public class HammingCoder extends Transformer
For a Hamming code, k and n must satisfy the following: n = 2m - 1 k = 2m - 1 - m; where m is any positive integer. Note m = n - k. It is called the order of the Hamming code. The lowest order is m = 2, and (n, k) = (3, 1).
The generator matrix G is defined as: Gk*n = [Ik | Pk*(n-k) ] where P is called the parity matrix. The subscript of a matrix indicates its dimension.
The parity check matrix H is defined as: H(n-k)*n = [PT | In-k ] Each column of H must be one of the non-zero n = 2m - 1 combinations of m bits.
To generate a Hamming code, the k information bits is considered as a row vector X. Its Hamming code is Y = X * G. Hence Y is a row vector of length n. The result is then sent to the output port in sequence.
For more information on Hamming codes, see Proakis, Digital Communications, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001, pp. 416-424.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Parameter |
Integer defining the Hamming code block size.
Parameter |
Integer defining the uncode block size.
input, output
_actorFiringListeners, _initializables, _notifyingActorFiring, _stopRequested
_changeListeners, _changeLock, _changeRequests, _debugging, _debugListeners, _deferChangeRequests, _elementName, _isPersistent, _verbose, _workspace, ATTRIBUTES, CLASSNAME, COMPLETE, CONTENTS, DEEP, FULLNAME, LINKS
Constructor and Description |
HammingCoder(CompositeEntity container,
java.lang.String name)
Construct an actor with the given container and name.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
attributeChanged(Attribute attribute)
If the attribute being changed is uncodedRate or
uncodedRate, then verify that it is a positive integer.
java.lang.Object |
clone(Workspace workspace)
Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
void |
If the attributes has changed, check the validity of
uncodedRate and codedRate.
_containedTypeConstraints, _customTypeConstraints, _defaultTypeConstraints, _fireAt, _fireAt, attributeTypeChanged, clone, isBackwardTypeInferenceEnabled, newPort, typeConstraintList, typeConstraints
_actorFiring, _actorFiring, _declareDelayDependency, addActorFiringListener, addInitializable, connectionsChanged, createReceivers, declareDelayDependency, getCausalityInterface, getDirector, getExecutiveDirector, getManager, initialize, inputPortList, isFireFunctional, isStrict, iterate, newReceiver, outputPortList, postfire, prefire, preinitialize, pruneDependencies, recordFiring, removeActorFiringListener, removeDependency, removeInitializable, setContainer, stop, stopFire, terminate, wrapup
_adjustDeferrals, _checkContainer, _getContainedObject, _propagateExistence, getContainer, instantiate, isAtomic, isOpaque, moveDown, moveToFirst, moveToIndex, moveToLast, moveUp, propagateExistence, setName
_addPort, _description, _exportMoMLContents, _removePort, _validateSettables, connectedPortList, connectedPorts, containedObjectsIterator, getAttribute, getPort, getPorts, linkedRelationList, linkedRelations, portList, removeAllPorts, setClassDefinition, uniqueName
_setParent, exportMoML, getChildren, getElementName, getParent, getPrototypeList, isClassDefinition, isWithinClassDefinition
_addAttribute, _adjustOverride, _attachText, _cloneFixAttributeFields, _containedDecorators, _copyChangeRequestList, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _executeChangeRequests, _getIndentPrefix, _isMoMLSuppressed, _markContentsDerived, _notifyHierarchyListenersAfterChange, _notifyHierarchyListenersBeforeChange, _propagateValue, _removeAttribute, _splitName, _stripNumericSuffix, addChangeListener, addDebugListener, addHierarchyListener, attributeDeleted, attributeList, attributeList, decorators, deepContains, depthInHierarchy, description, description, event, executeChangeRequests, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoMLPlain, getAttribute, getAttributes, getChangeListeners, getClassName, getDecoratorAttribute, getDecoratorAttributes, getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, getDisplayName, getFullName, getModelErrorHandler, getName, getName, getSource, handleModelError, isDeferringChangeRequests, isOverridden, isPersistent, lazyContainedObjectsIterator, message, notifyOfNameChange, propagateValue, propagateValues, removeAttribute, removeChangeListener, removeDebugListener, removeHierarchyListener, requestChange, setClassName, setDeferringChangeRequests, setDerivedLevel, setDisplayName, setModelErrorHandler, setPersistent, setSource, sortContainedObjects, toplevel, toString, validateSettables, workspace
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
createReceivers, getCausalityInterface, getDirector, getExecutiveDirector, getManager, inputPortList, newReceiver, outputPortList
isFireFunctional, isStrict, iterate, postfire, prefire, stop, stopFire, terminate
addInitializable, initialize, preinitialize, removeInitializable, wrapup
description, getContainer, getDisplayName, getFullName, getName, getName, setName
getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, propagateValue
public Parameter uncodedRate
public Parameter codedRate
public HammingCoder(CompositeEntity container, java.lang.String name) throws NameDuplicationException, IllegalActionException
- The
- The name of this actor.IllegalActionException
- If the entity cannot be contained
by the proposed container.NameDuplicationException
- If the container already has an
actor with this name.public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute) throws IllegalActionException
in class NamedObj
- The attribute that changed.IllegalActionException
- If codedRate
or uncodedRate is not positive.public java.lang.Object clone(Workspace workspace) throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
in class TypedAtomicActor
- The workspace for the new
- If a derived class contains
an attribute that cannot be cloned.NamedObj.exportMoML(Writer, int, String)
public void fire() throws IllegalActionException
in interface Executable
in class AtomicActor<TypedIOPort>
- Not thrown in this base class.