Video Contents

Capture Cards
Check List
Flash Cards
Indexed Powerpoint
Setup Guide
Tape to ASF
To do
Video decks


March 2000 Todo

To Buy

  • A third boat anchor and selectabase (on order)
    1 12J2467	SelectaBase 600					$189
    1 3547003	SelectaDock III					$695
  • Two DVD-ROM drives, about $300 ea
  • Different colored label tape for our label maker. Right now we have black on clear. We need white on black.
  • More spare disks to match current
    02K0518 ThinkPad 6.4GB EIDE HDD $729
  • To buy eventually
  • 2 channel s-video amp
  • Research 3 channel monitor setup: Ideally 3 6" lcds with 2 s-video outputs
  • Spare disks for vanilla setups?
  • bubble levels for tripods
  • Flight cases for gear?
  • Problems

  • Repair current boat anchor
  • ppt97 vs ppt2k
  • change batteries
  • To Do for next time

  • Use ppt 2k?
  • Test out digital phone converter
  • Notes to speakers: mic location:8-12" below chin
  • Upload of slides onto website: Slides are due 6am Monday Feb 28, to be mailed to forrest@cs
  • Print off content creation guide.
  • Machine Prep

  • Prep special disks for encoder and presenter machines
  • We should resolve the ppt97 vs ppt2k issue.
  • We should purchase another boat anchor so that we can leapfrog the machines.
  • We will try using Jon's laptop as the encoder machine again, and we will use Aaron's machine as the monitor.
    For the dry run, Jon and Aaron should bring your laptops, powersupplies and ethernet cards and cables.
    You should both be sure to bring your floppy drives and spare power supplies on Wednesday. We had floppy problems last time, so be sure to bring them to the workshop
  • Install ppt97 or ppt2k on all the machines (Jon's, Aaron's, the presentation machine) I would like to be able to use Aaron's machine as the backup presentation machine. My machine will be the backup encoder.
  • Install PC Anywhere on the various laptops. I think that the original media we had is gone, so we should order another copy, though this can wait.
  • Set up dummy directories: c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\gsrc\\talks\\1999\\sanjose
  • URL to use would be:, where talk_number is 01, 02 etc.
  • Setup encoder laptops with scripts and directories, see the Netshow page
  • To bring

  • Ptolemy group Mackey
  • video splitter
  • Audio

  • Renting PA
    1 Anchor Full-Range Self-Powered Speaker	$45.00
    1 Anchor Full-Range Extension Speaker		$30.00
    I also asked for a 10'x10' screen, listed at	$60.00
  • Need to do a better job with levels
  • Polycomm - either mic it, or use RCA
  • Dry runs

    • Monday 2/14 - dry run of video gear on boat anchor in Jon's office, starting at 1:30
    • Wed 2/23 - full dry run in 524, starting at 1:30
    • Monday 2/28 - full dry run in 524, starting at 1:30
    • Wed 3/1 - pack all gear up, starting at 1:30
    • Thu 3/2 - 2:30pm, report to 524 with floppies, power supplies and ethernet connectors

    Half the fun is getting there

    • Rent large van Thursday, 3/2 2:30pm pickup, drop off Saturday 3/4 2:30

      We will leave at 3pm

      Avis Rent A Car 
      1900 Oxford St 
      Berkeley, CA 
      (510) 548-7363 
      call the week before to confirm

      Budget - $188.97 450 mile free Our confirmation number is ???

      600 Gilman St 
      (510) 486-0806


  • Hyatt Rickeys
    4219 El Camino Real
    Palo Alto, California Purchase order 164667
    Jill's cell 510-418-0483. She will be in Palo Alto by 6:00 on Thursday to go to the Exec. Committee Dinner at Zibbibo Restaurant...will be at the hotel after that.
    Dumbarton bridge
    14. Take the US-101 SOUTH ramp towards SAN JOSE. 0.1
    15. Merge onto US-101 S.  4.0
    16. Take the SAN ANTONIO RD SOUTH exit towards LOS ALTOS.   0.2
    17. Merge onto SAN ANTONIO RD. 0.3
    18. Turn RIGHT onto E CHARLESTON RD.   1.5
    19. Turn LEFT onto EL CAMINO REAL/CA-82.
  • Fry's
    340 Portage Ave
    Palo Alto, CA 94306
    (650) 496-6000
    Start out going Northwest on EL CAMINO REAL/CA-82 towards
    DINAHS CT by turning right.        1.4
    2. Turn RIGHT onto PORTAGE AVE.    0.1
    3. Turn LEFT onto ASH ST.          0.0
  • Conference Call

    • Cxh will handle setting up the phone 30 minutes before the start of the conference.
      Toll-Free Domestic Dial-in Number (March 3): 1-888-285-4585
      Toll-Free Domestic Dial-in Number (March 4): 1-888-422-7128
      Host code: 753784, 8am-6pm
      Participant Code: 919818


  • We will record the dinner if we can get a copy of the slides.
  • Post Production Cleanup

    • Copy ppt and asf files to gigavault.
    • Each ASF File needs to be properly truncated at the beginning. I usually used the NetShow ASF Indexer to do this.
    • Sometimes each ASF File needs to have the URL to the initial slide added at the start of the now truncated clip. Again, the NetShow ASD Indexer is used.
    • For each presentation, generate slide GIFS, save as HTML and generate PDFs. Generating PDF requires that Adobe Acrobat be installed
    • Edit the following files:
      Add each talk to this file
      change the paths from the previous workshop to the current workshop, and update the title.
      Update the name of the workshop
    • Run make
    • Check the files. If we use Powerpoint 2k to generate the HTML, pay particular attention to the dhtml that is generated and look for bogus output.
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