Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

A highly metamorphic virus generator
Mark Stamp, Priti Desai

Mark Stamp, Priti Desai. "A highly metamorphic virus generator". International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security, 1(4):402-427, 2010.

Metamorphic viruses modify their code to produce viral copies that are syntactically different from their parents. The viral copies have the same functionality as the parent but typically have no common signature. This makes signature-based virus scanners ineffective for detecting metamorphic viruses. But machine learning tool such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have proven effective at detecting metamorphic viruses. Previous research has shown that most metamorphic generators do not produce a significant degree of metamorphism. In this project, we develop a metamorphic engine that yields highly diverse morphed copies of a base virus. We show that our metamorphic engine easily defeats commercial virus scanners. We then show that, perhaps surprisingly, HMM-based detection is effective against our highly metamorphic viruses. We conclude with a discussion of possible improvements to our generator that might enable it to defeat statistical-based detection methods, such as those that rely on HMMs.

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  • HTML
    Mark Stamp, Priti Desai. <a
    href="" >A
    highly metamorphic virus generator</a>,
    <i>International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence
    and Security</i>, 1(4):402-427,  2010.
  • Plain text
    Mark Stamp, Priti Desai. "A highly metamorphic virus
    generator". <i>International Journal of
    Multimedia Intelligence and Security</i>,
    1(4):402-427,  2010.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Mark Stamp and Priti Desai},
        title = {A highly metamorphic virus generator},
        journal = {International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence
                  and Security},
        volume = {1},
        number = {4},
        pages = {402-427},
        year = {2010},
        abstract = {Metamorphic viruses modify their code to produce
                  viral copies that are syntactically different from
                  their parents. The viral copies have the same
                  functionality as the parent but typically have no
                  common signature. This makes signature-based virus
                  scanners ineffective for detecting metamorphic
                  viruses. But machine learning tool such as Hidden
                  Markov Models (HMMs) have proven effective at
                  detecting metamorphic viruses. Previous research
                  has shown that most metamorphic generators do not
                  produce a significant degree of metamorphism. In
                  this project, we develop a metamorphic engine that
                  yields highly diverse morphed copies of a base
                  virus. We show that our metamorphic engine easily
                  defeats commercial virus scanners. We then show
                  that, perhaps surprisingly, HMM-based detection is
                  effective against our highly metamorphic viruses.
                  We conclude with a discussion of possible
                  improvements to our generator that might enable it
                  to defeat statistical-based detection methods,
                  such as those that rely on HMMs.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mark Stamp on 1 May 2011.
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