Modeling Nondeterministic State Machines
A non-deterministic machine is a 5-tuple
N = > (States,
Inputs, Outputs, possibleUpdates, initialState)
where everything is the same as a deterministic state machine except that instead of
update: States × Inputs → States × Outputs
we have
possibleUpdates: States × Inputs → P(States × Outputs)
where P(States × Outputs) is the power set of States × Outputs.
The power set of a set is the set of all subsets. That is,
P(States × Outputs) = { A | A ⊂ States × Outputs }
Thus, for a given state s ∈ States and input symbol x ∈ Inputs, possibleUpdates(s, x) gives all possible transitions enabled by x together with the corresponding output from each such transition.