
- getDocument() - Method in interface diva.gui.View
Get the document that this view is viewing.
- getDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
Return the document that this is an effigy of.
- getDocumentation(Configuration, String, Effigy) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Give a ptdoc: path, open the PtDoc viewer.
- getDocumentation(Configuration, String, Effigy) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction
Get the documentation for a particular class.
- GetDocumentationAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This is an action that accesses the documentation for a Ptolemy
object associated with a figure.
- GetDocumentationAction(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction
Construct an instance and give a preference for whether the
KeplerDocumentationAttribute or the docAttribute should be displayed
if both exist.
- GetDocumentationAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction
Construct an instance of this action.
- getDocumentationAttributeClassName() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocApplicationSpecializer
Return the class name of the attribute that this specializer
uses to store documentation.
- getDocumentBase() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- getDocumentBase() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
- getDocumentFactory() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get the factory that this application uses to create document
- getDocumentFactory() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get the factory that creates new documents
- getDocumentXMLString(Document) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Convert the document node to string.
- getDomTree() - Method in class ptolemy.data.XMLToken
Return the dom document parsed from the xml string.
- getDotRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
Get the pixel block size.
- getDouble(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the double value associated with an index.
- getDouble(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the double value associated with a key.
- getDouble(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Return the value of this variable as a double.
- getDoubleArray() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Return the last double array read from the socket.
- getDoubleHybrid(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Return the value of this variable as a double.
- getDoubles() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- getDoubles() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- getDoubles() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Return an array corresponding to the vector's elements.
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return the double representation of the time value of this
time object.
- getDoubleValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name
and return as a double value.
- getDownstreamNodes() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get a list of nodes immediately downstream from outgoing connections.
- getDragInteractor() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Return the interactor that is attached to a move handle.
- getDragInteractor() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicController
Get the drag interactor
- getDragInteractor() - Method in class diva.graph.NodeInteractor
Get the interactor that drags nodes
- getDropTarget(JGraph) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrameExtension
Return the drop target for a JGraph.
- getDTD() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Get the DTD of this document.
- getDTDPublicID() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Get the public ID of the DTD of this document.
- getDTDSystemID() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Get the system ID of the DTD of this document.
- getDuration() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Get the duration of this Chord.
- getDuration() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Note
Return the note duration.
- getDx() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Get component of unit vector
- getDy() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Get component of unit vector
- getDynamicPortSelection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Return true if dynamic port selection is permitted; false otherwise.
- getDynamicPortSelection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Return true if dynamic port selection is permitted; false otherwise.
- getE() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the east site.
- getE() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle
Get the east site.
- getEdge(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Graph
Gets the edge with the given edge ID.
- getEdgeAction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Get the action to perfomr for pixels off the image edges.
- getEdgeAction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
Get the action to perform for pixels off the edge of the image.
- getEdgeAction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
Get the edgeAction.
- getEdgeColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- getEdgeColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- getEdgeController(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Given an edge, return the controller associated with that
- getEdgeController(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Given an edge, return the controller associated with that
- getEdgeController() - Method in class diva.graph.SimpleGraphController
Return the edge controller.
- getEdgeController(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.SimpleGraphController
Given an edge, return the controller associated with that
- getEdgeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
Return the edge controller appropriate for the given node,
which in this case is the same link controller returned by
- getEdgeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconGraphController
Throw an exception.
- getEdgeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
Return the edge controller appropriate for the given node.
- getEdgeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
Return the edge controller appropriate for the given edge.
- getEdgeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphController
Return the edge controller appropriate for the given edge.
- getEdgeInteractor() - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Get the interactor given to edge figures.
- getEdgeInteractor() - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Get the interactor given to edge figures.
- getEdgeModel(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel
Return the model for the given edge object.
- getEdgeModel(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the model for the given edge object.
- getEdgeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Return the model for the given edge object.
- getEdgeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Return the model for the given edge object.
- getEdgeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Return the model for the given edge object.
- getEdgeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel
Return the edge controller appropriate for the given edge.
- getEdgeRenderer() - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Return the edge renderer for this view.
- getEdgeRenderer() - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Return the edge renderer for this view.
- getEdges(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Graph
Gets the iterator of the edges associated with nodeId.
- getEdgeThickness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- getEdgeThickness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- getEditSupport() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Return the undoable edit support.
- getEditSupport() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Return the undoable edit support.
- getEffigy(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Get the effigy for the specified Ptolemy model.
- getEffigy(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelDirectory
Get the effigy of the model that corresponds to the specified
- getEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Override the base class to check to see whether the effigy
is still the valid one for the associated model.
- getEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Get the effigy for the model associated with this window.
- getEffigy(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Get the effigy for the specified Ptolemy model.
- getElement(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the first child element of this element with the given type,
or null if there isn't one.
- getElement(String, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the first child element of this element with the given type
and name, or null if there isn't one.
- getElement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList.Entry
Get the element in this entry.
- getElement(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return the element at the specified index.
- getElement(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Return the element at the specified index.
- getElement(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UpdatedArrayToken
Return the element at the specified index.
- getElement() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.events.NonVisualContentEvent
Get the element affected.
- getElement() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.events.VisualContentEvent
Get the affected positionable element.
- getElement(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Return a positionable element if the named object is in any of the tabs.
- getElement() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.PositionableElement
Get the underlying element.
- getElementAsToken(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return the element of the matrix at the specified
row and column in a BooleanToken.
- getElementAsToken(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return the element of the matrix at the specified
row and column in a ComplexToken.
- getElementAsToken(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return the element of the matrix at the specified
row and column in a DoubleToken.
- getElementAsToken(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteMatrixToken
Throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
- getElementAsToken(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return the element of the matrix at the specified
row and column in a FixToken.
- getElementAsToken(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the element of the matrix at the specified
row and column in a IntToken.
- getElementAsToken(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return the element of the matrix at the specified
row and column in a LongToken.
- getElementAsToken(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the element of the matrix at the specified
row and column wrapped in a token.
- getElementAt(int) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor.ComponentPaletteListModel
- getElementAt(int) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ArrayModelList
Get the item at a certain index.
- getElementAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return the element of the contained matrix at the specified
row and column.
- getElementAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return the element of the contained matrix at the specified
row and column.
- getElementAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return the element of the contained matrix at the specified
row and column.
- getElementAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return the element of the contained matrix at the specified
row and column.
- getElementAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the element of the contained matrix at the specified
row and column.
- getElementAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return the element of the contained matrix at the specified
row and column.
- getElementAt(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog.SolutionListModel
Return an element.
- getElementAttributes(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the attribute hash table for an element.
- getElementContentModel(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the content model of an element.
- getElementContentType(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the content type of an element.
- getElementCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return the number of arguments in this type.
- getElementName() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Get the name of this XML element.
- getElementName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Get the MoML element name.
- getElementName() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Get the XML element name.
- getElementName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the MoML element name.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.DynamicNameCriterion
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.NameCriterion
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Get the array of elements defined in this GTIngredient.
- getElements() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Get all the elements on this tab.
- getElementType(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Get the name of the element type of a type that may be array.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return the type contained in this ArrayToken.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return the Type of the tokens contained in this matrix token.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return the Type of the tokens contained in this matrix token.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return the Type of the tokens contained in this matrix token.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteMatrixToken
Return the Type of the tokens contained in this matrix token.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return the Type of the tokens contained in this matrix token.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the Type of the tokens contained in this matrix token.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return the Type of the tokens contained in this matrix token.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the Type of the tokens contained in this matrix token.
- getElementType(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Return the element type at the specified index.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return the type of the array elements.
- getElementType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return the type of the elements contained in an instance of
this matrix type.
- getElementType(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return the type of the given argument.
- getElementTypeTerm() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return the InequalityTerm representing the element type.
- getElevation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- getElevation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- getEmboss() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- getEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.WidgetPropertiesFrame
Get the enabled status of the widget.
- getEnabledOutports() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Return the (possibly empty) list of enabled output ports.
- getEnabledPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlighting
Get the key of the enabled preference.
- getEnabledPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting
Get the key of the enabled preference.
- getEnabledPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.StateVariableHighlighting
Get the key of the enabled preference.
- getEnd() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Return the end of the connector that this
event concerns.
- getEnd() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Get the object drawn at the end of the terminal, if there
is one.
- getEndAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Get the alpha value at the last iteration.
- getEndAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getEndColumn() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Get token end column number.
- getEndColumn() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Get token end column number.
- getEndLine() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Get token end line number.
- getEndLine() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Get token end line number.
- getEndPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.Path
Get the end port of this path.
- getEngine() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
If this actor has been initialized, return the JavaScript engine,
otherwise return null.
- getEngine() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
If this actor has been initialized, return the JavaScript engine,
otherwise return null.
- getEnteredIteration(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Get the iteration (number of times this if/for block has
been entered) in which this symbol is created.
- getEntities() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
- getEntitiesToDecorate(CompositeEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAspectHelper
Execution aspects are decorators and this method recursively computes
all entities inside a given container that are decorated by execution aspects.
- getEntitiesWithoutProxies() - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Return the set of entities without proxies.
- getEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Get a contained entity by name.
- getEntity() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Return a clone of the entity contained by this token.
- getEntity(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Return a clone of the entity contained by this token.
- getEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Get a contained entity by name.
- getEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Get a contained entity by name.
- getEntityController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
Return the value of the entity controller.
- getEntityMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getEntityNotationName(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get the notation name associated with an NDATA entity.
- getEntityPublicId(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return an external entity's public identifier, if any.
- getEntitySystemId(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return an external entity's system identifier.
- getEntityType(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Find the type of an entity.
- getEntityValue(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the value of an internal entity.
- getEntryActionFromPort(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- getenv(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Get a variable from the environment.
- getenv() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Get a variable from the environment.
- getenv(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Get the value of the environment of the subprocess.
- getenv(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Get the value of the environment of the subprocess.
- getenv(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Get the value of the environment of the subprocess.
- getEnvironmentMap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getEnvironmentMap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- getEnvironmentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Get current environment time.
- getEnvironmentTimeForLocalTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Get the environment time that corresponds to the given local time.
- getEpsilon() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the incremental value between discrete values under
the given Precision format.
- getEpsilonValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the separation between quantized values.
- getError() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- getError() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
- getErrorCount() - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Get the number of errors generated during the most
recent operation.
- getErrorHandler() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Get the error handler to handle parsing errors.
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Return the error message if proSta=true
or a null pointer otherwise.
- getErrors() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverUtilities
Return the list of error strings.
- getErrorSource() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return the source of the error, ErrorSource.CLIENT or
ErrorSource.SERVER, or ErrorSource.NONE if no error.
- getErrorSource() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return the source of the error, ErrorSource.CLIENT or
ErrorSource.SERVER, or ErrorSource.NONE if no error.
- getErrorStream() - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Get the stream to which errors are printed.
- getErrorTolerance() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.continuous.ContinuousStatefulDirector
Return the local truncation error tolerance.
- getErrorTolerance() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return the local truncation error tolerance.
- getErrorTolerance() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Return error tolerance used for detecting enabled transitions.
- getEvent(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getEvent(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getEvent(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVectorOrBuilder
- getEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.EventDebugEvent
Get the Ptera event.
- getEventBuilder(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getEventBuilderList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getEventCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getEventCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getEventCount() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVectorOrBuilder
- getEventIndicatorCount() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Return the count of event indicators.
- getEventIndicatorCount() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.qss.util.DerivativeFunction
Return the number of event indicators.
- getEventIndicatorCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Return the count of event indicator variables.
- getEventIndicatorCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Return the number of event indicators.
- getEventLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Get the layer that drag events are listened on
- getEventList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getEventList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getEventList() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVectorOrBuilder
- getEventOrBuilder(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getEventOrBuilder(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getEventOrBuilder(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVectorOrBuilder
- getEventOrBuilderList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- getEventOrBuilderList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getEventOrBuilderList() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVectorOrBuilder
- getEventsFollowingAction(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActionsGraph
Returns all forward reachable nodes in the graph that are connected to
the given node.
- getEventType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the type of event.
- getEventType() - Method in class ptserver.data.RemoteEventToken
Get the type of notification sent to the user.
- getExactInputs() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Return whether inputs are assumed to be exact.
- getExactOverflow() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the overflow bit-truth.
- getExactRounding() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the rounding bit-truth.
- getExampleType() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.NonLatticeCounterExample
Return the example type for this NonLatticeCounterExample.
- getException() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Return the exception associated with the event.
- getExceptions() - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Return the set of exceptions.
- getExecuteCommands() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Get the command executor, which can be either non-graphical
or graphical.
- getExecuteCommands() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilder
Get the command executor, which can be either non-graphical
or graphical.
- getExecutionAspect(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Find the ExecutionAspect for the actor.
- getExecutionErrorMessage() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.TaskQueue
Return the execution error message.
- getExecutionIdentifier(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Get the execution identifier object for a throwable.
- getExecutionTime() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Get the execution time of this test case.
- getExecutionTime(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ActorExecutionAspect
Get the execution time of an actor.
- getExecutionTime(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Get the execution time of an actor.
- getExecutionTime(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Get the execution time of an actor.
- getExecutionTime() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMActor
Return the execution time for this iteration.
- getExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
- getExecutiveDirector() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Actor
Return the executive director, if there is one, otherwise return null.
- getExecutiveDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Return the executive director (same as getDirector()).
- getExecutiveDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Return the executive director of this CompositeActor.
- getExecutiveDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return null.
- getExecutiveDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the executive director (same as getDirector()).
- getExecutiveDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return the executive director.
- getExecutor() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the executor to schedule short lived tasks.
- getExistingModel() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.RenameModelTask
Return the existing model set in the object.
- getExitAction() - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Return the action that is called back when the user
exits the app.
- getExitAction() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Return the exit action of the delegate.
- getExitAction() - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Return the action that is called back when the user
exits the app.
- getExitAction() - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Return the action that is called back when the user
exits the app.
- getExitLocationFromPort(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- getExponent() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the location of the binary exponent.
- getExponent() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
- getExponentBitLength() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the number of bits to represent the exponent.
- getExportParameters() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
- getExportParameters() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExporter
During invocation an export, return
the parameters of the export.
- getExportParameters() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportParameters
Return the current parameter values in a data structure.
- getExposure() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromeFilter
Get the exppsure of the effect.
- getExposure() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ExposureFilter
Get the exposure level.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Return an empty string.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Return the local time.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Get the persistent expression.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Get the expression currently used by this variable.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Get the string name of the Concept contained by the ConceptAttribute
or the empty string if there is none.
- getExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return the expression referred to by the given name.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Return the name of the parameter.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Return an empty string because a tableau cannot be specified with an
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Return the the result of calling value().
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Get the value that has been set by setExpression() or by
setLocation(), whichever was most recently called, or return
an empty string if neither has been called.
- getExpression() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Get the expression of the attribute that has been set by setExpression(),
or null if there is none.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Get the value that has been set by setExpression(),
or null if there is none.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Get the descriptive form of this attribute.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Get the value that has been set by setExpression() or by
setLayoutHintItem(), whichever was most recently called, or return an
empty string if neither has been called.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Get the String representation of the Ptolemy Expression by which this
LayoutHint is persisted.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Get the expression currently used by this variable.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Get the value of the attribute that has been set by setExpression(),
or null if there is none.
- getExpression() - Method in class ptserver.data.AttributeChangeToken
Return the expression.
- getExpressionMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getExpressionTree() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtAssignmentNode
- getExpressionTree() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
Return the parse tree of the expression for this function.
- getExtendedContainer() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.expr.ContainmentExtender
Get the extended container.
- getExtendedContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Configurer.ContainmentExtender
Get the extended container.
- getExtendedContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ContainmentExtender
Get the extended container.
- getExtension(URL) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EffigyFactory
Return the extension on the name of the specified URL.
- getExteriorPort() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the exterior Port syntactically represented by the node.
- getExternalPortModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Get the external port model.
- getExternalRates() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Get the external port rates.
- getExternalTiling(IOPort, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Returns tiling of external loops iterations.
- getF1() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getF2() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getF3() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getF4() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getFaceCount() - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Return the number of faces detected.
- getFaceRectangles() - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Return the number of faces detected.
- getFactor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- getFactory() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
Get the factory used by this test suite.
- getFadeEdges() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- getFadeEdges() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- getFadeout() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- getFadeStart() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- getFadeWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- getFibres() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Returns the amount of fibres in the texture.
- getFieldDeclarationHandlers() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Get the list of field declaration handlers.
- getFieldNameForAttribute(Attribute, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Return the name of the field that is created for the
given attribute.
- getFieldNameForEntity(Entity, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Return the name of the field that is created for the
given entity.
- getFieldNameForPort(Port, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Return the name of the field that is created for the
given port.
- getFieldNameForRelation(Relation, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Return the name of the field that is created for the
given entity.
- getFieldNames() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRecordConstructNode
Return the list of field names for this record construct.
- getFieldOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CallbackFunctions
Return the field names in the proper order.
- getFieldOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20EventInfo
Return the field names in the proper order.
- getFieldOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
- getFieldOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICallbackFunctions
Return the field names in the proper order.
- getFieldOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIEventInfo
Return the field names in the proper order.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcMidpointSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Return null.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.CenterSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.NullSite
Return null
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ParametricSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.PerimeterSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Get the figure that this terminal figure is wrapping.
- getFigure(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Return the figure pointed to by the given LayerEvent.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached, or null
if it is not attached to a figure.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the figure to which this geometry object is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached, or null
if it is not attached to a figure.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Get the figure to which this geometry object is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Geometry
Get the figure to which this geometry object is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry
Get the figure to which this geometry object is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.Vertex
Get the figure to which this site is attached, or null
if it is not attached to a figure.
- getFigure() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigure(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Return the figure associated with the given
semantic object (node or edge), or null
if there is no association.
- getFigure(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Return the figure associated with the given
semantic object (node or edge), or null
if there is no association.
- getFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken
Return the object contained by this token.
- getFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
Get the figure represented by this actor.
- getFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Return the parent figure specified in the constructor.
- getFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Return the figure of this action.
- getFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PortSite
Get the figure to which this site is attached.
- getFigureCount() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Return the number of child figures in this container.
- getFigureCount() - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Return the number of figures in this list.
- getFigureCount() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return the number of elements in this container.
- getFigureCount() - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureContainer
Return the number of figures in this container.
- getFigureCount() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Return zero if there is no child, or one if there is.
- getFigureCount() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Return the number of figures in this layer.
- getFigureCount() - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Return the number of elements in this list.
- getFigureLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Get the layer that figures are selected on
- getFigures() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Get the internal z-list.
- getFigureSource() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Get the figure that the event occurred on.
- getFigureUnder(GraphPane, Point2D, Object[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the figure that is an icon of a NamedObj and is
under the specified point, or null if there is none.
- getFile() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Get the file object that this document is associated with.
- getFile() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Get the file object that this document is associated with.
- getFile() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Get the file corresponding to this document.
- getFileAsString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Return the string contents of the file at the specified location.
- getFileChooser() - Method in class diva.gui.DefaultStoragePolicy
- getFileChooser() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMenu
Get the file chooser.
- getFileExtension(File) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Get the extension of a file.
- getFileFromClasspathAsString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return the string contents of the file from the classpath.
- getFileFromClasspathAsString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return the string contents of the file from the classpath.
- getFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.util.RecursiveFileFilter
Return the list of all files and directories after the filtering.
- getFileSelectionStatus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- getFillColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FillFilter
Get the fill color.
- getFillPaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Get the fill paint
- getFillPaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Get the fill paint for this label.
- getFillPaint() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BubbleRenderer
Get the fill paint pattern of this figure.
- getFillPaint() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Get the fill paint for this label.
- getFilter() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.IncrementalLayoutListener
Return the filter for this listener.
- getFinishingCause() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Return the cause of the finishing state.
- GetFirable - Interface in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
GetFirable is the Yieldadapter interface for actors.
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.GetFirable
An implementation of getfire() has the ability to 'yield return' in
getfire() by calling 'resultHandler.handleResult(events)'.
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIICompositeActor
getfire() should be identical to fire() except it calls the getfire() of
enclosed director instead of fire().
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Fire actors according to events in the event queue.
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Fires actors according to Ptides events in the event queue.
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIFSMDirector
Keeps proposing the event associated with the current state until it's
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIModalModel
getfire() should be identical to getfire() of MetroCompositeActor.
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
Implements fire() with MetroII event handling.
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Before super.getfire() is called, transfer all input events that are
ready are transferred.
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISequentialSDFDirector
The order of actor firing should be static and identical to fire().
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISRDirector
the actor firing will first trigger a MetroII event to be PROPOSED.
- getfire(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Fires the wrapped Metro-SystemC model.
- getFirebaseOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Return the list of output choices of Firebase
- getFirebaseOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Return the list of output choices of Firebase
- getFireFunctionParameters() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return the parameters for the fire function.
- getFireMethodNames() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.MultipleFireMethodsInterface
Return the list of strings that represent the names of
all the fire methods the actor has.
- getFireMethodNames() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
Return the list of strings that represent the names of
all the fire methods the actor has.
- getFiringCount(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Create the schedule.
- getFiringElement() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Get the firing element associated with this Firing.
- getFiringsToCompletion() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
Determine the number of remaining firings.
- getFiringVector(CompositeActor, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.SDFModularScheduler
Get the firing vector for a given container.
- getFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.Pair
Get the first element.
- getFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides.Pair
Gets the first element in the pair.
- getFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Pair
Gets the first element.
- getFirstInput() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the first input or return null.
- getFirstLevelParents(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.SaveModelManager
Return the first level parents that reference a give model.
- GetFirstLevelParentsTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Task to fetch the first level parents for the given model.
- GetFirstLevelParentsTask(XMLDBModel) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.GetFirstLevelParentsTask
Construct an instance of this class and set the model for which the first
level parents need to be fetched.
- getFirstOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the first output or return null.
- getFirstReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Return the active PrioritizedTimedQueue with the oldest receiver time
of all receivers contained in the actor that this TimeKeeper
- getFirstSelection() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Return the first selection in the list.
- getFirstSelection() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Return the first selection in the list.
- getFlatTokenInfiniteConceptByToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept
Return the FlatTokenInfiniteConcept with the given token that is
contained by this representative.
- getFlipped() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Get the flag saying to flip the arrowhead.
- getFmiFunction(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Get the native function from the native library.
- getFMUAllocateMemory() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Return a class that provides a callback function that allocates memory,
but retains a reference so that the memory does not get gc'd.
- getFocus() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- getFont() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Get the font with which to paint the text.
- getFont() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Get the font that this label is drawn in.
- getFont() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Get the font that this label is drawn in.
- getFont() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- getFontName() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Get the font name.
- getForeground() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Get the foreground color.
- getForegroundAt(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Returns the tab foreground color at the given index.
- getForegroundColor() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Returns the color for the foreground.
- getForegroundEventLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Get the foreground event layer.
- getForegroundLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Get the foreground layer.
- getForm() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMatrixConstructNode
- getFOV() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getFractionBitLength() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the number of bits representing the fractional part.
- getFractionBitLength() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the number of bits representing the fractional part
of the mantissa.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
Get the frame in which this item is selected.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Return the top-level window that implements the display of
this tableau.
- getFrame() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Get the plotter's frame.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Get the plotter's frame.
- getFrame() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Get the image's frame.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Get the image's frame.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
The code for a pass through codec.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Get the graph frame, or null if there is none.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The frame (window) being exported to HTML.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
The frame (window) being exported to HTML.
- getFrame() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExporter
The frame (window) being exported.
- getFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Return the frame responsible for triggering this action,
or null if none could be found.
- getFrameController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- getFrameIcon() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Return the icon that is displayed in the frame.
- getFrameIcon() - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Get the icon that is displayed in
internal frames.
- getFrames() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- getFrameSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Get the frame size.
- getFreeIdentifiers() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return the list of identifiers referenced by the current expression.
- getFreeVariables(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FreeVariableModelAnalysis
Return the computed free variables for the given entity.
- getFrequency(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getFrequency(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getFrequency(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Get frequency of the task.
- getFromAll(Receiver[][], RendezvousDirector) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Get from all receivers in the specified array.
- getFromAny(Receiver[][], RendezvousDirector) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Get from any receiver in the specified array.
- getFromAnyPutToAll(Receiver[][], Receiver[][], RendezvousDirector) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Get from any receiver in the getReceivers array, and put the token
received to all receivers in putReceivers array.
- getFullLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return the full label, which may include the guard expression,
the output expression and the set actions.
- getFullName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return the name specified in the constructor.
- getFullName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return the name specified in the constructor.
- getFullName(Nameable) - Static method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Get the name of a Nameable object.
- getFullName() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
Return the full name, which reflects the container object, if there
is one.
- getFullName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a string of the form ".name1.name2...nameN".
- getFullName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Get the full name.
- getFullNameMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getFunction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- getFunction(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
- getFunction() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtCalFunction
Return Function object wrapped by this object.
- getFunction() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Return the function of this token.
- getFunctionInvocation(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CTemplateParser
Return the translated token instance function invocation string.
- getFunctionInvocation(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaTemplateParser
Return the translated token instance function invocation string.
- getFunctionInvocation(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the translated token instance function invocation string.
- getFunctionName() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode
- getFuzziness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Get the fuzziness of the texture.
- getFuzziness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- getFW(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._TwoWayHashMap
Forward lookup.
- getGain() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- getGain() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GainFilter
Get the gain.
- getGain() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getGain() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Returns the gain of the texture.
- getGamma() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter
Get the gamma level.
- getGamma() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Get the angle that determines the orientation of a
- getGap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- getGenericClassName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBSearchAttribute
Get the class name for a generic attribute.
- getGeometry() - Method in interface diva.canvas.GeometricSet
Get the geometry.
- getGeometry() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Return the geometry of this manipulator
- getGFactor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- getGlassPane() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Returns the glassPane of the delegate.
- getGlintOnly() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Get whether to render the stars and the image or only the stars.
- getGlobalTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the global time for this model.
- getGlow() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getGlowFalloff() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getGrabHandleFactory() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Get the grab handle factory.
- getGradientCoefficient() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getGraphController() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Return the graph controller.
- getGraphController() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphPane
Get the graph controller
- getGraphController() - Method in class diva.graph.NodeInteractor
Return the graph controller that manages this interactor.
- getGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugProfile
Get the GraphController.
- getGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- getGraphic() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Return the specified SVG for the graphic, or an empty string
if none has been specified.
- getGraphic() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Get the painted object that is drawn over the top
of the icon as its "graphic."
- getGraphicsPane() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return the pane of this display.
- getGraphicURI() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Get the specified URI for the graphic.
- getGraphModel() - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Return the graph being viewed.
- getGraphModel() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return the graph model that we are operating on.
- getGraphModel() - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Return the graph being viewed.
- getGraphModel() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphPane
Return the graph being viewed.
- getGraphModel() - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Return the graph model that provides a traversal
interface to the graph I'm trying to layout.
- getGraphModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame.CaseGraphController
Override the base class to select the graph model associated
with the selected pane.
- getGraphPane() - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Return the graphics pane of this controller cast as a GraphPane.
- getGraphPane() - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Return the graphics pane of this controller cast as a GraphPane.
- getGraphPane() - Method in class diva.graph.JGraph
Return the canvas pane, which is of type
- getGraphPanes() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- getGraphPanner() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the JCanvasPanner instance.
- getGraphSearchCriteria() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GraphSearchTask
Return the graphical search criteria.
- getGraphSearcher(SearchCriteria) - Static method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.GraphSearcher
A factory which returns the concrete GraphSearcher objects
according to the complexity of the search criteria from the user.
- getGreaterTerm() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Inequality
Return the greater term of this inequality.
- getGreenRed() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- getGrid() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether the grid is drawn.
- getGrid() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Return whether the grid is drawn.
- getGridPaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Get the grid line paint.
- getGridStroke() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Get the grid line stroke.
- getGridType() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getGsnOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Return the list of output choices of Paraimpu
/** Return the list of output choices of GSN service.
- getGsnOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Return the list of output choices of GSN service.
- getGtLibrary() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBTableau
Get the library for DB pattern search window.
- getGuard() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Returns the guard for this guarded communication statement.
- getGuardExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return the guard expression.
- getH() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- getH() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getH() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.Homography33b
- getHalo() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Get the halo.
- getHandle() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Get the current grab handle.
- getHandleInteractor() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Get the grab handle interactor.
- getHandlerList() - Method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser
Get the list of token handlers.
- getHandlers() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Get the list of handlers to be called back when traversing the AST.
- getHashLength(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Return the hash length for the given hash algorithm.
- getHaziness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getHead(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return the head node of the given edge.
- getHead(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Return the head node of the given edge.
- getHead() - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Return the node at the head of this edge.
- getHead(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.EdgeModel
Return the node at the head of this edge.
- getHead(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the head node of the given edge.
- getHead() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Get the head entry.
- getHead(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Return the head node of the given edge.
- getHead() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Get the head of this LayoutHint which is used to identify this hint.
- getHead() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.Link
Return the head of this link.
- getHead(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Return the head node of the given edge.
- getHead(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Return the head node of the given edge.
- getHeadEnd() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the object drawn at the head end of the connector, if there
is one.
- getHeaderContent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Get the head content.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Get the header files needed by the code generated from this adapter
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Bernoulli
Get the files needed by the code generated for the
Bernoulli actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Get the files needed by the code generated for the
Expression actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Get the files needed by the code generated for the
Gaussian actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Get the files needed by the code generated for the RandomSource actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Remainder
Get the files needed by the code generated for the Remainder actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.UnaryMathFunction
Get the files needed by the code generated for the
UnaryMathFunction actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Get the files needed by the code generated from this adapter class.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
Get the files needed by the code generated for the
ColtBinomial actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
Get the files needed by the code generated for the
ColtBinomialSelector actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
Get the files needed by the code generated for the
ColtPoisson actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
Get the files needed by the code generated for the ColtRandomSource actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Get the files needed by the code generated for the RandomSource actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FFT
Get the classes needed by the code generated for the FFT actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Get the classes needed by the code generated for the IFFT actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the files needed by the code generated from this adapter class.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Get the files needed by the code generated for this actor.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralTemplateParser
Get the files needed by the code generated from this adapter class.
- getHeaderFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Get the files needed by the code generated from this adapter class.
- getHeadHandle() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Get the head handle
- getHeadSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the site that marks the "head" of the connector.
- getHeadSite(Figure, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect a connector's head to,
based on this figure and location.
- getHeadSite(Site, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
- getHeadSite(Connector, Figure, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect the given connector's head to,
based on this figure and location.
- getHeadSite(Connector, Site, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect a connector's head to.
- getHeadSite(Figure, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.CenterTarget
Return a center site located on the figure, if the figure is not a
- getHeadSite() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Connector
Get the site that marks the "head" of the connector.
- getHeadSite(Figure, double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect a connector's head to,
based on this figure and location.
- getHeadSite(Site, double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorTarget
- getHeadSite(Connector, Figure, double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect the given connector's head to,
based on this figure and location.
- getHeadSite(Connector, Site, double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect a connector's head to.
- getHeadSite(Figure, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.PerimeterTarget
Return the nearest site on the figure if the figure
is not a connector
- getHeadSite(Figure, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SRTarget
Return the nearest site on the figure
- getHeadSite(Figure, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController.LinkTarget
Get the head site.
- getHeadSite() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkManhattanConnector
Override the base class to return a different site for each
connection to a multiport.
- getHeadTailPoints(Connector, List<Point2D>) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.KielerLayoutUtil
Get the starting and ending points of a connector.
- getHEdgeMatrix() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- getHeight() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout.LayoutInfo
Returns the layout's height, the size between the first and last row.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BicubicScaleFilter
- getHeight() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Get the height of the arc.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Get the height of the crop rectangle.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TileImageFilter
Get the output image height.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
Get the height.
- getHeight() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerLocation
Get the height of the element.
- getHelper(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Return an instance of this helper for the specified actor, if one
has been created and not garbage collected.
- getHelper(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Return an instance of this helper for the specified actor, if one
has been created and not garbage collected.
- getHelping() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Return the JavaScript object that this helper is helping.
- getHelping() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Return the JavaScript object that this helper is helping.
- getHFactor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- getHighColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
Get the high color.
- getHighLevel() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- getHighlighting() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition
Return the highlighting style.
- getHighOutputLevel() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- getHistory(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Get the history for the specified channel number.
- getHistory(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Get the history for the specified channel number.
- getHistoryCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Return the capacity of the history queue.
- getHistoryCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Return the capacity of the history queue.
- getHistoryCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Return the capacity of the history queue.
- getHistoryCapacity() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Return the capacity of the history queue.
- getHlaObjectInstanceId() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaTimedEvent
Return the HLA object instance ID value.
- getHomerMainFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.HomerApplication
Return the HomerMainFrame.
- getHorizontalRangeModel() - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Return the horizontal range model for this canvas.
- getHorizontalScrollBar() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
- getHostAddress() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.discovery.DiscoveryHelper
Return the IP address of the host machine.
- getHour() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the hour part of this date.
- getHRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Get the horizontal size of the blur.
- getHRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
Get the horizontal size of the blur.
- getHRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Get the horizontal size of the blur.
- getHTML() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
Construct and return the HTML response.
- getHTMLPageContent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Get the content of the whole HTML page.
- getHTolerance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- getHTolerance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Get the hue tolerance.
- getI15dString(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Looks up and returns the internationalized (i15d) string for the given
resource key from the ResourceBundle
- getIconAt(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Returns the tab icon at the given index.
- getIconAt(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Returns the tab icon at the given index.
- getIconImage() - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Get the image that represents this frame.
- getIconImage() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Return the image icon of the delegate.
- getIconImage() - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Get the image that represents this frame.
- getIconImage() - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Get the image that represents this frame.
- getIconLoader() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Get the icon loader for all MoMLParsers.
- getIconModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Get the icon model.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcMidpointSite
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Return zero.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.CenterSite
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Return the type id for this event.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.NullSite
Return 0
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ParametricSite
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.PerimeterSite
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.Vertex
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the ID of this site.
- getID() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Return the type id for this event.
- getID() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphViewEvent
Return the type id for this event.
- getID() - Method in class diva.gui.ViewEvent
Return the event type.
- getID() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFReceiver
Return the ID of the receiver.
- getId() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.Edge
Get the id.
- getId() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.Vertex
Get the id.
- getID() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Returns the identification number of this branch(according to its
- getID(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.EventDictionary
Return the event ID associated with the event name.
- getID() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Return the ID specified in the constructor.
- getID() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PortSite
Return the ID for this site, which is the number of the port.
- getIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.Record
Get the identifier of this record.
- getIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get string identifier (non-unique) for node.
- getIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtAssignmentNode
- getIdFromModel(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Extra the PTDB model id from a given Ptolemy model.
- getIdsReceiversMap() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedDirector
Return the map from ID to the receiver containing the ID.
- getImage() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Return the figure's image.
- getImage(String) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationResources
Get a resource as an image.
- getImage(String) - Method in class diva.resource.RelativeBundle
Get a resource as an image.
- getImage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy
Return the image represented by this effigy.
- GetImage() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Get token literal value.
- getImage() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
Returns an image.
- GetImage() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Get token literal value.
- getImageDescriptor(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Return an image descriptor for the image file at the given plugin
relative path.
- getImageIcon(String) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationResources
Get a resource as an image icon.
- getImageIcon(String) - Method in class diva.resource.RelativeBundle
Get a resource as an image icon.
- getImageTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Return a set of informal image type names that can be sent.
- getImageTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Return a set of informal image type names that can be sent.
- getImportedClasses() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Get the list of names of imported classes.
- getImportedPackages() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Get the list of names of imported packages.
- getImports(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- getImports() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
Get the component's <imports> section.
- getImpulses() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return whether a line will be drawn from any
plotted point down to the x axis.
- getImpulses() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Return whether a line will be drawn from any
plotted point down to the x axis.
- getIncludeBlock(String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodegenUtilities
Return a code block to include a file.
- getIncludeDirectories() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Return an empty HashSet.
- getIncludeDirectories() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Return the include directories specified in the "includeDirectories"
blocks in the templates of the actors included in this CompositeActor.
- getIncludeDirectories() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return a set of directories to include for the generated code.
- getIncomingPort() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FiniteConcept
Return the below port specified in the constructor.
- getIncomingPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Return the incoming port.
- getIncomingPort() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Flowable
Return the incoming port.
- getIndentPrefix(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a number of spaces that is proportional to the argument.
- getIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return the current index of the director.
- getIndex() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.SuperdenseTimeDirector
Return a superdense time index for the current time.
- getIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return a superdense time index for the current time,
where the index is equal to the microstep.
- getIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return a superdense time index for the current time, where the
index is equal to the microstep.
- getIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return a superdense time index for the current time.
- getIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return a superdense time index for the current time,
where the index is equal to the microstep.
- getIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Return a superdense time index for the current time,
where the index is equal to the microstep.
- getIndexes() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Return the reference indexes.
- getIndexForColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer
Get the color table index for a color.
- getIndexForColor(int) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.image.Quantizer
Using the previously-built color table, return the index into that table for a pixel.
- getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.AttributeTreeModel
Return the index of the given child within the given parent.
- getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.ClassAndEntityTreeModel
Return the index of the given child within the given parent.
- getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.CompositeTreeModel
Return the index of the given child within the given parent.
- getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Return the index of the given child within the given parent.
- getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.FullTreeModel
Return the index of the given child within the given parent.
- getIndices() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.Record
Get the indices on the left-hand side of the assignment.
- getInfiniteConceptByString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConceptRepresentative
Return the InfiniteConcept that is represented by the given string.
- getInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return a high-level description of this automaton.
- getIngredientList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientsAttribute
Parse the expression of this attribute if necessary and return the
up-to-date ingredient list contained in this attribute.
- getInitialSolverInformation() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Initialize the solver and get the initial statistics for the
Lattice OntologySolver.
- getInitialState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the initial state of this actor.
- getInitialState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return null as the initial state.
- getInitialVariable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Return the initial variable.
- getInitialVariableName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Returns the initial variable's name.
- getInitMethod() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.EntitySootClass
Get the init method.
- getInjector() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.PtolemyInjector
Return the PtolemyInjector.
- getInLines() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- getInputController() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Return the input branch controller of this director.
- getInputDependencyList(FMIScalarVariable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return the input scalar dependency for a given FMI scalar.
- getInputPort() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction
- getInputRates() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates.ActionRateSignature
- getInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Get a list of the input ports to the operator.
- getInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get a list of the input ports to the operator.
- getInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the list of ordered inputs.
- getInputs() - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm
Return list of input Syntactic Ports to term.
- getInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Get all of the output ports for a column.
- getInputType(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Get input type by name reference
- getInputType(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
- getInputType(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
- getInputType(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.ParticleFilter
- getInputType(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.UnscentedKalmanFilterSSM
- getInputVariableCount() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Return the count of input variables to the integrator.
- getInputVariableCount() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.qss.util.DerivativeFunction
Return the count of input variables.
- getInputVariableCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Return the count of input variables.
- getInputVariableCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Return 1, because this actor always has one input variable,
which specifies that value of the derivative.
- getInputVariableModel(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Return the input variable model for the specified index.
- getInside(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Get a token from the specified inside channel of this port.
- getInsideChannel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Get the channel specified by the insideChannel parameter.
- getInsideMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getInsideReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the port is an opaque output port, return the receivers that
receive data from all inside linked relations.
- getInsideReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Override the base class to return the inside receiver for wireless
communication if wireless communication is being used.
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.DefaultComponentFactory
Returns the sole instance of this factory class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Lazily instantiates and returns the sole instance.
- getInstance(int, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- getInstance(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ButtonBarComponentBuilder
- getInstance(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentBuilder
Returns an instance of this object given the specified properties
- getInstance(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- getInstance(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JListComponentBuilder
- getInstance(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTableComponentBuilder
- getInstance(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JToolBarComponentBuilder
- getInstance(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTreeComponentBuilder
- getInstance() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
Get an instance of the specified component.
- getInstance(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.SeparatorComponentBuilder
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerManager
Return the existing web server manager; create and return a new one if
none is present yet.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerManager
Return the existing web server manager; create and return a new one if
none is present yet.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpointManager
Get the factory instance, creating a new one if none created yet.
- getInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.Injector
Get implementation for the provided interface based on the
mappings loaded into the injector.
- getInstance(boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return the instance of this class corresponding to the given
boolean value.
- getInstance() - Static method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Get the singleton instance of the Ptolemy server.
- getInstance() - Static method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser
Return singleton instance of the TokenParser.
- getInstantiatedInfiniteConcepts() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConceptRepresentative
Return the set of instantiated infinite concepts that are represented
by this concept.
- getInt(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the int value associated with an index.
- getInt(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the int value associated with a key.
- getInt(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Return the value of this variable as an int.
- getIntegerBitLength() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the number of bits representing the integer part.
- getIntegerBitLength() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the number of bits representing the integer part
of the mantissa.
- getIntegratorAuxVariableCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Return the number of auxiliary variables that an integrator should
provide when solving the ODE.
- getIntegratorAuxVariableCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Return the number of time increments plus one (to store the
truncation error).
- getIntegratorAuxVariableCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Return the number of time increments plus one (to store the
truncation error).
- getIntensity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- getInteractor() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Return the interactor of this figure.
- getInteractor() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Return the interactor of this figure.
- getInteractor() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Return the interactor of this figure.
- getInternalFrame(JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Return the internal frame for a given component.
- getInternalPattern(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Compute pattern for external iteration.
- getInternalRepetitions(ComponentEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Returns the internal repetitions values.
- getInterpolation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- getInterpolation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InterpolateFilter
Get the interpolation factor.
- getInterpolation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
Get the type of interpolation to perform.
- getInterpreter() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Get the interpreter that has been registered with setInterpreter().
- getInterpreter() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UserDialog
Get the interpreter that has been registered with setInterpreter().
- getIntersectedFigures(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Get the figures with bounding boxes that intersect the given
- getIntersectedFigures(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Get the figures with bounding boxes that intersect the given
- getIntHybrid(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Return the value of this variable as an int.
- getIntoB() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- getIntoG() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- getIntoR() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- getIntPeriod() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Get the period of the giotto director in ms.
- getIntValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name
and return as an integer.
- getInverseTransform() - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Get the transform from parent coordinates into
local coordinates.
- getInvert() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
- getInvert() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- getInvert() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
Get the invert.
- getInvert() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
- getInvert() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- getInvocationPeriod() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.LetTask
Return the invocation period of the task.
- getIOPortEventListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Get the listeners for IOPortEvents.
- getIs32Bit() - Static method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMUFile
Return true if this is a 32bit JVM.
- getIsNew() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Return True or false based on if the model is new or it exists in the database.
- getItalicPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlighting
Get the key of the italic font preference.
- getItalicPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting
Get the key of the italic font preference.
- getItalicPreferenceKey() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.StateVariableHighlighting
Get the key of the italic font preference.
- getItem(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.localStorage.LocalStorageHelper
Take a key and return its value from the local storage if the key exists,
otherwise, return null.
- getItems() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.RemoteObjectList
Get the items in the list that have been designated as being remote.
- getIteration(ComponentEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Returns the total iterations value.
- getIterationCount(int) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
- getIterationCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return the iteration count, which is the number of iterations
that have been started (but not necessarily completed).
- getIterationCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the iteration count for this schedule.
- getIterationCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Return the number of iterations done in the last call to the method solve(double[]).
- getIterationCount() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the iteration count for this schedule.
- getIterations() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
Get the number of iterations the effect is performed.
- getIterations() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Get the number of iterations the blur is performed.
- getIterations() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Get the number of iterations.
- getIterations() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
Get the number of iterations the effect is performed.
- getIterations() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getIterations() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Get the number of iterations the blur is performed.
- getIterations(ComponentEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Returns the total iterations values.
- getIterations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return the number of iterations.
- getJavaFiles(String, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder
Get all the Java source files in a path.
- getJGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the JGraph instance that this view uses to represent the
ptolemy model.
- getJGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
Return the JGraph instance that this view uses to represent the
ptolemy model.
- getJGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
Return the JGraph instance that this view uses to represent the
ptolemy model.
- getJGraphs() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- getJMenuBar() - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Return the menu bar that the container uses.
- getJMenuBar() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Return the menu bar of the delegate.
- getJMenuBar() - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Return the menu bar that the container uses.
- getJMenuBar() - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Return the menu bar that the container uses.
- getJSCopier() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
Get the composite entity that
is copying JavaScript and
related files; return null if they are not being copied.
- getJSONArray(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the JSONArray associated with an index.
- getJSONArray(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the JSONArray value associated with a key.
- getJSONObject(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the JSONObject associated with an index.
- getJSONObject(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the JSONObject value associated with a key.
- getJToolBar() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Get the tool bar.
- getK() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- getKernel() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Get the convolution kernel.
- getKey(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Given a value, return the corresponding key in this two-way hash map.
- getKey() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.KeyValuePair
The key of this KeyValuePair.
- getKey() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples.ConceptPair
Return the lesser concept of the counterexample.
- getKeyIndex() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Note
Return the relative MIDI key index in base 12.
- getKeys() - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationResources
Get an enumeration over the keys
- getKeys() - Method in class diva.resource.RelativeBundle
Get an enumeration over the keys
- getKeys() - Method in class ptolemy.util.OrderedResourceBundle
Get an Iterator over the Set of keys, allowing retrieval of the keys in
the original order as listed in the properties file.
- getKnot(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Get a knot color.
- getKnot(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SplineColormap
Get a knot color.
- getKnotBlend(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Get a knot blend type.
- getKnotPosition(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Get a knot position.
- getKnotType(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Get a knot type.
- getL() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- getLabel() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelWrapper
Get the label.
- getLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the label of the node.
- getLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
- getLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
Return the label of this transition.
- getLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return a string describing this transition.
- getLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
Return a string describing this scheduling relation.
- getLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.WidgetPropertiesFrame
Return the text of the label widget.
- getLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Return the label of this graphic element.
- getLabelComponentPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a gap used to separate a label and associated control.
- getLabelComponentPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a gap used to separate a label and associated control.
- getLabelComponentPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a gap used to separate a label and associated control.
- getLabelFigure() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the figure that displays this connector's label.
- getLabelFromNode(SyntacticNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Get the label associated with a give node.
- getLabelLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
A Point2D
representing the position where a label of an
edge should be positioned.
- getLabelNames() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnionConstructNode
Return the list of label names for this union construct.
- getLabels() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Get the labels for a Unit.
- getLabelsString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Create a String that is the concatenation of all the labels.
- getLacunarity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- getLacunarity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getLanguageSpecification() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTBuilder
Return the ID of the Java language specification being used by the
- getLastChosenTransition() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
- getLastChosenTransitions() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Get the last chosen transitions.
- getLastDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Get the directory that was last accessed.
- getLastIndex() - Method in class diva.util.NullArrayIterator
Return the index of the element last returned.
- getLastSelection() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Return the last selection in the list.
- getLastSelection() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Return the last selection in the list.
- getLastSubprocessReturnCode() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Return the return code of the last subprocess that was executed.
- getLastSubprocessReturnCode() - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Return the return code of the last subprocess that was executed.
- getLastSubprocessReturnCode() - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Return the return code of the last subprocess that was executed.
- getLastTakenTransitions() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Get the last taken transitions.
- getLastTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
- getLatest(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Get the latest input for the specified channel.
- getLatest(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Get the latest input for the specified channel.
- getLatticeOntologies() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntology
Return the list of lattice ontologies that comprise the product
lattice ontology.
- getLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Get the most immediate layer containing this figure.
- getLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Get the most immediate layer containing this figure.
- getLayer() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Get the most immediate layer containing this figure.
- getLayer(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Get the layer at the given index.
- getLayerBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Get the bounds of the shapes draw in this layer.
- getLayerBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Get the bounds of the shapes draw in this layer.
- getLayeredPane() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Returns the layeredPane of the delegate.
- getLayerPoint() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Get the point where the event occurred.
- getLayerSource() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Get the layer that the event occurred on.
- getLayerX() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Get the horizontal component of the point where the event
- getLayerY() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Get the vertical component of the point where the event
- getLayout() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the instance of
used to build this form.
- getLayout() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.IncrementalLayoutListener
Return the layout.
- getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns the alignment along the x axis.
- getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns the alignment along the y axis.
- getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getLayoutConstraintsManager(InputStream) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
Returns a LayoutConstraintsManager based on an input stream for an xml
- getLayoutConstraintsManager(Node) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
Returns a layout constraints manager given a containers node.
- getLayoutConstraintsManager() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunPane
Return the layout constraints manager for this pane.
- getLayoutFile() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.OpenLayoutDialog
Return the layout file.
- getLayoutFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMenu
Get the layout file filter.
- getLayoutHintItem(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Get the
stored in this LayoutHint that is
identified by the head and tail of the link for which it specifies bend
- getLayoutInfo(Container) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugUtils
Computes and returns the layout's grid origins.
- getLayoutInfo(Container) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Computes and returns the horizontal and vertical grid origins.
- getLayoutInfo(Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getLayoutListing(String) - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Get a listing of the layouts for a specific model available on the
server in either the database or the local file system.
- getLayoutListing(String) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Get a listing of the layouts for a specific model available on the
server in either the database or the local file system.
- getLayoutListing(String) - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Get a listing of the layouts for a specific model available on the
server in either the database or the local file system.
- getLayoutMode() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Get the layout mode
- getLayoutPercentage() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return the percentage of the pane that is used for layout.
- getLayouts() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- getLayoutTarget() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.AbstractGlobalLayout
Return the layout target.
- getLayoutTarget() - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.GlobalLayout
Return the layout target.
- getLayoutTarget() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.IncrLayoutAdapter
Return the layout target.
- getLayoutTarget() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.ProxyIncrLayout
Return the layout target.
- getLayoutTarget() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.RandomIncrLayout
Return the layout target.
- getLayoutURL() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get the current layout file URL.
- getLayoutUrl() - Method in class ptserver.control.Ticket
Get the URL of the layout file.
- getLayoutVerticalSpace() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the vertical offset for visually representing node.
- getLCM() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoScheduler
Returns the LCM value.
- getLeadingColumn() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the index of the leading column.
- getLeadingColumn() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Returns the leading column.
- getLeadingColumnOffset() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Returns the offset of the leading column, often 0 or 1.
- getLeastSignificantBitPosition() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the bit position of the least significant bit of the
given fixed point precision.
- getLeftBorder() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Returns the left border value.
- getLegend(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the legend for a dataset, or null if there is none.
- getLegend(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the legend for a dataset, or null if there is none.
- getLegendDataset(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Given a legend string, return the corresponding dataset or -1 if no
legend was added with that legend string
The legend would have been set by addLegend().
- getLegendDataset(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Given a legend string, return the corresponding dataset or -1 if no
legend was added with that legend string
The legend would have been set by addLegend().
- getLength() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Get the length of the stars.
- getLength() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- getLength() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Get the length.
- getLesserTerm() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Inequality
Return the lesser term of this inequality.
- getLet() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.LetTask
Return the LET of the task.
- getLevelCount() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelData
- getLevels() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- getLevels() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Get the number of dither levels.
- getLevels() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Get the number of dither levels.
- getLevels() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OilFilter
Get the number of levels for the effect.
- getLexicalTokenList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode
Return the list of lexical tokens that were used to make this node.
- getLexicalTokenList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode
Return the list of lexical tokens that were used to make this node.
- getLhs() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
Get the left hand side.
- getLibName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Get the name of the library to use.
- getLibraries() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Return an empty HashSet.
- getLibraries() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Return the libraries specified in the "libraries" blocks in the
templates of the actors included in this CompositeActor.
- getLibraries() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return a set of libraries to link in the generated code.
- getLibrary() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.LibraryAttribute
Return the library specified by the configure() method or the
setLibrary() method, or null if it has not been set.
- getLibrary() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Return the Library.
- getLibraryDirectories() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Return an empty HashSet.
- getLibraryDirectories() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Return the libraries specified in the "libraryDirectories" blocks in the
templates of the actors included in this CompositeActor.
- getLibraryDirectories() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return a set of directories to find libraries in.
- getLights() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getLine() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the line number containing the error.
- getLine() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- getLine() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- getLine() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- getLine() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- getLineBreak() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Set the lineBreak character sequence.
- getLineBreak() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Set the lineBreak character sequence.
- getLineCoordinate(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Get the coordinate of a point (on this line), with 0
corresponding to the point on the line that is perpendicular to
a line passing through the origin and the line.
- getLineGapSpec() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Returns the row specification that is used to separate component lines.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the current line number.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Get the current line number.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader
Get the current line number.
- getLinePad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a narrow vertical pad used to separate lines.
- getLinePad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a narrow vertical pad used to separate lines.
- getLinePad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a narrow vertical pad used to separate lines.
- getLineStyles() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return false if setLineStyles() has not yet been called or if
setLineStyles(false) has been called, which signifies that
different line styles are not to be used.
- getLineStyles() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Return false if setLineStyles() has not yet been called or if
setLineStyles(false) has been called, which signifies that
different line styles are not to be used.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the line width of this figure.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Get the line width.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
Get the line width.
- getLineWidth() - Method in interface diva.util.java2d.PaintedGraphic
Get the line width.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Get the line width.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Get the line width
- getLink() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkManhattanConnector
Return the associated link.
- getLinkedVertex() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Vertex
Return the other vertex to which there is a path from this vertex, or
null if there is none.
- getLinkModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Return the model for edge objects that are instance of Link.
- getList() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.ListDataModel
Return this model as a list.
- getList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList.Entry
Get the linked list that contains this entry.
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor.ComponentListCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor.ComponentPaletteListRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.ActorCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyListCellRenderer
- getLocalGraphModel() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Return the local graph model.
- getLocality() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
If a change is localized to a particular object and objects
that it contains, then that object should be returned by
this method.
- getLocalPort() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Get the port number.
- getLocalTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Get current local time.
- getLocalTimeForCurrentEnvironmentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Get the local time that corresponds to the current environment time.
- getLocalTimeForEnvironmentTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Get the local time that corresponds to the given environment time.
- getLocalURL(String, URL) - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
If the URL can be found locally, return it, otherwise return
the value of the passed in URL.
- getLocation(Rectangle2D, int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Get the point on the given rectangular shape indicated by the location
- getLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.LocationParameter
Get the location of the center of the container in some
Cartesian coordinate system.
- getLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- getLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- getLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.PositionableElement
Get the location of the element.
- getLocation() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Locatable
Get the location in some cartesian coordinate system.
- getLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Get the center location in some cartesian coordinate system.
- getLocation(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.KielerLayoutUtil
Find a location for the given object.
- getLocation(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Return the desired location of this node.
- getLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RelativeLocation
Get the location in some cartesian coordinate system.
- getLocationPoint(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.KielerLayoutUtil
Get the location given by the location attribute of the given input
- getLocationPoint(Locatable) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.KielerLayoutUtil
Retrieve the actual position from a locatable instance.
- getLocationToken(Widget) - Static method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutFileOperations
Get the location from a widget in the form of an IntMatrixToken.
- getLong(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the long value associated with an index.
- getLong(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the long value associated with a key.
- getLongValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return the long representation of the time value of this time
- getLowerThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Get the lower threshold value.
- getLowLevel() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- getLowOutputLevel() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- getLU() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- getLUT() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- getLUT() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- getM() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Get the slope of the line
- getMacAddress() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.discovery.DiscoveryHelper
Get the MAC (Media Access Control) address
of the first non-loopback, non-multicast address.
- getMacLength(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Return the MAC (Message Authentication Code) length for the given MAC algorithm.
- getMagentaScreenAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
Get the magenta screen angle.
- getMagThresh() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
When growing components, the intra component variation is
allowed to grow when the component is small in size.
- getMajor() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Return the major (leading) verson digit.
- getManager() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Actor
Return the Manager, if there is one.
- getManager() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Return the Manager responsible for execution of this actor,
if there is one.
- getManager() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Get the manager responsible for execution of this composite actor.
- getManager() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return null.
- getManager() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the Manager responsible for execution of this actor,
if there is one.
- getManager() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the manager controlling this model.
- getManager() - Method in class ptserver.control.SimulationTask
Get the manager responsible for coordinating the model of computation.
- getMantissaBitLength() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the number of bits to represent the mantissa.
- getMantissaPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Return the precision of the mantissa of the value.
- getMantissaPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the precision fore the mantissa of a compliant
2's complement representation.
- getMap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Get the array of colors for the colormap.
- getMappedName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Get the unique name for the symbol in the PtalonActor.
- getMappedName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Get the unique name for the symbol in the PtalonActor.
- getMappedName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Get the stored unique name for a symbol in the PtalonActor.
- getMappingFile() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingEditor
Gets mapping file name.
- getMarking() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
getMarking() is to get the _currentMarking of the place.
- getMarksStyle() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Get the marks style, which is one of
"none", "points", "dots", or "various".
- getMarksStyle() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Get the marks style, which is one of
"none", "points", "dots", or "various".
- getMask() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
Get the mask.
- getMask() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
Get the halftone mask.
- getMask() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MaskFilter
- getMaskImage() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
Get the mask image.
- getMatcherName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the matcherName element.
- getMatchingMethod(SootClass, String, List) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Get the method in the given class that has the given name and will
accept the given argument list.
- getMatchResult() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
Return the most recent match result, which the user should not modify.
- getMatchResult() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Get the current match result used for the transformation.
- getMaterial() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getMatrix() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Get the dither matrix.
- getMatrix() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Get the dither matrix.
- getMatrix() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwizzleFilter
Get the swizzle matrix.
- getMatrixTypeForElementType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return a matrix type whose element type is the given element
- getMaxDataSets() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
- getMaxDataSets() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
- getMaxEdgeCost() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Return the maximum angle range allowed for the gradient directions
when connecting edges, in radians.
- getMaxFrequency() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMaxFrequency(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMaxIdleTime() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Return the maximum amount of time the server will wait before returning
a timeout response page.
- getMaxIdleTime() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Return the maximum amount of time the server will wait before returning
a timeout response page.
- getMaximumDifference() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Return the maximum current difference of all the relations by iterating
the relation list.
- getMaximumOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Get the maximum order of the polynomial.
- getMaximumSize() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Return a fixed size
- getMaximumSize() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Return the preferred height, but set the width to the maximum
possible value.
- getMaximumSize() - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Return the maximum size.
- getMaximumUnscaledValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the maximum integer value before scaling so that
quantization levels are represented by adjacent integers.
- getMaximumUnscaledValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the maximum quantizable value after scaling so that
quantization levels are represented by adjacent integers.
- getMaximumValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the maximum quantizable value.
- getMaxlatency() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Get maximum latency before the proxy sink threads are forced to sleep.
- getMaxLevelWidth(boolean) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelData
Each level contains a list of nodes that are in that
level (level width).
- getMaxValue() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMaxValue(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMaxValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
Return the maximum value of this parameter as an integer.
- getMDIContext() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplication
Get the MDI frame -- type-specific version of
- getMean() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.GaussianMeasurementModel
Get the mean.
- getMean() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ssm.GaussianModel
Get model mean.
- getMeanValue() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMeanValue(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMeasurementParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Returns a parameter value corresponding to a measurement.
- getMeasurementParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
- getMeasurementParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
- getMeasurementParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.ParticleFilter
Return the first encountered value for now.
- getMeasurementParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.UnscentedKalmanFilterSSM
Return the first encountered value for now.
- getMeasurementParameterExpression(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Get measurement parameter expression.
- getMeasurementParameterExpression(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
- getMeasurementParameterPostfix() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModel
Return the measurement postfix.
- getMemory() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskPtDirector
Get the memory assigned to this director.
- getMemory() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.MemoryAccess
Get the memory that this actor can access.
- getMenuBar() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMenu
Configure the window menu bar.
- getMenuFactory() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.MenuCreator
Return the menu factory.
- getMerge() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- getMessage() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the error message from the parser.
- getMessage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.CellValidator
Get the message.
- getMessage() - Method in exception ptolemy.actor.process.TerminateProcessException
Get the detail message.
- getMessage() - Method in error ptolemy.data.expr.TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
- getMessage() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Get the message of this exception.
- getMessage() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelRuntimeException
Get the message of this exception.
- getMessage() - Method in error ptolemy.moml.unit.TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
- getMessage() - Method in class ptserver.data.RemoteEventToken
Get the informational message associated with the token.
- getMessageHandler() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Return the message handler instance that is used by the static
methods in this class.
- getMessageIllegalAction() - Method in class net.jimblackler.Utils.YieldAdapterIterator
- getMessages() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.PetriNetRecorder
Return the messages recorded since initialize() was called.
- getMessages() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.RecorderListener
Get the messages recorded so far.
- getMethod() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpPost
- getMethod() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpPut
- getMethod() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Get the request method.
- getMethod() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
Get the method to be invoked.
- getMethod() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Get the request method.
- getMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getMethod() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return the method giving the operation associated with this
object, or null if none was found.
- getMethodDeclarationHandlers() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Get the list of method declaration handlers.
- getMethodExceptionString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return the exception signature (for Java).
- getMethodExceptionString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the exception signature (for Java).
- getMethodInputPortList(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.MultipleFireMethodsInterface
Return the list of input ports associated with the given method name.
- getMethodInputPortList(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
Return the list of input ports associated with the given method name.
- getMethodName() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMethodCallNode
Return the name of the method invoked by this node.
- getMethodName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessAttribute
Return the method name to be called on the actor, or an empty
string if there is none.
- getMethodName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceFiring
Get the method name to be executed when
the actor fires, or null if there is none.
- getMethodOutputPort(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.MultipleFireMethodsInterface
Return the output port associated with the given method name, if there is one.
- getMethodOutputPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
Return the output port associated with the given method name, if there is one.
- getMethodVisibilityString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return the visibility signature for run() and execute() (for Java).
- getMethodVisibilityString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the return signature for run() and execute().
- getMicro() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Return the micro (third) verson digit.
- getMicrosecond() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the microsecond part of this date.
- getMicrostep() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Get the current microstep.
- getMicrostep() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return the current microstep or the microstep of the event, if
an actor is currently executing.
- getMicrostep() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return the current microstep or the microstep of the event, if
an actor is currently executing.
- getMicrostepForToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Get the microstep of the event that contained the token.
- getMicrostepForToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Get the microstep of the event that contained the token.
- getMidColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
Get the mid color.
- getMidpointSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Get the site that marks the midpoint of the connector.
- getMillisecond() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the millisecond part of this date.
- getMimeType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultTitle
A title is of type text/html.
- getMimeType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.HTMLImage
Return image plus the appropriate file extension, e.g. image/gif
- getMimeType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.HTMLText
HTMLText is of type text/html.
- getMimeType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconLink
A link is of type text/html.
- getMimeType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
BasicJSPlotter is of type text/html.
- getMimeType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Script
Script is of type text/javascript for backwards compatibility.
- getMimeType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
A title is of type text/html.
- getMimeType() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportable
Return the Mime type of the content (for example, text/html).
- getMinFrequency() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMinFrequency(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMinHeight() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.AttributeStyleWidget
Return minimal height which is the preferred height of the widget if it's defined.
- getMinHeight() - Method in interface ptolemy.homer.widgets.MinSizeInterface
Return the minimal height a widget can have or null if there is no restriction.
- getMinHeight() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.PortablePlaceableWidget
The minimal width for this height is _MIN_DIMENSION.
- getMinimumDelay(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCausalityInterface
Return the minimum delay for this port.
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the minimum size of the rectangle.
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Get the minimum size of the rectangle.
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Return a fixed size
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAMatrixViewer
Return the minimum size of this component.
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Return the minimum size.
- getMinimumUnscaledValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the minimum integer value before scaling so
that quantization levels are represented by adjacent
- getMinimumUnscaledValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the minimum quantizable value after scaling so that
quantization levels are represented by adjacent integers.
- getMinimumValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the minimum quantizable value.
- getMinMag() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Return the gradient magnitude threshold for ignoring pixels.
- getMinor() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Return the minor (middle) verson digit.
- getMinute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the minute part of this date.
- getMinValue() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMinValue(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getMinValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
Return the minimum value of this parameter.
- getMinWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.AttributeStyleWidget
Return minimal width which is the preferred width of the widget if it's defined.
- getMinWidth() - Method in interface ptolemy.homer.widgets.MinSizeInterface
Return the minimal width a widget can have or null if there is no restriction.
- getMinWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.PortablePlaceableWidget
The minimal width for this width is _MIN_DIMENSION.
- getMix() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- getMode() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DeinterlaceFilter
- getModel() - Method in class diva.gui.BasicPage
Return the model of the page.
- getModel() - Method in interface diva.gui.Page
Return the model of the page.
- getModel() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetFirstLevelParentsTask
Return the model for which the first level parents need to be fetched.
- getModel() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Return the model content.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Get the model stored in this parameter.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellEffigy
Return the model used to store variables.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellEffigy
Return the model used to store variables.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Get the associated model.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
Get the model contained in the current frame.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellEffigy
Return the model used to store variables.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
Return the ptolemy model that this is an effigy of.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Get the associated model or Ptolemy II object.
- getModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellEffigy
Return the model used to store variables.
- getModelContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManagerModel
Return the ExceptionManager that contains the model.
- getModelErrorHandler() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the model error handler specified by setErrorHandler().
- getModelException() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Return the exception (if any) that occurred when the refinement was fired.
- getModelFile() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.OpenLayoutDialog
Return the model file.
- getModelFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMenu
Get the model file filter.
- getModelId() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelTask
Return the model Id.
- getModelId() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Return the model id.
- getModelImage() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Get the model image (PNG) byte array.
- getModelListing() - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Get a listing of the models available on the server in either the
database or the local file system.
- getModelListing() - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Get a listing of the models available on the server in either the
database or the local file system.
- getModelListing() - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Get a listing of the models available on the server in either the
database or the local file system.
- getModelName() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Get the full model name of the model that is running the web application.
- getModelName() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Get the full model name of the model that is running the web application.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelsTask
Return the model name that is needed to be fetched from the database.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelTask
Return the model name that is needed to be fetched from the database.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetReferenceStringTask
Return the model name that is needed to be fetched from the database.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.ModelNameSearchTask
Return the model name.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Get the name of the model from the search criteria.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Return the model name.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AdvancedSimpleSearchFrame
Get the model name search criteria that the user specified in this
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get the model name.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ModelPanel
Get the model name.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SearchResultPanel
Get the model name.
- getModelName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the model name.
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the next time of interest in the model being executed by
this director or the director of any enclosing model up the
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return the next time of interest in the model being executed by
this director or the director of any enclosing model up the
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return the timestamp of the next event in the queue.
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Return the time value of the next iteration.
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Return the next time that this director expects activity.
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Return maximum value for type double.
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Override the base class so that if any outgoing transition has
a guard that evaluates to true, then return the current
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return the time value of the next iteration.
- getModelNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Return the time value of the next iteration.
- getModelParameter() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.GTEvent
Get the model parameter that stores the current model to be transformed.
- getModelsList() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.FetchHierarchyTask
Return the list of models for which we need
to fetch parent hierarchy.
- getModelsList() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.RemoveModelsTask
Return the list of models to be deleted from the database.
- getModelStartTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the start time parameter value, if it has been explicitly
- GetModelsTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A task request to fetch a model from the database.
- GetModelsTask(String) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelsTask
Construct an instance of the object and set the model name to be fetched
from the database.
- getModelStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the stop time parameter value, if it has been set,
and otherwise, return a time with value Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
- getModelStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Get the stop time.
- getModelStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
Get the stop time.
- getModelStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Get the stop time.
- GetModelTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A task request to fetch a model from the database.
- GetModelTask(String) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelTask
Construct an instance of the object and set the model name to be fetched
from the database.
- GetModelTask(String, String) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelTask
Construct an instance of the object and set the model id to be fetched
from the database.
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Return the current time associated with this receiver.
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the current time object of the model being executed by this
- getModelTime(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return the current time associated with a certain channel.
- getModelTime(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return the current time associated with a certain channel.
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Return the current time of the DDEThread that calls this method on behalf
of an actor.
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Return the current time of this TimeKeeper.
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Return the local time associated with this receiver.
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Return the current "time".
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return the local time or, (i) if an actor is executing or (ii)
an input token is read, (i) the timestamp of the event that
caused the actor execution or (ii) the timestamp of the input
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Return the current time object of the model being executed by this
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return the local time or, (i) if an actor is executing or (ii) an input
token is read, (i) the timestamp of the event that caused the actor
execution or (ii) the timestamp of the input event.
- getModelTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Return the current model time which is the model time of the executive
- getModelToBeSaved() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
Return the model to be saved in the database.
- getModelTypes() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the model types for certain typeable object's.
- getModelTypes() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Get the map from the model's Typeable objects to its inferred type.
- getModelTypes() - Method in class ptserver.util.ProxyModelBuilder
Return the mapping from the typeable named object's full name to its type string.
- getModelUpdater() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Get the model updater encapsulated in this attribute.
- getModelURI(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.URIAttribute
Return the URI from which the specified model was read,
or null if there is no such URI.
- getModelURIMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getModelURL() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get the model URL.
- getModelUrl() - Method in class ptserver.control.Ticket
Get the URL of the model file.
- getModelXML() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Get the model XML string containing the model specifically created for
the Android client
that includes only actors that need to run there.
- getModePeriod(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Get mode period from state parameter "period".
- getModifiedVariable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Return the (presumably Settable) attribute modified by this
- getModifiedVariable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
From superclass.
- getModifiedVariable(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Similar to superclass getModifiedVariable(), but takes a
name as an argument and does not used cached variables, and
checks only in the proper scope.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Return a list of variables that this entity modifies.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.ExplicitChangeContext
Return a list of variables that this entity modifies.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Return a set of parameters that will be modified during the execution
of the model.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Return a set of parameters that will be modified during the
execution of the model.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Return a set of parameters that will be modified during the
execution of the model.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return a set of parameters that will be modified during the execution
of the model.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the set of modified variables.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return a list of variables that this entity modifies.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return a list of variables that are modified in a modal
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableLattice
Return a list of variables that this entity modifies.
- getModifiedVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableRecursiveLattice
Return a list of variables that this entity modifies.
- getModifyImage() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Return whether the filter will modify the provided image with a visual
indication of the amount and location of the motion.
- getModules() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.ActorModuleInitializer
Get Modules used by the initializer.
- getModuloUnscaledValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
- getMoml(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DesignPatternGetMoMLAction
Generate the Moml string for the given object.
- getMoML(Writer) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Output the MoML of the enclosed entity to the given writer.
- getMoMLFilters() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Get the List of MoMLFilters used to translate names.
- getMoMLHandler() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Return the PropertyMoMLHandler for this OntologySolver.
- getMonitoredObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.CheckpointState
Get the list of all the monitored objects.
- getMonochrome() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Get the type of noise to add.
- getMonochrome() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
Get whether to do monochrome halftoning.
- getMonochrome() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Get whether to use monochrome noise.
- getMonotonicity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConcept
Get the monotonicity of this concept with respect to a specific
- getMonth() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the month part of this date.
- getMorphImage() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- getMostSignificantBitPosition() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the bit position of the most significant bit of the
given fixed point precision.
- getMostSignificantDataBitPosition() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the bit position of the most significant
data bit of the given fixed point precision.
- getMotionArea() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Return the motion strength (0 = no motion, 100 = full image covered by motion).
- getMouseFilter() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- getMouseFilter() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Get the mouse filter used by this interactor to
decide whether to accept an event.
- getMouseFilter() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor
Get the mouse filter used by this interactor to
decide whether to accept an event.
- getMoveCount(int) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
- getMqttClient() - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenPublisher
Return MQTT client that is used to send out MQTT messages.
- getMultipage() - Method in class diva.gui.BasicPage
Return the multipage that owns this model.
- getMultipageModel() - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
Return the model associated with this document.
- getMutableEdgeModel(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Return the model for the given edge object, cast as a MutableEdgeModel.
- getMutableNodeModel(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Return the node model for the given object, cast as a MutableNodeModel.
- getN() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the north site.
- getN() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Get the north site (only site).
- getN() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle
Get the north site.
- getName() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Get the name of this test case
- getName() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.BeanProperty
Returns the value of the name property
- getName() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
Returns the value of the name property
- getName() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Get name of this Chord.
- getName() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Note
Return the name of Note object.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent.FiringEventType
Return the string name of this event type.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientElement
Return the name of this element.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Get the port name element.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return the name specified in the constructor.
- getName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return the name specified in the constructor.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return the name specified in the constructor.
- getName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Return the name specified in the constructor.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Return the name of this codec.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
Returns the name associated with this tree.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Get the name of this type.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDF
Get the name of this DDI.
- getName() - Method in interface ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDI
Get the name of the domain that this DDI implements.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.SDF
Get the name of this DDI.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Return the name of this receiver.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return the name of the object.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.ProfileActor
Return the name of this ProfileActor.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get the name of the term.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return the name that this node refers to.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Return the name of the concept function.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the name of the PropertyAdapter.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Get the name of the virtual link object.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getName() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventOrBuilder
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Returns the name of the component.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.events.TabEvent
Return the name of the tab.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Get the name of the tab.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Get the name of the tab.
- getName(Nameable) - Static method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Get the name of a Nameable object.
- getName() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
Return the name of the object.
- getName(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
Get the name of this object relative to the specified container.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the name.
- getName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the name of this object relative to the specified container.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Get the name.
- getName(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Get the name.
- getName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Return an instance of this class with the specified name,
or null if none exists.
- getName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Return an instance of this class with the specified name,
or null if none exists.
- getName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction.SourceType
Get the name of the SourceType.
- getNameable1() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Get the first Nameable, if any, that was passed as an argument.
- getNameable2() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Get the second Nameable, if any, that was passed as an argument.
- getNameables() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelRuntimeException
Get the first Nameable, if any, that was passed as an argument.
- getNamedObject(Entity, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Returns the component referenced by the given name in the given
- getNamedObjVariable(NamedObj, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.NamedObjVariable
Get the NamedObjVariable contained in the container, and create a new
one if none is found in the container and autoCreate is true.
- getNameMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getNames(JSONObject) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an array of field names from a JSONObject.
- getNames(Object) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an array of field names from an Object.
- getNameTextField() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get the component of the text field to let the user input the model
- getNanosecond() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the nanosecond part of this date.
- getNarrowLinePad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a narrow vertical pad used to separate lines.
- getNarrowLinePad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a narrow vertical pad used to separate lines.
- getNarrowLinePad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a narrow vertical pad used to separate lines.
- getNativeLibrary() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Get the native library of C functions for the current platform.
- getNativeLibraryPath() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Return the canonical native library path.
- getNavigationModel() - Method in class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy
- getNbTokenPerData(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Return the number of tokens that are logically treated
as a single token.
- getNE() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the north-east site.
- getNestedDepth() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Return the depth of this PtalonActor declaration with respect
to its creator.
- getNewColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
- getNewInstance() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Get a new tab scene panel instance.
- getNewInstance() - Method in interface ptolemy.homer.kernel.ContentPrototype
Get a new instance of the prototype.
- getNewInvocation(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaTemplateParser
Return the translated new constructor invocation string.
- getNewInvocation(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the translated new constructor invocation string.
- getNewModel() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
Return the new model that was created.
- getNewModelName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.RenameModelTask
Return the new name for the model.
- getNewPortLocation(GraphPane, BasicGraphFrame, IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController
Get a location for a port that hasn't got a location yet.
- getNewType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypeEvent
Return the new type.
- getNext() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList.Entry
Get the next entry.
- getNextEventTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return the timestamp of the next event in the queue.
- getNextIterationTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
- getNextJoinNodes(Node, Node, List<Node>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActionsGraph
Recursively compute the set of nodes reachable from a given node that
depend on more than one node or are scheduled to happen at a future time.
- getNextStepSize(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Compute the step size for the FMU.
- getNextTier() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return next tier, if there is one.
- getNextTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Return the earliest possible time stamp of the next token to be
consumed by the actor managed by this time keeper.
- getNextToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Get the next Token.
- getNextToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
Get the next Token.
- getNextToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Get the next Token.
- getNextToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
Get the next Token.
- getNextToken() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEActor
Return a non-NullToken from the receiver that has the minimum,
non-negative receiver time of all receivers contained by this
- getNextToken() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Get the next Token.
- getNextToken() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
Get the next Token.
- getNextToken() - Method in class ptserver.data.Tokenizer
Return the next token in the byte stream or null if there is none left.
- getNextUnreadSample() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
Get the next unread sample from the sample buffer.
- getNextUtf8Byte(int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the next byte value in a UTF-8 sequence.
- getNode() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticToken
Return the AST node of this token.
- getNode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Get node in which port is contained.
- getNode(Time, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActionsGraph
Return the node that is used for the execution of an actor at a certain
- getNode(TDLAction) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActionsGraph
Get node for a given TDLAction.
- getNode(Object, Time, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActionsGraph
Get a node which executes a given actor.
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Given an node, return the controller associated with that
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Given an node, return the controller associated with that
- getNodeController() - Method in class diva.graph.SimpleGraphController
Return the node controller.
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.SimpleGraphController
Given an node, return the controller associated with that
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
Return the node controller appropriate for the given object.
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Return the node controller appropriate for the given object.
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconGraphController
Return the node controller appropriate for the specified object.
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
Return the node controller appropriate for the given node.
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
Return the node controller appropriate for the given node object.
- getNodeController(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphController
Return the node controller appropriate for the given node object.
- getNodeCount(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return the number of nodes contained in
this graph or composite node.
- getNodeCount(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicNodeModel
Return the number of nodes contained in
this graph or composite node.
- getNodeCount(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.CompositeModel
Return a count of the nodes this graph contains.
- getNodeCount() - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Graph
Return a count of the nodes this graph contains.
- getNodeCount(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the number of nodes contained in
this graph or composite node.
- getNodeCount(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.IconModel
Return the number of nodes contained in
this graph or composite node.
- getNodeCount(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.CompositePtolemyModel
Return the number of nodes contained in the graph for the
specified composite.
- getNodeFill() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Return the fill that nodes are painted with.
- getNodeFromLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Get the node associated with a given label or null.
- getNodeId() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSource
Return the nodeId.
- getNodeId() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSubscriber
Get the nodeId to subscribe to.
- getNodeInteractor() - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Return the node interactor associated with this controller.
- getNodeInteractor() - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Return the node interactor associated with this controller.
- getNodeList() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.NonLatticeCounterExample
Return the list of node weights in the graph associated with this
counter example.
- getNodeModel(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel
Return the node model for the given object.
- getNodeModel(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the node model for the given object.
- getNodeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Return the node model for the given object.
- getNodeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return the node model for the given object.
- getNodeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Return the node model for the given object.
- getNodeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Return the node model for the given object.
- getNodeModel(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel
Return the node model for the given object.
- getNodeRenderer() - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Return the node renderer associated with this controller.
- getNodeRenderer() - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Return the node renderer associated with this controller.
- getNodeShape() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Return the shape that nodes are rendered in.
- getNodeType() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the NodeType.
- getNoiseParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Returns a parameter value corresponding to a noise distribution.
- getNoiseParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
- getNoiseParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
- getNoiseParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.ParticleFilter
- getNoiseParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.UnscentedKalmanFilterSSM
- getNonpreemptiveTransitionsReferredInputPorts(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Given a state, get a set of input ports referred in the guards of
the preemptive transitions leaving that state.
- getNoOfPages() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.load.LoadManager
Get the total number of pages required to display the
models list.
- getNormal() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the angle of the normal to this site, in radians
between zero and 2pi.
- getNormal(int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return an angle in radians, given a direction from SwingConstants.
- getNormal() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
Get the normal of the site.
- getNormal() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Get the angle of the normal to this site, in radians
between zero and 2pi.
- getNormal() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Get the angle of the normal to this site, in radians
between zero and 2pi.
- getNormal() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the angle of the normal to this site, in radians
between zero and 2pi.
- getNormal() - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the angle of the normal to this site, in radians
between zero and 2pi.
- getNormal(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.KielerLayoutUtil
Get the angle in radians from the origin to the other point.
- getNormal() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PortSite
Get the normal of the site.
- getNormalize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
- getNotationPublicId(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the public identifier for a notation.
- getNotationSystemId(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the system identifier for a notation.
- getNotConstVariables(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return the computed not constant variables for the given container.
- getNotes() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Get notes contained by this Chord.
- getNumber() - Method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Status
- getNumber() - Method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Type
- getNumberOfArguments() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle.ChordFunction
- getNumberOfArguments() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtCalFunction
Return the number of arguments.
- getNumberOfArguments() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ExpressionFunction
Return the number of arguments of the function.
- getNumberOfArguments() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.Function
Return the number of arguments of the function.
- getNumberOfArguments() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Return the number of arguments of the function.
- getNumberOfArguments() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Return the number of input arguments for this concept function,
or -1 if the concept function can take a variable number of
- getNumberOfBits() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the total number of bits.
- getNumberOfBits() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the number of bits to represent the value.
- getNumberOfLevels() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the total number of discrete values possible.
- getNumberOfLevels() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the number of quantization levels in the mantissa.
- getNumberOfLinks() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortTerminal
Return the number of links to relations that this port has.
- getNumCategories() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Return the number of currently registered categories.
- getNumCategories() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Return the number of categories.
- getNumColors() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
Get the number of colors to quantize to.
- getNumDataSets() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return the actual number of data sets.
- getNumDataSets() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Return the actual number of data sets.
- getNumerator() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Return the numerator of this fraction.
- getNumInitialTokens() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction
Return the number of initial tokens in a junction.
- getNumKnots() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Get the number of knots in the gradient.
- getNumLevels() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PosterizeFilter
Get the number of levels in the output image.
- getNumObservations() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.GrayModel
- getNumSamples() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- getNW() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the north-west site.
- getNz() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- getNz() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- getNz() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- getNz() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
How many non-zero entries are there?
- getNzFrac() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- getObject() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RenameConfigurer
Get the object upon which this RenameConfigurer is operating.
- getObject(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gui.TopPack
Get an object.
- getObjectFromCode(String, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Get the object within the given container whose type and name
correspond to the code.
- getObjectInRefinement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Get a NamedObj with the given name in the refinement of this state, if
- getObjectInstanceId() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Returns the HLA object instance.
- getObjectsMissingFromModel() - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Return the set of objects missing from the model.
- getObjectTypeAbbreviation(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Get the abbreviation of the object's type.
- getObjectValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name,
and return as an Object.
- getOccupancyGrid() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Return the occupancy grid.
- getOctaves() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- getOctaves() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getOctaves() - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.TurbulenceFunction
- getOffset() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- getOffset() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
Get the distance to be located along the side, in percent.
- getOffset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.LetTask
Return the offset of the task.
- getOldModel() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
Return the old model that was being updated.
- getOldType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypeEvent
Return the old type.
- getOldValue() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Return the old value, which is event-specific.
- getOldValue() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphViewEvent
Return the old value, which is event-specific.
- getOne() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenReader
- getOntology() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return the ontology that contains this concept.
- getOntology() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeConcept
Return the product lattice ontology that contains this concept.
- getOntology() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologySolver
Return the product lattice ontology for this constraint solver.
- getOntology() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the ontology for this constraint solver.
- getOntologyModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel
Get the ontology model which maps all ontology nodes in the graph to the
elements in then ontology solver model.
- getOntologySolverIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAnnotationAttribute
Return the name of the ontology solver for which this annotation
attribute is a constraint.
- getOntologySolverUtilities() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the shared utility object.
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
Get the opacity of the reflection.
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OpacityFilter
Get the opacity setting.
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Get the opacity of the rays.
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Get the opacity of the shadow.
- getOpenFileChooser() - Method in class diva.gui.DefaultStoragePolicy
Get the open file chooser used by this storage policy.
- getOperation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- getOperation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Get the filter operation.
- getOperation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getOperation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- getOperationsAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the operations for this matcher.
- getOperationsAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the operations for this matcher.
- getOperationsAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the operations for this matcher.
- getOperationsAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the operations for this matcher.
- getOperationsAttribute() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.GTEntity
Return the attribute that stores all the operations for this matcher.
- getOperationsAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the operations for this matcher.
- getOperationsAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
Return the attribute that stores all the operations for this matcher.
- getOperator() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtBitwiseNode
Return the token that represents the operation of this node.
- getOperator() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLogicalNode
Return the operator for child nodes of this node.
- getOperator() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRelationalNode
Return the lexical token representing the operation of this node.
- getOperator() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtShiftNode
Return the lexical token representing the operation of this node.
- getOperator() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
Return the token that represents the operation of this node.
- getOperator() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- getOptions() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- getOrCreateHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient.HttpClientHelper
Get or create a helper for the specified actor.
- getOrCreateHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper
Get or create a helper for the specified actor.
- getOrCreateHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper
Get or create a helper for the specified actor.
- getOrCreateHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper
Get or create a helper for the specified actor.
- getOrCreateServer(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpServer.HttpServerHelper
Create a HttpServerHelper instance to help a JavaScript HttpServer instance.
- getOrder() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Get the sort order of the term.
- getOrder() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get the sort order of the term.
- getOrder() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the relative order of the node by types.
... which order?
- getOrder() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode.NodeType
Sort order of type.
- getOrder() - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm
Get the sort order of term.
- getOrder() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Get the sort order of the term.
- getOrder() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Return the interpolation order.
- getOrderedActors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.SequentialScheduleEditorPane
Get the order of the actors as displayed in this Panel.
- getOrderIndex(LinkManhattanConnector) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortTerminal
Return the order index of the connection represented
by the specified connector.
- getOrderLimit() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Get the maximum order of any token (the number of derivatives).
- getOrientation() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Return the orientation in which the graph is to be laid out,
- getOrientation() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get the selected screen orientation.
- getOrientation() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutParser
Get the orientation of the screen from the parsed layout file.
- getOrigin() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Return the origin of the figure in the enclosing transform
context, which in this base class is the center of the bounds
returned by getBounds().
- getOrigin() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return the origin of the background figure in the enclosing
transform context.
- getOrigin(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Get the origin into the given point.
- getOrigin(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Get the origin into the given point.
- getOrigin(Point2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEnd
Get the origin of the line end.
- getOrigin() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Return the origin of the wrapped figure in the enclosing
transform context.
- getOrigin() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Return the origin of the figure in the enclosing transform
- getOrigin() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.QuadrantConstraint
Get the origin
- getOrigin() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Return the origin of the figure in the enclosing transform
- getOrigin() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Return the origin of the figure in the enclosing transform
- getOrigin() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Return the origin, which is the anchor point.
- getOrigin() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Return the origin, which is the point relative to which all of the
contained objects are drawn.
- getOrigin() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Return the origin.
- getOrigin() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the location of the origin of the viewscreen.
- getOriginX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
Get the origin of the output image.
- getOriginY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
Get the origin of the output image.
- getOutgoingPort() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FiniteConcept
Return the above port specified in the constructor.
- getOutgoingPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Return the outgoing port.
- getOutgoingPort() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Flowable
Return the outgoing port.
- getOutLines() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- getOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Get the output string to be sent.
- getOutputActionsReferredInputPorts(Transition) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Given a transition, get a set of input ports referred in the
outputActions of that transition.
- getOutputController() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Return the output branch controller of this director.
- getOutputPort() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction
- getOutputRangeOntology() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Return the ontology that represents the range of concepts that can be
output by this concept function.
- getOutputRates() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates.ActionRateSignature
- getOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Get a list of output ports to the operator.
- getOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get a list of output ports to the operator.
- getOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the list of ordered outputs.
- getOutputs() - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm
Return list of output Syntactic Ports to term.
- getOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Get all of the output ports for a column.
- getOutputTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Return the current value of the output time associated with
this time keeper and, after so doing, set the output time to
a new value that is equivalent to this time keeper's current time.
- getOutsideChannel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Get the channel specified by the outsideChannel parameter.
- getOutsideFlag() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the flag indicating that the event related to the port's outside
activity (true) or to its inside activity.
- getOutsideFlag() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Return the direction flag (outside or inside).
- getOverflow() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the overflow strategy.
- getOverlayLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Get the overlay layer.
- getOverlayLayer() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Get the layer that drag rectangles are drawn on
- getOwner() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Get the list that contains this GTIngredient.
- getOwner() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientList
Get the GTIngredientsAttribute that contain this list.
- getOwner(ASTNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Get the owner associated with an AST node, if it is resolved
as a field or method.
- getOwner() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Returns the owning query object.
- getPackageName() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader.ClassImport
Get the name of the package that the class is in.
- getPadding() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Get the padding around the text.
- getPage(int) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Get the page at the given index.
- getPage(String) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Get the page with the given title.
- getPage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Get the page displayed by this viewer.
- getPageCount() - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Get the number of pages in this document.
- getPaint() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Get the paint with which to paint the text.
- getPaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Get the paint of this terminal.
- getPaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Get the current paint.
- getPaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Get the paint.
- getPaintedList() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Get the painted list of painted objects of this figure.
- getPaintedObject() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Return a new painted object that looks like this graphic element.
- getPaintMode() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- getPalettePane() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Get the component used for palettes and the like.
- getPanel() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Returns the panel used to build the form.
- getParagraphPad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a pad used to separate paragraphs.
- getParagraphPad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a pad used to separate paragraphs.
- getParagraphPad() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a pad used to separate paragraphs.
- getParaimpuOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Return the list of output choices of Paraimpu
- getParaimpuOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Return the list of output choices of Paraimpu
- getParameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- getParameter(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- getParameter() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
Get the associated parameter.
- getParameter(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter, Attribute, String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Gets the parameter.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
Get the string for the argument with the given name from this
- getParameterDoc(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
Return the documentation for the given parameter, or null if there
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplet
Describe the applet parameters.
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Describe the applet parameters.
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
Describe the applet parameters.
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
Return information about parameters.
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Return information about parameters.
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.MoMLViewerApplet
Describe the applet parameters.
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplet
Describe the applet parameters.
- getParameterNames() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ParametersAttribute
Return a list of names (in the String type) of the parameters defined in
this attribute.
- getParameters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An output port that sends parameters included in a get request.
- getParametersString() - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Return the parameters set as a concatenated string.
- getParameterTable(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.ParameterDisplayIconScript
Get an HTML table describing the parameters of the object.
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ParametersAttribute
Return an array of parameter types.
- getParameterValue(String, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return the value or an expression in the target language for
the specified parameter of the associated actor.
- getParameterValue(String, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the value or an expression in the target language for
the specified parameter of the associated actor.
- getParameterValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.MatchResult
Get the parameter assignment.
- getParent() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Return the parent of this figure.
- getParent() - Method in interface diva.canvas.CanvasComponent
Return the parent of this component.
- getParent() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Get the parent component, or null if there isn't one.
- getParent() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Get the parent component, or null if there isn't one.
- getParent() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Return the parent of this component.
- getParent() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Return the parent of this figure.
- getParent() - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Get the parent transform context of this one, or null
if this context is at the root of the transform tree.
- getParent(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return the parent graph of this node, return
null if there is no parent.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicNodeModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the parent graph of this node, return
null if there is no parent.
- getParent() - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Node
Return the graph parent of this node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.NodeModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the parent element of this element, or null if it has no
- getParent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Return the composite actor that contains this branch
- getParent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
Returns the parent of this tree.
- getParent() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Get the parent of this node.
- getParent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Return the Actor that creates the branch and owns this
controller when performing a CIF or CDO.
- getParent() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the parent schedule element of this schedule element.
- getParent() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Return the parent of this object, or null if there is none.
- getParent() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Instantiable
Return the parent of this object, or null if there is none.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.ExternalPortModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.IconModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.PortModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.VertexModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebElement
Return the name of the desired parent element, or the empty string if
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeNodeModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.PortModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.StateModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.ConceptModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel.OntologyModel
Return the graph parent of the given node.
- getParentDialog(Container) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooserHelper
Determine the dialog of this frame.
- getParentFrame(Container) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooserHelper
Determine the parent of this frame.
- getParentModelName() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ParentPanel
Get the parent model name.
- getParents() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Return the parents for the current model.
- getParentsList() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
Return the list of selected first level parents' model names.
- getParentsList() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
Return The list of parents being affected by the changes made on the
- getParser() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the expression parser.
- getParser() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ParserAttribute
Get the parser.
- getParser(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.ParserAttribute
Get a parser for the specified object.
- getParser() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Return the Parser.
- getParserScope() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return the parser scope for this variable.
- getParseTree(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the ASTPtRootNode for the specified Attribute.
- getParseTree(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the root ASTPtRootNode associated with the specified
- getParseTree(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return the parse tree referred to by the given name.
- getParseTreeCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CTemplateParser
Return a new parse tree code generator to use with expressions.
- getParseTreeCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaTemplateParser
Return a new parse tree code generator to use with expressions.
- getParseTreeCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralTemplateParser
Return a new parse tree code generator to use with expressions.
- getParseTreeCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the parse tree to use with expressions.
- getParseTreeEvaluator() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Return the parse tree evaluator used to evaluate guard expressions.
- getParseTreeEvaluator() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return the parse tree evaluator used to evaluate guard
- getParseTreeEvaluator() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return the parse tree evaluator used by this transition to evaluate
the guard expression.
- getParseTreeList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return the list of parse trees given in expression set
for this attribute.
- getParseTrees(State) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyModalFSMAdapter
Return the list of parse tree root nodes that correspond to the
specified state's outgoing transition actions in the FSM.
- getParseTrees() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverUtilities
Return the map that maps attributes (keys) to their root ast nodes
- getPassword() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PasswordAttribute
Get the password contained by this attribute.
- getPath(Vertex) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.DijkstraAlgorithm
Return the path from the source to the selected target.
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Get a path iterator over the object.
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Get a path iterator over the object.
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Get a path iterator over the object.
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Get a path iterator over the object.
- getPattern() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Get the pattern of this graph search criteria.
- getPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Get the pattern of the transformation rule being used.
- getPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Get the pattern of this transformation rule.
- getPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.RegularExpressionString
Get the pattern for the regular expression.
- getPattern(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Return the pattern of this port.
- getPatternLog() - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Return the value of the pattern log.
- getPatternMoML() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Get the MoML of the graph pattern search criteria.
- getPatternMoML() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GraphPatternSearchEditor
Get the MoMl of the pattern of the model from this frame.
- getPatternNbAddress(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Compute number of address needed for each iteration.
- getPatternNbAddresses(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Compute number of address by dimension needed for each iteration.
- getPatternObjectAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
Return the attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity in
the pattern of the same
, if this entity is in
the replacement, or
null otherwise.
- getPatternObjectAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
Return the attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity in
the pattern of the same
, if this entity is in
the replacement, or
null otherwise.
- getPatternObjectAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
Return the attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity in
the pattern of the same
, if this entity is in
the replacement, or
null otherwise.
- getPatternObjectAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
Return the attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity in
the pattern of the same
, if this entity is in
the replacement, or
null otherwise.
- getPatternObjectAttribute() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.GTEntity
Return the attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity in
the pattern of the same
, if this entity is in
the replacement, or
null otherwise.
- getPatternObjectAttribute(NamedObj, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Get the
associated with the object, and
if it is not found, either return null if createNew is false, or create
a new one and return it.
- getPatternObjectAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return the attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity in
the pattern of the same
, if this entity is in
the replacement, or
null otherwise.
- getPatternObjectAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
Return the attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity in
the pattern of the same
, if this entity is in
the replacement, or
null otherwise.
- getPCData() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the PCData that is associated with this XmlElement.
- getPeriod() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Get the global time increment per iteration for this director.
- getPeriod() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Get the period of the giotto director in ms.
- getPeriod() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Return the value repetition period.
- getPermutation() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- getPhase() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Get the phase of the ripples.
- getPhaseName() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.AppletWriter
Return the phase name.
- getPhaseName() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.ClassWriter
- getPhaseName() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.JimpleWriter
- getPhaseName() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.LibraryUsageReporter
- getPhaseName() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.MakefileWriter
- getPhaseName() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.WatchDogTimer
- getPhaseName() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Return the phase name.
- getPickHalo() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Get the "pick halo".
- getPicture() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Get the platform dependent picture that contains the image.
- getPicture() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Get the platform dependent picture that contains the image.
- getPingPongLatency() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the roundtrip latency of sending ping/echo requests.
- getPixel(int, int, int[], int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getPixel(int, int, int[], int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- getPixel(int, int, int[], int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- getPixels() - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
Get the pixels.
- getPixelSize(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Converts the size if necessary and returns the value in pixels.
- getPixelThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Get the pixel intensity difference threshold above which pixel is classified as "moved".
- getPlatformContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AWTContainer
Return the AWT container that this instance wraps.
- getPlatformContainer() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.injection.PortableContainer
Return the platform dependent container that this instance wraps.
- getPlatformContainer() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Get the platform dependent container that contains the plotter.
- getPlatformContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Get the platform dependent container that contains the plotter.
- getPlatformContainer() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Get the platform dependent container that contains the image.
- getPlatformContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Get the platform dependent container that contains the image.
- getPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotEffigy
Return the plot that this is an effigy of.
- getPlotRectangle() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the current plot rectangle.
- getPlotRectangle() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the current plot rectangle.
- getPoint() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the point location of the site, in the enclosing
transform context with the default normal.
- getPoint(TransformContext) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the point location of the site, in the given
transform context with the default normal.
- getPoint(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the point location of the site, in the enclosing
transform context with the given normal.
- getPoint(TransformContext, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the point location of the site, in the given
transform context with the given normal.
- getPoint(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.PerimeterSite
Get the point location of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getPoint() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Get the point location of the site.
- getPoint() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Get the point location of the site.
- getPoint() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the point location of the site, in the enclosing
transform context with default normal.
- getPoint(TransformContext) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the point location of the site, in the given
transform context with the default normal.
- getPoint(double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the point location of the site, in the enclosing
transform context with the given normal.
- getPoint(TransformContext, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the point location of the site, in the given
transform context with the given normal.
- getPoint() - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the point location of the site, in the enclosing
transform context with default normal.
- getPoint(TransformContext) - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the point location of the site, in the given
transform context with the default normal.
- getPoint(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the point location of the site, in the enclosing
transform context with the given normal.
- getPoint(TransformContext, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the point location of the site, in the given
transform context with the given normal.
- getPoint() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Get an arbitrary point on the line.
- getPoint(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Get the position of this site.
- getPoint1() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- getPoint2() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- getPoint2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
- getPoint2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
- getPoint2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
- getPoint2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
- getPoint2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
- getPoint2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
- getPointOfCoordinate(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
The inverse of getLineCoordinate.
- getPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the port where the event occurred.
- getPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Return the associated port.
- getPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Return the port that the token was received at.
- getPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Return the port that the token was sent from.
- getPort() - Method in exception ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort.RunTimeTypeCheckException
Return the port where the exception occurred.
- getPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Get the port that has the given name.
- getPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Return the port associated with this conditional branch.
- getPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Get a contained port by name.
- getPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Return the port contained by this entity that has the specified name.
- getPort() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortTerminal
Return the port specified in the constructor.
- getPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the port documentation.
- getPortChannelTokenMap() - Method in class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Return the mapping from ports to their channels with tokens have been received within one iteration.
- getPortDoc(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the documentation for the specified port, or null
if there is none.
- getPortDoc(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
Return the documentation for the given port, or null if there
- getPortHash() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the port hash.
- getPortID(GTIngredientList) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the ID of the port created for this criterion.
- getPortMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- getPortModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Get the port model.
- getPortModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Get the port model.
- getPortName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the portName element.
- getPortNumber() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Return the port number that the server listens to for requests.
- getPortNumber() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Return the port number that the server listens to for requests.
- getPortOrParameterProxy(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Get the proxy for a port or parameter with the specified name.
- getPortOrParameterProxy(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Get the proxy for a port or parameter with the specified name.
- getPortOrParameterProxy(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Get the proxy for a port or parameter with the specified name.
- getPortOrParameterProxy(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Get the proxy for a port or parameter with the specified name.
- getPortPrecision(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixTransformer
Return the precision string of the given port.
- getPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
- getPortScope() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return a scope object that has current values from input ports
of this FSMActor in scope.
- getPortsList() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Get the ports from the Graph search pattern.
- getPortsWithNoOrInvalidTargets() - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Get a set of ports without or invalid targets.
- getPortType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the portType element.
- getPosition() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.events.TabEvent
Return the position of the tab.
- getPositionableAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutParser
Get the attributes with positions defined in the layout file.
- getPositionableElement() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.NamedObjectIconWidget
- getPositionableElement() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.NamedObjectImageWidget
Return positionable element that the instance is visualizing.
- getPositionableElement() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.NamedObjectWidget
Return positionable element that the instance is visualizing.
- getPositionableElement() - Method in interface ptolemy.homer.widgets.NamedObjectWidgetInterface
Return positionable element that the instance is wrapping.
- getPositionableElements() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutParser
Return all elements in the model that has its positions defined.
- getPositionableEntities() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutParser
Get the entities with positions defined.
- getPositionablesWithInvalidLocations() - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Get a set of positionables with invalid locations.
- getPositionablesWithInvalidTabs() - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Get a set of positionables with invalid tabs.
- getPower() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- getPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the precision of this date.
- getPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return the precision associated with this FixType.
- getPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a precision to represent this number.
- getPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Return the precision.
- getPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the Precision.
- getPreemptiveTransitionsReferredInputPorts(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Given a state, get a set of input ports referred in the guards of
the preemptive transitions leaving that state.
- getPreference() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion
Return the preference of this conversion, relative to
other conversions.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Return a fixed size
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAMatrixViewer
Return the preferred size.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Return the preferred size.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the preferred size of this component.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- getPrefix() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.PackageRule
Get the prefix to be added to the old package name.
- getPrefs() - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.UserPrefs
Access the singleton instance.
- getPreinitializeVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return the workspace version on the last completion of
- getPremultiplyAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Get whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
- getPremultiplyAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Get whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
- getPremultiplyAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Get whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
- getPremultiplyAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Get whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
- getPrevious() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList.Entry
Get the previous entry.
- getPreviousClasses() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the previous class stack.
- getPreviousDifference() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationNode
Return the difference information from the previous evaluation of the
relation node.
- getPreviousMaximumDistance() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Return the previous difference of the relation that has the
maximum current difference.
- getPrimaryLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Get the primary label of a Unit.
- getPrimarySelection() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionEvent
Return the primary selection object.
- getProcessName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessAttribute
Returns the process name, or throws an exception if there is none.
- getProducerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.Branch
Return the producer receiver that this branch gets data from.
- getProductLatticeConceptFromTuple(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntology
Return the product lattice concept in this ontology derived from
the specified tuple of concepts.
- getProfile() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Return the profile for the composite actor.
- getProfile() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.ProfileActor
Get the profile.
- getProgressBar() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JStatusBar
Return the progress bar associated with this status bar
- getProperAncestors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
Return the ancestors of this tree, not including this tree.
- getProperties() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ButtonBarComponentBuilder
- getProperties() - Method in interface org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentBuilder
Returns a list of properties that are appropriate for construction
- getProperties() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- getProperties() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JListComponentBuilder
- getProperties() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTableComponentBuilder
- getProperties() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JToolBarComponentBuilder
- getProperties() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTreeComponentBuilder
- getProperties() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.SeparatorComponentBuilder
- getProperties() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Get the properties that determine the HTTP header.
- getProperties() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Get the properties that determine the HTTP header.
- getProperties(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Get the properties token associated with the data token most
recently retrieved using get().
- getProperties() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessReceiver
Return the properties token associated with the most recent
call to get(), or null if there was none.
- GetProperties - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
This actor retrieves the properties most recently received by
an input port that is connected on the inside to the trigger
port of this actor.
- GetProperties(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GetProperties
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- getPropertiesInside(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Get the properties token associated with the data token most
recently retrieved using getInside().
- getProperty(Object, String) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return the property of the object associated with
the given property name.
- getProperty(Object, String) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel
Return the property of the object associated with
the given property name.
- getProperty(Object, String) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the property of the object associated with
the given property name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
Return the property corresponding to
the given key, or null if no such property
- getProperty(String) - Method in interface diva.util.PropertyContainer
Return the property corresponding to
the given key, or null if no such property
- getProperty(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
- getProperty(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Get the specified property from the environment.
- getProperty(Object, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return the property of the object associated with
the given property name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the property documentation.
- getPropertyables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Return a list of property-able ports and attributes contained
by the component.
- getPropertyables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Const
Return a list of property-able NamedObj contained by the component.
- getPropertyables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.actor.lib.Expression
Return the list of conceptables with the input ports omitted.
- getPropertyables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Return a list of property-able NamedObj contained by
the component.
- getPropertyables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
Return a list of property-able objects contained by
the component.
- getPropertyables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return a list of property-able NamedObj contained by the component.
- getPropertyDoc(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the documentation for the specified property
(parameter or attribute), or null if there is none.
- getPropertyHash() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the property hash.
- getPropertyString(String, String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Create the property node string to add to a MOML with
the class as StringConstantParameter.
- getPropertyTerm(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the InequalityTerm associated with the given model object.
- getProposedRating() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the Pt.ProposedRating field, or null
if none has been given.
- getPrototypeList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Return a list of prototypes for this object.
- getPrototypeList() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
Return a list of prototypes for this object.
- getPrototypeList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a list of prototypes for this object.
- getProvidesDirectionalDerivatives() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.qss.util.DerivativeFunction
Indicate existence of directional derivatives.
- getProvidesDirectionalDerivatives() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Indicate existence of directional derivatives.
- getProvidesDirectionalDerivatives() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Return false, as this actor does not provide directional derivatives.
- getProxiesWithInvalidTargets() - Method in class ptserver.util.LayoutValidationErrors
Get a set of proxies with invalid targets.
- getProxyElements() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutParser
Return all the elements in the model marked as proxies.
- getProxyModelInfrastructure() - Method in class ptserver.control.SimulationTask
Return the task's remote model.
- getProxySinkMap() - Method in class ptserver.util.ProxyModelBuilder
Return the mapping from the target actor's full name to the ProxySink associated with it.
- getProxySource() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxySourceData
Return the ProxySource.
- getProxySourceData() - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySource
Return the ProxySourceData instance containing the current instance.
- getProxySourceMap() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the mappings from remote source full names to their RemoteSourceData
- getProxySourceMap() - Method in class ptserver.util.ProxyModelBuilder
Return the mapping from the target actor's full name to the ProxySource associated with it.
- getPtalonParameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Find the parameter in the Ptalon code with the specified name,
and return the Ptolemy parameter (java) that was created.
- getPtClassPaths() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder
Return the class paths containing the root of the Ptolemy tree,
and the Jar files in sub-directories lib/,
vendors/sun/commapi/ and vendors/sun/jxta.
- getPtolemyHome() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Get the Ptolemy home.
- getPtolemyHome(Shell) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Get the Ptolemy home.
- getPtolemyModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return the Ptolemy II model associated with this graph model.
- getPtolemyPath() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder
Get the Ptolemy path.
- getPtolemyPreferencesWithinConfiguration(Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
Get the PtolemyPreferences within the specified configuration.
- getPublicKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyReader
True if we should get the public key.
- getPublishedPort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Get the published port with named name.
- getPublishedPortChannel(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Get the channel name of a published port.
- getPublishedPorts(Pattern) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Get the published ports with names that match a regular expression.
- getPubSubChannelName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Port
Get the channel name for the publisher/subscriber pattern.
- getPutActorName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Junction
Get the put actor name.
- getQSSSolverNames() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
Gets the list of all available QSS solver names.
- getQuadrant() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.QuadrantConstraint
Get the quadrant
- getQualifiers() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Return the optional array of version qualifiers.
- getQuantumScaleFactor() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
Return the value of the quantumScaleFactor parameter.
- getQueryValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery.ActionableEntry
Return the contents of the entry box.
- getQueryValue() - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.SettableQueryChooser
Return a string representation of the query.
- getR() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
The 2x1 vector from the origin to the line that is
perpendicular to the line.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Get the size of the blur.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Get the horizontal size of the blur.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
Get the radius of the kernel.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
Get the radius of the kernel.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Get the radius of the kernel.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
Get the radius of the kernel.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Get the radius of the effect.
- getRadius1() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
Get the radius of the kernel.
- getRadius2() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
Get the radius of the kernel.
- getRandomizedPlacement() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Return whether or not placement will be randomized.
- getRandomness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- getRandomness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- getRange() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OilFilter
Get the range of the effect in pixels.
- getRate(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Return the number of tokens that will be produced or consumed on the
given port.
- getRateVariable(Port, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Get the Variable with the specified name in the given port, or
with the specified name preceded by an underscore.
- getRateVariableValue(Port, String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Get the integer value stored in the Variable with the
specified name.
- getRayAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- getRays() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- getRaysOnly() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Get whether to render only the rays.
- getReadAccess() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Obtain permission to read objects in the workspace.
- getReadOffset(int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Get the read offset of a channel of the port.
- getReadOffset(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Get the read offset in the buffer of a given channel from which a token
should be read.
- getRealStartTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Get the real time at which the model began executing.
- getReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver, IOPort) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Create a receiver to mediate a communication via the specified receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver, IOPort) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Create a receiver to mediate a communication via the specified receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Create a receiver to mediate a communication via the specified receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Create a receiver to mediate a communication via the specified receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Create an intermediate receiver that wraps a given receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Create a receiver to mediate a communication via the specified receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Create a receiver to mediate a communication via the specified receiver.
- getReceiver(Receiver, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
Create a receiver to mediate a communication via the specified receiver.
- getReceiverAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Get the adapters for receiver contained in this port.
- getReceiverPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the receiver's port if this event represents a token put directly
into a receiver instead of transferred via IOPort send or sendInside.
- getReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the port is an input, return the receivers that receive data
from all linked relations.
- getReceivers(IORelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the port is an input, return receivers that handle incoming
channels from the specified relation.
- getReceivers(IORelation, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the port is an input, return receivers that handle incoming
channels from the specified relation.
- getReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Return an array with all the receivers that
this branch is trying to rendezvous with.
- getReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Override the base class to return the outside receiver for wireless
communication if wireless communication is being used.
- getReceiverTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Return the receiver time of this receiver.
- getRecord(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
- getRecord(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
- getRedBlue() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- getRef(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- getRefactoredFile(String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Given the source name of a Java file and its package name, return the
path to the transformed file with backtracking prefix added to it.
- getRefactoringRoot() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Get the root for the source transformer.
- getRefactoringRoot(Shell) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Get the root for the source transformer.
- getReference(String, boolean, NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the reference to the specified parameter or port of the
associated actor.
- getReference(String, boolean, NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Return the reference to the specified parameter or port of the
associated actor.
- getReference(TypedIOPort, String[], boolean, boolean, NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Return an unique label for the given port channel referenced
by the given adapter.
- getReference(String, boolean, NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return the reference to the specified parameter or port of the
associated actor.
- getReference(TypedIOPort, String[], boolean, boolean, NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return an unique label for the given port channel referenced
by the given adapter.
- getReference(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return the reference to the specified parameter or port of the
associated actor.
- getReference(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return the reference to the specified parameter or port of the
associated actor.
- getReference() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyReferenceToken
Gets the reference.
- getReferenceCount(List<XMLDBModel>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Return the number of times the model is referenced in the
given hierarchy.
- getReferencedChildren() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Return the first level referenced children entities
for the current model.
- getReferenceNameByDimensionName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return the reference name used by the unit specifications in this
concept for the given dimension name.
- GetReferenceStringTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A task request to fetch the reference string the database.
- GetReferenceStringTask(String) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.GetReferenceStringTask
Construct an instance of the object and set the name of the model
for which to retrieve the reference string.
- getReferredInputPorts(Set, Set) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Given a set of ports, get those that are input ports of the container
and put them in the indicated referred set.
- getRefinedState() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RefinementActor
Return the state (or event, which subclasses state) that this actor
- getRefinedState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Get the state in any ModalController within this ModalModel that has
this ModalController as its refinement, if any.
- getRefinedState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
Get the state in any ModalRefinement within this ModalModel that has
this ModalRefinement as its refinement, if any.
- getRefinedState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Refinement
Get the state in any ModalController within this ModalModel that has
this refinement as its refinement, if any.
- getRefinement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
- getRefinement() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Return the refinements of this state.
- getRefinement() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return the refinements of this transition.
- getRefinementClass(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementSuggestion
Return the class name of the suggested refinement that can be used to
contain the given dropObject.
- getRefinementClasses() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherController
Return a map with the keys as the names of the refinement types, and the
values as the names of the classes that implement those refinement
- getRefinementClasses() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateController
Return a map with the keys as the names of the refinement types, and the
values as the names of the classes that implement those refinement
- getRefinementReferredInputPorts(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Given a state, get a set of input ports referred by the refinements
of that state.
- getRefractionIndex() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Get the index of refaction.
- getRegisteredClasses() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Return the list of classes the parser searches
when a function call is encountered.
- getRelatedComponentsPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a horizontal gap used to separate related controls.
- getRelatedComponentsPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a horizontal gap used to separate related controls.
- getRelatedComponentsPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a horizontal gap used to separate related controls.
- getRelatedComponentsPadY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a vertical gap used to separate related controls.
- getRelatedComponentsPadY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a vertical gap used to separate related controls.
- getRelatedComponentsPadY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a vertical gap used to separate related controls.
- getRelatedSolver(Ontology) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologySolver
Return the LatticeOntologySolver associated with the given ontology that
is contained in the ProductLatticeOntologySolver model, or null if there
is none.
- getRelation(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Get a contained relation by name.
- getRelation(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Get a contained relation by name.
- getRelation() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.Link
Return the relation that this link represents.
- getRelationIndex(IOPort, Relation, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Retrieve the index of the relation at the port.
- getRelationList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression
Return the list of relations (boolean-valued expressions that do not
contain a logical operator, such as comparison expressions) in the
guard expression of this transition.
- getRelationModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Get the relation model.
- getRelations() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
- getRelationsList() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Get the relations from the Graph search pattern.
- getRelativeLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RelativeLocation
Get the relative location, relative to the relativeTo
object, if there is one, and otherwise return the absolute
- getRelativePath() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Return the relative path that this HttpService is mapped to,
which is the value of the path parameter.
- getRelativePath() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpService
- getRelativePath() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
Return the relative path that this HttpService is mapped to,
which is the value of the path parameter.
- getRelativePath() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpService
- getRelativePath() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
Get the URI associated with this service.
- getRelativePath() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketService
Get the URI associated with this service.
- getRelativePath() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
Return the relative path that this WebSocketService is mapped to,
which is the value of the path parameter.
- getRelativeQuantum() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
Return the value of the relativeQuantum parameter.
- getRelativeToNamedObj() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RelativeLocation
If the relativeTo object exists, return it.
- getRemainingTime(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Return remaining time actor needs to finish.
- getRemoteAttributeListenersMap() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the map with RemoteValueListeners of the model's remote attributes.
- getRemoteAttributesMap() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the mappings from remote attribute full names to their
remote Settable instance.
- getRemoteAttributesMap() - Method in class ptserver.util.ProxyModelBuilder
Return the mapping from the attribute full name's to the attribute instance.
- getRemoteDocumentationURLBase() - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Get the location of the website documentation.
- getRemoteElements() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Get the remote model elements.
- getRemoteObjectSet() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get the set of references to on-screen remote objects.
- getRemoteReceiverAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Get the adapters for the remote receivers connected to this port.
- getRemoteReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the port is an output, return the remote receivers that can
receive from the port.
- getRemoteReceivers(IORelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If this port is an output, return the remote receivers that can
receive data from this port through the specified relation or
any relation in its relation group.
- getRenderingHints() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
- getRenderingHints() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
- getRenderingHints() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
- getRenderingHints() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
- getRepetitions(ComponentEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Returns the total repetitions values.
- getReplacement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Get the replacement of the transformation rule being used.
- getReplacement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Get the replacement of this transformation rule.
- getRepresentative(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.UnionFindSimple
- getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept
Get the concept that represents this set of infinite concepts in the
ontology lattice.
- getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Get the concept that represents this set of infinite concepts in the
ontology lattice.
- getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConcept
Return the finite concept representative in the ontology if it exists,
or null if it does not.
- getRepresented() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the Entity syntactically represented by the node.
- getRepresentedPort() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Get the port represented by the Syntactic Port.
- getRequestURI - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An output port that sends the relative URI of a get request,
which must match the pattern given by the path parameter.
- getRequired() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.WidgetPropertiesFrame
Get the required status of the widget.
- getResizeWeight() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Returns the current resize weight.
- getResolution() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- getResolution() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- getResolution() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.TimeOrBuilder
- getResolution() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Return the resolution for this instance.
- getResolvedSolverInformation() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Get the statistics for the Lattice OntologySolver after the
model has been resolved.
- getResource(String) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationResources
Get a resource as an absolute URL.
- getResource(String) - Method in class diva.resource.RelativeBundle
Get a resource as an absolute URL.
- getResource(String, Object...) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Get a resource, which may be a file name or a URL, and return the
value of the resource as a string.
- getResource(String, Object...) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Get a resource, which may be a file name or a URL, and return the
value of the resource as a string.
- getResource(String, Object...) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Get a resource, which may be a file name or a URL, and return the
value of the resource as a string.
- getResource(String, Object...) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Get a resource, which may be a file name or a URL, and return the
value of the resource as a string.
- getResource(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.ClassUtilities
Get the resource.
- getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class diva.resource.RelativeBundle
Get a resource as an input stream.
- getResourceBundle() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Return the plugin's resource bundle.
- getResourceInfo() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Get the set of resource paths and their associated locations.
- getResourceInfo() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Get the set of resource paths and their associated locations.
- getResources() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get the resources object.
- getResourceSaveJarURLAsTempFile(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.JNLPUtilities
Get the resource, if it is in a jar URL, then
copy the resource to a temporary file first.
- getResourceString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Return the string from the plugin's resource bundle, or the key itself
if not found.
- getResponse() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothResponseToken
Get the BluetoothResponse enum element associated with this
- getResponseCode() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return a code indicating the status of the response.
- getResponseCode() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return a code indicating the status of the response.
- getResponseMessage() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
A message describing the status of the response.
- getResponseMessage() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
A message describing the status of the response.
- getResults() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchResultBuffer
Get the results stored in the buffer.
- getResults() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultRecorder
- getReturnType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArrayMapCachedMethod
Override the base class to return an array type with the
element type being the return type of the underlying scalar
- getReturnType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return the type of the token that results from an invocation
of this method.
- getReturnType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.MatrixMapCachedMethod
- getReturnType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return the type of the specified label.
- getReuseDatasets() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return false if setReuseDatasets() has not yet been called
or if setReuseDatasets(false) has been called.
- getReuseDatasets() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Return false if setReuseDatasets() has not yet been called
or if setReuseDatasets(false) has been called.
- getRFactor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- getRGB(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
A convenience method for getting ARGB pixels from an image.
- getRGB(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
A convenience method for getting ARGB pixels from an image.
- getRGB(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
A convenience method for getting ARGB pixels from an image.
- getRhs() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
Get the right hand side.
- getRightBorder() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Returns the right border value.
- getRingAmount() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- getRings() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Returns the rings value.
- getRingWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- getRoot() - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return the root graph of this graph model.
- getRoot() - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the root graph of this graph model.
- getRoot() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Get the root element of this document.
- getRoot() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Return the top level of the containment hierarchy, unless
one of the containers is an instance of EntityLibrary,
in which case, return null.
- getRoot() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticToken
Return the AST root.
- getRoot() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Get the root of this tree model.
- getRootGraph() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return the root graph of this display.
- getRootPane() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Returns the rootPane of the delegate.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Returns the amount of rotation on each iteration.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- getRotation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Get the blur rotation.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Get the blur rotation.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getRotation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Get the rotation for the graphic in degrees, which defaults to 0.0.
- getRotation() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Get the angle of rotation of the figure.
- getRounding() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the rounding strategy.
- getRoundThreads() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- getRouter() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Return the router.
- getRow() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the cursor's row.
- getRow(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
The Vec returned is a LIVE view of the matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns the number of rows in the form.
- getRowCount() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns the number of rows in this layout.
- getRowCount() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable
Get the row count of the Matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Get the number of rows.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return the number of rows in the matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return the number of rows in the matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return the number of rows in the matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMatrixConstructNode
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteMatrixToken
Return the number of rows of the contained matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return the number of rows in the matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the number of rows in the matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return the number of rows in the matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the number of rows of the matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel
Get the number of rows.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Return the row count.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Return the row count.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- getRowDimension() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- getRowGroups() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns a deep copy of the row groups.
- getRowSpec(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns the RowSpec
at the specified row index.
- getRowSpec(int) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getRowSpecs() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getRowSpecsString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- getRule() - Method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- getS() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the south site.
- getS() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle
Get the south site.
- getS() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition
- getSample() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortController
Grab the latest unread sample from the buffer and return
- getSampleRate() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return the current sampling rate in Hz, which is set
by the setSampleRate() method.
- getSampleRate() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Return the current sampling rate in Hz, which is set
by the setSampleRate() method.
- getSampleRate() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return the current sampling rate in Hz, which is set
by the setSampleRate() method.
- getSampleRate() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Return the sampling rate in Hz.
- getSampleRate() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundReader
Return the sampling rate in Hz.
- getSamples() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Get the number of samples per pixel.
- getSamples(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return an array of captured audio samples.
- getSamples(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return an array of captured audio samples.
- getSamples(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Return an array of captured audio samples.
- getSamples() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Return an array of captured audio samples.
- getSamples() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundReader
Return an array of captured audio samples.
- getSamplesInt() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Return an array of captured audio samples.
- getSampleSizeInBits() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Return the number of bits per audio sample.
- getSanitizedDirectorName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Return the sanitized name of this director adapter.
- getSanitizedDirectorName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Returns the sanitized name of this director adapter.
- getSanitizedName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Return the sanitized file name of this actor.
- getSaveFileChooser() - Method in class diva.gui.DefaultStoragePolicy
Get the save file chooser used by this storage policy.
- getScalarVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return the list of all the scalar variables defined in the FMU
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Returns the scale of the texture.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Returns the scale of the texture.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
Returns the scale of the contours.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffuseFilter
Returns the scale of the texture.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Returns the scale of the texture.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RescaleFilter
Returns the scale factor.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Get the scale factor for the graphic, which defaults to 1.0.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Returns the scale of the distortion.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Returns the scale of the texture.
- getScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Returns the scale of the texture.
- getScale() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Get the scale.
- getScaling() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
Get the scaling.
- getScatter() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- getSceneGraphNode() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken
Return the object contained by this token.
- getSceneTabs() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabbedLayoutScene
Get the tabs within the container.
- getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Return the scheduling sequence as an instance of the Schedule class.
- getSchedule(List<SequenceAttribute>, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Have to override this function in order to return a SequenceSchedule
All additional code copied from Scheduler.java
Have to also introduce own local variable, _cachedGetSchedule,
to be of type SequenceSchedule
The Sequence Scheduler takes one list as input
- A list of independent sequenced actor attributes
The sequence scheduler determines an additional list:
- A list of sequenced actors that are dependent on control actors,
or other actors
It is possible to get the actor name from a sequence attribute by
calling attributename.getContainer()
Return the scheduling sequence as an instance of the Schedule class.
- getSchedule(List<SequenceAttribute>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Return the schedule assuming that list of sequence numbers is for a valid
schedule and not for a list of unexecuted actors after a valid schedule
has been executed.
- getScheduler() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Return the scheduler that is responsible for scheduling the
directed actors.
- getScheduler() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Return the scheduler that is responsible for scheduling the
directed actors.
- getSchedulerMux() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Get the name of the scheduler multiplexor.
- getScope() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return a NamedList of the variables that the value of this
variable can depend on.
- getScope(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return a NamedList of the variables that the value of the specified
variable can depend on.
- getScopedAttribute(Attribute, NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ModelScope
Get the attribute with the given name in the scope of the given
- getScopedObject(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ModelScope
Get the NamedObj with the given name in the scope of the given
- getScopedVariable(Variable, NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ModelScope
Get the variable with the given name in the scope of the given
- getScreenResolution(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Returns the components screen resolution or the default screen
resolution if the component is null or has no toolkit assigned yet.
- getScreenSize() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get the screen size.
- getScreenTransform() - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Get the transform from local coordinates into screen coordinates.
- getScrollPane() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Return the scroll pane, if there is one, and null if not.
- getSE() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the south-east site.
- getSearchCommand() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Get the search command criteria from the search criteria.
- getSecond() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.Pair
Get the second element.
- getSecond() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the second part of this date.
- getSecond() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides.Pair
Gets the second element in the pair.
- getSecond() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Pair
Gets the second element.
- getSeeAlso() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return "see also" information.
- getSeed() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- getSeed() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- getSegSigma() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Return the Gaussian smoothing kernel applied to image (0 == no filter)
used when detecting the outline of the box.
- getSelectedBounds(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
Calculates the bounds of the non-transparent parts of the given image.
- getSelectedColor() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
Get the selected color name.
- getSelectedCompName() - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
- getSelectedControl() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- getSelectedControl() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- getSelectedFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the figure currently selected in the viewscreen.
- getSelectedFile() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser
Return the selected file as an absolute File (a File that is not relative).
- getSelectedFileName() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
Get the selected file name.
- getSelectedIndex() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Return the index of the selected shade, or -1 if there is none.
- getSelectedService() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Return the name of the selected service.
- getSelectedService() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Return the name of the selected service.
- getSelectedServiceParameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Return the parameters associated with the selected
- getSelectedServiceParameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Return the parameters associated with the selected
- getSelectedTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Return the selectedString.
- getSelection() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Return an iterator over the selected objects.
- getSelection() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Return an iterator over the selected objects.
- getSelectionAdditions() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionEvent
Return an iterator over the objects
added to the selection model.
- getSelectionAsArray() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Return the contents of the selection as an array.
- getSelectionAsArray() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Return the contents of the selection as an array.
- getSelectionCount() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Return the number of selected objects.
- getSelectionCount() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Return the number of selected objects.
- getSelectionDragger() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicController
Get the selection interactor
- getSelectionFilter() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Get the mouse filter that controls when this selection
filter is activated.
- getSelectionFilter() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Get the mouse filter that controls when this selection
filter is activated.
- getSelectionInteractor() - Method in class diva.canvas.demo.SimplePane
Return the selection interactor
- getSelectionInteractor() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicController
Get the selection interactor
- getSelectionMode() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Return the mode of the selection, either
- getSelectionMode() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Return the mode of the selection, either
- getSelectionModel() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Get the selection model
- getSelectionModel() - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Get the default selection model
- getSelectionModel() - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Get the default selection model
- getSelectionRemovals() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionEvent
Return an iterator over the objects
removed from the selection model.
- getSelectionRenderer() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Get the selection renderer
- getSelectionRenderer() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicController
Get the selection renderer
- getSelections() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ParentHierarchyPanel
Traverse the list of ParentPanels.
- getSelections() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SearchResultPanel
Traverse the list of ParentHierarchyPanels.
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return a set of instances of NamedObj representing the objects
that are currently selected.
- getSelectiveEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Get the flag that says that the interactor responds only
if the figure being moused on is selected.
- getSelfLoop() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Get the flag saying whether this arc is to be drawn as a self-loop.
- getSelfTransition(State) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableHelper
Returns a self transition on a given state, if there is one, null otherwise.
- getSelfTransition(State, Parameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableHelper
Return the self transition.
- getSemanticHighlightings() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings
Return the complete list of semantic highlightings to be used in the
Ptolemy editor.
- getSemanticObject(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return the visual object corresponding
to the given node, composite, or edge.
- getSemanticObject(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel
Return the semantic object corresponding
to the given node, edge, or composite.
- getSemanticObject(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the semantic object corresponding
to the given node, edge, or composite.
- getSemanticObject() - Method in interface diva.util.SemanticObjectContainer
Return the semantic object.
- getSemanticObject(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Return the semantic object corresponding to the given node, edge,
or composite.
- getSemanticObject(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return the semantic object corresponding to the given node, edge,
or composite.
- getSemanticObject(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Return the semantic object corresponding to the given node, edge,
or composite.
- getSemanticObject(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Return the semantic object corresponding to the given node, edge,
or composite.
- getSensorsReadFrom(List, List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTask
Return the list of ports of the modal model that this task reads from.
- getSequenceNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessAttribute
Returns the sequence number as an int, or throws an exception if there is none.
- getSequenceNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
/** Returns the sequence number as an int, or 0 if there is none.
- getSerializedSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getSerializedSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- getSerializedSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- getSerpentine() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Return the serpentine setting.
- getSerpentine() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
Return the serpentine setting
- getService() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Get the name of a particular sensor in a service.
- getService() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientThread
Return the service that this ClientThread controls.
- getServices() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Returns the list of alive services.
- getServlet() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Create and return an HttpServlet that is used to handle requests that
arrive at the path given by the path parameter.
- getServlet() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpService
Returns an HttpServlet which is used to handle requests that
arrive at the given relative path.
- getServlet() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
Create and return an HttpServlet that is used to handle requests that
arrive at the path given by the path parameter.
- getServlet() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpService
Returns an HttpServlet which is used to handle requests that
arrive at the given relative path.
- getServlet(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpointManager
Get the servlet for the given path.
- getServletInfo() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Get the set of servlet paths assigned to this web application and their
corresponding servlets.
- getServletInfo() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Get the set of servlet paths assigned to this web application and their
corresponding servlets.
- getServletUrl() - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Get the full URL to the servlet application.
- getSetActionsReferredInputPorts(Transition) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Given a transition, get a set of input ports referred in the set
actions of that transition.
- getSetSize(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.UnionFindSimple
- getSetupParameters() - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
create a setup parameter object that contains the database setup parameters
and return that setup parameter object to the caller.
- getSetupParameters() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.setup.SetupManager
Return the existing database setup parameters.
- getSFactor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- getShadeCount() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Return the number of shades in this pane.
- getShadeCrossings() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- getShadowColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Get the color of the shadow.
- getShadowColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
Get the shadow color.
- getShadowOnly() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Get whether to only draw the shadow without the original image.
- getShadowOnly() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- getShape() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Get the outline shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the outline shape of this connector.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Get the outline shape of this terminal.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Get the outline shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Get the outline shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Get the outline shape of this figure, which is by default the
same as the child figure, if there is one, or a very small
rectangle if there isn't.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureWrapper
Get the outline shape of the child figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the current shape that defines this geometry
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Get the current shape that defines this geometry
- getShape() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Geometry
Get the shape that defines this geometry.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry
Get the shape that defines this geometry object.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Return the rectangular shape of the
image, or a small rectangle if the
image is null.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Get the shape of this label figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelWrapper
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial.CustomRectangle
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial.CloudFigure
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Get the shape of this figure.
- getShape() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Get the shape of this label figure.
- getShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelativeLinkFigure
Get the outline shape of this figure.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Generate the shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate a set of shared code fragments of the associated
composite actor.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Bernoulli
Generate shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Get shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Generate shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Get shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Get shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the shared code.
- getSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate shared code that includes the declaration of the toplevel
- getSharedName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Return the sharedName.
- getShine() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Get the amount of shine to add in the range 0..1.
- getShineColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- getShortStateDesc() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
Get the state of the solution.
- getShortTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Get the short title of this document.
- getShortTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractView
Get the short title of this document.
- getShortTitle() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Get the short title of this document.
- getShortTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextView
- getShortTitle() - Method in interface diva.gui.View
Get the short title of this document.
- getSide() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
Get the side to be located on: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST.
- getSideEffects(SootMethod) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SideEffectAnalysis
Return the set of fields that the given method assigns
to, or null if the side effects are unknown.
- getSides() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- getSides() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Get the number of sides of the kaleidoscope.
- getSides() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
Get the number of sides of the aperture.
- getSigma() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Return the Gaussian smoothing kernel applied to image (0 == no filter, the default)
used when sampling bits.
- getSign() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return the sign (0 = unsigned, 1 = signed).
- getSignificand(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- getSimulationTask(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Get the simulation task of the provided ticket.
- getSimulationTimeReadFromClient() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Return the last simulation time read from the client.
- getSimulationTimeWrittenToClient() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Return the last simulation time written to the client.
- getSince() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the since field, or null
if none has been given.
- getSingleUnit() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
If this UnitExpr has one term and it is a Unit then return that Unit.
- getSingularValues() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition
- getSingularValues() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition.SVDImpl
- getSinkChannels(IOPort, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return a list of channel objects that are the sink input ports given
a port and channel.
- getSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandle
Get the site that this handle is attached to
- getSite(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the single site with the given ID.
- getSite(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Get the single site with the given ID.
- getSite() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.GrabHandle
Get the site to which this grab-handle is attached.
- getSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.MoveHandle
Get the site that this handle is attached to
- getSize() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Returns the size.
- getSize() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Get the size of this pane, in logical coordinates.
- getSize() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandle
Get the "size" of the grab-handle.
- getSize() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.GrabHandle
Get the "size" of the grab-handle.
- getSize() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.MoveHandle
Get the "size" of the grab-handle.
- getSize() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Get the font size.
- getSize() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor.ComponentPaletteListModel
- getSize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Particle
Return the size of the partile.
- getSize() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ArrayModelList
Get the size of the stored list.
- getSize(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Get the size of a parameter.
- getSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.PtrToken
Get the size of the array in memory this token is pointing to.
- getSize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog.SolutionListModel
Return the number of solutions.
- getSize() - Method in class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Return number of original tokens contained within the Communication Token.
- getSizeUnit() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Get the size unit.
- getSlots(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Get frequency of the task.
- getSnapHalo() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Get the snap halo.
- getSoftness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DissolveFilter
Get the softness of the dissolve.
- getSoftness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- getSoftness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
Get the softness of the dissolve.
- getSoftness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
Get the softness of the effect.
- getSoftness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- getSoftness() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Get the softness of the effect.
- getSolver() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the associated property solver.
- getSolver() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return The PropertySolver that uses this adapter.
- getSolver() - Method in exception ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyResolutionException
Return the OntologySolver with which this exception was
- getSootMethodForMethod(Method) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
- getSootTypeForTokenType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Given a ptolemy token type, return the soot type that can reference
tokens of the ptolemy type.
- getSoundParameter() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundEvent
Return the parameter of LiveSound that has changed.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
Return the source of the event.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the port that caused this event.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.HistogramPlotter
Return the input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypeEvent
Return the Typeable whose type is changed.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.Edge
Get the source.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Get the source actor.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.StateEvent
Return the source of the event, which is an instance of FSMActor.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDebugEvent
Return the source of the debug event.
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Get the source that was specified in the constructor.
- getSource() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.DebugEvent
Return the source of the event.
- getSource() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Get the source, which gives an external URL
associated with an entity (presumably from which the entity
was defined).
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get the source, which gives an external URL
associated with an entity (presumably from which the entity
was defined).
- getSource() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
Get the source of this equation.
- getSourceGrid() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
Get the source warp grid.
- getSourceIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothResponseToken
Get the name of the source device associated with this token.
- getSourceList() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Get the file name of the refactoring source list.
- getSourceList(Shell) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Get the file name of the refactoring source list.
- getSourcePort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Return the port that feeds this Receiver
The port returned by this method is precalculated
during the determineEnds() method call.
- getSourceTimeString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
Return a string that represents the source time.
- getSourceTimeString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Return a string that represents the source time.
- getSourceTimeString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
Return a string that represents the source time.
- getSourceTimeString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return a string that represents the source time.
- getSourceType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Return the source type of this action, which is one of
HOTKEY_TYPE, or null if none was recognized.
- getSparseness() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Return the sparseness value of this layout; the default value
is 1.0.
- getSplitPane() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Get the split pane separating the shade pane and the desktop
- getSplitPane() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Returns the split pane object.
- getSpreadAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Get the spread angle of the arc.
- getStandardDisplay() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Return the current Eclipse process's standard display.
- getStandardError() - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Get the standard error of the process.
- getStandardOutput() - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Get the standard output of the process.
- getStartAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Get the alpha value at the first iteration.
- getStartAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getStartButton() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Return the Start button.
- getStartNode() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer
Return the start node of this analyzer.
- getStartNode() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis
Return the single source-node (start node) of this analyzer.
- getStartNode() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy
Return the single source-node (start node) of this analyzer.
- getStartPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.Path
Get the start port of this path.
- getStartTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
- getStartTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
- getState() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return the current state of execution of the manager.
- getState() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Get the current state of the analyzer.
- getState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Return the state of the integrator.
- getState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.FireMachine
Gets the state of the wrapped actor.
- getState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.StateEvent
Return the state to which this event refers.
- getStateCount() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Return the count of states predicted by the integrator.
- getStateCount() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.qss.util.DerivativeFunction
Return the count of state variables.
- getStateCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Return the count of state variables.
- getStateCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Return 1, as there is one state variable.
- getStateDesc() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
Get the state of the solution.
- getStateEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.FireMachine
Returns the MetroII event associated with the current state.
- getStateModel(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the external, quantized state model for a state predicted by the integrator.
- getStateModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Get the state model.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS1
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS2Fd
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS1
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Fd
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2FdJac
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Pts
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Qts
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Fd
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Pts
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateModelOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the order of the external, quantized state models exposed by the integrator.
- getStateOfSimulation(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Get the current state of a specific simulation based on the simulation manager's state.
- getStateType() - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Get the state type.
- getStatus() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return all status items as a RecordToken.
- getStatus() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return all status items as a RecordToken.
- getStatus() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getStatus() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getStatus() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventOrBuilder
- getStatusBar() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Get the status bar.
- getStatusMessage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return any messages, such as the amount of time consumed.
- getStatusType() - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return the Type of the token of getStatus().
- getStatusType() - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return the Type of the token of getStatus().
- getStatusValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothStatusToken
Returns the status value held by this token.
- getSTolerance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- getSTolerance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Get the saturation tolerance.
- getStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
- getStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
- getStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
- getStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
- getStopTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
- getStoragePolicy() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get the storage policy of this application.
- getStoragePolicy() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get the storage policy of this application.
- getStream(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.SourceOutputStream
Get an output stream with a output root directory, the name of the
package which the output class is in, and an output file name.
- getStream(String, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.SourceOutputStream
Get an output stream with a file name.
- getStrength() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- getStrength() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Get the strength of the rays.
- getStretch() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Returns the stretch factor of the texture.
- getStretch() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Returns the stretch factor of the texture.
- getStretch() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- getStretch() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getStretch() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Returns the stretch factor of the distortion.
- getStretch() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Returns the stretch factor of the texture.
- getStretch() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Returns the stretch factor of the texture.
- getString() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Get the string.
- getString() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Get the string of this label.
- getString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the string associated with an index.
- getString(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the string associated with a key.
- getString(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Return the value of this variable as a String.
- getString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.OrderedResourceBundle
Get a string for the given key from this resource bundle.
- getStringHybrid(Pointer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Return the value of this variable as a String.
- getStringParameterAsClass(String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Instantiate the class named by a StringParameter in the configuration.
- getStringValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name,
and return as a String.
- getStroke() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the stroke of this connector.
- getStroke() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Get the stroke of this terminal.
- getStroke() - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Get the current paint stroke.
- getStroke() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Get the stroke.
- getStroke() - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Get the stroke of this figure.
- getStroke() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
Get the stroke.
- getStroke(int) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
Get a new stroke of the given width and with no dashing.
- getStroke(float) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
Get a new stroke of the given width and with no dashing.
- getStroke() - Method in interface diva.util.java2d.PaintedGraphic
Get the stroke.
- getStroke(int) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Get a stroke of the given width and with no dashing.
- getStroke(float) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Get a new stroke of the given width and with no dashing.
- getStrokePaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the stroke paint pattern of this connector.
- getStrokePaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Get the paint used to stroke this figure
- getStrokePaint() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BubbleRenderer
Get the stroke paint pattern of this figure.
- getStrokePaint() - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Get the stroke paint pattern of this figure.
- getStyle() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Get the style.
- getStyle() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Get the font style.
- getSubId() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSource
Return the id of this subscriber.
- getSubId() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSubscriber
Get the subscriber ID.
- getSubimage(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
Returns a *copy* of a subimage of image.
- getSubOntology() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.NonProductLatticeCounterExample
Return the sub ontology that is the reason the product lattice ontology
is not a lattice.
- getSubscribedPortChannel(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Get the name of the channel that the port subscribes to.
- getSubscriberCount() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpoint
Return the number of subscribers this endpoint has.
- getSubscriptionTopic() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the subscription topic of the current model.
- GetSuffix(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Get the suffix.
- GetSuffix(int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Get the suffix.
- getSunAzimuth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getSunColor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getSunElevation() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getSuperclass() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Get the superclass element.
- getSuperdenseDependencyPair() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return the superdense dependency hashmap
This is used for the code generation in order to fill
the generated director hashmap.
- getSupportedInputFormats() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Return the supported input formats, which are YUV and RGB.
- getSupportedOutputFormats(Format) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Return the supported output formats.
- getSW() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the south-west site.
- getSymbols() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return a set of strings representing all symbols in the
scope of the if-block.
- getSyncConnection(boolean) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
This API is used to get a synchronous connection to the database.
- getSyncConnection(DBConnectionParameters) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
This API is used to get a synchronous connection to the database.
- getSyntaxStyle() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
Return the syntax style for the document, if one has been identified,
and null otherwise.
- getSystemId() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the URI of the entity containing the error.
- getSystemId() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Return the system ID of the XML document.
- getT() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getTab() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.PositionableElement
Get the location of the element.
- getTabAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Get the underlying Ptolemy object representing the tab.
- getTabbedDialogMarginX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns this style's horizontal margin for dialogs that consist of
a tabbed pane.
- getTabbedDialogMarginX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns this style's horizontal margin for dialogs that consist of
a tabbed pane.
- getTabbedDialogMarginX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns this style's horizontal margin for dialogs that consist of
a tabbed pane.
- getTabbedDialogMarginY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns this style's vertical margin for dialogs that consist of
a tabbed pane.
- getTabbedDialogMarginY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns this style's vertical margin for dialogs that consist of
a tabbed pane.
- getTabbedDialogMarginY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns this style's vertical margin for dialogs that consist of
a tabbed pane.
- getTabbedLayoutScene() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get the tabbed layout scene.
- getTabbedPane() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- getTabContent(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get the scene on the tab.
- getTabDefinitions() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutParser
Get the parsed tabs defined in the layout file.
- getTableau() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Get the tableau associated with this frame.
- getTableau() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Get the plotter tableau.
- getTableau() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Get the plotter tableau.
- getTableau() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Get the image tableau.
- getTableau() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Get the image tableau.
- getTableau(Event, StringParameter, TableauParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventUtils
Get the tableau to be used by the event that requires a tableau in its
- getTableauFactory() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Get a tableau factory that offers views of this effigy, or
null if none has been specified.
- getTableauParameter(Event, StringParameter, TableauParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventUtils
Get the TableauParameter to be used by the event that requires a tableau
in its actions.
- getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingComboBoxCellEditor
- getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingJTextFieldCellEditor
- getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.CellPanelEditor
- getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortBooleanCellRenderer
- getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.StringCellRenderer
- getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.CellPanelEditor
- getTabSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- getTabSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- getTag() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver.Event
Return the tag of this event.
- getTag() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver.Event
Return the tag of this event.
- getTag() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.events.TabEvent
Return the tag of the tab.
- getTag() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Return the tag of the tab.
- getTag() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Get the tag used to identify the tab.
- getTagFamily() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Get the name of the tag family being detected.
- getTagRenderDimension() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
Return the dimension of the tag including borders when we render it.
- getTail(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return the tail node of this edge.
- getTail(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Return the tail node of this edge.
- getTail() - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Return the node at the tail of this edge.
- getTail(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.EdgeModel
Return the node at the tail of this edge.
- getTail(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return the tail node of this edge.
- getTail() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Get the tail entry.
- getTail(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Return the tail node of the specified edge.
- getTail() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Get the tail of this LayoutHint which is used to identify this hint.
- getTail() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.Link
Return the tail of this link.
- getTail(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Return the tail node of the specified edge.
- getTail(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Return the tail node of the specified edge.
- getTailEnd() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the object drawn at the tail end of the connector, if there
is one.
- getTailHandle() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Get the tail handle
- getTailSite() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Get the site that marks the "tail" of the connector.
- getTailSite(Figure, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
- getTailSite(Site, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
- getTailSite(Connector, Figure, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect the given connector's tail to,
based on this figure and location.
- getTailSite(Connector, Site, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect a connector's tail to.
- getTailSite() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Connector
Get the site that marks the "tail" of the connector.
- getTailSite(Figure, double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect a connector's tail to,
based on this figure and location.
- getTailSite(Site, double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorTarget
- getTailSite(Connector, Figure, double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect the given connector's tail to,
based on this figure and location.
- getTailSite(Connector, Site, double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorTarget
Return a suitable site to connect a connector's tail to.
- getTailSite() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkManhattanConnector
Override the base class to return a different site for each
connection to a multiport.
- getTarget() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
Return the target that the connector is snapped to
or unsnapped from.
- getTarget() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Get the current target figure.
- getTarget() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Return the target value, which is event-specific.
- getTarget() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphViewEvent
Return the target value, which is event-specific.
- getTarget() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JContextMenu
The object that this context menu was created on.
- getTarget() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.DialogTableau
Get the target associated with this DialogTableau.
- getTarget() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Return the target.
- getTarget() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Return the target Ptolemy II object for this action,
or null if none could be found.
- getTargetActorName() - Method in class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Return the full name of the target actor that received the tokens encapsulated by the
- getTargetArray() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Get the target array.
- getTargetClass() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the class of the target.
- getTargetEntityName() - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxyActor
Return the full name of the target entity.
- getTargetHighlighter() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Get the listener that highlights target objects.
- getTargetSettableName() - Method in class ptserver.data.AttributeChangeToken
Return name of the target settable object that received the changes encapsulated by
the AttributeChangeToken.
- getTCPHeader() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
Fill-in and return fields of the TCP header as a RecordToken.
- getTemplateExtension() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return The extension of the template files.
- getTemplateParser() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the template parser associated with this strategy.
- getTemporaryFileLocation() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Get the location where temporary files should be stored.
- getTemporaryFileLocation() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Get the location where temporary files should be stored.
- getTemporaryMarking() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
getTemporaryMarking() is to get the temporaryMarking of the place.
- getTentativeState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Return the tentative state.
- getTerminal(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Get the terminal at the given index
- getTerminal() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Get the terminal to which this site belongs.
- getTestHarness() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
Get the test harness used by this test suite.
- getText() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Get the text to paint.
- getText() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument
Return the text contained in this document.
- getText() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
- getText() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorConfigureFactory
Return the current text of the text editor.
- getText() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorFactory
Return the current text in the editor.
- getText() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
Return the current text of the text editor.
- getTextArea() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Return the object of the containing text area.
- getTextArea() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Return the object of the containing text area.
- getTextAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightingStyle
Return the text attribute.
- getTextContent(Node, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- getTextDocument() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextView
- getTextHeight() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the preferred number of lines to be used for entry boxes created
in using addTextArea().
- getTextToEdit(Attribute) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
Return the text value of the specified attribute.
- getTextWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the preferred width in characters to be used for entry
boxes created in using addLine().
- getTheta() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Get the angle of the line (the angle between the line and the
X axis.)
- getThetaThresh() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
When growing components, the intra component variation is
allowed to grow when the component is small in size.
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DilateFilter
Return the threshold - the number of neighbouring pixels for dilation to occur.
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeFilter
Return the threshold - the number of neighbouring pixels for dilation to occur.
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Get the threshold value.
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Get the threshold value.
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
Get the threshold value.
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Get the threshold value.
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.UnsharpFilter
Get the threshold value.
- getThreshold() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FuzzyDoubleComparator
Return the fuzziness threshold.
- getTicket() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the ticket that uniquely identifies the model.
- getTicket() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Get the ticket identifying the model on the server.
- getTicketID() - Method in class ptserver.control.Ticket
Get the unique ticket identifier.
- getTile() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getTiling(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Returns the tiling of this port.
- getTime() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Set the time.
- getTime() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getTime() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Returns the time.
- getTime() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- getTime(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Return a new time object using the enclosing director.
- getTime() - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return the time for which the values of this smooth token are valid.
- getTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.TimeScheduler
Get the current time.
- getTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getTime() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventOrBuilder
- getTimeAdvance() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event.RefiringData
Return the time advance.
- getTimeAdvanceText() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.TimeAdvanceEvent
Return the text that describes the time advance expression.
- getTimeAdvanceText() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
Return a string that represents the amount of model time advancement.
- getTimeBuilder() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getTimeHistory() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Get the history of the time of each invocation of postfire().
- getTimeHistory() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Get the history of the time of each invocation of postfire().
- getTimeInMilliseconds() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
- getTimeKeeper() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEThread
Return the time keeper that keeps time for the actor that
this thread controls.
- getTimeOfTheLastAdvanceRequest() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Get the time of the last advance request call.
- getTimeOrBuilder() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getTimeOrBuilder() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getTimeOrBuilder() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventOrBuilder
- getTimeout() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Get the timeout observed upon execution of the request.
- getTimeout() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Get the timeout observed upon execution of the request.
- getTimeoutPeriod() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the model's timeout period in milliseconds. if the
period is less or equal to 0, the model would never timeout.
- getTimeRecord() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
- getTimeRecord() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
- getTimeResolution() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Get the time resolution of the model.
- getTimeResolution() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Get the time resolution of the model.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Const
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentMicrostep
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.CurrentTime
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.TrueGate
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimeSourcePortName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Return the name of the port that is the time source.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Get the current timestamp (also considered as the last created handle).
- getTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.CheckpointState
Get the current timestamp.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.Record
Get the timestamp taken at the time when the record is
- getTimestamp() - Method in class ptserver.data.PingToken
Return the creation time of the token.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class ptserver.data.PongToken
Return the creation time of the token.
- getTimeStampForToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Return the timestamp and sourceTimestamp for a specific token.
- getTimestampForToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Return the timestamp and sourceTimestamp for a specific token.
- getTimeZone() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the time zone of this date.
- getTimezoneID() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the time zone id of this date.
- getTinyValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return the quantizable value nearest to and above zero.
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Get the title of this document.
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractView
Get the title of this document
- getTitle() - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Return the title of the context.
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Return the title of the context.
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Return the title of the context.
- getTitle() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get the title of this application
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Return the title of the context.
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.BasicPage
Return the title of the page.
- getTitle() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Get the title of this document
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
Return the title of this document.
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Return the title of this model
- getTitle() - Method in interface diva.gui.Page
Return the title of the page.
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Get the title of this application
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.ApplicationTutorial
Get the title of this application
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplicationTutorial
Get the title of this application
- getTitle() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextView
- getTitle() - Method in interface diva.gui.View
Get the title of this document
- getTitle() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Return the title of this tableau.
- getTitle() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the title of the graph, or an empty string if there is none.
- getTitle() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the title of the graph, or an empty string if there is none.
- getTitle() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconTableau
Override the base class to return a more reasonable title.
- getTitleAt(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Returns the tab title at the given index.
- getToggleFilter() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Get the mouse filter that controls the toggling of
- getToggleFilter() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Get the mouse filter that controls the toggling of
- getTok() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
access method for the token, for testing purposes.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Get the token of this parameter, which is an
containing the model.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.PtolemyExpressionString
Evaluate the Ptolemy expression and return the result in a token.
- getToken() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.ValueIterator
Get the current value of the parameter that implements this interface.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the token that was sent or received by the IOPort.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationResponsePort
Get the token from parameter but do not remove it.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Get the token contained by this variable.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Return the token that was received by the IOPort.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Return the token that was sent by the IOPort.
- getToken() - Method in exception ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort.RunTimeTypeCheckException
Return the token that caused the exception.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Return the evaluated token value of this node.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Override the base class to check whether the threshold constraint
is satisfied.
- getToken(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Get the specific Token.
- getToken(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Get the specific Token.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Get the token contained by this variable.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.unit.BaseUnit
Get the token contained by this base unit.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Return the token contained by this branch.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver.Event
Return the token of this event.
- getToken() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver.Event
Return the token of this event.
- getToken(int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Get the specific Token.
- getTokenArray() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the array of tokens that the IOPort sent or received.
- getTokenArray() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Return the array of tokens that was received by the
- getTokenArray() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Return the array of tokens that the IOPort sent.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return the class for tokens that this basetype represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return the class for tokens that this basetype represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return the class for tokens that this basetype represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return the class for tokens that this basetype represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return the class for tokens that this type represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return the class for tokens that this basetype represents.
- getTokenClass() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return the class for tokens that this basetype represents.
- getTokenConsumptionRate(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Get the number of tokens that are consumed on the given port.
- getTokenConsumptionRate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Get the number of tokens that are consumed
on every channel of this port.
- getTokenFlowRate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Return the token flow rate for this receiver
In DT, the token flow rate has the value
"rate * repetitions"; where 'rate' is the
port rate and 'repetitions' is the firing
count of the actor that contains this
- getTokenHandler() - Method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser.HandlerData
Get the token handler.
- getTokenHandlerMap() - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Get the token handlers loaded on the server so that they can be
set up on the client.
- getTokenHandlerMap() - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Get the token handlers loaded on the server so that they can be
set up on the client.
- getTokenHandlerMap() - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Get the token handlers loaded on the server so that they can be
set up on the client.
- getTokenInitConsumption(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Get the number of tokens that are initially
available on the given input port
after initialization.
- getTokenInitProduction(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Get the number of tokens that are produced on the given port
during initialization.
- getTokenInitProduction() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Get the number of tokens that are produced
on this port during initialization.
- getTokenProductionRate(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Get the number of tokens that are produced on the given port.
- getTokenProductionRate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Get the number of tokens that are produced
on the designated port of this Actor during each firing.
- getTokenPublisher() - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySink
Return TokenPublisher that would be used to publish
CommunicationTokens produced by this actor on fire.
- getTokenPublisher() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the tokenPublisher used to send and batch tokens.
- getTokenPublisher() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyValueListener
Return TokenPublisher that would be used to publish
AttributeChange tokens produced by this actor on value change.
- getTokenQueue() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxySourceData
Return the token queue that stores tokens sent for the ProxySource.
- getTokens() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy
Return an array of the tokens in the file.
- getTokens(String, int) - Method in class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Return the tokens of a specific port and channel.
- getTokenType() - Method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser.HandlerData
Get the type of token the handler is capable of parsing.
- getTokenTypeForSootType(RefType) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Given a soot type that references a
token class, return the ptolemy token type
associated with the token class.
- getTokenTypeTypeForSootType(RefType) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Given a soot type that references a
type class, return the ptolemy token type
associated with the type class.
- getTokenValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept
Get the token value contained by this concept.
- getTokenValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Get the token value contained by this concept.
- getToolBarPane() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Get the tool bar pane.
- getToolTipText() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Return the tooltip string for this figure, or null if the figure
does not have a tooltip.
- getToolTipText(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Get the toolTipText for the point in the given MouseEvent.
- getToolTipText(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Get the toolTipText for the point in the given LayerEvent.
- getToolTipText() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Return the tooltip for this figure.
- getToolTipText() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Return the tooltip string for this figure, or null if the figure
does not have a tooltip.
- getToolTipText(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Get the toolTipText for the point in the given LayerEvent.
- getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Get the toolTipText for the point in the given MouseEvent.
- getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DndList
- getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
Return the tool tip text for an event.
- getTopBorder() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Returns the top border value.
- getTopic() - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenPublisher
Return the topic where the messages are published.
- getToplevel() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Get the top-level entity associated with this parser, or null if none.
- getTopLevelActor() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Get the top level actor.
- getTopLevelActor() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return the top level actor used for running distributed simulation.
- getTopTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.CheckpointRecord
Get the timestamp associated with the checkpoint object on top of the
- getTotalNumberOfModels() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.load.LoadManager
Get the total number of models in the database.
- getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.TransferableWrapper
Get the transfer data for a flavor.
- getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyTransferable
Return an object that represents the data contained within this
transferable with the given flavor.
- getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.TransferableWrapper
Get the transfer data flavors.
- getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyTransferable
Return the data flavors that this transferable supports.
- getTransferSize() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Get the array length (in samples per channel) to use
for capturing and playing samples via the putSamples()
and getSamples() methods.
- getTransferSize() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Get the array length (in samples per channel) to use
for capturing and playing samples via the putSamples()
and getSamples() methods.
- getTransferSize() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Get the array length (in samples per channel) to use
for capturing and playing samples via the putSamples()
and getSamples() methods.
- getTransform() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
Get the transform.
- getTransform() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Get the transform with which to paint the text.
- getTransform() - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Get the transform of this context.
- getTransform(TransformContext) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Get the transform of this context, relative to the given context.
- getTransform() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Normalize2D
- getTransformationRule() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Return the transform context of the figure.
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the enclosing transform context of this site.
- getTransformContext() - Method in interface diva.canvas.CanvasComponent
Return the transform context of the component.
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Return the transform context of the parent pane, if there is one.
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Return the transform context of this pane.
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return the transform context of this figure.
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Get the enclosing transform context of this site.
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Return the transform context of the component.
- getTransformContext() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the enclosing transform context of this site.
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the enclosing transform context of this site.
- getTransformContext() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial.CloudFigure
Get the transform context.
- getTransition() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- getTransition() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- getTransition() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
Get the transition of the image.
- getTransition() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Set the transition that corresponds to the parameters.
- getTransitionReferredInputPorts(List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Given a list of transitions, get a set of referred input ports
in the guard expressions of all the transitions leaving this state.
- getTree() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Returns the tree object.
- getTree() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
Get the parsed XML tree.
- getTree() - Method in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigableActorGraphFrame
Return the navigation tree.
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.HierarchyTreeCellRenderer
Create a new rendition for the given object.
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PtolemyTreeCellRenderer
Create a new rendition for the given object.
- getTriggers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
Get the list of ports or variables referred to in the triggers
- getTupleAdapters(ProductLatticeOntologySolver, Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the adapters for each tuple ontology that comprises the
product lattice ontology for this solver and model component.
- getTurbulence() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Returns the turbulence of the effect.
- getTurbulence() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Returns the turbulence of the effect.
- getTurbulence() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
Returns the turbulence of the effect.
- getTurbulence() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- getTurbulence() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
Returns the turbulence of the effect.
- getTurbulence() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Returns the turbulence of the effect.
- getTurbulence() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Returns the turbulence of the texture.
- getTurbulence() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Returns the turbulence of the texture.
- getTurbulenceFactor() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- getType() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- getType() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
Get the distortion type.
- getType() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- getType() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return the type of this XmlElement.
- getType() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.BeanProperty
Returns the value of the type property
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
Return the type of activation that this event represents.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Scope
Look up and return the type of the value with the specified
name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.JMFImageToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return the type associated with the given symbol.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.PtalonExpressionScope
Look up and return the type of the variable or parameter
with the specified name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Return the type of this port.
- getType(ASTNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Get the type associated with an AST node.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Look up and return the type of the attribute with the
specified name in the scope.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.VariableScope
Look up and return the type of the attribute with the
specified name in the scope.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.VariableScope
Look up and return the type of the attribute with the
specified name in the scope.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.VariableScope
Look up and return the type of the attribute with the specified name
in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Gets the IOType of the port.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return the type of this ArrayToken.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.AWTImageToken
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.EventToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Return the type of this node.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteMatrixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ExplicitScope
Look up and return the type of the value with the specified
name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.GeneralToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.NamedConstantsScope
Look up and return the type of the value with the specified
name in the scope.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.NestedScope
Look up and return the type of the value with the specified
name in the scope.
- getType(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.expr.ParserScope
Look up and return the type of the value with the specified
name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UnknownToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Get the type of this variable.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable.VariableScope
Look up and return the type of the attribute with the
specified name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ActorModelScope
Look up and return the type of the value with the specified
name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Return the type of this token, which is a TupleType populated
with the types of the value of this token.
- getType() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Typeable
Return the type of this object.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsizedArrayToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsizedFixToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.XMLToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken
Return the type of this token.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- getType() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventOrBuilder
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Look up and return the type of the attribute with the
specified name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
Return the transition type.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.VariableScope
Look up and return the type of the value with the specified
name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Get the type (represented as a int array) of this Unit.
- getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.VariableScope
Look up and return the type of the attribute with the
specified name in the scope.
- getType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Return the type of this graphic element.
- getTypeConvertChannels() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the set of channels that need to be type converted.
- getTypeConvertReference(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate a variable reference for the given channel.
- getTypeConvertSinkChannels(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the list of sink channels that the given source channel needs to
be type converted to.
- getTypeDepth(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Return the depth of the given type.
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return this type's node index in the (constant) type lattice.
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return this type's node index in the (constant) type lattice.
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return this type's node index in the (constant) type lattice.
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.BooleanType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.ComplexType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.DateType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.DoubleType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.EventType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.FloatType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.GeneralType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return a perfect hash for this type.
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.IntType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.LongType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.NilType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.PetiteType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.ScalarType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.ShortType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.StringType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.UnknownType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.UnsignedByteType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType.XmlTokenType
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return a perfect hash for this type.
- getTypeHash() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return a perfect hash for this type.
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return this type's figure index in the (constant) type lattice.
- getTypeHash() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return this type's node index in the (constant) type lattice.
- getTypeName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent.FiringEventType
Return the name of this event type.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Scope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.PtalonExpressionScope
Look up and return the type term for the variable or
parameter with the specified name in the scope.
- getTypeTerm() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Return an InequalityTerm encapsulating the type of
this port.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.VariableScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.VariableScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.VariableScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ExplicitScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.NamedConstantsScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.NestedScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.expr.ParserScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return an InequalityTerm whose value is the type of this variable.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable.VariableScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ActorModelScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return the InequalityTerm representing the type of the specified
- getTypeTerm() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Typeable
Return an InequalityTerm representing this object.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return the InequalityTerm representing the type of the specified
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.VariableScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeTerm(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.VariableScope
Look up and return the type term for the specified name
in the scope.
- getTypeValue(SootMethod, Local, Unit, LocalDefs, LocalUses) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Attempt to determine the constant value of the given local,
which is assumed to have a variable type.
- getU() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
The 2x1 unit vector corresponding to the slope of the line.
- getU() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- getU() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition
- getU() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition.SVDImpl
- getUnacceptableConcepts() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Ontology
Return a set of finite concepts which are unacceptable solutions in all situations.
- getUnacceptableTerms() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return the list of inequality terms that resolved to unacceptable
- getUnacceptableTermsAsString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return a string representing the list of terms that resolved to
unacceptable concepts.
- getUndefinedList(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- getUndoInfo(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoStackAttribute
Get the UndoStackAttribute associated with the given object.
- getUndoManager() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Return the undo manager of this document.
- getUndoManager() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Return the undo manager of this document.
- getUndoMoML() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Get the undo MoML for this element as it currently stands.
- getUnexecutedList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceSchedule
Return the list of unexecuted actor sequence numbers
that were not executed during the schedule because their branches were not taken.
- getUnit(Unit) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Search Library for Unit equal to a particular unit.
- getUnit() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Get the element if it is a Unit.
- getUnitByName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Search the Library for a unit with a particular name.
- getUnitCategoryIndex(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Return the index assigned to the specified unit category.
- getUnitConcept(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
Return the UnitInformation Concept in the unitSystem ontology for the
specified string attribute which represents the unit specification
for the either the actor's input or output port.
- getUnitConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Get the UnitConstraints.
- getUnitConverter() - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
- getUnitExpr() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Get the Unit Expression.
- getUnitExpr() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Get the element if it is a UnitExpr.
- getUnitFactor() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConcept
Return the multiplication factor that converts a value in this unit to the
SI unit for this dimension.
- getUnitName() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConcept
Return the name of the unit.
- getUnitOffset() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConcept
Return the offset factor that converts a value in this unit to the SI
unit for this dimension.
- getUnitOntologySolver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
Return the unitSystem ontology solver specified by the actor's
unitSystemOntologySolver parameter.
- getUnitsByType(Unit) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
Search Library for all Units with type equal to this one.
- getUnrelatedComponentsPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a horizontal gap used to separate unrelated controls.
- getUnrelatedComponentsPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a horizontal gap used to separate unrelated controls.
- getUnrelatedComponentsPadX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a horizontal gap used to separate unrelated controls.
- getUnrelatedComponentsPadY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Returns a vertical gap used to separate unrelated controls.
- getUnrelatedComponentsPadY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Returns a vertical gap used to separate unrelated controls.
- getUnrelatedComponentsPadY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Returns a vertical gap used to separate unrelated controls.
- getUnscaledValue() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return the unscaled BigInteger value used to represent this
FixPoint value.
- getUpperThreshold() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Get the upper threshold value.
- getUpstreamNodes() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get a list of nodes immediately upstream from outgoing connections.
- getURI() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.URIAttribute
Get the URI that has been set by setURI(),
or null if there is none.
- getURL() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Get the URL that this document is associated with.
- getURL() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Get the URL that this document is associated with.
- getURL() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Get the URL of this document.
- getUrl() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Get the currently set URL.
- getUrl() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Get the currently set URL.
- getUrl() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBConnectionParameters
Return the URL/path of the location where
the XML database file is present.
- getUrl() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SetupParameters
Return the URL/path of the location where
the XML database file is present.
- getURL() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.URIAttribute
Get a URL representation of the URI that has been set by setURI(),
or null if there is none.
- getUseAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Get whether to convolve the alpha channel.
- getUseAlpha() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- getUseColormap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- getUseImageColors() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- getUseImageColors() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Return the Parameter that is part of a state space model.
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Return the Parameter that is part of a state space model.
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Return the Parameter that is part of a state space model.
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Return the Parameter that is part of a state space model.
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
Return the Parameter that is part of a state space model.
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.ParticleFilter
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Predictor
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceSimulator
- getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.UnscentedKalmanFilterSSM
- getUserDefinedParameterExpression(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Return the expression for a user-defined parameter.
- getUserDefinedParameterExpression(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Return the expression for a user-defined parameter.
- getUserDefinedParameterExpression(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Return the expression for a user-defined parameter.
- getUserDefinedParameterExpression(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Return the expression for a user-defined parameter.
- getUserLevelDocumentation() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the user level documentation.
- getUserObject() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Get the user object of this figure.
- getUserObject() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Return the user object.
- getUserObject() - Method in interface diva.util.UserObjectContainer
Return the user object.
- getUTerms() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
Get the UnitTerms in this UnitExpr.
- getV() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition
- getV() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition.SVDImpl
- getValue() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Particle
Return the value.
- getValue() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GenericAttributePanel
Get the value of this attribute.
- getValue() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ModelAttributePanel
Get the value of this attribute.
- getValue() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ModelPanel
Get the value of the _loadCheck checkbox.
- getValue() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ParentPanel
Get the value of the _loadCheck checkbox.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.DynamicNameCriterion
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.NameCriterion
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Get the value of the index-th elements.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource.SliderFrame
Get the value of the slider.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageToken
Return the value of the token, a renderedop.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.JMFImageToken
Return the value of this token.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken
Return the java.security.Key.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.KeyValuePair
The value of this KeyValuePair.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ArrayElementTypeFunction
Return the current value of this monotonic function.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ArrayOfTypesFunction
Return the current value of this monotonic function.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstructAssociativeType
Return a RecordType with field names equal to the given port names,
and field types equal to the current inferred or declared type of the
corresponding ports.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ExtractFieldType
Return the current value of this monotonic function.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
Return the current value of this monotonic function.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.Record
Get the old value of this record.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken
Return the address of the pointer.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.AWTImageToken
Return the java.awt.Image object associated with this token.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the time since January 1, 1970 in the given precision.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
An optional attribute value of the Token.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Return the value of the token, a reference to an object.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return the current value of the InequalityTerm.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Return the value of this inequality term.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples.ConceptPair
Return the greater concept of the counterexample.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Return null if this term is not effective.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Return the current value of this monotonic function given the
current value of the variables returned by getVariables().
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Get the actual value.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Return the constant type represented by this term.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- getValue() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.TimeOrBuilder
- getValue() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm
Return the value of this term.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
An optional attribute value of the Token.
- getValue() - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMPtExp
- getValueAsString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Get the value of the attribute, which is the evaluated expression.
- getValueAsString() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.AbstractSettableAttribute
Get the value of the attribute, which is the evaluated expression.
- getValueAsString() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Get the value of the attribute, which is the evaluated expression.
- getValueAsString() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Get the value of the attribute, which is the evaluated expression.
- getValueAsString() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Get the value of the attribute, which is the evaluated expression.
- getValueAsString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Get the value of the attribute, which is the evaluated expression.
- getValueAsString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Get the value of the attribute, which is the evaluated expression.
- getValueAsString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Get the value of the attribute, which is the evaluated expression.
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable
Get the specified entry as a String.
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Get the value at a particular row and column.
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel
Get the value at a particular row and column.
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Get the value at a particular cell.
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- getValueClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Return the class of the object contained in this token.
- getValueClass() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Get the Java class specified in this type, of which the contents of
ObjectTokens conforming to this type must be instances.
- getValueDescriptor() - Method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Status
- getValueDescriptor() - Method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Type
- getValueForAttribute(Node, String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Get the value for the given attribute.
- getValues() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Get the values of this attribute.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.DynamicNameCriterion
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.NameCriterion
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Get a string that describes the values of all the elements.
- getValues() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Return the reference values.
- getVariable(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the type of a variable with its name in the current scope
and all the scopes enclosing the current scope.
- getVariable(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the type of a variable with its name in the current scope
and all the scopes enclosing the current scope.
- getVariable(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Look up and return the attribute with the specified name in the
- getVariable(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable.VariableScope
Look up and return the attribute with the specified name in the
- getVariable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Return the modified variable.
- getVariable() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Get the element if it is a variable.
- getVariableName() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Returns the variable's name.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ArrayElementTypeFunction
Return the type variables for this function, which is
the type term of the specified typeable, unless it has a constant type,
in which case return an empty array.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ArrayOfTypesFunction
Return the type variables for this function, which is
the type term of the specified typeable, unless it has a constant type,
in which case return an empty array.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstructAssociativeType
Return the type variables for this function, which are
the type variables for all the ports that do not have declared types.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ExtractFieldType
Return the type variables in this inequality term.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
Return the type variables for this function, which are
the type variables for all the destination ports.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return an array of variables contained in this InequalityTerm, or in
this case, an empty array.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Return the concept variables for this inequality term.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Return this ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm in an array if this term represent
a property variable.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Return the type variables in this inequality term.
- getVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Return an array of size zero.
- getVariables() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm
Return an array of variables contained in this term.
- getVariableStack() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the variable stack.
- getVariablesWithChangeContext(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return the set of variables anywhere in the model that have
the given container as least change context.
- getVectorLength() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return the number of tokens in the array sent by the IOPort.
- getVectorLength() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Return the number of tokens in the array taken at the IOPort.
- getVectorLength() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Return the number of tokens in the array sent by the IOPort.
- getVEdgeMatrix() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- getVerboseString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ExtractFieldType
Return an additional string describing the current value
of this function.
- getVerboseString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Return an additional string describing the current value
of this function.
- getVersion() - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Get the version number of the transform context.
- getVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Get the version number.
- getVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return the version field, or null
if none has been given.
- getVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Return the version.
- getVersionName() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
Return The new model name that will be stored in the database.
- getVertex(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry
Get the site on the given vertex.
- getVertexCount() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry
Get the number of vertices of this shape.
- getVertexCount() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Get the number of vertices
- getVertexCount() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Get the number of vertices
- getVertexCount() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Get the number of vertices
- getVertexModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Get the vertex model.
- getVertexPaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Get the vertex point paint.
- getVertexShape() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Get the vertex point shape.
- getVerticalRangeModel() - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Return the vertical range model for this canvas.
- getView(JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplication
Get the Document displayed by the given component.
- getView() - Method in class diva.gui.ViewEvent
Return the component/view that the event refers to
- getView() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Get the view associated with the scene.
- getViewDistance() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- getViewport(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return the viewport of the given graph as a rectangle
in logical coordinates.
- getViewport(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Return the viewport of the given graph as a rectangle
in logical coordinates.
- getViewport() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPanner
Return the target component that is being
- getViewSize() - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Return the total size of everything in the canvas, in canvas
- getViewSize() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JCanvasPanner
Return the total size of everything in the canvas, in canvas
- getViewSize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras.CameraHelper
Return the current view size for this camera,
given as a JSON formatted string with fields "width"
and "height", for example '{"width":176, "height":144}'.
- getVirtualBinNumber(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CQComparator
Given an entry, return a virtual bin number for the entry.
- getVirtualBinNumber(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent.TimeComparator
Given an entry, return a virtual bin number for the entry.
- getVirtualBinNumber(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEventComparator
Given an event, return the virtual index of
the bin that should contain the event.
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
The LocalClock is not editable, thus visibility is
always set to NOT_EDITABLE.
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Get the visibility of this variable, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Get the visibility of this Settable, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Get visibility.
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Get the visibility of this attribute, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Get the visibility of this attribute, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Get the visibility of this Settable, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Get the visibility of this attribute, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Get the visibility of this attribute, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Get the visibility of this Settable, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Get the visibility of this Settable, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibility() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Get the visibility of this Settable, as set by setVisibility().
- getVisibleCanvasRectangle() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the rectangle representing the visible part of the
pane, transformed into canvas coordinates.
- getVisibleRectangle() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the rectangle representing the visible part of the
pane, in pixel coordinates on the screen.
- getVisibleSize() - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Return the size of the visible part of the canvas, in canvas
- getVisibleSize() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JCanvasPanner
Return the size of the visible part of the canvas, in canvas
- getVisualObject(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return the visual object of the given graph object.
- getVisualObject(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Return the visual object of the given graph object.
- getVRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Get the vertical size of the blur.
- getVRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
Get the vertical size of the blur.
- getVRadius() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Get the vertical size of the blur.
- getW() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Get the west site.
- getW() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle
Get the west site.
- getWaitingThread() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return a thread that is waiting and can be
interrupted in the event that a change request is made,
or null to indicate that there is no thread waiting.
- getWarningCount() - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Get the number of warnings generated during the most
recent parse.
- getWavelength() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Get the wavelength of the ripples.
- getWaveType() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Get the wave type.
- getWCET() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Return the worst case execution time of the actor or 0 if no worst case
execution time was specified.
- getWCETParameter(Actor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Return the worst case execution time of the actor or 0 if no worst case
execution time was specified.
- getWebName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebAttribute
Return the web name of this element; for example, "myElement" in
<div name="myElement"> </div> in HTML.
- getWebName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebElement
Return the web name of this element; for example, "myElement" in
<div name="myElement"/> in HTML.
- getWebSocketInfo() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Get the set of socket paths assigned to this web application and their
corresponding sets of actors.
- getWeight() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Particle
Return the weight.
- getWeight() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.Edge
Get the weight.
- getWeight() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Element
Return the weight that has been associated with this element.
- getWhite() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Get the color to be used for pixels above the upper threshold.
- getWhite() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Get the color to be used for pixels above the upper threshold.
- getWidget() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerWidgetElement
Return the Netbeans widget representing the element.
- getWidgetBounds() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.WidgetPropertiesFrame
Get the specified position and dimension for the widget.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout.LayoutInfo
Returns the layout's width, the size between the first and the last
column origin.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BicubicScaleFilter
- getWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Get the width of the crop rectangle.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- getWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TileImageFilter
Get the output image width.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
Get the width.
- getWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return the width of the port.
- getWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Return the width of the IORelation, which is always at least one.
- getWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Get the width of the port.
- getWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerLocation
Get the width of the element.
- getWidthFromConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Get the width from the constraints put on the width
of this port if the width is fully determined.
- getWidthInside() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return the inside width of this port.
- getWidthInside() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriptionAggregatorPort
Return the inside width of this port, which in this class is
always 1.
- getWidthInside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Return the inside width of this port.
- getWindingRule() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PolygonIterator
Return the winding rule.
- getWindingRule() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PolylineIterator
Return the winding rule.
- getWindSpeed() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- getWinLoc(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.UserPrefs
- getWorkingCopy(TransformationRule) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationMode
Get a working copy for the transformation rule, which can be modified in
pattern matching and transformation without affecting the original rule.
- getWrap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- getWrapEdges() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Get whether to wrap at the image edges.
- getWrappedPane() - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Get the wrapped pane.
- getWritableFile() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Return a writable file for the URI given by the uri
parameter of this effigy, if there is one, or return
null if there is not.
- getWriteAccess() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Obtain permission to write to objects in the workspace.
- getWriteOffset(int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Get the write offset of a channel of the port.
- getWriteOffset(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Get the write offset in the buffer of a given channel to which a token
should be put.
- getWriterCount() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Find out how many objects claim write access.
- getX() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout.LayoutInfo
Returns the layout's horizontal origin, the origin of the first column.
- getX() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Get the left edge of the crop rectangle.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcMidpointSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.CenterSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.NullSite
Return 0.0.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ParametricSite
Get the X-coordinate of the site.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.PerimeterSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site, in the local
coordinates of the containing pane.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site, in the local
coordinates of the containing pane.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Get the current value of the X coordinate.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.CloseSegment
Get the x-coordinate of the site, in the local
coordinates of the containing pane
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.Vertex
Get the x-coordinate of the site, in the local
coordinates of the containing pane.
- getX() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the x-coordinate of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getX() - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the x-coordinate of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getX(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Get the given X-coordinate
- getX(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Get the given X-coordinate
- getX(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Get the given X-coordinate
- getX(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Get the given X-coordinate
- getX(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Get the given X-coordinate
- getX(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Get the given X-coordinate
- getX() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerLocation
Get the relative x position of the top-left corner.
- getX() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Get the horizontal position of this site with
the normal that was set up by the constructor.
- getX() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Return the horizontal position of the action, or 0 if this
is not relevant (e.g., the action was triggered by a toolbar button).
- getX() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PortSite
Get the x-coordinate of the site.
- getXAmplitude() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Get the amplitude of ripple in the X direction.
- getXAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- getXAutoRange() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the range for X values of the data points registered so far.
- getXAutoRange() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the range for X values of the data points registered so far.
- getXGap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- getXLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the label for the X (horizontal) axis, or null if none has
been set.
- getXLabel() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the label for the X (horizontal) axis, or null if none has
been set.
- getXLog() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether the X axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
- getXLog() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Return whether the X axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
- getXMapFunction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MapFilter
- getXML() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
Get an XML representation of the FormLayout constraints for all containers
in this manager.
- getXMLDBAttribute() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.CreateAttributeTask
Return the attribute to be created in the database.
- getXMLDBAttribute() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DeleteAttributeTask
Return the attribute to be deleted from the database.
- getXMLDBAttribute() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateAttributeTask
Return the attribute to be updated in the database.
- getXMLDBModel() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.CreateModelTask
Return the model to be created in the database.
- getXMLDBModel() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SaveModelTask
Return the model to be saved in the database.
- getXMLIcon(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Instantiate an XMLIcon in a NamedObj.
- getXMLIcon(Workspace, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Instantiate an XMLIcon in a Workspace.
- getXOffset() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- getXOffset() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Get the horizontal offset for the graphic, in pixels.
- getXRange() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the X range.
- getXRange() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the X range.
- getXScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Get the X scale of the texture.
- getXScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
Get the X scale of the effect.
- getXTicks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the X ticks that have been specified, or null if none.
- getXTicks() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the X ticks that have been specified, or null if none.
- getXWavelength() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Get the wavelength of ripple in the X direction.
- getXWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- getXY(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Return the logical X, Y positions of the given
node as an integer array of length 2.
- getY() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout.LayoutInfo
Returns the layout's vertical origin, the origin of the first row.
- getY() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Get the top edge of the crop rectangle.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcMidpointSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.CenterSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.NullSite
Return 0.0.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ParametricSite
Get the Y-coordinate of the site.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.PerimeterSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site, in the local
coordinates of the containing pane.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site, in the local
coordinates of the containing pane.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Get the current value of the Y coordinate.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.CloseSegment
Get the y-coordinate of the site, in the local
coordinates of the containing pane.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.Vertex
Get the y-coordinate of the site, in the local
coordinates of the containing pane.
- getY() - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Get the y-coordinate of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getY() - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Get the y-coordinate of the site, in the enclosing
transform context.
- getY(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Get the given Y-coordinate
- getY(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Get the given Y-coordinate
- getY(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Get the given Y-coordinate
- getY(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Get the given Y-coordinate
- getY(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Get the given Y-coordinate
- getY(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Get the given Y-coordinate
- getY() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerLocation
Get the relative y position of the top-left corner.
- getY() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Get the vertical position of this site with
the normal that was set up by the constructor.
- getY() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Return the vertical position of the action, or 0 if this
is not relevant (e.g., the action was triggered by a toolbar button).
- getY() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PortSite
Get the y-coordinate of the site.
- getYAmplitude() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Get the amplitude of ripple in the Y direction.
- getYAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- getYAutoRange() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the range for Y values of the data points registered so far.
- getYAutoRange() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the range for Y values of the data points registered so far.
- getYear() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Get the year of this date.
- getYellowScreenAngle() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
Get the yellow screen angle.
- getYGap() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- getYLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the label for the Y (vertical) axis, or null if none has
been set.
- getYLabel() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the label for the Y (vertical) axis, or null if none has
been set.
- getYLog() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether the Y axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
- getYLog() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Return whether the Y axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
- getYMapFunction() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MapFilter
- getYOffset() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- getYOffset() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Get the vertical offset for the graphic, in pixels.
- getYRange() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the Y range.
- getYRange() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the Y range.
- getYScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Get the Y scale of the texture.
- getYScale() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
Get the Y scale of the effect.
- getYTicks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the Y ticks that have been specified, or null if none.
- getYTicks() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Get the Y ticks that have been specified, or null if none.
- getYWavelength() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Get the wavelength of ripple in the Y direction.
- getYWidth() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- getZoom() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Returns the amount to scale on each iteration.
- getZoom() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Get the blur zoom.
- getZoom() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Get the blur zoom.
- getZoom() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- gFactor - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- GiottoAttributes - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors by
the GiottoDirector.
- GiottoAttributes(NamedObj, GiottoDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- GiottoAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc
This attribute is a visible attribute that when configured (by double
clicking on it), displays a dialog box asking the user to select a
- GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator.CEmachineFrameworkEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc
An editor for CE machines.
- GiottoCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
This attribute is a visible attribute that when configured (by double
clicking on it or by invoking Configure in the context menu) it generates
Giotto code and displays it a text editor.
- GiottoCodeGenerator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGenerator
Construct a factory with the default workspace and "" as name.
- GiottoCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGenerator
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- GiottoCodeGenerator.GiottoEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
An attribute that can create an Giotto code editor for a Giotto model.
- GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
Utilities for generating Giotto code.
- GiottoDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
This class implements a director for the Giotto model of computation
without Giotto modes.
- GiottoDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- GiottoDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- GiottoDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Construct a director in the given workspace with an empty name.
- GiottoEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGenerator.GiottoEditorFactory
Constructs a Giotto EditorFactory object for a Giotto model.
- GiottoReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
The adapter for Giotto receiver.
- GiottoReceiver(GiottoReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Construct an adapter for an Giotto receiver.
- GiottoReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
A receiver for the Giotto domain.
- GiottoReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Construct an empty GiottoReceiver with no container.
- GiottoReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Construct an empty GiottoReceiver with the specified container.
- GiottoScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
This class generates schedules for the actors in a CompositeActor
according to the Giotto semantics.
- GiottoScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoScheduler
Construct a Giotto scheduler with no container (director)
in the default workspace.
- GiottoScheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoScheduler
Construct a Giotto scheduler in the given workspace.
- GiottoTimingManager - Class in ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
An attribute that varies the WCET values of actors and throws a model
error if the sum of the execution times is larger than the sum of the
worst case execution times.
- GiottoTimingManager(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Construct an instance with the specified container and name.
- GlassPaneWidget - Class in ptolemy.homer.widgets
Glasspane covers underlying awt component and blocks any events from propagating to them.
- GlassPaneWidget(Scene, PositionableElement) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.widgets.GlassPaneWidget
Create new instance of the glasspane for the given positionable element.
- GLBFunction - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class implements a monotonic function that returns the greatest
lower bound (GLB) of its arguments.
- GLBFunction(TypedIOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
Construct a GLBFunction that finds the greatest lower bound of the
type variable of the destination ports connected to the TypedIOPort
that is given as an argument.
- GLine2D - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom
A 2D line
- GLine2D() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
- GLine2D(double, double, double[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Create a new line
- GLine2D(double, double) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Create a new line
- GLine2D(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Create a new line through two points.
- GLine2D.Fitter - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom
- GLineSegment2D - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom
A 2D line with end points.
- GLineSegment2D(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- GlintFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which renders "glints" on bright parts of the image.
- GlintFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
- global - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Specification of whether the published data is global.
- global - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Specification of whether the data is subscribed globally.
- global - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Specification of whether the published data is global.
- GlobalLayout - Interface in diva.graph.layout
A static layout engine which layouts traverse the graph structure and
performs layout from scratch, ignoring the previous positions of the nodes
in the graphs.
- globalTimeResolution - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
The time precision used by this director.
- GlowFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which adds Gaussian blur to an image, producing a glowing effect.
- GlowFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GlowFilter
- GLUE_COLSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
An unmodifyable ColumnSpec
that has an initial width
of 0 pixels and that grows.
- GLUE_ROWSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
An unmodifyable RowSpec
that has an initial height
of 0 pixels and that grows.
- good - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
Is the detection good enough?
- GPInputHandler - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.targets.luminary.GPInputHandler.
- GPInputHandler(GPInputHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.GPInputHandler actor.
- GPInputHandler - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A class for GPIO pins on the Luminary board.
- GPInputHandler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
Construct a GPInputHandler object.
- GPIOWriter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
Read true or false values and write to the GPIO port of an embedded
- GPIOWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GPIOWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- GPIOWriter - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GPIOWriter.
- GPIOWriter(GPIOWriter) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GPIOWriter
Construct the GPIOWriter adapter.
- GPOutputSetup - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.targets.luminary.GPOutputDevice.
- GPOutputSetup(GPOutputSetup) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPOutputSetup
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.GPOutputDevice actor.
- GPOutputSetup - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
This is a class for GPIO pins on the Luminary Micro.
- GPOutputSetup(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPOutputSetup
Constructs a GPOutputDevice object.
- GrabHandle - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
A grab handle for manipulating figures and so on.
- GrabHandleFactory - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
A factory so that a client can create grab handles without
knowing anything about their implementation.
- grabPointer(LayerEvent, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
"Grab" the pointer.
- GRActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
A base class for all GR actors.
- GRActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor
Create a new GRActor in the specified container with the specified
- GRActor2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
A base class for all two-dimensional GR actors.
- GRActor2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor2D
Create a new GRActor in the specified container with the specified
- GRActor3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
An abstract base class for all 3D GR actors.
- GRActor3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor3D
Create a new GRActor3D in the specified container with the specified
- Gradient - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A Colormap implemented using Catmull-Rom colour splines.
- Gradient() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Construct a Gradient.
- Gradient(int[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Construct a Gradient with the given colors.
- Gradient(int[], int[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Construct a Gradient with the given colors and knot positions.
- Gradient(int[], int[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Construct a Gradient with the given colors, knot positions and interpolation types.
- GradientAdaptiveLattice - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An adaptive FIR filter with a lattice structure.
- GradientAdaptiveLattice(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- GradientAdaptiveLattice - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adaptive FIR filter with a lattice structure.
- GradientAdaptiveLattice(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- GradientFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which draws a coloured gradient.
- GradientFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- GradientFilter(Point, Point, int, int, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- gradientOfConstraints - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- GradientWipeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which can be used to produce wipes by transferring the luma of a mask image into the alpha channel of the source.
- GradientWipeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
- grant - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.ResourcePool
The output port through which this actor grants resources.
- grant - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
The output port through which this actor grants resources.
- granularity - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExecutionTime
The granularity of the computation.
- Graph - Interface in diva.graph.modular
A graph is an object that contains nodes and
- Graph - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
Graph is an adjacency list data structure for representing mapping
- Graph() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Graph
Constructs a linked list.
- graph() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.Analysis
The graph associated with the analysis.
- graph() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.GraphAnalyzer
Return the graph associated with this analyzer.
- graph() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
The graph associated with the Strategy.
- Graph - Class in ptolemy.graph
A graph with optionally-weighted nodes and edges.
- Graph() - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Construct an empty graph.
- Graph(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Construct an empty graph with enough storage allocated for the
specified number of nodes.
- Graph(int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Construct an empty graph with enough storage allocated for the
specified number of edges, and number of nodes.
- GraphActionException - Exception in ptolemy.graph
Exception for graph action errors.
- GraphActionException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphActionException
Constructor with an argument of text description.
- GraphActionException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphActionException
Constructor with an argument of text description.
- GraphAnalyzer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
Superclass of classes that need to analyze the graph structures of models.
- GraphAnalyzer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer
- GraphAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
A base interface for all the graph analyzers.
- GraphAnalyzer.IndexedList - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A pair of a list and an index number.
- GraphAnalyzer.IndexedLists - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A list of IndexedLists.
- GraphAnalyzer.Path - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A path between two ports.
- GraphConstructionException - Exception in ptolemy.graph
The exception of modifying graph elements in wrong ways.
- GraphConstructionException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphConstructionException
Constructor with an argument of text description.
- GraphController - Interface in diva.graph
A class that represents the main component of a typical graph
- graphDump(Graph) - Static method in exception ptolemy.graph.GraphException
Return a dump of this graph suitable to be appended to an
error message.
- GraphElementException - Exception in ptolemy.graph
The exception of accessing graph elements in wrong ways.
- GraphElementException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphElementException
Constructor for a given message.
- GraphElementException(Element, Graph, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphElementException
Constructor with arguments of element, graph, and a message.
- GraphEvent - Class in diva.graph
A graph event that is emitted when anything interesting happens
inside a graph by way of a GraphModel.
- GraphEvent(Object, int, Object) - Constructor for class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Construct a GraphEvent with the given source and target
and a null previous value.
- GraphEvent(Object, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Construct a GraphEvent with the given
source, target, and previous value.
- GraphEventMulticaster - Class in diva.graph.toolbox
A list of GraphListeners which is smart enough to call the correct
methods on these listeners given a GraphEvent's ID.
- GraphEventMulticaster() - Constructor for class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphEventMulticaster
Create an empty multicaster object.
- GraphException - Exception in diva.graph
A graph package topological error.
- GraphException() - Constructor for exception diva.graph.GraphException
- GraphException(String) - Constructor for exception diva.graph.GraphException
- GraphException(Exception) - Constructor for exception diva.graph.GraphException
- GraphException - Exception in ptolemy.graph
Base exception for graph errors.
- GraphException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphException
The default constructor without arguments.
- GraphException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphException
Constructor with an argument of text description.
- graphHeight - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying the height of the figure.
- GraphicalLocator - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
This class is an extension of the Locator actor that adds an
outputRange parameter and an icon that is a circle with
a radius defined by the value of this parameter.
- GraphicalLocator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GraphicalLocator
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- GraphicalMessageHandler - Class in ptolemy.gui
This is a message handler that reports errors in a graphical dialog box.
- GraphicalMessageHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler
- GraphicElement - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
An GraphicElement is an atomic piece of a graphical representation.
- GraphicElement(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Create a new GraphicElement with the given type.
- graphicsFileName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
The name of the default graphics output file created by the actor.
- graphicsFileName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
The name of the default graphics output file created by the actor.
- graphicsFormat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
The graphics output format.
- graphicsFormat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
The graphics output format.
- graphicsOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
If true, then create a graphics output port.
- graphicsOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
If true, then create a graphics output port.
- GraphicsPane - Class in diva.canvas
A CanvasPane which has a default set of layers that are
useful for interactive drawing and editing applications.
- GraphicsPane() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Create a new Graphics pane with an instance of
FigureLayer as the main figure layer.
- GraphicsPane(FigureLayer) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Create a new Graphics pane with the passed Layer
as the main graphics pane.
- GraphicsParser - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A collection of utilities to help parsing graphics from strings
and other kinds of external storage.
- GraphicsParser() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.GraphicsParser
- GraphInvalidStateException - Exception in ptolemy.graph
Exception for graph invalid state action errors.
- GraphInvalidStateException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphInvalidStateException
Construct an exception with a detail message.
- GraphInvalidStateException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphInvalidStateException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument, the cause and the third argument string.
- GraphListener - Interface in diva.graph
A listener for changes in a graph's structure or contents,
which are communicated through GraphEvent objects.
- GraphLogger - Class in diva.graph.toolbox
A logger of graph events.
- GraphLogger() - Constructor for class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphLogger
- GraphMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
Implementation of a recursive algorithm to match a pattern to any subgraph of a
a graph.
- GraphMatcher() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
- GraphModel - Interface in diva.graph
A graph model is an abstraction of a graph implementation and a
registration point for GraphListeners.
- GraphPane - Class in diva.graph
The display part of the JGraph user-level widget.
- GraphPane(GraphModel) - Constructor for class diva.graph.GraphPane
Create a new graph pane with a view on the given model.
- GraphPane(GraphController, GraphModel) - Constructor for class diva.graph.GraphPane
Create a new graph pane with the given controller and model.
- GraphPatternSearchEditor - Class in ptdb.gui
The UI frame for the advanced DB search window.
- GraphPatternSearchEditor(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute, NamedObj, JFrame, SimpleSearchFrame) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.GraphPatternSearchEditor
Construct the GraphPatternSearchEditor.
- GraphReader - Class in ptolemy.actor
This class provides methods for converting Ptolemy II models
into generic graph representations.
- GraphReader() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.GraphReader
Construct a new graph reader.
- GraphSearcher - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
Inherits from the AbstractSearcher, and contains the common
functions for the searchers for graph pattern match search.
- GraphSearcher() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.GraphSearcher
- GraphSearchTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Task to search graphical patterns on database.
- GraphSearchTask() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.GraphSearchTask
- GraphStateException - Exception in ptolemy.graph
The exception of computing a function of graph with wrong states.
- GraphStateException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphStateException
Constructor with an argument of text description.
- GraphTopologyException - Exception in ptolemy.graph
The exception thrown due to incorrect graph topology.
- GraphTopologyException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphTopologyException
Constructor with an argument of text description.
- GraphTransformationException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.gt
Superclass of any exception to be thrown in model transformation.
- GraphTransformationException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformationException
Construct an exception with a no specific detail message.
- GraphTransformationException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformationException
Construct an exception with a detail message.
- GraphTransformationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformationException
Construct an exception with a detail message and a cause.
- GraphTransformationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformationException
Construct an exception with a cause.
- GraphTransformer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
Model transformation with a given match of the pattern.
- GraphTransformer(TransformationRule, List<MatchResult>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Construct a transformer with the given transformation rule (including a
pattern and a replacement), and a list of match results.
- GraphTransformer(TransformationRule, MatchResult) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Construct a transformer with the given transformation rule (including a
pattern and a replacement), and a single match result.
- GraphTransformer.ReplacementObjectAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A temporary attribute to record the corresponding object in the replacement
for any object in the pattern.
- GraphUtilities - Class in diva.graph
A set of utilities for traversing/manipulating/etc. graphs.
- GraphViewEvent - Class in diva.graph
A graph view event that is emitted when anything interesting happens
inside a graph view.
- GraphViewEvent(Object, int, Object) - Constructor for class diva.graph.GraphViewEvent
Construct a GraphViewEvent with the given source and target
and a null previous value.
- GraphViewEvent(Object, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class diva.graph.GraphViewEvent
Construct a GraphViewEvent with the given
source, target, and previous value.
- GraphViewListener - Interface in diva.graph
A listener for changes in a graph's structure or contents,
which are communicated through GraphViewEvent objects.
- GraphWeightException - Exception in ptolemy.graph
Exception for unweighted graphs or graphs with improper weights.
- GraphWeightException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphWeightException
Constructor for a given message.
- GraphWeightException(Object, Element, Graph, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.GraphWeightException
Constructor with arguments of weight, element, graph,
and a message.
- graphWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying the width of the figure.
- GRAY - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- GrayFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which 'grays out' an image by averaging each pixel with white.
- GrayFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GrayFilter
- GrayModel() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.GrayModel
- GrayscaleColormap - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A grayscale colormap.
- GrayscaleColormap() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GrayscaleColormap
- GrayscaleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which converts an image to grayscale using the NTSC brightness calculation.
- GrayscaleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.GrayscaleFilter
- GRColorChanges - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
This class filters MoML files for backward compatibility between
GR models constructed in version 4.0 or earlier.
- GRColorChanges() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.GRColorChanges
- GRDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
GR is a domain for displaying three-dimensional graphics in Ptolemy
- GRDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- GRDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- GRDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- greater - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples.ConceptPair
The greater of the concepts (i.e. x2)
- GREATER_THAN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.util.Dependency
Return value of compareTo() if this is greater than the argument.
- GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationType
Relation type a relation node that is evaluated to be false and
the left token is greater than the right token, while the
relation operation is not equal or inequal.
- greaterThan(Fraction) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Test if this Fraction is greater than the input.
- greatestElement(Set<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptGraph
Compute the greatest element of a subset.
- greatestElement(Set<T>) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
Compute the greatest element of a subset.
- greatestElement(Set<Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Compute the greatest element of a subset.
- greatestLowerBound(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptGraph
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of two elements.
- greatestLowerBound(Set<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptGraph
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of a subset.
- greatestLowerBound(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.DAGConceptGraph
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of two elements.
- greatestLowerBound(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of this and another concept.
- greatestLowerBound(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConcept
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of this and another concept.
- greatestLowerBound(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConcept
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of this and another concept.
- greatestLowerBound(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeCPO
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of two elements.
- greatestLowerBound(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.RecordConcept
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of this and another concept.
- greatestLowerBound(Object, Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of two elements.
- greatestLowerBound(Set<T>) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of a subset.
- greatestLowerBound(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of two elements.
- greatestLowerBound(Set<Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of a subset.
- GREEN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- green - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaLeds
The color of the "green" LED.
- GridAnnealingLayout - Class in diva.graph.layout
A simple layout which places nodes on a grid using a cost function.
- GridAnnealingLayout(LayoutTarget) - Constructor for class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
- Gridder<T> - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.util
A lookup table in 2D for implementing nearest neighbor
- Gridder(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder
- Gridder.Cell - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.util
- Gridder.MyIterator - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.util
- gridHeight - Variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Describes the component's vertical grid extent (number of cells).
- GridLayer - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A grid layer displays a rectangular grid.
- GridLayer() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Create a new GridLayer with a default one-pixel grid stroke
and a light grey grid color.
- GridLayer(Stroke, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Create a new GridLayer with the given grid stroke and paint
- GridLayer(Shape, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Create a new GridLayer with the given vertex shape and paint.
- gridType - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- gridWidth - Variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Describes the component's horizontal grid extend (number of cells).
- gridX - Variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Describes the component's horizontal grid origin (starts at 1).
- gridY - Variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Describes the component's vertical grid origin (starts at 1).
- GrimpTransformer - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
A Transformer that creates a GrimpBody from the active body.
- GrimpTransformer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GrimpTransformer
- grow() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- grow(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- GROW - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing Grow overflow strategy.
- GROWING_BUTTON_COLSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
Describes a logical horizontal column for a growing button.
- GRReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
The receiver for the GR domain.
- GRReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRReceiver
Construct an empty GRReceiver with no container.
- GRReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRReceiver
Construct an empty GRReceiver with the specified container.
- GRScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
A scheduler that implements scheduling of the active parts of a GR
scene graph.
- GRScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRScheduler
Construct a scheduler with no container (director)
in the default workspace, the name of the scheduler is
- GRScheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given workspace with the name
- GRScheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- GRShadedShape - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
An abstract base class for GR Actors that have material and color
- GRShadedShape(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- GRShape2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
An abstract base class for two-dimensional GR Actors representing
- GRShape2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- GRTransform - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
An abstract base class for a transform operator of GR shapes.
- GRTransform(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- GRTransform2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
An abstract base class for a transform operator of two-dimensional
GR shapes.
- GRTransform2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- GRUtilities2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
Utilities that are useful for building 2D GR actors.
- GRUtilities2D() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRUtilities2D
- gsnOutputPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The output choices of the GSN service.
- GT - Static variable in class org.json.XML
The Character '>'.
- GT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- gTable - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- GTActorGraphModel(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.GTActorGraphModel
- GTAttribute - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gt
Interface of the attributes used in the patterns or replacements of
transformation rules.
- GTCompositeActor - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gt
Interface of the composite actors used in transformation rules.
- GTE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- GTE - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
String representing a greater than or equal to constraint choice.
- GTEntity - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gt
Common interface of the matchers in model transformations.
- GTEntityUtils - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A set of utilities for handling GTEntities (instances of
- GTEntityUtils() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTEntityUtils
- GTEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
A common superclass of events created for model transformation.
- GTEvent(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.GTEvent
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- GTFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- GTFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- GTFrame.ConfigureCriteriaAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrame.ConfigureIngredientsAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrame.ConfigureOperationsAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrameController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrameController(GTFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- GTFrameController.GTActorGraphModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrameController.GTFSMGraphModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrameController.UpdateController - Interface in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrameTools - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrameTools() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools
- GTFrameTools.DelegatedUndoStackAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFrameTools.ModelChangeRequest - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTFSMGraphModel(CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.GTFSMGraphModel
- GTGUIAction - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.gui
An action that can be configured with a Ptera-based model transformation to be
applied to the current model.
- GTGUIAction(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.gui.GTGUIAction
Construct an item with the given name contained by the specified
- GTIngredient - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
Superclass of criteria and operations that can be associated with entities in a
transformation rule.
- GTIngredient(GTIngredientList, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Construct a GTIngredient within the given list as its owner containing a
given number of elements.
- GTIngredient.FieldIterator - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An iterator to read the fields one by one in a string that describes the
values of all the elements.
- GTIngredientElement - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
Superclass of any element that can be contained in a GTIngredient.
- GTIngredientElement(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientElement
Construct an element that can be added to a GTIngredient.
- GTIngredientList - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A list of GTIngredients.
- GTIngredientList(GTIngredientsAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientList
Construct an empty GTIngredientList contained by the given attribute.
- GTIngredientList(GTIngredientsAttribute, GTIngredient...) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientList
Construct a GTIngredientList contained by the given attribute with some
initial ingredients.
- GTIngredientList(GTIngredientsAttribute, GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientList
Construct a GTIngredientList contained by the given attribute, and add
all the ingredients in the template to this one.
- GTIngredientsAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute that contains a list of GTIngredients and is associated with an
entity in a transformation rule.
- GTIngredientsAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientsAttribute
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- GTIngredientsAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientsAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- GTIngredientsAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientsAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- GTIngredientsEditor - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTIngredientsEditor(DialogTableau, Frame, NamedObj, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- GTIngredientsEditor.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
Superclass of the special parameters used in transformation rules.
- GTParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- GTParameter.Evaluator - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
The evaluator used in a transformation rule.
- GTParameter.Scope - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
- GTParameter.TypeInference - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
The type inference used to infer types of names in the host model and in
the pattern, which is used in
- GTTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
An editor tableau for graph transformation in Ptolemy II.
- GTTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTTableau
Create a new case editor tableau with the specified container
and name.
- GTTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTTableau
Create a new case editor tableau with the specified container,
name, and default library.
- GTTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- GTTableau.ModalTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- GTTools - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A set of tools for model transformation.
- GTTools() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
- GuardCriterion - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A criterion to constrain a guard of a transition in an FSM or a Ptera
- GuardCriterion(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner.
- GuardCriterion(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- guardExpression - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Attribute specifying the guard expression.
- GUIAction - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
A helper class to handle actions in GUI properties.
- GUIAction(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
Construct an item with the given name contained by the specified
- GUID - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : const char**.
- guid - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The FMI guid, typically the value of the guid attribute from a .fmu file.
- GUIProperty - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
Base class for the properties that can be used to configure a tableau.
- GUIProperty(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
- GUIProperty(NamedObj, String, JComponent) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component.
- GUIProperty(NamedObj, String, JComponent, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component and the given layout
- GUIProperty(NamedObj, String, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given layout
- GUIUtilities - Class in diva.gui
A collection of utilities for the GUI.
- GUIUtilities() - Constructor for class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
- i - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : int*.
- I - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Complex
A Complex number representing i.
- I15dPanelBuilder - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.builder
A general purpose panel builder that uses the
to lay out
- I15dPanelBuilder(FormLayout, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Constructs an instance of I15dPanelBuilder
for the given
- I15dPanelBuilder(FormLayout, ResourceBundle, JPanel) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
Constructs an instance of I15dPanelBuilder
for the given FormLayout and layout container.
- I15dPanelBuilder(JPanel, FormLayout, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.I15dPanelBuilder
- icon - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- icon - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Button
Icon for the button.
- icon - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.NCComponentBase
Icon for this component.
- icon - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.VisualSequenceDirector
Displays the sequential schedule in the icon of this director.
- IconAttribute - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
A marker interface for an attribute that describes an icon.
- iconClass - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- iconColumns - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsRecorder
The columns to display in the icon.
- IconController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
objects that are represented on screen as icons, such as attributes
and entities.
- IconController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.IconController
Create a controller associated with the specified graph
- IconController.IconRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An icon renderer.
- IconFigure - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
An IconFigure is a figure that contains a main background figure,
a PaintedObject to decorate that figure, a label, and an arbitrary
number of attached Terminal objects.
- IconFigure(Figure) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Create a new icon figure using the given figure as the "background"
- IconFigure(Figure, PaintedObject) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Create a new icon figure using the given figure as the
"background" figure and the given Painted object as its "graphic."
- IconFigure(Figure, String) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Create a new icon figure using the given figure as the
"background" figure and with the given label.
- IconFigure(Figure, PaintedObject, String) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Create a new icon figure using the given figure as the
"background" figure, the given Painted object as its "graphic,"
and the given string as a displayed label.
- IconFigureFactory() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.IconFigureFactory
- IconLink - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
Attribute specifying a URI to link to from an icon when a model
is exported to a web page.
- IconLink(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconLink
Create an instance of this parameter.
- IconLoader - Interface in ptolemy.moml
Interface for loading icons.
- IconModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.IconModel
- IconRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.IconController.IconRenderer
- IconScript - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
A parameter associating a JavaScript with an icon in model.
- IconScript(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconScript
Create an instance of this parameter.
- IconTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial illustrates how to use Icons.
- IconTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.IconTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window
- id - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
What was the ID of the detected tag?
- id() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHelper
- id() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper
- id() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHelper
- id() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHelper
- id() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHelper
- id() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHelper
- ID - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- ID - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- ID - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- ID - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- id - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- IDAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This attribute identifies the containing model, showing its name, base
class, last modified date, author, and contributors information.
- IDAttribute(Entity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.IDAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- IDCT(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the inverse, normalized
DCT of the input array of doubles.
- IDCT(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the inverse, normalized
DCT of the input array of doubles, using the specified order.
- IDCT(double[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles that is the inverse DCT of the
input array of doubles.
- IDCT4x4dc - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.video
Calculate the sum of absolute difference(SAD) between two blocks.
- IDCT4x4dc(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT4x4dc
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- IDCT8x8 - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.video
Calculate the DCT of a 8x8 block.
- IDCT8x8(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT8x8
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- identifier - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
The identifier for the effigy.
- identifier() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Scope
Return a list of names corresponding to the identifiers
defined by this scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.PtalonExpressionScope
Return a list of names corresponding to the identifiers
defined by this scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Return the list of identifiers within the scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.VariableScope
Return the list of identifiers within the scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression.VariableScope
Return the list of identifiers within the scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.VariableScope
Return the list of identifiers within the scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ExplicitScope
Return the list of variables within the scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.NamedConstantsScope
Return the set of identifiers defined in this scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.NestedScope
Return the list of identifiers within the scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.expr.ParserScope
Return a list of names corresponding to the identifiers
defined by this scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable.VariableScope
Return the set of identifiers within the scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ActorModelScope
Return a list of names corresponding to the identifiers
defined by this scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Return the list of identifiers within the scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.VariableScope
Return a list of names corresponding to the identifiers
defined by this scope.
- identifierSet() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.VariableScope
Return the list of identifiers within the scope.
- identity(int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Return the identity matrix of size 'sz'
- identity(int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- identity(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- identity(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- identity(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- identity(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- identity(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- identity(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- Identity - Static variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitLibrary
The Identity Unit, i.e. 1.0*<0, 0, ..., 0>
- IDENTITY_CONVERSION - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Identity conversion.
- identityMatrixComplex(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- identityMatrixDouble(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- identityMatrixInt(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- identityMatrixLong(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- IDLE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that there is no currently active execution.
- idToString(int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Print the string representation of an event ID
- IF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- IF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- IF - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- IFFT - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor calculates the inverse FFT of a complex input array.
- IFFT(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- IFFT - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A adapter class for IFFT.
- IFFT(IFFT) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Construct a IFFT adapter.
- IFFT - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT.
- IFFT(IFFT) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Construct a IFFT adapter.
- IFFT - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor calculates the inverse FFT of a complex input array.
- IFFT(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IFFT
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- IFFT(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of complex numbers which is the inverse FFT
of an input array of complex numbers.
- IFFT(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of complex numbers which is the inverse FFT
of an input array of complex numbers.
- IFFTComplexOut(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of Complex's which is the inverse FFT
of an input array of Complex's.
- IFFTComplexOut(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of Complex's which is the forward FFT
of an input array of Complex's.
- IFFTRealOut(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles which is the real part of the inverse
FFT of an input array of Complex's.
- IFFTRealOut(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles which is the real part of the inverse
FFT of an input array of Complex's.
- IFFTRealOut(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles which is the real part of the inverse
FFT of an input array of doubles.
- IFFTRealOut(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array of doubles which is the real part of the inverse
FFT of an input array of doubles.
- ifInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThen
The input port.
- ifInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThenElse
The input port.
- IfNodeFunction - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr
A representation of the monotonic function used to infer the
monotonicity of conditional nodes (if nodes) in the abstract
syntax trees of Ptolemy expressions.
- IfNodeFunction(ASTPtFunctionalIfNode, Ontology, List<Ontology>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.IfNodeFunction
Create a new function from the given ifNode and
over the given monotonicity ontology.
- IfThen - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib
A type polymorphic If-Then-Else actor.
- IfThen(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThen
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- IfThenElse - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib
A type polymorphic If-Then-Else actor.
- IfThenElse(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThenElse
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- IfTree(AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Create a new if tree.
- ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle ignorable whitespace.
- ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Ignorable whitespace.
- ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Handle ignorable whitespace.
- ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle consecutive ignorable white spaces.
- IGNORE - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
String representing that the actor port or attribute should be
ignored for the ontology analysis and not have a concept assigned to it.
- IGNORE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
- ignoreCase - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
The parameter to state whether to ignore case.
- ignoreCase - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringIndexOf
The parameter to state whether to ignore case.
- IgnoreErrorHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication.IgnoreErrorHandler
- ignoreIOExceptionReadErrors - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
If true, ignore IOException errors from the subprocess.
- ignoreNamedObjsStartingWithUnderscores - Variable in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
True if NamedObjs that start with underscores should be ignored.
- IgnoringAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be ignored.
- IgnoringAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.IgnoringAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- IgnoringAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.IgnoringAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- IGuiAction - Interface in ptolemy.vergil.basic
A simple interface that allows to define actions for Vergil that
operate on the model.
- IIR - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor is an implementation of an infinite impulse response IIR
- IIR(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- IIR - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor is an implementation of an infinite impulse response IIR
- IIR(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- IllegalActionException - Exception in ptolemy.kernel.util
Thrown on an attempt to perform an action that would result in an
inconsistent or contradictory data structure if it were allowed to
- IllegalActionException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException
Construct an exception with a detail message.
- IllegalActionException(Nameable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException
Construct an exception with a detail message that is only the
name of the argument.
- IllegalActionException(Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument.
- IllegalActionException(Nameable, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument.
- IllegalActionException(Nameable, Nameable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException
Construct an exception with a detail message that consists of
only the names of the object1 and object2 arguments.
- IllegalActionException(Nameable, Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of the first two arguments plus the third argument
- IllegalActionException(Nameable, Nameable, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of the first two arguments plus the third argument
- IllegalNameException - Exception in ptdb.common.exception
Exception for illegal names for attributes, model or other values.
- IllegalNameException(String) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.IllegalNameException
Construct an instance of IllegalNameException
with the given message.
- IllegalNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.IllegalNameException
Construct an instance to wrap other exceptions.
- imag - Variable in class ptolemy.math.Complex
The imaginary part.
- imag(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the imaginary part of the specified complex number.
- imag(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the imaginary part of the specified real number, which is 0.0.
- image - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
The string image of the token.
- image - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
The string image of the token.
- Image2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
Create a figure from a user specified image file in GIF, JPEG, or PNG
- Image2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Image2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- IMAGE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Buffer size to be used when exporting the model image.
- IMAGE_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.ImageFigureFactory
- IMAGE_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial
The file name for the image that is displayed.
- IMAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Export format of the model image.
- ImageAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is an attribute that is rendered as an image.
- ImageAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ImageAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- imageColumns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImagePartition
The width of the input matrices.
- imageColumns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageSequence
The number of columns in each image.
- imageColumns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageUnpartition
The width of the input matrices.
- ImageCombiningFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ImageCombiningFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ImageCombiningFilter
- ImageContrast - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
Change the contrast of an image.
- ImageContrast(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageContrast
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ImageDisplay - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
Display an image on the screen using the ptolemy.media.Picture
- ImageDisplay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ImageDisplay - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
Display an image on the screen using the ptolemy.media.Picture
- ImageDisplay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageDisplay
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ImageDisplayHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.imageDisplay
Helper for the imageDisplay JavaScript module.
- ImageDisplayHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.imageDisplay.ImageDisplayHelper
- ImageDisplayInterface - Interface in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
Interface encapsulating platform dependent code of the ImageDisplay from the
platform independent parts.
- ImageDisplayInterface - Interface in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
Interface encapsulating platform dependent code of the
ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageDisplay from the
platform independent parts.
- ImageDisplayJavaSE - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
ImageDisplayJavaSE is the implementation of the ImageDisplayInterface that uses AWT and Swing
- ImageDisplayJavaSE() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
- ImageDisplayJavaSE - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
ImageDisplayJavaSE is the implementation of the ImageDisplayInterface that uses AWT and Swing
- ImageDisplayJavaSE() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageDisplayJavaSE
- ImageDisplayJavaSE.ImageWindow - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
Version of TableauFrame that removes its association with the
ImageDisplay upon closing, and also records the size of the display.
- ImageDisplayJavaSE.WindowClosingAdapter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
Listener for windowClosing action.
- ImageExportable - Interface in ptolemy.gui
Interface indicating support for exporting an image.
- ImageFigure - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A figure which draws a user-specified image.
- ImageFigure() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Create an empty image figure.
- ImageFigure(Image) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Create an image figure displaying
the given image.
- ImageFigureFactory() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.ImageFigureFactory
- imageFormat - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportParameters
The image format to use, which can be one of "gif" (the default),
"png", or "jpg".
- imageFormat - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
The image format to use, which can be one of "gif" (the default),
"png", or "jpg".
- ImageFunction2D - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- ImageFunction2D(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- ImageFunction2D(BufferedImage, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- ImageFunction2D(BufferedImage, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- ImageFunction2D(int[], int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- ImageFunction2D(Image) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- ImageFunction2D(Image, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- ImageIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon that displays a specified java.awt.Image.
- ImageIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ImageIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- ImageMath - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A class containing static math methods useful for image processing.
- ImageMath() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
- ImagePartition - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
Partition an image into smaller subimages.
- ImagePartition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImagePartition
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- imagePosition - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.HTMLImage
Parameter specifying the position into which to export the image.
- ImageReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
This actor reads an Image from a FileParameter, and outputs it as an
- ImageReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ImageRotate - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
This actor reads an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image from the input,
rotates it a certain number of degrees and writes the resulting
image to the output port as an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image.
- ImageRotate(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageRotate
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- imageRows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImagePartition
The height of the input matrices.
- imageRows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageSequence
The number of rows in each image.
- imageRows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageUnpartition
The height of the input matrices.
- ImageSequence - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
Load a sequence of binary images from files, and create a sequence of
IntMatrixTokens from them.
- ImageSequence(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageSequence
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ImageTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
A tableau representing an image displayed in a top-level window.
- ImageTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- ImageTableau(Effigy, String, TableauFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy,
using the specified frame.
- ImageTableau(Effigy, String, TableauFrame, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy,
using the specified frame.
- ImageTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
A factory that creates a token tableau.
- imageToFloats(BufferedImage) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- imageToFloats(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- imageToFloats(BufferedImage, int, float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- ImageToJAI - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jai
This actor takes any ImageToken and converts it into a JAIImageToken.
- ImageToJAI(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.ImageToJAI
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ImageToJMF - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf
Convert an ImageToken into a JMFImageToken.
- ImageToJMF(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ImageToJMF
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- imageToJSArray(AWTImageToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.dataConverter.DataConverterHelper
Convert AWTImageToken to JavaScript array.
- ImageToken - Class in ptolemy.data
An abstract class that all tokens which encapsulate images should extend.
- ImageToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ImageToken
Construct an empty token.
- ImageTokenEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An effigy for a file that contains an image.
- ImageTokenEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- ImageTokenEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given directory with the given name.
- ImageTokenEffigy.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory for creating new effigies.
- ImageToString - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert an AWT Image to a base-64 String.
- ImageToString(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ImageToString
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ImageToString - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
This actor reads an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image from the input
and writes information about the image to the output as a StringToken.
- ImageToString(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageToString
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ImageUnpartition - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
Combine subimages into a larger image.
- ImageUnpartition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageUnpartition
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
This method, which is required by the ImageObserver interface,
is called if something has changed in a background loading of
the image.
- imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedImage
- imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ImageIcon
This method, which is required by the ImageObserver interface,
is called if something has changed in a background loading of
the image.
- imageURLTemplate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageSequence
The image filename templates.
- ImageUtils - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A class containing some static utility methods for dealing with BufferedImages.
- ImageUtils() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
- ImageWindow() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE.ImageWindow
Construct an empty window.
- ImageWriter - Class in ptserver.actor.lib.tld
ImageWriter accepts ByteArrayTokens from its input stream, writes
them as a temp file and passes absolute path to the file via its output to Matlab.
- ImageWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.ImageWriter
Create new instance of the ImageWriter.
- imagParts(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of doubles with the imaginary parts of the array of
complex numbers.
- imagParts(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by taking the imaginary parts of the
complex numbers in the argument matrix.
- immediate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Parameter specifying whether this transition is immediate.
- implementsStrictActorSemantics() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true if this director assumes and exports
the strict actor semantics, as described in this paper:
- implementsStrictActorSemantics() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return true, indicating that this director assumes and exports
the strict actor semantics, as described in this paper:
- implementsStrictActorSemantics() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return true if all state refinements have directors that
implement the strict actor semantics.
- IMPLICIT_BIT - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- IMPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- IMPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- IMPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- ImportAccessorAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor
An Action to import an Internet of Things (IoT) accessor.
- ImportAccessorAction(Top) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor.ImportAccessorAction
Create a new action to import an accessor.
- ImportAttribute - Class in ptolemy.moml
- ImportAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.ImportAttribute
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- importClass(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Import a class.
- importDesignPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Import a design pattern into the current design.
- importFMU(Object, FileParameter, NamedObj, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Import a FMUFile.
- importFMU(Object, FileParameter, NamedObj, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Import a FMUFile.
- importFMU(Object, FileParameter, NamedObj, double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Override the importFMU in FMUImport base class.
- ImportFMUAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu
An Action to Import a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU).
- ImportFMUAction(Top) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUAction
Create a new action to import a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU)
.fmu file.
- ImportFMUForQSSAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu
An Action to Import a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU).
- ImportFMUForQSSAction(Top) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUForQSSAction
Create a new action to import a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU)
.fmu file.
- ImportFMUHybridAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu
Implement the Import FMU Hybrid menu choice.
- ImportFMUHybridAction(Top) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUHybridAction
Create a new action to import a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU)
.fmu file.
- ImportG4LTLAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl
Import an FSMActor using LTL synthesis (G4LTL).
- ImportG4LTLAction(Top) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl.ImportG4LTLAction
Create a new action to import an FSMActor from LTL synthesis.
- importLibrary(File, Frame, Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Import a library by first opening a file chooser dialog and
then importing the specified library.
- importModel(String, boolean, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.load.LoadManager
Given a model name, return an Entity object.
- importPackage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Import a package.
- imports - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- importsComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- importsLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- IMPOSSIBLE_CONVERSION - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Impossible argument conversion.
- impulse - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
The impulse input port.
- impulse - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Derivative
The impulse output port.
- impulse - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
The impulse input port.
- impulseTabInit(int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.math.SCNoise
- IN - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- INACTIVE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
- INACTIVE_VALUE - Static variable in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Status
- inApplet() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return true if we are in an applet.
- inBuf - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- inBuf - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- INCH - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- inchAsPixel(double, Component) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Converts Inches and returns pixels using the specified resolution.
- inchAsPixel(double, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts Inches and returns pixels using the specified resolution.
- inchAsPixel(double, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts Inches and returns pixels using the specified resolution.
- inchAsPixel(double, Component) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.util.UnitConverter
Converts Inches and returns pixels using the specified resolution.
- incidentEdgeCount(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the number of edges that are incident to a specified node.
- incidentEdges(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the set of incident edges for a specified node.
- include - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconLink
Specification of whether to provide the link for
Attributes, Entities, or both.
- include - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconScript
Specification of whether to provide the default behavior for
Attributes, Entities, or both.
- include - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultTitle
Specification of whether to provide the title for
Attributes, Entities, or both.
- includeDecorations - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
Whether to include unconnected nodes such as comments.
- includeDirectories - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ListDirectory
Whether directory names should be included.
- includeFiles - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ListDirectory
Whether file names should be included.
- includeName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.CopyCatIcon
If true, include the name of the copied actor in the icon
if the name is included normally in its icon.
- includeOpaqueContents - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
If true, then this decorator decorates entities within
opaque composite actors.
- includes(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Return true if the specified entry is in the queue.
- includes(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Return true if the specified object is on the list.
- includeTransparents - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
If true, then this decorator decorates transparent composite
- incomingDuration - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
Duration of the previous note in runtime.
- incomingNote - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
Accepted note in previous tick.
- incomingPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
The port linking incoming transitions.
- INCOMPARABLE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.util.Dependency
Return value of compareTo() if this is incomparable to the argument.
- INCOMPARABLE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
One of the return values of compare
, indicating
that the two elements are incomparable.
- incompleteCategories - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Hour categories for which At has not enough information.
- increaseMajor() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Return a new version spec with increased major digit.
- increaseMarking(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
Increase the _currentMarking.
- increaseMicro() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Return a new version spec with increased micro digit.
- increaseMinor() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Return a new version spec with increased minor digit.
- increment(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Increment a property of a JSONObject.
- increment - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
The increment port.
- increment - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixCounter
The increment port.
- increment - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
The increment port.
- IncrementalLayout - Interface in diva.graph.layout
A layout engine which operates incrementally, based on the arrival
of new node information.
- IncrementalLayoutListener - Class in diva.graph.layout
A Listener that applies the given incremental layout whenever a graph
event is received.
- IncrementalLayoutListener(IncrementalLayout, Filter) - Constructor for class diva.graph.layout.IncrementalLayoutListener
Construct a new listener that invokes the given incremental layout
whenever a graph event is received.
- IncrLayoutAdapter - Class in diva.graph.layout
An adapter to make global layouts incremental.
- IncrLayoutAdapter(GlobalLayout) - Constructor for class diva.graph.layout.IncrLayoutAdapter
Construct a new adapter that uses the given global layout for
every change in the graph, and operates within the context of
the given layout target.
- IncrManhattanRouter - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A manhattan router which does only incremental routing
and delegates static routing to another manhattan router
- IncrManhattanRouter(ManhattanRouter) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.IncrManhattanRouter
Construct a new incremental router which delegates static
routing to the given manhattan router, but does incremental
routing (the reroute*() methods) on its own.
- incrNumberOfNERs() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Increment the counter of NERs.
- incrNumberOfRAVs() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Increment the counter of RAV.
- incrNumberOfTARs() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Increment the counter of TARs.
- incrNumberOfUAVs() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Increment the counter of UAV.
- incrVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Increment the version number by one.
- inDeepScope(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return true if the given symbol is in this scope, or
deeply in this scope through some for loop.
- indent() - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Increment the indentation counter.
- indent(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Indent the string to the default indent level.
- indent(int, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Indent the string to the specified indent level.
- INDENT1 - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
The level 1 index prefix.
- INDENT1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Indent string for indent level 1.
- INDENT2 - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
The level 2 index prefix.
- INDENT2 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Indent string for indent level 2.
- INDENT3 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Indent string for indent level 3.
- indentWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMTerm
- index - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter.Point
- index - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer.OctTreeNode
- index - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D.Point
- index - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative
The index of the state derivative.
- index - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20Output
The index of the output derivative.
- index - Variable in exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundException
- index - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayElement
The index into the input array.
- index - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayMaximum
The port producing the index of the largest element.
- index - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayMinimum
The port producing the index of the largest element.
- index - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayUpdate
The index into the input array at which to set the new value.
- index - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HadamardCode
Index of the code to generate.
- index() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseTime
Return the index.
- index - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing
- index - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.FiringCluster
- IndexedList(List<?>, Integer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.IndexedList
Construct an IndexedList.
- IndexedLists() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.IndexedLists
- indexes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
The indexes at which the specified values will be produced.
- indexes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
The indexes output port.
- indexes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
The indexes at which the specified values will be produced.
- indexes - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
The indexes at which the specified values will be produced.
- indexes - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
The indexes at which the specified values will be produced.
- indexInArray - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic.Node
The corresponding index in the pmf array of this node.
- indexOf(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Return the index of the given figure in the Z-list.
- indexOf(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return the index of the given figure in the Z-list, or -1
if the figure is not in this list.
- indexOf(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Return the index of the given figure.
- indexOf(CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Get the index of the given layer, or -1 if it is not
in this pane.
- indexOf(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Return the index of the given figure in the Z-list.
- indexOf(Page) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Get the index of the given page. -1 if it is not known.
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return the index of the given object.
- indexOf(String, char[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Find the first appearance of any of the given characters in a string.
- indexOf(String, String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the index of a specific character in the string starting
from the given index.
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Return the label in this list of the specified
element; return -1 if the element is null or this list does not
contain the element.
- indexOfMatchingCloseBracket(String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableHelper
Search towards the right of the string.
- indexOfMatchingOpenBracket(String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableHelper
Search towards the left of the string.
- indexOfShade(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Returns the index of the shade with the given title.
- indexOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Output port for data indices.
- indexState - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIRealType
The state variable index that is set to the value of the "derivative" element.
- indexValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseDependency
Return the index value of this dependency.
- indices - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- IndividualIterator(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.IndividualIterator
Construct an iterator for the given index of dimensions.
- inDomain(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.MapMapping
Return true if the given object is a key in the Map that is associated
with this mapping.
- inDomain(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.mapping.Mapping
Returns true if a given object is in the domain of the mapping.
- inDomain(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToDoubleMapMapping
Return true if the given object is in the domain of this Mapping.
- inDomain(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToIntMapMapping
Return true if the given object is in the domain of this Mapping.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return an iterator over the in edges of this
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicNodeModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return an iterator over the in edges of this
- inEdges() - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Node
Return an iterator over the edges coming into this node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.NodeModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.ExternalPortModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.IconModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.PortModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.VertexModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeNodeModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.PortModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.StateModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given node.
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.ConceptModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given Concept
- inEdges(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel.OntologyModel
Return an iterator over the edges coming into the given ontology
- Inequality - Class in ptolemy.graph
An inequality over a CPO.
- Inequality(InequalityTerm, InequalityTerm) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.Inequality
Construct an inequality.
- InequalityConceptFunctionDefinition - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
Concept function definition attribute specifically for inequality or equality comparisons.
- InequalityConceptFunctionDefinition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.InequalityConceptFunctionDefinition
Construct the InequalityConceptFunctionDefinition attribute
with the given container and name.
- inequalityList() - Method in exception ptolemy.actor.TypeConflictException
Return a list of Inequality or InequalityTerm
instances where type conflicts occurred.
- InequalitySolver - Class in ptolemy.graph
An algorithm to solve a set of inequality constraints.
- InequalitySolver(CPO) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.InequalitySolver
Construct an inequality solver.
- InequalityTerm(Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Construct an InequalityTerm for the given model object.
- InequalityTerm - Interface in ptolemy.graph
An interface for a term in an inequality over a CPO.
- inequalityTermClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- InferenceActor - Interface in org.ptolemy.ssm
An interface for actors that perform inference.
- INFERING_WIDTHS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that width inference is being done.
- inferringWidths() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Determine whether widths are currently being inferred or not.
- inferringWidths() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.RelationWidthInference
Determine whether widths are currently being inferred or not.
- inferType(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Infer the type of the given string as an expression in the
expression language.
- inferTypes(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.TypeInference
Infer the type of the parse tree with the specified root node using
the specified scope to resolve the values of variables.
- inferTypes(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Infer the type of the parse tree with the specified root node.
- inferTypes(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Infer the type of the parse tree with the specified root node using
the specified scope to resolve the values of variables.
- inferValueFromContext(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Infer the value of this parameter from the container
- inferValueFromContext(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSNodeParameter
Override the base class to set the declared type before
attempting to infer the value.
- inferWidths() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Infer the width of the relations for which no width has been
specified yet.
- inferWidths() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.RelationWidthInference
Infer the width of the relations for which no width has been
specified yet.
- INFINITE_CAPACITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Used to indicate that the size of this queue receiver is infinite.
- INFINITE_CAPACITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Used to indicate that the size of the queue or the history
queue is infinite.
- INFINITE_CAPACITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Used to indicate that the size of the queue or the history
queue is infinite.
- INFINITE_CAPACITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
A constant indicating that the capacity of the receiver is
- InfiniteConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept that is not part of a finite ontology.
- InfiniteConcept(Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConcept
Create a new Infinite concept, belonging to the given
ontology, with an automatically generated name.
- InfiniteConceptRepresentative - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
An abstract base class for a finite concept in an ontology that represents
a set of infinite concepts.
- InfiniteConceptRepresentative(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConceptRepresentative
Create a new InfiniteConceptRepresentative with the specified name and
- info - Variable in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Four byte info field.
- INHERIT - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorProductLatticeConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
String representing that the actor port or attribute should inherit
its constraints from the tuple ontology solvers for the product
lattice ontology solver.
- Inhibit - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
Output a received input token, unless the inhibit port receives a
token at the same time.
- Inhibit(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Inhibit
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- inhibit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Inhibit
The inhibit port, which has type Token.
- init(int[], int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
Initialize an image.
- init() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest.RegionTestCase
- init() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Initialize the test case.
- init(TypedAtomicActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
Initialize the specified actor with window properties and pane size attributes.
- init() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Initialize the applet.
- init - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
The value produced by the actor on its first iteration.
- init - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
The value produced by the ramp on its first iteration.
- init(Display) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Set the number of rows for the text area.
- init(Display) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Set the number of rows for the text area.
- init(PlotterBase) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Initialize the implementation.
- init(PlotterBase) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Initialize the implementation.
- init(Sink) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TextFieldContainerInterface
Initiate .
- init(Sink) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TextFieldContainerJavaSE
- init(ImageDisplay) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Initialize an object.
- init(ImageDisplay) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Initialize an object.
- init(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortReader
Initialize the serial port and connect a BufferedInputStream to the serialPort.
- init - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
The value produced by the ramp on its first iteration.
- init() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher.NestedPtalonActor
Initialize the ptalon actor and the code location.
- init - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
The value produced by the actor on its first iteration.
- init - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
The value produced by the ramp on its first iteration.
- init(IWorkbenchWindow) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.AboutAction
Initialize the action with a window as its parent.
- init(IWorkbenchWindow) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.HelpAction
Initialize the action with a window as its parent.
- init(IWorkbenchWindow) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.OptionsAction
Initialize the action with a window as its parent.
- init(IWorkbenchWindow) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.RefactorAction
Initialize the action with a window as its parent.
- init(IWorkbench) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PtolemyPreferencePage
- init(IWorkbench) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
- init(Object, ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralTemplateParser
Init the TemplateParser with the associated
given component and the given adapter.
- init(Object, ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Init the TemplateParser with the associated
given component and the given adapter.
- init(String) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Initializes the ClientServerInteractionManager.
- Init() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- init - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Alloc
The initial value of the Tokens that are allocated.
- init(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Set the initial value of the receiver.
- init() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
Initialize the applet.
- init() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
Initialize the applet.
- init() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Initialize the applet.
- init() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- init() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
- init() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
Initialize the applet.
- init() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplet
Initialize the applet.
- init(Video) - Method in interface ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoInterface
Initialize the interface.
- init(Video) - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoJavaSE
Initialize the interface - empty implementation.
- initContinuationName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- initDefaultLayouts() - Method in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial.LayoutWidget
A method that initializes a bunch of default layouts.
- initExpr - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
This is the initially expression for the for statement, if
this is a for statement.
- initFieldOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CallbackFunctions
- initFieldOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICallbackFunctions
- initFieldOrder() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIEventInfo
- initFMUParameters - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
If true, indicate the FMU to initialize parameters variables
- initGrid() - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Initialize the grid and randomly assign nodes to vertices of
the grid.
- initial - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The value of the initial xml attribute.
- initial - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
The initial value.
- initial() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
Set the value of this parameter to be the initial value, and return that
initial value.
- initial() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.ValueIterator
Set the parameter that implements this interface with its initial value,
and return that value.
- initial - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MonitorValue
The initial value to be displayed.
- INITIAL_OFFSET - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RelativeLocation
The initial offset for new relative locatable objects.
- INITIAL_STATE - Static variable in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
The style of an initial state
- initialAnchorX - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
The initial x-coordinate of the anchor point.
- initialAnchorY - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
The initial y-coordinate of the anchor point.
- initialAngle - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
The initial angle of rotation.
- Initializable - Interface in ptolemy.actor
This interface defines a subset of the action methods for initialization
and wrapup.
- initializableInterface - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- initialize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurvesFilter
- initialize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Initialize the filter.
- initialize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter
- initialize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PosterizeFilter
Initialize the filter.
- initialize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- initialize() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Initialize state variables.
- initialize() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Initialize actor.
- initialize(String) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.CertiRtig
Initialize command, arguments and environment variables to
invoke the subprocess.
- initialize() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
- initialize() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
Retrieve and check if there is one and only one
deployed in the Ptolemy model.
- initialize() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Check if there is one and only one
deployed in the
Ptolemy model.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEDiscriminant
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.lib.AFTEFast
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscReceiver
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscSender
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Record the current model time and the current real time
so that output events can be time stamped with the elapsed
time since model start.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
Collect servlets from all model objects implementing HttpService
and start the web server in a new thread.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
Record the current model time and the current real time
so that output events can be time stamped with the elapsed
time since model start.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
Collect servlets from all model objects implementing HttpService
and WebSocketService and start the web server in a new thread.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
Remember the time at which this actor was initialized in order to
request firings at a particular time.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
Subscribe this service to the appropriate endpoint.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Attempt to connect to the server and login.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSource
Record the current model time and the current real time
so that output events can be time stamped with the elapsed
time since model start.
- initialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
Initialize this actor to indicate that no input has yet been provided.
- initialize(DerivativeFunction, Time, Time, double, double, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Initialize this solver, associating it with the specified
derivativeFunction object, which determines the number of state
variables and input variables and provides a method for calculating
the derivatives of the state variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractInitializableAttribute
Invoke initialize() on registered initializables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ConstantPublisherPort
Override the base class to initialize the token count.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
Setup the link to the remote actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullConsumer
Setup the link to the remote consumer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullSupplier
Setup the link to the remote consumer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushConsumer
Setup the link to the remote consumer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushSupplier
Setup the link to the remote consumer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskCoordinator
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReceiver
Setup the link to the remote coordinator.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReporter
Setup the link to the remote coordinator.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- initialize() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Initialize the model controlled by this director.
- initialize(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Initialize the given actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
- initialize(List<NamedObj>, ActorExecutionAspect) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAspectListener
Initialize listener.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Initialize this model parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
Initialize this event.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
Initialize this event.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelExecutor
Initialize this actor and create an effigy for executing models.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule.TransformationDirector
Initialize clock.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CommunicationAspectMonitor
Initialize the plot and the legend with the list of communication aspects used
in this model.
- initialize(List<NamedObj>, ActorExecutionAspect) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory
Initialize plot.
- initialize() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Initializable
Begin execution of the actor.
- initialize() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.injection.ActorModuleInitializer.Initializer
Initialize the PtolemyInjector with modules specific to its platform.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Reset the running sum to equal the value of init.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAccumulate
Initialize this actor to have an empty accumulating array.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationRequestPort
Initialize the iteration counter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationResponsePort
Initialize actor and clear Parameter value in case it was set
in a previous execution.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Initialize actor, reset variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.DynamicCoreAssignmentScheduler
Initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.EDFScheduler
Initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
Reset the count of inputs.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanMultiplexor
Initialize this actor to the state where no select
input has been read.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Initialize this actor so that the falseInput is read
from until a token arrives on the control input.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Initialize this actor so that the falseOutput is written
to until a token arrives on the control input.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
Find all of the ExceptionSubscribers in the model.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Schedule the first firing and initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ConvolutionalCoder
Initialize the actor by resetting the shift register state
equal to the value of initialState.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.DeScrambler
Initialize the actor by resetting the shift register state
equal to the value of initialState.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HadamardCode
Initialize the actor by resetting the index counter to begin
at the beginning of the Hadamard sequence.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
Initialize the actor by resetting the _parametersInvalid to true.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanDecoder
Initialize the actor. set the current input string to be empty.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.LempelZivCoder
Initialize the actor by creating the code book containing
only one empty string "".
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.LempelZivDecoder
initialize the actor by creating a decode book that only
contains one empty string "".
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Scrambler
Initialize the actor by resetting the shift register state
equal to the value of initialState.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Begin execution by setting the current input channel to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
Reset the count of inputs to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseInsert
Clear the specified table if the clear parameter is true.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DelayStart
Sleep until the specified time.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
Clear the dictionary.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Reset to indicate that no input has yet been seen.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Override the base class to initialize the index.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Begin execution by setting the current output channel to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DoubleReader
Open the file at the URL, and set the width of the output.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.excel.Excel
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Find all of the ExceptionSubscribers in the model and save in a list.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Initialize the iteration count to 1.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Initialize this FMU wrapper.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Initialize this FMU wrapper.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Initialize this FMU wrapper.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
Set the state to equal the value of the init parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Initialize the state of the filter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotter
If the plot has not already been created, create it.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotterXY
If the plot has not already been created, create it.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
Create the JFrame window capable of detecting the key-presses.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.BarGraph
If the plot has not already been created, create it.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Initialize this display.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.EventButton
Mark that the model is now executing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.HistogramPlotter
If the histogram has not already been created, create it using
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
If the shell has not already been created, create it.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
If the shell has not already been created, create it.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Initialize this matrix viewer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MonitorValue
Initialize the actor by clearing the display.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Plotter
If the plot has not already been created, create it.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.RealTimePlotter
Record the start time.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Reset the x axis counter, and call the base class.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequenceScope
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
Override the base class to read data from the plot and to
produce all the data on the output.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Create a slider on the screen, if necessary.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedPlotter
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedScope
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.XYScope
Configure the plotter using the current parameter values.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteCompositeActor
Initialize this actor, which in this case, does nothing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileFunction
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Initialize this actor, which in this case, does nothing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Initialize the filter state vector with zero state.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageReader
Open the file at the URL, and set the width of the output.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Set the iteration count to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVWriter
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
If this is called after prefire() has been called but before
wrapup() has been called, then close any
open file re-open it, skip the number of lines given by the
numberOfLinesToSkip parameter, and read the first line to
be produced in the next invocation of prefire().
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioCapture
Read parameter values and begin the sound capture process.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioPlayer
Obtain access to the audio playback hardware, and start playback.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReadBuffer
Open the sound file specified by the URL for reading.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReader
Open the sound file specified by the URL for reading.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
Open a new audio file for writing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
Open a new audio file for writing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundPlayer
Obtain access to the audio playback hardware, and start playback.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new JavaScript engine, load the default functions, and
register the ports so that send() and get() can work.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new JavaScript engine, load the default functions, and
register the ports so that send() and get() can work.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth.AuthManager
Initializes the AuthManager attribute.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ColorFinder
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
An attempt is made to acquire both the frame grabbing and
frame positioning controls.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.StreamLoader
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera
Open the file at the URL, and set the width of the output.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.joystick.Joystick
Get the values of the parameters and initialize the joystick.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Initialize the state of the filter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LimitedFiringSource
Initialize the iteration counter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MicrostepDelay
Initialize the states of this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Perform domain-specific initialization by calling the
initialize(Actor) method of the director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingMaximum
Initialize the maintained maximum value to be null so it will be set
with the first input at the input port.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Initialize to the default, which is to use channel zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Initialize this actor, including the creation of an evaluation
variable for the Ptolemy parser, a DatagramSocket for
receiving datagrams, and a SocketReadingThread for blocking in
the DatagramSocket.receive() method call.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
Initialize allocates the socket and makes use of default
parameters for the remote address and socket to which datagrams
will be sent.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.IPAddress
Set the value produced by this actor that of the host address.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Override the base class to set the iteration counter to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Initialize this actor to indicate that no token is recorded.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PhaseUnwrap
Reset the state of the actor to assume the most recently seen
phase is zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Request the first firing either at the start time
or at a random time, depending on fireAtStart.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Override the base class to set the iteration counter to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Set the iteration count to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Invoke the initialize() method if defined in the script.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Set the state to equal the value of the init parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Initialize the random number generator with the seed, if it
has been given.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Reader
Open the file at the URL, and set the width of the output.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Initialize the lists used to record input data.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Initialize the state of the filter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ResettableTimer
Initialize the internal states of this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMaximum
Initialize the maintained maximum value to be null so it will be set
with the first input at the input port.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMinimum
Initialize the maintained minimum value to be null so it will be set
with the first input at the input port.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
Retrieve the values of the parameters and set up
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
Initialize the key by using the cached values of the parameters.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
Use the values of the signatureAlgorithm and
provider parameters to initialize the
java.security.Signature object.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
Override the base class to initialize the index.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Initialize this actor so that channel zero of input is read
from until a token arrives on the control input.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Initialize the actor by resetting to the first output value.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Reset current sequence number to the value given by the
startingSequenceNumber parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Schedule the first firing and initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent
Request firing at the time given by the time parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleTokenCommutator
Begin execution by setting the current input channel to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sleep
Reset the flag that fire() checks so that fire() only sleeps once.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Switch
Initialize this actor so that channel zero of input is read
from until a token arrives on the control input.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionAttribute
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionHandler
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Initialize the states of this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TriggeredClock
Override the base class to start not being enabled.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TypeTest
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLDirectoryReader
Open the file at the URL, and set the width of the output.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
Open the file at the URL, and set the width of the output.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixCounter
Reset the count of inputs to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
Initialize the actor by resetting to the first output value.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.IntegerCounter
Reset the count of inputs to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Memory
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplexor
Initialize to the default, which is to use channel zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.SynchronousFixTransformer
Initialize the state of the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT2x2dc
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT4x4dc
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT8x8
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT4x4dc
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT8x8
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt.XSLTransformer
Open the XSL file named by the styleSheetFile parameter and
set up the transformer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Initialize parameters that cannot be initialized in the
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Initialize the model.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Do nothing except invoke the initialize methods
of objects that have been added using addInitializable().
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Reset the current value to match the persistent value.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Do nothing except invoke the initialize methods
of objects that have been added using addInitializable().
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Invoke the initialize() methods of all the deeply contained
actors in the container (a composite actor) of this director.
- initialize(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Initialize the given actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
If this is called after prefire() has been called but before
wrapup() has been called, then close any
open file re-open it, skip the number of lines given by the
numberOfLinesToSkip parameter, and read the first line to
be produced in the next invocation of prefire().
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapWorker
Extract the map method from the classNameForMap parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
Extract the map method from the classNameForMap parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
If this is called after prefire() has been called but before
wrapup() has been called, then close any
open file re-open it, skip the number of lines given by the
numberOfLinesToSkip parameter, and read the first line to
be produced in the next invocation of prefire().
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Do nothing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Initialize the director and all deeply contained actors by calling
the super.initialize() method.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriberPort
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.PeriodicDirectorHelper
If the period parameter is greater than zero, then
request a first firing of the executive director, if there
is one.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Reset the running sum to equal the value of init.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
Reset the count of inputs.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Initialize this actor so that the falseInput is read
from until a token arrives on the control input.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Initialize this actor so that the falseOutput is written
to until a token arrives on the control input.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Begin execution by setting the current input channel to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
Reset the count of inputs to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Reset to indicate that no input has yet been seen.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Begin execution by setting the current output channel to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DoubleReader
Open the file at the URL, and set the width of the output.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Initialize the state of the filter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Initialize the filter state vector with zero state.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Set the iteration count to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Initialize to the default, which is to use channel zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Initialize this actor to indicate that no token is recorded.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PhaseUnwrap
Reset the state of the actor to assume the most recently seen
phase is zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Request the first firing either at the start time
or at a random time, depending on fireAtStart.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Set the iteration count to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Set the state to equal the value of the init parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Initialize the random number generator with the seed, if it
has been given.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Initialize the lists used to record input data.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Initialize the state of the filter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Initialize this actor so that channel zero of input is read
from until a token arrives on the control input.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Initialize the actor by resetting to the first output value.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Reset current sequence number to the value given by the
startingSequenceNumber parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Schedule the first firing and initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Switch
Initialize this actor so that channel zero of input is read
from until a token arrives on the control input.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Chop
Override the base class to ensure that the past buffer
gets initialized.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Initialize this actor by reading the value of initialValues.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Initialize the actor, clearing its input channels.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
In SDF, selecting which initializer to fire is already done in
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDF
Initialize the actor and select the first action to fire.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
If executeEmbeddedCode is true, then generate and compile the
code (if necessary), and then execute the initialize() method
of the generated code.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Create receivers and invoke the preinitialize() method of the
local director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Create receivers and invoke the
preinitialize() method of the local director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
If this GeneratorAttribute has not yet been initialized, the
initialized it by reading the moml file named by the
initialParametersURL and creating Parameters and Variables
- initialize(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Read in a MoML class, sanitize the top level name,
initialize the model.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractInitializableParameter
Invoke initialize() on registered initializables.
- initialize(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Try to initialize the InequalityTerm, or in this case, throw an
- initialize(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Throw an Exception.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Do nothing, since there are no unknown subtypes.
- initialize(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Reset the variable part of this type to the specified type.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Initialize the solver: Reset the solver (superclass) and then collect
all of the initial constraints from the model.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologySolver
Initialize the solver: Reset the solver (superclass) and then collect
all of the initial constraints from the model.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Initialize the solver.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Set the elements that have declared type BaseType.UNKNOWN (the leaf
type variable) to the specified type.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Set the elements that have declared type BaseType.UNKNOWN to the
specified type.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Set the elements that have declared type BaseType.UNKNOWN (the leaf
type variable) to the specified type.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Set the elements that have declared type BaseType.UNKNOWN to the
specified type.
- initialize(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Throw an Exception.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Ignore, as this type does not have elements.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Set the elements that have declared type BaseType.UNKNOWN (the leaf
type variable) to the specified type.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Set the elements that have declared type BaseType.UNKNOWN to the
specified type.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Set the elements that have declared type BaseType.UNKNOWN (the leaf
type variable) to the specified type.
- initialize(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Throw an Exception since type constant cannot be initialized.
- initialize(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Set the elements that have declared type BaseType.UNKNOWN (the leaf
type variable) to the specified type.
- INITIALIZE - Static variable in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientThread
Initialize command.
- initialize() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Begin execution of the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
Initialize the actors associated with this director (super).
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Begin execution of the wrapped actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Initialize the director and all deeply contained actors by calling
the super.initialize() method, then identify all the break variables
(where an input port has a defaultValue set) and adjust the I/O
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1.ATCDirector
Initialize the state of this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.ATCDirector
Initialize the state of this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Airport
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.DestinationAirport
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.StormHandling
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAViewer
Initialize the viewer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Initialize the model controlled by this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Initialize model after type resolution.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Initialize the integrator.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.Noise
Initialize the random number generator with the seed, if it
has been given.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.BandlimitedNoise
Initialize the random number generator with the seed, if it
has been given.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousMerge
Initialize this actor by clearing memory of any pending outputs.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Initialize the states of this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Derivative
Ensure that the next invocation of the fire() method is treated
as a first firing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.EventSource
Schedule the first firing and initialize local variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Initialize the execution.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
Set the next sampling time for each
input as the start time (i.e. the current time).
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Waveform
Override the base class to set the output microstep to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ZeroOrderHold
Initialize token.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Initialize the state of the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Reset flags to initialize values.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Barrier
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Buffer
Clear the buffer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Initialize this director and the actors it contains and set variables to
their initial values.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
Initialize this actor by setting all receivers so that
they do not hide NullTokens.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Initialize the model controlled by this director.
- initialize(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Initialize the given actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.ActorRecursion
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Initialize this actor and the rate parameters so that it will read
from the control port in the first iteration.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
Initialize this actor and rate parameters so that it will read
from the control port in the first iteration.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSingleTokenCommutator
Begin execution by setting rate parameter indicating it will
read the zeroth input channel.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Initialize all the contained actors by invoke the initialize() method
of the super class.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEThreadActor
Create a thread for the actor and start the thread.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Initialize the actor variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Initialize the actor variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.CrossbarSwitch
Initialize actor variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.AverageOverTime
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.DateToEvent
Check weather enclosing director is a DEDirector with
synchronizeToRealTime is enabled.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.DateToModelTime
Check weather enclosing director is a DEDirector with
synchronizeToRealTime is enabled.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Derivative
Reset to indicate that no input has yet been seen.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
Create a button on the screen, if necessary.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventToDate
Check weather enclosing director is a DEDirector with
synchronizeToRealTime is enabled.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Integrator
Reset to indicate that no input has yet been seen.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
Initialize this actor by creating a new queue for pending outputs.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Clear the cached input tokens.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.NonInterruptibleTimer
Reset the states of the server to indicate that the timer is not
processing any inputs.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Reset to indicate that no input has yet been seen.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
Initialize so that the initial token will be produced.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.QuantizedSampler
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
Clear the cached input tokens.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
Reset the states of the server to indicate that the server is ready
to serve.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.SharedQueue
Make all output channels ready.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.SuppressSimultaneousEvents
Reset to indicate that no input has yet been seen.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Initialize the states of this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
Set the previous event time to negative infinity.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
Initialize the internal states of this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
Initialize the states of this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.WaitingTime
Clear the list of waiters.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Wire
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Initialize all the actors associated with this director by calling
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
Initialize the director and all deeply contained actors by calling
the super.initialize() method.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Initialize the actors associated with this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor
Check whether the current director is a GRDirector.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Initialize all the actors associated with this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Create the Java3D geometry and appearance for this GR actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
Create the figure for this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform
Setup the transform object.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
Setup the transform object.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Image2D
Create the imageFigure.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.KeyInput3D
Set up this actor to listen to key presses.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Line2D
Create the figure for this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MouseInput3D
Set up this actor to listen to mouse motion events.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MovableViewScreen3D
Call the ViewScreen initialize() method, and set the correct
location of the viewer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
Setup the initial rotation.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale3D
Setup the transformation needed for scaling.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
Setup the initial translation.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
Initialize the execution.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Initialize the execution.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Initialize the execution.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFFSMDirector
Initialize the modal model.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Initialize the model controlled by this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Initializes the model controlled by this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Initializes the model controlled by this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Initialize all the actors and variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISequentialSDFDirector
Initializes the list of actors.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Initializes the pipe connecting to Metro-SystemC.
- initialize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.TimeScheduler
Initialize the current time value and the number of models.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Initialize this actor by setting the current state to the
initial state.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Initialize the mode controller and all the refinements by
calling the initialize() method in the super class.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Initialize the mode controller and all the refinements.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Initialize the director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Initialize the mode controller and all the refinements by
calling the initialize() method in the super class.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
Set the current marking equal to the initial marking.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.PetriNetRecorder
Initialize the StringBuffer used to messages.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.NondeterministicMerge
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Invoke the initialize() method of ProcessDirector.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.lib.Starver
Initialize this actor by setting the count of outputs to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Begin execution of the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Initialize this controller by initializing the director that it
contains, which sets the initial events, and initializing all the
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Initialize the model controlled by this director.
- initialize(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Initialize the given actor, unless it is a RefinementActor (which will
be initialized when the event that it refines is fired).
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Configure
Begin execution of the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.DebuggerParameter
Begin execution of the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Do nothing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Initialize the tableau with null and close any existing tableau.
- initialize(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Reset the variable part of this type to the specified type.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Initialize all the actors and variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
If the
parameter is true, then load the
TOSSIM shared library and call TOSSIM main(), by using Java
loader calls.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Initialize this actor to indicate that no input has yet been provided.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.Align
Initialize this actor by clearing any stored inputs.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothSignal
Initialize this actor by clearing any stored inputs.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
Initialize this actor to indicate that no input has yet been provided.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Buffer
Clear the buffer.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Initialize the actors associated with this director and then
set the iteration count to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Chop
Override the base class to ensure that the past buffer
gets initialized.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
Initialize this actor by reading the value of initialValues.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Perform domain-specific initialization by calling the
initialize(Actor) method of the director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
Override the base class to re-initialize the taps.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Produce on the output a sequence tokens, one for each element
of the initialOutputs parameter (which is an array).
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.HTVQEncode
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImagePartition
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageSequence
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageUnpartition
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.VQDecode
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Initialize the actors associated with this director and then
set the iteration count to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Initialize the director and all deeply contained actors by calling
the super.initialize() method.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
Set the RailwayInterface and open a TCP connection to the
Model Railway interface program w/ the given host and
port parameters.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Current
Initialize the buffer variable.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime
Create a button on the screen, if necessary.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Initialize private variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictDelay
Initialize the state of the actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Pre
Initialize the actor by recording the value of initialValue,
if there is one.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.SingleTokenDistributor
Begin execution by setting the current output channel to zero.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Invoke the initialize() method of ProcessDirector.
- initialize(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Initialize the given actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Invoke the initialize() method of ProcessDirector.
- initialize(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Initialize the given actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Invoke the initialize() method of ProcessDirector.
- initialize(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Initialize the given actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskPtDirector
Initialize the model controlled by this director.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.TCSDirector
Initialize all the contained actors by invoke the initialize() method
of the super class.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractSourceStation
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Initialize the director, calculate schedule and schedule first firing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Do nothing.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Set the starting time of execution and initialize all the
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
Initialize the private variables.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.ErasureChannel
Initialize the random number generator with the seed, if it
has been given.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GraphicalLocator
Initialize the sensor node by setting its icon color to blue.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer
Register ChannelListeners with the WirelessChannel
specified in the channelName parameter.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
Override the base class to randomize the positions of the
nodes if randomizeInInitialize is set to true.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TerrainProperty
Register PropertyTransformers with the Channel.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Triangulator
Override the base class to initialize the signal count.
- initialize(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm
Initialize the value of this term to the specified CPO element.
- initialize(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Initialize the text area with the given starting message,
followed by a prompt.
- initialize(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UserDialog
Initialize the text area with the given starting message.
- initialize() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
Initialize the set of classes to remove.
- initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
If the model is not yet displayed, then display it in its
own window.
- initialize() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
Initialize this actor.
- initialize() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.Video
Initialize the actor.
- initialize() - Method in interface ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoInterface
Callback for video.initialize().
- initialize() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoJavaSE
Callback for video.initialize() - empty implementation.
- initialize() - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySource
- initializeApp() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.ApplicationTutorial
Initialize the application.
- initializeApp() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplicationTutorial
Initialize the application.
- initializeAttributesSubscribedToVariables(HashMap<String, Object[]>) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Initialize variables specific to HLA attribute value subscription.
- initializeAttributesToPublishVariables(HashMap<String, Object[]>) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Initialize variables specific to HLA attribute value publication.
- initialized - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- initializeDatabase(String) - Static method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Create a database environment with the given configuration.
- initializeDecoratedActors() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ActorExecutionAspect
Iterate through all entities deeply contained by the container,
record for each that it is not executing.
- initializeDecoratedActors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Iterate through all entities deeply contained by the container,
record for each that it is not executing.
- initializeDecoratedActors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Iterate through all entities deeply contained by the container,
record for each that it is not executing.
- initializeDecoratedActors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.DynamicCoreAssignmentScheduler
Override the base class to list all contained resource schedulers
instead of actors.
- initializeDefaultPreferences() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceInitializer
Initialize backtracking preferences with default values.
- initializeDerivativeFunction(DerivativeFunction) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
- initializeDerivativeFunction(DerivativeFunction, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
- initializeEffigy() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Initialize the effigy of the plotter.
- initializeEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Initialize the effigy of the plotter.
- initializeEffigy() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Initialize the effigy of the image.
- initializeEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Initialize the effigy of the image.
- initializeInjector() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.ActorModuleInitializer
Initialize the PtolemyInjector using module definitions from
the ptolemy.actor.ActorModule.properties file.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Initialize all interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphController
Initialize all interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController
Initialize all interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
Initialize all interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Initialize all interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController
Initialize all interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationActorGraphController
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconGraphController
Initialize all interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphController
Initialize interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
Initialize all interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
Initialize interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeInteraction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphController
Initialize interaction on the graph pane.
- initializeLocalTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Initialize the local time to the specified time.
- initializeMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.ApplicationTutorial
Initialize the menu bar
- initializeMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplicationTutorial
Initialize the menu bar
- initializeOffsets() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Initialize the offsets.
- initializeOffsets(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Initialize the offsets.
- initializeReportVariables(double, double, double, double, Time, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Initialize all variables used in reports.
- initializeSimulationTime(Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Initialize a QSS integrator with an initial time.
- initializeToolBar(JToolBar) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.ApplicationTutorial
Initialize the given toolbar.
- initializeToolBar(JToolBar) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplicationTutorial
Initialize the given toolbar.
- initializeVariables() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Re-initialize the variables for each parse.
- INITIALIZING - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that the execution is in the initialize phase.
- INITIALLY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- INITIALLY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- INITIALLY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- initialMarking - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
The number of initial tokens in the place.
- initialMatrix - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
The initial matrix parameter.
- initialOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Initial output of the delay actor.
- initialOutputs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
The values that will be produced in the initialize method.
- initialOutputValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CPort
The initial value of the port.
- initialParametersURL - Variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
MoML file that contains other parameters.
- initialPool - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.ResourcePool
The initial resource pool.
- initialPool - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
The initial resource pool.
- initialQueueCapacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
The initial size of the queues for each communication channel.
- initialScaleFactorX - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale2D
The initial scale factor of the figure in the x direction.
- initialScaleFactorY - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale2D
The initial scale factor of the figure in the y direction.
- initialState - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
An ordered array of initial state values.
- initialState - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ConvolutionalCoder
Integer defining the initial state of the shift register.
- initialState - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.DeScrambler
Integer defining the initial state of the shift register.
- initialState - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Scrambler
Integer defining the initial state of the shift register.
- initialState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
The initial state of type DoubleToken.
- initialStateName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Attribute specifying the name of the initial state of this
- initialStates - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
The initial condition for the state variables.
- initialStates - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
The initial condition for the state variables.
- initialStates - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
The initial condition for the state variables.
- initialTaps - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
The initial taps of the filter.
- initialTheta - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
The initial angle of rotation.
- initialTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
The values that will be made available in the initialize method.
- initialTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
The number of initial tokens on the channel.
- initialTrace - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
The default signal to generate, prior to any user sketch.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.SynchronousFixTransformer
The number cycle delay of the output data.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Integrator
The value produced by the actor on its first iteration.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
The value that is output when no input has yet been received.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
The initial output value.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Wire
The value that is output when no input has yet been received
on the corresponding channel.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictDelay
Initial token value.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Pre
Initial token value.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinementPort
Initial value of the port.
- initialValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTaskPort
The initial value of the task.
- initialValues - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
The initial values of the delay line.
- initialValues - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DelayLine
The initial values of the delay line.
- initialVariableName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
The name of the initial value variable in the container to set.
- initialXTranslation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate2D
The initial translation in the x-axis
This parameter should contain a DoubleToken.
- initialXTranslation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
The initial translation in the x-axis
This parameter should contain a DoubleToken.
- initialYTranslation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate2D
The initial translation in the y-axis
This parameter should contain a DoubleToken.
- initialYTranslation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
The initial translation in the y-axis
This parameter should contain a DoubleToken.
- initialZTranslation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
The initial translation in the z-axis
This parameter should contain a DoubleToken.
- InitModel - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to initialize the model parameter to contain an empty model.
- InitModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InitModel
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- InitModelWithContainer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to initialize the model parameter with the model that contains the
Ptera model that this event is in.
- InitModelWithContainer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InitModelWithContainer
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- initStepSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
User's hint for the initial integration step size.
- initTime - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Tic
- initWindowAndSizeProperties() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Initialize window and size attributes.
- initWindowAndSizeProperties() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Initialize the effigy of the plotter.
- initWindowAndSizeProperties() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Initialize window and size attributes.
- initWindowAndSizeProperties() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Initialize the effigy of the plotter.
- Injector - Class in ptolemy.actor.injection
The Injector class is responsible for loading implementation based
on a interface.
- Injector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.injection.Injector
- inJunction - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
True if this is an input junction.
- inline - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
If true, generate file with no functions.
- inline - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
If true, generate file with no functions.
- inlineCallsOnThisInMethod(SootMethod) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Inline all the method calls whose base is 'this'
in the given method.
- inlineCallsToMethod(SootMethod, SootClass) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Inline all calls to the given method that occur within the given class.
- inlineTypeableMethods(JimpleBody, Unit, ValueBox, InstanceInvokeExpr, Typeable) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Inline the given invocation expression, given knowledge that the
method was invoked on the given Typeable object, and that the
typeable object has a final resolved type.
- inNewWhileIteration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return true if in a new iteration of a while block.
- inNodes(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Return an iterator over the nodes on the
other side of edges arriving in the given node.
- inPath(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Return true if the command can be found in the directories
listed in the directories contained in the PATH environment
- INPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- INPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- INPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- input - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaPublisher
The input port.
- input - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.clustering.KMeans
The sequence of inputs to be classified.
- input - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
An array of input symbols to be classified.
- input - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The input port that provides the sample observations.
- input - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The input port that provides the sample observations.
- input - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
The input port, which accepts a string that must be formatted and
encoded in accordance with the given content-type.
- input - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPost
The input port, which accepts a record.
- input - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPut
The input port, which accepts a string that must be formatted and
encoded in accordance with the given content-type.
- input - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
A port that accepts messages to write to the websocket.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
The input port to receive models to be viewed.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationResponsePort
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BusDisassembler
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The input port of type double.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian
The port for the input, which has type ComplexToken.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToPolar
The port for the input, which has type ComplexToken.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToIntArray
The port for the input, which has type string.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Input for date token.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
Strings to pass to the standard input of the subprocess.
- Input() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.Input
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotter
Input port, which receives an array of doubles.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
The input port, which is a multiport.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.HistogramPlotter
The input port, which is a multiport.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.RealTimePlotter
Input port, which has type DoubleToken.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Input port, which has type DoubleToken.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedPlotter
Input port, which has type DoubleToken.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileFunction
The input port for incoming data.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
The input port for incoming data to the inside model.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioPlayer
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundPlayer
The input port.
- input(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new input port if it does not already exist.
- input(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new input port if it does not already exist.
- input(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new input port if it does not already exist.
- input(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new input port if it does not already exist.
- input(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Create a new input port if it does not already exist.
- input(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Create a new input port if it does not already exist.
- input(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Create a new input port if it does not already exist.
- input(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Create a new input port if it does not already exist.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.ColorFinder
The port for the input, which has type ObjectToken.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
The input format.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ModifyDate
Input for date tokens.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordUpdater
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyWriter
The input port, which contains on KeyToken.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
This port takes in an unsigned byte array and processes the data.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
The input data (for encrypt mode) or encrypted data (for decrypt mode).
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sink
The input port, which is a multiport.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Transformer
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionDisassembler
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Concat
Input port for fix values to be concatenated.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Register
Input for tokens to be added.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.RegisterSR
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Slice
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT2x2dc
Input for tokens.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT4x4dc
Input for tokens.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.DCT8x8
Input for tokens to be a part of image blocks.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT4x4dc
Input for tokens to be a part of previous frame.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.IDCT8x8
Input for tokens to be a part of image blocks.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.StringToKeyValue
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The input port of type double.
- input() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Port
Return whether the port is an input.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Airport
The input port, which is of type record token.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.DestinationAirport
The input port, which is a multiport.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
The input, which is a multiport.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTransferFunction
Single input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Derivative
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
Multi-input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Barrier
The input port, which is a multiport that can accept any data type.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Buffer
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPBuffer
The input port for this actor.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSink
This actor's input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSieve
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.DDESink
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.DoubleFork
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.Wire
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.DETransformer
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.NondeterministicMerge
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketReceiver
The input port, which is a record type.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
The data input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
Input signal.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Barrier
The input port, which is a multiport that can accept any data type.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Buffer
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Merge
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SDFTransformer
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.Break
The input.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
This is a multiport for input (known) signals.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.ChangePtr
The port that contains the PtrToken to be changed.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractSourceStation
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
The input port, which is a multiport.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
The input port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Locator
Port that receives a trigger input that causes transmission
of location and time information on the output port.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Port that receives the data to be transmitted on the output
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Triangulator
The input port for an event detection, which is a record
containing the location of a sensor that has detected the
event and the time at which the sensor detected the event.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WirelessToWired
Input port that receives a wireless input.
- input - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
The input port through which to provide MoML to modify the model.
- input - Variable in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.ImageWriter
The input port accepting byte array tokens.
- input1 - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare
The first input port.
- input1 - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DotProduct
The first input port.
- input2 - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare
The second input port.
- input2 - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DotProduct
The second input port.
- input2 - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.BinaryNonStrictLogicGate
The second input port.
- input_stream - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
- input_stream - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
- input_stream - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
The parameter controlling the input port consumption rate.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The parameter that determines the consumption rate of the input.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
The parameter controlling the input port consumption rate.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioPlayer
The input rate.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
The parameter controlling the input port consumption rate.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The parameter that determines the consumption rate of the input.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
The parameter controlling the input port consumption rate.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for input.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSingleTokenCommutator
This parameter provides token consumption rate for each input
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SDFTransformer
The rate parameter for the input port.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableLattice
The parameter that gives the number of tokens consumed by the input
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableRecursiveLattice
The number of tokens consumed from the input port.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.HTVQEncode
The input rate.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageUnpartition
The input rate.
- input_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.VQDecode
The input rate.
- inputA - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The first input port, which accepts any scalar token.
- inputA - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The first input port, which accepts any scalar token.
- inputA_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The token consumption rate for inputA.
- inputA_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The token consumption rate for inputA.
- inputArray - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
The input port for an input array.
- inputB - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The second input port, which accepts any scalar token with
the same type as the first input port.
- inputB - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The second input port, which accepts any scalar token with
the same type as the first input port.
- inputB_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The token consumption rate for inputB.
- inputB_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The token consumption rate for inputB.
- inputBits - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictThreeBitAdder
Inputs for bits to be added.
- inputBufferDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Time it takes for a token to be put into the input queue.
- inputBufferDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Time it takes for a token to be put into the input queue.
- inputChannelName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Locator
Name of the input channel.
- inputChannelName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WirelessToWired
Name of the input channel.
- inputCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The number of tokens to compute the histogram for.
- inputCount - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The number of tokens to compute the histogram for.
- InputDevice - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.InputDevice.
- InputDevice(InputDevice) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.InputDevice
Construct an InputDevice adapter.
- InputDevice - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
- InputDevice(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.InputDevice
Constructs an InputDevice object.
- inputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(IDocument, IDocument) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Called before the input document is replaced.
- inputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(IDocument, IDocument) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler
Prepare for the change of the input document.
- inputDocumentChanged(IDocument, IDocument) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Called after the input document has been replaced.
- inputDocumentChanged(IDocument, IDocument) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler
Handle the change of input document.
- inputEdgeCount(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the number of input edges of a specified node.
- inputEdges(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the collection of input edges for a specified node.
- inputFileNamesToSkip - Static variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
List of Strings that name files to be skipped.
- inputIndex(SyntacticPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Get the index of an input port given a reference to it.
- inputIndex(SyntacticPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get the index of an input port given a reference to it.
- inputIndex(SyntacticPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get index represented by the first channel of given port.
- inputIndex(SyntacticPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm
Get index of given port or null.
- inputIndex(SyntacticPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Get the index of the syntactic input port in the column.
- inputIsPower - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
If the input is proportional to power, then set this to true.
- inputIsPower - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
If the input is proportional to power, then set this to true.
- inputIsSafeToProcess(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActor
Return true if the next input on the given port is safe to process.
- inputKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
The inputTrigger port.
- inputKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapWorker
A String input key.
- inputKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
A String input key.
- InputModel - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to receive an input model from the modelInput port and store the
model in the model parameter.
- InputModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InputModel
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- inputNameSet() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the names of the input ports as a Set.
- inputPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect.CompositeCommunicationAspectAttributes
Input port in the composite communication aspect that receives
tokens from decorated actor ports.
- inputPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Transition
The input port for the transition.
- inputPortIndex(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get index represented by the first channel of given port.
- inputPortList() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Actor
Return a list of the input ports of this actor.
- inputPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
List all the input ports.
- inputPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
List the input ports of this actor.
- inputPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return an empty list.
- inputPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return a list of the input ports.
- inputPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.FiringCluster
- inputStateDependentScalarVariables - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The input and state variables on which an output has a direct dependence.
- inputStateDependentScalarVariables - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.Output
The list of dependent ScalarVariable elements.
- inputStream - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- inputStream - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- inputUnitConcept - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
The input unit measurement for the actor.
- inputValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
The inputTrigger port.
- inputValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapWorker
A String input value.
- inputValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
A String input value.
- inputX - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.XYPlotter
Input port for the horizontal axis, with type DOUBLE.
- inputY - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.XYPlotter
Input port for the vertical axis, with type DOUBLE.
- inScope(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return true if the given symbol exists in the current scope.
- insert(int, int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- insert(Any, CorbaActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHelper
- insert(Any, CorbaIllegalActionException) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper
- insert(Any, CorbaIllegalValueException) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHelper
- insert(Any, CorbaIndexOutofBoundException) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHelper
- insert(Any, CorbaUnknownParamException) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHelper
- insert(Any, CorbaUnknownPortException) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHelper
- insert(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Insert the given element while keeping the set sorted.
- insert(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Insert the contents of the given String to this code stream
at the given position.
- insertActor(int, Time, Actor, Token) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.EventQueueDebugListener
Invoked when an actor is inserted into the event queue.
- insertActor(int, Time, Actor, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Invoked when an actor is inserted into the event queue.
- insertAfter(String, Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Insert a new element after the specified element.
- insertBefore(String, Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Insert a new element before the specified element.
- insertBodyContent(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Insert a string to the body with auto-indent.
- insertColumn(int, ColumnSpec) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Inserts the specified column at the specified position.
- insertColumnAfterAction - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- insertColumnBeforeAction - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- insertEntry(String, String, Icon, JComponent, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Insert a entry with the given title/icon/component/tip
at the specified index.
- insertEvent(int, Time, Event, Token) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.EventQueueDebugListener
Invoked when an event is inserted into the event queue.
- insertEvent(int, Time, Event, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Invoked when an event is inserted into the event queue.
- insertHeaderContent(boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Insert a string to the header with auto-indent.
- insertIdTagToModelBody(String, String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Add a parameter tag called DBModelId to the given model body.
- insertInsideLink(int, Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Insert a link to the specified relation at the specified index,
and notify the container by calling its connectionsChanged() method.
- insertLink(int, Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Override the base class to invalidate the schedule and resolved
types of the director of the container, if there is one, in addition
to what the base class does.
- insertLink(int, Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Insert a link to the specified relation at the specified index,
and notify the container by calling its connectionsChanged() method.
- insertLink(int, Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Insert a link to the specified relation at the specified index,
and notify the container by calling its connectionsChanged() method.
- insertLink(int, CrossRefList) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList
Insert a link to the specified CrossRefList (farList) at
the specified position (index).
- insertLinkMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- insertPage(Page, int) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Add a page to the document at the given index (between 0
and getPageCount()-1) and notify page listeners.
- insertPermutations() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Insert permutation objects between columns.
- insertRow(int, RowSpec) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Inserts the specified column at the specified position.
- insertRowAfterAction - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- insertRowBeforeAction - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- insertShade(String, Icon, Component, String, int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Insert a shade with the given title/icon/component/tip
at the specified index.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
React to notification that there was an insert into the document.
- insets - Variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Describes the component's Insets
in it's display area.
- insetsLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- insetsPanel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- insideChannel - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
The name of the inside channel.
- InsideEntityEditorPaneFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is an attribute that can create a pane (called a "configuration
widget") for interactively configuring an entity contained by its container.
- InsideEntityEditorPaneFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.InsideEntityEditorPaneFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- insidePortList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
List the ports connected on the inside to this port.
- insidePorts() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
- insideRelationList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
List the relations linked on the inside to this port.
- insideRelations() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Enumerate the relations linked on the inside to this port.
- insideSinkPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return a list of the ports that may accept data from this port
when it sends on the inside.
- insideSinkPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Return a list of the ports that can potentially accept data
from this port when it sends on the inside.
- insideSourcePortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return a list of the ports that can send data to this port
from the inside.
- insideSourcePortList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Return a list of the ports that can potentially send data to
this port from the inside.
- insideTransmitProperties - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
The transmit properties of this port for inside transmissions.
- install(JavaSourceViewer, JavaPresentationReconciler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Install this presenter on the given source viewer and background presentation
- install(PtolemyEditor, IColorManager) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler
Install this reconciler to the editor, and enable it if it is set to be
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
- instance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiInstanceComposite
The index of this instance.
- instanceName - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : const char**.
- InstanceOpener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
An interface that is used to open an instance of a NamedObj.
- instancesOf - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconLink
If non-empty (the default), specifies a class name.
- instancesOf - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconScript
If non-empty (the default), specifies a class name.
- instancesOf - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultTitle
If non-empty (the default), specifies a class name.
- InstantaneousDialogGenerator - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.lib
An actor that generates instantaneous dialog with a LookupTable.
- InstantaneousDialogGenerator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Instantiable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
This interface is for objects that can be instantiated.
- InstantiableNamedObj - Class in ptolemy.kernel
An InstantiableNamedObj is a named object that can be either a class
definition or an instance.
- InstantiableNamedObj() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Construct an object in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- InstantiableNamedObj(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Construct an object in the default workspace with the given name.
- InstantiableNamedObj(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Construct an object in the given workspace with an empty string
as a name.
- InstantiableNamedObj(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Construct an object in the given workspace with the given name.
- instantiate(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Create an instance by cloning this object and then adjusting
the parent-child relationships between the clone and its parent.
- instantiate(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Create an instance by (deeply) cloning this object and then adjusting
the parent-child relationships between the clone and its parent.
- instantiate(NamedObj, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Instantiable
Create an instance by (deeply) cloning this object and then adjusting
the parent-child relationships between the clone and its parent.
- InstantiateAttributeAction(ExtendedGraphFrame, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame.InstantiateAttributeAction
Create a new action to instantiate an attribute.
- InstantiateEntityAction(ExtendedGraphFrame, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame.InstantiateEntityAction
Create a new action to instantiate an entity.
- INT - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The integer data type.
- INT_CIRCLE_DOWN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- INT_CIRCLE_UP - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- INT_LINEAR - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- INT_MATRIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The integer matrix data type.
- INT_NUM - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The integer identifier of int type.
- INT_SMOOTH - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- INT_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The type object of int type.
- IntArrayToString - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert an integer-array into a string.
- IntArrayToString(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.IntArrayToString
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- INTEGER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- integer() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- INTEGER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- INTEGER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- INTEGER_FORMAT_SPEC - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- INTEGER_FRACTION - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision
static IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat object.
- IntegerArrayMath - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on int arrays.
- IntegerArrayMath() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
- IntegerBinaryOperation - Interface in ptolemy.math
A operation taking two operands of type int, and producing a value of
type int.
- IntegerCounter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
A class for a integer counter.
- IntegerCounter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.IntegerCounter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Precision.IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat
- IntegerList - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.util
A sparse list of integers.
- IntegerList(Context, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.util.IntegerList
Construct a list of Integers IntegerList object.
- IntegerMatrixMath - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of ints.
- integersArrayToString(Integer[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.distributed.util.DistributedUtilities
Converts a bidimensional array of Integer a String for printing
- IntegerUnaryOperation - Interface in ptolemy.math
A operation taking one argument of type int, and producing a value of
type int.
- Integrator - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
The integrator in the continuous domain.
- Integrator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Integrator
Construct an integrator.
- Integrator - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
Output the discrete integral of the input.
- Integrator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Integrator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- integratorIntegrate(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Perform one integration step.
- integratorIntegrate(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Fire the given integrator.
- integratorIntegrate(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Fire the given integrator.
- integratorIsAccurate(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Return true if the current integration step is accurate from the
argument integrator's point of view.
- integratorIsAccurate(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Return true if the integration is accurate for the given
- integratorIsAccurate(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Return true if the integration is accurate for the given
- integratorSuggestedStepSize(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
The suggestedStepSize() method of the integrator delegates to this
- integratorSuggestedStepSize(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Provide the predictedStepSize() method for the integrators
under this solver.
- integratorSuggestedStepSize(ContinuousIntegrator) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Predict the next step size for the integrators executed under this
- intensity - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- interactionMode - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
Mode of user interaction: whether user positioning is allowed to affect the layout.
- InteractiveDialog - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
This actor creates a window on the screen with a command entry box
and a results display box.
- InteractiveDialog(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- InteractiveDialog.DialogFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The frame that is created by an instance of ShellTableau.
- InteractiveDialog.DialogTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Version of ExpressionShellTableau that records the size of
the display when it is closed.
- InteractiveShell - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
This actor creates a command shell on the screen, sending commands
that are typed by the user to its output port, and reporting values
received at its input by displaying them.
- InteractiveShell(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- InteractiveShell.ShellFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The frame that is created by an instance of ShellTableau.
- InteractiveShell.ShellTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Version of ExpressionShellTableau that records the size of
the display when it is closed.
- Interactor - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
An object that encapsulate the interaction that a figure plays in
an interactive application.
- interactors() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Return an interactor over the attached interactors.
- interactors() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Return an interactor over the attached interactors.
- intercolatePermutations() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticSeries
Intercolate permutations between series terms.
- interconnectConstraintType - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
The default constraint type for connections between actors.
- InterfaceAutomaton - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia
This class models an Interface Automaton.
- InterfaceAutomaton() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Construct an InterfaceAutomaton in the default workspace with an
empty string as its name.
- InterfaceAutomaton(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Construct an InterfaceAutomaton in the specified workspace with an
empty string as its name.
- InterfaceAutomaton(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Create an InterfaceAutomaton in the specified container with the
specified name.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia
A Graph Controller for interface automata models.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphController(File) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphController
Create a new controller with the specified directory of the current
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphController.ComposeWithAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia
An action to perform composition.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia
This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy InterfaceAutomaton models.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified model.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified model.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia
An editor tableau for interface automata.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau
Create a new editor tableau with the specified container
and name, with no default library.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau
Create a new editor tableau with the specified container,
name, and default library.
- InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- InterfaceAutomatonTransition - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia
A Transition for Interface Automaton.
- InterfaceAutomatonTransition(InterfaceAutomaton, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
Construct a transition with the specified container and name.
- InterfaceTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.run
A tableau that creates a new run control panel for a ptolemy model.
- InterfaceTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.InterfaceTableau
Create a new run control panel for the model with the given
- InterfaceTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.run
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- IntermediateReceiver - Class in ptolemy.actor
A receiver that delegates to another receiver all method calls except
(and its variants), for which it delegates to a
communication aspect.
- IntermediateReceiver(CommunicationAspect, Receiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Construct an intermediate receiver with no container that wraps the
specified receiver using the specified communication aspect.
- IntermediateReceiver(CommunicationAspect, Receiver, IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Construct an intermediate receiver with no container that wraps the
specified receiver using the specified communication aspect.
- intern(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return an internalised version of a string.
- intern(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Create an internalised string from a character array.
- InternalEntryLocation(Continuation, ControlEntryToken) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalEntryLocation
- InternalErrorException - Exception in ptolemy.kernel.util
This exception should be thrown if an unexpected error is encountered
other than one for which InvalidStateException would be appropriate.
- InternalErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException
Construct an exception with a detail message.
- InternalErrorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException
Construct an exception with only a cause.
- InternalErrorException(Nameable, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes
the names of the first argument plus the third argument
- InternalErrorException(Nameable, Nameable, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of the first argument, the name of the second argument
and the value of the third argument.
- InternalExitLocation(Continuation, ControlExitToken.ExitLocation) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalExitLocation
- internalGetFieldAccessorTable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- internalGetFieldAccessorTable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- internalGetFieldAccessorTable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- internalGetFieldAccessorTable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- internalGetFieldAccessorTable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- internalGetFieldAccessorTable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- internalGetValueMap() - Static method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Status
- internalGetValueMap() - Static method in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Type
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.AppletWriter
Save the model as an applet.
- internalTransform(Body, String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.CastAndInstanceofEliminator
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.ClassWriter
Write out the class file.
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GrimpTransformer
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.InvocationBinder
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.JimpleWriter
Write out the Jimple file.
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain._IgnoreAllApplicationClasses
Transform the Scene according to the information specified
in the model for this transform.
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.LibraryUsageReporter
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.MakefileWriter
Generate a makefile to that can be used to run the generated code.
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SideEffectFreeInvocationRemover
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.TransformerAdapter
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.UnusedFieldRemover
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.WatchDogTimer
Start up a watch dog timer that will call System.exit().
- internalTransform(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.ShallowModelTransformer
Perform the shallow model transformation.
- internalTransitionNameSet() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the names of the internal transitions as a Set.
- interpolate(int, int, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
Interpolate between two values.
- interpolate(Tuple3f, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- interpolate(Tuple4f, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- interpolate(double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.GrayModel
- interpolate(double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.Quad
- interpolate(double, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
Interpolate image, followed by a gaussian filter with given sigma.
- interpolate(double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
Interpolate point given (x,y) is in tag coordinate space from
(-1,-1) to (1,1).
- INTERPOLATE - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Completion strategy for A set to interpolation, that is, a uniform distribuition
on all states that have
Hamming distance <= 1 to the binary representation of the source state.
- interpolate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Return the interpolation result for the specified index.
- interpolate01(double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.Quad
- InterpolateFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which interpolates betwen two images.
- InterpolateFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.InterpolateFilter
- interpolateSpline(float[], float[], int, int, float[], int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpGrid
- interpolateSpline2(float[], float[], int, float[], int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpGrid
- interpolation - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
The type of interpolation to use.
- interpolation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Waveform
The interpolation method, which must be "linear" or "hermite".
- interpolation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
The interpolation ratio of the filter.
- Interpolation - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides algorithms to do interpolation.
- Interpolation() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Construct an instance of Interpolation using the default parameters.
- interpolationType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIAffineTransform
The type of interpolation to use.
- interpolationType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIRotate
The type of interpolation to use.
- interpolationType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIScale
The type of interpolation to use.
- interpolationType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITranslate
The type of interpolation to use.
- Interpolator - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an interpolation based on the parameters.
- Interpolator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- Interpolator - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an interpolation based on the parameters.
- Interpolator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_156 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler A.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_157 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler B.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_158 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler C.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_159 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler D.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_162 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler E.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_180 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler F.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_181 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler G.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_182 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler H.
- INTERRUPT_HANDLER_LETTER_183 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
Interrupt handler I.
- interruptHandlerLetters - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
The interrupt handler letters map from Integers to Characters.
- intersect(RecordToken, RecordToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Find the intersection of two records.
- intersectingEdges(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return an iterator over the node or edge figures which
intersect the given rectangle.
- intersectingEdges(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Return an iterator over nodes in the view which intersect
the given rectangle.
- intersectingNodes(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return an iterator over the nodes which intersect the given
rectangle in the top-level graph.
- intersectingNodes(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Return an iterator over edges in the view which intersect
the given rectangle.
- intersectionWith(GLine2D) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Compute the point where two lines intersect, or null if the lines are parallel.
- intersectionWith(GLine2D) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
Returns the point where this segment intersects this line, or null
if they do not intersect.
- intersectionWith(GLineSegment2D) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- intersectResults(ArrayList<XMLDBModel>, ArrayList<XMLDBModel>) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Intersect the XMLDBModels results from two list, and take the common
ones and return them in a new list.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Test if this figure intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Test if this figure intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Test if this connector intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Test if this figure intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Test if this figure intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Test if this figure intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface diva.util.java2d.PaintedGraphic
Test if this shape intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Test if this shape intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Test if this shape intersects the given rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Test if the polygon is intersected by the given
- intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Test if the polygon is intersected by the given
- intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Test if the polyline is intersected by the given
- intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Test if the polyline is intersected by the given
- intersectsOutline(Rectangle2D, Shape) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Return true if the outline of the given shape intersects with the
given rectangle.
- inText - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringIndexOf
Port and parameter specifying the string that will be searched.
- intMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return the content in the token as a 2-D int matrix.
- intMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the content of this token as a 2-D integer matrix.
- intMatrixMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- IntMatrixToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a 2-D int matrix.
- IntMatrixToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Construct an IntMatrixToken with a one by one matrix.
- IntMatrixToken(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Construct a IntMatrixToken with the specified 1-D matrix.
- IntMatrixToken(int[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Construct a IntMatrixToken with the specified 1-D matrix.
- IntMatrixToken(int[][]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Construct a IntMatrixToken with the specified 2-D matrix.
- IntMatrixToken(int[][], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Construct a IntMatrixToken with the specified 2-D matrix.
- IntMatrixToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Construct an IntMatrixToken from the specified string.
- IntMatrixToken(Token[], int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Construct an IntMatrixToken from the specified array of
- intMatrixTokenArrayConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- intMatrixTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- intMatrixTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- IntMatrixTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
IntMatrixTokenHandler converts IntMatrixToken to/from byte stream.
- IntMatrixTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.IntMatrixTokenHandler
- IntMatrixType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType.IntMatrixType
- intMatrixTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- IntRangeParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
This is a parameter with type integer with a limited range.
- IntRangeParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- IntToBits - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor converts an IntToken into a sequence of Boolean tokens.
- IntToBits(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.IntToBits
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- IntToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a signed 32-bit integer number.
- IntToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Construct a token with integer 0.
- IntToken(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Construct a token with the specified value.
- IntToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Construct an IntToken from the specified string.
- intTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- intTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- IntTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
IntTokenHandler converts IntToken to/from byte stream.
- IntTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.IntTokenHandler
- intTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- intValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return the value in the token as an int.
- intValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return the value of this token as an int.
- intValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return the value in the token as an int.
- intValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return the value in the token as an integer.
- intValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
- intValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- InUnitsOf - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
An actor that converts input tokens to specified units by dividing the
input by the value of the units parameter.
- InUnitsOf(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.InUnitsOf
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- inUnitsOf(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a scalar token that contains the value of this token in the
units of the argument token.
- INVALID - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationType
Relation type a relation node that is not evaluated.
- INVALID_LEXICAL_STATE - Static variable in error ptolemy.data.expr.TokenMgrError
Tried to change to an invalid lexical state.
- INVALID_LEXICAL_STATE - Static variable in error ptolemy.moml.unit.TokenMgrError
Tried to change to an invalid lexical state.
- InvalidAnalyzerException - Exception in ptolemy.graph.analysis
Invalid analyzer plugged into an analysis.
- InvalidAnalyzerException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.analysis.InvalidAnalyzerException
The default constructor without arguments.
- InvalidAnalyzerException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.graph.analysis.InvalidAnalyzerException
Constructor with a text description as argument.
- invalidate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Indicate that the cached causality information is invalid.
- invalidate() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Override the base class to mark this as needing evaluation even though
there is no expression.
- invalidate() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Mark this variable, and all variables that depend on it, as
needing to be evaluated.
- invalidateCache() - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Notify that cached data based on the transform is now invalid.
- invalidateCachedBounds() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
- invalidateCommunicationAspects() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Invalidate the communication aspect list.
- invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager
has cached information it should be discarded.
- invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- invalidateResolvedTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Indicate that resolved types in the model may no longer be valid.
- invalidateResolvedTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicate that resolved types in the system may no longer be valid.
- invalidateResolvedTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Call base class method to invalidate resolved types if the flag to
disable type resolution is set to false.
- invalidateResolvedTypesMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- invalidateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Indicate that a schedule for the model may no longer be valid, if
there is a schedule.
- invalidateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Indicate that a schedule for the model may no longer be valid.
- invalidateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Indicate that a schedule for the model may no longer be valid.
- invalidateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Process the mutation that occurred.
- invalidateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Process the mutation that occurred.
- invalidateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Indicate that a schedule for the model may no longer be valid,
if there is a schedule.
- invalidateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFDirector
Indicate that a schedule for the model may no longer be valid.
- invalidateSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Indicate that a schedule for the model may no longer be valid.
- InvalidStateException - Exception in ptolemy.kernel.util
Some object or set of objects has a state that is not
- InvalidStateException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InvalidStateException
Construct an exception with only a detail message.
- InvalidStateException(Nameable, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InvalidStateException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument, the cause and the third argument string.
- InvalidStateException(Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InvalidStateException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument and the second argument string.
- InvalidStateException(Nameable, Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InvalidStateException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of the first two arguments plus the third argument string.
- InvalidStateException(Nameable, Nameable, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InvalidStateException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of the first two arguments plus the third argument string.
- InvalidStateException(Enumeration, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InvalidStateException
- InvalidStateException(Collection, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InvalidStateException
Constructs an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of a collection of nameable objects plus the argument string.
- InvalidStateException(Collection, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.kernel.util.InvalidStateException
Constructs an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of a collection of nameable objects plus the argument string.
- InvariantViolationException - Exception in ptolemy.actor
Thrown when an invariant is violated.
- InvariantViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.InvariantViolationException
Construct an exception with a detail message.
- InvariantViolationException(Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.InvariantViolationException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument.
- inverse(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- inverse(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- inverse() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- inverse(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by inverting the input
- inverse(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by inverting the input
- inverse(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by inverting the input
- inverse() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Find the multiplicative inverse of this fraction.
- inverse22(Matrix) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- inverse33(Matrix) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- inversePermuteRows(int[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- InverseSourceStation - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
This actor models reverse shape of the source station.
- InverseSourceStation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.InverseSourceStation
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- InverseStation - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
This actor models the reverse shape of the station.
- InverseStation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.InverseStation
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- InverseTrack - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
This actor extends AbstractTrack with input in east side and output in west side.
- InverseTrack(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.InverseTrack
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- invert() - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- invert(Matrix4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- invert() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Invert this Unit.
- invert() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
Create a new UnitExpr that is the inverse of this UnitExpr.
- invert() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Invert this UnitTerm.
- INVERT_IN_CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
Invert the image in a circle.
- InvertAlphaFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A Filter to invert the alpha channel of an image.
- InvertAlphaFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.InvertAlphaFilter
- InvertFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which inverts the RGB channels of an image.
- InvertFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.InvertFilter
- InvocationBinder - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
Uses the Scene's currently-active InvokeGraph to statically bind monomorphic call sites.
- invoke(FMIModelDescription, String, Object[], String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
Invoke a function that returns an integer representing the
FMIStatus return value.
- invoke(String, Object[], String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
Invoke a function that returns an integer representing the
FMIStatus return value.
- invoke(Function, Object[], String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
Invoke a function that returns an integer representing the
FMIStatus return value.
- invoke(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArrayMapCachedMethod
Invoke the method represented by this CachedMethod.
- invoke(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.BaseConvertCachedMethod
- invoke(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Apply the operation represented by this object to
the specified arguments.
- invoke(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.MatrixMapCachedMethod
Run method represented by this cachedMethod.
- invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.MacOSXAdapter
Invoke a method.
- invokeCallback(Runnable) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Invoke the specified function as soon as possible, but after any currently
executing or other pending callbacks have completed.
- invokeCallback(Runnable) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Invoke the specified function as soon as possible, but after any currently
executing or other pending callbacks have completed.
- invokeCallback(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Invoke the specified function in the fire() method as soon as possible.
- invokeCallback(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Invoke the specified function in the fire() method as soon as possible.
- invokeCallback(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
- invokeCallback(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
- invokeGenerateUpdatePortOffsets() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Return true if StaticSchedulingDirector should
invoke generateUpdatePortOffsets.
- invokeGenerateUpdatePortOffsets() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return true if StaticSchedulingDirector should
invoke _generateUpdatePortOffsets.
- InvokeNuSMVAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.InvokeNuSMVAction
Create a new action to perform composition.
- invokeSolver() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Invoke the solver directly, and display any concepts resolved by this
- invokeSolver(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Invoke the solver directly, with a choice as to whether or not this
solver should display its resolved concepts.
- invperm - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Permutation
- IOPort - Class in ptolemy.actor
This class supports exchanging data between entities via message passing.
- IOPort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Construct an IOPort with no container and no name that is
neither an input nor an output.
- IOPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- IOPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Construct an IOPort with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- IOPort(ComponentEntity, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Construct an IOPort with a container and a name that is
either an input, an output, or both, depending on the third
and fourth arguments.
- IOPort - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for
- IOPort(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Construct the code generator adapter for the given IOPort.
- IOPort - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator C adapter for
- IOPort(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Construct the code generator adapter for the given IOPort.
- ioPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Return the destination IO port of this event.
- IOPORT_COORDINATES - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Polygon coordinates for input output port.
- ioportClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- IOPortController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
ports on an actor.
- IOPortController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
Create a port controller associated with the specified graph
- IOPortController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
Create a port controller associated with the
specified graph controller.
- IOPortController.EntityPortRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
Render the ports of components as triangles.
- IOPortEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor
An event that is published by an IOPort when a token or tokens are sent or
- IOPortEvent(IOPort, int, int, boolean, Token[], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Create a new port event with the given parameters.
- IOPortEvent(IOPort, int, int, boolean, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Create a new port event with the given parameters.
- IOPortEvent(IOPort, IOPort, boolean, int, boolean, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Create a new port event with the given parameters.
- IOPortEventListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
Listen for events that are issued during the send(), broadcast(),
sendInside(), get(), getInside() function calls of an IOPort.
- ioportType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- IORelation - Class in ptolemy.actor
This class mediates connections between ports that can send data to
one another via message passing.
- IORelation() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Construct a relation in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- IORelation(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Construct a relation in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- IORelation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Construct a relation with the given name contained by the specified
- iotServiceList - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The choices of the IoT service.
- IPAddress - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.net
Send the IP address of the host to the output port.
- IPAddress(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.IPAddress
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- IPORT_COORDINATES - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Polygon coordinates for input port.
- IS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- IS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- IS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- is32Bit() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.JVMBitWidth
Return true if this is a 32bit JVM.
- isAboveOrEqualTo(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return true if this concept is greater than or equal to the
specified concept in the partial ordering.
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Test if this type corresponds to an abstract token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return true if the element type is abstract.
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Test if this type corresponds to an abstract token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAbstract() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return true if this type does not correspond to a single token
- isAcceptable - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
A parameter indicating whether this concept is an acceptable outcome
during inference.
- isActive() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.Branch
Return true if this branch is active.
- isActive() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Return true if this controller is active; return false
- isActorElementAnAttribute(StringParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Return true if the actor element constraint expression is for an attribute,
false otherwise.
- isActorElementAPort(StringParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Return true if the actor element constraint expression is for a port,
false otherwise.
- isActorElementIgnored(StringParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Return true if the actor element is set to be ignored by
the ontology analysis, false otherwise.
- isActorElementUnconstrained(StringParameter) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
Return true if the actor element is set to have no constraints for
the ontology analysis, false otherwise.
- isActorOfInterestForAddonController(NamedObj) - Method in class ptdb.gui.DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon
Determine of a given actor is a database reference actor.
- isActorOfInterestForAddonController(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorInteractionAddon
Determine of a given actor is of interest for a desired action.
- isActorOfInterestForLookInside(NamedObj) - Method in class ptdb.gui.DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon
Determine of a given actor is a database reference actor.
- isActorOfInterestForLookInside(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorInteractionAddon
Determine of a given actor is of interest for a desired action.
- isActorOfInterestForOpenInstance(NamedObj) - Method in class ptdb.gui.DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon
Determine of a given actor is a database reference actor.
- isActorOfInterestForOpenInstance(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorInteractionAddon
Determine of a given actor is of interest for a desired action.
- isActorReady() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Returns true if the current actor declaration is ready to be
- isActuatorPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Returns true if this object is actuator port.
- isActuatorPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Check whether port is output and network port parameter is not set.
- isAcyclic() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Test if this graph is acyclic (is a DAG).
- isAliasableValue(Value) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Return true if the given value represents something that can
be aliased in Java by something else.
- isAlive() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Boolean indicating if this branch is still alive.
- isAlreadyLaunched() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.CertiRtig
Indicate if the RTIG process is already running somewhere else.
- isAlwaysNullBefore(Local, Unit) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.NullPointerAnalysis
Return the set of other fields and locals that must reference
the same object as the given field, at a point before
the given unit.
- isAnnotatedTerm(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return true if the given model object has been annotated with a
manual annotation constraint.
- isAntialiasing() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Return whether or not this pane is antialiased.
- isApplicable(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Check whether this GTIngredient is applicable to the object.
- isApplicable(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Check whether this GTIngredient is applicable to the object.
- isApplicable(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Check whether this GTIngredient is applicable to the object.
- isApplicable(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Check whether this GTIngredient is applicable to the object.
- isApplicable(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Check whether this GTIngredient is applicable to the object.
- isApplicable(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Check whether this GTIngredient is applicable to the object.
- isArray() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Test if this type is an array type.
- isArrayTokenType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Return true if the given type references a
ptolemy token type.
- isAtomic() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Return true if the entity is atomic.
- isAtomic() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return false since CompositeEntities are not atomic.
- isAttributeClassEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Return whether the attributeClass element is enabled.
- isAttributeClassEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Return whether the attributeClass element is enabled.
- isAttributeNameEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Return whether the attributeName element is enabled.
- isAttributeNameEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Return whether the attributeName element is enabled.
- isAttributeNameEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Return whether the attributeName element is enabled.
- isAttributeTypeEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Return whether the attributeType element is enabled.
- isAttributeValueEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Return whether the attributeValue element is enabled.
- isAttributeValueEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Return whether the attributeValue element is enabled.
- isAttributeValueEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Return whether the attributeValue element is enabled.
- isAutoAdaptered(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Return true if the argument would be generated using
an AutoAdapter.
- isAutoAdaptered(ProgramCodeGenerator, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Return true if the argument would be generated using
an AutoAdapter.
- isAutoAdapteredRemotePort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Return true if the port connects to a remote port that would
code generated using an AutoAdapter.
- isAutoAdapteredRemotePort(ProgramCodeGenerator, Port) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Return true if the port connects to a remote port that would
code generated using an AutoAdapter.
- isBackup() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.Record
Test if this record is a backup of an array.
- isBackwardTypeInferenceEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return false because backward type inference is not implemented
for this actor.
- isBackwardTypeInferenceEnabled() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.TypedActor
Look up the hierarchy to find the parameter
and return its value.
- isBackwardTypeInferenceEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Return true if backward type inference is enabled in the first opaque
composite actor up the hierarchy, or false otherwise.
- isBackwardTypeInferenceEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Return true if backward type inference is enabled.
- isBackwardTypeInferenceEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypeOpaqueCompositeActor
Return false because backward type inference is not implemented
for this actor.
- isBackwardTypeInferenceEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return false because backward type inference is not implemented
for this actor.
- isBijective() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Determine whether the graph has been made completely bijective.
- isBitwiseAnd() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtBitwiseNode
Return true if this operation represents a boolean AND operation.
- isBitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
Return true if this node represents the bitwise negation of its
- isBitwiseOr() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtBitwiseNode
Return true if this operation represents a boolean OR operation.
- isBitwiseXor() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtBitwiseNode
Return true if this operation represents a boolean XOR operation.
- isBlack(int) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.math.BinaryFunction
- isBlack(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.BlackFunction
- isBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Return true if all of the branches assigned to this branch
controller are blocked or if this branch controller has no
branches; return false otherwise.
- isBorderOpaque() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders.EmptyBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isCacheValid() - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Test if the cache is valid.
- isCanceled() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Test whether the current reconcile is canceled.
- isCanceling() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
Return whether this scheduling relation is cancelling.
- isCancelled() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
- isCap() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node is a cap.
- isCaptureActive() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return true if audio capture is currently active.
- isCaptureActive() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Return true if audio capture is currently active.
- isCaptureActive() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return true if audio capture is currently active.
- isCausallyAffected(Collection<PtidesEvent>, PtidesEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Calculate whether any Ptides event in eventArray could causally affect
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Return true if a a cell editable.
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel
Return false.
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Return true, indicating that the cell is editable.
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Return true, indicating that the cell is editable.
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- isCentered() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Return whether the figure should be centered on its origin.
- isCentered() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Return whether the figure should be centered on its origin.
- isCentered() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Return whether the figure should be centered on its origin.
- isChannelSpecified(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Test if a channel number is associated with the given name.
- isCheckpointing() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Test if the checkpointing facility is running.
- isClass - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.IDAttribute
A boolean indicating whether the container is a class or an
- isClassDefinition() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Return true if this object is a class definition, which means that
it can be instantiated.
- isClassDefinition() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Instantiable
Return true if this object is a class definition, which means that
it can be instantiated.
- isClient() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
Return true if this actor acts as a client; false if it acts as a
part of the server (responding to incoming messages).
- isClient() - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketService
Return true if the service is acting as a client; false if the service
is acting as part of the server.
- isClient() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
Return true if this actor acts as a client; false if it acts as a
part of the server (responding to incoming messages).
- isClipEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Get the clipping enabled flag.
- isClosed() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Test if the frame is closed.
- isClosed() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return true if this automaton does not have any input and output;
false otherwise.
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Test for closeness of the values of this Token and the argument
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Test for closeness of the values of this Token and the argument
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Test whether the value of this Token is close to the argument
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Test whether the value of this Token is close to the argument
- isCloseTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Test that the value of this Token is close to the argument
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Test that the value of this Token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.XMLToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- isCloseTo(Complex) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return true if the distance between this complex number and
the argument is less than or equal to EPSILON.
- isCloseTo(Complex, double) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return true if the distance between this complex number and
the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.
- isColumn - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VectorAssembler
True if the output vector is a column matrix.
- isCommandComplete(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau
Return true if the specified command is complete (ready
to be interpreted).
- isCommandComplete(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellTableau
Return true if the specified command is complete (ready
to be interpreted).
- isCommandComplete(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellTableau
Return true if the specified command is complete (ready
to be interpreted).
- isCommandComplete(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellTableau
Return true if the specified command is complete (ready
to be interpreted).
- isCommandComplete(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Return true if the specified command is complete (ready
to be interpreted).
- isCommandComplete(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Return true if the specified command is complete (ready
to be interpreted).
- isCommandComplete(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.ShellInterpreter
Return true if the specified command is complete (ready
to be interpreted).
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Test if the argument is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Model if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return true if the specified type is less than or equal to this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Test whether the argument type is compatible with this type
(is less than or equal to this type in the type lattice).
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isCompatible(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isComponentALayoutContainer() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ButtonBarComponentBuilder
- isComponentALayoutContainer() - Method in interface org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentBuilder
- isComponentALayoutContainer() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- isComponentALayoutContainer() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JListComponentBuilder
- isComponentALayoutContainer() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTableComponentBuilder
- isComponentALayoutContainer() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JToolBarComponentBuilder
- isComponentALayoutContainer() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTreeComponentBuilder
- isComponentALayoutContainer() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.SeparatorComponentBuilder
- isComposite(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return true if the given object is a composite
node, i.e. it can contain children.
- isComposite(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return true if the given object is a composite
node in this model, i.e. it contains children.
- isConcreteTokenType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Return true if the given type references a concrete
ptolemy token type.
- isCongruent(Function) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle.ChordFunction
- isCongruent(Function) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtCalFunction
Always return false, because the Function token is not congruent.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtBitwiseNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLogicalNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRecordConstructNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRelationalNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtShiftNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(ASTPtRootNode, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnionConstructNode
Return true if this node is (hierarchically) congruent to the
given node, under the given renaming of bound identifiers.
- isCongruent(Function) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ExpressionFunction
Return true if this function is congruent to the given
- isCongruent(Function) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.Function
Return true if this function is congruent to the given
- isConnected() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper.MQTTClientWrapper
Return whether the client is connected to a broker server.
- isConnectedToBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BoundaryDetector
Return true if the receiver containing this boundary detector
is connected to a boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to a boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundary() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a boundary
- isConnectedToBoundaryInside() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BoundaryDetector
Return true if the receiver containing this boundary detector
is connected to the inside of an input boundary port; return
false otherwise.
- isConnectedToBoundaryInside() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of an
input boundary port; return false otherwise.
- isConnectedToBoundaryInside() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundaryInside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundaryInside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundaryInside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundaryInside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the inside of a boundary
- isConnectedToBoundaryOutside() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BoundaryDetector
Return true if the receiver containing this boundary detector
is connected to the outside of an output boundary port; return
false otherwise.
- isConnectedToBoundaryOutside() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the outside of an
output boundary port; return false otherwise.
- isConnectedToBoundaryOutside() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the outside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundaryOutside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the outside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundaryOutside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the outside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundaryOutside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the outside of a
boundary port.
- isConnectedToBoundaryOutside() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the outside of a boundary
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Test if this Type is UNKNOWN.
- isConstant(Variable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return true if the given variable is not reconfigured in the
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Test if this Type is UNKNOWN.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Return true if this node represents a constant value.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Test if this type is constant.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Model if this Type is UNKNOWN.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Test if this ArrayType is a constant.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Test if this Type is UNKNOWN.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Test if this Type is a constant.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Test if this FunctionType is a constant.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Test if this Type is a constant.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Test if the argument type is compatible with this type.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Test if this RecordType is a constant.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Test if this TupleType is a constant.
- isConstant() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Test if this Type is a constant.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Test if this UnionType is a constant.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Test if this Type is UNKNOWN.
- isConstant() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Test if this Type is UNKNOWN.
- isConstraintSource() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Returns true if the interconnectConstraintType is for sources, false otherwise.
- isConsumerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return true if this is a consumer receiver; return false otherwise.
- isConsumerReceiver() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Return true if this receiver is a consumer receiver.
- isConsumerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
This class serves as an example of a ConsumerReceiver and
hence this method returns true.
- isConsumerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return true if this receiver is a consumer receiver.
- isConsumerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return true if this receiver is connected to the boundary.
- isConsumerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
This class serves as an example of a ConsumerReceiver and hence this
method returns true if this port is connected to a boundary.
- isConsuming() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Test the consuming flag of this layer.
- isConsuming() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Test the consuming flag of this interactor.
- isConsuming() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor
Test the consuming flag of this interactor.
- isContained(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition
Test whether this position is contained in the given range.
- isContainedNode(Object, Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
- isContainer - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- isCQAdaptive - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Specify whether the calendar queue adjusts its bin number
at run time.
- isCreated(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Return whether the object in the pattern is to be created.
- isCreated(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return true if an entity was created in PtalonActor for
the given symbol.
- isCreated(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return true if an entity was created in PtalonActor for the
given symbol.
- isCreator - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Boolean value, 'true' if the Federate is the creator of the
synchronization point 'false' if not.
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.TransferableWrapper
Return true if the data flavor is supported.
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyTransferable
Return true if the given data flavor is supported.
- isDBAttribute(String) - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get an indication if the specified attribute name is in the set of
database attributes.
- isDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Return true if this actor has at least one debug listener.
- isDeeplyConnected(ComponentPort) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Return true the the given port is deeply connected with this port.
- isDefault() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if this transition is a default transition.
- isDeferringChangeRequests() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Override the base class to not delegate up the hierarchy and to
indicate only whether this composite is locally deferring change requests.
- isDeferringChangeRequests() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Changeable
Return true if setDeferringChangeRequests(true) has been called
to specify that change requests should be deferred.
- isDeferringChangeRequests() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return true if setDeferringChangeRequests(true) has been called
to specify that change requests should be deferred.
- isDirected(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return whether or not this edge is directed.
- isDirected(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Return whether or not this edge is directed.
- isDirected() - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Return whether or not this edge is directed.
- isDirected(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.EdgeModel
Return whether or not this edge is directed.
- isDirected(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return whether or not this edge is directed.
- isDirected(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Return true if this edge is directed.
- isDirected(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Return true if this edge is directed.
- isDirected(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Return true if this edge is directed.
- isDirty() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Test the "dirty" flag.
- isDirty() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Test the "dirty" flag.
- isDirtyValues - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
1 if the values are dirty.
- isDisposed() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Return true if this frame has been disposed.
- isDone() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PolygonIterator
Test if the iterator is done.
- isDone() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PolylineIterator
Test if the iterator is done.
- isDone() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
- isDropIntoEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget
Return true if the feature is enabled that a a drop onto an
instance of NamedObj results in that NamedObj containing the
dropped object.
- isDynamic() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Return true if the receiver is dynamic.
- isEdge(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return true if the given object is an edge in this
- isEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return true if the given object is a
node in this model.
- isEdgeVisible(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return whether or not the given edge is actually
visible in the view.
- isEdgeVisible(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Return whether or not the given edge is actually
visible in the view.
- isEditable() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Test the "editable" flag.
- isEditable() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Test the "editable" flag.
- isEditable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.ChoiceCriterionElement
Return whether a new value can be input in the edit box.
- isEditable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Return true if the tableau is editable.
- isEffective() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Return true if the InequalityTerm is an effective constraint for
the OntologySolver, and false otherwise.
- isEmbedded() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true if this director is embedded inside an opaque composite
actor contained by another composite actor.
- isEmbedded() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.PeriodicDirector
Return true if this director is embedded inside an opaque composite
actor contained by another composite actor.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Test whether this collection is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Test whether this collection is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Returns true if this queue is empty; false otherwise.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Return true if the queue is empty, and false otherwise.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return true if the set is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
return a boolean indicating if this stream is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Decide whether the port is disconnected.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Return true if this event queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEventQueue
Return true if this event queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Checks if the event queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return true if this automaton is empty; false otherwise.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Return true if the relation list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Check if the event queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Return true if the number of objects in the queue is zero.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._SortedSetOfStates
Test if list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Returns true if this list contains no elements.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.util.MultiHashMap
Return whether or not this multimap is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMList
- isEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Test the enabled flag of this pane.
- isEnabled() - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.EventAcceptor
Test the enabled flag of this object.
- isEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Test the enabled flag of this layer.
- isEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Test the enabled flag of this layer.
- isEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Test the enabled flag of this interactor.
- isEnabled() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor
Test the enabled flag of this interactor.
- isEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Test the enabled flag of the wrapped pane.
- isEnabled(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Check whether the index-th element is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightingStyle
Return whether this style is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler
Return whether the semantic highlighting is enabled.
- isEnabled(IPreferenceStore) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings
Test whether semantic highlightings are enabled in the preference store.
- isEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if the transition is enabled, that is the guard is true,
and false if the guard evaluates to false.
- isEnabled(ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if the transition is enabled, that is the guard is true,
and false if the guard evaluates to false.
- isEnabled(ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
Evaluate the guard in the given parser scope, and return whether this
scheduling relation is enabled (with its guard evaluated to true).
- isEnabled(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Test whether the actor is enabled for a shared firing in given state state.
- isEnabled(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Port
test if the port is enabled, i.e. if the associated channel has enough
tokens on this port to fire in state s
- isEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
Determine whether debugging is enabled on the set of actors.
- isEnabled() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyValueListener
Return the enabled flag of the listener.
- isEnabledAt(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Returns whether or not the tab at the given index is
currently enabled.
- isEnabledAt(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Returns whether or not the tab at the given index is
currently enabled.
- isEndingEvent - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
A Boolean parameter that determines whether the event is the ending of a
submodel, which means the outgoing scheduling relations from the event
that the submodel is associated with should be evaluated.
- isEndingEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Return whether this event is an ending event.
- isEndState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
Test whether this is a valid end state, i.e. whether all actors have
completed their required number of firings.
- isEntry() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- isEntry() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- isEntry() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlToken
- isEqual(int, int, SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightingStyle) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition
Test whether this highlighting's starting offset, length, and style
is equal to the given parameters.
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Test for equality of the values of this token and the argument
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Model for equality of the values of this Token and the argument Token.
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Compare this ObjectToken to the given argument, and return true if the
values contained in the two are the same Java object.
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptToken
Compare this ConceptToken to the given argument, and return true if
they refer to the same concept in the same lattice.
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Return a true-valued token if the argument is equal to this one.
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument Token.
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument Token.
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothResponseToken
- isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothStatusToken
- isErrorReported() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Return true if setErrorReported() has been called with a true
- isErrorTransition() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if this transition is an error transition.
- IServerManager - Interface in ptserver.control
Define the control commands that can be administered to the
Ptolemy server from its distributed clients.
- isEvaluated() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Return true if this node has had its token value set to something
other than null.
- isExactTokenType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Return true if the given type is an exact token type.
- isExclusiveEnabled(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Test whether the actor is enabled for an exclusive firing in given state state.
- isExclusiveEnabled(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Port
test if the port is enabled for exclusive firing, i.e. if the associated
channel has enough tokens on this port to fire exclusively in state s
- isExecuting() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return true if the model is executing (between initialize() and
wrapup(), including initialize() but not wrapup()).
- isExecuting() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return true if the model is executing (between initialize() and
wrapup(), including initialize() but not wrapup()).
- isExit() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- isExit() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- isExit() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlToken
- isExitingAfterWrapup() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return true if exitAfterWrapup() was called.
- isExterior() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node represents an exterior port.
- isExterior() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode.NodeType
Decide whether type is an input or output.
- isFast(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Find out if task (=actor) or actuator (=output port) is fast task.
- isFeedback() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node represents feedback.
- isFeedback() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode.NodeType
Decide whether type is feedback in or out.
- isFeedbackRemoved() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Determine whether feedback has been removed.
- isFieldDuplicated(Class, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Test if a field to be added already exists.
- isFilled() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Test if the blob is filled or not.
- isFilled() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Test if the blob is filled or not.
- isFinal() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Get the isFinal element.
- isFinalEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Return whether the isFinal element is enabled.
- isFinalEvent - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
A Boolean parameter to specify whether this event is a final event.
- isFinalEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Return whether this event is a final event, so that its execution causes
the event queue of the Ptera director to be cleared.
- isFinalState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
An indicator of whether this state is a final state.
- isFinite(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Return false.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Return true.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
If this actor is opaque, invoke the isFireFunctional() method
of the local director and return its result.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return false.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
Return true if this executable does not change state in either
the prefire() or the fire() method.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return true because prefire and fire do nothing.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Return true.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Return true.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return true if all the controlled actors' isFireFunctional()
methods return true.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
Return true.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return false.
- isFireFunctional() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return the result of isFireFunctional() from the director.
- isFiringEventCausallyAffect(PtidesEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Calculate whether any Ptides event currently being processed
could causally affect event.
- isFocusTraversable() - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Return whether or not focus should be traversable across this object.
- isForReady() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return true if the boolean for the current conditional is
ready to be entered.
- isForStatement - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
This is true if this if statement is actually used to
represent a for statement.
- isForward() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.FastForwardFlowAnalysis
- isFull() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
A CircularFifoQueue
can never be full, thus this returns always
- isFull() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Return true if the number of objects in the queue equals the
queue capacity.
- isFull() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Return true if the number of objects in the queue equals the
queue capacity.
- isFullscreen() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- isFullyAssigned() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Return true if all the symbols in this if block have been
assigned a value.
- isFunction() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return true if this instance represents a function (vs. a method).
- isFurtherActionExpected() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return true if further action is expected of the client, e.g., issuing
a second request; false otherwise.
- isFurtherActionExpected() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return true if further action is expected of the client, e.g., issuing
a second request; false otherwise.
- isGenericAttribute() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBSearchAttribute
Get an indication if the attribute is generic.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Return true to indicate that this decorator should
decorate objects across opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Return true to indicate that this decorator should
decorate objects across opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Return true to indicate that this decorator should
decorate objects across opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Return true to indicate that this decorator should
decorate objects across opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Return true to indicate that this decorator should
decorate objects across opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return false to indicate that this decorator should not
decorate objects across opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Return false to indicate that this decorator should not
decorate objects across opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Return false to indicate that this decorator should not
decorate objects across opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Returns false, as this director only decorates local sources
immediately contained by the PtidesDirector, thus it should
not cross opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGlobalDecorator() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Decorator
Return true if this decorator should decorate objects across
opaque hierarchy boundaries.
- isGray - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- isGray() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- isGreaterThan(PartiallyOrderedToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Check whether the value of this token is strictly greater than
that of the argument token.
- isGreaterThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Check whether the value of this token is strictly greater than
that of the argument token.
- isGroupLinked(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Return true if the given relation or one in its relation
group is linked to this port.
- isHeadless - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Flag, set the true
if Ptolemy is run without any graphical
- isHeadless - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Flag, set the true
if Ptolemy is run without any graphical
If isHeadless=true
, this actor will not open any windows for
reporting outputs or warnings.
- isHistory() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if this transition is a history transition.
- isHorizontal() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
Returns if this is a horizontal specification (vs. vertical).
- isHorizontal() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Returns if this is a horizontal specification (vs. vertical).
- isHorizontal() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
Returns if this is a horizontal specification (vs. vertical).
- isHostingModel(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Return true if this web server is hosting the given model; false
- isHostingModel(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Return true if this web server is hosting the given model; false
- isIconified() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Test if the frame is iconified.
- isIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return true if the leaf is an identifier that must be
evaluated in scope.
- isIdentity() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node represents an identity.
- isIfReady() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return true if the boolean for the current conditional is
ready to be entered.
- isIgnored(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Return whether the object in the pattern is to be ignored.
- isImmediate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if this transition is immediate.
- isIncoming() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node is incoming to the expression.
- isIncoming() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode.NodeType
Decide whether type is incoming.
- isIndependent(Variable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ConstVariableModelAnalysis
Return true if the variable has been analyzed by this analysis
and it depends on no other parameters.
- isInfinite() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return true if the current time value is infinite.
- isInfinite() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return true if either the real or imaginary part is infinite.
- isInfinite(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return true if either the real or imaginary part of the given
complex number is infinite.
- isInInitialState() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction
test if the junction has the same number of tokens as its initial state.
- isInit() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Get the isInit element.
- isInit() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- isInitEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Return whether the isInit element is enabled.
- isInitial() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node is initial, having no inputs.
- isInitialEvent - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
A Boolean parameter to specify whether this event is an initial
- isInitialEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Return whether this event is an initial event, so that it is
automatically scheduled at model time 0 in the Ptera director's event
- isInitialized() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- isInitialized() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- isInitialized() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- isInitialized() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- isInitialized() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- isInitialized() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- isInitialState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
An indicator of whether this state is the initial state.
- isInPattern(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Return whether the object is in a pattern.
- isInput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the input element.
- isInput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return true if the port is an input.
- isInput - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunctionPort
True if this is an input port.
- isInput() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Decide whether the port is representationally an input port.
- isInputEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Return whether the input element is enabled.
- isInReplacement(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Return whether the object is in a replacement.
- isInsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BoundaryDetector
Return true if the receiver containing this boundary detector
is contained on the inside of a boundary port.
- isInsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the inside of a
boundary port.
- isInsideBoundary() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the inside of a
boundary port.
- isInsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the inside of a
boundary port.
- isInsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the inside of a
boundary port.
- isInsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the inside of a
boundary port.
- isInsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the inside of a
boundary port.
- isInsideConnected() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return whether the port has relations connected on the inside.
- isInsideGroupLinked(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Return true if the given relation or one in its relation
group is linked to this port on the inside.
- isInsideLinked(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Return true if the given relation is linked from inside.
- isInstanceDoc() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return true if the primary source of documentation is
the instance.
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Determine if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Determine if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Test if this Type corresponds to an instantiable token class.
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Determine if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Determine if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Determine if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Test if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Test if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return true, indicating that instances of this type can
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Determine if this Type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Test if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Test if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Determine if this Type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Test if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Determine if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isInstantiable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Determine if this type corresponds to an instantiable token
- isIsolated() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node is isolated from the network.
- isJavaScriptKeyword(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return true if the specified string is a JavaScript keyword.
- isJavaScriptKeyword(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return true if the specified string is a JavaScript keyword.
- isJSON() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Return true if the port or parameter value is required to be JSON.
- isJSON() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Return true if the port or parameter value is required to be JSON.
- isKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Return true.
- isKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Delegate to the internal receiver and return whatever it returns.
- isKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return true if all channels of this port have known state; that is,
the tokens on each channel are known, or each channel is known not to
have any tokens.
- isKnown(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return true if the specified channel has known state;
that is, the tokens on this channel are known, or this channel
is known not to have any tokens.
- isKnown() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Return true if this receiver has known state;
that is, the tokens in this receiver are known, or this
receiver is known not to contain any tokens.
- isKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
Return true if this receiver has status known, that is, this
receiver either is either known to have a token or known to
not to have a token.
- isKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return true if the value of this variable is known, and
false otherwise.
- isKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Return whether the state of the receiver is known.
- isKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Return true.
- isKnownInside(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return true if the specified inside channel has known state;
that is, the tokens on this channel are known, or this channel
is known not to have any tokens.
- isLabelWidget(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Return if the object argument is a label widget.
- isLafAqua() - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.Utilities
Lazily checks and answers whether the Aqua look&feel is active.
- isLattice() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptGraph
Return whether this concept graph is a lattice.
- isLattice() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Ontology
Return true if the ontology graph is a lattice, false otherwise.
- isLattice() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
Test if this CPO is a lattice.
- isLattice() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Test if this CPO is a lattice.
- isLazy() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return true if this variable is lazy.
- isLeaf - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer.OctTreeNode
- isLeaf() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Test whether this node is a leaf in the XML tree.
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.AttributeTreeModel
Return true if the object is a leaf node.
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.ClassAndEntityTreeModel
Return true if the object is a leaf node.
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.CompositeTreeModel
Return true if the object is a leaf node.
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Return true if the object is a leaf node.
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.FullTreeModel
Return true if the object is a leaf node.
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.VisibleTreeModel
Return true if the object is a leaf node.
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigationTreeModel
Return true if the object is a leaf node.
- isLeastFixedPoint() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return true if the solver is finding a least fixed point, and
false if the solver is finding a greatest fixed point.
- isLeftToRight() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Returns whether this builder fills the form left-to-right
or right-to-left.
- isLeftToRightButtonOrder() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Returns whether button sequences will be ordered from
left to right or from right to left.
- isLeftToRightButtonOrder() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Checks and answers whether buttons are typically ordered from
left to right or from right to left.
- isLeftToRightButtonOrder() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.MacLayoutStyle
Checks and answers whether buttons are typically ordered from
left to right or from right to left.
- isLeftToRightButtonOrder() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.WindowsLayoutStyle
Checks and answers whether buttons are typically ordered from
left to right or from right to left.
- isLegalActor() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- isLegalActor() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- isLegalActor() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDF
In DDF, an actor is legal if:
The guards of each action do not depend on the inputs.
- isLegalActor() - Method in interface ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDI
Perform static checking on the actor, ensuring its validity in
a given domain.
- isLegalActor() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.SDF
In SDF, an actor is legal if:
The rates of each action are statically computable, and
these rates are the same for each action.
- isLessThan(PartiallyOrderedToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Check whether the value of this token is strictly less than that of the
argument token.
- isLessThan(DateToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Check whether the value of this token is strictly less than that of the
argument token.
- isLessThan(PartiallyOrderedToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptToken
Check whether the value of this token is strictly less than that of the
argument token.
- isLessThan(PartiallyOrderedToken) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.PartiallyOrderedToken
Check whether the value of this token is strictly less than that of the
argument token.
- isLessThan(PartiallyOrderedToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Check whether the value of this token is strictly less than that of the
argument token.
- isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Check whether the value of this token is strictly less than that of the
argument token.
- isLessThan(VersionAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute
Return true if this version is less than the specified version.
- isLinked(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Return true if the given relation is linked to this port.
- isLinked(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList
Return true if the specified container is linked to this
- isListening(FiringEvent.FiringEventType) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugProfile
See if the DebugProfile contains this FiringEventType.
- isLocalAuth - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth.AuthManager
Use a local version of Auth.
- isLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- isLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- isLogicalAnd() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLogicalNode
Return true if the node represents the logical AND of its
- isLogicalOr() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLogicalNode
Return true if the node represents the logical OR of its
- isMarked() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get whether the node has been marked.
- isMaster() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Return true if this tableau is a master, which means that
if that if its window is closed, then all other windows associated
with the model are also closed.
- isMatcherNameEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Return whether the matcherName element is enabled.
- isMatchOnly() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationMode
Whether the transformation mode is match only.
- isMaximizeMode() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Test if we are in maximize mode
- isMaximum() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Test if the frame is maximized.
- isMediator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node represents a mediator.
- isMediator() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode.NodeType
Decide whether type is a mediator.
- isMenuPopulated() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Return true if the menu of this window has been populated.
- isMethod() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return true if this instance represents a method (vs. a function).
- isMinus() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
Return true if this node represents the additive inverse of its
- isModelFromCache() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelTask
Return if the model is to be read from cache or not.
- isModifiable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Return whether the model data is modifiable.
- isModified() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Get an indication if the panel has been modified.
- isModified() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GenericAttributePanel
Get an indication if the panel has been modified.
- isModified() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ModelAttributePanel
Get an indication if the panel has been modified.
- isModified() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Get an indication if the panel has been modified.
- isModified() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Return the data associated with the master effigy (as
returned by masterEffigy()) has been modified.
- isModified() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Return true if the data associated with this window has been
modified since it was first read or last saved.
- isModified() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
Override the base class to compare the current text in the document
against the original text.
- isModified() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Return true if the data associated with this window has been
modified since it was first read or last saved.
- isModified() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Return the value set by setModified(), or false if setModified()
has yet not been called.
- isMonotonic() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Determine whether the concept function is monotonic over the
ontology for the output range and all the inputs that are also
in that same ontology.
- isMotion() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Return whether motion was detected in the last filter operation.
- isMotionEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Test the motion enabled flag of this interactor.
- isMotionEnabled() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Return true if any contained interactor is motion enabled.
- isMotionEnabled() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor
Test the motion enabled flag of this interactor.
- isMultiport() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the multiport element.
- isMultiport() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return true if the port is a multiport.
- isMultiportEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Return whether the multiport element is enabled.
- isNameEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Return whether the port name element is enabled.
- isNaN() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return true if either the real or imaginary part is NaN.
- isNaN(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return true if either the real or imaginary part of the given
Complex number is NaN.
- isNegated(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Return whether the object in the pattern is to be negated.
- isNegative() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return true if the current time value is a negative value
(including negative infinity).
- isNegativeInfinite() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return true if the current time value is a negative infinity.
- isNetworkPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Flag that is true if the port is a network receiver or transmitter.
- isNetworkPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Flag that is true if the port is a network receiver or transmitter.
- isNetworkReceiverPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Returns true if this object is network receiver port.
- isNetworkReceiverPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Check whether port is input and network port parameter is set.
- isNetworkTransmitterPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Returns true if this object is network transmitter port.
- isNetworkTransmitterPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Check whether port is output and network port parameter is set.
- isNeverNullBefore(Local, Unit) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.NullPointerAnalysis
Return the set of other fields and locals that must reference
the same object as the given local, at a point before
the given unit.
- isNewComponent(Component) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
Returns true if the named component was created by hand in this session
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNil() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
- isNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Return true if the given object is a node
in this model.
- isNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Return true if the given object is a
node in this model.
- isNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return true if the given object is a
node in this model, which in this case means
that it is an instance of Locatable.
- isNodeVisible(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Return whether or not the given node is actually
visible in the view.
- isNodeVisible(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Return whether or not the given node is actually
visible in the view.
- isNondeterministic() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if this transition is nondeterministic.
- isNonInteractive() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Return true if the current process is a non-interactive session.
- isNormal(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Test if this site has a normal in the given direction.
- isNormal(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Test if this site has a normal in the given direction.
- isNormal(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Test if this site has a normal in the given direction.
- isNormal(int) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Test if this site has a normal in the given direction.
- isNormal(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Test if this site has a normal in the given direction.
- isNormal(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- isNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
Return true if this node represents the boolean negation of its
- isNull(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Determine if the value is null.
- isNull(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Determine if the value associated with the key is null or if there is
no value.
- isNumberOfArgumentsFixed() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Return true if this concept function has a fixed number of
arguments, false otherwise.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Return true if this actor contains a local director.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteActor
Make this actor opaque.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
Return true.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTransferFunction
Return the opaqueness of this composite actor.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
Return the opaqueness of this composite actor.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return true.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Return true if the entity is opaque.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Return true if the container entity is opaque.
- isOpaque() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return false.
- isOpen() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpoint
Return true if the connection is open; false otherwise.
- isOpen() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketHelper
Return whether the web socket is opened successfully.
- isOptional(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Return whether the object in the pattern is to be optional.
- isOriginal() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.ProfileActor
Return if an actor is an original ptolemy actor or not.
- isOrthogonal(AffineTransform) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return true if the given transform maps a rectangle
to a rectangle.
- isOrthogonal(AffineTransform) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Return true if the given transform maps a rectangle
to a rectangle.
- isOutgoing() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node is outgoing to the expression.
- isOutgoing() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode.NodeType
Decide whether type is outgoing.
- isOutOfRange(BigInteger, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Determines whether the given BigInteger unscaled value is considered
an "underflow" or an "overflow" under the given Precision constraint.
- isOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Get the output element.
- isOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return true if the port is an output.
- isOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Decide whether the port is representationally an output port.
- isOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Return whether the file is to be written to.
- isOutputEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Return whether the output element is enabled.
- isOutsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BoundaryDetector
Return true if the receiver containing this boundary detector
is contained on the outside of a boundary port.
- isOutsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the outside of a
boundary port.
- isOutsideBoundary() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the outside of a
boundary port.
- isOutsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the outside of a
boundary port.
- isOutsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the outside of a
boundary port.
- isOutsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the outside of a
boundary port.
- isOutsideBoundary() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return true if this receiver is contained on the outside of a
boundary port.
- isOutsideConnected() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return whether the port has relations connected on the outside.
- isOverflow(BigInteger, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Determines whether the given BigInteger unscaled value is considered
an "overflow" under the given Precision constraint.
- isOverridden() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return true if propagateValue() has been called, which
indicates that the value of this object (if any) has been
overridden from the default defined by its class definition.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultTitle
Return true, since new title content should overwrite old title content.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.HTMLImage
Return true, since old images should be overwritten with new.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.HTMLText
Return true, since new content should overwrite old.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconLink
Return true, since new content should overwrite old.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Return true, since new content should overwrite old.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.ParameterDisplayIconScript
Override base class since content here should only be added if
it does not exist already.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Script
Return true, since new scripts and method calls should overwrite old.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
Return true, since new title content should overwrite old title content.
- isOverwriteable() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportable
Returns true if the content in the WebExporter for this object should
be overwritten; false if the original content should be kept.
- isPaintAsDisabled() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
Returns whether the label is painted as disabled.
- isPartiallyContainedEdge(Object, Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
- isPassed() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Check with this searcher has been passed the searching.
- isPatternEmpty() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GraphPatternSearchEditor
Indicates whether the pattern in this frame is empty.
- isPendingEventCausallyAffect(PtidesEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Calculates whether any Ptides event pending could causally affect event.
- isPermutation() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node is a permutation.
- isPersistent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.PersistenceAttribute
Always return false, indicating that this attribute is not
- isPersistent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
If the isPersistent parameter is false, then the user will not
be prompted to save the model upon closing.
- isPersistent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
If the isPersistent parameter is false, then the user will not
be prompted to save the model upon closing.
- isPersistent - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
If the isPersistent parameter is false, then the MoMLChangeRequest
that places the nodes will not be persistent so the user will not
be prompted to save the model upon closing.
- isPersistent() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Return false if the change represented by this request has been
asserted to be non-persistent by calling setPersistent(false),
and return true otherwise.
- isPersistent() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Return true if this object is persistent.
- isPersistent() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return true if this object is persistent.
- isPlaybackActive() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Return true if audio playback is currently active.
- isPlaybackActive() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Return true if audio playback is currently active.
- isPlaybackActive() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Return true if audio playback is currently active.
- isPolling - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.joystick.Joystick
Set to true if polling is used to access the Joystick, false if
we use a JoystickListener.
- isPortClassEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Return whether the portClass element is enabled.
- isPortExterior(Port, CompositeEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Decide whether a port is exterior in the given entity.
- isPortNameEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Return whether the portName element is enabled.
- isPortTypeEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Return whether the portType element is enabled.
- isPortTypeEnabled() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Return whether the portType element is enabled.
- isPositionable(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutParser
Return true if the node has location defined.
- isPositive - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : int*.
- isPositive() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return true if the current time value is a positive value
(including positive infinity).
- isPositiveInfinite() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return true if the current time value is a positive infinity.
- isPreemptive() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if this transition is preemptive.
- isPreferableTo(CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion
Return true if this conversion is preferable to the given
- isPreferableTo(CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.TypeArgumentConversion
Return true if this conversion is preferable to the given
- IsPresent - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
On each firing, output true if the input is present and false otherwise.
- IsPresent(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.IsPresent
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- isPreserved(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Return whether the object in the pattern is to be preserved.
- isPrimitive() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Test if this type is primitive (boolean,
byte, char, double, float,
int, long, short, and
- isPrimitive(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Test if the type given by the name is primitive.
- isPrimitive(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Determine if the given type is primitive.
- isPrimitive(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Determine if the given type is primitive.
- isProcessed() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.EventDebugEvent
Return whether the Ptera event is processed.
- isProducerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return true if this is a producer receiver; return false otherwise.
- isProducerReceiver() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Return true if this receiver is a producer receiver.
- isProducerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return true if this receiver is on an outside or
an inside boundary.
- isProducerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return true if this receiver is a producer receiver.
- isProducerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return true if this receiver is at a boundary.
- isProducerReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return true if this receiver is on an outside or an inside boundary.
- isPublishedPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Return true if a port is in the published port list
at this level.
- isPulled() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIActor
Return true if the given actor has a pending pull request.
- isPure() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode.NodeType
Decide whether type is a purely syntactic one.
- isPureEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Return true if this event is a pure event.
- isQueueEmpty() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
Return true if no more elements will be added to the list.
- isReachabilityAnalysisState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv.FmvState
A boolean parameter indicating whether this state is a
reachability analysis state.
- isReadBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return a true or false to indicate whether there is a read block
on this receiver or not, respectively.
- isReadBlocked() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Determine whether this receiver is read blocked.
- isReadBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return true if there is a get or a conditional receive
waiting on this receiver.
- isReadBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return a true or false to indicate whether there is a read block
on this receiver or not, respectively.
- isReadBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return a true or false to indicate whether there is a read block
on this receiver or not, respectively.
- isReadBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return true if there is a get or a conditional receive waiting on this
- isReady() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return true if the current piece of code is ready to be
- isReduceFinished() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
Return true if the reduce is finished.
- isRegistered(String, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerManager
Return true if the given application is registered with the
server associated with the given port; false otherwise.
- isRegistered(String, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerManager
Return true if the given application is registered with the
server associated with the given port; false otherwise.
- isRemoteAttribute(Attribute) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Return true if the attribute is marked as remote attribute, false otherwise.
- isRemoteURI(String) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpointManager
Return true if the path refers to a remote resource; false otherwise.
- isRemoteURI(URI) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpointManager
Return true if the path refers to a remote resource; false otherwise.
- isRenderedSelected(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionRenderer
Test if the given figure is currently rendered selected.
- isRenderedSelected(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionRenderer
Test if the given figure is currently rendered selected.
- isRenderedSelected(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Test whether the given figure is currently rendered highlighted.
- isRepainting() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Test if this manipulator is in the process of repainting
itself and its child.
- isRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node represents an Entity or is purely syntactic.
- isRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Decide whether the port represents an actual port.
- isResize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- isRest() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Note
Returns true if the note is a rest.
- isRestricted() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return true if this actor is restricted.
- isRestricted() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return true if this actor is restricted.
- isRestricted() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Return true.
- isRestricted() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Return true.
- isResume() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- isRiskAnalysisState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv.FmvState
A boolean parameter indicating that this state is a risk state.
- isRowGroupingEnabled() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Returns whether new data rows are being grouped or not.
- isRunning() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.CertiRtig
Indicate if the current subprocess is running.
- isRunning(String, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerManager
Return true if the given application is registered with the
server associated with the given port and this server is running;
false otherwise.
- isRunning() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Return true if the web server is running; false otherwise.
- isRunning(String, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerManager
Return true if the given application is registered with the
server associated with the given port and this server is running;
false otherwise.
- isRunning() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Return true if the web server is running; false otherwise.
- isRunningUnderWebStart() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.JNLPUtilities
Return true if we are running under WebStart.
- isSafe(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JSUtils
Test whether a given object can be safely cast into a given class.
- isSafe(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JSUtils
Test whether a given object can be safely cast into a given class.
- isSafeNotEmpty(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JSUtils
Test whether a given object can be safely cast into a given class.
- isSafeNotEmpty(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JSUtils
Test whether a given object can be safely cast into a given class.
- isSatisfied(CPO) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Inequality
Test if this inequality is satisfied with the current value
of variables.
- isSatisfied() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitEquation
Return true if this equation is satisfied.
- isScheduleValid() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Return true if the current (cached) schedule is valid.
- isScheduleValid() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Return true if the current (cached) schedule is valid.
- isSearchCancelled() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Check whether the search process has been canceled by the user.
- isSearchCancelled() - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.bl.search.ResultHandler
Check whether the searching process has been canceled by the user.
- isSearchCancelled() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchResultBuffer
Check whether the searching process has been canceled by the user.
- isSegDecimate() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Return whether decimating before segmenting is enabled.
- isSelected(LayerEvent) - Static method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Given a mouse event, check that the figure it contains
as its event source is selected.
- isSelected() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Return whether or not a figure has been selected in the
- isSelfLoop() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Edge
Return true if this is a self-loop edge.
- isSensorPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Returns true if this object is sensor port.
- isSensorPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Check whether port is input and network port parameter is not set.
- isSettable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return whether or not this InequalityTerm is settable.
- isSettable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Return false.
- isSettable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Test if the property of the port associated with this Term
can be changed.
- isSettable(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Return true if the specified property-able object is settable; otherwise
false which means that its concept has been set by
- isSettable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Return false.
- isSettable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Return false since this term represent a constant.
- isSettable() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm
Check whether this term can be set to a specific element of the
underlying CPO.
- isSetupDone() - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Return true if the database setup is completed.
- isSigned() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Determine if the fixed point format is signed or not.
- isSingular() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- isSinkOrSource(ComponentEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutFileOperations
Check if the entity is a sink or source.
- isSparse() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- isStart() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent.FiringEventType
Return true if this event corresponds with a start event.
- isStart - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
True when the thread has been started.
- isState - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The boolean attribute for state variable.
- isStepSizeAccurate() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.continuous.ContinuousStepSizeController
Implementations of this method should return
true if the current integration step size
is sufficiently small for this actor to give accurate
- isStepSizeAccurate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return whether the most recent call to fmiDoStep() succeeded.
- isStepSizeAccurate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return true if all step size control actors agree that the current
step is accurate and if there are no breakpoints in the past.
- isStepSizeAccurate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Return true if the state is resolved successfully.
- isStepSizeAccurate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Return true if all actors that were fired in the current iteration
report that the step size is accurate and if no transition is enabled.
- isStepSizeAccurate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Return false if with the current step size we miss a level crossing.
- isStopFireRequested() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return true if a stop has been requested on the director.
- isStopped() - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Return true if the model is stopped, otherwise return false.
- isStopRequested() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true if stop has been requested.
- isStrict() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Return true.
- isStrict() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
Return false, indicating that this actor can fire even if its
input is unknown.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Return true unless all input ports have non-empty default values.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Return false if all input ports have non-empty default values,
or if this actor is opaque and the contained director indicates
that it is non-strict.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true.
- isStrict() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
Return true if this executable is strict, meaning all inputs must
be known before iteration.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanMultiplexor
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Default
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return false if any output has been found that not depend directly on an
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MicrostepDelay
Return false indicating that this actor can be fired even if
the inputs are unknown.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Return false indicating that this actor can be fired even if
the inputs are unknown.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.LogicalNot
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.SynchronousFixTransformer
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
Return true in this base class.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Override the base class to declare that the actor is nonstrict
if it has an initial value token.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
Return false if the microstep value
is zero.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Indicate that this actor can fire even if the inputs are not
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
Return false indicating that this actor can be fired even if
the inputs are unknown.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return the result of isStrict() from the director.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Absent
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
This actor must be *NON-strict* because it must not wait for more than
one input within an SR director iteration.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.NonStrictDisplay
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictDelay
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictLogicFunction
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictLogicGate
Return false.
- isStrict() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictThreeBitAdder
Return false.
- isStringMode() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return true if this parameter is in string mode.
- isStructuralChange() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Return whether this change request is a structural change request.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return true if the argument is a
substitution instance of this type.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return true if the argument is a
substitution instance of this type.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Detect if the specified type is a substitution instance of this type.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return true if the argument is a
substitution instance of this type.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return true if the specified type is a substitution instance of this
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return true if the argument is a substitution instance of this type.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Test if the argument is a substitution instance of this type.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Test if the specified type is a substitution instance of this
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Test if the argument is a substitution instance of this type.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return true if the specified type is a substitution instance of this
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Test whether the specified type is a substitution instance of this
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Test if the specified type is a substitution instance of this
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return true if the specified type is a substitution instance of this
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Test if the specified type is a substitution instance of this
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return true if the argument is a
substitution instance of this type.
- isSubstitutionInstance(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return true if the argument is a
substitution instance of this type.
- isSubtypeOf(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Return true if type2 is a subtype of type1.
- isSuccessful() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return true if no errors were encountered; false otherwise.
- isSuccessful() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return true if no errors were encountered; false otherwise.
- isSuccessful() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
Return whether the last matching was successful.
- isSuppressingPropagation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Return true if this instance is suppressing propagation.
- isSuppressVariableSubstitution() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return true if this variable is suppressing
variable substitution.
- isSuspend() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- isSystemEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Return whether this effigy is a system effigy.
- isTableActive() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- isTargetInstantiableAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return true if the target class is a subclass of Attribute
that has a two-argument constructor compatible where the
first argument is a CompositeEntity and the second is a
- isTargetInstantiableEntity() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return true if the target class is a subclass of Entity
that has a two-argument constructor compatible where the
first argument is a CompositeEntity and the second is a
- isTargetInstantiablePort() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Return true if the target class is a subclass of Port
that has a two-argument constructor compatible where the
first argument is a CompositeEntity and the second is a
- isTargetProxySink(Attribute) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Return true if the attribute is marked as remote sink, false otherwise.
- isTargetProxySource(Attribute) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Return true if the attribute is marked as remote source, false otherwise.
- isTerminal() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Determine whether node is terminal, having no outputs.
- isTerminate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- isTermination() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return true if this transition is a termination transition.
- isTextComponent(Component) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- isThreadActive(Thread) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return true if the specified thread has been registered
with addThread() and has not been removed with removeThread().
- isTimeConstrained - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Boolean value, 'true' if the Federate is declared time constrained
'false' if not.
- isTimeRegulator - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Boolean value, 'true' if the Federate is declared time regulator
'false' if not.
- isTokenType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Return true if the given type references a
ptolemy token type.
- isTotallyContainedEdge(Object, Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
- isTransactionRequired() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBConnectionParameters
Return true if the connection is to be
created with transaction
and false if it is to be created without transaction.
- isTransitionReady(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
Test whether a given Transition is enabled or not.
- isTypeAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Override the super class method to allow UNKNOWN type if this
port does not have any inside links.
- isTypeAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Check whether the current type of this port is acceptable.
- isTypeAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Check whether the current type of this variable is acceptable.
- isTypeAcceptable() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Typeable
Check whether the type of this object is acceptable.
- isTypeAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Override the super class method to allow UNKNOWN type if this
port does not have any inside links.
- isTypeType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
Return true if the given type references a
ptolemy token type type.
- isUnderflow(BigInteger, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Determines whether the given BigInteger unscaled value is considered
an "underflow" under the given Precision constraint.
- isUndoable() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Tells if the current context is undoable or not.
- isUnit() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
True if this is a Unit.
- isUnitExpr() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
True is this is a UnitExpr.
- isUnitless(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Return true if the given unit array is null, or the exponents for
each index are zero.
- isUnknown() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode.NodeType
Decide whether type is unknown.
- isUpdateTask() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.Task
Return true if the given task is an update task or
false if it is a select task.
- isValid(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.CellValidator
Return true if the value is valid.
- isValid() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Return true if the current schedule is valid.
- isValid() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArrayMapCachedMethod
Override the base class to correctly implement the
isValid() method.
- isValid() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return true if the search for the method or function represented
by this object found an invokeable method.
- isValid() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.MatrixMapCachedMethod
Override the base class to correctly implement the
isValid() method.
- isValidIdentifier(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return true if the specified string is not a JavaScript keyword
and is a valid JavaScript identifier.
- isValidIdentifier(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return true if the specified string is not a JavaScript keyword
and is a valid JavaScript identifier.
- isValidIdentifier(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Test whether a string is a valid Java identifier.
- isValidModelForVerification(CompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.REDUtility
This function decides if the director of the current actor is DE.
- isValidModelForVerification(CompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.SMVUtility
This function decides if the director of the current actor is SR.
- isValidURI(String) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpointManager
Check if the given path is a valid URI.
- isValueAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return whether this concept is a valid inference result.
- isValueAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Return true.
- isValueAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Check whether the current value of this term is acceptable.
- isValueAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Return true.
- isValueAcceptable() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Check whether the current type of this term is acceptable,
and return true if it is.
- isValueAcceptable() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm
Check whether the current value of this term is acceptable,
and return true if it is.
- isVariable(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Return whether a name refers to a variable in the variable stack.
- isVariable() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
True if this a variable.
- isVerbose() - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Test if we are in verbose mode.
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Test the visibility flag of this figure.
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Test the visibility flag of this object.
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Test the visibility flag of this layer.
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Test the visibility flag of this layer.
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Test the visibility flag of this layer.
- isVisible() - Method in interface diva.canvas.VisibleComponent
Test the visibility flag of this object.
- isVisible() - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Return whether the context is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Invoke the delegate's isvisible().
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Return true.
- isVisible() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Test whether the application frame is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Return whether or not the frame is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Test whether the application frame is visible.
- isVisible(NamedObj, Settable) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configurer
Return true if the given settable should be visible in a
configurer panel for the specified target.
- isVisited(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
- isVisited() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get whether the node has been visited.
- isWaitingForResource(Actor) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ActorExecutionAspect
Return whether an actor is currently waiting for a resource.
- isWaitingForResource(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Check whether the execution of an actor is handled by
this aspect actor.
- isWaitingForResource(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Check whether the execution of an actor is handled by
this aspect actor.
- isWhitespace(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Test if a character is whitespace.
- isWholeSearchDone() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchResultBuffer
Check whether the all the searchers in the search chain have finished.
- isWidthFixed() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Return true if the relation has a definite width (i.e.,
setWidth() has not been called with a value equal to
- isWithinClassDefinition() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Return true if this object is a class definition or is within
a class definition, which means that
any container above it in the hierarchy is
a class definition.
- isWritable() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Test the "writable" flag.
- isWritable() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Test the "writable" flag.
- isWriteBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Return a true or false to indicate whether there is a write block
on this receiver or not.
- isWriteBlocked() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Determine whether this receiver is write blocked.
- isWriteBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return true if there is either a put or a conditional send
waiting on this receiver.
- isWriteBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Return a true or false to indicate whether there is a write block
on this receiver or not.
- isWriteBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Return a true or false to indicate whether there is a write block
on this receiver or not.
- isWriteBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return true if there is either a put or a conditional send waiting on
this receiver.
- isZero() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return true if the current time value is zero.
- italic - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
A boolean indicating whether the font should be italic.
- italic - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
A boolean indicating whether the font should be italic.
- Item(ComboBox, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox.Item
Construct an item with the given name contained by the specified
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox
React to an action of changing the selected item in the combo box.
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryItemListener
Call all registered QueryListeners.
- iterate(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Return immediately.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Invoke a specified number of iterations of this director.
- iterate(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing and return 0.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Invoke a specified number of iterations of this actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Invoke a specified number of iterations of this actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
Invoke count iterations of this actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MathFunction
Invoke a specified number of iterations of this actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Invoke a specified number of iterations of this actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Invoke a specified number of iterations of this actor.
- iterate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Invoke one iteration of the model.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Check to see whether the specified file has changed, and if so,
re-read it.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
Invoke a specified number of iterations of this actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Invoke a specified number of iterations of this actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
- iterate(FunctionToken, int, Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Iterate the specified function to produce an array of the specified
- ITERATE - Static variable in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientThread
Iterate command.
- iterate(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the wrapped actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor by calling
iterate() of the director.
- iterate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesDynamicCompositeActor
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor.
- iterate(int, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.BufferingProfile
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor in either shared or
exclusive mode as indicated by the fireExclusive argument.
- iterate(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyDisplay
Iterates the dummy display actor.
- iterate(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Iterate the actor.
- iterate(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Invoke a specified number of iterations of the actor in either shared or
exclusive mode as indicated by the fireExclusive argument.
- IterateComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray.IterateComposite
Construct an actor with a name and a container.
- iterateContainedActors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite
Iterate the contained actors of the
container of this director.
- IteratedFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A BufferedImageOp which iterates another BufferedImageOp.
- IteratedFilter(BufferedImageOp, int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.IteratedFilter
Construct an IteratedFilter.
- IterateOverArray - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This actor iterates the contained actor or model over input arrays.
- IterateOverArray(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- IterateOverArray(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray
Construct an IterateOverArray in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- IterateOverArray.IterateComposite - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is a specialized composite actor for use in IterateOverArray.
- IterateOverArray.IteratePort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is a specialized port for IterateOverArray.
- IteratePort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray.IteratePort
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- IteratePort(TypedCompositeActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray.IteratePort
Create a new instance of a port for IterateOverArray.
- iterateReturnType(Type, Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the return type of the iterate method, given the types
of the argument.
- ITERATING - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that the execution is in an iteration.
- iterationConverged - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIEventInfo
C type: fmiBoolean.
- iterationCounter - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- iterations - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
The number of times that postfire may be called before it
returns false.
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
The iterations parameter.
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
A Parameter representing the number of times that postfire() may
be called before it returns false.
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
The number of times that postfire may be called before it
returns false.
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
A parameter representing the number of times that postfire()
may be called before it returns false.
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
A Parameter representing the number of times that postfire may be called
before it returns false.
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
This parameter represents the maximum number of times the PetriNet
should fire.
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
A Parameter representing the number of times that postfire may be
called before it returns false.
- iterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
A Parameter representing the number of times that postfire may be
called before it returns false.
- ITERATIONS_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
The name of the iterations parameter: "iterations".
- iterationsPerUpdate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotter
The number of iterations between updates of the display
on the screen.
- iterationsPerUpdate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotterXY
The number of iterations between updates of the display
on the screen.
- iterationSynchronized - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
Boolean variable that determines whether screen update is done
once per iteration.
- iterationSynchronized - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Boolean variable that determines whether screen update is done
once per iteration.
- iterationTimeLowerBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
A parameter that indicates the time lower bound of each
- iterative_statement(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- iterative_statement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- iterative_statement(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- iterative_statement_evaluator(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- IterativeParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A special parameter in the pattern that can take various values in pattern.
- IterativeParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- IterativeParameter.ConstraintViolationException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.gt
The exception to denote that the constraint is violated and no more values
are available.
- IterativeParameter.Mode - Enum in ptolemy.actor.gt
The modes of this parameter.
- IterativeParameterIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- IterativeParameterIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.IterativeParameterIcon
- IterativeParameterIcon(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.IterativeParameterIcon
- iterator() - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphLogger
Return a sequentially-sorted iterator over the GraphEvent
objects contained by the log.
- iterator() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.ListDataModel
Return an iterator over the elements in the model.
- iterator(Object) - Method in class diva.util.IteratorIterator
Convert an object returned by the top-level iterator
into a sub-iterator.
- iterator() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- iterator() - Method in interface net.jimblackler.Utils.YieldAdapterIterable
Returns an iterator over the results.
- iterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Return an iterator to iterate all the elements in this collection.
- iterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Not implemented.
- iterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Returns an iterator over this queue's elements.
- iterator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Return an iterator over the schedule elements of this schedule.
- iterator() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Return the iterator of all the records.
- iterator(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Return the iterator of the records with the specified index.
- iterator() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Return an iterator over the elements in the list.
- iterator() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Return an iterator over the schedule elements of this schedule.
- iterator() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute
Return an iterator over the elements of the version,
each of which is a String.
- IteratorAdapter - Class in diva.util
An iterator that implements the Iterator, intended for
subclassing so that you don't have to provide the remove()
method all the time....
- IteratorAdapter() - Constructor for class diva.util.IteratorAdapter
- IteratorIterator - Class in diva.util
An iterator that takes an iterator over objects that themselves
produce iterators, and which iterators over the elements in
the sub-iterators.
- IteratorIterator(Iterator) - Constructor for class diva.util.IteratorIterator
Construct a new iterator over the contents of the given iterator.
- IteratorUtilities - Class in diva.util
A collection of utilities dealing with iterators.
- ix - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- ix0 - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- ix1 - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- iy - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- iy0 - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- iy1 - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- m - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- m00 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- m00 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m01 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- m01 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m02 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m03 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m10 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- m10 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m11 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- m11 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m12 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m13 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m20 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m21 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m22 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m23 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m30 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m31 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m32 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- m33 - Variable in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- macAlgorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
The secure hash algorithm for message authentication code (MAC)
to be used for this actor.
- MacLayoutStyle - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.util
that aims to provide layout constants as defined by
Design Specifications and Guidelines - Visual Design.
- macOSLookAndFeel() - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.PtGUIUtilities
Return true if we are running under MacOS look and feel or
if the ptolemy.ptII.MacOS property is defined.
- macOSLookAndFeel() - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.VergilUtilities
- MacOSXAdapter - Class in ptolemy.gui
Support for Mac OS X specific features such as key bindings.
- magic - Variable in class ptolemy.media.Audio
The file type identifier, 0x2E736E64 or '.snd' in ASCII.
- magnetometerX - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Persistent magnetometer (x-axis) input data.
- magnetometerY - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Persistent magnetometer (y-axis) input data.
- magnitude(int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
length of the vector
- magnitude(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
length of the vector
- magnitude(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
length of the vector
- magnitude - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.CartesianToPolar
The magnitude component of the output pair, which has type
- magnitude - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToPolar
The output port for the magnitude component, which has type
- magnitude - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToCartesian
The input port for the magnitude component, which has type
- magnitude - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToComplex
The input port for the magnitude component, which has type
- magnitude - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPolarToComplex
The magnitude image input.
- magnitude() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the magnitude or absolute value of this complex number.
- magnitude(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the magnitude or absolute value of the given complex number.
- magnitude(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of doubles containing the magnitudes of the elements
of the specified array of complex numbers.
- magnitudeSquared() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the square of the magnitude of this complex number.
- magnitudeSquared(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the square of the magnitude of this complex number.
- Mailbox - Class in ptolemy.actor
A token holder with capacity one.
- Mailbox() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.Mailbox
Construct an empty Mailbox with no container.
- Mailbox(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.Mailbox
Construct an empty Mailbox with the specified container.
- MailboxBoundaryReceiver - Class in ptolemy.actor.process
A process receiver that stores tokens via a mailbox and can be used by
composite actors.
- MailboxBoundaryReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Construct an empty MailboxBoundaryReceiver with no container.
- MailboxBoundaryReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Construct an empty MailboxBoundaryReceiver with the specified
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.test.All
Create a default test harness and
run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures
Create a default test harness and
run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest
Create a default test harness and a canvas factory and
run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.CompositeFigureTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.DragTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial
Main function.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.IconTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.LabelTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ManipulatorTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.SimpleTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TerminalTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.VectorFigureTutorial
Main function
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphDemo
Construct a new instance of graph demo, which does the work of
setting up the graphs and displaying itself.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.basic.BubbleGraphDemo
Construct a new instance of graph demo, which does the work of
setting up the graphs and displaying itself.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.test.All
Create a default test harness and
run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest
Create a default test harness and run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial
Pop up an empty graph editing window.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.tutorial.NestedTutorial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.tutorial.NodeRendererTutorial
Instantiate a new tutorial window and
display it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.tutorial.PrepopulatedTutorial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.graph.tutorial.SimpleTutorial
Pop up an empty graph editing window.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JCanvasPanner
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPanner
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.gui.tutorial.ApplicationTutorial
Construct a new instance of the Tutorial, running in a new
application context.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplicationTutorial
Construct a new instance of the Tutorial, running in a new
application context.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Main function.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.util.test.All
Create a default test harness and
run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.util.test.ShapeUtilitiesTest
Create a default test harness and
run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.util.test.XMLElementTest
Create a default test harness and
run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.util.test.XMLParserTest
Create a default test harness and
run all tests on it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Simple test of this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDemo
Construct a new instance of Xml demo.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class doc.doclets.PtIndexer
A test driver for the indexer.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.Homography33b
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Self tests
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.UnionFindSimple
- main(String[]) - Static method in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Main method that can be used for testing.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class lbnl.lib.xml.src.DTDValidator
Main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Main method for testing.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class lbnl.util.XMLWriter
Main method that can be used for testing.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
The main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.json.Test
Entry point.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
Run the CustomerPanel example.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.example.ExamplePanel
Run the CustomerPanel example.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
Unit testing.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUCoSimulation
Perform co-simulation using the named Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUModelExchange
Perform model exchange using the named Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptdb.gui.ModelMigrationFrame
Entry point for running the migration frame from the command line.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptdb.kernel.database.RebuildReferenceFile
Re-create the reference file in the database.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
Match a rule file to a model file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserLauncher
Launch the browser on the first argument.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CheckModelSize
Check the size, zoom and location of the models named
by the args.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorApplication
Create a new application with the specified command-line arguments.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Create a new application with the specified command-line arguments.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Create a new instance of this application, passing it the
command-line arguments.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLAbout
Generate a file that contains urls of models.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.BCVTBApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.CapeCodeApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.CyPhySimApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.DSPApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.FullApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.HyVisualApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.MenuApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.PtinyApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.PtinyKeplerApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.PtinySandboxApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.SpaceApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.VisualSenseApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
Create an instance of a single model and run it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
Create a new instance of this application, passing it the
command-line arguments.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplication
Create a new instance of this application, passing it the
command-line arguments.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit.HTMLAboutJUnitTest
Test the HTMLAbout
To run, use:
$PTII/bin/ptinvoke ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit.HTMLAboutJUnitTest
We use ptinvoke so that the classpath is set to include all the packages
used by Ptolemy II.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication
Invoke one or more JavaScript files.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication
Invoke one or more JavaScript files.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.Tester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTDump
Read in one or more Java source files, parse them with the
Eclipse parser, and output their AST structure to standard
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Read in one or more Java source files, parse them with the
Eclipse parser, format their AST, and print out to the standard
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Transform a set of files into backtracking-enabled ones.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Take a list of Java files as input and type-check all of them.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
The main function to test the functionality of this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Generate code for a model.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Simple stand alone test method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.type.AlphabetizeOperation
Alphabetize code block (template) files
Parse code blocks from each file, sort and write them
back in-place.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.JarSigner
JarSigner test driver.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.JNLPApplication
Main method that sets user.dir as necessary and calls
- Main - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.applet
Read in a MoML model and generate a .html file that will run the model
as an applet.
- Main() - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.Main
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Create a new instance of this application, passing it the
command-line arguments.
- Main - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.shallow
Read in a MoML model and generate a Java class that creates the
same model.
- Main() - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.Main
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedServerRMIGeneric
Create a new instance of this application, passing it the first
command-line argument (configuration file).
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Create an instance of a model and generate Giotto code for it
The Giotto code is printed on standard out.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.TestJNI
Test float arrays in JNI.
- main(String[]) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSLoader
Native method that invokes the main() method in TOSSIM.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml.MoMLLib
Traverse the directory tree and generate .moml files.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml.NC2MoML
Read in .nc xml files, generate .moml files.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml.NCApp2MoML
Read in .nc application xml files, generate .moml files.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Create an instance of a model and generate TDL code for it The TDL
code is printed on standard out.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Main method used for testing.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Main method used for testing.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.UserDialog
Main method used for testing.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.homer.HomerApplication
Create a new instance of this application, passing it the
command-line arguments.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.ConvertToLazy
Create an instance of a model and convert it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ActorIndex
Generate index documentation.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto
Main function.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClassesApplication
Read in a MoML file, remove graphical classes and
write the results to standard out.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveNonPtinyClasses
Read in a MoML file, remove graphical classes and
write the results to standard out.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLCommandLineApplication
Create an instance of a single model and run it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Create an instance of each model file named in the arguments
and run it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.Diff
Print the difference between two files.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Extract the contents of a jar file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.XSLTUtilities
Apply XSL transforms to an input file and generate an output file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.FindPackages
Print out any packages found under the directory named
by the first argument.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.ExportModel
Export a model as an image.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor.ReloadAccessors
Reload the accessors in the command line arguments and save
the updated models.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTest
Test the Kieler layout facility.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.test.junit.ExportImageJUnitTest
Test the ExportImage facility.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeEditor
Create an instance of this class to display the abstract syntax
tree for the specified file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication
Create a new instance of this application, passing it the
command-line arguments.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Initialize the Ptolemy server, set up the servlet host, and
wait for simulation requests.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class thales.vergil.SingleWindowApplication
Create a single window application.
- mainFrame - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CATableau
The TableauFrame to hold the CAMatrixViewer.
- mainPrompt - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Main prompt.
- majorCurrentVersion() - Static method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute
Return the major version, which consists of the first two
- majorTickSpacing - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
The major tick spacing of the slider.
- makeAbsoluteURL(String) - Static method in class diva.util.xml.XmlUtilities
Given a file name in the current working directory,
complete it and turn it into a URL.
- makeAttributeType(String, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlWriter
Generate the attribute type as a normalised string.
- makeAttributeValue(String, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlWriter
Generate a full attribute default value.
- MakeBGRA() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MakeBGRA
- makeBijective() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Make SyntacticGraph bijective by adding pure nodes.
- makeButtons() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
- makeColor(DoubleMatrixToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRUtilities2D
Given a 1x3 DoubleMatrixToken, return the corresponding
java.awt.Color object.
- makeColorImage() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- makeComponent() - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Make this into a component (since Component is not an
- makeComponent() - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Call makeComponent() on the delegate.
- makeComponent() - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Return "this" as a component.
- makeComponent() - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Return "this" as a component.
- makeDraggable(JComponent, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPalette
Make the given component draggable; the given data string will
be the "dragged" object that is associated with the component.
- makeExternalIdentifiers(String, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlWriter
Construct a string equivalent of external identifiers.
- makeFBM(float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- makeFieldStatic(SootClass, SootField) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Make the given field a static field.
- MakefileWriter - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
A transformer that writes a makefile that can be used to run a model
that has been code generated.
- makeGaussianFilter(double, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
Computes gaussian low-pass filter with L1 Norm of 1.0 (all
elements add up).
- MakeGray() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MakeGray
- MakeHSV() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MakeHSV
- makeImage(FloatImage, FloatImage, FloatImage) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- makeImage() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- makeImage(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
- makeKernel(float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
Make a Gaussian blur kernel.
- makeLiteral(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlWriter
Quote a literal, and escape any '"' or non-ASCII characters within it.
- makePerpendicular(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
return a vector close to a that is perpendicular to b.
- makeSchedule(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder
Make a schedule using an exhaustive BFS-like optimizing algorithm.
- makeScheduleGreedy(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder
Make a schedule using a greedy (non-optimizing algorithm).
- makeTable() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Curve
- makeTable() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- makeTypedModel() - Method in class diva.graph.tutorial.NodeRendererTutorial
Construct an interesting graph model with nodes that
have user objects of type {String, Set, Integer}
- makeVec(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- MakeYUV() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MakeYUV
- MalformedStringException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.gt
An exception to report a string being malformed.
- MalformedStringException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.MalformedStringException
Construct an exception with an expression to be parsed into a rule list.
- Manager - Class in ptolemy.actor
A Manager governs the execution of a model in a domain-independent way.
- Manager() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Construct a manager in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- Manager(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Construct a manager in the default workspace with the given name.
- Manager(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Construct a manager in the given workspace with the given name.
- Manager.State - Class in ptolemy.actor
Instances of this class represent phases of execution, or the
state of the manager.
- managerClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
Verify if the model is initializing, changing the variable _wait to false if
this execution phase has been achieved.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ExecutionListener
Report that the manager has changed state.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Do nothing.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Report that a manager state has changed.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Report that the manager state has changed.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
React to a change of state in the Manager.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
React to a change of state in the Manager.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Report in debugging statements that the manager state has changed.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Report in debugging statements that the manager state has changed.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.StreamExecutionListener
Report that the manager has changed state by printing a
message to output stream specified to the constructor.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Report that the manager has changed state.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ShowTypes
Update displayed types.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
Report that a manager state has changed.
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener
- managerStateChanged(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.TypeAnimatorApplet
React to the fact that the manager state has changed.
- ManhattanConnector - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A Connector that draws itself with perpendicular lines.
- ManhattanConnector(Site, Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Create a new manhattan connector between the given
- ManhattanConnector(Site, Site, ManhattanRouter) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Create a new manhattan connector between the given sites and
with the given router.
- ManhattanRouter - Interface in diva.canvas.connector
A ManhattanRouter is an object that routes Polylines as a series
of perpendicular edges.
- manhattenDistance(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Returns manhatten distance.
