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% operator 2-19, 12-5
.alias file 1-2, 1-12
.cc files 2-4
.cshrc file 1-2
.h files 2-4
.html files 2-4
.pl file 2-1, 7-1
= operator 2-19
~ptolemy 1-3


A 2-10
A_CONSTANT attribute 2-10
A_NONCONSTANT attribute 2-10, 2-21
A_NONSETTABLE attribute 2-10
A_SETTABLE attribute 2-10, 2-21
AB_CIRC attribute 13-13
AB_CONSEC attribute 13-13
accessMessage method
MessageParticle class 4-18
ACG class 3-17
acknowledge ptlang directive 2-6, 2-8
ACYLOOP, SDF scheduler option 13-21
Add (SDF block) 2-20
addCode (CGStar method) 14-2, 14-7
addCompileOption (CGCTarget method) 14-2
addDeclaration (CGCStar method) 14-2
AddFix (SDF block) 4-5
addGlobal (CGCStar method) 14-2
addInclude (CGCStar method) 14-2
addLinkOption (CGCTarget method) 14-2
aggressive reclamation 4-18
exp 1-12
mkl 1-12
objdir 1-2
pt 1-12
ptl 1-12
rml 1-12
srcdir 1-2
sw 1-12
aliases for developers 1-12
allocateMemory, method 13-18
anytype portholes 2-11
application exited error message 1-21
ArrayState class 2-23
ArrivingPrecision parameter 4-7
asComplex method
Message class 4-18
asFloat method
Message class 4-18
asInt method
Message class 4-18
AsmPortHole, class 13-12
attribute 2-9, 2-10, 2-21
A_CIRC 13-13
A_CONSEC 13-13
A_GLOBAL 13-12
A_LOCAL 13-12
A_MEMORY 13-13
A_NOINIT 13-13
A_RAM 13-14
A_SETTABLE 13-13 , 13-13
A_SHARED 13-12
A_UMEM 16-1
A_XMEM 15-1, 16-1
A_YMEM 15-1
P_BMEM 16-1
P_CIRC 13-14
P_NOINIT 13-14
P_SHARED 13-14
P_UMEM 16-1
P_XMEM 15-1
P_YMEM 15-1
attribute, A_BMEM 16-1
attribute, A_UMEM 16-1
attribute, A_XMEM 15-1
attribute, A_YMEM 15-1
Attributes 13-12
author ptlang directive 2-6, 2-8


bad format parameters
Fix class 4-4
BarGraph class 3-4
baseAddr, method 13-12
BaseImage class 4-40
BDFPortHole class 9-1, 14-6
before method 12-5, 12-7
begin method
DERepeatStar class 12-9
begin ptlang directive 2-6, 2-13
Bhattacharyya, S. S. 13-21
Bhave, S. 14-1
binary point 4-4
Buck, J. T. 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 7-1, 9-1, 13-1, 14-1, 15-1
Buck, J.T 14-1
bufPos, method 13-12
bufSize, method 13-12


C++ Primer 2-17
callTcl_$starID 5-4, 5-5
canGetFired method 12-9 , 12-9, 12-10
ccinclude ptlang directive 2-6, 2-15
cerr 3-3
Cfront C++ compiler 1-2
CG, domain 13-1
CGCPortHole class 14-6
CGCStar class 14-1
CGCTarget class 14-2
CGDDF Scheduler 13-22
CGMultiTarget, class 13-18, 13-19
CGPortHole class 14-3
CGSharedBus, class 13-19
CGStar, class 13-3
CGTarget 14-2
Chang, W.-T. 17-1
Chen, M. J. 4-1, 17-1
cin 3-3
circAccessThisTime, method 13-12
clearAttributes method 2-26
clog 3-3
clone method
Message class 4-16, 4-18
Closing Application error message 1-21
code ptlang directive 2-6, 2-15
code stream
aioCmds 15-2
shellCmds 15-2
simulatorCmds 15-2
code streams 13-16
Codeblock 13-3
codeblock ptlang directive 2-6
codeGenInit, method 13-18
CodeStream, class 13-16
Collect CGC 13-15
collect star 13-24
Collect, star 13-15
colors 5-12
CommPair 13-27
communication networks 4-14, 12-1
compileCode, method 13-18
compile-time scheduling 2-13
Complex class 2-21, 2-22, 4-2- 4-3
- operator 4-2
!= operator 4-3
* operator 4-2
*= operator 4-2
+ operator 4-2
+= operator 4-2
/ operator 4-3
/= operator 4-2
-= operator 4-2
= operator 4-2
== operator 4-3
abs() function 4-3
arg() function 4-3
basic operators 4-2
conj() function 4-3
constructors 4-2
cos() function 4-3
exp() function 4-3
imag() function 4-2, 4-3
log() function 4-3
norm() function 4-3
pow() function 4-3
real() function 4-2, 4-3
sin() function 4-3
sqrt() function 4-3
Complex data type 4-1- 4-3
complex data type 2-11
complex state 2-10
complex type
portholes 2-11
states 2-9
complex_matrix_env type
portholes 2-11
complexarray type
states 2-9
ComplexArrayState class 2-21
ComplexMatrix, see Matrix class
ComplexParticle class 2-21
ComplexState class 2-21, 2-22
computer architecture modeling 12-1
conscalls ptlang directive 2-6, 2-13
constructor ptlang directive 2-6, 2-12
constructors 2-13
copy constructor
Message class 4-16
copyright ptlang directive 2-6, 2-8
core dump 1-21
core dumped 1-21
core files 1-21
cout 2-28, 3-3
creating a new star 2-1


