2004 Ptolemy Project Presentations
NOTE: Presentations are provided in both PDF and Powerpoint formats for convenience. Providing Powerpoint files makes it very easy and tempting to "borrow" the material. However, these presentations are owned by the author. Please do not use this material without permission from the author.
- Operational Semantics of Hybrid Systems (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, November 16, 2004, Chess seminar, UC Berkeley, CA.
- Concurrent Models of Computation (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, July 20-22, 2004, HP Workshop on Advanced Software Technologies, HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA.
- Embedded Software: Leveraging Concurrent Models of Computation (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, June 30-July 1, 2004, Citris Information Days, Infineon, Munich, Germany.
- Actor-Oriented Design: A focus on domain-specific languages for embedded systems (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, June 22-25, 2004, MEMOCODE 2004, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Actor-Oriented Design: Concurrent Models as Programs (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, May 13, 2004, Parc Forum, Parc, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
- Actor-Oriented Design (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, March 2, 2004, Chess Workshop, UC Berkeley.
- An Overview of the Ptolemy Project and Actor-Oriented Design (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, February 4, 2004, OMG Technical Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
- Hybrid System Modeling: Operational Semantics Issues (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, February 4, 2004, OMG Technical Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
- Process-Based Software Components, Mobies Final Presentation (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee and Tom Henzinger, January 21-23, 2004, PI Meeting, Savannah, GA.