Viptos 5.1-alpha - Visual interface between Ptolemy and TinyOS
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Viptos is an interface between TinyOS and Ptolemy II
Note: As of 10/05, Windows users will not be able to run TinyOS models inside Ptolemy. The reason is that reloading the TinyOS shared objects into the running Ptolemy interface fails because the TinyOS shared objects use pthreads and under Windows, Java is using Windows native threads. We are working on a solution. In the interim, Windows users can convert .nc files to .moml files and create models, but running the model fails.This is the first release of Viptos, which is based on Ptolemy II 5.1, hence the name of the release is Viptos 5.1-alpha.Despite the bug above, Windows users and other users can generate code by changing the PtinyOSDirector target from
or some other tinyos target likemica
ormica install
. See$PTII/ptolemy/configs/viptos/help.htm
for details. Only running a simulation within ptII will bring up the pthreads issue.
Summary of steps for getting Viptos to the point where you can create and simulate wireless sensor node applications:
- Download viptos5.1-alpha.src.tar.gz, compile it.
- Set up the links to your tinyos-1.x and nesc trees in $PTII/vendors/ptinyos
- Install the tools required by nc2moml and use it to build a moml library representing the basic nesC components.
- Install the tools required by ncapp2moml and use it to build moml versions of the nesC applications.