Interface | Description |
PTDBBasicFrame |
The basic functions for the PTDB frames to be implemented to support the
common functions.
Class | Description |
ActorGraphDBFrame |
An extended graph editor frame containing the ability to interface with a
model database via the Database menu.
ActorGraphDBTableau |
This is a graph editor for ptolemy models.
ActorGraphDBTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
AdvancedSimpleSearchFrame |
The simple search frame to be opened in the advanced DB search window.
ArrayModelList |
Extends AbstractListModel and implements the function through ArrayList.
AttributeListEditFrame |
The frame for attribute list items editor window.
AttributesListPanel |
A reusable panel that accepts the model name and allows adding, removing,
and changing of database attributes.
AttributesSearchListPanel |
An extension of the AttributesListPanel to include a button for
adding a GenericAttributePanel.
CancelObservable |
An extension of Observable to be used for canceling of model searches.
ConfigureAttributesFrame |
The window for the user to configure the user defined attributes for
Ptolemy models.
DatabaseSetupFrame |
Database setup frame to modify and test the database connection.
DBActorController |
A controller for database reference actors.
DBReferenceActorInteractionAddon |
Implementation of interface for interaction with actors.
GenericAttributePanel |
An extended JPanel displaying a generic attribute for searching.
GraphPatternSearchEditor |
The UI frame for the advanced DB search window.
ModelAttributePanel |
An extended JPanel displaying an attribute.
ModelMigrationFrame |
Model migration frame that is responsible to provide a GUI for the users to
specify a path for a directory that contains the list of models that they
wish to migrate to the database.
ModelPanel |
An extended JPanel displaying a single model result.
ModelsListFrame |
Frame to display a list of all models in the database.
ParentHierarchyPanel |
An extended JPanel displaying a single branch of
parents for the search result.
ParentPanel |
An extended JPanel displaying a parent of a model result.
PTDBContainedFramesManager |
The manager to manage the contained frames inside the PTDB window frames.
RenameModelFrame |
The frame for the user to input the new name to rename a model.
SaveModelToDBFrame |
An extended JFrame used for saving a model to the database.
SearchResultPanel |
An extended JPanel displaying a search result model and all of the branches of its
parent hierarchy.
SearchResultsFrame |
An extended JFrame displaying all search results in a scroll panel.
SimpleSearchFrame |
An extended JFrame used for performing a simple database search based on
the model name and attributes.