Interface Instantiable

All Superinterfaces:
Derivable, Nameable
All Known Implementing Classes:
Absent, AbsoluteValue, AbstractCalInterpreter, AbstractPlaceableActor, Accumulator, Accumulator, ActorGraphTableau, ActorRecursion, AdaptiveMedian, AddSubtract, AddSubtract, AnythingToDouble, ApplyFilterOverArray, ApplyFunction, ApplyFunctionOverSequence, ArrayAppend, ArrayAverage, ArrayContains, ArrayElement, ArrayElementAsMatrix, ArrayExtract, ArrayLength, ArrayLevelCrossing, ArrayMaximum, ArrayMinimum, ArrayOfRecordsExporter, ArrayOfRecordsRecorder, ArrayPeakSearch, ArrayPeakSearch, ArrayPlotter, ArrayPlotterXY, ArrayRemoveElement, ArraySort, ArraySum, ArrayToElements, ArrayToSequence, ArrowKeyProbe, ArrowKeySensor, AtomicActor, AtomicActorMatcher, AtomicWirelessChannel, AudioCapture, AudioPlayer, AudioPlayer, AudioReadBuffer, AudioReader, AudioWriteBuffer, AudioWriter, Autocorrelation, Autocorrelation, Average, Average, AverageOverTime, BackDropQueue, Backtrack, BandlimitedNoise, BarGraph, Barrier, Barrier, Bernoulli, BinarySwitch, BitsToInt, BooleanMultiplexor, BooleanSelect, BooleanSelect, BooleanSwitch, BooleanSwitch, BooleanToAnything, BoundedBufferNondeterministicDelay, BoundedBufferTimedDelay, Box2D, Box3D, BrowserEffigy, BrowserEffigy.Factory, BrowserTableau, Buffer, Buffer, BusAssembler, BusDisassembler, ButtonTime, CalInterpreter, CartesianToComplex, CartesianToPolar, Case, Case, Case, CaseGraphTableau, CaseGraphTableau, Chop, Chop, CIActor, CipherActor, CircularSweep3D, ClassWrapper, ClipPlayer, Clock, ClockSensor, Clone, CodegenActor, CollisionDetector, ColorFinder, ColtBeta, ColtBinomial, ColtBinomialSelector, ColtBreitWigner, ColtChiSquare, ColtExponential, ColtExponentialPower, ColtGamma, ColtHyperGeometric, ColtLogarithmic, ColtNegativeBinomial, ColtNormal, ColtPoisson, ColtPoissonSlow, ColtRandomSource, ColtStudentT, ColtVonMises, ColtZeta, Commutator, Commutator, Comparator, CompiledCompositeActor, CompiledCompositeActor, ComplexAddSubtract, ComplexToCartesian, ComplexToPolar, ComponentEntity, CompositeActor, CompositeActorMatcher, CompositeEntity, ComputeHistogram, ComputeHistogram, Concat, Cone3D, Configuration, ConfigurationEffigy, ConfigurationSelect, ConfigurationSwitch, Configure, Configurer, Configurer, Const, ContinuousClock, ContinuousIntegrator, ContinuousMerge, ContinuousTimeDelay, ContinuousTransferFunction, ContinuousTransferFunction, Converter, ConvolutionalCoder, Counter, Counter, CountTrues, Course, CryptographyActor, CSPActor, CSPBuffer, CSPMultiSink, CSPMultiSource, CSPSieve, CSPSink, CSPSource, CTBaseIntegrator, CTCase, CTCompositeActor, CTCompositeActor, CTPeriodicSampler, CTRateLimiter, CTRefinement, CTTriggeredSampler, Current, CurrentTime, Cylinder3D, DatabaseInsert, DatabaseManager, DatabaseQuery, DatabaseSelect, DatagramReader, DatagramWriter, DB, DB, DCT2x2dc, DCT4x4dc, DCT8x8, DDEActor, DDESink, DDFBooleanSelect, DDFOrderedMerge, DDFSelect, DDFSingleTokenCommutator, DEActor, DebugListenerTableau, Default, DelayChannel, DelayLine, DelayLine, DelayStart, Derivative, DeScrambler, DEThreadActor, DETransformer, DialogTableau, Differential, Differential, DifferentialSystem, DifferentialSystem, DirectoryListing, Discard, DiscreteClock, DiscreteClock, DiscreteClock, DiscreteRandomSource, Display, Display.DisplayWindowTableau, DistributedLineWriter, DistributedTypedCompositeActor, Distributor, Distributor, DocBuilderEffigy, DocBuilderEffigy.Factory, DocBuilderTableau, DocEffigy, DocEffigy.Factory, DocTableau, DotProduct, DoubleFork, DoubleMatrixToJAI, DoubleReader, DoubleReader, DoubleToFix, DoubleToMatrix, DownSample, EditIconTableau, Effigy, EffigyFactory, ElementsToArray, Ellipse2D, EmbeddedCActor, EmbeddedCActor.EmbeddedActor, EmbeddedCFileActor, EmbeddedCFileActor.EmbeddedFileActor, EmbeddedJavaActor, EmbeddedJavaActor.EmbeddedActor, EnabledComposite, Entity, EntityLibrary, Equals, ErasureChannel, Event, EventButton, EventFilter, EventSource, EventSource, Exec, ExecShellEffigy, ExecShellEffigy.ShellFactory, ExecShellTableau, Execute, ExecutionTime, Exit, Expression, Expression, ExpressionReader, ExpressionShellEffigy, ExpressionShellEffigy.ShellFactory, ExpressionShellTableau, ExpressionToToken, ExpressionWriter, ExternalTextEffigy, ExternalTextTableau, FeedBackDelay, FFT, FFT, FileReader, FileWriter, FIR, FirstOrderHold, FixComparator, FixConst, FixCounter, FixSequence, FixToDouble, FixToFix, FixToString, FixTransformer, FmvAutomaton, FmvAutomaton, FmvAutomatonGraphTableau, FmvAutomatonGraphTableau, FmvState, FmvState, FrontDropQueue, FSMActor, FSMActor, FSMGraphTableau, FSMGraphTableau, FSMMatcher, Gaussian, Gaussian, GeneratorTableau, GetCausalityInterface, GetCurrentMicrostep, GetProperties, GRActor, GRActor2D, GRActor3D, GradientAdaptiveLattice, GradientAdaptiveLattice, GraphicalLocator, GRShadedShape, GRShape2D, GRTransform, GRTransform2D, GTEvent, GTTableau, HadamardCode, HammingCoder, HammingDecoder, HistogramPlotter, HSIFEffigyFactory, HTMLEffigy, HTMLEffigyFactory, HTMLViewerTableau, HTVQEncode, HuffmanBasic, HuffmanCoder, HuffmanDecoder, IDCT4x4dc, IDCT8x8, IFFT, IFFT, IIR, IIR, Image2D, ImageContrast, ImageDisplay, ImageDisplay, ImagePartition, ImageReader, ImageRotate, ImageSequence, ImageTableau, ImageToJAI, ImageToJMF, ImageToString, ImageUnpartition, Inhibit, InitModel, InitModelWithContainer, InputModel, InstantaneousDialogGenerator, InstantiableNamedObj, IntArrayToString, IntegerCounter, Integrator, Integrator, Integrator, InteractiveShell, InteractiveShell.ShellTableau, InterfaceAutomaton, InterfaceAutomaton, InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau, InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau, InterfaceTableau, Interpolator, Interpolator, IntToBits, InUnitsOf, IsPresent, IterateOverArray, IterateOverArray.IterateComposite, JAIAffineTransform, JAIBandCombine, JAIBandSelect, JAIBMPWriter, JAIBorder, JAIBoxFilter, JAIConstant, JAIConvolve, JAICrop, JAIDataConvert, JAIDCT, JAIDFT, JAIEdgeDetection, JAIIDCT, JAIIDFT, JAIImageReader, JAIInvert, JAIJPEGWriter, JAILog, JAIMagnitude, JAIMedianFilter, JAIPeriodicShift, JAIPhase, JAIPNGWriter, JAIPNMWriter