Video Contents

Capture Cards
Check List
Flash Cards
Indexed Powerpoint
Setup Guide
Tape to ASF
To do
Video decks



  • pptindex - xsl scripts to manipulate the output of Windows Media File Editor
  • Using Powerpoint and NetShow/Windows Media
  • Sync-O-Matic 3000 - Synchronizes RealVideo/RealAudio and Power point
  • Credendo has a Powerpoint/Real solution
  • Powerpoint 97 has two methods of generating ASF files, which are described in the NetShow page
  • Powerpoint 2000 has the encoder built in.
  • Handling Animations during captures
  • Real has a solution similar to 'Publish to ASF'
  • Notepals - Record PowerPoint timecodes for postproduction synchronization notes taken with palmtops.
  • Indexed Powerpoint Project
  • Cleaner Live

  • Cleaner live includes some sort of Powerpoint synchonization using EventStreams
  • Cleaner Live Details
  • ppt conversion utilities

    We would like to be able to generate pdf and html from ppt slides from within a makefile.
  • Transonic pptexp shareware (generates html)
  • Create a Powerpoint Add In (.ppa) file
    1. Download saveAsPDF.ppa
    2. Start Powerpoint, do Tools -> Add Ins -> Add New and add the new Powerpoint Add in
    3. Tools -> Macro -> Macros and run the AutoOpen macro, which will add SaveAsPDF to the top of the Tools menu
    4. Save your presentation as a handout Tools -> SaveAsPDF
  • How to generate a PowerPoint Add In (.ppa) file:
    1. Follow the instructions in Microsoft KB: How to create a PowerPoint add-in in PowerPoint 2000 and use the SaveAsPDF macro text below
      Sub SaveAsPDF()
      ' Macro recorded 11/22/99 by Ptolemy Project
          With ActivePresentation.PrintOptions
              .RangeType = ppPrintAll
              .NumberOfCopies = 1
              .Collate = msoTrue
              .OutputType = ppPrintOutputTwoSlideHandouts
              .PrintHiddenSlides = msoTrue
              .PrintColorType = ppPrintColor
              .FitToPage = msoFalse
              .FrameSlides = msoTrue
              .ActivePrinter = "Acrobat Distiller"
          End With
      End Sub
      Sub Auto_Open()
            Dim NewControl As CommandBarControl
            ' Store an object reference to a command bar.
            Dim ToolsMenu As CommandBars
            ' Figure out where to place the menu choice.
            Set ToolsMenu = Application.CommandBars
            ' Create the menu choice. The choice is created in the first
            ' position in the Tools menu.
            Set NewControl = ToolsMenu("Tools").Controls.Add _
                             (Type:=msoControlButton, _
            ' Name the command.
            NewControl.Caption = "SaveAsPDF"
            ' Connect the menu choice to your macro. The OnAction property
            ' should be set to the name of your macro.
            NewControl.OnAction = "SaveAsPDF"
         End Sub
      Sub Auto_Close()
            Dim oControl As CommandBarControl
            Dim ToolsMenu As CommandBars
            ' Get an object reference to a command bar.
            Set ToolsMenu = Application.CommandBars
            ' Loop through the commands on the tools menu.
            For Each oControl In ToolsMenu("Tools").Controls
                  ' Check to see whether the comand exists.
                  If oControl.Caption = "SaveAsPDF" Then
                    ' Check to see whether action setting is set to ChangeView.
                    If oControl.OnAction = "SaveAsPDF" Then
                        ' Remove the command from the menu.
                     End If
                  End If
            Next oControl
         End Sub
  • Powerpoint 2000

    Remote Links
  • Windows Media and Powerpoint 2000
  • PPT2000: Overview of Online Broadcasting with NetShow
  • PPT2000: Troubleshooting Online Broadcasting
  • PPT2000: Cannot Save Presentation Broadcast Files to URL Address
  • Brooks Cutter ppt2k presentation with video and slide flips
  • Online Broadcasting Service download (6/99)
  • Using Netshow services with Presentation Broadcasting Office Resource Kit (ORK) article.
  • Configuring Client Computers for Presentation Broadcasting
  • Powerpoint 2000

    How to convert a .ppt file to .pdf

    You may find it easier to use ppt97 to convert talks to pdf.

    If you are going to use ppt2k, follow these steps:

    1. Install Acrobat 4.05 Update 2

      The main Adobe Acrobat page is: says that one of the bugs that is fixed is:

        - Integration with Microsoft Office 2000 (Windows only)
        Integration problems that caused PDFMaker 4.0 (the
        macro that automates PDF creation within Office applications)
        to hang have been corrected. Acrobat 4.05 is properly integrated
        with Office 2000, and enables you to automate the conversion

      Below are the steps to install the latest version:

      1. Adobe Acrobat 4.05 lists for $249 from
      2. Adobe Acrobat 4.0 can be had from The Scholar's Workstation at UCB for $96: - be sure you are getting 4.05
      3. Install Acrobat 4.05 update 2 from
    2. Open the .ppt file
    3. There are two methods of generating pdf files: using the 'Create Adobe PDF' Icon or using the standard File -> Print

