News about Edward A. Lee

Upcoming 2025

Feb 23-28Organizing Dagstuhl Workshop, Tradeoffs in Reactive Systems Design, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany

Upcoming 2024

Nov 12-13Keynote: "TBD", GENZERO Workshop, Abu Dhabi


Jun 10Invited Talk: "Trading off Consistency and Availability in Cyber-Physical Systems", INRIA, Grenoble, France
Apr 18Invited Talk: "Certainty or Intelligence: Pick One!", Topos Institute Colloquium, Online
Mar 25-27Keynote: "Certainty or Intelligence: Pick One!", DATE/ASD, Valencia, Spain
Jan 1New position: Chief Scientist and Co-Founder, Xronos Inc.


Nov 16-17Invited talk: "Rational Machines?", Digital Humanism Conference, Vienna, Austria
Nov 2German translation of two chapters of my book, The Coevolution released
Oct 23-28Keynote: "Deep Neural Networks, Explanations, and Rationality," AISoLA, Crete, Greece
Sep 25Keynote: "Trading off Consistency and Availability in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems", EWSN, U. of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Sep 21Keynote: Deterministic Concurrency in Cyber-Physical Systems, MEMOCODE, Hamburg, Germany
Sep 19Paper presentation: "Trading off Consistency and Availability in Cyber-Physical Systems," EMSOFT, Hamburg, Germany
Sep 19Test of Time Award, for CASES 2008 paper on PRET
Sep 18Paper presentation (by Shaokai Lin): "Towards Building Verifiable CPS using Lingua Franca," EMSOFT, Hamburg, Germany
Sep 14Education Session for ESWEEK on Deterministic Concurrent and Distributed Systems, Online
Sep 12Ponencia Invitata: Redes Neuronales, Explicaciones, y Racionalidad (video), SISTEDES 2023, Ciudad Real, Spain
Sep 6Summer School: Deep Neural Networks, Explanations, and Rationality (video), Vienna, Austria
Aug 18Embedded lab for Lee & Seshia published
Jul 18Invited Talk: Generalizing Logical Execution Time, Henzinger Festschrift, Paris, France
Jun 15SIGBED Distinguished Lecture: Deterministic Concurrency in CPS, Online
May 31Now Open Access: The Coevolution: The Entwined Futures of Humans and Machines. MIT Press, 2020
May 31Now Open Access: Plato and the Nerd: The Creative Partnership of Humans and Technology. MIT Press, 2017
May 30Invited talk: From Hybrid Systems to Modal Models, Workshop in memory of Pravin Variaya, San Diego
May 12Research group reunion (see also), Berkeley
May 9Organized: Workshop on Time-Centric Reactive Software (TCRS) (part of CPS Week), San Antonio
Apr 22Invited Talk: Deep Neural Networks, Explanations, and Rationality, TADM Workshop (part of ETAPS), Paris, France
Apr 18Invited Talk: Deterministic Concurrency and the Lingua Franca Coordination Language, CEA-LIST, Saclay, Paris
Apr 6News release: News release about CAL theorem paper
Apr 4Invited Talk: Deep Neural Networks, Explanations, and Rationality, IRT Saint Exupery, Toulouse, France
Mar 19Blog: Is ChatGPT a False Promise?, Berkeley Blogs
Mar 18Podcast: Information, Entropy, and Digital Computation, It's About Time Club, hosted by Paul Borrill
Mar 14Invited Talk: Precise, Repeatable Timing in Embedded Software, CEA-LIST, Saclay, France
Feb 23Podcast: Edward Lee on the toxic culture of peer review, hosted by Geraldine Fitzpatrick.
Feb 18Podcast: Computing Needs Time, It's About Time Club, hosted by Paul Borrill
Feb 15Invited Talk, Trading off Consistency and Availability in Cyber-Physical Systems, Time Appliances Project(TAP)
Feb 10Invited Talk, Trading off Consistency and Availability in Cyber-Physical Systems, Mälardalen University, Västeras, Sweden
Feb 9Invited Talk, Verifying Parallel and Distributed Systems: The Observer Problem, Mälardalen University, Västeras, Sweden
Feb 7Distinguished Lecture, Trading off Consistency and Availability in Cyber-Physical Systems, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Jan 26Invited Talk, Trading off Consistency and Availability in Cyber-Physical Systems, ISAE Toulouse, France
Jan 24Invited Talk: The Toxic Culture of Rejection in Computer Science, Life in Academia Series, University of Oldenburg


