Serialized Form

Package com.microstar.xml

Class com.microstar.xml.XmlException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String _message


java.lang.Throwable _cause


java.lang.String _systemId


int _line


int _column

Package ptolemy.gui

Class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.awt.Component contents
The component contained by this dialog.


java.lang.String _buttonPressed
The label of the button pushed to dismiss the dialog.


boolean _doneHandleClosing
Indicator that we have notified of window closing.


javax.swing.JOptionPane _optionPane
The pane with the buttons.


javax.swing.JTextArea _messageArea
The container for messages.

Class ptolemy.gui.Query extends javax.swing.JPanel implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.awt.Color _background
The background color as set by setBackground(). This defaults to null, which indicates that the background is the same as the container.


java.awt.GridBagConstraints _constraints
Standard constraints for use with _grid.


java.util.Map<K,V> _entries
The hashtable of items in the query.


java.awt.GridBagLayout _grid
Layout control.


java.util.Vector<E> _listeners
List of registered listeners.


int _columns


javax.swing.JPanel _entryPanel


javax.swing.JScrollPane _entryScrollPane


int _height


java.util.Map<K,V> _labels


java.awt.Insets _leftPadding


javax.swing.JTextArea _messageArea


javax.swing.JScrollPane _messageScrollPane


boolean _messageScrollPaneAdded


java.awt.Insets _insets


java.util.Map<K,V> _previous


int _widgetsHeight


int _width

Class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser extends javax.swing.Box implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


javax.swing.JTextField _entryBox


java.lang.String _name


Query _owner

Class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser extends javax.swing.Box implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Query _owner

_base _base


javax.swing.JTextField _entryBox


java.lang.String _name


boolean _save

_startingDirectory _startingDirectory


boolean _allowFiles


boolean _allowDirectories

Class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser extends javax.swing.Box implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Query _owner
The owning query.


java.lang.String _name
The name of the chooser.


java.awt.Color _foreground
The foreground color.


java.awt.Color _background
The background color.

Class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.RedoAction extends javax.swing.AbstractAction implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.UndoAction extends javax.swing.AbstractAction implements Serializable

Package ptolemy.plot

Class ptolemy.plot.CmdLineArgException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot extends Plot implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


int[] _editSpecX


int[] _editSpecY


boolean[] _editSpecSet


int _currentEditX


int _currentEditY


int _dataset


java.util.Stack<E> _undoStack


java.util.Stack<E> _redoStack


java.util.Vector<E> _editListeners

Class ptolemy.plot.Histogram extends PlotBox implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


int _currentdataset
The current dataset.


java.util.Vector<E> _points
A vector of datasets.


java.util.Vector<E> _histogram
A vector of histogram data.


double _barwidth
The width of a bar.


double _baroffset
The offset between bars.


double _binWidth
The width of a bin.


double _binOffset
The offset between bins.


boolean _needBinRedraw


boolean _needPlotRefill


java.util.ArrayList<E> _scheduledBinsToAdd


boolean _showing
Set by _drawPlot(), and reset by clear().

Class ptolemy.plot.HistogramApplet extends PlotApplet implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.Plot extends PlotBox implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


int _currentdataset
The current dataset.


int _marks
An indicator of the marks style. See _parseLine method for interpretation.


java.util.ArrayList<E> _points
A vector of datasets.


boolean _markDisconnections
True when disconnections should be marked.


double _barOffset
Offset per dataset in x axis units.


boolean _bars
True if this is a bar plot.


double _barWidth
Width of a bar in x axis units.


java.util.ArrayList<E> _bins
An arraylist of the bins in the plot. A bin is represents a number of points that are all displayed on the same x position. A bin is meant to avoid superfluous drawings of lines. So instaed of having to draw a line between each point, you can draw a line between the minimum and maximum and maximum position.


boolean _connected
True if the points are connected.


int _diameter
Give the diameter of a point for efficiency.


boolean _firstInSet
Is this the first datapoint in a set?


java.util.ArrayList<E> _formats
Format information on a per data set basis.


java.awt.Graphics _graphics
Cached copy of graphics, needed to reset when we are exporting to EPS.


boolean _impulses
True if this is an impulse plot.


java.util.HashMap<K,V> _lastPointWithExtraDot


boolean _lineStyles
True if different line styles should be used.


int _maxDataset
The highest data set used.


boolean _needBinRedraw


boolean _needPlotRefill


java.util.ArrayList<E> _pointInBinOffset
Points in bins have an absolute index within the virtual array of all points that once existed in Plot. This is done to avoid having to change all bins when points in the beginning are removed. The offset _pointInBinOffset is a positive number that denotes the difference between the index of the point in the current point arraylist and the virtual one containing all points.


int _pointsPersistence
Number of points to persist for.


java.util.ArrayList<E> _prevxpos
Information about the previously plotted point.


java.util.ArrayList<E> _prevypos
Information about the previously plotted point.


java.util.ArrayList<E> _prevErasedxpos
Information about the previously erased point.


java.util.ArrayList<E> _prevErasedypos
Information about the previously erased point.


int _radius
Give the radius of a point for efficiency.


boolean _reuseDatasets
True if we saw 'reusedatasets: on' in the file.


boolean _sawFirstDataSet
Have we seen a DataSet line in the current data file?


java.util.ArrayList<E> _scheduledBinsToAdd


java.util.ArrayList<E> _scheduledBinsToErase


boolean _showing
Set by _drawPlot(), and reset by clear().


double _xPersistence
Persistence in units of the horizontal axis.


boolean _xyInvalid
Flag indicating validity of _xBottom, _xTop, _yBottom, and _yTop.


float _width
The width of the current stroke. Only effective if the Graphics is a Graphics2D.

Class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet extends javax.swing.JApplet implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication extends PlotFrame implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox extends javax.swing.JPanel implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


double _padding
The factor we pad by so that we don't plot points on the axes.


double _xlowgiven
The given X and Y ranges. If they have been given the top and bottom of the x and y ranges. This is different from _xMin and _xMax, which actually represent the range of data that is plotted. This represents the range specified (which may be different due to zooming).


double _xhighgiven
The given X and Y ranges. If they have been given the top and bottom of the x and y ranges. This is different from _xMin and _xMax, which actually represent the range of data that is plotted. This represents the range specified (which may be different due to zooming).


double _ylowgiven
The given X and Y ranges. If they have been given the top and bottom of the x and y ranges. This is different from _xMin and _xMax, which actually represent the range of data that is plotted. This represents the range specified (which may be different due to zooming).


double _yhighgiven
The given X and Y ranges. If they have been given the top and bottom of the x and y ranges. This is different from _xMin and _xMax, which actually represent the range of data that is plotted. This represents the range specified (which may be different due to zooming).


double _xBottom
The minimum X value registered so for, for auto ranging.


double _xTop
The maximum X value registered so for, for auto ranging.


double _yBottom
The minimum Y value registered so for, for auto ranging.


double _yTop
The maximum Y value registered so for, for auto ranging.


boolean _xlog
Whether to draw the axes using a logarithmic scale.


boolean _ylog
Whether to draw the axes using a logarithmic scale.


boolean _grid
Whether to draw a background grid.


boolean _wrap
Whether to wrap the X axis.


double _wrapHigh
The high range of the X axis for wrapping.


double _wrapLow
The low range of the X axis for wrapping.


java.awt.Color _background
Color of the background, settable from HTML.


java.awt.Color _foreground
Color of the foreground, settable from HTML.


int _topPadding
Top padding. Derived classes can increment these to make space around the plot.


int _bottomPadding
Bottom padding. Derived classes can increment these to make space around the plot.


int _rightPadding
Right padding. Derived classes can increment these to make space around the plot.


int _leftPadding
Left padding. Derived classes can increment these to make space around the plot.


int _ulx
The x value of the upper left corner of the plot rectangle in pixels. Given a mouse click at x0, to convert to data coordinates, use: (_xMin + (x0 - _ulx) / _xscale).


int _uly
The y value of the upper left corner of the plot rectangle in pixels. Given a mouse click at y0, to convert to data coordinates, use: (_yMax - (y0 - _uly) / _yscale).


int _lrx
The x value of the lower right corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.


int _lry
The y value of the lower right corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.


java.awt.Rectangle _specifiedPlotRectangle
User specified plot rectangle, null if none specified.

See Also:


double _yscale
Scaling used for the vertical axis in plotting points. The units are pixels/unit, where unit is the units of the Y axis.


double _xscale
Scaling used for the horizontal axis in plotting points. The units are pixels/unit, where unit is the units of the X axis.


boolean _usecolor
Indicator whether to use _colors.


int _width
Width and height of component in pixels.


int _height
Width and height of component in pixels.


int _preferredWidth
Width and height of component in pixels.


int _preferredHeight
Width and height of component in pixels.

_documentBase _documentBase
The document base we use to find the _filespec. NOTE: Use of this variable is deprecated. But it is made available to derived classes for backward compatibility. FIXME: Sun's appletviewer gives an exception if this is protected. Why?? So we make it temporarily public.


boolean _actionsDeferred
Indicator of whether actions are deferred.


boolean _automaticRescale


java.util.LinkedList<E> _deferredActions
List of deferred actions.


java.lang.String _filespec
The file to be opened.


double _ytickMax
The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual range.


double _ytickMin
The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual range.


double _xtickMax
The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual range.


double _xtickMin
The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual range.


int _yExp
The power of ten by which the range numbers should be multiplied.


int _xExp
The power of ten by which the range numbers should be multiplied.


double _ytickscale
Scaling used in making tick marks.


double _xtickscale
Scaling used in making tick marks.


java.awt.Font _captionFont
Caption font information.


java.awt.Font _labelFont
Font information.


java.awt.Font _superscriptFont
Font information.


java.awt.Font _titleFont
Font information.


java.awt.FontMetrics _captionFontMetrics
Caption font metric information.


java.awt.FontMetrics _labelFontMetrics
FontMetric information.


java.awt.FontMetrics _superscriptFontMetrics
FontMetric information.


java.awt.FontMetrics _titleFontMetrics
FontMetric information.


java.lang.String _xlabel
The title and label strings.


java.lang.String _ylabel
The title and label strings.


java.lang.String _title
The title and label strings.


java.util.Vector<E> _captionStrings
Caption information.


java.util.Vector<E> _legendStrings
Legend information.


java.util.Vector<E> _legendDatasets
Legend information.


java.util.Vector<E> _xticks
If XTicks or YTicks are given/


java.util.Vector<E> _xticklabels
If XTicks or YTicks are given/


java.util.Vector<E> _yticks
If XTicks or YTicks are given/


java.util.Vector<E> _yticklabels
If XTicks or YTicks are given/


boolean _originalXRangeGiven


boolean _originalYRangeGiven


double _originalXlow


double _originalXhigh


double _originalYlow


double _originalYhigh


boolean _timedRepaint

Class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter extends javax.swing.JPanel implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


PlotBox _plot
The plot object controlled by this formatter.


Query _wideQuery


Query _narrowQuery


java.lang.String _originalTitle


java.util.Vector<E> _originalCaptions


java.lang.String _originalXLabel


java.lang.String _originalYLabel


java.lang.String _originalMarks


java.lang.String _originalXTicksSpec


java.lang.String _originalYTicksSpec


double[] _originalXRange


double[] _originalYRange


java.util.Vector<E>[] _originalXTicks


java.util.Vector<E>[] _originalYTicks


boolean _originalGrid


boolean _originalLineStyles


boolean _originalStems


boolean _originalColor


boolean[][] _originalConnected


PlotPoint[][] _originalPoints

Class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


PlotBox plot
The plot object held by this frame.


javax.swing.JMenuBar _menubar
Menubar for this frame.


javax.swing.JMenu _editMenu
Edit menu for this frame.


javax.swing.JMenu _fileMenu
File menu for this frame.


javax.swing.JMenu _specialMenu
Special menu for this frame.

_directory _directory
Directory that contains the input file.

_file _file
The input file.

Class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive extends Plot implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Thread _plotLiveThread
Thread of this plotter


boolean _plotting
True if we are actually plotting.


boolean _paused
True if we are paused.


javax.swing.JButton _startButton
Start and Stop Buttons.


javax.swing.JButton _stopButton
Start and Stop Buttons.

Class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet extends PlotApplet implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


boolean connected
True if this point is connected to the previous point by a line.


boolean errorBar
True if the yLowEB and yHighEB fields are valid.


double originalx
Original value of x before wrapping.


double x
X value after wrapping (if any).


double y
Y value.


double yLowEB
Error bar Y low value.


double yHighEB
Error bar Y low value.

Package ptolemy.plot.compat

Class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet extends PlotApplet implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


PxgraphParser _parser

Class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication extends PlotApplication implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


PxgraphParser _parser

Package ptolemy.plot.plotml

Class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet extends PlotMLApplet implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


javax.swing.JComboBox _choice

Class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication extends PlotMLApplication implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplet extends PlotMLApplet implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication extends PlotMLApplication implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet extends PlotApplet implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication extends PlotApplication implements Serializable

Class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame extends PlotFrame implements Serializable

Package ptolemy.util

Class ptolemy.util.CancelException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable