Installing networking

To install networking, open the Network control panel. NT will ask you if you want to install networking now. Then answer the following questions:
What kind of networking
Choose both "Wired to the network" and "Remote access to the network"
Network adapter
Click on "Select from list" and then click on the "Have Disk" button. Insert the Etherjet driver disk and click OK.
Networking protocols
Choose both TCP/IP and NetBEUI (I think NetBEUI is needed for NT Windows networking).
Networking services
Use the defaults.
Location of Windows NT files
Insert the Windows NT CD, close the stupid installation window that comes up, and then enter:

(Assuming that the CD-ROM drive is drive D.)

Etherjet PC Card setup
In the Etherjet dialog, enter the following:
I/O Port Address 0x300
Interrupt Number 9
Duplex Option Half duplex
NetAddr Leave blank
Do you wish to use DHCP?
Do you want the RAS setup to invoke the modem installer?
No. Then click Cancel on the Add RAS Devices box and Yes to Exit Setup?
Network bindings
Use the defaults.
Computer name and workgroup
BEAN and RESEARCH. (Note that "Workgroup" is selected, not "Domain.")
Click No on the offer to restart the computer, and go to the next page.

Useful links: