2003 Ptolemy Project Presentations
NOTE: Presentations are provided in both PDF and Powerpoint formats for convenience. Providing Powerpoint files makes it very easy and tempting to "borrow" the material. However, these presentations are owned by the author. Please do not use this material without permission from the author.
- Behavioral Types as Interface Definitions for Concurrent Components (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, October 12, 2003, invited talk at NEXT TTA Workshop on the Specification of Linking Interfaces, Philadelphia, PA.
- Are "Embedded Systems" Just Systems Made with Small Computers? (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, October 11, 2003, invited talk, Artist International Collaboration Days, Education Day, in conjunction with EMSOFT, Philadelphia, PA.
- Overview of Ptolemy II (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, October 9, 2003, presented in course EE249 - Design of Em bedded Systems: Models, Validation and Synthesis.
- Embedded Software Challenges for the next 10 Years (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, September 29-30, 2003, Infineon Embedded Software Days, Munich, Germany.
- Design Languages in 2010 (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, September 26, 2003, Panel Position Statement, Forum on Design Languages (FDL), Frankfurt, Germany.
- Model-Driven Development, From Object-Oriented Design to Actor -Oriented Design (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, September 24, 2003, Workshop on Software Engineering for Embedded Systems From Requirements to Implementation, a.k.a., The Monterey Workshop, Chicago, IL.
- Streaming Models of Computation in the Ptolemy Project (Powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee, August 22-23, 2003, Workshop on Streaming Systems, Endicott House, Dedham, MA.
- Model-Based Design in the Ptolemy Project(powerpoint)
- Edward A. Lee, July 31, 2003, A Chess project presented at Boeing, Seattle.
- Process-Based Software Components, Mobies Phase 1 (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee and Tom Henzinger, July 29-31, 2003, PI Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- MobiesEthereal Sting OEP; The Ptolemy II Experiment(powerpoint)
- Edward A. Lee, June 10, 2003, Ethereal Sting Working Group Meeting, Arlington, VA.
- TinyGALS: A Programming Model for Event-Driven Embedded Systems(powerpoint)
- Elaine Cheong, Judy Liebman, Jie Liu, and Feng Zhao, March 12, 2003, 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'03), Melbourne, FL
- Re-Architecting System Science in Engineering Education(powerpoint)
- Edward A. Lee, March 1, 2003, Curriculum Council Kickoff Meeting, UC Berkeley.
- Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems(powerpoint)
- Edward A. Lee, February 27, 2003, Citris Founding Corporate Members Meeting
, Davis, California.
- Process-Based Software Components, Mobies Phase 1 a> (powerpoint presentation)
- Edward A. Lee and Tom Henzinger, January 29, 2003, PI Meeting, Chandler, AZ.