Nov 21Invited Talk: Deep Neural Networks, Explanations, and Rationality, Nokia Bell Labs, Responsible AI Seminar Series, Online
Nov 11Invited Talk: The Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism, Columbia University, New York
Nov 10Panel on Digital Humanism, Austrian Cultural Center, New York
Oct 27Appointed to Advisory Council of a new journal: Research Directions: Cyber-Physical Systems
Oct 24Invited Talk (with Reinhard von Hanxleden): Pragmatics Twelve Years Later: A Report on Lingua Franca, at ISoLA, Rhodes, Greece
Oct 14Award: "ACM SIGBED Technical Achievement Award," Announced at ESWEEK, Shanghai
Oct 3Chinese translation of The Coevolution starts shipping
Sep 7Interview: "How I decided to call out the 'toxic culture' of CS," By Anna Kramer, Protocol
Sep 7Article translated into Portuguese: "Estem perdent el control?," Translated by d'Aina Barcelo Cuerda, Revista de Tecnologia, Num. 10
Sep 1Keynote: Do We Really Want Explainable AI?, at Intelligent Systems, Amsterdam
Aug 30Podcast: Podcast on Digital Humanism, Imagine-22, Vienna, Austria
Aug 22Blog post: The Toxic Culture of Rejection in CS, SIGBED
July 19Paper addressing nondeterminism in ROS-based CPS applications like
June 11Radio interview on Austrian station Ö1, Rätselhafte Künstliche Intelligenz
May 24Public Lecture: Limits of Machines, Limit of Humans, Vienna, Austria
May 19Interview published in the Future Zone column of the Austrian newspaper, Kurier
May 17Receive Honorary Doctorate, TU Vienna, Austria
May 1Start of one month as Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Apr. 27Invited Talk, MDU/Software Center Workshop on Cyber-Security, Vasteras, Sweden
Apr. 25Paper published: "What Can Deep Neural Networks Teach Us About Embodied Bounded Rationality"
Apr. 20Guest lecture, Computational Creativity, for UCB Music 30
Mar. 3Invited talk, "Fundamental Differences Between Humans and Digital Machines", Digital Humanism Workshop, Vienna
May 1-31Digital Humanism Fellowship at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, Austria
Feb. 1.Announced that I will receive the 2022 European Design and Automation Association (EDAA) Achievement Award


Dec. 3Science and Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems, Invited talk, The Cyber and the Physical Symbiosis Workshop, Tunis and Dresden
Dec. 2Creativity Talk Series: What Can We Learn about Creativity from Deep Neural Networks, Porto (Q&A)
Oct. 27Elected to the Council of the Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC)
Oct. 25Invited Talk, Time for All Programs, Not Just Real-Time Programs, ISoLA, Rhodes, Greece
Oct. 20Keynote on Determinism, IBM PREVAIL 2021, online
Oct. 8Tutorial on Lingua Franca, EMSOFT, online
Sep. 27-29Keynote on the CAL Theorem, Symp. on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), online
Sep. 13-17Keynote, European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), online
Sep. 1Edited open-access book published: Perspectives on Digital Humanism, Springer, 2021.
Aug. 19Keynote on Determinism, RTCSA, online
June 23Keynote, The Coevolution of Humans and Machines, Intelligent Environments (IE), online and Dubai
June 23-25Invited participant, Yehuda Elkana Fellowship Workshop, online and Vienna
May 25Perspective article, Determinism, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)
April 8Blog published, Determinism, ACM SIGBED Blog Series
April 2Podcast released, The Coevolution, New books Network, hosted by John Traphagan


