Simulation with Nondeterministic Machines
The nondeterministic machine
B = (StatesB , Inputs, Outputs, possibleUpdatesB , initialStateB )
simulates another machine with the same input and output alphabets
A = (StatesA , Inputs, Outputs, possibleUpdatesA , initialStateA )
if there is a set S ⊂ StatesA× StatesB such that
- (initialStateA , initialStateB ) ∈ S
- If (sA , sB ) ∈ S , then
for all x ∈ Inputs and
for all (s'A , yA ) ∈ possibleUpdatesA (sA , x)
there exists (s'B , yB ) ∈ possibleUpdatesB (sB , x) such that(s'A , s'B ) ∈ S , and
yB = yA
S is called the simulation relation between A and B.
Unlike the simulation relation for deterministic machines, this says that B can match A, not that it must match A. Thus, this relation is not symmetric. It is not necessarily true that A simulates B.
Note that a deterministic machine is a special case of nondeterministic machines where possibleUpdates always returns a set with exactly one element. Thus, the above definition applies to all state machines, deterministic or not.