What is the Privacy Policy of this website?
The privacy policy of this site is as follows.- Your personal information entered on the
page will not be used for any purpose other than
for displaying on this web-site and possibly one of
the associated websites.
This website is hosted on a common server and user information may be shared between them if you have an account on more than one of these sites. As of March, 2007, the common websites are:
We will not compile information from this site for electronic mailing lists (other than the ones that are run from this site itself) or perform any other aggregation of data entered by you into this site. - Any research materials you post to this site are subject only to the restrictions that already apply to them independently of their posting on this site. If you are posting research information to this site in order to collaborate with other researchers, we expect that you are sharing this information in an appropriate way and that those with whom you are sharing this information are aware of any restrictions upon this material.
- A key
aspect of the this website is
collaboration and the workshops. The Powerpoint
slides have particular restrictions.
In general, PowerPoint files are not available for download. The exception is that Thrust leaders may have access to the PowerPoint files.
PowerPoint slide reuse is permitted with the following restrictions: - Papers and other materials available for download
are covered by
Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright.
- We will endeavour not to make materials posted by you to this site more accessible than it was when first posted. For example, we will not intentionally copy a file posted to a restricted area into a public area of ths site. However, you recognize that a web site is a dynamic entity, and that we cannot police or accept responsibility for all possible accesses to information that you post.
This website operates at the University of California, Berkeley. For further information about UC Berkeley website privacy policies, please see e-Berkeley Privacy and confidentiality of information page.