Page 24 out of 24 total pages
- - in UML
- ! in CSP
- # in UML
- *charts
- + in UML
- ? in CSP
- @exception
- @param
- _createRunControls() method
- PtolemyApplet class
- _director member
- _go() method
- DEApplet class
- _manager member
- _newReceiver() method
- IOPort class
- _toplevel member
- absolute type constraint
- AbsoluteValue actor
- abstract class
- abstract syntax
- abstract syntax tree
- abstraction
- accelerometer
- acquaintances
- action methods
- active processes
- actor
- Actor interface
- actor libraries
- actor package
- actor.gui package
- actor.lib package
- actor.process package
- actor.sched package
- actor.util package
- actors
- acyclic directed graphs
- add() method
- Token class
- addChangeListener() method
- Manager class
- addExecutionListener() method
- Manager class
- AddSubtract actor
- addToScope() method
- Variable class
- advancing time
- CSP domain
- aggregation association
- aggregation UML notation
- allowLevelCrossingConnect() method
- CompositeEntity class
- analog circuits
- analog electronics
- Andrews
- animated plots
- anytype
- anytype particle
- applet
- applets
- appletviewer
- application
- application framework
- applications
- arc
- architecture
- architecture description languages
- architecture design language
- archive
- arithmetic operators
- arraycopy method
- ArrayFIFOQueue class
- artificial deadlock
- associations
- ASTPtBitwiseNode class
- ASTPtFunctionalIfNode class
- ASTPtFunctionNode class
- ASTPtLeafNode class
- ASTPtLogicalNode class
- ASTPtMethodCallNode class
- ASTPtProductNode class
- ASTPtRelationalNode class
- ASTPtRootNode class
- ASTPtSumNode class
- ASTPtUnaryNode class
- asynchronous communication
- asynchronous message passing
- atomic actions
- atomic actor
- atomic communication
- AtomicActor class
- attribute
- Attribute class
- attributeChanged() method
- NamedObj class
- Poisson actor
- Scale actor
- attributes
- attributeTypeChanged() method
- NamedObj class
- audio
- Average actor
- axes for plots
- Backus normal form
- balance equations
- bang in CSP
- bar graphs
- Bars command
- base class
- bash
- begin() method
- Ptolemy 0
- Bernoulli actor
- bidirectional ports
- bison
- bitwise operators
- block
- block diagrams
- block-and-arrow diagrams
- blocked processes
- blocking reads
- blocking receive
- blocking send
- blocking writes
- boolean dataflow
- BooleanMatrixToken class
- BooleanToken class
- bottom-up parsers
- bounded buffering
- bounded memory
- boundedness
- broadcast() method
- DEIOPort class
- browser
- bubble-and-arc diagrams
- buffer
- bus
- bus contention
- bus widths and transparent ports
- busses, unspecified width
- C
- C++
- calculus of communicating systems
- calendar queue
- CalendarQueue class
- capitalization
- Chandy
- change listeners
- change requests
- changed() method
- QueryListener interface
- ChangeRequest class
- channel
- channels
- check box entry
- checkTypes() method
- TypedCompositeActor class
- chooseBranch() method
- CSPActor class
- circular buffer
- class diagrams
- class names
- CLASSPATH environment variable
- clipboard
- Clock actor
- Clock class
- clone() method
- in actors
- NamedObj class
- Object class
- Scale actor
- cloning
- cloning actors
- clustered graph
- clustered graphs
- code duplication
- code generation
- codebase
- coding conventions
- coin flips
- Color command
- comments
- expression language
- communicating sequential processes
- communication networks
- communication protocol
- Commutator actor
- compile-time exception
- compiling applets
- complete partial orders
- completion time
- complex numbers
- ComplexMatrixToken class
- ComplexToken class
- component interactions
- component-based design
- ComponentEntity class
- ComponentPort class
- ComponentRelation class
- components
- composite actor
- Composite design pattern
- composite opaque actor
- CompositeActor class
- CompositeEntity class
- concrete class
- concrete syntax
- concurrency
- concurrent computation
- concurrent design
- concurrent finite state machines
- concurrent programming
- conditional
- conditional communication
- conditional do
- conditional if
- ConditionalReceive class
- ConditionalSend class
- connect() method
- CompositeEntity class
- connection
- conservative blocking
- consistency
- Const actor
- constants
- expression language
- constants in expressions
- constraints on parameter values
- constructive models
- constructors
- in UML
- container
- containment
- contention
- continuous time modeling
- continuous-time modeling
- continuous-time systems
- contract
- convert() method
- Token class
- Token classes
- cos() method
- Math class
- cosine
- CPO interface
- CPOs
- CQComparator interface
- CrossRefList class
- CSP domain
- CSPActor class
- CSPDirector class
- CSPReceiver class
- CT
- CT domain
- current time
- CurrentTime actor
- dangling ports
- SDF domain
- dangling relation
- data encapsulation
- data package
- data polymorphic
- data polymorphism
- data rates
- data.expr package
- dataflow
- DataSet command
- DDE domain
- DE
- DE domain
- DEActor class
- deadlock
- CSP domain
- DDE domain
- DEApplet class
- DECQEventQueue class
- DEDirector class
- deep traversals
- deepContains() methodNamedObj class
- deepGetEntities() method
- CompositeEntity class
- DEEvent class
- DEEventQueue interface
- DEEventTag class
- DefaultExecutionListener class
- defaultIterations parameter
- SDF applets
- defaultStopTime parameter
- DE applets
- DEIOPort class
- delay
- CSP domain
- PN domain
- SDF domain
- Delay actor
- DE domain
- delay actors
- DDE domain
- delay() method
- CSPActor class
- delayed processes
- delayTo() method
- DEIOPort class
- delta functions
- delta time
- demultiplexor actor
- dependency loops
- DEReceiver class
- derived class
- description() method
- design
- design patterns
- determinacy
- determinism
- deterministic
- DEThreadActor class
- DETransformer class
- digital electronics
- digital hardware
- Dijkstra
- dining philosophers
- Dirac delta functions
- directed acyclic graph
- directed graphs
- DirectedAcyclicGraph class
- DirectedGraph class
- director
- Director class
- disconnected graphs
- SDF domain
- disconnected port
- discrete event domain
- discrete-event domain
- discrete-event model of computation
- discrete-event modeling
- discrete-time domain
- distributed discrete event
- distributed discrete event systems
- distributed discrete-event domain
- distributed models
- distributed time
- Distributor actor
- divide() method
- Token class
- domain
- domain polymorphism
- domain-polymorphism
- domains
- domains package
- package
- package
- doneReading() method
- Workspace class
- doneWriting() method
- Workspace class
- DoubleCQComparator interface
- DoubleMatrixToken class
- doubles
- DoubleToken class
- DT
- dynamic dataflow
- dynamic networks
- E
- e
- edges
- embedded systems
- encapsulated postscript
- entities
- entity
- Entity class
- environment variable
- equals() method
- Token class
- Eratosthenes
- evaluateParseTree() method
- ASTPtRootNode class
- evaluation of expressions
- event
- event queue
- event subpackage of kernel
- events
- exceptions
- exceptions in applets
- executable entities
- Executable interface
- executable model
- executable models
- execute() method
- ChangeRequest class
- execution
- executionError() method
- ExecutionListener interface
- ExecutionEvent class
- executionFinished() method
- ExecutionListener interface
- ExecutionListener class
- ExecutionListener interface
- executive director
- Expression actor
- expression evaluation
- expression language
- extending
- expression parser
- expressions
- fail-stop behavior
- fairness
- false
- FBDelay actor
- FIFO Queue
- FIFOQueue class
- file format for plots
- file formats
- FileWrite actor
- fillOnWrapup parameter
- Plotter actor
- finally keyword
- finish() method
- Manager class
- finished flag
- finite buffer
- finite state machines
- finite-state machine domain
- fire() method
- actor interface
- Average actor
- CompositeActor class
- Director class
- Executable interface
- in actors
- fireAt() method
- DEActor class
- DEDirector class
- Director class
- firing vector
- firingCountLimit parameter
- SequenceSource actor
- first-in-first-out
- fixed-point
- fixed-point computation
- fixed-point semantics
- fixed-point simulations
- floating-point simulations
- formatting of code
- fractions
- full name
- functional actors
- functional if...then...else...
