Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

The Case for Ubiquitous Transport-Level Encryption
Andrea Bittau

Andrea Bittau. "The Case for Ubiquitous Transport-Level Encryption". Talk or presentation, 10, November, 2010.

Today, Internet traffic is encrypted only when deemed necessary. Yet modern CPUs could feasibly encrypt most traffic and the cost of doing so will only drop over time. Tcpcrypt is a TCP extension designed to make end-to-end encryption of TCP traffic the default, not the exception. Tcpcrypt has a number of features to facilitate adoption. It provides backwards compatibility with legacy TCP stacks and middleboxes. Because it is implemented in the transport layer, it protects legacy applications. However, it also provides a hook for integration with application-layer authentication, largely obviating the need for applications to encrypt their own network traffic and minimizing the need for duplication of functionality. Finally, tcpcrypt lessens the impact of public key cryptography by minimizing the cost of key negotiation to servers. As a result, a server can accept 36 times more connections per second with tcpcrypt than with SSL.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Andrea Bittau. <a
    ><i>The Case for Ubiquitous Transport-Level
    Encryption</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  10,
    November, 2010.
  • Plain text
    Andrea Bittau. "The Case for Ubiquitous Transport-Level
    Encryption". Talk or presentation,  10, November, 2010.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Andrea Bittau},
        title = {The Case for Ubiquitous Transport-Level Encryption},
        day = {10},
        month = {November},
        year = {2010},
        abstract = {Today, Internet traffic is encrypted only when
                  deemed necessary. Yet modern CPUs could feasibly
                  encrypt most traffic and the cost of doing so will
                  only drop over time. Tcpcrypt is a TCP extension
                  designed to make end-to-end encryption of TCP
                  traffic the default, not the exception. Tcpcrypt
                  has a number of features to facilitate adoption.
                  It provides backwards compatibility with legacy
                  TCP stacks and middleboxes. Because it is
                  implemented in the transport layer, it protects
                  legacy applications. However, it also provides a
                  hook for integration with application-layer
                  authentication, largely obviating the need for
                  applications to encrypt their own network traffic
                  and minimizing the need for duplication of
                  functionality. Finally, tcpcrypt lessens the
                  impact of public key cryptography by minimizing
                  the cost of key negotiation to servers. As a
                  result, a server can accept 36 times more
                  connections per second with tcpcrypt than with SSL.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Larry Rohrbough on 7 Dec 2010.
Groups: trust
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