- Manipulator - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A Manipulator is an object that decorates some figure, and generally
paint grab-handles or some other stuff to the figure to that
it can be resized and manipulated.
- Manipulator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
- ManipulatorTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial shows how to add different types of manipulators
to figures.
- ManipulatorTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.ManipulatorTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window
- map - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
The array of colors.
- Map - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
An occupancy grid map.
- Map(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Construct a StateSpaceModel with a name and a container.
- map - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
The occupancy grid map.
- map(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
Subclasses should implement their map method here.
- map(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReverseLink
- map(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.WordCount
- map(FunctionToken, ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Apply the specified function to the specified array and return
an array with the results.
- MapAttributes - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors by
a Map aspect.
- MapAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.MapAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- MapAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.MapAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- MapColorsFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which replaces one color by another in an image.
- MapColorsFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MapColorsFilter
Construct a MapColorsFilter.
- MapColorsFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MapColorsFilter
Construct a MapColorsFilter.
- MapConstrained - Interface in org.ptolemy.ssm
An interface for the actors that are constrained by maps.
- MapFileStorage - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
A DE actor that stores data from a MapWorker and distributes it to a ReduceWorker,
upon request from the reduce worker.
- MapFileStorage(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MapFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- MapFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MapFilter
- MapMapping - Class in ptolemy.graph.mapping
A Mapping that is based on a Map.
- MapMapping(Map) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.mapping.MapMapping
Construct a MapMapping from a given Map.
- mapName(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Map a name of a symbol from a Ptalon program to a name in
the PtalonActor which creates it.
- Mapping - Interface in ptolemy.graph.mapping
A mapping from some domain of values into some range.
- MappingConstraintReaderWriter - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MappingConstraintReaderWriter provides methods to read or write mapping
constraints from or to a csv file.
- MappingConstraintReaderWriter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintReaderWriter
- MappingConstraintSolver - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
The constraint solver is used to enforce the user defined constraints on the
scheduling via updating the event status.
- MappingConstraintSolver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Constructs a mapping constraint solver.
- MappingEditor - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MappingEditor is an attribute used to edit the mapping constraints.
- MappingEditor(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingEditor
Constructs a mapping editor.
- MappingEditorGUI - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring mapping for
- MappingEditorGUI(NamedObj, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui.MappingEditorGUI
Construct a frame for the MappingEditor.
- MappingEditorGUIFactory - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring mapping
for MetroIIDirector.
- MappingEditorGUIFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui.MappingEditorGUIFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- mappingFileName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
A mapping constraint is a pair of events that are rendezvous.
- MapReduceAlgorithm - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
The MapReduce Algorithm.
- MapReduceAlgorithm() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
- mapReturnType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the return type of the map method, given the types
of the argument.
- MapTypeInfiniteConcept<C extends Concept> - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept that represents a type mapping tokens to concepts.
- MapTypeInfiniteConcept(Ontology, C) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Create a new MapTypeInfiniteConcept contained in the given ontology,
with the given default concept.
- MapTypeInfiniteConcept(Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Create a new MapTypeInfiniteConcept contained in the given ontology.
- MapWorker - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
A MapWorker actor, as a subsystem of the MapReduce system.
- MapWorker(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapWorker
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- MarbleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
This filter applies a marbling effect to an image, displacing pixels by random amounts.
- MarbleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
- MarbleFunction - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- MarbleFunction() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.MarbleFunction
- MarbleFunction(Function2D) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.MarbleFunction
- MarbleTexFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- MarbleTexFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- markAsNonSettable(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Mark the property of the specified object as non-settable.
- markDisconnections(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Mark the disconnections with a Dot in case value equals true, otherwise these
points are not marked.
- markDisconnections(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Mark the disconnections with a Dot in case value equals true, otherwise these
points are not marked.
- markFunctionCalled(String, ProceduralTemplateParser) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Add called functions to the set of overloaded functions for
later use.
- markFunctionCalled(String, JavaTemplateParser) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Add called functions to the set of overloaded functions for
later use.
- markFunctionCalled(String, ProceduralTemplateParser) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Add called functions to the set of overloaded functions for
later use.
- MaskFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
Applies a bit mask to each ARGB pixel of an image.
- MaskFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MaskFilter
- MaskFilter(int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MaskFilter
- mASSIGN(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- masterEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Return the effigy that is "in charge" of this effigy.
- masterEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
Return the effigy that is "in charge" of this effigy.
- mat2BufferedImage(Mat) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision
Convert a Mat image into a BufferedImage.
- mat2BufferedImage(Mat) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Convert a Mat image into a BufferedImage.
- MAT_fft_CF(int, float[], int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- Mat_Invert(int, int, float[], int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- Mat_Invert(int, int, float[], int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
Test whether this AtomicActorMatcher can match the given object.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
Test whether this AtomicActorMatcher can match the given object.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
Test whether this CompositeActorMatcher can match the given object.
- Match - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to perform pattern matching.
- Match(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Match
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
Test whether this FSMMatcher can match the given object.
- match(Pattern, CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
Match a pattern specified in the patternGraph to a model in
- match(String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
Match the rule stored in the file with name
ruleXMLFile to the
model stored in the file with name
hostXMLFile, whose top-level
should be an instance of
- match(String, String, MatchCallback) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
- match(NamedObj) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.GTEntity
Test whether this GTEntity can match the given object.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Test whether the given object in the host model matches the object in
the pattern that has this criterion.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.Criterion
Test whether the given object in the host model matches the object in
the pattern that has this criterion.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.DynamicNameCriterion
Test whether the given object in the host model matches the object in
the pattern that has this criterion.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Return whether this criterion can check the given object.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.NameCriterion
Test whether the given object in the host model matches the object in
the pattern that has this criterion.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Test whether the given object in the host model matches the object in
the pattern that has this criterion.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Test whether the given object in the host model matches the object in
the pattern that has this criterion.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Test whether the given object in the host model matches the object in
the pattern that has this criterion.
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return true if the given object is an instance of State (either the one
in the deprecated FSM domain or the one in modal model since Ptolemy
- match(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
Return true if the given object matches any transition in an FSM
controller or the modal model controller.
- MatchCallback - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gt
An interface of callback routines to be invoked during the matching.
- matched - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Whether the last pattern matching was successful (read-only).
- matched - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The matched port.
- matches(FiringEvent.FiringEventType) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugProfile
See if the DebugProfile contains this FiringEventType.
- MatchingAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
Common superclass of special attributes in pattern matching.
- MatchingAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.MatchingAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- MatchingAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.MatchingAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- MatchingAttributeActionsFactory() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.MatchingAttributeActionsFactory
- matchInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The matchInput port.
- matchOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The matchOutput port.
- matchPrefixOfLength - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionAttribute
If greater than zero, then check that the first n
characters of the exception message match, where n
is the value of this parameter.
- MatchResult - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.data
A two-way hash map data structure to store matches found in a pattern matching.
- MatchResult() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.MatchResult
Construct an empty match result.
- MatchResult(SequentialTwoWayHashMap<ValueIterator, Token>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.MatchResult
Construct an empty match result and tag it to be obtained by a specific
assignment to the parameters.
- MatchResultActorController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultActorController
- MatchResultActorGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultActorGraphController
- MatchResultExternalPortController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultExternalPortController
- MatchResultFSMGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultFSMGraphController
- MatchResultLinkController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultLinkController
- MatchResultPortController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultPortController
- MatchResultRecorder - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultRecorder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultRecorder
- MatchResultRelationController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultRelationController
- MatchResultStateController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultStateController
- MatchResultTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
An editor tableau for graph transformation in Ptolemy II.
- MatchResultTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultTableau
Create a new case editor tableau with the specified container
and name.
- MatchResultTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultTableau
Create a new case editor tableau with the specified container,
name, and default library.
- MatchResultTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- MatchResultTransitionController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultTransitionController
- MatchResultViewer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- MatchResultViewer(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- MatchResultViewer.FileSelectionStatus - Enum in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultActorController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultActorGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultExternalPortController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultFSMGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultLinkController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultPortController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultRelationController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultStateController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- MatchResultViewer.MatchResultTransitionController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- matchString - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringMatches
The string to be pattern matched to the regular expression.
- material - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- Material() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- MathematicalModelConverter - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel
- MathematicalModelConverter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
Create a new instance of the code generator.
- MathematicalModelConverter.FormulaType - Enum in ptolemy.verification.kernel
- MathematicalModelConverter.ModelType - Enum in ptolemy.verification.kernel
- MathematicalModelConverter.OutputType - Enum in ptolemy.verification.kernel
- MathematicalModelConverterGUI - Class in ptolemy.verification.gui
- MathematicalModelConverterGUI(MathematicalModelConverter, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.gui.MathematicalModelConverterGUI
- MathematicalModelConverterGUIFactory - Class in ptolemy.verification.gui
- MathematicalModelConverterGUIFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.gui.MathematicalModelConverterGUIFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- MathFunction - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- MathFunction(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.MathFunction
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MathFunction1D - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- MathFunction1D(int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- MathUtil - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat
Miscellaneous math utilities like mod2pi and fast exp functions.
- MathUtil() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- MatlabUtilities - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class provides access to the Ptolemy Matlab interface
in ptolemy.matlab by using reflection.
- MatlabUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.MatlabUtilities
- Matmat(int, int, float[], int, int, float[], int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- Matmat(int, int, float[], int, int, float[], int, int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- matrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
Floyd-Steinberg dithering matrix.
- matrix - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- Matrix - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat
Matrix class supporting dense and sparse matrices.
- Matrix(double) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- Matrix(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- Matrix(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- Matrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- matrix - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBandCombine
The transformation matrix.
- matrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
- MATRIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The matrix data type: The least upper bound of all the matrix types.
- matrix - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAViewer
The matrix to be rendered as a grid.
- Matrix4f - Class in com.jhlabs.vecmath
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
- Matrix4f() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- Matrix4f(Matrix4f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- Matrix4f(float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- matrixAB(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixAB(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixAB(double[], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
X = A' * B
- matrixAB(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
X = A * B
- matrixAB(double[][], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixABC(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixABCt(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixABt(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixABt(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixAtB(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixAtB(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixAtB(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixAtB(double[][], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixAtBC(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixConstruct() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- matrixCopy(Complex[][], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Replace the first matrix argument elements with the values of
the second matrix argument.
- matrixCopy(Complex[][], int, int, Complex[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Replace the first matrix argument's values, in the specified row
and column range, with the second matrix argument's values, starting
from specified row and column of the second matrix.
- matrixCopy(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Replace the destinationMatrix argument elements with the values of
the sourceMatrix argument.
- matrixCopy(double[][], int, int, double[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Replace the destinationMatrix argument's values, in the specified row
and column range, with the sourceMatrix argument's values, starting
from specified row and column of the second matrix.
- matrixCopy(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Replace the first matrix argument elements with the values of
the second matrix argument.
- matrixCopy(float[][], int, int, float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Replace the first matrix argument's values, in the specified row
and column range, with the second matrix argument's values, starting
from specified row and column of the second matrix.
- matrixCopy(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Replace the first matrix argument elements with the values of
the second matrix argument.
- matrixCopy(int[][], int, int, int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Replace the first matrix argument's values, in the specified row
and column range, with the second matrix argument's values, starting
from specified row and column of the second matrix.
- matrixCopy(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Replace the first matrix argument elements with the values of
the second matrix argument.
- matrixCopy(long[][], int, int, long[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Replace the first matrix argument's values, in the specified row
and column range, with the second matrix argument's values, starting
from specified row and column of the second matrix.
- matrixGetElementAsTokenMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- MatrixJoin - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor joins matrices into a single matrix by tiling.
- MatrixJoin(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixJoin
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MatrixMapCachedMethod(String, Type[], int, CachedMethod, boolean[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.MatrixMapCachedMethod
Constructs a CachedMethod$MatrixMapCachedMethod object.
- MatrixPane - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A graphical component that displays the values in a matrix.
- MatrixPane() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixPane
Construct an empty matrix pane.
- MatrixParser - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This Class provides a parser for read matrices in matlab format.
- MatrixParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Constructor with InputStream.
- MatrixParser(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Constructor with InputStream and supplied encoding
- MatrixParser(Reader) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
- MatrixParser(MatrixParserTokenManager) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Constructor with generated Token Manager.
- MatrixParserConstants - Interface in ptolemy.data.expr
Token literal values and constants.
- MatrixParserTokenManager - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
Token Manager.
- MatrixParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
- MatrixParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
- MatrixParserTreeConstants - Interface in ptolemy.data.expr
- MatrixSplit - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor splits an input matrix into a sequence of matrices.
- MatrixSplit(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixSplit
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MatrixToArray - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Convert a matrix to an array.
- MatrixToArray(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.MatrixToArray
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- matrixToArray(MatrixToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Create a new instance of ArrayToken that contains the values
in the specified matrix.
- matrixToArrayReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the (exact) return type of the toArray function above.
- MatrixToDouble - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
- MatrixToDouble(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToDouble
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MatrixToken - Class in ptolemy.data
Abstract base class for tokens that contain a 2-D matrix.
- MatrixToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
- matrixTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- matrixTokenCreateMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- MatrixTokenTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau representing matrix tokens in a top-level window with a table.
- MatrixTokenTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- MatrixTokenTableau(Effigy, String, TableauFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixTokenTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy,
using the specified frame.
- MatrixTokenTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory that creates a matrix token tableau.
- matrixToQuat(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixToQuat(Matrix) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Convert the 3x3 rotation matrix to a quaternion.
- matrixToRollPitchYaw(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- matrixToRollPitchYaw(Matrix) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- MatrixToSequence - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor unbundles a matrix into a sequence of output tokens.
- MatrixToSequence(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToSequence
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- matrixToXYT(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
convert 4x4 matrix to XYT notation.
- matrixToXyzrpy(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- MatrixType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
The base type of matrix token classes.
- MatrixType(Class, Type, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Construct a new matrix type that represents matrix tokens of the
given class with the given number of rows and columns.
- MatrixType.BooleanMatrixType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
The boolean matrix data type.
- MatrixType.ComplexMatrixType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
The complex matrix data type.
- MatrixType.DoubleMatrixType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
The double matrix data type.
- MatrixType.FixMatrixType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
The fix matrix data type.
- MatrixType.IntMatrixType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
The integer matrix data type.
- MatrixType.LongMatrixType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
The long matrix data type.
- matrixTypeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- MatrixViewer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
An actor that displays the contents of a matrix input.
- MatrixViewer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MAX - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- max(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- max(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- max(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- max(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- max - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Triangular
The maximum value.
- max - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.DoubleRangeParameter
The maximum value.
- max - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
The maximum value.
- max(UnsignedByteToken, UnsignedByteToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the maximum of two unsigned bytes.
- max(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the maximum of the contents of the array.
- max(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the maximum value in the array.
- MAX_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer
The greatest depth the tree is allowed to reach
- MAX_TRIALS - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
In the presence of window-based constraints, number of runs allowable
until valid trace found.
- MAX_TRIALS - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Maximum number of allowable trials to propagate state given map constraints.
- maxAndIndex(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the maximum value of the array and the index at which the
maximum occurs in the array.
- maxAppearanceCount() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Get the maximum appearance counts of all firing elements in
the schedule.
- MAXDEPTHBOUND - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Set up a bound for the max depth of structured types.
- maxEvaluations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
Maximum number of function evaluations per iteration.
- maxEvaluations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
Maximum number of function evaluations per iteration.
- maxFrequency - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- maxIdx(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- maxIdx(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- maximum - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
The maximum value of the slider.
- Maximum - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Read at most one token from each input channel and broadcast the one with the
greatest value to the maximumValue output.
- Maximum(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Maximum - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum.
- Maximum(Maximum) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum
Constructor a Maximum adapter.
- MAXIMUM_STATUS_MESSAGE_TIME - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Maximum amount of time that a status message is displayed in milliseconds.
- maximumAccurateValueAsDouble() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return the maximum value of time whose representation as a double
is always accurate to the specified time resolution.
- maximumCycleMean() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.CycleMeanAnalyzer
Return the maximum cycle mean for a given directed graph.
- maximumCycleMean() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleMeanAnalysis
Return the maximum cycle mean value.
- maximumCycleMean() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.KarpCycleMeanStrategy
Return the maximum cycle mean.
- MaximumFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which replcaes each pixel by the maximum of itself and its eight neightbours.
- MaximumFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MaximumFilter
- maximumFutureEvents - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.ThrottleAttributes
The maximumFutureEvents parameter specifies the maximum number
of events produced by the decorated actor that can be present
in the event queue at a time.
- maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components
in the specified target container.
- maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- maximumLinesPerBlock - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
The maximum number of lines per block.
- maximumLookaheadTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.ThrottleAttributes
The maximumLookaheadTime parameter is the time added to the current
platform time during which the decorated actor can safely be fired.
- maximumNumberOfPeaks - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The maximum number of peaks to report.
- maximumNumberOfPeaks - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The maximum number of peaks to report.
- maximumOutputSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
The maximum number of bytes produced in each firing on the output.
- MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
Maximum profit to cost ratio analysis.
- MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis(Graph, ToDoubleMapping, ToIntMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class using a default analyzer.
- MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis(MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class using a given analyzer.
- MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
A common interface for all the maximum profit to cost analyzers.
- maximumQueueCapacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
The maximum size of the queues for each communication channel.
- maximumRatio() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer
Return the maximum profit to cost ratio.
- maximumRatio() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis
Return the maximum profit to cost ratio of the given graph.
- maximumRatio() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy
Return the maximum profit to cost ratio of the given graph.
- maximumReceiverCapacity - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
A Parameter representing the maximum capacity of each receiver
controlled by this director.
- maximumSize(Container, List, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.BoundedSize
Returns this size as pixel size.
- maximumSize(Container, List, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Returns this size as pixel size.
- maximumSize(Container, List, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Computes the maximum size for the given list of components, using
this form spec and the specified measure.
- maximumSize(Container, List, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Size
Computes and returns my maximum size applied to the given list of
components using the specified measures.
- maximumSize(Container, List, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes.ComponentSize
Computes the maximum size for the given list of components, using
this form spec and the specified measure.
- maximumValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The highest value that will be recorded in the histogram.
- maximumValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum
The output port for the maximum value.
- maximumValue - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The highest value that will be recorded in the histogram.
- MaxIndex - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- MaxIndex(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.MaxIndex
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- maxIterations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The user-provided maximum number of allowed iterations of the Alpha-Beta Recursion.
- maxIterations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The user-provided maximum number of allowed iterations of the
Alpha-Beta Recursion.
- maxIterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
The maximum number of allowed iterations before the director
will declare a failure to converge.
- maxIterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
The maximum number of rounds that an
ODE solver can use to resolve the states of integrators.
- maxLabel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.DoubleRangeParameter
The label text displayed for the maximum end of the slider.
- maxLabel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
The label text displayed for the maximum end of the slider.
- maxNextCharInd - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- maxNextCharInd - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- maxOrder(DoubleToken, DoubleToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return the maximum number of specified derivatives for the two tokens.
- maxOutputDerivativeOrder - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities
The slave can supply derivatives with a maximum order.n
The default value is 0.
- maxOutputDerivativeOrder - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICoSimulationCapabilities
The slave can supply derivatives with a maximum order.n
The default value is 0.
- maxOutputLength - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
The max amount of elements in the output array.
- maxPastInputsToAverage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
The maximum number of past inputs to average.
- maxPrecision - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
The maximum precision (number of digits to be used, results
are rounded to this precision) of the generated locations.
- maxQuadAspectRatio - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Early pruning of quads which have insane aspect ratios.
- maxRadius(List<double[]>, double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- maxReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (exact) return type of the max function above.
- maxRows - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TableIcon
The maximum number of rows to display.
- maxSize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Gets the maximum size of the collection (the bound).
- maxStateDuration - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
Maximum Duration.
- maxStepSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
The maximum step size.
- maxValue - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- maxValue - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
The end value for the filter property.
- maxWindowSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.AdaptiveMedian
The largest window size to use.
- mCOLON(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mCOMMA(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mCOMMENT(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- MDIApplication - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
An abstract superclass for applications that use an MDI (multiple
document interface) style of presentation.
- MDIApplication(MDIContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplication
Create an MDI application in the given MDI context
- MDIApplicationTutorial - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
A simple MDI text editor.
- MDIApplicationTutorial(DesktopContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplicationTutorial
- MDIContext - Interface in diva.gui
An app context that provides methods for multiple
documents and views.
- mDOT(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mean - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- mean - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianClassifier
Mean parameter array for the Gaussian distribution.
- mean - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
Mean parameter array for the Gaussian distribution.
- mean - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
The mean.
- mean - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
Mean estimate array.
- mean - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
Mean array.
- mean - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBreitWigner
- mean - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNormal
- mean - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
The mean.
- mean - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoissonSlow
- mean - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
The mean of the random number.
- mean - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
The mean of the random number.
- mean(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the arithmetic mean of the elements in the array.
- meanRadius(List<double[]>, double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- meanTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
The mean time between events, where the output value transitions.
- meanTime - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
The mean time between events, where the output value transitions.
- meanVectorGuess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
The initial guess mean parameter array for the Gaussian distribution.
- meanVectorGuess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
The mean vector guess.
- meanVectorGuess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
Mean vector guess.
- MEASUREMENT_NOISE - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Noise covariance identifier.
- MEASUREMENT_NOISE - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
- MEASUREMENT_NOISE - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
- MEASUREMENT_POSTFIX - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Measurement variable postfix.
- MEASUREMENT_POSTFIX - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
- MEASUREMENT_POSTFIX - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
- measurementCovariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
Standard deviation of the measurement noise ( assuming Gaussian measurement noise
at the moment).
- MeasurementModel - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
An abstract decorator that defines a measurement model.
- MeasurementModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModel
Constructs a MeasurementModel object.
- MeasurementModelAttributes - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
Attribute generator class for the MeasurementModel.
- MeasurementModelAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModelAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- MeasurementModelAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModelAttributes
Constructs a MeasurementModelAttributes object.
- measureTime - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
If true, generate code to measure the execution time.
- MedianBlur() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision.MedianBlur
- MedianFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs a 3x3 median operation.
- MedianFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MedianFilter
- Memory - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the concatenation of the input bits from each input channel.
- Memory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Memory
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Memory - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib
An object that is a buffer for Tokens.
- Memory() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Memory
Construct a memory.
- MemoryAccess - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib
An actor that allows access to a memory of a TaskPtDirector.
- MemoryAccess(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.MemoryAccess
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MemoryCleaner - Class in ptolemy.gui
Methods that clean up possible memory leaks caused by listeners.
- MemoryCleaner() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.MemoryCleaner
- MenuActionFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A factory that adds a given action or set of actions
to a context menu.
- MenuActionFactory(Action) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Construct a factory that adds a given action to a given context menu.
- MenuActionFactory(Action[], String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Construct a factory that adds a given group of actions
to a given context menu in a submenu with the specified label.
- MenuApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
A wrapper that starts up Vergil from a menu.
- MenuApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.MenuApplication
- menuBar - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- MENUBAR_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
When the action was fired from a menubar.
- MenuCreator - Class in diva.gui.toolbox
This interactor creates a menu when it is activated.
- MenuCreator(MenuFactory) - Constructor for class diva.gui.toolbox.MenuCreator
Construct a new interactor with a right button mouse filter.
- MenuFactory - Interface in diva.gui.toolbox
A factory for popup menus.
- menuItemCreated(JContextMenu, NamedObj, JMenuItem) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- menuItemCreated(JContextMenu, NamedObj, JMenuItem) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuItemListener
The method to be invoked when a menu item is created, so that this
listener can modify the menu item if it needs to.
- MenuItemFactory - Interface in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
This is an interface for factories that create menu items.
- menuItemFactoryList() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyMenuFactory
Return the list of menu item factories.
- menuItemFactoryList() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTreeMenuCreator
Return the list of menu item factories.
- MenuItemListener(EffigyFactory, ModelDirectory, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame.MenuItemListener
Constructs a MenuItemListener object.
- MenuItemListener - Interface in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
An interface for listeners that are invoked when a menu item is created.
- mEQUALS(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- merge(GLine2D.Fitter) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- Merge - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge.
- Merge(Merge) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
Constructor method for the Merge adapter.
- merge(RecordToken, RecordToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return a new token created by merging the two specified tokens,
where preference is given to the first token when field labels
are the same.
- merge(TupleToken, TupleToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Merge two tuple tokens into one by concatenating their tokens.
- merge(DDFDirector) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Merge an opaque composite actor controlled by an inside DDFDirector
with the outside domain controlled by this director.
- Merge - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A timed merge actor for the DE domain.
- Merge(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Merge - Class in ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib
This actor merges any number of input sequences onto one output
- Merge(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Merge
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- mergeFrom(Message) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- mergeFrom(metroIIcomm.Event) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- mergeFrom(CodedInputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- mergeFrom(Message) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- mergeFrom(metroIIcomm.Event.Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- mergeFrom(CodedInputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- mergeFrom(Message) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- mergeFrom(metroIIcomm.EventVector) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- mergeFrom(CodedInputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- mergeModelWithLayout(CompositeEntity, CompositeEntity, HashSet<Class<? extends Attribute>>, HashSet<String>) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Merge the model with layout.
- mergeModelWithLayout(URL, URL, HashSet<Class<? extends Attribute>>, HashSet<String>) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Merge the model with layout.
- mergeModelWithLayout(String, String, HashSet<Class<? extends Attribute>>, HashSet<String>) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Merge the model with layout.
- mergePropertiesFile() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Merge the properties in lib/ptII.properties with the current
- mergeReturnType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return the (exact) return type of the merge function above.
- mergeTime(metroIIcomm.Event.Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- mergeTopTwo() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoStackAttribute
Merge the top two undo entries into a single action, unless
we are in either a redo or an undo, in which case the merge
happens automatically and need not be explicitly requested
by the client.
- mergeTopTwo() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools.DelegatedUndoStackAttribute
- mESC(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- Message() - Constructor for class net.jimblackler.Utils.ThreadedYieldAdapter.Message
- message - Variable in exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionException
- message - Variable in exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueException
- message - Variable in exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamException
- message - Variable in exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortException
- message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.DebugListenerTableau.DebugListenerFrame
Display the specified message.
- message - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Assert
The error message to display when the assertion is violated.
- message - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
The message to send.
- message - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowException
The message reported in the exception, which is a string that
defaults to "Model triggered an exception".
- message - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowModelError
The message reported in the exception.
- message - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
The message to be displayed.
- message - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
The input port for the message.
- message(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.DebugListener
React to a debug message.
- message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.LoggerListener
Send the message to the log.
- message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
React to a debug message by relaying it to any registered
debug listeners.
- message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.RecorderListener
Append the message to the current set of messages.
- message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamListener
Copy the message argument to the stream associated with
the listener.
- message(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Defer to the set message handler to show the specified
- message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
React to a debug message.
- message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
React to a debug message from the director that we are
listening to by ignoring the message.
- MessageHandler - Class in ptolemy.gui
- MessageHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.MessageHandler
- MessageHandler - Class in ptolemy.util
This is a class that is used to report errors.
- MessageHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Create a MessageHandler.
- messageIllegalAction - Variable in class net.jimblackler.Utils.YieldAdapterIterator
- messageLength - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus.BusAttributes
Message length per port.
- MessageProcessing - Class in org.hlacerti.lib
This class implements the functionalities to encode/decode
HLA values received from HLA/CERTI.
- MessageProcessing() - Constructor for class org.hlacerti.lib.MessageProcessing
- messages - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.PetriNetRecorder
This string represents the evolution of the Petri Net and should
be set by the PetriNetDirector.
- metersPerCell - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder
- method - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpRequestItems
The type of request (the method).
- method - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
An output port that sends a string indicating the method of
the HTTP request, including at least the possibilities "GET"
and "POST".
- METHOD - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Indicator of a method (vs. function).
- method - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
The method to be used to solve algebraic loops.
- MethodDeclarationHandler - Interface in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
- methodDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArrayMapCachedMethod
Return an appropriate description of the method being invoked.
- methodDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.MatrixMapCachedMethod
Return an appropriate description of the method being invoked.
- methodDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return a verbose description of the cached method being invoked.
- MethodHighlighting() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting
- metroII - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
The environmental variable METROII.
- metroIIcomm - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
metroIIcomm class.
- metroIIcomm.Event - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.Event.Builder - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.Event.Status - Enum in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.Event.Time - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.Event.TimeOrBuilder - Interface in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.Event.Type - Enum in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.EventOrBuilder - Interface in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.EventVector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- metroIIcomm.EventVectorOrBuilder - Interface in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
- MetroIICompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIICompositeActor extends the composite actor to support enclosing MetroII
- MetroIICompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIICompositeActor
Constructs a MetroIICompositeActor.
- MetroIICompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIICompositeActor
Constructs a MetroIICompositeActor based on a given workspace.
- MetroIICompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIICompositeActor
Constructs a MetroIICompositeActor based on a given container and a name.
- MetroIIDebugger - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroDebugger is a debugging facility for MetroII directors.
- MetroIIDebugger() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Constructs a MetroDebugger with no info printed by default.
- MetroIIDEDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIIDEDirector is a Discrete Event (DE) director that adapts to MetroII
- MetroIIDEDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides is an intermediate class for MetroIIPtidesDirector
to extend.
- MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Constructs a director in the given container with the given name.
- MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides.Pair<F,S> - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
Pair is a data structure used to store two elements.
- MetroIIDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
A MetroII Director governs the execution of actors with simplified MetroII
execution semantics.
- MetroIIDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Constructs a director in the given container with the given name.
- MetroIIEventBuilder - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroEventBuilder is a set of routines that create Metro events.
- MetroIIEventBuilder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIEventBuilder
Constructs an event builder.
- MetroIIFSMDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroFSMDirector extends FSMDirector to support MetroII semantics.
- MetroIIFSMDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIFSMDirector
Constructs a MetroFSMDirector.
- MetroIIFSMDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIFSMDirector
Constructs a MetroFSMDirector based on a given container and a name.
- MetroIIMirrorComposite - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
A composite that contain one actor and mirror the ports and parameters of
that actor.
- MetroIIMirrorComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- MetroIIMirrorComposite(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Construct a MirrorComposite in the specified workspace with no container
and an empty string as a name.
- MetroIIMirrorComposite(CompositeEntity, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container that optionally mirrors the
ports that are instances of ParameterPort.
- MetroIIMirrorComposite.MetroIIMirrorCompositeContents - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
This is a specialized composite actor for use in MirrorComposite.
- MetroIIMirrorCompositeContents(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite.MetroIIMirrorCompositeContents
Construct an actor with a name and a container.
- MetroIIModalModel - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIIModalModel extends ModalModel to support enclosing MetroIIFSMDirector.
- MetroIIModalModel(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIModalModel
Constructs a modal model in the specified workspace with no container and
an empty string as a name.
- MetroIIModalModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIModalModel
Constructs a modal model with a name and a container.
- MetroIIPNDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIIPNDirector extends PNDirector and implements the MetroIIEventHandler
- MetroIIPNDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
Constructs a director in the given container with the given name.
- MetroIIPNQueueReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIIPNQueueReceiver adapts token transfer to MetroII semantics.
- MetroIIPNQueueReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNQueueReceiver
- MetroIIPtidesDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIIPtidesDirector adapts Ptides programming model to MetroII semantics.
- MetroIIPtidesDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
Event queue that is a linked list.
- MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Constructs an empty event queue.
- MetroIIPtidesPlatform - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
This composite implements a Ptides platform, which is used for the design of
distributed real-time systems.
- MetroIIPtidesPlatform(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform
Creates an actor with a name and a container.
- MetroIIPtidesPlatform(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform
Constructs an PtidesPlatform in the specified workspace with no container
and an empty string as a name.
- MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
This is a specialized port for PtidesPlatform.
- MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkType - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
The Ptides type that is sent over the network.
- MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesPlatformContents - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
This is a specialized composite actor for use in PtidesPlatform.
- MetroIIPtidesPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
A specialized port for Ptides platform I/O implementing functionality for
sensors, actuators and network ports.
- MetroIIPtidesPort(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Creates a new PtidesPort with a given container and a name.
- MetroIIPtidesReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
Receivers in the Ptides domain use a timed queue to sort events in the
- MetroIIPtidesReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver
Construct an empty queue with no container.
- MetroIIPtidesReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver
Construct an empty queue with the specified IOPort container.
- MetroIIPtidesReceiver.Event - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
An Event is an aggregation consisting of a Token, a time stamp and
destination Receiver.
- MetroIIPtidesReceiver.TagComparator - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
Compare two events according to - time stamp - value did not find a way
to compare Tokens, therefore am comparing DoubleTokens and IntTokens
- MetroIISequentialSDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroSequentialSDFDirector extends SDFDirector to support Metro semantics.
- MetroIISequentialSDFDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISequentialSDFDirector
Constructs a director in the default workspace with an empty string as its
- MetroIISequentialSDFDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISequentialSDFDirector
Constructs a director in the given workspace with an empty name.
- MetroIISequentialSDFDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISequentialSDFDirector
Constructs a director in the given container with the given name.
- MetroIISRDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIISRDirector is a Synchronous Reactive (SR) director that adapts to
MetroII semantics.
- MetroIISRDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISRDirector
Constructs a director in the default workspace with an empty string as its
- MetroIISRDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISRDirector
Constructs a director in the given workspace with an empty name.
- MetroIISRDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISRDirector
Constructs a director in the given container with the given name.
- MetroIISystemCDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
MetroIISystemCDirector wraps a Metro-SystemC model as a Metro actor in
- MetroIISystemCDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Constructs a MetroIISystemCDirector with a name and a container.
- mEXPRESSION(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- MicaCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib
This composite actor represents the hardware interface to the Mica
mote and is designed for use in the PtinyOS domain.
- MicaCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- MicaCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- MicaCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- MicaLeds - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib
An actor to display the LEDs of the simulated mote.
- MicaLeds(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaLeds
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- microphone - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Persistent microphone input data.
- microsecond - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The microseconds.
- microsecond - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Microsecond of date received on input.
- microstep - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay.PendingEvent
The microstep associated with the pending event.
- microstep - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
The microstep at which to read the input.
- microstep() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Return the microstep of this event.
- microstep - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.Tag
The microstep.
- microstep - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector.SuperdenseTime
The microstep..
- MicrostepDelay - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor delays the input by one microstep.
- MicrostepDelay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.MicrostepDelay
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- mID(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- MIDDLE - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
By default put components in the middle.
- midiKey - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MidiKeyToNote
The midi key index.
- midiKey - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteToMidiKey
The midi key equivalent of the input letter note.
- MidiKeyToNote - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
Simple conversion actor that converts a midi key integer into a letter
- MidiKeyToNote(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MidiKeyToNote
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- MIDPOINT - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
This event is concerns the midpoint of the connector.
- migrateModels(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.migration.MigrateModelsManager
Migrate models from the file system stored in the given path to the
- MigrateModelsManager - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.migration
Handle the migration of models from the file system to the database at the
business layer.
- MigrateModelsManager() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.migration.MigrateModelsManager
- MILLIMETER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- millimeterAsPixel(double, Component) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Converts Millimeters and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- millimeterAsPixel(double, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts Millimeters and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- millimeterAsPixel(double, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts Millimeters and returns pixels using the specified resolution.
- millimeterAsPixel(double, Component) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.util.UnitConverter
Converts Millimeters and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- millisecond - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The milliseconds.
- millisecond - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Millisecond of date received on input.
- milliseconds(Director, long) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return a new Time object whose value equals the argument,
which is interpreted in milliseconds.
- MIN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- min(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- min(int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- min(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- min(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- min - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
The minimum value of the output.
- min - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Triangular
The minimum value.
- min - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.DoubleRangeParameter
The minimum value.
- min - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
The minimum value.
- min - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DB
The minimum value of the output.
- min(UnsignedByteToken, UnsignedByteToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the minimum of two unsigned bytes.
- min(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the minimum of the contents of the array.
- min(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the minimum value in the array.
- MIN_COLSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
An unmodifyable ColumnSpec
that determines its width by
computing the maximum of all column component minimum widths.
- MIN_ROWSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
An unmodifyable RowSpec
that determines its height by
computing the maximum of all column component minimum heights.
- MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- minAndIndex(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the minimum value of the array and the index at which the
minimum occurs in the array.
- minBinCount - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
The minimum (initial) number of bins in the calendar queue.
- minDelayBetween(Collection<IOPort>, Collection<IOPort>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Calculate the minimal delay in logical time between two ports.
- minDistance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
The minimum distance to the robot team.
- minFrequency - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- minIdx(int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- minIdx(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- minIdx(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- minimalSpanSolutions() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
Produce all of the minimal span solutions that can be generated from
this instance.
- minimalSpanSolutions() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraints
Generate the minimal span solutions of the collection.
- MINIMIZE - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing Minimize overflow strategy.
- minimizeBends - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.ActorLayoutConfiguration
Whether bends are minimized.
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Use the maximum of all component minimum sizes as column or row size.
- minimum - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
The minimum value of the slider.
- Minimum - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Read at most one token from each input channel and broadcast the one with the
least value to the minimumValue output.
- Minimum(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Minimum - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum.
- Minimum(Minimum) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
Construct a Minimum adapter.
- Minimum - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum.
- Minimum(Minimum) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
Construct an adapter for ptlemy.actor.lib.Minimum.
- minimumCycleMean() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.CycleMeanAnalyzer
Return minimum cycle mean for a given directed graph.
- minimumCycleMean() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleMeanAnalysis
Return minimum cycle mean value.
- minimumCycleMean() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.KarpCycleMeanStrategy
Return minimum cycle mean.
- minimumDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Minimum delay to impose if the delay
port is connected.
- MinimumFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which replcaes each pixel by the mimimum of itself and its eight neightbours.
- MinimumFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MinimumFilter
- minimumHammingDistance - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
What is the minimum hamming distance between any two codes
(accounting for rotational ambiguity?
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Determines the minimum size of the parent
using this form layout.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- minimumLineLength - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Minimum line length in pixels.
- minimumOutputSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
The minimum number of bytes that will be read from the serial
port and produced on the output.
- minimumQuantization() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a new FixPoint value that has the same value as this
FixPoint value but with the minimum quantization necessary for
representing the value.
- minimumSegmentSize - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Minimum number of pixels in a segment before we'll fit a line to it.
- minimumStatisticsTime - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
The minimum amount of time that may elapse during certain
operations before statistics are generated.
- minimumTagSize - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Minimum size of tag (in pixels) as measured along edges and diagonals.
- minimumTime(Time, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Compare and return the smalltest time between two time objects.
- minimumValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The lowest value that will be recorded in the histogram.
- minimumValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
The output port for the minimum value.
- minimumValue - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
The lowest value that will be recorded in the histogram.
- minLabel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.DoubleRangeParameter
The label text displayed for the minimum end of the slider.
- minLabel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
The label text displayed for the minimum end of the slider.
- minorTickSpacing - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
The minor tick spacing of the slider.
- minPowerThreshold - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
The minimum power threshold.
- minReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (exact) return type of the min function above.
- MinSizeInterface - Interface in ptolemy.homer.widgets
This interface defines minimal size that a widget can have.
- minus(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- minus - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Input for tokens to be subtracted.
- MINUS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- MINUS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- minusEquals(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
a -= b
- minusEquals(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- minusEquals(int, int, double[][]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- minusEquals(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- minusEquals(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- minusInfinity(Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Return the value of minus infinity, or null if unrepresentable.
- minusInfinity(Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow.Saturate
- minusInfinity(Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow.ToZero
- minute - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The minutes.
- minute - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Minute of date received on input.
- minValue - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- minValue - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
The start value for the filter property.
- mirror() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.MirrorTransformer
Create a mirror of the graph associated with this analyzer with the
same runtime class.
- mirror(Graph, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.MirrorTransformer
Return a mirror of this graph in the form of the argument graph type
(i.e., the run-time type of the returned graph is that of the
argument graph).
- mirror() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MirrorTransformation
Create a mirror of the graph associated with this analyzer with the
same runtime class.
- mirror(Graph, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MirrorTransformation
Return a mirror of this graph in the form of the argument graph type
(i.e., the run-time type of the returned graph is that of the
argument graph).
- mirror() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.MirrorTransformerStrategy
Create a mirror of the graph associated with this analyzer with the
same runtime class.
- mirror(Graph, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.MirrorTransformerStrategy
Return a mirror of this graph in the form of the argument graph type
(i.e., the run-time type of the returned graph is that of the
argument graph).
- MirrorCausalityInterface - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
- MirrorCausalityInterface(Actor, CausalityInterface) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.MirrorCausalityInterface
Construct a causality interface that mirrors the specified causality
- MirrorComposite - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
A composite that contains one actor and mirrors the ports and
parameters of that actor.
- MirrorComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- MirrorComposite(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorComposite
Construct a MirrorComposite in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- MirrorComposite(CompositeEntity, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container that optionally
mirrors the ports that are instances of ParameterPort.
- MirrorComposite.MirrorCompositeContents - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is a specialized composite actor for use in MirrorComposite.
- MirrorCompositeContents(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorComposite.MirrorCompositeContents
Construct an actor with a name and a container.
- mirrorContainerPortsInRefinement(Refinement, Set<Port>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositeActor
Mirror a set of container ports in the refinement.
- MirrorDecorator - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
A special decorator that mirrors its parameters and ports to the decorated actor.
- MirrorDecorator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Construct a MirrorDecorator with a name and a container.
- MirrorDecoratorAttributes - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
Attribute generator class for the MirrorDecorator.
- MirrorDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- MirrorDecoratorAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Construct a MirroDecoratorAttributes
- MirrorDecoratorListener - Interface in org.ptolemy.ssm
Listener interface for decorator events.
- MirrorDecoratorListener.DecoratorEvent - Enum in org.ptolemy.ssm
Type of the event.
- MirrorFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- MirrorFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- MirrorPort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This port mirrors the properties of an associated port.
- MirrorPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- MirrorPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Create a new instance of a port.
- MirrorPortParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
This is a PortParameter for MirrorComposites.
- MirrorPortParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.MirrorPortParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- MirrorPortParameter(NamedObj, String, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.MirrorPortParameter
Construct a Parameter with the given container, name, and Token.
- MirrorTransformation - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
A mirror transformations on graphs.
- MirrorTransformation(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MirrorTransformation
Construct a transformation for a given graph with a default analyzer.
- MirrorTransformation(MirrorTransformer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MirrorTransformation
Construct a transformation for a given graph and a given analyzer.
- MirrorTransformer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
Base interface for a mirror transformer for graphs.
- MirrorTransformerStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
A mirror transformer for graphs.
- MirrorTransformerStrategy(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.MirrorTransformerStrategy
Construct a transformer for a given graph.
- MiscComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- MiscCompositeContext - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- MiscCompositeContext(int, float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscCompositeContext
- MissingClassException - Exception in ptolemy.moml
Thrown on an attempt to evaluate MoML that
contains a missing class.
- MissingClassException(String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.moml.MissingClassException
Construct a new XML parsing exception.
/** Constructs an Exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument.
- missingClassName() - Method in exception ptolemy.moml.MissingClassException
Return the node name that caused the exception.
- mixColors(float, int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Linear interpolation of ARGB values.
- mLBRACKET(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mLCURLY(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mLINE_COMMENT(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mLPAREN(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- MM - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- mn - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- MNEMONIC_KEY - Static variable in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
JDK1.2 doesn't have this string defined in javax.swing.Action.
- mNUMBER_LITERAL(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- MobileFunction - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
- MobileFunction(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileFunction
Construct a MobileFunction in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- MobileFunction(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileFunction
Construct a MobileFunction with a name and a container.
- MobileModel - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is a composite actor with an input port that accepts MoML descriptions
of changes that are applied to the contents.
- MobileModel(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- MobileModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
Construct an actor with a name and a container.
- mod(double, double) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Return a mod b.
- mod(float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Return a mod b.
- mod(int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Return a mod b.
- mod2pi(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
Ensure that v is [-PI, PI]
- mod2pi(double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
Returns a value of v wrapped such that ref and v differ by no
more +/-PI
- ModalBasePort - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
A base class that contains common functionality for ModelPort and
- ModalBasePort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Construct a port in the given workspace.
- ModalBasePort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- ModalController - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
Code generator helper for modal controller.
- ModalController(ModalController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Construct the code generator helper associated
with the given modal controller.
- ModalController - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
Code generator helper for modal controller.
- ModalController(ModalController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Construct the code generator helper associated
with the given modal controller.
- ModalController - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
Code generator helper for modal controller.
- ModalController(ModalController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Construct the code generator helper associated
with the given modal controller.
- ModalController - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
This FSM actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a ModalModel), which in turn assures
mirroring of ports in each of the refinements.
- ModalController(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Construct a modal controller with a name and a container.
- ModalController(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Construct a modal controller in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- ModalDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
- ModalDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ModalDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- ModalLayoutConfiguration - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout
- ModalLayoutConfiguration(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.ModalLayoutConfiguration
Creates an initializes a layout configuration specifically tailored
- ModalModel - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
This is a typed composite actor designed to be a modal model.
- ModalModel(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Construct a modal model in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- ModalModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Construct a modal model with a name and a container.
- ModalModelMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An entity to be used to match a modal model or Ptera modal model.
- ModalModelMatcher(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModalModelMatcher
Construct a modal model matcher to be either contained in the pattern
of a
or in the replacement.
- ModalPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
A port for modal models.
- ModalPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Construct a port in the given workspace.
- ModalPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name that is neither an
input nor an output.
- ModalRefinement - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
This modal model actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a refinement of a state in a ModalModel).
- ModalRefinement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
Construct a modal controller with a name and a container.
- ModalRefinementPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
A port for refinements in modal models that are themselves modal models.
- ModalRefinementPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- ModalTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTTableau.ModalTableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- ModalTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal
A tableau factory that opens an editor on the contained controller
rather than this composite actor.
- ModalTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.ModalTableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- ModalTransitionController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal
This class provides interaction with relations that contain general purpose
refinements that are fired on state transitions in an FSM graph.
- ModalTransitionController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.ModalTransitionController
Create a transition controller associated with the specified graph
- mode - Variable in class org.json.JSONWriter
The current mode.
- mode - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
Optimization mode. ( min or max)
- mode - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
Optimization mode. ( min or max)
- mode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
The transformation mode.
- mode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
The mode of this parameter.
- mode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The mode.
- mode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
The mode component when the Cipher is instantiated.
- mode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Triangular
The mode of the distribution (peak of triangle).
- mode - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.DebuggerParameter
The mode of this debugger, which is either "check log", "display", or
"record log".
- mode - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
The display mode.
- model(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
- ModelAlreadyExistException - Exception in ptdb.common.exception
Exception class for thrown when creating a model that already exist in the
- ModelAlreadyExistException(String) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.ModelAlreadyExistException
Construct an instance of ModelAlreadyExistException
with the given message.
- ModelAlreadyExistException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.ModelAlreadyExistException
Construct an instance to wrap other exceptions.
- ModelAttributePanel - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JPanel displaying an attribute.
- ModelAttributePanel(HashMap) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ModelAttributePanel
Construct a ModelAttributePanel.
- modelChanged() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
React to change of the model in this parameter.
- ModelChangeRequest(Object, BasicGraphFrame, CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools.ModelChangeRequest
- ModelChangeRequest(Object, BasicGraphFrame, CompositeEntity, UndoAction) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools.ModelChangeRequest
- modelChecking - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
If set to true, PRISM will be used to model check defined model properties.
- ModelCombine - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An actor to combine the input model tokens into one.
- ModelCombine(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelCombine
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- modelConnectionExpired(ProxyModelInfrastructure) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelAdapter
Notify listener about the expiration of the model connection to another remote model.
- modelConnectionExpired(ProxyModelInfrastructure) - Method in interface ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure.ProxyModelListener
Notify listener about the expiration of the model connection to another remote model.
- ModelDirectory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A directory of open models.
- ModelDirectory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelDirectory
Construct a model directory with the specified container and name.
- ModelDisplay - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib
This actor opens a window to display the specified model.
- ModelDisplay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- ModelElementClassProvider - Interface in org.ptolemy.classloading
Get the classes for different types of model elements.
- ModelErrorHandler - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
Interface for model error handlers.
- modelException(ProxyModelInfrastructure, String, Throwable) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelAdapter
Notify all model listeners that the simulation has experienced an exception.
- modelException(ProxyModelInfrastructure, String, Throwable) - Method in interface ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure.ProxyModelListener
Notify all model listeners that the simulation has experienced an exception.
- modelExchange - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
If true, then the FMU is intended for model exchange, not co-simulation.
- modelExchange - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
If true, then this FMU is for model exchange rather than co-simulation.
- modelExchangeCapabilities - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The capabilities for model exchange.
- ModelExecutor - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An actor to execute the input model.
- ModelExecutor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelExecutor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- modelFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ReadModel
The model file.
- modelFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.WriteModel
The file to store the model.
- modelFileIsOK(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.Auto32Tests
Return true if the model should be run.
- modelFileIsOK(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoTests
Return true if the model should be run.
- modelFileName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
The executable file name of the MetroII SystemC model.
- modelFileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
The file name or URL of the filter model.
- modelFileOrURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
The file name or URL of the model that this actor represents.
- ModelFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
ModelFrame is a top-level window containing a Ptolemy II model control panel.
- ModelFrame(CompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Construct a frame to control the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ModelFrame(CompositeActor, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Construct a frame to control the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ModelFrame(CompositeActor, Tableau, ModelPane) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Construct a frame to control the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ModelGenerator - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An actor to open a window to display the specified model and apply its inputs
to the model.
- ModelGenerator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelGenerator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- modelIdentifier - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
The underscore separated class name.
- modelIdentifier - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The FMI modelIdentifier, typically the value of the modelIdentifier
attribute from a .fmu file.
- modelInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The modelInput port.
- ModelIOPort - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
The typed IO port to send and receive model tokens.
- ModelIOPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelIOPort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- ModelIOPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelIOPort
Construct a port in the given workspace.
- ModelKnownFailedTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Base class for tests that use models in the auto/knownFailedTests directory.
- ModelKnownFailedTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelKnownFailedTests
- ModelMigrationFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
Model migration frame that is responsible to provide a GUI for the users to
specify a path for a directory that contains the list of models that they
wish to migrate to the database.
- ModelMigrationFrame() - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ModelMigrationFrame
Creates new form ModelMigrationFrame.
- modelName - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The FMI modelName, typically the value of the modelName attribute from a
.fmu file.
- modelName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InitModel
The name of the empty model.
- modelName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelGenerator
The port parameter for the model name.
- ModelNameSearchTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Task to search for models based on model name.
- ModelNameSearchTask(String) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.ModelNameSearchTask
Create an instance of ModelNameSearchTask.
- modelOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The modelOutput port.
- modelPane() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Return the container into which to place placeable objects.
- ModelPane - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
ModelPane is a panel for interacting with an executing Ptolemy II model.
- ModelPane(CompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Construct a panel for interacting with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ModelPane(CompositeActor, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Construct a panel for interacting with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- ModelPanel - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JPanel displaying a single model result.
- ModelPanel(XMLDBModel, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ModelPanel
Construct a panel associated with the search result.
- ModelParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
A parameter in the Ptera-based model transformation that temporarily stores the
model to be transformed.
- ModelParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- ModelParser - Interface in diva.util
ModelParser is an interface that should be extended by application
specified model parsers.
- ModelPolynomial - Class in org.ptolemy.qss.util
Model of a variable that changes with time, using a polynomial.
- ModelPolynomial(int) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Construct a ModelPolynomial
- ModelReference - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is an atomic actor that can execute a model specified by
a file or URL.
- ModelReference(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Construct a ModelReference with a name and a container.
- modelReferenceExists(String, String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Check if the model name exists in the given reference string.
- ModelRepaintController - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A class to do scheduled repaints at certain user specified moments in
the execution of the model.
- ModelRepaintController(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelRepaintController
Construct an instance of the ModelRepaintController.
- models() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Return the list of models.
- models() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Return a list of the Ptolemy II models that were created by processing
the command-line arguments.
- ModelScope - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
An abstract class that is useful for implementing expression language
scopes for Ptolemy models.
- ModelScope() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ModelScope
- ModelsListFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
Frame to display a list of all models in the database.
- ModelsListFrame() - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ModelsListFrame
Create new form ModelsListFrame.
- ModelsListFrame(Configuration) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ModelsListFrame
Create new form ModelsListFrame.
- modelString - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
The input port for model changing request of the inside model.
- ModelTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Base class for tests that use models in the auto/ directory.
- ModelTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
- modelType - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- modelURL - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
URL from which to get the model.
- modelURL - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
The file or URL from which to read the starting point model.
- ModelUtilities - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
A collection of utilities for manipulating a Ptolemy model.
- ModelValidator - Class in thales.actor.gui
Titre : ModelValidator
Description : A simple parser that delete empty parameters before opening
a MoML file.
- ModelValidator() - Constructor for class thales.actor.gui.ModelValidator
- modelValues() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.Auto32Tests
Return a two dimensional array of arrays of strings that name the model
to be executed.
- modelValues() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGKnownFailedTests
Return a two dimensional array of arrays of strings that name
the model to be executed.
- modelValues() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoNameArchTests
Return a two dimensional array of arrays of strings that name the model
to be executed.
- modelValues() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelKnownFailedTests
Return a two dimensional array of arrays of strings that name
the model to be executed.
- modelValues() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
Return a two dimensional array of arrays of strings that name the model
to be executed.
- modelValues(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
Return a two dimensional array of arrays of strings that name the model
to be executed.
- modelVariables - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The list of ScalarVariable elements.
- modelVariablesNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
The list of ScalarVariable elements name.
- ModelView - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An actor to open a window to display the input models.
- ModelView(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- ModelWriter - Interface in diva.util
ModelWriter is an interface that should be extended by application
specified model writers to write out data structures to an output
- MODESWITCH - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
Test a mode switch guard and execute the mode switch if the guard
evaluates to true.
- ModeTransitionTableModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.scr
The mode transition table for configuring an SCR Model.
- ModeTransitionTableModel(FSMActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Construct the mode transition table for configuring an SCR Model.
- ModifyDate - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Modify date by adding or subtracting a value to one of the date fields.
- ModifyDate(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ModifyDate
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ModifyListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.ModifyListener
- modifyPattern(IOPort, String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Modify the pattern of the specified port with one dimension
(for propagate).
- modifyPattern(IOPort, String[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Modify th pattern of the specified port with dimensions (after
- modNam - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Name of the model.
- ModularableComposite - Interface in ptolemy.cg.lib
Marker interface for Modular Composites.
- ModularCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular
Class for modular code generator.
- ModularCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the Modular java code generator.
- ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
An aggregation of typed actors with lazy evaluation.
- ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library with the given container and name.
- ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
- ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor(ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
A TypedCompositeActor with Lazy evaluation for Modular code generation.
- ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library in the default workspace with no container
and an empty string as its name.
- ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library in the specified workspace with no
container and an empty string as a name.
- ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library with the given container and name.
- ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
An aggregation of typed actors with lazy evaluation.
- ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Construct a library with the given container and name.
- ModularGraphModel - Class in diva.graph.modular
A modular implementation of the graph model, whereby users with
heterogeneous graphs can implement the graph model interface by
implementing the simple interfaces of Graph, Node, CompositeNode,
and Edge.
- ModularGraphModel(Object) - Constructor for class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Construct an empty graph model whose
root is the given semantic object.
- ModularSDFCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular
Class for modular code generator.
- ModularSDFCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the Modular java code generator.
- ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular
A firing instance of an actor.
- ModularSDFCodeGenerator.FiringCluster - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular
A cluster of firings of actors.
- ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationFiringFunction - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular
A firing function for simulating (e.g. deadlock simulation)
- ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular
Junction for simulation.
- modules - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGenerator
A comma separated list of modules to be installed.
- modulo(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- MODULO - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- modulo(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
moduloing a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- modulo(double[], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by the modulo of each element
of the input array and z (array[i] % z).
- modulo(double[][], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument after
performing modulo operation by the second argument to every element.
- modulo(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by the modulo of each element
of the input array and z (array[i] % z).
- modulo(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element modulo of the two
input arrays (array1[i] % array2[i]).
- modulo(int[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by computing the
remainders between each element in the matrix and z.
- modulo(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by computing the
remainders between each element in the first matrix argument
and the corresponding element in the second matrix argument.
- modulo(long[], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the formed by the modulo of each element
of the input array and z (array[i] % z).
- modulo(long[], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element modulo of the two
input arrays (array1[i] % array2[i]).
- modulo(long[][], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by computing the
remainders between each element in the matrix and z.
- modulo(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by computing the
remainders between each element in the first matrix argument
and the corresponding element in the second matrix argument.
- MODULO - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing Modulo overflow strategy.
- moduloAngle(double) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return the angle between -PI and PI that corresponds to the
given angle.
- moduloReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
modulo the value of this token.
- moduloReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
modulo the value of this token.
- moduloReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
modulo the value of this token.
- moduloReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
modulo the value of this token.
- moduloReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- moduloReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
modulo the value of this token.
- moduloReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- moml - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelGenerator
The port to receive moml strings of the models.
- MoML_DTD_1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
The standard MoML DTD, represented as a string.
- MoML_DTD_1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
The standard MoML DTD, represented as a string.
- MoML_PUBLIC_ID_1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
The public ID for version 1 MoML.
- MoML_PUBLIC_ID_1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
The public ID for version 1 MoML.
- MoMLApplet - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is an applet that constructs a Ptolemy II model from a MoML file.
- MoMLApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplet
- MoMLApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An application that sets the look and feel to the native look
and feel and then reads one or more
files specified on the command line, or instantiates one or
more Java classes specified by the -class option.
- MoMLApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, instantiating classes
and reading files that are specified.
- MoMLApplication(String, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, instantiating classes
and reading files that are specified.
- MoMLApplication(String, String[], MessageHandler, ErrorHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, instantiating classes
and reading files that are specified.
- MoMLAttribute - Class in ptolemy.moml
This attribute has an arbitrary MoML description that is exported
when the exportMoML() methods of the container are called.
- MoMLAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- MoMLAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLAttribute
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- MoMLChangeRequest - Class in ptolemy.moml
A mutation request specified in MoML.
- MoMLChangeRequest(Object, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Construct a mutation request.
- MoMLChangeRequest(Object, NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Construct a mutation request to be executed in the specified context.
- MoMLChangeRequest(Object, NamedObj, String, URL) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Construct a mutation request to be executed in the specified context.
- MoMLChangeRequest(Object, NamedObj, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Construct a mutation request to be executed in the specified context.
- MoMLCommandLineApplication - Class in ptolemy.moml
A application that reads command line arguments that set parameters
and a .xml file naming a model, sets the parameters and runs the model.
- MoMLCommandLineApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLCommandLineApplication
Parse a MoML file that contains a model, update the parameters
and run the model.
- MoMLExportable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
This is an interface for objects that have persistent MoML representations.
- MoMLFilter - Interface in ptolemy.moml
This class filters MoML (modeling markup language) identifiers.
- MoMLFilterSimple - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
Filter MoML without using a MoMLParser to parse xml generated by the filter.
- MoMLFilterSimple() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.MoMLFilterSimple
- MoMLGenerator - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An actor to generate MoML strings from the input models.
- MoMLGenerator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.MoMLGenerator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MoMLLib - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml
Traverse a directory tree and generate .moml files.
- MoMLLib() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml.MoMLLib
- MoMLModelAttribute - Class in ptolemy.moml
An attribute that has a model described in MoML.
- MoMLModelAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
Create a model attribute with the specified container and name.
- MoMLModelAttributeController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
A controller that provides binding of an attribute and a refinement model.
- MoMLModelAttributeController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.MoMLModelAttributeController
Create a model attribute controller associated with the specified graph
- MoMLModelAttributeController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.MoMLModelAttributeController
Create a model attribute controller associated with the specified graph
- MoMLModelAttributeControllerFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A factory attribute that creates MoMLModelAttributeControllers.
- MoMLModelAttributeControllerFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MoMLModelAttributeControllerFactory
Create a new factory with the specified name and container.
- MoMLParser - Class in ptolemy.moml
This class constructs Ptolemy II models from specifications
in MoML (modeling markup language), which is based on XML.
- MoMLParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Construct a parser that creates a new workspace into which to
put the entities created by the parse() method.
- MoMLParser(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Construct a parser that creates entities
in the specified workspace.
- MoMLParser(Workspace, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Construct a parser that creates entities in the specified workspace.
- MoMLParser(Workspace, VersionSpecification, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Construct a parser that creates entities in the specified workspace
with a default verisoin specification.
- MoMLSimpleApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
- MoMLSimpleApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleApplication
A Nullary constructor is necessary so that we can extends this
base class with a subclass.
- MoMLSimpleApplication(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleApplication
Parse the xml file and run it.
- MoMLSimpleApplication - Class in ptolemy.moml
A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command
line argument and runs it.
- MoMLSimpleApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Instantiate a MoMLSimpleApplication.
- MoMLSimpleApplication(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Parse the xml file and run it.
- MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command
line argument, runs it and prints out time and memory statistics
MoMLApplication sets the look and feel, which starts up Swing,
so we can't use MoMLApplication for non-graphical simulations.
- MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
Parse the xml file and run it.
- MoMLSimpleTimeoutApplication - Class in ptolemy.moml
A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command line argument,
runs it and terminates the run after a time out.
- MoMLSimpleTimeoutApplication(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleTimeoutApplication
Parse the xml file and run it.
- MoMLUndoEntry - Class in ptolemy.moml
This is an undo action on the undo/redo stack.
- MoMLUndoEntry(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLUndoEntry
Create an undo entry comprised of the specified MoML code.
- MoMLUtilities - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class provides access to the Ptolemy MoML parser
in ptolemy.moml by using reflection.
- MoMLUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.MoMLUtilities
- MoMLVariableChecker - Class in ptolemy.moml
Check that all the variables are defined in a piece of MoML.
- MoMLVariableChecker() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.MoMLVariableChecker
- MoMLViewerApplet - Class in ptolemy.vergil
This applet displays a graph view of a specified MoML file.
- MoMLViewerApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.MoMLViewerApplet
- MonitorImage - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib
Display image inputs in the icon.
- MonitorImage(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorImage
Construct an actor.
- MonitorReceiverAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib
This parameter, when inserted into a port, causes the port to display data
available for the actor to read.
- MonitorReceiverAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- MonitorReceiverContents - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib
This parameter, when inserted into a model or an opaque composite actor,
causes all input ports to acquire an attribute that makes them display
their contents on the screen.
- MonitorReceiverContents(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverContents
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- MonitorValue - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Monitor inputs by setting the value parameter equal
to each arriving token.
- MonitorValue(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MonitorValue
Construct an actor.
- MonotonicFunction - Class in ptolemy.data.type
Actors often need to implement monotonic functions as part of the
declaration of type constraints.
- MonotonicFunction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
- MonotonicityConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis
A concept that represents the monotoncity of an expression.
- MonotonicityConcept(Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConcept
Create a new Monotonicity concept, belonging to the given
- MonotonicityConceptFunction - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis
The top level adapter class for MonotonicityAnalysis adapters.
- MonotonicityConceptFunction(String, int, Ontology, List<Ontology>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
Create the concept function over the monotonicity lattice.
- MonotonicityCounterexamples - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis
Representation of a set of counterexamples to monotonicity.
- MonotonicityCounterexamples() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
Construct an empty set of counterexamples.
- MonotonicityCounterexamples.ConceptPair - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis
Encapsulate counterexample pairs.
- month - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The month.
- month - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Month of date received on input.
- more() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Determine if the source string still contains characters that next()
can consume.
- morph(int[], int[], int[], WarpGrid, WarpGrid, int, int, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- MostRecent - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register.
- MostRecent(MostRecent) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Construct a Register adapter.
- MostRecent - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent.
- MostRecent(MostRecent) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Construct a MostRecent adapter.
- MostRecent - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
Output the most recent input token when the trigger port
receives a token.
- MostRecent(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MotionBlurFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which produces motion blur the slow, but higher-quality way.
- MotionBlurFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Construct a MotionBlurFilter.
- MotionBlurFilter(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Construct a MotionBlurFilter.
- MotionBlurOp - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which produces motion blur the faster, but lower-quality way.
- MotionBlurOp() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Construct a MotionBlurOp.
- MotionBlurOp(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Construct a MotionBlurOp.
- MotionDetectorFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A motion detector image filter.
- MotionDetectorFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
- MotorSetup - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.targets.luminary.MotorOutputDevice.
- MotorSetup(MotorSetup) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.MotorSetup
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.MotorOutputDevice actor.
- MotorSetup - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
This is a class for generating motor outputs on the Luminary Micro.
- MotorSetup(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.MotorSetup
Constructs a MotorOutputDevice object.
- mouseClicked(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerAdapter
Invoked when the mouse is clicked on a layer or figure.
- mouseClicked(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerConsumer
Invoked when the mouse is clicked on a layer or figure.
- mouseClicked(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Invoked when the mouse is clicked on a layer or figure.
- mouseClicked(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.LayerListener
Invoked when the mouse is clicked on a layer or figure.
- mouseClicked(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- mouseClicked(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Do nothing.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.FocusMouseListener
- mouseClicked(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Included to comply with the AbstractListener implementation
- mouseClicked(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D.ViewScreen2DListener
Included to comply with the LayerListener interface
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
Ignored by this listener.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveListener
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
Request the focus.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Called when the mouse is clicked.
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerAdapter
Invoked when the mouse moves while the button is still held
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerConsumer
Invoked when the mouse moves while the button is still held
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Invoked when the mouse moves while the button is still held
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.LayerListener
Invoked when the mouse moves while the button is still held
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Do nothing.
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Handle a mouse drag event.
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Constrain the point and move the target if the mouse
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Reshape the rubber-band, swapping coordinates if necessary.
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Translate the figure to wherever the mouse is dragged.
- mouseDragged(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D.ViewScreen2DListener
Translate the origin of the viewScreen2D if the user drags the
origin marker.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.ModifyListener
If the mouse is dragged and the 3rd button is pressed,
then make a record of a new edit point.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.DragListener
Handle mouse drag events.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveMotionListener
If the mouse is dragged after clicking the third
button, then shift what is displayed.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Transform the graph by the amount the mouse is dragged
while the middle mouse button is held down.
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator.TargetHighlighter
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Invoked when the mouse enters a layer or figure.
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMotionAdapter
Invoked when the mouse enters a layer or figure.
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.LayerMotionListener
Invoked when the mouse enters a layer or figure.
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Do nothing.
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Handle a mouse entered event.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.FocusMouseListener
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Included to comply with the AbstractListener implementation
- mouseEntered(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D.ViewScreen2DListener
Update the state of this object to reflect that the mouse
is in the viewscreen.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
Ignored by this listener.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveListener
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Called when the mouse enters this component.
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator.TargetHighlighter
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Invoked when the mouse exits a layer or figure.
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMotionAdapter
Invoked when the mouse exits a layer or figure.
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.LayerMotionListener
Invoked when the mouse exits a layer or figure.
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Do nothing.
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Handle a mouse exited event.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.FocusMouseListener
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Included to comply with the AbstractListener implementation
- mouseExited(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D.ViewScreen2DListener
Update the state of this object to reflect that the mouse is
no longer in the viewscreen.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
Ignored by this listener.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveListener
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Called when the mouse leaves this component.
- MouseFilter - Class in diva.canvas.event
A class that accepts mouse events.
- MouseFilter(int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
Construct a mouse filter that responds to the given mouse buttons
and modifier keys.
- MouseFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
Construct a mouse filter that responds to the given mouse
buttons and modifier keys.
- MouseFilter(int, int, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
Construct a mouse filter that responds to the given mouse buttons
and modifier keys.
- MouseFilter(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
Construct a mouse filter that responds to the given mouse buttons
and modifier keys.
- MouseInput3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
An actor that listens for mouse clicks on the viewscreen.
- MouseInput3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MouseInput3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator.TargetHighlighter
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Invoked when the mouse moves while over a layer or figure.
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMotionAdapter
Invoked when the mouse moves while over a layer or figure.
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.LayerMotionListener
Invoked when the mouse moves while over a layer or figure.
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Do nothing.
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Handle a mouse moved event.
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Included to comply with the AbstractListener implementation
- mouseMoved(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D.ViewScreen2DListener
Included to comply with the LayerMotionListener interface
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.ModifyListener
Ignored by this listener.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.DragListener
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveMotionListener
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Called when the mouse is moved.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerAdapter
Invoked when the mouse is pressed on a layer or figure.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerConsumer
Invoked when the mouse is pressed on a layer or figure.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Invoked when the mouse is pressed on a layer or figure.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.LayerListener
Invoked when the mouse is pressed on a layer or figure.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Do nothing.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor
Activate the action referenced by this interactor.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Do nothing.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Handle a mouse press event.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Handle a mouse press on a figure or layer.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Clear the selection, and create the rubber-band
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Handle a mouse press event.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphController.NodeCreator
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.EdgeCreator
Create a new edge, add it to the graph controller and add
the connector to the selection.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.FocusMouseListener
Grab the keyboard focus when the component that this listener is
attached to is clicked on.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.MenuCreator
When a mouse press happens, ask the factory to create a menu and show
it on the screen.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Update the state of this listener to reflect where on the
figure the mouse button was pressed, and change the mouse
cursor to show that the figure can now be dragged.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D.ViewScreen2DListener
Update the status of any figures which were deselected by the
user clicking on a blank area of the viewscreen.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
If the 3rd button is pressed, then start the edit.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveListener
If the third button is pressed, then
save the X and Y values.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
Handle mouse button 1 events.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController.LinkCreator
Create a new edge when the mouse is pressed.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Store the location of the middle mouse event.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.MousePressedLayerAdapter
Invoked when the mouse is pressed on a layer
or figure.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeDragInteractor
When the mouse is pressed before dragging, store a copy of the
pressed point location so that a relative move can be
evaluated for undo purposes.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphController.LinkCreator
Initiate creation of an arc.
- mousePressed(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AttributeBoundsManipulator
Make a record of the size before resizing.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTreeMenuCreator
Create an instance of the menu associated with this factory.
- MousePressedLayerAdapter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.MousePressedLayerAdapter
- mousePressLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
Screen location of the mouse press, which is automatically updated after
the input is received.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Handle a mouse-released event.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerAdapter
Invoked when the mouse is released on a layer or figure.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerConsumer
Invoked when the mouse is released on a layer or figure.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Invoked when the mouse is released on a layer or figure.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.LayerListener
Invoked when the mouse is released on a layer or figure.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Do nothing.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Do nothing.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Handle a mouse released event.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Handle a mouse released event.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Delete the rubber-band
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.FocusMouseListener
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.MenuCreator
When a mouse press happens, ask the factory to create a menu and show
it on the screen.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Included to comply with the AbstractListener implementation
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D.ViewScreen2DListener
Update the state of this object to reflect that the mouse is no
longer being dragged.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
If the 3rd button is released, then modify the X and Y
coordinates of the edit dataset.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveListener
Note that the moving has stopped.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
Handle mouse button 1 events.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Called when the mouse is released.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeDragInteractor
When the mouse is released after dragging, mark the frame modified
and update the panner, and generate an undo entry for the move.
- mouseReleased(LayerEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AttributeBoundsManipulator
Make a persistent record of the new size by issuing a change request.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTreeMenuCreator
Create an instance of the menu associated with this factory.
- mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener2
If the mouse wheel is moved, then zoom accordingly.
- mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Scroll in when the mouse wheel is moved.
- MovableViewScreen3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
A sink actor that renders the GR geometry into a display screen
with movable viewpoint.
- MovableViewScreen3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MovableViewScreen3D
Construct a ViewScreen in the given container with the given name.
- move(List, MoveAction.MoveType, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MoveAction
Move the objects in the specified list up or down in the list
of similar objects in their container, as specified by the move type.
- Moveable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
This is an interface for objects that can be moved in a list of
objects in a container.
- MoveAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
An action to move an object up or down in its list.
- MoveAction(String, MoveAction.MoveType) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MoveAction
Construct a new action.
- moveContextEnd(NamedObj, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Return the closing element corresponding to the starting element
returned by moveContextStart(), or an empty string if none is
- moveContextStart(NamedObj, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Return the MoML start element to put us in the
context of the immediate container of the containee,
assuming the current context is as given by the
context argument.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Move this object down by one in the list of attributes of
its container.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Move this object down by one in the list of attributes of
its container.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Move this object down by one in the list of attributes of its container.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
Move this object down by one in the list of attributes of
its container.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Move this object down by one in the list of attributes of
its container.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Move this object down by one in the list of entities of
its container.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Move this object down by one in the list of relations of
its container.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Move this object down by one in the list of ports of
its container.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Move this object down by one in the list of attributes of
its container.
- moveDown() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Moveable
Move this object down by one in the list of
objects in its container.
- moveDown(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Move the specified element down by one in the list.
- moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Move this object down by one in the list of objects in
its container.
- MoveHandle - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A grab-handle that is intended for acting as a "move me"
- MoveHandle(Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.MoveHandle
Construct a new grab handle attached to the given
- MoveListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveListener
- MoveMotionListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.MoveMotionListener
- moveTo(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Move the start point of the vertex to the given position.
- moveTo(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Move the start point of the vertex to the given position.
- moveTo(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Move the start point of the vertex to the given position.
- moveTo(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Move the start point of the vertex to the given position.
- moveTo(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Move the start point of the vertex to the given position.
- moveTo(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Move the start point of the vertex to the given position.
- MoveToBackAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.MoveToBackAction
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Move this object to the first position in the list of attributes of the
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Move this object to the first position in the list
of entities of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Move this object to the first position in the list
of relations of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Move this object to the first position in the list
of ports of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Moveable
Move this object to the first position in the list of
objects in its container.
- moveToFirst(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Move the specified element to the beginning of the list.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.VisibleAttribute
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- MoveToFrontAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.MoveToFrontAction
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Move this object to the specified position in the list of attributes of
the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of entities of the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of relations of the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of ports of the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Moveable
Move this object to the specified position in the list of
objects in its container, where 0 is the first position.
- moveToIndex(Nameable, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Move the specified element to the specified position in the list.
- moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Move this object to the specified position in the list of
attributes of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Move this object to the last position in the list of attributes of the
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Move this object to the last position in the list
of entities of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Move this object to the last position in the list
of relations of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Move this object to the last position in the list
of ports of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Moveable
Move this object to the last position in the list of
objects in its container.
- moveToLast(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Move the specified element to the end of the list.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.VisibleAttribute
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Move this object up by one in the list of
attributes of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Move this object up by one in the list of
attributes of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Move this object up by one in the list of attributes of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
Move this object up by one in the list of
attributes of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Move this object up by one in the list of
attributes of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Move this object up by one in the list of
entities of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Move this object up by one in the list of
relations of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Move this object up by one in the list of
ports of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Move this object up by one in the list of
attributes of the container.
- moveUp() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Moveable
Move this object up by one in the list of
objects in its container.
- moveUp(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Move the specified element up by one in the list.
- moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Move this object up by one in the list of
attributes of the container.
- MovieReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf
This actor loads a video file (MPEG, AVI, or Quicktime files only), and
outputs each frame as a JMFImageToken.
- MovieReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MovieWriter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf
This actor writes a video file (MPEG, AVI, or Quicktime).
- MovieWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MovingAverage - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor outputs the moving average of the input sequence.
- MovingAverage(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MovingAverage - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate C code for an actor that computes the moving average.
- MovingAverage(MovingAverage) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Construct a MovingAverage adapter.
- MovingAverage - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage.
- MovingAverage(MovingAverage) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Construct an adapter for ptlemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage.
- MovingMaximum - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- MovingMaximum(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingMaximum
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- movingTimeOfTrain(Token, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.TCSDirector
Return moving time of a train in a track or station.
- mPLUS(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- MQTTClientWrapper(ScriptObjectMirror, int, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper.MQTTClientWrapper
This constructor creates one Paho MQTT client inside using given parameters.
- MQTTHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt
A helper class for the MQTT module in JavaScript.
- MQTTHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper
Construct a MQTThelper for the specified JavaScript object.
- MQTTHelper.MQTTClientWrapper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt
A wrapper for a Paho MQTT client.
- mRBRACKET(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mRCURLY(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mRPAREN(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mSEMI(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- msg - Variable in class lbnl.util.WarningWindow
The warning message.
- mSTRING_LITERAL(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mTRANSFORM(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mu2lin(byte) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Convert mu-255 companded representation of an audio sample
into an integer linear representation.
- mul(Matrix4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- MULTI_IOPORT_COORDINATES - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Polygon coordinates for input multiport.
- MULTI_IPORT_COORDINATES - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Polygon coordinates for input output multiport.
- MULTI_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- MULTI_OPORT_COORDINATES - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Polygon coordinates for output multiport.
- MultiCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
A composite actor that can have several refinements.
- MultiCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositeActor
Construct a composite actor in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- MultiCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositeActor
Construct a composite actor with a name and a container.
- MultiCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Code generator adapter for MultiCompositeActor actor.
- MultiCompositeActor(MultiCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given MultiCompositeActor actor.
- MultiCompositePort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
A port for multi-composite actors.
- MultiCompositePort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Construct a port in the given workspace.
- MultiCompositePort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- MultiCompositePort - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Code generator adapter.
- MultiCompositePort(MultiCompositePort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given RefinementPort.
- MultiContainerFrame - Interface in org.mlc.swing.layout
An interface for frames that can have multiple containers.
- MultiContent<T extends ContentPrototype> - Class in ptolemy.homer.kernel
Store a model's element representations on multiple contents.
- MultiContent(T) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Create a new multi-content frame based on a content prototype.
- MultiContent(T, CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
The constructor takes a model that is parsed for elements with
location attributes.
- MultiHashMap<K,V> - Class in ptolemy.util
MultiHashMap is an implementation of the MultiMap interface.
- MultiHashMap() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.MultiHashMap
- MULTIINPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- MULTIINPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- MULTIINPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- MultiInstanceComposite - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
that creates multiple
instances of itself during the preinitialize phase of model execution.
- MultiInstanceComposite(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiInstanceComposite
Construct a MultiInstanceComposite actor in the specified
workspace with no container and an empty string as a name.
- MultiInstanceComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiInstanceComposite
Construct a MultiInstanceComposite actor with the given container
and name.
- MultiLineCommentMode - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
Lexical state.
- multinomialEstimates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
A matrix that has a row for each state and a column for each category
in the learned multinomial distribution. if the observations are multidimensional,
the categories for each dimension are concatenated into a single vector.
- MULTIOUTPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- MULTIOUTPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- MULTIOUTPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- MULTIPAGE_TAG - Static variable in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
The string constant that specifies the start and end of a
- MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Multi-page editor with Ptolemy semantic highlighting and transformation tab.
- MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor
- MultipageDocument - Class in diva.gui
A document that contains a linear sequence of Pages.
- MultipageDocument(String, Application, ModelParser, ModelWriter) - Constructor for class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
Construct a multipage document that is owned by the given application
- MultipageModel - Class in diva.gui
A document that contains a linear sequence of Pages.
- MultipageModel() - Constructor for class diva.gui.MultipageModel
- MultipageParser - Class in diva.gui
Parse all pages of a multi-page document from a file.
- MultipageParser(ModelParser) - Constructor for class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Create a MultipageParser with the specified model parser which
is used to parse the content of a page.
- MultipageWriter - Class in diva.gui
MultipageWriter writes out all pages of a multi-page document to a
- MultipageWriter(ModelWriter) - Constructor for class diva.gui.MultipageWriter
Create a MultipageWriter with the specified model parser which
is used to write the content of a page.
- MULTIPLE_SELECTION - Static variable in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Allow multiple screen objects to be
selected at once.
- MultipleConceptIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ontologies
An icon that displays multiple concepts, in a set of rounded boxes, with
the uppermost box containing the name of the set of concepts.
- MultipleConceptIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.MultipleConceptIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- MultipleEnabledTransitionsException - Exception in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
Thrown when multiple outgoing transitions from one state are enabled at the
same time.
- MultipleEnabledTransitionsException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultipleEnabledTransitionsException
Construct an exception with a detail message.
- MultipleEnabledTransitionsException(Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultipleEnabledTransitionsException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument.
- MultipleFireMethodsInterface - Interface in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
The interface for actors with multiple fire methods that can be separately scheduled
in the Sequence and Process Directors.
- Multiplexor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor selects from the channels on the
input port, copying the input from one channel to the output,
based on the most recently received value on the select input.
- Multiplexor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Multiplexor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the slicing of the bits of the input token value.
- Multiplexor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplexor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Multiplexor - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor selects from the channels on the
input port, copying the input from one channel to the output,
based on the most recently received value on the select input.
- Multiplexor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Multiplier - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the sum of all the inputs at the plus port minus the inputs at the
minus port.
- Multiplier(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplier
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- MULTIPLY - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- MULTIPLY - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageToken
Return a new token whose value is the multiplication of this
token and the argument.
- multiply - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Input for tokens to be multiplied.
- multiply(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Multiply this array token by the specified argument.
- MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- multiply(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
multiplying a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- multiply(Complex) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number that is formed by multiplying this
complex number by the specified complex number.
- multiply(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element multiplication of
the two input arrays.
- multiply(Complex[], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying each element in array by the second argument,
which is a complex number.
- multiply(Complex[][], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by multiplying the matrix
by a real scaleFactor.
- multiply(Complex[][], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by multiplying the matrix
by a complex scaleFactor.
- multiply(Complex[][], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
pre-multiplying the array (treated as a row vector) by a matrix.
- multiply(Complex[], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
post-multiplying the matrix by an array (treated as a row vector).
- multiply(Complex[][], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying the first matrix by the second one.
- multiply(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element multiplication of
the two input arrays.
- multiply(double[], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying each element in the array by the second argument, which is
a double.
- multiply(double[][], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by multiplying the matrix
by a scaleFactor.
- multiply(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
pre-multiplying the array (treated as a row vector) by a matrix.
- multiply(double[], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
post-multiplying the matrix by an array (treated as a row vector).
- multiply(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying the first matrix by the second one.
- multiply(FixPoint) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint with a value equal to the product of this
FixPoint and the argument.
- multiply(FixPoint, Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint with a value equal to the product of this
FixPoint and the argument.
- multiply(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element multiplication of
the two input arrays.
- multiply(float[], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying each element in the array by the second argument, which is
a float.
- multiply(float[][], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by multiplying the matrix
by a scaleFactor.
- multiply(float[][], float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
pre-multiplying the array (treated as a row vector) by a matrix.
- multiply(float[], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
post-multiplying the matrix by an array (treated as a row vector).
- multiply(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying the first matrix by the second one.
- multiply(Fraction) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Multiply this fraction by the given fraction.
- multiply(Fraction[], Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element multiplication of
the two input arrays.
- multiply(Fraction[], Fraction) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying each element in the array by the second argument, which is
a Fraction.
- multiply(Fraction[][], Fraction) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by multiplying the matrix
by a scaleFactor.
- multiply(Fraction[], Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
pre-multiplying the matrix by an array (treated as a row vector).
- multiply(Fraction[][], Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
post-multiplying the matrix by an array (treated as a column vector).
- multiply(Fraction[][], Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying the first matrix by the second one.
- multiply(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element multiplication of
the two input arrays.
- multiply(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying each element in the array by the second argument, which is
an int.
- multiply(int[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by multiplying the matrix
by a scaleFactor.
- multiply(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
pre-multiplying the array (treated as a row vector) by a matrix.
- multiply(int[], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
post-multiplying the matrix by an array (treated as a row vector).
- multiply(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying the first matrix by the second one.
- multiply(long[], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element multiplication of
the two input arrays.
- multiply(long[], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying each element in the array by the second argument, which is
a long.
- multiply(long[][], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by multiplying the matrix
by a scaleFactor.
- multiply(long[][], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
pre-multiplying the array (treated as a row vector) by a matrix.
- multiply(long[], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
post-multiplying the matrix by an array (treated as a row vector).
- multiply(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
multiplying the first matrix by the second one.
- MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- multiply255(int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscCompositeContext
- multiply255(int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite.RGBCompositeContext
- MULTIPLY_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The string name of the attribute that defines the arithmetic multiply
concept function for this ontology solver.
- multiplyBy(Unit) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Multiply this Unit by another Unit.
- MultiplyComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- MultiplyComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.MultiplyComposite
- MultiplyComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- MultiplyConceptFunctionDefinition - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
Concept function definition attribute specifically for arithmetic multiplication.
- MultiplyConceptFunctionDefinition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.MultiplyConceptFunctionDefinition
Construct the MultiplyConceptFunctionDefinition attribute
with the given container and name.
- MultiplyDivide - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic multiplier and/or divider.
- MultiplyDivide(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- MultiplyDivide - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide.
- MultiplyDivide(MultiplyDivide) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Constructor method for the MultiplyDivide adapter.
- MultiplyDivide - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide.
- MultiplyDivide(MultiplyDivide) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Constructor method for the MultiplyDivide adapter.
- MultiplyDivide - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap.
- MultiplyDivide(MultiplyDivide) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Construct a TimeGap adapter.
- MultiplyDivide - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap.
- MultiplyDivide(MultiplyDivide) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Construct a TimeGap adapter.
- MultiplyDivide - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide.
- MultiplyDivide(MultiplyDivide) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Constructor method for the MultiplyDivide adapter.
- MultiplyDivide - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib
The default adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide.
- MultiplyDivide(LatticeOntologySolver, MultiplyDivide) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Construct a default lattice ontology adapter for the MultiplyDivide actor.
- multiplyElements(Complex[][], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
multiplication of the two matrix arguments.
- multiplyElements(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
multiplication of the two matrix arguments.
- multiplyElements(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
multiplication of the two matrix arguments.
- multiplyElements(Fraction[][], Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
multiplication of the two matrix arguments.
- multiplyElements(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
multiplication of the two matrix arguments.
- multiplyElements(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by element by element
multiplication of the two matrix arguments.
- multiplyMany(double[][], double[][]...) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- MultiplyOrDivideUnitConcepts - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
A concept function that returns the UnitConcept result of a multiplication
or division operation between two UnitConcepts in a unit system ontology.
- MultiplyOrDivideUnitConcepts(Ontology, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.MultiplyOrDivideUnitConcepts
Create a new MultiplyOrDivideUnitConcepts concept function.
- multiplyPrecision(Precision, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Determines the Precision of an multiply operation between
two FixPoint values.
- multiplyReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
multiplied by the value of this token.
- multiplyReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
multiplied by the value of this token.
- multiplyReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Multiply this array token by the specified argument.
- multiplyReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
multiplied by the value of this token.
- multiplyReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- multiplyReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token multiplied by the value of this token.
- multiplyReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- MULTIPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- MULTIPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- MULTIPORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- multiport() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Port
Return whether the port is a multiport.
- MULTIPORT_CONNECTION_SPACING - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
The spacing between individual connections to a multiport.
- MultiportToSinglePort - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
A filter to convert specific multiports of specific
actors to a single ports.
- MultiportToSinglePort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.MultiportToSinglePort
- MultirateFSMDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
This director extends FSMDirector by supporting production and consumption
of multiple tokens on a port in a firing.
- MultirateFSMDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- multivariateGaussian(ArrayToken, DoubleMatrixToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Generate a sample from a multivariate Gaussian distribution.
- multivariateGaussian(double[], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Generate a sample from a multivariate Gaussian distribution.
- MultiwayBranchController - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
This controller manages branches for performing
multiway rendezvous within the CSP (Communication Sequential Processes)
- MultiwayBranchController(Actor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.MultiwayBranchController
Construct a controller in the specified container, which should
be an actor that implements BranchActor.
- MusicSpecs - Class in org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation
A static class that contains musical specifications.
- MusicSpecs() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
- MutableCompositeNodeModel - Interface in diva.graph.modular
A graph is an object that contains nodes and
- MutableEdgeModel - Interface in diva.graph.modular
An edge is an object that is contained by a graph and connects
- MutableGraphModel - Interface in diva.graph
A mutable graph model is a read-write subclass of the read-only
graph model, allowing users to actually create new nodes and
edges, and to modify the topology of the graph.
- MutableModularGraphModel - Class in diva.graph.modular
A modular implementation of the graph model, whereby users with
heterogeneous graphs can implement the graph model interface by
implementing the simple interfaces of Graph, Node, CompositeNode,
and Edge.
- MutableModularGraphModel(Object) - Constructor for class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Construct an empty graph model whose
root is the given semantic object.
- MutableNodeModel - Interface in diva.graph.modular
A node is an object that is contained by a graph
and is connected to other nodes by edges.
- MutatableFilter - Interface in com.jhlabs.image
- mutate(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Mutate the gradient.
- mutate(float, BufferedImageOp, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.image.MutatableFilter
- mutexLockObject() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the object to use to obtain a mutex lock on this director.
- mutexLockObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return the object to use to obtain a mutex lock on this director.
- MutualInformationCalculator - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
Black-box optimizer that uses JCobyla as the solver
Performs mutual information-based optimization using a zeroth-order Gaussian approximation
to the entropy expression that is approximated over a subset of particles.
- MutualInformationCalculator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.MutualInformationCalculator
Constructs a MutualInformationCalculator object.
- MutualInformationCalculator(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.MutualInformationCalculator
Constructs a MutualInformationCalculator object.
- mvnpdf(double[], double[], double[][]) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.Algorithms
Compute the Gaussian pdf value with the given mean and covariance parameters
at data point y.
- mWHITE_SPACE(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- mx - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- mX - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- mX - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Normalize2D
- mXX - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- mXX - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Normalize2D
- mXY - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- mY - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- mY - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Normalize2D
- MyByteArrayOutputStream(JTextArea, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Console.ConsoleFrame.MyByteArrayOutputStream
Create an output stream.
- MyIterator(double, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- myOwner - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- myRemoteLocation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscSender
- mYY - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- mYY - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Normalize2D
- p - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
- p - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.Quad
- p - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
A point that the line passes through.
- p - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
Position (in fractional pixel coordinates) of the detection.
- p - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
- p - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtLogarithmic
- p - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNegativeBinomial
The variance, or p.
- p1 - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- p2 - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- pack() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Optionally invoke an alternative pack() method.
- pack(Top, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gui.TopPack
Pack the Top JFrame.
- pack() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WelcomeWindow
Make this window displayable.
- pack() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Size this window to its preferred size and make it
displayable, and override the base class to populate the menu
bar if the menus have not already been populated.
- PackageBasedModelElementClassProvider - Class in org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi
A package-based provider that gets a list of classes to be provided in its constructor.
- PackageBasedModelElementClassProvider(ClassLoader, String...) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.PackageBasedModelElementClassProvider
Create a package-based model element class provider.
- PackageRule - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Package renaming rule.
- PackageRule() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.PackageRule
- PacketDropFaultGenerator - Class in org.ptolemy.faultModels
- PacketDropFaultGenerator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Construct a Bus with a name and a container.
- packetDropProbability - Variable in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
The service time.
- packetIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSCompositeActor
An input port of type String.
- packetOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSCompositeActor
An output port of type String.
- packetSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Module
The packetSize input port.
- packetsOut - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Control
The packetsOut output port.
- packetToSend - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Module
The packetToSend input port.
- PacketToSensorData - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
This actor uses eight input ports that receives values from the five finger
bend sensors and quaternion data of a dataglove and outputs information to
update the color, size and position of LEDs in the mbed LED Cube Demo.
- PacketToSensorData(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- PacketToSensorData - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData.
- PacketToSensorData(PacketToSensorData) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
Construct the PacketToSensorData adapter.
- pad - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
Which pad (A-G) of GPIO to use.
- pad - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPOutputSetup
Which pad (A-G) of GPIO to use.
- padBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Return whether we need to pad buffers or not.
- padBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Return whether we need to pad buffers or not.
- padBuffers - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirectorAttributes
Indicator of whether to pad buffers.
- padBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return whether we need to pad buffers or not.
- padding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
The padding scheme used by the cipher during encryption.
- padding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
The padding to be used for the cipher.
- padMiddle(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of Complex numbers that is formed by padding the
middle of the array with 0's.
- padMiddle(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array of doubles that is formed by padding the
middle of the array with 0's.
- padMiddle(float[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array of floats that is formed by padding the
middle of the array with 0's.
- padMiddle(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array of ints that is formed by padding the
middle of the array with 0's.
- padMiddle(long[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array of longs that is formed by padding the
middle of the array with 0's.
- Page - Interface in diva.gui
A multi-page document contains an ordered set of pages.
- PAGE_NUM_TAG - Static variable in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
The string constant that specifies the page number of a page.
- PAGE_TAG - Static variable in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
The string constant that specifies the start and end of a sheet
in a document.
- PAGE_TITLE_TAG - Static variable in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
The string constant that specifies the title attribute of a
- pages() - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Return an iterator over all pages
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Paints the panel.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Repaint the figure in the given rectangle.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Paint this composite figure onto a 2D graphics object.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Paint this pane onto a 2D graphics context.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Paint this pane onto a 2D graphics object, within the given
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Paint this composite figure onto a 2D graphics object.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Paint this composite figure onto a 2D graphics object, within
the given region.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Paint the connector.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Paint the arrow-head.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Paint the blob.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEnd
Paint the connector end.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Paint the terminal.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Paint this object onto a 2D graphics object, within the given
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Paint this layer onto a 2D graphics object.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Paint this layer onto a 2D graphics object, within the given
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureWrapper
Paint the child if this figure is visible.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Paint the manipulator.
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Paint the canvas.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Paint this layer onto a 2D graphics object.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Paint this layer onto a 2D graphics object, within the given
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Paint the pane figure.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Paint the pane figure within the given region.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Paint this layer onto a 2D graphics object.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Paint this layer onto a 2D graphics object, within the given
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Paint the icon.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Paint the figure's image.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelWrapper
Paint this figure
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Ask the wrapped component to paint itself.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial.CustomRectangle
Paint this figure onto the given graphics context.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial.CloudFigure
Paint this figure onto the given graphics context.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.VisibleComponent
Paint this object onto a 2D graphics object.
- paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.VisibleComponent
Paint this object onto a 2D graphics object, within the given
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedImage
Paint the shape.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedList
Paint the list of objects.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in interface diva.util.java2d.PaintedObject
Paint the shape.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Paint the shape.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Paint the shape.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Paint the label.
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Paints the panel.
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAMatrixViewer
Paint the current matrix as a grid.
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Paint this component.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelativeLinkFigure
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowHighlighter
Paint the figure.
- paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.BasicEdgeHighlighter
Paint the edge.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders.EmptyBorder
Paints the border for the specified component with the specified
position and size.
- paintCheckedBackground(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
Paint a check pattern, used for a background to indicate image transparency.
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Paints the component and - if background painting is enabled - the grid.
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JCanvasPanner
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPanner
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Paints the component and - if background painting is enabled - the grid
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Paint the component contents, which in this base class is
only the axes.
- PaintedFigure - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A PaintedFigure is contains an arbitrary set of PaintedObjects
in a list.
- PaintedFigure() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Create a new blank figure.
- PaintedFigure(PaintedList) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Create a new figure that paints itself using the given PaintedList.
- PaintedGraphic - Interface in diva.util.java2d
The interface for a set of utility classes that paint shapes
or other kinds of graphical objects.
- PaintedImage - Class in diva.util.java2d
Painted Images.
- PaintedImage(Image, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedImage
Construct a painted image.
- PaintedList - Class in diva.util.java2d
A class that collects a number of PaintedObjects.
- PaintedList() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedList
- paintedList() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Return the painted list contained by this icon.
- PaintedObject - Interface in diva.util.java2d
The interface for a SMALL set of utility classes that paint shapes
or other kinds of graphical objects.
- paintedObjects - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedList
The list of PaintedObjects
- PaintedPath - Class in diva.util.java2d
A utility class that strokes a shape.
- PaintedPath(Shape) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Create a painted path on the given Shape.
- PaintedPath(Shape, float) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Create a painted path on the given Shape with a given
line width.
- PaintedPath(Shape, float, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Create a painted path on the given Shape with a given
line width and stroke color.
- PaintedShape - Class in diva.util.java2d
A utility class that paints a shape with an stroke and/or fill.
- PaintedShape(Shape) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Create a painted shape on the given Shape.
- PaintedShape(Shape, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Create a painted shape on the given Shape.
- PaintedShape(Shape, float) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Create a painted shape on the given Shape.
- PaintedShape(Shape, Paint, float) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Create a painted shape on the given Shape.
- PaintedShape(Shape, float, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Create a painted shape on the given Shape.
- PaintedShape(Shape, Paint, float, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Create a painted shape on the given Shape.
- PaintedString - Class in diva.util.java2d
A utility class that paints a string.
- PaintedString() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Construct an empty label figure.
- PaintedString(String) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Construct a label figure displaying the
given string, using the default font.
- PaintedString(String, Font) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Construct a label figure displaying the
given string in the given font.
- PaintedString(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Construct a label figure displaying the
given string in the given face, style, and size.
- paintText(Graphics, int, Font, FontMetrics, int, String, Rectangle, boolean) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.ShortTitleTabbedPaneUI
- paintWidget() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
Paints the image widget.
- Pair<E1,E2> - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.data
Generic pair data structure.
- Pair(E1, E2) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.Pair
Construct a pair with two elements.
- Pair(F, S) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides.Pair
Constructs a pair of elements.
- Pair<F,S> - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
Pair is a container for a pair of values, which may be of different types (F
and S).
- Pair(F, S) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Pair
Constructs a Pair with two values.
- PaletteList - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.run
A customized version of the DndList class by
Michael Connor (mlconnor@yahoo.com).
- PaletteList(PtolemyFormEditor, ListModel) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PaletteList
Construct a PaletteList.
- pane - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
The text pane.
- Panel - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
A GUI property that encloses a JPanel component.
- Panel(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Panel
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
- Panel(NamedObj, String, JComponent) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Panel
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component.
- Panel(NamedObj, String, JComponent, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Panel
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component and the given layout
- Panel(NamedObj, String, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Panel
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given layout
- PanelBuilder - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.builder
An general purpose panel builder that uses the
to lay out
- PanelBuilder(FormLayout) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Constructs an instance of PanelBuilder
for the given
- PanelBuilder(FormLayout, JPanel) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Constructs an instance of PanelBuilder
for the given
FormLayout and layout container.
- PanelBuilder(JPanel, FormLayout) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
- PaneWrapper - Class in diva.canvas
A figure that wraps a whole canvas pane.
- PaneWrapper(CanvasPane) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Create a new pane figure with the given pane.
- PaneWrapperFactory() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.PaneWrapperFactory
- PARAGRAPH_GAP_ROWSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
Describes the logical vertical default gap between two paragraphs in
the layout grid.
- paraimpuOutputPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The output choices of the Paraimpu service.
- parallelExecution - Variable in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
A Parameter representing whether a sequential or parallel execution
will be performed.
- parallelLineThrough(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Return a line parallel to this line that passes through the
specified point.
- parallelSchedule - Variable in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
A Parameter representing whether a sequential or parallel schedule
will be computed.
- PARAM_EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- PARAM_EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- PARAM_EQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- parameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new parameter if it does not already exist.
- parameter(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new parameter if it does not already exist.
- parameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new parameter if it does not already exist.
- parameter(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new parameter if it does not already exist.
- parameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Create a new parameter if it does not already exist.
- parameter(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Create a new parameter if it does not already exist.
- parameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Create a new parameter if it does not already exist.
- parameter(String, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Create a new parameter if it does not already exist.
- PARAMETER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- PARAMETER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- PARAMETER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- Parameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
Parameter extends Variable with additional support for string-valued
variables that makes these friendlier at the user interface level.
- Parameter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Construct a parameter in the default workspace with an empty
string as its name.
- Parameter(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Construct a parameter in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- Parameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- Parameter(NamedObj, String, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Construct a Parameter with the given container, name, and Token.
- parameter_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- parameter_declaration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
Parse for one of:
parameter ID
actor ID
where parameterType is either "parameter", "intparameter", or
- parameter_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- parameterClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ParameterDisplayIconScript - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
A parameter specifying default JavaScript actions to associate
with icons in model.
- ParameterDisplayIconScript(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.ParameterDisplayIconScript
Create an instance of this parameter.
- ParameterEditorStyle - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.style
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify the style
used for configuring the containing attribute.
- ParameterEditorStyle() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ParameterEditorStyle
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ParameterEditorStyle(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ParameterEditorStyle
Construct an attribute in the given workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ParameterEditorStyle(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ParameterEditorStyle
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- ParameterEstimator - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm
This actor implements the Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm for
parameter estimation in graphical stochastic models.
- ParameterEstimator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ParameterEstimator - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM
- ParameterEstimator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Construct a Bus with a name and a container.
- ParameterEstimator.BusAttributes - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM
Bus Attributes.
- ParameterizedNodeController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
components with parameters.
- ParameterizedNodeController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ParameterizedNodeController
Create an attribute controller associated with the specified graph
- ParameterMirrorPort - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
This port mirrors properties of associated parameter ports.
- ParameterMirrorPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterMirrorPort
Construct a new input port in the specified container with the
specified name.
- parameterName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.ArrayOfRecordsConfigureFactory
The name of the attribute that is to be displayed.
- ParameterNameChanges - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
- ParameterNameChanges() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.ParameterNameChanges
- ParameterPort - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
A specialized port for use with PortParameter.
- ParameterPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
Construct a new input port in the specified container with the
specified name.
- ParameterPort(ComponentEntity, String, PortParameter) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
Construct a new input port in the specified container with the
specified name.
- parameters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpRequestItems
Parameters received in a get or post.
- parameters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
An output port that sends a record detailing any
parameters included in an HTTP request.
- parameters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.HttpRequestItems
Parameters received in a get or post.
- parameters - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
A list of formal parameters.
- Parameters - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler
Responsible for translating layout configuration parameters into the KIELER format.
- Parameters(CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.Parameters
Create a parameters instance.
- ParametersAttribute - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
This attribute keeps the parameters for an Ptera event.
- ParametersAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ParametersAttribute
Construct a attribute for a list of typed parameters with the given name
contained by the specified container.
- parametersChanged() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportParameters
Return true if the parameter values are different from the defaults.
- ParameterSet - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
An attribute that reads multiple values from a file and sets
corresponding parameters in the container.
- ParameterSet(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- parametersForRunTclFile() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.TclTests
Return a two dimensional array of arrays of strings that name the .tcl files
to be executed.
- parameterTypes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TypeTest
A record of record of strings representing the types of
parameters of actors in the model.
- ParametricSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A site that locates itself in a figure at a location
in X and Y that is some percentage of the bounding box
of the figure.
- ParametricSite(Figure, int, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ParametricSite
Create a new site on the given figure with the given id,
located at (xt, yt) percentage of the given figure's bounding
box, with (0,0) being the upper left-hand corner and (1,1)
being the lower right.
- paramName - Variable in exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamException
- parent - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer.OctTreeNode
- parent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- parent - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- ParentHierarchyPanel - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JPanel displaying a single branch of
parents for the search result.
- ParentHierarchyPanel(List<XMLDBModel>, String, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ParentHierarchyPanel
Construct a panel associated with a parent hierarchy.
- ParentPanel - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JPanel displaying a parent of a model result.
- ParentPanel(String, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.ParentPanel
Construct a panel associated with a parent model of the search result.
- ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Maximum profit to cost ratio analyzer which uses Parhi's algorithm for
iteration bound.
- ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy(Graph, ToDoubleMapping, ToIntMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy
Construct an instance of this class.
- parse(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an XML document from a URI.
- parse(String, String, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an XML document from a byte stream.
- parse(String, String, Reader) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an XML document from a character stream.
- parse(Reader, MultipageModel) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Parse the file (from reader) into the given multipage data structure.
- parse(Reader) - Method in interface diva.util.ModelParser
Parse the data in the given character stream into a data
structure and return the data structure.
- parse(XmlDocument) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader
Parse the given document from the URL it contains.
- parse(XmlDocument, InputStream) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader
Parse the given document from the given input stream, but
using the given URL to resolve external references.
- parse(XmlDocument, Reader) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader
Parse the given document from the given reader, but
using the given URL to resolve external references.
- parse(String) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.commons.VersionSpecification
Parses the given version String, using '.' , '-' , '_' as potential delimiters.
- parse(GTIngredientsAttribute, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientList
Parse the given expression and construct a GTIngredientList in the given
- parse - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ActionGUIProperty
A Boolean parameter that determines whether the moml text should be
parsed before applying to the current model in the
- parse(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTBuilder
Parse a Java source file given by its name, and return the
root of the AST.
- parse(char[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTBuilder
Parse the Java source code given in the source buffer, and
return the root of the AST.
- parse(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Parse additional code blocks from the file specified by the given
file path.
- parse(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Parse additional code blocks from the file specified by the given
file path.
- parse(URL, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Parse the MoML file at the given URL, which may be a file
on the local file system, using the specified base
to expand any relative references within the MoML file.
- parse(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
- parse(URL, String, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Parse the given stream, using the specified url as the base
to expand any external references within the MoML file.
- parse(URL, Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
- parse(URL, String, Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Parse the given stream, using the specified url as the base
The reader is wrapped in a BufferedReader before being used.
- parse(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Parse the given string, which contains MoML.
- parse(URL, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Parse the given string, which contains MoML, using the specified
base to evaluate relative references.
- parse(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Parse the given stream as a PlotML file.
- parse(URL, Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Parse the given stream as a PlotML file.
- parse(URL, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Parse the given text as PlotML.
- parse(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.XSLTUtilities
Parse an XML document using Saxon.
- parse(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Parse the given stream as a DocML file.
- parse(URL, Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Parse the given stream as a DocML file.
- parse(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Parse the given text as DocML.
- parse(String) - Static method in class ptserver.util.TypeParser
Return a Type instance by parsing the provided type string.
- parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Parse pxgraph style command-line arguments.
- parseArgs(String[], URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Parse pxgraph style command-line arguments, using the specified
base URL for any relative URL references.
- parseArguments(String[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Parse the command-line arguments starting from the given position.
- parseAttDef(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a single attribute definition
- parseAttlistDecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an attribute list declaration
- parseAttribute(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an attribute assignment.
- parseCDSect() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a CDATA marked section.
- parseCharRef() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a character reference
- parseComment() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Skip a comment.
- parseConditionalSect() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a conditional section
- parseConfigFile(String, Set<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
Parse a configuration file and build the XML tree below the given
parent node (or null if not given).
- parseConfigFile(String, Set<String>, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigParser
Parse a configuration file and build the XML tree below the given
parent node (or null if not given).
- parseContent() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the content of an element
- parseContentspec(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Content specification
- parseCoordString(String) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGUtilities
Parse a string of numbers into an array of double.
- parseCp() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a content particle
- parseDefault(String, String, int, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the default value for an attribute
- parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseDependenciese(Node) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Parse the ModelStructure to catch the I/O direct dependencies.
- parseDoctypedecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a document type declaration.
- parseDocument() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an XML document.
- parseElement() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an element, with its tags.
- parseElementdecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an element type declaration
- parseElements() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an element-content model
- parseEntityDecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an entity declaration
- parseEntityRef(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a reference
- parseEnumeration() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an enumeration
- parseEq() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an equals sign surrounded by optional whitespace
- parseEquations(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Parse a set of equations separated by semicolons.
- parseETag() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an end tag
- ParseException - Exception in ptolemy.data.expr
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
- ParseException(Token, int[][], String[]) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.data.expr.ParseException
This constructor is used by the method "generateParseException"
in the generated parser.
- ParseException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.data.expr.ParseException
The following constructors are for use by you for whatever
purpose you can think of.
- ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.data.expr.ParseException
Constructor with message.
- ParseException - Exception in ptolemy.moml.unit
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
- ParseException(Token, int[][], String[]) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.moml.unit.ParseException
This constructor is used by the method "generateParseException"
in the generated parser.
- ParseException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.moml.unit.ParseException
The following constructors are for use by you for whatever
purpose you can think of.
- ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.moml.unit.ParseException
Constructor with message.
- parseFile(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Parse the file with the given name, which contains MoML.
- parseFile(String, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
- parseFile(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- parseFile(String, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- parseFile(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
- parseFile(String, URL) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
- parseFile(String, URL) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
- parseFMUFile(String) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMUFile
Read in a .fmu file and parse the modelDescription.xml file.
- parseFrom(ByteString) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseFrom(ByteString, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseFrom(byte[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseFrom(byte[], ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseFrom(InputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseFrom(CodedInputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseFrom(CodedInputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- parseFrom(ByteString) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseFrom(ByteString, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseFrom(byte[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseFrom(byte[], ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseFrom(InputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseFrom(CodedInputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseFrom(CodedInputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- parseFrom(ByteString) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseFrom(ByteString, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseFrom(byte[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseFrom(byte[], ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseFrom(InputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseFrom(CodedInputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseFrom(CodedInputStream, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- parseInteger(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.PrecisionFormat
Parse a String as an integer.
- parseJSON(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.JSONToToken
Parse the input string and return a token representation of the data.
- parseList(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Parse the list of comma separated parameters.
- parseMarkupdecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a markup declaration in the internal or external DTD subset.
- parseMisc() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse miscellaneous markup outside the document element and DOCTYPE
- parseMixed() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse mixed content
- parseModel(HomerMainFrame) - Static method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutFileOperations
Given a frame containing a model, this method will parse the model and populate
the contents defined in the frame.
- parseMoML(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MoMLUtilities
Parse the string provided and return the result wrapped in a token.
- parseMoML(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Parse the string provided and return the result wrapped in a token.
- parseNotationDecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a notation declaration
- parseNotationType() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a notation type for an attribute
- parsePCData() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
- parsePEReference(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a parameter entity reference
- parsePI() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a processing instruction and do a call-back.
- parseProlog() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the prolog of an XML document.
- parsePxgraphargs(String, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Split a string containing pxgraph-compatible command-line arguments
into an array and call parseArgs() on the array.
- parser - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- parser(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.XMLParser
Generate the document tree for the specified XML string.
- parser(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.XMLParser
Generate the document tree for the specified input stream.
- ParserAttribute - Class in ptolemy.moml
This attribute represents a MoML parser.
- ParserAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.ParserAttribute
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- ParserScope - Interface in ptolemy.data.expr
An interface used by the expression parser for identifier lookup.
- parseSignString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.PrecisionFormat
Parse the 'U' or 'S' sign specifier.
- parseString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat
- parseString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.LengthExponentPrecisionFormat
- parseString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.LengthIntegerPrecisionFormat
- parseString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.PrecisionFormat
Parse the given String argument using the rules of the specific
PrecisionFormat that is defined.
- parseString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.VHDLPrecisionFormat
- parseStyleString(String) - Static method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGUtilities
Given a style string, parse it into a map of elements.
- parseTextDecl(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the Encoding PI.
- ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
This class visits parse trees and infers a property for each node in the
parse tree.
- ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator
- ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
FIXME: What is this???
- ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector
- ParseTreeCodeGenerator - Interface in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
An interface to a parse tree.
- ParseTreeConstraintAnnotationEvaluator - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
This class visits parse trees and infers a property for each node in the
parse tree.
- ParseTreeConstraintAnnotationEvaluator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ParseTreeConstraintAnnotationEvaluator
- ParseTreeDumper - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class implements a visitor that writes parse trees in a
debug format.
- ParseTreeDumper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeDumper
- ParseTreeEvaluator - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class evaluates a parse tree given a reference to its root node.
- ParseTreeEvaluator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
- ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
This class extends the ParseTreeEvaluator class.
- ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression(RelationList, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression
Construct a parse tree evaluator for a guard expression of the
given relation list and the error tolerance for evaluation the relations.
- ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class visits parse trees and collects the set of free variables
in the expression.
- ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector
- ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class visits parse trees and renames the free variables
that match a specified variable.
- ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
- ParseTreeSpecializer - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class reduces a parse tree, given a scope of bound variables.
- ParseTreeSpecializer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
- parseTreeToExpression(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeWriter
Produce an expression for this parse tree.
- ParseTreeTypeInference - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class visits parse trees and infers a type for each node in the
parse tree.
- ParseTreeTypeInference() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
- ParseTreeVisitor - Interface in ptolemy.data.expr
This class implements the visitor pattern for parse trees in the
expression language.
- ParseTreeWriter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class implements a visitor that writes parse trees in the
expression language.
- ParseTreeWriter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeWriter
- parseUnitExpr(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Parse a unit expression.
- parseUntil(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read all data until we find the specified string.
- parseWhitespace() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse whitespace characters, and leave them in the data buffer.
- parseXML(String) - Static method in class ptdb.common.util.Utilities
Parse the xml string that is passed to it and return the upper node of
that xml.
- parseXMLDecl(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the XML declaration.
- PARTIAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Indicator to give partial access to the attribute.
- partiallyContainedEdges(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Return an iterator over the edges in a graph
which are partially contained within the given composite node.
- PartiallyOrderedToken - Interface in ptolemy.data
An interface for tokens that can be partially ordered.
- PartialSequenceScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
A sequential scheduler that enables guessing the schedule.
- PartialSequenceScheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.PartialSequenceScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- Particle - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
The public particle class, currently used by the Optimizer.
- Particle(int) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Particle
Construct a Particle.
- Particle(Particle) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Particle
Construct a Particle.
- particleCount - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Number of internal particles used to estimate the posterior distribution.
- ParticleFilter - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
A Particle Filter Implementation
The particle filter runs on a state space model given by
X_{t+1} = f(X_t, U_t, t)
Y_{t} = g(X_t, U_t, t)
X(0) = X0
where X is the state vector, U is the input vector, Y is the observation
vector, and t is the model time.
- ParticleFilter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- ParticleFilter(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
Construct a PF in the specified
workspace with no container and an empty string as a name.
- ParticleFilter - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
A particle filter implementation that expects a state-space model
and several measurements to be tied with itself via decorators.
- ParticleFilter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.ParticleFilter
Instantiate a particle filter actor.
- ParticleFilter(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.ParticleFilter
Instantiate a particle filter actor.
- ParticleFilterRange - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
A Particle Filter Implementation for Range-only measurement models.
- ParticleFilterRange(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilterRange
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ParticleFilterRange(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilterRange
Construct an actor in the given workspace.
- particleInput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
- particleInput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConvertParticlesToCovarianceMatrix
Input port for particles.
- ParticleMutualInformation - Class in org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter
Calculate mutual information.
- ParticleMutualInformation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleMutualInformation
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ParticleMutualInformation(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleMutualInformation
Construct an actor in the given workspace.
- particleOutput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
The output port that outputs the produced particles at each firing.
- particleOutput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
The output port that outputs the produced particles at each firing.
- particles - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.MutualInformationCalculator
Particles input that accepts an array of record tokens.
- particles - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Optimizer
Particles input that accepts an array of record tokens.
- particles - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleMutualInformation
Particles input that accepts an array of record tokens.
- partitionColumns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImagePartition
The width of the input partitions.
- partitionColumns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageUnpartition
The width of the input partitions.
- partitionRows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImagePartition
The height of the input partitions.
- partitionRows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageUnpartition
The height of the input partitions.
- passErrorModels(List<XMLDBModel>) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
In the case of getting some models that cannot be parsed or contains
some error, use this method to pass these error models to store for
error handling.
- passErrorModels(List<XMLDBModel>) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.bl.search.ResultHandler
In the case of getting some models that cannot be parsed or contains
some error, use this method to pass these error models to store for
error handling.
- passErrorModels(List<XMLDBModel>) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchResultBuffer
Handle the error models passed by the other searchers.
- passThrough - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.WallClockTime
The output port to which the trigger input is passed.
- password - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Password port of the account.
- PasswordAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An attribute that represents a password.
- PasswordAttribute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PasswordAttribute
Construct a password attribute with the given container and name.
- passwordFile - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
The file that contains the password.
- passwordFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
The file that contains the password.
- passwordFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
The file that the password is stored in.
- paste(Clipboard) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractView
Clone the objects currently on the clipboard, if any, and
place them in the given view.
- PASTE - Static variable in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- paste(Clipboard) - Method in interface diva.gui.View
Clone the objects currently on the clipboard, if any, and
place them in the given view.
- paste() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Assuming the contents of the clipboard is MoML code, paste it into
the current model by issuing a change request.
- paste() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- PASTE_OFFSET - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
Offset used when pasting objects.
- pasteAction(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
Create an action named "Paste" that pastes the current selection from
the current document and places it into the application's clipboard.
- PasteAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame.PasteAction
Create a new action to paste the current contents of the
clipboard into the current model.
- path - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
The relative URL of HTTP requests that this actor handles.
- path - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
The relative URL of HTTP requests that this actor handles.
- path - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
The URL affiliated with the websocket.
- path - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
The URL affiliated with the websocket.
- Path(Port) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.Path
Construct a path, which has 0 length, with only a start port.
- path(Node) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer
Return the longest path from node "startNode" to node "endNode" in the
form of an ordered list.
- path(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis
Return the longest path from node "startNode" to node "endNode" in the
form of an ordered list.
- path(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy
Return the longest path from node startNode to node endNode in the form
of an ordered list.
- pathExistence(Node, Node) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.TransitiveClosureAnalyzer
Check if there exist a path between a starting node "startNode" and an
ending node "endNode" on the graph under analysis.
- pathExistence(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy
Check if there exist a path between a starting node and an ending node
on the analyzer's graph.
- pathExistence(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.TransitiveClosureAnalysis
Check if there exist a path between a starting node "startNode" and an
ending node "endNode" on the graph under analysis.
- PathFigure - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
- PathFigure(Shape) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.PathFigure
Create a new figure with the given shape.
- PathFigure(Shape, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.PathFigure
- PathFigure(Shape, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.PathFigure
Create a new figure with the given shape and outline width.
- PathFigure(Shape, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.PathFigure
Create a new figure with the given paint pattern.
- PathFigure(Shape, Paint, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.PathFigure
Create a new figure with the given paint pattern and line
- PathFinder - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
A tool to search paths and set up class paths.
- PathFinder() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder
- PathFinder.DirectoryFilter - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Filter out all the files in a directory, except for sub-directories.
- PathFinder.PostfixFilter - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Filter out all the files in a directory, except for those ending with
the given postfix.
- PathGeometry - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
PathGeometry represents a path.
- PathGeometry(Figure, Shape) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry
Create a new geometry object on the given figure and with the
given initial shape.
- PathGeometry.CloseSegment - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
CloseSegment is a special type of Vertex, that closes a sub-path.
- PathGeometry.Vertex - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
Vertex is the site that represents vertexes of the path.
- pathLength(Node) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer
Return the length of the longest path from node "startNode"
to node "endNode".
- pathLength(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis
Return the length of the longest path from node "startNode"
to node "endNode".
- pathLength(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy
Return the length of the longest path from node startNode
to node endNode.
- PathManipulator - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A manipulator which attaches grab handles to the sites
of the child figure.
- PathManipulator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.PathManipulator
Construct a new manipulator that uses rectangular grab-handles.
- PathManipulator(GrabHandleFactory) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.PathManipulator
Construct a new manipulator using the given grab-handle factory.
- pathName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
The name of the file to write to.
- pathName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
The name of the file to write to.
- pathToURI(String) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpointManager
Check the given path to see if it is a valid websocket URI and return a
- Pattern - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
The pattern of a transformation rule.
- Pattern(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.Pattern
Construct an atomic actor matcher to be either contained in the pattern
of a
or in the replacement.
- pattern - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseSelect
A pattern specifying which rows to select from the database.
- pattern - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
If non-empty, then only output file and directory names that
match the specified (regular expression) pattern.
- pattern - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringMatches
The regular expression to be pattern matched with the
matchString string.
- pattern - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
The pattern used to pattern match and replace the stringToEdit
- pattern - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSimpleReplace
The pattern used to pattern match and replace the stringToEdit
- PATTERN - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
The name of the pattern parameter.
- PatternMatchGraphSearcher - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
Search for models using the Ptolemy Graph matching functionality.
- PatternMatchGraphSearcher(DBGraphSearchCriteria) - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.PatternMatchGraphSearcher
Construct the PatternMatchGraphSearcher with the db graph search
- patternObject - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
The attribute that specifies the name of the corresponding entity in the
- patternObject - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AttributeMatcher
The attribute that specifies the name of the corresponding entity in the
- patternObject - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
The attribute that specifies the name of the corresponding entity in the
- patternObject - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.FSMMatcher
The attribute that specifies the name of the corresponding entity in the
- patternObject - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
The attribute that specifies the name of the corresponding entity in the
- patternObject - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
The attribute that specifies the name of the corresponding entity in the
- PatternObjectAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to record the name of the object in the pattern that corresponds
to the container of the attribute in the replacement.
- PatternObjectAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.PatternObjectAttribute
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PatternObjectAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.PatternObjectAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- PatternObjectAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.PatternObjectAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- patternParameter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.Replacement
The parameter containing an
encapsulating the
pattern with name "pattern".
- Pause - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that pauses execution of a model when it receives a true
token on any input channel.
- Pause(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pause
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- pause() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Set a flag requesting that execution pause at the next opportunity
(between iterations).
- Pause - Class in ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib
Pause class.
- Pause() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Pause
- Pause(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Pause
- Pause(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Pause
- pause() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
Pause the plot.
- pause(Ticket) - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Pause the execution of the selected simulation.
- pause(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Pause the execution of the simulation by calling the pause() method
on its Manager.
- pause(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Pause the execution of the selected simulation.
- PAUSED - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that the execution is paused.
- PAUSED_ON_BREAKPOINT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that the execution is paused on a breakpoint.
- pauseEntry - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Pause
- pauseOnBreakpoint(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
The thread that calls this method will wait until resume() has
been called.
- pauseRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
If the model has a manager and is executing, then
pause execution by calling the pause() method of the manager.
- pauseRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunPane
If the model has a manager and is executing, then
pause execution by calling the pause() method of the manager.
- payload - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.SetProperties
Input port that receives the payload to be transmitted.
- payload - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WiredToWireless
Input port that receives the payload to be transmitted on the
output port.
- payload - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WirelessToWired
Output port that transmits the payload received on the input
- PDFAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer
This is an attribute that renders the first page of
a specified PDF file.
- PDFAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- PDFIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer
An icon that displays a specified PDF page.
- PDFIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- peakIndices - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The output port for the indices of the peaks.
- peakIndices - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The output port for the indices of the peaks.
- peakValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The output port for the values of the peaks.
- peakValues - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The output port for the values of the peaks.
- peek() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
- peekNode() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTMatrixParserState
- peekNode() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTPtParserState
- PENDING_REQUESTS_DELAY_FACTOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient.HttpClientHelper
The scale factor (in milliseconds) by which requests are
delayed when PENDING_REQUESTS_THRESHOLD is exceeded.
- PENDING_REQUESTS_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient.HttpClientHelper
The threshold of number of pending requests before further
requests introduce a delay.
- PendingEvent() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay.PendingEvent
- percentGain - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.PlaySound
The gain (in percent).
- perform(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.gui.GTGUIAction
React to this item being selected.
- perform() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ActionGUIProperty
Perform this action.
- perform(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
React to this item being selected.
- performAction() - Method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor.ActionableAttribute
Reload the accessor.
- performAction() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.attributes.Actionable
Perform the named action.
- PerimeterSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A site that locates itself on the perimeter of a figure.
- PerimeterSite(Figure, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.PerimeterSite
Create a new site on the given figure with the given ID.
- PerimeterTarget - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A connector target that returns sites on the perimeter of a figure.
- PerimeterTarget() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.PerimeterTarget
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
The period of the output waveform.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
The period of the output waveform.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
The period of the reference values.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
The period of the output waveform.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
The period of the reference values.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
The period of the output waveform.
- PERIOD - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.EventSource
The period of the output events.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
The period of an iteration.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
The time period of each iteration.
- period - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
The time period of each iteration.
- PERIOD - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision.PrecisionFormat
Regular expression definition for a Period ".".
- periodControl - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VariableClock
The port that controls the value of the period parameter.
- periodic - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
An indicator of whether the signal should be periodically
- PeriodicDirector - Interface in ptolemy.actor.util
Interface for directors that have a period parameter.
- PeriodicDirectorHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This is a helper class for directors implementing PeriodicDirector.
- PeriodicDirectorHelper(PeriodicDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.PeriodicDirectorHelper
Construct a new helper.
- PeriodicSampler - Class in ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
This actor generates discrete events by periodically sampling the input signal.
- PeriodicSampler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- periodValue() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.PeriodicDirector
Return the value of the period as a double.
- periodValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return the value of the period as a double.
- periodValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Return the value of the period as a double.
- perm - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.SCNoise
- perm - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Permutation
- Permutation - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat
The output of a variable reordering algorithm.
- Permutation(int[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Permutation
- permuteRows(int[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- perpendicularDistanceTo(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
Compute the perpendicular distance between a point and the
- perpendicularLine() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
A line perpendicular to this line.
- perpendicularLineThrough(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
The line perpendicular to this line that passes through point
- persistence - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequenceScope
The number of samples to be displayed at any one time (an integer).
- persistence - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedScope
The amount of data displayed at any one time (a double).
- persistence - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.XYScope
The number of samples from each input channel
displayed at any one time (an integer).
- PersistenceAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
A marker attribute indicating that a design pattern should be persistent.
- PersistenceAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.PersistenceAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- persistentInputs - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
If true, then previously received input values will be re-used on
subsequent firings where inputs are absent.
- persistentTrigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
If set to true, then if a trigger arrives when the
queue is empty, it is remembered, and the next time an
input arrives, it is sent immediately to the output.
- PerspectiveFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs a perspective distortion on an image.
- PerspectiveFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
Construct a PerspectiveFilter.
- PerspectiveFilter(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
Construct a PerspectiveFilter.
- PETITE - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The petite data type.
- PetiteToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a number which is essentially a
simulation equivalent for fixed point numbers in embedded processors.
- PetiteToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Construct a PetiteToken with value 0.0.
- PetiteToken(double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Construct a PetiteToken with the specified value.
- PetiteToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Construct a PetiteToken from the specified string.Ensure
the value is adjusted within the range of a PetiteToken.
- petiteValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return the value in the token.
- PetriNetActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel
A Petri net Actor
As defined in the PetriNetDirector.java, a PetriNetActor is a
directed and weighted graph G = (V, E) containing three kinds
of nodes: Places p_i, Transitions t_i, and PetriNetActors
PA_i, i.e., V = {p_i} union {t_i} union {PA_i} ,
where each PA_i itself is again defined as a PetriNetActor.
- PetriNetActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetActor
Construct a PetriNetActor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PetriNetActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetActor
Construct a PetriNetActor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as its name.
- PetriNetActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetActor
Create a PetriNetActor in the specified container with the specified
- PetriNetDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel
This implementation of a PetriNet Director is an extension of the PetriNet
Director created by Wang and Lee located in the experimental domain.
- PetriNetDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
Construct a new Petri net director.
- PetriNetDisplay - Class in ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.gui
Display the evolution of a Petri net after execution.
- PetriNetDisplay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.gui.PetriNetDisplay
Construct a new PetriNetDisplay.
- PetriNetDisplayer - Interface in ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel
Display the evolution of a Petri net after execution.
- PetriNetRecorder - Class in ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib
Accept messages from a PetriNetDirector.
- PetriNetRecorder(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.PetriNetRecorder
Construct an actor that accepts descriptions from the
- pflags - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Additional flags passed to the nesC compiler.
- PGMReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
Read a PGM file and output it as an occupancy grid.
- PGMReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.PGMReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- phase - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPolarToComplex
The phase image input.
- phase - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DownSample
The phase of the output with respect to the input.
- phase - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.UpSample
The phase of the output with respect to the input.
- phase(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array containing the angles of the elements of the
specified complex array.
- PhaseUnwrap - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor unwraps a phase plot, removing discontinuities of
magnitude 2*PI.
- PhaseUnwrap(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.PhaseUnwrap
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- PhaseUnwrap - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor unwraps a phase plot, removing discontinuities of
magnitude 2*PI.
- PhaseUnwrap(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PhaseUnwrap
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- phongShade(Vector3f, Vector3f, Vector3f, Color4f, Color4f, LightFilter.Material, LightFilter.Light[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- photo - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Persistent photosensor input data.
- PI - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
The value of pi as a float.
- Pi - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFConstants
- Pi_get() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- PI_OVER_2 - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
PI / 2.
- PI_OVER_4 - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
PI / 4.
- pick(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Given a rectangle, return the top-most descendent figure
that it hits.
- pick(Rectangle2D, Filter) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Given a rectangle, return the top-most descendent figure
that it hits that is accepted by the given filter.
- pick(Iterator, Rectangle2D) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return the first figure that is hit by the given region.
- pick(Iterator, Rectangle2D, Filter) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return the first figure that is hit by the given region.
- pick(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Get the picked figure.
- pick(Rectangle2D, Filter) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Given a rectangle, return the top-most descendent figure
that it hits that is accepted by the given filter.
- pick(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureContainer
Given a rectangle, return the top-most descendent figure that
hits it.
- pick(Rectangle2D, Filter) - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureContainer
Given a rectangle, return the top-most descendent figure that
hits it, and is accepted by the given filter.
- pick(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Get the picked figure.
- pick(Rectangle2D, Filter) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Get the picked figure.
- pick(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Given a rectangle, return the top-most thing that hits
- pickIter(Iterator, Rectangle2D) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Return an iterator over the figures hit by the given region.
- Picture - Class in ptolemy.media
A component that displays an image.
- Picture(int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.Picture
Create an image with the specified width and height, in pixels.
- PID - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID.
- PID(PID) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Construct a PID adapter.
- PID - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID.
- PID(PID) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Construct a PID adapter.
- PID - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
Generate PID output for a given input.
- PID(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- pin - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
Which pin (0-7) of GPIO to use.
- pin - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPOutputSetup
Which pad (A-G) and pin (0-7) of GPIO to use.
- PIN_LIGHT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- PinchFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs the popular whirl-and-pinch distortion effect.
- PinchFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
- PingPongTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
PingPongTokenHandler converts tokens from bytestream and back.
- PingPongTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.PingPongTokenHandler
- PingToken - Class in ptserver.data
The PingToken holds a timestamp it was generated at.
- PingToken() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.PingToken
Create new instance of the token with timestamp set to zero.
- PingToken(long) - Constructor for class ptserver.data.PingToken
Create new instance of the token with the provided timestamp.
- PinLightComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- PinLightComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.PinLightComposite
- PinLightComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- pipelining - Variable in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
A Parameter representing whether a pipelined parallel execution
will be performed.
- pipePathPrefix - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
The prefix of the file path for the pipe used for communicating
with gem5 simulator.
- pitch - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The pitch input port.
- pitch - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
The pitch output port.
- pitchInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The pitchInput input port.
- pitchMoML - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleGenerator
The pitch oracle in MoML format.
- pitchOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The pitchOutput output port.
- piv - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- pivotLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
The pivot location of the axis of rotation.
- pivsign - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- PIXEL - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- pixel(int) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Creates and returns a ConstantSize
for the specified pixel value.
- pixels - Variable in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
- PixelUtils - Class in com.jhlabs.image
Some more useful math functions for image processing.
- PixelUtils() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- pk - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtZeta
- pkt_in - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BinarySwitch
- place(LayoutTarget, Object, double, double) - Static method in class diva.graph.layout.LayoutUtilities
Place the given node at the given position and
reroute its edges.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
Specify the container into which this object should be placed.
- place(Container) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gui.Placeable
Specify the container into which this object should be placed.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.injection.PortablePlaceable
Place the object that implements this interface into the specified container.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ConstPlaceable
Place the visual representation of the actor into the specified container.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Specify the container into which this object should be placed.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Specify the container in which the data should be displayed.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Specify the container in which the data should be displayed.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Specify the container into which this shell should be placed.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Specify the container into which this shell should be placed.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Specify the container in which the data should be displayed.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MonitorValue
Place the visual representation of the actor into the specified container.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Specify the container into which this plot should be placed.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
Override the base class to create an initial trace.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Specify the container in which the slider should be displayed.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TextFieldContainerInterface
Place the visual representation of the actor into the specified container.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TextFieldContainerJavaSE
Place the visual representation of the actor into the specified container.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Set the container that this actor should image display data in.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Place the interface for this actor in the specified container.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Place the interface for this actor in the specified container.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAViewer
Specify the container in which the data should be displayed.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
An instance of JButton will be added to the specified container.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Set the container that this actor should display data in.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Set the container that this actor should display data in.
- Place - Class in ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel
A Petri net place compatible with the PetriNetDirector.
- Place(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime
An instance of JButton will be added to the specified container.
- place(Component) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.GlassPaneWidget
Place the component under the glasspane.
- place(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ModelDisplay
Place the display in the specified container.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.Video
Place the actor into provided container.
- place(PortableContainer) - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoJavaSE
Empty implementation.
- Placeable - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gui
Interface for objects that have UI components that can be placed in containers.
- placeContainer(Container) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Set the container to be placed.
- placeContainer(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Remove the plot from the frame if the container is null.
- placeNoReroute(LayoutTarget, Object, double, double) - Static method in class diva.graph.layout.LayoutUtilities
Place the given node at the given position but do
not reroute its edges.
- placeWidget(Attribute, PortableContainer) - Method in interface ptolemy.homer.kernel.AttributeRepresentation
Get a representation that can be later placed into a container.
- PlasmaFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- PlasmaFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- platformBufferLength - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Length (in bytes) of the buffer within java and/or the
platform layers below java.
- platformDelayBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Platform delay bound parameter that defaults to the double value 0.0.
- platformDelayBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
An assumed upper bound on the difference between platform time and
the event timestamp sent to a network transmitter port
(isNetworkPort is true and the port is an output),
where platform time is smaller than the event timestamp.
- play(InputEvent[]) - Method in class diva.util.jester.EventPlayer
Play the given sequence of events into
the component.
- play() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.ClipPlayerHelper
Play the sound clip.
- PlaySound - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf
This actor plays audio from a file or URL when it fires.
- PlaySound(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.PlaySound
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- playToCompletion - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
If true, then play the clip to completion before returning
from firing.
- plot - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CommunicationAspectMonitor
The plotter.
- plot - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory
The plot displayed by this ScheduleFactory.
- plot - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
The plot object held by this frame.
- plot - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
The plot object.
- Plot - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An event to plot the received arguments as points in a timed plotter.
- Plot(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Plot
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- plot - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.SchedulePlotter
The plotter.
- Plot - Class in ptolemy.plot
A flexible signal plotter.
- Plot() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.Plot
- plot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Return the plot object to operate on.
- plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
The plot object held by this frame.
- PlotApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot
An Applet that can plot data from a URL.
- PlotApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
- PlotApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotApplication is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter application.
- PlotApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
- PlotApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
- PlotApplication(PlotBox, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments
and instance of plot.
- PlotApplication(PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Display the given plot.
- PlotBox - Class in ptolemy.plot
A labeled box within which to place a data plot.
- PlotBox() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Construct a plot box with a default configuration.
- PlotBox.ButtonListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
- PlotBox.CommandListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
Handle key pressed events.
- PlotBox.DragListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
Draw the zoom box.
- PlotBox.MoveListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
Move the items in the plot.
- PlotBox.MoveMotionListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
Track how the mouse with button 3 pressed is moved.
- PlotBox.ZoomListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
Handle mouse pressed events to provide zoom functionality.
- PlotBox.ZoomListener2 - Class in ptolemy.plot
Zoom with the mouse wheel.
- PlotBoxInterface - Interface in ptolemy.plot
Definitions for an object that contains a plotter.
- PlotBoxMLParser - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
This class constructs a plot from specifications
in PlotML (Plot Markup Language), which is an XML language.
- PlotBoxMLParser(PlotBoxInterface) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Construct an parser to parse commands for the specified plot object.
- PlotBoxMLParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Protected constructor allows derived classes to set _plot
- PlotDataException - Class in ptolemy.plot
Exception thrown by plot classes if there are format
problems with the data to be plotted.
- PlotDataException() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotDataException
- PlotDataException(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotDataException
- PlotEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An effigy for a plot file.
- PlotEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- PlotEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given directory with the given name.
- PlotEffigy.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory for creating new effigies.
- PlotFormatter - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotFormatter is a panel that controls the format of a plotter object
passed to the constructor.
- PlotFormatter(PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
Construct a plot formatter for the specified plot object.
- PlotFrame - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotFrame is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter that runs as
part of an application, but in its own window.
- PlotFrame() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Construct a plot frame with a default title and by default contains
an instance of Plot.
- PlotFrame(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and by default
contains an instance of Plot.
- PlotFrame(String, PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and the specified
instance of PlotBox.
- PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter - Class in ptolemy.plot
Display only .eps files
- PlotFrame.FileMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
- PlotFrame.FilterForGIF - Class in ptolemy.plot
Display only .gif files
- PlotFrame.FolderForLatex - Class in ptolemy.plot
Display only folders for inserting latex files.
- PlotFrame.FormatListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
- PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter - Class in ptolemy.plot
Display only .plt and .xml files
- PlotFrame.SpecialMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
- PlotInterface - Interface in ptolemy.plot
Definitions for an object that plots data.
- PlotLive - Class in ptolemy.plot
Plot signals dynamically, where points can be added at any time
and the display will be updated.
- PlotLive() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
- PlotLive.StartButtonListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
- PlotLive.StopButtonListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
- PlotLiveApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot
An Applet for the PlotLive class.
- PlotLiveApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet
- PlotML_DTD_1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
The standard PlotML DTD, represented as a string.
- PlotMLApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
An Applet that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL.
- PlotMLApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet
- PlotMLApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
An application that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL or
from files specified on the command line.
- PlotMLApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
- PlotMLApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
- PlotMLApplication(PlotBox, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments
and instance of plot.
- PlotMLFrame - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
PlotMLFrame is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter that runs as
part of an application, but in its own window.
- PlotMLFrame() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
- PlotMLFrame(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and by default
contains an instance of Plot.
- PlotMLFrame(String, PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and the specified
instance of PlotBox.
- PlotMLParser - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
This class constructs a plot from specifications
in PlotML (Plot Markup Language), which is an XML language.
- PlotMLParser(PlotInterface) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Construct an parser to parse commands for the specified plot object.
- PlotMLParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Protected constructor allows derived classes to set _plot
- PlotPoint - Class in ptolemy.plot
A simple structure for storing a plot point.
- PlotPoint() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
- PlotTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau representing a plot in a toplevel window.
- PlotTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- PlotTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory that creates a plot tableau for Ptolemy models.
- PlotTableauFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
PlotTableauFrame is a version of PlotFrame in the plot package that
works more closely with the Ptolemy actor.gui infrastructure.
- PlotTableauFrame() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Construct a plot frame with a default title and by default contains
an instance of Plot.
- PlotTableauFrame(Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Construct a plot frame in the corresponding Tableau with the
specified instance of PlotBox.
- PlotTableauFrame(Tableau, PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and by default
contains an instance of Plot.
- PlotTableauFrame(Tableau, PlotBox, Placeable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and by default
contains an instance of Plot.
- PlotTableauFrame(Tableau, PlotBox, PortablePlaceable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and by default
contains an instance of Plot.
- PlotTableauFrame.EPSFileFilter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Display only .eps files.
- PlotTableauFrame.ExportImageAction - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Export an image of a plot.
- PlotTableauFrame.SpecialMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
- Plotter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Base class for plotters.
- Plotter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Plotter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- PlotterBase - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Base class for plotters.
- PlotterBase(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- PlotterBaseInterface - Interface in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Interface encapsulating platform dependent code of the PlotterBase from the
platform independent parts.
- PlotterBaseJavaSE - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Java SE implementation of PlotterBaseInterface.
- PlotterBaseJavaSE() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
- PlotterBaseJavaSE.PlotWindowTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Tableau that creates a PlotterPlotFrame.
- PlotterBaseJavaSE.WindowClosingAdapter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Listener for windowClosing action.
- PlotWindowTableau(PlotEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE.PlotWindowTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the
given effigy.
- PLTOrXMLFileFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter
- plus(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- plus - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Input for tokens to be added.
- PLUS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- PLUS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- PLUS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- PLUS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- PLUS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- plusEquals(int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- plusEquals(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- plusEquals(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
a += b
- plusEquals(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- plusEquals(int, int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- plusEquals(double[][]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- plusEquals(int, int, double[][]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- plusEquals(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- plusEquals(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- plusEquals(int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Add the value v to each element.
- plusEquals(int, double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Add the vector v to the elements beginning at index idx
- plusEqualsColumnVector(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- plusEqualsColumnVector(int, int, double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- plusInfinity(Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Return the value of plus infinity, or null if unrepresentable.
- plusInfinity(Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow.Saturate
- plusInfinity(Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow.ToZero
- pmf - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
The probability mass function.
- pmf - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteRandomSource
The probability mass function.
- PNDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel
A PNDirector governs the execution of a CompositeActor with extended
Kahn-MacQueen process networks (PN) semantics.
- PNDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PNDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- PNDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- PNProcessEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event
An event passed from a process executing under the PN semantics to a
- PNProcessEvent(Actor, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Create a new event.
- PNProcessEvent(Actor, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Create a new event that corresponds to an exception
caught by the process.
- PNProcessEvent(Actor, Exception) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Create a new event that corresponds to an exception
caught by the process.
- PNProcessListener - Interface in ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event
An PNProcessListener is able to receive PNProcessEvents that are issued
during the execution of a process by a ProcessThread or director in PN.
- PNQueueReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel
A receiver with a FIFO queue that blocks the calling process on a read if the
FIFO queue is empty and on a write if the queue is full.
- PNQueueReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container.
- PNQueueReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container.
- POINT - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
- Point() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter.Point
- POINT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- Point() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D.Point
- Point3f - Class in com.jhlabs.vecmath
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
- Point3f() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point3f
- Point3f(float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point3f
- Point3f(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point3f
- Point3f(Point3f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point3f
- Point3f(Tuple3f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point3f
- Point4f - Class in com.jhlabs.vecmath
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
- Point4f() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point4f
- Point4f(float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point4f
- Point4f(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point4f
- Point4f(Point4f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point4f
- Point4f(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Point4f
- pointAsPixel(int, Component) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Converts DTP Points and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- pointAsPixel(int, Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts DTP Points and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- pointAsPixel(int, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.AbstractUnitConverter
Converts DTP Points and returns pixels using the specified resolution.
- pointAsPixel(int, Component) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.util.UnitConverter
Converts DTP Points and returns pixels using the resolution of the
given component's graphics object.
- PointConstraint - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
An interface implemented by classes that can constrain a point
to lie within a certain set of values.
- POINTER - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken
The Pointer type: the least upper bound of all the pointer
- pointers - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMUAllocateMemory
Keep references to memory that has been allocated and
avoid problems with the memory being garbage collected.
- PointerToken - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
A token that contains the memory location of a C object.
- PointerToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken
Construct an empty token.
- PointerToken(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken
Construct a token with the specified memory location.
- PointerToken.PointerType - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
The pointer type.
- PointFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
An abstract superclass for point filters.
- PointFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PointFilter
- PointillizeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- PointillizeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- pointInsideTriangle(double[], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Given the 2D triangle (p0,p1,p2), where the points are given
such that we orbit the triangle clockwise (the interior of the
triangle is on the left of each segment), is point q inside
the triangle?
- pointLeftOf(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Consider the directed 2D line that travels from p0 to p1. is q
on the left (or on the line)?
- PointLight() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.PointLight
- pointOnLineClosestTo(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
- pointsAbovePlane(ArrayList<double[]>, double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
This function implements part of a convex hull collision test:
each face of the hull is described in terms of a plane equation:
Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
The sign of this equation must be configured so that the value
of the expression is negative on the inside of the hull and
positive on the other side.
- pointsOnWhichSideOfPlane(ArrayList<double[]>, double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
This function analyzes which side of a plane a set of points
resides where the plane is defined by the plane equation:
Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
The most common use case is for implementing part of a convex
hull collision test, where each face of the hull is described
in terms of a plane equation.
- pointsOnWhichSideOfPlane(ArrayList<double[]>, double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
This function analyzes which side of a plane a set of points
resides, where the plane is defined by its normal and a point
on the plane.
- PoissonClock - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor produces discrete events according to a Poisson process.
- PoissonClock(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- PoissonClock - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor produces discrete events according to a Poisson process.
- PoissonClock(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- PoissonClock - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock.
- PoissonClock(PoissonClock) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Constructor method for the PoissonClock adapter.
- poissonPmf(int, double) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.Algorithms
Return the probability mass function P(x=k) ~ Poisson(mean)
value at k, for the Poisson distribution with parameter mean.
- poissonPmf(int, double, double) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.Algorithms
Return the probability mass function P(x=k) ~ Poisson(mean)
value at k, for the poisson distribution with parameter mean.
- POLAR_TO_RECT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
Convert from polar to rectangular coordinates.
- PolarFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which distorts and image by performing coordinate conversions between rectangular and polar coordinates.
- PolarFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
Construct a PolarFilter.
- PolarFilter(int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
Construct a PolarFilter.
- PolarToCartesian - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
This actor reads two double tokens (magnitude and angle) and outputs
two new double tokens (x and y).
- PolarToCartesian(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToCartesian
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- PolarToComplex - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
This actor reads two double tokens (magnitude and angle) and outputs
a single complex token.
- PolarToComplex(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToComplex
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- polarToComplex(double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with the specified magnitude and angle.
- poleZeroToFrequency(Complex[], Complex[], Complex, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Given an array of pole locations, an array of zero locations, and a
gain term, return frequency response specified by these.
- policy - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
The error handling policy to apply if an exception occurs.
- policy - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
The error handling policy to apply if an exception occurs.
- poll() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
- pollingInterval - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.joystick.Joystick
The polling interval in milliseconds of how often the
JoystickListeners get notified of joystick events.
- PolyCylinder3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
This actor produces a generalized cylindrical shape in the GR domain.
- PolyCylinder3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.PolyCylinder3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- polygon - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.PolyCylinder3D
The polygonal shape of the base
This parameter should contain a ArrayToken with an even number
of DoubleToken values.
- Polygon2D - Class in diva.util.java2d
A polygon shape.
- Polygon2D() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
- Polygon2D.Double - Class in diva.util.java2d
The concrete Polygon class that stores coordinates internally
as doubles.
- Polygon2D.Float - Class in diva.util.java2d
The concrete Polygon class that stores coordinates internally
as floats.
- PolygonIterator - Class in diva.util.java2d
An iterator over Polygon2D.
- PolygonIterator(Polygon2D, AffineTransform) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PolygonIterator
Create a new iterator over the given polygon and
with the given transform.
- polyline - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.CircularSweep3D
The line segment array that is to be swept.
- Polyline2D - Class in diva.util.java2d
A polyline shape.
- Polyline2D() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
- Polyline2D.Double - Class in diva.util.java2d
The concrete Polyline class that stores coordinates internally
as doubles.
- Polyline2D.Float - Class in diva.util.java2d
The concrete Polyline class that stores coordinates internally
as floats.
- PolylineIterator - Class in diva.util.java2d
An iterator over Polyline2D.
- PolylineIterator(Polyline2D, AffineTransform) - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.PolylineIterator
Create a new iterator over the given polyline and
with the given transform.
- polynomial - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.DeScrambler
Integer defining a polynomial with binary coefficients.
- polynomial - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Scrambler
Integer defining a polynomial with binary coefficients.
- polynomial(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Given the roots of a polynomial, return a polynomial that has
has such roots.
- polynomialArray - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ConvolutionalCoder
An array of integers defining an array of polynomials with
binary coefficients.
- polynomialArray - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
An array of integers defining polynomials with
binary coefficients.
- PolynomialRoot - Class in org.ptolemy.qss.util
Find roots of polynomials.
- PolynomialRoot() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.qss.util.PolynomialRoot
- PolynomialSampleGenerator(double[], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing.PolynomialSampleGenerator
Construct a PolynomialSampleGenerator.
- PongToken - Class in ptserver.data
The PongToken holds a timestamp of the PingToken.
- PongToken() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.PongToken
Create new instance of the token with timestamp set to zero.
- PongToken(long) - Constructor for class ptserver.data.PongToken
Create new instance of the token with the provided timestamp.
- pop(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Pop this transform off the graphics stack.
- popActorDeclaration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Pop an actor off of the current tree and return the name.
- popCount(long) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
- popCountReal(long) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
How many bits are set in the long?
- popCountTable - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
- popCountTableShift - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
- popForStatement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Pop out of the scope of the current for statement and into its
container block's scope.
- popIfStatement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Pop out of the scope of the current if statement and into its
container block's scope.
- popInput() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Restore a previous input source.
- popNode() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTMatrixParserState
- popNode() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTPtParserState
- popState() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Pop out the top state in the states stack, and the state next to it
becomes the top state.
- popState(FieldRecord[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
For each state in the given array, pop out the top state.
- populate() - Method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.AccessorLibrary
Populate the actor by reading the file specified by the
source parameter.
- populate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Populate the actor by reading the file specified by the
source parameter.
- populate() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.LazyComposite
Populate the actor by reading the file specified by the
source parameter.
- populate() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Populate the actor by reading the file specified by the
source parameter.
- populateChildModelsList(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.SaveModelManager
Populate the referenced child models list and update the model XML by
replacing the referenced models with place holder.
- populations - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
The populations to select from.
- populator - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
This is the PtalonPopulator that accesses this for
statement, if this is a for statement.
- PopupMouseFilter - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This class is a mouseFilter that recognizes popup events.
- PopupMouseFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.PopupMouseFilter
Create an attribute controller associated with the specified graph
- porNo - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Port number that is actually used for BSD socket.
- porNo - Variable in class lbnl.util.XMLWriter
Integer port number for BSD socket.
- port - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription.ContinuousState
The Ptolemy state port for this state.
- port - Variable in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscReceiver
The receive port.
- port - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Port number to connect to.
- port - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.Input
The Ptolemy output port for this output.
- port - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.Output
The Ptolemy output port for this output.
- PORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- PORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- PORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- port - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel
The port that contains this channel.
- Port(String, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Port
Create the port.
- Port - Class in ptolemy.kernel
A Port is the interface of an Entity to any number of Relations.
- Port() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Construct a port in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- Port(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- Port(Entity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Construct a port with the given name contained by the specified
- PORT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- port_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- port_declaration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
Parse for statement:
portType ID
where portType is either "port", "inport", or "outport".
- port_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- PORT_SUFFIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
The string suffix for attribute names that represent constraint definitions
for actor ports.
- PortableContainer - Interface in ptolemy.actor.injection
Platform independent container for placing UI components into itself.
- PortablePlaceable - Interface in ptolemy.actor.injection
This interface is analogous to the
- PortablePlaceableWidget - Class in ptolemy.homer.widgets
- PortablePlaceableWidget(Scene, PositionableElement) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.widgets.PortablePlaceableWidget
Create a new instance of the widget by requesting the element to place
itself into the provided container.
- portAddress - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopReadPort
The address of the I/O port.
- portAddress - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWritePort
The address of the I/O port.
- PortBooleanCellRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortBooleanCellRenderer
- portClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- PortClassChanges - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
- PortClassChanges() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortClassChanges
- PortCodeGenerator - Interface in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
An interface for Port Adapters to generate port specific code.
- PortConfigurer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
- PortConfigurer(Entity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurer
Construct a port configurer for the specified entity.
- PortConfigurerDialog - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class is a non-modal dialog for configuring the ports of an
- PortConfigurerDialog(DialogTableau, Frame, Entity, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
Construct a dialog that presents the ports as a table.
- PortConfigurerDialog.CellValidator - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Validate a cell.
- PortConfigurerDialog.PortBooleanCellRenderer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Render a boolean cell.
- PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
The table model for the table.
- PortConfigurerDialog.StringCellRenderer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Default renderer for _portTable.
- PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingComboBoxCellEditor - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A validating ComboBox table cell editor for use with JTable.
- PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingJTextFieldCellEditor - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A validating JTextField table cell editor for use with JTable.
- PortConnectSite - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A site for instances of PortTerminal.
- PortConnectSite(Figure, PortTerminal, int, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Create a port connect site for the specified figure
and id.
- PortCreationOperation - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations
An operation to create a port.
- PortCreationOperation(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner.
- PortCreationOperation(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- PortCreationOperation(GTIngredientList, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner and with the
given value to each of its elements..
- PortCriterion - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A criterion to constrain a port of an actor in the host model.
- PortCriterion(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner.
- PortCriterion(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- PortCriterion(GTIngredientList, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and with the
given value to each of its elements..
- PortDialogAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
An action that creates a dialog to configure, add, or remove ports
from objects.
- PortDialogAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.PortDialogAction
Construct a rename dialog action with the specified name,
which will appear in the menu that uses this action.
- PortDialogFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
- PortDialogFactory() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.PortDialogFactory
- PortDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor
A Director that use Ports and PortInfo.
- PortDirector(Director) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given director.
- portEvent(IOPortEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.IOPortEventListener
Report a port activity.
- portIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch.AfdxSwitchAttributes
The id of the port on the switch on which incoming messages are
- portIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch.BasicSwitchAttributes
The id of the port on the switch on which incoming messages are
- PortInfo - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor
A class that keeps track of information necessary to
generate communication code at ports inside a StaticScheduled model.
- PortInfo(IOPort, Ports, NamedObj, PortDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Create a PortInfo instance.
- portList() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Get the ports belonging to this entity.
- portList() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Get the ports belonging to this entity.
- portList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Get the ports belonging to this entity.
- PortMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A matcher to match a port.
- PortMatcher(PortCriterion, ComponentEntity, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.PortMatcher
Construct a port matcher with a container and a name that is
either an input, an output, or both, depending on the third
and fourth arguments.
- PortModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.PortModel
- PortModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.PortModel
- portName - Variable in exception ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortException
- PortNameChanges - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
- PortNameChanges() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortNameChanges
- PortOrParameterProxy(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Construct a proxy.
- PortOrParameterProxy(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Construct a proxy.
- portOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch.AfdxSwitchAttributes
The id of the port on the switch to which outgoing messages are
routed to.
- portOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch.BasicSwitchAttributes
The id of the port on the switch to which outgoing messages are
routed to.
- PortParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
This parameter creates an associated port that can be used to update
the current value of the parameter.
- PortParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- PortParameter(NamedObj, String, ParameterPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- PortParameter(NamedObj, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- PortParameter(NamedObj, String, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Construct a Parameter with the given container, name, and Token.
- portParameterClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- portParameterGetPortMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- portParameterUpdateMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- portReader - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
SerialPortReader takes care of serial port communication on a lower level.
- PortRemovalOperation - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations
An operation to remove a port.
- PortRemovalOperation(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner.
- PortRemovalOperation(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- PortRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController.PortRenderer
- ports - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
The meta information about the ports in the container.
- Ports - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor
A adapter class that allows generating code for ports.
- Ports(NamedObj, PortDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Create a Ports instance.
- ports - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunction
The ports.
- ports() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile
Return the port information.
- PortScope() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
Construct a scope consisting of the variables of the containing
actor and its containers and their scope-extending attributes.
- PortScope() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.PortScope
- portSetTypeMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- PortSite - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A site that locates itself on the bounds of a figure's shape, designed
for placing ports.
- PortSite(Figure, Port, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PortSite
Create a new site on the given figure with the given ID
port type, and port number.
- PortTableModel(List) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Populates the _ports Vector.
- PortTerminal - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A terminal figure for ports that supports multiports.
- PortTerminal(IOPort, Figure, double, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortTerminal
Construct a port terminal with the specified figure as
the port figure.
- portType(Port) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Gets the IOType of a given port.
- portType(Port, CompositeEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Gets the IOType of a given port with reference to a composite entity.
- portTypes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TypeTest
A record of record of strings representing the types of ports
of actors in the model.
- portWidth(Port) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Gets the width of a Port.
- position - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- POSITION_NODE - Static variable in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerConstants
The name of the attribute containing the position definition in
the layout file.
- PositionableElement - Class in ptolemy.homer.kernel
Abstract definition of elements.
- PositionableElement(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.kernel.PositionableElement
Store the element that should have its location defined.
- PositionConstraintCalculator - Class in org.ptolemy.optimization
The class for calculation of constraints of Swarm-Robots.
- PositionConstraintCalculator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- positionConstraints - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- positionsSeparator - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- POSITIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
A static and final time constant holding a positive infinity.
- POSITIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Complex
A Complex number representing positive infinity, by which we mean
that both the real and imaginary parts are equal to
- POSITIVE_SIGN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- POSITIVE_SIGN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- POSITIVE_SIGN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- possibleValues - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.BeanProperty
- postBody - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An output that sends the body of the request, if any.
- postCookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
- PosterizeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter to posterize an image.
- PosterizeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PosterizeFilter
- postfire() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Increment the iteration count.
- postfire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
If there are still tokens in the queue and a token has been produced in the fire,
schedule a refiring.
- postfire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
If there are still tokens in the queue and a token has been produced in the fire,
schedule a refiring.
- postfire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- postfire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
If there are still tokens in the queue and a token has been produced in the fire,
schedule a refiring.
- postfire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Optimizer
- postfire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscReceiver
- postfire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Return immediately.
- postfire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
Update the calculation of the next output time and request
a refiring at that time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Return true, unless stop() has been called, in which case,
return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
If this actor is opaque, invoke the postfire() method of its
local director and transfer output data.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
Transfer the input tokens to the remote actor, postfire the remote
actor, transfer the output tokens, and broadcast them.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- postfire() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true if the director wishes to be scheduled for another
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
- postfire() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
This method should be invoked once per iteration, after the last
invocation of fire() in that iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing and return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
If a trigger has been received in fire and the next match has been
produced to the matchOutput port, remove the first match in the list.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Record the most recent input as part of the running average.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayAccumulate
Record the accumulating array and return true.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Iterate through resource mapping output ports and if they contain
tokens, inform the director of the actors in the tokens that these
actors can resume execution.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
Record the most recent input as part of the running average.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Return true, unless stop() has been called, in which case,
return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Update the state of the actor and schedule the next firing,
if appropriate.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ConvolutionalCoder
Record the most recent shift register state as the new
state for the next iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.DeScrambler
Record the most recent shift register state as the new
initial state for the next iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HadamardCode
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Scrambler
Record the most recent shift register state as the new
initial state for the next iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
Record the datum in buffers into their temporary versions.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Update the input position to equal that determined by the most
recent invocation of the fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
Record the most recent output count as the actual count.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Record the most recent input as the latest input.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Update the time and index of the next expected output.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Update the output position to equal that determined by the most
recent invocation of the fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.excel.Excel
Always return true in this base class, indicating
that execution can continue into the next iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Increment the iteration count.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.FileWriter
Read at most one token from each input channel and write its
string value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Override the base class to record the current time as the last commit
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Override the base class to record the current time as the last commit
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Update the calculation of the next output time and request a refiring at
that time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
Update the state of the actor by adding the value of the
step parameter to the state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Update the filter state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotter
Read at most one token from each input channel and plot it as
a function of the iteration number, scaled by xUnit.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotterXY
Read at most one token from each input channel on x and
y inputs, and if there is a token on both, plot the data
as an XY plot.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Read at most one token from each input channel and display its
string value on the screen.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.HistogramPlotter
Read at most one input token from each input channel
and update the histogram.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Override the base class to return false if the user has typed
"quit" or "exit".
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Consume a matrix token from the input port
and display the token in a table.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MonitorValue
Read at most one token from the input and record its value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.RealTimePlotter
Read at most one input from each channel and plot it as a
function of time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Read at most one token from each input channel and plot it as
a function of the iteration number, scaled by xUnit.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequenceScope
Call the base class postfire() method, then yield this
thread so that the event thread gets a chance.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedPlotter
Read at most one input from each channel and plot it as a
function of time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedScope
Call the base class postfire() method, then yield this
thread so that the event thread gets a chance.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.XYPlotter
Read at most one token from each channel of each input port
and plot it.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.XYScope
Call the base class postfire() method, then yield this
thread so that the event thread gets a chance.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Remove this class from the manager's list of execution listeners.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Invoke the postfire() method of the current local director.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteCompositeActor
Return true, indicating that execution can continue.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
Update the model here to achieve consistency.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Override the base class to perform requested postfire actions.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Return true, indicating that execution can continue.
- POSTFIRE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame
POSTFIRE is a frame indicating that the inside actor
can be postfired.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Update the filter state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Consume a token from the input port
and display the token as an image.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Update the iteration counter, then call the super class method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
Read the next line from the file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
Read an input string token from each input
channel and write it to the file, one line per token.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBMPWriter
Read an input JAIImageToken and write it to the file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIJPEGWriter
Read an input JAIImageToken and write it to the file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPNGWriter
Read an input JAIImageToken and write it to the file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPNMWriter
Read an input JAIImageToken and write it to the file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITIFFWriter
Read an input JAIImageToken and write it to the file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIWriter
Read an input JAIImageToken and write it to the file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioCapture
Capture and output a single audio sample on each channel.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioPlayer
Read a block of inputs as given by the transferSize
parameter from each input channel and send them to the audio
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReadBuffer
This method causes one audio sample per channel to be
read from the specified file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReader
This method causes one audio sample per channel to be
read from the specified file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
Return true unless super.postfire() returns false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
If there is at least 1 token on channel 0 (and also on
channel 1 if stereo mode is used), then read 1 token
from the corresponding channels and write the token
values to the specified sound file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundPlayer
Read an input array and send to the audio hardware.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.AudioPlayer
Accept an ObjectToken containing a DataSource, and set it up
for playing.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
If the player is no longer open, then disconnect the
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
Fire this actor.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.StreamLoader
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoPlayer
Accept an ObjectToken containing a DataSource, and set it up
for playing.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopReadPort
Enable read on the next invocation of fire().
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopSerialRead
Enable read on the next invocation of fire().
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopSerialWrite
Record the most recent token for the serial output.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWatchDog
Record the most recent input for the watch dog value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWritePort
Record the most recent token for the output value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Update the backward and forward prediction errors that
were generated in fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LimitedFiringSource
Increment the iteration counter, and if it equals the
value of the firingCountLimit parameter, return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
Update the internal state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Update the parameters based on any available inputs
and then send one email message.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GPIOWriter
Change the color of the actor depending on if true or false
was sent to the actor.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MicrostepDelay
Read the input, if there is one, and request refiring.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingMaximum
Commit the maximum value observed since the start of execution to the
maximum field to be compared with later inputs.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Read one token from each input channel and compare against
the value specified in correctValues.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Commit the recorded token.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pause
Read one token from each input channel that has a token,
and if any token is true, call pause() on the manager.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PhaseUnwrap
Record the final value of the most recent value of the input,
for use in the next phase.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Generate an exponential random number and schedule the next firing.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Read one token from each input channel and compare against
the value specified in correctValues.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherTest
Override the base class to do nothing and return true.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Update the iteration counters until they exceed the values
in the indexes array.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Invoke the postfire() method if defined in the script.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Update the state of the actor by adding the value of the
step parameter to the state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Calculate the next random number.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Read at most one token from each input channel and record its value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Update the backward and forward prediction errors that
were generated in fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ResettableTimer
Read the input (if any) and schedule a future output.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMaximum
Commit the maximum value observed since the start of execution to the
maximum field to be compared with later inputs.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMinimum
Commit the minimum value observed since the start of execution to the
minimum field to be compared with later inputs.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyWriter
Add the key to the keystore.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Update the state of the actor by moving to the next value
in the values array.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
If the fire() method produced the input token then check to
whether any pending tokens have subsequent sequence numbers.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Update the state of the actor and schedule the next firing,
if appropriate.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Read at most one token from the input port and issue a change
request to update variables as indicated by the input.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleTokenCommutator
Update the input position to equal that determined by the most
recent invocation of the fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sleep
Reset the flag that fire() checks so that fire() only sleeps once.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Stop
Read one token from each input channel that has a token,
and if any token is true, call finish() on the manager.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Override the base class to do nothing and return true.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowException
Read one token from each input channel that has a token,
and if any token is true, throw an exception.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowModelError
Read one token from each input channel that has a token,
and if any token is true, invoke the model error handler.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Read the input, if there is one, and request refiring.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
Return false if the current time is greater than or equal to
the stopTime parameter value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLDirectoryReader
Update the iteration counter until it exceeds the number of
elements in the directory.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VariableSleep
Reset the flag that fire() checks so that fire() only sleeps once.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixCounter
Record the most recent output count as the actual count.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
Update the state of the actor by moving to the next value
in the values array.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.IntegerCounter
Record the most recent output count as the actual count.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Writer
Read at most one token from each input channel and write its
string value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Do nothing.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return false if a stop has been requested or if
the model has reached deadlock.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
Return true, unless stop() has been called, in which case,
return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
Read the next line from the file.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Call postfire() on all contained actors that were fired in the current
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Return true if the director wishes to be scheduled for another
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.PeriodicDirectorHelper
If the period parameter is greater than 0.0, then
if the associated director is at the top level, then increment
its time by the specified period, and otherwise request a refiring
at the current time plus the period.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Record the most recent input as part of the running average.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
Record the most recent input as part of the running average.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Return true, unless stop() has been called, in which case,
return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Update the input position to equal that determined by the most
recent invocation of the fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
Record the most recent output count as the actual count.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Differential
Record the most recent input as the latest input.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Update the output position to equal that determined by the most
recent invocation of the fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
Update the filter state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Update the filter state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Interpolator
Update the iteration counter, then call the super class method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
Update the internal state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Commit the recorded token.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PhaseUnwrap
Record the final value of the most recent value of the input,
for use in the next phase.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Generate an exponential random number and schedule the next firing.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Update the iteration counters until they exceed the values
in the indexes array.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Update the state of the actor by adding the value of the
step parameter to the state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Calculate the next random number.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Read at most one token from each input channel and record its value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Update the backward and forward prediction errors that
were generated in fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Update the state of the actor by moving to the next value
in the values array.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
If the fire() method produced the input token then check to
whether any pending tokens have subsequent sequence numbers.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Update the state of the actor and schedule the next firing,
if appropriate.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.manual.ptolemy.actor.lib.Backtrack
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Commit the last state changes.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
Postfire this actor.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDF
Postfire this actor.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.actor.lib.DistributedLineWriter
Read an input string token and write it to the standard output.
- postfire() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
This method should be invoked once per iteration, after the last
invocation of fire() in that iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
This method should be invoked once per iteration, after the last
invocation of fire() in that iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Postfire all contained actors.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
Update the current x and yLocations of the grid.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAViewer
Show the tableau containing the visualization of the matrix.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Return false if all active actors have finished execution and
there is no pushed data or pull request to be processed;
otherwise, return true.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
If this director is not at the top level and the breakpoint table
is not empty, request a refiring at the first breakpoint or at
the local current time (iteration start time plus the step size),
whichever is less.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Update the state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Override the base class so that if there is no enabled transition
then we record for each comparison operation in each
guard expression the distance between the current value of the
variable being compared and the threshold.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.Noise
Set a flag to cause a new random number to be generated the next
time fire() is called.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.BandlimitedNoise
If we are at the end of the current interval, then generate
a new random number for the new interval, and request a
refiring at the end of that interval.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousMerge
If there are any pending outputs, then request a refiring at the
current time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Schedule the next output event.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Derivative
Record the current input and time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.EventSource
Update the state of the actor and schedule the next firing,
if the director is in the discrete phase.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Prepare for the next iteration, by making the current trigger
token to be the history trigger token.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
Request the reinitialization.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
If the current microstep is zero, sample the inputs and request
a refiring at the current time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ZeroOrderHold
Override the base class to record that the first firing
has completed.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Pause
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Return false if deadlock has occurred and there are no
input ports, or if stop() has been called, and true otherwise.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Barrier
Return true unless one of the branches was terminated
during the execution of the fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.Buffer
Return true unless none of the branches were enabled in
the most recent invocation of fire().
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSink
Return false indicating that iteration of this actor should
not continue.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSource
Return false indicating that iteration of this actor should
not continue.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSink
Return false indicating that this actor should not be
executed in the next iteration of the containing
composite actor.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSource
Return false indicating that iteration of this actor should
not continue.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.ResourcePool
Return true unless none of the branches were enabled in
the most recent invocation of fire().
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Return true if the actors governed by this director can continue
execution, and false otherwise.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.DDESink
Return true if this actor is enabled to proceed with additional
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.DoubleFork
Return true if this actor will allow subsequent iterations to
occur; return false otherwise.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.lib.Wire
Return true if this actor will allow subsequent iterations to
occur; return false otherwise.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Increment the number of iterations.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.ActorRecursion
Override the base class to return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Update rate parameters for the next iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
Update rate parameters for the next iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSingleTokenCommutator
Update rate parameter indicating the next input channel.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return false if there are no more actors to be fired or the stop()
method has been called.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
If there are still tokens in the queue and a token has been
produced in the fire, schedule a refiring.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
If there are still tokens in the queue and a token has been
produced in the fire, schedule a refiring.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
If there are still tokens in the queue and a token has been produced in the fire,
schedule a refiring.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
If a token has been sent in the fire method then schedule the next firing.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.AverageOverTime
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Derivative
Record the most recent input as the latest input.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
Reset the state of the actor and return whatever the superclass
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Integrator
Record the most recent input as the latest input.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.NonInterruptibleTimer
If there are delayed inputs that are not processed and the timer
is not busy, begin processing the earliest input and schedule
a future firing to produce it.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Record the most recent input as the latest input.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
Update the state of the actor.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
Commit additions or removals from the queue.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Read and record the inputs.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
If the server is free and there is at least one token in the queue,
request a firing at the current time plus the service time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Process the current input if it has not been processed.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
Record the time when the current input arrives.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
Update the internal states of this actor.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
Process the current input if it has not been processed.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Request the outside director to fire this director's container
again for the next period.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
Call postfire() on all contained FMUs that were fired in the current
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Return false if the system has finished executing, either by
reaching the iteration limit, or by having an actor in the model
return false in postfire.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Iterate all actors under control of this director and fire them.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MovableViewScreen3D
Update the input values of the state.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFDirector
Send a request to the manager to get the HDF schedule if the schedule
is not valid or this director is not at the top level.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFFSMDirector
Request a change of state transition to the manager.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
The postfire() counts the number of iterations and returns false when the
number of iteration exceeds the parameter iterations or the time in
TimeScheduler exceeds stopTime, whichever comes first.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return false if there are no more actors to be fired or the stop()
method has been called.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Execute actions on the last chosen transition.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Invoke postfire() on any state refinements that were fired,
then execute the commit actions contained by the last chosen
transition, if any, and finally set the current state
to the destination state of the transition.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Postfire the modal model and commit the transition.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Call the postfire() method of the super class.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
Return false, indicating that the director does not wish to be scheduled
for another iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Return true if the containing composite actor contains active
processes and the composite actor has input ports and if stop()
has not been called.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Invoke postfire() of the director.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Return true if the director wishes to be scheduled for another
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesGenericActor
Always return true in this base class, indicating
that execution can continue into the next iteration.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return false if there are no more actors to be fired or the stop()
method has been called.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Return true if simulation is requested, so that simulated
event handling can proceed.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Update the calculation of the next output time and request
a refiring at that time.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Return false if the model should not continue to execute.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.Buffer
Return false if it is time to stop the process.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
Return false if it is time to stop the process.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return false if the system has finished executing, either by
reaching the iteration limit, or having an actor in the system return
false in postfire.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Post-fire the source actor and update the counter to give
next token a unique sequence number.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Return false if the system has finished executing, either by
reaching the iteration limit, or having an actor in the system return
false in postfire.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Call postfire() on all contained actors that were fired on the last
invocation of fire().
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime
Reset the state of the actor and return whatever the superclass
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Increment the index number.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictDelay
If the input is known, then read it and record
it for the next tick.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Pre
Update the state of the actor by recording the current input
value, if there is one.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.SingleTokenDistributor
Update the output position to equal that determined by the most
recent invocation of the fire() method.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Return false if a stop has been requested or if
the model has reached deadlock.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Return false if a stop has been requested or if
the model has reached deadlock.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Return false if a stop has been requested or if
the model has reached deadlock.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskPtDirector
Return false if the system has finished executing.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.gui.DisplayAll
Read all tokens from all input channels and display its
string value on the screen.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Return false, indicating that we are done.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
If the current time is greater than the stop time, or
both interrupt event queue and TM event queue are empty
then return false.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Return true, indicating that execution can continue.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorImage
Read at most one token from the input and record its value.
- postfire() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.VisualModelReference
Override the base class to perform requested close on postfire actions.
- postfire() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.ImageWriter
Read one ByteArrayToken from the input port, write the byte array to
a temp file and send the file name via its output port.
- postfireAction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
The value of this string attribute determines what happens
in the postfire() method.
- PostfixFilter(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder.PostfixFilter
Construct a filter with a postfix.
- postParameters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An output port that sends parameters included in a post request.
- postRequestURI - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An output port that sends the relative URI of a post request,
which must match the pattern given by the path parameter.
- postrequisites - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.curriculum.Course
The postrequisites port.
- postrequisites - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.curriculum.Or
The postrequisites port.
- postVisit(ASTNode) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTDump
End the visiting of a node (and all its children), and decrease
the indent amount.
- postVisit(ASTNode) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Handle an AST node before it is visited.
- pow(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token computed as follows:
For positive times arguments, the result represents
the product of this token multiplied by itself the number of
times given by the argument.
- pow(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- pow(double) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value z y
where z is this complex number and y is the
argument, a double.
- pow(Complex, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value z y
where z is the first argument and y is the second
- pow(Complex) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return zy
where z is this complex number and y is the
argument, a Complex.
- pow(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value z y
where z is the first argument and y is the second
- pow(double, Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value z y
where z is the first argument and y is the second
- pow(Complex[], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of complex numbers that is formed by raising each
element to the specified exponent, a double.
- pow(double) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Returns of value of this Unit raised to the power of the argument.
- power() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- POWER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- power - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
The input port for power.
- POWER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- PowerLossChannel - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
This is a model of a wireless channel with a specified power propagation
- PowerLossChannel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.PowerLossChannel
Construct a channel with the given name and container.
- powerLowerBound - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
A power lower bound on the generated trace, which applies to the entire generation window.
- powerPropagationFactor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.PowerLossChannel
The default formula for the power loss factor.
- powerThreshold - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
The power threshold above which the signal can be
detected at the receiver.
- powerUpperBound - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Power limit on generation window.
- Pre - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.lib
When the input is present, the output is the previously received
- Pre(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Pre
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- PreAccessCodec() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Construct a PreAccessCodec.
- precision - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
For the IBM/UCB proposed extension to FMI 2.0, there is a capability flag
handleIntegerTime that indicates that the time inside the FMU is
represented with an integer m (precision) and an integer p (a counter)
representing time as multiples of m.
- precision - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DoubleToFix
The precision of the output fixed-point number, which is represented
by a 2-element integer matrix.
- precision - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToFix
The precision of the output fix-point number, represented by an
integer matrix.
- precision - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The precision of the date.
- precision - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.DoubleRangeParameter
The precision, which is the number of possible values.
- Precision - Class in ptolemy.math
This class defines the precision of a signed or unsigned fixed point
- Precision(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Precision
Construct a Precision object based on the provided string.
- Precision(int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Precision
Construct a Precision object based on the length/integer
bits format.
- Precision(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Precision
Construct a Precision object based on the sign, length, and
exponent format.
- Precision.ExpressionLanguagePrecisionFormat - Class in ptolemy.math
Precision format for use with the Expression Language.
- Precision.IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat - Class in ptolemy.math
Defines a Precision string format using the INTEGER.FRACTION
precision format.
- Precision.LengthExponentPrecisionFormat - Class in ptolemy.math
Defines a Precision string format using the LENGTHeEXPONENT
precision format.
- Precision.LengthIntegerPrecisionFormat - Class in ptolemy.math
Defines a Precision string format using the LENGTH/INTEGER
precision format.
- Precision.PrecisionFormat - Class in ptolemy.math
Defines a String format for specifying a Precision object.
- Precision.VHDLPrecisionFormat - Class in ptolemy.math
Defines a Precision string format using the VHDL MSB:LSB
precision format.
- PRECISION_MICROSECOND - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
The flag indicating that the the precision is microseconds.
- PRECISION_MILLISECOND - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
The flag indicating that the the precision is milliseconds.
- PRECISION_NANOSECOND - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
The flag indicating that the the precision is nanoseconds.
- PRECISION_SECOND - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
The flag indicating that the the precision is seconds.
- PrecisionFormat() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Precision.PrecisionFormat
- preConcatenate(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Pre-concatenate this transform context with the given transform.
- predecessorEdges(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the collection of edges that make a node n2 a predecessor of a
node n1.
- predecessors(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return all of the predecessors of a given node in the form of a
a collection.
- predictedStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.CovarianceStatePredictor
predicted states of robots.
- predictedStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithAccControl
predicted states of robots.
- predictedStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithControl
predicted states of a robot.
- predictionStep - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
- Predictor - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
A predictor
- Predictor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.Predictor
Instantiate a new predictor.
- Predictor(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.Predictor
Instantiate a new predictor.
- predictQuantizationEventTime(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state.
- predictQuantizationEventTimeEarliest() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the earliest predicted quantization-event time for all states.
- predictQuantizationEventTimeEarliest(boolean[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the earliest predicted quantization-event time for all states.
- preemptive - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Parameter to configure whether a preemptive or non-preemptive
scheduling strategy should be used.
- preemptive - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ResettableTimer
Indicator of whether new inputs cancel previous requests.
- preemptive - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Parameter specifying whether this transition is preemptive.
- preemptive - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Indicating whether the execution of the actors is preemptable.
- preemptiveTransitionList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Return the list of preemptive outgoing transitions from
this state.
- PREF_COLSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
An unmodifyable ColumnSpec
that determines its width by
computing the maximum of all column component preferred widths.
- PREF_ROWSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
An unmodifyable RowSpec
that determines its height by
computing the maximum of all column component preferred heights.
- PreferenceConstants - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences
A set of keys as preference indices.
- PreferenceConstants() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
- PreferenceInitializer - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences
Initializer for the default values of backtracking preferences.
- PreferenceInitializer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceInitializer
- PREFERENCES_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Location of Application preferences such as the user library.
- PREFERENCES_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
The file name where user-defined preferences are stored.
- PREFERENCES_WITHIN_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
The location with the configuration of the preferences attribute.
- preferencesDirectory() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return the preferences directory, creating it if necessary.
- preferenceValue(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
Check to see whether a preference of the specified name is
defined in the specified context, and if it is, return its value.
- preferenceValue(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ModelScope
Check to see whether a preference of the specified name is
defined in the specified context, and if it is, return its value.
- preferenceValueLocal(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
Check to see whether a preference of the specified name is
defined in the container of the specified context, either directly
or within an instance of PtolemyPreferences, or
globally, and if it is, return it's value.
- PREFERRED - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Use the maximum of all component preferred sizes as column or row size.
- preferred - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Default
The preferred input port.
- preferredBackgroundColor(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Return the preferred background color for editing the specified
- preferredForegroundColor(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Return the preferred foreground color for editing the specified
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Determines the preferred size of the parent
container using this form layout.
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- preferredPort - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
The preferred port number for the server to listen to.
- preferredPort - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
The preferred port number for the server to listen to.
- preferredSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
The preferred size of the Swing component.
- prefire() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Prefire this actor.
- prefire() - Method in class lbnl.lib.labview.LabVIEWSimulator
Return true and do not check the inputs.
- prefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConvertParticlesToCovarianceMatrix
- prefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleMutualInformation
- prefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- prefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Check the connection, reconnect and login if required.
- prefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.CovarianceStatePredictor
- prefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithAccControl
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Return true.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
If this actor is opaque, invoke the prefire() method of the local
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
Transfer the input tokens to the remote actor, prefire the remote
actor, transfer the output tokens, and broadcast them.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullSupplier
cause the calling thread to wait if there is
no pull request.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- prefire() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true if the director is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
- prefire() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
This method should be invoked prior to each invocation of fire().
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelCombine
Return true if there is any input token available.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelExecutor
Return true if there is any input token available.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelGenerator
Return true if the moml port is connected and has a token, or the
modelName port is connected and has a token, or neither the modelName
port nor the moml port is connected (in which case this actor serves as
a source).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.MoMLGenerator
Return true if there is a model at the input port, or false otherwise.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing and return false.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Test whether this actor can be fired, depending on the mode.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
If the mode is to read a control token, then return true
if the control input has a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Check that the length of the values and
offsets parameters are the same.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Return false if the current input position does not have an
input token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
Return false if the input does not have enough tokens to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
Return false if there are not available tokens on the input
port chosen by the current value of the selector.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.AnythingToDouble
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.BooleanToAnything
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.CartesianToComplex
Return false if either of the input ports has no token, otherwise
return what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.CartesianToPolar
Return false if either of the input ports has no token, otherwise
return what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToCartesian
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ComplexToPolar
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DateToString
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DoubleToFix
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ExpressionToToken
Return true if and only if an input is present.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToDouble
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToFix
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.ImageToString
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.IntArrayToString
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.InUnitsOf
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise
return what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.JSONToToken
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.TokenToJSON
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.LongToDate
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.LongToDouble
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToCartesian
Return false if either of the input ports has no token, otherwise
return what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.PolarToComplex
Return false if either of the input ports has no token, otherwise
return what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Return false if there is no available input token, and otherwise
return whatever the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.SmoothToDouble
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToBoolean
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToDate
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToDouble
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToInt
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToIntArray
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToUnsignedByteArray
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToXML
Return true if there is token at the input input.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.UnsignedByteArrayToString
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Return true if current time has not exceeded the
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DoubleReader
Read one row from the input and prepare for output them.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ElementsToArray
Return true if all channels of the input port have
tokens, false if any channel does not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Prefire this actor.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Record the current value of the slider.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedPlotter
Pre-fire this actor.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunction
Return true if the actor either of its input port has token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunctionOverSequence
Return true if the input ports have enough tokens.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.CaseDirector
Read the control token input, transfer input tokens,
and invoke prefire() of the selected refinement.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileFunction
Return true if the actor either of its input port has token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
Return true if the actor either of its input port has token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Return true, indicating that this actor is always ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Return false if the input does not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageReader
Read in an image.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.PGMReader
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.URLToImage
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioPlayer
Return true if the actor has enough data to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReader
Return false if there is no more data available in the file.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Check to see if this actor is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LevinsonDurbin
If there is no token on the autocorrelation input, return
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
If the parameter initialStates has changed, then update
the internal state of this actor to be the value of the
initialStates parameter.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
Check that each input port has at least one token, and if
so, return the result of the superclass prefire() method.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Return false if the input does not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingMaximum
Return true if the prefire() method of the superclass returns true, and
there is at least one token at the input port.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
If the current time matches the expected time for the next
output, then return true.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Start an iteration.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Invoke the prefire() method if defined in the script.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Reader
Read one row from the input and prepare for output them.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Return true if all connected input ports have tokens, false if some
connected input ports do not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordUpdater
Return true if all input ports have tokens, false if some input
ports do not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Check to see if this actor is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMaximum
Return true if the prefire() method of the superclass returns true, and
there is at least one token at the input port.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMinimum
Return true if the prefire() method of the superclass returns true, and
there is at least one token at the input port.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Read a control token, if there is one, and check to see
whether an input is available on the input channel specified by
the most recent control token, if it is in range.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Return false if either the input port or the
sequenceNumber port lacks an input token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Set the current value.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Source
If the trigger input is connected and it has no input or an unknown
state, then return false.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Synchronizer
If all of the input channels have at least one token, return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
Return false if the current time is greater than or equal to
the stopTime parameter value.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLDirectoryReader
Read one row from the input and prepare for output them.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VariableSleep
Reset the flag that fire() checks so that fire() only sleeps once.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VectorAssembler
Return true if all channels of the input port have
tokens, false if any channel does not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixConst
If the trigger input is connected and it has no input or an unknown
state, then return false.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
If the trigger input is connected and it has no input or an unknown
state, then return false.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Check to see whether the specified file has changed, and if so,
re-read it.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
If there are input or output ports, and this is the first iteration,
then start threads to handle the inputs and outputs.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Start threads for all actors that have not had threads started
already (this might include actors initialized since the last
invocation of prefire).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapFileStorage
Return false if there is no more data available in the file.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapWorker
Return true if there is an available key token and value token
on the inputKey and inputValue ports.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
Return true if there is an available key token and value token
on the inputKey and inputValue ports.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
Return false if there is no more data available in the file.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.StringToKeyValue
Return false if the input port has no token, otherwise return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return true if the director is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Return true if the director is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.PeriodicDirectorHelper
If the period value is greater than zero, then return
true if the current time is a multiple of the value and the
current microstep is 1.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
If the mode is to read a control token, then return true
if the control input has a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Return false if the current input position does not have an
input token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ComputeHistogram
Return false if the input does not have enough tokens to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.DoubleReader
Read one row from the input and prepare for output them.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.IIR
Return false if the input does not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
If the parameter initialStates has changed, then update
the internal state of this actor to be the value of the
initialStates parameter.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
If the current time matches the expected time for the next
output, then return true.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Start an iteration.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Check to see if this actor is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Read a control token, if there is one, and check to see
whether an input is available on the input channel specified by
the most recent control token, if it is in range.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Return false if either the input port or the
sequenceNumber port lacks an input token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Set the current value.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
If there are not sufficient inputs, then return false.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Prefire the actor.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
Select a fireable action among the actions of the actor, if possible.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDF
Select a fireable action among the actions of the actor, if possible.
- prefire() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
This method should be invoked once per iteration, before the first
invocation of fire() in that iteration.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
This method should be invoked once per iteration, before the first
invocation of fire() in that iteration.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
If this director is at the top level of the model or there is pushed
data or pull request to be processed, return true; otherwise, return
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BackDropQueue
Reset the flag that fire() checks so that fire() only sleeps once.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BinarySwitch
Reset the flag that fire() checks so that fire() only sleeps once.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.FrontDropQueue
Reset the flag that fire() checks so that fire() only sleeps once.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.Queue
Reset the flag that fire() checks so that fire() only sleeps once.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Initialize the fixed-point iteration by setting all receivers to
unknown, and return true if we have not passed the stop time.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
If either the impulse or initialState input is unknown,
then return false.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Override the base class to set current time to match that of
the enclosing executive director, if there is one, regardless
of whether that time is in the future or past.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.EventSource
Return true if this actor is scheduled to fire at the current time.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Check the input ports of the container composite actor (if there
are any) to see whether they have enough tokens, and return true
if they do.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Return false if the port to read from in the current
iteration does not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFSelect
Return false if the port or channel it needs to read from in the
following firing does not have a token.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Set the model time to the outside time if this director is
not at the top level.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.AverageOverTime
Determine whether this actor can fire in the current iteration.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
If there is no input on the trigger port, return
false, indicating that this actor does not want to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
If there is no input on the trigger port, return
false, indicating that this actor does not want to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Return true if there is any token in the input or the trigger
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.SharedQueue
Return true if either there is input at the input port, or there are
triggering signals at the trigger port.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare
Return ture if this actor can fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Wire
Return true if there is any token on an input port.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Check the input ports of the container composite actor (if there
are any) to see whether they have enough tokens.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
This method always return true.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Always return true.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Return false if the scene graph is already initialized.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
Return false if the scene graph is already initialized.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Line2D
Return false if the scene graph is already initialized.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
Override the base class to update the text parameter
from the value given at the port, if any.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Override the base class to not set model time to that of the enclosing
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return true.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return true if the mode controller is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetActor
This method tests whether the PetriNetActor or its component
contains any enabled Transitions or not.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Invoke prefire() of the director.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Return true if the director is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Return true if the director is ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesDynamicCompositeActor
If this actor is opaque, invoke the prefire() method of the local
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Override the base class to not set model time to that of the
enclosing director.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Check the input ports of the container composite actor (if there
are any) to see whether they have enough tokens, and return true
if they do.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
If there are not sufficient inputs, then return false.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DotProduct
If both of the input ports have at least one token, return
what the superclass returns (presumably true).
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Return false if the input does not have enough tokens to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
Return false if the error input does not have enough tokens to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixJoin
Return true if each input channel has enough tokens for this actor to
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SDFTransformer
Return true if the number of available tokens on the input
port is at least the declared consumption rate for the port.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToArray
Return true if the input port has enough tokens for this actor to
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToMatrix
Return true if the input port has enough tokens for this actor to
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableFIR
Return false if the input does not have enough tokens to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableLattice
Return false if the input does not have enough tokens to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.VariableRecursiveLattice
Return false if the input does not have enough tokens to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Return true if we are ready to fire, meaning that either (1) we are
at the top level, (2) the period parameter is zero (in which case we
are always ready to fire, or (3) the period parameter is nonzero,
the current time matches the next expected execution time, and the
current microstep is 1.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Absent
Return true.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.EnabledComposite
If the enable input is not known, then return false;
if the enable input is known
and either absent or false, then also return false;
if it is known and true, then invoke the prefire() method of the
superclass and return what it returns.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Undefined
Return false.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Override the base class to set time to match environment
time if this director is embedded.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Override the base class to set time to match environment
time if this director is embedded.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Override the base class to set time to match environment
time if this director is embedded.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Check if at the current time there is something to do.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Return true.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Advance time to the next event time (or the outside time
if this director is embedded in another domain); if there
are any tasks that finish at the current time, then
finish the execution of the current task by calling the
fire() method of that actors.
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
- prefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Return true, indicating that this actor is always ready to fire.
- prefire() - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySink
Check if tokens are available on all ports.
- prefixName() - Method in enum ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.SIUnitPrefixes
Return the name of the given unit prefix as a string.
- prefixSymbol() - Method in enum ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.SIUnitPrefixes
Return the short symbol representing the given unit prefix as a string.
- preinitialize() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Initializes the data members and checks if the parameters of
the actor are valid.
- preinitialize() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Initializes the data members and checks if the parameters of
the actor are valid.
- preinitialize() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Launch the HLA/CERTI RTIG process as subprocess.
- preinitialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
- preinitialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- preinitialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Create the model inside from the parameter values.
- preinitialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Create the model inside from the parameter values.
- preinitialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Create the model inside from the parameter values.
- preinitialize() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Create the model inside from the parameter values.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractInitializableAttribute
Invoke preinitialize() on registered initializables.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Create receivers and declare delay dependencies.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Create receivers and invoke the
preinitialize() method of the local director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- preinitialize() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Validate the attributes and then invoke the preinitialize()
methods of all its deeply contained actors.
- preinitialize(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Preinitialize the actor.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Preinitialize this model parameter and set the current model to be null.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule.TransformationDirector
Set stop requested to be false, initialize zero time variable
and initialize the local clock.
- preinitialize() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Initializable
This method should be invoked exactly once per execution
of a model, before any of these other methods are invoked.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BusAssembler
Makes sure that there is only one relation connected to the
output port and recalculates its width.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BusDisassembler
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
Register this attribute with the manager.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ClassWrapper
Get the Class object of the specified class.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Slicer
Set up the production constant.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseManager
Open a connection to the database, if one is not already open,
prompting the user for a password.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Default
Override the base class to declare that the output
does not depend on the alternate in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Register this attribute with the manager.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Preinitialize this actor.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Instantiate the slave FMU component.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Instantiate the slave FMU component.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Initialize the continuous states.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Clear the plot, if there is one.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
Override the base class to not clear the plot.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFunctionOverSequence
Preinitialize the actor.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteActor
Override the base class to not set type constraints between the
output ports and parameters of the actor.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteCompositeActor
Override the base class to set type constraints between the
output ports and parameters of this actor whose name matches
the output port.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
preinitialize this actor. create the director as specified
by the director parameter.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiInstanceComposite
Call the base class to perform standard preinitialize(), and, if
this is the master copy, proceed to create
additional copies, and link them to the same input/output ports
this master is connected to.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Override the base class to set type constraints between the
output ports and parameters of this actor whose name matches
the output port.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
Perform resource allocation for this actor.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.ExpressionReader
Open the file or URL and read the first line, and use the
first line to set the type of the output.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
Read the value of alwaysFlush parameter.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
Set up the number channels to use.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
Set up the number channels to use.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new JavaScript engine, load the default functions,
and evaluate the script parameter.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Create a new JavaScript engine, load the default functions,
and evaluate the script parameter.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth.AuthManager
Preinitialze the AuthManager attribute.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
Check the dimension of all parameters.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Set up the properties for the SMTP protocol.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Override the base class to ensure that links to subscribers
have been updated.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Override the base class to ensure that links to subscribers
have been updated.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Create an instance of the parameter named by the
jythonClassName parameter that is defined in the script.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
Iterate through the ports.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ResettableTimer
Override the base class to declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
If there is no variable with the specified name, then create one.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.AddSubtract
Override the base class to declare that the A and
B ports do not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixComparator
Override the base class to declare that the A and
B ports do not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixCounter
Override the base class to declare that the increment
and decrement ports do not depend on the output
in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.IntegerCounter
Override the base class to declare that the enable and
reset ports do not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.LogicalNot
Override the base class to declare that the A and
port does not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.LogicFunction
Override the base class to declare that the A and
B ports do not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Memory
Override the base class to declare that the address,
dataIn and writeEnable ports do not depend on
the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplexor
Override the base class to declare that the A, B
and select ports do not depend on the output in
a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplier
Override the base class to declare that the A and
B ports do not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Register
Override the base class to declare that the input and
port does not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.RegisterSR
Override the base class to declare that the input
port does not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.ROM
Override the base class to declare that the address
port does not depend on the output in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.SynchronousFixTransformer
Override the base class to declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.SumofAbsoluteDifferences
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Check to see whether the specified file has changed, and if so,
re-read it, and invoke the preinitialize() methods
of objects that have been added using addInitializable().
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Reset the current value to match the persistent value.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Traverse the model and update values.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Preinitialize the model controlled by this director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
Open the file or URL, skip the number of lines specified by the
numberOfLinesToSkip parameter, and read the first line to
be sent out in the fire() method.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
Override the base class to throw an exception if this port is at the top level.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Do nothing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriberPort
Override the base class to ensure that there is a publisher.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriptionAggregatorPort
Check that the port is not in the top level, then
call preinitialize() in the super class.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
Check the dimension of all parameters.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Populate the initial actor environment.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
Preinitialize this actor.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Create the embedded actor and add ports to it.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Create receivers and invoke the preinitialize() method of the
local director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Create receivers and invoke the
preinitialize() method of the local director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractInitializableParameter
Invoke preinitialize() on registered initializables.
- preinitialize() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
This method should be invoked exactly once per execution
of a model, before any of these other methods are invoked.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFDirector
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director and
compute the schedule (super).
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
This method should be invoked exactly once per execution
of a model, before any of these other methods are invoked.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
Read the value of alwaysFlush parameter.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
This method performs the initialization step.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Validate the attributes and then invoke the preinitialize()
methods of all its deeply contained actors.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BackDropQueue
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.BinarySwitch
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.FrontDropQueue
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.lib.Queue
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Preinitialize the model for an execution.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTransferFunction
Sanity check the parameters; if the parameters are legal
create a continuous-time subsystem that implement the transfer
function, preinitialize all the actors in the subsystem,
and set the opaqueness of this actor to true.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DifferentialSystem
Create the model inside from the parameter values.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Make sure the actor runs with a ContinuousDirector.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
Sanity check the parameters; if the parameters are legal
create a continuous-time subsystem that implement the model,
preinitialize all the actors in the subsystem,
and set the opaqueness of this actor to true.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
Make sure the actor runs inside a domain that understands
superdense time.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Set the current timestamp to the model start time, invoke the
preinitialize() methods of all actors deeply contained by the
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRDirector
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director and
initialize the number of iterations to zero.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Override the base class to ensure that material and
appearance objects are created anew.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFDirector
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFFSMDirector
Preinitialize the modal model.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Calls the preinitialize of the super class and create new event Queue.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Create receivers and input variables for the input ports of
this actor, and validate attributes of this actor, and
attributes of the ports of this actor.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Check whether contained refinements have a director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Preinitialize all actors deeply contained by the container
of this director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
Preinitialize the actor by setting the unit system ontology
concepts for the input and output ports.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
This method preinitializes the actors associated with this
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Override the base class to reset the capacities of all the receivers.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
This method should be invoked exactly once per execution
of a model, before any of these other methods are invoked.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Preinitialize the controller by invoking preinitialize() of the
director and that of the refinements.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Invoke the preinitialize() method of the superclass.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Add this attribute as a debug listener to the director.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Do nothing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director and
compute the schedule.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Call the preinitialize of the super class and create new event
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.ActuatorSetup
Perform a check to see if this device is connected to a network
port on the outside.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketReceiver
Perform a check to see if this device is connected to a network
port on the outside.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
Perform a check to see if this device is connected to a network
port on the outside.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
Perform a check to see if this device is connected to a network
port on the outside.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Generate nesC code in a .nc file.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director and
compute the schedule.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LineCoder
Set up the consumption constant.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Check that the initialOutputs parameter contains an
array token.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director and
compute the schedule.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceDirector
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director and
compute the schedule.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Preinitialize will be added to in subclasses
Preinitialize the actors associated with this director and
compute the schedule.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.Break
Add a check for an unconnected input port.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
Perform preinitialization checks on the actor.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Set up the type constraint between the output and the variable
and the output and the initial value variable.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedVariable
In addition to the superclass preinitialize(), set the actor icon and
its outputInitialValue.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Absent
Override the base class to declare that the output
port does not depend on the trigger port in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.InstantaneousDialogGenerator
Override the base class to declare that the dataOutput
and indexOutput ports do not depend on the dataInput
port in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictLogicFunction
Override the base class to declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictLogicGate
Override the base class to declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictThreeBitAdder
Override the base class to declare that the highBit
output port does not depend on the inputBits port in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Pre
Override the base class to declare that the output
does not depend on the input in a firing.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
Read the value of alwaysFlush parameter.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Override the base class to first invoke preinitialize() on all
contained actors and then invoke either test() or train() on all
Testable attributes.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
In addition to the preinitialization implemented in the super
class, create the interrupt event queue and the TM event queue.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
Create the execution thread.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GetProperties
Create receivers and set up the type constraints on the
output port.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Register with the channel as a PropertyTransformer
for its connected wireless output port.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WirelessToWired
Create receivers and set up the type constraints on the
properties port.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ShowTypes
Override the base class to also register as an execution
listener with the Manager.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.verification.lib.BoundedBufferNondeterministicDelay
Throw an IllegalActionException to indicate that this actor
is used for code generation only.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.verification.lib.BoundedBufferTimedDelay
Throw an IllegalActionException to indicate that this actor
is used for code generation only.
- preinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.verification.lib.SMVLegacyCodeActor
Throw an IllegalActionException to indicate that this actor
is used for code generation only.
- preinitializeAndResolveTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Preinitialize the model.
- preinitializeIfNecessary() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
If the workspace version has changed since the last invocation
of preinitializeAndResolveTypes(), then invoke it now and set
the state of the Manager to IDLE upon completion.
- preinitializeThenWrapup(Actor) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Invoke preinitialize() and wrapup().
- PREINITIALIZING - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that the execution is in the preinitialize phase.
- premultiply(int[], int, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Premultiply a block of pixels.
- premultiplyAlpha - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Whether to promultiply the alpha before convolving.
- PremultiplyFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which premultiplies an image's alpha.
- PremultiplyFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.PremultiplyFilter
- prepare(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
Prepare the light for rendering.
- prepareFilter(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
Prepare the filter for the transiton at a given time.
- prepend(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Add an element to the beginning of the list.
- prependConstraint(PointConstraint) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Prepend a constraint to the list of constraints on
this interactor.
- prependPlatformDependentShellCommand - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
If true, then prepend the platform dependent shell command
to the parsed value of the command parameter.
- PrepopulatedTutorial - Class in diva.graph.tutorial
This example shows three alternatives to display a prepopulated
graph model in a window.
- preProcess(int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
Grab the individual raw sensor (accelerometer and gyroscope) values and
store them into the circular sample buffer as a 6 integer array.
- prerequisites(Actor) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ActorDependencies
Return a Set of AtomicActors that are connected upstream to this AtomicActor.
- prerequisites(Actor, Class) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.ActorDependencies
Return a Set of actors that match the specified filter
that are connected upstream to the specified actor.
- prerequisites - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.curriculum.Course
The prerequisites port.
- prerequisites - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.curriculum.Or
The prerequisites port.
- PreservationAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be preserved.
- PreservationAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.PreservationAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- PreservationAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.PreservationAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- PRESERVE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- PRESERVE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- PRESERVE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- preserveObject(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
- preserveObject(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.TransformationEvaluator
Preserve an object.
- pressDuration - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.EventButton
Amount of time to keep the button depressed, in seconds.
- prevButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- prevCharIsCR - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- prevCharIsCR - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- prevCharIsLF - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- prevCharIsLF - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- preview - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- previewComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- previewLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- Previous - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous.
- Previous(Previous) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
Construct a Previous adapter.
- Previous - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
On each iteration, this actor produces the token received on the previous
- Previous(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- previousActorFirings - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing
- previousClusters - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.FiringCluster
- previousFiringFunctions - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunction
The previous firing functions.
- previousImageBlock - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.SumofAbsoluteDifferences
Input for tokens to be a part of previous frame.
- previousIterationClusters - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.FiringCluster
- previousIterationFirings - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing
- previousIterationFirings - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunction
The previous iteration firings.
- previousState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
Link to the previous state.
- preVisit(ASTNode) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTDump
Visit a node in the AST and output it.
- preVisit(ASTNode) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTFormatter
Handle an AST node after it is visited.
- PREWITT_H - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- PREWITT_V - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- primaryElement() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Print the canvas to a printer, represented by the specified graphics
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Print the canvas to a printer, represented by the specified graphics
- PRINT - Static variable in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- print(String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestHarness
Print to the output stream with no indent
- print(byte[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print(int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print(long[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print(int[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print(long[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print(float[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- print() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Print the documentation to a printer.
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Print the plot to a printer,
which is represented by the specified graphics object.
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.RunFrame
Print the plot to a printer, represented by the specified graphics
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Print the text to a printer, which is represented by the
specified graphics object.
- print(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Print the text to a printer, which is represented by the
specified graphics object.
- print() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Print the content of this FixToken: This is used for debugging
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Print the plot to a printer, represented by the specified graphics
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Print the visible portion of the graph to a printer,
which is represented by the specified graphics object.
- print(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMFragment
- print(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMList
- print(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMObject
- print(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMOpTerm
- print(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMTerm
- printAction(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
Create an action named "Print" that prints the current
document to the printer, if it implements the Printable or
Pageable interface.
- PrintChangeRequest(Object, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame.PrintChangeRequest
- printContextTree(FigureLayer) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasDebugUtilities
- printDebug - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Option parameter whether debug info is printed out.
- printDebug - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Option parameter whether debug info is printed out.
- printElements(String, Iterator) - Static method in class diva.util.IteratorUtilities
Print every element of an iterator to stdout.
- printElements(String, String, Iterator) - Static method in class diva.util.IteratorUtilities
Print every element of an iterator to stdout.
- printEntityType(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader
Print the type of an entity.
- printFix() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Print useful debug information about the FixPoint to standard
- printHammingDistances() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
- println(String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestHarness
Print to the output stream with the current indent
- printMetroEvent(metroIIcomm.Event.Builder) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Prints out the details of a MetroII event.
- printMetroEvents(Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Prints out the details of a list of MetroII events.
- printnoln(String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestHarness
Print to the output stream with the current indent
- printNotifiedMetroEvents(Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Prints out the details of notified events in a list.
- printParseTree(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeWriter
Return an expression for this parse tree, or a description
of the exception if an exception occurs.
- printPattern(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
print out the sparsity patern of v using "." and "X"
- printPDF() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
If a PDF printer is available print to it.
- printPrecisionFormat(Precision) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.ExpressionLanguagePrecisionFormat
Regular expression for ExpressionLanguagePrecisionFormat.
- printPrecisionFormat(Precision) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat
- printPrecisionFormat(Precision) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.LengthExponentPrecisionFormat
- printPrecisionFormat(Precision) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.LengthIntegerPrecisionFormat
- printPrecisionFormat(Precision) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.PrecisionFormat
Creates a valid String representation of the Precision object
based on the rules of the given string format.
- printPrecisionFormat(Precision) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision.VHDLPrecisionFormat
- printShapeAsCode(String, Shape) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Print a Shape to a String, as a code fragment that creates
a new GeneralPath.
- printSMQueue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Print all elements of the scheduler multiplexor queue.
- printStackTrace() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Print the following to stderr:
this exception, its stack trace and if the cause
exception is known, print the cause exception and the
cause stacktrace.
- printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Print this exception, its stack trace and if the cause
exception is known, print the cause exception and the cause
- printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Print this exception, its stack trace and if the cause
exception is known, print the cause exception and the
cause stacktrace.
- printStackTrace() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Print a stack trace message to stderr including
this exception, its stack trace and if the cause
exception is known, print the cause exception and the
cause stacktrace.
- printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Print a stack trace message to printStream including this
exception, its stack trace and if the cause exception is
known, print the cause exception and the cause stacktrace.
- printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Print a stack trace message to printWriter including this
exception, its stack trace and if the cause exception is
known, print the cause exception and the cause stacktrace.
- printStackTrace() - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelRuntimeException
Print a stack trace message to stderr including
this exception, its stack trace and if the cause
exception is known, print the cause exception and the
cause stacktrace.
- printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelRuntimeException
Print a stack trace message to printStream including this
exception, its stack trace and if the cause exception is
known, print the cause exception and the cause stacktrace.
- printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelRuntimeException
Print a stack trace message to printWriter including this
exception, its stack trace and if the cause exception is
known, print the cause exception and the cause stacktrace.
- printSubGraph(DirectedAcyclicGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Print the subGraph edges and nodes.
- printText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Prints out text.
- PrintThreads - Class in util.testsuite
PrintThreads prints all the Threads in the current JVM.
- PrintThreads() - Constructor for class util.testsuite.PrintThreads
- printTitle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Prints out a title.
- printTokenTree() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
- printTrace - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
True if the trace information is printed.
- printTrace - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Option parameter whether trace info is printed out.
- printTrace - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Option parameter whether trace info is printed out.
- printTranspose(byte[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- printTranspose(int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- printTranspose(long[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- printTranspose(float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- printTranspose(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- printTranspose(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- printVlinksQueue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Print all elements of the different VL queues.
- prior - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
An array that defines priors on initial states.
- prior - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
An expression for the prior distribution from which the samples are drawn.
- prior - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceModel
An expression for the prior distribution from which the
samples are drawn.
- PRIOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Prior distribution identifier.
- PRIOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
- prior_new - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
Updated state prior belief.
- priorCovariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
A matrix value used in initialization of sigma points.
- priorDistribution - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The user-provided initial guess on the prior probability distribution.
- priorDistribution - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The user-provided initial guess on the prior probability
- priorDistribution - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceModel
An expression for a prior distribution from which the initial
particles are sampled.
- priorDurationDistribution - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
The user-provided initial guess on the prior probability distribution.
- priorEstimates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The vector estimate for the prior distribution on the set of states.
- priorEstimates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The vector estimate for the prior distribution on the set of
- PrioritizedTimedQueue - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
A FIFO queue with time and priority attributes that is used for
storing tokens with time stamps.
- PrioritizedTimedQueue() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Construct an empty queue with no container.
- PrioritizedTimedQueue(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Construct an empty queue with the specified IOPort container.
- PrioritizedTimedQueue(IOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Construct an empty queue with the specified IOPort container
and priority.
- priority - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.PriorityResourceAttributes
The priority for scheduling.
- Priority - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
A parameter to store an integer number priority in an actor.
- Priority(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.Priority
Construct a priority parameter with the given name contained by the
specified entity.
- priority - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
The priority.
- priority - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
The priority of this scheduling relation.
- priority - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
Default TCP Packet priority parameter.
- priority() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Return the priority.
- priority - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
Priority of the background process.
- PriorityResourceAttributes - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
- PriorityResourceAttributes(NamedObj, Decorator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.PriorityResourceAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- PriorityResourceAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.PriorityResourceAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- priorMeanState - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
An array value used in initialization of state variables.
- priStdErr - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
The thread that captures the standard error stream.
- priStdOut - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
The thread that captures the standard output stream.
- privateDecrypt(Object, PrivateKey, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Decrypt the input with an asymmetric cipher private key and return the decrypted result.
- privateKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureSigner
The private key to be used by the SignatureVerifier actor
to verify the data on the output port.
- PrivateKeyReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a PrivateKey.
- PrivateKeyReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.PrivateKeyReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- privateSeed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
This private seed overrides the shared seed parameter to specify a
particular seed rather than using System.currentTimeMillis() or
hashCode() to compute the seed value.
- privateSeed - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
This private seed overrides the shared seed parameter to specify a
particular seed rather than using System.currentTimeMillis() or
hashCode() to compute the seed value.
- probability - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic.Node
The probability of the node.
- probability - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.SaltAndPepper
The probability that a pixel will be turned black or white.
- probability - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Parameter that is a function which evaluates to true
when the randomly generated token value is within the probability
range expressed by a transition.
- probabilityDistribution - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
The value that controls the type of the probability distribution
used for random number generation.
- proc(String, String, String, boolean, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml.MoMLLib
Traverse the directory tree recursively and generate .moml index files.
- ProceduralCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural
Base class for Procedural code generator.
- ProceduralCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the ProceduralCodeGenerator.
- ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural
A base class visitor for parse trees of the expression language.
- ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator(ProgramCodeGenerator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Create a ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator that is used by
the given code generator to generate code for expressions.
- ProceduralTemplateParser - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural
A class that allows to parse macros of templates in a code generator
- ProceduralTemplateParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralTemplateParser
Construct the ProceduralTemplateParser.
- process(Buffer, Buffer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Process a individual frame.
- PROCESS_BLOCKED - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
The process is in the blocked state.
- PROCESS_FINISHED - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
The process is in the finished state.
- PROCESS_NOISE - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Process Noise identifier.
- PROCESS_NOISE - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
- PROCESS_NOISE - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
- PROCESS_PAUSED - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
The process is in the paused state.
- PROCESS_RUNNING - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
The process is in the running state.
- processArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorApplication
Parse the command-line arguments, creating models as specified.
- processArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Parse the command-line arguments, creating models as specified.
- ProcessAttribute - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
ProcessAttribute is a subclass of Parameter with support for strings.
- ProcessAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessAttribute
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ProcessAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- ProcessAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- processCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Process the specified code, replacing macros with their values.
- processCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Process the specified code, replacing macros with their values.
- ProcessDirector - Class in ptolemy.actor.process
The base class for directors for the process oriented domains.
- ProcessDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ProcessDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- ProcessDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- ProcessDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
The ProcessDirector implements a sequencing model of computation
plus process names.
- ProcessDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ProcessDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- ProcessDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- processEvent(long) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSLoader
Native method that calls TOSSIM to process an event at the
current time.
- processFinished(PNProcessEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessListener
Called to report that the execution of a process finished.
- processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle a processing instruction.
- processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Processing instruction.
- processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Handle a processing instruction.
- processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlHandler
Process the instruction given in the data.
- processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle a processing instruction.
- processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Handle a processing instruction.
- processingTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Return the remaining time needed to finish processing this event.
- processLayerEvent(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Process a layer event that has occurred on this pane.
- processLayerEvent(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Process a layer event.
- processLayerEvent(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Process a layer event.
- processLayerEvent(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Process a layer event.
- processLayerMotionEvent(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Process a layer motion event.
- processMappableActorEventsUntil(ResultHandler<Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>>, metroIIcomm.Event.Builder) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Process the mappable actors.
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Process a mouse event.
- processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Process a mouse motion event.
- processNoise - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
The process noise.
- processNoise - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceModel
The process noise.
- processNoiseCovariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
a matrix value which determine process noise.
- ProcessReceiver - Interface in ptolemy.actor.process
A ProcessReceiver is an interface for receivers in the process oriented
- processStarted() - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Return true if the process started without throwing an exception.
- processStateChanged(PNProcessEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessListener
Called to report that a process has changed its state (i.e. started,
or blocked or unblocked, etc.).
- ProcessThread - Class in ptolemy.actor.process
Thread class acting as a process for process oriented domains.
- ProcessThread(Actor, ProcessDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessThread
Construct a thread to be used for the execution of the
iteration methods of the actor.
- product(SyntacticRank, SyntacticRank) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Multiply two ranks.
- product(SyntacticTerm, SyntacticTerm) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Multiply the ranks of two terms.
- product(SyntacticRank) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Multiply with a given rank.
- product(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return the product of the elements in the array.
- ProductLatticeConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A concept in a product lattice-based ontology.
- ProductLatticeConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeConcept
Create a new product lattice concept with the specified name and the
specified product lattice ontology.
- ProductLatticeConcept(ProductLatticeOntology, String, List<Concept>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeConcept
Create a new product lattice concept with the specified name and the
specified product lattice ontology.
- ProductLatticeCPO - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A complete partial order for product lattice-based ontologies.
- ProductLatticeCPO(ProductLatticeOntology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeCPO
Create a new ProductLatticeCPO from the given list of
- ProductLatticeDerivedConceptFunction - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A concept function that returns a derived concept from a given input
concept for a product lattice ontology to be used for constraints
generated from an ontology that is a component of the product lattice ontology.
- ProductLatticeDerivedConceptFunction(String, ProductLatticeOntology, Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeDerivedConceptFunction
Create a new ProductLatticeDerivedConceptFunction with the given name,
derived from the given original component ontology.
- ProductLatticeHighlighterController(ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions, GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui.ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions.ProductLatticeHighlighterController
Create a HighlighterController that is associated with a controller.
- ProductLatticeOntology - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A product lattice-based ontologies.
- ProductLatticeOntology(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntology
Create a new ProductLatticeOntology with the specified container and
the specified name.
- ProductLatticeOntology(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntology
Create a new ProductLatticeOntology with no container or name.
- ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A product lattice-based ontology adapter whose constraints are derived from
the component ontology solvers.
- ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter(ProductLatticeOntologySolver, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
Construct the product lattice ontology adapter associated with the given
component and product lattice ontology solver.
- ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter(ProductLatticeOntologySolver, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
Construct the product lattice ontology adapter for the given component and
product lattice ontology solver.
- ProductLatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A product lattice-based ontology adapter for Ptolemy expression language
AST nodes whose constraints are derived from the component ontology solvers.
- ProductLatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter(ProductLatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtRootNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Construct the product lattice ontology adapter associated
with the given AST node.
- ProductLatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter(ProductLatticeOntologySolver, ASTPtRootNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Construct the product lattice ontology adapter for the given
product lattice ontology solver and AST node.
- ProductLatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A product lattice-based ontology adapter for composite actors whose
constraints are derived from the component ontology solvers.
- ProductLatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter(ProductLatticeOntologySolver, CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter
Construct the product lattice ontology adapter associated
with the given composite actor.
- ProductLatticeOntologySolver - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A solver for product lattice-based ontologies.
- ProductLatticeOntologySolver(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologySolver
Constructor for the ProductLatticeOntologySolver.
- ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui
GUI element that provides context menus for a ProductLatticeOntologySolver.
- ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui.ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions
Construct a ProductLatticeOntologyDisplayActions object with the specified container
and name.
- ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions.ProductLatticeHighlighterController - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui
The controller that adds commands to the context menu.
- ProductLatticeWrapperConceptFunction - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
A wrapper concept function to create a new derived concept function
for a product lattice ontology from one of its component ontologies.
- ProductLatticeWrapperConceptFunction(String, ProductLatticeOntology, Ontology, ConceptFunction) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeWrapperConceptFunction
Create a new ProductLatticeWrapperConceptFunction with the given name,
derived from the given original ConceptFunction.
- productOfElements(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the product of all of the elements in the array.
- Profile - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
Meta information about
modularly generated code such as port information.
- Profile() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile
- Profile.Connection - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
A named connection between an actor and a junction.
- Profile.FiringFunction - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
The Firing Function.
- Profile.FiringFunctionPort - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
A firing function port.
- Profile.Junction - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
A profiled Junction.
- Profile.Port - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
The port information to interface with modular code.
- Profile.ProfileActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib
A class for actors in a graph information.
- ProfileActor(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.ProfileActor
Create a Profile Actor.
- programArguments - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Arguments of program that starts the simulation.
- programArguments - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Arguments of program that starts the simulation.
- ProgramCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program
Generate a compiled programming language version of a model.
- ProgramCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the ProgramCodeGenerator.
- ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program
An adapter that generates code for programs.
- ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given component.
- ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program
A class that defines a channel object.
- programName - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Name of program that starts the simulation.
- programName - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Name of program that starts the simulation.
- progressBar() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.StatusBar
Return the progress bar associated with this status bar.
- project(double, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.Homography33b
- project(InterfaceAutomaton) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Project this automaton into the specified one.
- prompt - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
The prompt.
- propagateExistence() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Propagate the existence of this object.
- propagateExistence() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
Propagate the existence of this object.
- propagateExistence() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Propagate the existence of this object.
- propagateHeader(IOPort, String[], int[], int, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Propagate the header through application relations
to update information.
- propagateInputDerivatives - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
If true (the default), then derivative information from the input will be
produced on the outputs, and an output will be produced whenever
an input is received.
- propagateIterations(IOPort, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Update actor iterations according to pattern and tiling information.
- propagateNameChanges - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
If true, then propagate channel name changes to any
- propagateNameChanges - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
If true, then propagate channel name changes to any
- propagateOwner(ASTNode, ASTNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Copy the owner annotation from a node to another.
- propagatesInputDerivatives() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
Return the value of the propagateInputDerivatives parameter.
- propagateType(ASTNode, ASTNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Copy the type annotation from a node to another.
- propagateValue() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
Propagate the value (if any) held by this
object to derived objects that have not been overridden.
- propagateValue() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Propagate the value (if any) held by this
object to derived objects that have not been overridden.
- propagateValues() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
If this object has a value that has been set directly,
or if it has a value that has propagated in, then
propagate that value to all derived objects, and
then repeat this for all objects this object contains.
- propagationSpeed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.DelayChannel
The propagation speed.
- PropChangeListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog.PropChangeListener
- properties() - Method in class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
Return a Iterator.
- properties - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ButtonBarComponentBuilder
- properties - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- properties - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JListComponentBuilder
- properties - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTableComponentBuilder
- properties - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JToolBarComponentBuilder
- properties - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTreeComponentBuilder
- properties - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.SeparatorComponentBuilder
- properties - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
A record of which each element represents a property to be included in
the header of the request.
- properties - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.SetProperties
Input port that receives the properties to be used for transmission
on the connected wireless output port.
- properties - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
The properties to be transformed.
- properties - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WiredToWireless
input port that receives the properties to be used for transmission
on the output port.
- properties - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.WirelessToWired
Output port that transmits the properties received on the input
- propertiesFileName() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return the name of the properties file.
- propertiesPanel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- property(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Get the specified property from the environment.
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class diva.util.PropertyChangeMulticaster
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler
Handle the change of a property in the preference.
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog.PropChangeListener
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Respond to dialog action.
- PropertyChangeMulticaster - Class in diva.util
A list of PropertyChangeListeners.
- PropertyChangeMulticaster() - Constructor for class diva.util.PropertyChangeMulticaster
Create an empty multicaster object.
- PropertyClassChanges - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
- PropertyClassChanges() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.PropertyClassChanges
- PropertyContainer - Interface in diva.util
An object that can be annotated with arbitrary
objects whose keys are strings.
- propertyFile - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
The property file.
- propertyNames() - Method in class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
Return an iteration of the names of the properties.
- propertyNames() - Method in interface diva.util.PropertyContainer
Get an iterator over the names of the properties.
- PropertyTransformer - Interface in ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel
Interface for transmit property transformers.
- PROPOSED_VALUE - Static variable in enum ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Status
- proposeMetroIIEvent(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
Creates a MetroII event with the name: thread.getName()+suffix Add the
MetroII event into the director's event list.
- proposeStateEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.FireMachine
Returns the MetroII event associated with the current state and set the
state of the event to be PROPOSED.
- proposeTime(Time) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Propose a time to advance to.
- proposeTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SynchronizeToRealTime
Propose a time to advance to.
- proposeTime(Time) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.TimeRegulator
Propose a time to advance to.
- proSta - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Flag that is set to true
if the process started without throwing an exception.
- provideContent(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.LinkToOpenTableaux
Provide content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page for the container of this object.
- provideContent(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
Return a title for the model.
- provideContent(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebContent
Provide content to the specified web exporter.
- provideContent(WebExporter) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportable
Provide content to the specified web exporter.
- provider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
Specify a provider for the given algorithm.
- provider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
Specify a provider for the given algorithm.
- provider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
Specify a provider for the given algorithm.
- provider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
Specify a provider for the given algorithm.
- providesDirectionalDerivative - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities
True if the fmiGetDirectionalDerivativMethod can be used to
compute the direction derivative.
- providesDirectionalDerivative - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
For FMI 2.0 and greater, the XML file may specify that the FMU supports
providing directional derivatives state.
- PROXY_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
The name of the proxy class created in each anonymous class.
- PROXY_SINK_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Attribute value indicating that the actor is a sink.
- PROXY_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Attribute value indicating that the actor is a source.
- ProxyActor - Class in ptserver.actor
An abstract parent actor that contains logic common to both sink
and source proxy actors.
- ProxyActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptserver.actor.ProxyActor
Create a new instance of the ProxyActor without doing any
actor replacement.
- ProxyActor(CompositeEntity, ComponentEntity, boolean, HashMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class ptserver.actor.ProxyActor
Parent constructor that replaces either targetEntity if
replaceTargetEntity is true or otherwise all entities connected
to it with a proxy instance (ProxySink or ProxySource).
- ProxyIncrLayout - Class in diva.graph.layout
A proxy layout which forwards all events to a given incremental
layout delegate.
- ProxyIncrLayout(IncrementalLayout) - Constructor for class diva.graph.layout.ProxyIncrLayout
Construct the proxy with the given target.
- ProxyIterator - Class in diva.util
An iterator that takes another iterator, and iterates
over it.
- ProxyIterator(Iterator) - Constructor for class diva.util.ProxyIterator
Construct an iterator that takes another iterator.
- ProxyModelAdapter - Class in ptserver.communication
Adapter for ProxyModelListener.
- ProxyModelAdapter() - Constructor for class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelAdapter
- ProxyModelBuilder - Class in ptserver.util
ProxyModelGenerator splices up CompositeActor to support distribution execution.
- ProxyModelBuilder(ProxyModelBuilder.ProxyModelType, CompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptserver.util.ProxyModelBuilder
Create a new instance of the builder for the provided model.
- ProxyModelBuilder.ProxyModelType - Enum in ptserver.util
An enumerations that specifies the proxy model type: client or server.
- ProxyModelInfrastructure - Class in ptserver.communication
ProxyModelInfrastructure set ups infrastructure for executing models
in a distributed mode between client and server.
- ProxyModelInfrastructure(ProxyModelBuilder.ProxyModelType, CompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Create a new instance of the proxy model infrastructure for the specified model type
from the plain model.
- ProxyModelInfrastructure(ProxyModelBuilder.ProxyModelType, CompositeActor, HashMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Create a new instance of the ProxyModelInfrastructure of the specified type from the model
that was previously converted to the one supporting distributed execution by replacing certain
named objects with proxy counterparts.
- ProxyModelInfrastructure.ProxyModelListener - Interface in ptserver.communication
The listener that notifies about events happening in the RemoteModel.
- ProxyModelResponse - Class in ptserver.communication
The server's response to the request to open a model.
- ProxyModelResponse() - Constructor for class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
- ProxySink - Class in ptserver.actor
A ProxySink acts as a proxy to some sink in the original model by publishing tokens it
receives as one CommunicationToken per fire to the queue of communication tokens.
- ProxySink(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptserver.actor.ProxySink
Create a new instance of the ProxySource without doing any actor replacement.
- ProxySink(CompositeEntity, ComponentEntity, boolean, HashMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class ptserver.actor.ProxySink
Replace the targetSink with the ProxySink instance.
- ProxySource - Class in ptserver.actor
ProxySource that acts as a proxy actor to a set of actors that were replaced.
- ProxySource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptserver.actor.ProxySource
Create a new instance of the ProxySource without doing any actor replacement.
- ProxySource(CompositeEntity, ComponentEntity, boolean, HashMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class ptserver.actor.ProxySource
Replace the targetSource with the ProxySource instance.
- ProxySourceData - Class in ptserver.communication
A helper data structure holding a reference to the proxy source and its queue.
- ProxySourceData(ProxySource) - Constructor for class ptserver.communication.ProxySourceData
Creates an instance of the data structure with the specified ProxySource and
a new token queue.
- ProxyValueListener - Class in ptserver.communication
A value listener that listens to changes made to a variable widget
and publishes the changes as an AttributeChangeToken.
- ProxyValueListener(TokenPublisher) - Constructor for class ptserver.communication.ProxyValueListener
Initialize the instance with the given token publisher
and enable its listener.
- pruneDependencies() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
- PSDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel
The Parameterized Synchronous Dataflow (PSDF) domain is an
extension of the Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) domain that allows for
more extensive reconfiguration of models.
- PSDFDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PSDFDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- PSDFDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given
- PSDFScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel
A scheduler that implements basic scheduling of PSDF graphs.
- PSDFScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler with no container(director)
in the default workspace, the name of the scheduler is
- PSDFScheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given workspace with the name
- PSDFScheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- PSNR - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
This actor consumes an IntMatrixToken from each input port, and calculates the
Power Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) between them.
- PSNR(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.PSNR
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- PtalonActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
An aggregation of typed actors, specified by a Ptalon program.
- PtalonActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Construct a PtalonActor with a name and a container.
- PtalonAST - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
This is just like CommonAST, except it allows XML serialization to be
parameterized by a depth.
- PtalonAST() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonAST
Call the default constructor.
- PtalonAST(Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonAST
Call the default constructor.
- ptalonCodeLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher
The location of the Ptalon code.
- ptalonCodeLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
The location of the Ptalon code.
- PtalonEvaluator - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
A code manager that manages the extra complexity of dealing with
parsing Ptalon actors or values and setting them to parameters of
PtalonActors (ones declared in a Ptalon file).
- PtalonEvaluator(PtalonActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Create a new PtalonEvaluator.
- PtalonExpressionParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
A PtalonParameter where string mode is set to false.
- PtalonExpressionParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonExpressionParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- PtalonExpressionScope() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.PtalonExpressionScope
- PtalonLexer - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
PtalonLexer.java generated from populator.g by ANTLR.
- PtalonLexer(InputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- PtalonLexer(Reader) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- PtalonLexer(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- PtalonLexer(LexerSharedInputState) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- PtalonMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt
A graph transformation matcher for Ptalon.
- PtalonMatcher(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher
Construct a PtalonMatcher with a name and a container.
- PtalonMatcher.NestedPtalonActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt
A nested ptalon actor.
- PtalonMLHandler - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
XML handler to be used for "configure" code when parsing a MoML model
that contains a PtalonActor.
- PtalonMLHandler(PtalonActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonMLHandler
Create a PtalonMLHandler, which will be used to recover the
AST and code manager specified in the PtalonML.
- PtalonParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
A Parameter created in a Ptalon file.
- PtalonParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the
specified entity.
- PtalonPopulator - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
PtalonPopulator.java generated from populator.g by ANTLR.
- PtalonPopulator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes - Interface in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
- PtalonRecognizer - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
PtalonRecognizer.java generated from populator.g by ANTLR.
- PtalonRecognizer(TokenBuffer, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- PtalonRecognizer(TokenBuffer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- PtalonRecognizer(TokenStream, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- PtalonRecognizer(TokenStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- PtalonRecognizer(ParserSharedInputState) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- PtalonRuntimeException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
An Exception that occurs while trying to populate the PtalonActor
in the Ptalon interpreter.
- PtalonRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRuntimeException
Create a PtalonRuntimeException.
- PtalonRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRuntimeException
Create a PtalonRuntimeException.
- PtalonScopeChecker - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
PtalonScopeChecker.java generated from populator.g by ANTLR.
- PtalonScopeChecker() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes - Interface in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
- PtalonScopeException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
An Exception related to the scope of variables in the Ptalon interpreter.
- PtalonScopeException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeException
Generate a Ptalon ScopeException.
- PtalonScopeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeException
Generate a Ptalon ScopeException.
- PtalonTokenTypes - Interface in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
- PtArrayList - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.util
A List representation of an ArrayToken.
- PtArrayList(ArrayToken) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtArrayList
Construct a PtArrayList from an ArrayToken.
- PtCalFunction - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.util
This class is an adapter for Function
objects that provides the Ptolemy II
ptolemy.data.Function interface.
- PtCalFunction(Function) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtCalFunction
Construct a PtCalFunction.
- ptdb.common.dto - package ptdb.common.dto
The common/dto package.
- ptdb.common.exception - package ptdb.common.exception
The common/exception package.
- ptdb.common.util - package ptdb.common.util
The common/util package.
- ptdb.gui - package ptdb.gui
The gui package.
- ptdb.kernel.bl.load - package ptdb.kernel.bl.load
The kernel/bl/load package.
- ptdb.kernel.bl.migration - package ptdb.kernel.bl.migration
The ptdb/kernel/bl/migration package.
- ptdb.kernel.bl.save - package ptdb.kernel.bl.save
The ptdb/kernel/bl/save package.
- ptdb.kernel.bl.search - package ptdb.kernel.bl.search
The kernel/bl/search package.
- ptdb.kernel.bl.setup - package ptdb.kernel.bl.setup
The ptdb/kernel/bl/setup package.
- ptdb.kernel.database - package ptdb.kernel.database
The kernel/database package.
- PTDBBasicFrame - Interface in ptdb.gui
The basic functions for the PTDB frames to be implemented to support the
common functions.
- PTDBContainedFramesManager - Class in ptdb.gui
The manager to manage the contained frames inside the PTDB window frames.
- PTDBContainedFramesManager() - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.PTDBContainedFramesManager
- PTDBGenericAttribute - Class in ptdb.common.dto
The DTO for transferring the generic attribute information.
- PTDBGenericAttribute(String) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Construct the PTDBGenericAttribute class.
- PTDBSearchAttribute - Class in ptdb.common.dto
The attribute to wrap the attributes information to be searched in the
- PTDBSearchAttribute() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBSearchAttribute
Default constructor of PTDBSearchAttribute.
- PTDBSearchComponentEntity - Class in ptdb.common.dto
The component entity to wrap the component information to be searched in the
- PTDBSearchComponentEntity() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBSearchComponentEntity
Default constructor.
- PtDoclet - Class in doc.doclets
Generate PtDoc output.
- PtDoclet() - Constructor for class doc.doclets.PtDoclet
- PteraController - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
This controller is used in every Ptera modal model.
- PteraController(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Construct an Ptera controller with a name and a container.
- PteraController(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Construct an Ptera controller in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- PteraDebugEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
A debug event for Ptera models.
- PteraDebugEvent(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDebugEvent
Construct a debug event with the source and a message.
- PteraDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
A Ptera director implements the Event Relationship Graph semantics, and can be
used by Ptera controllers (instances of
) in Ptera modal
models (instances of
- PteraDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- PteraDirector.TimedEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
The class to encapsulate information to be stored in an entry in the event
- PteraErrorEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
A debug event for reporting errors in the execution of Ptera models.
- PteraErrorEvent(Event, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraErrorEvent
Construct a debug event with the source and a message.
- PteraGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
A controller for a Ptera model.
- PteraGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphController
Create a PteraGraphController.
- PteraGraphController.NewEventAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
An action to create a new event.
- PteraGraphFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
A graph view for Ptolemy Event Relation Actor (PTERA) domain models.
- PteraGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptera model.
- PteraGraphFrame(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptera model.
- PteraGraphTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
An editor for Ptolemy Event Relation Actor (PTERA) domain models.
- PteraGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphTableau
Create a new Ptera editor tableau with the specified container
and name, with no default library.
- PteraGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphTableau
Create a new Ptera editor tableau with the specified container,
name, and default library.
- PteraGraphTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- PteraModalModel - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
This is a typed composite actor to be a Ptera modal model.
- PteraModalModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraModalModel
Construct a Ptera modal model with a name and a container.
- PteraModalModel(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraModalModel
Construct a Ptera modal model in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- PtExecuteApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This application executes Ptolemy II models specified on the
command line.
- PtExecuteApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, creating models
and running them.
- PtFileChooser - Class in ptolemy.gui
A JFileChooser or FileDialog.
- PtFileChooser(Frame, String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser
Construct a PtFileChooser.
- PtFilenameFilter - Class in ptolemy.gui
A file filter that determines what files are displayed by the
file dialog.
- PtFilenameFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.PtFilenameFilter
- PtGUIUtilities - Class in ptolemy.gui
GUI Utilities.
- PthalesAddHeaderActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
Add and/or propagate information through relations to another
actor that can understand and apply modifications.
- PthalesAddHeaderActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAddHeaderActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PthalesAddHeaderActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAddHeaderActor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- PthalesAddHeaderActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAddHeaderActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- PthalesAtomicActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
An atomic actor with Pthales model of computation semantics.
- PthalesAtomicActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PthalesAtomicActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- PthalesAtomicActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- PthalesCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
A composite actor imposes the use of PthalesIOPort
as they contain needed values used by PThalesDirector.
- PthalesCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesCompositeActor in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- PthalesCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesCompositeActor with a name and a container.
- PthalesCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesCompositeActor in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- PthalesDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel
A director for multidimensional dataflow.
- PthalesDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Constructs a PthalesDirector object, using PthalesScheduler.
- PthalesDynamicCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
A composite actor imposes the use of dynamic PthalesReceivers
strips header information and computes the its iteration automatically.
- PthalesDynamicCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesDynamicCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesDynamicCompositeActor in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- PthalesDynamicCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesDynamicCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesDynamicCompositeActor with a name and a container.
- PthalesDynamicCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesDynamicCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesDynamicCompositeActor in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- PthalesGenericActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
An element of ArrayOL in Ptolemy.
- PthalesGenericActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesGenericActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PthalesGenericActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesGenericActor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- PthalesGenericActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesGenericActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- PthalesIOPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
A PthalesIOPort is an element of ArrayOL in Ptolemy.
- PthalesIOPort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
- PthalesReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel
A receiver for the Pthales model of computation.
- PthalesReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- PthalesRemoveHeaderActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
Remove header information from another actor and act as a flag to
propagate information from PthalesAddHeaderActor in the
preinitialize phase.
- PthalesRemoveHeaderActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesRemoveHeaderActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PthalesRemoveHeaderActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesRemoveHeaderActor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- PthalesRemoveHeaderActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesRemoveHeaderActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- PthalesScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel
The scheduler for the Pthales model of computation.
- PthalesScheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- PthalesWrapperCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
A composite actor that wraps Pthales domain to interface to external domains like PN.
- PthalesWrapperCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesWrapperCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesWrapperCompositeActor in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- PthalesWrapperCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesWrapperCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesWrapperCompositeActor in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- PthalesWrapperCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesWrapperCompositeActor
Construct a PthalesWrapperCompositeActor with a name and a container.
- PtidesBasicReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The adapter for ptides basic receiver.
- PtidesBasicReceiver(PtidesReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesBasicReceiver
Construct a ptides basic receiver.
- PtidesBasicReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
- PtidesBasicReceiver(PtidesReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesBasicReceiver
Construct a ptides basic receiver.
- PtidesBasicReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The adapter for ptides basic receiver.
- PtidesBasicReceiver(PtidesReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesBasicReceiver
Construct a ptides basic receiver.
- PtidesDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesDirector class.
- PtidesDirector(PtidesDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- PtidesDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
This director implements the Ptides programming model,
which is used for the design of distributed real-time systems.
- PtidesDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- PtidesEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
This class defines the structure of events in the Ptides domain.
- PtidesEvent(Actor, IOPort, Time, int, int, Time, Time) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Construct a pure event with the specified destination actor,
timestamp, microstep, depth, and absoluteDeadline.
- PtidesEvent(IOPort, int, Time, int, int, Token, Receiver, Time) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Construct a trigger event with the specified destination IO port,
timestamp, microstep, and depth.
- PtidesEvent(IOPort, int, Time, int, int, Token, Receiver, Time, Time) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Construct a trigger event with the specified destination IO port,
timestamp, microstep, and depth.
- PtidesListEventQueue - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Event queue that is a linked list.
- PtidesListEventQueue() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Construct an empty event queue.
- PtidesMirrorPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort
Constructs a port in the specified workspace with an empty string as a
- PtidesMirrorPort(TypedCompositeActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort
Creates a new instance of a port for PtidesPlatform.
- PtidesMirrorPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- PtidesMirrorPort(TypedCompositeActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort
Create a new instance of a port for PtidesPlatform.
- PtidesNetworkModelTimeType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkModelTimeType
Create a new default PtidesNetworkType.
- PtidesNetworkRealTimeType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkRealTimeType
Create a new default PtidesNetworkType.
- PtidesNetworkType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkType
Create a new default PtidesNetworkType.
- PtidesPlatform - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
This composite implements a Ptides platform,
which is used for the design of distributed real-time systems.
- PtidesPlatform(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- PtidesPlatform(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform
Construct an PtidesPlatform in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- PtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
This is a specialized port for PtidesPlatform.
- PtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkModelTimeType - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The Ptides type that is sent over the network.
- PtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkRealTimeType - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The Ptides type that is sent over the network.
- PtidesPlatform.PtidesPlatformContents - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
This is a specialized composite actor for use in PtidesPlatform.
- PtidesPlatformContents(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesPlatformContents
Constructs an actor with a name and a container.
- PtidesPlatformContents(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesPlatformContents
Construct an actor with a name and a container.
- PtidesPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
A specialized port for Ptides platform I/O implementing
functionality for sensors, actuators and network receiver and
transmitter ports.
- PtidesPort(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Create a new PtidesPort with a given container and a name.
- PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector class.
- PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector(PtidesDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector class.
- PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector(PtidesDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector class.
- PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector(PtidesDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector class.
- PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector(PtidesDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- PtidesReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Receivers in the Ptides domain use a timed queue to sort events in
the receivers.
- PtidesReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver
Construct an empty queue with no container.
- PtidesReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver
Construct an empty queue with the specified IOPort container.
- PtidesReceiver.Event - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
An Event is an aggregation consisting of a Token, a time stamp and
destination Receiver.
- PtidesReceiver.TagComparator - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Compare two events according to - time stamp - value did not find a way
to compare Tokens, therefore am comparing DoubleTokens and IntTokens
- PtidesTopLevelDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the PTIDESDirector class.
- PtidesTopLevelDirector(PtidesDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesTopLevelDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- PtidesTopLevelDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesTopLevelDirector class.
- PtidesTopLevelDirector(PtidesDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesTopLevelDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- PtidyOSCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos
Base class for PtidyOS code generator.
- PtidyOSCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos.PtidyOSCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the PtidyOS code generator.
- PTII - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
PTII path.
- PTII_PREFERENCE_ID - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PreferenceConstants
ID of the backtracking preferences.
- PtIndexer - Class in doc.doclets
Create a searchable index.
- PtIndexer() - Constructor for class doc.doclets.PtIndexer
- PtinyApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start.
- PtinyApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.PtinyApplication
- PtinyKeplerApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
Run the Ptiny version of Vergil inside a security sandbox.
- PtinyKeplerApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.PtinyKeplerApplication
- PtinyOSCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel
A base class for a PtinyOS composite actor with typed packet ports.
- PtinyOSCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PtinyOSCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- PtinyOSCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the specified container with the
specified name and in the super class, instantiate a
PtinyOSDirector that is contained by this CompositeActor.
- PtinyOSDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel
A director for generating, compiling, and simulating nesC code from
TinyOS components.
- PtinyOSDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- PtinyOSDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- PtinyOSDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Construct a director with the specified container and name.
- PtinyOSLoader - Interface in ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel
Interface for the Ptolemy/TinyOS Loader.
- PtinyOSNodeParameter - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel
A parameter for coordinated numbering in the PtinyOS domain.
- PtinyOSNodeParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSNodeParameter
Construct a parameter with the given container and name.
- PtinyOSNodeParameter(NamedObj, String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSNodeParameter
Construct a parameter with the given container and name.
- PtinyOSNodeParameter(NamedObj, String, Class) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSNodeParameter
Construct a parameter with the given container, name, and
container class, using the default value.
- PtinyOSNodeParameter(NamedObj, String, Class, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSNodeParameter
Construct a parameter with the given container, name, and
container class, using the default value.
- PtinySandboxApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
Run the Ptiny version of Vergil inside a security sandbox.
- PtinySandboxApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.PtinySandboxApplication
- ptolemy.actor - package ptolemy.actor
Executable entities.
- ptolemy.actor.continuous - package ptolemy.actor.continuous
The ptolemy.actor.continuous package.
- ptolemy.actor.corba - package ptolemy.actor.corba
- ptolemy.actor.corba.util - package ptolemy.actor.corba.util
The ptolemy.actor.corba.util package.
- ptolemy.actor.gt - package ptolemy.actor.gt
Classes for the graph transformation actor.
- ptolemy.actor.gt.controller - package ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
The ptolemy.actor.gt.controller package.
- ptolemy.actor.gt.data - package ptolemy.actor.gt.data
The ptolemy.actor.gt.data package.
- ptolemy.actor.gt.gui - package ptolemy.actor.gt.gui
The ptolemy.actor.gt.gui package.
- ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria - package ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
Predefined graph transformation ingredients for the entities in the pattern.
- ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations - package ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations
Predefined graph transformation ingredients for the entities in the replacement.
- ptolemy.actor.gt.util - package ptolemy.actor.gt.util
The ptolemy.actor.gt.util package.
- ptolemy.actor.gui - package ptolemy.actor.gui
Ptolemy GUI components for actors and configurations.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.exec - package ptolemy.actor.gui.exec
The ptolemy.actor.gui.exec package.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp - package ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
The ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp package.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.properties - package ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
The ptolemy.actor.gui.properties package, used to augment the toolbar
with user defined buttons.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl - package ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl
The ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl package.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.python - package ptolemy.actor.gui.python
The ptolemy.actor.gui.python package.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.run - package ptolemy.actor.gui.run
The ptolemy.actor.gui.run package.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.style - package ptolemy.actor.gui.style
GUI Styles.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax - package ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax
A syntax-directed editor.
- ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit - package ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit
The ptolemy/actor/gui/test/junit package.
- ptolemy.actor.injection - package ptolemy.actor.injection
Dependency injection to support implementation mappings for different
platforms such as Android and Java SE.
- ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.actor.lib
Polymorphic actor classes.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect - package ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect
The ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect package that supports aspect-oriented programming in Ptolemy II.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.colt - package ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
Classes that use the Colt package to generate random numbers.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.comm - package ptolemy.actor.lib.comm
Communications actors.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions - package ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Actors that convert between different types.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json - package ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json
The ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.database - package ptolemy.actor.lib.database
Database actors.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.excel - package ptolemy.actor.lib.excel
Actors that interface to Microsoft Excel.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi - package ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) actors.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5 - package ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5
Actors for integration of Ptolemy II with gem5 architectural simulator.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.gui - package ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The ptolemy.actor.lib.gui package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc - package ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Higher Order Component Classes.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.image - package ptolemy.actor.lib.image
Actors that manipulate images.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.io - package ptolemy.actor.lib.io
The ptolemy.actor.lib.io package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm - package ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm
Serial port actors.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jai - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jai
- ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound - package ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
Audio actors.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
Actors that use the Nashorn JavaScript engine.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
Actors that use the Nashorn JavaScript engine.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio
Support for the audio JavaScript module.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras
The ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/cameras package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest
Test bed for the ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.dataConverter - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.dataConverter
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.dataConverter package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.discovery - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.discovery
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.discovery package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpServer - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpServer
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpServer package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.imageDisplay - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.imageDisplay
The ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/imageDisplay package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor
The ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/IMUSensor package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth
The ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/iotAuth package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.localStorage - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.localStorage
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.localStorage package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.shell - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.shell
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.shell package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.speechRecognition - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.speechRecognition
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.speechRecognition package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.textDisplay - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.textDisplay
The ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/textDisplay package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.userInterface - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.userInterface
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.browser package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.xbee - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.xbee
An interface to the XBee radio hardware that is connected via a serial port.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf
- ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio - package ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio
The ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.joystick - package ptolemy.actor.lib.joystick
Joystick actors.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.logic - package ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
The ptolemy.actor.lib.logic package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.mail - package ptolemy.actor.lib.mail
Send email using the JavaMail interface.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed - package ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
The ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.net - package ptolemy.actor.lib.net
Actors that read from the network and write to the network.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.python - package ptolemy.actor.lib.python
The ptolemy.actor.lib.python package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.r - package ptolemy.actor.lib.r
The ptolemy.actor.lib.r package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.security - package ptolemy.actor.lib.security
The ptolemy.actor.lib.security package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.string - package ptolemy.actor.lib.string
The ptolemy.actor.lib.string package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl - package ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) actors.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.video - package ptolemy.actor.lib.video
The ptolemy.actor.lib.video package.
- ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt - package ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt
The ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt package.
- ptolemy.actor.parameters - package ptolemy.actor.parameters
The ptolemy.actor.parameters package.
- ptolemy.actor.process - package ptolemy.actor.process
Process oriented actor classes.
- ptolemy.actor.ptalon - package ptolemy.actor.ptalon
The Ptalon actor.
- ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt - package ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt
The ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt package.
- ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib - package ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
The Ptalon actor.
- ptolemy.actor.sched - package ptolemy.actor.sched
Schedule related classes.
- ptolemy.actor.util - package ptolemy.actor.util
Actor utilities.
- ptolemy.backtrack - package ptolemy.backtrack
Backtracking mechanism for Ptolemy models.
- ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Automatically generated backtracking versions of Ptolemy actors.
- ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib - package ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
Automatically generated backtracking versions of Ptolemy SDF actors.
- ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast - package ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
Java source transformer for backtracking.
- ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform - package ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Transformation rules for backtracking.
- ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin - package ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin
An Eclipse plugin for backtracking source transformation.
- ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions - package ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions
Actions for the Eclipse plugin.
- ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor - package ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Java source editor with Ptolemy semantic highlighting.
- ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences - package ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences
Preferences of the Eclipse plugin.
- ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util - package ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util
Utilities for the backtracking plugin.
- ptolemy.backtrack.manual.ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.backtrack.manual.ptolemy.actor.lib
Manually written actors for backtracking.
- ptolemy.backtrack.ui - package ptolemy.backtrack.ui
Ptolemy user interface for backtracking.
- ptolemy.backtrack.util - package ptolemy.backtrack.util
Utilities for Java source analysis and transformation.
- ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser - package ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser
Classes for any XML parser that constructs the library description for the
automatically generated backtracking actors.
- ptolemy.caltrop - package ptolemy.caltrop
The ptolemy.caltrop package.
- ptolemy.caltrop.actors - package ptolemy.caltrop.actors
The ptolemy.caltrop.actors package.
- ptolemy.caltrop.ddi - package ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
The ptolemy.caltrop.ddi package.
- ptolemy.caltrop.util - package ptolemy.caltrop.util
The ptolemy.caltrop.util package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
The ptolemy/cg/adapter/generic/accessor/adapters/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
The ptolemy/cg/adapter/generic/program/procedural/adapters/ptolemy/actor/lib/hoc/ package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.kernel
The ptolemy/cg/adapter/generic/program/procedural/adapters/ptolemy/domains/modal/modal/kernel/ package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The ptolemy.codegen.c.domains.ptides.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.arduino.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.arduino.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.arduino.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.org.terraswarm.accessor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.duktape.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The ptolemy/cg/adapter/generic/program/procedural/c/luminary/adapters/ptolemy/domains/sdf/kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The ptolemy/cg/adapter/generic/program/procedural/c/renesas/adapters/ptolemy/domains/ptides/kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The ptolemy/cg/adapter/generic/program/procedural/c/xmos/adapters/ptolemy/domains/ptides/kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel - package ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel package.
- ptolemy.cg.gui - package ptolemy.cg.gui
GUI for the code generation facility.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor
Generate code for IoT Accessors.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.html package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima
Generate code for the Functional Mockup Unit Master Algorithm (FMIMA).
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.type - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.type
Java code generation type system.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic package.
- ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.test.actor - package ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.test.actor
The ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.test.actor package.
- ptolemy.cg.lib - package ptolemy.cg.lib
The ptolemy.cg.lib package.
- ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic - package ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
The ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic package.
- ptolemy.copernicus.applet - package ptolemy.copernicus.applet
The ptolemy.copernicus.applet package.
- ptolemy.copernicus.gui - package ptolemy.copernicus.gui
The ptolemy.copernicus.gui package.
- ptolemy.copernicus.kernel - package ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
The ptolemy.copernicus.kernel package.
- ptolemy.copernicus.shallow - package ptolemy.copernicus.shallow
The ptolemy.copernicus.shallow package.
- ptolemy.data - package ptolemy.data
Packages for manipulating data that passes between actors.
- ptolemy.data.expr - package ptolemy.data.expr
The Ptolemy II Expression Language.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies - package ptolemy.data.ontologies
The ptolemy.data.ontologies package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.abstractInterpretation.data.expr - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.abstractInterpretation.data.expr
The ptolemy/data/ontologies/lattice/adapters/abstractInterpretation/data/expr package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbsIntObservable.data.expr - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbsIntObservable.data.expr
The ptolemy/data/ontologies/lattice/adapters/constAbsIntObservable/data/expr package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbstractInterpretation.data.expr - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constAbstractInterpretation.data.expr
The ptolemy/data/ontologies/lattice/adapters/constAbstractInterpretation/data/expr package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation
The ptolemy/data/ontologies/lattice/adapters/constPropagation package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation.data.expr - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation.data.expr
The ptolemy/data/ontologies/lattice/adapters/constPropagation/data/expr package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt
The ptolemy/data/ontologies/lattice/adapters/constPropagationAbsInt package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.data.expr - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.data.expr
The ptolemy/data/ontologies/lattice/adapters/constPropagationAbsInt/data/expr package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.gui - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.gui
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.gui package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.data.expr package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.domains.ontologies.lib - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.domains.ontologies.lib
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.domains.ontologies.lib package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.actor.lib - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.actor.lib
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr package.
- ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit - package ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
The ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit package.
- ptolemy.data.type - package ptolemy.data.type
The type system.
- ptolemy.data.unit - package ptolemy.data.unit
The unit system.
- ptolemy.distributed.actor - package ptolemy.distributed.actor
The ptolemy.distributed.actor package.
- ptolemy.distributed.actor.lib - package ptolemy.distributed.actor.lib
The ptolemy.distributed.actor.lib package.
- ptolemy.distributed.client - package ptolemy.distributed.client
The ptolemy.distributed.client package.
- ptolemy.distributed.common - package ptolemy.distributed.common
The ptolemy.distributed.common package.
- ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel - package ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel
The ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel package.
- ptolemy.distributed.rmi - package ptolemy.distributed.rmi
The ptolemy.distributed.rmi package.
- ptolemy.distributed.util - package ptolemy.distributed.util
The ptolemy.distributed.util package.
- ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1 - package ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1
The ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1 package.
- ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2 - package ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2
The ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2 package.
- ptolemy.domains.atc.lib - package ptolemy.domains.atc.lib
The ptolemy.domains.atc.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel
The ptolemy/domains/ca/kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.ca.lib - package ptolemy.domains.ca.lib
The ptolemy/domains/ca/lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui - package ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui
The ptolemy/domains/ca/lib/gui package.
- ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel
Component Interaction (CI) domain kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.ci.lib - package ptolemy.domains.ci.lib
Component Interaction (CI) domain actors.
- ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel
The Continuous domain kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver - package ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver
The Continuous domain solvers.
- ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib - package ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib
The ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib - package ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib
The ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel
Communicating Sequential Processes kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.csp.lib - package ptolemy.domains.csp.lib
Communicating Sequential Processes actors.
- ptolemy.domains.curriculum - package ptolemy.domains.curriculum
A demonstration of some how dataflow can be used to show dependencies.
- ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
Distributed Discrete Event kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.dde.lib - package ptolemy.domains.dde.lib
Distributed Discrete Event actors.
- ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel
Discrete Data Flow (DDF) Kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib - package ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib
Discrete Data Flow (DDF) actors.
- ptolemy.domains.de.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.de.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.de.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.de.lib - package ptolemy.domains.de.lib
The ptolemy.domains.de.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect - package ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect
The ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect package.
- ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc - package ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc
The ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc package.
- ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
The Java 3D Graphics domain kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.gr.lib - package ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
The Java 3D Graphics domain actors.
- ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel
The heterochronous dataflow model of computation.
- ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui - package ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui
The ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui package.
- ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf - package ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf
The Metro II Ptolemy domain code that uses Google ProtoBuf.
- ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv - package ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.fmv
Formal Method Verification automata that provide
a specialized environment to invoke the NuSMV model checker.
- ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia - package ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia
Support for Interface Automatons.
- ptolemy.domains.modal.modal - package ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
The ptolemy.domains.modal.modal package.
- ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib - package ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib
The ptolemy/domains/ontologies/lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel
Petri net domain kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib - package ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib
The ptolemy/domains/petrinet/lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.gui - package ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.gui
The ptolemy/domains/petrinet/lib/gui package.
- ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel
The Kahn-MacQueen process network domain.
- ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event - package ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event
The ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event package.
- ptolemy.domains.pn.lib - package ptolemy.domains.pn.lib
Actors for the Kahn-MacQueen process network domain.
- ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel
The Parameterized Synchronous Dataflow (PSDF) domain kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib - package ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
The ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI - package ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI
The ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI package.
- ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel
A director for multidimensional dataflow.
- ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib - package ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib
The ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
The PTIDES (Programming Temporally Integrated
Distributed Embedded Systems) kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib - package ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
The PTIDES (Programming Temporally Integrated
Distributed Embedded Systems) library.
- ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary - package ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
The ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.targets.luminary package.
- ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm - package ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm
The ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm package.
- ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.gui - package ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.gui
Graphical user interface classes for the PtinyOS domain.
- ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib - package ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib
The ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml - package ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.nc2moml
Convert TinyOS .nc files to Ptolemy .moml files.
- ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml - package ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml
Convert TinyOS .nc files to Ptolemy .moml files.
- ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.qss.lib - package ptolemy.domains.qss.lib
Quantized State System (QSS) actors.
- ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel
Rendezvous kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib - package ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib
Communicating Sequential Processes actors.
- ptolemy.domains.scr - package ptolemy.domains.scr
The ptolemy.domains.scr package.
- ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib - package ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
The ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq - package ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq
The ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq package.
- ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize - package ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize
The ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize package.
- ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib - package ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib
The ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui - package ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui
The ptolemy/domains/sequence/gui package.
- ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib - package ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib
The ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.space - package ptolemy.domains.space
A demonstration of some how a database can be used in a workflow.
- ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel
Synchronous/Reactive kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.sr.lib - package ptolemy.domains.sr.lib
Synchronous/Reactive actors.
- ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui - package ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui
Graphical User Interface Synchronous/Reactive actors.
- ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel
The ptolemy/domains/taskpt/kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib - package ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib
The ptolemy/domains/taskpt/lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.gui - package ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.gui
The ptolemy/domains/taskpt/lib/gui package.
- ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib - package ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
The ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
The Timing Description Language (TDL) domain.
- ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.tester.lib - package ptolemy.domains.tester.lib
The ptolemy.domains.tester.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
Priority-driven multitasking kernel.
- ptolemy.domains.tm.lib - package ptolemy.domains.tm.lib
Priority-driven multitasking actors.
- ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel - package ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel
The ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel package.
- ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib - package ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
The ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib package.
- ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth - package ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth
Actors that implement the user perspective of Bluetooth.
- ptolemy.graph - package ptolemy.graph
Algorithms for manipulation and analyzing mathematical graphs.
- ptolemy.graph.analysis - package ptolemy.graph.analysis
Graph analysis classes.
- ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer - package ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
The ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer package.
- ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy - package ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
The ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy package.
- ptolemy.graph.mapping - package ptolemy.graph.mapping
The ptolemy.graph.mapping package.
- ptolemy.graph.sched - package ptolemy.graph.sched
The ptolemy.graph.sched package.
- ptolemy.gui - package ptolemy.gui
Graphical User Interface classes.
- ptolemy.homer - package ptolemy.homer
The UI designer application used to create the layout of graphical
model elements for use on the Android.
- ptolemy.homer.events - package ptolemy.homer.events
The ptolemy/homer/events package.
- ptolemy.homer.gui - package ptolemy.homer.gui
The ptolemy/homer/gui package.
- ptolemy.homer.kernel - package ptolemy.homer.kernel
The ptolemy/homer/kernel/ package.
- ptolemy.homer.widgets - package ptolemy.homer.widgets
The ptolemy/homer/widgets package.
- ptolemy.kernel - package ptolemy.kernel
Kernel classes that provide Entity, Port and Relations.
- ptolemy.kernel.attributes - package ptolemy.kernel.attributes
Kernel attributes.
- ptolemy.kernel.undo - package ptolemy.kernel.undo
Undo/Redo management.
- ptolemy.kernel.util - package ptolemy.kernel.util
Kernel utility classes.
- ptolemy.math - package ptolemy.math
Math classes.
- ptolemy.media - package ptolemy.media
Sound and Image classes.
- ptolemy.media.javasound - package ptolemy.media.javasound
The ptolemy.media.javasound package.
- ptolemy.media.viewer - package ptolemy.media.viewer
The ptolemy/media/viewer package.
- ptolemy.moml - package ptolemy.moml
Modeling Markup Language classes.
- ptolemy.moml.filter - package ptolemy.moml.filter
MoML backward compatibility filters.
- ptolemy.moml.unit - package ptolemy.moml.unit
Unit System Modeling Markup Language classes.
- ptolemy.plot - package ptolemy.plot
The ptolemy.plot package.
- ptolemy.plot.compat - package ptolemy.plot.compat
Backward compatibility with xgraph and pxgraph.
- ptolemy.plot.plotml - package ptolemy.plot.plotml
The ptolemy.plot.plotml package.
- ptolemy.util - package ptolemy.util
The ptolemy.util package.
- ptolemy.util.test.junit - package ptolemy.util.test.junit
The util/testsuite/junit/ package.
- ptolemy.vergil - package ptolemy.vergil
The Ptolemy II GUI.
- ptolemy.vergil.actor - package ptolemy.vergil.actor
Actor specific GUI packages.
- ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib - package ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib
Vergil specific actors.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic - package ptolemy.vergil.basic
Basic GUI classes.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.export - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.export
The ptolemy/vergil/basic/export package.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html
The ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html package.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.jsoup - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.jsoup
The ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html package.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.itextpdf - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.itextpdf
The ptolemy/vergil/basic/export/itextpdf package.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
The ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web package.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor
The ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor package.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu
An Action to Import a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU).
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl
Import an FSMActor using LTL synthesis (G4LTL).
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout
Classes used to place entities and relations and to route connections in Vergil.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler
Classes used to layout entities and relations in Vergil that use the
KIELER layout algorithm.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit
The ptolemy/vergil/basic/layout/kieler/test/junit package.
- ptolemy.vergil.basic.test.junit - package ptolemy.vergil.basic.test.junit
The ptolemy/vergil/basic/test/junit package.
- ptolemy.vergil.debugger - package ptolemy.vergil.debugger
Ptolemy II Debugger Interface.
- ptolemy.vergil.gt - package ptolemy.vergil.gt
Graph transformation rule editor.
- ptolemy.vergil.icon - package ptolemy.vergil.icon
Vergil icons.
- ptolemy.vergil.kernel - package ptolemy.vergil.kernel
Vergil kernel classes.
- ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes - package ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
Vergil shape and text graphical attributes.
- ptolemy.vergil.modal - package ptolemy.vergil.modal
Finite State Machine Editor.
- ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv - package ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv
Vergil Formal Method Verification automata that provide
a specialized environment to invoke the NuSMV model checker.
- ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia - package ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia
Vergil Finite State Machine Interface Automata classes.
- ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal - package ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal
The ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal package.
- ptolemy.vergil.ontologies - package ptolemy.vergil.ontologies
The ptolemy/vergil/ontologies package.
- ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer - package ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer
The ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer package.
- ptolemy.vergil.ptera - package ptolemy.vergil.ptera
The ptolemy.vergil.ptera package.
- ptolemy.vergil.scr - package ptolemy.vergil.scr
The ptolemy.vergil.scr package.
- ptolemy.vergil.tdl - package ptolemy.vergil.tdl
The ptolemy.vergil.tdl package.
- ptolemy.vergil.toolbox - package ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
Vergil factories.
- ptolemy.vergil.tree - package ptolemy.vergil.tree
Ptolemy Model Tree Editor.
- ptolemy.vergil.unit - package ptolemy.vergil.unit
Ptolemy GUI components for the Unit system.
- ptolemy.verification.gui - package ptolemy.verification.gui
GUI for the verification facility.
- ptolemy.verification.kernel - package ptolemy.verification.kernel
This package includes core Functions that provides a specialized
environment to convert existing Ptolemy II models into SMV format
and invoke the NuSMV model checker.
- ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude - package ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
The ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude package.
- ptolemy.verification.lib - package ptolemy.verification.lib
The ptolemy.verification.lib package.
- PtolemyApplet - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class provides a convenient way to make applets out of Ptolemy II
- PtolemyApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
- PtolemyApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This application opens run control panels for models specified on the
command line.
- PtolemyApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, creating models
and frames to interact with them.
- PtolemyApplication(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplication
Parse the specified command-line arguments, creating models
and frames to interact with them.
- PtolemyDialog - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Ptolemy specific dialog.
- PtolemyDialog(String, DialogTableau, Frame, Entity, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Construct a PtolemyDialog.
- PtolemyEditor - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Editor with Ptolemy semantic highlighting.
- PtolemyEditor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.PtolemyEditor
- PtolemyEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An effigy for a Ptolemy II model.
- PtolemyEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- PtolemyEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given container with the given name.
- PtolemyEffigy.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
- PtolemyEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies, but without the
capability of creating a new blank effigy.
- PtolemyExpressionString - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.util
A wrapper for a string containing a Ptolemy expression.
- PtolemyExpressionString() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.PtolemyExpressionString
Construct a Ptolemy expression string.
- PtolemyExpressionString(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.PtolemyExpressionString
Construct a Ptolemy expression string with the given container as its
- PtolemyExpressionString(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.PtolemyExpressionString
Construct a Ptolemy expression string with the given container as its
scope and the given value as its initial value.
- PtolemyFormEditor - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.run
A customized version of the FormEditor class by
Michael Connor (mlconnor@yahoo.com).
- PtolemyFormEditor(RunLayoutFrame, ContainerLayout, Container) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PtolemyFormEditor
Construct a new form editor.
- PtolemyFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is a top-level window for Ptolemy models with a menubar and status bar.
- PtolemyFrame(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model.
- PtolemyFrame(NamedObj, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Construct a frame associated with the specified Ptolemy II model
or object.
- PtolemyFrame.PrintChangeRequest - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A ChangeRequest for calling the _print() method.
- PtolemyInjector - Class in ptolemy.actor.injection
PtolemyInjector contains a static reference to the Injector loaded with Ptolemy Modules
for the given target platform.
- PtolemyInjector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.injection.PtolemyInjector
- PtolemyLayoutAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
Trigger the Ptolemy place and route automatic dataflow layout algorithm
from withing the Vergil GUI.
- PtolemyLayoutAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.PtolemyLayoutAction
- PtolemyListCellRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A list cell renderer for Ptolemy objects.
- PtolemyListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyListCellRenderer
- PtolemyMenuFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A menu factory that contains a list of item factories.
- PtolemyMenuFactory(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyMenuFactory
Create a new menu factory that contains no menu item factories.
- PtolemyMethod(int, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting.PtolemyMethod
Construct a Ptolemy special method description.
- PtolemyModelUtil - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler
Utility class for accessing properties of a Ptolemy model in the context
of automatic layout.
- PtolemyModelUtil() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.PtolemyModelUtil
- PtolemyModule - Class in ptolemy.actor.injection
PtolemyModule loads interface to implementation mappings from the provided
- PtolemyModule(ClassLoader, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.injection.PtolemyModule
Create a new instance of the PtolemyModule based on the
provided moduleBundle, and specifying a specific class loader
that should be used to load the implementation classes.
- PtolemyModule(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.injection.PtolemyModule
Create a new instance of the PtolemyModule based on the
provided moduleBundle.
- PtolemyPlatform - Class in ptolemy.caltrop
The PtolemyPlatform class contains code that configures the CAL
interpreter infrastructure for use inside the Ptolemy II software.
- PtolemyPlatform() - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.PtolemyPlatform
- PtolemyPreferencePage - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences
The class to create the Ptolemy preference page.
- PtolemyPreferencePage() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.PtolemyPreferencePage
Construct a Ptolemy preference page.
- PtolemyPreferences - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Default preferences definition for Vergil.
- PtolemyPreferences(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
Construct an instance of the preferences attribute.
- PtolemyQuery - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class is a query dialog box with various entries for setting
the values of Ptolemy II attributes that implement the Settable
interface and have visibility FULL.
- PtolemyQuery(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Construct a panel with no queries in it and with the specified
change handler.
- PtolemyQuery.ActionableEntry - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Panel containing an entry box and button that performs the action specified
by an Actionable.
- PtolemyQuery.HierarchicalConfigurer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Panel containing an entry box and button that opens another query
to edit the parameters of a specified parameter.
- PtolemyServer - Class in ptserver.control
The PtolemyServer class is responsible for fulfilling simulation
- PtolemyTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is an intermediate container tableau factory that is designed to contain
all tableau factories in a configuration that are capable of displaying a
Ptolemy II model.
- PtolemyTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyTableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- PtolemyThread - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
PtolemyThread extends Thread by adding rudimentary debugging capability.
- PtolemyThread() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Construct a new PtolemyThread object.
- PtolemyThread(Runnable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Construct a new PtolemyThread object.
- PtolemyThread(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Construct a new PtolemyThread object.
- PtolemyThread(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Construct a new PtolemyThread object.
- PtolemyThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Construct a new PtolemyThread object.
- PtolemyThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Construct a new PtolemyThread object so that it has target as
its run object, has the specified name as its name, and belongs
to the thread group referred to by group.
- PtolemyThread(ThreadGroup, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Construct a new PtolemyThread object.
- PtolemyTransferable - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A transferable object that contains a local JVM reference to a
number of named objects.
- PtolemyTransferable() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyTransferable
Create a new transferable object that contains no objects.
- PtolemyTreeCellRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A tree cell renderer for Ptolemy objects.
- PtolemyTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PtolemyTreeCellRenderer
Construct a tree cell renderer that shows the expression value
of any object that implements
- PtolemyTreeCellRenderer(boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PtolemyTreeCellRenderer
Construct a tree cell renderer that shows the expression value
of any object that implements
- ptolemyType(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the Ptolemy type that corresponds to the type named by
the argument.
- PtolemyUtilities - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
This class consists of ptolemy-specific static utility methods for use
with Soot.
- PtolemyUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- PtolemyWebSocketServlet - Class in org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket
A servlet that manages locally hosted websockets.
- PtolemyWebSocketServlet(WebSocketEndpoint) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.PtolemyWebSocketServlet
Create a new servlet associated with the given endpoint.
- PtParser - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This file implements an expression parser for Ptolemy II using the
JavaCC parser generator.
- PtParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- PtParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Constructor with InputStream.
- PtParser(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Constructor with InputStream and supplied encoding
- PtParser(Reader) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- PtParser(PtParserTokenManager) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Constructor with generated Token Manager.
- PtParser.JJCalls - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
- ptParserClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- PtParserConstants - Interface in ptolemy.data.expr
Token literal values and constants.
- PtParserTokenManager - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
Token Manager.
- PtParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
- PtParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
- PtParserTreeConstants - Interface in ptolemy.data.expr
- PTPLOT_RELEASE - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The version of PtPlot.
- ptr - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.MemoryAccess
The pointer to the data.
- PTree - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
This class provides a tree view of a ptolemy model.
- PTree(TreeModel) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTree
Create a new tree that is rooted at the given entity.
- PTree(TreeModel, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTree
Create a new tree that is rooted at the given entity.
- PTreeMenuCreator - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A mouse listener that creates context menus for a PTree using menu
item factories.
- PTreeMenuCreator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTreeMenuCreator
Create a new menu factory that contains no menu item factories.
- PtrToken - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel
A Token that represents a pointer to an address in memory.
- PtrToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.PtrToken
Create a Token.
- PtrToken(int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.PtrToken
Create a Token with an initial address and an initial size.
- ptserver.actor - package ptserver.actor
The ptserver/actor package.
- ptserver.actor.lib.io - package ptserver.actor.lib.io
The ptserver.actor.lib.io package.
- ptserver.actor.lib.tld - package ptserver.actor.lib.tld
The ptserver/actor/lib/tld package.
- ptserver.communication - package ptserver.communication
The ptserver/communication package.
- ptserver.control - package ptserver.control
The ptserver/control package.
- ptserver.data - package ptserver.data
The ptserver/data package.
- ptserver.data.handler - package ptserver.data.handler
The ptserver/data/handler package.
- ptserver.util - package ptserver.util
The ptserver/util package.
- ptTypeToCodegenType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the index of the type in the typesArray in the generated code.
- PUBLIC_ID - Static variable in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
The public identity of the sketch dtd file.
- PUBLIC_ID - Static variable in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
The public identity of the RCL dtd file.
- publicEncrypt(Object, PublicKey, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Encrypt the input with an asymmetric cipher public key and return the encrypted result.
- publicKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureVerifier
The public key that is used to verify the signature.
- PublicKeyReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a PublicKey.
- PublicKeyReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.PublicKeyReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- publish(String, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Publish a value to a node.
- publish(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus.EventBusHelper
Publish text data onto the Vertx event bus.
- publish(String, Object, Integer, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper.MQTTClientWrapper
Publish an MQTT message to subscribers listening to the topic.
- publishArrived(String, byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenListener
Callback method when a message from the topic is received.
- Publisher - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor publishes input tokens on a named channel.
- Publisher(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Construct a publisher with the specified container and name.
- Publisher - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate Java code for an actor that publishes tokens on a named channel.
- Publisher(Publisher) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Constructor method for the Publisher adapter.
- Publisher - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate Java code for an actor that publishes tokens on a named channel.
- Publisher(Publisher) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Constructor method for the Publisher adapter.
- Publisher - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate Java code for an actor that publishes tokens on a named channel.
- Publisher(Publisher) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Constructor method for the Publisher adapter.
- publisher() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Port
Return whether the port is an publisher port.
- PublisherNonStrictTest - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor publishes input tokens on a named channel and compares
the inputs against the value specified by the correctValues parameter.
- PublisherNonStrictTest(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Construct a publisher with the specified container and name.
- PublisherPort - Class in ptolemy.actor
This is a specialized output port that publishes data sent through it on
the specified named channel.
- PublisherPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
Construct a publisher port with the specified name and container.
- publishers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Return a Set of Publishers that are connected to this Subscriber.
- PublisherTest - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor publishes input tokens on a named channel and compares
the inputs against the value specified by the correctValues parameter.
- PublisherTest(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherTest
Construct a publisher with the specified container and name.
- PublisherTest - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate Java code for an actor that publishes tokens on a named channel
and compares the results against a known-good set of results.
- PublisherTest(PublisherTest) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherTest
Construct a PublisherTest helper.
- PubSubPort - Class in ptolemy.actor
An abstract base class for publisher and subscriber ports.
- PubSubPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Construct a subscriber port with a containing actor and a name.
- PullConsumer - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba
An actor that sends pull request to a remote publisher and asks for data.
- PullConsumer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullConsumer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- PullSupplier - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba
An actor that send data to a remote consumer when there is pull request.
- PullSupplier(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullSupplier
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- pulse(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
The pulse function.
- Pulse - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a pulse with a shape specified by the parameters.
- Pulse(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- Pulse - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a pulse with a shape specified by the parameters.
- Pulse(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- Pulse - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse.
- Pulse(Pulse) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Construct a Pulse adapter.
- Pulse - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for Pulse.
- Pulse(Pulse) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Construct a Pulse adapter.
- Pulse - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for Pulse.
- Pulse(Pulse) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
Construct a Pulse adapter.
- purgeAllModelRecords() - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Purge all records of models opened.
- purgeModelRecord(URL) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Purge any record of a model opened from the specified
- purgeModelRecord(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Purge any record of a model opened from the specified
file name.
- purgeNode(Object, Object, MutableGraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Disconnect all of the edges connected to the given node, then
remove it from its graph.
- push(Graphics2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Push this transform onto the graphics stack.
- push(SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticSeries
Pushes a term to the end of the series.
- push(UndoAction) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoStackAttribute
Push an action to the undo stack, or if we are executing an undo,
onto the redo stack.
- push(UndoAction) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools.DelegatedUndoStackAttribute
- pushActorDeclaration(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Push an actor name onto the current tree, or create a new tree if
entering a new nested actor declaration.
- pushCharArray(String, char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Push a new internal input source.
- PushConsumer - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba
An actor that receives data from a remote publisher.
- PushConsumer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushConsumer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- pushEvents(Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Pushes Metro events into the pipe.
- pushForStatement(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Push into the scope of a new for statement contained as a
sub-block of the current (FIXME: if or for) statement.
- pushIfStatement() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Push into the scope of a new if statement contained as a
sub-block of the current if statement.
- pushInput(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Save the current input source onto the stack.
- pushNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTMatrixParserState
- pushNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTPtParserState
- pushState() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Push a new state onto the top of the states stack, and the current top
state becomes the one right below it.
- pushState(FieldRecord[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
For each state in the given array, push in a new state.
- pushString(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
This method pushes a string back onto input.
- PushSupplier - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba
An actor that send data to a remote consumer.
- PushSupplier(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushSupplier
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- pushUndoEntry(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Push the passed in MoML onto the stack of element undo entries.
- pushURL(String, String, String, Reader, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Push a new external input source.
- put(boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append a boolean value.
- put(Collection) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a
JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
- put(double) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append a double value.
- put(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append an int value.
- put(long) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append an long value.
- put(Map) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a
JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
- put(Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append an object value.
- put(int, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a boolean value in the JSONArray.
- put(int, Collection) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a
JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
- put(int, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a double value.
- put(int, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace an int value.
- put(int, long) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a long value.
- put(int, Map) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a
JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
- put(int, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace an object value in the JSONArray.
- put(String, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/boolean pair in the JSONObject.
- put(String, Collection) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a
JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
- put(String, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/double pair in the JSONObject.
- put(String, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/int pair in the JSONObject.
- put(String, long) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/long pair in the JSONObject.
- put(String, Map) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a
JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
- put(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Put the specified token into this receiver.
- put(K, V) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.SequentialTwoWayHashMap
Put a value into this two-way hash map and associate it with a key.
- put(K, V) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Put a value into this two-way hash map and associate it with a key.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Forward the specified token to communication aspect specified in
the constructor.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Mailbox
Put a token into the mailbox.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Put a token into this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Put a token to the receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Put the specified token into this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
If the specified token is non-null, then
set the status of this receiver to known and present, and to contain the
specified token.
- put(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Add an entry to the queue.
- put(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Put an object in the queue and return true if this will not
cause the capacity to be exceeded.
- put(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenWriter
- put(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DFOutputChannel
Send the given object (which is assumed to be a token in this
implementation) from the associated TypedIOPort port.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedReceiver
Forward copies of the token to the distributed services
specified in the servicesReceiversListMap.
- put(HashMap) - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Puts copies of the token received into the Receivers included in the
- put(HashMap) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Puts copies of the token received into the Receivers included in the
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopReceiver
If the specified token is non-null, then
set the status of this receiver to present, and to contain the
specified token.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.ATCReceiver
Put the token.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIReceiver
Put the specified token into this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Put a token into the mailbox receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Do a blocking write on the queue.
- put(Token, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Do a blocking write on the queue.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Throw an exception, since this method is not used in
- put(Token, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Put a token on the queue with the specified time stamp and set
the last time value to be equal to this time stamp.
- put(DEEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Put an event into the event queue.
- put(DEEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEventQueue
Enqueue a DE event into the event queue.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Put a token into this receiver and post a trigger event to the director.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Put a token to the receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Put a token into this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRReceiver
Put a token into this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNQueueReceiver
Puts a token on the queue contained in this receiver.
- put(DEEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Puts the event queue into the event queue, and then sort it by timestamp
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver
Wrap the token in an DETokenEvent and post the trigger event to the
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Put a token into this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Put a token on the queue contained in this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Put the specified token into the next appropriate array position,
given the FIXME.
- put(DEEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Put the event queue into the event queue, and then sort it by timestamp order.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver
Wrap the token in an DETokenEvent and post the trigger event to the director.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Put a token into the mailbox receiver.
- put(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Put an object in the queue and return true if this will not
cause the capacity to be exceeded.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Put a token to the receiver.
- put(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._TwoWayHashMap
Put an association between objects A and B in the hash map.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.RegisterReceiver
Put a token into the registerReceiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector.SysMLAReceiver
Put a token into the queue for containing actor.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector.SysMLAReceiver
Put a token into the queue for containing actor.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector.SysMLSequentialReceiver
Put a token into the queue for containing actor.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.TCSReceiver
Put a token into this receiver and post a trigger event to the director.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Put a token into this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMReceiver
Put a token into this receiver.
- put(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessReceiver
Override the base class to attach an empty properties token.
- put(Token, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessReceiver
Put the specified token bundled with the specified properties.
- put(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ClassChanges
Add a class to be filtered.
- put(String, HashMap) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortNameChanges
Add a class to be filtered and the old and new port names.
- put(String, HashMap) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PropertyClassChanges
Add a class to be filtered and the old and new property class
- put(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveClasses
Add a class to be filtered for and its replacement if the class
is found.
- put(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
Add a class to be filtered for and its replacement if the class
is found.
- put(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveNonPtinyClasses
Add a class to be filtered for and its replacement if the class
is found.
- put(String, Unit) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Bindings
Create a binding for a variable and Unit.
- put(K, V) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MultiHashMap
Add the value to the collection associated with the specified key.
- putArray(Token[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Put a portion of the specified token array into this receiver.
- putArray(Token[], int) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Put a portion of the specified token array into this receiver.
- putArray(Token[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIReceiver
Put a portion of the specified token array into this receiver.
- putArray(Token[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
If the argument has one token, then put that token in
the receiver.
- putArray(Token[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Put a portion of the specified token array into this receiver.
- putArray(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Put an array of objects in the queue and return true if this will not
cause the capacity to be exceeded.
- putArray(Object[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Put an array of objects in the queue and return true if this will not
cause the capacity to be exceeded.
- putArrayToAll(Token[], int, Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Put a sequence of tokens to all receivers in the specified array.
- putArrayToAll(Token[], int, Receiver[]) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Put a sequence of tokens to all receivers in the specified array.
- putArrayToAll(Token[], int, Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Put a sequence of tokens to all receivers in the specified array.
- putArrayToAll(Token[], int, Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Put a sequence of tokens to all receivers in the specified array.
- putArrayToAll(Token[], int, Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Put a sequence of tokens to all receivers in the specified
- putAttribute(ASTPtRootNode, Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Record the association between the specified ASTPtRootNode and the
specified Attribute.
- putAttribute(ASTPtRootNode, Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverUtilities
Record the association between the given ast node and the given
- putBody - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An output that sends the body of the request, if any.
- putBytes(byte[], Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Play an array of audio samples given as a byte array.
- putConcept(String, C) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Set the specified key of this map to the given concept value.
- putCookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
- putDebugProfile(Executable, DebugProfile) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
Add an actor to the set of actors that are being debugged.
- putMonotonicity(String, Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConcept
Set the monotonicity of this concept with respect to a specific
- putOnce(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the
value are both non-null, and only if there is not already a member
with that name.
- putOpt(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the
key and the value are both non-null.
- putParameters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An output port that sends parameters included in a put request.
- putReflectedHlaAttribute(HlaTimedEvent) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Store each updated value of the HLA attribute (mapped to this actor) in
the tokens queue.
- putRequestURI - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An output port that sends the relative URI of a put request,
which must match the pattern given by the path parameter.
- putSamples(double[][], Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Play an array of audio samples.
- putSamples(Object, double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Play an array of audio samples.
- putSamples(Object, double[][]) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Play an array of audio samples.
- putSamples(Object, double[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Play an array of audio samples.
- putSamples(double[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundPlayback
Play an array of audio samples.
- putSamples(double[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundWriter
Append the audio data contained in putSamplesArray
to an internal array.
- putSamplesInt(int[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundPlayback
Play an array of audio samples.
- putToAll(Token, Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Put to all receivers in the specified array.
- putToAll(Token, Receiver[]) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Put a single token to all receivers in the specified array.
- putToAll(Token, Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Put to all receivers in the specified array.
- putToAll(Token, Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Put a single token to all receivers in the specified array.
- putToAll(Token, Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Put to all receivers in the specified array.
- putToAll(Token, Receiver[], RendezvousDirector) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Put to all receivers in the specified array.
- putToAll(Token[][], Receiver[][], RendezvousDirector) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Put to all receivers in the specified array.
- putToAny(Token, Receiver[][], RendezvousDirector) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Put the specified token to any receiver in the specified array.
- putTokens(String, int, Token[]) - Method in class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Put tokens received from the port and channel into the CommunicationToken.
- putToReceiver(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver
Actually put the token into this receiver.
- putToReceiver(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver
Actually put the token into this receiver.
- PxgraphApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot.compat
An Applet that can plot data in pxgraph format from a URL.
- PxgraphApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
- PxgraphApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot.compat
An application that can plot data in pxgraph format.
- PxgraphApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
- PxgraphApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
- PxgraphApplication(Plot, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments
and instance of Plot.
- PxgraphParser - Class in ptolemy.plot.compat
This class provides backwards compatibility with an older plotting
program, pxgraph.
- PxgraphParser(Plot) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Construct a parser to configure the specified plot.
- PythonScript - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.python
An actor of this class executes a Python script.
- PythonScript(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- PythonShellEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.python
A representative of an Python expression shell.
- PythonShellEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- PythonShellEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given container with the given name.
- PythonShellEffigy.ShellFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.python
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
- PythonShellFrame(PythonShellTableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellTableau.PythonShellFrame
Construct a frame to display the PythonShell window.
- PythonShellTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.python
A tableau that provides an interactive shell for evaluating Python expressions.
- PythonShellTableau(PythonShellEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellTableau
Create a new tableau.
- PythonShellTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.python
A factory that creates a control panel to display a Python shell.
- PythonShellTableau.PythonShellFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.python
The frame that is created by an instance of PythonShellTableau.
- r - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- r - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : double*.
- r - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.HSBtoRGB
The red output port.
- r - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
The r input port.
- R2 - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- r255 - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- r255 - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- RADIAL - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- RadioMenuActionFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A factory that adds a given action or set of actions as radio selections
to a context menu.
- RadioMenuActionFactory(Action) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RadioMenuActionFactory
Construct a factory that adds a given action as a radio selection to a
given context menu.
- RadioMenuActionFactory(Action[], String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RadioMenuActionFactory
Construct a factory that adds a given group of actions as radio
selections to a given context menu in a submenu with the specified
- radius - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- radius - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
The blur radius.
- radius - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cone3D
The radius of the base of the cone.
- radius - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cylinder3D
The radius of the cylinder.
- radius - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Sphere3D
The radius of the sphere.
- RaisedCosine - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor implements an FIR filter with
a raised cosine or square-root raised cosine frequency response.
- RaisedCosine(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.RaisedCosine
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RaisedCosineSampleGenerator(double, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing.RaisedCosineSampleGenerator
Construct a RaisedCosineSampleGenerator.
- Ramp - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
incremented by the specified step each iteration.
- Ramp(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Ramp - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
incremented by the specified step each iteration.
- Ramp(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Ramp - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp.
- Ramp(Ramp) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Construct the Ramp adapter.
- Ramp - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp.
- Ramp(Ramp) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Construct the Ramp adapter.
- Ramp - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp.
- Ramp(Ramp) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Construct the Ramp adapter.
- rand - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- random - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- RANDOM - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- random - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- random - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- random(int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- random(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return an array of IID random numbers with value greater than
or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
- random(int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a matrix of IID random numbers with value greater than
or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
- random - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
True if the matrix will be populated with random data.
- randomBernoulli(double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return a new array of Bernoulli random variables with a given
probability of success p.
- randomBytes(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Return an array of randomly generated bytes.
- randomExponential(double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return a new array of exponentially distributed doubles with parameter
- randomGaussian(double, double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return a new array of Gaussian distributed doubles with a given
mean and standard deviation.
- randomGradient() - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Build a random gradient.
- RandomIncrLayout - Class in diva.graph.layout
Randomly place newly-added nodes within the target viewport.
- RandomIncrLayout(LayoutTarget) - Constructor for class diva.graph.layout.RandomIncrLayout
Construct a random layout that lays out in
the context of the given layout target.
- RandomInteger - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Generated integers that are uniformly sampled from the range of
32-bit integers.
- RandomInteger(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomInteger
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- randomize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Randomize the gradient.
- randomize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- randomize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- randomize() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- randomizeGuessVectors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Boolean that determines whether or not to randomize input guess vectors.
- randomizeGuessVectors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Boolean that determines whether or not to randomize input
guess vectors.
- randomizeInInitialize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
If set to true, randomly distribute nodes in initialize().
- RandomLayout - Class in diva.graph.layout
A static random layout engine.
- RandomLayout(LayoutTarget) - Constructor for class diva.graph.layout.RandomLayout
Simple constructor.
- randomMatrix(int, int, Random) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Generate a random matrix with each value drawn from uniform[0,1]
- randomness - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- randomPoisson(double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return a new array of Poisson random variables (as doubles) with
a given mean.
- randomReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (exact) return type of the random function above.
- RandomSource - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A base class for sources of random numbers.
- RandomSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RandomSource - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
A base class for sources of random numbers.
- RandomSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RandomSource - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource.
- RandomSource(RandomSource) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Construct the RandomSource helper.
- RandomSource - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource.
- RandomSource(RandomSource) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Construct a RandomSource helper.
- RandomSource - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource.
- RandomSource(RandomSource) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Construct the RandomSource helper.
- randomUniform(double, double, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return a new array of uniformly distributed doubles ranging from
a to b.
- range - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
The range of values for locations to be set when randomizing.
- rank() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition
Effective numerical matrix rank
- rank() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Get the rank of the term.
- rank() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get the rank of the term.
- rank() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the Syntactic rank of the node.
- rank() - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm
Get rank of term.
- rank() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Get the rank of the list.
- rate - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.FiringFunctionPort
The rate.
- rate() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Port
Return whether the rate of the port.
- rayCollisionBox(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
compute the distance from xyz (in the direction dir) until it
collides with an axis-aligned box with dimensions sxyz,
centered at the origin.
- RaysFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which produces the effect of light rays shining out of an image.
- RaysFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
- RBRACKET - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- RBRACKET - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- RBRACKET - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- rBusy(Rengine, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Print a busy message.
- rChooseFile(Rengine, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Choose a file.
- RConsole - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.r
A simple buffering console that is used to cache the output from an R session
and then can be used to return the console output as a string.
- RConsole() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Construct the R Console class and initialize the buffer containing the
- RCURLY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- RCURLY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- RCURLY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- Rcwd - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
The 'R' working directory (home dir by default).
- Rcwd - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
The 'R' working directory (home dir by default).
- reachableNodes(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Find all the nodes that can be reached from the specified node.
- reachableNodes(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Find all the nodes that can be reached from any node that has the
specified node weight (weights version).
- reachableNodes(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Find all the nodes that can be reached from the specified collection
of nodes (weights version).
- reachableNodes(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Find all the nodes that can be reached from the specified collection
of nodes.
- reacheableAlternatingSimulation(Set, InterfaceAutomaton, InterfaceAutomaton) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Return the reacheable state pairs in the specified alternating
- reacquireReadPermission(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Reacquire read permission on the workspace for
the current thread.
- read(String) - Method in class doc.doclets.PtIndexer
Read the dictionary to a file or URL.
- read(BufferedReader) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
Create a new matrix whose dimensions are given on the first
two lines (rows on the first line, cols on the second line),
followed by each element of the matrix on a line by itself (row
major ordering).
- read() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Read data from the socket.
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHelper
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHelper
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHelper
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHelper
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHelper
- read(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy
Read the specified URL and parse the data.
- read(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy
Read the specified URL and parse the data.
- read() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper.ByteArrayBackedInputStream
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper.ByteArrayBackedInputStream
- read() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Read the contents of the file named by this parameter and create
attributes in the current scope.
- read(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Memory
Read a token from the given address in this memory.
- read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Read a pxgraph-compatible binary or ASCII encoded file.
- read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Read a file with the old syntax (non-XML).
- read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Read commands and/or plot data from an input stream in the old
(non-XML) file syntax.
- read(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Read a single line command provided as a string.
- read(InputStream) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Read commands and/or plot data from an input stream in the old
(non-XML) file syntax.
- read(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Read a single line command provided as a string.
- read(InputStream) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Read a file with the old syntax (non-XML).
- read8bitEncodingDeclaration() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read just the encoding declaration (or XML declaration) at the
start of an external entity.
- READ_BLOCKED - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Indicator that a thread is read blocked.
- READ_BLOCKED - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Indicator that a thread is read blocked.
- readAttType() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the attribute type
- readAudio(DataInputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Read Sun audio file (.au) format and return the audio data as an array.
- readCh() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a single character from the readBuffer.
- readChar() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Read a character.
- readChar() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Read a character.
- readConfiguration(URL) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Read a Configuration from the URL given by the specified string.
- readConstraints(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintReaderWriter
Returns a list of mapping constraints.
- readDataChunk() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a chunk of data from an external input source.
- Reader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- Reader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Reader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ReaderM - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor
Start a SerialPortreader and interpret the incoming bytes from
the serial port.
- ReaderM(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
Construct a ReaderM.
- readExternalIds(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Try reading external identifiers.
- readFile(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Get the string text contained in the specified file.
- readFromInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
- readFromInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
- readFromInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Utility method to read a string from an input stream.
- readFromPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortReader
Takes the next single value from the buffer of Characters read
from the input stream.
- readInModel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Read in a MoML class, either as a top level model or
a file, initialize the model, then create instance classes for actors.
- READINPUT - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
Read the input of a task.
- readInput(Node, IOPort, long) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActor
Read input values on the given port.
- readInputs(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Consume inputs and save them.
- readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Set the value of the shadow variables for input ports of this actor.
- readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Set the value of the shadow variables for input ports of this actor.
- readKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
An input that provides a key for a value to be read from the
- readKeyArray - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
An input that provides an array of keys to be read
simultaneously from the dictionary.
- readLines(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a LinkedList of the lines in a string that aren't comments.
- readLinks() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml.NCApp2MoML
Traverse the configuration wiring graph and set up the
component and relation data structures.
- readLiteral(int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a literal
- readMapping(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Reads mapping constraints from a file.
- readMapping() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingEditor
Reads mapping constraints.
- readMappingFile(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintReaderWriter
Reads mapping constraints from a file.
- readMatrix(BufferedReader, int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Read a matrix; compatible with print method.
- readMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Read a Matrix from File.
- readMatrix(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
- ReadModel - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to read the model in a file into the model parameter.
- ReadModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ReadModel
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- readNmtoken(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a name or name token
- readOptsFile(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml.NCApp2MoML
Read in the opts file.
- readOutputsFromRefinement() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Set the input variables for channels that are connected to an
output port of the refinement of current state.
- readResource(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Get the string text contained in the specified resource, which
is a file that is specified relative to the Java classpath.
- READSENSOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
Read a sensor value which is the input of a TDLModule.
- readyTestSuite(TestSuite) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestHarness
Get ready to run a test suite.
- real - Variable in class ptolemy.math.Complex
The real part.
- real(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the real part of the specified complex number.
- real(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the real part of the specified real number, which is the
real number itself.
- realColor - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- realDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.FeedBackDelay
The boolean parameter that indicates whether a delay value
will be added to the time stamp of real tokens that are
produced by this actor.
- RealDependency - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This dependency represents causal relationships that have a real value
or are infinite.
- reallyPut(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector.SysMLAReceiver
Put a token into the mailbox.
- reallyPut(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector.SysMLAReceiver
Put a token into the mailbox.
- reallyPut(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector.SysMLSequentialReceiver
Put a token into the mailbox.
- reallySendMail - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
If true, then actually send the email.
- reallySendMail - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
If true, then actually send the email.
- realParts(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of doubles that includes the real
parts of the array of complex numbers.
- realParts(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by taking the real parts of the
complex numbers in the argument matrix.
- realTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExecutionTime
If true, then the executionTime parameter is
interpreted as milliseconds.
- RealTimeComposite - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
- RealTimeComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RealTimeComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- RealTimePlotter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
This plotter plots input data as a function of elapsed real time in seconds.
- RealTimePlotter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.RealTimePlotter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RebuildReferenceFile - Class in ptdb.kernel.database
Rebuild the reference file by reading all the models in the database.
- RebuildReferenceFile(DBConnectionParameters) - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.database.RebuildReferenceFile
Create an instance by instantiating the database connection.
- received - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
The output port that produces messages that are successfully
- ReceiveInput - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An event that receives user input and allows model time to be advanced.
- ReceiveInput(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- receiveKeyPress - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
A Boolean parameter to determine whether key presses are accepted.
- receiveMousePress - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
A Boolean parameter to determine whether mouse presses are accepted.
- receivePacket(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
- receivePacket(long, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSLoader
Native method that calls TOSSIM to receive a packet in TOSSIM.
- Receiver - Interface in ptolemy.actor
Interface for objects that can hold tokens.
- Receiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor
The base class adapter for Receiver.
- Receiver(Receiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Construct the Receiver adapter.
- receiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Return the destination receiver for this event.
- receiver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Return the destination receiver of this event.
- ReceiverComparator - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
A ReceiverComparator is used to sort receivers controlled by a time keeper.
- ReceiverComparator(TimeKeeper) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.ReceiverComparator
Construct a ReceiverComparator.
- receiverLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
The location of the receiver.
- RECEIVERS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Indicate that the description(int) method should include receivers
contained by this port (if any).
- receiversArrayToString(Receiver[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.distributed.util.DistributedUtilities
Converts a bidimensional array of Receivers into a String for printing
- reciprocal() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the reciprocal of this complex number.
- reciprocal(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the reciprocal of this complex number.
- RECIPROCAL_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The string name of the attribute that defines the arithmetic negation
concept function for this ontology solver.
- recompileHierarchy - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
A boolean parameter to enforce recompilation of this ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
and all contained ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActors.
- recompileThisLevel - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
A boolean parameter to enforce recompilation of this ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor.
- reconciled(CompilationUnit, boolean, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.PtolemyEditor
Notify all the reconciling listeners after reconciliation is performed.
- reconciled(CompilationUnit, boolean, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler
Perform operation after the reconcilation is finished.
- record() - Method in class diva.util.jester.EventRecorder
Start recording events on the constructor-specified
- Record(int[], Object, long) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.Record
Construct a record and store an old value in it.
- Record(int[], Object, long, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.Record
Construct a record and store an old value in it.
- RECORD - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Setting the type of something to RECORD allows it to take
on a value that is any record with any fields.
- RECORD_PREFIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
The prefix of records (new fields to be added to a class).
- RecordAssembler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
On each firing, read one token from each connected input port and assemble
them into a RecordToken.
- RecordAssembler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Construct a RecordAssembler with the given container and name.
- RecordAssembler - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler.
- RecordAssembler(LatticeOntologySolver, RecordAssembler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Construct a RecordAssembler adapter for the staticDynamic lattice.
- RecordConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept that represents the concept values of entries in a record token.
- RecordConcept(Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.RecordConcept
Create a new Record concept, belonging to the given
- recordConstruct() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- RecordDisassembler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
On each firing, read one RecordToken from the input port and send out
the fields of the RecordToken to multiple output ports.
- RecordDisassembler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler
Construct a RecordDisassembler with the given container and name.
- RecordDisassembler - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler.
- RecordDisassembler(LatticeOntologySolver, RecordDisassembler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler
Construct a RecordAssembler adapter for the staticDynamic lattice.
- Recorder - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Record all input tokens for later querying.
- Recorder(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Construct an actor with an input multiport that can accept any
- Recorder - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
Record all input tokens for later querying.
- Recorder(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Construct an actor with an input multiport that can accept any
- Recorder - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder.
- Recorder(Recorder) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Construct an Recorder adapter.
- Recorder - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder.
- Recorder(Recorder) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
Construct a Recorder adapter.
- RecorderListener - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
A debug listener that records messages in a string buffer.
- RecorderListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.RecorderListener
Create a listener.
- recordFiring(FiringEvent.FiringEventType) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Record a firing event.
- recordFiring(FiringEvent.FiringEventType) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Record a firing event.
- recordFiring(FiringEvent.FiringEventType) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.FiringsRecordable
Record a firing event.
- RecordFromIndividualConcepts - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies
A concept function that returns a record concept with specified field names
from a list of concept inputs.
- RecordFromIndividualConcepts(String, SortedSet<String>, Ontology) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.RecordFromIndividualConcepts
Create a new RecordFromIndividualConcepts concept function with
the specified set of field labels.
- recordGetMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- RecordList(FieldRecord.Record) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.RecordList
Construct a record list object with a record stored in it.
- recordLocation(Window) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.LocationAttribute
Set the value of the attribute to match the location
of the specified component.
- recordProperties(Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute
Set the value of the attribute to match those of the specified
- records - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsExporter
Parameter to store the array of records read at the input.
- records - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsRecorder
Parameter to store the array of records read at the input.
- RECORDS_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
The name of the record array.
- recordSize(Component) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute
Set the value of the attribute to match those of the specified
- RecordToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a set of label/token pairs.
- RecordToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Construct a RecordToken with no fields.
- RecordToken(String[], Token[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Construct a RecordToken with the specified labels and values.
- RecordToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Construct a RecordToken from the specified string.
- RecordToken(Map<String, Token>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Construct a RecordToken with the labels and values specified
by a given Map object.
- recordTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- recordTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- RecordTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
RecordTokenHandler converts RecordToken to/from byte stream.
- RecordTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.RecordTokenHandler
- RecordToQueryString - Class in org.ptolemy.ptango.lib
Convert an input record to a URL-encoded query string.
- RecordToQueryString(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.RecordToQueryString
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RecordType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
A class representing the type of a RecordToken.
- RecordType(String[], Type[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Construct a new RecordType with the specified labels and types.
- RecordType(Map<String, RecordType.FieldType>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Construct a RecordType with the labels and values specified by
a given Map object.
- recordTypeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- RecordUpdater - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
On each firing, read one token from each input port and assemble them
into a RecordToken that contains the union of the original input record
and each of the update ports.
- RecordUpdater(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordUpdater
Construct a RecordUpdater with the given container and name.
- RECT_TO_POLAR - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
Convert from rectangular to polar coordinates.
- Rectangle2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
An actor that creates a rectangle or a rounded rectangle.
- Rectangle2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rectangle2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RectangleAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is an attribute that is rendered as a rectangle.
- RectangleAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.RectangleAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- RectangularFigure2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
A base class for actors that create figures based on rectangular
bounding boxes, such as rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ellipses.
- RectangularFigure2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.RectangularFigure2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- recursionActor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.ActorRecursion
A StringParameter representing the name of the composite actor
to clone from.
- recursive - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
Whether files in the subdirectories should be searched as well.
- recursive - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ListDirectory
Whether files in the subdirectories should be searched as well.
- RecursiveFileFilter - Class in ptolemy.util
A file name filter that can recursively list files in a directory,
including those in subdirectories.
- RecursiveFileFilter(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.RecursiveFileFilter
Construct a recursive file filter.
- RecursiveFileFilter(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.RecursiveFileFilter
Construct a recursive file filter.
- RecursiveFileFilter(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.RecursiveFileFilter
Construct a recursive file filter.
- RecursiveLattice - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A recursive (all-pole) filter with a lattice structure.
- RecursiveLattice(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RecursiveLattice - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
A recursive (all-pole) filter with a lattice structure.
- RecursiveLattice(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RED - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Histogram
- red - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaLeds
The color of the "red" LED.
- redErrStr - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Flag, if true, redirects the standard error stream to the standard output stream.
- redirectErrorStream(boolean) - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Redirects the standard error stream to the standard output stream.
- redo() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
Perform a redo.
- redo() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoStackAttribute
Remove the top redo action and execute it.
- redo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Redo the latest signal editing operation that was undone by
calling undo(), if there was one.
- redo() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Redo the last undone change on the model.
- redo() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools.DelegatedUndoStackAttribute
- redo() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- RedoAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.RedoAction
- RedoChangeRequest - Class in ptolemy.kernel.undo
A change request to redo.
- RedoChangeRequest(Object, NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.undo.RedoChangeRequest
Construct a change request to be executed in the specified context.
- reduce(String, BlockingQueue<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
Subclasses should implement their reduce method here,
calling the take method of the BlockingQueue to get
the next value, and checking the parameter noMoreInputs
to test if no more values can be put on the queue.
- reduce(String, BlockingQueue<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReverseLink
- reduce(String, BlockingQueue<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.WordCount
- reduce() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
Reduce a UnitExpr to produce a UnitExpr that has at most one Unit.
- reduceKey - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
The key for the reduce algorithm, which should be set externally.
- ReduceNoiseFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs reduces noise by looking at each pixel's 8 neighbours, and if it's a minimum or maximum,
replacing it by the next minimum or maximum of the neighbours.
- ReduceNoiseFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ReduceNoiseFilter
- reduceOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
The list generated by the reduce algorithm, which should be read
- reduceValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
The values for the reduce algorithm, which should be set externally.
- ReduceWorker - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
A ReduceWorker actor, as a subsystem of the MapReduce system.
- ReduceWorker(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReduceWorker
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- REDUtility - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel
- REDUtility() - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.REDUtility
- RefactorAction - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions
Action to trigger Java source batch transformation.
- RefactorAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.RefactorAction
- REFERENCE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- REFERENCE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- REFERENCE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- referenceTrajectories - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- ReferenceYieldAdapter<T> - Class in net.jimblackler.Utils
This reference adapter simply invokes the Collector<>, first gathering the results into a list.
- ReferenceYieldAdapter() - Constructor for class net.jimblackler.Utils.ReferenceYieldAdapter
- referredTableau - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
Name of the tableau referred to, or an empty string if the default
tableau is to be used.
- referredTableau - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
The parameter that contains the name of the TableauParameter to be used.
- referredTableau - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
The tableau parameter referred to, or an empty string.
- referredTableau - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
The tableau to be set.
- refinedStepSize() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.continuous.ContinuousStepSizeController
Implementations of this method should return
the suggested refined step size for restarting the current integration.
- refinedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return suggested refined step size, if the FMU has provided one.
- refinedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return the refined step size, which is the minimum of the
current step size and the suggested step size of all actors that
implement ContinuousStepSizeController and that also ensures
that we do not pass a breakpoint.
- refinedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Return the estimation of the refined next step size.
- refinedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Return the minimum of the step sizes suggested by any
actors that were fired in the current iteration.
- refinedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Return the refined step size if there is a missed event,
otherwise return the current step size.
- Refinement - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This typed composite actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a MultiCompositeActor), which in turn assures
mirroring of ports in each of the refinements and the controller.
- Refinement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Refinement
Construct a modal controller with a name and a container.
- Refinement(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Refinement
Construct a Refinement in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- Refinement - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Code generator adapter for refinement.
- Refinement(Refinement) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Refinement
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given refinement.
- Refinement - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
This typed composite actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a ModalModel), which in turn assures
mirroring of ports in each of the refinements and the controller.
- Refinement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Refinement
Construct a modal controller with a name and a container.
- RefinementActor - Interface in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An interface for actors that act as refinements of states in FSMs or events in
Ptera models.
- refinementClassName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
Return the class name for refinements that this Case actor
expects to contain.
- refinementClassName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementSuggestion
The suggested class name of the refinement.
- refinementExtender - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.GTEvent
The refinement extender to suggest the type of refinement for this
- RefinementExtender - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
An attribute to add a class to the list of refinement classes for a state.
- RefinementExtender(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementExtender
Construct a refinement extender attribute with the given name contained
by the specified entity.
- refinementName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Attribute specifying one or more names of refinements.
- refinementName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
- RefinementPort - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
A port for controllers and refinements in modal models.
- RefinementPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Construct a port in the given workspace.
- RefinementPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- RefinementPort - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Code generator adapter.
- RefinementPort(RefinementPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given RefinementPort.
- RefinementPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
A port for controllers and refinements in modal models.
- RefinementPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- RefinementPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Construct a port in the given workspace.
- RefinementSuggestion - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
An attribute that suggests the class of the container for the associated state
or actor.
- RefinementSuggestion(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementSuggestion
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- refire(Token, Event.RefiringData) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Continue the processing of this event with the given arguments from the
previous fire() or refire().
- refire(Token, Event.RefiringData) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
Continue the processing of this event with the given arguments from the
previous fire() or refire().
- RefiringData(double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event.RefiringData
Construct a refiring data structure.
- reflectAndInvokeConstructor(SootMethod, Value[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Reflect the given constructor method with the given arguments
on the class of the given object.
- reflectAndInvokeMethod(Object, SootMethod, Value[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Reflect the given method on the class of the given object.
- ReflectComposite - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
A composite that contains one actor and mirrors the ports and
parameters of that actor.
- ReflectComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- ReflectComposite(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Construct a ReflectComposite in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- ReflectComposite(CompositeEntity, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container that optionally
mirrors the ports that are instances of ParameterPort.
- ReflectComposite.ReflectCompositeContents - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is a specialized composite actor for use in ReflectComposite.
- ReflectCompositeContents(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite.ReflectCompositeContents
Construct an actor with a name and a container.
- reflectionCoefficients - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
The reflection coefficients.
- reflectionCoefficients - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LevinsonDurbin
The output for lattice filter coefficients for a prediction
error filter.
- reflectionCoefficients - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
The reflection coefficients.
- reflectionCoefficients - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RecursiveLattice
The reflection coefficients.
- reflectivity - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- ReflectUtil - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.util
Utility classes for java reflection.
- ReflectUtil() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.ReflectUtil
- refresh() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Refresh the geometry.
- refresh() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Refresh the geometry.
- refresh() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleManipulator
Refresh the geometry.
- refresh() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Refresh the geometry.
- refresh() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathManipulator
Refresh the geometry.
- refresh() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Refresh the layout.
- refresh() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Refresh the layout.
- refresh - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
This Parameter specifies whether to replace the previous model
when there is model changing request or not.
- refresh - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Reader
Refresh between each readings.
- refresh - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
The flag that indicates whether to refresh between each reading.
- refreshLayout() - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Refresh the layout of the internal frames.
- refreshModelSelector() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.ui.BacktrackControllerFrame
Look up the opened Ptolemy models, and add their names to the model
- refreshParametersAndPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
For each parameter and port in the container, create a
parameter with the same name appended with either " (port)",
" (port-parameter)",
or " (parameter)".
- region - Variable in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest.RegionTestCase
- Region - Class in ptolemy.domains.space
A region.
- Region(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.space.Region
Construct an actor in the given workspace.
- Region(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.space.Region
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RegionTestCase(String) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest.RegionTestCase
- register(WebApplicationInfo, int, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerManager
Register the following application with the manager.
- register(WebApplicationInfo) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Register the following application on this server.
- register(WebApplicationInfo, int, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerManager
Register the following application with the manager.
- register(WebApplicationInfo) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Register the following application on this server.
- Register - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
A register is a stateful actor with a trigger port that accepts
read requests.
- Register(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Register
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Register - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register.
- Register(Register) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Construct a Register adapter.
- Register - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register.
- Register(Register) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Construct a Register adapter.
- Register - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A register is a stateful actor with a trigger port that accepts
read requests.
- Register(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- register(NavigationPTree) - Method in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigationTreeModel
Register a listener
- registerAdditionalListener(DropTargetListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget
Register additional DropTargetListeners.
- registerAllExtensions(ExtensionRegistry) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm
- registerCancelObserver(Observer) - Method in class ptdb.gui.SearchResultsFrame
Register an observer to allow notification upon canceling by the user.
- registerConstant(String, Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Add a constant to the list of constants that the parser recognizes.
- registerExtension(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Register an additional extension to accept.
- registerFunctionClass(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Add a class to the list of classes that the parser searches
when a function call is encountered.
- registerListener(MirrorDecoratorListener) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Add a communication aspect monitor to the list of listeners.
- registerListener(CommunicationAspectListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspect
Add a communication aspect monitor to the list of listeners.
- registerListener(CommunicationAspectListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Add a communication aspect monitor to the list of listeners.
- registerListener(CommunicationAspectListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Add a communication aspect monitor to the list of listeners.
- registerPropertyTransformer(PropertyTransformer, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Register a property transformer for transmissions from the specified
- registerPropertyTransformer(PropertyTransformer, WirelessIOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessChannel
Register a property transformer for transmissions from the
specified port.
- registerPublisherPort(String, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Register a "published port" coming from a publisher.
- registerPublisherPort(String, IOPort, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Register a "published port" coming from a publisher.
- registerPublisherPort(String, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Register a "published port" coming from a publisher.
- registerPublisherPort(String, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Register a "published port" coming from a publisher.
- RegisterReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
A receiver which extends Mailbox and holds a single token.
- RegisterReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.RegisterReceiver
Construct an empty RegisterReceiver with no container.
- RegisterReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.RegisterReceiver
Construct an empty RegisterReceiver with the specified container.
- RegisterSR - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
This actor provides a one-tick delay.
- RegisterSR(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.RegisterSR
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- registerUnitCategory(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Register the specified unit category name.
- registerWeight(Element) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Associate a graph element to its weight given the relevant mapping of
weights to elements, and the set of unweighted elements of the same
type (nodes or edges).
- regroup() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Regroup the attributes displayed alphabetically.
- REGULAR_EXPRESSION_HELP_FILE - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- regularExpression - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
If true, interpret the pattern as a regular expression.
- RegularExpressionString - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.util
A wrapper for a string containing a regular expression.
- RegularExpressionString() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.RegularExpressionString
Construct a Ptolemy expression string.
- RegularExpressionString(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.RegularExpressionString
Construct a Ptolemy expression string with the given value as its
initial value.
- regularFormat - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.TokenUtilities
The format that is used to print floating point numbers that
are not very large, or very small.
- ReInit(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
- ReInit(InputStream, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
- ReInit(Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
- ReInit(MatrixParserTokenManager) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
- ReInit(SimpleCharStream) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
Reinitialise parser.
- ReInit(SimpleCharStream, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
Reinitialise parser.
- ReInit(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- ReInit(InputStream, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- ReInit(Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- ReInit(PtParserTokenManager) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- ReInit(SimpleCharStream) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
Reinitialise parser.
- ReInit(SimpleCharStream, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
Reinitialise parser.
- ReInit(Reader, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(Reader, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(Reader, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(Reader, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- ReInit(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
- ReInit(InputStream, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
- ReInit(Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
- ReInit(UParserTokenManager) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
- ReInit(SimpleCharStream) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
Reinitialise parser.
- ReInit(SimpleCharStream, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
Reinitialise parser.
- reinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Reset and initialize the LatticeOntologyAdapter.
- reinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Reset and initialize the PropertyAdapter.
- reject(Token, IOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.Rejecting
Return true if the token cannot be accepted at the specified port.
- reject(Token, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.DestinationAirport
Return true if the token cannot be accepted at the specified port.
- reject(Token, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
Return true if the token cannot be accepted at the specified port.
- reject(Token, IOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.Rejecting
Return true if the token cannot be accepted at the specified port.
- reject(Token, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
- reject(Token, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
- Rejecting - Interface in ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel
An interface for actors that can reject inputs.
- Rejecting - Interface in ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel
An interface for actors that can reject inputs.
- RELATED_GAP_COLSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
Describes a logical horizontal gap between two related components.
- RELATED_GAP_ROWSPEC - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory
Describes a logical vertical gap between two related components.
- RELATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- RELATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- RELATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- Relation - Class in ptolemy.kernel
A Relation links ports, and therefore the entities that contain them.
- Relation() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Construct a relation in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- Relation(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Construct a relation in the default workspace with the given name.
- Relation(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Construct a relation in the given workspace with an empty string
as a name.
- Relation(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Construct a relation in the given workspace with the given name.
- relation_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- relation_declaration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
Parse relation declaration:
relation ID
Generate tree #(RELATION ID)
- relation_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- relational() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- relationClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- RelationCollapsingAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to specify that multiple connected relations in the model may be
considered as one in pattern matching.
- RelationCollapsingAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.RelationCollapsingAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- RelationController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
- RelationController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelationController
Create a relation controller associated with the specified graph
- RelationController.RelationRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
The renderer for relation node.
- RelationCreator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController.RelationCreator
- relationGroupList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Return the list of relations in the relation group containing
this relation.
- RelationHidingAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
An attribute to specify that multiple connected relations in the resulting
model may be simplified as one.
- RelationHidingAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.RelationHidingAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- relationList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
List the relations contained by this entity.
- RelationList - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A RelationList object contains a list of relations of a guard expression.
- RelationList() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Construct a relation list.
- relationList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
List the relations contained by this entity.
- RelationModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
- RelationNode - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An instance of the RelationNode class stores the type and difference
information of a relation.
- RelationNode(int, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationNode
Construct a relation node with given type and difference
- RelationRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelationController.RelationRenderer
- relationType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- RelationType - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A static class contains a list of types for relation node.
- RelationType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationType
- RelationWidthChanges - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
- RelationWidthChanges() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.RelationWidthChanges
- RelationWidthInference - Class in ptolemy.actor
A class that offers convenience utility methods to infer the widths of
relations in a composite actor.
- RelationWidthInference(CompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.RelationWidthInference
Create RelationWidthInference, the algorithm for width inference.
- relative - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.DirectoryListing
If true, then produce an array with file names relative to the
specified directory.
- RelativeBundle - Class in diva.resource
A class for managing resources.
- RelativeBundle(String, Class, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class diva.resource.RelativeBundle
Create a new RelativeBundle using the given basename, with the
given class as the loader for URL-based resources, and with the
given ResourceBundle as the one that gets overridden.
- relativeEntropy(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Given two array's of probabilities, calculate the relative entropy
aka Kullback Leibler distance, D(p || q), (in bits) between the
two probability mass functions.
- RelativeLinkFigure - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
A figure for drawing a link between a relative locatable and its referenced object.
- RelativeLinkFigure(RelativeLocation) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelativeLinkFigure
Construct a figure to draw the link of a relative locatable object.
- RelativeLocatable - Interface in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An interface for objects that can be located visually relative to
another object.
- RelativeLocation - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
An attribute used to store a relative visual location.
- RelativeLocation(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RelativeLocation
Construct an instance.
- relativeQuantum - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
The relative quantum to use for QSS integrations under the control
of this director.
- relativeQuantum - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
If specified, the relative quantum for this integrator.
- relativeTo - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RelativeLocation
The name of the object this location is relative to.
- relativeToElementName - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RelativeLocation
The element name of the object this location is relative to.
- release - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.ResourcePool
The input port through which other actors release resources.
- release - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
The input port through which other actors release resources.
- releaseReadPermission() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Release read permission on the workspace
held by the current thread, and return the depth of the
nested calls to getReadAccess().
- releaseWriteAccess() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Release claim of write access.
- reload() - Method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Reload an accessor.
- reload(boolean) - Method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Reload an accessor.
- ReloadAccessors - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor
Reload all the Acessors in a model and save the new updated model.
- ReloadAccessors() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor.ReloadAccessors
- reloadAccessors(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor.ReloadAccessors
Reload the accessors in a file and save the updated model.
- reloadAllAccessors(CompositeEntity) - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Reload all the JSAccessors in a CompositeEntity.
- reloadAllAccessors(CompositeEntity, boolean) - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
Reload all the JSAccessors in a CompositeEntity.
- relocate() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Tell the terminal to reposition itself over the attachment
- relocate() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Terminal
Tell the terminal to relocate itself because the
attachment site (or the figure that owns it) has moved.
- relocate() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Tell the terminal to relocate itself because the
attachment site (or the figure that owns it) has moved.
- relocate() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandle
Reposition the grab-handle if necessary
- relocate() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.GrabHandle
Reposition the grab-handle to its site
- relocate() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.MoveHandle
Reposition the grab-handle if necessary
- relocateGrabHandles() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Relocate grab-handles to their correct positions.
- Remainder - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Compute the remainder after dividing the input by the divisor.
- Remainder(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Remainder
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Remainder - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Remainder.
- Remainder(Remainder) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Remainder
Construct a Remainder adapter.
- remainder(double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
Compute the remainder after dividing the first argument by the
second argument as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard.
- remaining - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The remaining port.
- remark() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Recalculate properties of node.
- REMOTE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Attribute value indicating that the parent attribute is a remote attribute -
its value needs to synchronized between client and server models.
- REMOTE_OBJECT_TAG - Static variable in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Attribute name indicating that the named object needs to be handled by the ProxyModelBuilder.
- remoteActorName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
The name of the remote actor.
- remoteAddress - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
The remote address towards which to launch the packet.
- remoteConsumerName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushSupplier
The name of the remote consumer that this actor wants
to connect to.
- RemoteDistributedActor - Interface in ptolemy.distributed.rmi
A DistributedActor is a distributed executable entity that is accessed
via RMI.
- RemoteEventToken - Class in ptserver.data
Encapsulates an informational token raised by the proxy model infrastructure.
- RemoteEventToken() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.RemoteEventToken
Initialize the token using its superclass.
- RemoteEventToken(RemoteEventToken.EventType, String) - Constructor for class ptserver.data.RemoteEventToken
Initialize the token with a name and event type.
- RemoteEventToken(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class ptserver.data.RemoteEventToken
Initialize the token when an exception has occurred.
- RemoteEventToken.EventType - Enum in ptserver.data
Type of notification message being sent to the user.
- RemoteEventTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
ServerEventTokenHandler converts ServerEventToken to/from byte form.
- RemoteEventTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.RemoteEventTokenHandler
- remoteHost - Variable in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscSender
IP Address of the remote host.
- RemoteObjectList - Class in ptolemy.homer.gui
A list of the model components that will be run remotely.
- RemoteObjectList(HomerMainFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.gui.RemoteObjectList
Create the listing of remote objects.
- remotePort - Variable in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscSender
Remote port to which the OSC messages will be sent to.
- REMOTERECEIVERS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Indicate that the description(int) method should include receivers
remotely connected to this port (if any).
- remoteSocketNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
The remote socket number towards which to launch the packet.
- remoteSupplierName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullConsumer
The name of the remote supplier.
- remove(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Remove the given figure from this container.
- remove(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Remove the figure at the given position in the list.
- remove(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Remove the given child from this composite.
- remove(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Remove the figure at the given position in the list.
- remove(LayerListener, LayerListener) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Removes the old layer-listener from layer-listener-l and
returns the resulting multicast listener.
- remove(LayerMotionListener, LayerMotionListener) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Removes the old layer-motion-listener from layer-motion-listener-l and
returns the resulting multicast listener.
- remove(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureContainer
Remove the given figure from this container.
- remove(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Remove a figure.
- remove(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Remove the given figure from this layer.
- remove(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Remove the figure at the given position in the list.
- remove(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Remove a shape from the list of shapes in this layer.
- remove(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Remove the given figure from this list.
- remove(int) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Remove the figure at the given index from this list.
- remove(GraphListener) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphEventMulticaster
Remove the given listener from the list
of listeners.
- remove() - Method in class diva.util.CompoundIterator
- remove() - Method in class diva.util.IteratorAdapter
- remove(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.util.PropertyChangeMulticaster
Remove the given listener from the list
of listeners.
- remove() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder.MyIterator
- remove(double, double, T) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Gridder
- remove(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Remove an index and close the hole.
- remove(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Remove a name and its value, if present.
- remove - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ComponentDef
- remove(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Throw a runtime exception because removal is not supported.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList.Entry
Remove this entry from the linked list that contains it.
- remove(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Remove the first entry that has the given element.
- remove(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.SequentialTwoWayHashMap
Remove the value associated with the given key.
- remove(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Remove the value associated with the given key.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient.FieldIterator
Throw a runtime exception because this method is not implemented.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor.ContainedObjectsIterator
The remove() method is not supported because is is not
supported in NamedObj.ContainedObjectsIterator.remove().
- remove() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Remove the display from the current container, if there is one.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Remove the display from the current container, if there is one.
- remove() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Remove the plot from the current container, if there is one.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Remove the plot from the current container, if there is one.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
- REMOVE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- REMOVE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- REMOVE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- remove(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Remove the schedule element at the specified position in the
schedule list.
- remove(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Remove the specified entry and return true if the entry
is found and successfully removed, and false
if it is not found.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.CombinedIterator
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.IndividualIterator
- remove(SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticSeries
Removes a term from the series.
- remove(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Remove a Syntactic Term from column.
- remove(int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Remove a term at a given index.
- remove(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Constants
Remove the constant with the given name from the table.
- remove(DEEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Remove an event from the event queue and return true if
it was removed, and false if it was not in the queue.
- remove(DEEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEventQueue
Remove an event from the event queue and return true if
it was removed, and false if it was not in the queue.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Get the contained and available token, i.e., get the last
token that has been put into the receiver before the last
update and reset the _token only.
- remove(DEEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Throw an exception to indicate that this method is not supported.
- remove(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver
Remove the token from the list of stored tokens.
- remove(DEEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Throw an exception to indicate that this method is not supported.
- remove(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver
Remove the token from the list of stored tokens.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Get the contained and available token, i.e., get the last token that has
been put into the receiver before the last update and reset the _token
- remove(Element) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.ElementList
Remove an element from this list if it exists in the list.
- remove(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Remove an element from this list.
- remove(int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Remove and return an element with a specified label from this list.
- remove(int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Remove the schedule element at the specified position in the
schedule list.
- remove(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Remove the NamedObj from the widget map and list of remote objects.
- remove(PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Remove the widget from the scene.
- remove(PositionableElement) - Method in interface ptolemy.homer.kernel.ContentPrototype
Remove an element from the content area.
- remove(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Remove the NamedObj element and notify all listeners.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity.ContainedObjectsIterator
The remove() method is not supported because is is not
supported in NamedObj.ContainedObjectsIterator.remove().
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity.ContainedObjectsIterator
The remove() method is not supported because is is not
supported in NamedObj.ContainedObjectsIterator.remove().
- remove(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Remove the specified element.
- remove(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Remove an element specified by name.
- remove() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj.ContainedObjectsIterator
Throw a UnsupportedOperationException because remove() is not
- remove(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Remove the specified item from the directory.
- remove(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ClassChanges
Remove a class to be filtered.
- remove(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortNameChanges
Remove a class to be filtered.
- remove(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PropertyClassChanges
Remove a class to be filtered.
- remove(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveClasses
Remove a class to be filtered.
- remove(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
Remove a class to be filtered.
- remove(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveNonPtinyClasses
Remove a class to be filtered.
- remove(K, V) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MultiHashMap
Remove a specified value from the map.
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Remove an action listener
- removeActionListeners(JMenuBar) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.MemoryCleaner
Remove ActionListeners from a JMenuBar.
- removeActionListeners(AbstractButton) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.MemoryCleaner
Remove ActionListeners from an AbstractButton (such as a JMenuItem.
- removeActionListeners(JComponent) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.MemoryCleaner
Remove ActionMapListeners from a JComponent.
- removeActionListeners(JToolBar) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.MemoryCleaner
Remove ActionListeners from a JToolBar.
- removeActorFiringListener(ActorFiringListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Unregister an actor firing listener.
- removeActorFiringListener(ActorFiringListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Unregister an actor firing listener.
- removeActorFiringListener(ActorFiringListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.FiringsRecordable
Unregister a firing event listener.
- removeActorOrientedClassProvider(ActorOrientedClassProvider) - Method in class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.OSGiClassLoadingStrategy
Removes the given provider from the set of registered ActorOrientedClassProviders.
- removeAliasHandler(AliasHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Remove an alias handler.
- removeAll() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Remove all of the shades.
- removeAll() - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Remove all of the entries.
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Throw a runtime exception because removal is not supported.
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Remove all the elements of the collection from this linked list.
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Remove collection of SyntacticTerms to the list by calling
the remove function.
- removeAll(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Unsupported optional method of the List interface.
- removeAll() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Remove all elements from the list.
- removeAll() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Remove all items from the directory.
- removeAllAfter(FastLinkedList<E>.Entry) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Remove all entries after the given entry.
- removeAllBefore(FastLinkedList<E>.Entry) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Remove all entries before the given entry.
- removeAllChoices() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Remove all the choices.
- removeAllEntities() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Remove all contained entities and unlink them from all relations.
- removeAllIgnoreTokens() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Update receivers controlled by this time keeper that have
a receiver time equal to PrioritizedTimedQueue.IGNORE.
- removeAllLessThan(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Remove all the elements that are (strictly) less than the argument.
- removeAllPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Remove all ports by setting their container to null.
- removeAllProperties() - Method in class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
Remove all properties.
- removeAllRelations() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Remove all contained relations and unlink them from everything.
- removeAllTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Remove all the types created in the last transformation.
- removeAssignmentHandler(AssignmentHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Remove an assignment handler.
- removeAt(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Remove and return the element with the given index.
- removeAttribute(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Remove an attribute from this element.
- removeAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Remove attribute from list of attributes.
- removeAttribute(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Remove an attribute from this element.
- RemoveCaseAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame.RemoveCaseAction
Create a case action with label "Add Case".
- removeCellConstraints(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Override the base class to remove the listener in
the container AND locally.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Changeable
Remove a change listener, if it is present, and otherwise
do nothing.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Remove the given change listener from this request.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Remove a change listener.
- removeChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Remove a channel listener for transmissions on this channel.
- removeChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessChannel
Remove a channel listener for transmissions on this channel.
- removeChoice(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.ChoiceCriterionElement
Remove a choice from the list of choices.
- removeChoice(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter
Remove a choice.
- removeChoices(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.ChoiceCriterionElement
Remove choices from the list of choices.
- RemoveClasses - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.addMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to remove or replace classes.
- RemoveClasses() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveClasses
- removeClassHandler(ClassHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Remove a class declaration handler.
- removeCol(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpGrid
Remove a column from the grid.
- removeColumn(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Removes the column with the given column index from the layout.
- removeColumnSpec(int) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- removeComponent(JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Remove the given component from its position in the display
- removeComponentAction - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- removeComponentButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- removeConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Remove the configuration from the list of configurations.
- removeConnection(LayoutHint) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.UndoLayoutAction
Mark the given connection routing hint for removal.
- removeConnectorListener(ConnectorListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Remove a connector listener.
- removeConnectorListener(ConnectorListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Remove a connector listener from the interactor that
is attached to grab-handles.
- removeConstructorHandler(ConstructorHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Remove a constructor handler.
- removeContainer(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- removeContainer(String) - Method in interface org.mlc.swing.layout.MultiContainerFrame
Remove the container with the specified name.
- removeContainer(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.RunLayoutFrame
Remove the container with the specified name.
- removeContent(PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Remove an element to the contents of this tab.
- removeContentPane(JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Remove the given content pane from the display and close.
- removeContentPane(JComponent) - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Remove the given content pane from the display and close.
- removeCrossAnalysisHandler(CrossAnalysisHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Remove a cross-analysis handler.
- RemoveCustomDocumentationAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This class provides an action for removing instance-specific documentation.
- RemoveCustomDocumentationAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RemoveCustomDocumentationAction
Construct an instance of this action.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Override the base class to also remove the listener from the scheduler,
if there is one.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Unregister a debug listener.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Unregister a debug listener.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Unregister a debug listener.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Unregister a debug listener.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Unregister a debug listener.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Removes the debugger listen for this event queue.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Remove the debugger listen for this event queue.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Debuggable
Unregister a debug listener.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Unregister a debug listener.
- removeDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Unregister a debug listener.
- removeDebugProfile(Executable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
Remove an actor from the set of actors that are being debugged.
- removeDecorationsFromContainer() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModelAttributes
- removeDecorationsFromContainer() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Remove all decorated ports from the container.
- removeDecorator(Class) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.TypedDecorator
Remove a decorator.
- removeDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Remove the dependency that the specified output port has,
by default, on the specified input port.
- removeDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.BreakCausalityInterface
Remove the dependency that the specified output port has
on the specified input port.
- removeDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterface
Remove the dependency that the specified output port has
on the specified input port, meaning that the dependency
is set to oPlusIdentity.
- removeDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Remove the dependency that the specified output port has
on the specified input port.
- removeDependency(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Remove the dependency that the specified output port has
on the specified input port.
- removeDirectDependency - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
If true, then this, then the dependency of all inputs
on outputs are removed.
- removeDocument(Document) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
This method should only be called by storage policies.
- removeDocument(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Remove a document from the list of documents currently known
by this application, and remove all of the views associated with
this document.
- removeDocumentListener(ListDataListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Remove a document list listener from this application.
- removeDocumentListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Remove a document list listener from this application.
- removeEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Remove the given edge.
- removeEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Remove the edge.
- removeEdge(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Remove the edge.
- removeEdge(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Remove the given edge.
- removeEdge(Edge) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Remove an edge from this graph if it exists in the graph.
- removeEdge(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Remove the given edge and delete its associated relation.
- removeEdge(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Remove the given edge and delete its associated relation.
- removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Unregister a edit listener.
- removeElement(XmlElement) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Remove a child element from this element.
- removeElement(PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Remove the positionable element and its associated NamedObj.
- removeElement(PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Remove an element from all content areas.
- removeEmptyTabs() - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
The goal here is to find any null tableau and remove them.
- removeEntry(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Remove the entry at the given index.
- removeErrors() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverUtilities
Clear and return the previously recorded errors.
- removeEvent(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- removeEvent(int, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.EventQueueDebugListener
Invoked when an event or actor is removed from the event queue.
- removeEvent(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Invoked when an event or actor is removed from the event queue.
- removeExecutionListener(ExecutionAspectListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ActorExecutionAspect
Remove schedule listener.
- removeExecutionListener(ExecutionListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Remove an execution listener from the list of execution listeners, which\
are invoked at specific points when the transformation is executed.
- removeExecutionListener(ExecutionAspectListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Remove schedule listener.
- removeExecutionListener(ExecutionAspectListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Remove schedule listener.
- removeExecutionListener(ExecutionListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that are notified
of execution events.
- removeFeedback() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Remove feedback from graph and draw connections out to periphery.
- removeFieldDeclarationHandler(FieldDeclarationHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Remove a field declaration handler.
- removeFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Remove and return the first element, ie. the smallest
element in the set.
- removeFirstState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._SortedSetOfStates
Removes the first state from the sorted list.
- removeFromCache(ArrayList<XMLDBModel>) - Static method in class ptdb.kernel.database.CacheManager
Remove a set of models from the cache.
- removeFromContainerComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- removeFromContainerLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- removeGrabHandle(GrabHandle) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Remove a grab-handle from this manipulator's
collection of grab-handles.
- removeGraphicalClasses - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
- RemoveGraphicalClasses - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter out graphical classes.
- RemoveGraphicalClasses() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
Construct a filter that removes graphical classes.
- RemoveGraphicalClassesApplication - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
An application that removes graphical classes.
- RemoveGraphicalClassesApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClassesApplication
- removeGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphModel
Remove the given listener from this graph model.
- removeGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Remove a graph listener from the model so that
the listener will no longer be notified of changes
to the graph.
- removeGraphViewListener(GraphViewListener) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Remove the given view listener.
- removeGraphViewListener(GraphViewListener) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Remove the given view listener.
- removeHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Remove a hierarchy listener.
- RemoveIconAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
Action to remove a custom icon.
- RemoveIconAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RemoveIconAction
- removeIgnoredToken() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Remove the oldest token off of this queue if it has a
time stamp with a value of IGNORE.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractInitializableAttribute
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Initializable
Remove the specified object from the set of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Do nothing.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
Do nothing.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractInitializableParameter
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose
preinitialize(), initialize(), and wrapup()
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
methods of this object.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Do nothing.
- removeInitializable(Initializable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Not implemented.
- removeInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Remove the given interactor from this interactor.
- removeInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Remove the given interactor from this interactor.
- removeIOPortEventListener(IOPortEventListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Unregister a token sent listener.
- removeItem(String) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ArrayModelList
Remove the given item from the list.
- removeItem(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.localStorage.LocalStorageHelper
Take a key and remove it from the local storage.
- removeJavaReconcileListener(IJavaReconcilingListener) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.PtolemyEditor
Remove a reconciling listener from the list of reconciling listeners
to be notified.
- removeKnot(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Curve
- removeKnot(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Remove a knot.
- removeKnot(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SplineColormap
Remove a knot.
- removeLast() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.SequentialTwoWayHashMap
Remove the value associated with the last key.
- removeLayer(CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Remove the given layer.
- removeLayerListener(LayerListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Remove the given layer listener from this dispatcher.
- removeLayerListener(LayerListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Remove the given layer listener from this interactor.
- removeLayerMotionListener(LayerMotionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Remove the given layer motion listener from this interactor.
- removeLayerMotionListener(LayerMotionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Remove the given layer motion listener from this dispatcher.
- removeLayout(ContainerLayout) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Removes the specified component from this layout.
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- removeLayoutHintItem(LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
- removeLegend(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Remove the legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified
data set.
- removeLegend(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Remove the legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified
data set.
- removeLight(LightFilter.Light) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- removeLinkedPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Vertex
Remove the specified port from the list of ports linked to this vertex.
- removeListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.AttributeElement
Remove a value listener from the underlying attribute.
- removeListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Remove an action listener.
- removeListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Remove any listeners we have created.
- removeLiveSoundListener(LiveSoundListener) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Remove a live sound listener.
- removeLiveSoundListener(LiveSoundListener) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Remove a live sound listener.
- removeLiveSoundListener(LiveSoundListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Remove a live sound listener.
- removeMenuItemFactory(MenuItemFactory) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyMenuFactory
Remove the given menu item factory from the factory list.
- removeMenuItemFactory(MenuItemFactory) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.PTreeMenuCreator
Remove the given menu item factory from the factory list.
- removeMethodDeclarationHandler(MethodDeclarationHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.HandlerList
Remove a method declaration handler.
- removeModelElementClassProvider(ModelElementClassProvider) - Method in class org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.OSGiClassLoadingStrategy
Remove the given provider from the set of registered
- RemoveModelsTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A task request to remove a list of models from the database.
- RemoveModelsTask(ArrayList<XMLDBModel>) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.RemoveModelsTask
Construct an object from this class and set the models list.
- RemoveNilTokens - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Read in tokens and silently discard any tokens that are marked as
- RemoveNilTokens(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RemoveNilTokens
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- removeNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Remove the given node.
- removeNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Remove the node.
- removeNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Remove the given node.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Delete a node from its parent graph and notify
graph listeners with a NODE_REMOVED event.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Delete a node from its parent graph and notify
graph listeners with a NODE_REMOVED event.
- removeNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Remove the node.
- removeNode(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Remove a node from the server configuration.
- removeNode(ASTNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Remove an AST node from the its parent.
- removeNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Remove a node from this graph if it exists in the graph.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.ExternalPortModel
Remove the given edge from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.IconModel
Remove the given node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.PortModel
Remove the given node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Delete a node from its parent graph and notify
graph listeners with a NODE_REMOVED event.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.VertexModel
Remove the given node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Delete a node from its parent graph and notify
graph listeners with a NODE_REMOVED event.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.NamedObjNodeModel
Remove the specified node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeNodeModel
Remove the given node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.PortModel
Remove the given node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Delete a node from its parent graph and notify
graph listeners with a NODE_REMOVED event.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.StateModel
Remove the given node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.ConceptModel
Remove the given node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Delete a node from its parent graph and notify
graph listeners with a NODE_REMOVED event.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel.OntologyModel
Remove the given node from the model.
- removeNode(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphModel
Delete a node from its parent graph and notify
graph listeners with a NODE_REMOVED event.
- RemoveNonPtinyClasses - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
Remove classes such as code generators that are not present in Ptiny.
- RemoveNonPtinyClasses() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveNonPtinyClasses
- removeNullContainer() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Remove the plot from the frame if the container is null.
- removeNullContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Remove the plot from the frame if the container is null.
- removeObject(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
- removeObject(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.TransformationEvaluator
Remove an object.
- removeObject(Rollbackable) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Remove an object from the monitored object list.
- removeObject(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyTransferable
Remove the given object from this transferable.
- removeOneDimension() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Remove one dimension from this type object.
- removePage(Page) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Remove the given page from this document and notify listeners.
- removePageListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Remove a page listener from this document.
- removePiggyback(Executable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Remove the specified object from the list of objects whose action
methods should be invoked upon invocation of the corresponding
actions methods of this object.
- removePort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Removes a port.
- removePort(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Remove a port from the port hashtable.
- removeProcessListener(PNProcessListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Remove a process listener from this director.
- RemoveProperties - Class in ptolemy.moml.filter
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter out the properties included
in this classes.
- RemoveProperties() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveProperties
- removeProperty(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Remove a property from the property hashtable.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list for a specific
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Remove a property change listener from this document.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Remove a property change listener from this application.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Remove a property change listener from this document.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Remove a property change listener from this application.
- removeProxyModelListener(ProxyModelInfrastructure.ProxyModelListener) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Unsubscribe the listener from the model events.
- removeQueryListener(QueryListener) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Remove a listener.
- RemoveRefinementAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateController.RemoveRefinementAction
- removeRow(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Removes the row with the given row index from the layout.
- removeRow(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpGrid
Remove a row from the grid.
- removeRow(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable
Remove the specified row from the table.
- removeRows(int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- removeRowSpec(int) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- removeScheduleListener(ScheduleListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Remove a schedule listener from this director.
- removeSelectedRows() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- removeSelection(Object) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Remove an object from the selection.
- removeSelection(Object) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Remove an object from the selection.
- removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Remove a listener from the list of listeners.
- removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Remove a listener from the list of listeners.
- removeSelectionModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Remove a selection model from the list of models selected by
this dragger.
- removeShadeAt(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Remove the shade at the given index.
- removeStateSpaceVariablesFromContainer() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MeasurementModelAttributes
Remove the state space variables defined in the scope of this decorator from the
container Actor.
- removeSubscriber(WebSocketService) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpoint
Remove the given subscriber for this endpoint.
- removeTab(int) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Remove the tab at the given index.
- removeTab(int) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Remove a tab at the provided index.
- removeTab(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Remove the tab given its tag.
- removeTab(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Remove a content area from the contents.
- removeTab(String) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
Removes the corresponding Tab according to the Component name
- removeThread(Thread) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Notify this director that the specified thread has finished
- removeTokens(OptimalScheduleFinder._State, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Remove tokens from the channel for given port.
- removeTransformationListener(TransformationListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Remove a previously added TransformationListener.
- removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Remove the specified listener.
- removeTypedRenderer(Class) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.TypedNodeRenderer
Remove a typed renderer.
- removeTypeListener(TypeListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Remove a type listener from this port.
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
React to notification that there was a removal from the document.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
This method has to be implemented for the AbstractSettableAttribute
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that is
notified when the value of this variable changes.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Remove the specified ValueListener.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Remove value listener.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that is
notified when the value of this attribute changes.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that is
notified when the value of this variable changes.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that are
notified when the value of this variable changes.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that is
notified when the value of this attribute changes.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that is
notified when the value of this attribute changes.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that is notified when the
value of this variable changes.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that are
notified when the value of this variable changes.
- removeValueListener(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that are
notified when the value of this variable changes.
- removeVariable(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.PtalonExpressionScope
Remove the specified variable from this scope.
- removeView(View) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
This method should only be called by storage policies.
- removeView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Remove a view from the list of views currently known by this
- removeView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplication
Remove a view from the list of view currently known by this
- removeViewListener(ListDataListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Remove a view list listener from this application.
- removeViewListener(ViewListener) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Remove a view listener from this frame.
- removeViewListener(ViewListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Remove a view listener from this frame.
- removeViewListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Remove a view list listener from this application.
- removeVisualNamedObject(PositionableElement) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Remove the visual named object from the scene.
- removeWeight() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Element
Make the element unweighted.
- removeWindowListeners(Window) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.MemoryCleaner
Remove WindowListeners from a Window.
- RenameConfigurer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class is an editor widget to rename an object.
- RenameConfigurer(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.RenameConfigurer
Construct a rename configurer for the specified entity.
- RenameDialog - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class is a modal dialog box for renaming an object.
- RenameDialog(Frame, NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.RenameDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner and target.
- RenameDialogAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
An action that creates a dialog to rename an object.
- RenameDialogAction(TableauFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RenameDialogAction
Construct a rename dialog action with the specified parent, which will
appear in the menu that uses this action.
- RenameDialogAction(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RenameDialogAction
Construct a rename dialog action with the specified name,
which will appear in the menu that uses this action.
- RenameDialogFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
- RenameDialogFactory() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RenameDialogFactory
- renameLegend(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Rename a legend.
- renameLegend(int, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Rename a legend.
- renameModel(XMLDBModel, String) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.SaveModelManager
Rename an existing model in the database.
- RenameModelFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
The frame for the user to input the new name to rename a model.
- RenameModelFrame(NamedObj, ActorGraphDBFrame) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.RenameModelFrame
Construct the rename model frame.
- RenameModelTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A data transfer object that holds the information of the model that its name
is required to be changed along with the new name.
- RenameModelTask(XMLDBModel, String) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.RenameModelTask
Construct the object and set the member variables for it.
- RenameOperation - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations
An operation to rename an object.
- RenameOperation(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner.
- RenameOperation(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Construct an operation within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- renameTransitionLabels(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Rename the labels on some transitions.
- renameVariables(ASTPtRootNode, Variable, Variable, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
Rename the variables, if any, in the dependentVariable
that refer to the specified variableToRename.
- render(Object, Site, Site) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.ArcRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given edge.
- render(Object, Site, Site) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicEdgeRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given edge.
- render(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Return the rendered visual representation of this node.
- render(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BubbleRenderer
Return the rendered visual representation of this node.
- render(Object, FigureLayer, Site, Site) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Render the edge on the given layer between the two sites.
- render(Object, FigureLayer, Site, Site) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Render the edge on the given layer between the two sites.
- render(Object, Site, Site) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given edge.
- render(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given node.
- render(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.TypedNodeRenderer
Return the rendered visual representation of this node by
looking up the class of its semantic object.
- render(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController.PortRenderer
Render a port.
- render(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController.EntityPortRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given node.
- render(Object, Site, Site) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController.LinkRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given edge.
- render(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.IconController.IconRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given node.
- render(Object, FigureLayer, Site, Site) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultLinkController
- render(Object, FigureLayer, Site, Site) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultTransitionController
- render(Object, FigureLayer, Site, Site) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationLinkController
- render(Object, FigureLayer, Site, Site) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationTransitionController
- render(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelationController.RelationRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given node.
- render(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.StateController.StateRenderer
Render an object.
- render(Object, Site, Site) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController.LinkRenderer
Render a visual representation of the given edge.
- render(Object, Site, Site) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.SchedulingRelationController.SchedulingRelationRenderer
Render a scheduling relation link between two events.
- renderDecoratorHighlight(NamedObj, Figure) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Render the value of the _highlightColor parameter.
- renderDeselected(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionRenderer
Set the rendering of the figure as deselected.
- renderDeselected(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionRenderer
Set the rendering of the figure as deselected.
- renderDeselected(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Set the rendering of the figure to not be highlighted.
- renderHighlight(NamedObj, Figure) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Render the value of the _highlightColor parameter.
- renderSelected(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionRenderer
Set the rendering of the figure as selected.
- renderSelected(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionRenderer
Set the rendering of the figure as selected.
- renderSelected(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Set the rendering of the figure as highlighted.
- RenderTextFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which renders text onto an image.
- RenderTextFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Construct a RenderTextFilter.
- RenderTextFilter(String, Font, Paint, Composite, AffineTransform) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Construct a RenderTextFilter.
- RendezvousDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel
This director executes actors in their own threads
and provides a receiver that implements rendezvous communication.
- RendezvousDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- RendezvousDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- RendezvousDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- RendezvousReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel
Receiver for rendezvous style communication.
- RendezvousReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Construct a RendezvousReceiver with no container.
- RendezvousReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Construct a RendezvousReceiver with the specified container.
- RenesasUtilities - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Utility functions to set up mapping tables for Renesas platform.
- RenesasUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
- reOpenGraph(Tableau) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
Closes the Tableau, removes its Effigy and re-opens it
- reopenWindow - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
Whether the window should be closed and reopened on each update.
- reopenWindow - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
Whether the window should be reopened each time a new model is received
in a token.
- repaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Schedule a repaint of the figure.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Schedule a repaint of the figure within the given damage
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Accept notification that a repaint has occurred somewhere
in the hierarchy below this container.
- repaint() - Method in interface diva.canvas.CanvasComponent
Schedule a repaint of the component.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in interface diva.canvas.CanvasComponent
Accept notification that a repaint has occurred somewhere
in the tree below this component.
- repaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Schedule a repaint of this layer.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Accept notification that a repaint has occurred somewhere
in this layer.
- repaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Schedule a repaint of this pane.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Accept notification that a repaint has occurred somewhere
in this pane.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Accept notification that a repaint has occurred somewhere
in the hierarchy below this container.
- repaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Schedule a repaint of the component.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Accept notification that a repaint has occurred somewhere
in the tree below this component.
- repaint(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Repaint all figures that intersect the given rectangle.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Receive repaint notification.
- repaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Request a repaint of the manipulator and child.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Accept notification that a repaint has occurred on
in this canvas.
- repaint(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Schedule a repaint of this layer over the given shape.
- repaint(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Schedule a repaint of this layer over the given shape.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Accept notification that a repaint has occurred in the wrapped
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Receive repaint notification.
- repaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Request a repaint of the figure and highlight.
- repaint() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Repaint the object.
- repaint() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphPane
Override the base class to set the background.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphPane
Override the base class to set the background.
- repaint() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowHighlighter
Request a repaint of the figure and shadow.
- repaint(DamageRegion) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.BasicEdgeHighlighter
Receive repaint notification.
- repaint() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.BasicEdgeHighlighter
Request a repaint of the figure and highlight.
- repaintAlready() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Request a repaint of the manipulator and child.
- repeat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
The flag that indicates whether the pulse sequence needs to be
- repeat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
The flag that indicates whether the sequence needs to be
- repeat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLDirectoryReader
Repeat after outputting all elements of the directory.
- repeat - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
The flag that indicates whether the sequence needs to be
- repeat - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Pulse
The flag that indicates whether the pulse sequence needs to be
- repeat - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
The flag that indicates whether the sequence needs to be
- Repeat - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A code generation helper class for ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Repeat.
- Repeat(Repeat) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Repeat
Construct a helper with the given
ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Repeat actor.
- Repeat - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Repeat.
- Repeat(Repeat) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Repeat
Construct a Repeat adapter.
- repeat(IntToken, Token) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Create an array that contains the specified element
repeated the specified number of times.
- Repeat - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
An actor that repeats a block of input tokens the specified number of times
on the output.
- Repeat(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Repeat
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- repeatCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The count of repeated transformation in one firing.
- repeatReturnType(Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (exact) return type of the repeat function above.
- repeatUntilFixpoint - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Whether the transformation in one firing should continue until a
fixpoint is reached.
- repetitionFactor - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle
The repetition probability P(moving along the original sequence rather than taking a jump along
a suffix link).
- repetitionProbability - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleGenerator
The repetition probability of the forward links in the Factor Oracle.
- repetitions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
The number of times this actor is fired.
- REPLACE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- REPLACE_CONNECTING_ENTITIES - Static variable in class ptserver.actor.ProxyActor
Replace entities connected to the target entity with proxy actor.
- REPLACE_TARGET_ENTITY - Static variable in class ptserver.actor.ProxyActor
Replace target entity with the ProxySink and ProxySource.
- replaceAll - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
When the boolean value is true, replace all instances that match the
pattern, and when false, replace the first instance.
- replaceCast(ValueBox, Hierarchy, Type, Value, Type, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.CastAndInstanceofEliminator
Remove the case in the given box,
if possible.
- replaceChild(Figure, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Replace the first figure with the second.
- replaceChild(Figure, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Replace the first figure, which must be a child, with the
second, which must not be a child.
- replaceChild(Figure, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Replace the first figure, which must be a child, with the
second, which must not be a child.
- replaceInstanceofCheck(ValueBox, Hierarchy, Type, Type, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.CastAndInstanceofEliminator
Statically evaluate the instance of Check in the given box,
if possible.
- replaceInvokeExpr(JimpleBody, Stmt, Value) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Replace the invoke expression in the given statement in the
given body with the given value.
- Replacement - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
The replacement of a transformation rule.
- Replacement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.Replacement
Construct an atomic actor matcher to be either contained in the pattern
of a
or in the replacement.
- replacement - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
The replacement string that replaces any matched instance of the
- replacement - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSimpleReplace
The replacement string that replaces any matched instance of the
- ReplacementObjectAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer.ReplacementObjectAttribute
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- ReplacementObjectAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer.ReplacementObjectAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- ReplacementObjectAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer.ReplacementObjectAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- replaceNode(ASTNode, ASTNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Replace an AST node with another one by substituting the corresponding
child of its parent.
- replaceRangeJTextArea(String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Replace a range in the JTextArea.
- replaceVariableReferences(FMIModelDescription, String) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULogUtilities
Replace FMI variable references with the name of the variable.
- replicationProbability - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteParser
The replication probability of the factor oracle.
- replyTo - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
The address to which replies should be directed.
- replyTo - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
The address to which replies should be directed.
- report(Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Report an exception.
- report(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Report a message to the user.
- report(String, Exception) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Report an exception with an additional message.
- Report - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An event to report a message to the user in various forms.
- Report(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- report(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
Report an exception.
- report(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
Report a message to the user.
- report(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
Report an exception with an additional message.
- report(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Report a message to the user by displaying it in a status bar,
if there is one.
- report(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Report a Throwable, which is usually an Exception but can also
be an Error.
- report(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Report a Throwable, which is usually an Exception but can also
be an Error.
- report(Frame, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Report a message to either the status bar or message handler.
- Report.Mode - Enum in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
The display modes.
- ReportOntologyLatticeStatus - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ontologies
A static class that provides a method to display a message and highlight
concepts in an ontology model based on whether the ontology is a lattice.
- ReportOntologyLatticeStatus() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ReportOntologyLatticeStatus
- repositionLabel() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Tell the connector to reposition its label if it has one.
- repositionLabel() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Tell the connector to reposition its label if it has one.
- repositionLabel() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Tell the connector to reposition the text label.
- repositionLabel() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightConnector
Tell the connector to reposition its label if it has one.
- repositionLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.KielerLayoutArcConnector
Tell the connector to reposition its label if it has one.
- representEntity(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Represent an Entity and its ports for use in a SyntacticGraph.
- representExteriorPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Represent an exterior port with a purely syntactic Node.
- request(ScriptObjectMirror, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient.HttpClientHelper
Make an HTTP request on behalf of the specified JavaScript object (an
instance of ClientRequest) with the specified options.
- requestChange(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Queue a change request.
- requestChange(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Override the base class to delegate up the hierarchy only if this
composite is not deferring change requests, but the
the container is.
- requestChange(ChangeRequest) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Changeable
Request that the given change be executed.
- requestChange(ChangeRequest) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Request that the given change be executed.
- requestedCookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
An array of names of cookies that this actor should retrieve from
an HTTP request and produce on the cookies output
- requestedCookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An array of names of cookies that this actor should retrieve from
an HTTP request and produce on the getCookies and putCookies output
- requestFinish() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Set a local flag requesting that execution of the actor
containing this receiver discontinue.
- requestFinish() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Set a local flag requesting that the simulation be finished.
- requestFinish() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
The model has finished executing, so set a flag so that the
next time an actor tries to get or put it gets a
TerminateProcessException which will cause it to finish.
- requestFinish() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Schedule this receiver to terminate.
- requestFinish() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Set a flag in the receiver to indicate the onset of termination.
- requestFinish() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
The model has finished executing, so set a flag so that the
next time an actor tries to get or put it gets a
TerminateProcessException which will cause it to finish.
- requestInitialization(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Queue an initialization request with the manager.
- requestInitialization(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Queue an initialization request.
- requestor - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpRequestItems
The name or IP address of the originator of the request (or proxy).
- requestor - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Output port that produces the name or IP address of the
client or the last proxy that sent the request.
- requestPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect.CompositeExecutionAspectAttributes
The name of the port that will receive scheduling requests for
the decorated actor.
- requestType - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.HttpRequestItems
The type of request. 0 for get, 1 for post, 2 for put.
- requestURI - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpRequestItems
The URI issued in the get request.
- requestURI - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.HttpRequestItems
The URI issued in the get request.
- require(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Require a string to appear, or throw an exception.
- require(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Require a character to appear, or throw an exception.
- requireAllCorrectValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
If true, and the number of tokens seen in wrapup() is not
equal to or greater than the number of elements in the
correctValues array, then throw an exception.
- requireAllCorrectValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
If true, and the number of tokens seen in wrapup() is not
equal to or greater than the number of elements in the
correctValues array, then throw an exception.
- REQUIRED_NODE - Static variable in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerConstants
The name of the attribute that indicates if attributes must be set.
- requiredPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTransition
List of all ports that are used in this guard expression.
- requiredSensors - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTransition
List of Sensors that are used in this guard expression.
- requireOrderedValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
If true, then require that inputs appear in the order
recorded in the correctValues parameter.
- requiresIntegers - Variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize.Unit
- requireSynchronization - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Boolean value, 'true' if the Federate is synchronised with other
Federates using a HLA synchronization point, 'false' if not.
- RequireVersion - Class in ptolemy.kernel.attributes
An attribute that requires a particular version of Ptolemy II.
- RequireVersion(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.RequireVersion
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- requireWhitespace() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Require whitespace characters
- rerender() - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Render the current graph again by recreating the figures for all
nodes and edges, but do not alter the connectivity in the graph.
- rerender() - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Render the current graph again by recreating the figures for all
nodes and edges, but do not alter the connectivity in the graph.
- rerenderEdge(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Rerender the given edge by replacing its figure with a new figure.
- rerenderEdge(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Rerender the given edge by replacing its figure with a new figure.
- rerenderNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Rerender the given node by replacing its figure with a new
- rerenderNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Rerender the given node by replacing its figure with a new
- reroute() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Tell the connector to re-route itself.
- reroute(Connector, Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BasicManhattanRouter
Reroute the given shape, given that both the head the tail
sites moved.
- reroute() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Connector
Tell the connector to re-route itself.
- reroute(Connector, Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.IncrManhattanRouter
Reroute the given shape, given that both the head the tail
sites moved.
- reroute(Connector, Shape) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Router
Reroute the given shape, given that both the head the tail
sites moved.
- rerouteHead(Connector, Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BasicManhattanRouter
Reroute the given Shape, given that the head site moved.
- rerouteHead(Connector, Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.IncrManhattanRouter
Reroute the given Shape, given that the head site moved.
- rerouteHead(Connector, Shape) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Router
Reroute the given Shape, given that the head site moved.
- rerouteTail(Connector, Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BasicManhattanRouter
Reroute the given Shape, given that the tail site moved.
- rerouteTail(Connector, Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.IncrManhattanRouter
Reroute the given Shape, given that the tail site moved.
- rerouteTail(Connector, Shape) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Router
Reroute the given Shape, given that the tail site moved.
- rerouteUnacceptedAircraft(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.AbstractATCDirector
Reroute an aircraft.
- rerouteUnacceptedAircraft(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1.ATCDirector
Reroute an aircraft.
- rerouteUnacceptedAircraft(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.ATCDirector
Reroute an aircraft.
- rerun() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Execute the same model again.
- resample(int[], int[], int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
An implementation of Fant's resampling algorithm.
- RescaleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which simply multiplies pixel values by a given scale factor.
- RescaleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RescaleFilter
- RescaleFilter(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RescaleFilter
- resend(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.QueuedTypedIOPort
Resend the token from the given channel index.
- reset() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Reset the polygon back to empty.
- reset() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Reset the polyline back to empty.
- reset() - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Reset the error counters.
- reset() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.UnionFindSimple
- reset() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Reset the communication aspect and clear the tokens.
- reset() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Reset the communication aspect and clear the tokens.
- reset - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
Reset all inputs and begin new melody.
- reset() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleGenerator
Reset the factor oracle generator by discarding cached data.
- reset() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Nothing to do.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Reset this receiver to its initial state, which in this base
class is the same as calling clear().
- reset() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspect
Reset the CommunicationAspect.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Reset this receiver to its initial state, which in this base
class is the same as calling clear().
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If port has default value reset the saved persistent value.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
If this port receives a True token on any channel, then the
accumulator state will be reset to the initial value.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Reset the communication aspect.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Reset - nothing to do here.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
The reset port of type BooleanToken.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
The reset input port.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient.HttpClientHelper
Reset this handler.
- reset(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient.HttpClientHelper
Reset the helper associated with the specified actor.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper.ByteArrayBackedInputStream
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Reset this helper.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Reset this helper.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
In this class, do nothing.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.IntegerCounter
The reset port.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BoundaryDetector
Reset the cache variables in boundary detector.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Reset the local flags of this receiver.
- reset() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessReceiver
Reset the local flags of this receiver.
- reset() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Reset this receiver to its initial state, which is typically
either empty (same as calling clear()) or unknown.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
Reset the receiver by deleting any contained tokens and setting
the status of this receiver to unknown, unless the containing port
has no sources, in which case set to known and absent.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
If this port receives a True token on any channel, then the
accumulator state will be reset to the initial value.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Average
The reset port of type BooleanToken.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Counter
The reset input port.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSPTokenReader
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Reset this CodeStream object so that its code table will be
re-constructed when needed.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction
Reset the number of tokens to the junction's initial state.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTMatrixParserState
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTPtParserState
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Reset the solver.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologySolver
Reset the solver.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
Reset the solver.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Reset the solver.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopReceiver
Clear stored tokens.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Reset local flags.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Reset local flags.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Reset local flags.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Reset the communication aspect.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Reset the communication aspect and clear the tokens.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Reset the communication aspect and clear the tokens.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Nothing to do.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
Reset the communication aspect and clear the tokens.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Derivative
The reset port, which has undeclared type.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Integrator
The reset port, which has undeclared type.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
The reset port, which has undeclared type.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
Reset this receiver to its initial state, which includes
calling clear() and resetting the current time to 0.0.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Reset the receiver by removing all tokens from the receiver.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.FireMachine
Resets the state to be PREFIRE_BEGIN.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Initializes the constraint solver.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.ResumableFire
Stops and dispose any associated thread.
- reset() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.StartOrResumable
Reset the state of startOrResumable.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Reset current state to the initial state.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMReceiver
Set the receiver to unknown.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationNode
Reset the relation node by setting the former type and difference
information to RelationType.INVALID and 0.0 respectively.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Reset the state variables in the receiver.
- reset - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector.TimedEvent
Whether the refinement of the scheduled event should be
(re)initialized when the event is processed.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Reset this receiver to its initial state, which is typically
either empty (same as calling clear()) or unknown.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Reset local flags.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Reset the receiver by removing all tokens from the receiver.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
Reset the analyzer to invalidate any cached value (i.e., to force
recomputation the next time a result of the computation is needed).
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.RecorderListener
Clear the buffer.
- reset(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.NamedObjClassesSeen
Reset the filter.
- reset() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Reset the MoML parser.
- RESET_DISPLAY - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.ScheduleListener
Reset display message.
- resetAccumulation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Integrator
Reset value of the accumulator to either an initial value or null.
- resetAll() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Reset every solver in the model.
- resetAll() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverUtilities
Clear the states of this shared object.
- resetAll() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Reset the MoML parser, forgetting about any previously parsed
- resetAxes() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Reset the X and Y axes to the ranges that were first specified
using setXRange() and setYRange().
- resetAxes() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Reset the X and Y axes to the ranges that were first specified
using setXRange() and setYRange().
- resetBeat - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
Reset beat only, keep chord information.
- resetCapture() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Stop audio capture.
- resetCapture() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Stop audio capture.
- resetCapture() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Stop audio capture.
- resetEntry - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- resetFO - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteParser
Indicator that a new sequence has started.
- resetLocalTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Set local time and commit.
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Boolean parameter to determine whether seeds are reset on each run.
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Boolean parameter to determine whether seeds are reset on each run.
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Boolean parameter to determine whether seeds are reset on each run.
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
If true, this parameter specifies that the random number
generator should be reset on each run of the model (in
the initialize() method).
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
If true, this parameter specifies that the random number
generator should be reset on each run of the model (in
the initialize() method).
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
If true, this parameter specifies that the random number
generator should be reset on each run of the model (in
the initialize() method).
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Boolean parameter to determine whether seeds are reset on each run.
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
If true, this parameter specifies that the random number
generator should be reset on each run of the model (in
the initialize() method).
- resetOnEachRun - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
If set to true, reset the random number generator with the
seed value each time preinitialize() is invoked.
- resetOutputReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Rebuild the output receivers map and reset the output receivers.
- resetPlayback() - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Stop audio playback.
- resetPlayback() - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Stop audio playback.
- resetPlayback() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Stop audio playback.
- resetRelationList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Reset the relation list by resetting each relation node.
- resetTable(GTIngredientList) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- ResettableTimer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output after the time specified on the input has elapsed.
- ResettableTimer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ResettableTimer
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- resetUnitCategories() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Reset the internal state of the UnitSystem.
- resetWindowLocation() - Static method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Reset the position of the window that shows the console output.
- reshape() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Recalculate the shape of the decoration.
- reshape() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Recalculate the shape of the blob.
- resizable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
Whether the tableau is resizable.
- ResizableAttributeControllerFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
This is attribute that produces a custom node controller for icons that
can be interactively resized.
- ResizableAttributeControllerFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ResizableAttributeControllerFactory
Construct a new attribute with the given container and name.
- ResizableAttributeControllerFactory.ResizeAttributeController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
Custom controller that uses a bounds manipulator to allow
the user to resize the image.
- ResizableImageWidget - Class in ptolemy.homer.widgets
A fork of ImageWidget with a fix to support resize-ability.
- ResizableImageWidget(Scene) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
Creates an image widget.
- ResizableImageWidget(Scene, Image) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
Creates an image widget.
- ResizablePolygonAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is an attribute that is rendered as a polygon.
- ResizablePolygonAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ResizablePolygonAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- resize(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- resize(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- resize(double[], int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- resize(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
Truncate or add zeros as appropriate.
- resize(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Resize the vector, truncating or adding zeros as appropriate.
- resize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.QueuedTypedIOPort
Set the size of the queue.
- resize(Complex[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(Complex[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(double[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(double[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(float[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(float[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(int[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(long[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- resize(long[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array of length newLength that is formed by
either truncating or padding the input array.
- ResizeAttributeController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ResizableAttributeControllerFactory.ResizeAttributeController
Create a controller associated with the specified graph
- resolution - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Map resolution in meters/pixel.
- RESOLUTION_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- resolve(Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.ConstraintSolver
Update the MetroII events in the specified list.
- resolve(Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Resolves the MetroII event list, updating the event status based on the
mapping constraints.
- resolve(Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.TimeScheduler
Resolve the time constraints.
- resolveCommandName(File) - Static method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Resolve the command string.
- resolveConcepts() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Resolve the concept values for the toplevel entity that contains this
solver, given the model analyzer that invokes this.
- resolveConcepts() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Execute the OntologySolver's algorithm to resolve
which Concepts in the Ontology are assigned to each object in the
- resolveConflicts() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.DeltaConstraintSolver
Resolve the concept values for the toplevel entity that contains this
solver, given the model analyzer that invokes this.
- resolveDirectory(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Resolve the working string.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Resolve an external entity.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Resolve an External Entity.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Resolve an external entity.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Attempt resolve the public ID representing an XML external
entity into a valid string url.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Resolve an external entity.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.XMLParser.EntityResolver
Resolve an entity (a DTD file) by first looking for it locally.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Resolve an external entity.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Resolve an external entity.
- resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Resolve an external entity.
- resolveSpecialInvokationForInlining(SpecialInvokeExpr, SootMethod) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
- resolveTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Check types on all the connections and resolve undeclared types.
- resolveTypes(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Do type checking and type resolution on the specified composite actor.
- resolveVirtualInvokationForInlining(SootClass, SootMethod) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
- RESOLVING_TYPES - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that type resolution is being done.
- resource - Variable in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
The resource to return.
- resourceLocation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
A directory or URL where the web server will look for resources
(like image files and the like).
- resourceLocation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
A directory or URL where the web server will look for resources
(like image files and the like).
- resourcePath - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
The URL prefix used to request resources (files) from this web service.
- resourcePath - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
The URL prefix used to request resources (files) from this web service.
- ResourcePool - Class in ptolemy.domains.csp.lib
This actor manages a pool of resources, where each resource is
represented by a token with an arbitrary value.
- ResourcePool(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.ResourcePool
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- ResourcePool - Class in ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib
This actor manages a pool of resources, where each resource is
represented by a token with an arbitrary value.
- ResourcePool(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.lib.ResourcePool
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- respond(int, String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpServer.HttpServerHelper
Respond to the request with the specified ID by sending the specified text.
- response - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpResponseItems
The text of the response.
- response - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.HttpResponseItems
The text of the response.
- response - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An input port on which to provide the
response to issue to an HTTP request.
- response - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
The last received yes-or-no response.
- responseBody - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
An input port on which to provide the
response body to issue to an HTTP request.
- responseCode - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
An input port on which to provide the
response code to issue to an HTTP request.
- responseContentType - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
The content type of the response.
- responseHeaders - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
The header data to include in the response.
- REST_SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
Rest symbol.
- RESTART - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
String value for the "restart" policy.
- restartInterval - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIJPEGWriter
The restart interval in number of JPEG Minimum Coded Units
- RESTGetHandler - Class in ptserver.actor.lib.io
RESTGetHandler is an actor that takes a model and a RESTful string specifying a
model resource as inputs, and prints information about that resource to the
destination file in a combination of HTML + Javascript format.
- RESTGetHandler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- restore() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configurer
Request restoration of the user settable attribute values to what they
were when this object was created.
- restore() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.StyleConfigurer
Request restoration of the parameter values to what they
were when this object was created.
- restore(Checkpoint, Rollbackable, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.CheckpointRecord
Restore the old checkpoint object to the given
object, if the given timestamp is less than or equal to the timestamp
associated with the current checkpoint object.
- restore(Object, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore(boolean, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore(byte, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore(char, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore(double, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore(float, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore(int, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore(long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore(short, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value at the timestamp to the field.
- restore() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
Restore the original configuration of the plot, and request a
a redraw.
- RESTORE_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AssignmentTransformer
The name of restore methods.
- restoreBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JFileChooserBugFix
Restore the background.
- restoreEdge(Edge) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Restore an edge if the edge exists in the graph and is presently
- restoreToDefaults() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configurer
Restore parameter values to their defaults.
- restoreValues(ComponentEntity, Hashtable<ValueIterator, Token>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Restore the values of the parameters that implement the
interface within the root entity using the values
recorded in the given table previously.
- RestrictedJavaScriptInterface - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
- RestrictedJavaScriptInterface - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs
- RestrictedJavaScriptInterface(JavaScript) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Construct a restricted interface to the specified JavaScript actor.
- RestrictedJavaScriptInterface(JavaScript) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Construct a restricted interface to the specified JavaScript actor.
- result - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
An output providing the result of a single reading of the
dictionary via the readKey input port.
- resultArray - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
An output providing the result of a multiple reading of the
dictionary via the readKeyArray input port.
- ResultHandler<T> - Interface in net.jimblackler.Utils
Defines objects that handle results from a Collector<>, with a function called immediately as
each value is gathered.
- ResultHandler - Interface in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
Handles the results from the searched models, according to different
implementation of the actual handling function.
- results - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- ResultsTableModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel
Populate the _results list.
- ResumableFire - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
ResumableFire is a wrapper for Ptolemy actor.
- ResumableFire(Actor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.ResumableFire
Constructs a ResumableFire by wrapping the actor.
- resume() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Start or resume the actor, which means (re)start the local clock.
- resume() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
If the model is paused, resume execution.
- resume() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Resume the actor at the specified time.
- Resume() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- resume(Ticket) - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Resume the execution of the selected simulation.
- resume(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Resume the execution of the simulation by calling the resume() method
on its Manager.
- resume(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Resume the execution of the selected simulation.
- resumeActor(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Resume the execution of an actor that was previously blocked because
it didn't have all the resources it needed for execution.
- resumeActor(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Resume the execution of an actor that was previously blocked because
it didn't have all the resources it needed for execution.
- resumeActor(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Resume the execution of an actor that was previously blocked because
it didn't have all the resources it needed for execution.
- resumeActor(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
- resumeEntry - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Pause
- resumeRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
If the model has a manager and is executing, then
resume execution by calling the resume() method of the manager.
- resumeRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunPane
If the model has a manager and is executing, then
resume execution by calling the resume() method of the manager.
- retain(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.SequentialTwoWayHashMap
Retain only the first count keys and their values, and remove the other
keys and values.
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Throw a runtime exception because removal is not supported.
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Retain all elements of the given collection, but remove entries whose
elements are not in the collection.
- retainAll(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Unsupported optional method of the List interface.
- RETHROW - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.ErrorHandler
Indicator to request that the exception be rethrown.
- retrieveTransitions(State) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.OutgoingRelations
Retrieve an iterator for the transitions of a State.
- retrieveTransitions(State) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor.TransitionRetriever
Returns an iterator of (some or all) transitions from the
given state.
- returnAddress - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
This port outputs the IP address portion of the received
datagram packet.
- returnResult(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Return the result of a command evaluation.
- returnSocketNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
This port outputs the socket (a.k.a port) number portion of the
received datagram packet.
- returnTrackStatus(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.AbstractATCDirector
Return status of the track.
- returnTrackStatus(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1.ATCDirector
Return status of the track.
- returnTrackStatus(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.ATCDirector
Return status of the track.
- reusePreviousResult - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
The expert parameter that decides whether to reuse previous result as the initial value.
- reusePreviousResult - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
The expert parameter that decides whether to reuse previous result as the initial value.
- revalidate() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Check if the head and tail objects have been moved.
- reverse() - Method in enum ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort.IOType
Get the reversed IO type.
- reverse() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new ArrayToken whose elements are in reverse order of this
- reverseCompareCode(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Return the opposite of the given compare return code, as if the
arguments had been given to compare in the reverse order.
- reverseDirection(int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Reverse a direction flag.
- reverseIn() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Get the reverse input rank.
- ReverseIterator - Class in diva.util
A reverse-order iterator over a List.
- ReverseIterator(List) - Constructor for class diva.util.ReverseIterator
Construct a reverse iterator on the given list.
- ReverseLink - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
Reverse a link in the Map/Reduce demo.
- ReverseLink() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.ReverseLink
- reverseOut() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Get the reverse output rank.
- RExpression - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.r
The RExpression actor is an actor designed to run an R script or function
with inputs and outputs determined by the ports created by the user.
- RExpression(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RExpression2 - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.r
The RExpression actor is an actor designed to run an R script or function
with inputs and outputs determined by the ports created by the user.
- RExpression2(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- rFactor - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- rFlushConsole(Rengine) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Flush the console.
- RGB - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Interpolate in RGB space.
- RGB_CLAMP - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
Clamp pixels RGB to the image edges, but zero the alpha.
- RGBAdjustFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- RGBAdjustFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- RGBAdjustFilter(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- rgbColor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Line2D
The red, green, blue, and alpha components of the line.
- RGBComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- RGBComposite() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite
- RGBComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite
- RGBComposite.RGBCompositeContext - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- RGBCompositeContext(float, ColorModel, ColorModel) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.RGBComposite.RGBCompositeContext
- rgbFillColor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
The red, green, blue, and alpha components of the interior color
of the figure.
- rgbOutlineColor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
The red, green, blue and alpha components of the outline color
of the figure.
- rhoBeg - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Optimizer
The beginning of rho.
- rhoBeg - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
The expert parameter that denotes the beginning step-size.
- rhoBeg - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
The expert parameter that denotes the beginning step-size.
- rhoEnd - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Optimizer
The end of rho.
- rhoEnd - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
The expert parameter that denotes the final step-size.
- rhoEnd - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
The expert parameter that denotes the final step-size.
- Rician - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a random sequence with a Rician distribution.
- Rician(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Rician
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- RIDGED - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- RidgedFBM - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- RidgedFBM() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.RidgedFBM
- right() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders.EmptyBorder
Returns this border's right size.
- RIGHT - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Put the component in the right.
- RIGHT - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec
By default put components in the right.
- RIGHT - Static variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- right - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
The right input port, which has type double.
- RIGHT_ALIGN - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
By default put components in the right.
- rightArrow - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
Output port, which has type IntToken.
- rightChild - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic.Node
The right child of the node.
- rightEndPoint - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept
The value of the right endpoint of the scalar interval.
- rightInsetSpinner - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- rightInsetSpinnerModel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- rightIntervalClosed - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept
Indicates whether or not the interval is closed on its right endpoint.
- rightPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBorder
The amount of pixels to pad the right side with.
- rightShift(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Returns a token representing the result of shifting the bits
of this token towards the least significant bit, filling the
most significant bits with the sign of the value.
- rightShift(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Returns a token representing the result of shifting the bits
of this token towards the least significant bit, filling the
most significant bits with the sign of the value.
- rightShift(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Returns a token representing the result of shifting the bits
of this token towards the least significant bit, filling the
most significant bits with the sign of the value.
- rightShift(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Returns a token representing the result of shifting the bits
of this token towards the least significant bit, filling the
most significant bits with the sign of the value.
- rightShift(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Returns a token representing the result of shifting the bits
of this token towards the least significant bit, filling the
most significant bits with the sign of the value.
- RippleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which distorts an image by rippling it in the X or Y directions.
- RippleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Construct a RippleFilter.
- rLoadHistory(Rengine, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Load the history.
- ro - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtZeta
- ROBERTS_H - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- ROBERTS_V - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- robotID - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleMutualInformation
Index of the robot which is optimizing location.
- RobotId - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- roll - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
The roll input port.
- roll - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
The roll output port.
- rollback(long) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Rollback all the monitored objects to their previous states defined by
the given timestamp (or, handle).
- rollback(long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Rollback all the monitored objects to their previous states defined by
the given timestamp (or, handle).
- rollback(long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.ui.BacktrackController
Roll back the system state with the records in the checkpoint with the
given handle.
- rollback() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.ui.BacktrackControllerFrame
Roll back the selected checkpoint handle, and delete the records
for that checkpoint and for all older checkpoints.
- rollback() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DFInputChannel
Rollback any reads from this channel, allowing the tokens to
be read again.
- Rollbackable - Interface in ptolemy.backtrack
The interface of rollbackable objects.
- rollBackToCommittedState() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.continuous.ContinuousStatefulComponent
Roll back to committed state.
- rollBackToCommittedState() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Roll back to committed state, if the FMU has asserted
canGetAndSetFMUstate in the XML file and has provided the methods to set
and restore state.
- rollBackToCommittedState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Roll back all actors that implement ContinuousStatefulComponent
to committed state, and set local model time to the start
of the integration period.
- rollBackToCommittedState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Roll back to committed state.
- rollBackToCommittedState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Roll back to committed state.
- rollInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The rollInput input port.
- rollOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
The rollOutput output port.
- ROLLOVER_ICON - Static variable in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
This key is used in an action to specify a rollover icon
used in toolbars.
- ROLLOVER_SELECTED_ICON - Static variable in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
This key is used in an action to specify a rollover selected icon
used in toolbars.
- rollPitchYawToMatrix(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Returns the equivalent 4x4 transformation matrix.
- rollPitchYawToQuat(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- ROM - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the concatenation of the input bits from each input channel.
- ROM(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.ROM
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Room - Class in ptolemy.domains.space
A Room.
- Room(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.space.Room
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- room - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.space.Room
Name of the room.
- root - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.RaisedCosine
If true, use the square root of the raised cosine instead of the
raised cosine.
- rootNode() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTMatrixParserState
- rootNode() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.JJTPtParserState
- roots(int) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the nth roots of this complex number in an array.
- roots(Complex, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return the nth roots of the given complex number in an
- rootThreadGroup() - Static method in class util.testsuite.PrintThreads
Get the root ThreadGroup of the Java Virtual Machine.
- rotatable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
Boolean variable that determines whether the user can
rotate the model with the mouse.
- rotatable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Boolean variable that determines if the user is allowed to
rotate the scene.
- rotatable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Boolean variable that determines whether the user can
rotate the model with the mouse.
- rotate(Image, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.Transform
Rotate an Image.
- rotate2(double[], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- Rotate2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
Rotate a two-dimensional figure based on the angle, and anchor point
provided by the user.
- Rotate2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Rotate3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
Conceptually, this actor takes 3D geometry in its input and produces
a rotated version in its output.
- Rotate3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- rotate90(long, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
if the bits in w were arranged in a d*d grid and that grid was
rotated, what would the new bits in w be?
- RotateFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which rotates an image.
- RotateFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter
Construct a RotateFilter.
- RotateFilter(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter
Construct a RotateFilter.
- RotateFilter(float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter
Construct a RotateFilter.
- RotateOrFlipPorts - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
Action to rotate or flip ports.
- RotateOrFlipPorts(int, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RotateOrFlipPorts
Create an action to rotate the ports.
- rotatePorts - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.NCCompositeActor
Relative orientation of ports on the icon of this actor.
- rotatePorts - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.NCComponentBase
Relative orientation of ports on the icon of this actor.
- rotateX(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Returns the 4x4 transformation matrix due to rotate theta degrees around the X axis
- rotateY(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Returns the 4x4 transformation matrix due to rotate theta degrees around the Y axis
- rotateZ(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Returns the 4x4 transformation matrix due to rotate theta degrees around the Z axis
- rotation - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter.Tile
- rotation - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
How many 90 degree rotations were required to align the code.
- rotation - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ShapeAttribute
The angle of rotation in radians.
- rotationInDegrees - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageRotate
The amount of of rotation in degrees.
- rotX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- rotY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- rotZ(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- Round - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the specified rounded value of the input.
- Round(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Round - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round.
- Round(Round) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Constructor the Round helper.
- Round - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round.
- Round(Round) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Construct a Round adapter.
- Round - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round.
- Round(Round) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Construct a Round adapter.
- round(double, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- round(BigDecimal, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- round(FixPoint, Precision, Overflow) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Round the BigDecimal value using the appropriate rounding
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundCeiling
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundDown
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundFloor
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundHalfCeiling
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundHalfDown
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundHalfEven
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundHalfFloor
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundHalfUp
- round(BigDecimal) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding.RoundUp
- roundCeiling(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round towards positive infinity.
- roundDown(double, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the nearest fixed point number with less than or equal
magnitude that has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundDown(BigDecimal, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the nearest fixed point number with less than or equal
magnitude that has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundDown(FixPoint, Precision, Overflow) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the nearest fixed point number with less than or equal
magnitude that has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundDown(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round towards zero.
- RoundedRectangle - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A figure that displays as a rounded rectangle.
- RoundedRectangle(double, double, double, double, Paint, float, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.RoundedRectangle
Create a new rectangle with the given origin, size, fill,
outline width, arc width, and arc height.
- roundFloor(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity.
- roundHalfCeiling(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless
both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round
- roundHalfDown(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless
both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round down.
- roundHalfEven(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round towards the "nearest neighbor" unless
both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, round towards
the even neighbor.
- roundHalfFloor(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless
both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round
- roundHalfUp(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless
both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round up.
- rounding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.DoubleToFix
The rounding strategy used, such as "nearest" or "truncate".
- rounding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.FixToFix
The rounding strategy used, such as "nearest" or "truncate".
- Rounding - Class in ptolemy.math
The Rounding class provides a type safe enumeration of strategies for
handling loss of numeric resolution when rounding.
- Rounding(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Construct a Rounding object with the given String name.
- rounding - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
The amount of rounding of the corners.
- rounding - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.RectangleAttribute
The amount of rounding of the corners.
- Rounding.RoundCeiling - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round ceiling strategy.
- Rounding.RoundDown - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round down strategy.
- Rounding.RoundFloor - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round floor strategy.
- Rounding.RoundHalfCeiling - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round half ceiling strategy.
- Rounding.RoundHalfDown - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round half down strategy.
- Rounding.RoundHalfEven - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round half even strategy.
- Rounding.RoundHalfFloor - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round half floor strategy.
- Rounding.RoundHalfUp - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round half up strategy.
- Rounding.RoundUp - Class in ptolemy.math
Rounding class implementing the round up strategy.
- roundNearestEven(double, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundNearestEven(BigDecimal, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundNearestEven(FixPoint, Precision, Overflow) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundToInt(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
Round to the nearest integer.
- roundToZero(double, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has magnitude no greater that the specified value,
and has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundToZero(BigDecimal, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has magnitude no greater that the specified value,
and has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundToZero(FixPoint, Precision, Overflow) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the fixed point number that is nearest to the specified
value, but has magnitude no greater than the specified value,
and has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundUp(double, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the smallest greater than or equal fixed point number
that has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundUp(BigDecimal, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the smallest greater than or equal fixed point number
that has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundUp(FixPoint, Precision, Overflow) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Return the smallest greater than or equal fixed point number
that has the given precision, possibly introducing
quantization or overflow errors.
- roundUp(BigDecimal) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Rounding mode to round away from zero.
- route() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Tell the connector to route itself completely,
using all available information.
- route() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Tell the connector to route itself between the
current positions of the head and tail sites.
- route(Connector) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BasicManhattanRouter
Route the given connector, returning a Shape.
- route() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Connector
Tell the connector to route itself completely,
using all available information.
- route(Connector) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.IncrManhattanRouter
Delegate the static routing to the static router.
- route() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Tell the connector to route itself between the
current positions of the head and tail sites.
- route(Connector) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Router
Route the given connector, returning a shape of the
appropriate type that it can used to draw itself with.
- route() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightConnector
Tell the connector to route itself between the
current positions of the head and tail sites.
- route(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Route absolutely the figure associated with the given edge in
the target's view.
- route(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Route absolutely the figure associated with the given edge in
the target's view.
- route() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.KielerLayoutConnector
Tell the connector to route itself between the current positions of the
head and tail sites.
- route() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.KielerLayoutArcConnector
Tell the connector to route itself between the current positions of the
head and tail sites.
- routeManhattan(ManhattanConnector) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BasicManhattanRouter
Route the given connector, returning a Polyline2D.
- routeManhattan(ManhattanConnector) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.IncrManhattanRouter
Delegate the static routing to the static router.
- routeManhattan(ManhattanConnector) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanRouter
Route the given connector, returning a Polyline2D.
- Router - Interface in diva.canvas.connector
A Router is an object that can be used to help a connector
route itself.
- routeVisibleEdges(Object, LayoutTarget) - Static method in class diva.graph.layout.LayoutUtilities
Iterate over all the visible edges in the given graph and reroute
- routing(Token, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.AbstractATCDirector
Routing an aircraft based on its flight map.
- routing(Token, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1.ATCDirector
Routing an aircraft based on its flight map.
- routing(Token, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.ATCDirector
Routing an aircraft based on its flight map.
- routing(ArrayToken, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.TCSDirector
Routing a train in a station with more than one output channel
which is in the junction and by using the moving map of the
- row - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubMatrix
The starting row number.
- row() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
- row - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
The row of the LED to be illuminated.
- rowDeleteButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- rowInsertAfterButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- rowInsertBeforeButton - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- rowMatrix(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- rowOrigins - Variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout.LayoutInfo
Holds the origins of the rows.
- rows - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpGrid
- rows - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- rows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.DoubleToMatrix
The number of rows.
- rows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixJoin
The number of matrices to arrange top to bottom on the output.
- rows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToDouble
The number of rows.
- rows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixToSequence
The number of rows in the input.
- rows - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToMatrix
The number of rows in the output.
- rows - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
The number of rows.
- rowsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
The vertical size of the display, in rows.
- rowsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.DebuggerParameter
The vertical size of the display, in rows.
- rowsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
The vertical size of the display, in rows.
- rowsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorConfigureFactory
The vertical size of the display, in rows.
- rowsDisplayed - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
The vertical size of the display, in rows.
- rowSpan - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubMatrix
The span of rows.
- rowSpanLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- rowSpanSpinner - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- RowSpec - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
Specifies rows in FormLayout by their default orientation,
start size and resizing behavior.
- RowSpec(FormSpec.DefaultAlignment, Size, double) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
Constructs a RowSpec from the given default orientation,
size, and resize weight.
- RowSpec(Size) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
Constructs a RowSpec for the given size using the
default alignment, and no resizing.
- RowSpec(String) - Constructor for class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
Constructs a RowSpec from the specified encoded
- rowSpecField - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- rowSpecs - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- rowSpinnerModel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- rowSplit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.MatrixSplit
An array specifying the number of rows in the output matrices.
- rowToJSONArray(JSONTokener) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of strings from a row of comma delimited values.
- rowToJSONObject(JSONArray, JSONTokener) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a JSONObject from a row of comma delimited text, using a
parallel JSONArray of strings to provides the names of the elements.
- rowToString(JSONArray) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a comma delimited text row from a JSONArray.
- rowVector - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToMatrix
If true, then convert the array to a matrix with one row
and multiple columns (a row vector), and otherwise, convert
the input to a matrix with one column and multiple rows
(a column vector).
- RPAREN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- RPAREN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- RPAREN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- RPAREN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- rReadConsole(Rengine, String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Read from the console.
- rSaveHistory(Rengine, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Save history.
- rShowMessage(Rengine, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Show a message.
- rTable - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- RTMaudeUtility - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
- RTMaudeUtility() - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMaudeUtility
- RTMExpTranslator - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
A Real-Time Maude Expression Translator.
- RTMExpTranslator(boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMExpTranslator
- RTMFragment - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
A Real-Time Maude fragment.
- RTMFragment(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMFragment
- RTMList - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
A list of Real-Time Maude terms.
- RTMList(String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMList
- RTMObject - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
A Real-Time Maude object.
- RTMObject(String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMObject
- RTMOpTerm - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
A Real-Time Maude operation term.
- RTMOpTerm(String[], RTMTerm[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMOpTerm
- RTMOpTermGenerator - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
A Real-Time Maude operation term generator.
- RTMOpTermGenerator(String...) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMOpTermGenerator
- RTMPtExp - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
A Real-Time Maude ptolemy term.
- RTMPtExp(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMPtExp
- RTMPtExp(ASTPtRootNode) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMPtExp
- RTMPtExp(ASTPtRootNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMPtExp
- RTMPtExp(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMPtExp
- RTMTerm - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
A Real-Time Maude term.
- RTMTerm() - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMTerm
- rule - Variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- RULE_NAMES - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- RULES - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
The refactoring rules to be sequentially applied to the source code.
- run() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Run the test case.
- run() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
Initialize the test harness and run all the tests that can be
run by this class.
- run() - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Runs the process.
- run() - Method in class lbnl.util.WarningWindow
Display the message dialog.
- run() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.ExecutorThread
Manage the execution of tasks from the task queue.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog.ChangeExecutedRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog.ChangeFailedRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.DeferredSend
Invoke send on the port or parameter proxy.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.DeferredSend
Invoke send on the port or parameter proxy.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
Read the packets from the IMU and decode them.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortReader
Run method for this class.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper.SerialReader
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper.SerialWriter
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Execute the model, catching all exceptions.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.Branch
Repeatedly transfer a single token between the producer
receiver and the consumer receiver as long as the branch
is active or until a TerminateProcessException is thrown.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Begin executing the branches associated with this branch
controller so that they will begin transferring data in
their assigned channels.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.NotifyThread
Call NotifyAll() on the lock object (or objects) passed to this
class in its constructor.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessThread
Initialize the actor, iterate it through the execution cycle
until it terminates.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
This is used to call the reduce algorithm.
- run(IAction) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.AboutAction
Activate the action and pop up the About dialog.
- run(IAction) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.HelpAction
Activate the action and show the Eclipse help center.
- run(IAction) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.OptionsAction
Activate the action and pop up the Options dialog.
- run(IAction) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.RefactorAction
Activate the action and transform the listed Java source files.
- run - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
If true, then run the generated code.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientThread
Runs the thread.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.ActiveActorManager
Iterate the actor until its postfire() returns false, or the
director is requested to stop.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalReceive
The run method has roughly three parts: (1) where there is already
a put waiting, (2) where there is a ConditionalSend waiting, and
(3) where the ConditionalReceive is the first to arrive at the
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalSend
The run method has roughly three parts: (1) when there is already
a get waiting, (2) when there is a ConditionalReceive waiting, and
(3) where this ConditionalSend is the first to arrive at the
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEThreadActor
Implement this method to define the job of the threaded actor.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer._LinkVisualizerThread
Draw a line, sleep for specified amount of time,
and then remove the line.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.CenterOnScreenRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.CloseWindowRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.DeferredActionsRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.DoPackRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.SetBackgroundRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.ShowWindowRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.StatusBarMessageReportRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top.StatusBarMessageRunnable
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
This is the body of a thread that repeatedly calls addPoints()
if the plot is active.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.util.RunnableExceptionCatcher
Execute the runnable.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.JUnitTclTestRun
Run a test.
- run() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.ExecutionThread
- run() - Method in class ptserver.control.SimulationTask
Start the execution of the simulation by kicking off the thread.
- runAll() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
Run all the tests that can be run by this class.
- runAllDemos(String, Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLAbout
Run all the local .xml files that are linked to from an HTML file.
- runAllModels(AutomaticSimulation) - Static method in class org.hlacerti.lib.AutomaticSimulation
Run all the models.
- runBeforeExport - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HTMLModelExporter
If true, run the model before exporting (to open plotter
or other display windows that get exported).
- runBeforeExport - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportParameters
If true, run the model before exporting (to open plotter
or other display windows that get exported).
- runBeforeExport - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
If true, run the model before exporting (to open plotter
or other display windows that get exported).
- runCarTracking() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTestExtendedModels
Test the layout of the CarTracking model.
- runCommand - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
The command to use to run the generated code if the
useMake parameter is false.
- RunCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
- RunCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- RunCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Construct a RunCompositeActor in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- RunCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Construct a RunCompositeActor with a name and a container.
- runCSPDomain() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTestExtendedModels
Test the layout of the CSPDomain FSM Model.
- runForever - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorSSHCodeGenerator
If true, then use npm forever to run the Node composite
accessor forever.
- RunFrame(CompositeActor, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.RunFrame
Construct a frame to control the specified Ptolemy II model.
- runInterrupter() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTestExtendedModels
Test the layout of the Interrupter FSM Model.
- RunLayoutFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.run
A top-level frame for editing the layout of a customizable run control panel.
- RunLayoutFrame(CompositeActor, Tableau, CustomizableRunPane) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.RunLayoutFrame
Construct a frame to control the specified Ptolemy II model.
- RunModel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.Auto32Tests
Execute a model.
- runModel(String, String, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGKnownFailedTests
Generate, compile and run code for a model known to fail.
- runModel(String, String, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGTests
Generate, compile and run code for a model.
- RunModel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoKnownFailedTests
Execute a model.
- RunModel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoNameArchTests
Execute a model and time out after 900000 ms.
- RunModel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoTests
Execute a model and time out after 900000 ms.
- runModelInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCInlineTests
Generate, compile and run inline code for a model.
- runModelInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCKnownFailedTests
Generate, compile and run inline code for a model.
- runModelInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCTests
Generate, compile and run inline code for a model.
- runModelInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaKnownFailedTests
Generate, compile and run inline code for a model.
- runModelInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaTests
Generate, compile and run inline code for a model.
- runModelLarge(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaKnownFailedTests
Generate, compile and run code as if the model was very large.
- runModelLarge(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaTests
Generate, compile and run code as if the model was very large.
- runModelNoInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCKnownFailedTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGFMIMAKnownFailedTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGFMIMANoInlineTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaKnownFailedTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInline(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInlineArduino(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineArduinoTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInlineDuktape(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineDuktapeTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModelNoInlineDuktape(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGNoInlineAccessorTests
Generate, compile and run non-inline code for a model.
- runModels() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Start the models running, each in a new thread, then return.
- runModulation() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTest
Test the layout of the modulation model.
- runModulation() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.test.junit.ExportImageJUnitTest
Test the layout facility by reading in a models, stripping
out the graphical elements, laying out the models, comparing
the new results with the known good results and then doing
undo and redo.
- runMonitor() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTestExtendedModels
Test the layout of the Monitor FSM Model.
- RunnableCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic
Code generate a runnable code that does not require compilation.
- RunnableCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the ProgramCodeGenerator.
- RunnableExceptionCatcher - Class in ptolemy.util
A class (that implements the proxy design pattern) that encapsulates a
runnable, catches the exception and will report the exception to the
Ptolemy Message Handler.
- RunnableExceptionCatcher(Runnable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.RunnableExceptionCatcher
Construct an instance that will wrap a runnable,
catch its exceptions and report it to the Ptolemy
Message Handler.
- RunnableGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
A graph controller for models that can be executed.
- RunnableGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
Create a new controller.
- runNativeFMU(int, int, String, String, String, double, double, double, int, double, int, int, String, double[], double[], double[], double[], long[], double[], long[], long, double[], long[], double[], long[], double[], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Interface to the FMU.
- runNativeFMU(int, int, String, String, String, double, double, double, int, double, int, int, String, double[], double[], double[], double[], long[], double[], long[], long, double[], long[], double[], long[], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Interface to the FMU.
- RunningMaximum - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the maximum value seen since the start of execution of the model.
- RunningMaximum(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMaximum
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- RunningMinimum - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Output the minimum value seen since the start of execution of the model.
- RunningMinimum(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMinimum
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- runOnModification - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
If true, then when the user edits the plot, if the
manager is currently idle, then run the model.
- runRouter() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTestExtendedModels
Test the layout of the Router model.
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.All
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.graph.test.All
Run all the tests.
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest
Run the test.
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
Run the tests defined by this test suite.
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.util.test.All
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.util.test.ShapeUtilitiesTest
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.util.test.XMLElementTest
- runSuite() - Method in class diva.util.test.XMLParserTest
- RunTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau that creates a new run control panel for a ptolemy model.
- RunTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau
Create a new run control panel for the model with the given
- RunTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- RunTableau.RunFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
The frame that is created by an instance of RunTableau.
- RunTableau.RunFrame.DebugMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Listener for debug menu commands.
- RunTableau.TopFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for the model
associated with a top-level effigy (one that has a file
- RunTclFile(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.TclTests
Run a tclFile.
- runTestCase(TestCase) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestHarness
Run a single test and log the results
- runTestCase(TestCase) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
Run a single test case by passing it to the harness used by this
test suite.
- runtimeExceptionClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- runtimeExceptionConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- runtimeExceptionStringConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- RunTimeTypeCheckException(TypedIOPort, Token) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort.RunTimeTypeCheckException
Create an run-time type error exception.
- runUntilDeadlockInOneIteration - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
A parameter indicating whether one iteration consists of
repeated basic iterations until deadlock.
- rWriteConsole(Rengine, String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RConsole
Callback that is called when text is available from the R Engine and
should be written to the console.
- s - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
C type : const char**.
- s - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtHyperGeometric
- SaltAndPepper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jai
Randomly change values in a double matrix to 0.0 or 255.0.
- SaltAndPepper(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.SaltAndPepper
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SAME - Static variable in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
One of the return values of compare
, indicating
that the two elements are the same.
- sameActionAs(TDLAction, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
Return true if two actions are the same.
- sample(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter.Sampler
- SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundEvent
The value indicates a sample rate change event.
- SampleDelay - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A adapter class for SampleDelay.
- SampleDelay(SampleDelay) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Construct a SampleDelay adapter.
- SampleDelay - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A adapter class for SampleDelay.
- SampleDelay(SampleDelay) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Construct a SampleDelay adapter.
- SampleDelay - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
A adapter class for SampleDelay.
- SampleDelay(SampleDelay) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Construct a SampleDelay adapter.
- SampleDelay - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor outputs a set of initial tokens during the initialize()
method, and subsequently passes the input tokens to the output.
- SampleDelay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- sampleFactor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
The sample factor input port.
- samplePeriod - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.PeriodicSampler
The parameter for the sampling period.
- samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Create a sample plot.
- samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Create a sample plot.
- samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Create a sample plot.
- samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Do nothing in this base class.
- samplePlot() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Do nothing in this base class.
- samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Create a sample plot.
- samplePlot() - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Create a sample plot.
- Sampler(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter.Sampler
- Sampler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor generates discrete events by sampling the input signal whenever
the trigger input is present.
- Sampler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sampler
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- sampleRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriteBuffer
The desired sample rate to use, in Hz.
- sampleRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioWriter
The desired sample rate to use, in Hz.
- sampleRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
The sample rate in samples per second.
- sampleRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
The sample rate in samples per second.
- sampleRate - Variable in class ptolemy.media.Audio
The sampling rate.
- sampleTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
The sample time input port.
- sampleWave(int, double, double, DoubleUnaryOperation) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a new array that is filled with samples of a waveform of a
specified length.
- samplingPeriod - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareGenerator
Sampling period in seconds.
- sanitizeName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Sanitize a String so that it can be used as a Java identifier.
- sanityCheckAndUpdateParameters(String) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
- satExpr - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
This is the satisfies expression for the for statement, if
this is a for statement.
- SATISFIES - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- SATISFIES - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- SATISFIES - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- satisfiesMapConstraints(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
- satisfiesMapConstraints(double[]) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ssm.MapConstrained
Return true if the the coordinates satisfy the map constraints.
- satisfiesMapConstraints(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.ParticleFilter
- satisfiesMapConstraints(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceSimulator
- SATURATE - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing Saturate overflow strategy.
- SATURATE - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
Indicate that overflow should saturate.
- SATURATION - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- SATURATION - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- saturation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.HSBtoRGB
The saturation input port.
- SaturationComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- SaturationComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.SaturationComposite
- SaturationComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- SaturationFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter to change the saturation of an image.
- SaturationFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SaturationFilter
Construct a SaturationFilter.
- SaturationFilter(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SaturationFilter
Construct a SaturationFilter.
- save() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Save the document to its current file or URL.
- save(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.BasicStoragePolicy
Save the document.
- SAVE - Static variable in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- save(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.DefaultStoragePolicy
Save the document.
- save() - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Save the document to its current file or URL.
- save() - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
Save the document to the current file.
- save(Document) - Method in interface diva.gui.StoragePolicy
Save the document.
- save() - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument
Save the document to its current file or URL.
- save(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.SaveModelManager
Save the changes of an existing model in the database or create a new
model in the database.
- save(SearchCriteria, String) - Static method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchCriteriaManager
Save the search criteria to a file in the XML format.
- save() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
Save the preference values in this instance to the user
preferences file.
- SAVE_AS - Static variable in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
- save_nosave - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
This setting determines whether or not to save the R workspace when R is
closed; set to '--save' if you need to retreive the workspace later in a
workflow in another RExpression actor.
- saveAction(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
Create an action named "Save" that saves the current
- saveAs(File) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Save the document to the given file.
- saveAs(URL) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Save the document to the given file.
- saveAs(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.BasicStoragePolicy
Save the document to a user-specified location.
- saveAs(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.DefaultStoragePolicy
Save the document to a user-specified location.
- saveAs(File) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Save the document to the given file.
- saveAs(URL) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Save the document to the given URL.
- saveAs(File) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
Save the document to the given file.
- saveAs(URL) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
Throw an exception, as save to URLs is not supported.
- saveAs(Document) - Method in interface diva.gui.StoragePolicy
Save the document to a user-specified location.
- saveAs(File) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument
Save the document to the given file.
- saveAs(URL) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument
Save the document to the given URL.
- saveAs(HomerMainFrame, File) - Static method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutFileOperations
Save a layout to a MoML file.
- saveAsAction(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.DefaultActions
Create an action named "Save As" that saves the current
document to a different location.
- saveBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JFileChooserBugFix
Set the background to the value of the ToolBar.shadow property
and return the previous background.
- saveComponentInLibrary(Configuration, Entity) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.UserActorLibrary
Save the given entity in the user library in the given
- saveComponentInLibrary(Configuration, Entity) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
- saveDataToFile - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Parameter specifying if the data and event traces should be saved in a
separated file.
- saveDebugState(boolean) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.UserPrefs
Save the current state of the panel - debug on/off.
- saveIfRequired() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
- saveIfRequired() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
If necessary save any state.
- saveInterfaceContainer(Xinterface) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.util.ncapp2moml.NCApp2MoML
Store the container of the interface (a component) and path to
source file.
- saveJarURLAsTempFile(String, String, String, File) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.JNLPUtilities
Given a jar URL, read in the resource and save it as a file.
- saveJarURLInClassPath(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.JNLPUtilities
Given a jar URL, read in the resource and save it as a file in
a similar directory in the classpath if possible.
- saveLayoutAs(File) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Save the layout file.
- saveMapping(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingEditor
Saves content to mapping file.
- saveModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
Save the model.
- saveModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Save the model.
- saveModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Save the model.
- SaveModelManager - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.save
The business layer of the save to database function.
- SaveModelManager() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.SaveModelManager
- SaveModelTask - Class in ptdb.common.dto
A task request to save/update the model in the database.
- SaveModelTask() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.SaveModelTask
Default nullary constructor.
- SaveModelTask(XMLDBModel) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.SaveModelTask
Construct an instance of this class and set the model to be saved in the
- SaveModelToDBFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JFrame used for saving a model to the database.
- SaveModelToDBFrame(NamedObj, ActorGraphDBFrame) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.SaveModelToDBFrame
Construct a SaveModelToDBFrame.
- saveRefinementsInConfigurer - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
A boolean attribute to decide refinements of this state should be
exported as configurations of this state or not.
- saveToFile - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.jsoup.HTMLPageAssembler
Specify whether the content of the generated page should be save to a
separated file.
- saveValues(ComponentEntity, Hashtable<ValueIterator, Token>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Save the values of parameters that implement the
interface in the given records table, starting from the root entity.
- saveWinLoc(String, Point, Dimension) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.UserPrefs
- saveWinLoc(String, Window) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.UserPrefs
Save a window's size and position data under the provided name.
- saveWithParents(XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.save.SaveModelManager
Save a model but keep a list of models that reference it point to the old
model and update the rest of the models.
- saveXML - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- SAWTOOTH - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Sawtooth wave ripples.
- sawtooth(double, double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a sample of a sawtooth wave with the specified period and
phase at the specified time.
- SawtoothSampleGenerator(double, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing.SawtoothSampleGenerator
Construct a SawtoothSampleGenerator with the given period and
- scalable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
Boolean variable that determines whether the user can
move the point of view along the z axis using the mouse.
- scalable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Boolean variable that determines if the user is allowed to
scale the scene.
- scalable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Boolean variable that determines whether the user can
move the point of view along the z axis using the mouse.
- SCALAR - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The scalar data type: The least upper bound of all the scalar types.
- ScalarToken - Class in ptolemy.data
Abstract base class for tokens that contain a scalar.
- ScalarToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
- scalarTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- scalarVariable - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative
The FMI scalar variable for this state.
- scalarVariable - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20Output
The list of dependent ScalarVariable elements.
- scalarVariable - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription.ContinuousState
The FMI scalar variable for this state.
- scalarVariable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.Input
The FMI scalar variable for this output.
- scalarVariable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.Output
The FMI scalar variable for this output.
- scale - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- scale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- scale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- scale(double, double, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Scale this pane the given amount.
- scale(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- scale(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- scale(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Returns the 4x4 transformation matrix corresponding to scaling the dimensions
- scale(float[], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- scale(double[], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
returns v*a, allocating a new result
- scale(double[], double, double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- scale(float[], double, float[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- scale(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- scale(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- scale(double[][], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- scale - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLevelCrossing
An indicator of whether threshold should be interpreted
as absolute or relative, and if relative, then on a linear
scale, in amplitude decibels, or power decibels.
- scale - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
An indicator of whether dip and squelch should
be interpreted as absolute or relative, and if relative, then
on a linear scale, in amplitude decibels, or power decibels.
- scale(Image, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.Transform
Scale an image so that its maximum dimension is no larger than
the maximumDimension parameter.
- scale - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.DoubleMatrixToJAI
This parameter indicates whether to scale the data or not.
- Scale - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to a scaled version of the input.
- Scale(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- scale - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
An indicator of whether dip and squelch should
be interpreted as absolute or relative, and if relative, then
on a linear scale, in amplitude decibels, or power decibels.
- Scale - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale.
- Scale(Scale) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Construct a Scale adapter.
- Scale - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale.
- Scale(Scale) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Construct a Scale adapter.
- Scale - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale.
- Scale(Scale) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Construct a Scale adapter.
- Scale - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib
The default adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale.
- Scale(LatticeOntologySolver, Scale) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Scale
Construct a default lattice ontology adapter for the Scale actor.
- scale(double) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the product
of this complex number and the real argument.
- scale(Complex[], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
scaling each element in array by factor, which is a
complex number.
- scale(Complex[], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
scaling each element in the array by factor, which is a
- scale(double[], double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array of doubles produced by scaling the input
array elements by scaleFactor.
- scale(float[], float) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array of floats produced by scaling the input
array elements by scaleFactor.
- scale(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array of ints produced by scaling the input
array elements by scaleFactor.
- scale(long[], long) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array of longs produced by scaling the input
array elements by scaleFactor.
- scale - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ImageAttribute
The scale, as a percentage.
- scale - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFAttribute
The scale, as a percentage.
- Scale2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
Scale a two-dimensional figure by the x and y factor provided by the
- Scale2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Scale3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
Conceptually, this actor takes 3D geometry in its input and
produces a scaled version in its output.
- Scale3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- scaleAdd(float, Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- scaleAdd(float, Tuple3f, Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- scaleEquals(double[], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
v = v*a, storing result back into v
- scaleEquals(double[][], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- scaleFactor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SynchronizeToRealTime
How many seconds in wallclock time should pass for a single
second in model time.
- scaleFactor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale3D
The scale factor.
- ScalefactorOfVariance - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- scaleFactorX - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale2D
The factor by which to increase the figure size on the x-axis.
- scaleFactorY - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale2D
The factor by which to increase the figure size on the y-axis.
- ScaleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
Scales an image using the area-averaging algorithm, which can't be done with AffineTransformOp.
- ScaleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ScaleFilter
Construct a ScaleFilter.
- ScaleFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ScaleFilter
Construct a ScaleFilter.
- scaleImage(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ImageIcon
Specify a scaling for the image as a percentage.
- scaleInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale3D
The amount of rescaling during firing.
- scaleNormalize(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- scaleOnLeft - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Multiply on the left.
- scaleOnLeft - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ontologies.lib.UnitsConverter
Multiply on the left.
- scalingType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIDFT
The scaling to be done on the output.
- scalingType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIIDFT
The scaling to be done on the output.
- sccDecomposition() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Compute the strongly connected component (SCC) decomposition of a graph.
- Scene2DToken - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
A token that contains a two-dimension GR scene.
- Scene2DToken(Figure) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken
Construct a Scene2DToken.
- Scene2DToken.Scene2DType - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
The two dimensional scene type corresponding with a SceneToken.
- Scene2DType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
- sceneGraphIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform
The input port for connecting to other GR Actors in
the scene graph.
- sceneGraphIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
The input port for connecting to other GR Actors in
the scene graph.
- sceneGraphIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
The input scene graph.
- sceneGraphIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The input scene graph.
- sceneGraphOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The output port for connecting to other GR Actors in
the scene graph.
- sceneGraphOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
The output port for connecting to other GR Actors in
the scene graph.
- sceneGraphOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform
The output port for connecting to other GR Actors in
the scene graph.
- sceneGraphOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
The output port for connecting to other GR Actors in
the scene graph.
- sceneGraphOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Image2D
The output port that produces the figure.
- sceneGraphOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Line2D
The output port for connecting to other GR Actors in
the scene graph.
- SceneGraphToken - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
A token that contains a SceneGraph.
- SceneGraphToken(Node) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken
Construct a SceneGraphToken.
- SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel
The SceneGraphToken type.
- SceneGraphType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
- schedule(Time) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ActorExecutionAspect
Perform rescheduling actions when no new actor requests to be
- schedule(NamedObj, Time, Time, Time) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.ActorExecutionAspect
Schedule the actor.
- schedule(ActorExecutionAspect, NamedObj, Time, Time) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.ExecutionAspectHelper
Schedule an actor for execution on an aspect and return the next time
this aspect has to perform an action.
- schedule(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Perform rescheduling actions when no new actor requests to be
- schedule(NamedObj, Time, Time, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Schedule the actor.
- schedule(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Perform rescheduling actions when no new actor requests to be
- schedule(NamedObj, Time, Time, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Schedule a new actor for execution.
- schedule(NamedObj, Time, Time, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.DynamicCoreAssignmentScheduler
Schedule a new actor for execution on the next available
scheduler and return the next time
this scheduler has to perform a reschedule.
- schedule(NamedObj, Time, Time, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.EDFScheduler
Schedule a new actor for execution and return the next time
this scheduler has to perform a reschedule.
- schedule(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.EDFScheduler
Perform rescheduling actions when no new actor requests to be
- schedule(NamedObj, Time, Time, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FCFSScheduler
Schedule a new actor for execution and return the next time
this scheduler has to perform a reschedule.
- schedule(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Perform rescheduling actions when no new actor requests to be
- schedule(NamedObj, Time, Time, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Schedule a new actor for execution and return the next time
this aspect has to perform a reschedule.
- Schedule - Class in ptolemy.actor.sched
This class represents a static schedule of actor executions.
- Schedule() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Construct a schedule with iteration count of one and an
empty schedule list.
- Schedule - Class in ptolemy.graph.sched
This class represents a static schedule of firing elements invocation.
- Schedule() - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Construct a schedule with iteration count of one and an
empty schedule list.
- Schedule(Class) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Construct a schedule with iteration count of one and an
empty schedule list.
- schedule() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleAnalysis
Return the schedule computed by the associated analyzer.
- schedule() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleAnalyzer
Return the schedule computed by the associated analyzer.
- ScheduleAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.sched
An analysis for schedules on graphs.
- ScheduleAnalysis(ScheduleAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with the given analyzer.
- ScheduleAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.sched
An interface for all the scheduling strategies on graphs.
- scheduleCacheSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFDirector
A parameter representing the size of the schedule cache to use.
- scheduleContainedActors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true if the next actor in the model governed by this director
can be scheduled.
- scheduleContainedActors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Return true if next actor in list of fire requests was scheduled
and can execute.
- ScheduleElement - Class in ptolemy.actor.sched
This is an abstract base class for a schedule element.
- ScheduleElement() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
Construct a schedule element with an iteration count of 1 and
with no parent schedule element.
- ScheduleElement - Class in ptolemy.graph.sched
This is an abstract base class for a schedule element.
- ScheduleElement() - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Construct a schedule element with an iteration count of 1 and
with no parent schedule element.
- ScheduleElement(Class) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Construct a schedule element with an iteration count of 1 and
with no parent schedule element.
- scheduleEvents() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InputModel
Schedule the next events only when the modelInput port has a model token
- scheduleEvents() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Schedule the next events by evaluating all scheduling relations from
this event.
- scheduleEventsAfterAction(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Schedules actions which depend on the action specified in the given node.
- ScheduleListener - Interface in ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
Interface for listeners that receive schedule messages.
- SchedulePlotter - Class in ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
This attribute is a visible attribute that when configured (by double
clicking on it or by invoking Configure in the context menu) it displays
a plot of the schedule while the model is being run.
- SchedulePlotter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.SchedulePlotter
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- SchedulePlotter.SchedulePlotterEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
Factory that creates the schedule plotter.
- SchedulePlotterEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.SchedulePlotter.SchedulePlotterEditorFactory
Constructs a SchedulePlotter$SchedulePlotterEditorFactory object.
- Scheduler - Class in ptolemy.actor.sched
The base class for schedulers.
- Scheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Construct a scheduler with no container(director)
in the default workspace, the name of the scheduler is
- Scheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given workspace with the name
- Scheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- schedulerMultiplexorName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs.AFDXESsAttributes
The name of the scheduler multiplexor.
- scheduleText - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.VisualSequenceDirector
Specifies the sequential schedule as an array of records.
- SchedulingRelation - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
A scheduling relation is an edge from one Ptera event to another.
- SchedulingRelation(PteraController, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
Construct a scheduling relation with the given name contained by the
specified entity.
- SchedulingRelationController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
The edge controller for scheduling relations in a A Ptolemy Event
Relation Actor (PTERA) domain model.
- SchedulingRelationController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.SchedulingRelationController
Create a scheduling relation controller associated with the
specified graph controller.
- SchedulingRelationController.SchedulingRelationRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
Render a scheduling relation link between two events.
- SchedulingRelationRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.SchedulingRelationController.SchedulingRelationRenderer
- SchematicContextMenuFactory(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController.SchematicContextMenuFactory
Create a new context menu factory associated with the
specified controller.
- SCNOISE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- SCNoise - Class in com.jhlabs.math
Sparse Convolution Noise.
- SCNoise() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.SCNoise
- Scope(Pattern, MatchResult, ParserScope) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Scope
Construct a scope.
- ScopeExtender - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
An interface for attributes that extend their container's scope.
- ScopeExtendingAttribute - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
An attribute that extends its container's scope.
- ScopeExtendingAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.ScopeExtendingAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- Scrambler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.comm
Scramble the input bit sequence using a feedback shift register.
- Scrambler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Scrambler
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- ScratchFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ScratchFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- SCREEN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- SCREEN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- SCREEN_SIZE - Static variable in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerConstants
The name of the attribute that indicates the screen dimensions.
- ScreenComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- ScreenComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.ScreenComposite
- ScreenComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- screenLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
Location of the new window, or [-1, -1] if the default location is to be
- screenLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
Location of the window, or [-1, -1] if the location is to be determined
- screenLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
Location of the tableau, or [-1, -1] if not changed.
- screenSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
Size of the new window, or [-1, -1] if the default size is to be used.
- screenSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
Size of the window, or [-1, -1] if the size is to be determined
- screenSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
Size of the tableau, or [-1, -1] if not changed.
- ScreenSize - Class in ptolemy.homer.kernel
A Parameter that contains the size of the screen.
- ScreenSize(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.kernel.ScreenSize
Create a new screen size parameter in a model.
- SCRGraphTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.scr
An editor tableau for SCR.
- SCRGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRGraphTableau
Create a new FSM editor tableau with the specified container
and name, with no default library.
- SCRGraphTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRGraphTableau
Create a new FSM editor tableau with the specified container,
name, and default library.
- SCRGraphTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.scr
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- script - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
The script defining the behavior of this actor.
- script - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
The script defining the behavior of this actor.
- script - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
The script that specifies the function of this actor.
- Script - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
A parameter for associating a script (such as Javascript) with an object in
a model.
- Script(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Script
Create an instance of this parameter.
- script - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Script
Script to insert in the head section of the
web page.
- SCRModel - Class in ptolemy.domains.scr
An SCR model actor used for requirements specification.
- SCRModel(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.scr.SCRModel
Construct an SCR model in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- SCRModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.scr.SCRModel
Construct an SCR model with a name and a container.
- SCROLL_AMOUNT - Static variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- SCROLL_AMOUNT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.LayoutTable
- scrollToEnd() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Scroll as necessary so that the last line is visible.
- SCRTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.scr
A tableau factory that opens an editor on the contained controller
rather than this composite actor.
- SCRTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- SCRTableFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.scr
The frame for configuring an SCR Model.
- SCRTableFrame(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableFrame
Construct a frame associated with an SCR Model.
- SCRTableFrame(NamedObj, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableFrame
Construct a frame associated with an SCR Model.
- SCRTableHelper - Class in ptolemy.vergil.scr
Helper functions for SCR Tables.
- SCRTableHelper() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.scr.SCRTableHelper
- SDF - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
A plugin for the SDF domain.
- SDF(TypedAtomicActor, Actor, Context, Environment) - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.SDF
Create an new SDF DDI.
- SDFConverter - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor is a base class for SDF converters.
- SDFConverter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SDFConverter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the SDFDirector class.
- SDFDirector(SDFDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- SDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the SDFDirector class.
- SDFDirector(SDFDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- SDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
Adapter for the SDFDirector, targeted to the Luminary platform.
- SDFDirector(SDFDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- SDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
Code generator adapter associated with the SDFDirector class.
- SDFDirector(SDFDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- SDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
Class for modular code generator.
- SDFDirector(SDFDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- SDFDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
Director for the synchronous dataflow (SDF) model of computation.
- SDFDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- SDFDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- SDFDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- SDFFactory - Class in ptolemy.caltrop.ddi
A factory that creates
- SDFFactory() - Constructor for class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.SDFFactory
Create an SDFFactory.
- SDFIOPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
- SDFIOPort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Construct an SDFIOPort with no container and no name that is
neither an input nor an output.
- SDFIOPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- SDFIOPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Construct an SDFIOPort with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- SDFIOPort(ComponentEntity, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Construct an SDFIOPort with a container and a name that is
either an input, an output, or both, depending on the third
and fourth arguments.
- SDFModularScheduler - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular
An SDF scheduler for modular code generation.
- SDFModularScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.SDFModularScheduler
- SDFReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The adapter for SDF receiver.
- SDFReceiver(SDFReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Construct an adapter for an SDF receiver.
- SDFReceiver - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
The adapter for SDF receiver.
- SDFReceiver(SDFReceiver) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Construct an adapter for an SDF receiver.
- SDFReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue receiver with variable capacity and
optional history.
- SDFReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container.
- SDFReceiver(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with no container and given size.
- SDFReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container.
- SDFReceiver(IOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Construct an empty receiver with the specified container and size.
- SDFScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel
A scheduler that implements basic scheduling of SDF graphs.
- SDFScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler with no container(director)
in the default workspace, the name of the scheduler is
- SDFScheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given workspace with the name
- SDFScheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- SDFTransformer - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This is an abstract base class for actors that transform an input
stream into an output stream.
- SDFTransformer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SDFTransformer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- search(String) - Method in class doc.doclets.PtIndexer
Search the dictionary for matches.
- search(SearchCriteria, ResultHandler) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchManager
This method is used to be called by the GUI layer class to pass the
search criteria.
- searchButton - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareGUI
The search button.
- searchButton - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The search button.
- SearchCriteria - Class in ptdb.common.dto
DTO (Data Transfer Object) which contains all the search criteria input by
the user.
- SearchCriteria() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
- SearchCriteriaManager - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
The business layer class to handle the operations for saving and
loading search criteria from the stored file system.
- SearchCriteriaManager() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchCriteriaManager
- SearchCriteriaParseException - Exception in ptdb.common.exception
The exception for any parsing error happens during the parsing of the
stored search criteria.
- SearchCriteriaParseException(String) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.SearchCriteriaParseException
Construct an instance of SearchCriteriaParseException
with the given message.
- SearchCriteriaParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptdb.common.exception.SearchCriteriaParseException
Construct an instance to wrap other exceptions.
- searchFor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringIndexOf
Port and parameter specifying a string to find in
the inText string.
- searchForClass(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Search for a class with its partial name in the current class
or current package.
- searchForClass(StringBuffer, Class) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Search for a class with a partial name in the given scope.
- searchForClass(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Given the name of a MoML class and a source URL, check to see
whether this class has already been instantiated, and if so,
return the previous instance.
- searchForMethodByName(SootClass, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
Get the method with the given name in the given class
(or one of its super classes).
- searchForwards - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringIndexOf
Boolean parameter indicating the direction in which to search.
- searchIngredientClasses(String[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- SearchManager - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
Business layer interface class that mainly handles the search models
- SearchManager() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchManager
- SearchResultBuffer - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.search
The buffer for caching the search results from the previous searchers.
- SearchResultBuffer() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchResultBuffer
- SearchResultPanel - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JPanel displaying a search result model and all of the branches of its
parent hierarchy.
- SearchResultPanel(XMLDBModel, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.SearchResultPanel
Construct a panel associated with a search result.
- SearchResultsDialog - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
This class is a non-modal dialog for displaying search results.
- SearchResultsDialog(DialogTableau, Frame, Entity, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Construct a dialog for search results.
- SearchResultsDialog(String, DialogTableau, Frame, Entity, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Construct a dialog for search results.
- SearchResultsDialog.NamedObjComparator - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
Comparator for sorting named objects alphabetically by name.
- SearchResultsDialog.NamedObjRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
Default renderer for results table.
- SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic
The table model for the search results table.
- SearchResultsFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JFrame displaying all search results in a scroll panel.
- SearchResultsFrame(NamedObj, JFrame, Configuration) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.SearchResultsFrame
Construct a panel associated with a search result.
- sec() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the secant
of this complex number.
- sec(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the secant
of the given complex number.
- second - Variable in exception diva.util.jester.TestFailedException
Another of the objects involved in the failed test.
- second - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The seconds.
- second - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Second of date received on input.
- second() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.StatePair
Return the second state in this pair.
- secondMask - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIEdgeDetection
The mask used for edge detection.
- secondOperand - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MathFunction
The port for the second operand, if it is needed.
- secondString - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
The input PortParameter for the second string of type string.
- secondTab - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.ExamplePanel
- SecretKey - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Create a secret key and send it on the output.
- SecretKey(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SecretKeyReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a SecretKey.
- SecretKeyReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKeyReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SectionPreferencePage - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences
The superclass for preference pages with multiple sections.
- SectionPreferencePage(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Construct a preference page with multiple sections and with a page
- seed - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
The seed to be used for random token generation, to evaluate
probabilistic transitions between states.
- seed - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
The seed to be used for random token generation, to evaluate
probabilistic transitions between states.
- seed - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
The seed to be used for random token generation, to evaluate
probabilistic transitions between states.
- seed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
The seed that controls the random number generation.
- seed - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
The seed that controls the random number generation.
- seed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
The seed that controls the random number generation.
- seed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
The seed to be used for random token generation, to evaluate
probabilistic transitions between states.
- seed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDirector
The seed that controls the random number generator that
determines which component is fired.
- seed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.ErasureChannel
The seed that controls the random number generation.
- seed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
The seed that controls the random number generation to use when
- Segment() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.Segment
- select(double[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Create a new matrix from the indices (inclusive) [row0, row1] and [col0,col1]
- select(double[], int, int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Create a new vector from the indices (inclusive) [col0, col1]
- select - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanMultiplexor
Input that selects one of the other input ports.
- select - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Input for the index of the port to select.
- Select - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic select, which routes specified input channels to the
- Select(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- select - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Multiplexor
Input for select one of the inputs.
- select - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Multiplexor
Input for the index of the port to select.
- Select - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic select, which routes specified input channels to the
- Select(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Select
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- SELECTED_ICON - Static variable in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
This key is used in an action to specify a selected icon
used in toolbars.
- selectedA - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Output port indicating whether the output token came from
- selectedA - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Output port indicating whether the output token came from
- selectedTrack - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.StormHandling
An integer indicating the selected track.
- selectedValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.StormHandling
An boolean indicating the selected value.
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionListener
Called when the selection model has changed.
- selectionChanged(IAction, ISelection) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.AboutAction
Handle the change of selection.
- selectionChanged(IAction, ISelection) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.HelpAction
Handle the change of selection.
- selectionChanged(IAction, ISelection) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.OptionsAction
Handle the change of selection.
- selectionChanged(IAction, ISelection) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.actions.RefactorAction
Handle the change of selection.
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- SelectionDragger - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A class that implements rubber-banding on a canvas.
- SelectionDragger() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Create a new SelectionDragger
- SelectionDragger(GraphicsPane) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Create a new SelectionDragger attached to the given graphics
- SelectionEvent - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
An event representing a change in the graph selection
- SelectionEvent(Object, Object[], Object[], Object) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionEvent
Construct a new Selection event from the
given source, representing the given selection
additions, removals, and primary selection.
- SelectionEvent(Object) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionEvent
Construct an empty Selection event from the
given source.
- selectionFilter - Static variable in class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
The default selection filter -- accepts button 1 with no
- selectionFilter - Static variable in class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
The default selection filter -- accepts button 1 with no
- selectionInteractor - Variable in class diva.canvas.demo.SimplePane
The interactor to give to all figures
- SelectionInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A SelectionInteractor is attached to an object that can be put
into and out of a selection.
- SelectionInteractor() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Create a new SelectionInteractor with a default selection model and
a default selection renderer.
- SelectionInteractor(SelectionModel) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Create a new SelectionInteractor with the given selection model
and a null selection renderer.
- SelectionListener - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
A model for graph selections which can be listened to.
- SelectionModel - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
A model for graph selections.
- selectionModels() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Get the selection interactors
- SelectionRenderer - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
An interface that defines rendering for selections.
- SelectListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication.SelectListener
- selector - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
Parameter that selects one of the two input ports.
- selector - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
PortParameter that selects one of the two input ports.
- selectorClose(Selector) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Close the java.nio.channels.Selector.
- selectorCreate(ServerSocket, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Create a java.nio.channels.Selector and register the
ServerSocketChannel of the ServerSocket with the Selector.
- selectorRegister(Selector, SelectableChannel, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Register the channel with the java.nio.channels.Selector.
- selectSocket(Selector, boolean[], boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Returns a selected channel, or null if none found.
- selectTab(int) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabbedLayoutScene
Set the selected tab.
- selectTab(String) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
- SELF_AND_ZERO - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Completion strategy for A set to self and zero transitions with equal probability.
- SelfLoopAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
Computation of self-loops in a graph.
- SelfLoopAnalysis(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SelfLoopAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class for a given graph.
- SelfLoopAnalysis(SelfLoopAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SelfLoopAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with a given analyzer.
- SelfLoopAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
Base interface for the computation of self-loops in a graph.
- selfLoopEdgeCount(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the number of self loop edges of a specified node.
- selfLoopEdgeCount() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the number of self loop edges in this graph.
- selfLoopEdgeCount(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the number of self loop edges of a specified node.
- selfLoopEdges() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the collection of all self-loop edges in this graph.
- selfLoopEdges(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the collection of all self-loop edges that are incident to
a specified node.
- SelfLoopStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Computation of self-loops in a graph.
- SelfLoopStrategy(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SelfLoopStrategy
Construct an instance of this strategy for a given graph.
- SelfPTarget() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial.SelfPTarget
- selfTest() - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Perform a self test.
- SemanticHighlighting - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Abstract superclass of Ptolemy semantic highlighting.
- SemanticHighlighting() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlighting
- SemanticHighlightingPresenter - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Semantic highlighting presenter.
- SemanticHighlightingPresenter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
- SemanticHighlightingReconciler - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Reconciler for Ptolemy semantic highlighting.
- SemanticHighlightingReconciler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler
- SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
The position of a semantic highlighting.
- SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightingStyle - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
The semantic highlighting style.
- SemanticHighlightings - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Definition of a set of semantic highlightings.
- SemanticHighlightings() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings
- SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Semantic highlighting for methods.
- SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting.PtolemyMethod - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Wrapper for Ptolemy methods to be highlighted.
- SemanticHighlightings.StateVariableHighlighting - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Semantic highlighting for state variables.
- SemanticObjectContainer - Interface in diva.util
An object which is annotated with a single
"semantic object" which is its semantic equivalent
in an application.
- SemanticToken - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor
Semantic token in the Java source.
- SemanticToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticToken
- SEMI - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- SEMI - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- SEMI - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- send(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ConstantPublisherPort
Override the base class to replace the specified token with
the value of constantValue.
- send(int, Token[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ConstantPublisherPort
Override the base class to replace the specified tokens with
the value of constantValue.
- send(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Send the specified token to all receivers connected to the
specified channel.
- send(int, Token[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Send the specified portion of a token array to all receivers connected
to the specified channel.
- SEND - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
- send(int, Token, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Expose the send() method of the port.
- send(int, Token, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Expose the send() method of the port.
- send(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus.EventBusHelper
Send text data to exactly one recipient on the Vertx event bus.
- send(String, String, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus.EventBusHelper
Send text data to exactly one recipient on the Vertx event bus
and handle the reply by invoking the specified function.
- send(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper
Send data over the serial port.
- send(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper.SocketWrapper
Send data over the socket.
- send(Object, int, String, ScriptObjectMirror) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper.UDPSocket
Send a datagram message.
- send(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketHelper
Send data through the web socket.
- send(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.xbee.XBeeHelper
Send data over the radio.
- send(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.QueuedTypedIOPort
Enqueue the token that is being sent and send to the parent whatever
is at the end of the queue.
- send(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Send a token to the specified channel, checking the type
and converting the token if necessary.
- send(int, Token[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Send the specified portion of a token array to all receivers
connected to the specified channel, checking the type
and converting the token if necessary.
- send(int, Token, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEIOPort
Send the specified token to all receivers connected to the
specified channel.
- send(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Save token and remember timestamp of the token.
- send(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Save token and remember timestamp of the token.
- send(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Override the base class to delegate to the wireless channel if
the port is outside wireless.
- send(int, Token[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Override the base class to delegate to the wireless channel if
the port is outside wireless.
- SEND_BEGIN - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
An event corresponding with the beginning of a token being sent.
- SEND_END - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
An event corresponding with the ending of a token being sent.
- sendClear(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Set all destination receivers connected via the specified to channel
to have no token.
- sendClear(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Override the base class to delegate to the wireless channel if
the port is outside wireless.
- sendClearInside(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Set all destination receivers connected on the inside via the specified
to channel to have no token.
- sendClearInside(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Override the base class to delegate to the wireless channel if
the port is inside wireless.
- sendCommunicationEvent(Actor, int, int, CommunicationAspectListener.EventType) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Notify the monitor that an event happened.
- senderLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
The location of the sender.
- sending - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Module
The sending input port.
- sendingInputPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Return a list of input ports that can potentially send data
to this channel.
- sendingInputPorts() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessChannel
Return a list of input ports that can potentially send data
to this channel.
- sendingOutputPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Return a list of output ports that can potentially send data
to this channel.
- sendingOutputPorts() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessChannel
Return a list of output ports that can potentially send data
to this channel.
- sendInside(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Send the specified token to all receivers connected to the
specified inside channel of this port.
- sendInside(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray.IteratePort
Override the base class to convert the token to the element
type rather than to the type of the port.
- sendInside(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Send the specified token to all receivers connected to the
specified inside channel of this port, checking the type and
converting the token if necessary.
- sendInside(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Override the base class to delegate to the wireless channel if
the port is inside wireless.
- sendInsideMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- SendMail - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mail
Upon firing, send email to the specified recipient.
- SendMail(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- sendMessage(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpoint
Send the given message.
- sendMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- sendOutNullTokens(DDEReceiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Send a NullToken to all output channels that have a receiver
time less than or equal to the current time of this time keeper.
- sendOutput(TypedIOPort, int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixTransformer
Send the quantized output token according the output precision,
overflow and rounding parameters of the output port.
- sendOutputIfTriggered(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Send output tokens if any input on the trigger port has a token.
- sendParameterEvent(MirrorDecoratorListener.DecoratorEvent, Parameter) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Notify the monitor that an event happened.
- sendPortEvent(MirrorDecoratorListener.DecoratorEvent, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Notify the monitor that an event happened.
- sendStatus - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Control
The sendStatus output port.
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspect
Take the specified token and mediate communication to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
Receive a token and store it in the queue.
- sendToken(Receiver, Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
Initiate a send of the specified token to the specified
- sendToken(Token, ProxySink) - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenPublisher
Send the token via MQTT protocol.
- sendToPort(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Send an expression to a ptII port.
- sendToPort(String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSLoader
SSend an expression to a ptII port.
- SensorDataCalibration - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
This actor receives values from the bend sensors and
accelerometer/gyroscope of a data glove and outputs
corrected and filtered data.
- SensorDataCalibration(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SensorDataCalibration - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration.
- SensorDataCalibration(SensorDataCalibration) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
Construct the SensorDataCalibration adapter.
- SensorHandler - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler.
- SensorHandler(SensorHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
Construct a SensorHandler adapter.
- SensorHandler - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
Generate code for the Renesas board for a Ptides SensorHandler.
- SensorHandler(SensorHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.GPInputHandler actor.
- SensorHandler - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
Generate code for the Xmos board for a Ptides SensorHandler.
- SensorHandler(SensorHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.GPInputHandler actor.
- SensorHandler - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib
- SensorHandler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SensorHandler
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- sensors - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Map of Sensor to sensor number.
- Separator - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
A GUI property that encloses a JSeparator component.
- Separator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Separator
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
- Separator(NamedObj, String, JComponent) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Separator
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component.
- Separator(NamedObj, String, JComponent, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Separator
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component and the given layout
- Separator(NamedObj, String, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Separator
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given layout
- separator - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVReader
A specification of the separator between items in the table.
- separator - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVWriter
A specification of the separator between items in the table.
- separator - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSplit
A specification of the separator used to split the string.
- SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SEPARATOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
String representing the separator character ";" between
constraint expressions in the constraint expression string.
- SeparatorComponentBuilder - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
This is the component builder for the JGoodies Separator.
- SeparatorComponentBuilder() - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.SeparatorComponentBuilder
Creates a new instance of SeparatorComponentBuilder
- Sequence - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor produces a sequence of values, optionally periodically repeating
- Sequence(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Sequence - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor produces a sequence of values, optionally periodically repeating
- Sequence(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Sequence - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence.
- Sequence(Sequence) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Construct a Sequence adapter.
- Sequence - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence.
- Sequence(Sequence) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Construct a Sequence adapter.
- Sequence - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence.
- Sequence(Sequence) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Construct a Sequence adapter.
- SequenceActor - Interface in ptolemy.actor.lib
This is a marker interface for actors that operate on sequences.
- SequenceAttribute - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
The sequence number for actor in the sequence domain.
- SequenceAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceAttribute
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- SequenceAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- SequenceAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- SequenceConfigureFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.VisualSequenceDirector.SequenceConfigureFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- SequencedIntegrator - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib
An integrator actor that can be sequenced and share state across multiple
- SequencedIntegrator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
Create a new instance of the SequencedIntegrator actor with the given
name and container.
- SequenceDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
A director that executes actors in a sequence explicitly specified
by the model.
- SequenceDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- SequenceDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- SequenceDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- SequencedModelDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
An abstract base class for SequenceDirector and ProcessDirector.
- SequencedModelDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- SequencedModelDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- SequencedModelDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- SequencedSharedMemoryActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib
A base class for shared memory actors in the sequence domain.
- SequencedSharedMemoryActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Create a new SequencedSharedMemoryActor with the given name and
- SequencedSharedMemoryActor.Scope - Enum in ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib
An enumeration that represents the scope of the memory element.
- SequencedVariable - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib
A variable that can share state across multiple instances and
is used in the sequence domain.
- SequencedVariable(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedVariable
Create a new SequencedVariable actor with the given name and
- SequenceEstimator - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
A base class for estimating sequence numbers in the sequence domain.
- SequenceEstimator(Director) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceEstimator
Construct an estimator for the given director.
- SequenceFiring - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
A schedule element specifically for the SequenceDirector
and ProcessDirector that can optionally contain a reference
to a specific fire method for an actor.
- SequenceFiring() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceFiring
Construct a firing with a default iteration count equal to one
and with no parent schedule.
- sequenceNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CommunicationAspectAttributes
The sequenceNumber indicates the order in which communication aspects
are used.
- sequenceNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Input for the sequence number.
- sequenceNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Input for the sequence number.
- SequencePlotter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
A sequence plotter.
- SequencePlotter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SequencePlotter - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter.
- SequencePlotter(SequencePlotter) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Construct a Sequence Plotter helper.
- Sequencer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor takes a sequence of inputs tagged with a sequence number
and produces them on the output port in the order given by the
sequence number.
- Sequencer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Sequencer - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor takes a sequence of inputs tagged with a sequence number
and produces them on the output port in the order given by the
sequence number.
- Sequencer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- SequenceSchedule - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
An extension of the Schedule class to support sequenced actors.
- SequenceSchedule() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceSchedule
Construct a schedule with iteration count of one and an
empty schedule list.
- SequenceSchedule(List<SequenceAttribute>, Hashtable<SequenceAttribute, Hashtable>, Hashtable<SequenceAttribute, DirectedAcyclicGraph>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceSchedule
Instantiate a new schedule based on these data structures.
- SequenceScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel
The SequenceScheduler is responsible for creating and maintaining a
schedule for the sequence models of computation.
- SequenceScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Construct a scheduler with no container(director)
in the default workspace, the name of the scheduler is
- SequenceScheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given workspace with the name
- SequenceScheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- SequenceScope - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
A sequence plotter for sequences that are potentially infinitely long.
- SequenceScope(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequenceScope
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SequenceSource - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Base class for sequence sources.
- SequenceSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequenceSource
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SequenceToArray - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor bundles a specified number of input tokens into a single array
and broadcasts the resulting array on all output channels.
- SequenceToArray(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToArray
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SequenceToMatrix - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib
This actor bundles a specified number of input tokens into a matrix.
- SequenceToMatrix(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SequenceToMatrix
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SequentialClock - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- SequentialClock(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- SequentialClock - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
- SequentialClock(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.SequentialClock
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- SequentialScheduleEditorPane - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui
A pane that displays and edits a sequential schedule.
- SequentialScheduleEditorPane(Vector<Actor>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.SequentialScheduleEditorPane
Construct a SequentialScheduleEditorPane displaying the given actors
in the order given by the vector containing the actors.
- SequentialScheduleEditorPane(Schedule) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui.SequentialScheduleEditorPane
Construct a SequentialScheduleEditorPane displaying the actors
contained in the given schedule and in the order given by the schedule.
- SequentialScheduleEditorPane.UpDownListener - Class in ptolemy.domains.sequence.gui
- SequentialTwoWayHashMap<K,V> - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.data
A two-way hash map where the keys are sorted.
- SequentialTwoWayHashMap() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.SequentialTwoWayHashMap
- SerialComm - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm
Send and receive bytes via the serial port.
- SerialComm(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
Construct a SerialComm actor with the given container and name.
- SerialHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial
Helper for the serial module.
- SerialHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, String, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper
Open a serial port.
- SerialHelper.SerialReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial
Read from the serial port and emit data.
- SerialHelper.SerialWriter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial
Write to the serial port.
- serializeData - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
If true, then daata frames (and other complexe data objects
will be transferred by serialization to disk.
- SerialPortController - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor
This class provides a set of functions for use with an
IMUSensor accessor from within Ptolemy II.
- SerialPortController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortController
Base constructor.
- serialPortName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
Attribute giving the serial port to use.
- SerialPortReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor
Read in bytes from the serial port connection and provide them to
the ReaderM class for decoding of the unique packet format used by
the IMU sensors.
- SerialPortReader() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortReader
Construct a serial port reader.
- SerialReader() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper.SerialReader
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- SerialWriter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper.SerialWriter
- serSoc - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
The server socket.
- Server - Class in lbnl.actor.lib.net
Server that opens a BSD socket for communication with simulation engine.
- Server(int) - Constructor for class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Construct a server on any available port.
- Server(int, int) - Constructor for class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
Construct a server on the port specified by portNo.
- server - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Server used for data exchange.
- server - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Server to connect to.
- Server(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.userInterface.VertxBrowserHelper.Server
Instantiate a http server that listens only on localhost.
- Server - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
This actor models a preemptive server with a fixed or variable service time.
- Server(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- ServerManager - Class in ptserver.control
Acts as a facade to the Ptolemy server application and administers control
commands coming through the servlet.
- ServerManager() - Constructor for class ptserver.control.ServerManager
- serverSocketClose(ServerSocket) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Close the java.net.ServerSocket.
- serverSocketCreate(short) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Create a non-blocking server socket and check for connections on the
port specified by port.
- ServerUtility - Class in ptserver.util
Class containing helper methods used by the ptserver and/or Homer.
- ServerUtility() - Constructor for class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
- serviceAdded(ServiceDiscoveryEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Required by ServiceDiscoveryListener interface.
- serviceChanged(ServiceDiscoveryEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Required by ServiceDiscoveryListener interface.
- serviceIDNotify(ServiceID) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedServerRMIGeneric
Required by the ServiceIDListener interface.
- serviceRemoved(ServiceDiscoveryEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Required by ServiceDiscoveryListener interface.
- servicesList - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareGUI
List of services.
- serviceTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
The service time.
- serviceTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
The service time.
- serviceTimeMultiplicationFactor - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The service time for the default messageLength of 1.
- serviceTimeMultiplicationFactor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
The service time for the default messageLength of 1.
- SERVLET_NAME - Static variable in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
The virtual path of the command servlet.
- SERVLET_ROLE - Static variable in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Roles to classify users during basic authentication.
- set(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- set(Color) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Color4f
- set(Matrix4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- set(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- set(Quat4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- set(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Quat4f
- set(Matrix4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Quat4f
- set(float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- set(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- set(Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- set(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- set(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- set(Tuple4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- set(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Replace the figure at the given index with the passed-in
- set(Object[], Object[], Object) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionEvent
Set the contents of the selection event.
- set(int, Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Replace the figure at the given index with the passed-in
- set(int, int, float) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- set(int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- set(int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- set(int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- set(int, int, double[][]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- set(int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Set the element at index idx to v.
- set(V) - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
Sets the result of this Future to the given value unless this future has already been set or has been cancelled.
- set(E1, E2) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.Pair
Set the two elements in this pair.
- set(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.PtolemyExpressionString
Set the value.
- set(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.RegularExpressionString
Set the value.
- set(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Set the current value of the parameter.
- set(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Set the current value of the parameter.
- set(int, SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Overwrite a Syntactic Term in the column.
- set(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Unsupported optional method of the List interface.
- set(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the value in the entry with the given name.
- SET_CHECKPOINT_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
The name of the method to set a checkpoint.
- setA(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- setAboutMethod(Top, Method) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.MacOSXAdapter
Set the about menu handler for a Top window.
- setAction(Action) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor
Set the action associated with this interactor.
- setActions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
The action commands that set parameters when the transition is taken.
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.Branch
Set a flag indicating this branch is no longer active.
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Set this branch controller active if the active parameter is
true; set this branch controller to inactive otherwise.
- setActiveBranch(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Set the active branch to true or false.
- setActiveBranch(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Set the active branch for the current if statement.
- setActiveCount(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Set the number of active models.
- setActivePage(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor
Set the active tab of the editor.
- setActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Firing
Set the actor associated with this firing.
- setActorLocalTime(Time, Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Set the local time of an actor in the model under
this director.
- setActorParameter(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Set the parameter name for the current actor declaration, if
any, to the given parameter name.
- setActorSymbol(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Set the symbol in the PtalonCode which represents this
AbstractPtalonEvaluator's actor.
- setActorSymbol(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Set the symbol in the PtalonCode which represents this
AbstractPtalonEvaluator's actor.
- setAdaptive(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Enable or disable changing the number of bins (or buckets)
in the queue.
- setAddMargins(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Set whether to increase the size of the output image to accomodate the shadow.
- setAddress(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.PtrToken
Set the address in memory this token should point to.
- setAlignment(CellConstraints.Alignment, CellConstraints.Alignment) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the horizontal and vertical alignment.
- setAllTasksAdded() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.TaskQueue
Set the value for allTasksAdded to true.
- setAllVisited(Object, boolean) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
- setAlpha(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
set alpha proportion during line search.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Set the amount of noise to add in the range 0..1.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Set the amount of effect.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Set the amount of effect.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromeFilter
Set the amount of effect.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DisplaceFilter
Set the amount of distortion.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Set the amount of effect.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
Set the amount of warp.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Set the amount of glint.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlowFilter
Set the amount of glow.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
Set the amount of effect.
- setAmount(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Set the amount of effect.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Set the amount of pinch.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SaturationFilter
Set the amount of saturation change. 1 leaves the image
unchanged, values between 0 and 1 desaturate, 0 completely
desaturates it and values above 1 increase the saturation.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setAmount(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
Set the amount of sparkle.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Set the amount of swim.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Set the amount of texture.
- setAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.UnsharpFilter
Set the amount of sharpening.
- setAmplitude(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Set the amplitude of the ripples.
- setAnchor(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Set the point at which this figure is "anchored."
- setAnchor(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelWrapper
Set the anchor of the label.
- setAnchor(int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Specify origin of the text.
- setAndNotify(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the value in the entry with the given name and notify listeners.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Specifies the angle of the texture.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Set the angle of the texture.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Set the angle of the arc.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
Specifies the angle of the texture.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Specifies the angle of the texture.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Specifies the angle of each iteration.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
Specifies the angle of the texture.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Set the angle of the kaleidoscope.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
Specifies the angle of the mirror.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Specifies the angle of blur.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Specifies the angle of blur.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Set the angle of twirl in radians. 0 means no distortion.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter
Specifies the angle of rotation.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Specifies the angle of the shadow.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
Specifies the angle of the texture.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Specifies the angle of the effect.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Specifies the angle of the texture.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Set the angle of twirl in radians. 0 means no distortion.
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Specifies the angle of the texture.
- setAngle(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Set the angle at which the arc leaves the tail figure, in
- setAngle2(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Set the secondary angle of the kaleidoscope.
- setAngleCoefficient(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setAngleVariation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- setAnimationDelay(long) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Set the time delay for animation.
- setAntialiasing(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Set whether or not to use antialiasing
when drawing this pane.
- setAppContext(AppContext) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Set the app context that this application draws itself in.
- setApplication(Application) - Static method in class diva.gui.ApplicationExceptionHandler
- setApplicationPath(URI) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Set the base path of this application.
- setApplicationPath(URI) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Set the base path of this application.
- setAreaThreshold(double) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Set the percentage fraction of detected motion area threshold above which it is classified as
- setAsDefault() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
Set the values in this instance of PtolemyPreferences to be
the default values by creating entries in the Constants class
so that these values are accessible to any expression.
- setAssociatedPort(MirrorPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Specify an associated port.
- setAssociatedPort(ParameterMirrorPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterMirrorPort
Specify an associated port.
- setAtLeast(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Set an inequality constraint between the two specified objects, such that
the concept value of the greater term is greater than or equal to the
concept value of the lesser term.
- setAtMost(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Set an inequality constraint between the two specified objects, such that
the concept value of the greater term is greater than or equal to the
concept value of the lesser term.
- setAttachSite(Site) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Set the site to which the terminal is attached.
- setAttachSite(Site) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Terminal
Set the site that the terminal is attached to.
- setAttachSite(Site) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Set the site that the terminal is attached to.
- setAttribute(String, String, int, String, String, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an attribute declaration for later retrieval.
- setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Set the attribute with the given name to the given value.
- setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Set the value of the attribute with the given name.
- setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Set the attribute with the given name to the given value.
- setAttributeClass(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Set the value of the attributeClass element.
- setAttributeClass(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Set the value of the attributeClass element.
- setAttributeHandle(int) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Set the HLA attribute handle.
- setAttributeId(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Set the attribute Id.
- setAttributeName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Set the name of the attribute.
- setAttributeName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Set the name of the attribute.
- setAttributeName(String) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ModelAttributePanel
Set the attribute name.
- setAttributeName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Set the value of the attributeName element.
- setAttributeName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Set the value of the attributeName element.
- setAttributes(ArrayList<Attribute>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Set the attribute criteria for the search criteria.
- setAttributesList(ArrayList<PTDBGenericAttribute>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.AttributeSearchTask
Set the search attribute list to the given list.
- setAttributeType(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Set the type of this attribute.
- setAttributeValue(List<String>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Set the attribute list value only when the attribute type is list.
- setAttributeValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Set the value of the attributeValue element.
- setAttributeValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Set the value of the attributeValue element.
- setAttributeValuesPlain(List<String>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Set the list values to the attribute regardless of the attribute type.
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Set the author.
- setAutomaticRescale(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set automatic rescale.
- setAutomaticRescale(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set automatic rescale.
- setAutomaticTypeConversion(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Allow actors to disable automatic type conversion on their input
ports in case they do not need it.
- setAuxVariables(int, double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Set the value of an auxiliary variable.
- setAverageCharacterWidthTestString(String) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Sets a string that will be used to compute the average character width.
- setAzimuth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- setAzimuth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- setB(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- setBackground(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Set the background color.
- setBackground(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- setBackground(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Set the background figure.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Set background color.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Set background color.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Set the background color of the panel that contains the slider.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Set the background.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Set the background.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Set the background.
- setBackground - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPNGWriter
True if the background is to be set.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
Set the background color.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime
Set the background.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the background color for all the widgets.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.StatusBar
Set the background color.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Set background color.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the background color.
- setBackground(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the background color.
- setBackground(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the background color.
- setBackgroundAt(int, Color) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Set the background color at the given index.
- setBackgroundEventLayer(EventLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Set the background event layer.
- setBackgroundFigure(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Set the background figure.
- setBackgroundLayer(CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Set the background figure layer.
- SetBackgroundRunnable() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.SetBackgroundRunnable
- setBag(IOPort, Double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Set bag value that is parameterized on a port.
- setBag(Double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Set the value of the bag.
- setBars(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Set the width and offset of the bars.
- setBars(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Turn bars on or off (for bar charts).
- setBars(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Turn bars on and set the width and offset.
- setBars(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Turn bars on or off (for bar charts).
- setBars(double, double) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Turn bars on and set the width and offset.
- setBase(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Set the base URL for relative accesses.
- setBaseAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- setBaseDirectory(URI) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Set the directory to use as the base for relative file or URL names.
- setBaseDirectory(URI) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter
Set the directory to use as the base for relative file or URL names.
- setBaseDirectory(URI) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileAttribute
Set the directory to use as the base for relative file or URL names.
- setBaseDirectory(URI) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.attributes.FileOrURLAccessor
Set the directory to use as the base for relative file or URL names.
- setBasis(Function2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- setBasis(Function2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.CompoundFunction2D
- setBasis(Function2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.FBM
- setBasisType(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- setBatchMode(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- setBendpoints(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Set a new list of bend points and update the current validation
information such as the current location of head and tail and their
port widths.
- setBendRadius(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Set the maximum bend radius of the manhattan-routed
- setBeta(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
set beta proportion during line search
- setBevel(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- setBFactor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- setBFactor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- setBgColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Set the background color.
- setBias(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- setBias(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GainFilter
Set the bias.
- setBias(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setBinOffset(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Set the offset of the bins, in whatever units the data are given.
- setBinWidth(Object[]) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CQComparator
Given an array of entries, set an appropriate bin width for a
calendar queue to hold these entries.
- setBinWidth(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent.TimeComparator
Given an array of TimedEvent objects, find the appropriate bin
- setBinWidth(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEventComparator
Do nothing.
- setBinWidth(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Set the width of the bins, in whatever units the data are given.
- setBitsPerSample(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Set the number of bits per sample to use for audio capture
and playback and notify any registered listeners of the change.
- setBitsPerSample(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Set the number of bits per sample to use for audio capture
and playback and notify any registered listeners of the change.
- setBitsPerSample(int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Set the number of bits per sample to use for audio capture
and playback and notify any registered listeners of the change.
- setBlack(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Set the color to be used for pixels below the lower threshold.
- setBlack(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Set the color to be used for pixels below the lower threshold.
- setBlack(String) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Set the color to be used for pixels below the lower threshold as a
string specification.
- setBlackFunction(BinaryFunction) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
- setBlockSize(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BlockFilter
Set the pixel block size.
- setBloom(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
Set the bloom factor.
- setBloomThreshold(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
Set the bloom threshold.
- setBlueGreen(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- setBlur(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Set the blur that is applied before thresholding.
- setBlurMask(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Set the mask used to give the amount of blur at each point.
- setBlurSize(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision
Set the blur size. 1 to 25.
- setBody(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Set the body of the message.
- setBody(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Set the body of the message.
- setBoolean(Pointer, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Set the value of this variable as a boolean.
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the current value in the entry with the given name.
- setBooleanHybrid(Pointer, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Set the value of this variable as a boolean.
- setBorder(Border) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Sets the panel's border.
- setBorderColor(String) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
- setBorderPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Set the border paint.
- setBottomBorder(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Set the border size on the bottom edge.
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the cell bounds (location and extent) to the given column, row,
column span and row span.
- setBounds(Component, FormLayout, Rectangle, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure, FormLayout.Measure) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Sets the component's bounds using the given component and cell bounds.
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsConstraint
Set the bounds
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Set the rectangle that defines this geometry object.
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Set the rectangle that defines this geometry object.
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Move and resize this component.
- setBrightness(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Set the brightness.
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContrastFilter
Set the filter brightness.
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- setBrokerUrl(String) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Set the URL of the message broker.
- setBTolerance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- setBTolerance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Set the brightness tolerance of the image in the range 0..1.
- setBufferSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Set the buffer size of channel of the port.
- setBufferSize(IOPort, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Set the buffer size of channel of the port.
- setBufferSize(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Request that the internal capture and playback
audio buffers have bufferSize samples per channel and notify the
registered listeners of the change.
- setBufferSize(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Request that the internal capture and playback
audio buffers have bufferSize samples per channel and notify the
registered listeners of the change.
- setBufferSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Request that the internal capture and playback
audio buffers have bufferSize samples per channel and notify the
registered listeners of the change.
- setBumpFunction(Function2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setBumpFunction(Function2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- setBumpHeight(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- setBumpHeight(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setBumpHeight(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- setBumpShape(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setBumpSoftness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setBumpSoftness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- setBumpSource(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setBumpSource(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- setButtons(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If the argument is true, make a fill button visible at the upper
- setButtons(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
If the argument is true, make a fill button visible at the upper
- setButtons(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
If the argument is true, make a start, stop, and fill button
visible at the upper right.
- setC(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- setCacheContainerName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SetupParameters
Set the cache container name parameter to the given name.
- setCachedResult(CachedStrategy) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
Set the cached value of this analyzer to the cached value of another
- setCameraAzimuth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setCameraElevation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setCanBusPriority(Port, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Set the canbus priority attached to this actor port.
- setCanceled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingPresenter
Set whether or not the current reconcile is canceled.
- setCannyThreshold(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision
Set the canny edge detection threshold. 10 to 150.
- setCanvas(JCanvas) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Set the containing canvas of this pane.
- setCanvas(JCanvas) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JCanvasPanner
Set the target component that is being wrapped.
- setCanvasPane(CanvasPane) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Set the canvas pane contained by this JCanvas.
- setCap(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set node as a initial or terminal node in specified direction, true being out.
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Set receiver capacity.
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Set queue capacity.
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Set the queue capacity of this receiver.
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Set queue capacity.
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Set receiver capacity.
- setCaptions(Vector) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the strings of the caption.
- setCaptions(Vector) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the strings of the caption.
- setCaptureParameters(Map<String, Integer>, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Set the capture parameters for audio.
- setCellConstraints(String, CellConstraints) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Set the center location of the visible part of the pane.
- setCentered(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Specify whether the figure should be centered on its origin.
- setCentered(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Specify whether the figure should be centered on its origin.
- setCentered(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Specify whether the figure should be centered or not.
- setCentering(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Specify whether or not to center the window on the screen when
packing it.
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Set the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Set the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Set the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Set the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Set the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Set the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Set the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentre(Point2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Set the centre of the effect as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
Set the centre of the light in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreX(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
Set the centre of the light in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setCentreY(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size.
- setChannel(int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Set the channel of the represented port.
- setChannels(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Set the number of audio channels to use for capture and
playback and notify any registered listeners of the change.
- setChannels(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Set the number of audio channels to use for capture and
playback and notify any registered listeners of the change.
- setChannels(int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Set the number of audio channels to use for capture and
playback and notify any registered listeners of the change.
- setCheckpoint(Checkpoint) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.Checkpoint
Set this checkpoint object to be the same as the given checkpoint
- setChild(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Set the child figure.
- setChild(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Set the child figure.
- setChild(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureWrapper
Set the child figure.
- setChild(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Set the child figure.
- setChild(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleManipulator
Set the child figure.
- setChild(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathManipulator
Set the child figure.
- setChildrenUndoable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Set whether or not the child contexts are undoable.
- setChordTones() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Set the notes contained by this chord by a dictionary lookup.
- setChordTones(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.Chord
Set the notes contained by this chord, by name reference.
- setClass(String) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMObject
- setClassDefinition(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Specify whether this object is a class definition.
- setClassDefinition(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Specify whether this object is a class definition.
- setClassDefinition(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Specify whether this object is a class definition.
- setClassDefinition(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Specify whether this object is a class definition.
- setClassHandle(int) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Set the HLA class handle.
- setClassLoader(LocalClassLoader) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Set the class loader.
- setClassName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Set the class name of this attribute.
- setClassName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Set the MoML class name.
- setClassScope() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Set the current scope to be a class scope (a scope opened by
a class declaration).
- setCleanImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Get the clean image.
- setClip(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
- setClip(Shape) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- setClip(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- setClipboard(Clipboard) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Set the clipboard that is used by this application.
- setClipEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Set the clipping enabled flag.
- setClockDrift(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Set the new clock drift and commit it.
- setClosed(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Close the frame if the argument is true.
- setCloudCover(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setCloudSharpness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setCodeBlocks(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Set the code blocks which will be parsed instead of .c file.
- setCodeGenerator(GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Set the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- setCodeGenerator(GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorAdapter
Set the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- setCodeGenerator(GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
This method is used to set the code generator for a adapter class.
- setCodeGenerator(GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGeneratorAdapter
Set the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- setCodeGenerator(GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Set the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- setCodeGenerator(ProgramCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Set the associated code generator.
- setCodeGenerator(GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter
Set the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- setCodeGenerator(GenericCodeGenerator) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.test.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Set the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- setCoefficient(int, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setCoefficient(int, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.CellularFunction2D
- setColor(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Set one element of the colormap to a given color.
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Set the color of the metal.
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- setColor(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Set a knot color.
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- setColor(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
Set selected color name.
- setColor(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Set the current color.
- setColor(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If the argument is false, draw the plot without using color
(in black and white).
- setColor(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
If the argument is false, draw the plot without using color
(in black and white).
- setColor1(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LinearColormap
Set the first color.
- setColor2(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LinearColormap
Set the second color.
- setColorDither(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Set whether to use a color dither.
- setColorDither(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Set whether to use a color dither.
- setColorInterpolated(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Set the color at "index" to "color".
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LookupFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColormap(Colormap) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Set the colormap to be used for the filter.
- setColorNE(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- setColorNW(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- setColorOntology(Ontology) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntology
Set the component ontology from which the colors will be derived
for the concepts in this product lattice ontology.
- setColorRange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Set a range of the colormap, interpolating between two colors.
- setColorRange(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Set a range of the colormap to a single color.
- setColors(Color[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the point colors.
- setColors(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- setColors(Object[]) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the point colors.
- setColorSE(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- setColorSource(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setColorSW(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- setColumn(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the cursor to the given column.
- setColumnGroups(int[][]) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Sets the column groups, where each column in a group gets the same
group wide width.
- setColumns(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Set the desired number of columns of the textArea, if there is one.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Set the desired number of columns of the textArea, if there is one.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify the number of columns to use.
- setColumnSpan(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the cursor's column span.
- setColumnSpec(int, ColumnSpec) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Sets the ColumnSpec
at the specified column index.
- setColumnSpec(int, String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- setCommands(HashMap) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ThreadSynchronizer
Issues a new set of commands.
- setCommands(List) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Set the list of commands.
- setCommands(List) - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Set the list of commands.
- setCommands(List) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Set the list of commands.
- setComponent(JComponent) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Replace the currently wrapped component
with the given component and reshape/repaint
the figure.
- setComponent(JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Place the given component into the display
- setComponent(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Associate this PropertyAdapter with the specified component.
- setComponentDef(ComponentDef) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- setComponentEntitiesList(ArrayList<ComponentEntity>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Set the component entities from the Graph search pattern.
- setComponentFactory(ComponentFactory) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Sets a new component factory.
- setComponentName(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- setComposite(Composite) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
Set the composite.
- setComposite(Composite) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Set the composite with which to paint the text.
- setComposite(AlphaComposite) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Set the compositing operation for this figure.
- setComposite(Composite) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Set the color composition operator of this figure.
- setComposite(Composite) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Set the color composition operator of this figure.
- setCompositeEntities(ArrayList<CompositeEntity>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Set the composite entities from the graph search pattern.
- setCompositeEntity(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.NamedObjectTree
Set the composite entity of the panel.
- setCompositeFill(Paint) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Set the fill to paint the composites with.
- setCompositeScale(double) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Set the scaling factor for the composite nodes.
- setCompositeShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Set the shape for composites to be rendered in.
- setConcept(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Specifies the Concept value.
- setConcept(Object, Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Set the resolved property of the specified object.
- setConeAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController.ListenToActorAction
Set the configuration for use by the help screen.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilder
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LookInsideAction
Set the configuration to be used by the LookInsideAction object.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.MoMLModelAttributeController
Set the configuration for MoMLModelAttributeController.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.NamedObjController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ListenToAction
Set the configuration for use by the help screen.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.PortDialogAction
Set the configuration for use by the help screen.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.PortDialogFactory
Set the configuration for use by the help screen.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelationController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyEntityController
Set the configuration for OntologyEntityController.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.SchedulingRelationController
Set the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.EditIconAction
Specify the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RemoveIconAction
Specify the configuration.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.ConfigureUnitsAction
Set the configuration for use by the help screen.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
- setConfiguredObject(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform.EmbeddedConfigurer
Set the object that this configurer configures.
- setConfiguredObject(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Configurer
Set the object that this configurer configures.
- setConnected(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the argument is true, then the default is to connect
subsequent points with a line.
- setConnected(boolean, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the first argument is true, then by default for the specified
dataset, points will be connected by a line.
- setConnected(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
If the argument is true, then the default is to connect
subsequent points with a line.
- setConnected(boolean, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
If the first argument is true, then by default for the specified
dataset, points will be connected by a line.
- setConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Set the current connection.
- setConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Set the current connection.
- setConnection(DBConnection) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Set the DB connection for this searcher.
- setConnection(DBConnection) - Method in interface ptdb.kernel.bl.search.ResultHandler
Set the DB connection for this result handler.
- setConnection(DBConnection) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.SearchResultBuffer
Set the DB connection for this result handler.
- setConnections(HashMap) - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Set the "virtual connections" concerning the wrapped actor.
- setConnections(HashMap) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Set the "virtual connections" concerning the wrapped actor.
- setConnectorTarget(ConnectorTarget) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Set the connector target object
- setConnectorTarget(ConnectorTarget) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Set the target used to find sites on nodes to connect to.
- setConnectorTarget(ConnectorTarget) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Set the target used to find sites on nodes to connect to.
- setConstant(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Set whether this node is a constant.
- setConstraints(Component, CellConstraints) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Sets the constraints for the specified component in this layout.
- setConstraints(List<Inequality>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConstraintManager
Sets the list of inequality constraints to be managed by the
- setConstructionMode() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression
Set parse tree evaluator to be in construction mode.
- setConsuming(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Set the consuming flag of this layer.
- setConsuming(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Set the consuming flag of this layer.
- setConsuming(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Set the consuming flag of this interactor.
- setContainer(Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractInitializableAttribute
Override the base class to register as an
so that preinitialize() is invoked, and as a
, so that we are notified of
changes in the hierarchy above.
- setContainer(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Set the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Override the base class to invalidate the schedule and
resolved types of the director.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Override the base class to invalidate the schedule and
resolved types of the director.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Specify the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.Constraint
Set the container of this constraint.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ContainerIgnoringAttribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.DesignPatternImporter
Set the container of this importer, and update the new
container if it is not null.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.GTEvent
Specify the container, adding the entity to the list
of entities in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Set the new container of this parameter.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.PersistenceAttribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.DefaultDirectoryAttribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.DefaultModelAttribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.HierarchyFlatteningAttribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.NamedObjVariable
Specify the container, and add this variable to the list
of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.PortMatcher
Set container of this port matcher.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.RelationCollapsingAttribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.RelationHidingAttribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.Replacement
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Specify the container, adding the entity to the list
of entities in the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
If the argument is not null, then throw an exception.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationEffigy
Specify the container, adding the entity to the list
of entities in the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Override the base class so that tableaux contained by this object
are removed before this effigy is removed from the ModelDirectory.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelRepaintController
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox.Item
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.CheckBoxStyle
Override the base class to check that the container is
an instance of parameter.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ParameterEditorStyle
Override the base class to first check that the container is
an instance of Settable.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Override the base class so that if the argument is null and the
window is a master, then all other windows associated with the
container are closed and the model is removed from the ModelDirectory.
- setContainer(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Set the container of the internal receiver.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
implements the Actor interface (the base class ensures that the
container is an instance of ComponentEntity) or null.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Specify the container, adding the relation to the list
of relations in the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Override the base class to register as an
so that preinitialize() is invoked, and as a
, so that we are notified of
changes in the hierarchy above.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Override the base class to remove the display from its graphical
container if the argument is null.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Override the base class to remove the shell from its graphical
container if the argument is null.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Override the base class to remove the shell from its graphical
container if the argument is null.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Override the base class to remove the display from its graphical
container if the argument is null.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Override the base class to remove the plot from its graphical
container if the argument is null.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Override the base class to remove the display from its graphical
container if the argument is null.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Override the base class so that if the container is being
set to null, then the associated port is also deleted
(via a change request).
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Override the base class so that if the port is being removed
from the current container, then it is also removed from the
controller and from each of the refinements.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Override the base class so that if the port is being removed
from the current container, then it is also removed from the
controller and from each of the refinements.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Override the setContainer() method to call wrapup() if the
actor is deleted while the model is running.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
Override the setContainer() method to call wrapup() if
container is not equal to the result of getContainer().
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterMirrorPort
Override the base class so that if the container is being
set to null, then the associated port is also deleted
(via a change request).
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
Set the container of this port.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Override the base class to register as a piggyback with the nearest opaque
composite actor above in the hierarchy.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Set the container of this parameter.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Override the base class to register as an initializable slave with the
new container.
- setContainer(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.MailboxBoundaryReceiver
Set the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher
Set the container.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Override the base class to register as an
so that preinitialize() is invoked, and as a
, so that we are notified of
changes in the hierarchy above.
- setContainer(IOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Set the container.
- setContainer(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
Set the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Specify the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypeAttribute
Override the base class to remove any other instances of TypeAttribute.
- setContainer(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Set the container of the queue.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractInitializableParameter
Override the base class to register as an
so that preinitialize() is invoked, and as a
, so that we are notified of
changes in the hiearchy above.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ScopeExtendingAttribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SingletonParameter
Remove any previous attribute in the container that has the same
name as this attribute, and then call the base class method to set
the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Specify the container, and add this variable to the list
of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is an instance of
or null.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConversionInfo
Override the setContainer method to only allow a UnitConversionInfo
parameter to be contained by DimensionRepresentativeConcepts.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitCategory
- setContainer(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEIOPort
Constrain DDEIOPorts to only be contained by non-atomic
- setContainer(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Set the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Make sure that this communication aspect is only used in the DE domain.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Make sure that this communication aspect is only used in the DE domain.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
Override the base class to remove the display from its graphical
container if the argument is null.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Specify the container.
- setContainer(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNQueueReceiver
Sets the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Action
Set the container of this action.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
If the container is not null, register this director as the model error handler.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is an instance of InterfaceAutomaton or null.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is an instance of FSMActor or null; if it is null, then
remove it from the container, and also remove any refinement(s)
that it references that are not referenced by some other
transition or state.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Override the base class so that if the port is being removed from the
current container, then it is also removed from the controller and from
each of the refinements.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
Override the base class so that if the port is being removed
from the current container, then it is also removed from the
controller and from each of the refinements.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Override the base class so that if the port is being removed
from the current container, then it is also removed from the
controller and from each of the refinements.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinementPort
Override the base class so that if the port is being removed
from the current container, then it is also removed from the
controller and from each of the refinements.
- setContainer(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Set the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Specify the container, adding the entity to the list
of entities in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventQueueDebugger
Set the container and register this as an initializable in the
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ListDirectory
Specify the container, adding the entity to the list
of entities in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Specify the container, and add this variable to the list
of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Override the base class to first set the container, then establish
a connection with any decorated objects it finds in scope in the new
- setContainer(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Set the container of the queue.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
FIXME: Keep this or change?
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime
Override the base class to remove the display from its graphical
container if the argument is null.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.ChannelPort
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
implements the WirelessChannel interface.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer
Override the base class to remove this channel listener.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Specify the container, adding the entity to the list
of entities in the container.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Specify the container entity, adding the port to the list of ports
in the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Specify the container entity, adding the relation to the list
of relations in the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Override the base class so that if the argument is null, all
level-crossing links from inside this composite to outside this
composite are removed.
- setContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Specify the container entity, adding the port to the list of ports
in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Specify the container NamedObj, adding this attribute to the
list of attributes in the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute
Remove any previous attribute in the container that has the same
name as this attribute, and then call the base class method to set
the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonConfigurableAttribute
Remove any previous attribute in the container that has the same
name as this attribute, and then call the base class method to set
the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute
Remove any previous attribute in the container that has the same
name as this attribute, and then call the base class method to set
the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverContents
Specify the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ShowTypes
Specify the container.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ConstraintMonitorIcon
Override the base class to throw an exception if the container is
not an instance of
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Override the base class to add or set a _hideName parameter.
- setContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.SVGIcon
Override the base class to establish this as a listener to
icon descriptions in the container.
- setContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
Set the model to the container.
- setContainerName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBConnectionParameters
Set the container name parameter to the given value.
- setContainerName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SetupParameters
Set the container name parameter to the given value.
- setContainerSolver(OntologySolver) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverModel
Set the ontology solver that contains this model.
- setContainerToBe(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Indicate that the container of this icon will eventually
be the specified object.
- setContainerToBe(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.SVGIcon
Indicate that the container of this icon will eventually
be the specified object.
- setContent(ContentPrototype) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Set the content area of the tab.
- setContentPane(Container) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Set the content pane of the delegate.
- setContents(JComponent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Set the contents of this dialog.
- setContents(Set<NamedObj>) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.ResultsTableModel
- setContext(Component) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Set the component with respect to which the display window
should be created.
- setContext(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Set the context for parsing.
- setContourColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- setContourColor(String) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- setContrast(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContrastFilter
Set the filter contrast.
- setController(FactorOracle) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleTop
Specify the controller.
- setController(FactorOracle) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.OracleModel
Set the controller value.
- setCookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
An input on which to provide new cookies and/or new cookie values.
- setCookies - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
An input on which to provide new cookies and/or new cookie values.
- setCoolingFactor(double) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Set the cooling factor to be a value greater than 0 and less
than or equal to 1.
- setCorners(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
Set the new positions of the image corners.
- setCrossings(int[][]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- setCurrent(LayoutStyle) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle
Set a new LayoutStyle
- setCurrentBranch(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Set the current branch that's being walked.
- setCurrentBranch(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Set the current branch that's being walked.
- setCurrentClass(Class) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Set the current class within which class names are to be
solved with ClassLoader.loadClass(String)
- setCurrentClass(Class, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Set the current class within which class names are to be
solved with ClassLoader.loadClass(String)
- setCurrentClass(Class) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Get the current class (the class currently being inspected).
- setCurrentContentPane(JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Set the given content pane to be displayed as the current
content pane.
- setCurrentContentPane(JComponent) - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Set the given content pane to be displayed as the current
content pane.
- setCurrentDirectory(File) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser
Set the current directory.
- setCurrentPackage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
Set the current package.
- setCurrentPage(Page) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Set the current page.
- setCurrentPoint(double[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunctionForPhaseI
Set current searching point X.
- setCurrentSimulationTime(Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Set or reset the integrator's current time.
- setCurrentTime(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
- setCurrentTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Set the current time of this TimeKeeper.
- setCurrentValue(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Set the current value of this parameter and notify the container
and value listeners.
- setCurrentView(View) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Set the given view to be the current view.
- setCurrentView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Set the given view to be the current view.
- setCurrentView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.MDIApplication
Set the given document to be the current document, and raise
the internal window that corresponds to that component.
- setCurve(Curve) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurvesFilter
- setCurves(Curve[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurvesFilter
- setCyanScreenAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
Set the cyan screen angle.
- setD(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- setDanglingPortsOkay(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Set whether or not dangling ports are okay.
- setDashArray(float[]) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the dash array of the stroke.
- setDashArray(float[]) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Set the dash array of the stroke.
- setDashArray(float[]) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Set the dash array of the stroke.
- setDashArray(float[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Specify the dash array to use for rendering lines.
- setDataType(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
Check if data type is a structure.
- setDataurl(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- setDataurl(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
- setDBGraphSearchCriteria(DBGraphSearchCriteria) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Set the graph search criteria for the search criteria.
- setDebuggable(Debuggable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.DebugListenerTableau
Set the object for this tableau to listen to, or null to stop
listening to the current one.
- setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
Set debug output.
- setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
Set debug output.
- setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
Set debug output.
- setDecorator(FigureDecorator) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionRenderer
Set the prototype decorator.
- setDecorator(FigureDecorator) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
Set the prototype decorator.
- setDefaultButton() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Make the Go button the default button for the root pane.
- setDefaultButtonBarGapBorder() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Sets a default border that has a gap in the bar's north.
- setDefaultClassLoadingStrategy(ClassLoadingStrategy) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Set the static default class loading strategy that will be used by all instances of this class.
- setDefaultDialogBorder() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Sets the default dialog border.
- setDefaultDialogFont(Font) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.util.DefaultUnitConverter
Sets a dialog font that will be used to compute the dialog base units.
- setDefaultPreferences(Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences
Look for a default preferences object within the
specified configuration, and set it as the default
- setDefaultWidth(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Set the default width.
- setDeferringChangeRequests(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Override the base class to not delegate to the container.
- setDeferringChangeRequests(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Changeable
Specify whether change requests made by calls to requestChange()
should be executed immediately.
- setDeferringChangeRequests(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Specify whether change requests made by calls to requestChange()
should be executed immediately.
- setDelegate(XmlBuilder) - Method in class diva.util.xml.AbstractXmlBuilder
Delegate builders can be used to build/generate for objects
that are unknown by the current builder, as might be the
case in a hierarchy of heterogeneous objects.
- setDelegate(XmlBuilder) - Method in interface diva.util.xml.XmlBuilder
Delegate builders can be used to build/generate for objects
that are unknown by the current builder, as might be the
case in a hierarchy of heterogeneous objects.
- setDensity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DissolveFilter
Set the density of the image in the range 0..1.
- setDensity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
Set the density of the image in the range 0..1.
- setDensity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Set the density of the noise.
- setDensity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- setDensity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- setDependents(List) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DependencyDeclaration
Set the set of dependents for this declaration.
- setDerivedLevel(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Set the level above this object in the hierarchy where a
parent-child relationship implies the existence of this object.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Set the human readable description of the types of files accepted by this
- setDescription(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Set the description.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Set the description.
- setDestGrid(WarpGrid) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
Set the destination warp grid.
- setDestination(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
Set the destination image.
- setDestination(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InterpolateFilter
Set the destination image.
- setDestination(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Set the destination image.
- setDestination(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
Set the destination image.
- setDifference(double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationNode
Set the difference information with the current evaluation result
of the relation node.
- setDiffuseColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- setDiffuseColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointFilter
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- setDirector(Director) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Set the local director for execution of this CompositeActor.
- setDirectory(File) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractStoragePolicy
Set the current browsed directory to that given in the file.
- setDirectory(String) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractStoragePolicy
Set the current browsed directory to that given directory.
- setDirectory(File) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Set the initial default directory.
- setDirty(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Set the "dirty" flag.
- setDirty(boolean) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Set the "dirty" flag.
- setDisabledIconAt(int, Icon) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Set the disabled icon for the button at the given index.
- setDisabledIconAt(String, Icon) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Set the disabled icon for the button at the given index.
- setDispatchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphModel
Turn on/off all event dispatches from this graph model, for use
in an inner-loop algorithm.
- setDispatchEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Turn on/off all event dispatches from this graph model, for use
in an inner-loop algorithm.
- setDispersion(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Set the dispersion.
- setDisplacementMap(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DisplaceFilter
Set the displacement map.
- setDisplay(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the displayed text of an entry that has been added using
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Button
Set a name to present to the user.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Set a name to present to the user.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Set a name to present to the user.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Set a name to present to the user.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Set a name to present to the user.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Set a name to present to the user.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
Set the display name, and propagate the name change to the
associated parameter.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Set the display name, and propagate the name change to the
associated port.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Set a name to present to the user.
- setDisplayPane(Container) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
- setDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Specifies the distance to move on each iteration.
- setDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- setDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- setDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Set the distance of blur.
- setDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Set the distance of blur.
- setDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Set the distance of the shadow.
- setDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- setDistance(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- setDistancePower(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setDistortion(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.VLNoise
- setDistribution(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Set the distribution of the noise.
- setDither(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
Set whether to use dithering or not.
- setDocAttribute(DocAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocEffigy
Set the DocAttribute represented by this effigy, if any.
- setDocClass(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Set the name of this docClass.
- setDocName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Set the name of this document.
- setDocType(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Set the type of this document.
- setDocument(Document) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
Set the document that this is an effigy of.
- setDocumentBase(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- setDocumentBase(URL) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
- setDocumentFactory(DocumentFactory) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Set the factory that creates new documents for use by subclasses
constructors only.
- setDotRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
Set the pixel block size.
- setDouble(Pointer, double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Set the value of this variable as a double.
- setDoubleBuffered(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Turn double-buffering on this canvas on or off.
- setDoubleHybrid(Pointer, Double, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Set the value of this variable as a double.
- setDragInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Set the drag interactor for figures wrapped by this
- setDragInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleManipulator
Set the drag interactor for figures wrapped by this
- setDragInteractor(DragInteractor) - Method in class diva.graph.NodeInteractor
Set the interactor that drags nodes
- setDropIntoEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget
If the argument is false, then disable the feature that a
a drop onto an instance of NamedObj results in that NamedObj
containing the dropped object.
- setDropTarget(EditorDropTarget) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
Links this Listener back to the EditorDropTarget it belongs to.
- setDTD(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Set the DTD of this document.
- setDTDPublicID(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Set the DTD of this document by its public ID.
- setDTDSystemID(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Set the DTD of this document by its public ID.
- setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Set whether this receiver is dynamic.
- setDynamicPortSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Set a flag indicating if dynamic port selection is permitted.
- setDynamicPortSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Set a flag indicating if dynamic port selection is permitted.
- setEdgeAction(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Set the action to perfomr for pixels off the image edges.
- setEdgeAction(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
Set the action to perform for pixels off the edge of the image.
- setEdgeAction(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.ImageFunction2D
Set the edgeAction.
- setEdgeColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- setEdgeColor(String) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- setEdgeColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- setEdgeController(EdgeController) - Method in class diva.graph.SimpleGraphController
Set the edge controller.
- setEdgeHead(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Connect an edge to the given head node and notify listeners
with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED event.
- setEdgeHead(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Connect an edge to the given head node and notify listeners
with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED event whose source is the given
eventSource object.
- setEdgeInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Set the interactor given to edge figures.
- setEdgeInteractor(Interactor) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Set the interactor given to edge figures.
- setEdgeRenderer(EdgeRenderer) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Set the edge renderer for this view.
- setEdgeRenderer(EdgeRenderer) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Set the edge renderer for this view.
- setEdgeTail(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Connect an edge to the given tail node and notify listeners
with an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED event.
- setEdgeTail(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Connect an edge to the given tail node and notify listeners
with an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED event whose source is the given
eventSource object.
- setEdgeThickness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- setEdgeThickness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Set the "editable" flag.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Set the "editable" flag.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserTableau
Make the tableau editable or uneditable.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExternalTextTableau
Make the tableau editable or uneditable.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Make the tableau editable or uneditable.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditorTableau
Make the tableau editable or uneditable.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Set the associated text area editable (with a true argument)
or not editable (with a false argument).
- setEditable(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Specify which dataset is editable.
- setEffective(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Sets whether the InequalityTerm constraint will be effective for
the OntologySolver's algorithm.
- setEffigy(Effigy) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction
Set the effigy to be used if the effigy is not evident from the
model being edited.
- setElement(String, int, String, Hashtable) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an element.
- setElevation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- setElevation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- setEmbedded(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
With a false argument, force this director to behave as if it is
a top-level director even if it is not.
- setEmbeddedActor() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Create a new instance instance of EmbeddedActor.
- setEmboss(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Set the enabled flag of this pane.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface diva.canvas.event.EventAcceptor
Set the enabled flag of this object.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Set the enabled flag of this layer.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Set the enabled flag of this layer.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Set the enabled flag of this interactor.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor
Set the enabled flag of this interactor.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Set the enabled flag of the wrapped pane.
- setEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Set the enablement of the index-th element.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightingStyle
Set whether this style is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
Specify whether the entry is editable or not.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
Specify whether the entry is editable or not.
- setEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
For line, display, check box, slider, radio button, or choice
entries made, if the second argument is false, then it will
be disabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.DebugController
Enable/disable debugging on the set of actors.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyValueListener
Set enabled flag of the listener.
- setEnabledAt(int, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Set the enabledness of the shade at the given index.
- setEnabledAt(String, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Set the enabledness of the entry at the given index.
- setEnabledOutports(List<TypedIOPort>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Set the list of enabled output ports.
- setEnclosingClass(String, Class) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.LocalClassLoader
- setEnd(ConnectorEnd) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Set the object drawn at the end of the terminal.
- setEndAlpha(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Set the alpha value at the last iteration.
- setEndAlpha(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setEndpoint(WebSocketEndpoint) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketReader
Do nothing here.
- setEndpoint(WebSocketEndpoint) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketService
Set the endpoint responsible for this service's communication.
- setEndpoint(WebSocketEndpoint) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketWriter
Set the endpoint responsible for websocket communication.
- setEnteredIteration(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Set the iteration (number of times this if/for block has been
entered) in which this symbol is created.
- setEntity(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an entity declaration for later retrieval.
- setEntry - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- setEnvironmentMap(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setEnvironmentMap(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- SETEQUALS - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- setEquals(Object, Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Set the property of specified object equal to the specified property.
- setErosionSize(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision
Set the erosion size. 0 to 21.
- setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Set the error handler to handle parsing errors.
- setErrorRecoveryBits(int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
Set the error recovery bits.
- setErrorRecoveryFraction(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
- setErrorReported(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Call with a true argument to indicate that an error has been
reported to the user.
- setErrorStream(PrintStream) - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Set the stream to which errors are printed.
- setEvent(int, metroIIcomm.Event) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- setEvent(int, metroIIcomm.Event.Builder) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder
- setEventLayer(EventLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Set the layer that drag events are listened on
- setExactInputs(boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Indicate whether inputs are exact.
- setException(Throwable) - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
Causes this future to report an ExecutionException with the given throwable as its cause,
unless this Future has already been set or has been cancelled.
- setExecuteCommands(ExecuteCommands) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Set the command executor, which can be either non-graphical
or graphical.
- setExecuteCommands(ExecuteCommands) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocBuilder
Set the command executor, which can be either non-graphical
or graphical.
- setExecutionCompleted() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.TaskQueue
Set the value for executionCompleted to true.
- setExecutionError(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.TaskQueue
Set the execution error to the given value.
- setExecutionIdentifier(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Set the execution identifier object.
- setExistingModel(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.RenameModelTask
Set the existing model that its name need to be changed.
- setExitAction(Action) - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Set the action that is called back when the user
exits the app.
- setExitAction(Action) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Set the exit action of the delegate.
- setExitAction(Action) - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Set the action that is called back when the user
exits the app.
- setExitAction(Action) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Set the action that is called back when the user
exits the app.
- setExitOnTimeOut(boolean) - Method in class util.testsuite.WatchDog
- setExponent(int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Set the exponent.
- setExportDTD(boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.XSLTUtilities
Set the flag indicating whether to export DTD specification when
transforming XML files.
- setExposure(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromeFilter
Set the exppsure of the effect.
- setExposure(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ExposureFilter
Set the exposure level.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Do nothing.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientsAttribute
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Override the base class to record the persistent expression.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Override the base class to also set the expression of shared
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonParameter
Set the expression and flag that the value has been set for
this parameter.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set the expression of this variable.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Set the action and notify the container
that the action has changed by calling attributeChanged(),
and notify any listeners that have
been registered using addValueListener().
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Do nothing because a tableau cannot be specified with an exception.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSNodeParameter
Set the expression of the shared parameters.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.RequireVersion
Set the required version, check it against the currently
executing version, and throw an exception if the executing
version is older.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute
Set the value of the string attribute and notify the container
of the value of this attribute by calling attributeChanged().
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.AbstractSettableAttribute
Set the value of this attribute to the specified expression.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Set the value of the string attribute and notify the container
of the value of this attribute by calling attributeChanged(),
and notify any listeners that have
been registered using addValueListener().
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Set the value of the attribute by giving some expression.
- setExpression(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Set the value of the attribute by giving some expression.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Set the value of the string attribute and notify the container
of the value of this attribute by calling attributeChanged().
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Documentation
Override the base class to remove this instance from
its container if the argument is an empty string.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Set the expression.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Set the value of the attribute by giving some expression.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Set the value of the attribute by giving some expression.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Set the value of the attribute by giving some expression.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class ptserver.data.AttributeChangeToken
Set the value of the expression carried.
- setExpressionIfNotDefined(Port, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
If a variable with the given name does not exist, then create
a variable with the given name and set the value of that
variable to the specified value.
- setExpressionMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- setExtent(int, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the cursor's extent to the given column span and row span.
- setExternalBuffer(Actor, IOPort, Token[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Specify a buffer to use for storing the array.
- setExternalDataEntity(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an external data entity.
- setExternalTextEntity(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an external text entity.
- setF1(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setF2(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setF3(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setF4(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setFactor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- setFactory(Object) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
Set the factory used by this test suite.
- setFadeEdges(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- setFadeEdges(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- setFadeout(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- setFadeStart(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- setFadeWidth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- setFeedback(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set node as a feedback node in specified direction, true being feed out.
- setFibres(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Specifies the amount of fibres in the texture.
- setFigure(Object, Figure) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Set the figure associated with the given semantic object (node
or edge).
- setFigure(Object, Figure) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Set the figure associated with the given semantic object (node
or edge).
- setFigure(Object, Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Set the figure associated with the given semantic object, and if
that semantic object is Settable, then set up a value listener
so that if its value changes, then the valueChanged() method
is invoked.
- setFigureLayer(FigureLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Set the layer that figures are selected on
- setFigureSource(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Set the figure that the event occurred on.
- setFile(File) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Set the file that this document saves itself to.
- setFile(File) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Set the file that this document saves itself to.
- setFile(File) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Set the file that this document corresponds to.
- setFileName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
Set selected file name.
- setFileSelectionMode(int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser
Set the file selection mode.
- setFillColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FillFilter
Set the fill color.
- setFillColor(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Specify the fill color to use.
- setFilled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Set the flag that determines whether to fill the arrowhead.
- setFilled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Set the flag that determines whether to fill the blob.
- setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Set the fill paint.
- setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Set the fill paint that this shape
is drawn with.
- setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BubbleRenderer
Set the fill paint pattern of this figure.
- setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Set the fill paint pattern of this figure.
- setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Set the fill paint for this shape (its fill if it is closed).
- setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Set the fill paint that this shape
is drawn with.
- setFireMethod(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.MultipleFireMethodsInterface
Set the fire method to the method that matches the specified
string name.
- setFireMethod(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
Set the fire method to the method that matches the specified
string name.
- setFiringElement(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Set the firing element associated with this firing.
- setFirst(E1) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.Pair
Set the first element in this pair.
- setFirst(F) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides.Pair
Sets the first element in the pair.
- setFirst(F) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Pair
Sets the first element.
- setFirstSearcher() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Mark this searcher as the first searcher in the chain.
- setFlipped(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Set the flag that says the arrowhead is "flipped."
- setFocus(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- setFont(Font) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Set the font with which to paint the text.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Set the font.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Set the font.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- setFont(Font) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Specify the font to use.
- setFontName(String) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Set the font family by name.
- setForeground(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Set the foreground color.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the foreground color.
- setForeground(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the foreground color.
- setForeground(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the foreground color.
- setForegroundAt(int, Color) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Set the foreground color at the given index.
- setForegroundEventLayer(EventLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Set the foreground event layer.
- setForegroundLayer(FigureLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Set the foreground figure layer.
- setFormComponent(Component) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- setFormComponent(Component) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PtolemyFormEditor
Specify the selected component.
- setFOV(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setFrame(JFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
Specify the associated frame and set its properties (size, etc.)
- setFrame(JFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
Specify the associated frame and set its properties (size, etc.)
- setFrame(JFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableau
Set the top-level window associated with this tableau.
- setFrame(JFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Set the top-level window associated with this tableau.
- setFrame(JFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Specify the associated frame and set its properties (size, etc.)
- setFrame(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Specify the associated frame and set its properties (size, etc.)
- setFrame(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Set the frame of the plotter.
- setFrame(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Set the frame of the plotter.
- setFrame(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Set the frame of the image.
- setFrame(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Set the frame of the image.
- setFrame(BasicGraphFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Set the graph frame.
- setFrame(JFrame) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeTableau
Set the top-level window associated with this tableau.
- setFrameIcon(Icon) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Set the icon that is displayed in
internal frames.
- setFrameIcon(Icon) - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Set the icon that is displayed in
internal frames.
- setFrames(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- setFrameSize(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Set frame size that is parameterized on a port.
- setFrameSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Set the frame size.
- setFromRGB(Color4f, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setFromRGB(Color4f, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- setFsmTransitionParameter(FSMTransitionParameter) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Set the FSMTransitionParameter.
- setFunction(Function2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- setFuzziness(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Set the fuzziness of the texture.
- setFuzziness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- setGain(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- setGain(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GainFilter
Set the gain.
- setGain(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setGain(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Specifies the gain of the texture.
- setGamma(float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter
Set the gamma levels.
- setGamma(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter
Set the gamma level.
- setGamma(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Set the angle that determines the orientation of a self-loop.
- setGamma - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIPNGWriter
True if the gamma parameter is to be used.
- setGap(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- setGateway(XMPPGateway) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPPublisher
Register the gateway to the subscriber, so that if
the subscription changes, it can notify the gateway.
- setGateway(XMPPGateway) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSink
Set the gateway.
- setGateway(XMPPGateway) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSource
Register the gateway to the subscriber, so that if
the subscription changes, it can notify the gateway.
- setGateway(XMPPGateway) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSubscriber
Register the gateway to the subscriber, so that if
the subscription changes, it can notify the gateway.
- setGenericAttribute(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBSearchAttribute
Set the attribute as generic or not generic.
- setGenericClassName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBSearchAttribute
Set the attribute class name for a generic attribute.
- setGeometry(Shape) - Method in interface diva.canvas.GeometricSet
Set the geometry.
- setGFactor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- setGlassPane(Component) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Set the glassPane of the delegate.
- setGlassPaneSize(Dimension) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.GlassPaneWidget
Set the dimension of the glass pane and components its covering.
- setGlintOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Set whether to render the stars and the image or only the stars.
- setGlow(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setGlowFalloff(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setGrabHandleFactory(GrabHandleFactory) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Set the grab handle factory.
- setGradientCoefficient(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setGraphic(String) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Set the SVG for the graphic.
- setGraphicURI(String) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Set the specified URI for the graphic to use if no
graphic is specified using setGraphic().
- setGraphModel(GraphModel) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Set the graph being viewed.
- setGraphModel(GraphModel) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Set the graph being viewed.
- setGraphPane(GraphPane) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Set the graph pane.
- setGraphPane(GraphPane) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Set the graph pane.
- setGraphPane(GraphPane) - Method in class diva.graph.JGraph
Set the graph pane of this widget.
- setGraphSearchCriteria(DBGraphSearchCriteria) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GraphSearchTask
Set the graph search criteria.
- setGreenRed(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- setGrid(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Control whether the grid is drawn.
- setGrid(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Control whether the grid is drawn.
- setGridColor(Color) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Sets the debug grid's color.
- setGridColor(Color) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Sets the debug grid's color.
- setGridPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Set the grid line paint.
- setGridStroke(Stroke) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Set the grid line stroke.
- setGridType(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setGtLibrary(LibraryAttribute) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBTableau
Set the library for DB pattern search window.
- setGuardExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Set the guard expression.
- setH(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- setH(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setHAlignment(CellConstraints.Alignment) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the horizontal alignment.
- setHandleFilter(MouseFilter) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Set the mouse filter that is set in the grab handle interactor.
- setHandleInteractor(DragInteractor) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Set the grab handle interactor.
- setHandler(XmlHandler) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Set the handler that will receive parsing events.
- setHaziness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setHead(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Connect an edge to the given head node and notify listeners
with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED event.
- setHead(Node) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Set the node that this edge points to.
- setHead(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.MutableEdgeModel
Set the node that this edge points to.
- setHead(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Connect the given edge to the given head node.
- setHead(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.Link
Set the head of this link.
- setHead(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Connect the given edge to the given head node.
- setHead(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Connect the given edge to the given head node.
- setHeadEnd(ConnectorEnd) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the object drawn at the head end of the connector.
- setHeadSite(Site) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the site that marks the "head" of the connector,
and call headMoved();
- setHeadSite(Site) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Connector
Set the site that marks the "head" of the connector.
- setHEdgeMatrix(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- setHeight(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BicubicScaleFilter
- setHeight(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Set the height of the arc.
- setHeight(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Set the height of the crop rectangle.
- setHeight(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TileImageFilter
Set the output image height.
- setHFactor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- setHighColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
Set the high color.
- setHighLevel(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- setHighlightColorsMenu(ProductLatticeOntology) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.gui.ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions.ProductLatticeHighlighterController
Set the highlight colors menu for the ProductLatticeOntologySolver
based on its ProductLatticeOntology.
- setHighOutputLevel(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- setHistoryCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Set the capacity of the history queue.
- setHistoryCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Set the capacity of the history queue.
- setHistoryCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Set the capacity of the history queue.
- setHistoryCapacity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Set the capacity of the history queue.
- setHRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Set the horizontal size of the blur.
- setHRadius(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
Set the horizontal size of the blur.
- setHRadius(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Set the horizontal size of the blur.
- setHTolerance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
Set the tolerance of the image in the range 0..1.
- setHTolerance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Set the hue tolerance of the image in the range 0..1.
- setIcon(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Iconify the frame if the argument is true.
- setIconAt(int, Icon) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Set the disabled icon for the button at the given index.
- setIconAt(String, Icon) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Set the disabled icon for the button at the given index.
- setIconDescription(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTTools
Execute a MoMLChangeRequest to set the icon description of the
- setIconImage(Image) - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Set the icon that represents this frame.
- setIconImage(Image) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Set the image icon of the delegate.
- setIconImage(Image) - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Set the icon that represents this frame.
- setIconImage(Image) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Set the icon that represents this frame.
- setIconLoader(IconLoader) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Set the icon loader for all MoMLParsers.
- setIconText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Specify the text to display in the icon.
- setIdentity() - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- setIdentity() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set node as an identity.
- setIfNotDefined(Port, String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
If a variable with the given name does not exist, then create
a variable with the given name and set the value of that
variable to the specified value.
- setImage(Image) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Set the figure's image.
- setImage(ImageToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ImageTokenEffigy
Specify the image represented by this effigy.
- setImage(Image) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
Sets an image.
- setImage(Image) - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Specify the java.awt.Image representation of the image.
- setImage(int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Specify the packed ARGB representation of the image.
- setImage(Image) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ImageIcon
Specify an image to display.
- setImpulses(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any
plotted point down to the x axis.
- setImpulses(boolean, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the first argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any
plotted point in the specified dataset down to the x axis.
- setImpulses(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
If the argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any
plotted point down to the x axis.
- setImpulses(boolean, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
If the first argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any
plotted point in the specified dataset down to the x axis.
- setIndentLevel(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Set the indent level.
- setIndex(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Set the index of the given figure.
- setIndex(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Set the index of the given figure.
- setIndex(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Set the index of the given figure.
- setIndex(int, Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Set the index of the given figure.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Set the superdense time index.
- setIndex(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.SuperdenseTimeDirector
Set the superdense time index.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Set the superdense time index.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Set the superdense time index by delegating to the directors of
the refinements of the current state, if any.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Set the superdense time index.
- setIndexes(int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Set the reference indexes.
- setInitializer(ActorModuleInitializer.Initializer) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.injection.ActorModuleInitializer
Set the initializer.
- setInitialState(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Initialize state of to initial state of the network.
- setInitialState(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Initialize the state 'state' to this channel's initial state
by putting the appropriate number of initial tokens in it.
- setInitialValue(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunctionForPhaseI
Set initial residual value s.
- setInitToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.QueuedTypedIOPort
Set the initial token value.
- setInLines(FieldWarpFilter.Line[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the argument is true, make the port an input port.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Override the base class to also set the associated port,
if there is one.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
If the argument is true, make the port an input port.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port an input port.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterMirrorPort
Override the base class to also set the associated port,
if there is one.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
Override the base class to refuse to accept setting to be an input.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriberPort
Override the base class to only accept setting to be an input.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
If the argument is true, make the port an input port.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port an input port.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port an input port.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port an input port.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Make port input port and update visual representation.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Set whether or not this port is an input.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinementPort
Make port to an input port, for TDL this means that it is a sensor.
- setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTaskPort
Sets the port of a task to an input port.
- setInputArray(IOPort, Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Specifies the input array that will read the buffer allocated
as output.
- setInputEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Enable or disable the input.
- setInputFormat(Format) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Set the input format.
- setInputMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- setInputPortName(Port, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
Set the name of the CommunicationRequestPort that will be receiving tokens from
this actor port.
- setInputVariableModel(int, ModelPolynomial) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Set the model for an input variable to the derivative function.
- setInsets(Insets) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the insets for the GridBagLayout manager used to layout the
- setInt(Pointer, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Set the value of this variable as an integer.
- setIntensity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- setInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Set the interactor of this figure.
- setInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Set the interactor of this figure.
- setInteractor(Interactor) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Set the interactor of this figure.
- setInternalEntity(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an entity declaration for later retrieval.
- setInterpolation(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- setInterpolation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InterpolateFilter
Set the interpolation factor.
- setInterpolation(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
Set the type of interpolation to perform.
- setInterpreter(ShellInterpreter) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Set the interpreter.
- setInterpreter(ShellInterpreter) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UserDialog
Set the interpreter.
- setInterval(Runnable, long) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time and again
at multiples of that time.
- setInterval(Runnable, long) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time and again
at multiples of that time.
- setInterval(Runnable, long) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time and again
at multiples of that time.
- setInterval(Runnable, long) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time and again
at multiples of that time.
- setInterval(Runnable, long) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Specify a function to invoke as a callback periodically with
the specified period (in milliseconds).
- setInterval(Runnable, long) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Specify a function to invoke as a callback periodically with
the specified period (in milliseconds).
- setInterval(Runnable, Double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Invoke the specified function after the specified interval and
periodically after that.
- setInterval(Runnable, Double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Invoke the specified function after the specified interval and
periodically after that.
- setIntHybrid(Pointer, Integer, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Set the value of this variable as an integer.
- setIntoB(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- setIntoG(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- setIntoR(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- setInTransitStatusOfTrack(Token, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.AbstractATCDirector
Update inTransit status of a track.
- setInTransitStatusOfTrack(Token, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy1.ATCDirector
Update inTransit status of a track.
- setInTransitStatusOfTrack(Token, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.kernel.policy2.ATCDirector
Update inTransit status of a track.
- setInvert(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
- setInvert(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- setInvert(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
Set the invert.
- setInvert(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
- setInvert(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- setIsNew(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Set the isNew variable which indicates if the model is in the database or
it is new model.
- setIsTransactionRequired(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBConnectionParameters
Set the transaction required parameter to the given value.
- setIsUpdateTask(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.Task
Set the given task as an update task or select task
depending on the value of isUpdateTask.
- setItem(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.localStorage.LocalStorageHelper
Take a key-value pair and stores the pair into the local storage.
- setIterationCount(int) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Set the number of iterations to cool over.
- setIterationCount(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
Set the iteration count for this schedule.
- setIterationCount(int) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientThread
Specify the number of times that the iteration command is to be
- setIterationCount(int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Set the iteration count for this schedule.
- setIterations(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
Set the number of iterations the effect is performed.
- setIterations(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Set the number of iterations the blur is performed.
- setIterations(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Set the number of iterations.
- setIterations(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
Set the number of iterations the effect is performed.
- setIterations(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setIterations(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Set the number of iterations the blur is performed.
- setIterations(Integer[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
Set iteration number of the actor,
which is the number of times internal entities are called.
- setJGraph(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Set the JGraph instance that this view uses to represent the
ptolemy model.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Set the menu bar that the container uses.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Set the menu bar of the delegate.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Set the menu bar that the container uses.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Set the menu bar that the container uses.
- setJSCopier(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
Specify the composite entity responsible for copying JavaScript and
related files.
- setK(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- setKernel(Kernel) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Set the convolution kernel.
- setKernel(SyntacticTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Set the kernel of the operator, effectively making it a term.
- setKnot(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Set a knot color.
- setKnot(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SplineColormap
Set a knot color.
- setKnotBlend(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Set a knot blend type.
- setKnotPosition(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Set a knot position.
- setKnotPosition(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SplineColormap
Set a knot position.
- setKnots(int[], int[], byte[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Set the values of all the knots.
- setKnots(int[], int[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Set the values of a set of knots.
- setKnotType(int, int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Set a knot type.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Set the label of this figure.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set the label used to lexically represent the node.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Set the label for this graphic element.
- setLabelFigure(LabelFigure) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the LabelFigure of this connector.
- setLabelFont(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the label font, which is used for axis labels and legend labels.
- setLabelFont(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the label font, which is used for axis labels and legend labels.
- setLabelLocation(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Sets the position a label should be placed at.
- setLacunarity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- setLacunarity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setLanguageSpecification(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.ASTBuilder
Set the ID of the Java language specification being used by the
- setLastChosenTransition(Transition) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
- setLastDirectory(File) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Set the directory that was last accessed by this window.
- setLastPongToken(PongToken) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Set the PongToken instance that was received the last.
- setLastSearcher() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Mark this searcher as the last searcher in the chain.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Set the layered pane of the delegate.
- setLayerPoint(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Set the layer position of the event
- setLayerSource(CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Set the layer that the event occurred on.
- setLayerX(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Set the layer X position of the event
- setLayerY(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Set the layer Y position of the event
- setLayout(String, Container) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
This method will build a layout from the xml file based on the name and
call setLayout on the container passed in.
- setLayoutHintItem(NamedObj, NamedObj, double[], Point2D.Double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
- setLayoutInProgress(boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.KielerLayoutConnector
Notifies layout connections that a layout is in progress, which stops them
from deciding to remove layout hints from relations.
- setLayoutInProgress(boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.KielerLayoutArcConnector
Notifies layout connections that a layout is in progress, which stops them
from deciding to remove layout hints from relations.
- setLayoutMode(int) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Set the layout mode.
- setLayoutPercentage(double) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Set the percentage of the pane that should be used for layout.
- setLayoutTarget(LayoutTarget) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.AbstractGlobalLayout
Set the layout target.
- setLayoutTarget(LayoutTarget) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.GlobalLayout
Set the layout target.
- setLayoutTarget(LayoutTarget) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.IncrLayoutAdapter
Set the layout target.
- setLayoutTarget(LayoutTarget) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.ProxyIncrLayout
Set the layout target.
- setLayoutTarget(LayoutTarget) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.RandomIncrLayout
Set the layout target.
- setLazy(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Specify whether this variable is to be lazy.
- setLeadingColumnOffset(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Sets the offset of the leading column, often 0 or 1.
- setLeftBorder(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Set the border size on the left edge.
- setLeftToRight(boolean) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the form fill direction to left-to-right or right-to-left.
- setLeftToRightButtonOrder(boolean) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
Sets the order for button sequences to either left to right,
or right to left.
- setLength(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Set the length of the stars.
- setLength(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- setLength(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Set the length of the arrowhead.
- setLength(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition
Set the length of this position.
- setLevels(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- setLevels(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Set the number of dither levels.
- setLevels(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Set the number of dither levels.
- setLevels(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OilFilter
Set the number of levels for the effect.
- setLhs(UnitExpr) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- setLibrary(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.LibraryAttribute
Specify the library, overriding any library that might have been
or might later be specified by a call to configure().
- setLine(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the displayed text of an item that has been added using
- setLineBreak(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Set the lineBreak character sequence.
- setLineBreak(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Set the lineBreak character sequence.
- setLineColor(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Specify the line color to use.
- setLineGapSize(ConstantSize) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Sets the size of gaps between component lines using the given
constant size.
- setLineStyle(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Set the style of the lines joining marks.
- setLineStyle(String, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Set the style of the lines joining marks.
- setLineStyles(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the argument is true, draw the data sets with different line
- setLineStyles(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
If the argument is true, draw the data sets with different line
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the line width.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Set the line width.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
Set the line width.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in interface diva.util.java2d.PaintedGraphic
Set the line width.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Set the line width.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Set the line width.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Specify the line width to use.
- setLinkedVertex(Vertex) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Vertex
Set the other vertex to which there is a path from this vertex.
- setListeners(List) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Specify a list of listeners to be notified when changes are
successfully executed, or when an attempt to execute them results
in an exception.
- setListOfIds(LinkedList) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedDirector
Specify the list of IDs to be used for Receiver creation by the
newReceiver method.
- setLocalTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Set local time without committing.
- setLocation(TransformContext, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Set the transform context and the location within the new
transform context.
- setLocation(Window) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.LocationAttribute
Set the location of the specified component to match the
current value of the attribute.
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.LocationParameter
Set the center location in some Cartesian coordinate system,
and notify the container and any value listeners of the new
- setLocation(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set the location of the node in layout.
- setLocation(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerLocation
Set the underlying location based on the given values.
- setLocation(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.PositionableElement
Set the location of this element's representation.
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Locatable
Set the location in some cartesian coordinate system, and notify
the container and any value listeners of the new location.
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Set the center location in some cartesian coordinate system,
and notify the container and any value listeners of the new
- setLocation(Object, double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Set the desired location of this node.
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RelativeLocation
Set the location in some cartesian coordinate system, and notify
the container and any value listeners of the new location.
- setLowerThreshold(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Set the lower threshold value.
- setLowLevel(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- setLowOutputLevel(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- setMagentaScreenAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
Set the magenta screen angle.
- setMagThresh(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
When growing components, the intra component variation is
allowed to grow when the component is small in size.
- setMainComponent(JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.BasicFrame
Set the main component.
- setManager(Manager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Set the Manager for execution of this CompositeActor.
- setMap(int[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ArrayColormap
Set the array of colors for the colormap.
- setMarked(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set the marked marker.
- setMarksStyle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", or "various".
- setMarksStyle(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", "various",
or "pixels" for the specified dataset.
- setMarksStyle(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", or "various".
- setMarksStyle(String, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", "various",
or "pixels" for the specified dataset.
- setMask(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
Set the mask.
- setMask(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
Set the halftone mask.
- setMask(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MaskFilter
- setMaskImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
Set the mask image.
- setMaster(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Specify whether the window associated with this tableau
is a master, which means that if that window is closed, then
all windows associated with the model are closed.
- setMatchCallback(MatchCallback) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
- setMatcherNameEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Enable or disable the matcher name.
- setMatchResult(TransformationRule, String, List<MatchResult>) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- setMatchResult(TransformationRule, String, List<MatchResult>, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- setMaterial(LightFilter.Material) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setMatrix(int[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Set the dither matrix.
- setMatrix(int[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
Set the dither matrix.
- setMatrix(int[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwizzleFilter
Set the swizzle matrix.
- setMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAMatrixViewer
Set the matrix to display.
- setMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CATableau
This functions sets the matrix for the CAMatrixViewer to display.
- setMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAViewer
Set the matrix to be rendered as a grid.
- setMaxEdgeCost(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Set the maximum angle range allowed for the gradient directions
when connecting edges, in radians.
- setMaxFaceSize(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Set the maximum face size.
- setMaxIdleTime(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Set the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the server will
wait before returning a timeout response page.
- setMaxIdleTime(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Set the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the server will
wait before returning a timeout response page.
- setMaximizeMode(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Set the maximize mode.
- setMaximum(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Minimize the frame if the argument is false.
- setMaxIterationNum(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
set the maximum iteration number in the optimization
- setMaxLatency(int) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Set the maximum latency before the proxy sink threads are forced to sleep.
- setMediator(boolean, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set node as a mediator node in specified direction.
- setMenuFactory(MenuFactory) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.MenuCreator
Set the menu factory.
- setMerge(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- setMergeWithPreviousUndo(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Set whether or not the undo from this change should be merged with
the previous undoable change.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JStatusBar
Set the message displayed in the status bar.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.CellValidator
Set the message.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Change the message that was specified in the constructor to
read as specified.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify a message to be displayed above the query.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.StatusBar
Set the message displayed in the status bar.
- setMessageHandler(MessageHandler) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Set the message handler instance that is used by the static
methods in this class.
- setMessageLength(IOPort, double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Set the message length for tokens sent to this actor port.
- setMethod(HttpRequest.Method) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Set the request method.
- setMethod(HttpRequest.Method) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Set the request method.
- setMethodName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceFiring
Set the method name to be executed when the actor fires.
- setMidColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
Set the mid color.
- setMinFaceSize(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Set the minimum face size.
- setMinimumSize(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Set the minimum size of the rectangle.
- setMinimumSize(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Set the minimum size of the rectangle.
- setMinMag(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Set the gradient magnitude threshold for ignoring pixels.
- setMirrorDisable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Refinement
Control whether adding a port should be mirrored in the modal
model and the mode controller.
- setMirrorDisable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Control whether any change should be mirrored in the modal
model, mode controller, and refinements.
- setMirrorDisable(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RefinementActor
Control whether adding a port should be mirrored in the modal
model and the mode controller.
- setMirrorDisable(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Control whether adding a port should be mirrored in the modal
model and refinements.
- setMirrorDisable(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
Control whether adding a port should be mirrored in the modal
model and refinements.
- setMirrorDisable(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Refinement
Control whether adding a port should be mirrored in the modal
model and the mode controller.
- setMirrorDisable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Control whether any change should be mirrored in the modal
model, mode controller, and refinements.
- setMirrorDisable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLController
Control whether adding a port should be mirrored in the modal model and
- setMix(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- setMode(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DeinterlaceFilter
- setModel(Object) - Method in class diva.gui.BasicPage
Set the model of the page.
- setModel(Object) - Method in interface diva.gui.Page
Set the model of the page.
- setModel(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetFirstLevelParentsTask
Set the model for which the first level parents need to be fetched.
- setModel(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Set the model content.
- setModel(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Set the model in this parameter.
- setModel(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Set the associated model.
- setModel(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Set the associated model and add a query box with its top-level
parameters, and those of its director, if it has one.
- setModel(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
Set the ptolemy model that this is an effigy of.
- setModel(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Set the associated model.
- setModel(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerLayout
Set the Ptolemy Model that contains the graph that is to be layouted.
- setModelContainer(ExceptionManager) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManagerModel
Set the exception manager that contains this model.
- setModelErrorHandler(ModelErrorHandler) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Set the model error handler.
- setModelFromCache(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelTask
Set if the model is being retrieved from cache.
- setModelId(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelTask
Set the model Id.
- setModelId(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Set the model identifier.
- setModelImage(byte[]) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Set the model image (PNG) byte array.
- setModelName(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Record the full model name from the model that is running the web
- setModelName(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Record the full model name from the model that is running the web
- setModelName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelsTask
Set the model name to be fetched from the database.
- setModelName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetModelTask
Set the model name to be fetched from the database.
- setModelName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.GetReferenceStringTask
Set the model name to be fetched from the database.
- setModelName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.ModelNameSearchTask
Set the given String as the model name.
- setModelName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Set the name of the model for the search criteria.
- setModelName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Set the model name.
- setModelName(String) - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Set the model name.
- setModelNameFocus() - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Set the focus on the model name text field.
- setModelPostDisplay(MutableGraphModel, AppContext) - Method in class diva.graph.tutorial.PrepopulatedTutorial
In this version you construct the graph widget with
the default constructor (giving it an empty graph),
and then set the model once the window is showing.
- setModelsList(ArrayList<XMLDBModel>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.FetchHierarchyTask
Set the list of models for which we need
to fetch parent hierarchy.
- setModelsList(ArrayList<XMLDBModel>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.RemoveModelsTask
Set the list of models to be deleted from the database.
- setModelTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Set a new value to the current time of the model.
- setModelTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Set a new value to the current time of the model.
- setModelTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Set a new value to the current time of the model, where
the new time must be no earlier than the current time.
- setModelTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Set a new value to the current time of the model.
- setModelToBeSaved(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
Set The model to be saved in the database.
- setModelTypes(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Set the map from the model's Typeable objects to its inferred type.
- setModelXML(String) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Set the model XML string containing the model specifically created for the Android client
that includes only actors that need to run there.
- setModifiable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
If the argument is false, the specify that that the model is not
modifiable, even if the URI associated with this effigy is writable.
- setModifiable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExternalTextEffigy
Pass the modifiable flag onto the external text editor.
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Set the panel to modified or unmodified.
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.gui.GenericAttributePanel
Set the panel to modified or unmodified.
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ModelAttributePanel
Set the panel to modified or unmodified.
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Set the panel to modified or unmodified.
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Record whether the data associated with this effigy has been
modified since it was first read or last saved.
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Record whether the data associated with this window has been
modified since it was first read or last saved.
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Record whether the data associated with this window has been
modified since it was first read or last saved.
- setModified(boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Record whether the parsing of the moml modified the data.
- setModifiedVariables(Set<Parameter>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Sets the set of modified variables.
- setModifyImage(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Specify whether to modify the image with a visual indication of the amount
and location of the motion.
- setMoMLFilters(List) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Set the list of MoMLFilters used to translate names.
- setMoMLFilters(List, Workspace) - Static method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Set the list of MoMLFilters used to translate names.
- setMonochrome(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Set the type of noise to add.
- setMonochrome(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
Set whether to do monochrome halftoning.
- setMonochrome(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
Set whether to use monochrome noise.
- setMorphImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
For morphing, sets the image we're morphing to.
- setMotionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Set the motion enabled flag of this interactor.
- setMouseFilter(MouseFilter) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- setMouseFilter(MouseFilter) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Set the mouse filter of this interactor.
- setMouseFilter(MouseFilter) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor
Set the mouse filter of this interactor.
- setMoveCount(int) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Set the number of moves per iteration.
- setMqttClient(IMqttClient) - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenPublisher
Set the mqttClient to be used to publish the tokens.
- setMu(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
set the proportion which increase t (inverse of gap in the Barrier function).
- setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the argument is true, make the port a multiport.
- setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Override the base class to also set the associated port,
if there is one.
- setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
If the argument is true, make the port a multiport.
- setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port a multiport.
- setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
If the argument is true, make the port a multiport.
- setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port a multiport.
- setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port a multiport.
- setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port a multiport.
- setMultiportEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Enable or disable the multiport.
- setMultiportMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- setName(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.BeanProperty
Registers the value of the name property
- setName(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
Registers the value of the name property
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Set value of the name element.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Assert.AssertPort
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Set or change the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Set or change the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Set or change the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer
Set or change the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Set or change the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Override the base class to also set the associated port,
if there is one.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Set the name of the port, and mirror the change in all the
mirror ports.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Set the name of the port, and mirror the change in all the
mirror ports.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Set the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Set the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterMirrorPort
Override the base class to also set the associated port,
if there is one.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
Set the name, and propagate the name change to the
associated parameter.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Set or change the name, and propagate the name change to the
associated port.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Override the base class to register as a shared parameter in the workspace.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Set the name of the term.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Override the base class to throw an exception if renaming this
variable results in an error evaluating some variable that depends
on it.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Set the name of the virtual link object.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- setName(ByteString) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Upon setting the name of this parameter change the corresponding
attribute in the transition.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
Set the name of the port, and mirror the change in all the mirror ports.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
Set the name of the port, and mirror the change in all the
mirror ports.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Set the name of the port, and mirror the change in all the
mirror ports.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinementPort
Set the name of the port, and mirror the change in all the
mirror ports.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
When the actor name is changed, update the referenced variables
to point to the new parameters and check to see if these parameters
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedVariable
When the actor name is changed, update the referenced variables
to point to the new parameters and check to see if these parameters
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Set the name of the tab.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Set the name of the tab.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Set the name of the ComponentEntity.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Set the name of the ComponentRelation.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Set the name of the port.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Set the name of the attribute.
- setName(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
Set or change the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Set or change the name.
- setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Set or change the name.
- setNameAt(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerMultiContent
Rename a content area at a given position.
- setNameAt(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Rename a content area at a given position.
- setNameMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- setNavigModel(NavigationTreeModel) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy
- setNestedDepth(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Set the depth of this PtalonActor declaration with respect to
its creator.
- setNewColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BinaryFilter
- setNewIteration(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Set the flag indicating whether we are at the start of
a new iteration (firing).
- setNewModel(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
Set the new model that was created.
- setNewModelName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.RenameModelTask
Set the new model name.
- setNextExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Set the next expression for the current for statement scope,
assuming the current scope is a for statement and not an if
- setNextFileEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- setNextResultHandler(ResultHandler) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Set the next result handler object to this searcher.
- setNodeController(NodeController) - Method in class diva.graph.SimpleGraphController
Set the node controller.
- setNodeFill(Paint) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Set the fill to paint the nodes with.
- setNodeInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Set the node interactor for this controller
- setNodeInteractor(Interactor) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Set the node interactor for this controller
- setNodeRenderer(NodeRenderer) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Set the node renderer for this controller
- setNodeRenderer(NodeRenderer) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Set the node renderer for this controller
- setNodeShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Set the shape for nodes to be rendered in.
- setNoMoreInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.MapReduceAlgorithm
Set this true when no more inputs values will be given to the
reduce method queue.
- setNormal(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Set the normal "out" of the site.
- setNormal(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Set the normal of the decoration.
- setNormal(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Set the normal of the blob.
- setNormal(double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEnd
Set the normal of the connector end.
- setNormal(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.FixedNormalSite
- setNormal(double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Set the normal "out" of the site.
- setNormal(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Set the normal "out" of the site.
- setNormal(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Do nothing.
- setNormalize(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
- setNotation(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register a notation declaration for later retrieval.
- setNumberOfEventIndicators(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Set the number of event indicators.
- setNumColors(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
Set the number of colors to quantize to.
- setNumLevels(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PosterizeFilter
Set the number of levels in the output image.
- setNumSets(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
- setNumSets(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
- setObjectInstanceId(int) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
Set the HLA object instance.
- setOctaves(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- setOctaves(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setOctaves(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.TurbulenceFunction
- setOffset(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- setOffset(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightedPosition
Set the offset of this position.
- setOldModel(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
Set the old model that was being updated.
- setOntologySolverUtilities(OntologySolverUtilities) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Set the shared utility object to the given object.
- setOpacity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- setOpacity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
Set the opacity of the reflection.
- setOpacity(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OpacityFilter
Set the opacity.
- setOpacity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Set the opacity of the rays.
- setOpacity(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Set the opacity of the shadow.
- setOperation(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- setOperation(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
Set the filter operation.
- setOperation(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setOperation(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- setOptions(ScriptObjectMirror) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.speechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionHelper
Set speech recognition options, including "continuous",
"dictionaryPath", and "languageModelPath".
- setOrCreate(NamedObj, String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
If the specified container does not contain a variable with
the specified name, then create such a variable and set its
value to the specified integer.
- setOrCreate(NamedObj, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
If the specified container does not contain a variable with
the specified name, then create such a variable and set its
expression to the specified string.
- setOrder(int) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Set the interpolation order.
- setOrderLimit(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Set the maximum order of any token (the number of derivatives).
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Set the orientation in which the graph is to be laid out,
- setOrientation(LayoutParser.ScreenOrientation) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Set the orientation of the scene.
- setOrientation(LayoutParser.ScreenOrientation) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMenu
Set the orientation selection in the menu.
- setOrigin(int, int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the cursor's origin to the given column and row.
- setOrigin(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Set the origin of the decoration.
- setOrigin(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Set the end-point of the blob.
- setOrigin(double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEnd
Set the origin of the decoration.
- setOrigin(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.QuadrantConstraint
Set the origin
- setOutLines(FieldWarpFilter.Line[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the argument is true, make the port an output port.
- setOutput(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Specify an output string to be sent.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorPort
Override the base class to also set the associated port,
if there is one.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
If the argument is true, make the port an output port.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port an output port.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
Override the base class to require the port to be an output.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriberPort
Override the base class to refuse to make the port an output.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CPort
Override the base class to add the functionality that if the
port if made an output port, then make visible the two parameters
initialOutputValue and arrayLength.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalPort
If the argument is true, make the port an output port.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port an output port.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port an output port.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinementPort
If the argument is true, make the port an output port.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
Make port output port and update visual representation.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Set whether or not this port is an output.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinementPort
Make port to an output port, for TDL this means that it is an actuator.
- setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTaskPort
Sets the port of a task to an output port.
- setOutputArray(IOPort, Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Specifies the output array that will be read by the receiver.
- setOutputEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Enable or disable the output.
- setOutputFormat(Format) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera.PreAccessCodec
Set the output format.
- setOutputInitialValues(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Set the initial values for output ports.
- setOutputMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- setOutputStream(PrintStream) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestHarness
Set the output stream
- setOverflow(Overflow) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Return a FixPointQuantization with a changed overflow strategy.
- setOverlayLayer(OverlayLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Set the overlay layer.
- setOverlayLayer(OverlayLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Set the layer that drag rectangles are drawn on
- setOwner(ASTNode, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Set the owner associated with an AST node, if it is resolved
as a field or method.
- setPadding(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Set the "padding" around the text.
- setPage(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Set the page displayed by this viewer to be that given by the
specified URL.
- setPage(PDFPage) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFIcon
Specify an PDF page to display.
- setPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Set the paint with which to paint the text.
- setPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Set the stroke paint pattern of this terminal.
- setPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Set the paint.
- setPaintAsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
Sets whether the label is painted as disabled.
- setPaintDiagonals(boolean) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Enables or disables to paint the panel's diagonals.
- setPaintDiagonals(boolean) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Enables or disables to paint the panel's diagonals.
- setPaintInBackground(boolean) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel
Specifies to paint in background or foreground.
- setPaintInBackground(boolean) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormDebugPanel
Specifies to paint in background or foreground.
- setPaintMode(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- setPaintMode() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- setPalettePane(JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Set the palette pane of the context to the given component.
- setParagraphGapSize(ConstantSize) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Sets the size of gaps between paragraphs using the given
constant size.
- setParameter(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- setParameter(String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- setParameter(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
Set the string for the argument with the given name from this
GeneratorAttribute to be the given value.
- setParameters(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Create a list of parameters specific to the middleware chosen.
- setParent(CanvasComponent) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Set the parent of this figure.
- setParent(CanvasComponent) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Set the parent component of this layer.
- setParent(CanvasComponent) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Set the parent component of this pane.
- setParent(CanvasComponent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Set the parent of this figure.
- setParent(CanvasComponent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Set the parent of this figure.
- setParent(CanvasComponent) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Set the parent of this figure.
- setParent(CanvasComponent) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.TypedDecorator
Throw an exception.
- setParent(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicNodeModel
Set the graph parent of the given node.
- setParent(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.MutableNodeModel
Set the graph parent of the given node.
- setParent(Graph) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Node
Set the graph parent of this node.
- setParent(XmlElement) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Set the parent element of this element.
- setParent(ScheduleElement) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
Set the parent schedule element of this schedule element to
the specified schedule element.
- setParent(ScheduleElement) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Set the parent schedule element of this schedule element to
the specified schedule element.
- setParent(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebElement
Set the name of the desired parent element.
- setParents(List<List<XMLDBModel>>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Set the parents for the current model.
- setParentsList(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
Set the list of selected first level parents' model names.
- setParentsList(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
Set The list of parents being affected by the changes made on the model.
- setParser(MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ParserAttribute
Set the parser.
- setParseTreeEvaluator(ParseTreeEvaluator) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set a new parseTreeEvaluator.
- setPassword(char[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PasswordAttribute
Set the password contained by this attribute.
- setPattern(Pattern) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Set the pattern of the graph search criteria.
- setPattern(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Set the pattern that is used to search data sent to stdout.
- setPatternMoML(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Set the MoML for the graph pattern search criteria.
- setPCData(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Set the text of this element to the given string.
- setPeriod(int) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Set the value repetition period.
- setPermutation(int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set node as a bijective permutation node with a specified permutation.
- setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Assert whether the change represented by this request is
- setPersistent(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Set the persistence of this object.
- setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Set the persistence of this object.
- setPhase(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Set the phase of the ripples.
- setPickHalo(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Set the "pick halo".
- setPicture(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Set the platform dependent picture of the image.
- setPicture(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Set the platform dependent picture of the image.
- setPixel(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Set the specified pixel to the given monochrome value, which
should be in the range from zero (black) to 255 (white).
- setPixel(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.Picture
Set the specified pixel to the given color value, where each color
argument should be in the range from zero (absent) to 255 (fully
- setPixelThreshold(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Set the pixel intensity difference threshold above which pixel is classified as "moved".
- setPlatformBufferLength - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Determine whether the platformBufferLength parameter will be
used to set the platform's receive buffer size.
- setPlatformContainer(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Set the platform dependent container of the plotter.
- setPlatformContainer(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Set the platform dependent container of the plotter.
- setPlatformContainer(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayInterface
Set the platform dependent container of the image.
- setPlatformContainer(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
Set the platform dependent container of the image.
- setPlaybackParameters(Map<String, Integer>, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Set the playback parameters for audio.
- setPlot(PlotBoxInterface) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotEffigy
Set the plot that this is an effigy of.
- setPlot(PlotBox) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Set the plot object to operate on.
- setPlotRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the plot rectangle inside the axes.
- setPlotRectangle(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the plot rectangle.
- setPlotRectangle(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the plot rectangle inside the axes.
- setPoint(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Set the point location of the site
- setPoint(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Set the point location of the site
- setPoint(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.CloseSegment
Set the point location of the site
- setPoint(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.Vertex
Set the point location of the site
- setPoint1(Point) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- setPoint2(Point) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- setPointsPersistence(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Calling this method with a positive argument sets the
persistence of the plot to the given number of points.
- setPointsPersistence(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Calling this method with a positive argument sets the
persistence of the plot to the given number of points.
- setPortHash(Hashtable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Set the port hash.
- setPortIn(Port, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Set the id of the switch input that is receiving tokens from this actor port.
- setPortIn(Port, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Set the id of the switch input that is receiving tokens from this actor port.
- setPortNameEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Enable or disable the port name.
- setPortOut(Port, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Set the id of the switch output that is sending tokens to this actor port.
- setPortOut(Port, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Set the id of the switch output that is sending tokens to this actor port.
- setPortsList(ArrayList<Port>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Set the ports from the Graph search pattern.
- setPortTypeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Enable or disable the port type.
- setPortTypes(HashMap) - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Set the port types of the wrapped actor.
- setPortTypes(HashMap) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Set the port types of the wrapped actor.
- setPortWidth(String, short) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- setPortWidth(String, short) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- setPosition(int, int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JCanvasPanner
Set the position of the viewport associated with this panner
centered on the given position relative to the rendition shown in
the panner.
- setPosition(int, int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPanner
Set the position of the viewport associated with this panner
centered on the given position relative to the rendition shown in
the panner.
- setPower(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- setPrecision(Precision) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Return a FixPointQuantization with a changed precision.
- setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class diva.canvas.JCanvas
Set the preferred size of this JCanvas.
- setPrefix(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.PackageRule
Set the prefix to be added to the old package name.
- setPrefix(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Sets the string to be printed out at the beginning of each line.
- setPremultiplyAlpha(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Set whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
- setPremultiplyAlpha(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Set whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
- setPremultiplyAlpha(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Set whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
- setPremultiplyAlpha(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Set whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
- setPreviewFrame(LayoutConstraintsManager, JFrame) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
Establish the current preview window.
- setPreviousClasses(Stack<Hashtable<String, Class>>) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Set the previous class stack.
- setPreviousFileEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- setPreviousSeacher(AbstractSearcher) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Set the previous searcher that does the searching before this searcher.
- setPrimaryLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Set the primary label.
- setPriority(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Set the priority of the event.
- setProcessArguments(List<String>, String) - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Set the process arguments.
- setProcessExecutionArray(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Set the process execution order by providing an array of
process names.
- setProcessingError() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.TaskQueue
Set the processing error to true.
- setProcessingTime(double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Set the remaining processing time of the event.
- setProperties(RecordToken) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Set the properties that determine the HTTP header.
- setProperties(RecordToken) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Set the properties that determine the HTTP header.
- setProperties(Frame) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute
Set the properties of the specified frame to match the
current value of the attribute.
- SetProperties - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
On each firing, this actor reads at most one token from the payload
and properties input ports, outputs the payload on the
output port, and set the outsideTransmitProperties of the
wireless output port connected to the output port with the specified
transmit properties received from the properties input port.
- SetProperties(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.SetProperties
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Set the property of the object associated with
the given property name.
- setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel
Set the property of the object associated with
the given property name.
- setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Set the property of the object associated with
the given property name.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
Set the property corresponding to
the given key.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface diva.util.PropertyContainer
Set the property corresponding to
the given key.
- setProperty(String, String, Object) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
Set a user defined property for this component so that the tool can manage
the properties of the component thus reducing the burden on the user
- setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Set the property of the given graph object associated with
the given property name to the given value.
- setPropertyHash(Hashtable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Set the property hashtable.
- setPrototypeDecorator(FigureDecorator) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Set the prototype decorator for selected figures.
- setPrototypeShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Change the shape of the figure without modifying its other
properties, such as its position.
- setProxyModelInfrastructure(ProxyModelInfrastructure) - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySink
Set the ProxyModelInfrastructure instance controlling distributed model
- setProxyModelInfrastructure(ProxyModelInfrastructure) - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySource
Set the ProxyModelInfrastructure instance controlling distributed model
- setProxySourceData(ProxySourceData) - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySource
Set the ProxySourceData structure used for synchronization and thread blocking.
- setPtolemyPath(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.PathFinder
Set the Ptolemy path.
- setQuadrant(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.QuadrantConstraint
Set the quadrant
- setQuantizationEventTimeMaximum(Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Reset the maximum time for predicted quantization-events.
- setQuantizationTolerance(int, double, double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Set the parameters used to determine the quantum for a state.
- setQuantizationTolerances(double, double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Set the parameters used to determine the quantum for all states.
- setQueryValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery.ActionableEntry
Set the contents of the entry box.
- setQueryValue(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.SettableQueryChooser
Set the string representation of the query.
- setQuitMethod(Top, Method) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.MacOSXAdapter
Set the quit handler (Command-q) for a Top window.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Set both the horizontal and vertical sizes of the blur.
- setRadius(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Set the horizontal size of the blur.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
Set the radius of the kernel, and hence the amount of
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
Set the radius of the kernel, and hence the amount of blur.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Set the radius of the kernel, and hence the amount of blur.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
Set the radius of the kernel, and hence the amount of blur.
- setRadius(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Set the radius of the effect.
- setRadius1(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
Set the radius of the kernel, and hence the amount of
- setRadius2(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
Set the radius of the kernel, and hence the amount of
- setRandomizedPlacement(boolean) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Set whether or not placement will be randomized.
- setRandomness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- setRandomness(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- setRange(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OilFilter
Set the range of the effect in pixels.
- setRate(Port, String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Set the rate variable with the specified name to the specified
- setRateVariable(Port, String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
If a variable with the given name does not exist, then create
a variable with the given name.
- setRawBytes(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper.UDPSocket
Set raw bytes support.
- setRayAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- setRays(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- setRaysOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Set whether to render only the rays.
- setReader(BufferedReader) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Reader
Set the reader.
- setReadOffset(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Set the read offset of a channel of the port.
- setReadOffset(IOPort, int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Set the read offset in a buffer of a given channel from which a token
should be read.
- setReadParameters(Integer[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Set repetitions of the actor containing the port that contains
the receiver.
- setReady(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ThreadSynchronizer
Removes a given key from the readyMap.
- setReceiveType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper.UDPSocket
Set the receive type.
- setRedBlue(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- setRef(int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- setReferencedChildren(List<String>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Set the first level referenced children entities for the current model.
- setRefractionIndex(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
Set the index of refaction.
- setRelation(int, int, double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationList
Update the relation in the relation list referred by the
relation index argument with the given type and difference
- setRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.Link
Set the relation for this link.
- setRelationsList(ArrayList<Relation>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBGraphSearchCriteria
Set the relations from the Graph search pattern.
- setRelativePath(URI) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Set the relative path that this HttpService is mapped to.
- setRelativePath(URI) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpService
Set the relative path that this HttpService is mapped to.
- setRelativePath(URI) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
Set the relative path that this HttpService is mapped to.
- setRelativePath(URI) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpService
Set the relative path that this HttpService is mapped to.
- setRemoteDocumentationURLBase(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Set the location of the remote documentation.
- setRemove(String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- setRemoveGR(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
Set to true if we should removed classes that start with
- setRepainting(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Set the repainting flag.
- setReply(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus.EventBusHelper
Set the reply to send in response to any point-to-point
events received in the future.
- setReportErrorsToHandler(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Specify whether or not to report errors via the handler that
is registered with the parser.
- setRequestPort(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Set the name of the port that will receive scheduling requests
for the actor.
- setRequiredServices(int) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.client.ClientServerInteractionManager
Specify the number of required services.
- setResize(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- setResolution(double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- setResolution(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Set the resolution for this instance.
- setResponse(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.userInterface.VertxBrowserHelper.Server
Set the response.
- setResponse(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketServerHelper
Set the response.
- setReuseDatasets(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the argument is true, then datasets with the same name
are merged into a single dataset.
- setReuseDatasets(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
If the argument is true, then datasets with the same name
are merged into a single dataset.
- setRFactor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- setRGB(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
A convenience method for setting ARGB pixels in an image.
- setRGB(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageUtils
A convenience method for setting ARGB pixels in an image.
- setRhs(UnitExpr) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- setRightBorder(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Set the border size on the right edge.
- setRingAmount(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- setRings(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Specifies the rings value.
- setRingWidth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- setRoot(XmlElement) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Set the root element of this document.
- setRoot(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
Set the object that this treemodel looks at.
- setRotation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Specifies the amount of rotation on each iteration.
- setRotation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- setRotation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Set the blur rotation.
- setRotation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Set the blur rotation.
- setRotation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Set the rotation for the graphic in degrees.
- setRotation(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Set the rotation angle of the figure to the specified angle in radians.
- setRotation(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Specify the rotation angle in radians.
- setRounding(Rounding) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Return a FixPointQuantization with a changed rounding strategy.
- setRoundThreads(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- setRouter(ManhattanRouter) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Set the router and route again.
- setRow(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the cursor to the given row.
- setRow(int, Vec) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
Use with extreme caution.
- setRowGroupingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder
Enables or disables the grouping of new data rows.
- setRowGroups(int[][]) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Sets the row groups, where each row in such a group gets the same group
wide height.
- setRows(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Set the desired number of rows of the textArea, if there is one.
- setRows(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Set the desired number of rows of the textArea, if there is one.
- setRowSpan(int) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the cursor's row span.
- setRowSpec(int, RowSpec) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
Sets the RowSpec
at the specified row index.
- setRowSpec(int, String) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ContainerLayout
- setSameAs(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Set two inequality constraints between the specified objects,
such that the Concept value of object1 is equal to the Concept value
of object2.
- setSampleRate(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Set the sample rate to use for audio capture and playback
and notify an registered listeners of the change.
- setSampleRate(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Set the sample rate to use for audio capture and playback
and notify an registered listeners of the change.
- setSampleRate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Set the sample rate to use for audio capture and playback
and notify an registered listeners of the change.
- setSamples(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Set the number of samples per pixel.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Specifies the scale of the texture.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Specifies the scale of the texture.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
Specifies the scale of the contours.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffuseFilter
Specifies the scale of the texture.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Specifies the scale of the texture.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RescaleFilter
Specifies the scale factor.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setScale(double) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Set the scale factor for the graphic.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Specifies the scale of the distortion.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Specifies the scale of the texture.
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Specifies the scale of the texture.
- setScale(double) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Set the scale.
- setScale(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFIcon
Specify a scaling percentage of the PDF page.
- setScaling(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
Set the scaling.
- setScatter(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Set the scheduler for this StaticSchedulingDirector.
- setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Override the base class to ensure that the scheduler is an
SDFScheduler and that its constrainBufferSizes
parameter is set to false.
- setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.hdf.kernel.HDFDirector
Override the base class to ensure that the scheduler is an
SDFScheduler and that its constrainBufferSizes
parameter is set to false.
- setScheduler(SequenceScheduler) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Copied from SDFScheduler; also, same as in StaticSchedulingDirector
Set the scheduler for this SequenceDirector.
- setSchedulerMultiplexorName(IOPort, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Set the name of the scheduler that is parameterized on a port..
- setSchedulerMux(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Set the name of the scheduler multiplexor.
- setScreenSize(Dimension) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Set the screen size.
- setScrollableContents(JComponent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Set the contents of this dialog.
- setSearchCommand(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SearchCriteria
Set the XQuery search command for the search criteria.
- setSecond(E2) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.Pair
Set the second element in this pair.
- setSecond(S) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides.Pair
Sets the second element in the pair.
- setSecond(S) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Pair
Sets the second element.
- setSeed(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- setSeed(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- setSeed(Long) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Set the seed of the random number generator used to create
the sample plot.
- setSegDecimate(boolean) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Set whether decimating before segmenting is enabled.
- setSegSigma(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Set the Gaussian smoothing kernel applied to image (0 == no filter)
used when detecting the outline of the box.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Set whether the figure being listened to is selected or not selected.
- setSelectedFigure(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Update the state of this object to reflect which figure is
currently selected in the viewscreen.
- setSelectedFile(File) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser
Set the selected file.
- setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Sets the selected index for this shade pane and
causes the pane to refresh its display to show
the selected pane's component.
- setSelectedItem(TreePath) - Method in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigationTreeModel
set all listening PTree to the same path
- setSelectedService(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
Initializes the list of available iot REST services and
creates a GUI for a user to make the selection.
- setSelectedService(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
Initializes the list of available iot REST services and
creates a GUI for a user to make the selection.
- setSelectedTitle(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Sets the selected index for this entry pane and
causes the pane to refresh its display to show
the selected pane's component.
- setSelectionFilter(MouseFilter) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Set the mouse filter that controls when this selection
filter is activated.
- setSelectionFilter(MouseFilter) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Set the mouse filter that controls when this selection
filter is activated.
- setSelectionManipulator(Manipulator) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
- setSelectionManipulator(Manipulator) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicController
Set the prototype selection manipulator.
- setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Set the selection mode, either
- setSelectionMode(int) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Set the selection mode, either
- setSelectionModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Set the selection model.
- setSelectionModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Set the default selection model.
- setSelectionModel(SelectionModel) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Set the default selection model.
- setSelectionRenderer(SelectionRenderer) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Set the selection renderer.
- setSelectionRenderer(SelectionRenderer) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicController
Set the selection renderer.
- setSelectiveEnabled(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Set the flag that says that the interactor responds only
if the figure being moused on is selected.
- setSelfLoop(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Set the flag that says that this arc is drawn as a "self-loop."
- setSemanticObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Set the semantic object corresponding
to the given node, composite, or edge.
- setSemanticObject(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel
Set the semantic object corresponding
to the given node, edge, or composite.
- setSemanticObject(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.ModularGraphModel
Set the semantic object corresponding
to the given node, edge, or composite.
- setSemanticObject(Object) - Method in interface diva.util.SemanticObjectContainer
Set the semantic object.
- setSemanticObject(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Set the semantic object corresponding to the given node, edge,
or composite.
- setSendType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper.UDPSocket
Set the send type.
- setSerpentine(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
Set whether to use a serpentine pattern for return or not.
- setSerpentine(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
Set whether to use a serpentine pattern for return or not.
- setServicesReceiversListMap(HashMap) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedReceiver
Specify the servicesReceiversListMap that contains a sequence of
services and IDs of receivers in the service.
- setServicesReceiversListMap(HashMap) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.actor.DistributedTypedIORelation
Specify the servicesReceiversListMap for the internal
- setSFactor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- setShadeCrossings(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- setShadowColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Set the color of the shadow.
- setShadowColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
Set the shadow color.
- setShadowOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Set whether to only draw the shadow without the original image.
- setShadowOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- setShape(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the shape, for subclasses only.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Set the shape that defines this geometry object.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Set the shape that defines this geometry object.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Geometry
Set the shape that defines this geometry object.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry
Set the shape that defines this geometry object.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.ShapedFigure
Set the shape of this figure.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Set the shape of this figure.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Set the shape of this Figure.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Specify a path to display.
- setShine(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
Set the amount of shine to add to the range 0..1.
- setShineColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- setSides(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- setSides(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
Set the number of sides of the kaleidoscope.
- setSides(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
Set the number of sides of the aperture.
- setSigma(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Set the Gaussian smoothing kernel applied to image (0 == no filter, the default)
used when sampling bits.
- setSimulationLogFile(File) - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Sets the simulation log file.
- setSite(Site) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandle
Set the set to which this grab-handle is attached.
- setSite(Site) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.GrabHandle
Set the site to which this grab-handle is attached.
- setSite(Site) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.MoveHandle
Set the set to which this grab-handle is attached.
- setSize(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Set the size of this pane, in logical coordinates.
- setSize(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Set the size of this pane, in logical coordinates.
- setSize(float) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandle
Set the "size" of the grab-handle.
- setSize(float) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.GrabHandle
Set the "size" of the grab-handle.
- setSize(float) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.MoveHandle
Set the "size" of the grab-handle.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Set the size of the context.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Set the size in the delegate.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Do nothing.
- setSize(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Set the font size.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Override the base class to set the size of the scroll pane.
- setSize(Component) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute
Set the size of the specified component to match the
current value of the attribute.
- setSize(int, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.QueuedTypedIOPort
Set the size of the queue.
- setSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.PtrToken
Set the size of the array in memory this token is pointing to.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the size of the plot.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the size of the plot.
- setSizeUnit(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Set the size unit.
- setSlider(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the position of an item that has been added using
- setSnapHalo(double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Set the snap halo.
- setSnapResolution(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Specify the snap resolution.
- setSnapResolution(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeDragInteractor
Specify the snap resolution.
- setSnapResolution(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ResizableAttributeControllerFactory.ResizeAttributeController
Specify the snap resolution.
- setSnapResolution(double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AttributeBoundsManipulator
Set the snap resolution.
- setSoftness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DissolveFilter
Set the softness of the dissolve in the range 0..1.
- setSoftness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- setSoftness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
Set the softness of the dissolve in the range 0..1.
- setSoftness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
Set the softness of the effect in the range 0..1.
- setSoftness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- setSoftness(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Set the softness of the effect in the range 0..1.
- setSolutions(Vector) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog.SolutionListModel
Set the solutions to the specified argument.
- setSource(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Set the source actor.
- setSource(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.MoMLExportable
Set the source, which gives an external URL
associated with an entity (presumably from which the entity
was defined).
- setSource(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Set the source, which gives an external URL
associated with an entity (presumably from which the entity
was defined).
- setSource(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.ImportAttribute
Set the name of the external file being referenced.
- setSource(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- setSourceGrid(WarpGrid) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
Set the source warp grid.
- setSparseness(double) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Set the sparseness of this layout.
- setSpreadAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
Set the spread angle of the arc.
- setStartAlpha(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Set the alpha value at the first iteration.
- setStartAlpha(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setStartNode(Node) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer
Set the single source node of this analyzer to the given node.
- setStartNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis
Set the start-node of this analysis to the given node.
- setStartNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy
Set the single source node (starting node) of this analyzer to the
given node.
- setState(FireMachine.State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.FireMachine
Sets the state of the wrapped actor.
- setStateType(int) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Set the type of the state
- setStateValue(int, double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Set the value of a state variable.
- setStateValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
The integrator initialization input port.
- setStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Set the status of the symbol to true, if the symbol is
ready, and false otherwise.
- setStatus(metroIIcomm.Event.Status) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- setStatusHandler(StatusHandler) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Set the specified status handler, replacing any previously
set handler.
- setStatusMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Set the status message, such as the amount of time consumed.
- setSTolerance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- setSTolerance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
Set the saturation tolerance of the image in the range 0..1.
- setStopped(boolean) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Set the stopped state of the model.
- setStoragePolicy(StoragePolicy) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Set the storage policy of this application, for use by subclass
constructors only
- setStrength(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- setStrength(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Set the strength of the rays.
- setStretch(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Specifies the stretch factor of the texture.
- setStretch(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
Specifies the stretch factor of the texture.
- setStretch(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- setStretch(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setStretch(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Specifies the stretch factor of the distortion.
- setStretch(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Specifies the stretch factor of the texture.
- setStretch(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Specifies the stretch factor of the texture.
- setString(String) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Set the string.
- setString(String) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Set the string.
- setString(Pointer, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Set the value of this variable as a String.
- setStringHybrid(Pointer, String, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
Set the value of this variable as a String.
- setStringMode(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeWriter
Specify whether the expression to write is in string mode.
- setStringMode(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Specify whether this parameter should be in string mode.
- setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the stroke of this connector.
- setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Set the stroke of this terminal.
- setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Set the stroke.
- setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Set the stroke
- setStroke(BasicStroke) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Set the stroke of this figure.
- setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedPath
Set the stroke
- setStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the stroke paint pattern of this connector.
- setStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Set the stroke paint
- setStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BubbleRenderer
Set the stroke paint pattern of this figure.
- setStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Set the stroke paint pattern of this figure.
- setStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedShape
Set the stroke paint for this shape (its outline if it is closed).
- setStyle(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Set the style.
- setStyle(int) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Set the font style.
- setSubId(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSource
Set the id of the subscriber.
- setSubId(String) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSubscriber
Set the subscription id returned by
SmackPubSubAccess.subscribeToNode(). // FIXME out-dated
- setSunAzimuth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setSunColor(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setSunElevation(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setSupportMultirate(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Set true indicating that this actor supports multirate firing.
- setSuppressingPropagation(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Specify whether this instance should be suppressing
- setSuppressVariableSubstitution(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
If the argument is true, then for a string mode parameter,
suppress variable substitution.
- setSyntactic(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set node as purely syntactic, not representing any Entity.
- setSystemEffigy(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Set the effigy to be a system effigy if the given flag is true.
- setT(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setTab(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.PositionableElement
Set the tab attribute in the underlying named object wrapped by this element.
- Settable - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
This is an interface for attributes that can have their values
externally set.
- Settable.Visibility - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
Inner class used for the static enumeration of indicators of
- setTableau(Tableau) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Set the tableau associated with this frame.
- setTableau(Event, StringParameter, TableauParameter, Tableau) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.EventUtils
Set the TableauParameter used by the event to represent the given
- SetTableau - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An event to set the state of a tableau.
- SetTableau(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- SetTableau.TableauState - Enum in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
The iconified, maximized or normal state of the tableau.
- setTableauFactory(TableauFactory) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Specify a tableau factory that offers multiple views of this effigy.
- setTableauTitle(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseInterface
Set the title of the tableau.
- setTableauTitle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Set the title of the tableau.
- settableClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- SettableQueryChooser - Interface in ptolemy.gui
Interface for custom query chooser boxes.
- settableType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- setTabSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- setTabSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- setTabTitleAt(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.HomerMainFrame
Set the tab title.
- setTag(String) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Set the tag of the tab.
- setTagFamily(String) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
Set the name of the tag family being detected.
- setTail(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Connect an edge to the given tail node and notify listeners
with an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED event.
- setTail(Node) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Set the node that this edge stems from.
- setTail(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.MutableEdgeModel
Set the node that this edge stems from.
- setTail(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel.LinkModel
Connect the given edge to the given tail node.
- setTail(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.Link
Set the tail of this link.
- setTail(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.ArcModel
Connect the given edge to the given tail node.
- setTail(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel.RelationModel
Connect the given edge to the given tail node.
- setTailEnd(ConnectorEnd) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the object drawn at the tail end of the connector.
- setTailSite(Site) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Set the site that marks the "tail" of the connector.
- setTailSite(Site) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Connector
Set the site that marks the "tail" of the connector.
- setTarget(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Set the target of this dialog.
- setTargetActorName(String) - Method in class ptserver.data.CommunicationToken
Set the full name of the targetActor that received the tokens that the
CommunicationToken encapsulates.
- setTargetArray(Object[]) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Set the target that the interactor operates on.
- setTargetEntityName(String) - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxyActor
Set the full name of the target entity.
- setTargetHighlighter(LayerMotionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Set the listener that highlights target objects.
- setTargetProperty(String, String) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Set the drop target property and value.
- setTargetSettableName(String) - Method in class ptserver.data.AttributeChangeToken
Set the name of target settable object that received the changes that the
AttributeChangeToken encapsulates.
- setTemplateParser(TemplateParser) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Set the template parser for this adapter.
- setTemporaryFileLocation(FileParameter) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebApplicationInfo
Set the location where temporary files should be stored.
- setTemporaryFileLocation(FileParameter) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebApplicationInfo
Set the location where temporary files should be stored.
- setTemporaryMarking(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Place
Set the _temporaryMarking.
- setTentativeState(double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Set the tentative state.
- setTestHarness(TestHarness) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
Set the test harness used by this test suite.
- setText(String) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Set the text to paint.
- setText(String) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument
Set the text contained by this document.
- setText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Set the text displayed by this viewer.
- setText(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.PetriNetDisplayer
Set the text for the display.
- setText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.gui.PetriNetDisplay
Set the text for the display.