      'Create Adobe PDF' Icon

      1. Recommendations for Creating PDF Files from Word with Acrobat 4.05x or Recommendations for Creating PDF Files from Word with Acrobat 5.0 on the Adobe website describes how to use set Distiller or PDFWriter to be your default printer for Word documents and then how to use Tools -> Options -> Print Tab to change print settings for all Word (or Powerpoint) documents:

        Under Acrobat 4.05

        To specify PDFWriter or Distiller as the default printer:
        1. Choose Start > Settings > Printers.
        2. Right-click Acrobat PDFWriter or Acrobat Distiller, and then choose Set As Default from the pop-up menu.
        ... After you set up a default printer, specify printing options in the Word Options or Print dialog box. PDFWriter and Distiller will use the printing options you specify.

        To specify printing options for all Word documents, choose Tools > Options and then click the Print tab. You can then select options in the Print pane. Make sure to select Drawing Objects if documents contain line drawings, such as arrows or flow charts, or graphics. Make sure to deselect the Reverse Print Order option to ensure that the Word document pages appear in the correct order in PDF.

        To print more than one slide per page, under Tools -> Options -> Print, select Use the following default print settings: and change Print What: to Handouts 2 slides per page

      File -> Print

      1. Select File -> Print
      2. In the printer popup, select Acrobat PDFWriter
      3. In the printer popup, select Properties
      4. In the Acrobat PDFWriter Properties Window, select Compression Options
      5. In the Compression Options pane, do the following
      6. deselect Downsample images
      7. Select Compress using Zip
      8. Your settings should look like
      9. General
      10. Selected: Compress text and line art
      11. Unselected: ASCI Format
      12. Unselected: Downsample images
      13. Color/Grayscale images
      14. Selected: Compress using Zip
      15. Monochrome Images
      16. Selected: Compress using CCITT Group 4
      17. Feel free to experiment with the compression settings and find the right trade off for your images vs. the file size.
      18. Things to watch for:
      19. Make sure that the bullets are actually bullets
      20. Check that the file size is not too large. In general, the .pdf file should not be larger than the .ppt file. .pdf files over 2mb are basically useless.
      21. Note that slides that have animation may have problems since only one pdf image is generated.

    PowerPoint 2000 Problems

  • The number of steps necessary to start the presentation is increased in PowerPoint 2000. To start a broadcast, one has to do the following:
    1. Click on Slide Show -> Online Broadcast -> Begin Broadcast (Alt-D O B)
    2. A window pops up 'The scheduled broadcast time for youppt file has already passed. Would you like to continue with this broadcast?' Click Yes (or hit Enter)
    3. IE pops up, you have to close it
    4. A window pops up 'Do you hear the microphone output OK?'. There is only a Yes choice, there is no No choice or a help button or a down not show me this window again button. (Hit Enter)
    5. IE pops up again, you have to close it
    6. A window pops up 'Do you see the camera video OK?'. There is only a Yes choice, there is no No choice or a help button or a down not show me this window again button. (Hit Enter)
    7. Then you have to press Start in the dialog box
    8. Then a window pops up that says 'Do you want to start the broadcast' This is unforgivable. I just said I wanted to start it.

    This is much worse than in '97 where one needed to hit check button in a dialog box that said 'encode the presentation', and then start the presentation in any normal fashion.

    3/22 - Turning off the Office Assistant can help here

  • All of these dialogs should have a 'never show me this dialog again' check box
  • There should be a way to skip the audio and video tests. This is very important in a production environment where we are quickly trying to start the next talk.

    If we were to use office2k, then we would need to be sure that we could blank the screen of the projector while we were fooling around with the several steps necessary to get things started.

    Unfortunately, blanking the screen remotely is a little tricky with our current setup.
    The remote on the Sharp Notewhatever 3 we have does not work very well when bouncing off the screen.
    I don't think PC-Anywhere will let us access the Fn-F7 capability on the presentation laptop at the front of the room.
    I don't have a remote control VGA switch

  • I honestly doubt if the presentations that are saved would be viewable with any browser other than Internet Explorer. In Office 2k, each slide flip is encoded as a URL flip that points to an HTML file. The HTML file is fairly complex, and I could not get them to work with Netscape 4.7

    The export problems are discussed in However, when we do a presentation, we are not offered the 'save it so that it works with IE3.0 or Netscape' menu choice.
    In PPT97, the video stream had gif and jpeg slide flips encoded into it, which worked just fine

  • Not surprisingly, the Microsoft Office2k presentation sample page at does not work with Netscape4.7, I get a blank page.
  • There might be a way to change the presenter so that it saves the talks without using dhtml, or we could fix the files that are generated later.
  • It looks like each time the presentation is broadcast, the conversion to html is done anew. This is unnecessary if the ppt file has not changed. This is a big problem because it takes a fair amount of time for conversion process.
  • It looks like the URL flips are encoded as absolute file pathnames to NT share. There are probably ways around this, but we have not stumbled across them. Thus, even if we use Office2k to generate the asf file, we will still need to hack in some javascript to translate the URLS to relative URLS.

    (See PPT2000: Cannot Save Presentation Broadcast Files to URL Address)

    We had a very hard time getting a presenter machine to connect to a remote encoder. It took two senior Programmer/Analysts weeks for work, and several phone calls to Microsoft Support.

  • If we use the remote encoder, we do not get the encoder control panel popped up on the server machine. We would like to see the encoder settings, such as the port number and the file that is being saved too and such. This would help us quickly verify that everything was ok.

    The PowerPoint 2000 broadcast facility as it stands is not an internet solution. It is designed for use on an intranet where the viewers all have access to a common file system. Obviously, Brooks Cutter was able to set up the above Microsoft Office2k presentation sample, so it should be doable.

    What we would like Microsoft to do: Below is a list of action items, with the most important item first.

  • Easy, robust setup for multiple ppt presentations that are done one after another. We need to move fast between presentations, clicking on all the pop up windows is not feasible. Perhaps we could write our own plugin that would do this for us. I would like to have one menu choice that said 'start the broadcast' and then started it without further interaction
  • Control over the encoder software on the encoder machine. The presentation machine is at the front of the room. We need to be able to preview the view that the encoder is encoding, and to look at the settings of the encoder window
  • Netscape compatible HTML. We had an open support request for this with Microsoft called: "SRX000209602612 - Problems Viewing PPT2000 files in Netscape, ok under PPT97" Microsoft basically said that PPT2k was more advanced than PPT97 and it uses features that are not compatible with Netscape. I would like to have the old functionality of viewing the slides as gifs or jpegs that was present in ppt97.
  • The ASF stream should have URLS encoded in it so that it is viewable from a remote machine that does not share a file system
    There has to be a way around this?
  • It turns out that port 1055 is hardwired into the software. If there is something else on that port, or the .asd files have been reconfigured to use a different port, then the presenter will not be able to connect to the encoder.
    The Knowledge base article at it says
    8.To select an open port on your encoder, click Query for both the MSBD and HTTP ports.
    This is is incorrect, it appears that the HTTP port must be 1055 or the presenter will not connect
    The above article also has a typo, it says REX.ash when it means Rex.asd
    Also, it would be nice to know why there are three asd files (Audio.asd, Rex.asd and Video.asd)
  • Since we sometimes capture presentations for later broadcast, it would be nice if we could turn off the sending email functionality. Having Outlook come up takes up too much time, especially since we are not sending email anyway.
  • The broadcast will sometimes not start if someone is viewing Event.htm. This is a fundamental limitation in Windows, where open files cannot be overwritten. The workaround would be to make the slides available via a web server instead of requiring that they are on a shared file system.
  • The broadcast process creates .asx and .nsc files and then deletes them, these files should be generated when the conversion occurs, and possibly updated when the start button is pressed.
  • The global.js file is also updated in the middle of the broadcast process. This makes it harder to debug.
  • In general the entire process of actually how a broadcast happens and what html files is complex and not well documented. It would be nice if there was a flashy version and a simple version of the generated html files.
  • If I make any sort of change to the configuration, it seems like I get the "An attempt to acquire a network resource failed" message, and I have to go and edit the .asd files by hand. This takes far too much time for a production environment
  • When I open up the .asd files, I get a window that says something like "You are loading an ASD from an earlier version of the Encoder. If you make any changes and save them, the file will be upgraded to the current version and you will need to regenerate the NSC file."

    Where is the .nsc file? It turns out that it is a temporary file that is generated on the file. Having this error message come up leads one to believe that there might be problems down the road. Is it possible to upgrade the encoder that is included with PowerPoint so that this message does not appear?

  • I tried following the instructions to configure DCOMCNF at but those instructions do not exactly match my set up. The instructions mention "Microsoft NetShow 2.0 Real-Time Encoder Proxy" and "NetShow Real Time Encoder Callback" neither of which appear in the DCOMCNF window. I do have a "Microsoft NetShow Real-Time Encoder Callback" Which presumably corresponds with the "NetShow Real Time Encoder Callback"
  • says
    5.In the Audio and Visual settings box, you will be able to determine whether you will send an Audio stream or a Video stream. To use these features, you must have a microphone or video capture device installed on the presenter machine.

    You can capture Audio and Video from another computer by clicking to select the Camera/microphone is connected to another computer check box. If you select this option, you must specify the computer name, and that computer must have a microphone or video capture device installed and functioning properly.

    These two paragraphs are not very clear. The second paragraph should read

    You can capture Audio and Video from another computer by clicking to select the Camera/microphone is connected to another computer check box. If you select this option, you must specify the computer name, and select 'Send Audio' and 'Send Video' The encoder computer must have a microphone or video capture device installed and functioning properly.

    Note that 'Send Audio' and 'Send Video' are both misnomers, since the first paragraph leads me to believe that these buttons control whether the presenter machine sends audio and video to the encoder. Really, these buttons mean that the .asf file will contain audio and video.
  • In general, there is a minor bug that all the documentation refers to NetShow, but the product name has changed to Window Media I suggest forcing the marketeer who forced the name change be forced to fix all the docs :-)
  • One of the biggest problems with the PowerPoint encoder in Office 97 is that is uses an internal and undocumented interface to the asf files for storing the slide flips. As a result the ASF Indexer does not show the slide flips.

    We were told that this major flaw was fixed in the Office2k encoder. However, it does not look like that is the case. When use the ASF Indexer to view an asf file created with the ppt2k presenter, the flips are not present in the script event window.

  • It seems like the Presentation Capture facilities in Office2k would be useful for a techno-savvy person who wanted to do one-off broadcasts to other techs in a workgroup where everyone was using IE.

    However, I don't think that the Office 2k presentation capture facilities are of much use in a production environment where multiple talks are occuring sequentially with very little time between then.

    The overall lack of UI design, and the fact that the Office 2k capture software continues to use an undocumented facility leads me to believe that we should develop our own software that shows the slides and saves the URL flips. If we design the software properly, then it should be able to generate flips that can be used in both ASF and Real files in a non-realtime fashion. Broadcasting talks in realtime will be much more complex.

    Too bad, I had hopes that Microsoft had solved some of these problems.

    NT4.0 Server installation

    The Windows Media Server requires NT4.0 server, sp4 or better and IE 4.0 Below are the steps I followed.
    1. Wiped disk with gdisk 1 /mbr /wipe
    2. I did not have a copy of the NT Server CD, so I copied the version on the local software warehouse and
      1. Use fdisk to create a 1 gig FAT C partition and set it as the active disk
      2. Used a win95 floppy and ran sys c: to set up the disk for booting
      3. Inserted the new disk into a laptop and copied NT server CD from campus to the C partition Note: at least 123mb (129548288 bytes) of disk space must be free after copying NT server.
      4. Booted NT with winnt /b /w
      5. Installed NT on the D Partition, NTFS Format
    3. While installing, I set up the machine to be a primary domain controller.
      BayNetwork 660 wireless settings were:
      I/O Base:       240
      IRQ Level:      9
      Memory Base:    E000
      DS Channel:     4
      Translation Mode: Straight Encapsulation
    4. After rebooting, I went to the Network control panel and changed the domain name to PTRESEARCH
    5. I had to add the dns servers by hand, even though the machine was running DHCP.
    6. Installed the video drivers but did not reboot.
    7. Installed Service Pack 6a and rebooted.
    8. Installed the typical version of Internet Explorer 5.0 and rebooted.
      The version of IE that ships with NT4.0 server will not connect to the IE website, so you will need to download IE5 elsewhere and transfer it. Note that we installed a more recent version of the Windows Media Player in the next step.
    9. Added the presenter machines to the PTRESEARCH domain via the network control panel and rebooted
    10. On the PDC, set up a gsrc account with Administrative and NetShow Administrator privileges
    11. Installed the Winnov Videum 2.7.3 RC0 build 1226 video capture drivers and rebooted

    Installing NetShow/Windows Media

    There are two branches here, one installed the earlier NetShow 3.0 software, the other installed the more recent Windows Media 4.1 software. The instructions for ppt2k presentations refer to NetShow 3.0, and say that Windows Media 4.0 will work. I was never able to get NetShow 3.0 to work, but I was able to get Windows Media 4.1 to work.

    NetShow 3.0

    Unfortunately NetShow 3.0 does not seem to be available on the Microsoft website, but I have copies saved away in in a group readable site at
    1. Installed NetShow Tools 3.0
    2. Installed NetShow Server 3.0 (Chose d:\asfroot as the default location, did not enable http streaming, under NetShow Services account:
      User Name: gsrc
      Domain: PTRESEARCH
      and typed in the gsrc password
    3. Installed the On-line Presentation Broadcast service from
    4. Services->On-line Presentation Broadcast service->This Account-> Selected PTRESEARCH\gsrc and typed in the password->Ok->Hit Start in the Services Control panel
    5. Used DCOMCNFG to configure start up of the encoder
      1. Run -> DCOMCNFG
      2. Selected Microsoft NetShow Real-Time Encoder Callback Proxy (The instructions at Using Netshow services with Presentation Broadcasting have a typo, they mention Microsoft NetShow 2.0 Real-Time Encoder Proxy)
      3. Properties->Security->Use Custom Launch Permissions->Edit ->Add->Everyone->Add->Ok->Ok
      4. The instructions say to do the same thing to NetShow Real Time Encoder Callback Class, but that does not appear, I only have NetShow Program Service, so I set the Custom Access Permissions and verified that Everyone can access it
    6. Started up the Encoder and verified that I can view video
    7. Proceeded with Configure the Presenter Machine
    8. Here, I again ran into the MOWAT is not a valid server problem

    Windows Media 4.1

    1. Installed Windows Media Player 6.1
    2. Installed the Windows Media Tools from
    3. Installed the Windows Media Services from (Chose d:\asfroot as the default location, did not enable http streaming, chose NetShowServices Account) and rebooted.
    4. PPT2000: Overview of Online Broadcasting with NetShow describes how to continue the set up.
      To set up an online broadcast for use with NetShow, you must additional complete the following tasks:
    5. Configure the Netshow Server information.
    6. Configure the Presenter Machine
    7. To use the Online Broadcast server feature, the following software please click must also be present on the server system:
      1. Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
      2. Service Pack 3 (or later) for Microsoft Windows NT Server
      3. Microsoft Windows NT Server NetShow Services
        This has been renamed Windows Media Services, and can be found at

      NOTE: These steps assume that your NetShow 3.0 Server is configured, running smoothly, and able to stream media on demand from the ASFROOT directory. You can test this by placing the Sample.ASF into the C:\ASFROOT directory on the NetShow Server. On the Windows Start menu of the Presenter machine, click Run. Type the following:


      The Sample.ASF should play in Windows Media Player. If your NetShow server is not installed or configured properly, Online Broadcasting will not work. In this case, consult your NetShow documentation.

      The On-line Presentation Broadcast service must be installed and started on the NetShow Server. The Onlbroad.exe will be available for download from the Microsoft website.

      1. On the NetShow Server, download the file Onlbroad.exe. It is located at the following Web location:

        Is this step necessary with Windows Media Services 4.1? When I install Windows Media Services 4.1, the On-line Presentation Broadcast item appears in the Services control panel.

      2. Double-click the file OnLBroad.exe.
      3. Click OK, then click Unzip. You will receive the following message:
        DllRegisterServer in NSLSvps.dll succeeded.
      4. On the Windows Start menu, point to Settings, click Control Panel, then click Services.
      5. Click the On-line Presentation Broadcast item and then click Startup....
      6. In the Log On As group, click to select the This Account option, and type in a User name and Password.
        Note: This User must be a member of the NetShow Administrtors group for that particular machine. The login name should include the domain name if the NT Server participates in a domain.

        I'm not sure what username to type here.
        If I select PTRESEARCH\NetShowServices, then when I click OK, I get:

        Cannot set the startup parameters for the On-line Presentation
        Broadcast service.  Error 1057 Occurred: The account name is invalid
        or does not exist.
        If I select PTRESEARCH\gsrc, which is in the Adminstrator and NetShow Administrator groups, then I can't start the On-line Presentation Broadcast service by hand with the Start button in the Services window, I get an hour glass, and then I get
        Could not start the On-line Presentation Broadcast Service on \\MOWAT
        Error: 2186: The service is not responding to the control function.
        I think this is a timeout.

        I think having the NT server be a PDC server solves this problem

      7. Click OK.
      8. Click Start to start the service.
      9. Click Close to close the Services control panel.
      The NetShow Server is now configured properly.

      Below are my notes on how to set up a presentation so that it connects to a remote encoder

      1. Log in to the presenter machine as the Domain Administrator
        Username: Administrator
        Domain: PTRESEARCH 
        The domain Administrator must be in the NetShowServices group on the server/encoder machine
      2. Start up powerpoint
      3. Slide Show -> Online Broadcast -> Setup and Schedule
        Shortcut: Alt-d o s
      4. The 'Broadcast Schedule' window comes up, leave the default 'Set up and schedule a new broadcast' as is, and click on Ok
        Shortcut: Enter
      5. The 'Scheduling a New Broadcast' window comes up, select the 'Broadcast Settings' Tab at the top
      6. In the Audio and video section
        Send Audio
        should already be checked
        Send Video
        check it
        Camera/Microphone is connected to the computer
        check it
        The entry field under Camera/Microphone . . .
        Type in the name of the machine that has the encoder. In our case, I typed in MITCHELL
      7. In the Recording section, click on 'Record the broadcast and save it in this location' and then browse to the share directory where the .ppt file is. This will save the .asf file, which is necessary if you want to watch the broadcast again after it has ended (to view it, go to the default.htm file in the presentation output directory
        In our case, I typed in \\mitchell\tmp
      8. Click on 'Server Options' at the bottom, and the Server Options window comes up
        In Specify a shared location
        Browse to a shared location.
        In our case, I ended up in in \\mitchell\tmp, which is where the .ppt file is located
        In 'Specify a NetShow server', select 'Use a local NetShow server on this LAN
        I typed in the name of the server mitchell (not sure if case matters here
      9. Hit 'OK' to close the Server Options window
      10. Hit 'Schedule Broadcast' to close the Schedule a New Broadcast window
      11. When Outlook pops up, close it by hitting the X in the upper right corner
      12. When the 'Do you want to save changes' comes up, click on Yes, or hit Enter
      13. You should then get a window "The broadcast has been successfully scheduled. Your broadcast settings have been saved in 'yourpptfile'
      14. Click on Slide Show -> Online Broadcast -> Begin Broadcast (Alt-D O B)
      15. If you see a window that says 'The scheduled broadcast time for youppt file has already passed. Would you like to continue with this broadcast?' then click Yes (or hit Enter)
      16. If the Window says
        'Failed to connect to NetShow Encoder. Press Retry to try again'
        and when you press the details button, you get
        "The following error message was returend from the NetShow Encoder An attempt to acquire a network resource failed" Then look at the Knowledge Base article "PPT2000: Error Message: "An attempt to acquire a network resource failed" at Which suggested opening Audio.asd and getting new ports and then opening Video.asd and REX.asd and typing in the ports that were found when Audio.asd was adjusted.

        IMPORTANT as of 4/4/00, the article was wrong. You need only reset the msbd port, the httpd port must stay at 1055.
        If you get the "An attempt to acquire a network resource failed" message then follow these steps

        1. On the encoder machine, go to the directory that the presenter machine created, which will be in a location like \\mitchell\tmp\Adminstrator\broadcast200004042305\softstand and open the Rex.asd file
        2. You may see a window that says
          "You are loading an ASD from an earlier version of the Encoder. If you make any changes and save them, the file will be upgraded to the current version and you will need to regenerate the NSC file."
          Click OK, or hit Enter
        3. You will see a window that says
          "An attempt to acquire a network resource has failed. It could be due to the output IP port being used by another program.
          Please go through the wizard to reconfigure the encoder
          Click OK, or hit Enter
        4. Click Next until you get to a window that says 'Which connection method would you like to use?
          In that window, click on the Query that is next to the msbd entry field and write down the port number.
          Do Not change the http port from 1055. If you do, the connection will fail with 'Unspecified error'
        5. Click Finish
        6. File->Save (Alt-f s)
        7. File->Exit (Alt-f x)
        The Knowledge base article says that you need to change msbd port in the Audio.asd files and the Video.asd files, but it appears that it is not necessary.
      17. IE pops up, close it by clicking on the X in the upper right.
      18. A window pops up 'Do you hear the microphone output OK?'.
        Click on OK or Hit Enter
      19. IE pops up again, close it by clicking on the X in the upper right.
      20. A window pops up 'Do you see the camera video OK?'.
        Click on OK or Hit Enter
      21. Press 'Start' in the 'Broadcast Presentation' dialog box
      22. You might see a window that says 'The broadcast is not scheduled to start yet, Start Anyway?'
        Click on OK or Hit Enter
      23. Once the first slide comes up, go to a remote machine and view the Event.htm file with IE (Netscape will not work) In my case, this file was found at: \\mitchell\tmp\Adminstrator\broadcast200004042305\softstand\Event.htm
      Now, we continue with the description from the Microsoft Knowledge Base article

      Configure the Presenter Machine

      To create an online presentation, first, create your slides with PowerPoint as you would for any other presentation. Save the presentation. Then, setup and schedule your presentation using the Online Broadcast option under the Slide Show menu. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Click Slideshow, then point to Online Broadcast, and then click Set Up and Schedule.
      2. Make sure that the Set Up and Schedule a new broadcast option is selected, then click OK.
      3. On the Description tab, you can change the Title, Description, Speaker name, and Contact information. This information will be viewed by your audience. You can preview this information by clicking Preview Lobby Page.
      4. Click the Broadcast Settings tab.
      5. In the Audio and Video settings box, you will be able to determine whether you will send an Audio stream or a Video stream. To use these features, you must have a microphone or video capture device installed on the presenter machine.
        I think this is wrong, the Audio and Video check boxes need to be checked if you want the remote encoder to capture audio and video
        You can capture Audio and Video from another computer by clicking to select the Camera/microphone is connected to another computer check box. If you select this option, you must specify the computer name, and that computer must have a microphone or video capture device installed and functioning properly.
      6. Decide whether or not to include a link for E-mail under the Audience Feedback during Broadcast box. If you have a chat server on your network, you can specify it here as well.
      7. In the Recording box, you can record the broadcast and save it for later viewing.
      8. Specify whether or not the audience will have access to the Speakers notes.
      9. Click Server Options.
      10. You must specify a shared location where the Online Broadcast will be accessed by the audience. Specify this location in Step 1: (required) Specify a shared location. This shared location can be on the presenter machine or on the NetShow server; however, you will experience better performance if you specify a shared location that is not on the NetShow server. You should type the shared location in the following format:
      11. Click to select Use a local NetShow Server on this LAN.
      12. Type the Server name.
        NOTE: Do not type the two back slashes before the server name. Type <Servername>, not \\<Servername>.
      13. Click OK, then click Schedule Broadcast.

        Here, I again ran into the MOWAT is not a valid server problem

      14. In the Meeting form, type the email addresses of each audience member in the To box. When you finish, set the Start and End time, then click Send.
      15. You will receive a message: The broadcast has been successfully scheduled. Your broadcast settings have been saved in the following:

      When it is time to broadcast the presentation, click SlideShow, point to Online Broadcast, then click Begin Broadcast.

      For more information on Online Broadcasting in PowerPoint, please see the following page on the Microsoft World Wide Web site: Web Workshop - Presentation Broadcasting with PowerPoint 2000

      For More information on using NetShow Services with PowerPoint Online Broadcasting, please see the following page on the Microsoft World Wide Web site: Broadcasting PowerPoint Presentations over the Network

      Last Reviewed: September 7, 1999 (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.