Nov 19-20Invited talk, Panel on Resilience and Sustainability (I am about 6 minutes in), Workshop on Digital Humanism, Vienna, Austria (online)
Nov 18Invited plenary talk: Verifying Parallel and Distributed Systems: The Observer Problem, Integrated Formal Methods (iFM), online
Oct 15Invited Talk, Deterministic Actors, in a Seminar Series organized by TU Dresden, Germany and Univ. of Manouba, Tunisia, online
Sep 15Keynote at FDL 2020 in Kiel, Germany, online
Sep 15Keynote at ASYDE 2020 in Amsterdam, online
Sep 9Chinese translation of Plato and the Nerd is released.
Aug 4Invited Talk: Models, Ptolemy II, and Beyond, Alphabet, Online (alternate video).
Jul 23Podcast interview by Luke Robert Mason on the Coevolution of Humans and Machines
Jun 10Video of Keynote on Coevolution at CAiSE 2020 in Grenoble, France
May 20Interview on The Coevolution, Rorotoko
May 20Online Invited talk, The Coevolution, Reykjavik University/Gran Sasso Science Institute
May 14Online Invited talk, The New Urgency of Digital Humanism As We Become Digital Humans, in Workshop on Digital Humanism: Informatics in Times of COVID-19, Vienna, Austria
May 3Video introduction to my book, from online talk to the Humanist Community of Silicon Valley
Apr 21Book Released:The Coevolution: The Entwined Futures of Humans and Machines, MIT Press
Apr 20Blog on coevolution published
Apr 16Video of a guest lecture covering current research in my group
Apr 14CANCELLED: Invited talk, Interaction vs. Observation (and Determinism and Free Will), Univ. of Bordeaux, France
Mar 31CANCELLED: Invited talk, A Personal View of Real-Time Computing, CEA Nano-Innov, Saclay, France
Mar 24CANCELLED: Invited talk, Intelligence and Computation: A Model-Based Design Perspective, IRT Saint Exupery, Toulouse, France
Mar 18Interview on Experian Global News Blog, with Michael Delgado, on The Entwined Futures of Humans and Machines.
Mar 12Invited talk, Using Time and Timestamps for Deterministic Distributed Software, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Mar 10Invited talk, Using Time and Timestamps for Deterministic Distributed Software, MDH, Västerås, Sweden
Feb 26Invited talk at Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris: A Personal View of Real-Time Computing
Feb 25Invited talk at Sorbonne Univerity, Paris: Reactors for Real-Time Systems
Feb 5Interview on Coevolution, Der Standard, Vienna, Austria (in German), online Feb. 10
Feb 6Invited talk the ISAE, Toulouse, France: Using Timestamps for Deterministic Distributed Software
Feb 5Invited talk the LAAS, Toulouse: The Coevolution of Humans and Machines, "Penser les technosciences" series
Jan 31Lecture at SETI: Introduction to Lingua Franca, Universite Paris-Saclay, France
Jan 30Lecture at COMASIC: Concurrent Models of Computation, Saclay, France
Jan 24Lecture at SETI: Precision Timed Microprocessors, Universite Paris-Saclay, France
Jan 23Lecture at COMASIC: Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems, Saclay, France
Jan 7Started a four month sabbatical in France, headquartered in Paris