data types 2-11
user-defined 4-14
dataNew flag 12-5, 12-12
dataNew flag in DE 12-4
dataType method
Envelope class 4-17
DC Scheduler 13-22
DCTImage class 4-41
DDF star 8-1
DDFStar class 8-2
writing stars 12-1
DE domain 12-1
debugging 1-21, 1-23
default parameter values 2-10
default value for states 2-9
DE domain 12-1
delay stars in DE domain 12-1
for matrix arcs 4-31
in dataflow 4-31
in DE 12-8
Delay (DE block) 12-1
DEPortHole class 12-5
DERepeatStar class 12-9
derived ptlang directive 2-6
derivedfrom ptlang directive 2-6, 2-7
desc ptlang directive 2-6
descriptor 2-10
descriptor ptlang directive 2-6, 2-7
DEStar class 12-9
destructor ptlang directive 2-6, 2-13
determinism 12-12
discrete event (DE) domain 12-1
divide by zero
Fix class 4-4
DL Scheculer 13-22
SDF 7-1
domain ptlang directive 2-5 , 2-6
DownCounter (DDF star) 8-2
dummy message 4-17, 4-18, 4-31
duplicate directory tree 1-12
dynamic linking 2-1, 3-1
permanent 2-3
dynamic porthole 8-1
DynDFStar class 8-2


edit-params command 2-21, 2-26
Edwards, S. 11-1
emacs 1-26
empty method
Envelope class 4-17
Envelope class 4-14, 4-17
environment variables
Error class 3-1
Evans, B. 4-1 , 10-1
event 12-1
event generator 12-9
exectime ptlang directive 2-6
execTime, method 13-2
exp alias 1-12
expandPathName 3-3
expandPathName function 3-8
explanation ptlang directive 2-6, 2-9
exponentially distributed random number 3-17
external programs
invoking 3-8


FFTCx (SDF block) 7-1
file input to states 2-23
file, target parameter 13-21
first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue 3-11
Fix class 4-3, ??- 4-14
- operator 4-12
* operator 4-12
*= operator 4-12
+ operator 4-12
+= operator 4-12
/ operator 4-12
/= operator 4-12
-= operator 4-12
= operator 4-12
clear_errors() 4-12
compare() 4-11
complement() 4-13
constructors 4-9
conversion operators 4-13
dbz() 4-12
intb() 4-10
invalid() 4-11
is_zero() 4-11
len() 4-10
max() 4-11
maximum length 4-4
min() 4-11
overflow() 4-10
ovf_occurred 4-11
precision() 4-10
roundMode() 4-11
set_overflow 4-11
set_rounding 4-11
setToZero() 4-11
signBit() 4-11
uninitialized 4-6
value() 4-11
fix type
portholes 2-11
states 2-9
fix_matrix_env type
portholes 2-12
inputs and outputs 4-5
fixed-point 4-3
array parameters 4-4
parameters 4-4
precision 2-10
setting precision 2-10
states 4-4
Fixed-point data type ??- 4-14
FixMatrix, see Matrix class
FixParticle class 2-21
float type
portholes 2-11
states 2-9
float_matrix_env type
portholes 2-11
floatarray type
states 2-9
FloatArrayState class 2-21, 2-23
FloatMatrix, see Matrix class
FloatParticle class 2-21
FloatState class 2-21
code generation 13-14
Fork (SDF block) 2-20
frameCode, method 13-18
fread of long failed 1-21
Free Software Foundation 1-1
functional star in DE 12-1


g++ 2-22
g++ compiler 1-1
Gain (SDF block) 2-27
gdb 1-22, 1-26
generateCode, method 13-18
generic pointer technique 3-11
get method 12-5, 12-6, 12-12
getMessage method
MessageParticle class 4-18
getSimulEvent method 12-5, 12-11
globalDecls (CGCTarget method) 14-2
Gnu tools 1-22
go method 2-3
go ptlang directive 2-6, 2-14
grabInputs_$starID 5-4, 5-5
GrayImage class 4-41


Ha, S. 2-1, 3-1, 7-1, 8-1, 12-1, 13-1, 14-1
hash table 3-8
hash tables 3-13
HashEntry class 3-13
hashing function 3-13
hashstring function 3-8
HashTable class 3-13, 3-15
HashTableIter class 3-13
Haskell, P. 4-1, 4-40
header ptlang directive 2-6, 2-15
heterogeneous message interface 4-14
HIER Scheduler 13-22
hinclude ptlang directive 2-6, 2-15
Histogram class 3-5
hppa.cfront 1-2
htmldoc ptlang directive 2-6
HU Scheduler 13-22
Hylands, C. 1-1, 11-1, 17-1


I/O 3-2, 3-3
ifstream class 3-2, 3-3
image processing 4-40
include (CGCTarget) 14-1
include files 3-1
InDEPort class 12-5
InfString class 3-9
initCode (CGCStar method) 14-7
initCode, method 13-2
initial value for states 2-25
initialized Fix objects 4-6
initializing states from files 2-23
inline method ptlang directive 2-11
inline virtual method ptlang directive 2-11
inmulti ptang directive 2-19
inmulti ptlang directive 2-6, 2-11, 2-11
inout ptlang directive 2-6, 2-11, 2-11
inoutmulti ptlang directive 2-6, 2-11, 2-11
input 3-2, 3-3
input ptlang directive 2-6, 2-11, 2-11 , 2-17
InSDFPort class 2-17, 2-19
installColors 4-41
int type
portholes 2-11
states 2-9
int_matrix_env type
portholes 2-11
intarray type
states 2-9
IntArrayState class 2-21
IntMatrix, see Matrix class
IntParticle class 2-21
IntState class 2-21
isA method
Message class 4-16
ISA_FUNC macro 4-16
ISA_INLINE macro 4-16
iterator classes 3-10
iterators 3-10, 3-13


Kalavade, A. 4-1
key method
HashEntry class 3-13
Khazeni, A. 4-1


codeblockSymbol 13-10
Lane, T. 4-1
last-in, first-out (LIFO) queue 3-11
LastOfN (DDF block) 8-1
Lee, E. A. 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 7-1, 12-1, 13-1, 14-1
libraries of stars 2-1
Lim, Y. K. 14-1
Lippman, S. 2-17
ListIter class 3-11
loadCode, method 13-18
load-star command 2-3
load-star-perm command 2-3
location ptlang directive 2-6, 2-8
look-inside command 2-1
loop schedulers 13-21
loopingLevel, target parameter 13-21


$addr(name,offset) 13-11
$ref (assembly) 13-12
label 13-10
ref 13-8
sharedSymbol 13-9
starName 13-8
macro, $$ 13-12
macro, codeblockSymbol 13-10
macros, CG stars 13-8
mainDecls (CGCTarget member) 14-1
mainLoopCode, method 13-18
make 1-4, 2-1
make.template 1-7
makefiles 1-4
make-star command 2-1
Matrix class 4-21- 4-33
- operator 4-28
- operator, unary negation operator 4-27
! operator, inverse operator 4-27
!= operator 4-25
* operator 4-28
*= operator 4-26
+ operator 4-28
+= operator 4-26
/= operator 4-26
-= operator 4-26
= operator, assignment operator 4-25
== operator 4-25
^ operator 4-27
~ operator, transpose operator 4-27
clone() function 4-29
ComplexMatrix 4-22
conjugate() function for ComplexMatrix 4-27
constructors 4-23
conversion operators 4-25
dataType() function 4-29
entry() function 4-22, 4-38
FixMatrix 4-22
FixMatrix, special constructors 4-24, 4-25
FloatMatrix 4-22
hermitian() function for ComplexMatrix 4-27
including Matrix.h into a Star 4-30
indentity() function 4-27
IntMatrix 4-22
inverse() function 4-27
isA() function 4-29
Lapack++ 4-33
MatrixEnvParticle 4-22
multiply() function 4-29
outputting to a PortHole 4-31
print() function 4-29
star input and output 4-30
transpose() function 4-27
writing Stars that use the Matrix class 4-29
Matrix.h include file 4-30
Message class 4-14, 4-40
message data type 2-11
message programming example 4-18
message type
portholes 2-11
MessageParticle class 2-21, 4-15, 4-18
method ptlang directive 2-6, 2-11, 2-15
mkl alias 1-12
mkPtolemyTree 1-9
MultiInSDFPort class 2-19
MultiOutSDFPort class 2-19
multiple portholes 2-19
multiple-processor schedulers 13-21
MultiPortHole class 2-19
multiprocessor target 13-18
MultiTarget, class 13-18
Murthy, P. K. 13-1, 13-21
MVImage class 4-41
myData method
Envelope class 4-17


name ptlang directive 2-5 , 2-6
NegativeExpntl class 3-17
non-determinism 12-12
non-deterministic loop 12-8
num ptlang directive 8-2
numberPorts method 2-21
numSimulEvents method 12-5
numTokens ptlang directive 7-2
numtokens ptlang directive 2-11, 2-12


obj.$PTARCH directories 1-4
objdir alias 1-2
Octtools 1-5
ofstream class 3-2, 3-3
operator, referencing an entry 4-23, 4-38
OutDEPort class 12-5
outmulti ptlang directive 2-6, 2-11, 2-11 , 2-19
output 3-2, 3-3
output ptlang directive 2-6, 2-11, 2-11 , 2-19
OutSDFPort class 2-17, 2-19
Fix class 4-4 1-7, 1-9 , 1-11


parallel directory tree
mkPtolemyTree 1-9
parallel schedulers 13-21
parallel software development tree
csh aliases 1-12
parameter 2-9
complex 2-10
Parks, T. M. 1-1, 10-1, 12-1, 13-1, 14-1, 17-1
Particle class 2-17, 2-21, 4-15
particle types 2-21
pathSearch function 3-8
phase mode in DE 12-12
PHASE, de 12-12
phase-based firing mode in DE 12-12
pigi 3-4
pigiExample directory 1-7
pigiRpc 1-5 , 1-21
pigiRpc, custom version 1-6
pigiRpc.debug 1-23
Pino, J. L. 1-1, 6-1, 13-1, 14-1, 15-1
plotting data 3-3
Pointer type 3-11
Poisson (DE block) 3-17, 12-9
Poisson process 12-9
polymorphism 2-28
PortHole class 2-17
porthole SDF parameters 7-1
porthole, dynamic 8-1
ports, hiding from the user 2-26
pragma 2-21, 14-4
precision parameter 4-4
precision state 2-10
precision type
states 2-9
preprocessor 2-1
print method 2-21
Message class 4-16, 4-31
Printer (SDF block) 2-28
private ptlang directive 2-6, 2-14
processMacro, method 13-12
profile command 2-7
progNotFound function 3-8
protected ptlang directive 2-6, 2-14
pt alias 1-12
PT_DEBUG environment variable 1-26
pt_ifstream class 3-2, 3-3
pt_ofstream class 3-2, 3-3
PTARCH environment variable 1-2 1-6
ptcl 1-1, 1-5 , 2-24, 3-4
ptkControlPanel 5-2, 5-6
ptl alias 1-12
ptlang 2-3
PTOLEMY environment variable 1-2
ptolemy user 1-2
public ptlang directive 2-6, 2-14
pure method ptlang directive 2-11
Pure Sofware Inc. 1-19
pure virtual method ptlang directive 2-11
Purecov 1-19
pure-delay star in DE 12-2
Purify 1-19
put method 12-5, 12-6
pxgraph program 3-3, 3-6


Quantify 1-19
Fix class 4-4
Queue class 3-11
queueing 12-1
queueing networks 12-1


Ramp (SDF block) 2-26
random numbers 3-17
receive star 13-23
receiveData method 8-2
Rect (SDF block) 2-4
reference count 4-14, 4-17, 4-30
refireAtTime method 12-9 , 12-9
rml alias 1-12
Fix class 4-4
RPC Error 1-21
runCode, method 13-18


Fix class 4-4
savestring function 3-8
sccs 1-18
static 7-1
schedulers, CG domain 13-20
domain 7-1
porthole parameters 7-1
writing stars 7-1, 12-1
SDF (synchronous dataflow) 7-1
SDFFix class 4-9
seed of a random number 3-17
segmentation fault 1-21
self-scheduling star 12-8
send star 13-23
Send/Receive stars 13-23
send/receive stars 13-23
sendData method 8-2, 12-5
sequencing directives in DE 12-6
SequentialList 3-15
SequentialList class 3-11
Server (DE block) 12-1
server stars in DE 12-3
setAttibututes method 2-26
setAttributes method 2-26
setBDFParams (BDFPortHole method) 14-6
setBDFParams method
BDFPortHole class 9-1
setInitValue method 2-26
setOutputs_$starID 5-4, 5-5
setSDFParams method 2-12, 2-19, 7-1
setstate command 2-21
setup method 7-1
setup ptlang directive 2-6, 2-13
shared data structures 3-14
sign bit 4-4
signal generators in DE 12-8
simple mode in DE 12-11
SIMPLE, de 12-11
simultaneous events (DE domain) 12-6
sol2.cfront 1-2
source code 1-1
source code control 1-18
source stars in DE 12-8
Spread CGC 13-15
spread star 13-24
Spread, star 13-15
spread/collect stars 13-24
srcdir alias 1-2
Sriram, S. 15-1
stack 1-22
Stack class 3-11
star, defining a new star 2-1 1-6 , 1-10
state 2-9
state ptlang directive 2-6, 2-9 , 2-11, 2-21
hiding from the user 2-26
static buffering 13-16
static members 3-15
static methods 3-1
static scheduling
SDF 7-1
statistics, histogram 3-5
stderr 3-3
stdin 3-3
stdout 3-3
string states 2-9
stringarray states 2-9
StringArrayState class 2-21
StringList class 3-9
StringListIter class 3-10
strings 3-9
StringState class 2-21
sub-galaxy 13-23
substChar, method 13-12
sub-universe 13-23
sw alias 1-12
Switch (CGC Block) 14-3
Switch (CGC block) 14-6
symbolic links 1-12
synchronous dataflow 7-1


target, code generation 13-16
target, multiprocessor 13-18
targets 1-1
Tcl/Tk 1-1
TclScript (DE block) 5-12
TclScript star 5-1
TclStarIfc class 5-12
tempFileName function 3-8
TextTable class 3-13
TextTableIter class 3-13
time stamp 12-1
Tk 3-4
tkMain.c 14-7
tkSetup CGCTclTkTarget 14-7
TkShowValues 5-2
triggers method 12-5
troff 2-4
Fix class 4-4
two's complement 4-4
Tycho Target 14-8
tylndir script 1-11
type conversion 2-21
Message class 4-16
type, C50 state 16-1
type, CG56/CG96 state 15-1
TYPE_CHECK macro 4-17
typeCheck method
Envelope class 4-17
typeError method
Envelope class 4-17
types 2-11
tysh 1-5


Fix class 4-4
Uniform class 3-18
uniformly distributed random number 3-18
uninitialized Fix object 4-6
user-defined messages 4-15


value method
HashEntry class 3-13
vector message 4-15
vem 1-1
version ptlang directive 2-6, 2-7
video processing 4-40
virtual method ptlang directive 2-11


waitFor method
DDFStar class 8-2
White, K. 13-1, 14-1, 15-1
Williamson, M. 17-1
wrapup (Star method) 14-2
wrapup method 3-15
wrapup ptlang directive 2-6, 2-14
writableCopy method
Envelope class 4-17
writeCode, method 13-18


X window system 3-3
XGraph class 3-3
XHistogram class 3-5


yacc 2-4

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