Video Contents

Capture Cards
Check List
Flash Cards
Indexed Powerpoint
Setup Guide
Tape to ASF
To do
Video decks


September 2000 Todo

Wed 8/16
full dry run in 337, starting at 1:30
Report with laptops, floppies, power supplies ethernet connectors, zip drives
Wed 8/23
full dry run in 337, starting at 1:30
Report with laptops, floppies, power supplies ethernet connectors, zip drives
Pack up gear
Mon 8/28-Wed 9/6
Christopher at Nevada
Mon 8/28, Tue 8/29
Mary at Seybold
Tue pm 8/29, Wed 8/30, Fri 9/1
Aaron at Seybold
Tuesday, 9/5
Report to 337 Cory Hall at 2:30
Report with laptops, floppies, power supplies ethernet connectors, zip drives
Pick up van at 3pm, leave by 3:30
Set up from 6pm to midnight
Wednesday, 9/6
6:30 start time
Capture during mini review 8-12
Drive gear over to Stanford
Aaron will need parking
When can we get in?
Thursday 9/7 GSRC Website
7:00 start time
Capture 8:30-1:30
Dinner will not be recorded
Mary will likely drive back with Jill and Lorie on Friday unless she drives her car down separately from the van on Tuesday
Friday 9/8
No capture - need 7 projectors
Aaron and cxh drive back up through rush hour traffic.
Saturday 9/9
Return van

Workshop page

Below is the page from the workshop

GSRC Workshop - September 2000 

Thursday-Friday, September 7-8, 2000
Stanford University (map)
Packard/EE Building
350 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA

Registration Deadline - August 6, 2000. 

Participants are required to register for the meeting. To register, you can use either the Online Form or send email to Jill Boltman,  

Lodging:  A discounted rate is available at the following hotel. 
Stanford Park Hotel:  $205/night
**Please reference "GSRC, Group Code: 185629" when making your reservation.
**Rooms must be reserved before August 6, 2000 to receive this rate.


Thursday, September 7, 2000
8:00 Breakfast - Outdoor Promenade 
8:30 Focussed Discussions (Room 101)
     Topic 1. On-chip Networks: led by Kurt Keutzer
10:00 Break - Outdoor Promenade
10:30 Topic  2. Another Vision for Fabrics: led by Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
12:00 Topic  3. Software Verification: led by Tom Henzinger and David Dill
1:30 Lunch and Afternoon Group Activity
2:15  Shuttles Depart for the Picchetti Ranch and Winery
       An afternoon of outdoor activities are planned to include: no-host trail hiking, volleyball, bocce ball. A number of picnic tables will be set up in the shade for those who would like a less-adventurous afternoon! 
5:00 Reception and Dinner at Picchetti Winery, 13100 MonteBello Rd., Cupertino, Ca 95014 

Friday, September 8, 2000
8:00 Breakfast - Outdoor Promenade 
8:30 Theme Sessions (Parallel Sessions: room assignments to be announced)
1. Communication- /Component-Based Design: led by Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
        2. Fully-Programmable Systems: led by Kurt Keutzer and Sharad Malik
        3. Constructive Fabrics: led by Larry Pileggi
        4. Calibrating Achievable Designs: led by Andrew Kahng
        5. Self-Test of Mixed-Signal Systems: led by Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng
        6. Verification of Highly-Concurrent, Component-Based Designs: led by Randy Bryant
        7. Power and Energy in Design: led by Giovanni DeMicheli and Jan Rabaey
10:00 Break - Outdoor Promenade
10:15 Theme Sessions Resume
12:00 Lunch - Outdoor Promenade
1:00 Theme Sessions Resume
5:00 End of Workshop

To Buy

  • Computer gear
  • 15" lcd monitor - TSW order from Aaron 8/7
  • scanners - TSW order from Aaron 8/7
  • 2 TSW : Portable Printer DeskJet 340Cxi Portable Printer C2697A $239 - TSW order from Aaron 8/7
  • Two DVD-ROM drives, about $300 ea
  • Misc
  • case for projector - Ordered 8/7, received
  • video deck - Ordered 8/14, received
  • Another canon vc-3 - Ordered 8/14, received
  • CoolPix 990 case - Ordered 8/14, on BO
  • svideo cables - on order
  • video tapes
  • Check batteries
  • Zip drives?
  • Audio gear
  • ???
  • To buy eventually
  • Another set of head phones
  • 2 channel s-video amp
  • Research 3 channel monitor setup: Ideally 3 6" lcds with 2 s-video outputs
  • Spare disks for vanilla setups?
  • bubble levels for tripods
  • Flight cases for gear?
  • Problems

    To Do for next time

  • Use a separate agenda machine with a separate display
  • Split 2nd encoder audio out elsewhere, leave headphone alone
  • Power in the audience
  • Notes to speakers: mic location:8-12" below chin
  • Install cd writer into tower unit
  • Move attennas up to front
  • video tape?
  • Future Ideas

  • Provide AC at the seats
  • Provide dial up or ISDN
  • Use webramp
  • Live broadcast

