Lab Assignments
Labs begin on Week 2 of classes.
Attend the lab session assigned to you by the Registrar's office (you may be asked to shift later). See your
TA/GSI for your login name and other access account information.
If you wish to make a change in your assigned lab,
or if you have not been assigned a lab, then please show up at
your intended lab session and ask the TA/GSI in charge of the session for entry.
No lab section, however, can accommodate more students than
there are computers (The hard upper limit is 30).
All lab sessions are held in 105 Cory.
This schedule supersedes the one provided by the Registrar's Office:
Section | Day | Time | Lab GSI | Floating GSI |
Lab 010 | Mon | 12pm-3pm | Alan | Avital |
Lab 011 | Mon | 3pm-6pm | Avital | Andrew |
Lab 012 | Tue | 9am-12pm | James | Alan |
Lab 015 | Wed | 12pm-3pm | Siddharth | James |
Lab 014 | Thu | 3pm-6pm | Andrew | Dorsa |
Lab 013 | Fri | 9am-12pm | Dorsa | Siddarth |