A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z _


abbreviate(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Abbreviate a string.
accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter
Accept only .eps files.
accept(File) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter
Accept only .plt or .xml files.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryActionListener
Call all registered QueryListeners.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.RedoAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.UndoAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ButtonListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FileMenuListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FormatListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.SpecialMenuListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive.StartButtonListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive.StopButtonListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet.ChoiceListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication.SelectListener
addCaptionLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Add a line to the caption (displayed at below graph) .
addCheckBox(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create an on-off check box.
addChoice(String, String, Object[], Object) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create an uneditable choice menu.
addChoice(String, String, Object[], Object, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a choice menu.
addChoice(String, String, Object[], Object, boolean, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a choice menu.
addColorChooser(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a ColorChooser.
addDisplay(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a simple one-line text display, a non-editable value that is set externally using the setDisplay() method.
addEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Add a listener to be informed when the user modifies a data set.
addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser that selects files only, not directories, and has the default colors (white in the background, black in the foreground).
addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser that selects files only, not directories, and has the default colors (white in the background, black in the foreground).
addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser with default colors (white in the foreground, black in the background).
addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser that selects files only, not directories.
addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser.
addFileChooser(String, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean, boolean, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a FileChooser.
addLegend(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified data set with the specified string.
addLegend(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified data set with the specified string.
addLegend(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified data set with the specified string.
addLine(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a single-line entry box with the specified name, label, and default value.
addLine(String, String, String, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a single-line entry box with the specified name, label, default value, and background color.
addListener(PlotBox) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.TimedRepaint
addPassword(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a single-line password box with the specified name, label, and default value.
addPassword(String, String, String, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a single-line password box with the specified name, label, and default value.
addPoint(int, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
In the specified data set, add the specified value to the histogram.
addPoint(int, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
In the specified data set, add the specified y value to the histogram.
addPoint(int, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the plot.
addPoint(PlotPoint, int, long) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Add a point to the bin, with a certain pointIndex (the index in the array of all points in a Plot), and a certain ypos.
addPoints() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
Redefine in derived classes to add points to the plot.
addPointWithErrorBars(int, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the plot with error bars.
addQueryListener(QueryListener) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Add a listener.
addRadioButtons(String, String, String[], String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a bank of radio buttons.
addSelectButtons(String, String, String[], Set) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a bank of buttons that provides a list of choices, any subset of which may be chosen at a time.
addSeparator() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a horizontal separator between components.
addSlider(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a slider with the specified name, label, default value, maximum, and minimum.
addText(String, Color, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Add text to the query.
addTextArea(String, String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a text area.
addTextArea(String, String, String, Color, Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a text area.
addTextArea(String, String, String, Color, Color, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Create a text area with the specified height and width (in characters).
addXTick(String, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify a tick mark for the X axis.
addYTick(String, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify a tick mark for the Y axis.
afterLastPointIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return the position after the last point of the range of points within the bin This index is the index within the current points of the plot.
apply() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
Apply currently specified values to the associated plot.
attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle an attribute assignment.
attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Handle an attribute assignment that is part of an XML element.
ATTRIBUTE_CDATA - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a string value.
ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_FIXED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #FIXED.
ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_IMPLIED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #IMPLIED.
ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #REQUIRED.
ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute has a literal default value specified.
ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute is not declared.
ATTRIBUTE_ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of entity names.
ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is the name of an entity.
ATTRIBUTE_ENUMERATED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a token from an enumeration.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a unique identifier.
ATTRIBUTE_IDREF - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a reference to a unique identifier.
ATTRIBUTE_IDREFS - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of ID references.
ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKEN - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a name token.
ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKENS - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of name tokens.
ATTRIBUTE_NOTATION - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute is the name of a notation.
ATTRIBUTE_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute has not been declared for this element type.
attributeTypeHash - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Hash table of attribute types.


baseInputStream - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
basePublicId - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
baseReader - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
baseURI - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
binaryCopyURLToFile(URL, File) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Copy sourceURL to destinationFile without doing any byte conversion.
binaryReadURLToByteArray(URL) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Read a sourceURL without doing any byte conversion.
booleanValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Deprecated. Use getBooleanValue(String name) instead.
buttonPressed() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Return the label of the button that triggered closing the dialog, or an empty string if none.


CancelException - Exception in ptolemy.util
An exception that is not reported to the user.
CancelException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.util.CancelException
Construct an exception with a default message.
CancelException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.util.CancelException
Construct an exception with the specified message.
changed(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.QueryListener
Called to notify that one of the entries has changed.
charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle character data.
charData(char[], int, int) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Character data.
charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Handle character data.
checkEncoding(String, boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Check that the encoding specified makes sense.
ClassUtilities - Class in ptolemy.util
A collection of utilities for manipulating classes.
ClassUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.ClassUtilities
Instances of this class cannot be created.
cleanupVariables() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Clean up after the parse to allow some garbage collection.
clear(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Clear the plot of all data points.
clear(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Clear the plot of all data points.
clear(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Clear the plot of data points in the specified dataset.
clear(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If the argument is true, clear the axes.
clearCaptions() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Clear all the captions.
clearLegends() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Clear all legends.
clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
clipRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
CloseListener - Interface in ptolemy.gui
This is an interface for listeners that need to be informed when a window closes.
CmdLineArgException - Exception in ptolemy.plot
Exception thrown by plot classes if there are format problems with the data to be plotted.
CmdLineArgException() - Constructor for exception ptolemy.plot.CmdLineArgException
CmdLineArgException(String) - Constructor for exception ptolemy.plot.CmdLineArgException
column - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
com.microstar.xml - package com.microstar.xml
The com.microstar.xml package.
ComponentDialog - Class in ptolemy.gui
This class is a modal dialog box that contains an arbitrary component.
ComponentDialog(Frame, String, Component) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner, title, and component.
ComponentDialog(Frame, String, Component, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner, title, component, and buttons.
ComponentDialog(Frame, String, Component, String[], String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner, title, component, buttons, and message.
ComponentDialog(Frame, String, Component, String[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Construct a dialog with the specified owner, title, component, buttons, and message.
connected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
connected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
True if this point is connected to the previous point by a line.
connectedUseDefault - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
CONTENT_ANY - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the element has a content model of ANY.
CONTENT_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the element has element content.
CONTENT_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the element has declared content of EMPTY.
CONTENT_MIXED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the element has mixed content.
CONTENT_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: an element has not been declared.
contents - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
The component contained by this dialog.
context - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTEVALUE - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
CONTEXT_DTD - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
CONTEXT_ENTITYVALUE - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
CONTEXT_NONE - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
copyIso8859_1ReadBuffer(int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert a buffer of ISO-8859-1-encoded bytes into UTF-16 characters.
copyUcs2ReadBuffer(int, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert a buffer of UCS-2-encoded bytes into UTF-16 characters.
copyUcs4ReadBuffer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert a buffer of UCS-4-encoded bytes into UTF-16 characters.
copyUtf8ReadBuffer(int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert a buffer of UTF-8-encoded bytes into UTF-16 characters.
create() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
currentByteCount - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
currentElement - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
currentElementContent - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser


DATA_BUFFER_INITIAL - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
dataBuffer - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
dataBufferAppend(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Add a character to the data buffer.
dataBufferAppend(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Add a string to the data buffer.
dataBufferAppend(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Append (part of) a character array to the data buffer.
dataBufferFlush() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Flush the contents of the data buffer to the handler, if appropriate, and reset the buffer for new input.
dataBufferNormalize() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Normalise whitespace in the data buffer.
dataBufferPos - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
dataBufferToString() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Convert the data buffer to a string.
declaredAttributes(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get the declared attributes for an element type.
declaredElements() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get the declared elements for an XML document.
declaredEntities() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get declared entities.
declaredNotations() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get declared notations.
DEFAULT_ENTRY_HEIGHT - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
The default height of entries created with addText().
DEFAULT_ENTRY_WIDTH - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
The default width of entries created with addLine().
deferIfNecessary(Runnable) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If this method is called in the event thread, then simply execute the specified action.
destroy() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Cleanup after execution of the model.
destroy() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Destroy the plotter.
detectEncoding() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Attempt to detect the encoding of an entity.
dispose() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
doctypeDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle a document type declaration.
doctypeDecl(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Document type declaration.
doParse(String, String, Reader, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
doubleValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Deprecated. Use getDoubleValue(String name) instead.
drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw a line, using the current color, between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in this graphics context's coordinate system.
drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw an oval bounded by the specified rectangle with the current color.
drawPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawPolyline(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
drawString(String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw a string. "(" is converted to "\(" and ")" is converted to "\) so as to avoid EPS Syntax errors.


EditablePlot - Class in ptolemy.plot
This extension of Plot permits interactive modification of plotted data, one dataset at a time.
EditablePlot() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
EditablePlot.EditMouseListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
EditablePlot.EditMouseListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
EditablePlot.ModifyListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
EditablePlot.ModifyListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.ModifyListener
EditablePlot.UndoListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
EditablePlot.UndoListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.UndoListener
EditablePlotMLApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
This applet reads a URL giving a PlotML file for a plot and places the data into an editable plot.
EditablePlotMLApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
EditablePlotMLApplet.ChoiceListener - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
EditablePlotMLApplet.ChoiceListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet.ChoiceListener
EditablePlotMLApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
An application that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL or from files specified on the command line, and can then permit the user to edit the plot.
EditablePlotMLApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
EditablePlotMLApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
EditablePlotMLApplication(EditablePlot, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments and instance of plot.
EditablePlotMLApplication.SelectListener - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
EditablePlotMLApplication.SelectListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication.SelectListener
editDataModified(EditablePlot, int) - Method in interface ptolemy.plot.EditListener
Notify that data in the specified plot has been modified by a user edit action.
EditListener - Interface in ptolemy.plot
Interface for listeners that are informed of plot edit events.
elementInfo - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ellipsis(String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a string with a maximum line length of length characters, limited to the given number of characters.
ELLIPSIS_LENGTH_LONG - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Maximum length in characters of a long string before ellipsis(String, int) truncates and add a trailing ". . .".
ELLIPSIS_LENGTH_SHORT - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Maximum length in characters of a short string before ellipsis(String, int) truncates and add a trailing ". . .".
encoding - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ENCODING_ISO_8859_1 - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ENCODING_UCS_2_12 - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ENCODING_UCS_2_21 - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ENCODING_UCS_4_1234 - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ENCODING_UCS_4_2143 - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ENCODING_UCS_4_3412 - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ENCODING_UCS_4_4321 - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
ENCODING_UTF_8 - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
encodingError(String, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Report a character encoding error.
endDocument() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the end of the document.
endDocument() - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
End the document.
endDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
End the document.
endElement(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the end of an element.
endElement(String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
End an element.
endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLParser
End an element.
endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
End an element.
endElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
End an element.
endExternalEntity(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the end of an external entity.
endExternalEntity(String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
End an external entity.
ENTITY_INTERNAL - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the entity is internal.
ENTITY_NDATA - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the entity is external, non-XML data.
ENTITY_TEXT - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the entity is external XML data.
ENTITY_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Constant: the entity has not been declared.
entityInfo - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
entityStack - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
EPSGraphics - Class in ptolemy.plot
Graphics class supporting EPS export from plots.
EPSGraphics(OutputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Constructor for a graphics object that writes encapsulated PostScript to the specified output stream.
erasePoint(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Erase the point at the given index in the given dataset.
error(String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Throw an exception for a fatal error.
error(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Fatal XML parsing error.
error(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Report an error.
error(String, char, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Report a serious error.
error(String, String, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Indicate a fatal XML parsing error.
error(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Defer to the set message handler to show the specified error message.
error(String, Throwable) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Defer to the set message handler to show the specified message and throwable information.
errorBar() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return true in case there is one point that needs an error bar, otherwise false
errorBar - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
True if the yLowEB and yHighEB fields are valid.
errorCount - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
escapeForXML(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Given a string, replace all the instances of XML special characters with their corresponding XML entities.
escapeString(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Given a string, return a string that when fed to the Ptolemy expression parser, will turn into the argument string.
exit(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
If the ptolemy.ptII.exitAfterWrapup or the ptolemy.ptII.doNotExit properties are not set, then call System.exit().
export(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Export a description of the plot.
exportImage() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Create a BufferedImage and draw this plot to it.
exportImage(Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Create a BufferedImage the size of the given rectangle and draw this plot to it at the position specified by the rectangle.
exportImage(BufferedImage, Rectangle, RenderingHints, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Draw this plot onto the specified image at the position of the specified rectangle with the size of the specified rectangle.
exportImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Draw this plot onto the provided image.
exportToPlot(PrintWriter, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML, but in such a way that the Plot class can read it and reproduce the histogram.
extendArray(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Ensure the capacity of an array, allocating a new one if necessary.
externalEntity - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
extractJarFile(String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Extract a jar file into a directory.


FileUtilities - Class in ptolemy.util
A collection of utilities for manipulating files These utilities do not depend on any other ptolemy.* packages.
FileUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Instances of this class cannot be created.
fillArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
fillOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Fill an oval bounded by the specified rectangle with the current color.
fillPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits.
fillPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits.
fillPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits.
fillPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Draw a filled polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
fillRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Fill the specified rectangle and draw a thin outline around it.
fillRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
filterCR() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Filter carriage returns in the read buffer.
firstPointIndex() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return the position of the first point of the range of points within the bin This index is the index within the current points of the plot.
firstYPos() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return the y position of the first added point in the bin.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFocusListener
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFocusListener


getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.HistogramApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet
Return a string describing this applet.
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the three-member array representing an attribute declaration.
getAttributeDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the default value of a declared attribute.
getAttributeDefaultValueType(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the default value type of a declared attribute.
getAttributeEnumeration(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the allowed values for an enumerated attribute type.
getAttributeExpandedValue(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the expanded value of a declared attribute.
getAttributeType(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Retrieve the declared type of an attribute.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Returns the color for the background.
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name and return as a boolean.
getCaptions() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the captions.
getCause() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the cause of this exception.
getCharArrayValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name and return as an array of characters.
getClip() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
getClipBounds() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
getColor() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
getColor() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether the plot uses color.
getColorByName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Convert a color name into a Color.
getColors() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the point colors.
getColumn() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the column number containing the error.
getColumnNumber() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the current column number.
getConnected() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return whether the default is to connect subsequent points with a line.
getCurrentElement() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the current element.
getData(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Get the data in the specified dataset.
getDataurl() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter
The description of this filter
getDescription() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter
The description of this filter
getDocumentBase() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name and return as a double value.
getElementAttributes(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the attribute hash table for an element.
getElementContentModel(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the content model of an element.
getElementContentType(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the content type of an element.
getEntityNotationName(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Get the notation name associated with an NDATA entity.
getEntityPublicId(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return an external entity's public identifier, if any.
getEntitySystemId(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return an external entity's system identifier.
getEntityType(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Find the type of an entity.
getEntityValue(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the value of an internal entity.
getFont() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
getForegroundColor() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Returns the color for the foreground.
getGrid() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether the grid is drawn.
getImpulses() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return whether a line will be drawn from any plotted point down to the x axis.
getIndentPrefix(int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a number of spaces that is proportional to the argument.
getIntValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name and return as an integer.
getLegend(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the legend for a dataset, or null if there is none.
getLegendDataset(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Given a legend string, return the corresponding dataset or -1 if no legend was added with that legend string The legend would have been set by addLegend().
getLine() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the line number containing the error.
getLineNumber() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the current line number.
getLineStyles() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return false if setLineStyles() has not yet been called or if setLineStyles(false) has been called, which signifies that different line styles are not to be used.
getMarksStyle() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Get the marks style, which is one of "none", "points", "dots", or "various".
getMaxDataSets() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
getMaximumSize() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Return the preferred height, but set the width to the maximum possible value.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the error message from the parser.
getMessageHandler() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Return the message handler instance that is used by the static methods in this class.
getName() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Returns the name of the component.
getNextUtf8Byte(int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return the next byte value in a UTF-8 sequence.
getNotationPublicId(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the public identifier for a notation.
getNotationSystemId(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Look up the system identifier for a notation.
getNumDataSets() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return the actual number of data sets.
getObjectValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name, and return as an Object.
getOwner() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Returns the owning query object.
getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
Return information about parameters.
getParameterInfo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Return information about parameters.
getPlotRectangle() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the current plot rectangle.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the preferred size of this component.
getProperty(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Get the specified property from the environment.
getQueryValue() - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.SettableQueryChooser
Return a string representation of the query.
getReuseDatasets() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Return false if setReuseDatasets() has not yet been called or if setReuseDatasets(false) has been called.
getSelectedColor() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
Get the selected color name.
getSelectedFileName() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
Get the selected file name.
getStringValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the current value in the entry with the given name, and return as a String.
getSystemId() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Get the URI of the entity containing the error.
getText() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
getTextHeight() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the preferred number of lines to be used for entry boxes created in using addTextArea().
getTextWidth() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Get the preferred width in characters to be used for entry boxes created in using addLine().
getTitle() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the title of the graph, or an empty string if there is none.
getXAutoRange() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the range for X values of the data points registered so far.
getXLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the label for the X (horizontal) axis, or null if none has been set.
getXLog() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether the X axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
getXRange() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the X range.
getXTicks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the X ticks that have been specified, or null if none.
getYAutoRange() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the range for Y values of the data points registered so far.
getYLabel() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the label for the Y (vertical) axis, or null if none has been set.
getYLog() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether the Y axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
getYRange() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the Y range.
getYTicks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Get the Y ticks that have been specified, or null if none.


handler - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
HandlerBase - Class in com.microstar.xml
Convenience base class for AElfred handlers.
HandlerBase() - Constructor for class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
hasEntry(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Return whether an entry exists with the specified name.
Histogram - Class in ptolemy.plot
A histogram plotter.
Histogram() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
HistogramApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot
A Histogram.
HistogramApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.HistogramApplet
HistogramMLApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
This applet reads a URL giving a PlotML file that contains data.
HistogramMLApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplet
HistogramMLApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
An application that can histogram data in PlotML format from a URL or from files specified on the command line.
HistogramMLApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Construct a histogram with no command-line arguments.
HistogramMLApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
HistogramMLApplication(Histogram, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments and instance of plot.
HistogramMLParser - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
This class constructs a histogram from specifications in PlotML (Plot Markup Language), which is an XML language.
HistogramMLParser(Histogram) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLParser
Construct an parser to parse commands for the specified plot object.


ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle ignorable whitespace.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Ignorable whitespace.
impulses - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
impulsesUseDefault - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
inApplet() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return true if we are in an applet.
init() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
Initialize the applet.
init() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Initialize the applet.
init() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
init() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
Initialize the applet.
initializeVariables() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Re-initialize the variables for each parse.
INPUT_BUFFER - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
INPUT_EXTERNAL - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
INPUT_INTERNAL - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
INPUT_NONE - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
INPUT_READER - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
INPUT_STREAM - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
inputStack - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
intern(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return an internalised version of a string.
intern(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Create an internalised string from a character array.
intValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Deprecated. Use getIntValue(String name) instead.
is - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
isConnected() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
isConnectedWithPreviousBin() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return true a line has been drawn to the previous bin.
isWhitespace(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Test if a character is whitespace.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryItemListener
Call all registered QueryListeners.


jarURLDirectories(URL) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.ClassUtilities
Return the directories in a jar URI, relative to the jar entry, if any. .
jarURLEntryResource(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.ClassUtilities
Lookup a jar URL and return the resource.
JFileChooserBugFix - Class in ptolemy.gui
A workaround for a JFileChooser bug.
JFileChooserBugFix() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.JFileChooserBugFix
Instantiate a JFileChooserBugFix object.


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.UndoListener
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.CommandListener
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.UndoListener
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.CommandListener
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.UndoListener
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.CommandListener


lastYPos() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return the y position of the last added point in the bin.
line - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
The line separator string.
lineStroke - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
lineStyle - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
lineStyleUseDefault - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
LIT_CHAR_REF - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
LIT_ENTITY_REF - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
LIT_NORMALIZE - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
LIT_PE_REF - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
lookupClassAsResource(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.ClassUtilities
Given a dot separated classname, return the jar file or directory where the class can be found.


macOSLookAndFeel() - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.PtGUIUtilities
Return true if we are running under MacOS look and feel or if the ptolemy.ptII.MacOS property is defined.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Create a new plot window and map it to the screen.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Extract the contents of a jar file.
makeButtons() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
markDisconnections(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Mark the disconnections with a Dot in case value equals true, otherwise these points are not marked.
marks - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
marksUseDefault - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
maxYPos() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return the maximum y position of the bin.
mergePropertiesFile() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Merge the properties in lib/ptII.properties with the current properties.
message(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Defer to the set message handler to show the specified message.
MessageHandler - Class in ptolemy.util
This is a class that is used to report errors.
MessageHandler() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
minYPos() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return the minimum y position of the bin.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.ModifyListener
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.DragListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.ModifyListener
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.DragListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.EditMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener


NAME_BUFFER_INITIAL - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
nameBuffer - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
nameBufferPos - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
nameToFile(String, URI) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Given a file name or URL, construct a java.io.File object that refers to the file name or URL.
nameToURL(String, URI, ClassLoader) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Given a file or URL name, return as a URL.
needConnectionWithPreviousBin() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return whether a line should be drawn with the previous bin.
needReplot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return true when the bin should be plotted (again)
newPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.HistogramApplet
Create a new Histogram object for the applet.
newPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Create a new Plot object for the applet.
newPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
Create a new Plot object for the applet.
newPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplet
Create a new Plot object for the applet.
nextPointToPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return the position of the next point of the bin that should be plotted This index is the index within the current points of the plot.
notationInfo - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
notifyListeners() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Notify listeners of the current value of all entries, unless those entries have not changed since the last notification.


objectToSourceFileName(Object) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a string representing the name of the file expected to contain the source code for the specified object.
openForReading(String, URI, ClassLoader) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Open the specified file for reading.
openForWriting(String, URI, boolean) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Open the specified file for writing or appending.
openModal() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
Open a format control window as a top-level, modal dialog.
originalx - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
Original value of x before wrapping.


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Paint the component contents, which in this base class is only the axes.
parse(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an XML document from a URI.
parse(String, String, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an XML document from a byte stream.
parse(String, String, Reader) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an XML document from a character stream.
parse(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Parse the given stream as a PlotML file.
parse(URL, Reader) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Parse the given stream as a PlotML file.
parse(URL, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Parse the given text as PlotML.
parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Parse pxgraph style command-line arguments.
parseArgs(String[], URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Parse pxgraph style command-line arguments, using the specified base URL for any relative URL references.
parseAttDef(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a single attribute definition
parseAttlistDecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an attribute list declaration
parseAttribute(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an attribute assignment.
parseCDSect() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a CDATA marked section.
parseCharRef() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a character reference
parseComment() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Skip a comment.
parseConditionalSect() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a conditional section
parseContent() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the content of an element
parseContentspec(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Content specification
parseCp() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a content particle
parseDefault(String, String, int, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the default value for an attribute
parseDoctypedecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a document type declaration.
parseDocument() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an XML document.
parseElement() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an element, with its tags.
parseElementdecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an element type declaration
parseElements() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an element-content model
parseEntityDecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an entity declaration
parseEntityRef(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a reference
parseEnumeration() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an enumeration
parseEq() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an equals sign surrounded by optional whitespace
parseETag() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse an end tag
parseFile(String, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
parseFile(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
parseFile(String, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Deprecated. This method is deprecated. Use read() instead.
parseMarkupdecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a markup declaration in the internal or external DTD subset.
parseMisc() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse miscellaneous markup outside the document element and DOCTYPE declaration.
parseMixed() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse mixed content
parseNotationDecl() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a notation declaration
parseNotationType() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a notation type for an attribute
parsePCData() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
parsePEReference(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a parameter entity reference
parsePI() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse a processing instruction and do a call-back.
parseProlog() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the prolog of an XML document.
parsePxgraphargs(String, URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Split a string containing pxgraph-compatible command-line arguments into an array and call parseArgs() on the array.
parseTextDecl(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the Encoding PI.
parseUntil(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read all data until we find the specified string.
parseWhitespace() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse whitespace characters, and leave them in the data buffer.
parseXMLDecl(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the XML declaration.
pause() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
Pause the plot.
Plot - Class in ptolemy.plot
A flexible signal plotter.
Plot() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.Plot
plot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Return the plot object to operate on.
plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Plot.Bin - Class in ptolemy.plot
A bin is represents a number of points that are all displayed on the same x position.
Plot.Bin(long, int) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Plot.Format - Class in ptolemy.plot
Plot.Format() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Format
PlotApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot
An Applet that can plot data from a URL.
PlotApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
PlotApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotApplication is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter application.
PlotApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
PlotApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
PlotApplication(PlotBox, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments and instance of plot.
PlotApplication(PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Display the given plot.
PlotBox - Class in ptolemy.plot
A labeled box within which to place a data plot.
PlotBox() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Construct a plot box with a default configuration.
PlotBox.ButtonListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotBox.ButtonListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ButtonListener
PlotBox.CommandListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotBox.CommandListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.CommandListener
PlotBox.DragListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotBox.DragListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.DragListener
PlotBox.TimedRepaint - Class in ptolemy.plot
TimedRepaint is a timer thread that will schedule a redraw each _REPAINT_TIME_INTERVAL milliseonds.
PlotBox.TimedRepaint() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.TimedRepaint
PlotBox.ZoomListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotBox.ZoomListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ZoomListener
PlotBoxMLParser - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
This class constructs a plot from specifications in PlotML (Plot Markup Language), which is an XML language.
PlotBoxMLParser(PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Construct an parser to parse commands for the specified plot object.
PlotBoxMLParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Protected constructor allows derived classes to set _plot differently.
PlotDataException - Class in ptolemy.plot
Exception thrown by plot classes if there are format problems with the data to be plotted.
PlotDataException() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotDataException
PlotDataException(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotDataException
PlotFormatter - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotFormatter is a panel that controls the format of a plotter object passed to the constructor.
PlotFormatter(PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
Construct a plot formatter for the specified plot object.
PlotFrame - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotFrame is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter that runs as part of an application, but in its own window.
PlotFrame() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Construct a plot frame with a default title and by default contains an instance of Plot.
PlotFrame(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and by default contains an instance of Plot.
PlotFrame(String, PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and the specified instance of PlotBox.
PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter - Class in ptolemy.plot
Display only .eps files
PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.EPSFileFilter
PlotFrame.FileMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotFrame.FileMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FileMenuListener
PlotFrame.FormatListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotFrame.FormatListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.FormatListener
PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter - Class in ptolemy.plot
Display only .plt and .xml files
PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.PLTOrXMLFileFilter
PlotFrame.SpecialMenuListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotFrame.SpecialMenuListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame.SpecialMenuListener
PlotLive - Class in ptolemy.plot
Plot signals dynamically, where points can be added at any time and the display will be updated.
PlotLive() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
PlotLive.StartButtonListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotLive.StartButtonListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive.StartButtonListener
PlotLive.StopButtonListener - Class in ptolemy.plot
PlotLive.StopButtonListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive.StopButtonListener
PlotLiveApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot
An Applet for the PlotLive class.
PlotLiveApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet
PlotML_DTD_1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
The standard PlotML DTD, represented as a string.
PlotMLApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
An Applet that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL.
PlotMLApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet
PlotMLApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
An application that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL or from files specified on the command line.
PlotMLApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
PlotMLApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
PlotMLApplication(PlotBox, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments and instance of plot.
PlotMLFrame - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
PlotMLFrame is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter that runs as part of an application, but in its own window.
PlotMLFrame() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
PlotMLFrame(String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and by default contains an instance of Plot.
PlotMLFrame(String, PlotBox) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Construct a plot frame with the specified title and the specified instance of PlotBox.
PlotMLParser - Class in ptolemy.plot.plotml
This class constructs a plot from specifications in PlotML (Plot Markup Language), which is an XML language.
PlotMLParser(Plot) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Construct an parser to parse commands for the specified plot object.
PlotMLParser() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Protected constructor allows derived classes to set _plot differently.
PlotPoint - Class in ptolemy.plot
A simple structure for storing a plot point.
PlotPoint() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
popInput() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Restore a previous input source.
PREFERENCES_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Location of Application preferences such as the user library.
preferencesDirectory() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return the preferences directory, creating it if necessary.
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Print the plot to a printer, represented by the specified graphics object.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Print the following to stderr: this exception, its stack trace and if the cause exception is known, print the cause exception and the cause stacktrace.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Print this exception, its stack trace and if the cause exception is known, print the cause exception and the cause stacktrace.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Print this exception, its stack trace and if the cause exception is known, print the cause exception and the cause stacktrace.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle a processing instruction.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Processing instruction.
propertiesFileName() - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return the name of the properties file.
PtGUIUtilities - Class in ptolemy.gui
GUI Utilities.
PtGUIUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.PtGUIUtilities
Instances of this class cannot be created.
ptolemy.gui - package ptolemy.gui
Graphical User Interface classes.
ptolemy.plot - package ptolemy.plot
The ptolemy.plot package.
ptolemy.plot.compat - package ptolemy.plot.compat
Backward compatibility with xgraph and pxgraph.
ptolemy.plot.plotml - package ptolemy.plot.plotml
The ptolemy.plot.plotml package.
ptolemy.util - package ptolemy.util
The ptolemy.util package.
PTPLOT_RELEASE - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
pushCharArray(String, char[], int, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Push a new internal input source.
pushInput(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Save the current input source onto the stack.
pushString(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
This method pushes a string back onto input.
pushURL(String, String, String, Reader, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Push a new external input source.
PxgraphApplet - Class in ptolemy.plot.compat
An Applet that can plot data in pxgraph format from a URL.
PxgraphApplet() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
PxgraphApplication - Class in ptolemy.plot.compat
An application that can plot data in pxgraph format.
PxgraphApplication() - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Construct a plot with no command-line arguments.
PxgraphApplication(String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments.
PxgraphApplication(Plot, String[]) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Construct a plot with the specified command-line arguments and instance of Plot.
PxgraphParser - Class in ptolemy.plot.compat
This class provides backwards compatibility with an older plotting program, pxgraph.
PxgraphParser(Plot) - Constructor for class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Construct a parser to configure the specified plot.


Query - Class in ptolemy.gui
Create a query with various types of entry boxes and controls.
Query() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query
Construct a panel with no entries in it.
Query.QueryActionListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for "line" and radio button entries.
Query.QueryActionListener(Query, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryActionListener
Construct a listener for line and radio button entries.
Query.QueryColorChooser - Class in ptolemy.gui
Panel containing an entry box and color chooser.
Query.QueryColorChooser(Query, String, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
Create a panel containing an entry box and a color chooser.
Query.QueryFileChooser - Class in ptolemy.gui
Panel containing an entry box and file chooser.
Query.QueryFileChooser(Query, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
Construct a query file chooser.
Query.QueryFileChooser(Query, String, String, URI, File, boolean, boolean, boolean, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
Construct a query file chooser.
Query.QueryFocusListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for line entries, for when they lose the focus.
Query.QueryFocusListener(Query, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFocusListener
Construct a listener for when line entries lose the focus.
Query.QueryItemListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for "CheckBox" and "Choice" entries.
Query.QueryItemListener(Query, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryItemListener
Create a listener for the CheckBox and Choice entries.
Query.QueryScrollPane - Class in ptolemy.gui
Inner class to tie textArea to scroll pane.
Query.QueryScrollPane(JTextArea) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
Query.SliderListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
Listener for changes in slider.
Query.SliderListener(Query, String) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.Query.SliderListener
Construct a listener for changes in a slider.
QueryChooser - Class in ptolemy.gui
Abstract superclass for customized entry boxes.
QueryChooser(Query, String, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Initializes the chooser.
QueryListener - Interface in ptolemy.gui
Listener interface for changes in the query box.


rangeChanged() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Return true when the rangeChanged
rawReadBuffer - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
Read a pxgraph-compatible binary or ASCII encoded file.
read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Read a file with the old syntax (non-XML).
read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Read commands and/or plot data from an input stream in the old (non-XML) file syntax.
read(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Read a single line command provided as a string.
read8bitEncodingDeclaration() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read just the encoding declaration (or XML declaration) at the start of an external entity.
READ_BUFFER_MAX - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
readAttType() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Parse the attribute type
readBuffer - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
readBufferLength - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
readBufferOverflow - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
readBufferPos - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
readCh() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a single character from the readBuffer.
readDataChunk() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a chunk of data from an external input source.
reader - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
readExternalIds(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Try reading external identifiers.
readLines(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a LinkedList of the lines in a string that aren't comments.
readLiteral(int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a literal
readNmtoken(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Read a name or name token
redo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Redo the latest signal editing operation that was undone by calling undo(), if there was one.
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Unregister a edit listener.
removeLegend(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Remove the legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified data set.
removeListener(PlotBox) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.TimedRepaint
removeQueryListener(QueryListener) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Remove a listener.
renameLegend(int, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Rename a legend.
require(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Require a string to appear, or throw an exception.
require(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Require a character to appear, or throw an exception.
requireWhitespace() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Require whitespace characters
resetAxes() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Reset the X and Y axes to the ranges that were first specified using setXRange() and setYRange().
resetDisplayStateAfterPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Reset the plot state for this bin when you have plotted this bin/
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Resolve an external entity.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Resolve an External Entity.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Resolve an external entity.
restore() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
Restore the original configuration of the plot, and request a a redraw.
restoreBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JFileChooserBugFix
Restore the background.
run() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
This is the body of a thread that repeatedly calls addPoints() if the plot is active.
run() - Method in class ptolemy.util.RunnableExceptionCatcher
Execute the runnable.
RunnableExceptionCatcher - Class in ptolemy.util
A class (that implements the proxy design pattern) that encapsulates a runnable, catches the exception and will report the exception to the Ptolemy Message Handler.
RunnableExceptionCatcher(Runnable) - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.RunnableExceptionCatcher
Construct an instance that will wrap a runnable, catch its exceptions and report it to the Ptolemy Message Handler.


samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Create a sample plot.
samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Create a sample plot.
samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Do nothing in this base class.
samplePlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Create a sample plot.
sanitizeName(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Sanitize a String so that it can be used as a Java identifier.
saveBackground() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.JFileChooserBugFix
Set the background to the value of the ToolBar.shadow property and return the previous background.
sawCR - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
set(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the value in the entry with the given name.
setAndNotify(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the value in the entry with the given name and notify listeners.
setAttribute(String, String, int, String, String, int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an attribute declaration for later retrieval.
setAutomaticRescale(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set automatic rescale.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the background color for all the widgets.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the background color.
setBars(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Set the width and offset of the bars.
setBars(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Turn bars on or off (for bar charts).
setBars(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Turn bars on and set the width and offset.
setBinOffset(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Set the offset of the bins, in whatever units the data are given.
setBinWidth(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Set the width of the bins, in whatever units the data are given.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the current value in the entry with the given name.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Move and resize this component.
setButtons(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If the argument is true, make a fill button visible at the upper right.
setButtons(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
If the argument is true, make a start, stop, and fill button visible at the upper right.
setCaptions(Vector) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the strings of the caption.
setClip(Shape) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
setClip(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
setColor(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
Set selected color name.
setColor(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Set the current color.
setColor(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If the argument is false, draw the plot without using color (in black and white).
setColors(Color[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the point colors.
setColumns(int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify the number of columns to use.
setConnected(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the argument is true, then the default is to connect subsequent points with a line.
setConnected(boolean, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the first argument is true, then by default for the specified dataset, points will be connected by a line.
setDataurl(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
setDisplay(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the displayed text of an entry that has been added using addDisplay.
setDocumentBase(URL) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
setEditable(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Specify which dataset is editable.
setElement(String, int, String, Hashtable) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an element.
setEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
For line, display, check box, slider, radio button, or choice entries made, if the second argument is false, then it will be disabled.
setEntity(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an entity declaration for later retrieval.
setExternalDataEntity(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an external data entity.
setExternalTextEntity(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an external text entity.
setFileName(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
Set selected file name.
setFont(Font) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
setForeground(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the foreground color.
setGrid(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Control whether the grid is drawn.
setHandler(XmlHandler) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Set the handler that will receive parsing events.
setImpulses(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any plotted point down to the x axis.
setImpulses(boolean, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the first argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any plotted point in the specified dataset down to the x axis.
setInsets(Insets) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the insets for the GridBagLayout manager used to layout the components.
setInternalEntity(String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register an entity declaration for later retrieval.
setLabelFont(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the label font, which is used for axis labels and legend labels.
setLine(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the displayed text of an item that has been added using addLine.
setLineStyle(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Set the style of the lines joining marks.
setLineStyles(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the argument is true, draw the data sets with different line styles.
setMarksStyle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", or "various".
setMarksStyle(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", "various", or "pixels" for the specified dataset.
setMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Change the message that was specified in the constructor to read as specified.
setMessage(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify a message to be displayed above the query.
setMessageHandler(MessageHandler) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Set the message handler instance that is used by the static methods in this class.
setNotation(String, String, String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Register a notation declaration for later retrieval.
setNotConnectedWithPreviousBin() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
Disconnect this bin with the previous bin.
setNumSets(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
setPaintMode() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
setPlot(PlotBox) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Set the plot object to operate on.
setPlotRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the plot rectangle inside the axes.
setPointsPersistence(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Calling this method with a positive argument sets the persistence of the plot to the given number of points.
setQueryValue(String) - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.SettableQueryChooser
Set the string representation of the query.
setReuseDatasets(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the argument is true, then datasets with the same name are merged into a single dataset.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the size of the plot.
setSlider(String, int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Set the position of an item that has been added using addSlider.
SettableQueryChooser - Interface in ptolemy.gui
Interface for custom query chooser boxes.
setText(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
setTextHeight(int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify the preferred height to be used for entry boxes created in using addTextArea().
setTextWidth(int) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify the preferred width to be used for entry boxes created in using addLine().
setTimedRepaint(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set repainting with a certain fixed refresh rate.
setTitle(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the title of the graph.
setTitleFont(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the title font.
setToolTip(String, String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Specify a tool tip to appear when the mouse lingers over the label.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Set the visibility.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify whether the X axis is wrapped.
setXLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the label for the X (horizontal) axis.
setXLog(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify whether the X axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
setXORMode(Color) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
setXPersistence(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Calling this method with a positive argument sets the persistence of the plot to the given width in units of the horizontal axis.
setXRange(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the X (horizontal) range of the plot.
setYLabel(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the label for the Y (vertical) axis.
setYLog(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Specify whether the Y axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
setYRange(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the Y (vertical) range of the plot.
shortDescription(Throwable) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Return a short description of the throwable.
showpage() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
Issue the PostScript showpage command, then write and flush the output.
skipUntil(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Skip all data until we find the specified string.
skipWhitespace() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Skip whitespace characters
sourceType - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
split(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
If the string is longer than 79 characters, split it up by adding newlines in all newline delimited substrings that are longer than 79 characters.
split(String, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
If the string is longer than length characters, split the string up by adding newlines in all newline delimited substrings that are longer than length characters.
stackTraceToString(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Return the stack trace of the given argument as a String.
start() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
Make the plot active.
start() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet
Start the plot thread.
startDocument() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the start of the document.
startDocument() - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Start the document.
startDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Start a document.
startDocument() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Start a document.
startElement(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the start of an element.
startElement(String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Start an element.
startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLParser
Start an element.
startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Start an element.
startElement(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Start an element.
startExternalEntity(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase
Handle the start of an external entity.
startExternalEntity(String) - Method in interface com.microstar.xml.XmlHandler
Begin an external entity.
startExternalEntity(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Handle the start of an external entity.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query.SliderListener
Call all registered QueryListeners.
STD_IN - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Standard in as a reader, which will be non-null only after a call to openForReading("System.in").
STD_OUT - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Standard out as a writer, which will be non-null only after a call to openForWriting("System.out").
stop() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
Stop the plot.
stop() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLiveApplet
Stop the plot thread.
stringToColor(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Convert the specified string to a color.
stringToURL(String, URI, ClassLoader) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Deprecated. Use FileUtilities.nameToURL instead.
StringUtilities - Class in ptolemy.util
A collection of utilities for manipulating strings.
StringUtilities() - Constructor for class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Instances of this class cannot be created.
stringValue(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Deprecated. Use getStringValue(String name) instead.
substitute(String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Replace all occurrences of pattern in the specified string with replacement.
substituteFilePrefix(String, String, String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Perform file prefix substitution.
SYMBOL_TABLE_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
symbolTable - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser


tagAttributePos - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
tagAttributes - Variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
textArea - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryScrollPane
tokenizeForExec(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Tokenize a String to an array of Strings for use with Runtime.exec(String []).
translate(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
truncateString(String, int, int) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a string with a maximum line length of lineLength and a maximum number of lines numberOfLines.
tryEncoding(byte[], byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Check for a four-byte signature.
tryEncoding(byte[], byte, byte) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Check for a two-byte signature.
tryEncodingDecl(boolean) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Check for an encoding declaration.
tryRead(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return true if we can read the expected character.
tryRead(String) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return true if we can read the expected string.
tryWhitespace() - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Return true if we can read some whitespace.


undo() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
Undo the latest signal editing operation, if there was one.
undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
Remember the edit and update the action state.
UndoListener - Class in ptolemy.gui
An Undo/Redo listener for use with a JTextComponent.
UndoListener() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
Construct an undo listener.
UndoListener(JTextComponent) - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
Construct an undo listener with default key mappings.
UndoListener.RedoAction - Class in ptolemy.gui
Peform the redo action.
UndoListener.RedoAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.RedoAction
UndoListener.UndoAction - Class in ptolemy.gui
Perform the undo action.
UndoListener.UndoAction() - Constructor for class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.UndoAction
unescapeForXML(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Given a string, replace all the instances of XML entities with their corresponding XML special characters.
unread(char) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Push a single character back onto the current input stream.
unread(char[], int) - Method in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Push a char array back onto the current input stream.
usageString(String, String[][], String[]) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a string that contains a description of how to use a class that calls this method.
usageString(String, String[][], String[][]) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Return a string that contains a description of how to use a class that calls this method.
USE_CHEATS - Static variable in class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser


warning(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Display the warning message.
warning(String, Throwable) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Display the warning message and throwable information.
windowClosed(Window, String) - Method in interface ptolemy.gui.CloseListener
Notify that the specified window has closed.
write(Writer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Write the current data and plot configuration to the specified stream in PlotML syntax.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Write the current data and plot configuration to the specified stream in PlotML syntax.
write(OutputStream, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Write the current data and plot configuration to the specified stream in PlotML syntax.
write(Writer, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Write the current data and plot configuration to the specified stream in PlotML syntax.
writeData(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML.
writeData(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML.
writeData(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML.
writeFormat(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Write plot format information to the specified output stream.
writeFormat(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Write plot format information to the specified output stream in PlotML, an XML scheme.
writeFormat(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Write plot format information to the specified output stream in PlotML.
writeOldSyntax(OutputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox


x - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
X value after wrapping (if any).
XmlException - Exception in com.microstar.xml
Convenience exception class for reporting XML parsing errors.
XmlException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Construct a new XML parsing exception.
XmlException(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Construct a new XML parsing exception.
XmlException(String, String, int, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
Construct a new XML parsing exception.
XmlHandler - Interface in com.microstar.xml
XML Processing Interface.
XmlParser - Class in com.microstar.xml
Parse XML documents and return parse events through call-backs.
XmlParser() - Constructor for class com.microstar.xml.XmlParser
Construct a new parser with no associated handler.
xpos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin


y - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
Y value.
yesNoCancelQuestion(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Ask the user a yes/no/cancel question, and return true if the answer is yes.
yesNoQuestion(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Ask the user a yes/no question, and return true if the answer is yes.
yHighEB - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
Error bar Y low value.
yLowEB - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotPoint
Error bar Y low value.


zoom(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Zoom in or out to the specified rectangle.


