Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Simulation of Network Attacks on SCADA Systems
Rohan Chabukswar, Bruno Sinopoli, Gabor Karsai, Annarita Giani, Himanshu Neema, Andrew Davis

Rohan Chabukswar, Bruno Sinopoli, Gabor Karsai, Annarita Giani, Himanshu Neema, Andrew Davis. "Simulation of Network Attacks on SCADA Systems". First Workshop on Secure Control Systems, Cyber Physical Systems Week 2010, April, 2010.

Network security is a major issue affecting SCADA systems designed and deployed in the last decade. Simulation of network attacks on a SCADA system presents certain challenges, since even a simple SCADA system is composed of models in several domains and simulation environments. Here we demon- strate the use of C2WindTunnel to simulate a plant and its controller, and the Ethernet network that connects them, in different simulation environments. We also simulate DDOS-like attacks on a few of the routers to observe and analyze the effects of a network attack on such a system.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Rohan Chabukswar, Bruno Sinopoli, Gabor Karsai, Annarita
    Giani, Himanshu Neema, Andrew Davis. <a
    >Simulation of Network Attacks on SCADA
    Systems</a>, First Workshop on Secure Control Systems,
    Cyber Physical Systems Week 2010, April, 2010.
  • Plain text
    Rohan Chabukswar, Bruno Sinopoli, Gabor Karsai, Annarita
    Giani, Himanshu Neema, Andrew Davis. "Simulation of
    Network Attacks on SCADA Systems". First Workshop on
    Secure Control Systems, Cyber Physical Systems Week 2010,
    April, 2010.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Rohan Chabukswar and Bruno Sinopoli and Gabor
                  Karsai and Annarita Giani and Himanshu Neema and
                  Andrew Davis},
        title = {Simulation of Network Attacks on SCADA Systems},
        booktitle = {First Workshop on Secure Control Systems, Cyber
                  Physical Systems Week 2010},
        month = {April},
        year = {2010},
        abstract = {Network security is a major issue affecting SCADA
                  systems designed and deployed in the last decade.
                  Simulation of network attacks on a SCADA system
                  presents certain challenges, since even a simple
                  SCADA system is composed of models in several
                  domains and simulation environments. Here we
                  demon- strate the use of C2WindTunnel to simulate
                  a plant and its controller, and the Ethernet
                  network that connects them, in different
                  simulation environments. We also simulate
                  DDOS-like attacks on a few of the routers to
                  observe and analyze the effects of a network
                  attack on such a system.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Rohan Chabukswar on 2 Apr 2010.
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