Video Contents
Capture Cards
Check List
Flash Cards
Indexed Powerpoint
Setup Guide
Tape to ASF
To do
Video decks
December 2000 Todo
Important Dates:
Nov. 3 - Poster Name/Title/Abstract due
Nov. 17 - Poster Slides due (if received by this date, Program Office will make your poster)
Nov. 28 - Registration Form due
Dec. 4 - Speaker Presentation Slides due (for review by Richard Newton)
Dec. 14 - Poster Slides due (These will be put on website after the review...You will be required to make your own poster for the annual review)
The above information/slides should be sent by the due date to Lorie Brofferio,
Poster Sessions: We have 30"x40" white foamboard that we'll be using for the poster sessions.
*Note: If slides are mailed to by November
20, the Program Office will prepare the poster for you.
Workshop, Thursday 12/14 and Friday 12/15 at HP in Palo Alto
- Thu 11/23, Fri 11/24
- Thanksgiving
- Tue 11/28
- full dry run in 400A, starting at 1:30
Report with laptops, floppies, power supplies
ethernet connectors, zip drives
- Mon 12/4
- full dry run in 400A, starting at 1:30
Report with laptops, floppies, power supplies
ethernet connectors, zip drives
Pack up gear
- Wed, 12/13
- Report to 400A Cory Hall at 9:00
Report with laptops, floppies, power supplies
ethernet connectors, zip drives
Pick up van at 9am, leave by 10am
Set up from 11-8pm
- Thursday 12/14
GSRC Website
- 7:00 start time
Capture 8:30-1:00, then 3:45-5
Dinner will not be recorded
- Friday 12/15
- 9:30 - move out of HP by 11
No capture - need 7 projectors
- Saturday 12/16
- Return van
Workshop page
Below is the page from the workshop
GSRC Annual Review - December 2000
Thursday - Friday, December 14 and 15, 2000
Hewlett Packard Company (Area map) (Parking map)
3000 Hanover Street
Building 20
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Hyatt Rickeys Hotel (map)
4219 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 493-8000
Registration Deadline: November 28, 2000.
Registration: Participants
are required to register for the meeting.
To register, please use the Online Form.
Lodging: Participants are required to make their own Lodging
arrangements. A discounted rate is available at the following
Hyatt Rickeys Hotel: $215/night
(650) 493-8000 or (800) 233-1234
**Please reference "GSRC Workshop" when making your reservation.
**Rooms must be reserved before November 28, 2000 to receive this rate.
Thursday, December 14, 2000: Hewlett Packard Auditorium
Thursday, December 14, 2000: Hewlett Packard Auditorium
8:00 - 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 - 9:00 Welcome and Predictions, Richard
9:00 - 9:30 Communication- /Component-Based
Design: led by Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
9:30 - 10:00 Fully-Programmable Systems: led by Kurt Keutzer and Sharad Malik
10:00 - 10:30 Constructive Fabrics: led by Larry Pileggi
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:30 Calibrating Achievable Designs: led by Andrew Kahng
11:30 - 12:00 Self-Test of Mixed-Signal Systems: led by Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng
12:00 - 12:30 Verification of Highly-Concurrent, Component-Based Designs: led by Randy Bryant
12:30 - 1:00 Power and Energy in Design: led by Jan Rabaey and Giovanni DeMicheli
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
1:30 - 3:45 Poster Sessions
3:45 - 5:00 Panel Discussion
5:30 - 6:30 Reception at Hyatt Rickeys Hotel
6:30 - Dinner (Guest Speaker, Handel Jones) Not to be captured
Friday, December 15, 2000: Hyatt Rickeys Hotel
8:00 - 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 - 12:00 Theme Sessions (Parallel Sessions:
room assignments to be announced)
1. Communication- /Component-Based Design: led by Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
2. Fully-Programmable Systems: led by Kurt Keutzer and Sharad Malik
3. Constructive Fabrics: led by Larry Pileggi
4. Calibrating Achievable Designs: led by Andrew Kahng
5. Self-Test of Mixed-Signal Systems: led by Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng
6. Verification of Highly-Concurrent,Component-Based Designs: led by Randy Bryant
7. Power and Energy in Design: led by Jan Rabaey and Giovanni DeMicheli
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
5:00 End of Workshop
Please contact Lorie Brofferio at
or (510) 643-9705 with
any questions.
To Buy
To buy eventually
Another set of head phones
bubble levels for tripods
Flight cases for gear?
In the morning executive review, we did not check the video deck.
We forgot several items: printer cable, A/B svideo switch, good video tape
To Do for next time
Hire a video crew:
Aaron writes:
I called around to various places to see what the prospects are of locating
a video crew. Here's what I found out. Crews for this generally cost
$100/hour per person. They also charge around $20/tape. It doesn't seem to
be too difficult to find companies that do this. $3000 per conference
wouldn't be money misspent. Perhaps we would only need to do this during the
December and June events. Another idea would be to see if we could get away
with hiring only one video person. This person could obtain the straight on
close-up shots which we would use most often. Other angles could be obtained
with our remote operated cameras and the previewing apparatus.