_about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Display basic information about the application.
_about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
_about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
_about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Display basic information about the application.
_about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Display basic information about the application.
_about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
_about() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Display basic information about the application.
_actionsDeferred - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Indicator of whether actions are deferred.
_addLegendIfNecessary(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_addLegendIfNecessary(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_addPair(String, JLabel, Component, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Add a label and a widget to the panel.
_addPair(String, JLabel, Component, Object) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Add a label and a widget to the panel.
_addPoint(int, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_addPoint(int, double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_addPoint(boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLParser
Add a point based on the current attributes.
_addPoint(boolean, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
Add a point based on the current attributes.
_addPointToBin(int, PlotPoint, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Add point to the corresponding Bin.
_afterLastPointIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_allowDirectories - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
_allowFiles - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
_attributes - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Attributes associated with an entity.
_automaticRescale - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_automaticRescale() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether rescaling of the plot should happen automatic.
_background - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
The background color as set by setBackground().
_background - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
The background color.
_background - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Color of the background, settable from HTML.
_baroffset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_barOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_bars - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_barwidth - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_barWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_base - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
_BIG_ENDIAN - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_binary - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_binaryCopyStream(InputStream, File) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Copy files safely.
_binaryReadStream(InputStream) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Read a stream safely.
_binOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_bins - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
An arraylist of the bins in the plot.
_binWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_bottomPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Bottom padding.
_boxColor - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_buffer - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_buttonPressed - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
The label of the button pushed to dismiss the dialog.
_buttons - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Button labels.
_captionFont - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Caption font information.
_captionFontMetrics - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Caption font metric information.
_captionStrings - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Caption information.
_cause - Variable in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
_checkDatasetIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Check the argument to ensure that it is a valid data set index.
_checkDatasetIndex(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Check the argument to ensure that it is a valid data set index.
_checkForNull(Object, String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
If the argument is null, throw an exception with the given message.
_choice - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
_CLASSPATH_VALUE - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Tag value used by this class and registered as a parser constant for the identifier "CLASSPATH" to indicate searching in the classpath.
_clear(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_clear(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_clear(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Clear the plot of data points in the specified dataset.
_clipboard - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_close() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Exit the application.
_close() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Close the window.
_colors - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_column - Variable in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
_columns - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_connected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_connected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_connected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
The default connected state.
_constraints - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Standard constraints for use with _grid.
_control - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot.UndoListener
_control - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.CommandListener
_convert(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_currentCharData - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
The current character data for the current element.
_currentColor - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_currentdataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
The current dataset, used for handling multiple files.
_currentdataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_currentdataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
The current dataset.
_currentDataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
The current dataset number in a "dataset" element.
_currentEditX - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_currentEditY - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_currentExternalEntity() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
Get the the URI for the current external entity.
_currentFont - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_currentPointCount - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLParser
A count within the current dataset, in case no x value is given.
_dataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_dataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
The initial default width.
_defaultButtons - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Default button labels.
_defaultImageRenderingHints() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return a default set of rendering hints for image export, which specifies the use of anti-aliasing.
_deferredActions - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
List of deferred actions.
_diameter - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_directory - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
_dividePointsIntoBins() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Subdivide all points into different bins.
_documentBase - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The document base we use to find the _filespec.
_doneHandleClosing - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
Indicator that we have notified of window closing.
_drawBar(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Draw bar from the specified point to the y axis.
_drawBar(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw bar from the specified point to the y axis.
_drawBin(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_drawErrorBar(Graphics, int, long, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw an error bar for the specified yLowEB and yHighEB values.
_drawImpulse(Graphics, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw a line from the specified point to the y axis.
_drawLegend(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_drawLine(Graphics, int, long, long, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw a line from the specified starting point to the specified ending point.
_drawLine(Graphics, int, long, long, long, long, boolean, float) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw a line from the specified starting point to the specified ending point.
_drawn - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_drawPlot(Graphics, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Draw the axes and then plot the histogram.
_drawPlot(Graphics, boolean, Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Draw the axes and then plot all points.
_drawPlot(Graphics, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Draw the axes using the current range, label, and title information.
_drawPlot(Graphics, boolean, Rectangle) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Draw the axes using the current range, label, and title information, at the size of the specified rectangle.
_drawPlotPoint(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_drawPoint(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the specified x and y position.
_drawPoint(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the specified x and y position.
_drawPoint(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the specified x and y position.
_edit(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_editColor - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_editFormat() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Interactively edit the file format in a modal dialog.
_editListeners - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_editMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
_editPoint(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_editSpecSet - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_editSpecX - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_editSpecY - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_editStart(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_endian - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_entries - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
The hashtable of items in the query.
_entryBox - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
_entryBox - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
_entryPanel - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_entryScrollPane - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_eraseFirstBin(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_erasePoint(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_error(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Show the specified error message.
_error(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Show the specified message and throwable information.
_errorBar - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_ERRORBAR_LEG_LENGTH - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_errorMsg - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_executeDeferredActions() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_export() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Query the user for a filename and export the plot to that file.
_externalEntities - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
_file - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
_fileMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
_filespec - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The file to be opened.
_fillButton - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_fillPattern() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_fillPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_fillPlot() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_firstInSet - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_firstInSet - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_firstPointIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_firstYPos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_foreground - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
The foreground color.
_foreground - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Color of the foreground, settable from HTML.
_formatButton - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_formatLogNum(double, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_formatNum(double, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_formats - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_graphics - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Cached copy of graphics, needed to reset when we are exporting to EPS.
_grid - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Layout control.
_grid - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Whether to draw a background grid.
_gridBase - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_gridCurJuke - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_gridInit(double, double, boolean, Vector) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_gridRoundUp(Vector, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_gridStep(Vector, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_handleClosing() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
If the contents of this dialog implements the CloseListener interface, then notify it that the window has closed, unless notification has already been done (it is guaranteed to be done only once).
_handler - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
_height - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_height - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_height - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Width and height of component in pixels.
_help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
_help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Display basic information in its own window.
_help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
_help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
_help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
_help() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Display more detailed information than given by _about().
_histogram - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_HTMLEditorKit - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.JFileChooserBugFix
The HTMLEditorKit
_impulses - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_INITIAL_PREVIOUS_VALUE - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Initial value for elements in _prevx and _prevy that indicate we have not yet seen data.
_insets - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_isConnected(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_isConnected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_isConnectedWithPreviousBin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_labelFont - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Font information.
_labelFontMetrics - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
FontMetric information.
_labels - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_lastPointWithExtraDot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_lastYPos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_leftPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_leftPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Left padding.
_legendDatasets - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Legend information.
_legendStrings - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Legend information.
_line - Variable in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
_LINE_STROKE1 - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_LINE_STROKE2 - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_LINE_STYLES_ARRAY - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
True if different line styles should be used.
_linepattern - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_lineStyles - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
True if different line styles should be used.
_listeners - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
List of registered listeners.
_listeners - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.TimedRepaint
_LITTLE_ENDIAN - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_LOG10SCALE - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_lrx - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The x value of the lower right corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.
_lry - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The y value of the lower right corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.
_markDisconnections - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
True when disconnections should be marked.
_marks - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
An indicator of the marks style.
_MAX_MARKS - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_maxDataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_maxYPos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_measureFonts() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_menubar - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
_message - Variable in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
_message(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Display the warning message.
_messageArea - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
The container for messages.
_messageArea - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_messageScrollPane - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_messageScrollPaneAdded - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_minYPos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_name - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryActionListener
_name - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
_name - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
_name - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFocusListener
_name - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryItemListener
_name - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.SliderListener
_name - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
The name of the chooser.
_narrowQuery - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_NATIVE_ENDIAN - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_needBinRedraw - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_needBinRedraw - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_needConnectionWithPreviousBin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_needPlotRefill - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_needPlotRefill - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_newParser() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplet
Create a new parser object for the applet.
_newParser() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.HistogramMLApplication
Create a new parser object for the application.
_newParser() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet
Create a new parser object for the applet.
_newParser() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Create a new parser object for the application.
_nextPointToPlot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_notifyListeners(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Notify all registered listeners that something changed for the specified entry, if it indeed has changed.
_notifyListeners(String) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
Notify all registered listeners that something changed for the specified entry, if it indeed has changed.
_notifyListeners(int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_numFracDigits(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_numIntDigits(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_open() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Open a new file and plot its data.
_optionPane - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog
The pane with the buttons.
_originalCaptions - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalColor - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalConnected - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalGrid - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalLineStyles - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalMarks - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalPoints - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalStems - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalTitle - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalXhigh - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_originalXLabel - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalXlow - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_originalXRange - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalXRangeGiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_originalXTicks - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalXTicksSpec - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalYhigh - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_originalYLabel - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalYlow - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_originalYRange - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalYRangeGiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_originalYTicks - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_originalYTicksSpec - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_out - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_owner - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryActionListener
_owner - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryColorChooser
_owner - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
_owner - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFocusListener
_owner - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryItemListener
_owner - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.SliderListener
_owner - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.QueryChooser
The owning query.
_padding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The factor we pad by so that we don't plot points on the axes.
_parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Parse those command-line arguments that are relevant to the application only, and refer other arguments to the PxgraphParser helper class.
_parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Parse the command-line arguments and make calls to the Plot class accordingly.
_parseDoubles(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_parseLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Parse a line that gives plotting information.
_parseLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Parse a line that gives plotting information.
_parseLine(String) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Parse a line that gives plotting information.
_parsePairs(String, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_parser - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
_parser - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
_parser - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
The parser.
_patternIndex - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_patterns - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_paused - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
_plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
The plot object to which to apply commands.
_plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
_plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_plot - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
The plot object to which to apply commands.
_plotImage - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_plotLiveThread - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
_plotting - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
_pointInBinOffset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Points in bins have an absolute index within the virtual array of all points that once existed in Plot.
_points - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_points - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
A vector of datasets.
_pointsPersistence - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_polygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_preferredHeight - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Width and height of component in pixels.
_preferredWidth - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Width and height of component in pixels.
_prevErasedxpos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_prevErasedypos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_previous - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_prevxpos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_prevypos - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_print() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Print the plot using the native interface.
_printButton - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_printCrossPlatform() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ButtonListener
_printCrossPlatform() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Print using the cross platform dialog.
_printedCygwinWarning - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Set to true if we print the cygwin warning in getProperty().
_printedSecurityExceptionMessage - Static variable in class ptolemy.gui.PtGUIUtilities
_printNative() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.ButtonListener
_printNative() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Print using the native dialog.
_printPDF - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
If true, then print to PDF.
_printPDF() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
If a PDF printer is available print to it.
_ptolemyPtIIDir - Static variable in class ptolemy.util.StringUtilities
Cached value of ptolemy.ptII.dir property.
_radius - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_rangeChanged - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot.Bin
_rangesGivenByZooming - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
True if the ranges were given by zooming.
_read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplet
Read the specified stream, assuming it is pxgraph formatted data.
_read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Read the specified stream.
_read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Read the specified stream.
_read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Read the specified stream.
_read(InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplet
Read the specified stream.
_read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLApplication
Read the specified stream.
_read(URL, InputStream) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotMLFrame
Read the specified stream.
_recalculatePreferredSize(Component) - Method in class ptolemy.gui.Query
Recalculate the preferred size of the entry panel.
_redoAction - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
The redo action.
_redoStack - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_REPAINT_TIME_INTERVAL - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.TimedRepaint
_resetButton - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_resetColorForDrawing(Graphics, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Reset the color for drawing.
_resetScheduledTasks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Reset a scheduled redraw tasks.
_resetScheduledTasks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Reset a scheduled redraw tasks.
_resetScheduledTasks() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Reset a scheduled redraw tasks.
_restoreConnected() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_reuseDatasets - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_rightPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Right padding.
_roundUp(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_runnable - Variable in class ptolemy.util.RunnableExceptionCatcher
_save - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
_save() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Save the plot to the current file, determined by the and _file protected variable.
_saveAs() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
Query the user for a filename and save the plot to that file.
_saveConnected() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_sawFirstDataset - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphParser
_sawFirstDataSet - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_scheduleBinRedraw(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Schedule a bin to be (re)drawn due to the addition of point.
_scheduleBinRedrawAdd(int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Schedule a bin to be (re)drawn due to the addition of bin.
_scheduleBinRedrawRemove(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Schedule a bin to be (re)drawn due to the removal of a bin.
_scheduledBinsToAdd - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_scheduledBinsToAdd - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_scheduledBinsToErase - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_scheduledRedraw() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
Perform a scheduled redraw.
_scheduledRedraw() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Perform a scheduled redraw.
_scheduledRedraw() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Perform a scheduled redraw.
_searchClassPath(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Search the classpath.
_selectDataset() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplication
Open a dialog to select a dataset to edit.
_setButtonsVisibility(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_setColorForDrawing(Graphics, int, boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
Set the color for drawing.
_setConnected(boolean) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_setData(int, double[][]) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_setPadding(double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Set the padding multiple.
_setPlotSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplet
Given the size of the applet, set the size of the plot.
_setPlotSize(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplet
Given the size of the applet, set the size of the plot.
_setWidth(Graphics, float) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
If the graphics argument is an instance of Graphics2D, then set the current stroke to the specified width.
_setXRange(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_setYRange(double, double) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_shift - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox.CommandListener
_showing - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Histogram
_showing - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_specialMenu - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFrame
_specifiedPlotRectangle - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
User specified plot rectangle, null if none specified.
_startButton - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
_startingDirectory - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query.QueryFileChooser
_stopButton - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotLive
_superscriptFont - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Font information.
_superscriptFontMetrics - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
FontMetric information.
_systemId - Variable in exception com.microstar.xml.XmlException
_test - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
If true, then auto exit after a few seconds.
_timedRepaint - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_timedRepaint() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Return whether repainting happens by a timed thread.
_timerTask - Static variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_title - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The title and label strings.
_titleFont - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Font information.
_titleFontMetrics - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
FontMetric information.
_topPadding - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Top padding.
_trimClassPath(String) - Static method in class ptolemy.util.FileUtilities
Remove the value of _CLASSPATH_VALUE or "$CLASSPATH".
_ulx - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The x value of the upper left corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.
_uly - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The y value of the upper left corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.
_undo - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
The undo manager.
_undoAction - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener
The undo action.
_undoStack - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EditablePlot
_updateRedoState() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.RedoAction
Depending on the whether the undo manager can redo, enable and disable the undo state.
_updateUndoState() - Method in class ptolemy.gui.UndoListener.UndoAction
Depending on the whether the undo manager can undo, enable and disable the undo state.
_usage() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
_usage() - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotApplication
Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
_usecolor - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Indicator whether to use _colors.
_warning(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Show the specified message.
_warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Display the warning message and throwable information.
_wideQuery - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotFormatter
_widgetsHeight - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_width - Variable in class ptolemy.gui.Query
_width - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.EPSGraphics
_width - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
The width of the current stroke.
_width - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Width and height of component in pixels.
_wrap - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Whether to wrap the X axis.
_wrapHigh - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The high range of the X axis for wrapping.
_wrapLow - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The low range of the X axis for wrapping.
_writeOldSyntax(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_writeOldSyntax(PrintWriter) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_xBottom - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The minimum X value registered so for, for auto ranging.
_xExp - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The power of ten by which the range numbers should be multiplied.
_xhighgiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The given X and Y ranges.
_xlabel - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The title and label strings.
_xlog - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Whether to draw the axes using a logarithmic scale.
_xlowgiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The given X and Y ranges.
_xMax - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The maximum x value of the range of the data to be plotted.
_xMin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The minimum y valud of the range of the data to be plotted.
_xPersistence - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_xRangeGiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
True if the x range have been given.
_xscale - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Scaling used for the horizontal axis in plotting points.
_xtick - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.plotml.PlotBoxMLParser
_xticklabels - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If XTicks or YTicks are given/
_xtickMax - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual range.
_xtickMin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual range.
_xticks - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If XTicks or YTicks are given/
_xtickscale - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Scaling used in making tick marks.
_xTop - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The maximum X value registered so for, for auto ranging.
_xyInvalid - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.Plot
_yBottom - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The minimum Y value registered so for, for auto ranging.
_yesNoCancelQuestion(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Ask the user a yes/no/cancel question, and return true if the answer is yes.
_yesNoQuestion(String) - Method in class ptolemy.util.MessageHandler
Ask the user a yes/no question, and return true if the answer is yes.
_yExp - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The power of ten by which the range numbers should be multiplied.
_yhighgiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The given X and Y ranges.
_ylabel - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The title and label strings.
_ylog - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Whether to draw the axes using a logarithmic scale.
_ylowgiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The given X and Y ranges.
_yMax - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The maximum y value of the range of the data to be plotted.
_yMin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The minimum y value of the range of the data to be plotted.
_yRangeGiven - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
True if the y range have been given.
_yscale - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Scaling used for the vertical axis in plotting points.
_yticklabels - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If XTicks or YTicks are given/
_ytickMax - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual range.
_ytickMin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual range.
_yticks - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
If XTicks or YTicks are given/
_ytickscale - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
Scaling used in making tick marks.
_yTop - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
The maximum Y value registered so for, for auto ranging.
_zoom(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zoomBox(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zoomin - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zooming - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zoomout - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zoomStart(int, int) - Method in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zoomx - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zoomxn - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zoomy - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox
_zoomyn - Variable in class ptolemy.plot.PlotBox

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z _