2017 Ptolemy Project Presentations
NOTE: Presentations are provided in both PDF and Powerpoint formats for convenience. Providing Powerpoint files makes it very easy and tempting to "borrow" the material. However, these presentations are owned by the author. Please do not use this material without permission from the author.Ptolemy presentations may be found on the CHESS Presentations page
- Living Digital Things
- Edward A. Lee, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, Oct. 15-17, 2017, San Jose, California.
- Locally Centralized, Globally Distributed Authentication and Authorization for IoT
- Hokeun Kim. Dissertation Talk, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, April 28, 2017.
- Fundamental Limits of Cyber-Physical and Hybrid System Modeling
- Edward A. Lee Invited Talk, 3rd International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for Reachability Analysis (SNR), a satellite event of ETAPS 17, Uppsala, Sweden, April 22, 2017.
- A Toolkit for Construction of Authorization Service Infrastructure for the Internet of Things
- Hokeun Kim, Eunsuk Kang, Edward A. Lee, and David Broman. Conference Paper Presentation, 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), Pittsburgh, PA, April 19, 2017. Winner of Best Paper Award.