- setText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.PetriNetRecorder
Set the text for the display.
- setText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
- setText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Specify text to display.
- setTextAttribute(TextAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightingReconciler.HighlightingStyle
Set the text attribute.
- setTextColor(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Specify the text color to use.
- setTextHeight(int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify the preferred height to be used for entry boxes created
in using addTextArea().
- setTextWidth(int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify the preferred width to be used for entry boxes created
in using addLine().
- setThetaThresh(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
When growing components, the intra component variation is
allowed to grow when the component is small in size.
- setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DilateFilter
Set the threshold - the number of neighbouring pixels for dilation to occur.
- setThreshold(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeFilter
Set the threshold - the number of neighbouring pixels for dilation to occur.
- setThreshold(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
Set the threshold value.
- setThreshold(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
Set the threshold value.
- setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
Set the threshold value.
- setThreshold(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Set the threshold value.
- setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.UnsharpFilter
Set the threshold value.
- setThreshold(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FuzzyDoubleComparator
Set the fuzziness threshold.
- setTicket(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelResponse
Set the ticket identifying the model on the server.
- setTile(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setTime(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Set the time.
- setTime(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setTime(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Specifies the time.
- setTime(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- setTime(metroIIcomm.Event.Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- setTime(metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- setTimedOut() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Create a timed-out response.
- setTimedOut() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Create a timed-out response.
- setTimedRepaint(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set repainting with a certain fixed refresh rate.
- setTimedRepaint(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set repainting with a certain fixed refresh rate.
- setTimeInMilliseconds(long) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Set the time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
- setTimeOfTheLastAdvanceRequest(long) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Set the time of the last advance request call.
- setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Set the timeout observed upon execution of the request.
- setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Set the timeout observed upon execution of the request.
- setTimeout(Runnable, long) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time.
- setTimeout(Runnable, long) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.AccessorOrchestrator
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time.
- setTimeout(Runnable, long) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time.
- setTimeout(Runnable, long) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time.
- setTimeout(Runnable, long) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Specify a function to invoke as a callback after the specified
time (in milliseconds) has elapsed.
- setTimeout(Runnable, long) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Specify a function to invoke as a callback after the specified
time (in milliseconds) has elapsed.
- setTimeout(Runnable, Double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time.
- setTimeout(Runnable, Double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Invoke the specified function after the specified amount of time.
- setTimeoutPeriod(int) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Set the model's timeout period in milliseconds.
- setTimeResolution(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Set time resolution.
- setTimeResolution(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Set time resolution.
- setTitle(String) - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Set the title of the context.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Set the title of the context.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Set the title of the context.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Set the title of the context.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class diva.gui.BasicPage
Set the title of the page.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Set the title of this model to the given title.
- setTitle(String) - Method in interface diva.gui.Page
Set the title of the page.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Set the title of this tableau, changing the title of the
associated top-level window.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WelcomeWindow
Always set the title to the string "Welcome".
- setTitle(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayInterface
Set the title of the window.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
Set the title of the window.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the title of the graph.
- setTitle(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the title of the graph.
- setTitle(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Set the title to be used for the page being exported.
- setTitle(String, boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExporter
Set the title to be used for the page being exported.
- setTitleAt(int, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Set the title string at the given index.
- setTitleAt(String, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Set the title string at the given index.
- setTitleFont(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the title font.
- setTitleFont(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the title font.
- setTitleImage(Image) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor
Override the title image so that the Ptolemy icon is always used as the
editor's title image.
- settlingTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
The settling time.
- setToggleFilter(MouseFilter) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Set the mouse filter that controls the toggling of
- setToggleFilter(MouseFilter) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Set the mouse filter that controls the toggling of
- setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.ModelParameter
Set the model in this parameter with an
- setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.NamedObjVariable
Put a new token in this variable and notify the container and
and value listeners.
- setToken(Token) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.gt.ValueIterator
Set the value of the parameter that implements this interface.
- setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Override the base class to record the persistent expression
to be the string representation of the specified token.
- setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Override the base class to also set the token of shared
- setToken(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonParameter
Set the token and flag that the value has been set for this
- setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonParameter
Set the token and flag that the value has been set for this
- setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Set the value of this node.
- setToken(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set the expression for this variable by calling
setExpression(), and then evaluate it by calling
- setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Put a new token in this variable and notify the container and
and value listeners.
- setTokenConsumptionRate(IOPort, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Set the tokenConsumptionRate parameter of the given port
to the given rate.
- setTokenConsumptionRate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Set the number of tokens that are consumed
on the appropriate port of this Actor during each firing
by setting the value of the tokenConsumptionRate parameter.
- setTokenHandlers(LinkedHashMap<String, String>) - Method in class ptserver.data.TokenParser
Set the list of token handlers.
- setTokenInitConsumption(IOPort, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Set the tokenInitConsumption parameter of the given port to
the given rate.
- setTokenInitProduction(IOPort, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Set the tokenInitProduction parameter of the given port to
the given rate.
- setTokenInitProduction(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Set the number of tokens that are produced
on the appropriate port of this Actor during initialize
by setting the value of the tokenInitProduction parameter.
- setTokenProductionRate(IOPort, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Set the tokenProductionRate parameter of the given port
to the given rate.
- setTokenProductionRate(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
Set the number of tokens that are produced
on the appropriate port of this Actor during each firing
by setting the value of the tokenProductionRate parameter.
- setTokenPublisher(TokenPublisher) - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySink
Set the token publisher that would be used to send
communication tokens.
- setTokens(List) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy
Set the token array associated with this effigy.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
set tolerance value which defines the optimization accuracy.
- setToolTip(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify a tool tip to appear when the mouse lingers over the label.
- setToolTipText(String) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Set the tooltip string for this figure.
- setToolTipText(String) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Set the tool tip for this figure.
- setToolTipText(String) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Set the tooltip string for this figure.
- setTop(Top) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerLayout
Set the Top window to enable status reports on the status bar.
- setTopBorder(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
Set the border size on the top edge.
- setTopic(String) - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenPublisher
Set the topic for the message to publish.
- setToplevel(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Set the top-level entity.
- setTopLevelAccessor(ScriptObjectMirror) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Specify a top-level accessor to associate with this orchestrator
and start an event loop to invoke callbacks.
- setTopLevelAccessor(ScriptObjectMirror) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute
Specify a top-level accessor to associate with this orchestrator
and start an event loop to invoke callbacks.
- setTransferSize(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Set the array length (in samples per channel) to use
for capturing and playing samples via the putSamples()
and getSamples() methods.
- setTransferSize(int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Set the array length (in samples per channel) to use
for capturing and playing samples via the putSamples()
and getSamples() methods.
- setTransferSize(int) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Set the array length (in samples per channel) to use
for capturing and playing samples via the putSamples()
and getSamples() methods.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
Set the transform.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RenderTextFilter
Set the transform with which to paint the text.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Set the transform that maps logical coordinates into the
parent's coordinates.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Set the transform of the internal pane, relative to the
external one.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Set the transform that maps local coordinates into the
parent's coordinates.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Change the transform of this label.
- setTransition(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- setTransition(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- setTransition(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
Set the transition of the image in the range 0..1.
- setTransition(Transition) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Set the transition that corresponds to the parameters.
- setTranslation(Vector3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- setTriggerExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
Throw an exception.
- setTurbulence(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
Specifies the turbulence of the texture.
- setTurbulence(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
Specifies the turbulence of the texture.
- setTurbulence(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
Specifies the turbulence of the effect.
- setTurbulence(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- setTurbulence(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
Specifies the turbulence of the texture.
- setTurbulence(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
Specifies the turbulence of the texture.
- setTurbulence(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
Specifies the turbulence of the texture.
- setTurbulence(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
Specifies the turbulence of the texture.
- setTurbulenceFactor(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- setType(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- setType(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
Set the distortion type.
- setType(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- setType(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Set the type of this element.
- setType(Class) - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.BeanProperty
Registers the value of the type property
- setType(ASTNode, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Set the type object associated with a node.
- setType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Set the type of this node.
- setType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Set the type to the specified type, which is required to be
an array type.
- setType(metroIIcomm.Event.Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Builder
- setType(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationNode
Set the type information with the current evaluation result of the
relation node.
- setType(int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Set the type.
- setTypeAtLeast(Typeable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Constrain the type of this port to be equal to or greater
than the type of the specified Typeable object.
- setTypeAtLeast(InequalityTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Constrain the type of this port to be equal to or greater
than the type represented by the specified InequalityTerm.
- setTypeAtLeast(InequalityTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Constrain the type of this variable to be equal to or
greater than the type represented by the specified InequalityTerm.
- setTypeAtLeast(Typeable) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Constrain the type of this variable to be equal to or
greater than the type of the specified object.
- setTypeAtLeast(Typeable) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Typeable
Constrain the type of this object to be equal to or greater
than the type of the argument.
- setTypeAtLeast(InequalityTerm) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Typeable
Constrain the type of this object to be equal to or greater
than the type represented by the specified InequalityTerm.
- setTypeAtMost(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Constrain the type of this port to be equal to or less
than the argument.
- setTypeAtMost(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set a type constraint that the type of this object be less than
or equal to the specified class in the type lattice.
- setTypeAtMost(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Typeable
Constrain the type of this object to be equal to or less
than the argument.
- setTypeEquals(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Set the type of this port.
- setTypeEquals(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set a type constraint that the type of this object equal
the specified value.
- setTypeEquals(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Typeable
Set a type constraint that the type of this object equal
the specified value.
- setTypeSameAs(Typeable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Constrain the type of this port to be the same as the type
of the specified Typeable object.
- setTypeSameAs(Typeable) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Constrain the type of this variable to be the same as the
type of the specified object.
- setTypeSameAs(Typeable) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Typeable
Constrain the type of this object to be the same as the
type of the argument.
- setUndoable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Set whether or not this change is undoable.
- setUndoable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Set the current context as undoable.
- setUndoable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Set whether or not the current context is undoable.
- setUndoable(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools.ModelChangeRequest
- setUnit(Unit) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Set the element to be a Unit.
- setUnitCategory(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
- setUnitConstraints(UnitConstraints) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Set the UnitConstraints.
- setUnitConverter(UnitConverter) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes
Sets a new UnitConverter that will be used to convert
font-dependent sizes to pixel sizes.
- setUnitExpr(UnitExpr) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Set the Unit Expression.
- setUnitExpr(UnitExpr) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Set the element to be a UnitExpr.
- setUnknown(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Mark the value of this variable to be unknown if the argument is
true, or known if the argument is false.
- setup() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter.Line
- setup(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer
Initialize the quantizer.
- setup(int) - Method in interface com.jhlabs.image.Quantizer
Initialize the quantizer.
- setup(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Initialize the interactor when a grab-handle
is grabbed.
- setup(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundedDragInteractor
Adjust the bounds so that the bounding-box of the target stays
within the region.
- setup(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Initialize the interactor before a mouse-pressed event is
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCInlineTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCKnownFailedTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineArduinoTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineDuktapeTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCNoInlineTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGCTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGFMIMAKnownFailedTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGFMIMANoInlineTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class
and its generateCode static method that takes an array of
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaKnownFailedTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGJavaTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class
and its generateCode static method that takes an array of
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGNoInlineAccessorTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class and its generateCode static
method that takes an array of strings.
- setUp() - Method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGTests
Find the ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator class
and its generateCode static method that takes an array of
- setupActor() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.CSP
- setupActor() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- setupActor() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDF
Setup the actor associated with this DDI.
- setupActor() - Method in interface ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDI
Perform any domain dependent setup.
- setupActor() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.SDF
Setup the actor associated with this DDI.
- setupAdapter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Set up adapters contained by the composite actor.
- setupAdapter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Set up adapters contained by the composite actor.
- setupAdapter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor
Perform any setup or initialization of the adapter.
- setupAdapter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor
Reset the template parser and set the code blocks to
the value of the embeddedCode parameter.
- setupAdapter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Perform any setup or initialization of the adapter.
- setUpInfrastructure(Ticket, String) - Method in class ptserver.communication.ProxyModelInfrastructure
Set up the communication infrastructure.
- setupInteraction() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial
Set up the interaction so that the connectors stay glued to
the two figures.
- setupInteraction() - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial
Set up the interaction so that the connectors stay glued to
the two figures.
- SetupManager - Class in ptdb.kernel.bl.setup
Manage the setup parameters that is being passed to it from the GUI layer and
communicate that to the database layer as needed.
- SetupManager() - Constructor for class ptdb.kernel.bl.setup.SetupManager
- SetupParameters - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Encapsulate the parameters required for creating an XML DB connection.
- SetupParameters(String, String, String) - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.SetupParameters
Construct an instance with the given parameters.
- setUpperThreshold(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Set the upper threshold value.
- setupTransformerArguments(Shell, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.util.Environment
Set up the transformation arguments according to the preferences set in
the preference page.
- setURI(URI) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.URIAttribute
Set the value of the URI, and call the attributeChanged() method
of the container.
- setURL(URL) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Set the URL that this document saves itself to.
- setURL(URL) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Set the URL that this document saves itself to.
- setURL(URL) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
Set the URL of this document.
- setUrl(URL) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequest
Set the url to send this HTTP request to.
- setUrl(URL) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpRequest
Set the url to send this HTTP request to.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DBConnectionParameters
Set the URL parameter to the given value.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SetupParameters
Set the URL parameter to the given value.
- setURL(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.ClipPlayerHelper
Set the URL of the clip to load and construct a new MediaPlayer to it.
- setURL(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.attributes.URIAttribute
Set the value of the URI by specifying a URL,
and call the attributeChanged() method of the container.
- setUseAlpha(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
Set whether to convolve the alpha channel.
- setUseAlpha(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- setUseColormap(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- setUseImageColors(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- setUseImageColors(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- setUserLevelDocumentation(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Set the user level documentation.
- setUserObject(Object) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Set the user object.
- setUserObject(Object) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Set the user object.
- setUserObject(Object) - Method in interface diva.util.UserObjectContainer
Set the user object.
- setValid(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Validate/invalidate the current schedule by giving a
true/false argument.
- setValidator(PortConfigurerDialog.CellValidator) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingComboBoxCellEditor
Set the validator.
- setValidator(PortConfigurerDialog.CellValidator) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingJTextFieldCellEditor
Set the validator.
- setVAlignment(CellConstraints.Alignment) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
Sets the vertical alignment.
- setValue(LinkedList<Double>) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Particle
Set the value.
- setValue(String) - Method in class ptdb.gui.ModelAttributePanel
Set the value of this attribute.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.DynamicNameCriterion
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.NameCriterion
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Set the value of the index-th element.
- setValue(Token) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TextFieldContainerInterface
Set the text to the value of the token.
- setValue(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TextFieldContainerJavaSE
Set the text to the value of the token.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Try to set the value of this InequalityTerm, or in this case, just
throw an exception.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Throw an Exception.
- setValue(Concept) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples.ConceptPair
Do nothing.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Set the property value of this term.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Throw an Exception.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Throw IllegalActionException since the value of this term
cannot be changed.
- setValue(long) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder
- setValue(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.InequalityTerm
Set the value of this term to the specified CPO element.
- setValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Documentation
Set the documentation string.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog.NamedObjRenderer
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Set the value at a particular row and column.
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ConditionsTableModel
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.ModeTransitionTableModel
Set that value of a cell.
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- setValueListenerAsWeakDependency(ValueListener) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set a value listener as a weak dependency.
- setValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Set the values of the attribute.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.AttributeCriterion
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.DynamicNameCriterion
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.GuardCriterion
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.NameCriterion
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortCreationOperation
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.PortRemovalOperation
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Set the values of all the elements with a string that describes them.
- setValues(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Interpolation
Set the reference values.
- SetVariable - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Set the value of a variable.
- SetVariable(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- SetVariable(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- setVariable(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
Set the element to be a variable
- setVariableStack(Stack<Hashtable<String, Type>>) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Set the variable stack.
- setVEdgeMatrix(float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class diva.util.LoggableOp
Set the verbose mode flag.
- setVersion(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Set the version.
- setVersionName(String) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
Set The new model name that will be stored in the database.
- setVertexPaint(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Set the vertex point paint.
- setVertexShape(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Set the vertex point shape.
- setViewDistance(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- setViewport(JViewport) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPanner
Set the target component that is being
- setViewScreen(ViewScreen2D) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.FigureInteractor
Notify this object of the view screen which contains the
figure this object is listening to.
- setViewSize(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras.CameraHelper
Set the current view size for this camera, representing the desired size
as a Map with integer valued fields "width" and "height".
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
This method has to be implemented for the AbstractSettableAttribute
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set the visibility of this variable.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
Set the visibility of this Settable.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMTransitionParameter
Set visibility.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Set the visibility of this attribute.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Set the visibility of this attribute.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable
Set the visibility of this Settable.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Set the visibility of this attribute.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Set the visibility of this attribute.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Set the visibility of this attribute.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.MonitorReceiverAttribute
Set the visibility of this Settable.
- setVisibility(Settable.Visibility) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Set the visibility of this Settable.
- setVisibilityMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Set the visibility flag of this figure.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Set the visibility flag of this object.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Set the visibility flag of this layer.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Set the visibility flag of this layer.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.GridLayer
Set the visibility flag of this layer.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface diva.canvas.VisibleComponent
Set the visibility flag of this object.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Set whether the context is visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Invoke the delegate's setvisible().
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Do nothing.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Set the visibility of the application's frame
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Set the frame's visibility.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Set the visibility of the application's frame
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.BacktrackingPreferencePage
Set whether the backtracking preference page is visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Set the visibility.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- setVisited(Object, boolean) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
- setVisited(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Set the visited marker.
- setVlinkName(IOPort, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Set name of virtual link that is parameterized on a port.
- setVRadius(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
Set the vertical size of the blur.
- setVRadius(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
Set the vertical size of the blur.
- setVRadius(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
Set the vertical size of the blur.
- setWaitForLastSubprocess(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Determine whether the last subprocess is waited for or not.
- setWaitingThread(Thread) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicate that the specified thread is waiting and can be
interrupted in the event that a change request is made.
- setWavelength(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
Set the wavelength of the ripples.
- setWaveType(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Set the wave type.
- setWebName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebAttribute
Set the web name of this element; for example, "myElement" in
<div name="myElement"> </div> in HTML.
- setWebName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebElement
Set the web name of this element; for example, "myElement" in
<div name="myElement"/> in HTML.
- setWebServer(WebServer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Specify the web server for this service.
- setWebServer(WebServer) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpService
Specify the web server for this service.
- setWebServer(WebServer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
Specify the web server for this service.
- setWebServer(WebServer) - Method in interface org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpService
Specify the web server for this service.
- setWeight(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Particle
Set the weight.
- setWeight(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Element
Set or change the weight of an element.
- setWhite(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Set the color to be used for pixels above the upper threshold.
- setWhite(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Set the color to be used for pixels above the upper threshold.
- setWhite(String) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Set the color to be used for pixels above the upper threshold as a
string specification.
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BicubicScaleFilter
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Set the width of the crop rectangle.
- setWidth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TileImageFilter
Set the output image width.
- setWidth(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Set the width of this relation and all relations in its
relation group.
- setWidthEquals(Parameter) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Constrain the width of this port to be equal to the parameter.
- setWidthEquals(IOPort, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Constrain the width of this port to be equal to the width of
the IOPort port.
- setWindSpeed(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- setWorkingDirectory(File) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Set the working directory of the subprocess.
- setWorkingDirectory(File) - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Set the working directory of the subprocess.
- setWorkingDirectory(File) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Set the working directory of the subprocess.
- setWrap(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- setWrap(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify whether the X axis is wrapped.
- setWrap(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Specify whether the X axis is wrapped.
- setWrapEdges(boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Set whether to wrap at the image edges.
- setWritable(boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Set the "writable" flag.
- setWritable(boolean) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Set the "writable" flag.
- setWriteOffset(int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
Set the write offset of a channel of the port.
- setWriteOffset(IOPort, int, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
Set the write offset in a buffer of a given channel to which a token
should be put.
- setWriter(Writer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Writer
Set the writer.
- setX(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Set the left edge of the crop rectangle.
- setX(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Set the given X-coordinate.
- setX(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Set the given X-coordinate.
- setX(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Set the given X-coordinate.
- setX(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Set the given X-coordinate.
- setX(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Set the given X-coordinate.
- setX(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Set the given X-coordinate.
- setXAmplitude(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Set the amplitude of ripple in the X direction.
- setXAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- setXGap(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- setXLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the label for the X (horizontal) axis.
- setXLabel(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the label for the X (horizontal) axis.
- setXLog(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify whether the X axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
- setXLog(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Specify whether the X axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
- setXMapFunction(Function2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MapFilter
- setXMLDBAttribute(XMLDBAttribute) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.CreateAttributeTask
Set the attribute to be created in the database.
- setXMLDBAttribute(XMLDBAttribute) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.DeleteAttributeTask
Set the attribute to be deleted from the database.
- setXMLDBAttribute(XMLDBAttribute) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateAttributeTask
Set the attribute to be updated in the database.
- setXMLDBModel(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.CreateModelTask
Set the model to be created in the database.
- setXMLDBModel(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.SaveModelTask
Set the model to be saved in the database.
- setXMLVersion(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlWriter
Set the XML version string.
- setXOffset(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- setXOffset(double) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Set the horizontal offset for the graphic.
- setXORMode(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- setXPersistence(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Calling this method with a positive argument sets the
persistence of the plot to the given width in units of the
horizontal axis.
- setXPersistence(double) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotInterface
Calling this method with a positive argument sets the
persistence of the plot to the given width in units of the
horizontal axis.
- setXRange(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the X (horizontal) range of the plot.
- setXRange(double, double) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the X (horizontal) range of the plot.
- setXScale(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Set the X scale of the texture.
- setXScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
Set the X scale of the effect.
- setXWavelength(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Set the wavelength of ripple in the X direction.
- setXWidth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- setXY(Object, int, int) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
Set the logical X, Y positions of the given node.
- setY(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
Set the top edge of the crop rectangle.
- setY(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Set the given Y-coordinate
- setY(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Set the given Y-coordinate
- setY(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Set the given Y-coordinate
- setY(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Set the given Y-coordinate
- setY(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Set the given Y-coordinate
- setY(int, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Set the given Y-coordinate
- setYAmplitude(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Set the amplitude of ripple in the Y direction.
- setYAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- setYellowScreenAngle(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
Set the yellow screen angle.
- setYGap(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- setYLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the label for the Y (vertical) axis.
- setYLabel(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the label for the Y (vertical) axis.
- setYLog(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify whether the Y axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
- setYLog(boolean) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Specify whether the Y axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
- setYMapFunction(Function2D) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MapFilter
- setYOffset(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- setYOffset(double) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Set the vertical location for the graphic.
- setYRange(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the Y (vertical) range of the plot.
- setYRange(double, double) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.PlotBoxInterface
Set the Y (vertical) range of the plot.
- setYScale(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
Set the Y scale of the texture.
- setYScale(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
Set the Y scale of the effect.
- setYWavelength(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Set the wavelength of ripple in the Y direction.
- setYWidth(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- setZeroReference(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.util.CQComparator
Set the zero reference, to be used in calculating the virtual
bin number.
- setZeroReference(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent.TimeComparator
Set the zero reference, to be used in calculating the virtual
bin number.
- setZeroReference(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEventComparator
Do nothing.
- setZeroTrap(boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Configure all instances of this class to use the MIL-STD zero trap.
- setZoom(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
Specifies the amount to scale on each iteration.
- setZoom(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
Set the blur zoom.
- setZoom(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
Set the blur zoom.
- setZoom(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- sFactor - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- sgn(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
If the argument is less than zero, return -1, otherwise
return 1.
- ShadeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ShadeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- ShadowFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which draws a drop shadow based on the alpha channel of the image.
- ShadowFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Construct a ShadowFilter.
- ShadowFilter(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
Construct a ShadowFilter.
- ShadowHighlighter - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
A decorator figure that displays a shadow behind the
- ShadowHighlighter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowHighlighter
Create a new shadow with a default paint and size.
- ShadowHighlighter(Paint, float) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowHighlighter
Create a new shadow with the given paint and halo.
- ShadowHighlighter(Paint, float, Composite) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowHighlighter
Create a new shadow with the given paint, size.
- ShadowHighlighter(Paint, float, Composite, Stroke) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowHighlighter
Create a new shadow with the given paint, size,
compositing operation, and stroke.
- ShadowRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel
Provide a shadow for icons.
- ShadowRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowRenderer
Create a new selection renderer with the default prototype
- ShadowRenderer(Color) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.ShadowRenderer
Create a new renderer with the given color.
- ShallowModelTransformer - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.shallow
Read in a MoML model and generate a Java class that creates the
same model.
- shape - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter.Tile
- shape - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
The shape being painted.
- shape - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIMedianFilter
The filter shape to use.
- ShapeAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is an abstract attribute that is rendered as a shape.
- ShapeAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ShapeAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- ShapedFigure - Interface in diva.canvas.interactor
An interface that defines the setShape() method.
- shapeEquals(Shape, Shape, double) - Static method in class diva.util.jester.TestUtilities
Test if two shapes are equal.
- ShapeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ShapeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- ShapeIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon that displays a specified java.awt.Shape.
- ShapeIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- ShapeIcon(NamedObj, String, Shape) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ShapeIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container
with the given default shape.
- shapes() - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Return an iterator over the shapes currently in this layer.
- ShapeUtilities - Class in diva.util.java2d
A set of utilities on Java2D shapes.
- ShapeUtilities() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
- ShapeUtilitiesTest - Class in diva.util.test
A test suite for ShapeUtilities.
- ShapeUtilitiesTest(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.util.test.ShapeUtilitiesTest
- sharedBuffers() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.BufferingProfile
returns the number of buffers required upon calling shared fire in excess of
the input and output buffer.
- sharedBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyDisplay
Provides the buffering profile, number of buffers required for a shared firing.
- sharedBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Provides the buffering profile, number of buffers required for a shared firing.
- sharedBuffers - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
The number of frame buffers the actor requires in a shared firing.
- sharedBuffers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Default value for number of frame buffers required for shared firing.
- SharedBufferTransformer - Class in ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize
An abstract ancestor class to be used for filters
using references to shared data frames.
- SharedBufferTransformer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Construct an instance of a SharedBufferTransformer.
- sharedExecutionTime() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.BufferingProfile
returns (an estimate of) the execution time of a shared buffer firing of the actor.
- sharedExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyDisplay
Provides the buffering profile, execution time estimate required for a shared firing.
- sharedExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummySource
Provides the buffering profile, execution time estimate required for a shared firing.
- sharedExecutionTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Execution time (estimate) for the actor for a shared firing.
- sharedExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Default value for execution time for shared firing.
- SharedParameter - Class in ptolemy.actor.parameters
This parameter is shared throughout a model.
- SharedParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Construct a parameter with the given container and name.
- SharedParameter(NamedObj, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Construct a parameter with the given container, name, and
container class.
- SharedParameter(NamedObj, String, Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Construct a parameter with the given container, name,
container class, and default value.
- sharedParameterSet() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Return a collection of all the shared parameters within the
same model as this parameter.
- SharedQueue - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A queue that outputs the next token to an output channel that is ready to
receive it.
- SharedQueue(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.SharedQueue
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SharpenFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs a simple 3x3 sharpening operation.
- SharpenFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SharpenFilter
- ShatterFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ShatterFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- ShatterFilter.Tile - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ShearFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ShearFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- shell - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellTableau
The contained shell.
- shell - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
The shell window object.
- ShellFactory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellEffigy.ShellFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- ShellFactory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellEffigy.ShellFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- ShellFactory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellEffigy.ShellFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- ShellFactory(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellEffigy.ShellFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- ShellFrame(ExpressionShellTableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell.ShellFrame
Construct a frame to display the ExpressionShell window.
- ShellHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.shell
A helper class for the shell accessor module.
- ShellInterpreter - Interface in ptolemy.gui
An interface for interpreters that work with the ShellTextArea.
- ShellTableau(ExpressionShellEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell.ShellTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the
given effigy.
- shellTextArea - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau.ExecShellFrame
The text area tableau used for input and output.
- shellTextArea - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellTableau.TclShellFrame
The text area tableau used for input and output.
- ShellTextArea - Class in ptolemy.gui
A text area supporting shell-style interactions.
- ShellTextArea() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Create a new instance with no initial message.
- ShellTextArea(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ShellTextArea
Create a new instance with the specified initial message.
- shift() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- shiftArithmetic(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
arithmetically shifting the elements in the array by the
second argument.
- shiftArithmetic(int[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
arithmetically shifting the elements in the matrix by the
second argument.
- shiftArithmetic(long[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
arithmetically shifting the elements in the array by the
second argument.
- shiftArithmetic(long[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
arithmetically shifting the elements in the matrix by the
second argument.
- shiftBigDecimal(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Shift the BigDecimal value either right or left by
a power of 2 value.
- shiftLogical(int[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
logically shifting the elements in the array by the second
- shiftLogical(int[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
logically shifting the elements in the matrix by the second
- shiftLogical(long[], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed from the argument by
logically shifting the elements in the array by the second
- shiftLogical(long[][], int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
logically shifting the elements in the matrix by the second
- ShineFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- ShineFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- shininess - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The shininess of the 3D shape.
- SHL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SHORT - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The short integer data type.
- SHORT_NUM - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The integer identifier of short type.
- SHORT_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
The type object of short type.
- shortDescription(Throwable) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
- shortDescription(Throwable) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Return a short description of the throwable.
- shortestPath(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.AllPairShortestPathAnalysis
Return the nodes on the shortest path from the node
"startNode" to the node "endNode" in the form of an ordered list.
- shortestPath(Node, Node) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.AllPairShortestPathAnalyzer
Return the nodes on the shortest path from the node
"startNode" to the node "endNode" in the form of an ordered list.
- shortestPath(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy
Return the nodes on the shortest path from the node
startNode to the node endNode in the form of an ordered list.
- shortestPathLength(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.AllPairShortestPathAnalysis
Return the length of the shortest path from the node
startNode to the node endNode.
- shortestPathLength(Node, Node) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.AllPairShortestPathAnalyzer
Return the length of the shortest path from the node
startNode to the node endNode.
- shortestPathLength(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy
Return the length of the shortest path from the node
startNode to the node endNode.
- shortestPathMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.AllPairShortestPathAnalysis
Return a matrix representing the result of the all pair shortest path
- shortestPathMatrix() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.AllPairShortestPathAnalyzer
A matrix representing the result of the all pair shortest path
- shortestPathMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy
Return the all pair shortest path of the graph in the form of
two dimensional array (matrix).
- ShortTitleTabbedPaneUI - Class in thales.actor.gui
Titre : ShortTitleTabbedPaneUI
Description : A customized UI for the TabbedPane use to navigate
Société : Thales Research and technology
- ShortTitleTabbedPaneUI() - Constructor for class thales.actor.gui.ShortTitleTabbedPaneUI
- ShortToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a signed 16-bit integer number.
- ShortToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Construct a token with short 0.
- ShortToken(short) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Construct a token with the specified value.
- ShortToken(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Construct a ShortToken with the specified integer value.
- ShortToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Construct an ShortToken from the specified string.
- shortTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- shortTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- ShortTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
ShortTokenHandler converts ShortToken to/from byte stream.
- ShortTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.ShortTokenHandler
- shortTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- shortValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return the value of this token as a short.
- shortValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return the value in the token as a short.
- shortValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return the value in the token as a short.
- shortValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserTableau
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExternalTextEffigy
Signal the external text editor to (re)display its buffer
associated with this effigy.
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExternalTextTableau
Make this tableau visible - by calling show() on the container
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableau
Make this tableau visible by calling setVisible(true), and
raising or deiconifying its window.
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Make this tableau visible by calling setVisible(true), and
raising or deiconifying its window.
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditorTableau
Make this tableau visible by calling setVisible(true), and
raising or deiconifying its window.
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WelcomeWindow
Show the window if the _showWelcomeWindowAtStartup parameter
is not set or is true.
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Override the base class to deiconify
the window, if necessary.
- show() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeTableau
Make this tableau visible by calling setVisible(true), and
raising or deiconifying its window.
- show() - Method in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigableActorGraphTableau
- showAll() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Find all instances of Tableau deeply contained in the directory
and call show() on them.
- showAxes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
Boolean variable that determines whether or not axes are shown.
- showAxes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Boolean variable that determines if the axes crosshairs are shown
This parameter should contain a BooleanToken.
- showAxes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Boolean variable that determines whether or not axes are shown.
- showClones - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiInstanceComposite
If true, show the clones.
- showConceptAnnotations() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyMoMLHandler
Show all concept values as text annotations on each model element.
- showConsoleWindow - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
If true (the default), a window will be created that
shows the console output.
- showConsoleWindow - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
If true (the default), a window will be created that
shows the console output.
- showConsoleWindow - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Flag, if true, then the console output will be displayed in a JFrame.
- showConsoleWindow(boolean) - Method in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Set a flag that determines whether the console window will be displayed.
- showDebug - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression2
If true, then shoe debugging information about script.
- showDebug(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimizingSDFScheduler
Print a debug message.
- showDebugPanel() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.UserPrefs
Should we show the debug panel?
- showDialog(Container, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser
Show the dialog.
- showDialog() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.OpenLayoutDialog
Shows the open layout dialog.
- showDocumentation(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction
Show the documentation for a NamedObj.
- showError(String, Exception) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Report that an exception occurred to the user.
- showError(String, Exception) - Method in class diva.gui.tutorial.AbstractApplication
Show an error in a dialog box with stack trace.
- showException(Component, Exception, String) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Display an exception in a nice user-oriented way.
- showFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Show the pseudo-frame with the contents of the given internal
- showFSMTransitionParameter - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
- showInBrowser - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebExportParameters
If true, open a web browser to display the resulting
- showInBrowser - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
If true, open a web browser to display the resulting
- showpage() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Issue the PostScript showpage command, then write and flush the output.
- showPreviewBorder() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.UserPrefs
- showPrompt() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.SizeDialog
Show the prompt and return the selection.
- showPrompt() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.gui.WidgetPropertiesFrame
Show the prompt and return the selection.
- showRate(Port, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DFUtilities
Depending on the given flag, add an invisible, persistent
variable named "_showRate" with value true to the given port
that indicates to the user interface that rate parameters on
the given port should be displayed in the user interface.
- showStackTrace(Component, Exception) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Display a stack trace dialog.
- showStackTrace(Component, Exception, String) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Display a stack trace dialog.
- showStatus(String) - Method in interface diva.gui.AppContext
Show the given status string at the bottom of
the context.
- showStatus(String) - Method in class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Show the status in the delegate.
- showStatus(String) - Method in class diva.gui.AppletContext
Show the given status string at the bottom of
the context.
- showStatus(String) - Method in class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Show the given status string at the bottom of
the context.
- showStatus(String) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Show the given status string in the context.
- showStatusAndHighlightCounterExample(Ontology, OntologyGraphController) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ReportOntologyLatticeStatus
Show a status message depending on whether the given ontology model
is a valid lattice, and if the isAcceptable parameters form acceptance
- showTableaux() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Make all tableaux associated with this effigy and any effigies it
contains visible by raising or deiconifying them.
- showTitleInHTML - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultTitle
If set to true, then the title given by this parameter
will be shown in the HTML prior to the image of the model
(as well as in the image of the model, if it is visible
when the export to web occurs).
- showTitleInHTML - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
If set to true, then the title given by this parameter
will be shown in the HTML prior to the image of the model
(as well as in the image of the model, if it is visible
when the export to web occurs).
- ShowTypes - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib
This attribute, when inserted into a model causes types to be
displayed on all ports at the same level of the hierarchy as
this attribute.
- ShowTypes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.ShowTypes
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- ShowWindowRunnable() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.ShowWindowRunnable
- SHR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- shutdown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.userInterface.VertxBrowserHelper.Server
Shut down the server, if running.
- shutdown() - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Shut down the broker process and stop all active simulation
threads by calling their Managers.
- SHUTDOWN_TIME - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
The amount of time to allow for the model to terminate
gracefully before shutting it down when the JVM is shut down
due to control-C, user logging out, etc.
- SIBaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension that is one of the 7 SI specified base dimensions.
- SIBaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.SIBaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Create a new SIBaseUnitRepresentativeConcept with the specified name and
- sideDivisions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cone3D
The number of divisions on the side of the cone.
- sideDivisions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cylinder3D
The number of divisions on the side of the cone.
- SideEffectAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
An analysis that determines which methods in a given call graph
have no side effects.
- SideEffectAnalysis() - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SideEffectAnalysis
- SideEffectFreeInvocationRemover - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
Remove any calls to other methods from the given method that
have no side effects and whose return value is dead.
- SIDerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension that is one of the 7 SI specified base dimensions.
- SIDerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.SIDerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Create a new SIDerivedUnitRepresentativeConcept with the specified name and
- sigmaPointOutput - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
The output port that outputs the sigma-points of distribution of state variable at each firing.
- sign(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- sign(String, String, String, String, char[], char[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.JarSigner
Sign a jar file.
- SIGN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SIGN_MASK - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- signal - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.PSNR
The input signal.
- SignalProcessing - Class in ptolemy.math
This class provides signal processing functions.
- SignalProcessing.GaussianSampleGenerator - Class in ptolemy.math
This class generates samples of a Gaussian function with the
specified mean and standard deviation.
- SignalProcessing.PolynomialSampleGenerator - Class in ptolemy.math
This class generates samples of a polynomial.
- SignalProcessing.RaisedCosineSampleGenerator - Class in ptolemy.math
This class generates samples of a raised cosine pulse, or if the
excess is zero, a modified sinc function.
- SignalProcessing.SawtoothSampleGenerator - Class in ptolemy.math
This class generates samples of a sawtooth wave with the specified
period and phase.
- SignalProcessing.SincSampleGenerator - Class in ptolemy.math
This class generates samples of a sinc wave with the specified
first zero crossing.
- SignalProcessing.SinusoidSampleGenerator - Class in ptolemy.math
This class generates samples of a sinusoidal wave.
- SignalProcessing.SqrtRaisedCosineSampleGenerator - Class in ptolemy.math
This class generates samples of a square-root raised cosine pulse.
- signalPropagationSpeed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Triangulator
Speed of propagation of the signal to be used for triangulation.
- signature - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureSigner
The signature of the data.
- signature - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureVerifier
The signature of the data.
- SignatureActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
A common base class for actors that use cryptographic signatures.
- SignatureActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- signatureAlgorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyReader
The name of the signature algorithm used to generate the key.
- signatureAlgorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
Specify the algorithm to be used to sign data.
- SignatureSigner - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Sign the input data using a private key.
- SignatureSigner(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureSigner
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SignatureVerifier - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Verify the signature of the input data.
- SignatureVerifier(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureVerifier
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SIGNED_INTEGER_GROUP - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision.PrecisionFormat
Regular expression for a grouped signed integer
(positive or negative).
- SIGNIFICAND_BITS - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- SIGNIFICAND_MASK - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.DoubleUtilities
- signWithPrivateKey(Object, PrivateKey, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Sign the given input data with a private key and return the signature.
- SigProc - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.image
Signal processing algorithms for images.
- SigProc() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.SigProc
- SILHOUETTE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- SimpleCharStream - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
- SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream - Class in ptolemy.moml.unit
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
- SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- SimpleClassLoadingStrategy - Class in org.ptolemy.classloading
As the name says... a simple strategy implementation providing a bridge
between the ClassLoadingStrategy
approach and
the usage of a plain ClassLoader
, for loading Java classes.
- SimpleClassLoadingStrategy() - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.classloading.SimpleClassLoadingStrategy
Construct a strategy that uses the default class loader,
i.e. the one with which this own class was loaded.
- SimpleClassLoadingStrategy(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.classloading.SimpleClassLoadingStrategy
Construct a strategy that uses the given class loader.
- SimpleErrorHandler - Class in ptolemy.moml
Simple error handler for the MoMLParser class.
- SimpleErrorHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.SimpleErrorHandler
Create an error handler that throws an exception.
- SimpleGraphController - Class in diva.graph
A simple graph controller, which works well if all nodes have the same
interaction, and all edges have the same interaction.
- SimpleGraphController() - Constructor for class diva.graph.SimpleGraphController
Create a new basic controller with default node and edge controllers.
- SimpleMessageHandler - Class in ptolemy.util
This is a message handler that reports errors in a graphical dialog box.
- SimpleMessageHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.SimpleMessageHandler
- SimpleNode - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
- SimpleNode(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- SimpleNode(MatrixParser, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- SimplePane - Class in diva.canvas.demo
A pane containing instances of some basic figures.
- SimplePane() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.demo.SimplePane
- SimpleSearchFrame - Class in ptdb.gui
An extended JFrame used for performing a simple database search based on
the model name and attributes.
- SimpleSearchFrame(NamedObj, JFrame, Configuration, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Construct a SimpleSearchFrame.
- SimpleTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial shows how to construct a JCanvas and place
figures on it.
- SimpleTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.SimpleTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window
- SimpleTutorial - Class in diva.graph.tutorial
This is the most basic tutorial, popping up an empty graph
editing window.
- SimpleTutorial(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.graph.tutorial.SimpleTutorial
- simPro - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Process for the simulation.
- simTimAbsTol - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Absolute floating-point tolerance for events assumed to be simultaneous.
- simTimPre - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Ptolemy's time at the last call of the fire method.
- simTimRea - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
The current simulation time as received from the client.
- simTimReaPre - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Time read from the simulation program at the last call of the fire method.
- simTimWri - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.net.Server
The simulation time last written to the client.
- simulate(String, double, double, boolean, char, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUCoSimulation
Perform co-simulation using the named Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) file.
- simulate(String, double, double, boolean, char, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
Perform co-simulation or model exchange using the named
Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) file.
- simulate(String, double, double, boolean, char, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUModelExchange
Perform model exchange using the named Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) file.
- simulate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Flag for choosing whether to simulate the model in ptII.
- SimulationFiringFunction(Actor, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationFiringFunction
- SimulationJunction(IOPort, IOPort, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction
Constructor for simulation junction.
- simulationLogFile - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
File name to which this actor writes the simulation log.
- simulationLogFile - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
File name to which this actor writes the simulation log.
- SimulationTask - Class in ptserver.control
Launch the simulation on the current thread under the provided
ticket reference and wait for the user to issue control commands.
- SimulationTask(Ticket) - Constructor for class ptserver.control.SimulationTask
Create an instance of the simulation task to be run by the Ptolemy
server application.
- Simulator - Class in lbnl.actor.lib
Actor that calls a simulation program of a dynamic system
that is coupled to Ptolemy II.
- Simulator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Constructs an actor with the given container and name.
- SIN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- sin() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the sine
of this complex number.
- sin(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the sine
of the given complex number.
- sinc(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return sin(x)/x, the so-called sinc function.
- since - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute
The since field.
- SincSampleGenerator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing.SincSampleGenerator
- SINE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Sine wave ripples.
- SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SINGLE_PRECISION_SIGNIFICAND_ONLY - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
The constant value of a double representation that has all bits as
1 except the sign bit, where only the significand contributes to the
- SINGLE_PRECISION_SMALLEST_NORMALIZED_POSITIVE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
The smallest, normalized, positive double value with a single precision.
- SINGLE_SELECTION - Static variable in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Allow only one screen object to
be selected at a time.
- SingleEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor produces an event with the specified value at the
specified time.
- SingleEvent(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- SingleEvent - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent.
- SingleEvent(SingleEvent) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent
Construct a SingleEvent adapter.
- SingleLineCommentMode - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
Lexical state.
- SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
An analysis to find the longest path from a single source to all the other
nodes in a directed graph.
- SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis(Graph, Node, ToDoubleMapping) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with a default analyzer.
- SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis(SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with a given analyzer.
- SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
A common interface for all the single source longest path analyzers.
- SINGLETOKEN - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
A single token related event in getVectorLength().
- SingleTokenCommutator - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
The SingleTokenCommutator has a multiport input port and an output
- SingleTokenCommutator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleTokenCommutator
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- SingleTokenDistributor - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.lib
A distributor that splits an input stream into a set of output
- SingleTokenDistributor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.SingleTokenDistributor
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Singleton - Interface in ptolemy.kernel.util
This interface is used to indicate that an attribute is a singleton,
meaning that when setContainer() is called, if there is a previous
instance of the attribute, then that previous instance is removed.
- SingletonAttribute - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
This class is an attribute that replaces any previously
existing attribute in the container that has the same name.
- SingletonAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute
Construct a new attribute with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- SingletonAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute
Construct a new attribute with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- SingletonAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given container and name.
- SingletonConfigurableAttribute - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
This class is a configurable attribute that replaces any previously
existing attribute in the container that has the same name.
- SingletonConfigurableAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonConfigurableAttribute
Construct a new attribute with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- SingletonConfigurableAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonConfigurableAttribute
Construct a new attribute with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- SingletonConfigurableAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonConfigurableAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given container and name.
- SingletonParameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This subclass of Parameter is identical to Parameter except that it
is a singleton, meaning that when its container is set, if the container
already contains an attribute with the same name, then that attribute
is first removed.
- SingletonParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SingletonParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- SingletonParameter(NamedObj, String, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.SingletonParameter
Construct a Parameter with the given container, name, and Token.
- SingleWindowApplication - Class in thales.vergil
Main entry point for the SingleWindow mode.
- SingleWindowApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class thales.vergil.SingleWindowApplication
Construct a single window application.
- SingleWindowConfiguration - Class in thales.actor.gui
A Configuration that intercept created Tableau, and the content of its
Frame into a TabbedPane.
- SingleWindowConfiguration(Workspace) - Constructor for class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowConfiguration
Construct an instance in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- SingleWindowHTMLViewer - Class in thales.actor.gui
Main application Frame.
- SingleWindowHTMLViewer() - Constructor for class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
- SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau - Class in thales.actor.gui
Titre : SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau
Description : Main Tableau for the SingleWindowHTMLViewer.
- SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau.Factory - Class in thales.actor.gui
A factory that creates HTML viewer tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- SingularValueDecomposition - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat
Singular Value Decomposition.
- SingularValueDecomposition(Matrix) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition
Construct the singular value decomposition
- SingularValueDecomposition.SVDImpl - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat
- sinh() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the hyperbolic sine
of this complex number.
- sinh(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the hyperbolic sine
of this complex number.
- sinh(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
Return the hyperbolic sine of the argument.
- Sink - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Base class for simple data sinks.
- Sink(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sink
Construct an actor with an input multiport.
- sink() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Edge
Return the sink node of the edge.
- SinkNodeAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
Computation of sink nodes in a graph.
- SinkNodeAnalysis(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SinkNodeAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class for a given graph.
- SinkNodeAnalysis(SinkNodeAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SinkNodeAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class using a given analyzer.
- SinkNodeAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
Base interface for the computation of sink nodes in a graph.
- sinkNodeCount() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the number of sink nodes in this graph.
- sinkNodes() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return all the sink nodes in this graph in the form of a collection.
- SinkNodeStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Computation of sink nodes in a graph.
- SinkNodeStrategy(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SinkNodeStrategy
Construct a sink node analysis for a given graph.
- sinkPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return a list of the ports that may accept data from this port when
it sends on the outside.
- sinkPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.ChannelPort
Return a list of the ports that can potentially accept data from
the containing channel.
- sinkPortList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Return a list of the ports that can potentially accept data
from this port when it sends on the outside.
- SinusoidSampleGenerator(double, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing.SinusoidSampleGenerator
Construct a SinusoidSampleGenerator.
- SIPrefixUnitConversionInfo - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
A parameter that holds a record describing unit conversion information for
a UnitConcept in a unit system ontology that specifies units with SI prefixes
(e.g. kilo-, centi-, milli-).
- SIPrefixUnitConversionInfo(DimensionRepresentativeConcept, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.SIPrefixUnitConversionInfo
Create a new UnitConversionInfo parameter with the given name and
- Site - Interface in diva.canvas
A site represents a point on a figure.
- SiteDecorator - Class in diva.canvas
This is an abstract decorator for sites.
- SiteDecorator(Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Create a new decorator on the given site.
- SitedRectangle(double, double, double, double, Color) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle
Create a new instance of this figure.
- sites() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Return an iteration over the sites in this geometry object.
- sites() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Return an iteration over the sites in this geometry object.
- SIUnitPrefixes - Enum in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit
An enumeration class that specifies all the valid prefixes
(e.g, kilo-, centi-, milli-) for SI units.
- Size - Interface in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
An interface that describes sizes as used by the
component measuring sizes, constant sizes with value and unit,
and bounded sizes that provide lower and upper bounds for a size.
- size() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- size() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- size() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
How long is the vector?
- size() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.UnionFindSimple
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Return size of this collection.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Get the size of this linked list.
- size - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
A specification for the size of the frame.
- size - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIMedianFilter
The size of the median filter.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.CircularFifoQueue
Returns the number of elements stored in the queue.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
Return the number of tokens in the receiver.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Return the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Return the queue size, which is the number of entries currently
in the queue.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Return the number of objects in the queue.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return the size of the set.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.util.IntegerList
The size of the list.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtArrayList
Return the size of the array.
- size - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
An integer representing the size of the square matrix.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Return the size of the event queue.
- size() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEventQueue
Return the size of the event queue.
- size - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
The current size of the queue.
- size - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
The current size of the queue.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Returns the size of this event queue.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Returns the size of this event queue.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Return the number of objects in the queue.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Return the number of tokens in the receiver.
- size - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Alloc
The size to be allocated in the memory.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Return the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Return the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList
Return size of this list.
- size() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Return the number of elements in the list.
- size - Variable in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Number of bytes of audio data.
- size(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MultiHashMap
Return the size of the collection mapped to the specified key.
- SizeAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This attribute stores the width and height of a graphical component.
- SizeAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- SIZED_FIX - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The fix data type, with a precision specified.
- SizeDialog - Class in ptolemy.homer.gui
Class that defines the screen size dialog.
- SizeDialog(int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.gui.SizeDialog
Create the dialog with the specified height/width values set.
- sizeInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Get the number of inputs to the term.
- sizeInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get the number of inputs to the term.
- sizeInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the number of inputs to the node.
- sizeInputs() - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm
Get number of inputs to term.
- sizeInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Get the number of inputs to the elements of
the list exposed to the outside.
- sizeOf(Component) - Method in interface com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout.Measure
Computes and returns the size of the given Component
- sizeOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.ChangePtr
The offset that is added to the current size of the incoming token.
- sizeOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Get the number of outputs from the term.
- sizeOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Get the number of outputs from the term.
- sizeOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the number of outputs to the node.
- sizeOutputs() - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm
Get number of outputs to term.
- sizeOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Get the number of outputs to the elements of
the list exposed to the outside.
- Sizes - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
Consists only of static methods that create and convert sizes
as required by the FormLayout.
- Sizes.ComponentSize - Class in com.jgoodies.forms.layout
An ordinal-based serializable typesafe enumeration that implements
interface for the component sizes:
min, pref, default.
- SkeletonFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which reduces a binary image to a skeleton.
- SkeletonFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SkeletonFilter
- SketchedSource - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
This actor is a plotter that also produces as its output a
signal that has been sketched by the user on the screen.
- SketchedSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- skipPast(String) - Method in class org.json.XMLTokener
Skip characters until past the requested string.
- skipTo(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Skip characters until the next character is the requested character.
- skipUntil(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Skip all data until we find the specified string.
- skipWhitespace() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Skip whitespace characters
- SkyFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- SkyFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- SLASH - Static variable in class org.json.XML
The Character '/'.
- Sleep - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
On each firing, read at most one token from each input channel, sleep
by the specified amount of real time, and then produce the same input
tokens on the respective output channels.
- Sleep(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sleep
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Sleep - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An event to delay the execution for some real time.
- Sleep(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Sleep
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- sleepTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sleep
The sleep time in milliseconds.
- sleepTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.VariableSleep
An input port receives the value of sleep time.
- sleepTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Sleep
The sleep time in milliseconds.
- sleepTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer
The amount of time to sleep in milliseconds between drawing the
line and then removing the line.
- slerp(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Interpolate quaternions from q0 (w=0) to q1 (w=1).
- Slice - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the slicing of the bits of the input token value.
- Slice(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Slice
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Slicer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.comm
The Slicer functions as a decoder of the LineCoder.
- Slicer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Slicer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- slices - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.CircularSweep3D
The number of slices.
- slices - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Torus3D
The number of slices
This parameter should contain a IntToken.
- Slid_Filter(int, float[], int, float[], int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABF
- Slid_Filter(int, float[], int, float[], int, float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.ABFJNI
- slider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
The slider that controls the output of this actor.
- SliderFrame(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource.SliderFrame
Create a frame for the slider.
- SliderListener(Query, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.SliderListener
Construct a listener for changes in a slider.
- SliderSource - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The output of this actor is controlled by a slider in the run window.
- SliderSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
Construct an actor with an input multiport of type GENERAL.
- SliderSource.SliderFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The frame for the slider.
- slots - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinementPort
Slot selection string.
- slots - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTask
Slot selection string for the task.
- SmartBlurFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs a "smart blur". i.e. a blur which blurs smotth parts of the image while preserving edges.
- SmartBlurFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
- SMBRACE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMDOLLAR - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMDOLLARBRACE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMDOLLARPAREN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SmearFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- SmearFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- SMID - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMIDBRACE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMIDPAREN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMLETTER - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMOOTH - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- smoothPulse(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
A smoothed pulse function.
- SmoothSignal - Class in ptolemy.domains.qss.lib
Given inputs that are either doubles or
s, construct
a SmoothToken output.
- SmoothSignal(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothSignal
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- smoothStep(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
A smoothed step function.
- SmoothToDouble - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a
(one that has a double value and an array of
derivatives) to a DoubleToken, discarding the derivative information.
- SmoothToDouble(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.SmoothToDouble
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SmoothToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A double-valued token that contains zero or more derivatives, representing
the value of a function of time at a particular time.
- SmoothToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Construct a SmoothToken with value 0.0 at time zero and no derivatives.
- SmoothToken(double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Construct a SmoothToken with the specified value at time zero and no derivatives.
- SmoothToken(double, double[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Construct a SmoothToken with the specified value at time zero
and the specified derivatives.
- SmoothToken(double, Time, double[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Construct a SmoothToken with the specified value at the specified
time, and with the specified derivatives.
- SmoothToken(double[], Time) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Construct a SmoothToken with the specified value and derivatives, given
as a single array, at the specified time.
- SmoothToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Construct a SmoothToken from the specified string, which specifies only
a value.
- smoothToken(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return a SmoothToken with the specified value at time zero and no derivatives.
- smoothToken(double, double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return a SmoothToken with the specified value at time zero and derivatives.
- SmoothZeroCrossingDetector - Class in ptolemy.domains.qss.lib
A zero-crossing detector designed for use with quantized-state systems.
- SmoothZeroCrossingDetector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
Construct a new instance.
- SMPAREN - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMSTRING - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- SMTPHostName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Host name for the send mail server.
- SMTPHostName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Host name for the send mail server.
- SMTPPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Outgoing SMTP mail port.
- SMTPPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Outgoing SMTP mail port.
- SMTPUserName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
User name for the send mail server.
- SMTPUserName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
User name for the send mail server.
- SMVFileFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.SMVFileFilter
- SMVLegacyCodeActor - Class in ptolemy.verification.lib
An actor of this class contains pure SMV codes.
- SMVLegacyCodeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.lib.SMVLegacyCodeActor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SMVUtility - Class in ptolemy.verification.kernel
- SMVUtility() - Constructor for class ptolemy.verification.kernel.SMVUtility
- SnapConstraint - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
This constraint ensures that a point is a multiple of a constant
that defaults to 5.0.
- SnapConstraint() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Construct a new instance of a snap constraint.
- snapped() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsConstraint
Return false.
- snapped() - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.PointConstraint
Ask the point constraint call to constrain()
cause a "snap."
- snapped() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.QuadrantConstraint
Return false.
- snapped() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint
Return true to indicate that this does snap to grid.
- snapshot() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.cameras.CameraHelper
Return the most recent image obtained by the camera, or null
if no image has been obtained.
- snapToSite(FigureContainer, Rectangle2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Pick a site using the connector target and
then snap to it.
- SNRThresholdInDB - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.CollisionDetector
The threshold for the signal to be recognized from interference.
- SOBEL_H - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- SOBEL_V - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- socketChannelClose(SelectableChannel) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Close the java.nio.channels.SocketChannel.
- socketChannelRead(SocketChannel, byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Read from a java.nio.channels.SocketChannel into readBuffer.
- socketChannelWrite(SocketChannel, byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Write the bytes in writeBuffer to a
- socketConfigurationFile - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
File name to which this actor writes the socket configuration.
- SocketHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket
A helper class for the socket module in JavaScript.
- SocketHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper
Constructor for SocketHelper for the specified actor.
- SocketHelper.ByteArrayBackedInputStream - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket
Input stream backed by a list of byte arrays.
- SocketHelper.SocketWrapper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket
Wrapper for connected TCP sockets.
- socketPortNumber - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Port number for BSD socket (used if non-negative).
- socketTimeout - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Socket time out in milliseconds.
- SocketWrapper(ScriptObjectMirror, Object, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper.SocketWrapper
Construct a handler for connections established.
- SOFT_LIGHT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- softDecoding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
Boolean defining the decoding mode.
- SoftLightComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- SoftLightComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.SoftLightComposite
- SoftLightComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- SOH - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
"Start of Header" character, signals start of non-data header value.
- SolarizeFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which solarizes an image.
- SolarizeFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SolarizeFilter
- Solution - Class in ptolemy.moml.unit
An instance of this class contains a "solution" of Unit constraints.
- Solution(TypedCompositeActor, String[], Vector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
Construct a Solution from a set of variables, and a set of constraints.
- SolutionListModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog.SolutionListModel
- solve(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LUDecomposition
- solve(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- solve(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
This method solves the fixed point iteration.
- solve(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
This method solves u - lambda F(u) = 0
with initial values u=0 and lambda=0.
- solve(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.NewtonRaphson
Solve the algebraic loop using the specified array as the initial
guess for the variables being solved for and replace the contents
of the specified array with the solution that is found.
- solve(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.SuccessiveSubstitution
Solve the algebraic loop using the specified array as the initial
guess for the variables being solved for and replace the contents
of the specified array with the solution that is found.
- solveGreatest() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.InequalitySolver
Solve the set of inequalities for the greatest solution.
- solveLeast() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.InequalitySolver
Solve the set of inequalities for the least solution.
- solver - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSIntegrator
The class name of the QSS solver used for integration.
- solverName - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails
Name of the LatticeOntologySolver to collect information from.
- solverStrategy - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
A single parameter for quickly selecting common solving strategies,
plus a "custom" option to allow a user-defined strategy.
- solvingFixedPoint - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Indicate whether to compute the least or greatest fixed point solution.
- SongWrapper - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.targets.luminary.SongWrapper.
- SongWrapper(SongWrapper) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.SongWrapper
Constructor method for the Const adapter.
- SongWrapper - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
This is an dummy wrapper for song class for GPIO pins on the Luminary Micro.
- SongWrapper(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.SongWrapper
Constructs a SongWrapper object.
- SootUtilities - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
This class consists of static utility methods for use with Soot
- SootUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SootUtilities
- sort() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- sort() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticColumn
Sort constituent terms in column by type order.
- sort(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a new array that is the sorted contents of a specified
array, in ascending order.
- sortAscending(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a new array that is the sorted contents of a specified
array, in ascending order.
- sortAscendingReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (exact) return type of the sortAscending function above.
- SortByCommandTime() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper.SortByCommandTime
- sortContainedObjects(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return an ordered list of contained objects filtered by the specified
- sortDescending(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return a new array that is the sorted contents of a specified
array, in descending order.
- sortDescendingReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (exact) return type of the sortDescending function above.
- sortedKeys() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.
- sortReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (exact) return type of the sort function above.
- SoundActor - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
This actor forms a base class for actors that interact with real-time
sound through sampled data.
- SoundActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SoundCapture - Class in ptolemy.media.javasound
A buffer supporting the capturing of audio samples from a file or
from the computer's audio input port.
- SoundCapture(float, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Construct a sound capture object that captures audio from a computer's
audio input port.
- SoundCapture(String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Construct a sound capture object that captures audio from a
sound file specified as a URL.
- SoundPlayback - Class in ptolemy.media.javasound
A buffer supporting the playback of audio data and the the
writing of audio data to a sound file.
- SoundPlayback(float, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundPlayback
Construct a sound playback object that plays audio through the
computer's speaker.
- SoundPlayback(String, float, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundPlayback
Construct a sound playback object that writes audio to
a sound file with the specified name.
- SoundPlayer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound
This actor plays audio samples provided on the input port.
- SoundPlayer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundPlayer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SoundReader - Class in ptolemy.media.javasound
This class is a buffer that supports the reading of audio samples
from a sound file that is specified as a URL.
- SoundReader(String, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundReader
Construct a sound reader object that reads audio samples
from a sound file specified as a string describing a
URL and open the file at the specified URL.
- SoundReader(URL, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundReader
Construct a sound reader object that reads audio samples
from a sound file specified as a URL and open the file at
the specified URL.
- SoundWriter - Class in ptolemy.media.javasound
This class is a buffer that supports the writing of audio samples
to a sound file.
- SoundWriter(String, float, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundWriter
Construct a sound writer object with the specified name.
- source - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
The source actor that sent a token to this receiver.
- Source - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Base for simple data sources.
- Source(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Source
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- source - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CActorBase
The source code file or URL.
- source - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.NCComponentBase
The source code file or URL.
- source() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Edge
Return the source node of the edge.
- source - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ImageAttribute
The source image file.
- source - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.pdfrenderer.PDFAttribute
The source image file.
- sourceLineBinding - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
If true, then the generated source is bound to the line
number and file of the (adapter) templates.
- sourceModel - Variable in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
An optional string specifying the file name or URL of the model to read
- SourceNodeAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
Computation of source nodes in a graph.
- SourceNodeAnalysis(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SourceNodeAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class for a given graph.
- SourceNodeAnalysis(SourceNodeAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SourceNodeAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class using a given analyzer.
- SourceNodeAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
Base interface for the computation of source nodes in a graph.
- sourceNodeCount() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the number of source nodes in this graph.
- sourceNodes() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return all the source nodes in this graph in the form of a collection.
- SourceNodeStrategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
Computation of source nodes in a graph.
- SourceNodeStrategy(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SourceNodeStrategy
Construct an instance of this strategy for a given graph.
- SourceOutputStream - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
Java source code output stream.
- sourcePlatformDelayBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPort
Source platform delay bound parameter that defaults to the double value
- sourcePlatformDelayBound - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.PtidesPort
An assumed upper bound on the difference between platform time and
the event timestamp received at a network receiver port
(isNetworkPort is true and the port is an output),
where platform time is smaller than the event timestamp.
- sourcePortList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return a list of ports that may send data to this port from the
- sourcePortList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.ChannelPort
Return a list of the ports that can potentially send data to
the containing channel.
- sourcePortList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Return a list of the ports that can potentially send data to
this port from the outside.
- sourcePosition - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayExtract
The index into the input array at which to start copying.
- sourceResource(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.ClassUtilities
Lookup a URL in the classpath, but search up the classpath
for directories named src.
- sourceState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Return the source state of this transition.
- SourceStation - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
This actor extends AbstractSourceStation.
- SourceStation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.SourceStation
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- sourceTimestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Timestamp of the event on the source platform.
- sourceURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReadBuffer
The URL of the file to read from.
- sourceURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Reader
The URL of the file to read from.
- sourceURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
The URL of the file to read from.
- SOUTH - Static variable in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
double representation of SOUTH: 90 degrees (PI/2).
- SOUTHEAST - Static variable in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
double representation of SOUTHEAST: 45 degrees (PI/4).
- southOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
The south output.
- SOUTHWEST - Static variable in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
double representation of SOUTHWEST: 135 degrees (PI*3/4).
- SpaceApplication - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start to run the Office Space application
This class is very similar to other classes that invoke
Vergil applications under Web Start because each application
needs to have its own jar file.
- SpaceApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.jnlp.SpaceApplication
- spacing - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.AbstractLayoutConfiguration
The overall spacing between graph elements.
- SPACING - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.Parameters
Layout option for the overall spacing between elements.
- spacing - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
If greater than zero, then use a double box where the outside
one is the specified size larger than the inside one.
- span - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- SparkleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- SparkleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- SPARSE - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- spawnSeparateModels - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
If true, then on each firing, create a new instance of
the model given by modelFileOrURL.
- SpeakerOutputDevice - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.targets.luminary.SpeakerOutputDevice.
- SpeakerOutputDevice(SpeakerOutputDevice) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.SpeakerOutputDevice
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.SpeakerOutputDevice actor.
- SpeakerOutputDevice - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
This is a class for GPIO pins on the Luminary Micro.
- SpeakerOutputDevice(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.SpeakerOutputDevice
Constructs a SpeakerOutputDevice object.
- SPECIAL_TYPE_MAPPING - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.ConstructorTransformer
Mapping from names of special types to the names of types used to
substitute them.
- specialize(ASTPtRootNode, List, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
Return a new parse tree resulting from the specialization of
the given parse tree.
- SpecialMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame.SpecialMenuListener
- SpecialMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.SpecialMenuListener
- specialToken - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this
token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
- specialToken - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this
token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
- specifySize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIScale
If true (the default), then the image will be scaled to
the dimensions provided in width and height.
- specToURL(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Given the name of a file or a URL, convert it to a URL.
- Spectrum - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A class for calulating the colors of the spectrum.
- Spectrum() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.Spectrum
- SpectrumColormap - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A colormap with the colors of the spectrum.
- SpectrumColormap() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SpectrumColormap
Construct a spcetrum color map.
- specularColor - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- specularColor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The specular color, which is a color of a highlight reflecting
ambient illumination.
- specularReflectivity - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Material
- SpeechRecognitionHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.speechRecognition
A helper class for speech recognition.
- SpeechRecognitionHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.speechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionHelper
Construct a SpeechRecognitionHelper.
- speed - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
The current speed.
- speedLimit - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.Optimizer
The speed limit.
- Sphere3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a
- Sphere3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Sphere3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SphereFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which simulates a lens placed over an image.
- SphereFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
- SPLINE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Interpolate using a spline.
- spline(float, int, float[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Compute a Catmull-Rom spline.
- spline(float, int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
Compute a Catmull-Rom spline, but with variable knot spacing.
- SplineColormap - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A Colormap implemented using Catmull-Rom colour splines.
- SplineColormap() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SplineColormap
Construct a SplineColormap.
- SplineColormap(int[], int[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SplineColormap
Construct a SplineColormap.
- SPLINES - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.Parameters
Layout option that determines whether splines should be used for FSMs.
- split(int[], int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Split this matrix into multiple matrices.
- split(int[], int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Split this matrix into multiple matrices.
- split(int[], int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Split this matrix into multiple matrices.
- split(int[], int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Split this matrix into multiple matrices.
- split(int[], int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Split this matrix into multiple matrices.
- split(int[], int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Split this matrix into multiple matrices.
- split(int[], int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Split this matrix into multiple matrices.
- split(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
If the string is longer than 79 characters, split it up by
adding newlines in all newline delimited substrings
that are longer than 79 characters.
- split(String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
If the string is longer than length characters,
split the string up by adding newlines in all
newline delimited substrings that are longer than length
- splitLongBody(int, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Split a long function body into multiple functions.
- splitLongBody(int, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Split a long function body into multiple inner classes.
- splitLongBody(int, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Split a long function body into multiple functions.
- SplitReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
Read a file a file or URL, one line at a time, and output each line
as a string.
- SplitReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- splitSpan(int) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Gradient
Split a span into two by adding a knot in the middle.
- splitValueAndUnit(String) - Static method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Splits a string that encodes size with unit into the size and unit
- splitVariableDeclaration(int, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Split a long variable declaration body into multiple blocks or
- splitVariableDeclaration(int, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Split a long variable declaration body into multiple blocks
or files.
- SPOT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- SpotLight() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.SpotLight
- sq(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D.Fitter
- sq(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Returns the square of v
- SQLStatement - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.database
Issue a database statement via the specified
database manager.
- SQLStatement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.SQLStatement
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SQR - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- SQRT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- sqrt() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with its value equal to the
the square root of this complex number.
- sqrt(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with its value equal to the
the square root of the specified complex number.
- SQRT_2 - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
- SqrtRaisedCosineSampleGenerator(double, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing.SqrtRaisedCosineSampleGenerator
Construct a SqrtRaisedCosineSampleGenerator.
- SQUARE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- SQUARE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- square(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
- square(double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- square(double, double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a sample of a square wave with the specified period and
phase at the specified time.
- squaredDistance(int[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Squared Euclidean distance
- squaredDistance(int[], int[], int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Squared Euclidean distance using first 'len' elements
- squaredDistance(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Squared Euclidean distance
- squaredDistance(double[], double[], int) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Squared Euclidean distance using first 'len' elements
- squaredDistanceTo(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLineSegment2D
- SQUARES - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- squelch - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The value below which the input is ignored by the
- squelch - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The value below which the input is ignored by the
- SRDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel
A director for the Synchronous Reactive (SR) model of computation.
- SRDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- SRDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Construct a director in the given workspace with an empty name.
- SRDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- SROptimizedScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel
A scheduler the Synchronous Reactive (SR) domain.
- SROptimizedScheduler(SRDirector, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SROptimizedScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- SRRandomizedScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel
A scheduler the Synchronous Reactive (SR) domain.
- SRRandomizedScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRRandomizedScheduler
Construct a SR scheduler with no container (director)
in the default workspace.
- SRRandomizedScheduler(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRRandomizedScheduler
Construct a SR scheduler in the given workspace.
- SRRandomizedScheduler(Director, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRRandomizedScheduler
Construct a scheduler in the given container with the given name.
- SRTarget() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SRTarget
- stackTraceToString(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Return the stack trace of the given argument as a String.
- stackTraceToString(Throwable) - Static method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Return the stack trace of the given argument as a String.
- StampFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which produces a rubber-stamp type of effect by performing a thresholded blur.
- StampFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Construct a StampFilter.
- StampFilter(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
Construct a StampFilter.
- standardDeviation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
Standard deviation parameter array for the Gaussian distribution.
- standardDeviation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
The standard deviation.
- standardDeviation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNormal
- standardDeviation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
The standard deviation of the random number.
- standardDeviation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Rician
The standard deviation of the random number.
- standardDeviation - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
The standard deviation of the random number.
- standardDeviation(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the standard deviation of the elements in the array.
- standardDeviation(double[], boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the standard deviation of the elements in the array.
- standardDeviationGuess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
The initial guess standard deviation parameter array for the Gaussian distribution.
- standardDeviationGuess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
The standard deviation guess.
- standardDeviationGuess - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
Standard deviation guess.
- STAR - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Specify a star style
- start - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
- start(RootDoc) - Static method in class doc.doclets.PtDoclet
Process the java files and generate PtDoc XML.
- start - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription.ContinuousState
The start value for this variable, or null if it is not given.
- start - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIBooleanType
The starting value of this boolean.
- start - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIIntegerType
The starting value of this integer.
- start - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIRealType
The starting value of this real.
- start - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIStringType
The starting value of this integer.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Start execution of the model.
- start - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLevelCrossing
The index from which to start looking for a threshold crossing.
- start - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
A port that, if connected, is used to specify when the clock
- start - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport.Input
The start value for this variable, or null if it is not given.
- start(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortController
Starts a serial port connection with comm port with number x
(ex: COM8).
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper.MQTTClientWrapper
Start connection between the client and the broker server.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.shell.ShellHelper
Start the process and the reader thread.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.speechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionHelper
Start speech recognition.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase.AccessorVerticle
Register a handler to the event bus to process pending jobs.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase.AccessorVerticle
Register a handler to the event bus to process pending jobs.
- start - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSubstring
The beginning index of the input string, which is the position of
first character of the desired substring.
- start - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TriggeredClock
A port that, if connected, is used to specify when the clock
- start - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.Slice
The start index for the portion of the bits to be sliced.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
- start(BundleContext) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Start the plugin.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEThread
Start this thread and initialize the time keeper to a future
time if specified in the director's initial time table.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Start running the commands.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
Make the plot active.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet
Start the plot thread.
- start() - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Start running the commands.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Start running the commands.
- START - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebElement
Special constant indicating to put content in a div with the name
"start" which occurs at the beginning of the HTML body.
- start - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArcAttribute
The starting angle of the arc in degrees.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.MoMLViewerApplet
Override the base class to not start
execution of the model.
- start() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.TypeAnimatorApplet
Override the base class to avoid executing the model automatically
when the applet starts, and instead to update type displays
to the initial types of the ports.
- start(Ticket) - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Start the execution of the selected simulation.
- start(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Start the execution of the simulation by utilizing a
free thread within the pool.
- start(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Start the execution of the selected simulation.
- startAssignmentList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- startAtTop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Prepare the compiler to start at the outermost scope of the
Ptalon program during run time.
- startAtTop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.TransformationEvaluator
Prepare the compiler to start at the outermost scope of the Ptalon
program during run time.
- startAtTop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonEvaluator
Prepare the compiler to start at the outermost scope of the Ptalon
program during run time.
- StartButtonListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive.StartButtonListener
- startCapture() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Start audio capture if it is not already active.
- startCapture(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Start audio capture.
- startCapture(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Start audio capture.
- startCapture(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Start audio capture.
- startCapture() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Begin capturing audio.
- startCompoundEdit() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
Start a compound undo edit.
- startDocument() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the start of the document.
- startDocument() - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Start the document.
- startDocument() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Start a document.
- startDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle the start of the XML document.
- startDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Start a document.
- startDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Start a document.
- startDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Start a document.
- startDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Start a document.
- startElement(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the start of an element.
- startElement(String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Start an element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Handle the start of an element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Start an element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonMLHandler
Process the start of a PtalonML element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlHandler
Handle the start tag of an XML element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle the start of an XML element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Start an element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLParser
Start an element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Start an element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Start an element.
- startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Start an element.
- startExternalEntity(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the start of an external entity.
- startExternalEntity(String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Begin an external entity.
- startExternalEntity(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Move down one level in the entity tree.
- startExternalEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlHandler
Handle the start of an external entity.
- startExternalEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Handle the start of an external entity.
- startExternalEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Handle the start of an external entity.
- startExternalEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Handle the start of an external entity.
- startFrame - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageSequence
The starting frame number.
- startIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The starting point of the search.
- startIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringIndexOf
Port and parameter that determines where to start the search.
- startIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayPeakSearch
The starting point of the search.
- STARTING_ARRAYSIZE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
The starting size of the circular buffer, if the capacity is
- startingConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
Returns the starting configuration, which is an integer.
- startingConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.LuminarySensorHandler
There is a default configuration, which is returned.
- startingDataset - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Plotter
The starting dataset number to which data is plotted.
- startingSequenceNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
The first number of the sequence.
- startingSequenceNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequencer
The first number of the sequence.
- startLick - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
Boolean output to decide whether Pitch oracle should switch to a new lick.
- StartOrResumable - Interface in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
StartOrResumable defines the interface of an actor to MetroIIDirector.
- startOrResume(LinkedList<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.BlockingFire
When startOrResume(eventList) is called, the wrapper checks if the MetroII
event associated with the current state is changed to NOTIFIED.
- startOrResume(LinkedList<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.NonBlockingFire
if the current state is START, call fire() of the wrapped actor, and
transition to FINAL.
- startOrResume(LinkedList<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.ResumableFire
Fires the wrapped actor in a resumable style.
- startOrResume(LinkedList<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.StartOrResumable
If startOrResume() resumes from the state it saves last time.
- startPanel - Variable in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
Main panel
- startPlayback() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Start audio playback if it is not already active.
- startPlayback(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Start audio playback.
- startPlayback(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Start audio playback.
- startPlayback(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Start audio playback.
- startPlayback() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundPlayback
Perform initialization for the playback of audio data.
- startProcessing() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Start the processing of this event.
- startRun(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorApplication
If the specified model has a manager and is not already running,
then execute the model in a new thread.
- startRun(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
If the specified model has a manager and is not already running,
then execute the model in a new thread.
- startRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
If the model has a manager and is not already running,
then execute the model in a new thread.
- startRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunPane
If the model has a manager and is not already running,
then execute the model in a new thread.
- startRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Start an execution in another thread and return.
- startServer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpServer.HttpServerHelper
Create and start the server and beginning listening for
- startServer(ScriptObjectMirror, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper
Create a server that can accept socket connection requests
on behalf of the specified JavaScript SocketServer object.
- startServer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketServerHelper
Create and start the server and beginning listening for
- startSimpleAssignment() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- startString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- startText - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconScript
Text to insert in the start section of the
web page.
- startThreads() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSLoader
Start the TOSSIM event accept and TOSSIM command read threads.
- startTime - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Tic
- startTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
The local time of model when this director is initialized.
- startTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DelayStart
The start time.
- startTimer() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Start the execution timer.
- startTimer(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.communication.TokenPublisher
Start the timer that sends token batches.
- startTraverseChildren() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Start traversing the children of this node by initializing the internal
- startUndoableTransformation(boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Make all the transformers to execute undoable MoMLChangeRequests.
- startUpdate() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.GTActorGraphModel
- startUpdate() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.GTFSMGraphModel
- startUpdate() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.UpdateController
- Starver - Class in ptolemy.domains.pn.lib
On each firing, read at most one input token and send it
to the output port.
- Starver(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.lib.Starver
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- state - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
The state of the model.
- state - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
State estimate output.
- state - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
Output port that produces DoubleMatrixToken of dimension
r x 1 (see class comment).
- state - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.LinearDifferenceEquationSystem
Output port that produces DoubleMatrixToken of dimension
r x 1 (see class comment).
- State - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
Code generator helper for modal controller.
- State(State) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.State
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- state - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
The state port.
- State - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A State has two ports: one for linking incoming transitions, the other for
outgoing transitions.
- State(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Construct a state with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- state - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
The iconified, maximized or normal state of the tableau.
- STATE_VARIABLE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
State Variable names identifier.
- STATE_VARIABLE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
- STATE_VARIABLE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
- STATE_VARIABLE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
- StateBubble - Class in diva.graph.toolbox
A Figure that is customized for representing state bubbles.
- StateBubble(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Create a new figure at the given coordinates.
- StateBubble(double, double, double, double, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Create a new figure at the given coordinates and with the
given fill.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
The value of the slider changed, record the new value.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.SliderListener
Call all registered QueryListeners.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
React to a change in the state of the tabbed pane.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame
React to a change in the state of the tabbed pane.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
Changes menus according to the selected Tab.
- StateController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent states in an
FSM graph.
- StateController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.StateController
Create a state controller associated with the specified graph
- StateController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.StateController
Create a state controller associated with the specified graph
- StateController.LookInsideAction - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
An action to look inside a state at its refinement, if it has one.
- StateController.StateRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
Render the state as a circle, unless it has a custom icon.
- stateDependentCausality - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Indicate whether input/output dependencies can depend on the
- stateDependentCausality - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
Indicate whether input/output dependencies can depend on the
- stateEstimate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
State estimate output.
- stateEstimate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
State estimate output.
- stateEstimate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
State estimate output.
- StateEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
An event indicating a state change.
- StateEvent(FSMActor, State) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.StateEvent
Construct an event with the specified source and destination
- StateIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
An icon that displays the name of the container in an appropriately
sized rounded box.
- StateIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.StateIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- stateInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
The current state of the solver.
- StateMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A matcher to match a state in an FSM controller or an event in a Ptera
- StateMatcher(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Construct a state with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- StateMatcherController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- StateMatcherController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherController
- StateMatcherController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherController
- StateMatcherController.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- StateMatcherIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- StateMatcherIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.StateMatcherIcon
- StateModel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel.StateModel
- stateOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
State output multiport.
- StatePair - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia
A pair of states.
- StatePair(State, State) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.StatePair
Construct an instance with the specified states.
- StatePredictorWithAccControl - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
Implementation of StatePredictor witch uses acceleration control input.
- StatePredictorWithAccControl(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithAccControl
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- StatePredictorWithControl - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
Implementation of StatePredictor witch uses control input.
- StatePredictorWithControl(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithControl
Construct the composite actor with a name and a container.
- statePriors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Prior state distribution.
- StateReceiver - Interface in ptolemy.actor
This is a marker interface for receivers that have state semantics.
- StateRenderer(GraphModel) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.StateController.StateRenderer
Construct a state renderer.
- StateSpaceActor - Interface in org.ptolemy.ssm
An interface for the actors that can be decorated by the state
space model.
- StateSpaceModel - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
A decorator that implements a State Space Model.
- StateSpaceModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceModel
Construct a StateSpaceModel with a name and a container.
- StateSpaceSimulator - Class in org.ptolemy.ssm
An actor that simulates a state space model that decorates itself.
- StateSpaceSimulator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceSimulator
Instantiate a state space actor.
- StateSpaceSimulator(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceSimulator
Instantiate a state space actor.
- StateTypeCriterion - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A criterion to constrain the type of a state in an FSM or Ptera controller.
- StateTypeCriterion(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner.
- StateTypeCriterion(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- StateTypeCriterion(GTIngredientList, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StateTypeCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and with the
given value to each of its elements..
- stateValueReferencesChanged - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIEventInfo
C type: fmiBoolean.
- stateValuesChanged - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIEventInfo
C type: fmiBoolean.
- StateVariableHighlighting() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.StateVariableHighlighting
- stateVariableNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
The names of the state variables, in an array of strings.
- stateVariableNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceModel
The names of the state variables, in an array of strings.
- stateVariableNames - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DifferentialSystem
The names of the state variables, in an array of strings.
- stateVariablesAsInputPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
If true, then this FMU has state variables that are visible as
Ptolemy input ports.
- STATIC_LEXER_ERROR - Static variable in error ptolemy.data.expr.TokenMgrError
An attempt was made to create a second instance of a static token manager.
- STATIC_LEXER_ERROR - Static variable in error ptolemy.moml.unit.TokenMgrError
An attempt was made to create a second instance of a static token manager.
- staticFactory - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.BrowserEffigy
A reference to the most recently created factory for this effigy.
- staticFlag - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
Whether parser is static.
- staticFlag - Static variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
Whether parser is static.
- StaticSchedulingDirector - Class in ptolemy.actor.sched
A director that uses static scheduling to govern the execution of the
CompositeActor it belongs to.
- StaticSchedulingDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- StaticSchedulingDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- StaticSchedulingDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- StaticSchedulingDirector - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched
Code generator adapter associated with the StaticSchedulingDirector class.
- StaticSchedulingDirector(StaticSchedulingDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Construct the code generator adapter associated with the given
- StaticSchedulingDirectorAttributes - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors.
- StaticSchedulingDirectorAttributes(NamedObj, GenericCodeGenerator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirectorAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- StaticSchedulingDirectorAttributes(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirectorAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- Station - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
This actor models a Station.
- Station(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.Station
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- stationId - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractSourceStation
The station id.
- stationId - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
The station ID.
- StationWriter - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
This actor writes records,
one line at a time, to a specified file, as tab-separated list.
- StationWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- statistics() - Method in class doc.doclets.PtIndexer
Return statistics about the dictionary.
- statistics(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return a string describing how many actors, parameters,
ports, and relations are in this CompositeEntity.
- status - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
An output port for transmitting a token containing the status of the
- status - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpGet
An output port for transmitting a token containing the status of the
- status - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPost
An output port for transmitting a token containing the status of the
- status - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPut
An output port for transmitting a token containing the status of the
- status(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Display the specified message in the status bar.
- status(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Display a status message to the user.
- status(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.util.StatusHandler
Display a status message.
- STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- StatusBar - Class in ptolemy.gui
A status bar with a message and a progress bar, for putting at the
bottom of application windows.
- StatusBar() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.StatusBar
Create a new status bar with an empty label and progress at zero.
- StatusBarMessageReportRunnable(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.StatusBarMessageReportRunnable
- StatusBarMessageRunnable(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top.StatusBarMessageRunnable
- statusCode - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler.HttpResponseItems
Status code of the response.
- statusCode - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor.HttpResponseItems
Status code of the response.
- StatusHandler - Interface in ptolemy.util
Interface for objects that can display status messages.
- statusMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
The latest action, if any, taken by the CatchExceptionAttribute.
- statusMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
The latest action, if any, taken by the CatchExceptionAttribute.
- statusMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
A status message reflecting the success or failure of actions taken
upon occurrence of an exception.
- statusMessage - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExceptionAnalyzer
A status message reflecting the success or failure of actions taken
upon occurrence of an exception.
- STD_IN - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Standard in as a reader, which will be non-null
only after a call to openForReading("System.in").
- STD_OUT - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Standard out as a writer, which will be non-null
only after a call to openForWriting("System.out").
- stdAre - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Text area that contains the console output of the simulation.
- stdErr - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
String that contains the standard error stream.
- stderr(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMUBuilder
Append the text message to the StringBuffer.
- stderr(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau
Append the text message to text area.
- stderr(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Append the text message to stderr.
- stderr(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Append the text message to stderr.
- stderr(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Append the text message to stderr.
- stderr(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StringBufferExec
Append the text message to the StringBuffer.
- stdFra - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Frame that contains the console output of the simulation.
- stdOut - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
String that contains the standard output stream.
- stdout(String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMUBuilder
Append the text message to the StringBuffer.
- stdout(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau
Append the text message to the text area.
- stdout(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JTextAreaExec
Append the text message to the output.
- stdout(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.util.ExecuteCommands
Append the text message to stderr.
- stdout(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Append the text message to the output.
- stdout(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StringBufferExec
Append the text message to the StringBuffer.
- stdScrPan - Variable in class lbnl.util.ClientProcess
Scroll pane that contains the text area for the console output.
- STENCIL - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- step(float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
The step function.
- step - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gem5.Gem5Wrapper
The amount by which the ramp output is incremented on each iteration.
- step - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
The amount by which the ramp output is incremented on each iteration.
- step - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
The amount by which the ramp output is incremented on each iteration.
- stepFinished - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20CallbackFunctions
C type: fiStepFinished.
- stepFinished - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICallbackFunctions
C type: fiStepFinished.
- stepSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
The adaptation step size.
- stepToTime(Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Step to the next knot in the global simulation.
- stepToTime(Time, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Step to the next knot in the global simulation for event detection.
- stop() - Method in class diva.util.jester.EventRecorder
Stop recording events on the constructor-specified
component and return the recorded events from this
session as an array.
- stop() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Return immediately.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Request that execution stop as soon as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullConsumer
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullSupplier
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PushConsumer
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskCoordinator
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReceiver
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Request that the director cease execution altogether.
- stop() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
Request that execution of this Executable stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Execute
Stop the execution of this event, which causes the model being executed
to be stopped, if any.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Stop execution of the model.
- STOP - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
String value for the "stop" policy.
- stop - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
A port that, if connected, is used to specify when the clock
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
Override the base class and terminate the process.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Override the base class to call notifyAll() to get out of
any waiting.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Override the base class to call notifyAll() to get out of
any waiting.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Override the base class to call stop() on the referenced model.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Override the base class to call stop() on the referenced model.
- STOP - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame
STOP is a frame provided to the inside thread to indicate
that it should stop executing.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
Override the base class to stop waiting for input data.
- stop - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
Stop playback when this port receives a token of any type, if any
clip is playing.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.ClipPlayerHelper
Stop playback, if playing.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.httpClient.HttpClientHelper
Stop a request.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.SerialPortController
Stops the reading ReaderM thread and terminates the serial
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.speechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionHelper
Stop speech recognition.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase.AccessorVerticle
Clear all pending jobs.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase.AccessorVerticle
Clear all pending jobs.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Invoke the stop() method if defined in the script.
- Stop - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that stops execution of a model when it receives a true
token on any input channel.
- Stop(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Stop
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- stop - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSubstring
The ending index of the input string, which is 1 greater than the
position of last letter of the desired substring.
- stop - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TriggeredClock
A port that, if connected, is used to specify when the clock
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LocalClock
Stop the clock.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
If the state is not IDLE, set a flag to request that
execution stop and exit in a completely deterministic fashion
at the end of the next toplevel iteration.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Do nothing.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Request that the director cease execution altogether.
- stop(BundleContext) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin
Stop the plugin.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
- stop() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Request that execution of the wrapped actor to stop as
soon as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Request that execution of the wrapped actor to stop as
soon as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Request that the director cease execution altogether.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Request the execution of the current iteration to stop.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Request the execution of the current iteration to stop.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Requests the execution of the current iteration to stop.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Stops firing as soon as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Stop firing as soon as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Request that the event cease execution altogether.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Stop execution by invoking stop() of the director.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Request that the director cease execution altogether.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
Request that the event cease execution altogether.
- Stop - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An event to stop execution of the whole model.
- Stop(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Stop
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Request that the director cease execution altogether.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
Stop the plot.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet
Stop the plot thread.
- stop() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplet
Stop execution of the model.
- stop() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.Video
Stop the actor.
- stop() - Method in interface ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoInterface
Callback for video.stop().
- stop() - Method in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.VideoJavaSE
Callback for video.stop() - empty implementation.
- stop(Ticket) - Method in interface ptserver.control.IServerManager
Stop the execution of the selected simulation.
- stop(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.PtolemyServer
Stop the execution of the simulation by calling the finish() method
on its Manager.
- stop(Ticket) - Method in class ptserver.control.ServerManager
Stop the execution of the selected simulation.
- STOP_ITERATING - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
An indicator that the actor does not wish to be fired again.
- stopAuthInWrapup - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.iotAuth.AuthManager
If true, then stop Auth processes in wrapup().
- StopButtonListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive.StopButtonListener
- stopCapture() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Stop audio capture if it is active.
- stopCapture(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Stop audio capture.
- stopCapture(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Stop audio capture.
- stopCapture(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Stop audio capture.
- stopCapture() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundCapture
Stop capturing audio.
- stopCellEditing() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingComboBoxCellEditor
Check the selection and determine whether we should stop editing.
- stopCellEditing() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingJTextFieldCellEditor
Check the selection and determine whether we should stop editing.
- stopEnclosingModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Stop execution of the enclosing model.
- stopEnclosingModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Stop execution of the enclosing model.
- stopEnclosingModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Stop execution of the enclosing model.
- stopEnclosingModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Stop execution of the enclosing model.
- stopFire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Return immediately.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Request that execution of the current iteration complete.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Request that execution of the current iteration complete.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- stopFire() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Request that execution of the current iteration stop.
- stopFire() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
Request that execution of the current iteration complete.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
Override the base class to stop waiting for input data.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Override the base class to call stopFire() on the referenced model.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.comm.SerialComm
Override the base class to stop waiting for input data.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.PlaySound
Override the base class to stop the currently playing audio.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
Stop the fire() method, but only if it is blocked.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Invoke the stopFire() method if defined in the script.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
Override the base class to stop waiting for input data.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Do nothing.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Request that execution stop at the conclusion of the current
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Request that execution of the current iteration complete.
- stopFire() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Request that execution of the current iteration of the
wrapped actor complete.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Request that execution of the current iteration of the
wrapped actor complete.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Request that execution of the current iteration stop.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LinearStateSpace
Stop the current firing.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Request the execution of the current iteration to complete.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
Calls stopFire() of the superclass and show a message.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Do nothing.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Request that execution of the current iteration stop as soon
as possible by invoking stopFire() of the director.
- stopFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Request the execution of the current iteration to complete.
- stopForeverAccessors - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorSSHCodeGenerator
If true, then connect to the remote machine and stop any npm
forever processes with the same basename as the model.
- stopInputBranchController() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Stop the input branch controller of this director.
- stopOutputBranchController() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Stop the output branch controller of this director.
- stopPlayback() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.audio.AudioHelper
Stop audio playback if it is active.
- stopPlayback(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSound
Stop audio playback.
- stopPlayback(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundInterface
Stop audio playback.
- stopPlayback(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundJavaSE
Stop audio playback.
- stopPlayback() - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.SoundPlayback
Stop playing/writing audio.
- stopRead() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.IMUSensor.ReaderM
Close the serial port and end the connection.
- stopRequested - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.ObjectiveFunction
- stopRequestedField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- stopRun(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
If the specified model has a manager and is executing, then
stop execution by calling the stop() method of the manager.
- stopRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
If the model has a manager and is executing, then
stop execution by calling the stop() method of the manager.
- stopRun() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunPane
If the model has a manager and is executing, then
stop execution by calling the stop() method of the manager.
- stopTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
The stop time of the model.
- stopTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
The time at which postfire() should return false.
- stopTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
The time at which postfire() should return false.
- stopTime - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
The time at which postfire() should return false.
- stopTimeIsLocal - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
If true, use the local time to compare against the stopTime
parameter, rather than the global time.
- stopTimer() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Stop the execution timer.
- stopUndoableTransformation() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Stop executing undoable MoMLChangeRequests in all transformers, so that
future requests cannot be undone.
- stopUpdate() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.GTActorGraphModel
- stopUpdate() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.GTFSMGraphModel
- stopUpdate() - Method in interface ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.UpdateController
- stopWhenQueueIsEmpty - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Specify whether the execution stops when the queue is empty.
- StoragePolicy - Interface in diva.gui
StoragePolicy captures the notion of how an application
deals with persistent storage.
- Store - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib
An actor that stores tokens into a memory.
- Store(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Store
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- storePassword - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The password to the KeyStore.
- storeTimes(String, Time, Time) - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
This method records the PTII time and the HLA time as Ptolemy's time.
- storeTopDown - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBMPWriter
If true, then write the data in top to bottom order.
- StormHandling - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.lib
Handle a storm.
- StormHandling(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.StormHandling
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stormy - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
A boolean indicating if it is stormy.
- StraightConnector - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A Connector that draws itself in a straight line.
- StraightConnector(Site, Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.StraightConnector
Create a new straight connector between the given
- StraightTerminal - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A terminal that consists of a straight line plus an additional
decoration at the connection end of the terminal.
- StraightTerminal() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Create a new terminal which is not attached to anything.
- StraightTerminal(Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Create a new terminal attached to the given site.
- StraightTerminal(Site, Stroke, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Create a new terminal attached to the given site,
with the given stroke and paint.
- Strategy - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy
A base class for all the strategies.
- Strategy() - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.Strategy
- stream() - Method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities.StreamAndURL
Return the stream.
- StreamAndURL(InputStream, URL) - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities.StreamAndURL
Create an object containing an InputStream
and a URL.
- StreamChangeListener - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
A change listener that describes the changes on the standard output.
- StreamChangeListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamChangeListener
Create a change listener that sends messages to the standard output.
- StreamChangeListener(OutputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamChangeListener
Create a change listener that sends messages to the specified stream.
- StreamErrorHandler - Class in ptolemy.moml
Basic error handler for the MoMLParser class.
- StreamErrorHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.StreamErrorHandler
Create an error handler that sends messages to the standard error.
- StreamErrorHandler(OutputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.StreamErrorHandler
Create an error handler that sends messages to the specified stream.
- StreamExec - Class in ptolemy.util
Execute commands in a subprocess and send the results to stderr and stdout.
- StreamExec() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Create a StreamExec.
- StreamExecutionListener - Class in ptolemy.actor
A default implementation of the ExecutionListener interface.
- StreamExecutionListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.StreamExecutionListener
Create a listener that sends messages to the standard output.
- StreamExecutionListener(OutputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.StreamExecutionListener
Create a listener that sends messages to the given output stream.
- StreamListener - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
A debug listener that sends messages to a stream or to the standard output.
- StreamListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamListener
Create a debug listener that sends messages to the standard output.
- StreamListener(OutputStream) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamListener
Create a debug listener that sends messages to the specified stream.
- StreamLoader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf
Load a datasource from a URL.
- StreamLoader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.StreamLoader
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stretch - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- STRING - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- STRING - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
The string data type.
- STRING_LITERAL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- STRING_LITERAL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- STRING_LITERAL - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- StringAttribute - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
An attribute that has a string value.
- StringAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- StringAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- StringAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- stringAttributeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- StringBufferExec - Class in ptolemy.util
Execute commands in a subprocess and accumulate the output in a
- StringBufferExec() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.StringBufferExec
Create a StringBufferExec.
- StringBufferExec(boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.StringBufferExec
Create a StringBufferExec and optionally append to stderr
and stdout as the commands are executed.
- StringCellRenderer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.StringCellRenderer
- stringClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- StringCompare - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
Compare two strings specified either as inputs or parameters.
- StringCompare(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringCompare - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
A code generation helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare.
- StringCompare(StringCompare) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
Construct the StringCompare helper.
- StringCompare - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare.
- StringCompare(StringCompare) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
Construct a StringCompare adapter.
- StringCompare - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare.
- StringCompare(StringCompare) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
Construct a StringCompare adapter.
- StringConst - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a constant output of type string.
- StringConst(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.StringConst
Construct a constant source with the given container and name.
- StringConst - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.StringConst.
- StringConst(StringConst) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.StringConst
Constructor the StringConst adapter.
- StringConst - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for StringConst.
- StringConst(StringConst) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.StringConst
Construct a StringConst adapter.
- StringConstantParameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This class is identical to StringParameter except that its visibility
is set to "NOT_EDITABLE" by default.
- StringConstantParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.StringConstantParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- StringCriterionElement - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A string element for a criterion.
- StringCriterionElement(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StringCriterionElement
Construct a string element for a criterion.
- StringCriterionElement(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.StringCriterionElement
Construct a Boolean element for a criterion.
- StringFunction - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
Produce the output string generated by applying a user-specified
string function on a provided input string.
- StringFunction(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringFunction
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stringifyStateModel(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get a string representation of the model for a state.
- stringifyStateModelContinuous(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get a string representation of the internal model for a state.
- StringIndexOf - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
Output the index of a searchFor string contained in a given
- StringIndexOf(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringIndexOf
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stringJoin(List<String>, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Join a list of strings with a given infix.
- StringLength - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
Output the length of a string provided at the input.
- StringLength(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringLength
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringLength - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
A code generation helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringLength.
- StringLength(StringLength) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringLength
Construct the StringLength helper.
- StringLength - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringLength.
- StringLength(StringLength) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringLength
Construct a StringLength adapter.
- StringLength - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringLength.
- StringLength(StringLength) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringLength
Construct a StringLength adapter.
- StringMatches - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
Pattern match a string to a regular expression and output a true if it
matches and a false if it does not.
- StringMatches(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringMatches
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringMode - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
Lexical state.
- stringModeElement() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- StringModeIDBrace - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
Lexical state.
- StringModeIDNone - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
Lexical state.
- StringModeIDParen - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
Lexical state.
- stringModeString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- StringOperationElement - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations
A string element for an operation.
- StringOperationElement(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.StringOperationElement
Construct a string element for an operation.
- StringOperationElement(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.StringOperationElement
Construct a Boolean element for an operation.
- StringParameter - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This subclass of Parameter is almost identical to Parameter except that it
sets itself to string mode in the constructor.
- StringParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.StringParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- StringReplace - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
On each firing, look for instances of the pattern specified by pattern
in stringToEdit and replace them with the string given by
- StringReplace(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stringRepresentation() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
- Strings - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.util
A tool for string manipulation.
- Strings() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.util.Strings
- StringSimpleReplace - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
- StringSimpleReplace(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSimpleReplace
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringSplit - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
This actor reads an input string and splits it into an array of
- StringSplit(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSplit
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stringsToUrls(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.Strings
Convert an array of strings to an array of URL
s with
- StringSubstring - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.string
Output a substring of the string provided at the input.
- StringSubstring(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSubstring
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringToBoolean - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a string to a boolean.
- StringToBoolean(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToBoolean
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stringToColor(String, int) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.AbstractBufferedImageOp
Convert the string color specification into an integer where bits 24-31
represent alpha, bits 16-23 represent red, bits 8-15 represent green,
and bits 0-7 represent blue.
- stringToColor(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Convert the specified string to a color.
- StringToDate - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a string to a double.
- StringToDate(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToDate
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringToDouble - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a string to a double.
- StringToDouble(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToDouble
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stringToEdit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringReplace
The string to edit by replacing substrings that match the
specified pattern with the specified replacement.
- stringToEdit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSimpleReplace
The string to edit by replacing substrings that match the
specified pattern with the specified replacement.
- StringToInt - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a StringToken to an IntToken.
- StringToInt(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToInt
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringToIntArray - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a string to an integer-array.
- StringToIntArray(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToIntArray
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains a string, or more specifically, a reference
to an instance of String.
- StringToken() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Construct a token with an empty string.
- StringToken(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Construct a token with the specified string.
- stringTokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- stringTokenConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- StringTokenHandler - Class in ptserver.data.handler
StringTokenHandler converts StringToken to/from byte stream.
- StringTokenHandler() - Constructor for class ptserver.data.handler.StringTokenHandler
- StringToKeyValue - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib
This actor converts each pair of input string tokens to a key and
value string token.
- StringToKeyValue(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.StringToKeyValue
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- StringToUnsignedByteArray - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a string to an array of unsigned byte.
- StringToUnsignedByteArray(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToUnsignedByteArray
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stringToURL(String, URI, ClassLoader) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
- stringToValue(String) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Try to convert a string into a number, boolean, or null.
- StringToXML - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
Convert a string token to an xml token.
- StringToXML(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.StringToXML
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- stringTypeField - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- StringUtilities - Class in ptolemy.util
A collection of utilities for manipulating strings.
- stringValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.FilePortParameter
Return the string value of this parameter.
- stringValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Return the value of the token as a String.
- stringValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.StringParameter
Return the string value of this parameter.
- stringValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return the string that this token contains.
- stringValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
- stringValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- stripFullName(String) - Static method in class ptserver.util.ServerUtility
Strips the first part of a compound element name, including the
"." at the beginning.
- stroke - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
The stroke.
- stroke - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
The stroke.
- strokePaint - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
The stroke paint.
- structure() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Structure the graph into columns.
- STRUCTURE_CHANGED - Static variable in class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Graph is modified significantly and should
be fully "refreshed"; target is the
graph, old value is null.
- structureChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphListener
The structure of the event's "source" graph has
been drastically changed in some way, and this
event signals the listener to refresh its view
of that graph from model.
- structureChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphEventMulticaster
Dispatch the structureChanged() event to each of the listeners.
- structureChanged(GraphEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphLogger
Add this event to the log.
- StructuredType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
Base class for structured type.
- StructuredType() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
- StuckAtFaultGenerator - Class in org.ptolemy.faultModels
- StuckAtFaultGenerator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Construct a Bus with a name and a container.
- stuckAtFaultProbability - Variable in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
The service time.
- STYLE_NODE - Static variable in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerConstants
The name of the attribute defining the node's style in the layout file.
- StyleConfigurer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.style
This class is an editor for the styles of the parameters of an object.
- StyleConfigurer(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.StyleConfigurer
Construct a configurer for the specified object.
- styleSheetFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt.XSLTransformer
The file name or URL from which to read.
- styleSheetParameters - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt.XSLTransformer
The parameters to be used in the stylesheet.
- sub(Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- sub(Tuple3f, Tuple3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- sub(Tuple4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- sub(Tuple4f, Tuple4f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- subarray(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return the contiguous subarray starting at the specified index to the
end of this array.
- subarray(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return the contiguous subarray starting at the specified index and
of the specified length.
- subarray(ArrayToken, IntToken, IntToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the contiguous subarray of the specified array
starting at the specified index and of the specified length.
- subarrayReturnType(Type, Type, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the return type of the subarray() method, which is the
same as the array type.
- SubclassCriterion - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria
A criterion to constrain the class of an object in the host model.
- SubclassCriterion(GTIngredientList) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner.
- SubclassCriterion(GTIngredientList, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.SubclassCriterion
Construct a criterion within the given list as its owner and initialize
all the elements with the given values, which are a string encoding of
those elements.
- subdirs - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.DefaultDirectoryAttribute
A Boolean parameter to determine whether subdirectories of the directory
are also searched.
- subgraph(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the subgraph induced by a collection of nodes.
- subgraph(Collection, Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return the subgraph formed by a subset of nodes and a subset of
- subgraphs() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return a list of disconnected subgraphs of this graph.
- subject - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
The subject line.
- subList(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Unsupported method of the List interface.
- SubMatrix - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor extract a submatrix from an input matrix.
- SubMatrix(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubMatrix
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- submit(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Submit a job to be executed by the associated verticle.
- submit(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Submit a job to be executed by the associated verticle.
- subSampleBits - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIAffineTransform
The subsample precision.
- subSampleBits - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIRotate
The subsample precision.
- subSampleBits - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIScale
The subsample precision.
- subSampleBits - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITranslate
The subsample precision.
- subscribe(WebSocketService, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpointManager
Add the given service as a subscriber to the endpoint for this path.
- subscribe(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.eventbus.EventBusHelper
Subscribe to the specified address on the event bus.
- subscribe(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper.MQTTClientWrapper
Subscribe a topic using the given maximum QoS level.
- Subscriber - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor subscribes to tokens on a named channel.
- Subscriber(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Construct a subscriber with the specified container and name.
- Subscriber - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate C code for an actor that produces an output token on
on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of
the input.
- Subscriber(Subscriber) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Constructor method for the Subscriber adapter.
- Subscriber - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate C code for an actor that produces an output token on
on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of
the input.
- Subscriber(Subscriber) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Constructor method for the Subscriber adapter.
- Subscriber - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
Generate C code for an actor that produces an output token on
on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of
the input.
- Subscriber(Subscriber) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Constructor method for the Subscriber adapter.
- subscriber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Port
Return whether the port is an subscriber port.
- SubscriberPort - Class in ptolemy.actor
This is a specialized input port that subscribes to data sent
to it on the specified named channel.
- SubscriberPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.SubscriberPort
Construct a subscriber port with a containing actor and a name.
- subscribers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Return a Set of Subscribers that are connected to this Publisher.
- subscribers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.PublisherPort
Return a Set of SubscriberPort that are connected to this Publisher.
- SubscriptionAggregator - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Aggregate data produced by multiple publishers.
- SubscriptionAggregator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubscriptionAggregator
Construct a subscriber with the specified container and name.
- SubscriptionAggregator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.SubscriptionAggregator.
- SubscriptionAggregator(SubscriptionAggregator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.SubscriptionAggregator
Constructor method for the SubscriptionAggregator helper.
- SubscriptionAggregator - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for SubscriptionAggregator.
- SubscriptionAggregator(SubscriptionAggregator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.SubscriptionAggregator
Construct a SubscriptionAggregator adapter.
- SubscriptionAggregatorPort - Class in ptolemy.actor
Aggregate data produced by multiple publishers.
- SubscriptionAggregatorPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.SubscriptionAggregatorPort
Construct a subscriber port with a containing actor and a name.
- substitute(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorUtilities
Given a string and a Map containing String key/value pairs,
substitute any keys found in the input with the corresponding
- substitute(String, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorUtilities
Read in the contents of inputFileName, and for each Parameter
in namedObj, search for strings like
in inputFileName, and
substitute in the value of the Parameter and return the results.
- substitute(BufferedReader, Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorUtilities
Read in the contents of inputFile, and replace each matching
String key found in substituteMap with the corresponding
String value and write the results to outputFileName.
- substitute(String, Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CodeGeneratorUtilities
Read in the contents of inputFileName, and replace each
matching String key found in substituteMap with the
corresponding String value and write the results to
- substitute(String, Map) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
- substitute(String, NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
- substitute(BufferedReader, Map, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
- substitute(String, Map, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
- substitute(String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Replace all occurrences of pattern in the specified
string with replacement.
- substitute(Action, Action) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Substitute the old action with the new action, if the old action is
added to this factory.
- substituteFilePrefix(String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Perform file prefix substitution.
- SUBTRACT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.composite.MiscComposite
- SUBTRACT - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PixelUtils
- subtract(FloatImage) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- subtract(FloatImage, float[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.FloatImage
- subtract(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- subtract(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- subtract(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- subtract(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageToken
Return a new token whose value is the subtraction of this token
from the argument.
- subtract(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return a new Time object whose time value is decreased by the
given double value.
- subtract(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return a new time object whose time value is decreased by the
time value of the specified time object.
- subtract(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Subtract from this array token the specified argument.
- subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token subtracted from the value of this token.
- subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- subtract(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(Type) - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return a new type which represents the type that results from
subtracting a token of this type and a token of the given
argument type.
- subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- subtract(Complex) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number formed by subtracting the specified
complex number from this complex number.
- subtract(Complex[], Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is constructed by subtracting the complex
number z from every element in the given array.
- subtract(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element
subtraction of the second array from the first array.
- subtract(Complex[][], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
subtracting the second matrix from the first one.
- subtract(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element difference of the
two input arrays, i.e. the first array minus the second array
(array1[i] - array2[i]).
- subtract(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
subtracting the second matrix from the first one.
- subtract(FixPoint) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint with a value equal to the difference
between this FixPoint and the argument.
- subtract(FixPoint, Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a FixPoint with a value equal to the difference of this
FixPoint and the argument.
- subtract(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element difference of the
two input arrays, i.e. the first array minus the second array
(array1[i] - array2[i]).
- subtract(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
subtracting the second matrix from the first one.
- subtract(Fraction) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Subtract the given fraction from this fraction.
- subtract(Fraction[], Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element difference of the
two input arrays, i.e. the first array minus the second array
(array1[i] - array2[i]).
- subtract(Fraction[][], Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
subtracting the second matrix from the first one.
- subtract(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element difference of the
two input arrays, i.e. the first array minus the second array
(array1[i] - array2[i]).
- subtract(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
subtracting the second matrix from the first one.
- subtract(long[], long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is the element-by-element difference of the
two input arrays, i.e. the first array minus the second array
(array1[i] - array2[i]).
- subtract(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed from the argument by
subtracting the second matrix from the first one.
- SUBTRACT_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The string name of the attribute that defines the arithmetic subtract
concept function for this ontology solver.
- SubtractComposite - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- SubtractComposite(float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.composite.SubtractComposite
- SubtractComposite.Context - Class in com.jhlabs.composite
- SubtractConceptFunctionDefinition - Class in ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice
Concept function definition attribute specifically for arithmetic subtraction.
- SubtractConceptFunctionDefinition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.SubtractConceptFunctionDefinition
Construct the SubtractConceptFunctionDefinition attribute
with the given container and name.
- subtractPrecision(Precision, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Determines the Precision of an subtract operation between two
FixPoint values.
- subtractReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
subtracted from the value of the argument token.
- subtractReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
subtracted from the value of the argument token.
- subtractReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Subtract this array token from the specified argument.
- subtractReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
subtracted from the value of the argument token.
- subtractReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token subtracted from the value of this token.
- subtractReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
subtracted from the value of the argument token.
- subtractReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothToken
- subtractToDouble(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Subtract the specified time from this time and return the result as
a double.
- subtractUnitsArray(int[], int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Subtract the given unit arrays and return the result in a new array.
- succeeded() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.NewComponentDialog
- SuccessiveSubstitution(String[], double[], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.SuccessiveSubstitution
Construct an algebraic loop solver.
- successorEdges(Node, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return the collection of edges that make a node n2 a successor of a
node n1.
- successors(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return all of the successors of a given node in the form of a
a collection.
- SUFFIX_LENGTH - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute
The length of the attribute and port suffix strings.
- suffixCombo - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- suffixLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return an array of suggested directors to be used with
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return an array of suggested directors to be used with
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return an array of suggested ModalModel directors to use
with ContinuousDirector.
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Return an array of suggested directors to be used with ModalModel.
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Return an array of suggested directors to use with an embedded
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return an array of suggested directors to use with
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Return an array of suggested directors to be used with
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Return an array of suggested ModalModel directors to use with
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Return an array of suggested directors to be used with ModalModel.
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return an array of suggested ModalModel directors to use with
- suggestedModalModelDirectors() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Return an array of suggested ModalModel directors to use with
- suggestedStepSize() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.continuous.ContinuousStepSizeController
Implementations of this method should return
the suggested next step size.
- suggestedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return the suggested next step size.
- suggestedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return the suggested step size for next integration.
- suggestedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousIntegrator
Return the suggested next step size.
- suggestedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Return the minimum of the step sizes suggested by any
actors that were fired in current iteration.
- suggestedStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
Return the maximum Double value.
- sum() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- sum(ArrayToken) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the sum of the elements in the specified array.
- sum(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return the sum of the elements of a matrix.
- sum(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return the sum of the elements in the array.
- sum(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return the sum of the elements of a matrix.
- sum(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return the sum of the elements of a matrix.
- sum(Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return the sum of the elements in the array.
- sum(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return the sum of the elements of a matrix.
- sum(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return the sum of the elements of a matrix.
- sum(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return the sum of the elements of a matrix.
- sumAbsoluteDifference - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.SumofAbsoluteDifferences
Output port.
- summarizeUnitCategories() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.unit.UnitUtilities
Return a string representation of the UnitSystem.
- SumofAbsoluteDifferences - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.video
Calculate the sum of absolute difference(SAD) between two blocks.
- SumofAbsoluteDifferences(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.SumofAbsoluteDifferences
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- sumOfElements(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Return the sum of all of the elements in the array.
- sumOfSquares(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return the sum of the squares of all of the elements in the array.
- sumOfSquares(float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return the sum of the squares of all of the elements in the array.
- sumOfSquares(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return the sum of the squares of all of the elements in the array.
- sumOfSquares(long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return the sum of the squares of all of the elements in the array.
- sumReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the (exact) return type of the sum function above.
- SuperdenseDependency - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This dependency represents causal relationships that have a real value
and a superdense time index.
- SuperdenseTime - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class defines the structure of superdense time used in domains having
time involved in computation.
- SuperdenseTime(Time, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseTime
Construct a superdense time object with the specified timestamp and
- SuperdenseTime() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector.SuperdenseTime
- SuperdenseTimeDirector - Interface in ptolemy.actor
This is an interface for directors that use a superdense model of time.
- superparent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DnDTable
- supplierName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.PullSupplier
The name of the supplier.
- supportedConfigurations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.GPInputHandler
Returns the list of supported configurations.
- supportedConfigurations() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.LuminarySensorHandler
The set of supported configurations.
- supportedReceiveTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
receiveType arguments.
- supportedReceiveTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
receiveType arguments.
- supportedReceiveTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
receiveType arguments.
- supportedReceiveTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
receiveType arguments.
- supportedReceiveTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.xbee.XBeeHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
receiveType arguments.
- supportedReceiveTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
receiveType arguments, which are the types that can be extracted from buffers.
- supportedReceiveTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
receiveType arguments, which are the types that can be extracted from buffers.
- supportedSendTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
sendType arguments.
- supportedSendTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.socket.SocketHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
sendType arguments.
- supportedSendTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
sendType arguments.
- supportedSendTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
sendType arguments.
- supportedSendTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.xbee.XBeeHelper
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
sendType arguments.
- supportedSendTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
sendType arguments, which are the types that can be written to buffers.
- supportedSendTypes() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Return an array of the types supported by the current host for
sendType arguments, which are the types that can be written to buffers.
- supportMultirateFiring() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return a boolean to indicate whether a ModalModel under control
of this director supports multirate firing.
- supportMultirateFiring() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Return true to indicate that a ModalModel under control
of this director supports multirate firing.
- supportMultirateFiring() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Return a boolean to indicate whether a ModalModel under control
of this director supports multirate firing.
- supportMultirateFiring() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Return true to indicate that a ModalModel under control
of this director supports multirate firing.
- supportMultirateFiring() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return true to indicate that a ModalModel under control
of this director supports multirate firing.
- supportMultirateFiring() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Return true to indicate that a ModalModel under control
of this director supports multirate firing.
- suppressBlankLines - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
The flag indicating whether this display actor suppress
blank lines.
- SuppressSimultaneousEvents - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
Output the first token received on the input port, and suppress any other
inputs received with the same physical time index.
- SuppressSimultaneousEvents(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.SuppressSimultaneousEvents
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- suppressWarnings - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
If true, suppress warnings about the FMU not being able to roll back.
- SurgeVisualizer - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib
This actor is used with the Surge TinyOS application to visualize
links between nodes in a multihop network.
- SurgeVisualizer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.SurgeVisualizer
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- surnameCombo - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- surnameLabel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.CustomerPanel
- suspend() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Suspend the actor at the specified time.
- Suspend() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- suspendConstraintControlUpdates - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- svd22(double[][], double[], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- SVDImpl(Matrix) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.SingularValueDecomposition.SVDImpl
- SVGIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
This class is intended to eventually replace XMLIcon, however,
the current version doesn't work very well, so it isn't used.
- SVGIcon(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.SVGIcon
Construct an icon in the specified workspace and name.
- SVGIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.SVGIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- SVGParser - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A collection of utilities to help parse graphics out of SVG files.
- SVGParser() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGParser
- SVGUtilities - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A collection of utility functions to aid in figures from SVG,
the Scalable Vector Graphics language.
- SVGUtilities() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.SVGUtilities
- swapRows(int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- SwimFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which distorts an image as if it were underwater.
- SwimFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
- SwingWrapper - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A figure that embeds swing components in canvas drawings.
- SwingWrapper(JComponent) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Construct a new swing wrapper instance
to wrap the given component.
- Switch - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic switch, which routes inputs to specified output channels.
- Switch(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Switch
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Switch - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib
A polymorphic switch, which routes inputs to specified output channels.
- Switch(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Switch
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- switchFabricDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Time it takes for a token to be processed by the switch fabric.
- SwitchTo(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserTokenManager
Switch to specified lex state.
- SwitchTo(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserTokenManager
Switch to specified lex state.
- SwitchTo(int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserTokenManager
Switch to specified lex state.
- SwizzleFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which allows channels to be swapped.
- SwizzleFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.SwizzleFilter
- symbolInterval - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.RaisedCosine
The symbol interval, which is the number of samples to the first
zero crossing on each side of the main lobe.
- SymmetricCrypto - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Encrypt or decrypt an unsigned byte array using a symmetric cryptography.
- SymmetricCrypto(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricCrypto
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- symmetricDecrypt(Object, Object, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Decrypt the input with a symmetric cipher and return the decrypted result.
- SymmetricDecryption - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Decrypt an unsigned byte array using a symmetric algorithm.
- SymmetricDecryption(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricDecryption
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- symmetricEncrypt(Object, Object, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.crypto.CryptoHelper
Encrypt the input with a symmetric cipher and return the encrypted result.
- SymmetricEncryption - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.security
Encrypt an unsigned byte array using a symmetric algorithm.
- SymmetricEncryption(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricEncryption
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- symmetricOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
If true, then the output from each firing
will have 2*numberOfLags + 1
samples (an odd number) whose values are symmetric about
the midpoint.
- symmetricOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.Autocorrelation
If true, then the output from each firing
will have 2*numberOfLags + 1
samples (an odd number) whose values are symmetric about
the midpoint.
- symmetry(float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- syncEvents(LinkedList<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISystemCDirector
Synchronizes the status of events from the pipe.
- synchronizationPointName - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Name of the synchronization point (if required).
- synchronizedPlay - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.PlaySound
Indicator to play to the end before returning from fire().
- Synchronizer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor implements a token synchronizer.
- Synchronizer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Synchronizer
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Synchronizer - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Synchronizer.
- Synchronizer(Synchronizer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Synchronizer
Construct a Synchronizer adapter.
- synchronizeToRealTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite
If set to true, the inside thread stalls until real time matches
the time stamps of input events or pure events for each firing.
- SynchronizeToRealTime - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Attribute that regulates the passage of time to wait for real time to catch up.
- SynchronizeToRealTime(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.SynchronizeToRealTime
Construct an instance of the attribute.
- synchronizeToRealTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Specify whether the execution should synchronize to the
real time.
- synchronizeToRealTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Specify whether the execution should synchronize to the
real time.
- synchronizeToRealTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Specify whether the execution should synchronize to the
real time.
- synchronizeToRealtime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return whether the synchronizeToRealtime attribute of this controller is
set or not.
- SynchronizeToRealtime - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
This parameter sets whether execution of a Ptera model is synchronized to real
- SynchronizeToRealtime(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SynchronizeToRealtime
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- synchronizeToRealTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Specify whether the execution should synchronize to the
real time.
- synchronizeToRealTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Indicating whether the execution synchronizes to the
real time.
- synchronizeWithClient - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
If true, attempts to sychronize timing with the client.
- SynchronousFixTransformer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl
This is an abstract base class for actors that transform
an input stream into an output stream with a specified latency
- SynchronousFixTransformer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.SynchronousFixTransformer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- SyntacticCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic
Generate a syntactic representation of a ptolemy model.
- SyntacticCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGenerator
Create a new instance of the SyntacticCodeGenerator.
- SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic
Base class for a syntactic representation generator adapter.
- SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter(NamedObj) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given component.
- SyntacticColumn - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
Represent parallel composition in the context of Syntax terms.
- SyntacticColumn() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticColumn
Create new empty Syntactic Column.
- SyntacticContraction - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
This class represents a contraction operator in the SyntacticTerm
- SyntacticContraction(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticContraction
Makes a new contraction operator with a given constant degree.
- SyntacticGraph - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
Represent ptolemy networks with Syntactic Graphs.
- SyntacticGraph() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Create new instance of SyntacticGraph with no container.
- SyntacticGraph(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Create new instance of SyntacticGraph in a given workspace.
- SyntacticGraph(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Construct an instance of SyntacticGraph in a given container.
- SyntacticName - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
This class represents a named SyntacticTerm.
- SyntacticName() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticName
Make named term with no reference or name.
- SyntacticNode - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
Represent nodes in the context of SyntacticGraphs.
- SyntacticNode() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Create new instance of SyntacticNode with no connections.
- SyntacticNode(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Create new instance of SyntacticNode with no connections.
- SyntacticNode(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Construct an entity with the given name contained by the specified
- SyntacticNode.NodeType - Enum in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
Internal enum representing the types of nodes and
how they are ordered, compared, and categorized.
- SyntacticPort - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
Represent ComponentPorts syntactically in SyntacticNodes.
- SyntacticPort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Construct SyntacticPort.
- SyntacticPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Construct SyntacticPort with given workspace.
- SyntacticPort(SyntacticNode, Port, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticPort
Construct SyntacticPort with given container and name.
- SyntacticPort.IOType - Enum in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
Represent IO type for ports.
- SyntacticRank - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
This class represents the rank of a SyntacticTerm.
- SyntacticRank(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Construct a new rank.
- SyntacticRank(int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticRank
Construct a new forward rank.
- SyntacticSeries - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
This class represents a series composition over a sequence of SyntacticTerms.
- SyntacticSeries() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticSeries
Create an empty SyntacticSeries term.
- SyntacticTerm - Interface in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
Represent terms in combinator expressions for Ptolemy models.
- SyntacticTermList - Class in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic
This class is the base class for SyntacticTerms that are formed from
operations on lists of other terms.
- SyntacticTermList() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Constructs an empty term list with no rank information.
- syntaxError(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Make a JSONException to signal a syntax error.
- syntaxStyle - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditorTableau.Factory
The style of the text to be edited.
- syntaxStyle - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorConfigureFactory
The style of the text to be edited.
- syntaxStyle - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
The style of the text to be edited.
- SyntaxTextEditor - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax
A top-level window containing a text editor or viewer that understands
the syntax of various languages.
- SyntaxTextEditor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with no name.
- SyntaxTextEditor(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with the specified title.
- SyntaxTextEditor(String, Document) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with the specified title and
- SyntaxTextEditor(String, Document, Placeable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with the specified title and
document and associated placeable.
- SyntaxTextEditor(String, Document, PortablePlaceable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with the specified title and
document and associated PortablePlaceable.
- SyntaxTextEditorForStringAttributes - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax
A text editor to edit a specified string attribute using a syntax-directed editor.
- SyntaxTextEditorForStringAttributes(TextEditorFactory, Attribute, int, int, String, Document) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditorForStringAttributes
Create a annotation text editor for the specified attribute.
- synthesizeFromFile(SolverUtility, File, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl.G4LTL
Given a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) file, generate the
corresponding MoML.
- SysMLADirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel
- SysMLADirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- SysMLADirector.SysMLAReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel
Variant of a Mailbox that overrides the put() method to
divert the input to the queue associated with the actor
and then provides a method to really put a token into
a receiver.
- SysMLAReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector.SysMLAReceiver
Construct a SysMLAReceiver.
- SysMLAReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector.SysMLAReceiver
Construct a SysMLAReceiver.
- SysMLAReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector.SysMLAReceiver
Construct a SysMLAReceiver.
- SysMLAReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector.SysMLAReceiver
Construct a SysMLAReceiver.
- SysMLConcurrentDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel
Concurrent version of a SysML director.
- SysMLConcurrentDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- SysMLConcurrentDirector.SysMLAReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel
Variant of a Mailbox that overrides the put() method to
divert the input to the queue associated with the actor
and then provides a method to really put a token into
a receiver.
- SysMLSequentialDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel
Sequential version of a SysML director.
- SysMLSequentialDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- SysMLSequentialDirector.SuperdenseTime - Class in ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel
Data structure for storing a superdense time.
- SysMLSequentialDirector.SysMLSequentialReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel
Variant of a Mailbox that overrides the put() method to
divert the input to the director's queue
and then provides a method to really put a token into
a receiver.
- SysMLSequentialReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector.SysMLSequentialReceiver
- systemClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- SystemCommand - Class in lbnl.actor.lib
Actor that calls a system command.
- SystemCommand(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class lbnl.actor.lib.SystemCommand
Constructs an actor with the given container and name.
- SZ - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.UnionFindSimple
- t - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
The value of current time.
- t - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
The value of current time.
- t - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
The value of current time.
- t - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
The value of current time.
- t - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceModel
The value of current time.
- t - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DifferentialSystem
The value of current time.
- TAB_NODE - Static variable in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerConstants
The name of the attribute that defines which tab to use for the
- TABBED_DIALOG_BORDER - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders
A standardized Border that describes the border around
a dialog content that uses tabs.
- TabbedLayoutScene - Class in ptolemy.homer.gui
The tabbed panel that contains the scenes onto which widgets can be dropped by the user
in order to construct a layout for a particular model file.
- TabbedLayoutScene(HomerMainFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabbedLayoutScene
Create the default scene with initial tabs.
- tabbedPane - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.ExamplePanel
- TabDefinition - Class in ptolemy.homer.kernel
Define tab properties and content.
- TabDefinition(ComponentEntity, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.kernel.TabDefinition
Tab element to hold the content for visual representation.
- TabEvent - Class in ptolemy.homer.events
An event notifying about changed in the tabs.
- TabEvent(Object, int, String, String, String, int, ContentPrototype) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.events.TabEvent
Create a new instance of the tab event.
- table - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- table - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ArrayOfRecordsPane
The table representing the matrix.
- table - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MatrixPane
The table representing the matrix.
- table - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.Slicer
The code table.
- table - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseInsert
Name of the table to set.
- table - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.DatabaseSelect
Table to use within the database.
- table - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LookupTable
The table array that we look up elements in.
- table - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LineCoder
The code table.
- table - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.space.Occupants
Table to use within the database.
- tableau - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
The default tableau.
- Tableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau is a visual representation of a Ptolemy II model in a top-level
- Tableau(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Construct a tableau in the specified workspace.
- Tableau(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Construct a tableau with the given name and container.
- tableau - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Report
The default tableau.
- Tableau.WindowClosedAdapter - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
- TableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This class is an attribute that creates a tableau to view a specified effigy.
- TableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- TableauFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
This is a top-level window associated with a tableau that has
a menubar and status bar.
- TableauFrame() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Construct an empty top-level frame.
- TableauFrame(Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Construct an empty top-level frame managed by the specified
tableau and the default status bar.
- TableauFrame(Tableau, StatusBar) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Construct an empty top-level frame managed by the specified
tableau with the specified status bar.
- TableauFrame(Tableau, StatusBar, Placeable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Construct an empty top-level frame managed by the specified
tableau with the specified status bar and associated Placeable
- TableauFrame(Tableau, StatusBar, PortablePlaceable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Construct an empty top-level frame managed by the specified
tableau with the specified status bar and associated PortablePlaceable
- TableauFrame.MenuItemListener - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A Listener for menu items.
- TableauFrame.ViewMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Listener for view menu commands.
- TableauParameter - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
A parameter to encapsulate a tableau.
- TableauParameter(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.TableauParameter
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- TableIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon that displays the value of a variable of the container in a
- TableIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TableIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- tableModel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- tableScrollPane - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- tabs - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutFrame
- TABS_NODE - Static variable in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerConstants
The name of the attribute containing the tab definitions in the
layout file.
- TabScenePanel - Class in ptolemy.homer.gui
The tab scene onto which widgets can be dropped, resized, and
arranged in order to suite the needs of the handheld consumer.
- TabScenePanel(HomerMainFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.homer.gui.TabScenePanel
Create a new tab scene onto which widgets can be dropped.
- tabSize - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- tabSize - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- Tag - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
A timestamp and a microstamp that represent a Tag.
- Tag(Time, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.Tag
Construct a Tag.
- Tag() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.Tag
Construct an empty Tag.
- TAG - Static variable in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.HomerConstants
Name of the default tab where elements should be put.
- Tag16h5 - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
Tag family with 30 distinct codes.
- Tag16h5() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.Tag16h5
- Tag25h7 - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
Tag family with 242 distinct codes.
- Tag25h7() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.Tag25h7
- Tag25h9 - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
Tag family with 35 distinct codes.
- Tag25h9() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.Tag25h9
- Tag36h10 - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
Tag family with 2320 distinct codes.
- Tag36h10() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.Tag36h10
- Tag36h11 - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
Tag family with 587 distinct codes.
- Tag36h11() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.Tag36h11
- Tag36h9 - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
Tag family with 5329 distinct codes.
- Tag36h9() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.Tag36h9
- TAG_TAG - Static variable in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Indicates the tag of a recognizer
- TagComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver.TagComparator
- TagComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver.TagComparator
- TagDetection - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
Detect a tag.
- TagDetection() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
- TagFamily - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.tag
Generic class for all tag encoding families.
- TagFamily(int, int, long[]) - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagFamily
The codes array is not copied internally and so must not be
modified externally.
- tagPrefix - Variable in class org.ptolemy.osc.OscSender
OSC prefix tag that will be prepended to each port name.
- tags() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter
- TAIL_END - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
This event concerns the tail end of the connector.
- tailMoved() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Inform the connector that the tail site has moved.
- tailMoved() - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.Connector
Inform the connector that the tail site has moved.
- take() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Remove the smallest entry and return it.
- take() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.FIFOQueue
Remove the oldest object from the queue and return it.
- take() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
- take() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Dequeue the earliest DE event in this event queue.
- take() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEventQueue
Return the earliest DE event in this event queue.
- take() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Take this event and remove it from the event queue.
- take(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Takes this event and remove it from the event queue.
- take() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Take this event and remove it from the event queue.
- take(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Take this event and remove it from the event queue.
- take() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Remove the oldest object from the queue and return it.
- takeArray(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Remove the count oldest objects from the queue and return them.
- takeArray(Object[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.ArrayFIFOQueue
Remove the count oldest objects from the queue and return them.
- takeOff - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Airport
A double with the initial default value of 1.
- takeOff - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractSourceStation
The takeoff.
- takeToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CommunicationResponsePort
Get token from parameter and remove it from the parameter.
- TAN - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.math.MathFunction1D
- tan() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the tangent
of this complex number.
- tan(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the tangent
of the given complex number.
- tanh() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the hyperbolic tangent
of this complex number.
- tanh(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a new complex number with value equal to the hyperbolic tangent
of the given complex number.
- tanh(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath
Return the hyperbolic tangent of the argument.
- taps - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
The taps of the filter.
- tapValues - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.LMSAdaptive
The output of tap values.
- target - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Compilation target for the generated nesC code.
- target - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- targetExpression(String, Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Given a Ptolemy expression, return an Accessor-compatibile
- targetExpression(Parameter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Given a Ptolemy Parameter, return an Accessor-compatibile
- TargetHighlighter() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator.TargetHighlighter
- targetLocation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
The target location.
- targets() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Get an iterator over the target figures.
- targetType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the corresponding type in the target language
from the given Ptolemy type.
- targetType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Get the corresponding type in the target language
from the given Ptolemy type.
- targetType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Get the corresponding type in Java from the given Ptolemy type.
- targetType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Get the corresponding type in C from the given Ptolemy type.
- Task - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Abstract class that defines a task that can be executed over the database.
- Task() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.Task
- Task - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib
A task in the taskpt domain.
- Task(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.lib.Task
Construct a Task with a name and a container.
- TASK_BLOCKED - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.ScheduleListener
Task blocked message.
- TASK_RUNNING - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.ScheduleListener
Task running message.
- TASK_SLEEPING - Static variable in interface ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.ScheduleListener
Task sleeping message.
- TaskCoordinator - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba
An actor that coordinator a set of clients connecting to it to work together
to finish some tasks.
- TaskCoordinator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskCoordinator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TaskDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel
A director for controlling a task in the taskpt domain.
- TaskDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- TaskPtDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel
A director for controlling tasks and threads in the taskpt domain.
- TaskPtDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskPtDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- TaskQueue - Class in ptdb.common.dto
Enqueue tasks before executing them.
- TaskQueue() - Constructor for class ptdb.common.dto.TaskQueue
- TaskReceiver - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba
An actor that register itself to a romote data provide that implements the
Coordinator inteface and receives data from it.
- TaskReceiver(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReceiver
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TaskReporter - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba
An actor that sends data to a remote coordinator that implements the
Coordinator inteface defined in Coordinator.idl.
- TaskReporter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReporter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- tau - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponentialPower
- TCfuncImplString - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Contains the skeleton code for the task functions.
- TclShellEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl
A representative of an Tcl expression shell.
- TclShellEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- TclShellEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given container with the given name.
- TclShellEffigy.ShellFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
- TclShellFrame(TclShellTableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellTableau.TclShellFrame
Construct a frame to display the TclShell window.
- TclShellTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl
A tableau that provides a Tcl Shell for interacting with Ptjacl,
a 100% Java implementation of Tcl.
- TclShellTableau(TclShellEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellTableau
Create a new tableau.
- TclShellTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl
A factory that creates a control panel to display a Tcl Shell.
- TclShellTableau.TclShellFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl
The frame that is created by an instance of TclShellTableau.
- TclTests - Class in ptolemy.util.test.junit
Run the Tcl tests under JUnit.
- TclTests() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.test.junit.TclTests
- TCPHeaderSize - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
The default header size for TCP.
- TCPPacketReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm
This actor receives RecordTokens from a network input port and decomposes the
packet into several tokens that are contained within the packet.
- TCPPacketReceiver(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketReceiver
Construct a TCPPacketReceiver.
- TCPPacketTransmitter - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm
Build a TCP Packet containing a user-defined number of PTIDES events.
- TCPPacketTransmitter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
Construct a TCPPacketTransmitter.
- TCSDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel
A director for modeling Train control systems.
- TCSDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.TCSDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- TCSReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel
A receiver for modeling train control systems.
- TCSReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.TCSReceiver
Construct an empty DEReceiver with no container.
- TCSReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.kernel.TCSReceiver
Construct an empty DEReceiver with the specified container.
- TDLAction - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL action.
- TDLAction(Time, int, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
Create a new TDLGraphNode.
- TDLAction.TDLActionComparator - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A class that compares two TDL actions.
- TDLActionComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction.TDLActionComparator
- TDLActionsGraph - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A representation of the schedule of all actions in a TDL module in
a graph.
- TDLActionsGraph(TDLModule, FSMActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActionsGraph
Create a new TDLActionsGraph for a TDL module.
- TDLActor - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL Actor used in the TDL domain.
- TDLActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActor
Construct an FSMActor in the default workspace with an empty string as
its name.
- TDLActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActor
Construct an FSMActor in the specified workspace with an empty string as
its name.
- TDLActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLActor
Create an FSMActor in the specified container with the specified name.
- TDLCausalityInterface - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
This class gives a specialized causality interface for TDL.
- TDLCausalityInterface(Actor, Dependency) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCausalityInterface
Construct a causality interface for the specified actor.
- TDLCodeGenerator - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
Generates the TDL code for a given TDL module.
- TDLCodeGenerator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGenerator
Construct a factory with the default workspace and "" as name.
- TDLCodeGenerator(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGenerator
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- TDLCodeGenerator.TDLEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
An attribute that can create an TDL code editor for a TDL model.
- TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
Utilities for generating TDL code.
- TDLController - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
Controller for the TDL module.
- TDLController(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLController
Construct a modal controller in the specified workspace with no container
and an empty string as a name.
- TDLController(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLController
Construct a modal controller with a name and a container.
- TDLEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGenerator.TDLEditorFactory
Constructs a TDL EditorFactory object for a TDL model.
- TDLMode - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL mode is a collection of TDL tasks.
- TDLMode(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLMode
Construct a new TDL mode.
- TDLModule - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL module forms a unit that consists of sensors, actuators, and modes.
- TDLModule(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModule
Construct a tdl module in the specified workspace with no container and
an empty string as a name.
- TDLModule(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModule
Construct a tdl module with a name and a container.
- TDLModuleDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
Director for a TDL (= Timing Definition Language) module.
- TDLModuleDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- TDLReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL receiver stores a token until it gets a new token.
- TDLReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Construct an empty TDLReceiver with no container.
- TDLReceiver(IOPort) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLReceiver
Construct an empty TDLReceiver with the specified container.
- TDLRefinement - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL refinement is used to define the implementation of a TDL mode.
- TDLRefinement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinement
Construct a TDL refinement.
- TDLRefinementPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
The TDL refinement port represents an actuator and has some TDL specific
parameters: - frequency: update frequency - initialValue: at time 0, this
initial value is used - fast: if the actuator is connected to a fast task,
this parameter is true - slots: string that supports TDL slot selection.
- TDLRefinementPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinementPort
Construct a port in the given workspace.
- TDLRefinementPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLRefinementPort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name that is neither an
input nor an output.
- TdlTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tdl
An attribute that creates a tableau to view a Timing Description
Language (TDL) model.
- TdlTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tdl.TdlTableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- TDLTask - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL task is an SDF actor with TDL specific parameters.
- TDLTask() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTask
Construct a TDL task.
- TDLTask(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTask
Construct a TDL Task in the specified workspace with no container
and an empty string as a name.
- TDLTask(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTask
Create a TDL task with a name and a container.
- TDLTaskPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL task output port has some TDL specific parameters. - initialValue: a
TDL output port has an initial value.
- TDLTaskPort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTaskPort
Construct a TypedIOPort with no container and no name that is neither an
input nor an output.
- TDLTaskPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTaskPort
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty string as a
- TDLTaskPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTaskPort
Construct a TypedIOPort with a containing actor and a name that is
neither an input nor an output.
- TDLTaskPort(ComponentEntity, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTaskPort
Construct a TypedIOPort with a container and a name that is either an
input, an output, or both, depending on the third and fourth arguments.
- TdlTaskTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tdl
An attribute that creates a tableau to view a Timing Description
Language (TDL) task.
- TdlTaskTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tdl.TdlTaskTableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- TDLTransition - Class in ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel
A TDL transition has some specific TDL parameters. - frequency: together with
the mode period, this value defines when this transition is tested.
- TDLTransition(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTransition
Construct a transition contained by the specified
- TDLTransition(TDLActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLTransition
Construct a transition with the given name contained by the specified
- technologicalDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Technological latency according to the AFDX specification.
- temperature - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor
Persistent temperature input data.
- template - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.xslt.XMLInclusion
The template that specifies how the XML tokens will be combined.
- template - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.jsoup.HTMLPageAssembler
The template file.
- template - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- TemplateParser - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program
A class that allows to parse macros of templates in a code generator
- TemplateParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Construct the TemplateParser associated
with the given component and the given adapter.
- temporaryFileLocation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServer
A directory where the web server will look for resources
(like image files and the like).
- temporaryFileLocation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServer
A directory where the web server will look for resources
(like image files and the like).
- TemporaryVariable - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
This is identical to a Variable except that creating it does not
increment the workspace version.
- TemporaryVariable(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.TemporaryVariable
Construct a variable with the given name as an attribute of the
given container.
- term() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
- Terminal - Interface in diva.canvas.connector
A Terminal is a figure that provides a visible place for connectors
to connect to.
- TerminalFigure - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A TerminalFigure decorates a figure to be a terminal as well.
- TerminalFigure(Figure, Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Create a new TerminalFigure for the given figure, with the given
site for connections.
- TerminalFigure(Figure) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Create a new TerminalFigure for the given figure.
- terminals() - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Get an iterator over the terminals of this figure.
- TerminalTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial illustrates how to use Terminals.
- TerminalTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.TerminalTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window
- terminate() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPGateway
Return immediately.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Terminate execution immediately.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
If this is an opaque CompositeActor, then look to our director
for help.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- terminate() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Terminate any currently executing model with extreme prejudice.
- terminate() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.Executable
Terminate any currently executing model with extreme prejudice.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Do nothing.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
Override the base class to call terminate() on the referenced model.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Override the base class to call terminate() on the referenced model.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.python.PythonScript
Invoke the terminate() method if defined in the script.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterSet
Do nothing.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Terminate all threads under control of this director immediately.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.AbstractDDI
- terminate() - Method in interface ptolemy.distributed.common.DistributedActor
Terminate any currently executing model with extreme prejudice.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedActorWrapper
Terminate any currently executing model with extreme prejudice.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Terminate any currently executing model with extreme prejudice.
- Terminate() - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Terminate abruptly any threads created by this actor.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Terminate abruptly any threads created by this actor.
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Call stop().
- terminate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Invoke terminate() of the director.
- TERMINATED_BY_USER - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.BarrierMethod
- terminateDragSelection() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Terminate drag-selection operation.
- terminateProcess() - Method in class org.hlacerti.lib.CertiRtig
Terminate the process and close any associated streams.
- TerminateProcessException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.process
This exception is thrown to terminate a process.
- TerminateProcessException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.process.TerminateProcessException
Constructs an Exception with only a detail message.
- TerminateProcessException(Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.process.TerminateProcessException
Constructs an Exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument and the second argument string.
- TerminateProcessException(Nameable, Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.process.TerminateProcessException
Constructs an Exception with a detail message that includes the
names of the first two arguments plus the third argument string.
- terminateSimulation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20EventInfo
C type: fmiBoolean.
- terminateSimulation - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIEventInfo
C type: fmiBoolean.
- terminateWithNewline - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
If true, append a newline to each output string.
- termination - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Parameter specifying whether the refinements of the origin
state must have terminated (postfire has returned false)
for the transition to be enabled.
- TERMINATION_CHORD - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
Symbol for the termination chord.
- TERMINATION_NOTE_KEY - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
MIDI key for the termination note.
- TERMINATION_NOTE_SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
Symbol for the termination note.
- terminationMessage - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Message that will be displayed in the warning window when the client terminated,
but Ptolemy continues with the simulation.
- terminationTransitionList() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Return the list of termination transitions from
this state.
- terms() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager
Return a list of all the inequality terms contained in the PropertyTermManager.
- TerrainProperty - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
This actor models an obstacle that attenuates signals that
traverse it.
- TerrainProperty(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TerrainProperty
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- Test - Class in org.json
Test class.
- Test() - Constructor for class org.json.Test
- Test - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor compares the inputs against the value specified by the
correctValues parameter.
- Test(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Construct an actor with an input multiport.
- test() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor
Set the preview tab so it is not editable.
- Test - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.Test.
- Test(Test) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Construct a Test adapter.
- Test - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for Test.
- Test(Test) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Construct a Test adapter.
- Test - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for Test.
- Test(Test) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Construct a Test adapter.
- test() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails
Test whether the details received from the LatticeOntologySolver
matches the stored values in the actor.
- test() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Run concept inference and check the values match those trained.
- Test - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib
An event that usually does not perform any action but merely has outgoing
scheduling relations to test conditions.
- Test(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Test
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- test() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.tester.lib.Testable
Run a test and throw an exception if it fails.
- Testable - Interface in ptolemy.domains.tester.lib
Interface for attributes that implement tests.
- TestActorPortDepth - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
An actor supporting regression tests for DEDirector.
- TestActorPortDepth(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TestActorPortDepth
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- testAttributes() - Method in class diva.util.test.XMLElementTest
Test attribute setting, getting, and removing
- testBig() - Method in class diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest
Test a large (64 knode) graph.
- TestCase - Class in diva.util.jester
An abstract superclass for all test cases.
- TestCase(String) - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Construct a test case with the given name
- testConnection(SetupParameters) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.setup.SetupManager
Test the database connection with the parameters given.
- testConstructor() - Method in class diva.util.test.XMLElementTest
Test construction of XmlElement
- testConstructor1() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest
Test the nullary constructor
- testConstructor2() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest
Test the constructor that takes a pane
- testElements() - Method in class diva.util.test.XMLElementTest
Test children manipulation
- testEmpty() - Method in class diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest
Perform tests on an empty graph.
- Tester - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon
Test driver for ptalon.
- Tester() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.Tester
- TesterDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel
This director does not execute a model, but instead looks for
attributes contained by the model at the same level of the
hierarchy as this director that implement the Testable
- TesterDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Construct a director.
- TestExceptionAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor tests for exceptions that are expected to occur when
running a test model.
- TestExceptionAttribute(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionAttribute
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- TestExceptionHandler - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- TestExceptionHandler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionHandler
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- TestFailedException - Exception in diva.util.jester
An exception that is thrown when a test produces an
incorrect result.
- TestFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception diva.util.jester.TestFailedException
Create a new test exception with a detail message
- TestFailedException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception diva.util.jester.TestFailedException
Create a new test exception with a detail message
and one additional object.
- TestFailedException(String, Object, Object) - Constructor for exception diva.util.jester.TestFailedException
Create a new test exception with a detail message
and two additional objects.
- TestHarness - Class in diva.util.jester
A test harness.
- TestHarness() - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.TestHarness
- testHit() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest
Test hit.
- TestIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
A test icon for a Ptera model.
- TestIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.TestIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- testIntersects() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest
Test intersection.
- TestJNI - Class in ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI
Test float arrays in Java Native Interface (JNI).
- TestJNI() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pthales.JNI.TestJNI
- testLabel(String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPalette
Add a a label to the palette with the same string
as its associated data, for testing purposes.
- TestModel - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to compare the model in the model parameter with a known good result.
- TestModel(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- testPaint() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest
Test painting.
- testParse() - Method in class diva.util.test.XMLParserTest
Test construction of XMLParser
- testPreset - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
The default value is true.
- testProperties() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest
Perform the simple set/get tests.
- testStarConnected() - Method in class diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest
Test a star-connected graph.
- TestSuite - Class in diva.util.jester
The abstract superclass of test suites.
- TestSuite() - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.TestSuite
- testTransform() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest
Test how transforms affect the figure
- testTransformBounds() - Method in class diva.util.test.ShapeUtilitiesTest
Test bounds transformation
- testTransformModify() - Method in class diva.util.test.ShapeUtilitiesTest
Test general transformation
- testTransformModifyRect() - Method in class diva.util.test.ShapeUtilitiesTest
Test rectangle transformation
- testTranslate() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest
Test how translates affect the figure
- testTranslateModify() - Method in class diva.util.test.ShapeUtilitiesTest
Test translation
- TestUtilities - Class in diva.util.jester
Utility functions to make tests easier to write.
- TestUtilities() - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.TestUtilities
- testValidity(Object) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Throw an exception if the object is an NaN or infinite number.
- text - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
The text area.
- text - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.EventButton
The text to put on the button.
- text - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
The text to display.
- text - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.lib.gui.PetriNetDisplay
This string represents the evolution of the Petri Net and should
be set by the PetriNetDirector.
- text - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.ButtonTime
The text to put on the button.
- text - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.TextAttribute
The text.
- textArea - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.DisplayJavaSE
The text area in which the data will be displayed.
- textArea - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.textDisplay.TextDisplayHelper
The text area in which the data will be displayed.
- textArea - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.gui.MappingEditorGUI
The text area for mapping constraints.
- textArea - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
- TextAttribute - Class in ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes
This is an attribute that is rendered as text annotation.
- TextAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.TextAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the
specified container.
- textColor - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
The text color.
- textColor - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
The text color.
- textComponents - Static variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- TextDisplayHelper - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.textDisplay
Helper for the textDisplay JavaScript module.
- TextDisplayHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.textDisplay.TextDisplayHelper
Create a text display with no title.
- TextDisplayHelper(Object, ScriptObjectMirror, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.textDisplay.TextDisplayHelper
Create a text display with the specified title.
- TextDocument - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
A example document that contains plain boring old text
and saves it to ascii files.
- TextDocument(Application) - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument
Create an text document for the given application containing an
empty string.
- TextDocument.Factory - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
TextDocument.Factory is a factory for Text Documents
- TextEditor - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A top-level window containing a simple text editor or viewer.
- TextEditor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with no name.
- TextEditor(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with the specified title.
- TextEditor(String, Document) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with the specified title and
- TextEditor(String, Document, Placeable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with the specified title and
document and associated placeable.
- TextEditor(String, Document, PortablePlaceable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Construct an empty text editor with the specified title and
document and associated poratalbeplaceable.
- TextEditor.ExportImageAction - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
Export an image.
- TextEditorConfigureFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
If this class is contained by a actor, then double clicking on that
actor will invoke a text editor that edits the value of a specified
string attribute.
- TextEditorConfigureFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorConfigureFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- TextEditorFactory - Interface in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
An interface for objects with a clear() method.
- TextEditorForStringAttributes - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
A text editor to edit a specified string attribute or parameter.
- TextEditorForStringAttributes(TextEditorFactory, Attribute, int, int, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorForStringAttributes
Create a annotation text editor for the specified attribute.
- TextEditorForStringAttributes(TextEditorFactory, Attribute, int, int, String, Document) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorForStringAttributes
Create a annotation text editor for the specified attribute.
- TextEditorTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau representing a text window.
- TextEditorTableau(TextEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditorTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- TextEditorTableau(TextEffigy, String, TextEditor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditorTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- TextEditorTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory that creates text editor tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- TextEditorTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.toolbox
This class is an attribute that creates a text editor to edit a specified
string attribute in the container of this attribute.
- TextEditorTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- TextEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An effigy for a text file.
- TextEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- TextEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given directory with the given name.
- TextEffigy.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory for creating new effigies.
- TextFieldContainerInterface - Interface in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
The instance of this class would be able to visualize the value of a token
within a text field that is placed into a container.
- TextFieldContainerJavaSE - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
JavaSE implementation of the TextFieldContainerInterface.
- TextFieldContainerJavaSE() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TextFieldContainerJavaSE
- textFields - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareGUI
The list of text fields.
- TextIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.icon
An icon that displays specified text.
- TextIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TextIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- textPosition - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.HTMLText
Parameter specifying the position into which to export HTML text.
- textSize - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
The text size.
- textSize - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
The text size.
- TextString3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
An actor that encapsulates 3D text shapes in the GR domain.
- TextString3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TextStyle - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.style
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify an
arbitrary multi-line text area style for configuring the containing
- TextStyle() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.TextStyle
Construct an attribute in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- TextStyle(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.TextStyle
Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
- texture - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Texture URL, which if non-empty, specifies an image file
or URL.
- TextureFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- TextureFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- TextView - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
A simple MDI text editor view.
- TextView(TextDocument) - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.TextView
- thales.actor.gui - package thales.actor.gui
Single Window UI actor classes.
- thales.vergil - package thales.vergil
Single Window UI Vergil classes.
- thales.vergil.navigable - package thales.vergil.navigable
Single Window UI Vergil Navigable classes.
- theMatrix - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.AverageFilter
The convolution kernal for the averaging.
- thenOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThen
Same as Input.
- thenOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.IfThenElse
Same as Input.
- thePlatform - Static variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.PtolemyPlatform
The singleton platform.
- THERE_ARE_NO_AUTO_ARCH_TESTS - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
A special string that is passed when there are no known failed tests.
- THERE_ARE_NO_AUTO_TESTS - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
A special string that is passed when there are no known failed tests.
- THERE_ARE_NO_KNOWN_FAILED_TESTS - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
A special string that is passed when there are no known failed tests.
- THERE_ARE_NO_TCL_TESTS - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.TclTests
A special string that is passed when there are no tcl tests.
- theta - Variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.image.AprilTagFilter.Segment
- theta - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
The angle the figure is to be rotated by, measured clockwise from
the positive X-axis on a Cartesian plane.
- THfuncDeclString - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Contains the declaration of the task functions.
- thickness - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.PolyCylinder3D
The thickness of the generalized cylinder
This parameter should contain a DoubleToken.
- thirdTab - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.example.ExamplePanel
- thisClientName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReceiver
The name represents the client application that the instance of
this actor belongs to.
- thisClientName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.corba.TaskReporter
The name represents the client application that the instance of
this actor belongs to.
- threadBlocked(Thread, ProcessReceiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread is blocked
on an I/O operation.
- threadBlocked(Thread, ProcessReceiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread is blocked
on an I/O operation.
- threadBlocked(Thread, ProcessReceiver, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread is blocked on an I/O
- threadBlocked(Thread, ProcessReceiver, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread is blocked
on an I/O operation.
- ThreadDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel
A director for controlling a thread in the taskpt domain.
- ThreadDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.ThreadDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- ThreadedComposite - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
A container for another actor that executes that other actor
in a separate thread called the inside thread.
- ThreadedComposite(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite
Create an actor with a name and a container.
- ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc
Bundle data associated with ports and a time stamp.
- ThreadedYieldAdapter<T> - Class in net.jimblackler.Utils
A class to convert methods that implement the Collector<> class into a standard Iterable<>, using
a new thread created for the collection process, and a SynchronousQueue<> object.
- ThreadedYieldAdapter() - Constructor for class net.jimblackler.Utils.ThreadedYieldAdapter
- ThreadedYieldAdapter.Message - Class in net.jimblackler.Utils
Message structure to pass values between threads.
- ThreadedYieldAdapter.ValueMessage - Class in net.jimblackler.Utils
The vehicle to pass the actual values.
- threadHasPaused(Thread) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread has paused
in response to a call to stopFire().
- threadHasResumed(Thread) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread has resumed.
- ThreadSynchronizer - Class in ptolemy.distributed.client
Synchronizes the access to the commandsMap.
- ThreadSynchronizer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.distributed.client.ThreadSynchronizer
Construct a ThreadSynchronizer.
- threadUnblocked(Thread, ProcessReceiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread is unblocked
on an I/O operation.
- threadUnblocked(Thread, ProcessReceiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread is unblocked
on an I/O operation.
- threadUnblocked(Thread, ProcessReceiver, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread is unblocked on an I/O
- threadUnblocked(Thread, ProcessReceiver, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Notify the director that the specified thread is unblocked
on an I/O operation.
- ThreeDigitVersionSpecification - Class in org.ptolemy.commons
A simple implementation of a version specification, based on a
merge of OSGi-conventions and Ptolemy (which in turn seems to be
based on JNLP).
- ThreeDigitVersionSpecification(int, int, int, String...) - Constructor for class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Construct a three digit version specification.
- threshold - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayLevelCrossing
The threshold to look for.
- threshold - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
- ThresholdFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs a threshold operation on an image.
- ThresholdFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Construct a ThresholdFilter.
- ThresholdFilter(int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
Construct a ThresholdFilter.
- throttle(boolean) - Method in class ptserver.actor.ProxySink
Throttle the sink's thread if the latency is above maximum threshold.
- ThrottleAttributes - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to local sources and
other actors that schedule their own firings by
- ThrottleAttributes(NamedObj, PtidesDirector) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.ThrottleAttributes
Constructor to use when editing a model.
- ThrottleAttributes(Object, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.ThrottleAttributes
Constructor to use when parsing a MoML file.
- THROW - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
String value for the "throw" policy.
- THROW - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing Trap overflow strategy.
- throwArgsException(Throwable, String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Throw an exception that includes the elements of the args parameter.
- ThrowException - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that throws an IllegalActionException when it receives a true token
on any input channel.
- ThrowException(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowException
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- throwException(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CGException
Throw an exception with a detail message.
- throwException(Object, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CGException
Throw an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument.
- throwException(Object, Throwable, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.CGException
Throw an exception with a detail message that includes the
name of the first argument.
- throwExceptionOnNonZeroReturn - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Exec
If true, then throw an exception if the subprocess returns
- THROWING_A_THROWABLE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Indicator that the execution is throwing a throwable.
- throwInPostfire - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowException
True to throw the model error in the postfire method.
- throwInPostfire - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowModelError
True to throw the model error in the postfire method.
- ThrowModelError - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that throws a model error when it receives a true token
on any input channel.
- ThrowModelError(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.ThrowModelError
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- Tic - Class in edu.umich.eecs.april.util
Execution time measurement.
- Tic() - Constructor for class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Tic
Includes an implicit call to tic()
- tic() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Tic
Begin measuring time from now.
- tickEntry - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- Ticket - Class in ptserver.control
Define the response to a simulation execution request.
- Ticket() - Constructor for class ptserver.control.Ticket
- Tile() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter.Tile
- TileImageFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which tiles an image into a lerger one.
- TileImageFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.TileImageFilter
Construct a TileImageFilter.
- TileImageFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.TileImageFilter
Construct a TileImageFilter.
- TILING - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesIOPort
The name of the tiling parameter.
- time - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
The time.
- time - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame
The time.
- time - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent
The time at which to produce the output.
- Time - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
An object of the Time class represents time in a model.
- Time(Director) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Construct a Time object with zero as the time value.
- Time(Director, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Construct a Time object with the specified double value as its
time value.
- Time(Director, long) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Construct a Time object with the specified long value as its time value.
- time - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector.SuperdenseTime
The time.
- time - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
Time stamp for the TDL action.
- TIME_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- timeAdvance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.ReceiveInput
The amount (in double) of model time advancement.
- TimeAdvanceEvent - Interface in ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel
An interface for an event that has time advance, such as ReceiveInput in GT.
- TimeAdvanceEventIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.ptera
An icon for a Ptera time advance event.
- TimeAdvanceEventIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.TimeAdvanceEventIcon
Create a new icon with the given name in the given container.
- timeAndMemory(long) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return a string with the elapsed time since startTime, and
the amount of memory used.
- timeAndMemory(long, long, long) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Return a string with the elapsed time since startTime,
and the amount of memory used.
- TimeComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent.TimeComparator
Construct a TimeComparator object.
- TimeCompare - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare.
- TimeCompare(TimeCompare) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare
Construct a TimeCompare adapter.
- TimeCompare - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A DE actor to compare the time stamps of events at its two input ports, and
output the difference.
- TimeCompare(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeCompare
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- timeConstant - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
The time constant of the filter, which determines how fast the
filter adapts.
- timeConstant - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
The time constant of the filter, which determines how fast the
filter adapts.
- TimedActor - Interface in ptolemy.actor
This is a marker interface for actors that operate on time-based signals.
- TimedDelay - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
- TimedDelay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- TimedDisplay - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Display the model time and the input.
- TimedDisplay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedDisplay
Construct an actor with an input multiport of type GENERAL that
displays the model time and the value of the input.
- TimeDelay - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This actor delays the input by a specified amount of time given by
the delay port or parameter, which defaults to 1.0.
- TimeDelay(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- TimeDelay - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay.
- TimeDelay(TimeDelay) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Constructor method for the TimedDelay adapter.
- TimeDelay - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap.
- TimeDelay(TimeDelay) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Construct a TimeGap adapter.
- TimeDelay - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap.
- TimeDelay(TimeDelay) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Construct a TimeGap adapter.
- TimeDelay.PendingEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Data structure to store pending events.
- TimedEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class aggregates an instance of Time and an Object, and provides a CQComparator
as an inner class.
- TimedEvent(Time, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent
Construct an event with the specified time stamp and contents.
- TimedEvent(Object, Time, Token, Event.RefiringData, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector.TimedEvent
Construct a TimedEvent.
- TimedEvent.TimeComparator - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
This class implements the CQComparator interface.
- TimedMonitorValue - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
Monitor inputs by setting the value parameter equal
to each arriving token.
- TimedMonitorValue(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedMonitorValue
Construct an actor.
- timedOut() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Return true if the request timed out; false otherwise.
- timedOut() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Return true if the request timed out; false otherwise.
- TimedPlotter - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
A signal plotter.
- TimedPlotter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedPlotter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TimedPNDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel
A TimedPNDirector governs the execution of a CompositeActor with
Kahn-MacQueen process networks (PN) semantics extended by introduction of a
notion of global time.
- TimedPNDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- TimedPNDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- TimedPNDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- TimedScope - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.gui
A signal plotter that plots in an oscilloscope style, meaning that the
horizontal axis is wrapped and that there is finite persistence.
- TimedScope(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedScope
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TimedSource - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Base class for time-based sources.
- TimedSource(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimedSource
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TimeGap - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap.
- TimeGap(TimeGap) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
Construct a TimeGap adapter.
- TimeGap - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap.
- TimeGap(TimeGap) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
Construct a TimeGap adapter.
- TimeGap - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib
A adapter class for ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap.
- TimeGap(TimeGap) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
Construct a TimeGap adapter.
- TimeGap - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
This actor measures the time interval between arrivals of successive
input tokens.
- TimeGap(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimeGap
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- timeHorizon - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.MutualInformationCalculator
Time horizon over which the mutual information will be calculated.
- timeHorizon - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
Time horizon over which f(x) is optimized.
- timeHorizon - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.CovarianceStatePredictor
The time-horizon which defines the number of steps of prediction.
- timeHorizon - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithAccControl
The time-horizon which defines the number of steps of prediction.
- timeHorizon - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StatePredictorWithControl
The time-horizon which defines the number of steps of prediction.
- timeInMillis - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The time as a long value representing the milliseconds since
January 1, 1970.
- timeInMillis - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Time in UTC milliseconds since epoch.
- TimeKeeper - Class in ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel
A TimeKeeper manages an actor's local value of time in the DDE domain.
- TimeKeeper(Actor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Construct a time keeper to manage the local time of an actor
in the DDE domain.
- timeManagementService - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Choice of time advancement service (NER or exclusive TAR).
- timeout - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
The time in milliseconds to wait after producing the details
of a request on the output ports for a response to appear at
the input ports.
- timeout - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
The timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection or reading a value.
- timeout - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpActor
The time in milliseconds to wait after producing the details
of a request on the output ports for a response to appear at
the input ports.
- timeout - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpGet
The timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection or reading a value.
- timeout - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPost
The timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection or reading a value.
- timeout - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPut
The timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection or reading a value.
- timeout - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Parameter that is a function that evaluates to true when the
time elapsed in the current state equals the argument to the
- timeoutResponse - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
The response to send upon timeout.
- timeoutResponse - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpGet
The response to send upon timeout.
- timeoutResponse - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPost
The response to send upon timeout.
- timeoutResponse - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPut
The response to send upon timeout.
- timeProgress(double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Reduce the remaining processing time of this event by a certain
- Timer - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib
- Timer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- TimeRegulator - Interface in ptolemy.actor
This interface is implemented by attributes that wish to be consulted
when a director advances time.
- timerNumbers - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.RenesasUtilities
The map from interrupt handler integers to timer numbers.
- times(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- times(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- times(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- TimeScheduler - Class in ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel
TimeScheduler is a ConstraintSolver that handles the time quantity for
- TimeScheduler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.TimeScheduler
Construct a time scheduler.
- timesEquals(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- timesEquals(double, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- timesEquals(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- timesEquals(double, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- timesEquals(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- timesEquals(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- timesEquals(int, int, double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- timesEquals(double) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Multiply all elements in the vector by v
- timesEquals(double, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Multiply the elements between indices [i0,i1] (inclusive) by
- timestamp - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.NoteParser
The time stamp tokens.
- timeStamp - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay.PendingEvent
The time stamp for the pending event.
- timestamp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseTime
Return the timestamp.
- timeStamp - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent
The time stamp.
- timeStamp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Return the timestamp.
- timestamp - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.Tag
The timestamp.
- timestamps - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Array of observation timestamps as UNIX timestamps.
- timesTranspose(Matrix) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A code generation adapter class for
- TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler(TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler
Construct an adapter with the given
ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.TimeTriggeredEncoderInputDevice actor.
- TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler - Class in ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary
A class for TimeTriggeredEncoderInputDevice that uses GPIO pins on the Luminary board.
- TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler
Construct a TimeTriggeredEncoderInputDevice object, with an additional input port
called trigger.
- timeValue() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseDependency
Return the time value of this dependency.
- timeWindow - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Triangulator
Time window within which observations are assumed to come from
the same sound event.
- timeZoneOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateConstructor
The time zone offset.
- timeZoneOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DateElements
Time zone offset of date received on input.
- title - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.View
Title of the window.
- title - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelView
Title of the window, or empty if the title is to be determined
- title - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
The title to put on top.
- title - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SliderSource
The title to put on top.
- title - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The title to put at the top of the frame.
- title - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.SetTableau
The title of the tableau, or an empty string if not changed.
- Title - Class in ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web
Attribute specifying a title for a model or a component in a model.
- Title(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
Create an instance of this parameter.
- TITLE_TAG - Static variable in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
The string constant that specifies the title attribute of a
- TMActor - Interface in ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
An interface that adds a method getExecutionTime() to the Actor interface.
- TMCompositeFacade - Class in ptolemy.domains.tm.lib
A facade for a composite actor that creates and executes its internal
model a background process
- TMCompositeFacade(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- TMDirector - Class in ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
A director that implements a priority-driven multitasking
model of computation.
- TMDirector() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Construct a director in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- TMDirector(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Construct a director in the workspace with an empty name.
- TMDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- TMEvent - Class in ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
A TM event is an event that triggers the execution of a TM actor
- TMEvent(TMReceiver, Token, int, double) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Construct an event with the specified destination receiver,
token, priority, and executionTime.
- TMEventComparator - Class in ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
A comparator for TM events.
- TMEventComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEventComparator
- tModel - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Simulation time at which model was formed, such that xModel{tModel} = c0.
- TMReceiver - Class in ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel
The receiver for the TM domain.
- TMReceiver() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMReceiver
Construct an empty TMReceiver with no container.
- to - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.ExceptionEmailer
Email address(es) to which this is sent.
- to - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mail.SendMail
Email address(es) to which this is sent.
- TO_FIRST - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MoveAction
Indicator for move to first.
- TO_LAST - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MoveAction
Indicator for move to last.
- TO_ZERO - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing to zero overflow strategy.
- toArray() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Return an array that contains all the elements in this collection.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Store all the elements in this collection into the given array if its
size is enough for the storage, or create a new array of the same type
as the given array for the storage and return it.
- toArray() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Return an array that contains all the elements in this linked list.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.FastLinkedList
Store all the elements in this linked list into the given array if its
size is enough for the storage, or create a new array of the same type
as the given array for the storage and return it.
- toArray() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Return the entries currently in the queue as an array.
- toArray(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CalendarQueue
Return the entries currently in the queue,
but no more of them than the number given as an
- toArray() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return an ArrayToken containing the all the values of this
matrix token.
- toArray() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Return the events currently in the queue as an array.
- toArray() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEventQueue
Return the events currently in the queue as an array.
- toArray() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue
Returns an array representation of this event queue.
- toArray() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesListEventQueue
Return an array representation of this event queue.
- toArray() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in
proper sequence.
- toArray(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in
proper sequence; the runtime type of the returned array is that of
the specified array.
- toArrayColumnMajor() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return an ArrayToken containing the all the values of this
matrix token.
- toArrayReturnType(Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the (exact) return type of the toArray function above.
- toArrayType(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Convert the name of an array type to the Java run-time
- toBitString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a bit string representation of this number.
- toBuilder() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event.Time
- toBuilder() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- toBuilder() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.EventVector
- toc() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Tic
How much time has passed since the most recent call to tic()?
- toClass(ClassLoader) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Convert this type to a Class
- toComplexArray(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the doubles in
the argument array to complex numbers.
- toComplexArray(float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the floats in
the argument array to complex numbers.
- toComplexArray(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the integers in
the argument array to complex numbers.
- toComplexArray(long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the long numbers in
the argument array to complex numbers.
- toComplexMatrix(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the doubles
in the argument matrix to complex numbers.
- toComplexMatrix(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the floats
in the argument matrix to complex numbers.
- toComplexMatrix(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the integers
in the argument matrix to complex numbers.
- toComplexMatrix(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the long values
in the argument matrix to complex numbers.
- toctic() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Tic
Equivalent to toc() followed by tic()
- toDecibels(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return the value of the argument
in decibels, which is defined to be 20*log10(z),
where z is the argument.
- toDirectedAcyclicGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return an acyclic graph if this graph is acyclic.
- toDocML() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.KeplerDocumentationAttribute
Exports this documentation attribute as docML.
- toDouble(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToDoubleMapMapping
Return the double value that is associated with given object under
this mapping.
- toDouble(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToDoubleMapping
Return the double value associated with the given object.
- toDouble() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Convert the fraction to a double.
- toDouble(int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Convert the audio data to linear double encoding (from mu-law).
- toDoubleArray(float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the floats in
the argument array to doubles.
- toDoubleArray(Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the Fractions in
the argument array to doubles.
- toDoubleArray(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the ints in
the argument array to doubles.
- toDoubleArray(long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the longs in
the argument array to doubles.
- ToDoubleMapMapping - Class in ptolemy.graph.mapping
A ToDoubleMapping that is based on a Map.
- ToDoubleMapMapping(Map) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToDoubleMapMapping
Construct a ToDoubleMapMapping from a given map.
- ToDoubleMapping - Interface in ptolemy.graph.mapping
A mapping from objects into multiple double values.
- toDoubleMatrix(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the floats in
the argument matrix to doubles.
- toDoubleMatrix(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the Fractions in
the argument matrix to doubles.
- toDoubleMatrix(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the ints in
the argument matrix to doubles.
- toDoubleMatrix(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the longs in
the argument matrix to doubles.
- toFloat() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Convert the fraction to a float.
- toFloatArray(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the doubles in
the argument array to doubles.
- toFloatArray(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the ints in
the argument array to doubles.
- toFloatArray(long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the longs in
the argument array to doubles.
- toFloatMatrix(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the doubles in
the argument matrix to floats.
- toFloatMatrix(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the ints in
the argument matrix to floats.
- toFloatMatrix(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the longs in
the argument matrix to floats.
- toggleHidePorts() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Make the "Hide" column values be either all true or
all false.
- toggleShowAllNames() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog.PortTableModel
Make the "Show Name" column values be either all true or
all false.
- toInt(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToIntMapMapping
Return the int value that is associated with given object under
this mapping.
- toInt(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToIntMapping
Return the int value associated with the given object.
- toIntegerArray(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the doubles in
the argument array to integers.
- toIntegerArray(float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the floats in
the argument array to integers.
- toIntegerArray(long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the longs in
the argument array to integers.
- toIntegerMatrix(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the doubles in
the argument matrix to integers.
- toIntegerMatrix(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the floats in
the argument matrix to integers.
- toIntegerMatrix(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the longs in
the argument matrix to integers.
- ToIntMapMapping - Class in ptolemy.graph.mapping
A ToIntMapping that is based on a Map.
- ToIntMapMapping(Map) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToIntMapMapping
Construct a ToIntMapMapping from a given map.
- ToIntMapping - Interface in ptolemy.graph.mapping
A mapping from objects into int values.
- toJSArray(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Convert the specified array into a native JavaScript array.
- toJSArray(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Convert the specified array into a native JavaScript array.
- toJSONArray(String) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of JSONObjects from a comma delimited text string,
using the first row as a source of names.
- toJSONArray(JSONTokener) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of JSONObjects from a comma delimited text string,
using the first row as a source of names.
- toJSONArray(JSONArray, String) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of JSONObjects from a comma delimited text string
using a supplied JSONArray as the source of element names.
- toJSONArray(JSONArray, JSONTokener) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of JSONObjects from a comma delimited text string
using a supplied JSONArray as the source of element names.
- toJSONArray(String) - Static method in class org.json.JSONML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a
JSONArray using the JsonML transform.
- toJSONArray(XMLTokener) - Static method in class org.json.JSONML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a
JSONArray using the JsonML transform.
- toJSONArray(JSONArray) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this
- toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class org.json.Cookie
Convert a cookie specification string into a JSONObject.
- toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class org.json.CookieList
Convert a cookie list into a JSONObject.
- toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class org.json.HTTP
Convert an HTTP header string into a JSONObject.
- toJSONObject(JSONArray) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values
of this JSONArray.
- toJSONObject(XMLTokener) - Static method in class org.json.JSONML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a
JSONObject using the JsonML transform.
- toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class org.json.JSONML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a
JSONObject using the JsonML transform.
- toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class org.json.XML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a
- toJSONString() - Method in interface org.json.JSONString
The toJSONString
method allows a class to produce its own JSON
- token - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay.PendingEvent
The token associated with the event.
- token - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Current token.
- token - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Current token.
- Token - Class in ptolemy.data.expr
Describes the input token stream.
- Token() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
No-argument constructor
- Token(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image.
- Token(int, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image and Kind.
- Token - Class in ptolemy.data
Token is the base class for data capsules.
- Token() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.Token
Create a Token.
- token() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Return the token (value) of this event.
- token() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Return the token contained by this event.
- Token - Class in ptolemy.moml.unit
Describes the input token stream.
- Token() - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
No-argument constructor
- Token(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image.
- Token(int, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image and Kind.
- token - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Current token.
- token_source - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParser
Generated Token Manager.
- token_source - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser
Generated Token Manager.
- token_source - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UParser
Generated Token Manager.
- tokenAddMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenBegin - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleCharStream
- tokenBegin - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.SimpleCharStream
- tokenBitwiseAndMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenBitwiseNotMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenBitwiseOrMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenBitwiseXorMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
The number of tokens consumed on this port each firing.
- tokenDivideMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TokenEffigy - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An effigy for a file that contains one or more tokens, one per line,
represented as text in the expression language.
- TokenEffigy(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy
Create a new effigy in the specified workspace with an empty string
for its name.
- TokenEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenEffigy
Create a new effigy in the given directory with the given name.
- TokenEffigy.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory for creating new effigies.
- tokenEqualsMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TokenFrame(Time, List<ThreadedComposite.QueuedToken>, ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame.FrameType) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame
Construct a TokenFrame.
- tokenGetTypeMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TokenGotEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor
- TokenGotEvent(IOPort, int, Token[], int, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Create a new token got event with the given parameters.
- TokenGotEvent(IOPort, int, Token, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Create a new token got event with the given parameters.
- tokenGotEvent(TokenGotEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.TokenGotListener
Report an that a token was received with get().
- TokenGotListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
- TokenHandler<T extends Token> - Interface in ptserver.data.handler
Convert a token of a particular type to a byte stream and back.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.MatrixParserConstants
Literal token values.
- tokenImage - Variable in exception ptolemy.data.expr.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated
parser within which the parse error occurred.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface ptolemy.data.expr.PtParserConstants
Literal token values.
- tokenImage - Variable in exception ptolemy.moml.unit.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated
parser within which the parse error occurred.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UParserConstants
Literal token values.
- tokenInitProduction - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
The number of tokens produced on this port during initialization.
- tokenIntValueMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenIsLessThanMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenizeForExec(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Tokenize a String to an array of Strings for use with
Runtime.exec(String []).
- Tokenizer - Class in ptserver.data
Tokenizer reads out tokens from the byte array.
- Tokenizer(byte[]) - Constructor for class ptserver.data.Tokenizer
Create a new instance of the tokenizer with the specified payload.
- tokenLeftShiftMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenLimit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPMultiSource
The number of tokens produced by this actor.
- tokenLimit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSink
The number of tokens produced by this actor.
- tokenLimit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.lib.CSPSource
The number of tokens produced by this actor.
- TokenListener - Class in ptserver.communication
TokenListener is responsible for processing MQTT messages received,
converting back to tokens and putting those tokens into appropriate queues.
- TokenListener(ProxyModelInfrastructure) - Constructor for class ptserver.communication.TokenListener
Initialize the instance by reading needed fields from the remoteModel.
- tokenLogicalRightShiftMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TokenMgrError - Error in ptolemy.data.expr
Token Manager Error.
- TokenMgrError() - Constructor for error ptolemy.data.expr.TokenMgrError
No arg constructor.
- TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for error ptolemy.data.expr.TokenMgrError
Constructor with message and reason.
- TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for error ptolemy.data.expr.TokenMgrError
Full Constructor.
- TokenMgrError - Error in ptolemy.moml.unit
Token Manager Error.
- TokenMgrError() - Constructor for error ptolemy.moml.unit.TokenMgrError
No arg constructor.
- TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for error ptolemy.moml.unit.TokenMgrError
Constructor with message and reason.
- TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for error ptolemy.moml.unit.TokenMgrError
Full Constructor.
- tokenModuloMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenMultiplyMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenNotMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TokenParser - Class in ptserver.data
This class is a singleton and is a central point for converting
a token from a byte stream and back.
- TokenParser.HandlerData<T extends Token> - Class in ptserver.data
Data structure that stores handler, token type, and position tuple.
- tokenPowMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokenProductionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFIOPort
The number of tokens produced on this port each firing.
- TokenPublisher - Class in ptserver.communication
TokenPublisher batches tokens, converts to them binary and then publishes the result to the MQTT topic.
- TokenPublisher(long, ProxyModelInfrastructure) - Constructor for class ptserver.communication.TokenPublisher
Create instance of the TokenPublisher with specified period and tokensPerPeriod.
- TokenReader - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.io
- TokenReader(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.TokenReader
Construct an actor with a name and a container.
- tokenRightShiftMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokens - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame
A list of tokens.
- tokens(int, OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Get the number of available tokens to the consuming port with index 'portIndex'
in state 'state'.
- TokenSentEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor
- TokenSentEvent(IOPort, int, Token[], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Create a new token sent event with the given parameters.
- TokenSentEvent(IOPort, int, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Create a new token sent event with the given parameters.
- TokenSentEvent(IOPort, Token) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Create a new token sent event with the given parameters.
- TokenSentEvent(IOPort, Token[], int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Create a new token sent event with the given parameters.
- tokenSentEvent(TokenSentEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.TokenSentListener
Report an that a token was sent.
- TokenSentListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
- tokenSubtractMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TokenTableau - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A tableau representing one or more tokens in a top-level window with
a text editor.
- TokenTableau(Effigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- TokenTableau(Effigy, String, TableauFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TokenTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy,
using the specified frame.
- TokenTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
A factory that creates a token tableau.
- TokenToExpression - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
This actor reads a token from the input port and outputs a string token
whose value is an expression that can be parsed to yield the input token.
- TokenToExpression(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TokenToExpression - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A helper class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression.
- TokenToExpression(TokenToExpression) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression
Construct the TokenToExpression adapter.
- TokenToExpression - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression.
- TokenToExpression(TokenToExpression) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression
Construct a TokenToExpression adapter.
- TokenToExpression - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions
A adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression.
- TokenToExpression(TokenToExpression) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression
Construct a TokenToExpression adapter.
- TokenToJSON - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json
An actor that converts a Token into a StringToken containing JSON-formatted
- TokenToJSON(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.TokenToJSON
Construct a TokenToJSON actor with the given container and name.
- tokenType - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TokenUtilities - Class in ptolemy.data
Various methods and fields that are used from within the various token
- TokenUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.TokenUtilities
- tokenZeroMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- tokTim - Variable in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Time of token that will be written to the client.
- tolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
The tolerance for the comparison.
- tolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
A double specifying how close the input has to be to the value
given by correctValues.
- tolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
A double specifying how close the input has to be to the value
given by correctValues.
- toLinear(int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Convert the audio data to linear integer encoding (from mu-law).
- toLongArray(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the doubles in
the argument array to longs.
- toLongArray(float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the floats in
the argument array to longs.
- toLongArray(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new array that is formed by converting the ints in
the argument array to longs.
- toLongMatrix(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the doubles in
the argument matrix to longs.
- toLongMatrix(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the floats in
the argument matrix to longs.
- toLongMatrix(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is formed by converting the ints in
the argument matrix to longs.
- toMatrixFromArray(Complex[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix of complex numbers that is initialized
from a 1-D array.
- toMatrixFromArray(double[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix of doubles that is initialized from a 1-D array.
- toMatrixFromArray(float[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix of floats that is initialized from a 1-D
- toMatrixFromArray(Fraction[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix of Fractions that is initialized from a 1-D array.
- toMatrixFromArray(int[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix of ints that is initialized from a 1-D array.
- toMatrixFromArray(long[], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix of longs that is initialized from a 1-D array.
- toObject(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.mapping.Mapping
Return the object associated with the given object in the mapping.
- toObject(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToDoubleMapMapping
Return the object associated with the given object.
- toObject(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.ToIntMapMapping
- toolbar - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- ToolBar - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui.properties
A GUI property that encloses a JToolBar component.
- ToolBar(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ToolBar
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
- ToolBar(NamedObj, String, JToolBar) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ToolBar
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component.
- ToolBar(NamedObj, String, JToolBar, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ToolBar
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given Java Swing component and the given layout
- ToolBar(NamedObj, String, Object) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ToolBar
Construct a GUI property with the given name contained by the specified
entity with the given layout
- TOOLBAR_TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction
When the action was fired from a toolbar icon.
- tooltip - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Button
Tooltip for the button.
- top() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders.EmptyBorder
Returns this border's top size.
- TOP - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Put the component in the top.
- TOP - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec
By default put the components in the top.
- TOP - Static variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.LayoutConstraintsManager
- top - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Limiter
The top of the limiting range.
- top() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptGraph
Return the greatest element in this concept graph.
- top() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.DAGConceptGraph
Return the greatest element in this concept graph.
- top() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeCPO
Return the top element of this CPO.
- TOP - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
The top element among all ObjectTypes.
- top() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.CPO
Return the top element of this CPO.
- top() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Return the top element of this CPO.
- Top - Class in ptolemy.gui
This is a top-level window with a menubar and an optional status bar.
- Top() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top
Construct an empty top-level frame with the default status
- Top(StatusBar) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Top
Construct an empty top-level frame with the specified status
- Top.CenterOnScreenRunnable - Class in ptolemy.gui
A runnable for centering the window on the screen.
- Top.CloseWindowAdapter - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for windowClosing action.
- Top.CloseWindowRunnable - Class in ptolemy.gui
A runnable for closing the window.
- Top.DeferredActionsRunnable - Class in ptolemy.gui
A runnable for executing deferred actions.
- Top.DoPackRunnable - Class in ptolemy.gui
A runnable for packing the Window.
- Top.FileMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for file menu commands.
- Top.HelpMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for help menu commands.
- Top.HistoryMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for history menu commands.
- Top.SetBackgroundRunnable - Class in ptolemy.gui
A runnable for setting the background color of the status bar.
- Top.ShowWindowRunnable - Class in ptolemy.gui
A runnable for showing the window.
- Top.StatusBarMessageReportRunnable - Class in ptolemy.gui
A runnable for setting the status bar message for a report.
- Top.StatusBarMessageRunnable - Class in ptolemy.gui
A runnable for setting the status bar message.
- TOP_ALIGN - Static variable in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
By default put the components in the top.
- TOP_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Indicator to include top-level parameters in the controls.
- toParenthesisString(Map, String) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Print the firing in a parenthesis style.
- toParenthesisString(Map, String) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Print the schedule in a nested parenthesis style.
- toParenthesisString(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Print the schedule in a nested parenthesis style and set
character 'space' as the delimiter.
- toParenthesisString(Map, String) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Print the schedule in a nested parenthesis style.
- topComponent - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- topComponent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PtolemyFormEditor
The top level component.
- topEffigy() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Return the top-level effigy that (deeply) contains this one.
- TopFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.TopFactory
Create a factory with the given name and container.
- topInsetSpinner - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- topInsetSpinnerModel - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.FormEditor
- toplevel() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Return the model that we are generating code for.
- toplevel() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return the top level of the containment hierarchy.
- toplevel() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
Return the toplevel.
- TopLevelCurrentTime - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- TopLevelCurrentTime(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TopLevelCurrentTime
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TopLevelCurrentTime - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.TopLevelCurrentTime.
- TopLevelCurrentTime(TopLevelCurrentTime) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TopLevelCurrentTime
Construct a Scale adapter.
- toplevelMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- topObjectsCreated() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Get the top objects list.
- topologicalSort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Return a list of the actors deeply contained within
the associated composite actor sorted by actor depth.
- topologicalSort() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Topological sort the whole graph.
- topologicalSort(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Sort the given node weights in their topological order.
- topologicalSort(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Sort a collection of graph nodes in their topological order as long as
no two of the given nodes are mutually reachable by each other.
- topologicalSort(Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Sort the given nodes in their topological order as long as
no two of the given nodes are mutually reachable by each other
(weights version).
- TopPack - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gui
An interface that allows alternate pack() methods to be called from
TableauFrame which allows for functionality such as alternate menu systems
in Vergil.
- topPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIBorder
The amount of pixels to pad the top with.
- topVariables() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.InequalitySolver
Return an Iterator
of the variables whose current
values are the top of the underlying CPO.
- Torus3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for
a GR torus.
- Torus3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Torus3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- tosDebug(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Print a debug message.
- tosDebug(String, String, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSLoader
Print a debug message in ptII.
- tosDir - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Path to the tos directory of the TinyOS tree.
- toShortString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Returns a short string representation of this constraints object.
- toShortString(FormLayout) - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Returns a short string representation of this constraints object.
- toShortString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Returns a string representation of this form specification.
- tosRoot - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.kernel.PtinyOSDirector
Path to the root of the TinyOS tree.
- toString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.BoundedSize
Returns a string representation of this size object.
- toString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints.Alignment
Returns this Alignment's name.
- toString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Constructs and returns a string representation of this constraints object.
- toString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize
Returns a string representation of this size object.
- toString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize.Unit
- toString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec.DefaultAlignment
Returns this Alignment's name.
- toString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormSpec
Returns a string representation of this form specification.
- toString() - Method in class com.jgoodies.forms.layout.Sizes.ComponentSize
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ApplyMaskFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.AverageFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BicubicScaleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BlockFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BlurFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BorderFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BrushedMetalFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.BumpFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CausticsFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChannelMixFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CheckFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromaKeyFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ChromeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ColorHalftoneFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CompositeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContourFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContrastFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ConvolveFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CropFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CrystallizeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurvesFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DeinterlaceFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DespeckleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffuseFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffusionFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DilateFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DisplaceFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DissolveFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DitherFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DoGFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EdgeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EmbossFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.EqualizeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeAlphaFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ErodeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ExposureFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FadeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FBMFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FeedbackFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlareFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.Flush3DFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FourColorFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GainFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlintFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GlowFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GradientWipeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GrayFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GrayscaleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HalftoneFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HighPassFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InterpolateFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InvertAlphaFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.InvertFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.JavaLnFFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KeyFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LaplaceFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LensBlurFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LevelsFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LifeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.AmbientLight
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.DistantLight
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.PointLight
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.SpotLight
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.LookupFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MapFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleTexFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MaskFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MaximumFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MedianFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MinimumFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MirrorFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionBlurOp
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MotionDetectorFilter
Return a string description of the filter.
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.NoiseFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OilFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OpacityFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OutlineFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PointillizeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PosterizeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PremultiplyFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuantizeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.QuiltFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RaysFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ReduceNoiseFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RescaleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SaturationFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScaleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ScratchFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShapeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SharpenFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShatterFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShineFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkeletonFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SkyFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmartBlurFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SmearFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SolarizeFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SparkleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.StampFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.svg.AnnotateFilter
Return a string description of the filter.
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwizzleFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ThresholdFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TileImageFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.UnpremultiplyFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.UnsharpFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.VariableBlurFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WeaveFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WoodFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- toString() - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Return a string description of this figure
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.ExtendedMouseFilter
Print a useful description of the mouse filter.
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Print the string representation of this event
- toString(int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Print the string representation of modifier flags
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
Print a useful description of the mouse filter.
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.Vertex
Describe this site
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory1
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory2
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.CompositeFigureFactory1
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.IconFigureFactory
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.ImageFigureFactory
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.LabelFigureFactory
- toString() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.PaneWrapperFactory
- toString() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphEvent
Return a string representation of this event.
- toString() - Method in class diva.graph.GraphViewEvent
Return a string representation of this event.
- toString() - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphLogger
Print the contents of the log into a string.
- toString() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Return a string representation of the polygon.
- toString() - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Return a string representing this object
- toString() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Convert this element to a string in XML.
- toString() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.geom.GLine2D
- toString() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- toString() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.tag.TagDetection
- toString() - Method in enum org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager.ETimeManagementService
Override the toString of enum class.
- toString(JSONArray) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a comma delimited text from a JSONArray of JSONObjects.
- toString(JSONArray, JSONArray) - Static method in class org.json.CDL
Produce a comma delimited text from a JSONArray of JSONObjects using
a provided list of names.
- toString(JSONObject) - Static method in class org.json.Cookie
Convert a JSONObject into a cookie specification string.
- toString(JSONObject) - Static method in class org.json.CookieList
Convert a JSONObject into a cookie list.
- toString(JSONObject) - Static method in class org.json.HTTP
Convert a JSONObject into an HTTP header.
- toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make a JSON text of this JSONArray.
- toString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray.
- toString(int, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray.
- toString(JSONArray) - Static method in class org.json.JSONML
Reverse the JSONML transformation, making an XML text from a JSONArray.
- toString(JSONObject) - Static method in class org.json.JSONML
Reverse the JSONML transformation, making an XML text from a JSONObject.
- toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Make a JSON text of this JSONObject.
- toString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONObject.
- toString(int, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONObject.
- toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONStringer
Return the JSON text.
- toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Make a printable string of this JSONTokener.
- toString(Object) - Static method in class org.json.XML
Convert a JSONObject into a well-formed, element-normal XML string.
- toString(Object, String) - Static method in class org.json.XML
Convert a JSONObject into a well-formed, element-normal XML string.
- toString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.ButtonBarComponentBuilder
- toString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.DefaultComponentBuilder
- toString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JListComponentBuilder
- toString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTableComponentBuilder
- toString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JToolBarComponentBuilder
- toString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.JTreeComponentBuilder
- toString() - Method in class org.mlc.swing.layout.SeparatorComponentBuilder
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification
Produce a string representation that is itself valid again to
be parsed as a VersionSpecification.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMICapabilities
Return a description of the fields that are true or
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
Return the value of the FMI modelName element.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIBooleanType
Return the string value of the base element.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIIntegerType
Return the string value of the base element.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIRealType
Return the string value of the base element.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIStringType
Return the string value of the base element.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.type.FMIType
Return the string value of the base element.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle.ChordFunction
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.ComputerVision
Return a string description of the filter.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.opencv.FaceRecognizer
Return a string description of the filter.
- toString() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.util.ModelPolynomial
Return a string representation of the model.
- toString() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.PTDBGenericAttribute
Return the String representation of this attribute.
- toString() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBAttribute
Get the String representation of this object information.
- toString() - Method in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModel
Get the String representation of this model.
- toString() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.AsynchronousDBConnection
Return a string representation for the
internal parameters of the class.
- toString() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Provide information regarding the state of the internal variables useful
for unit testing purposes.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver
Return the class name and the full name of the object,
with syntax "className {fullName}".
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent.FiringEventType
Return a string description of this event type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.FiringEvent
Return a string representation of this event.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.MatchResult
Generate a string describing this match result, ignoring the matches
between objects that are not instances of
- toString(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.MatchResult
Generate a string describing this match result.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer.Path
Return a string that describes this path.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Return a readable string about this GTIngredient.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredientList
Return a string that describes all the ingredients within this list.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.PtolemyExpressionString
Return the Ptolemy expression in a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.util.RegularExpressionString
Return the regular expression in a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox.Item
Return the display name of this item, or its name if the display
name is not specified.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPortEvent
Return a string representation of this event.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIImageToken
Return a description of the token.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Return the name of the proxied port or parameter.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
Return the name of the proxied port or parameter.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.JMFImageToken
Return a description of the token.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken.KeyType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyToken
Return a String representation of the KeyToken.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager.State
Print out the current state.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator.IfTree
Enumerate the info from this scope.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Firing
Output a string representation of this Firing.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
Output a string representation of this Schedule.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenGotEvent
Return a string representation of this event.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TokenSentEvent
Return a string representation of this event.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypeEvent
Return a string description for this type change.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.BooleanDependency
Return a string representation in the form
"BooleanDependency(value)", where value is "true"
or "false".
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Return a description of the causality interfaces.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
Provide a more descriptive string representation.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.RealDependency
Return a string representation in the form
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseDependency
Return a string representation in the form
"SuperdenseDependency(_time, _index)".
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.SuperdenseTime
Return a description of this superdense time object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return the string representation of this time object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TimedEvent
Display timeStamp and contents.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Return a string that consists of the contents of the elements
in the set.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Type
Convert this type to String
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.Record
Convert this record to a readable string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DFInputChannel
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DFOutputChannel
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream.Signature
Return the string format of this code block signature.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
Return the string representation of the code stream.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.VariableScope
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel
Return the string representation of this channel.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken.PointerType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.PointerToken
Return a String representation of the PointerToken,
including the address.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.GeneratorAttribute
Return a String representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.AWTImageToken
Return a description of the token.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Return a String representation of the DateToken.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.EventToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
Return a string representation
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Return the string value of this node.
- toString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Return the prefix, followed by the string value of this node.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion
Return a string representation of this conversion.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return a string representation.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.TypeArgumentConversion
Return a string representation of this conversion.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ExpressionFunction
Return a string representation of this function.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- toString(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.SimpleNode
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Token
Returns the image.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return a string representation of the current evaluated variable value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.Function
Return a string representation.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FunctionToken
Return a String representation of this function.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Return the value of this token as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Concept
Return the (unique) string representation of this concept.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Return a string representing the name of this concept function.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm
Override the base class to give a description of this term.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptToken
Return the value of this concept token as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FiniteConcept
Return the string representation of this concept, its name.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
Return the string representation of this flat token infinite concept.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
Return the string representation of the counterexample set.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
Override the base class to give a description of the port
and its property.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeConcept
Return the string that represents this concept, its name.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConcept
Return the string representation of this base unit concept.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Return the string representation of this map concept.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the string representation of the PropertyAdapter.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverUtilities
Return the representation for the SharedUtilities object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.OrderedRecordToken
Return the value of this token as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return the value of this token as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value and derivatives.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return the value of this Token as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.Token
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ActorType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MonotonicFunction
Override the base class to give a description of this term.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return a string describing this object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.Type
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Return a string representation of this term.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return the value of this token as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsizedArrayToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.data.XMLToken
Return the value of this Token as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlEntryToken
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken.ExitLocation
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.ControlExitToken
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalEntryLocation
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector.InternalExitLocation
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.ActorEnablingStatus
Return the string representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DECQEventQueue
Describe the Contents of the queue as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Return a description of the event, including the the tag, depth,
and destination information.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXVlink
Return a string representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken.Scene2DType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType
Return the string representation of this type.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken
Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Returns the adjacency matrix of mapping constraints as a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.Pair
Converts to a string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Give a descriptive string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.StatePair
Return a string representation of this pair.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.StateEvent
Return a string representation of this event, which is the
string "New state: name of state".
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.event.PNProcessEvent
Return the string value of this event.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDebugEvent
Return the message.
- toString(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDebugEvent
Return a string that includes both the name of the source (within the
given container) and the message.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector.TimedEvent
Display timeStamp and contents.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraErrorEvent
Return the message.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesEvent
Return a description of the event, including the the tag, depth,
the token, absolute deadline, and destination information.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.Tag
Return a string representation of this class.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyFrame
Provides a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyReferenceToken
Provide a string representation of the token.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLAction
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMEvent
Return a description of the event, including the contained token
(or "null" if there is none), the priority, the destination actor,
whether it has been started, and the remaining processing time.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothResponseToken
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.bluetooth.BluetoothStatusToken
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.AllPairShortestPathAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.Analysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.Analyzer
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.ClusterNodesAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleExistenceAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.CycleMeanAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MirrorTransformation
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.NegativeLengthCycleAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SelfLoopAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SinkNodeAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.SourceNodeAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
Return a description of the strategy.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallCycleExistenceStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallNegativeLengthCycleStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallZeroLengthCycleStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.KarpCycleMeanStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SelfLoopStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SinkNodeStrategy
Return a description of sink nodes.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SourceNodeStrategy
Return a description of the analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.TransitiveClosureAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.ZeroLengthCycleAnalysis
Return a description of the analysis and the associated analyzer.
- toString(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Edge
Return a string representation of the edge, optionally including
information about the edge weight.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Edge
Return a string representation of the edge, including information
about the edge weight.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return a string representation of this graph.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Inequality
Override the base class to describe the inequality.
- toString(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Return a string representation of this list, given a delimiter
for separating successive elements, and a flag that indicates
whether element labels should be included in the string.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.LabeledList
Return a string representation of this list with elements separated
by new lines, and element labels omitted from the representation.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.MapMapping
Return a string representation of this MapMapping.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Node
Return a string representation of the node.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Firing
Return a string representation of this Firing.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
Output a string representation of this Schedule.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter
Get the description and the registered extensions.
- toString() - Method in enum ptolemy.homer.kernel.LayoutParser.ScreenOrientation
Return the enumeration value in lowercase lettering.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoActionsList
- toString() - Method in interface ptolemy.kernel.util.DebugEvent
Return a string representation of this event.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Get a description of the class, which is the class name and
the location in parentheses.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedList
Return a string description of the list.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return the class name and the full name of the object,
with syntax "className {fullName}".
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Return a concise description of the object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a string representation of this Complex.
- toString(Complex) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Complex
Return a string representation of the given Complex.
- toString(Complex[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(Complex[], String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted
specified starting with vectorBegin, where each
successive element is separated by elementDelimiter
and ending with vectorEnd.
- toString(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(Complex[][], String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString(double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(double[], String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(double[][], String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a string representation of this number.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
Return a string representing this quantization.
- toString(float[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(float[], String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(float[][], String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Convert the fraction to a readable string.
- toString(Fraction[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(Fraction[], String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(Fraction[][], String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString(int[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(int[], String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(int[][], String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString(long[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(long[], String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Return a new String representing the array, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
in Java array initializers.
- toString(long[][], String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new String representing the matrix, formatted as
specified by the ArrayStringFormat argument.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Return the string representation of this overflow.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return a string representing this precision.
- toString(Precision.PrecisionFormat) - Method in class ptolemy.math.Precision
Return a string representation of this format in one of several
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
Return a string representing this quantization.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Return the string representation of this rounding.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.media.Audio
Return a readable representation of the header data.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Documentation
Get the documentation as a string, with the class name prepended.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddEditorFactory
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddIcon
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.AddMissingParameter
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.BackwardCompatibility
Return a string that describes all the filters.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ClassChanges
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.GRColorChanges
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.HideAnnotationNames
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.JavaScriptThisUpdate
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.LazyTypedCompositeActorChanges
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.MultiportToSinglePort
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.NamedObjClassesSeen
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.ParameterNameChanges
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortClassChanges
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PortNameChanges
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.PropertyClassChanges
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RelationWidthChanges
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveClasses
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveNonPtinyClasses
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveProperties
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in interface ptolemy.moml.MoMLFilter
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLUndoEntry
Return the MoML of the undo action.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.UndoContext
Return a string representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Token
Returns the image.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
- toString() - Method in interface ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitPresentation
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Vertex
Get a description of the class, which is the class name and
the location in parentheses.
- toString(Document) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.XSLTUtilities
Given a Document, generate a String.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.PortConnectSite
Return a string representation of this connect site.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Return a string representing this Icon.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.UpdateAnnotations
Return a string that describes what the filter does.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.Link
Return a string representation of this link.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.GraphicElement
Return a string this representing this GraphicElement.
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PortSite
- toString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- toString() - Method in class ptserver.control.Ticket
Return the ticket id.
- toString() - Method in class ptserver.data.RemoteEventToken
- toStringMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- toStringPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a string representation of this number along with
the Precision of the number.
- toStringValuePrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.math.FixPoint
Return a string representation of this number along with
the unscaled value and Precision of the number.
- totalBlue - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer.OctTreeNode
- totalGreen - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer.OctTreeNode
- totallyContainedEdges(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Return an iterator over the edges in a graph
which are totally contained within the given composite node.
- TotallyOrderedSet - Class in ptolemy.actor.util
An object of this class is a totally ordered set with an increasing order.
- TotallyOrderedSet(Comparator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.util.TotallyOrderedSet
Construct a set with the given comparator.
- totalMemory() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Return the approximate number of bytes used by current objects
and available for future object allocation.
- totalPackets - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Control
The totalPackets output port.
- totalRed - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.OctTreeQuantizer.OctTreeNode
- totalTime() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.util.Tic
How much time has passed since the object was created?
- toThreadDescription(Thread) - Static method in class util.testsuite.PrintThreads
Return a user friendly description of the thread.
- toToken() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityCounterexamples
Return a representation of the counterexample set as a Ptolemy Token.
- trace(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- trace() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- trace(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return the trace of a square matrix, which is the sum of the
diagonal entries A11 + A22 + ... + Ann
Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the matrix is not square.
- trace(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return the trace of a square matrix, which is the sum of the
diagonal entries A11 + A22 + ... + Ann
Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the matrix is not square.
- trace(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return the trace of a square matrix, which is the sum of the
diagonal entries A11 + A22 + ... + Ann
Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the matrix is not square.
- trace(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return the trace of a square matrix, which is the sum of the
diagonal entries A11 + A22 + ... + Ann
Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the matrix is not square.
- trace(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return the trace of a square matrix, which is the sum of the
diagonal entries A11 + A22 + ... + Ann
Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the matrix is not square.
- trace(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return the trace of a square matrix, which is the sum of the
diagonal entries A11 + A22 + ... + Ann
Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the matrix is not square.
- trace() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- traceEvaluation(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions
Evaluate the given string as an expression in the expression
- traceParseTreeEvaluation(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in interface ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.ParseTreeCodeGenerator
Trace the evaluation of the parse tree with the specified root
node using the specified scope to resolve the values of
- traceParseTreeEvaluation(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Trace the evaluation of the parse tree with the specified root
node using the specified scope to resolve the values of
- traceParseTreeEvaluation(ASTPtRootNode, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Trace the evaluation of the parse tree with the specified root
node using the specified scope to resolve the values of
- Track - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.lib
A model of a track in air traffic control systems.
- Track(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Track - Class in ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib
A model of a track in Train control systems.
- Track(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.Track
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- trackId - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
The trackId.
- trackId - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
The id of the track.
- trackStatus - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.StormHandling
The track status.
- TrackWriter - Class in ptolemy.domains.atc.lib
Write track records, one line at a time.
- TrackWriter(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- train() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails
Collect the solver details from the LatticeOntologySolver and store
the values received in the actor for future tests.
- train() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Run concept inference and save the inferred concept values.
- train() - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.tester.lib.Testable
Train the test.
- TrainableGaussianModel - Interface in org.ptolemy.ssm
An interface to define a trainable Gaussian model.
- trainedInitialSolverConstraints - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails
The string attribute holding the value of the initial solver constraints for
the LatticeOntologySolver.
- trainedResolvedSolverConstraints - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails
The string attribute holding the value of the resolved solver constraints for
the LatticeOntologySolver.
- TRAINING_MODE_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Exception message that is used if we are running under
the nightly build and the trainingMode parameter is true.
- TRAINING_MODE_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionAttribute
Exception message that is used if we are running under
the nightly build and the trainingMode parameter is true.
- TRAINING_MODE_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionHandler
Exception message that is used if we are running under
the nightly build and the trainingMode parameter is true.
- trainingMode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
If true, then do not check inputs, but rather collect them into
the correctValues array.
- trainingMode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
If true, then do not check inputs, but rather collect them into
the correctValues array.
- trainingMode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
If true, then do not check inputs, but rather collect them into
the correctValues array.
- trainingMode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionAttribute
If true, then collect the exception message and set the
correctExceptionMessage parameter with the content of the
- trainingMode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TestExceptionHandler
If true, then collect the exception message and set the
correctExceptionMessage parameter with the content of the
- trainingMode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TypeTest
If true, then do not check inputs, but rather collect them
into the portTypes and parameterTypes arrays.
- trainingMode - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Indicator of whether to invoke train() or test() on the Testable
- trajectory - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.PositionConstraintCalculator
- TransferableWrapper - Class in org.mlc.swing.layout
A wrapper for transferring data using drag and drop.
- TransferableWrapper(Object) - Constructor for class org.mlc.swing.layout.TransferableWrapper
Instantiate a TransferableWrapper.
- TransferFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
- TransferFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- transferFunction(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ContrastFilter
- transferFunction(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ExposureFilter
- transferFunction(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.GainFilter
- transferFunction(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RescaleFilter
- transferFunction(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SolarizeFilter
- transferFunction(float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter
- transferInput(String, short, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- transferInput(String, short, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer.OptimizerDirector
Transfer data from an input port of the
container to the ports it is connected to on the inside.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient.OptimizerDirector
Transfer data from an input port of the
container to the ports it is connected to on the inside.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Transfer data from an input port of the container to the ports
it is connected to on the inside.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
- transferInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Do nothing.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Transfer data from the specified input port of the
container to the ports it is connected to on the inside.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Override the base class to do nothing.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Override the base class method to transfer enough tokens to complete
an internal iteration.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Transfer data from an input port of the container to the ports
it is connected to on the inside.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Override the base class method to make sure that enough tokens
are available to complete one iteration.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Transfer data from an input port of the container to the ports
it is connected to on the inside.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Transfer data from the input port of the container to the ports
connected to the inside of the input port and on the mode
controller or the refinement of its current state.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Transfer data from the input port of the container to the
ports connected to the inside of the input port and on the
mode controller or the refinement of its current state.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.NonStrictFSMDirector
Override the super class by only transferring inputs for those
input ports that are referred by the guard expressions of the
preemptive transitions leaving the current state.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Override the base class method to transfer enough tokens to
complete an internal iteration.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Override the base class method to transfer enough tokens to
complete an internal iteration.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Transfer at most one token from an input
port of the container to the ports
it is connected to on the inside.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Transfer at most one token from an input
port of the container to the ports
it is connected to on the inside.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Don't read inputs as this is specifically scheduled by a TDLModule.
- transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Do nothing.
- transferOutput(String, short) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- transferOutput(String, short) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorOperations
- transferOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Transfer data from all output ports of the container to the
ports they are connected to on the outside.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Transfer data from an output port of the container to the
ports it is connected to on the outside.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.DoNothingDirector
- transferOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Do nothing.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Transfer data from the specified output port of the
container to the ports it is connected to on the outside.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Override the base class to do nothing.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Override the base class method to transfer enough tokens to
fulfill the output production rate.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
This is called by the outside director to get tokens
from an opaque composite actor.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
Transfer data from this port to the ports it is connected to on
the outside.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Transfer data from an output port of the current refinement actor
to the ports it is connected to on the outside.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Override the base class method to transfer enough tokens to
fulfill the output production rate.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Override the base class method to transfer enough tokens to
fulfill the output production rate.
- transferOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
For all inputs in the input queue of the container of this
actor, put the input token into the inside of the corresponding
output port and then transfer outputs from that port.
- transferOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
For all inputs in the input queue of the container of this
actor, put the input token into the inside of the corresponding
output port and then transfer outputs from that port.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLModuleDirector
Outputs are only transferred when scheduled, therefore do nothing if
transfer outputs is called by another actor.
- transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tester.kernel.TesterDirector
Do nothing.
- transferSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
The number of samples that will be transferred to the audio driver
- transferToken() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.Branch
Transfer a single token from the producer receiver to the
consumer receiver.
- transform(int, int, Point) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- transform(Point3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- transform(Vector3f) - Method in class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Matrix4f
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Transform this figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(RectangularShape, AffineTransform) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
- transform(Shape, AffineTransform) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Transform this figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Transform the connector.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Transform the terminal.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent
Transform the layer coordinates of the event with the given
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureWrapper
Transform the child figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.ImageFigure
Perform an affine transform on this
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Transform the label with the given transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelWrapper
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle
Update the geometry
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.FigureTutorial.CustomRectangle
Transform the object.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial.CloudFigure
Transform the object.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Transform the figure with the supplied transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Transform the label with the given transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Transform the polygon with the given transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Transform the polygon with the given transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Transform the polygon with the given transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Transform the polyline with the given transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Transform the polyline with the given transform.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Transform the polyline with the given transform.
- transform(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Transforms 2d or 3d points according the xytheta transform.
- transform(double[], List<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- transform(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- transform(Matrix, double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- transform(Matrix, List<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- transform(double[][], List<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- Transform - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An event to transform the model in the model parameter with the encapsulated
transformation rule.
- Transform(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Construct an event with the given name contained by the specified
composite entity.
- transform(TransformationRule, List<MatchResult>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Transform a list of match results with a transformation rule.
- transform(TransformationRule, List<MatchResult>, TransformationListener) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Transform a list of match results with a transformation rule.
- transform(TransformationRule, MatchResult) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Transform a match result with a transformation rule.
- transform(TransformationRule, MatchResult, TransformationListener) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Transform a match result with a transformation rule.
- transform(TransformationRule, CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationMode
Transform the model with the working copy.
- transform(TransformationRule, CompositeEntity, TransformationListener, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationMode
Transform the model with the working copy.
- Transform - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.image
Transform an image by either rotating or scaling it.
- Transform() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.Transform
- TRANSFORM - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- TRANSFORM - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- TRANSFORM - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- transform(String, CompilationUnit, Writer, String[], String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Transform the AST with given class paths, and output the result to
the writer.
- transform(String, Writer) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Transform the Java source in the file given by its name with no
explicit class path, and output the result to the writer.
- transform(String, Writer, String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Transform the Java source in the file given by its name with
given class paths, and output the result to the writer.
- transform(String, Writer, String[], String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Transform the Java source in the file given by its name with
given class paths, and output the result to the writer.
- transform(Document, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.XSLTUtilities
Transform a document.
- transform(Document, List) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.XSLTUtilities
Transform a document by applying a list of transforms.
- transform(String, FileWriter, List) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.XSLTUtilities
Transform a file by applying a list of XSL transforms.
- transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelativeLinkFigure
Set the given affine transformation for this figure.
- Transform.EmbeddedConfigurer - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
The configurer to be embedded in the transform event.
- transform1D(float[], float[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.FFT
- transform2D(float[], float[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.jhlabs.math.FFT
- transformation(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- transformation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- transformation(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- transformation_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- transformation_declaration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- transformation_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- TransformationActorController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationActorController
- TransformationActorGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationActorGraphController
- TransformationAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.controller
An attribute encapsulating a model transformation with the Ptera controller.
- TransformationAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- TransformationAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Construct an attribute in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- TransformationAttributeController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationAttributeController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeController
- TransformationAttributeController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeController
- TransformationAttributeController.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationAttributeEditorFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationAttributeEditorFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory
- TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.ExecutionThread - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationAttributeIcon - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationAttributeIcon(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeIcon
- TransformationDirector(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule.TransformationDirector
Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
- TransformationEditor - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
A graph editor frame for ptolemy graph transformation models.
- TransformationEditor(CompositeEntity, Tableau) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
Construct a frame associated with the specified case actor.
- TransformationEditor(CompositeEntity, Tableau, LibraryAttribute) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
Construct a frame associated with the specified case actor.
- TransformationEditor.MatchingAttributeActionsFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationActorController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationActorGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationExternalPortController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationFSMGraphController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationLinkController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationPortController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationRelationController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationStateController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEditor.TransformationTransitionController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformationEvaluator - Class in ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt
Parse transformation actor or values and set parameters of actors.
- TransformationEvaluator(PtalonActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.TransformationEvaluator
Construct transformation evaluator.
- TransformationException - Exception in ptolemy.actor.gt
An exception to be thrown in model transformation.
- TransformationException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationException
Construct an exception with a no specific detail message.
- TransformationException(Nameable, Nameable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of the first two arguments plus the third argument
- TransformationException(Nameable, Nameable, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationException
Construct an exception with a detail message that includes the
names of the first two arguments plus the third argument
- TransformationException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationException
Construct an exception with a detail message.
- TransformationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationException
Construct an exception with a detail message.
- TransformationExternalPortController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationExternalPortController
- TransformationFSMGraphController() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationFSMGraphController
- TransformationLinkController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationLinkController
- TransformationListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor.gt
A listener interface for changes caused in a model transformation.
- TransformationListener(PteraModalModel, CompositeEntity, BasicGraphFrame) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener
- TransformationMode - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A parameter that determines the transformation mode.
- TransformationMode(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationMode
Construct a parameter with the given name contained by the specified
- TransformationMode.Mode - Enum in ptolemy.actor.gt
The enumeration of accepted modes.
- TransformationPortController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationPortController
- TransformationRelationController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationRelationController
- TransformationRule - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A transformation rule that contains a pattern and a replacement.
- TransformationRule(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Construct a transformation rule with a name and a container.
- TransformationRule(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Construct a transformation rule in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- TransformationRule.TransformationDirector - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A director to be associated with this actor, which does nothing.
- TransformationStateController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationStateController
- TransformationTransitionController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationTransitionController
- transformBounds(Rectangle2D, AffineTransform) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Given a bounding-box rectangle, return a new rectangle
by transforming the argument rectangle and taking the bounding
box of the result.
- TransformContext - Class in diva.canvas
A transform context defines a transformed coordinate system.
- TransformContext(CanvasComponent) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Create a transform context associated with the
given display component.
- TransformedFigureTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial shows how to make custom figures that contain
their own TransformContext.
- TransformedFigureTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.TransformedFigureTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window.
- TransformedFigureTutorial.CloudFigure - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
CloudFigure is a class that paints itself as a
translucent "cloud."
- transformedSpace - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
The output image rectangle.
- transformedSpace - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.WholeImageFilter
The output image bounds.
- transformedVersionOf(Object) - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.Transformer
Return the transformed version of a given object in the original graph.
- transformedVersionOf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.MirrorTransformation
Return the transformed version of a given object in the original graph.
- transformedVersionOf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ClusterNodesTransformerStrategy
Unsupported operation.
- transformedVersionOf(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.MirrorTransformerStrategy
Return the transformed version of a given object in the original graph.
- Transformer - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
This is an abstract base class for actors that transform
an input stream into an output stream.
- Transformer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Transformer
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Transformer - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
A tool to transform Java source programs to support backtracking.
- Transformer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
A base interface for transformers.
- TransformerAdapter - Class in ptolemy.copernicus.kernel
An adapter that turns a body transformer into a scene transformer.
- TransformerAdapter(BodyTransformer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.TransformerAdapter
Construct a new transformer
- TransformerAdapter(List) - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.TransformerAdapter
Construct a new transformer that executes the list of body
- TransformEventController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformEventController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformEventController
- TransformEventController(GraphController, AttributeController.Access) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformEventController
- TransformEventController.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.gt
- TransformFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
An abstract superclass for filters which distort images in some way.
- TransformFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
- transformInto(Point2D, TransformContext, TransformContext) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CircleFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CurlFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DiffuseFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.DisplaceFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.FieldWarpFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.KaleidoscopeFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MapFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.OffsetFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PinchFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PolarFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SphereFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.SwimFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
Inverse transform a point.
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
- transformInverse(int, int, float[]) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter
- transformInverse(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- transformInverseRotateOnly(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- transformModel(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.ui.BacktrackTransformer
Transform a model by replacing the actors with existing backtracking
versions, and return the resulting model.
- transformModify(Shape, AffineTransform) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Transform a shape with the supplied transform.
- transformModifyRect(RectangularShape, AffineTransform) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
In-place transform of a rectangular shape.
- transformPlane(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Let nd be the coefficients of the plane equation Ax + By + Cz
+ D = 0.
- transformPlanes(double[][], ArrayList<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- transformProperties(RecordToken, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Transform the transmission property to take into account
channel losses, noise, etc., for transmission between the
specified source and the specified destination.
- transformProperties(RecordToken, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.PropertyTransformer
Modify the transmission properties and return a new token with the
- transformProperties(RecordToken, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.PowerLossChannel
Transform the properties to take into account channel losses,
noise, etc., for transmission between the specified sender
and the specified receiver.
- transformProperties(RecordToken, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TerrainProperty
Check whether the path between the sender and receiver is
intersected with the terrain shape.
- transformProperties(RecordToken, WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Set the senderLocation, receiverLocation, and
properties variables and execute the contained model.
- transformRotateOnly(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- TransformRule - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform
Transformation rule to be executed by
while it
traverses the program AST.
- TransformRule() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.TransformRule
- transformSpace(Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.PerspectiveFilter
- transformSpace(Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
- transformSpace(Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter
- transformSpace(Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.ShearFilter
- transformSpace(Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.TransformFilter
Forward transform a rectangle.
- transformSpace(Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WarpFilter
- transformSpace(Rectangle) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.WholeImageFilter
Calculate output bounds for given input bounds.
- transId(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMTerm
- TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute - Class in ptolemy.kernel.util
- TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute() - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute
Construct a new attribute with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute
Construct a new attribute with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.kernel.util.TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given container and name.
- TransientState - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A state that is passed through in a firing of the FSM.
- TransientState(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.TransientState
Construct a transient state.
- Transition - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel
A Transition has a source state and a destination state.
- Transition(FSMActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Construct a transition with the given name contained by the specified
- Transition(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Construct a transition in the given workspace with an empty string
as a name.
- Transition - Class in ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel
A Transition to be used as part of a Petri Net and in
conjunction with the PetriNetDirector.
- Transition(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.petrinet.kernel.Transition
Construct a new Transition.
- TransitionController - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
This class provides interaction techniques for transitions in an FSM.
- TransitionController(GraphController) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
Create a transition controller associated with the specified graph
- TransitionController.LinkDropper - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
An inner class that handles interactive changes to connectivity.
- TransitionController.LinkRenderer - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
Render a link.
- TransitionController.LinkTarget - Class in ptolemy.vergil.modal
A Link target.
- TransitionEditorPaneFactory - Class in ptolemy.actor.gui
An editor for a transition.
- TransitionEditorPaneFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gui.TransitionEditorPaneFactory
Construct a factory with the specified container and name.
- TransitionFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which uses another filter to perform a transition.
- TransitionFilter(BufferedImageOp, String, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.TransitionFilter
Construct a TransitionFilter.
- TransitionMatcher - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt
A matcher to match any transition in an FSM controller or scheduling relation
in a Ptera controller.
- TransitionMatcher(FSMActor, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransitionMatcher
Construct a transition matcher with the given name contained by the
specified entity.
- transitionMatrix - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
The transition probability matrix of the hidden markov chain.
- transitionMatrix - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The transition matrix estimate obtained by iterating over the observation set.
- transitionMatrix - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The transition matrix estimate obtained by iterating over the
observation set.
- transitionMatrix - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Transition Probability matrix estimate.
- transitionMatrixEstimationMethod - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Transition Matrix partitioning options.
- TransitionRefinement - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
Transition refinements provide a way to use composite actors which are run
whenever a transition is taken in an FSM modal, much in the same way
that State refinements are run every time an FSM is in a particular state.
- TransitionRefinement(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinement
Construct a modal controller with a name and a container.
- TransitionRefinementPort - Class in ptolemy.domains.modal.modal
A port for transition refinements in modal models.
- TransitionRefinementPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinementPort
Construct a port in the given workspace.
- TransitionRefinementPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinementPort
Construct a port with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- transitiveClosure() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Return transitive closure for the graph.
- TransitiveClosureAnalysis - Class in ptolemy.graph.analysis
An analysis for the computation of transitive closure of a directed graph.
- TransitiveClosureAnalysis(Graph) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.TransitiveClosureAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class for a given graph with
a default analyzer.
- TransitiveClosureAnalysis(TransitiveClosureAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.graph.analysis.TransitiveClosureAnalysis
Construct an instance of this class with a given analyzer.
- TransitiveClosureAnalyzer - Interface in ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer
An interface to the analyzers for the computation of transitive closure
of a directed graph.
- transitiveClosureMatrix() - Method in interface ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer.TransitiveClosureAnalyzer
Return the transitive closure of the graph under analysis in the
form of two dimensional array.
- transitiveClosureMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy
Compute the transitive closure of the graph under analysis in the
form of two dimensional array.
- transitiveClosureMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.TransitiveClosureAnalysis
Compute the transitive closure of the graph under analysis in the
form of two dimensional array.
- translatable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewLayers3D
Boolean variable that determines whether the user can
translate the model with the mouse.
- translatable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Boolean variable that determines if the user is allowed to
translate the scene.
- translatable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Boolean variable that determines whether the user can
translate the model with the mouse.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
Move the figure the indicated distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
Translate this figure by the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
Translate the site by the indicated distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Translate this pane the given distance.
- translate(Figure, double, int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Translate a figure the given distance in the direction given
by the flag.
- translate(Point2D, double, int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Translate a point the given distance in the direction given
by the flag.
- translate(Point2D.Double, double, int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Translate a point the given distance in the direction given
by the flag.
- translate(Point2D.Float, double, int) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Translate a point the given distance in the direction given
by the flag.
- translate(Shape, double, double) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Translate this figure the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Translate the connector.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Translate the connector.
- translate(LayerEvent, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcInteractor
Respond to translation of the grab-handle.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Translate the origin by the given amount.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Translate the site by the indicated distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Translate the origin by the given amount.
- translate(double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEnd
Translate the connector end by the given amount.
- translate(LayerEvent, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Respond to translation of the grab-handle.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
Translate the connector.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightConnector
Translate the connector.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.StraightTerminal
Translate the terminal.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
Move the figure the indicated distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Figure
Move the figure the indicated distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Translate the figure by the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandle
Translating a grab-handle moves its site, but _doesn't_
move the grab-handle itself (that will be handled by the
reshape manipulator).
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite
Translate the site by the indicated distance,
where distances are in the local coordinates of the
containing pane.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Translate the geometry object
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry.CircleSite
Translate the site by the indicated distance,
where distances are in the local coordinates of the
containing pane.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CircleGeometry
Translate the geometry object
- translate(LayerEvent, double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Translate the target by the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Geometry
Translate the geometry object.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.MoveHandle
Translating a grab-handle moves its parent object, but _doesn't_
move the grab-handle itself.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.CloseSegment
Translate the site by the indicated distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry
Translate the geometry object
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.PathGeometry.Vertex
Translate the site by the indicated distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.PaneWrapper
Translate this pane wrapper the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in interface diva.canvas.Site
Translate the site by the indicated distance, where distances
are in the local coordinates of the containing pane.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.SiteDecorator
Translate the site by the indicated distance, where distances
are in the local coordinates of the containing pane.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicRectangle
Translate the rectangle the given distance
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Translate the figure the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.RoundedRectangle
Translate the rectangle the given distance
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.SwingWrapper
Translate the figure by the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Translate this context the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle
Update the geometry
- translate(Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Translate the figure associated with the given node in the
target's view by the given delta.
- translate(Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.layout.LayoutTarget
Translate the figure associated with the given node in the
target's view by the given delta.
- translate(LayerEvent, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.NodeDragInteractor
Drag all selected nodes and move any attached edges
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.StateBubble
Translate the figure with by the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedString
Translate the label the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
Translate the polygon the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
Translate the polygon the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
Translate the polygon the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
Translate the polyline the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
Translate the polyline the given distance.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
Translate the polyline the given distance.
- translate(double[]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Return the 4x4 transformation matrix corresponding to translations in x, y, and z
- translate(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
Return the 4x4 transformation matrix corresponding to translations in x, y, and z
- translate(double, double) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- translate(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
- translate(LayerEvent, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeDragInteractor
Drag all selected nodes and move any attached edges.
- Translate2D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
This actor represents a translation of a two-dimensional GR scene.
- Translate2D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate2D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Translate3D - Class in ptolemy.domains.gr.lib
Conceptually, this actor takes 3D geometry in its input and
produces a translated version in its output.
- Translate3D(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- translateExpression(String) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMExpTranslator
- translateKeyToLetterNote(double, boolean) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
Translate a MIDI key to its equivalent letter note representation.
- translateLetterToKeyIndex(String) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
Translate a letter note to MIDI key.
- translateMidpoint(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Translate the midpoint of the arc.
- translateModify(Shape, double, double) - Static method in class diva.util.java2d.ShapeUtilities
Translate a shape the given distance.
- translateNoteToKey(String) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.MusicSpecs
Translate a letter note to MIDI key.
- translateParseTree(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMExpTranslator
- TranslateSmvAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.TranslateSmvAction
Create a new action to perform composition.
- translateTo(Figure, double, double) - Static method in class diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities
Move a figure so that its origin is located at the given
- translateTo(double, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Translate the label so that the current anchor is located
at the given point.
- translateTo(Point2D) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Translate the label so that the current anchor is located
at the given point.
- translation - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.MultipleConceptIcon
The amount of translation to apply to the background figure.
- transmit(Token, WirelessIOPort, RecordToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Transmit the specified token from the specified port with the
specified properties.
- transmit(Token, WirelessIOPort, RecordToken) - Method in interface ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessChannel
Transmit the specified token from the specified port with the
specified properties.
- TransmitPropertyTransformer - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
This actor reads input tokens and sends them unmodified to the output;
its role is not to operate on input tokens, but rather to modify the
properties of a transmission.
- TransmitPropertyTransformer(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- transparency - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The transparency, where 0.0 means opaque (the default) and 1.0
means fully transparent.
- TRANSPARENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- TRANSPARENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- TRANSPARENT - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- transparent_relation_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- transparent_relation_declaration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- transparent_relation_declaration(AST) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- transpose(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.LinAlg
- transpose() - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- transpose(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by transposing the input
- transpose(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by transposing the input
- transpose(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by transposing the input
- transpose(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by transposing the input
- transpose(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by transposing the input
- transpose(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a new matrix that is constructed by transposing the input
- transposeAsColumn(Matrix, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- transposeAsColumn(Matrix, int, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.CSRVec
- transposeAsColumn(Matrix, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- transposeAsColumn(Matrix, int, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.DenseVec
- transposeAsColumn(Matrix, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Insert this vector as column 'col' in matrix A.
- transposeAsColumn(Matrix, int, int, int) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Vec
Transpose only the elements at indices [i0,i1] inclusive.
- transposeTimes(double[]) - Method in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.Matrix
- transposeType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAITranspose
The type of transposing to do.
- TRAP - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
Singleton implementing Trap overflow strategy.
- TreeEditor - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
An application that shows the elements of a Ptolemy II model in a JTree.
- TreeEditor(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeEditor
Construct a display of the Ptolemy II model given by the
specified MoML file.
- TreeEditorPanel - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A panel that displays a Ptolemy II model in a JTree.
- TreeEditorPanel(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeEditorPanel
Construct a display of the Ptolemy II model given by the
specified MoML file.
- TreeEditorPanel(String, TreeCellRenderer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeEditorPanel
Construct a display of the Ptolemy II model given by the
specified MoML file.
- TreeFrame(CompositeEntity) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeTableau.TreeFrame
Construct a TreeFrame containing a tree view of the specified
composite entity.
- TreeTableau - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
A tree view for ptolemy models.
- TreeTableau(PtolemyEffigy, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeTableau
Construct a new tableau for the model represented by the given effigy.
- TreeTableau.Factory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
This is a factory that creates tree-view tableaux for Ptolemy models.
- TreeTableau.TreeFrame - Class in ptolemy.vergil.tree
This is a top-level window containing a tree-view of a composite
- TreeUpdateListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel.TreeUpdateListener
- treeViewFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultTableau.Factory
- TrellisDecoder - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.comm
The TrellisDecoder is a generalization of the ViterbiDecoder.
- TrellisDecoder(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.TrellisDecoder
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- trellisDecoding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.ViterbiDecoder
Boolean defining whether the decoder will do trellis decoding.
- trials - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
The total number of trials to assign.
- triangle(float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
The triangle function.
- TRIANGLE - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter
Triangle wave ripples.
- TRIANGLE - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Triangle style.
- triangle(double, double, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing
Return a sample of a triangle wave with the specified period and
phase at the specified time.
- TRIANGULAR - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- Triangular - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce a random sequence with a triangular distribution.
- Triangular(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.Triangular
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- Triangulator - Class in ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib
Given inputs that represent the location of a sensor and the time at
which those sensors detect an event, this actor outputs the location
of the source of the event.
- Triangulator(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Triangulator
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TrigFunction - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the specified trigonometric function of the input.
- TrigFunction(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
- TrigFunction - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
An adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction.
- TrigFunction(TrigFunction) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Construct a TrigFunction adapter.
- TrigFunction - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for TrigFunction.
- TrigFunction(TrigFunction) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Construct a TrigFunction adapter.
- TrigFunction - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib
A adapter class for TrigFunction.
- TrigFunction(TrigFunction) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Construct a TrigFunction adapter.
- trigger - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.ChordFollower
Trigger to begin counting.
- trigger - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Trigger generation.
- trigger - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
The trigger.
- trigger - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizer
- trigger - Variable in class org.ptolemy.optimization.CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
The trigger port.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioCapture
The trigger port.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
The trigger.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramReader
The trigger input port reads and discards a token from each
channel that has a token.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Sampler
The trigger port, which has undeclared type.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyReader
The trigger port.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Source
The trigger port.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixConst
The trigger port.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixSequence
The trigger port.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
The trigger port.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
The trigger port, which has undeclared type.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
The trigger port, which has undeclared type.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TestActorPortDepth
The trigger.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.luminary.TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler
The input port.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.Align
The trigger port, which has undeclared type.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GetProperties
Port that triggers execution.
- trigger - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
A trigger input to cause this actor to fire in domains
that require a trigger.
- TriggeredClock - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
- TriggeredClock(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TriggeredClock
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
- triggerKeys - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
Upon receiving any token at this port, this actor will produce
on the keys output an array containing all the keys of entries
in the dictionary.
- triggerOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.net.DatagramWriter
The triggerOutput port.
- triggerQuantizationEvent(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Form a new external, quantized state model.
- triggerQuantizationEvents(boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Form new external, quantized state models.
- triggerRateEvent() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Form new internal, continuous state models.
- triggerRateEvent(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Form new internal, continuous state models.
- triggers - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.SchedulingRelation
A comma-separated list of port names and variable names to be
- triggerValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Dictionary
Upon receiving any token at this port, this actor will produce
on the values output an array containing all the values of entries
in the dictionary.
- trimModelName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIEventBuilder
Trims the substring from the beginning to the first delimiter '.' from a
given string.
- trimSpaces - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVReader
If true, then trim spaces around each field name and value.
- trimSpaces - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringSplit
If true, then trim spaces around each resulting string.
- TritoneFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A filter which performs a tritone conversion on an image.
- TritoneFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.TritoneFilter
- TRUE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- TRUE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- TRUE - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- TRUE - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
True-valued token.
- TRUE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationType
Relation type a relation node that is evaluated to be true while the
relation operation is not equal or inequal.
- TRUEBRANCH - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes
- TRUEBRANCH - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes
- TRUEBRANCH - Static variable in interface ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonTokenTypes
- trueExit - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Conditional
- TrueGate - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
On each firing, output true if the input is present and true.
- TrueGate(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.TrueGate
Construct an actor in the specified container with the specified
- TrueGate - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic
A code generation adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.TrueGate.
- TrueGate(TrueGate) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.TrueGate
Construct the Comparator adapter.
- trueInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanMultiplexor
Input for tokens on the true path.
- trueInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Input for tokens on the true path.
- trueInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
Input for tokens on the true path.
- trueInput - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
Input for tokens on the true path.
- trueInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
Input for tokens on the true path.
- trueInput_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for trueInput.
- trueInput_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for trueInput.
- trueInput_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for trueInput.
- trueInput_tokenConsumptionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.DDFBooleanSelect
This parameter provides token consumption rate for trueInput.
- trueOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Output for tokens on the true path.
- trueOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
Output for tokens on the true path.
- trueOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanSwitch
Output for tokens on the true path.
- trueOutput_tokenProductionRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ConfigurationSwitch
This parameter provides token consumption rate for trueOutput.
- trueProbability - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Bernoulli
The probability of true.
- trueValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.BooleanToAnything
The value produced at the output when a true input is read.
- truncate(double, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
- truncate(BigDecimal, Precision) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
- truncate(FixPoint, Precision, Overflow) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Quantizer
- TRUNCATE - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
Singleton implementing truncate rounding strategy.
- truncatedUnsignedByteValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return the value in the token truncated to an unsignedByte.
- truncateString(String, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a string with a maximum line length of lineLength
and a maximum number of lines numberOfLines.
- tryEncoding(byte[], byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Check for a four-byte signature.
- tryEncoding(byte[], byte, byte) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Check for a two-byte signature.
- tryEncodingDecl(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Check for an encoding declaration.
- tryRead(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return true if we can read the expected character.
- tryRead(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return true if we can read the expected string.
- tryRetrieveServiceId(File) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.rmi.DistributedServerRMIGeneric
Try to load the service ID from file.
- tryWhitespace() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return true if we can read some whitespace.
- TTESwitch - Class in ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect
- TTESwitch(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.TTESwitch
Construct a TTESwitch with a name and a container.
- Tuple<E> - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.data
Generic tuple data structure.
- Tuple(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.Tuple
Construct a tuple containing all the elements of the given collection.
- Tuple(E...) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.Tuple
Construct a tuple with all the given elements.
- Tuple3f - Class in com.jhlabs.vecmath
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
- Tuple3f() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- Tuple3f(float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- Tuple3f(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- Tuple3f(Tuple3f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple3f
- Tuple4f - Class in com.jhlabs.vecmath
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
- Tuple4f() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- Tuple4f(float[]) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- Tuple4f(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- Tuple4f(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.vecmath.Tuple4f
- TupleToken - Class in ptolemy.data
A token that contains an ordered set of tokens.
- TupleToken(Token[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Construct a TupleToken with the specified token array as its value.
- TupleType - Class in ptolemy.data.type
A class representing the type of a FunctionToken.
- TupleType(Type[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Construct a new TupleType with the specified argument types
and the given return type.
- tupleValue() - Method in class ptolemy.data.TupleToken
Return an array of tokens populated with the contents of this
array token.
- turbulence - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- turbulence - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.PlasmaFilter
- turbulence - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.TextureFilter
- turbulence2(float, float, float) - Method in class com.jhlabs.image.CellularFilter
- turbulence2(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
Compute turbulence using Perlin noise.
- turbulence3(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.jhlabs.math.Noise
Compute turbulence using Perlin noise.
- TurbulenceFunction - Class in com.jhlabs.math
- TurbulenceFunction(Function2D, float) - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.math.TurbulenceFunction
- turnOffDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Turns off debugging option.
- turnOffDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Turns off printing debugging info.
- turnOffDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.TimeScheduler
Turn off debugging printing.
- turnOnDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MappingConstraintSolver
Turns on debugging option.
- turnOnDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDebugger
Turns on printing debugging info.
- turnOnDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.TimeScheduler
Turn on debugging printing.
- TwirlFilter - Class in com.jhlabs.image
A Filter which distorts an image by twisting it from the centre out.
- TwirlFilter() - Constructor for class com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter
Construct a TwirlFilter with no distortion.
- TWO_PI - Static variable in class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
The value of two pi as a float.
- twopi - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- twopi_inv - Static variable in class edu.umich.eecs.april.jmat.MathUtil
- TwoWayHashMap<K,V> - Class in ptolemy.actor.gt.data
A hash map that has one-to-one relationship between keys and values.
- TwoWayHashMap() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Construct an empty two-way hash map.
- TwoWayHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Construct a two-way hash map with the given hash map, which must have a
one-to-one relationship between elements.
- TwoWayHashMap(int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Construct an empty two-way hash map with an initial capacity.
- TwoWayHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.TwoWayHashMap
Construct an empty two-way hash map with an initial capacity and a load
- type - Variable in class com.jhlabs.image.LightFilter.Light
- type - Variable in class org.mlc.swing.layout.BeanProperty
- type - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMI20ModelInstance
The type.
- type - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIScalarVariable
The value of the type xml attribute.
- type() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHelper
- type() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper
- type() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHelper
- type() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHelper
- type() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHelper
- type() - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHelper
- type - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame
The type of the frame.
- TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Indicate that the description(int) method should include
information about the type of this port.
- Type - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
During AST analysis, a type is assigned to each expression or
sub-expression (which can be as simple as reference to a local variable)
in a Java program.
- type() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.Port
Return whether the rate of the port.
- TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ActorToken
Singleton reference to this type.
- Type - Interface in ptolemy.data.type
An interface representing the type of a Token.
- TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.Scene2DToken
The Scene2DType.
- TYPE - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.SceneGraphToken
The type of a SceneGraphToken.
- type - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArcAttribute
The type of the arc, which should be one of "chord", "open", or "pie".
- TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.util.ProtoBuf.metroIIcomm.Event
- Typeable - Interface in ptolemy.data.type
Interface for objects with types.
- TypeAnalyzer - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
A type analyzer for Java Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) generated by
- TypeAnalyzer() - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Construct an analyzer with no explicit class path for its
class loader (an instanceof
- TypeAnalyzer(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Construct an analyzer with with an array of explicit class
paths for its class loader (an instanceof
- TypeAnalyzerState - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
The state of a type analyzer.
- TypeAnalyzerState(TypeAnalyzer) - Constructor for class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzerState
Construct a state object for a type analyzer.
- TypeAnalyzerState.CurrentClassElement - Class in ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast
A table to hold the current class, which is the only object in the
- TypeAnimatorApplet - Class in ptolemy.vergil
An applet that demonstrates the Ptolemy II type system.
- TypeAnimatorApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.TypeAnimatorApplet
- TypeAttribute - Class in ptolemy.actor
An attribute for defining a data type for a port.
- TypeAttribute(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypeAttribute
Construct a parameter in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- TypeAttribute(TypedIOPort, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypeAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- TypeAttribute(Attribute, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypeAttribute
Construct an attribute with the given name contained by the specified
- typeChanged(TypeEvent) - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.TypeListener
React to the fact that the type of a Typeable is changed.
- typeChanged() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.RelationNode
Return true if the type changed and the previous type
information is valid.
- typeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TypeConflictException - Exception in ptolemy.actor
Thrown on detecting type conflicts.
- TypeConflictException(List) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.TypeConflictException
Construct an Exception with a list of Inequality instances where
type conflicts occurred.
- TypeConflictException(List, String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.actor.TypeConflictException
Construct an Exception with a list of Inequality instances where
type conflicts occurred.
- TypeConstant - Class in ptolemy.data.type
An InequalityTerm that encapsulates a constant type.
- TypeConstant(Type) - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.TypeConstant
Construct a TypeConstant.
- typeConstraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
- typeConstraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
- typeConstraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
- typeConstraintList() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.StateMatcher
Return an empty list.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Return an empty list.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray
Override the base class to ensure that the input ports of this
actor all have array types.
- typeConstraints() - Method in interface ptolemy.actor.TypedActor
Return the type constraints of this actor.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Return the type constraints of this actor.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Return the type constraints of this typed composite actor.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Return the type constraints of this port in the form of a
set of inequalities.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypeOpaqueCompositeActor
Return the type constraints of this actor.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return the type constraints of this variable.
- typeConstraints() - Method in interface ptolemy.data.type.HasTypeConstraints
Return the type constraints of this object.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return the type constraints of this object.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the type constraints of this actor.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Return the type constraints of this port in the form of a
set of inequalities.
- typeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return the type constraints of this actor.
- typeConvertMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TypedActor - Interface in ptolemy.actor
A TypedActor is an actor whose ports have types.
- TypedAtomicActor - Class in ptolemy.actor
A TypedAtomicActor is an AtomicActor whose ports and parameters have types.
- TypedAtomicActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- TypedAtomicActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- TypedAtomicActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.actor
A TypedCompositeActor is an aggregation of typed actors.
- TypedCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct a TypedCompositeActor in the default workspace with no
container and an empty string as its name.
- TypedCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct a TypedCompositeActor in the specified workspace with
no container and an empty string as a name.
- TypedCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct a TypedCompositeActor with a name and a container.
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor
JavaScript Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
- TypedCompositeActor(TypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
- TypedCompositeActor(TypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
- TypedCompositeActor(TypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.html.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
- TypedCompositeActor(TypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor
A C adapter class for ptolemy.actor.lib.TypedCompositeActor.
- TypedCompositeActor(TypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Constructor method for the CompositeActor adapter.
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
- TypedCompositeActor(TypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmima.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
- TypedCompositeActor(TypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.fmimahybrid.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- TypedCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.test.actor
Test class for codegen.kernel.ActorCodeGenerator.
- TypedCompositeActor(TypedCompositeActor) - Constructor for class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.test.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Construct the code generator adapter associated
with the given TypedCompositeActor.
- TypedDecorator - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A FigureDecorator implementation which simply acts as a
set of prototypes which can be instantiated according to
the type of object the decorator is applied to.
- TypedDecorator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.TypedDecorator
A typed decorator that uses a BasicHighlighter
as its default.
- TypedDecorator(FigureDecorator) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.TypedDecorator
A typed decorator with the given decorator
as its default.
- typeDefinitions - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMIModelDescription
A map from TypeDefinition type name declarations to the defined type
- TypedIOPort - Class in ptolemy.actor
An IOPort with a type.
- TypedIOPort() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Construct a TypedIOPort with no container and no name that is
neither an input nor an output.
- TypedIOPort(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Construct a port in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- TypedIOPort(ComponentEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Construct a TypedIOPort with a containing actor and a name
that is neither an input nor an output.
- TypedIOPort(ComponentEntity, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Construct a TypedIOPort with a container and a name that is
either an input, an output, or both, depending on the third
and fourth arguments.
- TypedIOPort.RunTimeTypeCheckException - Exception in ptolemy.actor
Exception class for run-time type errors.
- TypedIORelation - Class in ptolemy.actor
This class overrides some of the methods in IORelation to ensure that
TypedIOPorts are only connected to TypedIOPorts.
- TypedIORelation() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation
Construct a relation in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- TypedIORelation(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation
Construct a relation in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- TypedIORelation(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation
Construct a relation with the given name contained by the specified
- TypedNodeRenderer - Class in diva.graph.toolbox
A NodeRenderer implementation which allows a user to add different
specialized node renderers which are called selectively, based on
the type of the user object that is contained in the node that is
being rendered.
- TypedNodeRenderer(GraphController, NodeRenderer) - Constructor for class diva.graph.toolbox.TypedNodeRenderer
A typed node renderer with the given node renderer
as its default (i.e. how to render a node if it
has a type that is not understood by this renderer).
- TypeEvent - Class in ptolemy.actor
A TypeEvent represents a type change on a Typeable object.
- TypeEvent(Typeable, Type, Type) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypeEvent
Construct a TypeEvent, with the specified Typeable and the
old and new types.
- TypeInference(Pattern, MatchResult) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.TypeInference
Construct a type inference.
- TypeLattice - Class in ptolemy.data.type
Type hierarchy for token classes.
- TypeLattice() - Constructor for class ptolemy.data.type.TypeLattice
- typeLatticeClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.PtolemyUtilities
- TypeListener - Interface in ptolemy.actor
An interface implemented by objects that are interested in being kept
informed about type changes in a Typeable object.
- TypeOpaqueCompositeActor - Class in ptolemy.actor
A composite actor whose ports have types, but the actors inside are
not required to be typed.
- TypeOpaqueCompositeActor() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypeOpaqueCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the default workspace with an empty string
as its name.
- TypeOpaqueCompositeActor(Workspace) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypeOpaqueCompositeActor
Construct an actor in the specified workspace with an empty
string as a name.
- TypeOpaqueCompositeActor(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.TypeOpaqueCompositeActor
Create a new actor in the specified container with the specified
- TypeOpaqueCompositeActorTableauFactory - Class in ptolemy.vergil.actor
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for untyped models.
- TypeOpaqueCompositeActorTableauFactory(NamedObj, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.vergil.actor.TypeOpaqueCompositeActorTableauFactory
Create an factory with the given name and container.
- TypeParser - Class in ptserver.util
This is a helper class that parses string into a type.
- TypeParser() - Constructor for class ptserver.util.TypeParser
- types() - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Constants
Return a map from names to types, with the names sorted alphabetically.
- TYPES - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkType
The types of the RecordType fields.
- TYPES - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkModelTimeType
The types of the RecordType fields.
- TYPES - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkRealTimeType
The types of the RecordType fields.
- typeSelector - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaSubscriber
The type of the output port specified through the user interface.
- TypeTest - Class in ptolemy.actor.lib
An actor that can be used for regression test of the type resolution
- TypeTest(CompositeEntity, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.lib.TypeTest
Construct an actor with an input multiport.
- _A - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Cached transition matrix value.
- _A0 - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
User-defined initial guess array for the state transition matrix.
- _A0 - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
User-defined initial guess array for the state transition matrix.
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Override the base class to open the intro.htm splash window,
which is in the directory ptolemy/configs.
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Open a dialog with basic information about this window.
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Display basic information about the application.
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Display basic information about the application.
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Display a menu that describes the Plotter.
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Display basic information about the application.
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Display basic information about the application.
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
- _about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Display basic information about the application.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Return this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolute() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return a ScalarToken containing the absolute value of the
value of this token.
- _absolutePTIIURLToJarURL(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewerTableau
If possible convert an absolute URL that refers to a file inside
the $PTII tree to a jar URL.
- _acceptFMU(FMIModelDescription) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Determine if the model description is acceptable.
- _acceptFMU(FMIModelDescription) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUQSS
Determine if the model description is acceptable.
- _access - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
The access level defined in the constructor.
- _accessorReloader - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor.ReloadAccessors
- _acfac - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Acceleration factor for step length control
- _action - Variable in class diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor
- _action - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ActionGUIProperty
The action.
- _actions - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _activeCount - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
The count of currently executing runs.
- _actor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
The JavaScript actor that this is helping.
- _actor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
The JavaScript actor that this is helping.
- _actor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessThread
The actor that to be executed.
- _actor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
The actor in which this PtalonCompilerInfo is used.
- _actor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonMLHandler
The actor that created this handler.
- _actor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
The associated actor.
- _actor - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _actor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
The destination actor.
- _Actor(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Construct an instance of Actor, providing its name, repetition vector
count and profile information.
- _actorDelayed(double, CSPActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Called by a CSPActor when it wants to delay.
- _actorDepthVersion - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Workspace version when actor depth was last computed.
- _actorDictionary - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
The list of actors governed by MetroIIDEDirector.
- _actorEnabled(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Schedule the pulled inactive actor to fire.
- _actorFinished(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true if the actor finished execution.
- _actorFired() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Perform book keeping procedures after an actor firing.
- _actorFiring(FiringEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Send an actor firing event to all actor firing listeners that
have registered with this actor.
- _actorFiring(FiringEvent.FiringEventType, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Send an actor firing event type to all actor firing listeners that
have registered with this actor.
- _actorFiring(FiringEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Send an actor firing event to all actor firing listeners that
have registered with this actor.
- _actorFiring(FiringEvent.FiringEventType, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Send an actor firing event type to all actor firing listeners that
have registered with this actor.
- _actorFiringListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
The list of ActorFiringListeners registered with this object.
- _actorFiringListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
The list of ActorFiringListeners registered with this object.
- _actorGraph - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
The DirectedGraph for the model.
- _actorGraphNodeList - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Hashtable of actors to graph nodes
FIXME: Is there a better way to do this?
- _actorInitialized() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessThread
Notify that the actor has been initialized.
- _actorInterpreter - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _actorPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.ExpandPortNames
- _actors - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory
Contains the actors inside a ptides platform (=platforms).
- _actors - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Actors decorated by this aspect.
- _actors - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Actors decorated by this aspect.
- _actorsAllowedToFire - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
The set of actors that have returned true in their prefire() methods
in the current iteration.
- _actorsFinished - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Actors that just got granted all the resources they needed for
execution but have not actually been fired yet.
- _actorsFinishedExecution - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Set of actors that have returned false from postfire(),
indicating that they do not wish to be iterated again.
- _actorsFinishedFiring - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
The set of actors that have been fired in this iteration with
all inputs known.
- _actorsFired - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Actors that were fired in the most recent invocation of the fire() method.
- _actorsInExecution - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Actors and their matching events currently in execution and waiting
for resources.
- _actorToDepth - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
A table giving the depths of actors.
- _actuatorCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the actuator.
- _actuatorCode(StringBuffer, TDLModule) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the actuator.
- _actuatorPins - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
- _adapter - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator
The property adapter that contains the top level model
component containing actors that could be referenced
by the node label.
- _adapters - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector
The list of ontology adapters for each node in the AST.
- _adapterStore - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
The HashMap that caches components and their PropertyAdapter objects.
- _add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token added to the value of this token.
- _add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token added to the value of this token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Subtract is not supported for Dates.
- _add(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _add(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return a new token whose value is the field-wise addition of
this token and the argument.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token added to the value of this token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the
argument Token added to the value of this Token.
- _add(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return a new token whose value is the sum of this token and
the argument.
- _add(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of this Token.
- _ADD - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
- _add(JContextMenu, Action, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Add an action to the context menu.
- _add(JMenu, Action) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuActionFactory
Add an action to the submenu.
- _add(JContextMenu, Action, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RadioMenuActionFactory
Add an action to the context menu.
- _add(JMenu, Action) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.RadioMenuActionFactory
Add an action to the submenu.
- _addActorIncludeDirectories(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Add include directories specified by the actors in this model.
- _addActorIncludeDirectories() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Add include directories specified by the actors in this model.
- _addActorIncludeDirectories() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Add include directories specified by the actors in this model.
- _addActorLibraries(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Add libraries specified by the actors in this model.
- _addActorLibraries() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Add libraries specified by the actors in this model.
- _addActorLibraries() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Add libraries specified by the actors in this model.
- _addActorManager(ActiveActorManager) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Add the actor manager to the set of active actor managers.
- _addAllContainedEntities(CompositeEntity, List<NamedObj>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Add to the specified list all contained entities of the specified container
that are not class definitions.
- _addAsyncPushedActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Add the given actor to the list of actors that received pushed
data from active actors.
- _addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
- _addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Add the attribute, and if the attribute is a PtalonParameter,
add it to a list of Ptalon parameters.
- _addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Add an attribute.
- _addCategoryExponents(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Add the corresponding unit category exponents.
- _addChild(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor3D
Add the node argument as a child to the encapsulated Java3D node
in this actor.
- _addChild(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
Connect other Java3D nodes as children of the encapsulated node in
this actor.
- _addChild(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale3D
Add a scene graph child node to this actor.
- _addChild(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
Connect other Java3D nodes as children of the encapsulated
node in this actor.
- _addChild(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Add a figure to the figure layer and set its interactor.
- _addChild(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Add the node argument as a child to the encapsulated Java3D node
in this actor.
- _addClassPathLibraries() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Add the directories and files from the classpath to
the list of libraries.
- _addConnections() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Add new connections.
- _addDefaultConstraints(LatticeOntologySolver.ConstraintType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Add default constraints for the actor referred to by this OntologyAdapter
based on the given ConstraintType.
- _addDefaultConstraints(LatticeOntologySolver.ConstraintType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter
Add default constraints for the composite actor referred to by this
LatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter based on the given ConstraintType.
- _addEdge(Node, Node, boolean, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Create and add an edge with a specified source node, sink node,
and optional weight.
- _addEdge(Node, Node, boolean, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Create and add an edge with a specified source node, sink node,
and optional weight.
- _addedParameters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
A list containing the user added parameters.
- _addedPortNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
A list containing the names of user added ports.
- _addedPortParameterNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
A list containing the names of user added port parameters.
- _addedSubscribersFromProfile - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
True if subscribers were added from the profile.
- _addElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of each element of this Token.
- _addElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of each element of this Token.
- _addElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added from the value of each element of this Token.
- _addElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of each element of this Token.
- _addElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of each element of this Token.
- _addElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token added to the value of each element of this Token.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Add an actor to this container with minimal error checking.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Add an entity or class definition to this container.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
Override the base class to ensure that the default refinement remains
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Override the base class to queue a change request to remove
any previously contained entity and its mirrored ports, and
to mirror the ports of the added entity.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Add an actor to this container with minimal error checking.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Add an entity or class definition to this container.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Override the base class to queue a change request to remove any
previously contained entity and its mirrored ports, and to mirror the
ports of the added entity.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Add a state to this FSMActor.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Case
Override the base class to create the transition associated
with this refinement if the argument is an instance of Refinement.
- _addEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Add an entity or class definition to this container.
- _addErrorModel(XMLDBModel) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
In case of getting model result with error or cannot be parsed, use this
method to add the error model to the stored error models list.
- _addEvent(TimeDelay.PendingEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Insert a new event into the queue of pending events.
- _addExteriorNode(SyntacticNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Add node that represents an exterior port.
- _addFireMethod(String, IOPort, List<IOPort>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
Add a fire method for this actor with the specified name.
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationActorGraphController
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationFSMGraphController
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame.CaseGraphController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- _addHotKeys(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphController
Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
- _addInterConnectionConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter
Add all the constraints between actors inside the composite actor
referenced by this adapter.
- _addInterConnectionConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter
Add all the constraints between actors inside the composite actor
referenced by this adapter.
- _addLayoutMenu(JMenu) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Add a layout menu.
- _addLiveFigure(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DynamicEditorIcon
Add the figure to the list of figures managed by this icon.
- _addMainPane() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Add the main content pane (for HTML).
- _addMainPane() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocViewer
Override the base class to do nothing.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GraphPatternSearchEditor
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Add menus to the menu bar.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunFrame
Add a Customize menu.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.RunFrame
Add a Debug menu.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditorForStringAttributes
Create an edit menu.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Add a View menu and items to the File:New menu
if a tableau was given in the constructor.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Create an edit menu.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Add menus to the menu bar.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocViewer
Add a Build menu item.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame
Create the menus that are used by this ontology graph frame.
- _addMenus() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
Create the menus that are used by this frame.
- _addObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Add new NamedObjs.
- _addonActorController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
The controller for actors with addon gui behavior.
- _addOverflow(Overflow, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Overflow
- _addPair(String, JLabel, Component, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Override the base class to put a button on the right if
the Settable object for which we are adding an entry itself
contains Settable parameters.
- _addPair(String, JLabel, Component, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Add a label and a widget to the panel.
- _addPair(String, JLabel, Component, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Add a label and a widget to the panel.
- _addPoint(boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLParser
Add a point based on the current attributes.
- _addPoint(boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Add a point based on the current attributes.
- _addPort(TypedIOPort) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Assert
Override the base class to create an output port corresponding
to each new input port added.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorComposite
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorComposite.MirrorCompositeContents
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite.ReflectCompositeContents
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Override the base class so that the name of any port added is shown.
- _addPort(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Override the base class so that the name of any port added is shown.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypeOpaqueCompositeActor
Override the base class to throw an exception if the added port
is not an instance of TypedIOPort.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.DifferentialSystem
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(CPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.CActorBase
Override the base class to throw an exception if the added port
is not an instance of CPort.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite.MetroIIMirrorCompositeContents
Add a port to this actor.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Override the base class to check that the container contains
a mirror port.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Refinement
Override the base class to check that the container contains
a mirror port.
- _addPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform
- _addPort(T) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Add a port to this entity.
- _addRecord(int, FieldRecord.Record) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Add a record to the list at the given index.
- _addRefinementAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateController
The action that adds a refinement.
- _addRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Add a relation to this container.
- _addRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Add a relation to this container.
- _addRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Add a relation to this container.
- _addRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Add a relation to this container.
- _addRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Add a transition to this FSMActor.
- _addRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomaton
Add an InterfaceAutomatonTransition to this InterfaceAutomaton.
- _addRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Add a relation to this container.
- _addReloadAccessorsMenu(JMenu) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Add a Reload Accessors menu choice.
- _addRepresentativeNode(SyntacticNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Add representative SyntacticNode to graph and associated maps.
- _addRounding(Rounding, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.Rounding
- _addSubAdapterConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Iterate through the list of sub adapters and gather the constraints for
each one.
- _addSyncPushedActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Add the given actor to the list of synchronously pushed actors.
- _addType(Type, String, Class) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.type.BaseType
Add entries in this class to index the given name and class to
the given type.
- _adjust(double) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Adjust the value of the PetiteToken to limit it to the range
[-1,1) while maintaining the precision of PetiteToken.
- _adjustDeferrals() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Adjust the deferrals in this object.
- _adjustDeferrals() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Adjust the deferrals in this object.
- _adjustOverride(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Adjust the _override field of this object, if there is
one, by incrementing the value at the specified depth
by one, and do the same for all contained objects, with
one larger depth.
- _advanceAdvanceables(Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Advance time of all actors that implement Advanceable to the
specified time and microstep.
- _afdxSchedMuxsQueue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Tokens received in the AFDX scheduler multiplexor.
- _afdxVLinksQueue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Tokens received as input to the AFDX traffic regulator
(aka Lissor or Shaper).
- _afterTraverse() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Call the afterTraverse of all the refactoring rules.
- _alarmIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- _algorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
The name of the algorithm to be used.
- _algorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
The name of the algorithm to be used.
- _alias - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The alias of the Certificate that we are looking for.
- _aList - Variable in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Map between attribute names and their display panel.
- _allEqual(Object[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates
- _allInputsAreKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Returns true if all inputs are known.
- _allInputsKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.BinaryNonStrictLogicGate
Return true if all inputs are known.
- _allInputsKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictAndGate
Return true if all inputs are known.
- _allInputsKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictLogicGate
Return true if all inputs are known.
- _allInputsKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictOrGate
Return true if all inputs are known.
- _allInputsKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictXorGate
Return true if all inputs are known.
- _allowAttributeChanges - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor
Boolean variable to determine whether attribute changes are
- _allowDisconnectedGraphs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Cache of the value of allowDisconnectedGraphs.
- _allowDisconnectedGraphs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Cache of the value of allowDisconnectedGraphs.
- _allowPDV - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
Aallow or disallow input buffer packet delay variation.
- _allowPriority - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
Allow or disallow priority switching.
- _alreadyReadImageToken - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIWriter
Set to true if the input was read in by the derived class.
- _alreadyReadInputs - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
If a derived class calls modelFileOrURL.update() in its fire()
method prior to calling super.fire(), then it should set this
flag to true.
- _analyzeTypeConversions() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Analyze the model to find out what connections need to be type
- _analyzeTypeConversions() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Analyze the model to find out what connections need to be type
- _analyzeTypeConversions() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Analyze the model to find out what connections need to be type
- _AND - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
Perform a logical AND.
- _AND - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicGate
Perform a logical AND.
- _AND - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
Logical And.
- _angmax - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Maximal angle
- _animated - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Currently animated state, if any.
- _animationRenderer - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Renderer for animation.
- _annotatePortsWithRates(List, Map, String) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates
Annotate the given list of TypedIOPorts with rate parameters
according to the given map.
- _annotationEvaluator() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Create a new ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator that is tailored for the
- _annotationEvaluator - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
The annotation evaluator.
- _annotationEvaluator() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Create a new ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator that is tailored for the
- _antimonotonicConcept - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
The "Antimonotonic" Concept from the monotonicityAnalysis ontology.
- _appearance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The appearance of this 3D object.
- _appearanceMenuActionFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
The appearance menu factory.
- _appendNumericToBuffer(Buffer, Object, HelperBase.DATA_TYPE) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Append a numeric instance of the specified type to a buffer.
- _appendNumericToBuffer(Buffer, Object, HelperBase.DATA_TYPE) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Append a numeric instance of the specified type to a buffer.
- _appendToBuffer(Object, HelperBase.DATA_TYPE, String, Buffer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Append data to be sent to the specified buffer.
- _appendToBuffer(Object, HelperBase.DATA_TYPE, String, Buffer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Append data to be sent to the specified buffer.
- _appendToBuffer(Object, HelperBase.DATA_TYPE, String, Buffer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.serial.SerialHelper
Append data to be sent to the specified buffer.
- _application - Static variable in class diva.gui.ApplicationExceptionHandler
- _applicationClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
The application class.
- _applicationConstructor - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
The application constructor.
- _applicationToplevelMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.ModelTests
The application toplevel method.
- _apply() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
Apply any changes that may have been made in the table.
- _apply() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog
Apply the unit constraints to the model.
- _applyBtn - Variable in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial.LayoutWidget
Button to apply the layout.
- _applyInitialTransform(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
Set the initial transform of the given figure.
- _applyInitialTransform(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
Apply the initial rotation to the figure.
- _applyInitialTransform(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale2D
Apply the initial scaling transformation to the figure.
- _applyInitialTransform(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate2D
Set the initial transform of the given figure.
- _applyTransform(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
Consume input tokens, and transform the given figure according
to the current state of the transform.
- _applyTransform(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate2D
Apply the current rotation transformation to the figure.
- _applyTransform(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale2D
Apply the current scaling transformation to the figure.
- _applyTransform(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate2D
Consume input tokens, and transform the given figure according
to the current state of the transform.
- _areActorsExternallyBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Return true if one or more contained actor is externally
blocked; return false otherwise.
- _areAllImmediateTransitionsDisabled(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return true if all immediate transitions from
the specified state have guards that can be evaluated
and that evaluate to false.
- _areAllInputsKnown(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return true if all the inputs of the specified actor are known.
- _areAllThreadsStopped() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return true if the count of active processes equals the number
of paused and blocked threads.
- _areAllThreadsStopped() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Return true if the count of active processes equals the number
of stopped, blocked, and delayed threads.
- _areAllThreadsStopped() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Return true if the count of active threads equals the number
of stopped (paused) or blocked threads.
- _areConversionsPreferable(CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion[], Class[], CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion[], Class[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return true if the conversions in the first argument are
preferable to the conversions in the third argument, for methods
with argument types given by the second and fourth arguments.
- _areThereActiveErrorHighlights() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Return true if there are active highlights.
- _areThreadsDeadlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Return false if the number of blocked processes is less than
the number of active actors; return true otherwise.
- _areThreadsDeadlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return true if the count of active processes in the container is 0.
- _areThreadsDeadlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Returns true if all active processes are either blocked or
delayed, false otherwise.
- _areThreadsDeadlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Return true if a deadlock is detected.
- _areThreadsDeadlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Return true if all active threads are blocked.
- _areThreadsDeadlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Override the base class to return true if all active threads are blocked.
- _areThreadsDeadlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Override the base class to return true if all active threads are blocked.
- _areUnitsEqual(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return true if the units of this token are the same as that of the
argument token.
- _argList - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
- _argTypes - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode
- _argumentDomainOntologies - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
The list of ontologies that specify the domain for
each input argument to the concept function.
- _array - Variable in class diva.util.NullArrayIterator
- _arraylen - Variable in class diva.util.NullArrayIterator
- _arrayP - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _arrayVariablesAllocationCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate the memory allocation code for
the output ports that are of type array.
- _aspectForActor - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Contains a map of actors and the ExecutionAspect that is specified for the actor.
- _aspectsPresent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
True if any of the directed actors specifies a ExecutionAspect
in the parameters and this ExecutionAspect exists on this or
a hierarchy level above (i.e. has not been deleted).
- _assert(boolean, ASTPtRootNode, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Assert that the given boolean value, which describes the given
parse tree node, is true.
- _assert(boolean, ASTPtRootNode, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Assert that the given boolean value, which describes the given
parse tree node is true.
- _assert(boolean, ASTPtRootNode, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Assert that the given boolean value, which describes the given
parse tree node, is true.
- _assert(boolean, ASTPtRootNode, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Assert that the given boolean value, which describes the given
parse tree node is true.
- _associatedAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
Return the associated attribute.
- _associatedAttribute - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.UpdatedValueIcon
The attribute whose value is being represented.
- _atLeastOneUnguardedAction() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates
- _attachActorIcon(String) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Attach the actor icon.
- _attachSite - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
- _attachText(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Attach the specified text as an attribute with the specified
- _attachText(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Override the base class to prevent triggering a populate() call
when this occurs.
- _AttDelete - Variable in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Map between attributes and their delete buttons.
- _attListPanel - Variable in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
The panel containing attributes.
- _attribute - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
The associated attribute.
- _attributeController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
The attribute controller.
- _attributeController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconGraphController
The attribute controller.
- _attributeController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
The attribute controller.
- _attributeController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
The controller for attribute objects in the model.
- _attributeController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphController
The controller for attribute objects in the model.
- _attributes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyQuery
Maps an entry name to the attribute that is attached to it.
- _attributes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonMLHandler
Each element in this hashtable maps a name to a value.
- _attributes - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
The Attributes attached to this object.
- _attributes - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.LibraryBuilder
Attributes that can be added to a LibraryBuilder via moml configuration.
- _attributes - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Attributes associated with an entity.
- _attributes(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.FullTreeModel
Return the list of attributes, or an empty list if there are none.
- _attributes(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.VisibleTreeModel
Return the list of attributes, or an empty list if there are none.
- _attributeValueString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
Get the string value of the attribute to render in the icon.
- _audioInDoubleArray - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Array of audio samples in double format.
- _automaticallyInput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
Indicator that the port is automatically an input port
because it was set to be an output port.
- _automaticallyInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Indicator that the port is automatically an input port
because it was set to be an output port.
- _automaticRescale() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether rescaling of the plot should happen
- _B - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
Multinomial emission probabilities per state.
- _B - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
Emission distributions Bij = P(Yt=j | qt = i).
- _b - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Matrix b used in Newton algorithm.
- _background - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
The background color as set by the "background" applet parameter.
- _background - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
The background color as set by setBackground().
- _background - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Color of the background, settable from HTML.
- _backgroundEventLayer - Variable in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
- _backgroundLayer - Variable in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
- _backupComparator - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparatorMaximumProgress
a secondary comparator to break a tie.
- _backward - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Backward prediction errors.
- _backwardCache - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Cache of backward prediction errors.
- _backwardMap - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._TwoWayHashMap
one-way hash map to make the backward association
- _backwardPrunedDependencies - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
A record of removed dependencies from output to input, if any.
- _base - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
The base specified in configure().
- _base - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
The base specified by the configure() method.
- _basePath - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
The base path of the configuration directory, usually
"ptolemy/configs" for Ptolemy II, but subclasses might
have configurations in a different directory.
- _basicGraphFrame - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
The associated Vergil frame.
- _batchSize - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
User-defined batch size.
- _beforeTraverse() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Call the beforeTraverse of all the refactoring rules.
- _bendPoints - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.ConnectionEntry
- _binaryIntervalSearch(double[], double) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.Algorithms
Do a binary interval search for the key in array A.
- _binaryIntervalSearch(double[], double, int, int) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.Algorithms
Do a binary interval search for the key in array A.
- _bitRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Value of the bit rate of the bus.
- _bitRate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Value of the bit rate of the bus.
- _bitsPerSample - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
Value of the bitsPerSample parameter.
- _bitsPerSample - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
The number of bits per sample.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Throw an exception because bitwise AND is not supported.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseAnd(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise AND of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Throw an exception because bitwise NOT is not supported.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseNot() - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise NOT of this token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Throw an exception because bitwise OR is not supported.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseOr(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise OR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Throw an exception because bitwise XOR is not supported.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _bitwiseXor(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Returns a token representing the bitwise XOR of this token and
the given token.
- _blockSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.video.SumofAbsoluteDifferences
Description of the variable.
- _bottomPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Bottom padding.
- _bottomPanel - Variable in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Bottom display panel.
- _boundaryDetector - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
A BoundaryDetector determines the topological relationship of
a Receiver with respect to boundary ports.
- _bounds - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The BoundingSphere.
- _branchBlocked(CSPReceiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Notify the director that the current thread is blocked.
- _branches - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
The set of branches currently being chosen from in
- _branchesActive - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
The number of conditional branches that are still active,
meaning that they are capable of succeeding.
- _branchFailed(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Register the calling branch as failed.
- _branchFailed(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranchController
Register the calling branch as failed.
- _branchFailed(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.MultiwayBranchController
Register the calling branch as failed.
- _branchNotReady(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Indicate that the branch is not ready to rendezvous.
- _branchNotReady(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranchController
Release the status of the calling branch as the first branch
to be ready to rendezvous.
- _branchNotReady(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.MultiwayBranchController
Indicate that the branch is not ready to rendezvous.
- _branchPoint - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _branchPoints - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _branchRoot - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The main connection branch that connects to the universe.
- _branchSucceeded(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Register the calling branch as a successful branch.
- _branchSucceeded(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranchController
Registers the calling branch as the successful branch.
- _branchSucceeded(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.MultiwayBranchController
Register the calling branch as a successful branch.
- _branchUnblocked(CSPReceiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Notify the director that the current thread is unblocked.
- _breakVariables - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
The list of receivers for all break variables.
- _buffer - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
Buffer memory.
- _bufferSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
The requested buffer size.
- _bufferSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
The requested buffer size.
- _bufferSize - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
The requested buffer size in samples per channel.
- _bufferSize - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.lib.BoundedBufferTimedDelay
The amount of buffer size.
- _buildConceptGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntology
Return the graph represented by this ontology.
- _buildConceptGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Ontology
Return the graph represented by this ontology.
- _buildLocalReceiverMaps() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Build for each state of the mode controller the map from input ports of the modal model to
the local receivers when the mode controller is in that state.
- _buttonPressed - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
The label of the button pushed to dismiss the dialog.
- _byteArrayToDoubleArray(double[][], byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Convert a byte array of audio samples in linear signed PCM big endian
format into a double array of audio samples (-1, 1) range.
- _bytesPerSample - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
Value of the bytesPerSample parameter.
- _bytesPerSample - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
The number of bytes per sample, default 2.
- _c1 - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Value c1 used in Newton algorithm.
- _c2 - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Value c2 used in Newton algorithm.
- _CACHE_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Name for the property for PtolemyDB cache container
name in the config/ptdb-properties file.
- _cachedDecoratorPortParameters - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Cached list of decorator parameters that are added to the container by this
- _cachedDecoratorPorts - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Cached list of decorator ports that are added to the container by this
- _cachedTerms - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
The types terms found in destination ports.
- _cachedTypes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
The constant types found in destination ports.
- _calculateTransitionScheme(String, int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Compute missing transition probabilities in the hourly transition matrix estimates.
- _callbacks - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
FMI-1.0 callback functions provided to the C code as a
- _callbacks20 - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
FMI-2.0 callback functions provided to the C code as a
- _cancel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
- _cancel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Cancel this dialog, saving if necessary.
- _cancel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _cancelButton - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
The cancel button.
- _cancelDelay() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
If the actor is delayed, then cancel the delay.
- _CANCELED - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Indicator that a close operation is canceled.
- _canvas - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The Java3D canvas component.
- _captureData - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Array of audio samples in byte format.
- _captureIsActive - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
true is audio capture is currently active.
- _caseMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame
The case menu.
- _catchUp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Catch up the tentative view
of what the next output time should be.
- _causalityInterface - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
The causality interface, if it has been created.
- _causalityInterface - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
The causality interface, if it has been created.
- _cdmax - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Maximum for condition estimate
- _ceilToPowerOfTwo(int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Return the minimum number of power of two that is greater than or
equal to the given integer.
- _centeredValue - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
Most recently set value of the centered parameter.
- _cgDirectory - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGTests
The directory where the code is generated, usually $HOME/cg.
- _changeIcon(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
Change icon of the track from train shape to rectangle.
- _changeListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
A list of weak references to change listeners.
- _changeLock - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Object for locking accesses to change request list and status.
- _changeRequests - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
A list of pending change requests.
- _changesAllowedNow - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Indicator that changes are currently allowed.
- _channel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Cached channel name, for publish and subscribe.
- _Channel() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Construct a instance of Channel and initialize nrConsumers to 0.
- _channel - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Port
The channel associated with the port.
- _channelBandwidth - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
The channel bandwidth that will be used to determine the delay (in bits/sec).
- _channels - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
The number of channels.
- _channels - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
The number of channels.
- _channels - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
The number of channels.
- _checkContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Check that the specified container is of a suitable class for
this entity, i.e., ModelDirectory or Effigy.
- _checkContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy
Check that the specified container is of a suitable class for
this entity, i.e., ModelDirectory or PtolemyEffigy.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Check that the specified container implements the Actor interface
(or is null).
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MultiCompositePort
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is a MultiCompositeActor or null.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Refinement
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is a MultiCompositeActor or null.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
implements the TypedActor interface (the base class ensures that
the container implements the Actor interface), is null, or is
an EntityLibrary.
- _checkContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation
Override the method in the super class to constrain the
container to be an instance of TypedCompositeActor, or to be null.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is a CompositeEntity or null.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is a ModalModel or null.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is a ModalModel or null.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Refinement
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
is a ModalModel or null.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
implements the TypedActor interface (the base class ensures that
the container implements the Actor interface), is null, or is
an EntityLibrary.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLController
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container is a
ModalModel or null.
- _checkContainer(InstantiableNamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Check the specified container.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container is a
- _checkContainer(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Check that the specified container is of a suitable class for
this relation.
- _checkContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Check that the specified container is of a suitable class for
this port.
- _checkContainer(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Check that the specified container is of a suitable class for
this attribute.
- _checkDatasetIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Check the argument to ensure that it is a valid data set index.
- _checkDatasetIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Check the argument to ensure that it is a valid data set index.
- _checkDynamicRateVariables(CompositeActor, List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Populate the given set with the dynamic rate variables in the model.
- _checkEventIndicators() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return true if we are not in the first firing and the sign of
some event indicator has changed.
- _checkFixMaxValue(FixToken, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixTransformer
Verify that the bit width of the given fix-point token is equal
to the minimum bit width that is required to represent the given
- _checkFixTokenWidth(FixToken, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixTransformer
Verify that the bit width of the given FixToken is equal to
the given width.
- _checkFlagsAndWait() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
This method wraps the wait() call between checks on the state
of the receiver.
- _checkFmiCommon() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
If _fmiModelDescription is null or does not have a non-null
modelIdentifier, then thrown an exception with an informative message.
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialEstimator
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Check whether the gradient-descent algorithm has converged.
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- _checkForConvergence(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- _checkForImplied(List<NamedObj>) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return true if any element of the specified list is implied.
- _checkForLocalModules - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGenerator
- _checkForNextEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Enforces a firing of a DE director only handles events with the
same tag.
- _checkForNextEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Enforce a firing of a DE director only handles events with the same tag.
- _checkForNextEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Model time is only used for correct execution of actors and the scheduler
will determine whether another event can be fired in the current firing
of the platform, so this method isn't needed.
- _checkForNextEvent() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Model time is only used for correct execution of actors and the
scheduler will determine whether another event can be fired in
the current firing of the platform, so this method isn't needed.
- _checkForNull(Object, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
If the argument is null, throw an exception with the given message.
- _checkForNull(Object, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
If the argument is null, throw an exception with the given message.
- _checkInitializerGuards() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates
- _checkLiberalLink(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Override parent method to ensure compatibility of the relation
and validity of the width of the port.
- _checkLiberalLink(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Override the method in the super class to ensure compatibility of
the relation.
- _checkLiberalLink(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Check the validity of a link.
- _checkLink(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Override parent method to ensure compatibility of the relation
and validity of the width of the port.
- _checkLink(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Override the method in the super class to ensure compatibility of
the relation.
- _checkLink(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Override the base class to throw an exception if the relation is
not a ComponentRelation, or if the container of the port or
relation is null, or if the container of this port is a class
definition and the link is not an inside link.
- _checkLink(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Check that this port is compatible with the specified relation,
that it has a container.
- _checkLocal(boolean, IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Return true if the port is a local port.
- _checkNextActorToFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirector
Return the actor that is about to fire and its state.
- _checkNextEventToFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
_checkNextEventToFire finds the next Ptides event to fire and returns it
with an integer indicating: 0 if firing can be executed, and the next
event in event queue should be checked for processing; -1 if there's no
actor to fire, and we should not keep firing; 1 if there's no actor to
fire, but the next event should be checked for processing.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ParticleFilter
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.ParticleFilter
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Predictor
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.StateSpaceSimulator
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.UnscentedKalmanFilterSSM
Check the dimensions of all parameters and ports.
- _checkPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Throw an exception if the specified port cannot be linked to this
relation (is not of class IOPort).
- _checkPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation
Throw an exception if the specified port cannot be linked to this
relation (is not of class TypedIOPort).
- _checkPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptRelation
Throw an exception if the port cannot be linked
to this relation.
- _checkPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.Transition
Throw an IllegalActionException if the port cannot be linked
to this transition.
- _checkPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Throw an exception if the specified port cannot be linked to this
relation (is not of class ComponentPort).
- _checkPort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Throw an exception if the specified port cannot be linked to this
- _checkPrecision() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Check the precision.
- _checkRangeOfTolerance(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Check that the difference in exponents between the
input and the tolerance is not greater than the precision
of a Double.
- _checkRelation(Relation, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Throw an exception if the specified relation is not an instance
of IORelation or if it does not have the same width as this relation.
- _checkRelation(Relation, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation
Throw an exception if the specified relation is not an instance
of TypedIORelation.
- _checkRelation(Relation, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Throw an exception if the specified relation is not an instance
of ComponentRelation.
- _checkRelation(Relation, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Check that this relation is compatible with the specified relation.
- _checkRemote(boolean, IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Return true if the port is a remote port.
- _checkSameDimension(String, Complex[][], Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Check that the two matrix arguments are of the same dimension.
- _checkSameDimension(String, double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Check that the two matrix arguments are of the same dimension.
- _checkSameDimension(String, float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Check that the two matrix arguments are of the same dimension.
- _checkSameDimension(String, Fraction[][], Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Check that the two matrix arguments are of the same dimension.
- _checkSameDimension(String, int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Check that the two matrix arguments are of the same dimension.
- _checkSameDimension(String, long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Check that the two matrix arguments are of the same dimension.
- _checkSquare(String, Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Check that the argument matrix is a square matrix.
- _checkSquare(String, double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Check that the argument matrix is a square matrix.
- _checkSquare(String, float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Check that the argument matrix is a square matrix.
- _checkSquare(String, Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Check that the argument matrix is a square matrix.
- _checkSquare(String, int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Check that the argument matrix is a square matrix.
- _checkSquare(String, long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Check that the argument matrix is a square matrix.
- _checkThrowableNameable(Object[], Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ActorGraphicalMessageHandler
Under certain circumstances, add a "Go To Actor" button to the
options array.
- _checkThrowableNameable(Object[], Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Return an updated array of button names if the throwable meets
certain conditions.
- _checkType(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Check that the specified token as well as the token in
the default value, if specified, is compatible with the
resolved type of this port.
- _checkTypedIOPortContainer(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container
implements the TypedActor interface (the base class ensures that
the container implements the Actor interface), is null, or is
an EntityLibrary.
- _checkTypesFromTo(TypedIOPort, List) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray
Check types from a source port to a group of destination ports,
assuming the source port is connected to all the ports in the
group of destination ports.
- _checkTypesFromTo(TypedIOPort, List<TypedIOPort>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Check types from a source port to a group of destination ports,
assuming the source port is connected to all the ports in the
group of destination ports.
- _checkTypesFromTo(TypedIOPort, List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform
Checks types from a source port to a group of destination ports, assuming
the source port is connected to all the ports in the group of destination
- _checkTypesFromTo(TypedIOPort, List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform
Check types from a source port to a group of destination ports,
assuming the source port is connected to all the ports in the
group of destination ports.
- _checkValidity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Check the validity of a name.
- _checkValidity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Check the validity of a name.
- _childCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
The fire() method code.
- _children - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
The children of this tree.
- _children - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
The children.
- _childrenAreConstant(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
Return true if all of the children of this node are constant.
- _chooseTransitions(List<Transition>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Choose zero or more transitions enabled in the current
state from the list of specified transitions.
- _cipher - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
The cipher that will be used to process the data.
- _class - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
The class of the object.
- _classDefinitionController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
The class definition controller.
- _classes(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.ClassAndEntityTreeModel
Return the list of classes, or an empty list if there are none.
- _classificationLength - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
length of the observation array to be classified.
- _clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Clear the current contents.
- _clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Clear the current plot.
- _clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Clear the current contents.
- _clear() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Clear the current contents.
- _clear() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticToken
Clear this token.
- _clear() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Clear the current contents.
- _clearAllDestinationReceivers(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Call the send(index, null) method of each output port of the specified actor.
- _clearHighlights() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Clear all highlights.
- _clearInstantiatedInfiniteConcepts() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConceptRepresentative
Clear the set of instantiated infinite concepts for this
- _clearLists() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Set the resolved constraint list and the list of unacceptable
inequality terms to null.
- _clearMarked() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Clear all the visited flags in the nodes.
- _clearReceivers(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Clear all the input receivers for the specified actor.
- _clearReceivers(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Clear all the input receivers for the specified actor.
- _clearReceivers(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Clear all the input receivers for the specified actor.
- _clearVisited() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Clear all the visited flags in the nodes.
- _clips - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.ClipPlayer
The clip to playback.
- _cloneFixAttributeFields(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Fix the fields of the given object which point to Attributes.
- _cloning - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Indicate that we are cloning.
- _close() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
- _close() - Method in class ptdb.gui.GraphPatternSearchEditor
Close the pattern search window without asking anything.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Console.ConsoleFrame
Redirect the standard output back when closing the frame.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Close the window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Close the window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.RunLayoutFrame
Close the window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Close the window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WelcomeWindow
Read the "Show this dialog on startup" checkbox, update the
preferences if necessary and then call the super class and close
this window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog.DialogFrame
Overrides the base class to record
the size and location of the frame.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell.ShellFrame
Overrides the base class to record
the size and location of the frame.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE.ImageWindow
Close the window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Close the window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Exit the application.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Close the window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
If the ptolemy model associated with this frame is a top-level composite
actor, use its manager to stop it.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Override the base class to remove the listeners we have
created when the frame closes.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame
Invoke the close() method of the superclass and optionally
print a debugging message.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Close the window.
- _close() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorForStringAttributes
Override to query whether to apply the changes, if any.
- _close() - Method in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
Closes all the Tableau displayed into the TabbedPane.
- _CLOSE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
The threshold for when a source and a destination of an arc
are considered close to one another.
- _closed - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
The flag that says the the polygon has been closed
- _code - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
- _codeBook - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
The huffman code book.
- _codeDirectoryAsFile() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the value of the codeDirectory parameter.
- _codeFile - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
The name of the file that was written.
- _codeFileName - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
The name of the file that was written.
- _codeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
The code generator that contains this adapter class.
- _codeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGeneratorAdapter
The code generator that contains this adapter class.
- _codeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.CodeStream
The code generator associated with this code stream.
- _codeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGeneratorAdapter
The code generator that contains this adapter class.
- _codeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
- _codeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter
The code generator that contains this adapter class.
- _codeGenType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Get the corresponding type in code generation from the given Ptolemy
- _codeGenType(Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Get the corresponding type in code generation from the given Ptolemy
- _coloringAttributes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The coloring attributes, or null if not created.
- _colors - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The default colors, by data set.
- _columns(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return the number of columns of a matrix.
- _columns(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return the number of columns of a matrix.
- _columns(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return the number of columns of a matrix.
- _columns(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return the number of columns of a matrix.
- _columns(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return the number of columns of a matrix.
- _columns(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return the number of columns of a matrix.
- _combinedKeys(MapTypeInfiniteConcept<C>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Return the string keys in either this or the given map concept.
- _commandFlags - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
The command-line options that are either present or not.
- _commandFlags - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
The command-line options that are either present or not.
- _commandFlags - Variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
The command-line options that are either present or not.
- _commandFlagsWithDescriptions - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
The command-line options that are either present or not.
- _commandOptions - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
The command-line options that take arguments.
- _commandOptions - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
The command-line options that take arguments.
- _commandOptions - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
The command-line options that take arguments.
- _commandOptions - Variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
The command-line options that take arguments.
- _commandOptions - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication
The command-line options that take arguments.
- _commandTemplate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
The form of the command line.
- _commandTemplate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
The form of the command line.
- _commandTemplate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
The form of the command line.
- _commandTemplate - Variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
The form of the command line.
- _commitRendezvous(Set, RendezvousDirector) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Commit the rendezvous formed by the set of receivers that agree to send
and receive at the same time.
- _common - Static variable in class doc.doclets.PtIndexer
The set of common words that are not indexed.
- _commonKeys(MapTypeInfiniteConcept<C>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Return the string keys common to this and the given map concept.
- _commonLength(Complex[], Complex[], String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath
Throw an exception if the two arrays are not of the same length,
or if either array is null.
- _commonLength(double[], double[], String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayMath
Throw an exception if the two arrays are not of the same length,
or if either array is null.
- _commonLength(float[], float[], String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatArrayMath
Throw an exception if the two arrays are not of the same length,
or if either array is null.
- _commonLength(Fraction[], Fraction[], String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionArrayMath
Throw an exception if the two arrays are not of the same length,
or if either array is null.
- _commonLength(int[], int[], String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath
Throw an exception if the two arrays are not of the same length,
or if either array is null.
- _commonLength(long[], long[], String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath
Throw an exception if the two arrays are not of the same length,
or if either array is null.
- _comparator - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._SortedSetOfStates
The comparator to use for sorting
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compare(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Compare this type with the specified type.
- _compileCommandDefault - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
The initial default value of the compileCommand parameter.
- _compileJNICode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Compile the Java code.
- _completedIntegratorStepNotNeeded() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return true if the modelExchangeCapabilities has a
completedIntegratorStepNotNeeded flag that is set to true.
- _component - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
The associated component.
- _component - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
- _componentWidget - Variable in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.GlassPaneWidget
The component widget that wraps the layerer pane.
- _compoundEdit - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
A compound undo edit, or null if none is progress.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy
The computation associated with this analyzer.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
Perform the graph analysis and return the resulting value.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ClusterNodesTransformerStrategy
The computation associated with this strategy.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy
Compute the all pair shortest path of the graph in the form of
two dimensional array (matrix).
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallCycleExistenceStrategy
The computation associated with the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallNegativeLengthCycleStrategy
The computation associated with the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallStrategy
Basic computation performed by all the analysis implementing a
floyd-warshall like analysis on a given graph.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy
The computation associated with the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallZeroLengthCycleStrategy
The computation associated with the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.KarpCycleMeanStrategy
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.MirrorTransformerStrategy
The computation associated with this strategy.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SelfLoopStrategy
Compute the self-loop edges in the graph in the form of
a collection.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SinkNodeStrategy
Compute the sink nodes in the graph in the form of
a collection.
- _compute() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SourceNodeStrategy
Compute the source nodes in the graph in the form of
a collection.
- _computeActionRates(Action[]) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates
- _computeActionRates(Action) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates
- _computeActorDepth() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Compute the depth of ports and actors.
- _computeEdgeWeight(IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.GraphReader
Determine the weight to be assigned to the weighted graph edge that
represents a given connection in a Ptolemy II model.
- _computeIteration(Integer[], Integer[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Compute the number of iterations to repeat the C function.
- _computeIterations(Integer[], Integer[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Compute iteration numbers of the actor,
where external means the number of times C function is called.
- _computeMaximumFirings(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Determine the number of times the given actor can fire, based on
the number of tokens that are present on its inputs.
- _computeNodeWeight(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.GraphReader
Determine the weight to be assigned to the weighted graph node that
represents a given actor.
- _concatenateClasspath(Collection<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Given a Collection of Strings, return a string where each element of the
Set is separated by $.
- _concatenateElements(Collection<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Given a Collection of Strings, return a string where each element of the
Set is separated by a space.
- _concatStringArrays(String[][], String[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
Concatenate two parameter info string arrays and return the result.
- _concept - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptAttribute
The Concept contained by the ConceptAttribute.
- _conceptController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
The controller for concepts in the ontology model.
- _configuration - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
The configuration model of this application.
- _configuration - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
The configuration that corresponds with this dialog.
- _configuration - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController
The configuration.
- _configuration - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction
The configuration.
- _configuration - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.NamedObjController
The configuration.
- _configuration - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
The configuration.
- _configurationUsage(String, String[][], String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments,
including any configuration directories in a base path,
typically "ptolemy/configs".
- _configurationUsage(String, String[][], String[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments,
including any configuration directories in a base path,
typically "ptolemy/configs".
- _configureAction - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController
The configure action, which handles edit parameters requests.
- _configureAction - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
The configure action.
- _configureAction - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ParameterizedNodeController
The configure action, which handles edit parameters requests.
- _configureAction - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
The configure action, which handles edit parameters requests.
- _configureAction - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptRelationController
The configure action, which handles edit parameters requests.
- _configureAttributesAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
The action for opening the attributes configuration frame.
- _configureDone - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Indicate whether data given by configure() has been processed.
- _configureDone - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Indicate whether data given by configure() has been processed.
- _configureMenuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController
The submenu for configure actions.
- _configureMenuFactory - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
The submenu for configure actions.
- _configureMenuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ParameterizedNodeController
The submenu for configure actions.
- _configureMenuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
The submenu for configure actions.
- _configureMenuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptRelationController
The submenu for configure actions.
- _configureSource - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
URL specified to the configure() method.
- _configureTableau(Tableau) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFactory
Configure the given tableau with the configuration data attached to this
tableau factory, if any.
- _configureText - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Text specified to the configure() method.
- _confirmFile(Entity, File) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Confirm that writing the specified model to the specified file is OK.
- _connect(Edge, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Connect an edge to a node by appropriately modifying
the adjacency information associated with the node.
- _connect(Edge, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Connect an edge to a node by appropriately modifying
the adjacency information associated with the node.
- _connected - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
An array of booleans, where if an element is true, then the
next point that is plotted for that channel will be connected.
- _connected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
The default connected state.
- _connectEdge(Edge) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Connect a given edge in this graph.
- _connectedSubGraph(Node, DirectedGraph, Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Given a node, get all the edges and nodes that are connected
to it directly and/or indirectly.
- _connectionException - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.webSocket.WebSocketEndpoint
An exception that might be thrown when connecting.
- _connectorTarget - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
The thing that we use to find sites
- _connectSite - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
- _connOpts - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.mqtt.MQTTHelper.MQTTClientWrapper
Connection options for the current MQTT connection
- _CONSTANT - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
- _constantConcept - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
The "Constant" Concept from the monotonicityAnalysis ontology.
- _constantLimit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
The limit of the number of constant values to return instead
of the received tokens.
- _constantToken - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
The constant value to return instead of the received tokens.
- _constantTokensSent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
The number of constant tokens that have been sent since the last
call to _setConstant().
- _constrainAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Set default Inequality constraints for all attributes that can
be evaluated to a Concept in the Ontology.
- _constrainObject(LatticeOntologySolver.ConstraintType, Object, List) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Set default constraints between the given object and a list of objects based
on the given constraintType.
- _constrainObjectLists(LatticeOntologySolver.ConstraintType, List, List) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Set the default constraint between the given list of source objects
and list of sink objects based on the given constraintType.
- _constrainParticles() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Constrain particles within a map region if applicable.
- _constrainSingleObject(LatticeOntologySolver.ConstraintType, Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Set the default constraint between the given source and sink object
based on the given constraintType.
- _constraintExplanations - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _constraints - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Standard constraints for use with _grid.
- _constraints - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _constraintState - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _constraintTermExpressions - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
The list of expressions that represent the constraint
terms for each constraint in the actor.
- _constructLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Construct a lable.
- _consultTimeRegulators(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Consult all attributes contained by the container of this director
that implement the
interface, if any, and return the
smallest time returned by those regulators.
- _containedDecorators() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return a list of decorators contained by this object.
- _containedDecorators() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a list of decorators contained by this object.
- _containedEntities - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
List of contained entities.
- _containedNode - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MouseInput3D
The user input BranchGroup node contained by this actor.
- _containedRelations - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
- _containedTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Collect all type constraints from contained Typeables (ports,
variables, and parameters).
- _containedTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Adds two inequalities to the set returned by the overridden method that
together constrain the input to be equal to the type of the initial
- _containedTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
Adds to the set of inequalities returned by the overridden method
a constraint that requires the initial value to be less than or
equal to the type of the output.
- _container - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PtolemyFormEditor
The container.
- _container - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Container into which this plot should be placed.
- _container - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
The container for the image display, set by calling place().
- _container - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The container set in the place() method, or the content pane of the
created frame if place was not called.
- _containerLayout - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PtolemyFormEditor
The layout manager.
- _containerPanel - Variable in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.GlassPaneWidget
The container panel holding the underlying component.
- _containerToBe - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
The container to be eventually the container for this icon.
- _containingPane - Variable in class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
The pane containing this layer.
- _context - Variable in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
- _context - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _context - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
The context.
- _continue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Resume a delayed actor.
- _controller - Variable in class diva.graph.EdgeCreator
- _controller - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalModel
The FSM controller.
- _controller - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The graph controller.
- _controller - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
The controller.
- _controller - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame
The controller for the ontology editor frame.
- _controller - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
The graph controller.
- _controller - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _controllerBlocked(BranchController) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Register that the specified controller is blocked.
- _controllerUnBlocked(BranchController) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Unregister the specified controller as being no longer
- _converged - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Flag that indicates whether the solver converged
- _convertArguments(float[][], float[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesGenericActor
Function which convert a list of arguments into real arguments and length
that will be used for JNI function call.
- _convertResult(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
- _convertResult() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SelfLoopStrategy
Return the result of this analysis (collection of self-loop edges)
in a form that cannot be modified.
- _convertResult() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SinkNodeStrategy
Return the result of this analysis (collection of sink nodes)
in a form that cannot be modified.
- _convertResult() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.SourceNodeStrategy
Return the result of this analysis (collection of source nodes)
in a form that cannot be modified.
- _convertToClassAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorInstanceController
The action that handles creating an instance from a class.
- _convertToInstanceAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ClassDefinitionController
The action that handles converting a class to an instance.
- _cool - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The cooling constant.
- _coordCount - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D
The current number of coordinates
- _coordCount - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D
The current number of coordinates
- _coords - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Double
The coordinates
- _coords - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D.Float
The coordinates
- _coords - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Double
The coordinates
- _coords - Variable in class diva.util.java2d.Polyline2D.Float
The coordinates
- _copyAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The copy action.
- _copyCFilesTosrc(String, String, String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Copy files into the directory of the project.
- _copyCFileTosrc(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Copy a C (or h) file into the directory /src of the project.
- _copyChangeRequestList() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a copy of the current list of change requests, or return
null if there aren't any pending change requests.
- _copyGraph - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelData
The local graph copy of the user's graph, to which
dummy nodes/edges are added, and on which the actual
layout is first performed before these values are
copied back into the user's graph.
- _copyOfCategoryExponents() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a copy of the unit category exponents array.
- _CorbaActorStub - Class in ptolemy.actor.corba.util
Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.0"
from CorbaActor.idl
Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:07:58 PM PST
- _CorbaActorStub() - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- _CorbaActorStub(Delegate) - Constructor for class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- _cornerWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.OctagonEventIcon
The width of a corner of a polygon.
- _count - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Count of the number of inputs received, bounded by the
size of the _data array.
- _countOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- _countUnfulfilledInputs(Actor, List, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Count the number of input ports in the given actor that must be
fulfilled before the actor can fire.
- _cParseTreeCodeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
The parse tree code generator.
- _createAction() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.gui.ComboItem
Create the action to be used in this property.
- _createAction() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ActionGUIProperty
Create the action to be used in this property.
- _createActorGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- _createActorGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- _createActorGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- _createAppearance() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Create the material appearance of the shaded 3D actor.
- _createComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Button
Create a new Java Swing component.
- _createComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox
Create a new JComboBox component.
- _createComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ComboBox.Item
Create a new Java Swing component.
- _createComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIProperty
Create a new Java Swing component.
- _createComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Panel
Create a new JPanel component.
- _createComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.Separator
Create a new JSeparator component.
- _createComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.ToolBar
Create a new Java Swing component.
- _createComponents() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- _createController(Object[], double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleTop
Create a Factor Oracle to be used within the hierarchical FO
that is used for generation of improvised jazz "licks".
- _createController(Object[], double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.OracleModel
Create a Factor Oracle controller.
- _createController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraModalModel
Create a Ptera controller within this Ptera modal model.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController
Create the controllers for nodes in this graph.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
Create the controllers for nodes in this graph.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Create the controllers for nodes in this graph.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController
Create the controllers for nodes in this graph.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultActorGraphController
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultFSMGraphController
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationActorGraphController
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationFSMGraphController
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconGraphController
Create the controllers for nodes in this graph.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphController
Create the controllers for nodes in this graph.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
Create the controllers for nodes in this graph.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
Initialize all the controller objects for elements in the ontology
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphController
Initialize all the controller objects for elements in the ontology
solver editor.
- _createControllers() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphController
- _createDefaultBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Create a new default background figure, which is a white box.
- _createDefaultBackgroundFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.ValueIcon
Create a new default background figure, which is a bullet.
- _createDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Return a default Configuration, or null to do without one.
- _createDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
Return a default Configuration, which in this case is given by
the MoML file ptolemy/configs/runConfiguration.xml.
- _createDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplication
Return a default Configuration, which in this case is given by
the MoML file ptolemy/configs/runPanelConfiguration.xml.
- _createDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.HomerApplication
Return the full default application configuration.
- _createDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication
Return a default Configuration.
- _createDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class thales.vergil.SingleWindowApplication
- _createDefaultLibrary(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create the default library to use if an entity has no
- _createDefaultLibrary(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconFrame
Create the default library to use if an entity has no
- _createDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
Create a director.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBeta
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
Create a new random number generator.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBreitWigner
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtChiSquare
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponential
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponentialPower
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtGamma
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtHyperGeometric
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtLogarithmic
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNegativeBinomial
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNormal
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoissonSlow
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtStudentT
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtVonMises
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createdNewRandomNumberGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtZeta
Method that is called after _randomNumberGenerator is changed.
- _createDocument(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEffigy
Create a syntax document, if possible, and otherwise a plain
- _createDynamicOffsetVariables(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Create offset variables for the channels of the given port.
- _createEdgeRenderer() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
Create an edge renderer specifically for instances of Transition.
- _createEmptyConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Return a default Configuration to use when there are no command-line
arguments, or null to do without one.
- _createEmptyConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
Throw an exception.
- _createEmptyConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplication
Return a default Configuration to use when there are no command-line
arguments, which in this case is the same as the default configuration
given by _createDefaultConfiguration, but with the additional
contents of the file ptolemy/configs/runWelcomeWindow.xml.
- _createEmptyConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.HomerApplication
Return the full default configuration.
- _createEmptyConfiguration() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication
Return a default Configuration to use when there are no command-line
- _createEmptyConfiguration() - Method in class thales.vergil.SingleWindowApplication
- _createExtendedButtons(JPanel) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.OpenInstanceDialog
Do nothing.
- _createExtendedButtons(JPanel) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
- _createExtendedButtons(JPanel) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Created extended buttons.
- _createExtendedButtons(JPanel) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Create buttons.
- _createExtendedButtons(JPanel) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- _createExtendedButtons(JPanel) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog
- _createExtendedButtons(JPanel) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Box2D
Create the figure for this actor.
- _createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Ellipse2D
Implement the base class to create a rectangular shape.
- _createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
Create the figure for this actor.
- _createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Image2D
Create the figure for this actor based on the user specified image
- _createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Line2D
Create the figure for this actor.
- _createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rectangle2D
Implement the base class to create a rectangular shape.
- _createFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.RectangularFigure2D
Create the figure for this actor.
- _createFileMenuItems() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Create the items in the File menu's Export section
This method adds a menu items to export images of the plot
in GIF, PNG, and possibly PDF.
- _createFileMenuItems() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Create the items in the File menu's Export section
This method adds a menu items to export images of the plot
in GIF, PNG, and possibly PDF.
- _createFileMenuItems() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Create the items in the File menu.
- _createFileMenuItems() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Create the items in the File menu.
- _createFileMenuItems() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create the items in the File menu's Export section
This method adds a menu items to export images of the plot
in GIF, PNG, and possibly PDF.
- _createFileMenuItems() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Create the items in the File menu.
- _createFSMGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- _createFSMGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- _createFSMGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- _createGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
Create the random number generator using current parameter values.
- _createGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Create the random number generator using current parameter values.
- _createGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Create the random number generator using current parameter values.
- _createGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Create the random number generator using current parameter values.
- _createGrabHandles(Connector) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ArcManipulator
Clear the current grab handles and create one for each of
the head and tail sites, plus an additional one for the center
of the arc.
- _createGrabHandles(Connector) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Clear the current grab handles and create one for each of
the head and tail sites.
- _createGraphModel(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.ia.InterfaceAutomatonGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createGraphPane(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphFrame
Create a new graph pane.
- _createHierarchyAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The action for creating a level of hierarchy.
- _createIdentity(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanMatrixToken
Return an new identity matrix with the specified dimension.
- _createImageMap(File) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Create the image map.
- _createInfiniteConceptInstance(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept
Create a new FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept for the given concept string.
- _createInfiniteConceptInstance(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept
Create a new FlatTokenInfiniteConcept for the given concept string.
- _createInfiniteConceptInstance(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.InfiniteConceptRepresentative
Create a new infinite concept for the given infinite concept string.
- _createInfiniteConceptInstance(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.BaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return a BaseUnitConcept instance from the given concept string
- _createInfiniteConceptInstance(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return a BaseUnitConcept instance from the given concept string
- _createInfiniteConceptInstance(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return a UnitConcept instance from the given concept string
- _createIngredientFromRow(GTIngredientsEditor.Row) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- _createInputBufferSizeAndOffsetMap() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Create the input buffer and offset map.
- _createInputPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Create an input port.
- _createInputPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SubscriptionAggregator
Create an input port.
- _createInstanceAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ClassDefinitionController
The action that handles creating an instance from a class.
- _createModel(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplet
Read the model from the modelURL applet parameter
and filter out any graphical classes that might require us
to have diva.jar in the classpath.
- _createModel(Workspace, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplet
Read the model from the modelURL applet parameter.
- _createModel(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Create a model.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Box3D
Create the shape and appearance of the box.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.CircularSweep3D
Create the shape and appearance of the encapsulated swept surface.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cone3D
Create the shape and appearance of the cone.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cylinder3D
Create the shape and appearance of the encapsulated cylinder.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Set the color and appearance of this 3D object.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Loader3D
Create the model by loading the filename.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.PolyCylinder3D
Create the shape and appearance of the encapsulated
generalized cylinder.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Sphere3D
Create the shape and appearance of the sphere.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
Create the shape and appearance of the encapsulated text.
- _createModel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Torus3D
Create the shape and appearance of the encapsulated torus.
- _createModel(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.MoMLViewerApplet
Read the model from the modelURL applet parameter
and do not filter out any graphical classes.
- _createModel(Workspace) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.TypeAnimatorApplet
Create the model.
- _createOffsetVariablesIfNeeded(IOPort, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Check for the given channel of the given port to see if
variables are needed for recording read offset and write
- _createPlaceable(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
Place the placeable objects in the model in the display pane.
- _createPtalonEvaluator(PtalonActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher.NestedPtalonActor
Create a new PtalonEvaluator.
- _createPtalonEvaluator(PtalonActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
- _createPtalonPopulator() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
- _createPtalonRecognizer(PtalonLexer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.PtalonMatcher.NestedPtalonActor
Create a new PtalonRecognizer.
- _createPtalonRecognizer(PtalonLexer) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Create Ptalon parser.
- _createRecordToken(String[], Token[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.OrderedRecordToken
- _createRecordToken(String[], Token[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Create a new RecordToken.
- _createResourceHandlers(WebApplicationInfo) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Create or re-use resource handler(s) to serve files such as images,
audio, etc.
- _createResourceHandlers(WebApplicationInfo) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Create or re-use resource handler(s) to serve files such as images,
audio, etc.
- _createRightComponent(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create the component that goes to the right of the library.
- _createRightComponent(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- _createRightComponent(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- _createRightComponent(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- _createRightComponent(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.CaseGraphFrame
Create the component that goes to the right of the library.
- _createRunControls(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
- _createScope(Pattern, MatchResult, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Evaluator
Create the scope to be used for name resolution.
- _createSection(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Create a section in this page with a title and a section description.
- _createServletHandler(WebApplicationInfo) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
Create a ContextHandler to store all of the servlets defined in the
given application (e.g. a Ptolemy model).
- _createServletHandler(WebApplicationInfo) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
Create a ContextHandler to store all of the servlets defined in the
given application (e.g. a Ptolemy model).
- _createSet() - Method in class ptolemy.data.OrderedRecordToken
Create a Set implementation appropriate for operations on this RecordToken.
- _createSet() - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Create a Set implementation appropriate for operations on this RecordToken
Subclasses of RecordToken may return a different implementation.
- _createSizeAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create a SizeAttribute for the current model when it is being saved to
a file.
- _createSizeAttribute(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create a SizeAttribute for a specific model when it is being saved to
a file.
- _createSizeAttribute() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- _createSubclassAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ClassDefinitionController
The action that handles creating a subclass from a class.
- _createView() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Create a ModelPane to control execution of the model and display
its results.
- _createView() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.MoMLViewerApplet
Override the base class to create a schematic view instead of
a ModelPane.
- _createViewScreen() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Create the view screen component.
- _createViewScreen2D() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Create the view screen component.
- _creatingPubSub - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
True if we Publishers or Subscribers are being created.
- _cStateModels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Internal continuous state models.
- _csvSeparator - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
The comma separated value separator.
- _ctmax - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Maximum contraction rate in corrector step, 0 < ctmax < 1.
- _current - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
The random number for the current iteration.
- _current - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
The current refinement.
- _current - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
The random number for the current iteration.
- _current - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
The Current value of the randomly generated number.
- _currentCharData - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
The current character data for the current element.
- _currentControlSeqAttr - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceSchedule
Keeps track of the last-executed control actor.
- _currentCtrlPositionOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _currentdataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
The current dataset, used for handling multiple files.
- _currentdataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
The current dataset.
- _currentdataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
The current dataset.
- _currentDataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
The current dataset number in a "dataset" element.
- _currentExpression - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Stores the expression used to set this variable.
- _currentExternalEntity() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Return the current external entity.
- _currentExternalEntity() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser
Get the the URI for the current external entity.
- _currentExternalEntity() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Get the the URI for the current external entity.
- _currentExternalEntity() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocManager
Get the the URI for the current external entity.
- _currentIfTree - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Some descendent of the root tree to which new input symbols
should be added.
- _currentInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Current input.
- _currentInput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
Current input.
- _currentLine - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
Cache of most recently read data.
- _currentLines - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
Cache of most recently read data.
- _currentLocalReceiverMap - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Map from input ports of the modal model to the local receivers
for the current state.
- _currentLocalReceivers(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return the receivers contained by ports connected to the inside
of the given input port and on the mode controller or the
refinement of its current state.
- _currentlyExecuting - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
List of currently executing actors.
- _currentlyExecuting - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Stack of currently executing actors.
- _currentObj - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
The JavaScript object that this is a helper for.
- _currentObj - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
The JavaScript object that this is a helper for.
- _currentOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Current output.
- _currentOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Current output.
- _currentOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
Current output.
- _currentOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
Current output.
- _currentPointCount - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
A count within the current dataset, in case no x value is given.
- _currentResults - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Contains the currently found results in this searcher.
- _currentState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Current state.
- _currentStateSet - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _currentTransitions - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _currSimTime - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
The simulation time of the last call.
- _customizeMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunFrame
Customize menu for this frame.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Set the plus port to be greater than or equal to the output port
if backward type inference is enabled.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayElement
Force the type of the input to be an array with fields of a type
greater than or equal to the type of the output port.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToElements
Add a type constraint for backward type inference that forces
the input to be an array of which the elements have a type
greater than or equal to the output port.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression
Set the input port greater than or equal to
in case backward type inference is
enabled and the input port has no type declared.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard
Set the input port greater than or equal to
in case backward type inference is
enabled and the input port has no type declared.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Set the input port greater than or equal to
in case backward type inference is
enabled and the input port has no type declared.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Set the input port greater than or equal to
in case backward type inference is
enabled and the input port has no type declared.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Set the input port greater than or equal to
in case backward type inference is
enabled and the input port has no type declared.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MonitorValue
Set the input port greater than or equal to
in case backward type inference is
enabled and the input port has no type declared.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Set the input port to be greater than or equal to
in case backward type inference is
enabled and the input port has no type declared.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Set up and return two type constraints.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler
Set up and return three type constraints.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordUpdater
Return the type constraints of this actor.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMaximum
Set input ≤ output, input ≤ Scalar.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMinimum
Set input ≤ output, input ≤ Scalar.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SetVariable
Return a constraint requiring that if there is a specified variable to
modify, the type of that variable is less than or equal to the type
of the output port.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Source
Set the input port greater than or equal to
in case backward type inference is
enabled and the input port has no type declared.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TypeTest
Do not participate in backward type inference, return null.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionDisassembler
Set up and returns two type constraints.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionMerge
Set up and return two type constraints.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Empty stub to be used for setting up custom type constraints for
subclasses of this actor.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ZeroOrderHold
Return a constraint that requires the type of the defaultValue
parameter to be less than or equal to the type of the output
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.ArrayToSequence
Add a type constraint for backward type inference that forces
the input to be an array of which the elements have a type
greater than or equal to the output port.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Set the output to be ≥ the monotonic function of the input port type.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.SampleDelay
Sets up backward type constraint that sets output ≤ input
if backward type inference is enabled.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictDelay
Return the a type constraint that requires the initial value to
be less than or equal to the type of the output.
- _customTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Pre
Return a constraint that requires the initial value to be less than or
equal to the type of the output.
- _cutAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The cut action.
- _cycleCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
The count of cycles executed so far, or 0 before the start.
- _cycleCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
The count of cycles executed so far, or 0 before the start.
- _cycleStartTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
The most recent cycle start time.
- _cycleStartTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
The most recent cycle start time.
- _D - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
current duration distribution.
- _D - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
current duration distribution.
- _D0 - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
initial duration distribution.
- _D0 - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
initial duration distribution.
- _data - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
The delay line.
- _data - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
The delay line.
- _DB_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Name for the property for XML database class
in the config/ptdb-properties file.
- _DB_URL - Static variable in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Name for the property for XML database URL/Location
in the config/ptdb-properties file.
- _dbConnection - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Connection to the xml database.
- _dbGraphSearchCriteria - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.GraphSearcher
The search criteria for graph pattern matching that are input by the
- _dbMenu - Variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
The database menu.
- _debug(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Report a debug message via the director.
- _debug(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Send a debug message to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Send a debug message to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Send a debug event to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Send a debug message to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Send a debug message to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Send a debug message to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Send a debug message to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug(DebugEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Send a debug event to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug(String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Send a debug message to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _debug - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _debugClosing - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Tableau
Set to true to print closing sequence information to standard
- _debugClosing - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Set to true to print closing sequence information to standard
- _debugging - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Flag that is true if there are debug listeners.
- _debugging - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Flag that is true if there are debug listeners.
- _debugging - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Flag that is true if there are debug listeners.
- _debugging - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
Flag that is true if there are debug listeners.
- _debugListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
The list of DebugListeners registered with this object.
- _debugListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.PtolemyThread
The list of DebugListeners registered with this object.
- _debugMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RunTableau.RunFrame
Debug menu for this frame.
- _debugMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Debug menu for this frame.
- _debugMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Debug menu for this frame.
- _debugMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame
Debug menu for the ontology editor frame.
- _debugMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
Debug menu for this frame.
- _debugMenuItems() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Return an array of debug menu items.
- _debugMenuItems() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame
Create the array of menu items for the debug menu.
- _debugMenuListener - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Listener for debug menu commands.
- _debugMenuListener - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
Listener for debug menu commands.
- _debugToStdOut(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Print the debug message to stdout and flush stdout.
- _debugViewReceiverInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTReceiver
For debugging purposes.
- _decimationPhaseValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
DecimationPhase value.
- _decimationValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Decimation value.
- _declareDelayDependency(IOPort, IOPort, double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Set the dependency between the input and output port to
represent a time delay with the specified value.
- _declareDependency(ConstVariableModelAnalysis, IOPort, String, List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Add a DependencyDeclaration (with the name
"_MultirateFSMRateDependencyDeclaration") to the variable with the
given name in the given port that declares the variable is dependent
on the given list of variables.
- _declareDependency(ConstVariableModelAnalysis, Port, String, List) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.BaseSDFScheduler
Add a DependencyDeclaration (with the name
"_SDFRateDependencyDeclaration") to the variable with the given
name in the given port that declares the variable is dependent
on the given list of variables.
- _declareReconfigurationDependencyForRefinementRateVariables(ConstVariableModelAnalysis, IOPort, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Declare the reconfiguration dependency in the given analysis
associated with the parameter name of the given port.
- _decodeBooleanField(int, GTIngredient.FieldIterator) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Decode a Boolean field and store the value into the index-th element.
- _decodeStringField(int, GTIngredient.FieldIterator) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Decode a string field and store the value into the index-th element.
- _decomp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Conduct a QR decomposition.
- _decoratable - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
A flag indicating that the figures associated with this
controller can be decorated to indicate that they are derived.
- _decoratedObjects - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Cached list of decorated objects.
- _decoratedObjects - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Cached list of decorated objects.
- _decoratedObjectsVersion - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.Map
Version for _decoratedObjects.
- _decoratedObjectsVersion - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Version for _decoratedObjects.
- _decoratePortFigure(Object, Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController.EntityPortRenderer
Decorate the figure according to the properties of the node.
- _decorator - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.DecoratorAttributes
The decorator.
- _decreaseTotalNum() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecordState
Decrease the total number of changes recorded in this field record
state by 1.
- _deepConnectedPortList(LinkedList) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Deeply list the opaque ports connected to this port on the outside.
- _deepConnectedPorts(LinkedList) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
- _deepContains(CompositeEntity, Entity, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Return true if the specified target is deeply contained by the specified container
subject to the constraints given by the opaques parameter.
- _deepCopyArray(Object, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Perform a deep copy from a source array to a destination array.
- _deepInsidePortList(LinkedList) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
If this port is transparent, then deeply list the ports
connected on the inside.
- _deepInsidePorts(LinkedList) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
- _deepOpaqueEntityList(List) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
List the opaque entities that are directly or indirectly
contained by this entity.
- _default - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
The default refinement.
- _default - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Case
The default refinement.
- _DEFAULT_GIOTTO_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoScheduler
The default Giotto frequency.
- _DEFAULT_GIOTTO_PERIOD - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoDirector
The static default Giotto period is 100ms.
- _DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
The default name.
- _DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
The default name.
- _defaultBlocks - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
The code block table that stores the code block body (StringBuffer)
with the code block name (String) as key.
- _defaultDependency - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
The default dependency of an output port on an input port.
- _defaultFireMethodName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
The number for the default fire method.
- _defaultInitializer - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.injection.ActorModuleInitializer
The default initializer used by the PtolemyInjector if one is not provided to
- _defaultLibrary - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The default Library.
- _defaultMicrostep - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
The director's default microstep.
- _defaultPeriod - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
- _defaults - Variable in class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
The default values, if applicable.
- _defaultSelectionRenderer - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ArrayToElements
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.JSONToToken
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.json.TokenToJSON
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVReader
Override the default to eliminate the default type constraints/.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.TokenReader
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return null, because the default type constraints, where output
types are greater than or equal to all input types, make no sense
for this actor.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Return null, because the default type constraints, where output
types are greater than or equal to all input types, make no sense
for this actor.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The output must be greater than or equal to each of both inputs.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordDisassembler
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordUpdater
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMaximum
Eliminate default constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RunningMinimum
Eliminate default constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionDisassembler
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.UnionMerge
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Return the default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
The output must be greater than or equal to each of both inputs.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketReceiver
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.TCPPacketTransmitter
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.ArrayToSequence
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.GetProperties
Do not establish the usual default type constraints.
- _defaultVisit(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
- _deferChangeRequests - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Flag indicating that we should not immediately
execute a change request.
- _delay - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
The amount of delay.
- _delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
The amount of delay.
- _delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Computed delay according to the bag emission (see AFDX spec.).
- _delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
The amount of delay.
- _delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
The amount of delay.
- _delay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
The amount of delay.
- _delayBlockCount - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
The number of time-blocked processes.
- _delayDependencies - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
A record of delay dependencies from input to output, if any.
- _delayedOutputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
A local event queue to store the delayed output tokens.
- _delayedOutputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Timer
A local queue to store the delayed tokens.
- _delayedOutputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.VariableDelay
A local event queue to store the delayed output tokens.
- _deleteMoML(AbstractBasicGraphModel, Object[], SelectionModel) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the MoML to delete the specified selection objects.
- _deltaX - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Step size for finite difference approximation
- _deltaX - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.NewtonRaphson
Step size for finite difference approximation
- _dependencyVersion - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
The workspace version where the dependency was last updated.
- _dependentVariable - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
The variable to which the parse tree belongs.
- _depth - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
The depth, used for debugging and indenting.
- _depth - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
The depth of the hierarchy of array tokens used to represent
this array.
- _depth - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
The depth of this event.
- _derivative(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
Return the derivative (slope) at the current time with the given
input value.
- _derivedPiggybacks - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
The derived piggybacked executables.
- _derivFcn - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Derivative function.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Return a description of this variable.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a description of the object.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace
Return a description of the workspace.
- _description(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Return a description of the object.
- _destination - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer._LinkVisualizerThread
- _destinationFile - Variable in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
The file to write to.
- _destinationNames - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
List of destination names.
- _destinations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
List of destinations.
- _destinationsListVersion - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
The workspace version number when the _destinations list is last
- _destinationState() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the chosen destination state.
- _destinationTypeConstraints(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.IterateOverArray
Return the type constraints on all connections starting from the
specified source port to all the ports in a group of destination
- _destinationTypeConstraints(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Return the type constraints on all connections starting from the
specified source port to all the ports in a group of destination
- _destinationTypeConstraints(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform
Returns the type constraints on all connections starting from the
specified source port to all the ports in a group of destination ports.
- _destinationTypeConstraints(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform
Return the type constraints on all connections starting from the
specified source port to all the ports in a group of destination
- _device - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.xbee.XBeeHelper
The device.
- _didConverge(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Return true if each element of f is within the solver tolerance.
- _diff - Static variable in class ptolemy.moml.filter.JavaScriptThisUpdate
The ptolemy.util.test.Diff.diff(String, String) method.
- _dimensions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _dimensionString(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Print out the dimensions of the given matrix.
- _dimensionString(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return a string that describes the number of rows and columns.
- _dimensionString(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return a string that describes the number of rows and columns.
- _dimensionString(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return a string that describes the number of rows and columns.
- _dimensionString(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return a string that describes the number of rows and columns.
- _dimensionString(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return a string that describes the number of rows and columns.
- _director - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Case
The director.
- _director - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessThread
The director responsible for the execution of the actor.
- _director - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
The director of this receiver.
- _director - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
The associated director.
- _director - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
The Continuous director that contains this solver.
- _director - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
The director in charge of this receiver.
- _director - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceEstimator
The director that controls the execution of the actors to be sequenced.
- _directorVersion - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
The version of the workspace of container, used for
caching by _getDirector().
- _directory - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Directory that contains the input file.
- _directory - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
The most recent directory used in a file dialog.
- _directory - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Directory that contains the input file.
- _directory - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
- _DIRECTORY_NAME - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
The name of the model directory.
- _disableActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Disable the specified actor.
- _disableActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Disable the specified actor.
- _disabledActors - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
The set of actors that have returned false in their postfire()
- _disabledRefinements - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
State and transition refinements that have returned false in postfire().
- _discarded - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Holds the most recently discarded event from the input buffer.
- _DISCARDED - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Indicator that a file is discarded.
- _disconnect(Edge, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
- _disconnect(Edge, Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Disconnect an edge from a node that it is incident to.
- _disconnectEdge(Edge) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Disconnect a given edge in this graph.
- _displayNode(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeDumper
Display the given node with the current prefix, recursing into
the children of the node.
- _displays - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelPane
A panel into which to place model displays.
- _displaySchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Send the status of the current TM scheduling to all debug
listeners that have registered.
- _displaySchedule(String, double, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Send a debug message to all debug listeners that have registered.
- _displayString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
Get the string to render in the icon.
- _displayString() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValuesIcon
Get the string to render in the icon.
- _displayWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Most recent value of the rounding parameter.
- _dist_to_target - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
- _distanceBetween(WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Return the distance between two ports.
- _divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of this Token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Subtract is not supported for Dates.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken, Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return a new token whose value is the field-wise division of
this token and the argument.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divide(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return a new token whose value is the division of
this token and the argument.
- _divide(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided by the value of the argument token.
- _divideElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the result of dividing
the elements of this token by the argument.
- _divideElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the result of dividing
the elements of this token by the argument.
- _divideElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the result of dividing
the elements of this token by the argument.
- _divideElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the result of dividing
the elements of this token by the argument.
- _divideElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the result of dividing
the elements of this token by the argument.
- _divideReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
divided into the value of the argument token.
- _dmax - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Maximal norm for H
- _dmin - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Minimal norm for H
- _docType - Variable in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
- _documentBase - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The document base we use to find the _filespec.
- _doFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
- _doFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Compute the filter, updating the caches, based on the current
- _doFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
- _domainOntologies - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
The domain ontology.
- _done() - Method in class org.ptolemy.commons.FutureValue
Protected method invoked when this task transitions to state isDone (whether normally or via cancellation).
- _done - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _doPostfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Postfire the modal model and commit the transition.
- _doubleArrayToByteArray(double[][], byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
Convert a double array of audio samples into a byte array of
audio samples in linear signed PCM big endian format.
- _doubleArrayToByteArray(double[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Convert a double array of audio samples into a byte array of
audio samples in linear signed PCM big endian format.
- _downKeyPressed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
A flag indicating if the down arrow key has been pressed
since the last firing of the actor.
- _downKeyReleased - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
A flag indicating if the down arrow key has been released
since the last firing of the actor.
- _dPriors0 - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
The user defined duration priors.
- _dqs - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
- _drawBar(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Draw bar from the specified point to the y axis.
- _drawBar(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw bar from the specified point to the y axis.
- _drawChildren(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Draw the children of the given node.
- _drawChildren(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Render the children of the specified node.
- _drawErrorBar(Graphics, int, long, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw an error bar for the specified yLowEB and yHighEB values.
- _drawImpulse(Graphics, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw a line from the specified point to the y axis.
- _drawLine(WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer
Draw a line from the sender container to the destination container
with name lineName.
- _drawLine(Graphics, int, long, long, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw a line from the specified starting point to the specified
ending point.
- _drawLine(Graphics, int, long, long, long, long, boolean, float) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw a line from the specified starting point to the specified
ending point.
- _drawPlot(Graphics, boolean, Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Draw the axes and then plot the histogram.
- _drawPlot(Graphics, boolean, Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw the axes and then plot all points.
- _drawPlot(Graphics, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Draw the axes using the current range, label, and title information.
- _drawPlot(Graphics, boolean, Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Draw the axes using the current range, label, and title information,
at the size of the specified rectangle.
- _drawPoint(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the
specified x and y position.
- _drawPoint(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the
specified x and y position.
- _drawReferenceBox() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditIconFrame
Draw a reference box with the default icon size, 60x40.
- _driverCode(TypedCompositeActor, Actor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the driver.
- _driversCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the drivers.
- _driversImplementationCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate implementation code for the drivers.
- _dropTarget - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The instance of EditorDropTarget associated with the JGraph.
- _dropTarget - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
Associated DropTarget.
- _dt - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Duration variable: d(t).
- _dtd - Variable in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
- _dtdPublicID - Variable in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
- _dtdSystemID - Variable in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
- _dump(int, PrintStream) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Print the content of the sub-tree starting from this node to the given
output stream in a text format.
- _durationPriors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Duration priors: an nStates-by-nDurations matrix.
- _durationPriors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
Duration priors - an nStates-by-nDurations matrix.
- _dynamic - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _earliestNextFiringRequest() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Return the earliest pending fire request.
- _earliestNextFiringTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Return the earliest time that any actor has requested
a refiring.
- _earliestNextFiringTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Return the earliest time that any actor has requested
a refiring.
- _editFormat() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Interactively edit the file format in a modal dialog.
- _editFormat() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Interactively edit the file format in a modal dialog.
- _editIconAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
The action that handles edit custom icon.
- _editIconAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
The action that handles edit custom icon.
- _editIconAction - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController
The edit custom icon action.
- _editIconAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeWithIconController
The edit custom icon action.
- _editMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Edit menu for this frame.
- _editMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
The edit menu.
- _editMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Edit menu for this frame.
- _editMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The edit menu.
- _editor - Variable in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial
- _editPreferencesAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The action to edit preferences.
- _effigy - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
The effigy for the image data.
- _elementDump(Object, Graph, String) - Static method in exception ptolemy.graph.GraphException
Return a dump of an element (
or weight) and the container graph suitable to be appended
to an error message.
- _elementIsNil(int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Add the element to the _nils Set.
- _elementName - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
The MoML element name.
- _elementType - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
The type of this array.
- _embeddedActor - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
The embedded actor used to contain the ports to the C
- _emitMessage(Buffer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.udpSocket.UDPSocketHelper.UDPSocket
Convert the buffer to a message depending on the specified receive type
and emit a 'message' event.
- _EMParameterEstimation() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Expectation-Maximization, which internally executes a gradient-descent algorithm
for parameter estimation.
- _EMParameterEstimation() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
- _EMParameterEstimation() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- _EMPTY_ARGS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Empty argument list for JavaScript function invocation.
- _EMPTY_ARGS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Empty argument list for JavaScript function invocation.
- _EMPTY_COLLECTION - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
Empty collection for use by dependentPort().
- _emptyGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Return an empty graph that has the same run-time type as this graph.
- _enableApplyButton(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog
Enable or disable the apply button.
- _enabled - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecoratorAttributes
Boolean indicating enable status of the decorator.
- _enabled - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Indicator of whether the specified number of cycles have
been completed.
- _enabled - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Indicator of whether the specified number of cycles have
been completed.
- _enabledOutports - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ControlActor
Returns a list of 0 or more output ports that are currently
- _enableLogging - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
True if logging is enabled.
- _enclosingContinuousDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.HybridModalDirector
Return the enclosing continuous director, or null if there
is none.
- _encodeBooleanField(StringBuffer, int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Encode a Boolean field with the given value using the enablement of the
index-th element, and append the encoded string to the end of the
- _encodeStringField(StringBuffer, int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Encode a string field with the given value using the enablement of the
index-th element, and append the encoded string to the end of the
- _endLine - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
The character use at the end of a line.
- _endTime - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
The end time, in seconds.
- _engine - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
JavaScript engine, shared among all instances of this class.
- _engine - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
JavaScript engine, shared among all instances of this class.
- _enqueueEvent(Actor, Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Put a pure event into the event queue to schedule the given actor to
fire at the specified timestamp.
- _enqueueEvent(TMEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
Put an event into the event queue with the specified destination
receiver, token, and priority.
- _enqueueTriggerEvent(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Put a trigger event into the event queue.
- _enqueueTriggerEvent(IOPort, Token, Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Put a trigger event into the event queue.
- _enqueueTriggerEvent(IOPort, Token, Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Put a trigger event into the event queue.
- _enterContinuousTimeMode() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Invoke the fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode() function.
- _enterEventMode() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Invoke the fmi2EnterEventMode() function.
- _entities - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _entityController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
The entity controller.
- _entityPortController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
The entity port controller.
- _entries - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
The hashtable of items in the query.
- _entryPoints - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- _entryPointsR - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- _entryPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- _env - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _environment - Static variable in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
The environment for the Oracle Berkeley XMLDatabase that defines the
parameters like cache size, locking mechanism, storing mechanism etc.
- _environmentPath - Static variable in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Path for the given environment.
- _eol - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
The line separator.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortInfo
The value of the line.separator property.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
End of line character.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
End of line character.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
End of line character.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
End of line character.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGeneratorAdapter
End of line character.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGeneratorAdapter
End of line character.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
End of line character.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter
End of line character.
- _eol - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
The system-specific end-of-line character.
- _equivalenceClasses - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Computed equivalence classes of input ports.
- _error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Handle an error by emitting an error event, or if there is no
error event handler registered, by invoking the error() method
of the associated actor.
- _error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Handle an error by emitting an error event, or if there is no
error event handler registered, by invoking the error() method
of the associated actor.
- _error(ScriptObjectMirror, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Emit the error message in the director thread by emitting
an "error" event on the specified JavaScript object.
- _error(ScriptObjectMirror, String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Emit the error message in the director thread by emitting
an "error" event on the specified JavaScript object.
- _error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Handle an error by emitting an error event, or if there is no
error event handler registered, by invoking the error() method
of the associated actor.
- _error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Handle an error by emitting an error event, or if there is no
error event handler registered, by invoking the error() method
of the associated actor.
- _error(ScriptObjectMirror, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Emit the error message in the director thread by emitting
an "error" event on the specified JavaScript object.
- _error(ScriptObjectMirror, String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Emit the error message in the director thread by emitting
an "error" event on the specified JavaScript object.
- _error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified error message.
- _error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified message and throwable information.
- _error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified error message.
- _error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified message and throwable information.
- _error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Show the specified error message.
- _error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Show the specified message and throwable information.
- _error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.SimpleMessageHandler
Throw a RuntimeException.
- _error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.util.SimpleMessageHandler
Show the specified message and throwable information.
- _errorModels - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
The models contains error or cannot be parsed.
- _escapeElementString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Escape a string that describes the value of a single element, so that it
is enclosed in quotes and between the quotes, there are no quotes
(single or double) or backslashes.
- _etaDimension - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
Total number of categories among all observation dimensions.
- _evaluate(Pattern, MatchResult) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.Constraint
Evaluate the current expression to a token with the given pattern and
match result using
- _evaluate(Pattern, MatchResult) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter
Evaluate the current expression to a token with the given pattern and
match result using
- _evaluate(ASTPtRootNode, ParseTreeEvaluator, ParserScope) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.Operation
Given a parse tree of a Ptolemy expression, evaluate it in the given
scope and return a new constant AST node that has the result as its
- _evaluate() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConstraintMonitor
Evaluate the current expression to a token, which in this case means
to sum the values of all the decorated objects.
- _evaluate() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Evaluate the current expression to a token.
- _evaluate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ParametersAttribute
Evaluate the current expression to a token.
- _evaluateAllChildren(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Loop through all of the children of this node,
visiting each one of them; this will cause their token
value to be determined.
- _evaluateAllChildren(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Loop through all of the children of this node,
visiting each one of them; this will cause their token
value to be determined.
- _evaluateArrayIndex(ASTPtRootNode, Token, Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Evaluate the array index operation represented by the given node.
- _evaluateArrayIndex(ASTPtRootNode, Token, Type) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Evaluate the array index operation represented by the given node.
- _evaluateArrayIndex(ASTPtRootNode, Token, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the array index operation represented by the given node.
- _evaluateChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Evaluate the child with the given index of the given node.
- _evaluateChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Evaluate the child with the given index of the given node.
- _evaluateChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the child with the given index of the given node.
- _evaluatedChildToken - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Temporary storage for the result of evaluating a child node.
- _evaluatedChildToken - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
- _evaluatedObject - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator
The model component that the parse tree node refers to.
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFromRecordField
Return the function output from the given input arguments.
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Return the output of the concept function based on the concept
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunction
Return the output of the concept function based on the concept
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagation.ConstPropagationMathFunctions
Return the function output from the given input arguments.
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.ConstPropagationAbsIntLessThan
Return the function output from the given input arguments.
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.constPropagationAbsInt.ConstPropagationAbsIntMathFunctions
Return the function output from the given input arguments.
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.IfNodeFunction
Return the monotonicity concept that results from analyzing the
conditional statement.
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ApplyBinaryFunctionToMultipleArguments
Evaluate the concept function for the given list of arguments.
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeDerivedConceptFunction
Return the output of the concept function based on the concept
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeWrapperConceptFunction
Return the output of the concept function based on the concept
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.MultiplyOrDivideUnitConcepts
Return the function output from the given input arguments.
- _evaluateFunction(List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.RecordFromIndividualConcepts
Return the function output from the given input arguments.
- _evaluateLoopFunction(double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Evaluate the loop function for x and save the result in g.
- _evaluateMatrixIndex(ASTPtRootNode, Token, Token, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the Matrix index operation represented by the given node.
- _evaluator - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
- _eventInfoJNI - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The eventInfo.
- _eventIterator - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.ResumableFire
YieldAdapterIterator that is used to trigger actions of the wrapped
- _eventList - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
The list of Ptides events that are currently being processed.
- _eventQueue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
The queue used for sorting events.
- _eventQueue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
The priority queue that stores the list of processes waiting for time
to advance.
- _eventQueueLock - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
The lock for the queue.
- _evtIndCt - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
The event indicator count.
- _exactInputs - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Flag indicating that the solver should assume that inputs are exact,
meaning that if derivatives are zero, then they are genuinely zero,
not just unknown.
- _excludedNames - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
- _execute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Execute the change request and perform the transformation on the match
result(s) given to the constructor.
- _execute() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame.PrintChangeRequest
- _execute() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.RedoChangeRequest
Execute the change by invoking redo on the undo stack of
the context specified in the constructor.
- _execute() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.undo.UndoChangeRequest
Execute the change by invoking undo on the undo stack of
the context specified in the constructor.
- _execute() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest
Execute the change.
- _execute() - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Execute the change by evaluating the request and propagating
the request if appropriate.
- _execute() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest
Execute the request.
- _execute() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameTools.ModelChangeRequest
- _executeChangeRequests(List<ChangeRequest>) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Execute the specified list of change requests.
- _executeCommands - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Execute commands to run the generated code.
- _executeCommands() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Execute the compile and run commands in the
codeDirectory directory.
- _executeCommands() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Execute the compile and run commands in the
codeDirectory directory.
- _executeCommands() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
Execute the compile and run commands in the
codeDirectory directory.
- _executeInsideModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteActor
Run a complete execution of the model provided on the actor port.
- _executeInsideModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Run a complete execution of the contained model.
- _executing - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
True while the model is executing (between initialize() and
wrapup(), including the initialize() but not wrapup().
- _executing - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
True while the model is executing (between initialize() and
wrapup(), including the initialize() but not wrapup().
- _executionAspectListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Listeners that want to be informed about rescheduling events.
- _executionAspectListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
Listeners that want to be informed about execution events.
- _executionAspects - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
ExecutionAspects in the container of this director.
- _executionFinishedOrError - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
A flag that indicates if the execution has finished or thrown
an error.
- _exit() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Exit the window.
- _exit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Indicator that -runThenExit was requested.
- _exit() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Close all open tableaux, querying the user as necessary to save data,
and then exit the application.
- _exit() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Exit the application after querying the user to save data.
- _exitAngle - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.CurveEntry
- _exitPoints - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- _exitPointsR - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- _exitPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- _exitResult - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
The return value of the _exit() menu.
- _exitSearchCriteriaAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
The action for exiting the frame.
- _expandLibrary(String, Configuration) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLAbout
Expand the left hand library pane.
- _export() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Query the user for a filename and export the plot to that file.
- _export() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Query the user for a filename and export the plot to that file.
- _EXPORT_MENU_INDEX - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Index in the _fileMenuItems array of the Export item.
- _exportDesignPattern(Writer, NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Export the model into the writer with the given name.
- _exportDesignPattern(Writer, NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Export the model into the writer with the given name.
- _exportDesignPatternAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The action for exporting a design pattern.
- _exportGIFAction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
The export to GIF action.
- _exportGIFAction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
The export to GIF action.
- _exportGIFAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The export to GIF action.
- _exportHTMLAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The export HTML action.
- _exportImageTest(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.test.junit.ExportImageJUnitTest
Test the Export Image facility by saving images and reading
them back in.
- _exportLatexPlotData() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return Latex plot data.
- _exportLatexPlotData() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return Latex plot data.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.AtomicActorMatcher
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class are the attributes plus the ports.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.CompositeActorMatcher
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class are the attributes plus the ports.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class are the attributes plus the ports.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TransformationAttribute
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this base class is the attributes.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class is the attributes plus possibly a special attribute
to indicate whether the port is a multiport.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, wrapped
in a configure element.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveDialog
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.InteractiveShell
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class is the configuration information.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MobileModel
Export the moml description of this.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Override the base class to describe contained entities,
attributes, and ports, but not inside links or relations.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class is the configuration information.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.ActorRecursion
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Override the base class to describe contained entities, attributes, and
ports, but not inside links or relations.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.State
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class are the attributes plus the ports.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.lib.Plot
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class are the attributes plus the ports.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class are the attributes, ports, contained relations,
and contained entities, plus all links.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this class are the attributes plus the ports.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this base class is the attributes.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, wrapped
in a configure element.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
Write a MoML description this object, which includes a
MoML description of the contained model within the <configure> tag.
- _exportMoMLContents(Writer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.Vertex
Write a MoML description of the contents of this object, which
in this base class is the attributes.
- _exportPDFAction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
The export to PDF action.
- _exportPDFAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The export to PDF action.
- _exportPNGAction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
The export to PNG action.
- _exportPNGAction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
The export to PNG action.
- _exportPNGAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The export to PNG action.
- _exports - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
The exports object defined in the script that is evaluated.
- _exports - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
The exports object defined in the script that is evaluated.
- _externalRates - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Mmaps from external
ports to the number of tokens that that port
will produce or consume in each firing.
- _extractFromBuffer(Buffer, HelperBase.DATA_TYPE, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Extract a numeric instance of the specified type from a buffer.
- _extractFromBuffer(Buffer, HelperBase.DATA_TYPE, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Extract a numeric instance of the specified type from a buffer.
- _extractMapSpec(Token, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- _f - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.NewtonRaphson
Temporary variable used to store the result of f(x) = x-g(x)
- _factory - Variable in class diva.gui.toolbox.MenuCreator
The menu factory.
- _FAILED - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Indicator that a file save failed.
- _far - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.CrossRefList.CrossRef
The far CrossRef.
- _fieldLabel - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFromRecordField
The field label name for which this function should return a concept
value from a RecordConcept.
- _fieldLabels - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.RecordFromIndividualConcepts
The sorted set of fields for the output RecordConcept for this concept
- _fieldNames - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRecordConstructNode
The list of field names for the record.
- _fields - Variable in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
The map of fields that has keys of type String and values of
type token.
- _figure - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.TerminalFigure
- _figure - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
The figure represented by this actor.
- _figure - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Image2D
The figure which contains the image file.
- _figures - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DynamicEditorIcon
A list of weak references to figures that this has created.
- _file - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
The input file.
- _file - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
The input file.
- _fileFilter - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
The FileFilter that determines what files are displayed by
the Open dialog and the Save As dialog
The initial default is null, which causes no FileFilter to be
applied, which results in all files being displayed.
- _fileMenu - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
The file menu for this frame.
- _fileMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
File menu for this frame.
- _fileMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
File menu for this frame.
- _fileMenuItems - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Items in the file menu.
- _filenameFilter - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
The FileFilter used by the java.awt.FileDialog that determines
what files are displayed by the Open dialog and the Save As
dialog The initial default is null, which causes no FileFilter
to be applied, which results in all files being displayed.
- _filter - Variable in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- _finalPassOverCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Make a final pass over the generated code.
- _finalPassOverCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Make a final pass over the generated code.
- _finalPassOverCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Make a final pass over the generated code.
- _find() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Find and replace.
- _find(NamedObj, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Pattern) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Return a list of objects in the model that match the
specified search.
- _findAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The find action.
- _findClosedParen(String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Find the paired close parenthesis given a string and an index
which is the position of an open parenthesis.
- _findDependencies(Actor, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DependencyResultsDialog
Return a list of objects in the model that match the
specified search.
- _findInLibraryEntryBox - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The entry box for find in library.
- _findMatchingParen(String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Find the closing parenthesis that matches the the open parenthesis at
startPos position in string s.
- _findRecord(Iterator, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Find the record with the smallest timestamp that is larger than the
given timestamp.
- _findSeparator(String, int, char) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Find the separator character in string s starting from position
- _findUnitRecordByName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DimensionRepresentativeConcept
Return the unit info record token with the given Name field.
- _finishedAddEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Notify this actor that the given entity has been added inside it.
- _finishedAddEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.lib.ActorRecursion
Notify this actor that the given entity has been added inside it.
- _finishedAddEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Notify this entity that the given entity has been added inside it.
- _finishExportDesignPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Finish exporting a design pattern.
- _finishExportDesignPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Finish exporting a design pattern.
- _finishRequested - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Indicator that finish() has been called.
- _finiteEvaluateFunction(String, List<Concept>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.data.expr.IfNodeFunction
Return the monotonicity concept that results from analyzing the
conditional statement with respect to a single variable.
- _fire(List<Object>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Fire the actor.
- _fire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Advance the current model tag to that of the earliest event in
the event queue, and fire all actors that have requested or
are triggered to be fired at the current tag.
- _fireActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Fire an actor.
- _fireActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Fire an actor.
- _fireActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Iterate the actor once.
- _fireAt(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Request a firing of this actor at the specified time
and throw an exception if the director does not agree to
do it at the requested time.
- _fireAt(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Request a firing of this actor at the specified time
and throw an exception if the director does not agree to
do it at the requested time.
- _fireAt(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Request a firing of this actor at the specified time
and throw an exception if the director does not agree to
do it at the requested time.
- _fireCopying() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyTransformer
Fire the actor in shared firing mode.
- _fireCopying() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Fire the actor in shared firing mode.
- _firedOnce - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
Set to true if fire() is called once.
- _firedOnce - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Set to true if fire() is called once.
- _firedOnce - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Set to true if fire() is called once.
- _fireExclusive() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.lib.DummyTransformer
Fire the actor in exclusive firing mode.
- _fireExclusive() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.SharedBufferTransformer
Fire the actor in exclusive firing mode.
- _fireInsideModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Invoke the fire() method of its local director.
- _fireMethod - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
The fire() method.
- _fireMethodName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
The string name of the fire method currently being used.
- _fireMethodNameToInputPortList - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
The hashtable that maps fire method names to their list of input ports.
- _firingCountLimit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LimitedFiringSource
This is the value in parameter
- _firingEventTypeLabels - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.BreakpointConfigurer
Firing event type labels.
- _firingEventTypes - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.BreakpointConfigurer
FiringEventTypes that the user can set breakpoints on.
- _firingVector - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
A map from actors to an integer representing the
number of times the actor will fire.
- _firstFire - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Flag identifying the first invocation of fire() after initialize.
- _firstFireInIteration - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Flag identifying the first invocation of fire() after each invocation of
initialize() or postfire().
- _firstFiring - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
First firing indicator.
- _firstIteration - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Boolean indicating the first iteration of the generator.
- _firstOutputProduced - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Indicator of whether the first output has been produced.
- _firstOutputProduced - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Indicator of whether the first output has been produced.
- _flipPortsHorizontal - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
An action that handles flipping the ports horizontally.
- _flipPortsVertical - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
An action that handles flipping the ports vertically.
- _floydWarshallComputation(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy
The FloydWarshall computation associated with this,
- _floydWarshallComputation(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallStrategy
Derived classed need to override the _floydWarshallComputation method
of this class to provide the correct functionality.
- _floydWarshallComputation(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy
Overrides the computation associated with the implementation of the
Floyd-Warshall algorithm, for the purpose of computing the transitive
- _flushValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
If true, flush the writer after every write.
- _flushValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
If true, flush the writer after every write.
- _flushValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
If true, flush the writer after every write.
- _fmiCompletedIntegratorStep(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
For model exchange, complete the integrator step.
- _fmiCompletedIntegratorStepFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The fmiCompletedIntegratorStep() function.
- _fmiCompletedIntegratorStepJNI() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
For model exchange, complete the integrator step.
- _fmiComponent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The FMI component created by the modelIdentifier_fmiInstantiateSlave()
- _fmiDoStep(Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Advance from the last firing time or last commit time to the specified
time and microstep by calling fmiDoStep(), if necessary.
- _fmiDoStepFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The fmiDoStep() function.
- _fmiDoStepHybrid(Time, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Advance from the last firing time or last commit time to the specified
time and microstep by calling fmiDoStep(), if necessary.
- _fmiEnterContinuousTimeModeFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The fmiEnterContinuousTimeMode Function, present only in FMI-2.0.
- _fmiEnterContinuousTimeModeJNI() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Enter continuous mode of the FMU
- _fmiEnterEventModeJNI() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Enter event mode of the FMU.
- _fmiEnterInitializationModeFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The fmiEnterInitializationModeFunction, present only in FMI-2.0.
- _fmiExitInitializationModeFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The fmiExitInitializationModeFunction, present only in FMI-2.0.
- _fmiFreeInstance() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Free the instance of the FMU.
- _fmiGetContinuousStates(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
For model exchange, Get the continuous states of the FMU to the specified
- _fmiGetContinuousStatesFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Function to get the continuous states of the FMU for model exchange.
- _fmiGetContinuousStatesJNI(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Get the continuous states of the FMU to the specified
- _fmiGetDerivatives() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return the derivatives of the continuous states provided by the FMU.
- _fmiGetDerivativesFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Function to get the derivatives of a model-exchange FMU.
- _fmiGetDerivativesJNI(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Get the derivatives of the FMU to the specified
- _fmiGetDirectionalDerivativeFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Function to get the directional derivatives of a model-exchange FMU.
- _fmiGetEventIndicatorsFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Function to get the event indicators of the FMU for model exchange.
- _fmiGetEventIndicatorsJNI(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Get the event indicators.
- _fmiGetIntegerStatusFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The fmiGetIntegerStatus() function.
- _fmiGetRealJNI(double[], long[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Get the double inputs of the FMU to the specified
- _fmiGetRealStatusFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The fmiGetRealStatus() function.
- _fmiInitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Invoke _fmiInitialize() (for model exchange) or _fmiInitializeSlave()
(for co-simulation) on the FMU.
- _fmiInitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Initialize the FMU.
- _fmiInitializeJNI() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Initialize the FMU
- _fmiInstantiateJNI(String, String, String, double, double, double, Integer, double, byte, byte, String, double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Instantiate the FMU
- _fmiJNIComponent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The index of the component.
- _fmiModelDescription - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
A representation of the fmiModelDescription element of a Functional
Mock-up Unit (FMU) file.
- _fmiNewDiscreteStatesFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The _fmi2NewDiscreteStates function, present only in FMI-2.0.
- _fmiNewDiscreteStatesJNI() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Enter discrete states of the FMU
- _fmiSetContinuousStates(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
For model exchange, set the continuous states of the FMU to the specified
- _fmiSetContinuousStatesJNI(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
For model exchange, set the continuous states of the FMU to the specified
- _fmiSetRealJNI(double[], long[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Set the double inputs of the FMU to the specified
- _fmiSetTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Set the time of the FMU to the specified time.
- _fmiSetTimeFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Function to set the time of the FMU for model exchange.
- _fmiSetTimeJNI(double) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Set the time in the FMU.
- _fmiSetupExperimentFunction - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The _fmiSetupExperiment function.
- _fmiStatusDescription(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return a string describing the specified fmiStatus.
- _fmiTerminate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Terminate the FMU.
- _fmiType2PtolemyType(FMIType) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Given a FMIType object, return a string suitable for setting the
- _fmiVersion - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
The version number of the FMI standard.
- _fmiVersion - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The version of FMI that the FMU declares it is compatible with, converted
to a double for easy comparison.
- _fmuFileName - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
The name of the .fmu file.
- _fmvMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvAutomatonGraphFrame
The case menu.
- _fontProperties - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.AnnotationEditorFactory
Query box for font properties.
- _foreground - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Color of the foreground, settable from HTML.
- _foregroundEventLayer - Variable in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
- _foregroundLayer - Variable in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
- _form - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMatrixConstructNode
The form of the matrix construction.
- _formalParameters - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
Formal parameters within a function definition.
- _formatComment(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return a formatted comment containing the specified string.
- _forward - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Forward prediction errors.
- _forwardCache - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Cache of forward prediction errors.
- _forwardDependencies - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Computed dependencies between input ports and output ports of the associated actor.
- _forwardMap - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._TwoWayHashMap
one-way hash map to make the forward association
- _forwardPrunedDependencies - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
A record of removed dependencies from input to output, if any.
- _fragment - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplet
The fragment of the modelURL, if any.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
The associated frame.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
The associated frame.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
Frame into which plot is placed, if any.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The frame containing our canvas, if we created it.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.homer.HomerApplication
The frame that is created by this class.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.itextpdf.ExportPDFAction
The top-level window of the contents to be exported.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.accessor.ImportAccessorAction
The top-level window of the contents to be exported.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUAction
The top-level window of the contents to be exported.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUForQSSAction
The top-level window of the contents to be exported.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.fmu.ImportFMUHybridAction
The top-level window of the contents to be exported.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.imprt.g4ltl.ImportG4LTLAction
The top-level window of the contents to be exported.
- _frame - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener
- _freeFMUState() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Free the memory recording FMU state, if the canGetAndSetFMUstate
capability flag for the FMU is true.
- _fromFederationEvents - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
List of events received from the HLA/CERTI Federation and indexed by the
actors present in the model.
- _fullSolutionResult - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
An indicator for the function to compute.
- _function - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicGate
An indicator for the function to compute.
- _functionCall(String, Type[], Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the specified function.
- _functionMap - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
The map of functions.
- _g_n - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Current value of the loop function g(x_n).
- _gaussElimination(double[][], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.NewtonRaphson
Return vector x that solves A*x=f by a Gauss elimination
with normalization and interchange of rows.
- _generalConcept - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
The "General" Concept from the monotonicityAnalysis ontology.
- _generateActorFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Fire methods for each actor.
- _generateActorFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Fire methods for each actor.
- _generateActorFuncProtoCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate actor function prototypes.
- _generateActuatorActuationFuncArrayCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Return the code for the actuatorActuations array.
- _generateActuatorActuationFuncProtoCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Return the code for Actuation_*(void) function prototypes.
- _generateAdditionalCodeFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos.PtidyOSCodeGenerator
Generate code for the assembly file.
- _generateAllChildren(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Loop through all of the children of this node,
visiting each one of them, which will cause their token
value to be determined.
- _generateAndCompileEmbeddedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Generate and compile Java code.
- _generateAndCompileJNICode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Generate and compile the JNI code.
- _generateAndWriteActorCode(NamedObj, NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter, CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate and write the code for an actor.
- _generateAndWriteCompositeActorCode(CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate and write the code for a composite actor.
- _generateBlockByName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate code for a given block.
- _generateBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the body code that lies between variable declaration
and wrapup.
- _generateBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the body code that lies between variable declaration
and wrapup.
- _generateChannelOffset(TypedIOPort, boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Generate a string that represents the offset for a dynamically determined
channel of a multiport.
- _generateChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Visit the child with the given index of the given node.
- _generateClearEventHeadCode(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
This code reset the Event_Head pointer for each channel to null.
- _generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGenerator
Generate Accessor code and append it to the given string buffer.
- _generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Generate code and append it to the given string buffer.
- _generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGenerator
Generate HTML and append it to the given string buffer.
- _generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate code and append it to the given string buffer.
- _generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGenerator
Generate FMIMA and append it to the given string buffer.
- _generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate code and append it to the given string buffer.
- _generateCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGenerator
Generate a syntactic representation and append it to the given string buffer.
- _generateCodeMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoCGTests
The GenericCodeGenerator.generateCode(String[]) method.
- _generateCodeStrings(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate the various code strings for the framework C and Header code,
as well as the strings for the task C and Header code.
- _generateConstructorCode(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the code for a constructor.
- _generateConstructorCode(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the code for a constructor.
- _generateDeclareSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the declarations of the code shared by actors,
including globally defined
data struct types and static methods or variables shared by multiple
instances of the same actor type.
- _generateDirectorHeader() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate code for director header.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AbsoluteValue
Generate fire code for the AbsoluteValue actor.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Accumulator
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.BooleanMultiplexor
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Commutator
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.Round
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.conversions.TokenToExpression
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Distributor
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.Comparator
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Minimum
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Publisher
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp
Generate fire code for the Ramp actor.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
Generate fire code for the Scale actor.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Sequence
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.string.StringCompare
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Subscriber
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.SubscriptionAggregator
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Test
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TrigFunction
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.VectorAssembler
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.VectorDisassembler
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the fire code of the associated composite actor.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate the fire code of the associated FSMActor.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.UpSample
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Generate the fire code of a single event.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Maximum
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Generate the fire code of a Poisson Clock.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleEvent
Generate the fire code of a single event.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Synchronizer
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Generate the fire code of a Time Delay.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.UnaryMathFunction
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor
Generate the fire code of a Composite Actor.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Merge
Generate the fire code of the current actor.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.PID
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Previous
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Register
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.Accelerometer
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Control
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.CC3000Module
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GestureRecognition
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.GPIOWriter
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.HSBtoRGB
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.LEDCubeUpdate
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.NeoPixelLEDStrip
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.PacketToSensorData
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.mbed.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.mbed.SensorDataCalibration
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.MultiplyDivide
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.ElementsToArray
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopReadPort
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopSerialRead
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopSerialWrite
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWatchDog
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jopio.JopWritePort
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherTest
Generate fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the fire code.
- _generateFireCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.AutoAdapter
Generate the fire code.
- _generateFrameworkHeaderCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate code for the H file f_code.h.
- _generateFrameworkImplementationCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate Framework Implementation C code (f_code.c) for the given model.
- _generateGaussian() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.BandlimitedNoise
Generate a new random number.
- _generateIncludeFiles(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate include files.
- _generateIncludeFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos.PtidyOSCodeGenerator
- _generateIncludeFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate include files.
- _generateIncludeFiles() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate include files.
- _generateInitializeHardwareCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.luminary.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the initialization code for any hardware component that is used.
- _generateInitializeHardwareCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the initialization code for any hardware component that is used.
- _generateInitializeHardwareCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the initialization code for any hardware component that is used.
- _generateInSubdirectory - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
The value of the generateInSubdirectory parameter.
- _generateJavaScriptParameters(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.accessor.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Given a NamedObj, generate JavaScript for any parameters.
- _generatePortReference(TypedIOPort, String[], boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Generate a string that represents the reference for an IOPort.
- _generatePortsAccessorsCode(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the code to access ports for an actor.
- _generatePortsAccessorsCode(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the code to access ports for a composite actor.
- _generatePortsAccessorsDeclaration(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the code to declare the accessors to ports.
- _generatePortsAccessorsDeclaration(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the code to declare the accessors to ports.
- _generatePortVariableDeclaration(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate the input and output port declarations.
- _generatePreinitializeCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate preinitialize code (if there is any).
- _generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the preinitialization method body.
- _generatePreinitializeMethodBodyCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the preinitialization method body.
- _generatePreinitializeMethodEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the preinitialization procedure entry point.
- _generatePreinitializeMethodEntryCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the preinitialization procedure entry point.
- _generatePreinitializeMethodExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the preinitialization procedure exit point.
- _generatePreinitializeMethodExitCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the preinitialization procedure exit point.
- _generatePreinitializeMethodProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the preinitialization procedure name.
- _generatePreinitializeMethodProcedureName() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the preinitialization procedure name.
- _generatePtrToEventHeadCodeInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate a pointer to the event head.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Bernoulli
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBeta
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBreitWigner
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtChiSquare
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponential
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtExponentialPower
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtGamma
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtHyperGeometric
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtLogarithmic
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNegativeBinomial
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtNormal
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoissonSlow
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtStudentT
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtVonMises
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtZeta
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteRandomSource
Choose one of the tokens in values randomly, using
the pmf parameter to select one.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomInteger
Generate a new random integer.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Rician
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Triangular
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Uniform
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.PoissonClock
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Bernoulli
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Bernoulli
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Bernoulli
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomial
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtBinomialSelector
Generate code for producing new random numbers.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtPoisson
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Gaussian
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Uniform
Generate code for producing a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.Noise
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.BandlimitedNoise
Generate a new random number.
- _generateRandomNumber() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Generate the next random number.
- _generateRefinementCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate code for the firing of refinements.
- _generateRefinementCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Generate code for the firing of refinements.
- _generateSensorFuncProtoCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.xmos.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the function prototype.
- _generateSharedCode() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate code shared by actors, including globally defined
data struct types and static methods or variables shared by multiple
instances of the same actor type.
- _generateStateConstantLabel(State) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate a label for a state constant.
- _generateStateConstantLabel(State) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate a label for a state constant.
- _generateTaskHeaderCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate code for the H file task_code.h.
- _generateTaskImplementationCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate the Task Implementation C code (task_code.c) for the given model.
- _generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Generate the type conversion statement for the particular offset of
the two given channels.
- _generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
- _generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
- _generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
- _generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesBasicReceiver
Generate the type conversion statement for the particular offset of
the two given channels.
- _generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel, ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Generate the type conversion statement for the particular offset of
the two given channels.
- _generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
- _generateTypeConvertStatement(ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel, ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
Generate the type conversion statement for the particular offset of
the two given channels.
- _generateUpdatePortOffsetCode(StringBuffer, Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Generate the code that updates the input/output port offset.
- _generateVariableDeclaration(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- _generateVariableDeclaration(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- _generateVariableDeclaration(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- _generateVariableDeclaration(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate variable declarations for inputs and outputs and parameters.
- _generateVariableInitialization(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- _generateVariableInitialization(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- _generateVariableInitialization(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Generate variable initialization for the referenced parameters.
- _generatingCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
True if code is being generated.
- _generator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
The code generator.
- _generatorSeed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
The current value of the seed parameter.
- _generatorSeed - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
The current value of the seed parameter.
- _generatorSeed - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
The current value of the seed parameter.
- _GENERIC_INOUT - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Prototype inout port.
- _GENERIC_INOUT_MULTIPORT - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Prototype inout multiport.
- _GENERIC_INPUT - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Prototype input port.
- _GENERIC_INPUT_MULTIPORT - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Prototype input multiport.
- _GENERIC_OUTPUT - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Prototype output port.
- _GENERIC_OUTPUT_MULTIPORT - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Prototype output multiport.
- _getActiveThreadsCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return the number of active threads under the control of this
- _getActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Return the actor that this wraps.
- _getActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.RestrictedJavaScriptInterface
Return the actor that this wraps.
- _getActorStatus(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Determine actor enabling status.
- _getActualCodeStream(Object, GenericCodeGenerator) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the actual CodeStream associated with the given Actor and
- _getActualCodeStream() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the actual CodeStream for this Adapter.
- _getAdapter(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Get the code generator adapter associated with the given object.
- _getAdapter(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return the LatticeOntologyAdapter for the specified
- _getAdapter(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologySolver
Return the LatticeOntologyAdapter for the specified
- _getAdapter(Object, OntologySolverBase) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the PropertyAdapter for the specified component.
- _getAdapterClassFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGenerator
Return the filter class to find adapters.
- _getAdapterClassFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return the filter class to find adapters.
- _getAdapterClassFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.html.HTMLCodeGenerator
Return the filter class to find adapters.
- _getAdapterClassFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGenerator
Return the filter class to find adapters.
- _getAdapterClassFilter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGenerator
Return the filter class to find adapters.
- _getAdvanceables() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Return a list of actors under the control of this director that implement
- _getAnimationMenuText() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Return the text to be used in the animation menu item.
- _getArgumentTypes() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting.PtolemyMethod
Get the names of the method's argument types.
- _getArrayLength(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Return the value of the "arrayLength" attribute for the given port.
- _getAssignMethodName(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Get the name of the assignment method.
- _getASTNodeAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the list of PropertyAdapters for ASTPtRootNodes.
- _getAttributeName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame.ConfigureCriteriaAction
- _getAttributeName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame.ConfigureIngredientsAction
- _getAttributeName() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame.ConfigureOperationsAction
- _getAttributeParseTrees() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyModalFSMAdapter
Return the list of parse tree root nodes that correspond to all
attributes contained in the outgoing transitions from the states
in the FSM.
- _getAttributeParseTrees() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the list of parse trees for all settable Attributes
of the component.
- _getAutoGeneratedAdapter(GenericCodeGenerator, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Attempt to automatically generate an adapter.
- _getAutoGeneratedAdapter(GenericCodeGenerator, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Attempt to automatically generate an adapter.
- _getBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
- _getBackgroundSize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Return the background size.
- _getBackgroundSize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.EventIcon
- _getBackgroundSize() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.OctagonEventIcon
- _getBackupMethodName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.transform.AbstractTransformer
Get the name of the backup method.
- _getBlockedThreadsCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return the number of threads that are currently blocked.
- _getCanBusPriority(Receiver) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Return the priority of the CanBus port where this receiver is
connected to.
- _getCardinality(Port) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
- _getCastType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Get the cast type.
- _getCenter(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the center location of the visible part of the pane
for a JGraph.
- _getCenterOffset(Parameter) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.RectangularFigure2D
Return the offset in a single axis by which to move the rectangle
so that the figure is centered at the cartesian origin.
- _getCenterPoint() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.RectangularFigure2D
Return the center point of the rectangle as a Point.Double.
- _getChannelAndOffset(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Return the channel and offset given in a string.
- _getChannelForIdentifier(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Given an identifier, return a channel number i if the identifier is of
the form portName_i, portName_i_isPresent, portName_iArray.
- _getChildNodeTerms() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Return an array of all the inequality terms for the
child nodes to this product node.
- _getClearAllErrorHighlightsChangeRequest() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Return a change request that clears all the highlights.
- _getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CTemplateParser
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- _getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaTemplateParser
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- _getCodeGenerator() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Get the code generator associated with this adapter class.
- _getCollectionList() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.data.CombinedCollection
Get the list containing all the component collections.
- _getCompletionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Return the completion time of this receiver.
- _getComponent(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunPane
Return a component with the specified name.
- _getComponentType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
Get the class label of the component.
- _getComponentType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
Get the class label of the component.
- _getComponentType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Get the class label of the component.
- _getComponentType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptController
Get the class label of the component which is a Concept.
- _getComponentType() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyEntityController
Get the class label of the component which is an Ontology.
- _getCompositeFigure(Figure) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Get the CompositeFigure from the given Figure.
- _getConceptFunctionTerm(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Return the inequality term representing the concept function
defined by the specified string.
- _getConceptTermManager() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return a new concept term manager.
- _getConstrainedPorts(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the list of constrained ports given the flag whether source or
sink ports should be constrained.
- _getConstraintingPorts(boolean, TypedIOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the list of constraining ports on a given port, given whether
source or sink ports should be constrained.
- _getConstraintType() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Return the constraint type based on the solver strategy and the
type of the fixed point.
- _getContainedObject(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Get an entity with the specified name in the specified container.
- _getContainedObject(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Get a port with the specified name in the specified container.
- _getContainedObject(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
Get a relation with the specified name in the specified container.
- _getContainedObject(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Get an attribute with the specified name in the specified container.
- _getContainedObject(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Get an object with the specified name in the specified container.
- _getContents() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Return the content mapping.
- _getContinuation(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
- _getConversion(Class, Type) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return a conversion to convert the second argument into the class
given by the first argument.
- _getCornerPoint() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.RectangularFigure2D
Calculate the lower left point of the rectangle as a Point.Double.
- _getCurrentDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Return the current directory.
- _getCurrentExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Get the persistent expression as a string, to be used to export to MoML.
- _getCurrentExpression() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Get the current expression as a string, to be used to export to MoML.
- _getCurrentInputPosition() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.SingleTokenCommutator
Get the current input position.
- _getCurrentStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return the current step size.
- _getCurrentTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.WallClockTime
Get the elapsed time since the model starts.
- _getDeadline(Actor, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Get the deadline for an actor that requests a firing at time
- _getDeadline(Actor, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Compute the deadline for an actor that requests a firing at time
- _getDebugMenuListener() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Return a new DebugMenuListener.
- _getDebugMenuListener() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphFrame
Create the listener for the debug menu actions.
- _getDefaultEventMoML() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.PteraGraphFrame
Return the default event MoML.
- _getDefaultIconImage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Return the default icon image, or null if there is none.
- _getDefaultProcessExecutionArray() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Return the default process execution array specified by the defaultProcessExecutionArray
- _getDefaultShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArcAttribute
Return a circle.
- _getDefaultShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArrowAttribute
Return a default arrow.
- _getDefaultShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.EllipseAttribute
Return a circle.
- _getDefaultShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.LineAttribute
Return a line.
- _getDefaultShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ShapeAttribute
Return the default shape to use for this icon.
- _getDefaultValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedIntegrator
Supplies a default value for the variable, in the case that there
is no initial value.
- _getDefaultValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Supplies a default value for the variable, in the case that there
is no initial value.
- _getDefaultValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedVariable
Supplies a default value for the variable, in the case that there
is no initial value.
- _getDepthOfActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return the depth of an actor.
- _getDepthOfIOPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return the depth of an ioPort.
- _getDestination(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Given a destination name, return a NamedObj that matches that
- _getDestination(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.CommitActionsAttribute
Given a destination name, return a NamedObj that matches that
- _getDestination(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.OutputActionsAttribute
Given a destination name, return a NamedObj that matches that
- _getDestination(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ActionsAttribute
Given a destination name, return a NamedObj that matches that
- _getDirection(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
- _getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.BranchController
Return the director that controls the execution of this
branch controller's containing composite actor.
- _getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Get the director that controls the execution of its parent actor.
- _getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return the director that is controlling the execution of this model.
- _getDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Return the director that is controlling the execution of this
- _getDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Each receiver is associated with a director, return that director.
- _getDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Each receiver is associated with a director, return that director.
- _getDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Each receiver is associated with a director, return that director.
- _getDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Each receiver is associated with a director, return that director.
- _getDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Each receiver is associated with a director, return that director.
- _getDirectory() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
- _getDistinctModelsList(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Create a list of distinct XMLDBModels from the given list that may
contain duplicates.
- _getDoubleArray(Token) - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Get a double array from the Token.
- _getDoubleArray(Token) - Method in class lbnl.lib.labview.LabVIEWSimulator
Get a double array from the Token.
- _getDoubleParameterValue(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return the value stored in a parameter associated with the NamedObj.
- _getDoubleParameterValue(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return the value stored in a parameter associated with
the NamedObj.
- _getEnclosingDomainActor() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
If the container of this director does not have an MultirateFSMDirector
as its executive director, then return the container.
- _getExecutiveDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoReceiver
Each receiver is associated with a component of some executive director.
- _getExecutiveDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Each receiver is associated with a component of some executive director.
- _getExecutiveDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
Each receiver is associated with a component of some executive director.
- _getExecutiveDirectorForReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
Each receiver is associated with a component of some executive director.
- _getExternalPortDirection(Port) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.PtolemyModelUtil
Get the direction of the edge anchor point of an external port
inside a composite actor.
- _getFieldTypeAndOwner(Class, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Get the type of a field in a class by its name.
- _getFigureUnder(Point2D) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
Return the figure that is an icon of a NamedObj and is
under the specified point, or null if there is none.
- _getFileDependencies() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Get the fileDependencies part of the generated code.
- _getFill() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Return the paint to use to fill the icon.
- _getFill() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.fmv.FmvStateIcon
Return the paint to use to fill the icon.
- _getFill() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.StateIcon
Return the paint to use to fill the icon.
- _getFill() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptIcon
Return the fill color.
- _getFill() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.EventIcon
- _getFill() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.OctagonEventIcon
- _getFill() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.TestIcon
- _getFireBlock() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Get the fireBlock part of the generated code.
- _getFireFunctionArguments() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Return the prototype for fire functions.
- _getFireFunctionArguments() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the prototype for fire functions.
- _getFireFunctionArguments() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the prototype for fire functions.
- _getFiringCount(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Return the number of firings associated with the given entity.
- _getFmuOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Retrieve the outputs from the FMU.
- _getFullName(Nameable) - Method in exception ptolemy.actor.process.TerminateProcessException
Get the name of a Nameable object.
- _getGraphController() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the graph controller associated with this frame.
- _getGraphModel() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the graph model associated with this frame.
- _getGraphPanner() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrame
- _getHelpURL() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.OpenInstanceDialog
Return a URL that points to the help page, which for this
dialog is the expressions documentation.
- _getHelpURL() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
Return a URL that points to the help page.
- _getHelpURL() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Get the URL that is the help for this dialog.
- _getHelpURL() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DependencyResultsDialog
Return a URL that points to the help page.
- _getHelpURL() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Return a URL that points to the help page.
- _getHelpURL() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTIngredientsEditor
- _getHelpURL() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog
Return the help URL.
- _getHelpURL() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _getHorizontalPixels() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the horizontal pixels by reading the horizontalPixels parameter.
- _getHorizontalPixels() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Get the number of horizontal pixels in the rendered image.
- _getIconVisibleLocations() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Return a list of data structures with one entry for each visible
entity and attribute.
- _getIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecordState
Get the identifier of this field record state.
- _getImplementation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Get the right instance of the implementation depending upon the
of the dependency specified through dependency injection.
- _getImplementation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Get the right instance of the implementation depending upon the
of the dependency specified through dependency injection.
- _getImplementation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplay
Get the right instance of the implementation depending upon the
of the dependency specified through dependency injection.
- _getImplementation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.vq.ImageDisplay
Get the right instance of the implementation depending upon the
of the dependency specified through dependency injection.
- _getIndentPrefix(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return a number of spaces that is proportional to the
- _getIndentPrefix(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonAST
Return a number of spaces that is proportional to the argument.
- _getIndentPrefix(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a number of spaces that is proportional to the argument.
- _getInitBlock() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Get the initBlock part of the generated code.
- _getInitializableContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.AbstractInitializableAttribute
Return the first Initializable encountered above this
in the hierarchy that will be initialized (i.e., it is either
an atomic actor or an opaque composite actor).
- _getInitializableContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.ExceptionManager
Return the first Initializable encountered above this
in the hierarchy that will be initialized (i.e., it is either
an atomic actor or an opaque composite actor).
- _getInitializableContainer() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractInitializableParameter
Return the first Initializable encountered above this
in the hierarchy that will be initialized (i.e., it is either
an atomic actor or an opaque composite actor).
- _getInitialModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InitModel
Get the initial model in a new workspace.
- _getInitialModel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.InitModelWithContainer
Get the initial model, which is the container or the Ptera modal model
that contains this event.
- _getInitialTimeTable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Return the initial time table of this director.
- _getInitialValueParameterName(TypedIOPort, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Return the initialValueParameter Name for each of the port.
- _getInitialValueParameterName(TypedIOPort, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Return the initialValueParameter name for each of the port .
- _getInitialValueString(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Return the correct Giotto initial value string for the given port.
- _getInputChannel(Port, int, Port) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Get the input channel connected to in a given port from a given output port and channel.
- _getInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return a list of inputs of the FMU.
- _getInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Get list of input ports for model.
- _getInputString(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.xmpp.XMPPSink
Return a string describing the input on channel i.
- _getInputString(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Return a string describing the input on channel i.
- _getInputString(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedDisplay
Return a string describing the model time of the containing director
a colon and the input on channel i.
- _getInputString(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.gui.NonStrictDisplay
Return a string describing the input on channel i.
- _getInputToken(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MonitorValue
Return a token from the named input channel.
- _getInputToken(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.TimedMonitorValue
Return a token from the named input channel.
- _getInsideWidth(IORelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return the sums of the widths of the relations linked on the
inside, except the specified relation.
- _getInsideWidth(IORelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriptionAggregatorPort
Override the base class to always return 1.
- _getInternalComplexMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a reference to the internal 2-D matrix of complex
numbers that represents this Token.
- _getInternalDoubleArray() - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a reference to the internal 2-D matrix of doubles that
represents this Token.
- _getInternalIntArray() - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a reference to the internal 2-D matrix of ints that represents
this Token.
- _getInternalLongArray() - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a reference to the internal 2-D matrix of longs that
represents this Token.
- _getIntParameterValue(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return the value stored in a parameter associated with the NamedObj.
- _getIntParameterValue(NamedObj, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return the value stored in a parameter associated with
the NamedObj.
- _getLabel(CompositeFigure, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Get the label to put on the specified background
figure based on the specified name.
- _getLabel(CompositeFigure, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.MultipleConceptIcon
Get the label to put on the specified background
figure based on the specified name.
- _getLastChosenTransition() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return the last chosen transitions.
- _getLayouterPool() - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerLayout
Return a pool for layout provider instances that can be reused in subsequent layout
- _getLineWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Return the line width to use in rendering the box.
- _getLineWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.StateIcon
Return the line width to use in rendering the box.
- _getLineWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptIcon
Return the line width.
- _getLineWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.EventIcon
Return the line width to use in rendering the box.
- _getLineWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.OctagonEventIcon
Return the line width to use in rendering the box.
- _getLinkSet() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Get an unmodifiable copy of the link set.
- _getLocalNameForName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Get the local name for this this name.
- _getLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.Locator
Return the location of this sensor.
- _getLocation(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Return the location attribute contained in the given object, or
a new location contained in the given object if there was no location.
- _getLocation(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.CompositePtolemyModel
Return the location attribute contained in the given object, or
a new location contained in the given object if there was no location.
- _getLocationSetMoML(CompositeEntity, Entity, double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
Return moml that will set the location of the specified node.
- _getManagedActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteActor
Return the actor whose life cycle is being managed by this actor,
which is the most recently received actor on the actor input port.
- _getManagedActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Return the actor whose life cycle is being managed by this actor.
- _getManager() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
Get the manager for the top-level of the associated model,
if there is one, or create one if there is not.
- _getMethodReturnType(Class<?>, String, Type[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Get the return type of a method belonging to the specified class, or the
type of a field belonging to it.
- _getMethodType(Class, String, Type[]) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Get the type of a method in a class by its name and types of
actural arguments.
- _getMetroIIEventBlockedThreadsCount() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
Returns the number of threads that are currently blocked on a MetroII
- _getMinTimeStep(double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoScheduler
Return the unit of time increment for director.
- _getModifier() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting.PtolemyMethod
Get the modifier of the method (a constant defined in
- _getMoML() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyTransferable
Return a string with a MoML description of all the objects in
the list.
- _getMultiportOffsets(Port, KShapeLayout, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerLayout
For a given Ptolemy port, its channel index in a multiport, and the
maximum index in that multiport, calculate its offset in X and Y
- _getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Get the name of this object, which in this class is the URI
associated with the effigy, or the string "Unnamed" if none.
- _getName() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.WelcomeWindow
Get the name of this object, which in this case is the
string "Welcome".
- _getName(Nameable) - Method in exception ptolemy.actor.process.TerminateProcessException
Get the name of a Nameable object.
- _getName() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting.PtolemyMethod
Get the name of the method.
- _getName() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Get the name of this object, which in this base class is
either the name of the file that has been associated with this
object, or the string "Unnamed" if none.
- _getNameable(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ActorGraphicalMessageHandler
Given a throwable, return the first Nameable (if any).
- _getNamedConcept(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator
Return the concept with the specified string representation.
- _getNext() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.RecordList
Get the record list next to this one.
- _getNextActorToFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Dequeue the events that have the smallest tag from the event queue.
- _getNextActorToFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Return the actor to fire in this iteration, or null if no actor should
be fired.
- _getNextActorToFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Return the actor to fire in this iteration, or null if no actor should
be fired.
- _getNextEventToFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Ptides director need to provide the implementation.
- _getNextEventToFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Returns the actor to fire in this iteration, or null if no actor should
be fired.
- _getNextFireTime(Time, LinkedList<TimedEvent>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Get next fire time for a set of tokens which is either the minimum
next fire time passed as an argument or the smallest timestamp of
the tokens in the set.
- _getNextFireTime(Time, LinkedList<TimedEvent>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Get next fire time for a set of tokens which is either the minimum
next fire time passed as an argument or the smallest timestamp of
the tokens in the set.
- _getNextFireTime(Time, TreeSet<TimedEvent>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Get next fire time for a set of tokens which is either the minimum
next fire time passed as an argument or the smallest timestamp of
the tokens in the set.
- _getNextInput() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEActor
Return a token from the receiver that has the minimum
receiver time of all receivers contained by this actor.
- _getNextPort() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Return the port that this actor will read from on the next
invocation of the fire() method.
- _getNextPort() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedMerge
Return the port that this actor will read from on the next
invocation of the fire() method.
- _getNode() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Return the node this adapter references.
- _getNodeLabel(ASTPtLeafNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator
Return the label for the leaf node.
- _getNodeLabel(ASTPtLeafNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator
Return the label for the leaf node.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor3D
Return the Java3D node associated with this actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Box3D
Return the Java3D box.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.CircularSweep3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cone3D
Return the cone.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Cylinder3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.KeyInput3D
Get the user input BranchGroup node.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Loader3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MouseInput3D
Get the user input BranchGroup node.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.PolyCylinder3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rotate3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Sphere3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.TextString3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Torus3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
Return the encapsulated Java3D node of this 3D actor.
- _getNodeObject() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The ViewScreen does not have an associated Java3D node.
- _getObjectFromFigure(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController.SchematicContextMenuFactory
- _getObjectFromFigure(Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.PtolemyMenuFactory
Return the Ptolemy object that the given figure represents.
- _getObjectUnder(Point2D) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTargetListener
Return the object under the specified point, or null if there
is none.
- _getODESolver() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return the ODE solver used to resolve states by the director.
- _getOrder() - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Return the order of the contents.
- _getOrientation() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Return the direction in which the curve will be traversed.
- _getOtherController() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return the controller of the conditional branch to reach the
rendezvous point first.
- _getOtherID() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return the branch ID of the branch that requested the
conditional receive.
- _getOutputChannel(Port, Port, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Get the output channel connected to in a given port from a given input port and channel.
- _getOutputFilename() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Return the name of the output file.
- _getOutputFilename() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos.PtidyOSCodeGenerator
Return the name of the output file.
- _getOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return a list of connected outputs of the FMU.
- _getOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Get list of output ports for model.
- _getOutsideWidth(IORelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Return the sums of the widths of the relations linked on the
outside, except the specified relation.
- _getPackageName(OntologySolverBase) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the package name that contains the class of this solver.
- _getParallelSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFScheduler
Return a parallelSchedule result of performing a topological
sort of the graph that can be constructed from the model's data
- _getParameter(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter, Attribute, String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Director
Return an unique label for the given attribute referenced
by the given adapter.
- _getParameter(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter, Attribute, String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Return an unique label for the given attribute referenced
by the given adapter.
- _getParameter(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter, Attribute, String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return an unique label for the given attribute referenced
by the given adapter.
- _getParameter(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter, Attribute, String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Return an unique label for the given attribute referenced
by the given adapter.
- _getParameter(NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter, Attribute, String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Return an unique label for the given attribute referenced
by the given adapter.
- _getParent(FieldEditor) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Given a field editor, return its parent.
- _getParent(KEdge) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerGraphUtil
Get the parent node of an KIELER KEdge.
- _getParserScope() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
Return a parser scope used to evaluate or type-check this action.
- _getParserScope() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.ActionsAttribute
Return a parser scope used to type-check the actions.
- _getParserScope() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Return the parser scope used to evaluate the actions and values
associated with scheduling relations.
- _getPortByNameOrDisplayName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Get the port by display name or, if the display name is not set, then by
- _getPortForIdentifier(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Get the port for the specified identifier, which may be of
form portName, portName_isPresent, portName_i, portName_i_isPresent,
- _getPortID(Receiver, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Return the IO of the switch port where this receiver is
connected to.
- _getPortID(Receiver, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Return the IO of the switch port where this receiver is
connected to.
- _getPreinitBlock() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Get the preinitBlock part of the generated code.
- _getPrevious() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.RecordList
Get the record list previous to this one.
- _getPriority(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.EDFScheduler
Get the deadline of the actor and return it as the priority.
- _getPriority(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.FixedPriorityScheduler
Get the priority of the actor.
- _getPropertyableAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Return the list of property-able Attributes.
- _getPropertyableAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Const
Return the list of property-able Attributes by calling the super
class method.
- _getPropertyableAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.gui.Display
Return the list of property-able Attributes by calling the super
class method.
- _getPropertyableAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.defaultAdapters.actor.lib.Scale
Return the list of propertyable attributes for the actor referred to
by this adapter.
- _getPropertyableAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.actor.lib.Expression
Return the actor's expression, as it is the only propertyable
attribute inside the expression actor.
- _getPropertyableAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyModalFSMAdapter
Get the list of propertyable attributes for this adapter.
- _getPropertyableAttributes() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the list of property-able Attributes.
- _getPtolemyType(TypeExpr) - Static method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Get the Ptolemy type that corresponds to the given type expression.
- _getReceiversLinkedToGroup(IORelation, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If the port is an input, return receivers that handle incoming
channels from the specified relation or any relation in its
relation group.
- _getRecord() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.RecordList
Get the record.
- _getRecords() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecordState
Get the array of change history for different numbers of indices.
- _getReferencedObj(RelativeLocation) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.PtolemyModelUtil
Find the reference object for the given relative location.
- _getRefinementClasses() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Return a map from the classes of the entities to be dropped into a state
and the class names of the refinements that can be used to contain those
- _getRefinementClasses() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
Return a map from the classes of the entities to be dropped into a state
and the class names of the refinements that can be used to contain those
- _getRefinementClasses() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Return a map from the classes of the entities to be dropped into a state
and the class names of the refinements that can be used to contain those
- _getRefinementRateVariables(IOPort, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Return the set of variables with the given parameter name that are
contained by ports connected to the given port on the inside.
- _getRefName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Generate a string that represents the reference to a parameter or a port
named "name".
- _getRefType(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
Generate a string that represents the type of an attribute (only if it
is a parameter).
- _getRelationGroups(Set<Relation>) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.PtolemyModelUtil
For a set of relations get a set of relation groups, i.e. for each
relation construct a list of relations that are all interconnected,
either directly or indirectly.
- _getRepetitions(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dt.kernel.DTDirector
Get the number of times an actor repeats in the schedule of an
SDF graph.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Return the representative of this type.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return a static instance of ArrayType.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return a static instance of this structured type.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return a static instance of FunctionType.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return a static instance of this structured type.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return a static instance of this object type.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return a static instance of RecordType.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return a static instance of this structured type.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return a static instance of TupleType.
- _getRepresentative() - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return a static instance of RecordType.
- _getResultMap(Thread) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Return the map of results for the given thread.
- _getReturnType() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting.PtolemyMethod
Get the name of the method's return type.
- _getRightComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the right component on which graph editing occurs.
- _getRootSet() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Get the set of initial nodes as a Collection.
- _getRound() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Return the current round.
- _getRound() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Return the current round.
- _getRound() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Return the current round.
- _getRoundTimeIncrement() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Get the current round factor.
- _getRoundTimeIncrement() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Get the current round factor.
- _getRoundTimeIncrement() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Get the current round factor.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointScheduler
Return the schedule.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Scheduler
Reschedule the model.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFScheduler
Return the scheduling sequence.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopScheduler
Return the schedule.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoScheduler
Return the scheduling sequence.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRScheduler
Return the scheduling sequence.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.psdf.kernel.PSDFScheduler
Return the parameterized scheduling sequence.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesScheduler
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.CachedSDFScheduler
Return the scheduling sequence.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Return the scheduling sequence.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimizingSDFScheduler
Return the scheduling sequence.
- _getSchedule(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Beth - The SequenceScheduler assembles the structures that the
SequenceSchedule will need to determine the next actor to fire.
- _getSchedule() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.kernel.SRRandomizedScheduler
Return the scheduling sequence.
- _getSelectionSet() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return a set of instances of NamedObj representing the objects
that are currently selected.
- _getSelectionSet(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
- _getSinkPortList(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the list of receiving (down-stream) ports that are
connected to the specified port.
- _getSourcePortList(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the list of sending (up-stream) ports that are connected
to the specified port.
- _getStateRefinementsToPostfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the list used to keep track of refinements that have been
- _getStateRefinementsToPostfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return the list used to keep track of refinements that have been
- _getStepSize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return the current step size.
- _getStoppedThreadsCount() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return the number of threads that are currently stopped.
- _getSubAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the list of sub-adapters.
- _getSubAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
Return the list of sub-adapters.
- _getSubAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter
Return the list of sub-adapters.
- _getSubAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyModalFSMAdapter
Return the list of sub-adapters.
- _getSubAdapters() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
Return the list of sub-adapters.
- _getText() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeExpressionAttribute
Return the a new string that contains the expression of the
referred to attribute.
- _getText() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Return a new string that contains the expression of the
referred to attribute.
- _getTimesEntered() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return the number of times the current if tree has been
- _getTopState() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Get the state on the top of the states stack.
- _getTotalNum() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecordState
Get the total number of changes recorded in this field record state.
- _getTransitionRefinementsToPostfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return the list used to keep track of refinements that have been
- _getTransitionRefinementsToPostfire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Return the list used to keep track of refinements that have been
- _getTransitionsFrom(Integer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracle
Get a list of transitions originating from node.
- _getTransitionsFrom(Integer) - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineImprovisation.FactorOracleGenerator
Get a list of transitions originating from node.
- _getType(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return the type associated with the given symbol in the
current scope.
- _getTypeForName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Return the type of the identifier with the given name.
- _getTypeForScope(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return the type associated with the given symbol in the
current scope.
- _getTypeString(TypedIOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Return the type of the port.
- _getTypeString(TypedIOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Return the correct Giotto type string for the given port.
- _getTypeString(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Get the datatype of a port.
- _getUpdatedValue() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopReceiver
If this receiver is a break variable, then return the stored
updated value.
- _getUpperLeftCorner(KNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerGraphUtil
Get the upper left corner of the real bounding box of the contents of a
given KIELER node.
- _getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Get the specified output value, checking the form of the values
- _getValue(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Get the specified output value, checking the form of the values
- _getVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the current version of this schedule element.
- _getVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Return the current version of this schedule element.
- _getVerticalPixels() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the vertical pixels by reading the verticalPixels parameter.
- _getVerticalPixels() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Get the number of vertical pixels in the rendered image.
- _getVisibleCanvasRectangle(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the rectangle representing the visible part of the
pane for a JGraph, transformed into canvas coordinates.
- _getVisibleRectangle(JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return the rectangle representing the visible part of the
pane for a JGraph, in pixel coordinates on the screen.
- _getWrapupBlock() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.EmbeddedCodeActor
Get the wrapupBlock part of the generated code.
- _gh - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The grid height.
- _givens(int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Perform a Givens rotation.
- _glassPane - Variable in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.GlassPaneWidget
The glass pane covering the container panel.
- _global - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.PubSubPort
Cached variable indicating whether publishing or subscribing is global.
- _go() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Execute the model, if the manager is not currently executing.
- _graph - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The original graph that is passed in by the user on
which the layout is applied.
- _graph - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Ontology
The cached graph.
- _graphicsOutputFile - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
The pathname of the graphics output file.
- _graphListeners - Variable in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphModel
The list of graph listeners.
- _graphMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The graph menu.
- _graphModel - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _graphPanner - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The panner.
- _graphVersion - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.Ontology
The workspace version at which the cached graph was valid.
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Take the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified type.
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _greatestLowerBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return the greatest lower bound of this type with the specified
- _grid - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The current grid configuration as the algorithm progresses.
- _grid - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Layout control.
- _grid - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Whether to draw a background grid.
- _growDependencies(IOPort, Set<IOPort>, Set<IOPort>) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.DefaultCausalityInterface
If the input port is already in the inputs set, do nothing
and return.
- _guard - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
The guard for this guarded communication statement.
- _GUI - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The GUI.
- _gw - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The grid width.
- _h - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Initial step size
- _handleClosing() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
If the contents of this dialog implements the CloseListener
interface, then notify it that the window has closed.
- _handleClosing() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.RenameDialog
If the window is closed with anything but Cancel, apply the changes.
- _handleClosing() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
If the contents of this dialog implements the CloseListener
interface, then notify it that the window has closed, unless
notification has already been done (it is guaranteed to be done
only once).
- _handleClosing() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.debugger.BreakpointConfigurerDialog
Apply the changes if the window is closed with anything but
- _handleFileData(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.FileReader
Send the specified string to the output.
- _handleFileData(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.TokenReader
FIXME: Send the specified string to the output.
- _handleRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Handle an HTTP request by recording the request data, requesting
a firing of this actor at the current time, waiting for a response
to be created, and then sending the response.
- _hasData - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.KeyInput3D
True if this actor has data.
- _hasInputDependentGuard() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DDF
- _hasIterationConverged() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return true if this iteration has converged.
- _hasNormal - Variable in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
True if the site has had its normal set by setNormal.
- _hasNullToken() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Return true if this receiver has a NullToken at the front
of the queue; return false otherwise.
- _hasPortEventListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Flag that is true if there are port event listeners.
- _hasQSSDirector() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return true if we use the QSSDirector.
- _hasSibling - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.TransitionRefinementPort
Flag indicating if this port has a sibling.
- _head - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.ConnectionEntry
- _header - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _headerCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate header code for the file.
- _headerCode(StringBuffer, TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate header code for the file.
- _headerSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _height - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Width and height of component in pixels.
- _heightValue - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
Most recently set value of the height parameter.
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.exec.ExecShellTableau.ExecShellFrame
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ExpressionShellFrame
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelFrame
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ptjacl.TclShellTableau.TclShellFrame
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.python.PythonShellTableau.PythonShellFrame
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Display the help file given by the configuration, or if there is
none, then the file specified by the public variable helpFile.
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Display the same information given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Display some help.
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Display basic information in its own window.
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
- _help() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocViewer
Display the help file given by the configuration, or if there is
none, then the file specified by the public variable helpFile.
- _helpButton - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
The help button.
- _helpMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Help menu for this frame.
- _helpMenuItems - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Help menu items.
- _hermite(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Waveform
Return the Hermite curve interpolation.
- _hide(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Override the base class to return true if the specified node
contains an attribute named "_hideInside".
- _hide(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
In this base class, return true if the specified node contains a
parameter named "_hide" with value true or an attribute that is not
a parameter named "_hide".
- _hideName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Pause
The parameter that hides the name of the actor.
- _hideName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Stop
The parameter that hides the name of the actor.
- _hideNullTokens(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEReceiver
Indicate whether hasToken() should return true if the only
available tokens it finds are NullTokens.
- _hideRelations() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Hide all the relations in the host model that can be hidden, such as the
ones that are visible but are not multi-way.
- _high - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator.TargetHighlighter
- _highlightColor - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.curriculum.HighlightEntities
Highlight color.
- _highlightNode(Object, Figure) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultStateController
- _highlightResult(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Highlight the specified object and all its containers to
indicate that it matches the search criteria.
- _histogram - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
A vector of histogram data.
- _hlaAttributesToPublish - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Table of HLA attributes (and their HLA information) that are published
by the current
to the HLA/CERTI Federation.
- _hlaAttributesToSubscribeTo - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Table of HLA attributes (and their HLA information) that the current
is subscribed to.
- _hmax - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Maximal step size
- _hmin - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Minimal step size
- _hmn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Minimal Newton step size
- _home - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.r.RExpression
The home.
- _HORIZONTAL_PADDING - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TableIcon
The amount of padding to use around the edges.
- _hourOfDay - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
hour of day for input observations.
- _icon - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
The text icon.
- _icon - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebContent
- _icon - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AbstractTextAttribute
The text icon.
- _icon - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ImageAttribute
The image icon.
- _icon - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ShapeAttribute
The shape icon.
- _iconCache - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
The cached Swing icon.
- _id - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
The id.
- _ids() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util._CorbaActorStub
- _IgnoreAllApplicationClasses() - Constructor for class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain._IgnoreAllApplicationClasses
- _ignoredReceivers - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
- _image - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIWriter
The image that was optionally read in by the derived class.
- _imageEncodeParam - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIWriter
The encoder parameters.
- _imageEncoderName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIWriter
The name of the encoder in a format suitable for
com.sun.media.jai.codec.ImageCodec, for example "BMP", or "JPG".
- _imageWindowFrame - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
The frame, if one is used.
- _implementDeferredConfigurations() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.HistogramPlotter
If configurations have been deferred, implement them now.
- _implementDeferredConfigurations() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
If configurations have been deferred, implement them now.
- _IMPORT_MENU_INDEX - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Index in the _fileMenuItems array of the Import item.
- _importDesignPatternAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The action for importing a design pattern.
- _importFMU(Object, FileParameter, NamedObj, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, Method) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Import a FMUFile.
- _importLibraryAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The action for importing a library of components.
- _imports - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
A list of the import symbols and their corresponding files.
- _inAddPort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Flag indicating that we are executing _addPort().
- _inAttributeChanged - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
Variable used to prevent re-entry into attributeChanged().
- _includeFiles - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralTemplateParser
The set of header files that needed to be included.
- _includes - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Set of include command line arguments where each element is
a string, for example "-I/usr/local/include".
- _increaseIdentifier() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecordState
Increase the identifier of this field record state by 1.
- _increaseTotalNum() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecordState
Increase the total number of changes recorded in this field record
state by 1.
- _incrementLowestCapacityPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Increment the port capacity's according to Tom Parks' algorithm.
- _incrementLowestWriteCapacityPort() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Double the capacity of one of the queues with the smallest
capacity belonging to a receiver on which a process is blocked
while attempting to write.
- _incrementTclFileCount() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.TclTests
Increment the count of the number of tcl files visited.
- _incrementVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
Increment the version of this schedule element and if this schedule
element has a parent schedule, increment the version of the parent
schedule as well.
- _incrementVersion() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
Increment the version of this schedule element and if this schedule
element has a parent schedule, increment the version of the parent
schedule as well.
- _INDENT1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter
Level one indent string.
- _index - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
The current index of the model.
- _indexOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
The _indexOffset is set by FSMActor during initialization of
destination refinements upon committing to a reset transition
in order to ensure that the destination refinement views its
index as one larger than the current index.
- _inferAllChildren(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Loop through all of the children of this node,
visiting each one of them, which will cause their token
value to be determined.
- _inferChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Visit the child with the given index of the given node.
- _inferredChildType - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
- _informOfDelayBlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Increment by 1 the count of actors waiting for the time to advance.
- _informOfDelayUnblock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Decrease by 1 the count of processes blocked on a delay.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Initialize model transformation and construct the maps between objects
in the pattern, those in the replacement, and those in the host model.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.TransformationRule
Initialize the pattern, the replacement and the parameters of this
transformation rule.
- _init(String, Document) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditor
Initializes an empty text editor with the specified title and
document and associated placeable.
- _init(String, Document) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.syntax.SyntaxTextEditorForStringAttributes
Initializes an empty text editor with the specified title and
document and associated placeable.
- _init(String, Document) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Initializes an empty text editor with the specified title and
document and associated placeable.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RunCompositeActor
Set the class name and create the parameters.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Conditional
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Counter
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Emit
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Pause
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.TimedDelay
Initialize the delay parameter.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIISRDirector
Initializes the object.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
Initialize the object.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Initialize the object.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskPtDirector
Initialize the shared memory for the actors and set the
iterations for this director to one.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.verification.lib.BoundedBufferNondeterministicDelay
Override the method of the super class to initialize the
parameter values.
- _init() - Method in class ptolemy.verification.lib.BoundedBufferTimedDelay
Override the method of the super class to initialize the
parameter values.
- _initActorGraphDBFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
Initialize this class.
- _initActorGraphFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
Initialize this class.
- _initBasicGraphFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Initialize this BasicGraphFrame.
- _initBasicGraphFrameActions() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Add the cut, copy, paste, move to front, mode to back
- _initBasicGraphFrameInitialization() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Common initialization for a BasicGraphFrame.
- _initBasicGraphFrameRightComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Set up the right component.
- _initBasicGraphFrameRightComponentMouseListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Add listeners to the right component.
- _initBasicGraphFrameSetZoomAndPan() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Set the zoom factor and the pan.
- _initBasicGraphFrameSetZoomAndPane(NamedObj, JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Set the zoom factor and the pan for a specific model and JGraph.
- _initBasicGraphFrameToolBarZoomButtons() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Add tool bar buttons.
- _initExtendedGraphFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExtendedGraphFrame
Initialize this class.
- _INITIAL_SCRIPT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Initial script as a token.
- _INITIAL_SCRIPT - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Initial script as a token.
- _initialConstraintList - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The list of constraints collected from the model, before resolution.
- _initializables - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
List of objects whose (pre)initialize() and wrapup() methods
should be slaved to these.
- _initializables - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
List of objects whose (pre)initialize() and wrapup() methods
should be slaved to these.
- _initializables - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Set of objects whose (pre)initialize() and wrapup() methods
should be slaved to these.
- _initializables - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
List of objects whose (pre)initialize() and wrapup() methods
should be slaved to these.
- _initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.excel.Excel
Initialize the actor.
- _initialize(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Initialize the code generation process by checking whether the
given model is a Giotto model.
- _initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAddHeaderActor
- _initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Set specific attributes common to all Pthales atomic actors.
- _initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
Set specific attributes common to all Pthales composite actors.
- _initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesGenericActor
- _initialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesRemoveHeaderActor
- _initialize(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Initialize the code generation process by checking whether the given
model is a TDL model.
- _initializeAnalyses() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph
Initialize the list of analyses that are associated with this graph,
and initialize the change counter of the graph.
- _initializeAnalyses() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Initialize the list of analyses that are associated with this graph,
and initialize the change counter of the graph.
- _initializeAnalyses() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Initialize the list of analyses that are associated with this graph,
and initialize the change counter of the graph.
- _initializeApplication() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Perform any application specific initialization.
- _initializeApplication() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplication
Set the look and feel to the native look and feel.
- _initializeArrays() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Initialize arrays to be used in parameter estimation.
- _initializeArrays() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
- _initializeArrays() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- _initializeAudio() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
Initialize the audio system.
- _initializeCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
The initialize() method code.
- _initializeContents(ContentPrototype, CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.homer.kernel.MultiContent
Parse the model and create the multiple content areas.
- _initialized - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
Set to true when initialized() is called.
- _initialized - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Indicator that the display window has been opened.
- _initialized - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Set to true when initialized() is called.
- _initialized - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Set to true when initialized() is called.
- _initialized - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAViewer
True if the actor has been initialized.
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialEstimator
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Initialize parameters used in ExpectationMaximization here.
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- _initializeEMParameters() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- _initializeGraph(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.GraphReader
Instantiate and initialize a graph just prior to filling it
in from a given Ptolemy II model.
- _initializeInteraction(NamedObjController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController
Initialize interactions for the specified controller.
- _initializeInteraction(NamedObjController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
Initialize interactions for the specified controller.
- _initializeInteraction(NamedObjController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphController
Initialize interactions for the specified controller.
- _initializeInteraction(NamedObjController) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
Initialize interactions for the specified controller.
- _initializeKeyStore() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
If necessary, initialize the _keyStore by calling
- _initializePtalonActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
Initialize this PtalonActor.
- _initializePtalonCodeLocation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
This helper method is used to begin the Ptalon compiler if the
ptalonCodeLocation attribute has been updated.
- _initializeQuery() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DependencyResultsDialog
Initialize the query dialog.
- _initializeQuery() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Initialize the query dialog.
- _initializeRefinements(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Initialize the refinements of the specified state.
- _initializeStorage() - Method in class ptolemy.data.OrderedRecordToken
Initialize the storage used by this token.
- _initializeStorage() - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Subclasses of RecordToken may choose a different Map implementation
TreeMap is used in the base class to provide naturally-ordered labels
This may not be desired in some applications.
- _initializeTaps() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Initialize the taps.
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS1
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS2Fd
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS1
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Fd
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2FdJac
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Pts
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Qts
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Fd
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Pts
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initializeWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Initialize object fields (QSS-specific).
- _initialSaveAsFileName - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
The initial filename to use in the SaveAs dialog.
- _initialState - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
The initial state.
- _initLayoutGuiAction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Initialize the layout gui.
- _initNewLayer(CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Helper method to initialize a layer when it is added to this
- _initOntologySolverGraphFrame() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
Initialize this class.
- _initParameters() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
Initialize the parameters.
- _initParameters() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Create and initialize all parameters to their default values.
- _initPoint - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- _initReloadAccessorsAction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Initialize the reload accessors menu choice.
- _initSimpleSearchFrame() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Establish all event listeners.
- _innerPanel - Variable in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Inner display panel.
- _innerPanel - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SearchResultsFrame
- _inNewWhileIteration() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Return true if in a new iteration of a while block.
- _INPUT_TRANSITION - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
The input transition type.
- _inputBuffer - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
A local event queue to store input tokens, sorted by input time.
- _inputBufferDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Time it takes for a token to be put into the input queue.
- _inputDriversImplementationCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate input driver implementation code.
- _inputPortGroups - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Map an input port to a set which is its input port group.
- _inputPortGroups - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Map an input port to a set which is its input port group.
- _inputPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _inputPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
List of all input ports in the model (actuator and network transmitter
ports are also considered input ports).
- _inputPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
List of all input ports in the model (actuator and network transmitter
ports are also considered input ports).
- _inputRelations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Array of input Relations.
- _inputRelations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Array of input Relations
- _inputRelations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Array of input Relations.
- _inputs - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
List of references to ports syntactically marked as inputs.
- _inputs - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
List of exposed input ports of constituent terms.
- _inputs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Conditional
- _inputs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Emit
- _inputTokenMap - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
A map from ports to corresponding input variables.
- _inputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Tokens received by the switch.
- _inputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Tokens received by the switch.
- _inRemoveEntity - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Flag indicating that we are executing _removeEntity().
- _ins - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AccumLUB
- _insertInitialEvents() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Insert initial events into the event queue, and request firing from the
director at the higher level, if any.
- _insertOntologyAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
The action for inserting an ontology into the ontology solver model.
- _insideIsWireless() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Return true if the port is inside wireless.
- _insideLinks - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
The list of inside relations for this port.
- _installSemanticHighlighting(IColorManager) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.PtolemyEditor
Install the semantic highlighting handler.
- _instance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
The instance returned when evaluating the script.
- _instance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
The instance returned when evaluating the script.
- _instantiateAdapter(Object, Class<?>, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Instantiate the given code generator adapter.
- _instantiateAdapter(Object, Class<?>, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Instantiate the given code generator adapter.
- _instantiateAnalysisModel(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder
Instantiate the analysis model from the core model.
- _instantiateAttributeAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The action for instantiating an attribute.
- _instantiateAttributeAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
The action for instantiating an attribute.
- _instantiateEditorFactoryClass() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Method to instantiate the Editor Factory class called from the
- _instantiateEditorFactoryClass() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGenerator
Method to instantiate the Editor Factory class called from the
- _instantiateEditorFactoryClass() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGenerator
Method to instantiate the Editor Factory class called from the
- _instantiateEntityAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The action for instantiating an entity.
- _instantiateEntityAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
The action for instantiating an entity.
- _instantiateFlatTokenInfiniteConcept(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept
Return a new FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept for this representative with
the given token value.
- _instantiateFlatTokenInfiniteConcept(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept
Return a new FlatTokenInfiniteConcept for this representative with
the given token value.
- _instantiateODESolver(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Instantiate an ODESolver from its classname.
- _instantiatePortAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The action for instantiating a port.
- _instantiateQSSSolver(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.qss.kernel.QSSDirector
Instantiate an QSSSolver from its class name.
- _interface - Variable in class ptserver.actor.lib.tld.Video
The interface implementation.
- _INTERNAL_REPETITIONS - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
The name of the internal repetitions parameter.
- _INTERNAL_TRANSITION - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
The internal transition type.
- _interpolationValue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Interpolation value.
- _intersection(Collection, Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
Return the intersection of two collections.
- _interval - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
The default interval between iterations of active actors.
- _invokeMethodInContext(Object, String, Object...) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Invoke the specified method in the context of the exports object.
- _invokeMethodInContext(Object, String, Object...) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Invoke the specified method in the context of the exports object.
- _inWrapup - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Set to true when the director enters the wrapup() method.
- _ioPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
The destination IO port.
- _ioPortToCanPriority - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Tokens sent to ports mediated by this communication aspect
are rerouted to the switch ports with the IDs specified in this
- _ioPortToSwitchInPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Tokens sent to ports mediated by this communication aspect
are rerouted to the switch ports with the IDs specified in this
- _ioPortToSwitchInPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Tokens sent to ports mediated by this communication aspect
are rerouted to the switch ports with the IDs specified in this
- _ioPortToSwitchOutPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Tokens set to ports mediated by this communication aspect are
processed by this communication aspect and then forwarded
to the port through the switch port with ID specified here.
- _ioPortToSwitchOutPort - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Tokens set to ports mediated by this communication aspect are
processed by this communication aspect and then forwarded
to the port through the switch port with ID specified here.
- _isAccumulating() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform
Return the value of the accumulate parameter.
- _isAccumulating() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
Return the value of the accumulate parameter.
- _isActive(Actor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Return true if the actor is active, such as: source with push
output; sink with pull input; actor with pull input and push
- _isActiveRefinement(TypedActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
Return whether the given refinement is active.
- _isActiveRefinement(TypedActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.Event
Return whether the refinement is active.
- _isBitwiseNot - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
- _isBoundByPortVar(String, Action) - Static method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.DataflowWithRates
- _isBranchReady(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
Called by ConditionalSend and ConditionalReceive to check whether
the calling branch is ready to rendezvous.
- _isBranchReady(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranchController
Called by ConditionalSend and ConditionalReceive to check whether
the calling branch is the first branch to be ready to rendezvous.
- _isBranchReady(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.MultiwayBranchController
Return true if all branches under the control of this controller
are ready.
- _isClose(Token, Token, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Test whether the value of the first token is close to the
the value of the second token.
- _isClose(double, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return true if the two arguments are within epsilon of one another.
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Test that the value of this Token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return a true-valued token if the first argument is close to this
token, where in this class, "close" means "identical to."
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Test that the value of this rightArgument is close to the
first argument, where "close" means that the distance between
their values is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
The isCloseTo() method brings both tokens to the same precision.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between their
values is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between their values is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between their
values is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between their
values is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between their
values is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(MatrixToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between their
elements is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Test for closeness of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.OrderedRecordToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between them
is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between their values is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between them
is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between their
values is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Test that the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between their
values is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Test for closeness of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first
argument, where "close" means that the distance between them
is less than or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(ScalarToken, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseTo(Token, double) - Method in class ptolemy.data.XMLToken
Test for closeness of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isCloseToIfNilArrayElement(Token, Token, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isCloseToIfNilRecordElement(Token, Token, double) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Test whether the value of this token is close to the first argument,
where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
or equal to the second argument.
- _isConditionalReceiveWaiting() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return whether a ConditionalReceive is trying
to rendezvous with this receiver.
- _isConditionalSendWaiting() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return whether a ConditionalSend is trying
to rendezvous with this receiver.
- _isConnected(NamedObj) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.PtolemyModelUtil
Check whether the given Ptolemy model object has any connections, i.e. is
connected to any other components via some link.
- _isConnectionAlive - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Denote whether the database connection is active or not.
- _isConstant - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Flags whether the parse tree under this root evaluates to a constant.
- _isDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return true if debugging is turned on.
- _isDebugging() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Return true if debugging is turned on in the director.
- _isDeferrable(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Check each remote receiver to see whether the number of tokens
in the receiver is greater than or equal to the
tokenConsumptionRate of the containing port.
- _isDesignPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Return true if this is a design pattern.
- _isDirty() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Return true if any of the values have been changed, but the state
has not yet been saved.
- _isEditable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.style.ChoiceStyle
Whether or not the combobox is editable.
- _isEmbedded() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
- _isEnabled(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Check to see whether the actor is enabled.
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Test for equality of the values of this token and the argument.
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Test for equality of the values of this token and the argument.
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a true-valued token if the argument is equal to this one.
- _isEqualTo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Test for equality of the values of this token and the argument.
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Return true of the the value of this token is equal
to the value of the argument according to java.util.Date.
- _isEqualTo(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.OrderedRecordToken
Return true if the specified token is equal to this one.
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return true if the specified token is equal to this one.
- _isEqualTo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Test for equality of the values of this token and the argument.
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return true if the specified token is equal to this one.
- _isEqualTo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.XMLToken
Test for equality of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isExecuting - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
True if this actor is executing.
- _isExecuting - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
True if this actor is executing.
- _isFinalState(State) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.PtolemyModelUtil
Return true if the state is a final state.
- _isFirstFire - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.fmima.kernel.FMIMADirector
A boolean variable used to flag the first fire() execution.
- _isFirstSearcher() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Check whether this searcher is the first searcher in the chain.
- _isFlat - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
- _isFlowPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Return true if the specified port is a flow port.
- _isFlowPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Return true if the specified port is a flow port.
- _isFlowPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Return true if the specified port is a flow port.
- _isGetOrConditionalReceiveWaitingOnAll(Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalSend
Return whether all specified receivers
have either a conditional receive waiting or a get waiting.
- _isGetWaiting() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Return whether a get() is waiting to rendezvous
at this receiver.
- _isGetWaitingOnAll(Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalSend
Return whether a get() is waiting to rendezvous at all the
specified receivers.
- _isIgnored(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer
Test whether an object should be ignored from analysis.
- _isIgnored(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
Return whether the object in the pattern should be ignored in the
pattern matching.
- _isIndependent - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Indicate whether the searcher existing depends on the existing of other
- _isIndependent() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Check whether this searcher is independent to exist without other
- _isInitializing - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
A local boolean variable indicating whether this director is in
initialization phase execution.
- _isInitializing - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
A local boolean variable indicating whether this director is in
initialization phase execution.
- _isInitializing - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
A local boolean variable indicating whether this director is in
initialization phase execution.
- _isInitialState(State) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.PtolemyModelUtil
Return true if the state is an initial state.
- _isInput(Port) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.PtolemyModelUtil
Determine whether a given Port is an input port.
- _isInputControllerBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Return true if the input controller of this director is
blocked; return false otherwise.
- _isInRange(WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort, RecordToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Return true if the specified destination port is in range of the
specified source port, assuming the source port transmits with
the specified properties.
- _isInRange(WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort, RecordToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LimitedRangeChannel
Return true if the specified port is in range of the
specified source port, assuming the source port transmits with
the specified properties.
- _isInsideLinkable(Nameable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort
Return true if this port is either a port of the specified entity,
or a port of an entity that (deeply) contains the specified entity.
- _isIntermediateStep() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Return true if the solver is at the first or intermediate steps
of a multi-step solver.
- _isIntersectNeeded() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Check with this searcher needs to intersect the results that it finds
with the passed results from the other searchers.
- _isLastSeacher() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Check whether this searcher is the last searcher in the chain.
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Throw an exception.
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Throw an exception because complex values cannot be compared.
- _isLessThan(DateToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isLessThan(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Test for ordering of the values of this Token and the argument
- _isMinus - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
- _isMoMLSuppressed(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Override the base class to ensure that MoML is produced
if there is configuration information to export.
- _isMoMLSuppressed(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return true if describing this class in MoML is redundant.
- _isNot - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
- _isOff - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer
Status of line that visualizes the radio link.
- _isOpaque(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer
Test whether a composite entity should be considered as opaque.
- _isOpaque(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
Test whether the composite entity is opaque or not.
- _isOutputControllerBlocked() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Return true if the output controller of this director is
blocked; return false otherwise.
- _isPersistent - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Boolean variable to indicate the persistence of the object.
- _isPreservingTransformation() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
- _isPropertySet(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Return true if the property of the specified name is set for
the specified object.
- _isPropertySet(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Return true if the property of the specified name is set for
the specified object.
- _isPublishedPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Return true if the port is a is connected to a publisher.
- _isPublishedPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Return true if the port is a is connected to a publisher.
- _isPublishedPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Return true if the port is a is connected to a publisher.
- _isPulled(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Return true if the given actor has a pending pull request.
- _isPushPort(IOPort) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Return true if the port is a push port, that is a port having a
parameter named push with boolean value true.
- _isPutWaiting() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Flag indicating whether or not a put() is waiting to rendezvous
at this receiver.
- _isReady() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Return true if this conditional branch is ready to rendezvous.
- _isReady() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalReceive
Return true if this conditional branch is ready to rendezvous
or has already completed its rendezvous.
- _isReady() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalSend
Return true if this conditional branch is ready to rendezvous.
- _isReadyToFire(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Return true if the specified actor is ready to fire.
- _isRefinementOutput(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Return true if the channel of the port is connected to an output
port of the refinement of current state.
- _isRotatable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the value of the rotatable parameter.
- _isSafeToClear(IOPort, int, State, boolean, HashSet<State>) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Given an output port and channel, determine whether the
output port must be absent on the specified channel, given whatever
current information about the inputs is available (the inputs
may be known or unknown).
- _isScalable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the value of the scalable parameter.
- _isScalarAPtolemyInput(FMIModelDescription, FMIScalarVariable, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return true if scalar is a Ptolemy input.
- _isSceneGraphInitialized - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor
Indicator of whether the scene graph is initialized.
- _isSearchCriteriaSet() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Checks whether the search criteria has been set in this
particular searcher.
- _isSearchCriteriaSet() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AttributeSearcher
Checks whether the attribute search criteria has been set in
this attribute searcher instance.
- _isSearchCriteriaSet() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.CommandSearcher
Checks whether the command search criteria has been set in
this command searcher instance.
- _isSearchCriteriaSet() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.GraphSearcher
Checks whether the graph search criteria has been set in
this graph searcher instance.
- _isSearchCriteriaSet() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.HierarchyFetcher
Checks whether the search criteria has been set in
this searcher instance.
- _isSearchCriteriaSet() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.NameSearcher
Checks whether the graph search criteria has been set in
this graph searcher instance.
- _isStepFinished() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Return true if the current integration step is finished.
- _isStepFinished() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Return true if the current integration step is finished.
- _isStepFinished() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Return true if the current integration step is finished.
- _isStopRequested() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Return true if this director is requested to stop.
- _isStrict - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Indicator of whether the actor is strict, meaning that all inputs must be
known to fire it.
- _isSubscribedPort(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Return true if the port is a is connected to a subscriber.
- _issueExecutionAspectWarning() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
In DE, a warning is issued when execution aspects are used because
these might change the DE semantics of the execution.
- _issueExecutionAspectWarning() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
In DE, a warning is issued when execution aspects are used because
these might change the DE semantics of the execution.
- _issueOrDeferResponse(long, boolean, Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Execute the specified response in the same order as the request
that triggered the response.
- _issueOrDeferResponse(long, boolean, Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Execute the specified response in the same order as the request
that triggered the response.
- _issueResponse(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Execute the specified response in the director thread.
- _issueResponse(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Execute the specified response in the director thread.
- _isSuppressBlankLines - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
The flag indicating whether the blank lines will be suppressed.
- _isTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
Return true if it is time to produce an output.
- _isTimeForOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Return true if the current time is the right time for an output.
- _isTopLevel() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Return true if this is a top-level director, or if it should
always be handled as if it were a top-level director.
- _isTopLevel() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Test if the containing actor is in the top level.
- _isTopLevel() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.ptidyos.PtidyOSCodeGenerator
Overwrite the base class, and use a method from the Ptides director
to determine whether this is top level.
- _isTopLevel() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraDirector
Return whether this director is top-level.
- _isTransactionActive - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
Denote whether the database connection is active or not.
- _isTranslatable() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Return the value of the translatable parameter.
- _isUnitless() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return true if this token does not have a unit.
- _isUpdateTask - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.Task
There are two types of tasks - Update/Write tasks
that change the data in the database and Select/Read
that read the data from the database.
- _isValidName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Return true if the name is a valid name.
- _isValidName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector
Return true if the given identifier is valid.
- _isValidName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Test if the given identifier is valid.
- _isVisible(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.VisibleTreeModel
Return true if the object contains either an attribute of
class EditorIcon or an attribute of any class named
"_iconDescription" or "_smallIconDescription".
- _iterate() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
Enforce the user-defined delay, call _showMatrix(), and check
if the iteration limit has been reached.
- _iterateActor() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessThread
Iterate the actor associate with this thread.
- _iterateActorOnce(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Iterate the specified actor once.
- _iterateActorOnce(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Iterate the specified actor once.
- _iterateActorOnce(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
Iterate the specified actor once.
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialEstimator
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
One step EM iteration.
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- _iterateEM() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- _iteration - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
Count of iterations.
- _iteration - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Count of iterations.
- _iteration - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Count of iterations.
- _iterationBeginTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
The current time at the start of the current integration step.
- _iterationCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.excel.Excel
The number of iterations, used for the Excel file name.
- _iterationCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.LimitedFiringSource
The current number of elapsed iterations.
- _iterationCount - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Number of iterations in the last call to the function solve(double[])
- _iterationCount - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDirector
The iteration count.
- _iterationCount - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
The iteration count.
- _iterationCount - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
The iteration count.
- _iterationSynchronized - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
True for manual rendering, false for default rendering.
- _ivCt - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
The count of input variables.
- _ivModels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Input variables.
- _jac(double[], double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Evaluate the transpose of the Jacobian of H(x, lambda) = x - lambda F(x)
by using forward differences.
- _jaiImageToken - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jai.JAIWriter
The JAIImageToken that was optionally read in by the derived class.
- _javaParseTreeCodeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
The parse tree code generator.
- _JAVASCRIPT_KEYWORDS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
JavaScript keywords.
- _JAVASCRIPT_KEYWORDS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
JavaScript keywords.
- _jgraph - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The instance of JGraph for this editor.
- _jsAccessorClass - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoTests
The org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor class, which is tested
by reloading Accessors.
- _jsAccessorReloadAllAccessorsMethod - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.AutoTests
The method that reloads all the accessors in a CompositeEntity.
- _jsCopier - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ExportParameters
Directory into which JavaScript and related files have been written,
or null if they are not being copied.
- _jth - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
JTableHeader of _portTable.
- _jumpAddr - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _keyPassword - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The password for the key.
- _keys - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Bindings
- _keySize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
The key size to be used when processing information.
- _keySize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
The key size to be used when processing information.
- _keyStore - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The KeyStore itself.
- _keyStoreType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The keyStore type.
- _KEYWORDS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Keywords as a Set.
- _KEYWORDS - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Keywords as a Set.
- _known - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
A flag indicating whether this receiver has status known.
- _l2norm(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Return the L2 norm.
- _labelFont - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
The font used to label a port.
- _labelFont - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.AttributeValueIcon
The font used.
- _labelFont - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValuesIcon
The font used.
- _labelFont - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
The font used.
- _labelFont - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TableIcon
The font used.
- _labelLocation - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanConnector
The location to attach the label to.
- _labelLocation - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.ConnectionEntry
- _labelNames - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnionConstructNode
The list of field names for the record.
- _labels - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpResponse
Labels for returning the status as a RecordToken
- _labels - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpResponse
Labels for returning the status as a RecordToken
- _labels - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
- _lastActorFinished - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
True if in the last request to schedule an actor, this actor
finished execution.
- _lastActorFinished - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeExecutionAspect
True if in the last request to schedule an actor, this actor
finished execution.
- _lastActorThatFinished - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
Last actor that finished execution.
- _lastChosenTransition - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
The most recently chosen transition within the fire() method.
- _lastChosenTransitions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
The last chosen transitions, by state from which these transitions emerge.
- _lastCommitTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The time at which the last commit occurred (initialize or postfire).
- _lastEmissionTable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Last emission timestamp for a given virtual link.
- _lastFiredAction - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _lastFireMicrostep - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The microstep at which the last fire occurred.
- _lastFireTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The time at which the last fire occurred.
- _lastindex - Variable in class diva.util.NullArrayIterator
- _lastInputs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.MostRecent
The recorded inputs last seen.
- _lastInputs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Wire
The recorded inputs last seen.
- _lastTakenTransitions - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
The last taken transitions, by state from which these transitions emerge.
- _lastTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
- _lastTimeScheduled - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
The last time an actor's remaining time was updated due to a scheduling
- _lastTransform - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The last transform.
- _latest - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
- _latest - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.Recorder
- _layeredPane - Variable in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.GlassPaneWidget
The layered pane holding both the glasspane and the container panel.
- _layerMotionListener - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Layer motion listeners
- _layers - Variable in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
- _layers - Variable in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
The array of layers
- _layout - Variable in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial
- _layoutAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The action for automatically laying out the graph.
- _layoutConfigDialogAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The action for opening the layout configuration dialog.
- _layoutList - Variable in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial.LayoutWidget
List that user selects from to choose the layout.
- _layoutModelCompareAgainstFile(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTest
Lay out the model and compare the results against the original
model file name.
- _layoutTarget - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.AbstractGlobalLayout
- _layoutTest(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTest
Test the layout facility by reading in a model, laying out the
model, comparing the new results with the known good results
and then doing undo and redo.
- _learnAt() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Learn the transition probability matrix for each hour, from timestamped data.
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptType
Take the least upper bound of this type with the specified type.
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType
Return the least Upper bound of this type with the specified
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FixType
Return the least upper bound of this type with the specified
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType
Return the least upper bound of this type with the specified
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.MatrixType
Return the least upper bound of this type with the specified
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.ObjectType
Return the least upper bound of this type with the specified
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.RecordType
Return the least Upper bound of this type with the specified
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.StructuredType
Return the least upper bound of this type with the specified
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.TupleType
Return the least upper bound of this type with the specified
- _leastUpperBound(StructuredType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.type.UnionType
Return the least Upper bound of this type with the specified
- _ledArray_icon - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.LEDMatrix
The icon.
- _leftKeyPressed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
A flag indicating if the left arrow key has been released
since the last firing of the actor.
- _leftKeyReleased - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
A flag indicating if the left arrow key has been released
since the last firing of the actor.
- _leftPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Left padding.
- _level - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.LevelCrossingDetector
The level threshold this actor detects.
- _level - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.qss.lib.SmoothZeroCrossingDetector
The level threshold this actor detects.
- _levelCrossingLinks - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Level-crossing links within this composite for which this composite
is responsible.
- _levels - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelData
A simple data structure to keep track of the levels.
- _lexicalToken - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtBitwiseNode
- _lexicalToken - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLogicalNode
- _lexicalToken - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRelationalNode
- _lexicalToken - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtShiftNode
- _lexicalToken - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtUnaryNode
- _lexicalTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtProductNode
- _lexicalTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtSumNode
- _lhs - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- _libraries - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
List of library command line arguments where each element is
a string, for example "-L/usr/local/lib".
- _library - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesDirector
Buffer memory.
- _library - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The library display widget.
- _libraryContextMenuCreator - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The library context menu creator.
- _libraryModel - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The library model.
- _libraryScrollPane - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The library scroll pane.
- _likelihood - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
sequence likelihood assigned to current input.
- _likelihood - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The likelihood value of the observations given the current estimates L(x1,....xT | \theta_p).
- _likelihood - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The likelihood value of the observations given the current estimates L(x1,....xT | \theta_p).
- _likelihoodHistory - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
Likelihood history over iterations.
- _likelihoodThreshold - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The likelihood threshold.
- _likelihoodThreshold - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The likelihood threshold.
- _lineName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer._LinkVisualizerThread
- _linkController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
The link controller.
- _linkList - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.Relation
The list of Ports and Relations that are linked to this Relation.
- _LinkVisualizerThread(WirelessIOPort, WirelessIOPort, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer._LinkVisualizerThread
Create a _LinkVisualizerThread.
- _listeners - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
Listeners registered to receive events from this object.
- _listeners - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
List of registered listeners.
- _listenToAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Action to listen to debug messages.
- _ListOfActors() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._ListOfActors
- _ListOfChannels() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._ListOfChannels
- _ListOfPorts() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._ListOfPorts
- _liveFigureIterator() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DynamicEditorIcon
Return a regular iterator over the figures created by this
icon which have not been garbage collected.
- _liveSoundListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
The list of listeners.
- _loadKeyStore() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
If necessary, load the _keyStore and update the choice of aliases.
- _loadKeyStoreNeeded - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
Set to true if fileOrURL has changed and the keyStore needs to be
read in again and the aliases updated.
- _localCommandFlags - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
The command-line options that are either present or not.
- _localCommandOptions - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
The command-line options that take arguments.
- _localDirector - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNQueueReceiver
The director in charge of this receiver.
- _localInputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
A list of tokens that this JavaScript actor has sent to its own input.
- _localInputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
A list of tokens that this JavaScript actor has sent to its own input.
- _localReceiverMaps - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Record for each state of the mode controller the map from input
ports of the modal model to the local receivers when the mode
controller is in that state.
- _locatable - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.LocationEntry
- _locationOf(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Return the location of the given port.
- _LOG10SCALE - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
For use in calculating log base 10.
- _lookInsideAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
The action that handles opening an actor.
- _lookInsideAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformEventController
The action that handles look inside.
- _lookInsideAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateController
The action that handles look inside.
- _lookInsideAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
The action that handles look inside.
- _lookInsideAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyEntityController
The action that handles opening an ontology model.
- _lookInsideActionFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
The menu factory for _lookInsideAction. null if the factory has not been
added to the context menu.
- _lrx - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The x value of the lower right corner of
the plot rectangle in pixels.
- _lry - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The y value of the lower right corner of
the plot rectangle in pixels.
- _mainFrame - Static variable in class thales.vergil.SingleWindowApplication
The main frame.
- _makeBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Makes the background for the viewScreen.
- _makeConnection(SyntacticPort, SyntacticPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Make connection between SyntacticPorts in Syntactic Nodes.
- _makeManagerOf(CompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Make this manager the manager of the specified composite
- _makeMediatorIcon() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Generate icon for mediator node.
- _makeNodeConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Connect each of the channels of the sceneGraphIn port
to the scene.
- _makePermutationIcon(int[]) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Generate icon for permutation node.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor
Setup the scene graph connections of this actor.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Send the scene graph token on the output.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShape2D
Setup the scene graph connections of this actor.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRTransform2D
Setup the scene graph connections of this actor.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Image2D
Set up the scene graph connections of this actor.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.KeyInput3D
Add this node to the viewscreen.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Line2D
Setup the scene graph connections of this actor.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.MouseInput3D
Add this node to the viewscreen.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen2D
Set up the scene graph connections of this actor.
- _makeSceneGraphConnection() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Setup the scene graph connections of this actor.
- _makeSolverOf(ContinuousDirector) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Make this solver the solver of the given Director.
- _manager - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
The manager, created in the init() method.
- _manager - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessThread
The Manager of the actor.
- _manager - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
The manager of this model.
- _map - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
A mapping from nodes to their corresponding logical grid
positions, stored as integer arrays of length 2.
- _map(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Compute y = H(x), where H(x)=0 is curve to be traced.
- _map - Variable in class ptolemy.graph.mapping.MapMapping
The Map on which this Mapping is based.
- _mapInputPort(Port, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the SyntacticPort corresponding to a channel of a represented
input port.
- _mapOutputPort(Port, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
Get the SyntacticPort corresponding to a channel of a represented
output port.
- _mapping - Variable in class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
The mapping from keys to values.
- _mapPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Map port names or aliases to port objects.
- _markContentsDerived(int) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Mark the contents of this object as being derived objects.
- _marks - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
An indicator of the marks style.
- _matchedValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
An array of booleans where if an element is true, then the
corresponding element in correctValues has been seen.
- _matchResult - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Scope
The match result.
- _material - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The material of this 3D object.
- _maxDuration - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Cardinality of the support of duration distribution.
- _maxDuration - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
maximum duration ( in time steps).
- _MAXIMUM - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
- _maxIterations - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Maximum number of iterations
- _maxLevel - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelData
A variable that is used to keep track of the maximum
level in the graph, starting at -1 and then incremented
as the level-finding algorithm is applied.
- _maxOrder - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
- _maxPastInputsToAverage - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Maximum number of past inputs to average.
- _maxSample - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Cached value of the maximum integer value, default for 16
- _maxSampleReciprocal - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Cached value of the maximum value scaling factor, default for
16 bits.
- _menuBar - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
The menu bar for this frame.
- _menubar - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Menubar for this frame.
- _menubar - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Menubar for this frame.
- _menuCreator - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController
The menu creator.
- _menuCreator - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
The interactor for creating context sensitive menus on the
graph itself.
- _menuCreator - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ParameterizedNodeController
The menu creator.
- _menuCreator - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
The menu creator.
- _menuCreator - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptRelationController
The menu creator.
- _menuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LinkController
The factory belonging to the menu creator.
- _menuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
The factory belonging to the menu creator.
- _menuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.ParameterizedNodeController
The factory belonging to the menu creator.
- _menuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
The factory belonging to the menu creator.
- _menuFactory - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptRelationController
The factory belonging to the menu creator.
- _merge(Entity, Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ModelCombine
Merge the two entities with the first one being the primary and modify
the first entity to be the result.
- _message - Variable in class diva.gui.toolbox.JStatusBar
The label that displays the status message.
- _message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified message in a modal dialog.
- _message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified message in a modal dialog.
- _message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Display the warning message.
- _message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.SimpleMessageHandler
Display the warning message.
- _messageBorder - Variable in class diva.gui.toolbox.JStatusBar
The border around the message
- _meta - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelData
A meta-node which is a dummy node that is added to the graph
with edges to every other node in the graph in order to make it
easier to perform a topological sort.
- _method - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
- _methodCall(String, Type[], Object[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Evaluate the specified method.
- _methodCall(String, Type[]) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
Infer the type of the specified method.
- _methodList - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.BaseMultipleMethodsActor
The list of method names for the actor.
- _methodName - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMethodCallNode
Need to store the method name of the method call.
- _METHODS - Static variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting
The special methods to be highlighted.
- _metroIIEventBlockedThreads - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
The set of threads that are blocked on an MetroII event.
- _microstep - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
The current microstep.
- _microstep - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
The microstep of this event.
- _microstep - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLSequentialDirector
The current microstep.
- _millisToSleep - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer._LinkVisualizerThread
Default value of time to sleep.
- _minCost - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The relative cost of the best grid configuration so far as the
algorithm progresses.
- _minGrid - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The best grid configuration so far as the algorithm progresses.
- _MINIMUM - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
- _minimum_distances - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
- _minimumDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
The amount of minimumDelay.
- _mirrorDisable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.Refinement
Indicator that we are processing a newPort request.
- _mirrorDisable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.RefinementPort
If false, then changes the port are mirrored in the container's
- _mirrorDisable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Indicator that we are processing a newPort request.
- _mirrorDisable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalRefinement
Indicator that we are processing a newPort request from above
(if 1) or below (if -1) in the hierarchy.
- _mirrorDisable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Refinement
Indicator that we are processing a newPort request.
- _mirrorDisable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.RefinementPort
If false, then changes the port are mirrored in the container's
- _mirrorDisable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLController
Indicator that we are processing a newPort request.
- _mirrorParameterPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Flag indicating whether to mirror instances of ParameterPort.
- _mirrorPort(ComponentPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.MirrorComposite
Return true if the specified inside port should be mirrored.
- _mirrorPort(ComponentPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Return true if the specified inside port should be mirrored.
- _ml - Variable in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- _mml - Variable in class diva.canvas.event.LayerMouseAdapter
- _modalTransitionController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
The modal transition controller.
- _mode - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
The mode to be used to process the data.
- _modeCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the modes.
- _modeCode(StringBuffer, State, TDLModule) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the modes.
- _model - Variable in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial
- _model - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.GetFirstLevelParentsTask
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunFrame
The associated model.
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunPane
The associated model.
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.RunLayoutFrame
The associated model.
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ApplyFilterOverArray
The model.
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
The model.
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
The model we for which we are generating code.
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLModelAttribute
The contained model.
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _model - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.MathematicalModelConverter
The model we for which we are generating code.
- _modelDescription - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.FMULibrary.FMULogger
The model description that contains the names of the
- _modelIdentifier - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
The modelIdentifier from modelDescription.xml.
- _modelInitialized - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
True if _fmiInitialize() completed.
- _modelNamePanel - Variable in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Panel displaying model name.
- _modelObject - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ActorModelScope
The Ptolemy NamedObj that defined the expression parser model element
- _modelParser - Variable in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
This parser is used by the document parser to read in each
model in a page.
- _modelPath - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.filter.NamedObjClassesSeen
The relative path to the model we are parsing.
- _models - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
The list of all the models.
- _modelsList - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.RemoveModelsTask
List of models to be deleted.
- _modelStaticAnalysis() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Traverse all the entities in the model and place them in the sensors
and actuators variables.
- _modelStaticAnalysis() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.renesas.adapters.ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector
Get sensors and actuators.
- _modelToBeSaved - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
The model to be saved in the database.
- _modelURL - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplet
The modelURL.
- _modelWriter - Variable in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
This writer is used by the document writer to write out each
model in a page.
- _modifiedVariables - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A set that contains all variables in the model whose values can be
changed during execution.
- _modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Throw an exception.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Throw an exception because the modulo operation does not
make sense for complex values.
- _modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Modulo is not supported for Dates.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return a new token whose value is the field-wise modulo of
this token and the argument.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _modulo(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return a new token whose value is the modulo of this token and
the argument.
- _modulo(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _moduloElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the remainders of
the elements of this token when divided by the argument.
- _moduloElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the remainders of
the elements of this token when divided by the argument.
- _moduloElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the remainders of
the elements of this token when divided by the argument.
- _moduloElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose elements are the modulo of
the elements of this token by the argument.
- _moduloReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
modulo the value of the argument token.
- _momlClassName - Variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
The name of the MoML class, either as a top level model or
as an xml file that we are generating code for.
- _momlHandler - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolver
The handler that issues MoML requests and makes model changes.
- _momlSource - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
The input source that was specified the last time the configure
method was called.
- _momlText - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
The text string that represents the current configuration of this
- _monotonicConcept - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
The "Monotonic" Concept from the monotonicityAnalysis ontology.
- _monotonicityAnalysisOntology - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
The monotonicityAnalysis ontology referred to by all monotonicityAnalysis adapters.
- _mostRecent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
The index into the delay line of the most recent input.
- _mostRecent - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
The index into the delay line of the most recent input.
- _mouseRotate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The mouse rotate view.
- _moveDown() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Move this object down by one in the list of attributes of
its container.
- _moveToBackAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Action to move to the back.
- _moveToFirst() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Move this object to the first position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- _moveToFirstDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
The text used in the MoveAction.TO_FIRST action menu choice.
- _moveToFirstDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
The text used in the MoveAction.TO_FIRST action menu choice.
- _moveToFrontAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Action to move to the front.
- _moveToIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Move this object to the specified position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- _moveToLast() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Move this object to the last position in the list
of attributes of the container.
- _moveToLastDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.IOPortController
The text used in the MoveAction.TO_LAST action menu choice.
- _moveToLastDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
The text used in the MoveAction.TO_LAST action menu choice.
- _moveUp() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Move this object up by one in the list of
attributes of the container.
- _multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token multiplied to the value of this Token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Multiply is not supported for Dates.
- _multiply(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _multiply(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return a new token whose value is the field-wise
multiplication of this token and the argument.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiply(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return a new token whose value is the multiplication of this token
and the argument.
- _multiply(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _MULTIPLY - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
- _multiplyElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiplyElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument token.
- _multiplyElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token multiplyed from the value of each element of this Token.
- _multiplyElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument scalar token.
- _multiplyElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument scalar token.
- _multiplyElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
multiplied by the value of the argument scalar token.
- _multiplyPolynomials(double[], double[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Multiply two polynomials.
- _myController - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
The associated modal controller component.
- _n1 - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Number of independent variables including the homotopy factor
- _name - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
The name of this tree.
- _name - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtLeafNode
The identifier that this leaf node refers to.
- _name - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
The new name.
- _name - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
The name of the concept function.
- _name - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
The name of the actor.
- _nameLabel - Variable in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Label displaying the string "Model Name".
- _nativeLibrary - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
The NativeLibrary that contains the functions.
- _nbTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _nCategories - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
Number of categories.
- _nCategories - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
Number of categories.
- _nColumns - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMatrixConstructNode
The number of columns of the matrix construction.
- _needNew - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Indicator that a new random number is needed.
- _needNew - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Indicator that a new random number is needed.
- _needNew - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Indicator that a new random number is needed.
- _needNewGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Indicator that a new generator is needed.
- _needNewGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
Indicator that a new generator is needed.
- _needNewGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
Indicator that a new generator is needed.
- _needScaleMethods - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.lib.Scale
True if we need the Scale_scaleOn methods .
- _needsEvaluation - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Flags that the expression needs to be evaluated when the value of this
variable is queried.
- _negate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
True if the intermediate results should be negated.
- _negate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicGate
True if the intermediate results should be negated.
- _new() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Create new search criteria.
- _NEW_MENU_INDEX - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Index in the _fileMenuItems array of the New item.
- _newActorThreadList - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
A list of threads created but not started.
- _newComposite(Composite) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Create a new container with the given parent.
- _newComposite(Composite, int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Create a new container with the given composite container as its parent,
and use a grid layout with the specified number of columns.
- _newDiscreteStatesNeeded(FMI20EventInfo.ByReference) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Invoke newDiscreteStatesNeeded() and return true if
the fmu wants to terminate.
- _newEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy.
- _newEffigy(CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy.Factory
Create a new effigy.
- _newGroup(Composite, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Create a new group with the given parent and the given title.
- _newInsideReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Create a new receiver compatible with the local director.
- _newInsideReceiver(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Create a new receiver compatible with the local director.
- _newModel - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
- _newParser() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplet
Create a new parser object for the applet.
- _newParser() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Create a new parser object for the application.
- _newParser() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet
Create a new parser object for the applet.
- _newParser() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Create a new parser object for the application.
- _newPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.HistogramPlotter
Create a new Histogram plot.
- _newPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Create a new plot.
- _newPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SketchedSource
Create a new plot.
- _newPortMap() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.OrderedRecordAssembler
Return a new _portMap, which is a map between
port names and strings.
- _newPortMap() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Return a new _portMap, which is a map between
port names and strings.
- _newProcessThread(Actor, ProcessDirector) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Create a new ProcessThread for controlling the actor that
is passed as a parameter of this method.
- _newProcessThread(Actor, ProcessDirector) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Return a new ProcessThread of a type compatible with this director.
- _newProcessThread(Actor, ProcessDirector) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Create a new ProcessThread for controlling the actor that
is passed as a parameter of this method.
- _newProcessThread(Actor, ProcessDirector) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Create a new ProcessThread for controlling the actor that
is passed as a parameter of this method.
- _newReceiver() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Create a new receiver compatible with the executive director.
- _newReceiver(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Create a new receiver compatible with the executive director.
- _newRelationAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController
Action for creating a new relation.
- _newSearchCriteriaAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
The action for creating new search criteria.
- _newShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ArcAttribute
Return the a new ellipse given a new width and height.
- _newShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.EllipseAttribute
Return the a new ellipse given a new width and height.
- _newShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
Return the a new shape given a new width and height.
- _newShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.RectangleAttribute
Return the a new rectangle given a new width and height.
- _newShape() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ResizablePolygonAttribute
Return the a new polygon with the given vertices.
- _newStates - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The new states computed in fire(), to be committed in postfire.
- _newTextEffigy(Effigy, String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorTableauFactory
Create a text effigy to be contained by the specified host
effigy for the specified text.
- _newton(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Conduct a Newton step.
- _newtonStep(double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.NewtonRaphson
Return the new iterate of a Newton step.
- _newTypesUsed - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A HashSet that contains all codegen types referenced in the model.
- _nextCrossingTime(double, double, double, double, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
Return the next time at which a line with the given slope
will rise or fall from the specified starting point to the
specified reference plus or minus the specified quantum.
- _nextFireAt - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.ContinuousTimeDelay
Records the next scheduled fireAt() call, so that we do not request more than
one fireAt() call for a given input event.
- _nextFireTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Next time a token is sent and the next token can be processed.
- _nextFireTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Next time a token is sent and the next token can be processed.
- _nextFireTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Next time a token is sent and the next token can be processed.
- _nextFireTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
The earliest time this director should be refired.
- _nextFireTime - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
The earliest time this director should be refired.
- _nextindex - Variable in class diva.util.NullArrayIterator
- _nextLine - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
The next line after the current line.
- _nextOutputIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
The index of when the output should be emitted.
- _nextOutputTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
The time for the next output.
- _nextOutputTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
The time for the next output.
- _nextOutputValue(double, double, double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
Return the next output value, which is the reference plus the quantum
if the slope is positive, and the reference minus the quantum otherwise.
- _nextResultHandler - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
The next result handler to be called to pass the search results
from this result handler.
- _nextScheduleTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Next time the aspect wants to be executed.
- _nextTimeFree - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
Next time the server becomes free.
- _nils - Variable in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
HashSet of nil elements, where each element is the index of the
element in _value[] that should be nil.
- _nIterations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
User-defined number of iterations of the alpha-beta recursion.
- _nIterations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
User-defined number of iterations of the alpha-beta recursion.
- _noActorToFire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
There are no actor to fire.
- _nodeNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
The node number, used to create unique node names.
- _nodeToLocalName - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
A map from node to local node name.
- _noMoreActorsToFire - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Set to true when it is time to end the execution.
- _nonAntimonotonicRepresentative - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
A set of "Almost Antimonotonic" Concepts (parameterized by counterexamples).
- _NONE - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
- _none - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ShapeAttribute
A color parameter whose value is a fully transparent white
(alpha = 0.0), which is interpreted as no color.
- _nonMonotonicRepresentative - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.adapters.monotonicityAnalysis.MonotonicityConceptFunction
A set of "Almost Monotonic" Concepts (parameterized by counterexamples).
- _nonSettables - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
The set of property-able objects that have non-settable property.
- _nonZeroLength(double[], String) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat
Throw an exception if the array is null or length 0.
- _normal - Variable in class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
The normal of the site.
- _notDone - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
A flag for determining whether successive iterations will be
- _notifyConnectorListeners(ConnectorEvent, int) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Notify registered connector listeners of the specified event.
- _notifyHierarchyListenersAfterChange() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
If any hierarchy listeners are registered, notify them
that a change has occurred in the hierarchy.
- _notifyHierarchyListenersBeforeChange() - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
If any hierarchy listeners are registered, notify them
that a change is about to occur in the hierarchy.
- _notifyingActorFiring - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Flag that is true if there are actor firing listeners.
- _notifyingActorFiring - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Flag that is true if there are actor firing listeners.
- _notifyListeners(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Notify all registered listeners that something changed for the
specified entry, if it indeed has changed.
- _notifyListeners(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Notify all registered listeners that something changed for the
specified entry, if it indeed has changed.
- _notifyListenersOfCompletion() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
- _notifyListenersOfStateChange() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Propagate the state change event to all the execution listeners.
- _notifyListenersOfSuccessfulCompletion() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Notify listeners that execution has completed successfully.
- _notifyLiveSoundListeners(int) - Method in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Notify the live sound listeners about a change in an audio
- _notifyPortEventListeners(IOPortEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Send a PortEvent to all port event listeners that
have registered with this IOPort.
- _notifyValueListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Notify the value listeners of this variable that this variable
- _nRows - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtMatrixConstructNode
The number of rows of the matrix construction.
- _nStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
number of hidden states.
- _nStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Number of hidden states in the model.
- _nStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Number of hidden states in the model.
- _nStates - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Cardinality of state space.
- _nullifyLayer(CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
Helper method to tell a layer when it is been removed from
this pane.
- _numArgsIsFixed - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
Flag that indicates whether or not the number of arguments for this
concept function is fixed or variable.
- _numberOfConsumers - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
The number of actors consuming from this channel.
- _numberOfInputTokensSeen - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
Number of input tokens seen by this actor in the fire method.
- _numberOfInputTokensSeen - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
Number of input tokens seen by this actor in the fire method.
- _numberOfInputTokensSeen - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
Number of input tokens seen by this actor in the fire method.
- _numberOfOtherTicks - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
- _numberOfPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Number of switch ports.
- _numberOfPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Number of switch ports.
- _numberOfTAGs - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Represents the number of time advance grants this federate has received.
- _numberOfTicks - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Array that contains the number of ticks between a NER or TAR and its respective TAG.
- _numberOfTicks2 - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Represents the number of call to tick2() made by the federate.
- _numConstraints - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _numIters - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The number of iterations to cool over.
- _numMoves - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The number of moves per iteration.
- _numVariables - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _nVars - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Number of break variables.
- _object - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager.InequalityTerm
The model object associated with the InequalityTerm.
- _objectIdToClassHandle - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Table of object class handles associate to object ids received by
discoverObjectInstance and reflectAttributesValues services (e.g. from
the RTI).
- _objectWrapper - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
The object wrapper.
- _obsDimension - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
observation dimension.
- _observations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
observation array.
- _observations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Observation array.
- _observations - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Observation array.
- _observedTokens - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The observation tokens.
- _observer - Variable in class ptolemy.homer.widgets.ResizableImageWidget
The image observer.
- _offsetFigure(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController.NewPortAction
Offset a figure if another figure is already at that location.
- _offsets - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Cache of offsets array value.
- _offsets - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Cache of offsets array value.
- _offsetVertex(double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorEditorGraphController.NewRelationAction
Offset a figure if another figure is already at that location.
- _oldExpression - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.VisibleParameterEditorFactory
- _oldModel - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
- _oldXSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
The horizontal size of the previous image.
- _oldXSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.imageDisplay.ImageDisplayHelper
The horizontal size of the previous image.
- _oldYSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
The vertical size of the previous image.
- _oldYSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.imageDisplay.ImageDisplayHelper
The vertical size of the previous image.
- _ontologyController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphController
The controller for ontologies in the ontology solver model.
- _ontologyMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologySolverGraphFrame
The ontology menu.
- _ontologySolverUtilities - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
The utilities shared between all solvers.
- _open() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Open a previously saved search criteria file.
- _open() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Open a file dialog to identify a file to be opened, and then call
_read() to open the file.
- _open() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Open a new file and plot its data.
- _openActorFromDB - Variable in class ptdb.gui.DBActorController
The action for selection of the "Open Actor From Database" menu item.
- _openAddDialog(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
Open a dialog to add a new parameter.
- _openAllModelListAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
The action to view all models in the database.
- _openAndReadFirstTwoLines() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
Open the file and read the first line, putting its value into
the _currentLine variable.
- _openBaseClassAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
The open base class action.
- _openCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
The count of currently open windows.
- _openDatabaseSetupAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
The action for saving a model to the database.
- _openDialog(Frame, NamedObj, ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.ConfigureAction
Open an edit parameters dialog.
- _openGraphFrames - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
List of references to graph frames that are open.
- _openInstanceAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
The action that handles opening an instance.
- _openInstanceAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyEntityController
The action that handles opening an instance of an ontology class.
- _openInstanceOrModel(Configuration, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
Open the instance or the model.
- _openInstanceOrModel(Configuration, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ptera.SchedulingRelationController
Open the instance or the model.
- _openModel(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Open the specified Ptolemy II model.
- _openModel(URL, URL, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Open the specified URL.
- _openModel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit.HTMLAboutJUnitTest
Test HTMLAbout by opening a URL that starts with "about:".
- _openModelMigrationFrameAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
The action for opening the model migration frame.
- _openReader() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.AudioReader
Initialize/Reinitialize audio reading.
- _openSearchCriteriaAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
The action for opening search criteria.
- _openURL() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Open a dialog to enter a URL, and then invoke
_read() to open the URL.
- _openWindow() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display
Open the display window if it has not been opened.
- _openWindow() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.lib.gui.CAViewer
Open the window, first initializing it if necessary.
- _operator - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- _optStep - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
- _OR - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
Perform a logical OR.
- _OR - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicGate
Perform a logical OR.
- _OR - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
Logical Or.
- _order - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
The order of the filter (i.e. the number of reflection coefficients)
- _orientation - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Keep track of the orientation; vertical by
- _origGraph - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelData
The original graph that is passed in by the user on
which the layout is eventually being assigned.
- _originalValues - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configurer
A record of the original values.
- _originalXhigh - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _originalXlow - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _originalXRangeGiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _originalYhigh - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _originalYlow - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _originalYRangeGiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _originIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _originOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _orthogonalizeRows(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Orthogonalize the rows of a matrix.
- _orthogonalizeRows(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Given a set of row vectors rowArrays[0] ... rowArrays[n-1], compute :
A new set of row vectors out[0] ... out[n-1] which are the
orthogonalized versions of each input row vector.
- _orthogonalizeRows(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Given a set of row vectors rowArrays[0] ... rowArrays[n-1], compute :
A new set of row vectors out[0] ... out[n-1] which are the
orthogonalized versions of each input row vector.
- _out - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AccumLUB
- _output - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StreamChangeListener
The PrintStream that we direct the output to.
- _OUTPUT_TRANSITION - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.ia.InterfaceAutomatonTransition
The output transition type.
- _outputBufferDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Time it takes for a token to be put into the output queue.
- _outputCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the output ports.
- _outputConfig() - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
- _outputDriversImplementationCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate code which will copy the output local
data to the global data.
- _outputFileName - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
The output file name.
- _outputInitializationCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate initialization code for the output drivers.
- _outputInitToken() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Output the first token during initialize.
- _outputInitToken() - Method in class lbnl.lib.labview.LabVIEWSimulator
During initialize, we output one token to startup the co-simulation
between Ptolemy and LabVIEW program.
- _outputPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _outputProduced - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Indicator of whether an output was produced in this iteration.
- _outputRangeOntology - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ConceptFunction
The ontology that specifies the range of concepts that can be output
by this concept function.
- _outputs - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticNode
List of references to ports syntactically marked as outputs.
- _outputs - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
List of exposed output ports of constituent terms.
- _outputs - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.lib.Emit
- _outputSource(Writer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Output the Java source from the current AST with
- _outputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Tokens to be sent to outputs.
- _outputTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Tokens to be sent to outputs.
- _outputWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.BusAssembler
- _outputXmlSubtree(ConfigXmlTree, Writer, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.XmlOutput
Output the sub-tree to the writer with the specified number of
- _outsideIsWireless() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort
Return true if the port is outside wireless.
- _overflow - Variable in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
The overflow strategy.
- _overlayLayer - Variable in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
- _ownConstraints - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
The list of Inequality constraints contained by this LatticeOntologyAdapter.
- _owner - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
The owner window.
- _owner - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
The The frame that, per the user, is generating the dialog.
- _padding - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
The padding scheme to be used process the data.
- _padding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The factor we pad by so that we don't plot points on the axes.
- _palettePane - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The library display panel.
- _pane - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.CustomizableRunFrame
The pane inside this frame.
- _pane - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.RunLayoutFrame
The run pane whose layout is being edited.
- _paneSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
A specification of the size of the pane if it's in its own window.
- _paneSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
A specification of the size of the pane if it's in its own window.
- _parameter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
The parameter that is proxied, or null if it's a port.
- _parameter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
The parameter that is proxied, or null if it's a port.
- _parameter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
The associated parameter.
- _parameters - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
List of parameters per port.
- _parameters - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CompositeCommunicationAspect
List of parameters per port.
- _parametersInvalid - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
Flag that indicates if the parameters are invalid.
- _parameterTable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.OpenInstanceDialog
Table of parameters.
- _parameterTableModel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.OpenInstanceDialog
The table model.
- _params - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
This object contains the parameters like path, container name etc.
- _parent - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator.TargetHighlighter
- _parent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.NamedTree
The parent of this tree.
- _parent - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.ScheduleElement
The parent schedule of this schedule.
- _parent - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
The parent node.
- _parent - Variable in class ptolemy.graph.sched.ScheduleElement
The parent schedule of this schedule.
- _parentsList - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.UpdateParentsToNewVersionTask
- _parentsList - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
The list of parents being affected by the changes made on the model.
- _parse() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
Parse the Java source and retrieve the AST.
- _parseActorExpression(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.Tester
- _parseArg(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Parse a command-line argument.
- _parseArg(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Parse a command-line argument.
- _parseArg(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
Parse a command-line argument.
- _parseArg(String) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Parse a command-line argument.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Parse the command-line arguments.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Parse the command-line arguments.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
Parse the command-line arguments.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
Parse the command-line arguments.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplication
Parse the command-line arguments.
- _parseArgs(GeneratorAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.Main
Parse any code generator specific arguments.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Parse the command-line arguments.
- _parseArgs(GeneratorAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
Parse any code generator specific arguments.
- _parseArgs(GeneratorAttribute) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.shallow.Main
Parse any code generator specific arguments.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Parse those command-line arguments that are relevant to the
application only, and refer other arguments to the PxgraphParser
helper class.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Parse the command-line
arguments and make calls to the Plot class accordingly.
- _parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication
Parse the command-line arguments.
- _parsedObject - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
The object obtained by parsing the moml text, or null.
- _parseIfNecessary() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Parse the expression, if the current parse tree is not valid.
- _parseLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Parse a line that gives plotting information.
- _parseLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Parse a line that gives plotting information.
- _parseLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Parse a line that gives plotting information.
- _parser - Variable in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
The parser that reads in a document and parses it into a
Document structure.
- _parser - Variable in class diva.util.xml.XmlDocument
- _parser - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
The parser used to construct the configuration.
- _parser - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
The parser used to parse the moml text.
- _parser - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
The MoMLParser used to parse the model.
- _parser - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
The parser.
- _parseRepetitions(ComponentEntity, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
Return a data structure giving the dimension data contained by a
parameter with the specified name in the specified port or actor.
- _parserScope - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
The instance of VariableScope.
- _parseSource() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.properties.GUIAction
Parse the configuration source if it has not been parsed, and store
the result in protected field
- _parseTreeCodeGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
The parse tree to use with expressions.
- _parseTreeEvaluator - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
- _parseTreeEvaluator - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
The parse tree evaluator.
- _parseTrees - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.AbstractActionsAttribute
The list of parse trees.
- _parseTreeValid - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Indicator that the parse tree is valid.
- _parseTreeWriter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.Operation
A parse tree writer to output the contents of a parse tree.
- _particleLabels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Labels of particles, that contains state names and a weight label.
- _particleLabels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Labels of particles, that contains state names and a weight label
- _particleTypes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Types of each particle dimension.
- _particleTypes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Types of each particle dimension
- _pass() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Mark the search is done in this searcher.
- _pasteAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The paste action.
- _pathToSupportFiles - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGenerator
End of line character.
- _pattern - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Scope
The pattern.
- _patternIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _patternOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _patternSizeIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _patternSizeOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _pauseRequested - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
If true, pause the execution of the model.
- _pendingOutput - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MicrostepDelay
A token to send in the next microstep.
- _pendingOutputs - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TimeDelay
A local queue to store the delayed output tokens.
- _performOperations() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Perform all the operations associated with the objects in the
- _periodicDirectorHelper - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Helper class supporting the period parameter.
- _phase - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
The phase of the next output.
- _phase - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
The phase of the next output.
- _phaseLength - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
The phaseLength is ceiling(length/interpolation), where
length is the number of taps.
- _picture - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.image.ImageDisplayJavaSE
The picture panel.
- _picture - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.imageDisplay.ImageDisplayHelper
The picture panel.
- _piggybacks - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
List piggybacked objects.
- _play() - Method in class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Play the sound.
- _playbackData - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
Byte buffer used for playback data.
- _playbackIsActive - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
true is audio playback is currently active.
- _plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
The plot object to which to apply commands.
- _plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
The plot object controlled by this formatter.
- _plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
The plot object to which to apply commands.
- _plotImage - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
An offscreen buffer for improving plot performance.
- _plotSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
An attribute that contains the size of the plot.
- _plotterBase - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
The base instance that created the implementation.
- _pmf - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.comm.HuffmanBasic
The probability mass function.
- _points - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
A vector of datasets.
- _points - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
A vector of datasets.
- _polygonAttributes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Polygon attributes.
- _polymorphicGetMethod(Class, String, Type[], CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod
Return the first method in the specified class that has the
specified name and can be invoked with the specified argument
- _populated - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Flag indicating populate() has been called, and hence
the configuration should be obtained from the current contents
(in case they have changed) rather than from the _configureText.
- _populateHistory(List) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Update the submenu with a history list
and add a listener to each line.
- _populating - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Indicator that we are in the midst of populating.
- _populating - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary
Indicator that we are in the midst of populating.
- _port - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
The port.
- _port - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
The port that is proxied, or null if it's a parameter.
- _port - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript.PortOrParameterProxy
The port that is proxied, or null if it's a parameter.
- _port - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
The associated port.
- _Port(int, OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Port
Construct an instance of _Port with rate rate and for channel
- _portController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController
The port controller.
- _portEventListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
The list of IOPortEventListeners registered with this object.
- _portIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Port
The index for this port into the channel's state vector.
- _portInfo - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Ports
A map from IOPort to PortInfo.
- _portList - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
A list of Ports owned by this Entity.
- _portMap - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler
Keeps track of which name or alias is associated with which port.
- _portNumber - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
The port number.
- _ports - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
- _ports - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
A list of ports of the actor, both input and output ports.
- _ports(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.FullTreeModel
Return the list of ports, or an empty list if there are none.
- _ports(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.VisibleTreeModel
Return the list of ports, or an empty list if there are none.
- _portTable - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
- _portTableModel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
- _portTooltip(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
Given a port, return a reasonable tooltip message for that port.
- _portToVirtualLinks - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Routing table mapping ports to virtual link objects.
- _portTypeMap - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A map from String type name to a HashMap of port name to an
array index.
- _portTypeMap2 - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A map from String type name to a HashMap of multiport or port
to an array index.
- _portTypeMap3 - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A map from String type name to a HashMap of multiports to an
array index.
- _portTypeMaxIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A map from String type name to a HashMap of port name to Array
- _portTypeMaxIndex2 - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A map from String type name to a HashMap of multiport or port
to the maximum number in the corresponding array.
- _portTypeMaxIndex3 - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A map from String type name to a HashMap of multiports to an
to the maximum number in the corresponding array.
- _positionIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _positionOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _postfireReturns - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
The value that the postfire method will return.
- _postfireReturns - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
The value that the postfire method will return.
- _postParse(MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Do nothing.
- _postParse(MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.OffsetMoMLChangeRequest
Offset the locations of top level objects that are created
by the change request.
- _powCall(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CParseTreeCodeGenerator
Return the string for the the pow() call.
- _powCall(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Return the string for the the pow() call.
- _precision - Variable in class ptolemy.math.FixPointQuantization
The precision.
- _predictQuantizationEventDeltaTimeQSS2General(ModelPolynomial, ModelPolynomial, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the delta-time to the predicted quantization-event for a state under QSS2.
- _predictQuantizationEventDeltaTimeQSS2QFromC(ModelPolynomial, ModelPolynomial, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the delta-time to the predicted quantization-event for a state under QSS2.
- _predictQuantizationEventDeltaTimeQSS3General(ModelPolynomial, ModelPolynomial, double) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the delta-time to the predicted quantization-event for a state under QSS3.
- _predictQuantizationEventDeltaTimeQSS3QFromC(ModelPolynomial, ModelPolynomial, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the delta-time to the predicted quantization-event for a state under QSS3.
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS1
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS2Fd
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS1
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Fd
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2FdJac
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Pts
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Qts
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Fd
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Pts
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _predictQuantizationEventTimeWorker(int, Time) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Get the predicted quantization-event time for a state (QSS-specific).
- _preference - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion
The preference is n index given an order to the
preference of conversions.
- _preferredHeight - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Width and height of component in pixels.
- _preferredWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Width and height of component in pixels.
- _prefire - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
The value returned by the prefire() method.
- _preinitializeCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
The preinitialize() method code.
- _prepareExportDesignPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Prepare to export a design pattern.
- _prepareExportDesignPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphFrame
Prepare to export a design pattern.
- _preParse(MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest
Do nothing.
- _preParse(MoMLParser) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.OffsetMoMLChangeRequest
Clear the list of top objects.
- _previousResults - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Results found and passed by the previous searchers.
- _previousToken - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictDelay
The token received on the previous iteration to be output on the
current iteration.
- _previousWorkspaceVersion - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
The workspace version number at time of last update of arguments.
- _primitiveTypes - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A list of the primitive types supported by the code generator.
- _print() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Print the contents.
- _print() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Print the contents.
- _print() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Print the contents.
- _print() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Print the plot using the native interface.
- _printCrossPlatform() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Print using the cross platform dialog.
- _printCrossPlatform() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Print using the cross platform dialog.
- _printExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the code for printing the execution time since
the code generated by _recordStartTime() was called.
- _printExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the code for printing the execution time since
the code generated by _recordStartTime() was called.
- _printExecutionTime() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the code for printing the execution time since
the code generated by _recordStartTime() was called.
- _printNative() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Print using the native dialog.
- _printNative() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Print using the native dialog.
- _printPDF - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
If true, then print to PDF.
- _printPDF() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Print each effigy to the first printer with the string "PDF"
in the name.
- _printPDF() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
If a PDF printer is available print to it.
- _printPDF - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
If true, then print to PDF.
- _printPDF() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
If a PDF printer is available print to it.
- _printTimeAndMemory(long, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Print the elapsed time since the specified startTime if
the elapsed time is greater than 10 seconds.
- _priorIn - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
The prior estimates used in the EM iterations.
- _priorIn - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
The prior estimates used in the EM iterations
- _priority - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
- _priority - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
The priority of the event (used when the timestamp, depth and
microstep cannot resolve a conflict.
- _priors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
prior hidden state distribution.
- _priors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Prior distribution on hidden states.
- _priors - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Prior distribution on hidden states.
- _process(byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
Process the input data based on parameter specifications.
- _process(byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricDecryption
Decrypt the data with the secret key by using javax.crypto.Cipher.
- _process(byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SymmetricEncryption
Encrypt the data using the javax.crypto.Cipher.
- _processArgs(String[]) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
Process command line arguments for co-simulation or model exchange of
Functional Mock-up Unit (.fmu) files.
- _processAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
- _processAttributes(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.gt.TransformationEvaluator
Process an attribute.
- _processButtonPress(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
Process a button press.
- _processButtonPress(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Process button presses.
- _processButtonPress(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Process a button press.
- _processButtonPress(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog
Process a button press.
- _processCode(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Process the specified code for the adapter associated with the
- _processNewEdge(Graph, Edge, IOPort, IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.GraphReader
Process a new edge corresponding to a given connection in a given graph.
- _processNewNode(Graph, Node, Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.GraphReader
Process a new node corresponding to a given actor in a given graph.
- _processPendingJob() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
If the verticle is not busy, process the next pending job.
- _processPendingJob() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
If the verticle is not busy, process the next pending job.
- _processSeqMap - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.ProcessDirector
The hashMap for Process and corresponding sequence numbers.
- _processUnselectedObjects(NamedObj, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.gui.GTGUIAction
Mark the unselected objects in the given model to be ignored or not
- _produceIntermediateOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Produce the output required at times between the specified times.
- _produceIntermediateOutput() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Waveform
Produce the output required at times between the specified times
using the specified interpolation method.
- _profile - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
The profile.
- _profile - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.Profile.ProfileActor
The profile.
- _progress - Variable in class diva.gui.toolbox.JStatusBar
The progress bar associated with this status bar
- _propagate() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Force evaluation of this variable, unless it is lazy,
and call _propagate() on its value dependents.
- _propagateExistence(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Override the base class to also propagate the associated port.
- _propagateExistence(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
Propagate existence of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateExistence(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation
Propagate existence of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateExistence(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
Propagate existence of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateExistence(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
Propagate existence of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateExistence(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Propagate existence of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateState() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Sample next state given current state.
- _propagateState() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
- _propagateState() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
- _propagateState() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareGenerator
- _propagateToValueListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Call propagate() on all value listeners.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
Propagate the value of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.SharedParameter
Override the base class to do the propagation only if
the specified destination is not shared, because if
it is shared, then the value will be propagated
in through the sharing mechanism.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Propagate the value of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.ConfigurableAttribute
Propagate the value of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.Location
Propagate the value of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Propagate the value of this object (if any) to the
specified object.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute
Propagate the value of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
Propagate the value of this object to the
specified object.
- _propagateValue(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint
Propagate the value of this object to the specified object.
- _propChangeListener - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
A reference to the PropertyChangeListener.
- _PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Path to the configuration file.
- _proposedMicrostep - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
This is the proposed microstep.
- _proposedTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
This is the time proposed in fire() from the FMU.
- _prototypeDecorator - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AnimationRenderer
The prototype decorator.
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconLink
Override the base class to define an href attribute to associate with
the area of the image map corresponding to its container.
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconScript
Provide content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page for the container of this object.
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultTitle
Provide content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page.
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DygraphsJSPlotterAttribute
Provide content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page for the container of this object.
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconLink
Provide content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page for the container of this object.
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconScript
Provide method call to invoke script that can be included as an
attribute of an HTML tag, e.g. onclick="runFunction()" in
<button onclick="runFunction()"/>
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.JSPlotterAttribute
Provide content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page for the container of this object.
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.Title
Provide a title for this object to the specified web exporter.
- _provideAttributes(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebContent
Generate attribute web content.
- _provideDefaultAttributes(NamedObj, WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconScript
Return attributes for default events, e.g. onmouseover().
- _provideDefaultAttributes(NamedObj, WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.ParameterDisplayIconScript
Override the base class to provide the parameter table
for the specified object.
- _provideDefaultContent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Provide default HTML content by cloning any
default WebExportable attributes provided by
the configuration into the model.
- _provideEachAttribute(WebExporter, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.DefaultIconLink
Provide content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page for the container of this object.
- _provideEachAttribute(WebExporter, NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.LinkToOpenTableaux
Override the base class to generate a web page or an image
file for the specified object, if appropriate, and to provide
the href, target, and class attributes to the area attribute
associated with the object.
- _provideElements(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.HTMLImage
Generate the image file and a <table> element holding an
<img/> element and a caption for the image..
- _provideElements(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.HTMLText
Generate a <div> element holding the text content.
- _provideElements(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.IconScript
Provide content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page.
- _provideElements(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.ParameterDisplayIconScript
Provide default content to the specified web exporter to be
included in a web page for the container of this object for
objects that do not override onmouseover.
- _provideElements(WebExporter) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.web.WebContent
Generate element web content.
- _provider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CryptographyActor
The provider to be used for a provider specific implementation.
- _provider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The provider to be used for a provider specific implementation.
- _provider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SecretKey
The provider to be used for a provider specific implementation.
- _provider - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
The name of the provider to be used for a provider specific
- _ptActor - Variable in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _ptToken - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
Each node stores its type and state information in this variable.
- _ptType - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode
The type of this node.
- _publishedPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Keep track of all published ports accessible in this container.
- _publisherRelations - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Keep track of all relations with published ports accessible in this container.
- _pubSubChannelName(IOPort, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Return the name of a Publisher or Subscriber channel name.
- _pubSubChannelName(IOPort, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor
Return the name of a Publisher or Subscriber channel name.
- _pubSubChannelName(IOPort, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor
Return the name of a Publisher or Subscriber channel name.
- _q - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Matrix q used in Newton algorithm.
- _qStateModels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
External, quantized state models.
- _quantEvtTimeMax - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Maximum Time for predicted quantization-event times.
- _quantize(double) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
- _quantize(Quantization) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return a new token whose value is constrained to comply
with a quantization specification.
- _query - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
The query window for adding parameters.
- _query - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
The query used to specify save as options.
- _query - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
The query portion of the dialog.
- _queryForSave() - Method in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
Open a dialog to prompt the user to save the data.
- _queryForSave() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Open a dialog to prompt the user to save the data.
- _queue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.QueueReceiver
This is the queue in which data is stored.
- _queue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
The FIFOQueue.
- _queueCounter - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
The counter for tie-breaking the queue by insertion order.
- _queues - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
- _queueSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Server
- _r - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Result of Newton step
- _random - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
The random number generator used in choosing which
nodes to swap.
- _random - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
The Random object.
- _random - Variable in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.RandomSource
The Random object.
- _random - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoTimingManager
The Random object.
- _random - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.ErasureChannel
A random number generator.
- _randomize - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
randomize the initial guess vectors or not.
- _randomize - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
If true, then randomize the initial guess vectors.
- _randomize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.NodeRandomizer
Randomly distribute the nodes in the model that contain a
boolean valued parameter named "randomize" with value true.
- _randomNumberGenerator - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.colt.ColtRandomSource
The low-level random number generator.
- _rangesGivenByZooming - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
True if the ranges were given by zooming.
- _rank - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Rank of list as a term.
- _rate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Port
the port rate, negative if input port
- _rateVariables - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
The list of rate variables that this scheduler is listening to
for rate changes.
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHolder
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHolder
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHolder
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHolder
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHolder
- _read(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Read the specified URL.
- _read(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Read the specified URL.
- _read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Read the specified stream.
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
Read the specified stream, assuming it is pxgraph formatted data.
- _read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Read the specified stream.
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Read the specified stream.
- _read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Read the specified stream.
- _read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet
Read the specified stream.
- _read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Read the specified stream.
- _read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Read the specified stream.
- _readBlockedQueues - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
The set of processes blocked on a read from a receiver.
- _readBody(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Read the body information from the HttpServletRequest, which at this time
is constrained to be a string.
- _readConfiguration(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
- _readCookies(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Read the Cookies from the HttpServletRequest, construct
a record token with one field for each name in the requestedCookies
parameter and the value given by the request, or if there is no
value, with an empty string as a value.
- _reader - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineReader
The current reader for the input file.
- _reader - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
The reader to read from.
- _reader - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.lib.SplitReader
The current reader for the input file.
- _readFromServer() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Read the data from the server instance, which will read it
from the client program.
- _readHeaders(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Read the header information from the HttpServletRequest, construct
a record token with one field for each header name.
- _readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Iterate over input ports and read any available values into
the referenced model parameters.
- _readInputs(IOPort, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Read tokens from the given channel of the given input port and
make them accessible to the expressions of guards and
transitions through the port scope.
- _readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Set the value of the shadow variables for input ports of the controller actor.
- _readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.BinaryNonStrictLogicGate
Read the inputs, and return the logic function applied to
all the are known and present.
- _readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictAndGate
Read the inputs, and return the and function applied to
all the are known and present.
- _readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictLogicGate
Read the inputs, and return the logic function applied to
all the are known and present.
- _readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictOrGate
Read the inputs, and return the and function applied to
all the are known and present.
- _readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.NonStrictXorGate
Read the inputs, and return the and function applied to
all the are known and present.
- _readInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Override the base class to not read any inputs.
- _readInputsAndValidateSettables() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ModelReference
Iterate over input ports and read any available values into
the referenced model parameters and validate settable
- _readModelURLParameter() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplet
Read the modelURL applet parameter.
- _readOutputsFromRefinement() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Set the value of the shadow variables for input ports of the
controller actor that are defined by output ports of the
- _readParameters(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Read the parameters from the HttpServletRequest, construct
a record token containing the parameters, and return that record.
- _readPending - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Reference to a thread that is read blocked on this receiver.
- _readyToFire - Variable in class ptserver.actor.lib.io.RESTGetHandler
A flag indicating if the actor is ready to fire.
- _reallocate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
- _reallocate() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Reallocate the internal arrays.
- _reallocate() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.automatic.ptolemy.actor.lib.GradientAdaptiveLattice
- _rebuildLayerArray() - Method in class diva.canvas.GraphicsPane
Rebuild the array of layers for use by iterators.
- _recalculatePreferredSize(Component) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Recalculate the preferred size of the entry panel.
- _receiver - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.IntermediateReceiver
Target receiver that is wrapped by this intermediate receiver.
- _receiverChanged() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
React to the change in receiver status by incrementing the count of
known receivers.
- _receivers - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
List of all receivers this director has created.
- _receivers - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
The list of all receivers that this director has created.
- _receiversInRange(WirelessIOPort, RecordToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Return the list of receivers that can receive from the specified
port with the specified transmission properties.
- _receiversInRangeCacheValid - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Flag indicating that the cached list of receivers in range
is valid.
- _receiversReadyToCommit(Receiver[][], boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousReceiver
Get the receivers that are ready to form a rendezvous according to the
rendezvous semantics.
- _receiverStatus(Receiver) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Return a string describing the status of the specified receiver.
- _recordFMUState() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Record the current FMU state.
- _recordMoML() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Record the MoML for the objects in the host model that are matched and
need to be preserved in the result.
- _recordStartTime() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Generate the code for recording the current time.
- _recordStartTime() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Generate the code for recording the current time.
- _recordStartTime() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Generate the code for recording the current time.
- _recreateFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon
Recreate the figure.
- _recreateFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.XMLIcon
Recreate the figure.
- _redo() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Redo the last undo action.
- _redo(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTest
Redo the last operation on the model.
- _redoAction - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
The redo action.
- _referencedParameters - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
A hashmap that keeps track of parameters that are referenced for
the associated actor.
- _referencedParameters - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
A hashmap that keeps track of parameters that are referenced for
the associated actor.
- _refinedStepSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Refined step size suggested by the FMU if doStep failed, or -1.0 if there
is no suggestion.
- _reflectionCoefficients - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Lattice
Cache of reflection coefficients.
- _refreshFlag - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
Flag to indicate whether or not to refresh the data
between readings.
- _refreshPorts() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Refresh the port lists scanning through the terms.
- _refreshRank() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
Recalculate the rank of the list as a term.
- _regex - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision.IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat
Regular expression for IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat.
- _regex - Variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision.LengthExponentPrecisionFormat
Regular expression for IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat.
- _regex - Static variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision.LengthIntegerPrecisionFormat
Regular expression for IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat.
- _regex - Variable in class ptolemy.math.Precision.VHDLPrecisionFormat
Regular expression for IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat.
- _registerChange() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Register a change to the graph by updating the change counter.
- _registerEdge(Edge) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Register a new edge in the graph.
- _registerNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
Register a new node in the graph.
- _registerNode(Node) - Method in class ptolemy.graph.Graph
Register a new node in the graph.
- _registerShutdownHook() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Register a shutdown hook to gracefully stop the execution of a model
if the JVM is shut down (by control-C, the user logging out, etc.).
- _reinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Reinitialize local variables in response to changes in attributes.
- _reinitialize() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Reinitialize local variables in response to changes in attributes.
- _reinitializeNeeded - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.MovingAverage
Indicator that at least an attribute has been changed
since the last initialization.
- _reinitializeNeeded - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Indicator that at least one attribute has been changed
since the last initialization.
- _relation - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.ConnectionEntry
- _relationCollapsing(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphAnalyzer
Test whether the relations contained in the container should be
considered as collapsed, i.e., whether multiple connected relations
should be considered as just one.
- _relationCollapsing(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphMatcher
Return whether the interconnected relations should be collapsed into one
in pattern matching.
- _relationController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorViewerGraphController
The relation controller.
- _relationController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphController
The controller for relations in the ontology model.
- _relations(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.FullTreeModel
Return the list of relations, or an empty list if there are none.
- _relations(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.VisibleTreeModel
Return the list of relations, or an empty list if there are none.
- _relations - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _relationsList - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.Port
The list of relations for this port.
- _relationsWithUnspecifiedWidths(List<?>) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.RelationWidthInference
Filter the relations for which the width still has to be inferred.
- _relativeTolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The relative tolerance for errors in double values.
- _reloadAccessorsAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The action for reloading accessors.
- _remainingTimes - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicExecutionAspect
The remaining execution time for every actor that has been scheduled
or null if the actor execution finished.
- _removeActorManager(ActiveActorManager) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Remove the actor manager from the set of active actor managers.
- _removeAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
- _removeAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Remove the given attribute.
- _removeConnection(SyntacticPort) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticGraph
Remove connection from SyntacticPorts in Syntactic Nodes.
- _removeContents() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonActor
- _removeDefaultContent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.html.ExportHTMLAction
Remove default HTML content, which includes all instances of
WebExportable that are not persistent.
- _removeDuplicates(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Given an array of strings, return an array where everything is
converted to lower case, duplicates are removed, and the order
is alphabetical.
- _removeDuplicates(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Given an array of strings, return an array where everything is
converted to lower case, duplicates are removed, and the order
is alphabetical.
- _removeEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration
Remove the specified entity; if that entity is the model directory,
then exit the application.
- _removeEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.Effigy
Remove the specified entity from this container.
- _removeEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ModelDirectory
Remove the specified entity, and if there are no more models
in the directory, except possibly the configuration, then
remove this directory from its container.
- _removeEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Remove the specified entity.
- _removeEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Override the base class to remove the ports and inside relations
of this actor.
- _removeEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Remove the specified entity.
- _removeEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Override the base class to remove the ports and inside relations of this
- _removeEntity(ComponentEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Remove the specified entity.
- _removeIconAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
The action that handles removing a custom icon.
- _removeIconAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ExternalIOPortController
The action that handles removing a custom icon.
- _removeIconAction - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.WithIconGraphController
The remove custom icon action.
- _removeIconAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeWithIconController
The remove custom icon action.
- _removeLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer
Remove the line previously created with name lineName.
- _removeLink(Link) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Remove a link from the link set.
- _removeLinks() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Remove the links in the host model that are matched but need to be
- _removeListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController
- _removeObjects() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Remove the NamedObjs in the host model that are matched but need to be
- _removePort(Port) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ssm.MirrorDecorator
- _removePort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Assert
Override the base class to remove the corresponding
output port, if the specified port is an input port, or
the corresponding input port, if the specified port is an
output port.
- _removePort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.ReflectComposite
Override the base class to remove the associated port on the
inside entity and the link to it, if there is one.
- _removePort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIMirrorComposite
Override the base class to remove the associated port on the inside
entity and the link to it, if there is one.
- _removePort(CompositeEntity) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Remove a port from the current container.
- _removePort(Port) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Remove the specified port.
- _removeReceivers(Relation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
Remove the receivers associated with the specified
relation, if there are any.
- _removeRefinementAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.modal.HierarchicalStateController
The action that removes a refinement.
- _removeRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.LazyTypedCompositeActor
Remove the specified relation.
- _removeRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Remove the specified relation.
- _removeRelation(ComponentRelation) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Remove the specified relation.
- _removeSideEffectFreeMethodCalls(SootMethod, CallGraph, SideEffectAnalysis) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.SideEffectFreeInvocationRemover
Remove any calls to other methods from the given method that
have no side effects and whose return value is dead.
- _removeSink(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.Receiver
Given a String that is an assignment operation, return the
right hand side (the source).
- _removeTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
The number of tokens that should be removed from the queue in
- _renameAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController
Action to launch rename dialog.
- _renameModelAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
The action for renaming a model.
- _renderNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Render the given node using the node renderer.
- _renderNode(Object) - Method in class ptdb.gui.DBActorController
Draw the node at its location.
- _renderNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ClassDefinitionController
Draw the node at its location.
- _renderNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.LocatableNodeController
Render the specified node.
- _renderNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultActorController
- _renderNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer.MatchResultRelationController
- _renderNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationActorController
- _renderNode(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor.TransformationRelationController
- _reparse() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.AttributeOperation
Generate the parse tree for the attributeValue element again.
- _reparse() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.DynamicAttributeOperation
Generate the parse tree for the attributeValue element again.
- _reparse() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.operations.RenameOperation
Generate the parse tree for the name element again.
- _repetitionCount - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
Count for the actor in the repetition vector of the graph.
- _REPETITIONS - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesAtomicActor
The name of the total repetitions parameter.
- _REPETITIONS - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.lib.PthalesCompositeActor
The name of the total repetitions parameter.
- _repetitionsIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _repetitionsOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _replaceConstantNode(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
- _replaceMacro(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CTemplateParser
Return the replacement string of the given macro.
- _replaceMacro(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaTemplateParser
Return the replacement string of the given macro.
- _replaceMacro(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.TemplateParser
Return the replacement string of the given macro.
- _report(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
If there is an associated BasicGraphFrame, use it to report a message.
- _report(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.RunnableGraphController
If there is an associated BasicGraphFrame, use it to report an error.
- _reportDebugMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
Expose the debug method to the package.
- _representative - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
The finite concept that represents where the infinite token concepts belong
in the ontology lattice.
- _request - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpSink
The request to be issued
- _request - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpGet
The Http request
- _request - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPost
The Http request
- _request - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.HttpPut
The Http request
- _requestAsyncPull(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Handle the pull request from the given active actor.
- _requestFinishOnReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Call requestFinish() on all receivers.
- _requestFinishOnReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPNDirector
Notifies all the threads blocked on MetroII events.
- _requestFiring() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Request that the container of this director be refired in some
future time specified by the first event of the local event queue.
- _requestRefiringIfNecessary() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
If the FMU can provide a maximum step size, query for that maximum step
size and call fireAt() to ensure that the FMU is invoked at the specified
- _requestSyncPull(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ci.kernel.CIDirector
Record the given actor as being pulled, and recursively propagate
the pull request to those actors providing data to it.
- _reset() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Reset the code generator.
- _reset() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Reset the code generator.
- _reset() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Reset the code generator.
- _reset() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Reset the code generator.
- _reset() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
Reset the code generator.
- _reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Reset the solver, indicating to it that we are starting an
integration step.
- _reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Reset the solver, indicating to it that we are starting an
integration step.
- _reset() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Reset the solver, indicating to it that we are starting an
integration step.
- _resetAll() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Reset the code generator, including setting the model to null.
- _resetAllReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Reset all receivers to unknown status and clear out variables used
to track which actors fired in the last iteration.
- _resetAllReceivers() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.CoroutineDirector
Reset all receivers to unknown status and clear out variables used
to track which actors fired in the last iteration.
- _resetLogicalTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Reset the logical time.
- _resetLogicalTime() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Reset logical time to null.
- _resetParameters(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Set whether to reset parameters when the actor is populated and the
parameters already exist for the actor.
- _resetScheduledTasks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Reset a scheduled redraw tasks.
- _resetScheduledTasks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Reset a scheduled redraw tasks.
- _resetScheduledTasks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Reset a scheduled redraw tasks.
- _residual(double[], double[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.NewtonRaphson
Evaluate the residual function f(x) = x-g(x).
- _resolveConcepts(NamedObj, List<Inequality>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
Resolve the concepts for the given top-level container,
subject to the given constraint list.
- _resolvedConstraintList - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The list of constraints after the ontology resolution algorithm has executed.
- _resolveDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Attempt to resolve a deadlock and return true if the deadlock
no longer exists and successive iterations are allowed; if
the deadlock still exists then return false indicating that
future iterations are not allowed.
- _resolveDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.ProcessDirector
Return false indicating that deadlock has not been resolved
and that execution will be discontinued.
- _resolveDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.TimedPNDirector
Return false on detection of a real deadlock.
- _resolveDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Return true indicating that deadlock has been resolved
and that execution should continue.
- _resolveDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Return true indicating that deadlock has been resolved
and that execution should continue.
- _resolvedProperties - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
The HashMap that caches property-able objects and their
Property values.
- _resolvedType - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
The resolved type of the port.
- _resolvedUnacceptableList - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologySolver
The list of InequalityTerms that have resolved to an unacceptable concept value.
- _resolveInternalDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.process.CompositeProcessDirector
Return false indicating that resolution of an internal
deadlock was unsuccessful and execution should discontinue.
- _resolveInternalDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPDirector
Respond to a deadlock.
- _resolveInternalDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.DDEDirector
Apply an algorithm to resolve an internal deadlock and return
true if the algorithm is successful.
- _resolveInternalDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
Resolve an artificial deadlock and return true.
- _resolveInternalDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
If the model is deadlocked, report the deadlock if parameter
"SuppressDeadlockReporting" is not set to boolean true, and
return false.
- _resolvePropertiesHasErrors(NamedObj, List<Inequality>) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.DeltaConstraintSolver
Resolve the properties of the given top-level container,
subject to the given constraint list, and then check if
the resulting solution has errors.
- _restoreField(Object, FieldRecord.Record) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord
Restore the old value in a record to the field.
- _restoreFMUState() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Restore the current FMU state to match that most recently recorded, if
the canGetAndSetFMUstate capability flag for the FMU is true.
- _restoreParameterValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Restore the values of the ValueIterators in the host model, so that they
have the values that were used to obtain the match result.
- _restricted - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
If set to true in the constructor of a base class, then put
this actor in "restricted" mode.
- _restricted - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
If set to true in the constructor of a base class, then put
this actor in "restricted" mode.
- _result - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Variable storing the result of the expression evaluation so that
subclasses can access it in an overridden fire() method.
- _result - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
- _result() - Method in class ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy
Return the result (cached value) of the analyzer on the associated
- _resultsTable - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Table for search results.
- _resultsTableModel - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Model for the table.
- _resumePoint - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.coroutine.kernel.AtomicContinuationActor
- _reverse() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem
Reverse the list of bend points.
- _reverseDependencies - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites
Computed reverse dependencies (the key is now an output port).
- _rhs - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- _rightComponent - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The right component for this editor.
- _rightKeyPressed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
A flag indicating if the right arrow key has been pressed
since the last firing of the actor.
- _rightKeyReleased - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
A flag indicating if the right arrow key has been released
since the last firing of the actor.
- _rightPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Right padding.
- _root - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The connection branch to which incoming nodes connect.
- _root - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.EntityTreeModel
The root of the tree.
- _rotatePortsClockwise - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
An action that handles rotating the ports by 90 degrees.
- _rotatePortsCounterclockwise - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorController
An action that handles rotating the ports by 90 degrees.
- _rounding - Variable in class ptolemy.math.Quantization
The rounding strategy.
- _roundingValue - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Most recent value of the rounding parameter.
- _roundingValue - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.RectangleAttribute
Most recent value of the rounding parameter.
- _rows(Complex[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Return the number of rows of a matrix.
- _rows(double[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath
Return the number of rows of a matrix.
- _rows(float[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FloatMatrixMath
Return the number of rows of a matrix.
- _rows(Fraction[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.FractionMatrixMath
Return the number of rows of a matrix.
- _rows(int[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath
Return the number of rows of a matrix.
- _rows(long[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath
Return the number of rows of a matrix.
- _ruleMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationEditor
The case menu.
- _run(CompositeActorSimpleApplication, String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Run the application.
- _run - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
If true, then -run was specified on the command line.
- _run20x - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
If true, then -run20x was specified on the command line.
- _runCommand() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
Return the command to run the generated code.
- _runCommandDefault - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
The initial default value of the runCommand parameter.
- _runCommandDefault - Static variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
The initial default value of the runCommand parameter.
- _runFullSolverButton - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _runMinimalSpanSolverButton - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _running - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
True while the model is running (past initialize() and before
- _running - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
True while the model is running (past initialize() and before
- _runToCompletion(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLADirector
Iterate the specified actor until its input queue
is empty and any pending fireAt() time requests
are in the future.
- _runToCompletion(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sysml.kernel.SysMLConcurrentDirector
Iterate the specified actor until its input queue
is empty and any pending fireAt() time requests
are in the future.
- _sampleDurationForState() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Sample a duration value given current state.
- _sampleDurationForState() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
- _sampleDurationForState() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
- _sampleDurationFromPrior() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Sample duration value from prior duration distribution.
- _sampleDurationFromPrior() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
- _sampleDurationFromPrior() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
- _sampleHiddenStateFromPrior() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Sample state at this iteration from the state prior.
- _sampleHiddenStateFromPrior() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
- _sampleHiddenStateFromPrior() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
Sample state at this iteration from the state prior.
- _sampleObservation() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Sample an observation value given current state.
- _sampleObservation() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions
- _sampleObservation() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions
- _sampleRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
The value of the sampleRate parameter.
- _sampleRate - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundActor
The value of the sampleRate parameter.
- _sampleRate - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
The sample rate.
- _sanitizedDirectorName - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.adapters.ptolemy.actor.PortDirector
The name of the director in a format suitable to be used as a
variable name.
- _sanitizedDirectorName - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.c.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
The sanitized name of the director.
- _sanitizedModelName - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
The sanitized model name.
- _save() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Save the currently opened search criteria.
- _save() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Save the model to the current file, determined by the
uri parameter of the associated effigy, or if
that has not been set or is not a writable file, or if the
effigy has been set non-modifiable, then invoke
- _save() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Save the model to the current file, if there is one, and otherwise
invoke _saveAs().
- _save() - Method in class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Save the plot to the current file, determined by the _directory
and _file protected variables.
- _save() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Save the plot to the current file, determined by the
and _file protected variable.
- _save() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.TextEditorForStringAttributes
Override the base class to apply the change to the attribute.
- _saveAs() - Method in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
Save the currently opened search criteria to a new location.
- _saveAs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Query the user for a filename, save the model to that file,
and open a new window to view the model.
- _saveAs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Query the user for a filename, save the model to that file,
and open a new window to view the model.
- _saveAs(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Query the user for a filename, save the model to that file,
and open a new window to view the model.
- _saveAs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Query the user for a filename, save the model to that file,
and open a new window to view the model.
- _saveAs() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Query the user for a filename and save the model to that file.
- _saveAs() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Query the user for a filename and save the plot to that file.
- _saveAsFileDialog() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
- _saveAsFileDialogComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Create and return a file dialog for the "Save As" command.
- _saveAsFileDialogComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Create and return a FileDialog for the "Save As" command.
- _saveAsFileDialogComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create and return a file dialog for the "Save As" command.
- _saveAsHelper(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Query the user for a filename, save the model to that file,
and open a new window to view the model.
- _saveAsJFileChooserComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Create and return a file dialog for the "Save As" command.
- _saveAsJFileChooserComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Create and return a JFileChooser for the "Save As" command.
- _saveAsJFileChooserComponent() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Create and return a file dialog for the "Save As" command.
- _saveAsSearchCriteriaAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
The action for saving search criteria to a new location.
- _saveBufferSizes(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.BaseSDFScheduler
Create and set a parameter in each relation according
to the buffer sizes calculated for this system.
- _saveContainerRates(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.BaseSDFScheduler
Push the rates calculated for this system up to the contained Actor,
but only if the ports do not have a set rates.
- _SAVED - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Indicator that a file is saved.
- _saveFiringCounts(Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.BaseSDFScheduler
Create and set a parameter in each actor according
to the number of times it will fire in one execution of the schedule.
- _saveInLibraryAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphFrame
The action for saving the current model in a library.
- _saveLocation - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
The location where the currently opened search criteria is saved.
- _saveModelToDBAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
The action for saving a model to the database.
- _saveParsedArgs() - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
Save arguments that were parsed in the generatorAttribute of
the model.
- _saveSearchCriteriaAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.SimpleSearchFrame
The action for saving search criteria.
- _sawThrowable - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
The exception seen by executionError().
- _schedule(NamedObj, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Schedule an actor for execution on a ExecutionAspect.
- _schedule - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.Schedule
The list of schedule elements contained by this schedule.
- _schedule(NamedObj, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Schedule an actor for execution on a ExecutionAspect.
- _schedule(NamedObj, Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Schedule an actor for execution on a ExecutionAspect.
- _schedule - Variable in class ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule
The list of schedule elements contained by this schedule.
- _scheduledRedraw() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Perform a scheduled redraw.
- _scheduledRedraw() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Perform a scheduled redraw.
- _scheduledRedraw() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Perform a scheduled redraw.
- _scheduleInParallelConnectedActors(Map, Map, LinkedList, CompositeActor, LinkedList) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFScheduler
Duplicate with modifications of the _scheduleConnectedActors
- _scheduleListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMDirector
The list of schedule listeners registered with this object.
- _schedulePosition - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceSchedule
Keeps track of our position in the list.
- _scheduler - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
The scheduler for this director.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.PacketDropFaultGenerator
Schedule a refiring of the actor.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.faultModels.StuckAtFaultGenerator
Schedule a refiring of the actor.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Schedule a refiring of the actor.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.CanBus
Schedule a refiring of the actor.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Schedule a refiring of this actor based on the tokens in the queues.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Schedule a refiring of this actor based on the tokens in the queues.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Schedule a refiring of this actor based on the tokens in the queues.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.Bus
Schedule a refiring of the actor.
- _scheduleRefire() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.CrossbarSwitch
Schedule a refiring of the actor at the current or a future time.
- _scheduleUnexecutedActors - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Flag for appending all the unexecuted actors that are not sequenced at the end of the schedule.
- _scope - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
The expression scope for this code manager.
- _scope - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
The scope to generate code for guard expression, choice action
and commit action.
- _scope - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
The scope for evaluation.
- _scope - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector
- _scope - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
The scope.
- _scope - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeSpecializer
- _scope - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
- _scope - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
The scope of the actor.
- _scopeOntologies - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator
The list of ontologies that specify the domain for each input
argument to the concept function defined by the parsed
- _scroller - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
The main scroll pane.
- _scrollPane - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
The scroll pane containing the text area.
- _search() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AbstractSearcher
Perform the actual search.
- _search() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.AttributeSearcher
Perform the actual search for the attributes search criteria.
- _search() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.CommandSearcher
Perform the actual search for the attributes search criteria.
- _search() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.HierarchyFetcher
Handle the model results passed to this class.
- _search() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.NameSearcher
Perform the actual search according to the model name.
- _search() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.PatternMatchGraphSearcher
Perform the actual pattern match for the passed models.
- _search() - Method in class ptdb.kernel.bl.search.XQueryGraphSearcher
Perform the actual search in the database according the graph search
- _search() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.DependencyResultsDialog
Perform a search and update the results table.
- _search() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
Perform a search and update the results table.
- _selectAction() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
This method picks an action for which the actor interpreter
evaluates the guard to true.
- _selectChannelConnector - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.WebServerUtilities
The connector binding a port to the server.
- _selectChannelConnector - Variable in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.WebServerUtilities
The connector binding a port to the server.
- _selectDataset() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Open a dialog to select a dataset to edit.
- _selectedService - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
The name of the service selected by the user.
- _selectedServiceParam - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The service that was selected.
- _selectedServiceParameters - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
The names of the parameters for the service that was selected by the user.
- _selectInitializer() - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.Dataflow
- _selectionInteractor - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _selectionModel - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _sendAbsentToAllUnknownOutputsOf(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Call the send(index, null) method of each output port with
unknown status of the specified actor.
- _sendEmpiricalMatrix() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator
Send the learned matrix to the output.
- _sendEmpiricalMatrix() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen
- _sender - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.LinkVisualizer._LinkVisualizerThread
- _sendMessageOverSocket(Object) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.webSocket.WebSocketHelper
Send the specified message over the websocket.
- _sendToReceiver(Receiver, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Send token to receiver.
- _sensorCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the sensors.
- _sensorCode(StringBuffer, TDLModule) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the sensors.
- _sensorService - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAware.ContextAwareHelper
The specific data that is wanted from the selected service.
- _sensorService - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.modules.contextAwareTest.ContextAwareHelperTest
The sensor that was selected.
- _sequencedList - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
The list of sequenced actors in the model.
- _set - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector
- _setAlive(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Set a flag indicating this branch should fail.
- _setAndHideQuantizationParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixTransformer
Set quantization parameters of the output port with the given
parameter expression strings.
- _setAttributeName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.AttributeValueAttribute
Set the attribute name.
- _setBackgroundColor(Component) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Set the background color of the specified component to the default,
or if it is given, to the background color given in the preferences.
- _setBusy(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Specify whether this helper is currently processing a previous
- _setBusy(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Specify whether this helper is currently processing a previous
- _setButtonsVisibility(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _setCause(Throwable) - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Set the cause to the specified throwable.
- _setCause(Throwable) - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelRuntimeException
Set the cause to the specified throwable.
- _setCenter(JGraph, Point2D) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Set the center location of the visible part of a specific pane.
- _setCompletionTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Set the completion time of this receiver.
- _setConditionalReceive(boolean, AbstractBranchController, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Set a flag so that a ConditionalSend branch knows whether or
not a ConditionalReceive is ready to rendezvous with it.
- _setConditionalSend(boolean, AbstractBranchController, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPReceiver
Set a flag so that a ConditionalReceive branch knows whether or
not a ConditionalSend is ready to rendezvous with it.
- _setConnectionConstraintType(LatticeOntologySolver.ConstraintType) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Set the default constraint type for connections for the model component referred
to by this OntologyAdapter for the given OntologySolver, depending on what type of
component it is.
- _setConstant(Token, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
- _setConstraints(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
Set the constraints for the actor attribute or port based on
the parsed expression string.
- _setCurrentConnectionMap() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Set the map from input ports to boolean flags indicating whether a
channel is connected to an output port of the refinement of the
current state.
- _setCurrentConnectionMap() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Set the map from input ports to boolean flags indicating
whether a channel is connected to an output port of the
refinement of the current state.
- _setCurrentEvent(Event) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptera.kernel.PteraController
Set the event currently being executed.
- _setCurrentState(State) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Set the current state of this actor.
- _setDirector(Director) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Set the local director for execution of this CompositeActor.
- _setDirectory(File) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
- _setDirty(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Set the boolean that determines if the GUI has a change that has not
applied to the system.
- _setDropIntoEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Enable or disable drop into.
- _setElementName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Set the name of this XML element.
- _setEnabled(Composite, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Set whether a container and all its children are enabled.
- _setEnableLogging(boolean) - Method in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
Set the _enableLogging field.
- _setFailedTestCount(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.test.junit.TclTests
Set the cached value of the count of the number of failed tests.
- _setFmuInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Iterate through the scalarVariables and set all the inputs
that are known.
- _setFMUScalarVariable(FMIScalarVariable, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Set a scalar variable of the FMU to the value of a Ptolemy token.
- _setFMUScalarVariable(FMIScalarVariable, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImportHybrid
Set a scalar variable of the FMU to the value of a Ptolemy token.
- _setIcon(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.DestinationAirport
Set the visual indication of the icon for the specified ID.
- _setIcon(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.Track
Set the visual indication of the icon for the specified ID.
- _setIcon(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractStation
Change the color of the inner box in station to show the moving train.
- _setIcon(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
Determine the color of the track/train .
- _setIconForTrain(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
Change icon of the track from rectangle to icon of the train.
- _setInferredWidth(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Set the inferred width of this relation.
- _setInitialValue(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopReceiver
Indicate to this receiver that it is a break variable and
set its initial value.
- _setInitialValues() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskPtDirector
Set the initial Tokens present on the inputs of the actors.
- _setInitMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
Set the initial matrix for the CAViewer (the actor that visualizes the grid).
- _setInput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
If the argument is true, make the port an input port.
- _setLabels(Vector) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
Set the labels of the Unit.
- _setLogicalTime(PtidesEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
Ptides director need to provide the implementation.
- _setLogicalTime(PtidesEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Set logical time to that of the ptidesEvent.
- _setMessage(String) - Method in exception ptolemy.actor.process.TerminateProcessException
Sets the error message to the specified string.
- _setMessage(String) - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException
Sets the error message to the specified string.
- _setMessage(String) - Method in exception ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelRuntimeException
Sets the error message to the specified string.
- _setMultiport(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
If the argument is true, make the port a multiport.
- _setName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
Set the name of the port, and mirror the change in all the
mirror ports.
- _setNext(FieldRecord.RecordList) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.RecordList
Set the record list next to this one.
- _SetOfStates() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._SetOfStates
- _setOutput(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalBasePort
If the argument is true, make the port an output port.
- _setOutputTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Set the output time associated with this time keeper.
- _setPadding(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the padding multiple.
- _setParameter(Parameter, FMIScalarVariable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Set a Ptolemy II Parameter to the value of a FMI ScalarVariable.
- _setParent(FieldEditor, Composite) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.preferences.SectionPreferencePage
Set the parent of a field editor.
- _setParent(ConfigXmlTree) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.xmlparser.ConfigXmlTree
Set the parent of this XML node.
- _setParent(Instantiable) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
Specify the parent for this object.
- _setPlotSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Given the size of the applet, set the size of the plot.
- _setPlotSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
Given the size of the applet, set the size of the plot.
- _setPortCriterion(PortCriterion) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.PortMatcher
Set the PortCriterion.
- _setPortDescription(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Set the description of a port or parameter.
- _setPortDescription(NamedObj, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.JavaScript
Set the description of a port or parameter.
- _setPreservingTransformation(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
- _setPrevious(FieldRecord.RecordList) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecord.RecordList
Set the record list previous to this one.
- _setProductionConsumptionRates() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Set the production and consumption rates based on the
refinement of the current state, after descending through a hierarchy of
state machines.
- _setProgressBarMaximum(int) - Method in class ptolemy.util.StreamExec
Set the maximum of the progress bar.
- _setQuantizationParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixTransformer
Set quantization parameters for the output port.
- _setReceiverPriorities() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.TimeKeeper
Set the priorities of the receivers contained in the input
ports of the actor managed by this time keeper.
- _setReceivers(Receiver[]) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Set the receivers that this branch is trying to rendezvous with.
- _setReceiverTime(Time) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.dde.kernel.PrioritizedTimedQueue
Set the receiver time of this receiver to the specified
- _setRecompileFlag() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
If configure is done, populating is not occurring,
code is not being generated and Pub/Subs are not being
created, then set the recompileThisLevel parameter
to true.
- _setResultMap(Thread, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.rendezvous.kernel.RendezvousDirector
Set the map of results for the given thread.
- _setRound(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousODESolver
Set the round for the next integration step.
- _setRound(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
Set the round for the next integration step.
- _setRound(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
Set the round for the next integration step.
- _setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Set the local scheduler for execution of this Director.
- _setScheduler(SequenceScheduler) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequencedModelDirector
Copied from SDFDirector; also, same as in StaticSchedulingDirector
Set the local scheduler for execution of this Director.
- _setScrollerSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Set the scroller size.
- _setScrollerSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.DocViewer
Override the base class to do nothing.
- _setState(Manager.State) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Manager
Set the state of execution and notify listeners if the state
actually changes.
- _setTableauFactory(Object, CompositeEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- _setTimeForRefinement(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Set the refinements current time equal to the matching environment,
or if there is no environment, do nothing.
- _setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set the token value and type of the variable.
- _setToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.ConditionalBranch
Set the token contained by this branch.
- _setTokenAndNotify(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.DoubleRangeParameter
- _setTokenAndNotify(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.IntRangeParameter
- _setTokenAndNotify(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Set the token value and type of the variable, and notify the
container that the value (and type, if appropriate) has changed.
- _setToSelectedButton - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _setTotalNum(int) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.util.FieldRecordState
Set the total number of changes recorded in this field record state.
- _setType(ASTPtRootNode, Type) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeTypeInference
- _setType(int) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitTerm
- _setTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort
Set the type constraints between the protected member _parameter
and this port.
- _setTypeConstraints() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.parameters.PortParameter
Set the type constraints between the protected member _port
and this parameter.
- _setupActor(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.caltrop.actors.AbstractCalInterpreter
Initialize this ptolemy actor using declarations in the given
CAL actor.
- _setupAdapter() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Perform any setup or initialization of the adapter.
- _setupCommands() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGenerator
Return a list of setup commands to be invoked before
the run command.
- _setupCommands() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorSSHCodeGenerator
Return a list of setup commands to be invoked before the run
- _setupCommands() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
Return a list of setup commands to be invoked before
the run command.
- _setUpLookInsideAction() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.TransitionController
Set up look inside actions, if appropriate.
- _setupOK - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Set this to false if the setup of the model during the init()
method fails.
- _setURLReader(BufferedReader) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
Set the reader.
- _setUTerms(Vector) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
- _setValue(Attribute, String) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Set the value of the associated container's variable.
- _setValue(Attribute, Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
Set the value of the associated container's variable.
- _setViewScreen(GRActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor
Set the view screen that the actor is connected to.
- _setViewScreen(GRActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor2D
Set the view screen that this actor is connected to.
- _setViewScreen(GRActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor3D
Set the view screen that this actor is connected to.
- _setViewScreen(GRActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
Override the base class to set the texture, if one is specified,
now that the view screen is known.
- _setWidth(Graphics, float) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the graphics argument is an instance of Graphics2D, then set
the current stroke to the specified width.
- _shape - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.AbstractTrack
The shape.
- _sharedCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Shared code code.
- _sharedName - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.lib.SequencedSharedMemoryActor
The name shared by a set of messages.
- _showComponentsButton - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _showGraph() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.syntactic.SyntacticCodeGenerator
Show the SyntacticGraph in a Tableau.
- _showHelp() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyDialog
Display the help URL.
- _showMatrix() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ca.kernel.CADirector
Set the current matrix for any MatrixViewer, Const with a
DoubleMatrixToken, or CAViewer actors.
- _showNameable(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ActorGraphicalMessageHandler
Open the level of hierarchy of the model that contains the
Nameable referred to by the KernelException or KernelRuntimeException.
- _showNameable(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Open the level of hierarchy of the model that contains the
Nameable referred to by the KernelException or KernelRuntimeException.
- _showNameable(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilGraphicalMessageHandler
Open the level of hierarchy of the model that contains the
Nameable referred to by the KernelException or KernelRuntimeException and
possibly zoom in.
- _showQuantizationParameters(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.vhdl.FixTransformer
Set the visibility of the precision, overflow and rounding
- _showStackTrace(Throwable, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Display a stack trace dialog.
- _shrinkCoordinates(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, int, float) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerGraphUtil
Reposition a small object in a big object according to a given direction
- _Sigma - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Measurement covariance matrix.
- _Sigma - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Measurement covariance matrix
- _Sigma - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Measurement covariance matrix.
- _sigmaPointLabels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Labels of sigma points, that contains state names and a weight label.
- _sigmaPointTypes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Types of each sigma point dimension.
- _signature - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
The signature that will be used to process the data.
- _signatureAlgorithm - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.SignatureActor
The name of the signature algorithm to be used.
- _signJarFile(JarFile, OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.JarSigner
The actual JAR signing method.
- _SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
The format in which dates are reported.
- _simpleSearchAction - Variable in class ptdb.gui.ActorGraphDBFrame
The action for performing a simple database search.
- _simpleUniverse - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The Java3D universe, displayed inside the canvas.
- _simplify() - Method in class ptolemy.math.Fraction
Reduce the fraction to lowest terms by dividing the Numerator and
Denominator by their Greatest Common Divisor.
- _simulateExternalInputs(IOPort, int, List, LinkedList) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Simulate the consumption of tokens from the given external input
- _simulateInputConsumption(Actor, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Simulate the consumption of tokens by the actor during execution of
the given number of firings.
- _simulateTokensCreatedLast(IOPort, int, LinkedList, LinkedList) - Method in class ptolemy.distributed.domains.sdf.kernel.DistributedSDFScheduler
Duplicate and modification of the _simulateTokensCreated
- _sizeOfType(HelperBase.DATA_TYPE) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Return the size of a data type.
- _sizeOfType(HelperBase.DATA_TYPE) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Return the size of a data type.
- _sizes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
array size by dimension.
- _skipIfKnown() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return true if outputs are skipped if known.
- _skipToNextPhase() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.DiscreteClock
Skip the current firing phase and request a refiring at the
time of the next one.
- _skipToNextPhase() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.lib.Waveform
Skip the current firing phase and request a refiring at the
time of the next one.
- _skipWidthInference() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Determines whether width inference should be skipped or not.
- _sleep() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.test.junit.HTMLAboutJUnitTest
Sleep the current thread, which is usually not the Swing Event
Dispatch Thread.
- _sleep() - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.ExportModel
Sleep the current thread, which is usually not the Swing Event
Dispatch Thread.
- _sleep() - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTest
Sleep the current thread, which is usually not the Swing Event
Dispatch Thread.
- _sleep() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.test.junit.ExportImageJUnitTest
Sleep the current thread, which is usually not the Swing Event
Dispatch Thread.
- _SMALL - Static variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.QSSIntegrator
A small number, below which the slope is considered to be zero.
- _solutions - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _solutions - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog.SolutionListModel
- _solutionsList - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _solutionsListModel - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _solveBalanceEquations(CompositeActor, List, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.SDFModularScheduler
Solve the balance equations for the list of connected Actors.
- _solveBalanceEquations(CompositeActor, List, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Solve the balance equations for the list of connected Actors.
- _solver - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ConceptTermManager
The LatticeOntologySolver that contains this PropertyTermManager.
- _solver - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologyAdapter
The associated ontology solver.
- _solver - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector
The given ontology solver for which the AST will be evaluated.
- _solver - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Algebraic loop solver.
- _sortBodyDeclarations(AbstractTypeDeclaration) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Sort the body declarations of an abstract type declaration.
- _sortBodyDeclarations(AnonymousClassDeclaration) - Static method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.TypeAnalyzer
Sort the body declarations of an anonymous class declaration.
- _SortedSetOfStates() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._SortedSetOfStates
Construct an instance of SortedSetOfStates.
- _SortedSetOfStates(OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparator) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._SortedSetOfStates
Construct an instance with an explicitly specified comparator.
- _soundConsumers - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
The list of sound consumers.
- _source - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
The source specified in configure().
- _source - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
String for the URL.
- _source - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _source - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitConstraint
- _sourceDataLine - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.SoundPlayer
The data line being used for playback.
- _sourcePort - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
The source port.
- _sourceToURL(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor
For the given URL specification, attempt to find a local copy
of the resource and return that if it exists.
- _spacingValue - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
Most recent value of the spacing parameter.
- _sparseness - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.GridAnnealingLayout
A sparseness measure for the layout.
- _specializeArgument(String, int, Type, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Specialize an argument of a function.
- _specializeReturnValue(String, Type, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Specialize the return value of a function.
- _specialMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Special menu for this frame.
- _specialMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Special menu for this frame.
- _specifiedPlotRectangle - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
User specified plot rectangle, null if none specified.
- _speed - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.ConstraintsCalculator
- _splitBody(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Split the code.
- _splitName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Split the specified name at the first period and return the
two parts as a two-element array.
- _splitPane - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The split pane for library and editor.
- _splitVariableDeclaration(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Split the variable declaration into possibly two sections.
- _stackTraceToString(Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.BasicJApplet
Get the stack trace and return as a string.
- _startRenderer() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Start the internal Java3D renderer.
- _startSimulation() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Start the simulation program.
- _startSimulation() - Method in class lbnl.lib.labview.LabVIEWSimulator
Start the simulation program.
- _startTransform() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.ast.Transformer
- _state - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.Case
The one and only state.
- _State(OptimalScheduleFinder._State) - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._State
Construct an instance of State, with a reference to a previous state.
- _StateComparator() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparator
- _StateComparatorLowestValue() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparatorLowestValue
- _StateComparatorMaximumProgress() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparatorMaximumProgress
Construct an instance of StateComparatorMaximumProgress.
- _stateController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
The state controller.
- _stateCt - Variable in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
The state count.
- _stateDescription - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _stateIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor
index for the actor into the global state vector
- _stateIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel
Index of this channel into the global state vector.
- _stateLabels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Labels of states.
- _stateLabels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Labels of states
- _stateLabels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Labels of states
- _stateLabels - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Labels of states.
- _stateNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Cached State variable names.
- _stateNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Cached State variable names
- _stateNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Cached State variable names
- _stateNames - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Cached State variable names.
- _stateRefinementsToPostfire - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
State refinements to postfire(), as determined by the fire() method.
- _states - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
For model exchange, the FMU state variables.
- _stateTypes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Types of each state dimension.
- _stateTypes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Types of each state dimension
- _stateTypes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Types of each state dimension
- _stateTypes - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Types of each state dimension.
- _statistics - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
If true, then -statistics was specified on the command line.
- _statusBar - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Top
The status bar.
- _stdIn - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.URLReader
Standard in as a reader.
- _stepSize - Variable in class org.ptolemy.fmi.driver.FMUDriver
The step size, in seconds.
- _stepSizeRejected - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Indicator that the proposed step size provided to the fire method has
been rejected by the FMU.
- _stop() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
Stop the execution.
- _stopFireRequested - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector
Flag that stopFire() has been called.
- _stopRenderer() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
Stop the internal Java3D renderer.
- _stopRequested - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor
Indicator that a stop has been requested by a call to stop().
- _stopRequested - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Indicator that a stop has been requested by a call to stop().
- _stopRequested - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Indicator that a stop has been requested by a call to stop().
- _stopRequested - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Indicator that a stop has been requested by a call to stop().
- _storePassword - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyStoreActor
The password for the keyStore.
- _stripNumericSuffix(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Return a string that is identical to the specified string
except any trailing digits are removed.
- _subAdapterConstraints - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
The list of permanent property constraints.
- _subscribedPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Keep track of all published ports accessible in this container.
- _subscriberPorts - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
Map of Subscriber ports.
- _substituteMap - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
Map of '@' delimited keys to values.
- _subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.AbstractNotConvertibleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.BooleanToken
Subtraction is not supported in Boolean algebras.
- _subtract(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted to the value of this Token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DateToken
Subtract is not supported for Dates.
- _subtract(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ConcreteScalarToken
Throw an exception.
- _subtract(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted to the value of this Token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FloatToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(MatrixToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.PetiteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.RecordToken
Return a new token whose value is the field-wise subtraction
of this token and the argument.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ShortToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.SmoothToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.StringToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument token
subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtract(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnionToken
Return a new token whose value is the subtraction of this token
and the argument.
- _subtract(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.UnsignedByteToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
token subtracted from the value of this token.
- _subtractCategoryExponents(ScalarToken) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
Subtract the corresponding unit category exponents of the
argument token from that of this token.
- _subtractElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElement(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this
- _subtractElementReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ComplexMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElementReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.DoubleMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElementReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.FixMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElementReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.IntMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElementReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.LongMatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
Token subtracted from the value of each element of this Token.
- _subtractElementReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.MatrixToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of each element of
this Token subtracted from the value the argument Token.
- _subtractReverse(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ArrayToken
Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
subtracted from the value of the argument token.
- _suggestZeroStepSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Indicator that we have had iteration with a rejected step size, so the
next suggested step size should be zero.
- _superdenseDependencyPair - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesDirector
Store the superdense dependency between pairs of input ports using nested
- _superdenseDependencyPair - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesDirector
Store the superdense dependency between pairs of input ports using
nested Maps.
- _superscope - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTParameter.Scope
The scope used to resolve a name if it cannot be resolved in this
- _suppressVariableSubstitution - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
True to suppress variable substitution in string mode.
- _switchFabricDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.BasicSwitch
Time it takes for a token to be processed by the switch fabric.
- _switchFabricQueue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.CrossbarSwitch
Switch fabric queues for every output port.
- _synchronizeToRealTime() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointDirector
Synchronize to real time, if appropriate.
- _t - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Tangent vector to homotopy curve.
- _tabbedPalette - Variable in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigableActorGraphFrame
- _tabChar - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
The character to use for a tab.
- _tableau - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
The Plotter tableau.
- _tableau - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.lib.VisualModelReference
Tableau that has been created (if any).
- _tableau - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _tag - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver.Event
Time stamp of this event.
- _tag - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver.Event
Time stamp of this event.
- _TAGDelay - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaReporter
Array that contains the delays between a NER or TAR and its respective TAG.
- _tagToCheck - Variable in class thales.actor.gui.NavigableEffigy.Factory
- _tail - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.ConnectionEntry
- _taps - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Local cache of the tap values.
- _target - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelData
The layout target that is passed in by the user and
used to assign the layout to the view.
- _target - Variable in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial
- _target - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.EditParametersDialog
The target object whose parameters are being edited.
- _target - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.SearchResultsDialog
The entity on which search is performed.
- _targetHighlighter - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
The highlighter listener
- _targetProperty - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
The property name that is tested to see if a
figure is a possible drop target.
- _targetPropertyValue - Variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
The value of the property that is tested to see if a
figure is a possible drop target.
- _taskCode(TypedCompositeActor, Actor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the task.
- _taskCodeSkeleton(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.cgc.GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator
Generate code for the task.
- _tasksCode(TypedCompositeActor) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.giotto.kernel.GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the tasks.
- _tasksCode(StringBuffer, TDLModule) - Static method in class ptolemy.domains.tdl.kernel.TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities
Generate code for the tasks.
- _technologicalDelay - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXSwitch
Time it takes for a token to be processed by the switch fabric.
- _templateParser - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter
The strategy for generating code for this adapter.
- _templateParserClass() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Return the class of the templateParser class.
- _templateParserClass() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Return the class of the templateParser class.
- _templateParserClass() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Return the class of the templateParser class.
- _temporaryHTMLFile(String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLAbout
- _tentativeNextOutputTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
The tentative time for the next output.
- _terminate - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Flag indicating whether finish has been requested.
- _test - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
If true, then auto exit after a few seconds.
- _test - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
If true, then auto exit after a few seconds.
- _test - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
If true, then auto exit after a few seconds.
- _test - Static variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
If true, then auto exit after a few seconds.
- _test - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Test for step length in Newton algorithm
- _test - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
If true, then auto exit after a few seconds.
- _testMethod(IMethodBinding) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticHighlightings.MethodHighlighting.PtolemyMethod
Test whether the method binding matches this method description.
- _text - Variable in class diva.gui.tutorial.TextDocument
The string contained in this document.
- _text - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBase
The text specified in configure().
- _textAreaSetRowsAndRepackParent(JTextArea, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Resize the textArea and repack the containing ComponentDialog.
- _threadList - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.AbstractBranchController
List of threads created by this actor to perform a conditional rendezvous.
- _threshold - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
The delta to exceed to produce outputs if QSS is used.
- _tilingIn - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _tilingOut - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pthales.kernel.PthalesReceiver
- _TIME_INCREMENTS - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK23Solver
The ratio of time increments within one integration step.
- _TIME_INCREMENTS - Static variable in class ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.solver.ExplicitRK45Solver
The ratio of time increments within one integration step.
- _timedRepaint() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether repainting happens by a timed thread.
- _timeResolution() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.Time
Return the time resolution for this Time object, which in this
class is the time resolution of the director given in the
- _timestamp - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
The timestamp of the event.
- _title - Variable in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
The title associated with this document.
- _toggleAcceptabilityAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.ConceptController
The toggle acceptability context menu action.
- _toJavaBytes(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Convert the native JavaScript array or JavaScript string into a Java byte array.
- _toJavaBytes(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Convert the native JavaScript array or JavaScript string into a Java byte array.
- _toJSArray(byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Convert a Java byte array into the JavaScript integer array.
- _toJSArray(byte[]) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.HelperBase
Convert a Java byte array into the JavaScript integer array.
- _token - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Mailbox
The token held.
- _token - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.sched.FixedPointReceiver
The token held.
- _token - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.Queue
Token received in the fire() method for inclusion in
the queue in the postfire() method.
- _token - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesReceiver.Event
Token of this event.
- _token - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesReceiver.Event
Token of this event.
- _tokenCount - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.aspect.AtomicCommunicationAspect
Amount of tokens currently being processed by the switch.
- _tokenFuncUsed - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A set that contains all token functions referenced in the model.
- _tokenMap - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Expression
Map from input port name to input value.
- _tokenMap - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.scr.EventTableModel
Map from input port name to input value.
- _tokenNames - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonPopulator
- _tokenNames - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- _tokenNames - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonScopeChecker
- _tokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEReceiver
List for storing tokens.
- _tokenSentToCommunicationAspect - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Flag set to true if a token has been sent to a communication aspect
by any port/receiver where the aspect is enabled.
- _tokenSet_0 - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- _tokenSet_0 - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonRecognizer
- _tokenSet_1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.PtalonLexer
- _tokenValue - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.FlatTokenInfiniteConcept
The token value for this FlatTokenInfiniteConcept.
- _tolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
A double that is read from the tolerance parameter
specifying how close the input has to be to the value
given by correctValues.
- _tolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
A double that is read from the tolerance parameter
specifying how close the input has to be to the value
given by correctValues.
- _tolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Tolerance for each iteration variable.
- _tolerance - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Local view of the tolerance vector.
- _toleranceControlled - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Boolean indicating whether the director uses an error tolerance.
- _toolbar - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The toolbar.
- _toplevel - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
The top-level composite actor, created in the init() method.
- _toplevel - Variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.KernelMain
The CompositeEntity we are generating code for.
- _toplevel() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.OntologySolverBase
Return the top level of the model hierarchy for the model
we want to analyze.
- _toplevel - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
The toplevel model that is created and then destroyed.
- _topLibrary - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The library.
- _topPack - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Set in pack() if an alternate topPack is used.
- _topPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Top padding.
- _topPanel - Variable in class ptdb.gui.AttributesListPanel
Top display panel.
- _toString(KEdge) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerGraphUtil
Debug output a KEdge to a String, i.e. will represent all bend points in
the String.
- _toString(KNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerGraphUtil
Debug output a KNode to a String, i.e. will represent the whole subgraph
starting with this node recursively and also present all outgoing edges
of all nodes.
- _toString(KNode, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerGraphUtil
Debug output a KNode to a String, i.e. will represent the whole subgraph
starting with this node recursively and also present all outgoing edges
of all nodes.
- _trace - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Used for debugging.
- _trace(String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Add a record to the current trace corresponding to the given message.
- _trace(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Add a record to the current trace corresponding to the given message.
- _traceEnter(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Add a record to the current trace corresponding to the start
of the evaluation of the given node.
- _traceEnter(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Add a record to the current trace corresponding to the start
of the evaluation of the given node.
- _traceLeave(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Add a record to the current trace corresponding to the completion
of the evaluation of the given node.
- _traceLeave(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
Add a record to the current trace corresponding to the completion
of the evaluation of the given node.
- _trainingTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.TestModel
List to store tokens for training mode.
- _trainingTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.NonStrictTest
List to store tokens for training mode.
- _trainingTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.PublisherNonStrictTest
List to store tokens for training mode.
- _transferInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
Transfer the input tokens to the remote actor.
- _transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Transfer at most one data token from the given input port of
the container to the ports it is connected to on the inside.
- _transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskDirector
Read data from the shared memory from the location specified by the
incoming token and broadcast the data to the actors inside.
- _transferInputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskPtDirector
Transfer at most one data token from the given input port of
the container to the ports it is connected to on the inside.
- _transferInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
Transfer inputs from the ports.
- _transferOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.CorbaActorClient
Transfer the output data from the remote actor.
- _transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Transfer at most one data token from the given output port of
the container to the ports it is connected to on the outside..
- _transferOutputs(TypedCompositeActor, IOPort, Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.CompiledCompositeActor
Transfer the outputs.
- _transferOutputs(TypedCompositeActor, IOPort, Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.cg.lib.ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor
- _transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMDirector
Transfer at most one data token from the given output port of
the container to the ports it is connected to on the
- _transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskDirector
Write the outputs from the inside to the address specified by the PtrToken
present outside.
- _transferOutputs(IOPort) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.taskpt.kernel.TaskPtDirector
Transfer at most one data token from the given output port of
the container to the ports it is connected to on the outside.
- _transferOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.lib.TMCompositeFacade
Transfer outputs from the ports.
- _transferPortParameterInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor
Read inputs from ParameterPorts and update.
- _transferPortParameterInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.metroII.kernel.MetroIIPtidesPlatform
Reads inputs from ParameterPorts and update the paramter of the
- _transferPortParameterInputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.kernel.PtidesPlatform
Read inputs from ParameterPorts and update the paramter of the
- _transferSize - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.javasound.LiveSoundActor
The transfer size.
- _transferSize - Variable in class ptolemy.media.javasound.LiveSoundCommon
The number of audio samples to transfer per channel when
getSamples() is invoked.
- _transformation - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gt.controller.Transform
The encapsulated transformation rule.
- _transformation - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener
- _transformMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- _transformNode - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Scale3D
The encapsulated Java 3D node of this actor.
- _transformNode - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Translate3D
The encapsulated Java 3D node of this actor.
- _transformTopology(Graph) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.GraphReader
Perform post-processing on the entire graph to complete the
- _transition - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.CurveEntry
- _transitionController - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMViewerGraphController
The transition controller.
- _transitionMatrix - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Initial guess array for the state transition matrix for the Alpha-Beta Recursion.
- _transitionMatrix - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
Initial guess array for the state transition matrix for the Alpha-Beta Recursion.
- _transitionMatrixEstimate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ObservationClassifier
transition matrix estimate for the markov chain model.
- _transitiveClosureAnalysis - Variable in class ptolemy.graph.DirectedGraph
The graph analysis for computation of transitive closure.
- _transmitTo(Token, WirelessIOPort, WirelessReceiver, RecordToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel.AtomicWirelessChannel
Transmit the specified token to the specified receiver.
- _transmitTo(Token, WirelessIOPort, WirelessReceiver, RecordToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.DelayChannel
Transmit the specified token to the specified receiver with the
specified properties.
- _transmitTo(Token, WirelessIOPort, WirelessReceiver, RecordToken) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.ErasureChannel
Transmit the specified token to the specified receiver.
- _transparencyAttributes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.GRShadedShape
The transparency attributes, or null if not created.
- _transparentRelations - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.ptalon.AbstractPtalonEvaluator
Maps names of transparent relations to ports, which should be
- _treeSet - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._SortedSetOfStates
A tree set to store the sorted list.
- _treeView - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The tree view of the model, used for browsing large models.
- _treeViewModel - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The tree view model.
- _treeViewScrollPane - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
The tree view scroll pane.
- _triggered - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Source
Indicator of whether trigger inputs have arrived
since the last output.
- _triggerEvent(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tm.kernel.TMReceiver
Make a token available to the get() method.
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS1
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS2Fd
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS1
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Fd
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2FdJac
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Pts
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Qts
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Fd
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Pts
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerQuantizationEventWorker(int) - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Form a new external, quantized state model (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS1
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS2Fd
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS1
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Fd
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2FdJac
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Pts
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Qts
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Fd
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Pts
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorker() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS1
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.LIQSS2Fd
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS1
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific) for event detection.
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Fd
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2FdJac
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Pts
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS2Qts
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Fd
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSS3Pts
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _triggerRateEventWorkerEventDetection() - Method in class org.ptolemy.qss.solver.QSSBase
Form new internal, continuous state models (QSS-specific).
- _trimLiveFigures() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.DynamicEditorIcon
Trim the list of figures to discard entries that are no longer
- _tupleAdapters - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ActorProductLatticeConstraintsDefinitionAdapter
The list of adapters for the model component for each ontology that
comprises the product lattice ontology.
- _tupleAdapters - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter
The list of adapters for the model component for each ontology that
comprises the product lattice ontology.
- _tupleAdapters - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter
The list of adapters for the model component for each ontology that
comprises the product lattice ontology.
- _tupleAdapters - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.ProductLatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter
The list of adapters for the model component for each ontology that
comprises the product lattice ontology.
- _TwoWayHashMap() - Constructor for class ptolemy.domains.sdf.optimize.OptimalScheduleFinder._TwoWayHashMap
Construct an instance of two-way hash map.
- _type() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHolder
- _type() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder
- _type() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHolder
- _type() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHolder
- _type() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHolder
- _type() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHolder
- _type - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Unit
- _typeFuncUsed - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
A set that contains all type-specific functions referenced in the model.
- _typeInference - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
Used for type checking.
- _typeInference - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator
- _typeParser - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PortConfigurerDialog
- _typesValid - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor
Whether or not the resolved types are still valid.
- _uConstraints - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitSolverDialog
- _ulx - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The x value of the upper left corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.
- _uly - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The y value of the upper left corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.
- _undo - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
The undo listener.
- _undo() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
Undo the last action.
- _undo - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
The undo manager.
- _undo(NamedObj) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.test.junit.KielerJUnitTest
Undo the last operation on the model.
- _undoAction - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
The undo action.
- _unescapeElementString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GTIngredient
Unescape a string that has been escaped previously from an original
string that describes the value of a single element, and get back the
original string.
- _union(List<Inequality>, List<Inequality>) - Static method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Return the union of the two specified lists of inequality constraints by
appending the second list to the end of the first list.
- _unitCategoryExponents - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ScalarToken
The unit category exponents.
- _unitFactor - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConcept
The multiplication factor for converting this unit to the SI
unit for this physical dimension.
- _unitOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.UnitConcept
The offset factor for converting this unit to the SI
unit for this physical dimension.
- _unitsDataTable - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.unit.UnitConstraintsDialog.UnitsTableModel
- _unitSolverDialogAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphController
The UnitSolverDialog action.
- _unitTokenSize - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.ptides.lib.qm.VariableDelaySwitch
The unit token size in bits.
- _unsetTableauFactory(Object, CompositeEntity) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- _unsupportedVisitException(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractParseTreeVisitor
Return an exception that describes an unsupported node type.
- _unsupportedVisitException(String) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator
Return an exception that describes an unsupported node type.
- _upAction - Variable in class thales.vergil.navigable.NavigableActorGraphFrame
- _update() - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.MultiPageCompilationUnitEditor
Update the "Preview" tab if the source code is changed in the
"Raw" tab.
- _update(SimpleName) - Method in class ptolemy.backtrack.eclipse.plugin.editor.SemanticToken
Update this token with the given AST node.
- _update() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.actor.ActorGraphModel
Update the graph model.
- _update() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.AbstractBasicGraphModel
Update the graph model.
- _update() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.GTActorGraphModel
- _update() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.GTFrameController.GTFSMGraphModel
- _update() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.modal.FSMGraphModel
Update the graph model.
- _update() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.ontologies.OntologyGraphModel
Update the graph model.
- _updateArguments() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.util.GLBFunction
Update the arguments used in getValue()
, which are the
InequalityTerms and Types of the destination ports.
- _updateCipher() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
The value of _cipher is updated by calling
javax.crypt.Cipher.getInstance() with an argument that is
created from the values of the _algorithm, _mode and _padding.
- _updateCipherNeeded - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.CipherActor
Set to true if one of the parameters changed and we need to
call _updateCipher().
- _updateConnectedActorsStatus(Actor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector
Update the enabling status of the given actor and all actors
connected to this actor.
- _updateConnectedPortsOffset(IOPort, StringBuffer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Update the offsets of the buffers associated with the ports connected
with the given port in its downstream.
- _updateConnectedPortsOffset(IOPort, StringBuffer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Update the offsets of the buffers associated with the ports connected
with the given port in its downstream.
- _updateCurrentState(StringBuffer, State) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.FSMActor
Generate code for updating current state of this FSMActor.
- _updateDepth(int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEEvent
Update the depth of this event if the new depth is no less than
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMExponentialEstimator
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMGaussianEstimator
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.HMMMultinomialEstimator
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmm.ParameterEstimator
Update parameter estimates.
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.HMMGaussianEstimator
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hmmAOM.ParameterEstimator
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGaussianEstimator
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMMultinomialEstimator
- _updateEstimates() - Method in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMParameterEstimator
- _updateFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Ellipse2D
Update the figure's position and size when the user changes
the appropriate parameters.
- _updateFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.Rectangle2D
Update the figure's position and size when the user changes
the appropriate parameters.
- _updateFigure() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.RectangularFigure2D
Update the figure's position and size when the user changes
the appropriate parameters.
- _updateFigures() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.UpdatedValueIcon
Update the figures that were created by this icon to reflect the
new attribute value.
- _updateFunction(BooleanToken, BooleanToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
Calculate the function on the given arguments.
- _updateFunction(BooleanToken, BooleanToken) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicGate
Calculate the function on the given arguments.
- _updateFunction(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sr.lib.Combine
Calculate the function on the given arguments.
- _updateHistory(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Add the name of the last file open or set the name to the
first position if already in the list.
- _updateInputTokenConsumptionRates(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Extract the token consumption rates from the input ports of the current
refinement and update the rates of the input ports of the modal model
containing the refinement.
- _updateKey() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.security.KeyReader
If necessary, update _key by using the values of the
alias, fileOrURL and getPublicKey parameters.
- _updateLayouts() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.run.PtolemyFormEditor
Update the layouts.
- _updateLinks() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriberPort
Update the connection to the publisher, if there is one.
- _updateLinks() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriptionAggregatorPort
Update the connection to the publishers, if there are any.
- _updateOutputTokenProductionRates(TypedCompositeActor) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel.MultirateFSMDirector
Extract the token production rates from the output ports of the current
refinement and update the production and initial production rates of the
output ports of the modal model containing the refinement.
- _updateParameters() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Update the parameters listed in the modelDescription.xml file
contained in the zipped file named by the fmuFile
- _updatePortBufferSize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Check to see if the buffer size for the current schedule is greater
than the previous size.
- _updatePortBufferSize() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.java.modular.adapters.ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector
Check to see if the buffer size for the current schedule is greater
than the previous size.
- _updatePortOffset(IOPort, StringBuffer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
Update the read offsets of the buffer associated with the given port.
- _updatePortOffset(TypedIOPort, StringBuffer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.ModalController
Update the read offsets of the buffer associated with the given port.
- _updatePortOffset(IOPort, StringBuffer, int) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.adapter.generic.program.procedural.adapters.ptolemy.domains.modal.modal.State
Update the read offsets of the buffer associated with the given port.
- _updatePublisherPorts(Entity) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.SubscriberPort
Traverse the model, starting at the specified object
and examining objects below it in the hierarchy, to find
all instances of PublisherPort and make sure that they have
registered their port.
- _updateQB(double[], double) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Update _q and _b arrays.
- _updateRedoState() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.RedoAction
Depending on the whether the undo manager can redo, enable
and disable the undo state.
- _updateStates() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Update the states and request refiring if necessary.
- _updateSubstituteMap() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorCodeGenerator
Update the substitute map for the setup and run commands
The base class adds @codeDirectory@, @modelName@
and @PTII@ to the map.
- _updateSubstituteMap() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.accessor.AccessorSSHCodeGenerator
Update the substitute map for the setup and run commands.
- _updateSubstituteMap() - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.RunnableCodeGenerator
Update the substitute map for the setup and run commands
In this base class, @codeDirectory@, @modelName@
and @PTII@ are added to the map.
- _updateTentativeValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.Clock
Copy values committed in initialize() or in the last postfire()
into the corresponding tentative variables.
- _updateTentativeValues() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.TriggeredClock
Copy values committed in initialize() or in the last postfire()
into the corresponding tentative variables.
- _updateUndoState() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.UndoAction
Depending on the whether the undo manager can undo, enable
and disable the undo state.
- _updateWindowAttributes(Frame, NamedObj, JGraph) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Update the size, zoom and position of the window for a specific model
and JGraph.
- _upKeyPressed - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
A flag indicating if the up arrow key has been pressed
since the last firing of the actor.
- _upKeyReleased - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrowKeySensor
A flag indicating if the up arrow key has been released
since the last firing of the actor.
- _upper - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _upToDate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractParticleFilter
Flag indicating whether the contained model is up to date.
- _upToDate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractPredictor
Flag indicating whether the contained model is up to date.
- _upToDate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractStateSpaceSimulator
Flag indicating whether the contained model is up to date.
- _upToDate - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.particleFilter.AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter
Flag indicating whether the contained model is up to date.
- _usage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.CompositeActorSimpleApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
- _usage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.ConfigurationApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
- _usage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
- _usage() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtExecuteApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
- _usage() - Method in class ptolemy.media.viewer.AudioViewer
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
- _usage() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
- _usage() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
- _usage() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
- _USE_NEW_WIDTH_INFERENCE_ALGO - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.IORelation
Indicate whether the new or the old width inference algo should be used
This is a packaged field.
- _usecolor - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Indicator whether to use _colors.
- _useDefaultConstraints - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.LatticeOntologyAdapter
Indicate whether this adapter uses the default actor constraints.
- _usedJokerFilterMap - Variable in class org.hlacerti.lib.HlaManager
Table of used joker (wildcard) filter.
- _useRawJNI() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.fmi.FMUImport
Return true if we use use raw JNI instead of JNA.
- _userDefinedUnitRecords - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.lattice.unit.DimensionRepresentativeConcept
The array of record tokens specified by the user in the unitInfoRecords
- _userInputNode - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.KeyInput3D
The BranchGroup to which is listened for key presses.
- _userTransformation - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.ViewScreen3D
The user transformation.
- _uTerms - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitExpr
- _validateConstraint() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.IterativeParameter
Validate the constraint.
- _validateSettables(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity
Validate attributes deeply contained by this object if they
implement the Settable interface by calling their validate() method.
- _validateSettables(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Validate attributes deeply contained by this object if they
implement the Settable interface by calling their validate() method.
- _validateSettables(Collection) - Method in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Validate attributes deeply contained by this object if they
implement the Settable interface by calling their validate() method.
- _value - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.util.BooleanDependency
The value.
- _value - Variable in class ptolemy.data.DoubleToken
The double value.
- _value - Variable in class ptolemy.data.ObjectToken
The actual Object.
- _valueListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.Variable
Listeners for changes in value.
- _values() - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.MapTypeInfiniteConcept
Get the set of all entries referred to by this map concept.
- _varBindings - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _variableNames - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.AlgebraicLoopSolver
Variable names, used for error reporting
- _variables - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _variablesAsArrays - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
The value of the variableAsArrays parameter.
- _variableToRename - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
The variable to be renamed.
- _VarLabel2Unit - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Bindings
- _varState - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _vectorA - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.Solution
- _vectorizeFirings(int, Map, Map) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler
Multiply all of the repetition rates
by the given vectorizationFactor.
- _verbose - Variable in class diva.util.LoggableOp
If true, then print extra information in the error output.
- _verbose - Variable in class ptolemy.copernicus.kernel.Copernicus
If true, then print debugging information.
- _verbose - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Flag that is true if detailed debug information is necessary.
- _versionName - Variable in class ptdb.common.dto.XMLDBModelWithReferenceChanges
The new model name that will be stored in the database.
- _versionString - Variable in class org.ptolemy.commons.VersionSpecification
The version string.
- _VERTICAL_PADDING - Static variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.TableIcon
The amount of padding to use around the edges.
- _verticle - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Verticle supporting this helper.
- _verticle - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Verticle supporting this helper.
- _vertx - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Global (unclustered) instance of Vert.x core.
- _vertx - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jjs.VertxHelperBase
Global (unclustered) instance of Vert.x core.
- _viewMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
The view menu.
- _viewScreen - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor2D
The actor displaying the scene, if there is one.
- _viewScreen - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.gr.kernel.GRActor3D
The actor displaying the scene, if there is one.
- _viewsTabbedPane - Variable in class thales.actor.gui.SingleWindowHTMLViewer
- _virtualLinkTable - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.AFDXESs
Routing table for virtual link object.
- _visibility - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.unit.UnitAttribute
- _visitAllChildren(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractParseTreeVisitor
Loop through all of the children of this node,
visiting each one of them, which will cause their token
value to be determined.
- _visitAllChildren(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector
Loop through all of the children of this node,
visiting each one of them, which will cause their token
value to be determined.
- _visitAllChildren(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
Loop through all of the children of this node,
visiting each one of them, which will cause their token
value to be determined.
- _visitAllChildren(ASTPtRootNode) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector
Loop through all of the children of this node,
visiting each one of them, which will cause their token
value to be determined.
- _visitChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.AbstractParseTreeVisitor
Visit the child with the given index of the given node.
- _visitChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector
Visit the child with the given index of the given node.
- _visitChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer
Visit the child with the given index of the given node.
- _visitChild(ASTPtRootNode, int) - Method in class ptolemy.data.ontologies.ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector
Visit the child with the given index of the given node.
- _visitedNodes - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sequence.kernel.SequenceScheduler
Hashtable of graph nodes to a boolean value
Keeps track of which nodes in the graph have been visited
(in other words, can be scheduled somewhere)
Anything that has not been visited is unreachable.
- _visitUnitEquation(UnitEquation) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.EquationVisitor
Visit a UnitEquation by visiting the left and right sides of the
- _visitUnitExpr(UnitExpr) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.EquationVisitor
Visit a UnitExpr by visiting the UnitTerms.
- _visitUnitTerm(UnitTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.EquationVisitor
Visit a UnitTerm by visiting the UnitExpr if there is one.
- _visitUnitTerm(UnitTerm) - Method in class ptolemy.moml.unit.ExpandPortNames
The method that actually does the substitution of a variable with
the model name of the port.
- _waitForDeadlock() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.csp.kernel.CSPActor
Wait for deadlock to occur.
- _waitForFileDone() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
Wait for the file to be written.
- _waitForState(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieReader
Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state.
- _waitForState(Processor, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.MovieWriter
Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state.
- _waitForState(int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.jmf.VideoCamera
Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state.
- _waitingOnSwitchFabricQueue - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.de.lib.aspect.CrossbarSwitch
Queue that stores tokens that have been put into the input queue but
cannot be processed by the switch fabric because the crossbar switch
for this connection is busy.
- _waitingTokens - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFReceiver
The number of tokens waiting to be consumed during scheduling.
- _warning(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified message in a modal dialog.
- _warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified message and throwable information
in a modal dialog.
- _warning(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified message in a modal dialog.
- _warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Show the specified message and throwable information
in a modal dialog.
- _warning(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Show the specified message.
- _warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Display the warning message and throwable information.
- _warning(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.SimpleMessageHandler
Show the specified message.
- _warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.util.SimpleMessageHandler
Display the warning message and throwable information.
- _weight - Variable in class ptolemy.graph.Element
The weight that is associated with the element if the element is
- _width - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Width and height of component in pixels.
- _widthValue - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.FilledShapeAttribute
Most recently set value of the width parameter.
- _windowClosed() - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.gt.MatchResultViewer
- _windowClosingAdapter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
A reference to the listener for removal purposes.
- _windowClosingAdapter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
A reference to the listener for removal purposes.
- _windowClosingAdapter - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
A reference to the listener for removal purposes.
- _windowClosingAdapter - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
A reference to the WindowClosingAdapter.
- _windowProperties - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableActor
A specification for the window properties of the frame.
- _windowProperties - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.AbstractPlaceableJavaSE
A specification for the window properties of the frame.
- _windowProperties - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.PlotterBaseJavaSE
An attribute tha contains the size and position of the window.
- _windowSize - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
Generation window size.
- _workspace - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyApplet
The workspace that the applet is built in.
- _workspace - Variable in class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
The workspace for this object.
- _workspace - Variable in class ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication
The workspace in which the model and Manager are created.
- _wrap - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Whether to wrap the X axis.
- _wrapHigh - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The high range of the X axis for wrapping.
- _wrapLow - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The low range of the X axis for wrapping.
- _wrapReceiver(Receiver, int) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
If this port has parameters whose values are tokens that contain
an object implementing
, then wrap the
receiver specified in the argument using those communication aspects.
- _wrapup() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gt.GraphTransformer
Finish up transformation and remove the helper attributes in the
replacement and the host model created in the transformation.
- _wrapupCode - Variable in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator
The wrapup() method code.
- _write(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaActorHolder
- _write(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder
- _write(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIllegalValueExceptionHolder
- _write(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaIndexOutofBoundExceptionHolder
- _write(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownParamExceptionHolder
- _write(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.corba.util.CorbaUnknownPortExceptionHolder
- _writeBlockedQueues - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNDirector
The set of receivers blocked on a write to a receiver.
- _writeCode(StringBuffer) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Write the code to a directory named by the codeDirectory
parameter, with a file name that is a sanitized version of the
model name, and an extension that is the last package of
the generatorPackage.
- _writeCodeFileName(StringBuffer, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.GenericCodeGenerator
Write the code to a directory named by the codeDirectory
parameter, with a file name that is a sanitized version of the
model name, and an extension that is the last package of
the generatorPackage.
- _writeCookies(RecordToken, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.ptolemy.ptango.lib.http.HttpRequestHandler
Write the cookies in the specified RecordToken to the HttpResponse.
- _writeFile(File) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.HTMLViewer
Write the model to the specified file.
- _writeFile(File) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PlotTableauFrame
Write the plot to the specified file in PlotML syntax.
- _writeFile(File) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyFrame
Write the model to the specified file.
- _writeFile(File) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame
Write the model to the specified file.
- _writeFile(File) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Top
Write the model to the specified file.
- _writeFile(File) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Write the model to the specified file.
- _writeFile(File) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.tree.TreeTableau.TreeFrame
Write the model to the specified file.
- _writeJarEntry(JarEntry, JarFile, JarOutputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.copernicus.applet.JarSigner
A helper function that can take entries from one jar file and
write it to another jar stream.
- _writeMakefile(CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c.CCodeGenerator
Read in a template makefile, substitute variables and write
the resulting makefile.
- _writeMakefile(CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.fmima.FMIMACodeGenerator
Read in a template makefile, substitute variables and write
the resulting makefile.
- _writeMakefile(CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Read in a template makefile, substitute variables and write
the resulting makefile.
- _writeMakefile(CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.ProceduralCodeGenerator
Read in a template makefile, substitute variables and write
the resulting makefile.
- _writeMakefile(CompositeEntity, String) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Read in a template makefile, substitute variables and write
the resulting makefile.
- _writeMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.CatchExceptionAttribute
Write the given message to the statusMessage parameter and to the log
file, if open.
- _writeOldSyntax(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
- _writeOldSyntax(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _writeOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.hoc.LifeCycleManager
Iterate over output ports and read any available values from
the referenced model parameters and produce them on the outputs.
- _writeOutputs() - Method in class ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.TransmitPropertyTransformer
Override the base class to not write any outputs.
- _writePending - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.PNQueueReceiver
Reference to a thread that is write blocked on this receiver.
- _writer - Variable in class diva.gui.MultipageDocument
The writer that can write this document to a stream during a
save operation.
- _writer - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
The current writer.
- _writer - Variable in class ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeWriter
- _writer - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
The current writer.
- _writer - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
The current writer.
- _writer - Variable in class ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude.RTMExpTranslator
- _writeToFile(KNode) - Static method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.KielerGraphUtil
Write a KGraph (KIELER graph data structure) to a file in its XMI
- _writeToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.database.ArrayOfRecordsExporter
Write the specified token to the current writer.
- _writeToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.CSVWriter
Write the specified token to the current writer.
- _writeToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.ExpressionWriter
Write the specified token to the current writer using the toString()
method of the token, which usually results in an expression that
can be read back in using the expression parser.
- _writeToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.actor.lib.io.LineWriter
Write the specified token to the current writer.
- _writeToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
Write the specified token to the current writer.
- _writeToken(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
Write the specified token to the current writer.
- _writeToServer() - Method in class lbnl.actor.lib.Simulator
Write the data to the server instance, which will send it to
the client program.
- _writeToServer() - Method in class lbnl.lib.labview.LabVIEWSimulator
Write the data to the server instance, which will send it to
the client program.
- _writeVariableDeclarations(List<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java.JavaCodeGenerator
Write the variable declaration code.
- _writeVariableDeclarations(List<String>) - Method in class ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.ProgramCodeGenerator
Write the variable declaration code.
- _writingToFile(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.atc.lib.TrackWriter
Write a token to the file.
- _writingToFile(Token) - Method in class ptolemy.domains.tcs.lib.StationWriter
Write a token to a file.
- _x - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.LocationEntry
- _x0 - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
maximum duration ( in time steps).
- _x_n - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector
Current value of the iteration variables x_n.
- _xBottom - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The minimum X value registered so for, for auto ranging.
- _xhighgiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The given X and Y ranges.
- _xIni - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Initial guess
- _xInit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotter
Start of the X axis counter.
- _xInit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Start of the X axis counter.
- _xlog - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Whether to draw the axes using a logarithmic scale.
- _xlowgiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The given X and Y ranges.
- _xMax - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The maximum x value of the range of the data to be plotted.
- _xMin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The minimum y value of the range of the data to be plotted.
- _xmlContainer - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
This is the Oracle Berkeley XML DB Container that is used to add and
remove documents.
- _XMLDB_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in class ptdb.common.util.DBConnectorFactory
Name for the property for XML database container name
in the config/ptdb-properties file.
- _xmlManager - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
This is the Oracle BerkeleyXML DB manager that is used to execute queries
over the opened container.
- _xmlTransaction - Variable in class ptdb.kernel.database.OracleXMLDBConnection
This is the Oracle Berkeley XML DB Transaction that is used to commit or
abort certain transactions.
- _XOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicFunction
Perform a logical XOR.
- _XOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.logic.LogicGate
Perform a logical XOR.
- _xPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
The horizontal padding on the left and right sides of the name.
- _xRangeGiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
True if the x range have been given.
- _xscale - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Scaling used for the horizontal axis in plotting points.
- _xt - Variable in class org.ptolemy.machineLearning.hsmm.HSMMGenerator
State variable: x(t).
- _xTop - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The maximum X value registered so for, for auto ranging.
- _xUnit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.ArrayPlotter
Increment of the X axis counter.
- _xUnit - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
Increment of the X axis counter.
- _xValue - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.SequencePlotter
X axis counter.
- _y - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.algebraic.kernel.AlgebraicLoopDirector.Homotopy
Current guess of solution
- _y - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.layout.kieler.ApplyLayoutRequest.LocationEntry
- _yBottom - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The minimum Y value registered so for, for auto ranging.
- _yesNoCancelQuestion(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler
Ask the user a question with three possible answers;
return true if the answer is the first one and false if
the answer is the second one; throw an exception if the
user selects the third one.
- _yesNoCancelQuestion(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Ask the user a question with three possible answers;
return true if the answer is the first one and false if
the answer is the second one; throw an exception if the
user selects the third one.
- _yesNoCancelQuestion(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Ask the user a question with three possible answers;
return true if the answer is the first one and false if
the answer is the second one; throw an exception if the
user selects the third one.
- _yesNoCancelQuestion(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.SimpleMessageHandler
Ask the user a question with three possible answers;
return true if the answer is the first one and false if
the answer is the second one; throw an exception if the
user selects the third one.
- _yesNoQuestion(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler
Ask the user a yes/no question, and return true if the answer
is yes.
- _yesNoQuestion(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler
Ask the user a yes/no question, and return true if the answer
is yes.
- _yesNoQuestion(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Ask the user a yes/no question, and return true if the answer
is yes.
- _yesNoQuestion(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.SimpleMessageHandler
Ask the user a yes/no question, and return true if the answer
is yes.
- _yhighgiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The given X and Y ranges.
- _ylog - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Whether to draw the axes using a logarithmic scale.
- _ylowgiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The given X and Y ranges.
- _yMax - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The maximum y value of the range of the data to be plotted.
- _yMin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The minimum y value of the range of the data to be plotted.
- _yPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.icon.NameIcon
The vertical padding above and below the name.
- _yRangeGiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
True if the y range have been given.
- _yscale - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Scaling used for the vertical axis in plotting points.
- _yTop - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The maximum Y value registered so for, for auto ranging.
- _zero - Variable in class ptolemy.domains.sdf.lib.FIR
Local cache of the zero token.
- _zeroMatrix(Complex[][], int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath
Place zeroes in specific places of the given matrix.
- _zeroTime - Variable in class ptolemy.actor.Director
Time with value 0.0.
- _zoom(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _zoom(JGraph, double) - Method in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Zoom in or out to magnify by the specified factor, from the current
magnification for a specific JGraph.
- _zoomBox(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
- _zoomFitAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Action for zoom fitting.
- _zoomFlag - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
True if we are inside zoom().
- _zoomInAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Action for zooming in.
- _zoomOutAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Action for zooming out.
- _zoomResetAction - Variable in class ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame
Action for zoom reset.
- _zoomStart(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox