Principal Investigator/Director
S. Shankar
Dean of Engineering
NEC Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences and Professor of Bioengineering
514 Cory Hall
Phone: (510) 642-1857
Fax: (510) 643-2356
Email: sastry at eecs/berkeley/edu
Post Doctocral Researchers
Hoam Chung
Postdoctoral Researcher
Bldg 164, Richmond Field Station / 391 Cory Hall
Email: hachung at eecs/berkeley/edu
Grant Administrator
Gary Given
391 Cory Hall
Phone: (510) 643-9783
Email: gggiven at erso/berkeley/edu
Graduate Students
Russel Templeton
337 Cory Hall
Email: ttemplett at eecs/berkeley/edu
Humberto Gonzalez
337 Cory Hall
Email: hgonzale at eecs/berkeley/edu
Sam Burden
337 Cory Hall
Email: sburden at eecs/berkeley/edu
Andrew Godbehere
337 Cory Hall
Email: abg34 at eecs/berkeley/edu
Technical Staff
Travis Pynn
Safety Pilot, Vehicle Management
Bldg 164, Richmond Field Station
Phone: (415) 302-6600
Email: travisp at eecs/berkeley/edu
Jaechoon Chon
Earthmine Inc.
Jonathan Sprinkle
Assistanet Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Arizona, Tucson
David Hyunchul Shim
Assistant Professor
Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST)
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Email: hcshim at
Mike Eklund
Assistant Professor
University of Ontario
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: mikael dot eklund at uoit dot ca
Project Scientist
Robotics Institute at CMU
Email: cgeyer at ri/cmu/edu
Email: marci at eecs/berkeley/edu
Jongho Lee
333 Cory Hall
Email: jongho at eecs/berkeley/edu
H. Jin Kim
Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
(since 2004)
Seoul National University
hjinkim at snu/ac/kr
Darren Liccardo
Now with Crossbow Technology, San Jose, California
T. John Koo
Assistant Professor at ISIS, EECS Department, Vanderbilt University
(since 2003)
Email: john.koo at vanderbilt/edu
Yi Ma
Assistant Professor, EECS Department, University of Illinois, Urbana
Champaign (since 2001)
Email: yima at uiuc/edu
Omid Shakernia
Integrated Systems Sector
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Email: omid.shakernia at ngc/com
Rene Vidal
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Email: rvidal at cis/jhu/edu
Shannon Zelinsky
Cedric Ma
Integrated Systems Sector
Northrop Grumman Corporation