- functions
- expression language
- galaxy
- Gaussian actor
- General type
- general type
- generalize
- get() method
- IOPort class
- Receiver interface
- getArray() method
- SDFIOPort class
- SDFReceiver class
- getAttribute() method
- NamedObj class
- getAttributes() method
- NamedObj class
- getContainer() method
- Nameable interface
- getCurrentTime() method
- DEActor class
- Director class
- getDirector() method
- Actor interface
- getElementAt() method
- MatrixToken classes
- getInsideReceivers() method
- IOPort class
- getReadAccess() method
- Workspace class
- getReceivers() method
- IOPort class
- getRemoteReceivers() method
- IOPort class
- getState() method
- Manager class
- getTypeTerm() method
- TypedIOPort class
- getValue() method
- ObjectToken class
- getWidth() method
- IORelation class
- getWriteAccess() method
- Workspace class
- grammar rules
- Graph class
- graph package
- graphical elements
- graphical syntaxes
- graphical user interface
- graphs
- Grid command
- guarded communication
- guards
- gui package
- hardware
- hardware bus contention
- Harel, David
- hashtable
- hasRoom() method
- IOPort class
- Hasse
- Hasse diagram
- hasToken() method
- IOPort class
- heterogeneity
- Hewlett-Packard
- hiding
- hierarchical concurrent finite state machines
- hierarchical heterogeneity
- hierarchy
- higher node
- HistogramPlotter actor
- history
- Hoare
- homogeneous actors
- hybrid systems
- i
- IE
- if...then...else...
- IllegalActionException class
- IllegalArgumentException class
- image processing
- immutability
- tokens
- Immutable
- immutable
- immutable property
- imperative semantics
- implementation
- implementing an interface
- import
- Impulses command
- in CSP
- incomparable
- incomparable types
- inconsistent models
- indentation
- Inequality class
- InequalitySolver class
- InequalityTerm interface
- information-hiding
- inheritance
- initial output tokens
- initial token
- initialize() method
- Actor interface
- Average actor
- Director class
- Executable interface
- in actors
- input port
- inputs
- transparent ports
- inside links
- inside receiver
- inspection paradox
- instantaneous reaction
- integers
- intellectual property
- interface
- Internet Explorer
- interoperability
- interpreter
- IntMatrixToken class
- IntToken class
- invalidateResolvedTypes() method
- Director class
- invalidateSchedule() method
- DEDirector class
- Director class
- IOPort class
- IORelation class
- Irix
- isAtomic() method
- CompositeEntity class
- isInput() method
- isOpaque() method
- ComponentPort
- CompositeActor class
- CompositeEntity class
- isOutput() method
- isWidthFixed() method
- IORelation class
- iteration
- iterations
- iterations parameter
- SDF applets
- SDFDirector class
- j
- jar files
- Java
- Java Archive File
- Java Plug-In
- Java RMI
- Java Runtime Environment
- java.lang.Math
- java.lang.Void.TYPE
- JavaCC
- Javadoc
- Jefferson
- JJTree
- just-in-time compiler
- Kahn process networks
- kernel package
- kernel.event package
- kernel.util package
- LALR(1)
- lattice
- lattices
- layout manager
- lazy
- level-crossing links
- lexical analyzer
- lexical tokens
- liberalLink() method
- ComponentPort class
- Lines command
- lingering processes
- link
- link() method
- Port class
- Linux
- literal constants
- liveness
- LL(k)
- local director
- lock
- logarithmic axes for plots
- logical boolean operators
- long integers
- LongMatrixToken class
- LongToken class
- Lorenz system
- lossless type conversions
- Lotos
- lower node
- M/M/1 Queue
- mailbox
- Mailbox class
- make install
- makefiles
- managed ownership
- manager
- Manager class
- managerStateChanged() method
- ExecutionListener interface
- Marks command
- Math class
- math functions
- math package
- mathematical graphs
- Matlab
- matrices
- matrix tokens
- MatrixToken class
- Maximum actor
- mechanical components
- mechanical systems
- media package
- Mediator design pattern
- Message class
- message passing
- methods
- expression language
- microelectromechanical systems
- microwave circuits
- Milner
- Minimum actor
- Misra
- mixed signal modeling
- ML
- MoC
- modal model
- modal models
- model
- model of computation
- model time
- modeling