      MOWAT is not a valid server

      We are having problems using the Online Presentation facility of PowerPoint 2000 with a remote Encoder I'm following the instructions from the Using Netshow services with Presentation Broadcasting Office Resource Kit article at

      Basically, after clicking 'Schedule Broadcast', there is a delay of 2 minutes, then I get: 'MOWAT is not a valid server. Please check to see that the server name is correct and online'

      Both machines are on a very quiet home network, I have NetMon from SMS2.0 installed on the server and I can see packets traveling between them. Basically, it looks like the Presentation machine sends out a packet like

      	SMB C transact2 Query path info, File = \
      and the Encoder machine responds
              R transact2 (Unknown) (response)

      This magically started working when I moved the machines over to a campus network, perhaps we need WINS or something. Microsoft support suggested using IP addresses instead of machine names, that might help.


      Audio and Video defaults

      PowerPoint 2000 includes its own encoder, which is controlled by the .asd files in /Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/Broadcast

      If you try to open these files on the encoder machine, and get

      An attempt to acquire a network resource failed. It could be due to the output IP port being used by another program. Please go through the wizard to reconfigure the encoder
      For more information, see PPT2000: Error Message: "An attempt to acquire a network resource failed"

      Note that if you change the port in the .asd files, then you should change the port in the global.js file

      Managing the Windows Media component services account

      The online help for Windows Media Services has the following under Managing the Windows Media component services account
      Windows Media server components consists of the Windows Media component services (the Windows Media Monitor service, Windows Media Program service, Windows Media Station service, and Windows Media Unicast service) and the Windows Media Administrator.

      The Windows Media component services use a Windows NT server user account created for them when Windows Media server components are installed to log on to the system when the Windows Media server starts. The installation process creates the NetShowServices user account by default. The user account is added to the local NetShow Administrators and Administrators groups, and it is assigned administrative privileges on the Windows Media server.

      Windows Media server components cannot stream files if the account used by the component services is not an Administrator equivalent. The account must have at least Read rights to the publishing point directory (unless it is a disk drive on the same computer), network share, or remote location, so that ASF content can be read from this location for streaming.


      When the default NetShowServices user account is created, a randomly generated password is assigned to it and to each of the Windows Media component services. If you change the account password, you also must change the passwords for the component services, or they fail to log on and function. If you are using a domain account for the Windows Media component services, you must change the password for the component services on every computer where Windows Media server components is installed. For more information, see To change the account or password used by Windows Media component services.

      Changing Passwords used by Windows Media Component Services

      The online help for Windows Media Services 4.1 says:
      To change the account or password used by Windows Media component services Open Control Panel.
      1. In Control Panel, double-click Services.
      2. In Services, click the name of a Windows Media service (either the Monitor, Program, Station or Unicast service), and then click Startup.
      3. Under Log On As in the Startup dialog box, you can change the account used by the service as well as the password. For more information on changing service accounts and passwords, click Help. Click OK.


    8. Perform this procedure for all of the Windows Media component services (Windows Media Monitor service, Windows Media Program service, Windows Media Station service, and Windows Media Unicast service); otherwise, the server may not be able to deliver content to Microsoft Windows Media Player.
    9. Potential Solution from a newsgroup

      From: "Brad Dunzer" <>
      Subject: Re: Re: PPT 2000 Online Broadcast
      Date: 11 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
      Message-ID: <OUHB42IX$>
      References: <DD8C7CE3FFD94B4283A804C7D7B61FB62D35A0@CPMSFTMSGV22> <eozNayGX$GA.204@cppssbbsa04> <DD8C7CE3FFD94B4283A804C7D7B61FB62E026A@CPMSFTMSGV22>
      X-Priority: 3
      X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
      X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
      Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsmedia.technologies
      Have not done the configuration myself but it is pretty fun. Something about
      setting Admin rights etc...see if this helps
      Check to see that:
      1. Presenter is added to the NetShow Administrators group
      2. Presenter is added to the Administrators group
      3. NT Domain account is created for nslite to be run under
      ("domain\nslite" for this example)
      4. domain\nslite account is given logon as a service rights
      5. domain\nslite account is added to the Administrators group on a WMS
      v4 server
      6. domain\nslite account is added to the NetShow Administrators group
      on a WMS v4 server
      7. nslite service on WMS v4 server is configured to start under the
      domain\nslite account
      8. nslite service should be started and confirm that it starts
      9. Share on file server should be checked to make sure it's part of the
      same domain or a trusting domain for domain\nslite
      10. Permissions on share should be checked to make sure domain\nslite
      has read access
      11. Permissions on file system (directories, files) should be checked to
      make sure domain\nslite has read access
      12. Permissions on the file system should be checked to confirm that
      presenter account has write access on the share/directory
      Brad Dunzer
      Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
      Dave Leonard <> wrote in message
      > Using a Netshow (Windows Media) server.  I have succesfully captured one
      > using the local machine.
      > Thanks,
      > Dave

      Handling Animations during captures

      One problem is that animations are not captured well because we end up with one gif per slide, so all the animations appear at once.

      Possible solutions:

    10. Get Microsoft to fix the problem
    11. We generate an individual gif for each stage of the animation. It would be hard to capture the transition itself (such as cube dissolves etc.), but it would be fairly straight forward to include each new element as it is created. This would require more bandwidth to download each new image, but generating the different GIFS would happen automatically, so it would not be that bad.
    12. Use two video streams, one for the talking head, one for the slides.
      However, there are tradeoffs here, since it is harder to change the sizes of slides and talking-head windows later, and it might take more bandwidth.
    13. The save-as-html menu choice in ppt2k generates DHTML that is viewable by Internet Explorer only. The results might have more animations.
    14. Powerpoint Development

    15. Microsoft Office Developer
    16. Where do we go from here?

      We're lookig into updating our current capture process with one that accomodates more current versions of PowerPoint. Whatever sytem we come up with must try to meet as many of the following goals as possible:

      • Works with PowerPoint XP
      • Supported by Netscape and IE
      • Provides video in several formats: Windows Media, Real, Quicktime, MPEG, etc.
      • Provides some sort of indexing of the talks
      • Not overly expensive

      Microsoft Producer

      Supported operating systems:
      Microsoft Windows® XP (Professional and Home)
      Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional

      Microsoft Producer can be downloaded at:

      Producer offers some nivce effects, including indexing. Need to conduct some thorough tests. Audio seemed not very good,
      video not as good as current captures.


      Takes forever to add slide flips, must do so by hand, and in post-prodution in real time.

      Tried doing a capture. Couldn't get slide flips to occur, also, seemed an odd interface for advancing slides, ie, not using spacebar or mouse, rather, clicking on a small on screen-button. Need to spend more time learning the procerss, because it really can't be as bad as it first appears.

      MPEG - Encoding of Slide Flips

      Searched for any possible information on whether this is possible. Found that one of the main MPEG developers is here at Berkeley. So I contacted him.

      Contacted Prof. Lawrence A. Rowe of the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center:

      Prof. Rowe said that it was not possible to encode MPEG streams with URL flips.

      He mentioned that his company,

      "If you're willing to spend some money you can buy an NCast telepresenter ($6,500). It has two inputs: audio+video and rgb. it captures/digitizes the a+v as an MPEG1 or MPEG2 file and it captures the rgb input and encodes it as mjpeg. The mpeg1+mjpeg streams can be played using a darwin server and quicktime. the darwin server converts the multicast stream to unicast streams. the two streams are fully RTP complaint so any RTSP server should be able to store the streams for replay although we haven't got one working yet. The rgb capture means that you get pristine quality for whatever material is projected from whatever computer/OS you happen to use. the only downside is that it only captures 1 frame ever 2-3 seconds so animations are a bit jerky."

      BMRC - Timestamping Technique

      BMRC has developed an interface for presenting PowerPoint. It provides indexing.


      Keystroke Logging

      I couldn't find any sort of PowerPoint plugin that records timestamps. This utility, or another such application, must however exist out there in some form. THe nearest thing I could locate was a type of security software which monitors and records keyboard activity. Several companies offer their own version of this tool.

      Keyboard Monitor 3.0:

      • Records every keystroke on any window
      • Starts up when your computer starts up
      • Does not slow down your computer
      • Encrypts recorded files/runs completely undetectable

      SpyAgent 4.3

      Seems to do the same as the above software. Mmouse clicks don't appear to be recorded. Must use laptop keyboard to advace slides?

      A comparison chart is offered, wuith favorably casts, PC Activity Monitor Net.



      Discreet Software produces four application suites, for use in encoding video and streaming media. We have a copy of Cleaner, which is useful for coverting video from one format to another. I suspect the CLeaner Streaming Studio could possibly be incorporated into a PowerPoint capture process, however there appears to be nothing out-of-box which addresses PowerPoint.

      Cleaner Central - seems geared toward the delivery aspect of streaming media: "In a high volume transcoding operation, you need an automated, intelligent means to manage the way jobs are distributed to machines. cleaner central is Discreet's automated, fault tolerant, distributed transcoding software designed to allocate transcoding jobs across multiple machines, collect the output files and publish each output file to designated locations."

      Cinestream - Is for the Macintosh Platform - "combines DV editing and streaming media production software to deliver superior quality, highly interactive dynamic media that synchronizes video and HTML for a new web browsing experience"

      Cleaner Streaming Studio - for digital media webcasting, editing, authoring, encoding and publishing of on-demand or live event web content.

      Cleaner Live 2 - Cleaner Streaming Studio Includes Cinestream and Cleaner 5, and also, Cleaner Live 2, a "webcasting solution to broadcast sales training, product launches and more, live over the Internet. cleaner live directly connects to a DV camera for instant set up with support for simultaneous, real-time delivery in both RealVideo™ and Windows Media™ formats at multiple bit-rates, allowing you to reach the widest audience. Archive RealVideo and Windows Media streams and high-quality DV to disk for editing and broadcasting at a later time."

      • Cleaner Live 2 software's event presenter component enables live and on-demand webcasting of Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations synced to the media stream
      • Simultaneous capture of DV & webcasting streams for archival/VoD purposes
      • Preview stream quality before webcasting an event Color adjust and audio level control capabilities

      I found a process for converting ppt to qt using PowerPoint and Media Cleaner, but this was for a mac, and included audio only, no video.




      Real Producer / Real

      Marvin is getting me a copy of Real Producer. I'd like to test it out. Perhaps it has improved since I last looked into it last year.

      PresenterOne Software:



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