
EECS 149


Lab & Project



Course Development

Introduction to Embedded Systems (Fall 2015)

Fall 2016 class has moved to cCourses

EECS 149/249A introduces students to the design and analysis of computational systems that interact with physical processes. Applications of such systems include medical devices and systems, consumer electronics, toys and games, assisted living, traffic control and safety, automotive systems, process control, energy management and conservation, environmental control, aircraft control systems, communications systems, instrumentation, critical infrastructure control (electric power, water resources, and communications systems for example), robotics and distributed robotics (telepresence, telemedicine), defense systems, manufacturing, and smart structures.

A major theme of this course is on the interplay of practical design with models of systems, including both software components and physical dynamics. A major emphasis will be on building high confidence systems with real-time and concurrent behaviors.

The course is offered as a regular undergraduate class (EECS 149) and as a mezzanine-level graduate class (EE C249A and CS C249A). Students enrolled in the graduate class will be given additional assignments and will have additional expectations for the project. Please do not sign up for the graduate class if you are an undergrad. Similarly, do not sign up for the undergrad class if you are a graduate student, unless you have obtained the instructor's permission in advance.

Projects: The project is an important component of the course. To get an idea of what class projects look like, check out the Fall 2014 project Videos, Presentations, and Reports.

Action Items

  • Drop date: Graduate students enrolled in C249A are asked to abide by the undergraduate drop date, September 25. If you remain enrolled after this date, you will be expected to complete the course.
  • Lab Section: You must be enrolled in a lab section to take the course. The labs have an absolute upper bound on capacity, and if you cannot get into a lab section, you cannot take the course.
  • Textbook: Introduction to Embedded Systems - A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach, Second Edition, by E. A. Lee and S. A. Seshia, 2015. The book is available in two forms: a free PDF download and low-cost paperback. Note that we will use the Second Edition for problem set assignments, but if you have any previous edition, except for two new chapters on Sensors & Actuators and Security & Privacy, it is similar and will be useful.

    PLEASE, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU USE A UNIVERSITY PRINTER TO PRINT THE PDF. If we catch anyone printing the text on a university printer, it will be treated as an abuse of campus resources. If you are considering printing it on your own printer, please keep the following in mind: Tom's hardware estimates the cost per page of inkjet printing ranging from 3 to 30 cents per page. This means that the cost of printing a 500 page book ranges from a low of $15 to a high of $150. This makes a bound paperback at $35 very competitive...


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