- models of computation
- mixing
- modulo() method
- Token class
- monitor
- monitors
- monotonic functions
- multiply() method
- Token class
- MultiplyDivide actor
- multiport
- multiports
- SDF domain
- mutability
- CSP domain
- mutation
- mutations
- DE domain
- mutual exclusion
- name
- name server
- Nameable interface
- NamedList class
- NamedObj class
- NameDuplicationException class
- naming conventions
- NaT
- newReceiver() method
- Director class
- node classes (parser)
- nodes
- non-determinism
- nondeterminism with rendezvous
- nondeterministic choice
- non-timed deadlock
- notifyAll() method
- Object class
- null messages
- Numerical type
- object model
- object modeling
- object models
- object-oriented concurrency
- object-oriented design
- ObjectToken class
- Occam
- ODE solvers
- one() method
- Token class
- oneRight() method
- MatrixToken classes
- opaque
- opaque actors
- opaque composite actor
- opaque composite actors
- opaque composite entities
- opaque port
- operator overloading
- optimistic approach
- overloaded
- override
- package
- package diagrams
- package structure
- packages
- Pamela
- parallel discrete event simulation
- parameter
- Parameter class
- parameters
- constraints on values
- Parks
- parse tree
- parser
- partial order
- partial orders
- partial recursive functions
- particle
- pause() method
- CSPDirector class
- Manager class
- period parameter
- Clock actor
- PI
- pi
- Placeable interface
- Plot class
- plot package
- plot public member
- Plotter class
- PlotApplet class
- PlotApplication class
- PlotBox class
- PlotFrame class
- PlotLive class
- PlotLiveApplet class
- PlotPoint class
- Plotter class
- plotting
- Plug-In
- plug-in
- Plug-In HTML Converter
- pluginspage
- PN
- PN domain
- Poisson actor
- polymorphic actors
- polymorphism
- data
- domain
- port
- Port class
- ports
- postfire() method
- actor interface
- Average actor
- CompositeActor class
- DE domain
- DEDirector class
- Executable interface
- in actors
- Server actor
- precedences
- precondition
- prefire() method
- Actor interface
- CompositeActor class
- DE domain
- Executable interface
- in actors
- Server actor
- prefix monotonic functions
- prefix order
- prime numbers
- Print actor
- priorities
- priorities for events
- priority queue
- private methods
- process algebras
- process domains
- process level type system
- Process Network Semantics
- process networks
- process networks domain
- process-oriented domains
- ProcessThread class
- production rules
- protected members and methods
- protocol
- protocols
- PTII environment variable
- ptmkmodel
- Ptolemy Classic
- Ptolemy II
- Ptolemy Project
- PtolemyApplet class
- PtParser
- public members and methods
- Pulse actor
- pure event
- pure signal
- put() method
- Receiver interface
- pxgraph program
- Quantizer actor
- Query class
- query in CSP
- QueryListener interface
- queue
- queueing systems
- QueueReceiver class
- race conditions
- Ramp actor
- ranks for actors
- Rapide
- read blocked
- read blocks
- read/write semaphores
- readers and writers
- read-only workspace
- real deadlock
- receiver
- wormhole ports
- Receiver interface
- receiver time
- Recorder actor
- reduced-order modeling
- reflection
- registerClass() method
- PtParser class
- registerConstant() method
- PtParser class
- registerFunctionClass() method
- PtParser class
- relation
- Relation class
- relational operators
- relations
- relative type constraint
- reloading applets
- rendezvous
- repetitions vector
- report() method
- PtolemyApplet class
- reporting errors in applets
- requestChange() method
- Director class
- Manager class
- resolved type
- resolveTypes() method
- Manager class
- resource contention
- resource management
- resume() method
- CSPDirector class
- Manager class
- re-use
- ReuseDataSets command
- rollback
- Rumbaugh
- run() method
- Manager class
- Runtime Environment
- run-time exception
- run-time type checking
- run-time type conversion
- run-time type identification
- RuntimeException interface
- Saber
- safety
- Scalar type
- ScalarToken class
- Scale actor
- scatter plots
- Scheduler class
- schedulers
- scheduling
- schematic package
- scope
- Scriptics Inc.
