Package ptolemy.kernel.util

Kernel utility classes.


Interface Summary
Changeable This is an interface for objects that support change requests that can be deferred.
ChangeListener A ChangeListener is an interface implemented by objects that are interested in being kept informed about changes in a model as they are executed.
Configurable Objects that can be configured by reading a file or configuration information given as text, typically in XML format, should implement this interface.
DebugEvent An interface for events that can be used for debugging.
Debuggable This is an interface for objects that debug listeners can be attached to.
DebugListener Interface for listeners that receive debug messages.
Decorator A decorator is a class that decorates other NamedObj with extra attributes that are specific to both the decorator and the NamedObj.
Derivable This interface is for objects that can be derived.
DropTargetHandler An interface to be implemented by the entities that specifically handle drag-and-drop events.
ExceptionHandler Interface for exception handlers.
Flowable An interface for objects that have one port that serves as an input and one that serves as an output.
Instantiable This interface is for objects that can be instantiated.
LazyComposite A marker interface for lazy composites.
Locatable An interface for objects storing a location.
ModelErrorHandler Interface for model error handlers.
MoMLExportable This is an interface for objects that have persistent MoML representations.
Moveable This is an interface for objects that can be moved in a list of objects in a container.
Nameable This is an interface for objects with a name and a container.
Settable This is an interface for attributes that can have their values externally set.
Singleton This interface is used to indicate that an attribute is a singleton, meaning that when setContainer() is called, if there is a previous instance of the attribute, then that previous instance is removed.
ValueListener This is an interface for listeners that are notified when the value of an object implementing Settable changes.

Class Summary
AbstractSettableAttribute This is an abstract base class for attributes that implement the Settable interface.
Attribute Attribute is a base class for attributes to be attached to instances of NamedObj.
BasicModelErrorHandler Default model error handler.
ChangeRequest Abstract base class for change requests.
ConfigurableAttribute This class provides a simple way to get a long string into an attribute.
CrossRefList CrossRefList is a list that maintains pointers to other CrossRefLists.
DecoratedAttributes An abstract class that represents a number of decorated attributes.
Location An attribute that represents a location of a node in a schematic.
NamedList An ordered list of objects with names.
NamedObj This is a base class for almost all Ptolemy II objects.
NamedObj.SerializableObject Serializable version of the Java Object class.
PtolemyThread PtolemyThread PtolemyThread extends Thread by adding rudimentary debugging capability.
RecorderListener A debug listener that records messages in a string buffer.
Settable.Visibility Inner class used for the static enumeration of indicators of visibility.
SingletonAttribute This class is an attribute that replaces any previously existing attribute in the container that has the same name.
SingletonConfigurableAttribute This class is a configurable attribute that replaces any previously existing attribute in the container that has the same name.
StreamChangeListener A change listener that describes the changes on the standard output.
StreamListener A debug listener that sends messages to a stream or to the standard output.
StringAttribute An attribute that has a string value.
TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute Deprecated. Use SingletonConfigurableAttribute instead with setPersistent(false).
Workspace An instance of Workspace is used for synchronization and version tracking of interdependent groups of objects.

Exception Summary
IllegalActionException Thrown on an attempt to perform an action that would result in an inconsistent or contradictory data structure if it were allowed to complete.
InternalErrorException This exception should be thrown if an unexpected error is encountered other than one for which InvalidStateException would be appropriate.
InvalidStateException Some object or set of objects has a state that is not permitted.
KernelException Base class for Ptolemy exceptions.
KernelRuntimeException Base class for runtime exceptions.
NameDuplicationException Thrown on an attempt to add a named object to a collection that requires unique names, and finding that there already is an object by that name in the collection.
NoSuchItemException Thrown on access (by name) to an item that doesn't exist.

Package ptolemy.kernel.util Description

Kernel utility classes.

Ptolemy II 3.1