BEAR: Berkeley Aerobot Team

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(5/11/05) Autonomous Sytems Group Meeting will be held in 330 Cory Hall at 9am as usual.


(5/5/05) This site is under a major reconstruction yet most of links are fully functional while other new contents are being added. Stay tuned for more news!!

(4/5/05) Professor Shankar Sastry is named as the Chair of CITRIS full story...

(12/15/04) Urban Obstacle Navigation: UC Berkeley researchers field testing low-altitude robo-copters full story...

More to come...

BEAR Emblem
UC Berkeley Emblem
University of California, Berkeley

BEAR: Berkeley Aerobot Team

Starting from a single vehicle control, BEAR group has been actively engaging into many challenging projects on developing highly autonomous group of unmanned agents. If interested in possible collaboration, demonstration, or technical consultation, please contact us:

Principal Investigator/Director

S. Shankar Sastry
CITRIS Director
NEC Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and Professor of Bioengineering
514 Cory Hall
Phone: (510) 642-1857
Fax: (510) 643-2356

Grant Administrator

Gary G. Given
Grant Administrator
391 Cory Hall
Phone: (510) 643-9783



BEAR Emblem About Us | Site Map | Contact Us | ©2005 Berkeley Aerobot Team, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA94720, USA