- scripting
- SDFAtomicActor class
- SDFDirector class
- SDFIOPort class
- SDFReceiver class
- SDFScheduler class
- semantics
- send() method
- DEIOPort class
- IOPort class
- TypedIOPort class
- sendArray() method
- SDFIOPort class
- SDFReceiver class
- SequenceActor interface
- SequencePlotter actor
- SequencePlotter class
- SequenceSource class
- Server actor
- servlet
- servlets
- setConnected() method
- Plot class
- setContainer() method
- kernel classes
- Port class
- setCurrentTime
- setCurrentTime() method
- Director class
- setDeclaredType() method
- TypedIOPort class
- setExpression() method
- Parameter class
- Variable class
- setImpulses() method
- Plot class
- setMarksStyle() method()
- Plot class
- setMultiport() method
- IOPort class
- setPanel() method
- Placeable interface
- SetParameter class
- setReadOnly() method
- Workspace class
- setSize() method
- Plot class
- setStopTime() method
- DEDirector class
- setTitle() method
- Plot class
- setToken() method
- Variable class
- setTypeAtLeast() method
- Variable class
- setTypeEquals() method
- Variable class
- setTypeSameAs() method
- Variable class
- setWidth() method
- IORelation class
- setXLabel() method
- Plot class
- shallow copy
- sieve of Eratosthenes
- signal processing
- simulation
- simulation time
- Simulink
- simultaneous events
- sin() method
- Math class
- Sine actor
- single port
- Sink class
- software
- software architecture
- software components
- software engineering
- Solaris
- source actors
- Source class
- spaces
- specialize
- Spice
- spreadsheet
- SR
- standard out
- star
- starcharts
- Start menu
- start time
- startRun() method
- Manager class
- state
- Statecharts
- stateless actors
- static schedule
- static schedulers
- static scheduling
- static structure diagram
- static structure diagrams
- static typing
- StaticSchedulingDirector class
- stem plot
- stop time
- stopFire() method
- Executable interface
- stopTime parameter
- DE Applets
- TimedSource actor
- stream
- string constants
- StringToken class
- stringValue() method
- Query class
- subclass
- subclass UML notation
- subdomains
- subpackage
- subtract() method
- Token class
- superclass
- symbol table
- synchronized keyword
- synchronous communication
- synchronous dataflow
- synchronous dataflow domain
- synchronous message passing
- synchronous/reactive models
- syntax
- Tab character
- telecommunications systems
- terminate() method
- Director class
- Executable interface
- Manager class
- TerminateProcessException class
- terminating processes
- CSP domain
- testable precondition
- thermostat
- thread actors
- DE domain
- thread safety
- threads
- thread-safety
- threshold crossings
- time
- CSP domain
- DDE domain
- PN domain
- time deadlock
- time stamp
- DDE domain
- Time Warp system
- timed deadlock
- TimedActor interface
- TimedPlotter actor
- TimedPlotter class
- TimedSource actor
- TitleText command
- token
- Token class
- tokenConsumptionRate parameter
- port classes
- tokenInitProduction parameter
- port classes
- tokenProductionRate parameter
- port classes
- tokens
- tokens, lexical
- top level composite actor
- top-down parsers
- topological sort
- topology
- topology mutations
- transferInputs() method
- DEDirector class
- Director class
- transferOutputs() method
- Director class
- Transformer class
- transitions
- transitive closure
- transparent
- transparent composite actor
- transparent entities
- transparent port
- transparent ports
- trapped errors
- trigger input
- Source actor
- true
- tunneling entity
- type changes for variables
- type compatibility rule
- type conflict
- type constraint
- type constraints
- type conversion
- type conversions
- type hierarchy
- type lattice
- type resolution
- type resolution algorithm
- type system
- process level
- type variable
- Typeable interface
- typeConstraints() method
- TypedActor class
- TypedAtomicActor
- TypedAtomicActor class
- TypedCompositeActor
- TypedCompositeActor class
- TypedIOPort
- TypedIOPort class
- TypedIORelation class
- TypedOIRelation
- TypeLattice class
- type-polymorphic actor
- types of parameters
- TypeTerm class
- package diagram
- undeclared type
- undirected graphs
- unified modeling language
- unimorphic
- uniqueness of names
- universe
- untrapped errors
- variable
- variables
- expression language
- vectors
- Verilog
- vertex
- visual dataflow
- visual syntax
- wait() method
- Object class
- Workspace class
- waitForDeadlock() method
- CSPActor class
- waitForNewInputs() method
- DEThreadActor class
- web server
- width of a port
- width of a relation
- width of a transparent
- Windows
- Windows NT
- wireless communication systems
- workspace
- Workspace class
- wormhole
- wrapup() method
- Actor interface
- Executable interface
- Wright
- write blocked
- write blocks
- XLabel command
- XLog command
- XRange command
- XTicks command
- XYPlotter actor
- XYPlotter class
- yacc
- YLabel command
- YLog command
- YRange command
- YTicks command
- Zeno condition
- zero delay actors
- zero() method
- Token class
- zero-delay loop
- zooming on plots
Page 24 out of 24 total pages
Copyright © 1998-1999, The Regents of the University of California. All rights