    In December, we will do a live broadcast
  • Need to verify bandwidth with location
  • To view the broadcast, users will need to subscribe to a special broadcast workgroup so that we can limit access and see who is planning on broadcasting.
  • Maybe we should have a live video crew
  • Machine Prep

  • Test CD recorder
  • Test flash cards
  • Prep special disks for encoder and presenter machines
    For the dry run, Aaron and Mary should bring your laptops, powersupplies, floppies, zip drives, ethernet cards and cables.
    You should both be sure to bring your floppy drives and spare power supplies on Wednesday. We had floppy problems last time, so be sure to bring them to the workshop
  • Install ppt97 on all the machines (Aaron's, Mary's, the presentation machine) I would like to be able to use Aaron's machine as the backup presentation machine. My machine will be the backup encoder.
  • Install PC Anywhere on the various laptops.
  • Set up dummy directories: c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\gsrc\\talks\\2000\\losangeles
  • URL to use would be:, where talk_number is 01, 02 etc.
  • Setup encoder laptops with scripts and directories, see the Netshow page
  • To bring

  • Ptolemy group Mackey
  • zip drives for laptops
  • overhead projector
  • spare hard drives
  • drivers for flashcards
  • Audio

    We need the following gear
  • Check on repair of nv 6 projector
    XG-NV6WCC Hard shell carrying case
    XG-NV6SC ATA Shipping case w/wheels
  • 7 projectors for Friday. We have 3, we need to rent 4 from Stanford: 650-723-2285
    LCD DATA PROJECTOR            FOUR HOURS             $203.OO
    Sharp Data Projector          EIGHT HOURS            $300.00

    Or, rent from Minn West for $300/day

    Check on projector from Chairman?

  • A podium
  • Two 3' or 4' round tables in the front
  • Two 6 or 8' tables in the back for the A/V crew
  • A screen, the larger the better, at least 10x10
  • A P/A system, probably two powered speakers
  • Two analog phone lines, one for the tele-conference phone, the other for use as a modem line
  • Half the fun is getting there

    • Minivan from Tuesday 9/5 - Saturday 9/9
      Avis Rent A Car 
      1900 Oxford St 
      Berkeley, CA 
      (510) 548-7363 
      Confirmation: 33994372 US6
      call the week before to confirm

      Budget - $188.97 450 mile free

      600 Gilman St 
      (510) 486-0806


  • Stanford Park Hotel
  • Just so that we are all on the same page, we will need hotel rooms
    as follows:
    Tue 9/5: aw, marys
    Wed 9/6: aw, marys, cxh
    Thu 9/7: aw, marys
  • Directions
      Stanford Park Hotel 
      100 El Camino Real 
      Menlo Park, CA 94025 
      (650) 322-1234 or 
      (800) 368-2468 (phone) 
      (650) 322-0975 (fax) 
    Take University Avenue exit toward Palo Alto.
    Follow University Avenue until you see signs for Highway 82 (El
     Camino Real). It should take about 10 minutes.
    Go North on Highway 82 (El Camino Real).
    The hotel is located on the right side, just beyond the second
      stop light.
    Take Sand Hill Road East exit.
    Follow Sand Hill Road all the way to the Stanford Shopping Center.
    Follow the road through the shopping center parking lot. You'll
     come to a four-way stop.
    Make a left onto El Camino Real.
    The hotel is located on your right side.
  • Picchetti Winery, 13100 MonteBello Rd., Cupertino, Ca 95014
    Take Freeway 280 to the Foothill Grant Road Exit in Cupertino.
    Travel Southwest on Foothill Blvd. 3.5 miles
      (Foothill Blvd. changes names mid-point to Steven's Canyon Road).
    You'll travel through a residential section, pass Steven's Creek
       County Park, Stevens Creek Reservoir and Dam.
    Montebello Road will appear on your right. Travel up Montebello
     road 6/10th of mile to Picchetti Winery.
    Take the first left hand turn into Picchetti Winery. 
  • Conference Call

    • 9/6/00 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (must call in within first 30 min. of scheduled time.
      Toll-Free Domestic Dial-in Number (888) 622-5357
      International Dial-in Number: (505) 242-2204
      Host code: 877808
      Participant Code: 371123 Richard Newton


  • Dinner will not be recorded
  • Post Production Cleanup

    • Copy ppt and asf files to gigavault.
    • Each ASF File needs to be properly truncated at the beginning. I usually used the NetShow ASF Indexer to do this.
    • Sometimes each ASF File needs to have the URL to the initial slide added at the start of the now truncated clip. Again, the NetShow ASD Indexer is used.
    • For each presentation, generate slide GIFS, save as HTML and generate PDFs. Generating PDF requires that Adobe Acrobat be installed
    • Edit the following files:
      Add each talk to this file
      change the paths from the previous workshop to the current workshop, and update the title.
      Update the name of the workshop
    • Run make
    • Check the files. If we use Powerpoint 2k to generate the HTML, pay particular attention to the dhtml that is generated and look for bogus output.
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