Aaron also writes(10/17/00):
I called around and got a few bookings. Depending on what you think I'll
cancel all but one.
I called Mottaz Video Productions in SF and booked the time. I spoke with
Ken. They charge $95/hour. The job would cost us ~$800. It turns out they
are quite a bit more expensive than other outfits. They specialize in legal
recordings, depositions and the like. I figure the legal aspect means they
can charge more. I was as particular and fussy a customer as I could be, asking
for references and asking about the specific camera models they used. They
seemed to brush me off and weren't as informative as I'd wanted them to be.
I called The East Bay Media Center to see what they had to say. Mostly I
wanted to hear someone sound like they knew the trade inside out. I spoke
with Mel. Mel seemed a lot more knowledgeable. It turns out they spend most
of their time in the silicon valley doing seminars. They've been in business
for 20 years and they have a wide range of digital Super VHS cameras. He mentioned
a few names and I found what I could out there on them.
JVC 3-Chip X3
Panasonic AG-456 -
Panasonic AG-460
Sony DSR 200 -
One thing I want to be sure of is that the camera can zoom in enough for
a good close-up head shot. Have you spec'd the place? How deep is the room?
Assuming the camera is in the back center of the room, how many feet do you
think the camera will be from the speaker? I asked about lighting. He gave
a decent response, and said that they have light kits if we're so inclined.
The East Bay Media Center charges a flat rate of $375 per 7.5 hour day. I'm
thinking about going with them instead of Mottaz Video because they seem more
on top of the seminar capture process and seem more knowledgeable.
Future Ideas
Provide dial up or ISDN
Use webramp
Live broadcast
Some day, we will do a live broadcast
Need to verify bandwidth with location
To view the broadcast, users will need to subscribe to
a special broadcast workgroup so that we can limit access
and see who is planning on watching
Maybe we should have a live video crew
Machine Prep
Test CD recorder
Test flash cards - what about drivers?
Prep special disks for encoder and presenter machines
For the dry run, Aaron and Mary should bring your laptops,
powersupplies, floppies, zip drives, ethernet cards and cables.
You should both be sure to bring your floppy drives and spare power
supplies on Wednesday. We had floppy problems last time, so
be sure to bring them to the workshop
Install ppt97 on all the machines (Aaron's, Mary's, the
presentation machine) I would like to be able to use Aaron's machine
as the backup presentation machine. My machine will be the backup
Install PC Anywhere on the various laptops.
Set up dummy directories:
URL to use would be: ,
where talk_number is 01 , 02
Setup encoder laptops with scripts and directories, see the
Netshow page
To bring
Things we have forgotten
Ptolemy group Mackey
zip drives for laptops
overhead projector
video tapes
A/B svga switch
laser pointers
spare hard drives
drivers for flashcards
The room already has a podium, P/A, screen
Usually we need the following gear
Set up time starting at 11am the day before
A podium
Two 3' or 4' round tables in the front
Two 6 or 8' tables in the back for the A/V crew
A screen, the larger the better, at least 10x10
A P/A system, probably two powered speakers
Two analog phone lines, one for the tele-conference phone, the
other for use as a modem line
90 minutes of cleanup and move out time at the end
Half the fun is getting there
- Van from 12/13 through 12/16
3001 Shattuck Ave, on the corner of Shattuck and Ashby.
the confirmation number is 925184.
- Stanford Park Hotel
Just so that we are all on the same page, we will need hotel rooms
as follows:
Wed, 12/13: aw, marys, cxh
Thu 12/14: aw, marys, cxh
- Directions:
HP: 3000 Hanover Street, just off Page Mill Rd
Rickey's: 4219 El Camino Real
1. Start out going Northwest on HANOVER ST towards PAGE MILL RD by turning left. 0.1
2. Turn RIGHT onto PAGE MILL RD. 0.5
Conference Call
9/6/00 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (must call in within first 30 min. of scheduled
Domestic Dial in # (800) 382-9808
International Dial in # (775) 324-1094
Host Code (Richard Newton only) 253212
Participant Code 818235
- Dinner will not be recorded
Post Production Cleanup
- Copy ppt and asf files to gigavault.
- Each ASF File needs to be properly truncated at the beginning.
I usually used the NetShow ASF Indexer to do this.
- Sometimes each ASF File needs to have the URL to the initial
slide added at the start of the now truncated clip. Again, the
NetShow ASD Indexer is used.
- For each presentation, generate slide GIFS, save as HTML and
generate PDFs. Generating PDF requires that Adobe Acrobat be installed
- Edit the following files:
- Add each talk to this file
- change the paths from the previous workshop to the current
workshop, and update the title.
- Update the name of the workshop
- Run
- Check the files. If we use Powerpoint 2k to generate the HTML,
pay particular attention to the dhtml that is generated and look for
bogus output.