Viptos 1.0.2 - Visual interface between Ptolemy and TinyOS


Viptos is an interface between TinyOS and Ptolemy II. This release is called Viptos 1.0.2, and is the third release of Viptos. This release is based on Ptolemy II 6.0.2.


  • Viptos 1.0.beta Announcement Handout (100k) PDF
  • What's New in Viptos 1.0
  • Elaine Cheong, Edward A. Lee and Yang Zhao, "Viptos: A Graphical Development and Simulation Environment for TinyOS-based Wireless Sensor Networks", EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2006-15, February 15, 2006
  • Elaine Cheong, Edward A. Lee and Yang Zhao. "Joint Modeling and Design of Wireless Networks and Sensor Node Software," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2006-150, November 17, 2006.
  • Downloads

    Viptos 1.0 downloads

  • Note that Viptos 1.0.2 and Ptolemy II 6.0.2 will not compile with Java 1.6, you must use Java 1.4 or 1.5, see 07-Apr-2008 Re: Error installing Ptolemy on ubuntu.
    Instead of using the source distributions below, use the devel sources of Ptolemy II from the svn repo.
    To download using Java 1.7 or later, download the sources from the svn repo, see (Ptolemy II PtinyOS Domain Installation Notes (updated April, 2015))
  • viptos1.0.2.src.tar.gz (14.4Mb) Gzipped Tar file with Unix line endings. Requires Java 1.4 or 1.5, which are insecure and obsolete. (Ptolemy II PtinyOS Domain Installation Notes (Updated February, 2011))
  • (14.4Mb) Zipped file with Windows line endings. Requires Java 1.4 or 1.5, which are insecure and obsolete. (Ptolemy II PtinyOS Domain Installation Notes for Cygwin)
  • Unix/Linux support files

    This file has Unix/Linux line endings.
  • tinyos-1.x-2007-01-17.tar.gz (95Mb - tar file of the tinyos-1.x cvs repository. Downloaded on January 17, 2007. You may either download this repository or download a later version using cvs as per the Ptolemy II PtinyOS Domain Installation Notes)
  • Windows Support files

    These file have Windows line endings.

    The downloads below are needed when installing Viptos under Windows: Ptolemy II PtinyOS Domain Installation Notes for Cygwin

  • cygwin100706devel.exe (65.9Mb - Cygwin developement tools necessary to build Viptos, see the Ptolemy II Cygwin Installation instructions)
  • nesc-1.2.7.a.tar.gz (1.1Mb)
  • WinAVR-20040404-bin-install.exe (11.9Mb)
  • (110Mb - zip file of the tinyos-1.x cvs repository. Downloaded on January 17, 2007. You may either download this repository or download a later version using cvs as per the Ptolemy II PtinyOS Domain Installation Notes for Cygwin)