Data and Event Sequences
Information is often represented as a sequence of symbols. A binary file
of length N is a sequence b1,
b2, ..., bN, where each bi
is a binary symbol, 0 or 1. The file is a function
File: {1, 2,
... , N} → Binary
An English text with
N words is
a sequence
w2, ...,
The text is a function
EnglishText: {1, 2, ...
, N} → EnglishWords
data sequence is a signal
Data: {1, 2, ...
, N} → SymbolSet
SymbolSet is an appropriate set of symbols eg.
EnglishWords. Data signals arise in computer storage, computer communication
An event stream is a record of the significant events
that occur in a system of interest. The trace of events in a phone call
might be
LiftHandset, HearDialTone, DialDigits, HearTelephoneRing,
or, if the other phone is busy, the trace might be
LiftHandset, HearDialTone, DialDigits, HearBusyTone,
An event stream is a function
EventStream: {1, 2, ...
, N} → EventSet
The behavior of state machines is described by event streams.
In general a data sequence is a function
Data: Indices →
and an
event stream is a function
EventStream: Indices →
Indices is an
ordered set of indices eg. {1, 2, 3,
... }