2001 Research Summaries for the Ptolemy Project

Research advisor: Edward A. Lee

These research summaries give a snapshot of many of the research efforts within the Ptolemy Project. These summaries appear in the collection of research abstracts EECS/ERL 2001 Research Summary. The research summary is published once a year by the EECS Industrial Relations Office, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department, and the Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley. The EECS/ERL Industrial Relations program office can be reached at +1-510-643-6691 or ero at eecs berkeley edu

Researcher(s) Project Title
Elaine Cheong, Chamberlain Fong, Christopher Hylands, Takahide Inoue (Visiting Scholar) Edward A. Lee, Jie Liu, Xiaojun Liu, Steve Neuendorffer, Claudius Ptolemaus, John Reekie, Sonia Sachs, Mary P. Stewart, Brian Vogel and Yuhong Xiong.
Ptolemy II- Heterogeneous Concurrent Modeling and Design in Java
Chamberlain Fong
Components-based visual simulation in Ptolemy II
Jie Liu
Component-Based Hierarchical Modeling of Systems with Continuous and Discrete Dynamics
Jie Liu, Xiaojun Liu, Sonia Sachs
e-Ptolemy: A Distributed Framework for Software Systems
Jie Liu
Networked Embedded Systems Technology
Paul Whitaker
Interface Mechanisms and System Visualization in Component-Based Models
Xiaojun Liu
Brian K. Vogel
Specification of Control Flow in Ptolemy
Stephen Neuendorffer
Vergil: User interface for Ptolemy II
Brian K. Vogel
Hard-real-time processing in Ptolemy II
Elaine Cheong
Fred Reiss
Simplifying Efficient Servers with Virtual Threads
Yuhong Xiong
An Extended Type System for Component-Based Design

Last updated 11/02/00