, JAIPolarToComplex, JAIRotate, JAIScale, JAITIFFWriter, JAIToDoubleMatrix, JAITranslate, JAITranspose, JAIWriter, JopReadPort, JopSerialRead, JopSerialWrite, JopWatchDog, JopWritePort, JVMTableau, KeyInput3D, KeyInput3DProbe, KeyReader, KeyStoreActor, KeyWriter, KielerLayoutTableau, Lattice, LayoutTableau, LazyTypedCompositeActor, LEDMatrix, LempelZivCoder, LempelZivDecoder, LevelCrossingDetector, LevelCrossingDetector, LevinsonDurbin, LifeCycleManager, LimitedFiringSource, LimitedRangeChannel, Limiter, Line2D, LinearDifferenceEquationSystem, LinearDifferenceEquationSystem, LinearStateSpace, LinearStateSpace, LineCoder, LineReader, LineWriter, LinkVisualizer, ListDirectory, LiveSoundActor, LMSAdaptive, Locator, LogicalNot, LogicalNot, LogicFunction, LogicFunction, LongToDouble, LookupTable, MapFileStorage, MapWorker, Match, MatchResultTableau, MathFunction, MatrixJoin, MatrixSplit, MatrixToDouble, MatrixTokenTableau, MatrixToSequence, MatrixViewer, Maximum, MaxIndex, Memory, Merge, Merge, MicaCompositeActor, MicaLeds, Minimum, MirrorComposite, MirrorComposite.MirrorCompositeContents, MobileFunction, MobileModel, ModalController, ModalController, ModalModel, ModalModel, ModalModelMatcher, ModalRefinement, ModelCombine, ModelDirectory, ModelDisplay, ModelExecutor, ModelExecutor.Wrapper, ModelGenerator, ModelReference, ModelView, MoMLGenerator, MonitorImage, MonitorValue, MouseInput3D, MovableViewScreen3D, MovieReader, MovieWriter, MovingAverage, MovingMaximum, MultiCompositeActor, MultiInstanceComposite, Multiplexor, Multiplexor, Multiplexor, Multiplier, MultiplyDivide, NavigableActorGraphTableau, NavigableEffigy, NavigableEffigy.Factory, NavigableEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew, NCComponentBase, NCCompositeActor, NodeRandomizer, Noise, Noise, NondeterministicMerge, NondeterministicMerge.ChannelActor, NonInterruptibleTimer, NonStrictDelay, NonStrictDisplay, NonStrictLogicFunction, NonStrictTest, NonStrictThreeBitAdder, Occupants, Or, OrderedMerge, OrderedMerge, OrderedRecordAssembler, OutputModel, Pattern, PeriodicSampler, PetriNetActor, PhaseUnwrap, PhaseUnwrap, PID, Place, PlaySound, Plot, PlotEffigy, PlotEffigy.Factory, PlotTableau, Plotter, PlotterBase, PlotterBase.PlotWindowTableau, PoissonClock, PoissonClock, PolarToCartesian, PolarToComplex, PolyCylinder3D, PowerLossChannel, Pre, Previous, PrivateKeyReader, PSNR, PtalonActor, PtalonMatcher, PtalonMatcher.NestedPtalonActor, PteraController, PteraGraphTableau, PteraModalModel, PtinyOSCompositeActor, PtolemyEffigy, PtolemyEffigy.Factory, PtolemyEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew, PublicKeyReader, Publisher, PublisherNonStrictTest, PublisherTest, Pulse, Pulse, PythonScript, PythonShellEffigy, PythonShellEffigy.ShellFactory, PythonShellTableau, Quantizer, Queue, Queue, RaisedCosine, Ramp, Ramp, RandomSource, RandomSource, Reader, ReadModel, RealTimeComposite, RealTimePlotter, ReceiveInput, RecordAssembler, RecordDisassembler, Recorder, Recorder, RecordUpdater, Rectangle2D, RectangularFigure2D, RecursiveLattice, RecursiveLattice, ReduceWorker, Refinement, Refinement, Refinement, Region, Register, Register, RegisterSR, Remainder, RemoveNilTokens, Repeat, Replacement, Report, ResettableTimer, ResourcePool, ResourcePool, Rician, ROM, Room, Rotate2D, Rotate3D, Round, RunCompositeActor, RunTableau, SaltAndPepper, SampleDelay, Sampler, Sampler, Scale, Scale2D, Scale3D, Scrambler, SDFConverter, SDFTransformer, SecretKey, SecretKeyReader, Select, Select, Sequence, Sequence, SequencePlotter, Sequencer, Sequencer, SequenceScope, SequenceSource, SequenceToArray, SequenceToMatrix, SequentialClock, SequentialClock, SerialComm, Server, SetProperties, SetTableau, SetVariable, SharedQueue, SignatureActor, SignatureSigner, SignatureVerifier, Simulator, SingleEvent, SingleTokenCommutator, SingleTokenDistributor, SingleWindowConfiguration, SingleWindowHTMLViewerTableau, Sink, SketchedSource, Sleep, Sleep, Slice, Slicer, SliderSource, SMVLegacyCodeActor, SoundActor, SoundPlayer, Source, Sphere3D, SplitReader, SQLStatement, Starver, State, State, StateMatcher, Stop, Stop, StreamLoader, StringCompare, StringConst, StringFunction, StringIndexOf, StringLength, StringMatches, StringReplace, StringSimpleReplace, StringSubstring, StringToIntArray, StringToKeyValue, StringToUnsignedByteArray, StringToXML, SubMatrix, Subscriber, SubscriptionAggregator, SumofAbsoluteDifferences, SuppressSimultaneousEvents, SurgeVisualizer, Switch, Switch, SymmetricDecryption, SymmetricEncryption, Synchronizer, SynchronousFixTransformer, SystemCommand, Tableau, TclShellEffigy, TclShellEffigy.ShellFactory, TclShellTableau, TDLActor, TDLController, TDLMode, TDLModule, TDLRefinement, TDLTask, TerrainProperty, Test, Test, TestActorPortDepth, TestExceptionHandler, TextEditorTableau, TextEffigy, TextEffigy.Factory, TextString3D, ThreadedComposite, ThresholdMonitor, ThrowException, ThrowModelError, TimeCompare, TimedDelay, TimeDelay, TimedPlotter, TimedScope, TimedSource, TimeGap, Timer, TMCompositeFacade, TokenEffigy, TokenEffigy.Factory, TokenTableau, TokenToExpression, TopLevelCurrentTime, Torus3D, Transform, Transform.EmbeddedConfigurer, TransformationRule, Transformer, TransitionRefinement, TransitionRefinement, Translate2D, Translate3D, TransmitPropertyTransformer, TreeTableau, TrellisDecoder, Triangular, Triangulator, TrigFunction, TriggeredClock, TriggeredContinuousClock, TrueGate, TypedAtomicActor, TypedCompositeActor, TypeOpaqueCompositeActor, TypeTest, UnaryMathFunction, Undefined, Uniform, UnionDisassembler, UnionMerge, UnsignedByteArrayToString, UpSample, URLDirectoryReader, URLReader, URLToImage, VariableClock, VariableDelay, VariableFIR, VariableLattice, VariableRecursiveLattice, VariableSleep, VectorAssembler, VectorDisassembler, VideoCamera, VideoPlayer, View, ViewScreen2D, ViewScreen3D, VisualModelReference, ViterbiDecoder, VQDecode, WaitingTime, WallClockTime, WelcomeWindowTableau, When, Wire, Wire, WiredToWireless, WirelessComposite, WirelessToWired, WriteModel, Writer, XMLInclusion, XSLTransformer, XYPlotter, XYScope, ZeroCrossingDetector, ZeroOrderHold, ZeroOrderHold

public interface Instantiable
extends Derivable

This interface is for objects that can be instantiated. Such objects serve a role similar to "classes" in Java and other object oriented languages. They are Ptolemy II objects, but whose purpose is to serve as a factory for instances that are (deep) clones of themselves. Normally, they play no role in the execution of a model, and their ports cannot be connected to other ports.

An object that implements this interface can be in one of two states. Either it is a class definition (isClassDefinition() returns true) or it is not. Only objects that are class definitions can be instantiated. Instantiation is done via the instantiate(NamedObj, String) method. If an object is instantiated from this object, then the new object is called the "child" and this object is called the "parent." An instance of Instantiable can have at most one parent (returned by the getParent() method), but it can have many children (returned by the getChildren() method). An object may be both a child and a parent.

A child is required to be a deep clone of its parent. That is, every object deeply contained by the parent must have a corresponding object deeply contained by the child. The object that is deeply contained by the parent is called the "prototype" and the object deeply contained by the child is called the "derived" object. A derived object has the same name relative to the child as the prototype has relative to the parent. Moreover, a derived object is an instance of the same Java class as the prototype.

This correspondence between a parent and child is called the "derivation invariant." Any correct implementation of this interface must ensure that the derivation invariant is always satisfied, even if the parent changes after the child was instantiated. If new objects are added to the parent, then derived objects must be added to the child.

Ptolemy II 4.0
$Id: 57040 2010-01-27 20:52:32Z cxh $
Edward A. Lee
Accepted Rating:
Green (neuendor)
Proposed Rating:
Green (eal)

Method Summary
 java.util.List getChildren()
          Return a list of weak references to instances of Instantiable that are children of this object.
 Instantiable getParent()
          Return the parent of this object, or null if there is none.
 Instantiable instantiate(NamedObj container, java.lang.String name)
          Create an instance by (deeply) cloning this object and then adjusting the parent-child relationships between the clone and its parent.
 boolean isClassDefinition()
          Return true if this object is a class definition, which means that it can be instantiated.
Methods inherited from interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, getPrototypeList, propagateExistence, propagateValue
Methods inherited from interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
description, getContainer, getDisplayName, getFullName, getName, getName, setName

Method Detail


java.util.List getChildren()
Return a list of weak references to instances of Instantiable that are children of this object. An implementor of this method may return null or an empty list to indicate that there are no children.

An unmodifiable list of instances of java.lang.ref.WeakReference that refer to instances of Instantiable or null if this object has no children.


Instantiable getParent()
Return the parent of this object, or null if there is none.

The parent of this object, or null if there is none.


Instantiable instantiate(NamedObj container,
                         java.lang.String name)
                         throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException,
Create an instance by (deeply) cloning this object and then adjusting the parent-child relationships between the clone and its parent. Specifically, the clone defers its definition to this object, which becomes its "parent." The "child" inherits all the objects contained by this object. If this object is a composite, then this method must adjust any parent-child relationships that are entirely contained within the child. That is, for any parent-child relationship that is entirely contained within this object (i.e., both the parent and the child are deeply contained by this object), a corresponding parent-child relationship is created within the clone such that both the parent and the child are entirely contained within the clone.

The new object is not a class definition by default (it is an "instance" rather than a "class"). That is, isClassDefinition() returns false.

container - The container for the instance, or null to instantiate it at the top level.
name - The name for the instance.
A new instance that is a clone of this object with adjusted deferral relationships.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - If this object cannot be cloned.
IllegalActionException - If this object is not a class definition or the proposed container is not acceptable.
NameDuplicationException - If the name collides with an object already in the container.


boolean isClassDefinition()
Return true if this object is a class definition, which means that it can be instantiated.

True if this object is a class definition.