The TerraSwarm Research Center Project Page

Welcome to the TerraSwarm collaborative research pages. These pages reflect current research activities within TerraSwarm, and provide a forum for all researchers associated with TerraSwarm to communicate and collaborate with one another.

terraswarmblog Blog of the TerraSwarm Research Center
collaborators Collaborators with TerraSwarm
robots Distributed, Safe Robot Control Demonstrator
esweek13 ESWeek 2013 Workshop Planning
ec Enhanced Conference Room Demonstrator
eab Executive Advisory Board
faculty Faculty and Senior Staff involved with TerraSwarm
humanintranet Human Intranet - Bridging the Human-World Information Gap
industry Industrial TerraSwarm Partners
terraswarmnews News About TerraSwarm
platforms Platform Architectures and Operating Systems (2013 - Oct. 2015)
reportauthors Report Authors for TerraSwarm Quarterly Reports
swec15 SWarm at the Edge of the Cloud 2015
seminar Seminars that involve TerraSwarm
smartcities Smart Cities (2013 - Oct. 2015)
accessors Swarmlet Accessors
terraswarm TerraSwarm Sponsors and Researchers who attend conferences
terraswarmucb TerraSwarm participants local to UC Berkeley
waitwhat Wait,What? DARPA Demo in September, 2015
terraswarmconf terraswarmconf
signposts Signposts
testbeds TerraSwarm TestBeds
pw Theme 1: Proactive Worlds
tools Theme 2: Methodologies, Models, and Tools
services Theme 3: Services, Applications and Cloud Interactions
urbanheartbeat Urban Heartbeat
swarmos swarmos
postdocs Post-Doctoral Members of TerraSwarm
publications Publications Management for TerraSwarm
sponsors Sponsors of TerraSwarm
students Students involved in TerraSwarm
xcomm TerraSwam Executive Committee
terraswarmadmin TerraSwarm Administration for the Center and Website