Who can get a login?
TRUST website accounts are available to the TRUST community, which includes partners at UC Berkeley and affiliated universities, the personnel of partner companies, and individuals collaborating with specific workgroups.
See the TRUST Center Partners page for a list of universities and corporate partners.
If you request an account, please use an email address from a partner institution.
One may choose to be either a guest or full member of the trust workgroup. If you are planning on coming to a TRUST conference, then you probably want to be a member, not a guest. The primary difference between trust workgroup guests and members is that members get more email about workshops. Guests may register to attend workshops.
Individuals who are not members of partner companies or sponsored universities but are collaborating with a workgroup are usually given access only to the workgroup where they are collaborating, and are not given guest or full membership in the trust workgroup.
There is an annual membership fee associated with corporate membership in TRUST and access to the research of the Center, see How does a corporation become a partner? Education and governmental institutions should see How do educational and governmental institutions join?. Individuals who are not members of partner companies or sponsored universities may request membership in TRUST, and upon approval and payment of the annual fee participate in the TRUST center. If you are interested, please email the TRUST Executive Director, Larry Rohrbough (larryr (at) eecs dot berkeley dot edu)