Dec 18Invited talk in Digital Humanism series: The Coevolution of Humans and Machines, Vienna, Austria
Dec 16-17International Advisory Board, TU Vienna, Computer Science
Dec 7Keynote at Embedded AI Summit in Shenzhen, China
Oct 29Invited Talk: Actors Revisited for Predictable Systems, Dagstuhl, Germany
Oct 20Invited talk about the Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism at the Humanist Community in Silicon Valley
Oct 17-18Invited talk at Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (CyPhy), New York
Oct 9-11Keynote at MEMOCODE, San Diego
Sep 23-26Keynote at the sel4 Summit, Virginia
Sep 2Panel on Systems of Systems Engineering: Where will we be in the next 20 years? at FDL in Southampton, UK
Aug 29Podcast on Coevolution of AI and Humans published
Jun 5Invited talk for DAC Special Session on time-critical systems design, Las Vegas
Jun 4Presented with IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCCPS) Technical Achievement Award
May 28Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism is published
May 28Keynote at the Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS), Montreal, Canada
May 3Invited talk, Software Certification Consortium (SCC): Deterministic Modeling of Uncertain Systems: Implications for Certification
Apr 25Conversation: "The Co-Evolution of Humans and Technology," Cal. Inst. of Integral Studies, San Francisco
Apr 22Distinguished lecture at George Washington University, ECE Department: A Personal View of Real-Time Computing
Apr 19Distinguished lecture at Boston University, CISE: A Personal View of Real-Time Computing
Apr 16Keynote: Freedom From Choice and the Power of Models, International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), San Francisco
Apr 9Academic Keynote "Intelligence and Computation," Embedded Systems Innovation (ESI) Symposium, at TU Eindhoven
Apr 4-5Co-organized Vienna Workshop on Digital Humanism (DIGHUM), TU Vienna
Apr 2Talk at INRIA, Grenoble, France: "A Personal View of Real-Time Computing"
Apr 1Talk at Verimag, Grenoble, France: "Living Digital Beings"
Mar 28Keynote, "A Fundamental Look at Models and Intelligence," DATE 2019, Florence, Italy
Mar 26Keynote, "Observation and Interaction," Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA), St. Petersburg, Russia
Mar 25Invited talk, ITMO University in St. Petersburg: "Actors Revisited for Timing-Critical Systems"
Mar 21Invited talk, TU Eindhoven, "Actors Revisited for Timing-Critical Systems"
Mar 20Keynote, ICT.OPEN 2019, "Living Digital Beings," Hilversum, the Netherlands
Mar 3-8Invited talk: "Actor-Oriented Models of Computation for Predictable Interconnected Systems," Dagstuhl, Germany
Feb 14Organized iCyPhy Mini Workshop, Berkeley, CA


Dec 18Keynote at Cognitive Computing, "Is Cognition Digital and Computational?" Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover, Germany
Dec 11-14Invited talk at New Directions In Software Technology (NDIST), "Is General Intelligence Digital and Computational?" O'ahu, Hawaii
Nov 8-9International Advisory Board, TU Vienna, Computer Science
Oct 24Chinese translation of Lee & Seshia book starts shipping
Oct 23Invited talk, Int. Conf. on the Industrial Internet (ICII), Seattle, WA :Deterministic Timing for the Industrial Internet of Things
Oct 10Keynote at FACS (Formal Aspects of Component Software), Pohang, Korea: What Good are Models?
Oct 8Invited talk, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea: What Good Are Models? A Focus on Cyber-Physical Systems
Sep 26Invited talk, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden: Models of Timed Systems
Sep 24Invited talk, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden: Actor-based Modeling Patterns for Flow Management (with Marjan Sirjani)
Sep 21Invited talk at Halmstad University, Sweden: Is Humanity Defining Technology? Or is Technology Defining Humanity?
Sep 7Invited talk, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China: A Personal View of Real-Time Computing, School of Computer Science
Sep 4Invited talk, FORMATS 2018, Beijing, China: Models of Timed Systems
Aug 23Plato and the Nerd becomes available as a Paperback
Aug 1Chinese translation of Ptolemy book starts shipping
Jul 19Book published: Principles of Modeling: Essays Dedicated to Edward A. Lee on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Springer
Jul 19Proposal to NSF approved for funding: Reconciling Safety with the Internet for Cyber-Physical Systems
Jul 15Paper selected as a best SoSyM paper over the past year to be presented in a special session at MODELS 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Jun 24Invited talk, Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems (DACPS), San Francisco: A Component Architecture for the Internet of Things
May 25Invited talk: Summer School on Formal Techniques, Atherton, CA: What Good Are Formal Models?
May 15Plato and the Nerd becomes available as an Audio Book
May 10Invited talk: Software Certification Consortium (SCC), Annapolis, MD: Assuring Models: What Good is That?
May 2Invited talk (see video), IDT Open Seminar, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden: Symbiosis or Annihilation: A philosophical look at Artificial Intelligence
Apr 27Invited talk, Workshop on Time-Sensitive Networks, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden: TSN as a Game Changer for Cyber-Physical Systems
Apr 25Invited talk, DPAC Summit, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden: Living Digital Things
Apr 19Keynote in "Coffee with an Expert" series, KTH, ICES, Stockholm, Sweden
Apr 17Participated in NSF/DOD/NIST Modeling & Simulation in Robotics Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD
Apr 2Invited keynote talk: Global IoT Conference, Santa Clara, CA: Accessors: A Software Architecture for IoT
Feb 23Received Honorary Professorship from Amity University, Noida, India
Feb 22Invited talk, SPIN, Noida, India: A Personal View of Real-Time Computing
Feb 8Received The Berkeley Citation
Feb 1Started a 25% Visiting Professor position at Mälardalen University
Jan 30CafeX Series of Fireside Chats with Dean Ishwar Puri, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Symbiosis or Annihilation? How Humans and Technology Coevolve
Jan 29Distinguished Lecture in the Department of Computing and Software at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models


Dec 31"Retired," becoming Prof. in the Graduate School and Prof. Emeritus. Continuing full-speed ahead with a focus on research
Dec 9Program Committee Meeting for RTAS 2018, Paris, France
Dec 7Radio Interview, Tech Nation, NPR, on Plato and the Nerd
Dec 6Invited Award Speech, A Personal View of Real-Time Computing, RTSS, Paris, France
Dec 5Tutorial on CapeCode, at the TuToR Workshop associated with RTSS, Paris, France
Dec 4Invited talk and Panel Discussion on Living in the Cyber World: The Land of Humans and Artificial Intelligence, Vienna, Austria
Nov 8Invited Talk: Plato and the Nerd, Microsoft Tech Talk Series, Sunnyvale, CA
Oct 31Invited Talk: Plato and the Nerd, Noblis Technology Speaker Series, In partnership with Hooks Book Events, Reston VA
Oct 15Keynote: Living Digital Things, at IEEE Int. Conf. on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC)
Oct 13Edward A. Lee Festchrift Symposium, The Berkeley City Club
Oct 11Video of introductory talk and demo at the final annual meeting of the TerraSwarm research center
Oct 6Book event at Chatham House in London (includes audio recording)
Oct 5Interview (see video) by Luke Robert Mason, Director of Virtual Futures, The LIBRARY Club, London
Oct 3-4Serving on the International Committee for Scientific and Strategic Orientation for the College de France, Paris, France
Sep 27Invited talk (see video), EECS Department Colloquium, UC Berkeley: "Symbiosis or Annihilation? How Humans and Technology Coevolve."
Sep 22Invited talk (see video), CS Department Colloquium, University of Houston: "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models."
Sep 21Invited talk, CS Department Colloquium, Rice University: "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models."
Sep 19Blog re-post: Coevolution of Human and Artificial Intelligences
Sep 3New book for a general audience is shipping: Plato and the Nerd: The Creative Partnership of Humans and Technology
Sep 3Blog post: Coevolution of Human and Artificial Intelligences
Aug 30Keynote talk: ā€œResurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic (Timing) Models,ā€ ISPCS, Monterey, CA
Jul 15Blog post: Information Apocalypse
Jun 30Updated my art page
Jun 27Position paper accepted: What Is Real Time Computing? A Personal View, to appear in IEEE Design & Test, 2017
Jun 20Blog post: Are Real Numbers Real?
Jun 17Blog post: Is Engineering Top-Down Intelligent Design?
May 22Book announcement, my first for a general audience: Plato and the Nerd: The Creative Partnership of Humans and Technology, MIT Press, Fall 2017
Apr 28Dissertation talk, by my PhD student Hoken Kim, on Locally Centralized, Globally Distributed Authentication and Authorization for IoT, Berkeley, CA
Apr 25-26Invited talk: "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Apr 22Invited talk: ā€œFundamental Limits of Cyber-Physical and Hybrid System Modeling,ā€ at Symbolic and Numerical Methods for Reachability Analysis (SNR), collocated with European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) in Uppsala, Sweden
Apr 20Best paper award, "A Toolkit for Construction of Authorization Service Infrastructure for the Internet of Things," by Hokeun Kim, Eunsuk Kang, Edward A. Lee, and David Broman, Int. Conf. on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, April 18-21, 2017
Apr 20Invited talk, "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models," Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
Mar 30Invited talk, "Accessors: An Open Architecture for the Internet of Things," Google, Mountain View. (see video)
Mar 14Presented the new iCyPhy, Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Research Center, at Tokyo SwarmLab event
Jan 26Invited talk: "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models," Distinguished Lecture Series, Computer and Information Science Department, University of Pennsylvania


Dec 11-12Serving on International External Advisory Board, Faculty of Informatics, TU Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Dec 9Invited talk: "Accessors: A Software Architecture for the Internet of Things," Fortiss - An-Institut of TU Munich, Munich, Germany
Dec 8Keynote: "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models," Synchron, Bamberg, Germany
Dec 4Book released by MIT Press: Lee and Seshia, Introduction to Embedded Systems, A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach, 2017
Nov 9Keynote: "Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems," Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering (SETTA), Beijing, China
Oct 17Award: selected for the Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award, the highest award given by the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (TCRTS)
Oct 4Keynote talk: (see video) "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models," MODELS, St. Malo, France
Sep 20Keynote talk: "The Internet of Important Things," IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Newark, NJ
Sep 7Plenary talk: "The Internet of Important Things," IEEE System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), Seattle, WA
Aug 25Class starts: Introduction to Embedded Systems, EECS 149/249A
Jul 29Invited talk, "Fundamental Limits of Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling," Symposium honoring Janos Sztipanovits, Nashville, TN
Jul 10Keynote talk, "The Internet of Important Things," International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems (ACACES), Fiuggi, Italy
Jun 28Invited talk, "What Does ā€˜Real Timeā€™ Mean?" Workshop on Real-Time Decision Making, Simons Institute, Berkeley, CA
Jun 16Invited talk, "The Internet of Important Things," CRESS event - School of Computer Science, Reykjavik University, Iceland
May 17Keynote, "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models," Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSEā€™2016), Austin, TX.
May 16Panel, NXP Influencers Summit- IoT Security Panel, Austin TX. Co-located with ICSE 2016
Apr 18Invited talk, "The Internet of Important Things," Airbus Lecture Series, Toulouse, France
Apr 15Invited talk, "Determinism: Resurrecting Laplaceā€™s Demon," Workshop on Game Changing and Controversial Topics in Cyber-Physical Systems, Budapest, Hungary
Apr 13Keynote talk, "Embedded Intelligent systems," ARTEMIS Spring Event, Vienna
Apr 11Invited talk, "The challenges of doing multidisciplinary research, particularly in cyber-physical systems," IPSN PhD Forum, CPS Week, Vienna
Apr 6Best paper award, Akkay et. al, "Control Improvisation with Probabilistic Temporal Specifications", IoTDI, Berlin
Apr 4Invited talk, "Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models for Cyber-Physical Systems," USC CPS Lecture Series, Los Angeles
Apr 1Paper accepted to ACM Trans. on CPS: "Fundamental Limits of Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling."
Feb 25Quoted extensively in an article in Semiconductor Engineering on what makes a good designer
Feb 5Invited talk, UC Irvine EECS Lecture Series, The Internet of Important Things
Jan 27Keynote Talk, The Internet of Important Things at ERTS, Toulouse
Jan 20Invited talk, IoT and CPS: A Focus on Modeling, US-German Workshop on IoT and CPS, Washington DC
Jan 11Invited talk, Accessors: An Open Architecture for the Internet of Things, IFIP WG 10.4 Meeting and Workshop on Internet of Things, Aspen, CO


