2002 Ptolemy Project Presentations
NOTE: Presentations are provided in both PDF and Powerpoint formats for convenience. Providing Powerpoint files makes it very easy and tempting to "borrow" the material. However, these presentations are owned by the author. Please do not use this material without permission from the author.
- A New System Science in Research and Education (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, November 14th, 2002, CHESS kickoff, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
- Advanced Tool Architectures Supporting Interface-Based Design(powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, November 14th, 2002, CHESS kickoff, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
- Behavioral Types for Actor-Oriented Design(powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee (with Yuhong Xiong), Nov. 6-8, 2002, invited talk, FMCAD, Fourth International Conferences on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, Portland, OR.
- Integrated Safety Envelopes; Built-in Restrictions of Navigable Airspace (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, Sept. 19-20, 2002, NSF/OSTP Workshop on Information Technology Research for Critical Infrastructure Protection, Lansdowne, VA.
- Process-Based Software Components, Mobies Phase I(powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee and Tom Henzinger, July 24, 2002, PI Meeting, New York.
- An Extensible Type System for Component-Based Design a> (powerpoint presentation)
- Yuhong Xiong and Edward A. Lee, 5th Ph.D. Forum at the Design Automation Conference (DAC), New Orleans, LA, June 11, 2002.
- Preventing the use of Commercial Aircraft as a Weapon a> (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee with Xiaojun Liu, Adam Cataldo, February 8, 2002,Institute of Transportation Studies Seminar, University of California, Berkeley.
- Process-Based Software Components, Mobies Phase 1 a> (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee and Tom Henzinger, January 30, 2002, PI Meeting, Boca Raton, FL.