Nov 11Invited talk, Fundamental Limits of Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling, ECE/CSE Departments, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Nov 9Plenary talk at the Int. Conf. on Complex Systems Engineering (ICCSE), Better Engineering Through Better Models, Storrs, CT
Nov 6Invited talk, The Internet of Important Things, U. of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Nov 3Keynote talk at the International Embedded Systems Symposium (IESS), The Internet of Important Things, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Oct 6Invited talk at EMSOFT, ES Week, Amsterdam on CyPhySim
Sep 14-16Chaired Visiting Committee to evaluate the Computer Science Department at the National University of Singapore
Sep 11Keynote talk at Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM), York, England
Aug 3Published Second Edition of Lee and Seshia, Intro. to Embedded Systems.
Jul 1Started a one-year sabbatical
Jun 7Keynote talk on "Controlling Timing vs. Measuring Timing" at the Workshop on Suite of Embedded Applications and Kernels (SEAK) at DAC, San Francisco
May 27-29Organized and led the TerraSwarm Programming the Swarm Workshop, Berkeley
Apr 29Keynote talk on "The Internet of Important Things" at Time Sensitive Networks and Applications (TSNA), Santa Clara
Apr 16Published paper on Requirements for Hybrid Cosimulation Standards at HSCC, CPS Week, Seattle
Apr 15Demo'd a first version of CyPhySim at CPS Week in Seattle. See the abstract (demo given by Christopher Brooks)
Mar 27Keynote talk at TexasWISE: Better Engineering Through Better Models
Mar 19Lack of Effective Timing Signals Could Hamper IoT Development, NIST newsletter and white paper
Mar 18Video interview in Semiconductor Engineering, on the Internet of Important Things and the role of the Immobiles
Mar 17Keynote talk at ASPLOS (Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems) in Istanbul, Turkey
Mar 5First paper on the Accessor design pattern for IoT published in IEEE Internet Computing "A Vision of Swarmlets."
Feb 27Invited talk Connecting the Cloud to Things at the IAP Berkeley Workshop on the Future of Cloud Computing.
Feb 26Manifesto on determinism published in Sensors, an open-access journal: "The Past, Present, and Future of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Focus on Models."
Jan 20Key paper led by my postdoc Eleftherios Matsikoudis accepted to Theoretical Computer Science
Jan 20My graduate course Embedded System Design starts
Jan 16-17Test Bed Workshop for the TerraSwarm Project
Jan 14-15SwarmLab Retreat happening in Napa Valley
Jan 1Partially updated my art page


Dec 24Video of Best Project (Bionic Arm) from my Fall 2014 Embedded Systems class
Dec 24Class Projects videos for Embedded Systems
Dec 19Published edition 1.5 of of Lee & Seshia, Embedded Systems
Dec 19Paper accepted to HSCC on Hybrid Cosimulation
Dec 18Released Ptolemy II version 10.0.1
Dec 8Keynote at ReConFig, Cancun
Dec 4Paper on accessors accepted to IEEE Internet Computing
Oct 29-30TerraSwarm annual meeting
Oct 14Keynote Talk at the North America Modelica Usersā€™ Group Meeting, Atlanta, GA
Sep 25Invited Wilson Lecture at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Jul 6Keynote at SummerSim, Monterey
Jun 12Keynote at ISORC
Jun 11Keynote at the Workshop on Synchronization in Telecommunications Systems (WSTS)
AprilReleased FlexPRET soft core and C++ simulator, our latest PRET machine


Dec 11Invited talk at the College de France
Nov 5-6TerraSwarm annual meeting
Sep 27Published Ptolemy book
Sep 10Keynote at Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA) Cagliari, Italy
Jun 4CEDA distinguished speaker series talk at DAC, Austin, Texas


Dec 4Keynote talk at RTSS, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Nov 6Plenary talk at the Haifa Verification Conference (HVC), Haifa, Israel
Oct 11Keynote talk at the Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education (WESE), Tampere, Finland
Oct 5Education Keynote at the NSF PI Meeting, Maryland
Sep 26Keynote Talk at ISPCS, South San Francisco
Jul 19Keynote talk at SAMOS, Samos, Greece
May 6Plenary talk at the Software Certification Consortium (SCC) Workshop at HCSS, Annapolis, MD
Mar 20Plenary talk at PerMIS, Maryland
Feb 8Keynote talk at MODPROD
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